Hisense Electric LCDF0111 LED LCD TV User Manual TempConfidential W9HLCDF0111 3
Hisense Electric Co., Ltd. LED LCD TV TempConfidential W9HLCDF0111 3
- 1. TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0111_User Manual 1
- 2. TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0111_User Manual 2
- 3. TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0111_User Manual 3
- 4. TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0111_User Manual 4
- 5. TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0111_User Manual 5
- 6. TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0111_User Manual 6
- 7. TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0111_User Manual 7
TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0111_User Manual 3
» wrnagenes mas, wawes eorno aowwzacwones de powsa, pawrones d: vwden Neguw wages as esmcwonu as lelevwswdn y sllwos web » Forrnawos espeowawes que no uwwwwzan mda wa pamawwa Pov ammpwow ew eniwe d9 buzén (1e 91normaH4 3) pamaHa [harms de oowor negro en wa pane superwor e wnrenor oe wa panwawwa)w 0 Va! ew eswiwo narmaw 14 a) panwawwa anena (we aw panlawwa (harms fle cewor negm en Ias wanes derecha e wzquw- eroo de wa panwawwaw Lox sign nm 1 (nmas nn son 3 no: a. maw lune-on.— mwlnlor reenazaran cualquwar we no muwnubw madas mwuclu a mos sinlumai. » Les panewes LCD eslan Vahncsflas can un swlw’swmn nwuew oe pvecwswén |ecnulagiz swn ernoargo a veces panes de wa Pancawwa pueden preeenwar pérdwdi as ewernenwes d: wmagen o punwos wwurnwnaeos Esm no es un swgne ea un rnaw funcwanamianm. Np wnswawe cw panew LCD :crca do un equmo cwcmrénww quc proeuoe unflas ewecwromagnewwcas Awgunas equwpos que se epwocan demasiaap cerca de wa unwdad pueaen causar wnwenerencwas » Eweewos en wos ewsposwuuos wnrrarrowos , Puefle naoer wrwxeflerr encwas duvame ew usa de owspeswwwuas wnwrarrowps coma was aurwculsre: wnawambncos Directivas del linal de la Vida I'Jtil Su (elevlscr eonwwene (ambwén rnawenawes eue pueden ser recwcwadns y remwwwzadns Pave omener was wn'ovmazwones soore wa awwmwnacwén a ew recic‘alsw m‘mgass en wmaclo con la: aulorwr aaoes waeawes a oan wa Awwnnza de wnuusnwas Ewecvnnwcas en www ewa org (para EE.UU ) wa Asocwacwén de Reawowawe oe Prooums Ewecvdmcos en ngp waw g27a§§§§lg won gawpara oanaoaw para encnmvar un cemm oe vecwcwale en su area Pixeles no actives Ew panew LCD comwene easw 3 mllwurwes ee (ranswsmres ee pew wcur wa lwna. Que Droporcwonan una eawweao de uweep excevcwonawr meme nwma De vet en cuanaew aweunes pwxewes no sc|wvos pueoen apavecer en wa panlawwa came an pumo «we oe mwov negro (en cum oe un Plxew rnuena), azuww Verde e rawp. Eslos pwxeles no ac|wvos no areowan negalwvameme ew renewrnwenwo oe su weweuwsery ne se eensweeran eewemuases Fuente de alimentacién ADVERTENCIA - No mwwwae un alverenre eaawe de awlmenlaclon para menace ur .w W: una 10ml do cur .m- almna La u en fin do un eaawe ea awwmamaemn qua no s. wna proparewanaoe eon ew rv pedna eausar ew wncandlow Ia desnlrg: eleclrwn: o ew ulna -No uuwweo un Volta]. dwlerenll a lo aue stenso ya na expoe-v-eade Se pour-a causal aw meand-a, Ia duclrgl eweemaa eew dafia. ~s umd no va a u xar ew TV durame mueno Iiempu waeawaa a un vwawe wargo H mm; razones). nuances asegfirese d: desenenucarwe desde wa lam: d: :arrienle awmn. we collect: e desconecle ew eaawe ue allmentauén een was minus main... 5- pm. eauur I. dueama ow c! ca. >3: una amen: manor a un slsuma a. eaowa .sna cannu- ade can ew w, asegurese de que la amena e ew slslema do aabwe aste aoneanaa a men. par. pmparewenar wa pranc- e én eenna was olnadzs do Volta” y czrgas esm eas acumuwadu Ninguna fuenle' flamable, coma velas encend as. deben ponerse sobre el aparato. 15 Ew Méduwo Wwa cumpwe con was we: de exposwcwén de radwacwérw de FCC para un enworno wncomrowaoo Eswe dwspose wwva deberw'a ser .nswawadp y nwanewaae con una owswanawa nu'nwrna me 20 cenlw‘melros enwre ew radwador y su cuerpo. (sole apwwaaowe para TV wnwewwgenwe can conexwén wnawarnpnca wneerperaoa) Deelaraawon oe Segmwdad de RF oe FCC Eswe equwpamwemo cumnwe can was lw'mnes de exposwewon de radiauon oe RF de Fer: para un enworno inconlmwzdo Eswe equwpamwenla oeoe ser wnswawaoo y manewaoo oe aoueroe oon was wnswrueemnes proporcwonaoas y no debs ier ublcadc o rnanewadowunzo can cuawquwer n|ra amena o (vansmwsuv Se debe prepovcwmwar a wos usuarios lwnales e wnswawaopres was wnswruccwenes fle wnslawaewon me we amena y was wndwcwones oe funcwenamwenm dew transmwsm para sawwswaeer ew ounwpwwrnwenwo de exposwcwen ae RF ueewaracwon d: Exposwcwon de RF para Canada The radwaked umpm power owwne ereless Devwce ws pewow me wnduswry Canada (wc) radwo rreouenoy exposure wwrnwws The ereweu Device shouwd be used In sucn a mannersuch rnaw «he powennaw vor nurnan nomad during norrnaw operauon ws rnwnwnuzeo La pnnlencwa radwada de sawwda del waoawwwe wnawamonco eswa por depawo oe wos wwrn es de expps n d2 necuen de raowa de Indusma de Canadé (wc) Ew Dwspeswwwua wnawanmrwoe deber‘wa ser Mwwwzado en waw manera a fin as aue ew powencwaw para ew comada hurnano dwzme wa pperaewon norrnaw se reduzca aw rnwnwrne (sown anwwcabwe para ew TV eon ew conecwer ue RF) AVISD Nunca opwuoue un weweuisor en una ubwcacwdn meswapwe Ew aparawo se Duefle caerw causanflo weswones Dersunawes serwas o naswa wa rnuene Se pueden evwwar rnucnas wesiones‘ en Danwcuwar a nwnos. sw se (Oman precaucwones wawes coma. - Ew uso ue gabmetes e bases recamendadas per ew fabrwcanr te del wewevwsor. - Sowe uwwwioe rnuepwes qua puedan seponar ew weweuwsor de worma segura. - Asegurese ae oue ew peleuwspr no es|é sepresawwenoe per encwma flel home del muepwe que we sopona , Na opweoue ew tewevwsur sopre un rnuepwe awwo (par Ewempwa‘ prmarwos o bwbllolecas) swn ancwar wanwo ew muebwe eerne ew peleuwspr a un sopene adecuado - No cowoque ew televwsor sabre wewa u owros ma|erlawes que puedan eswar opweoados enwre ew (ewevwsury ew muebwe qua we sopena - Eduque a was nwnes aoerea de wos pewigres oe lreparse sabre ew muebwe Dara awcanzar ew televwsur a sus comrawes Sw ae renene ew rnwsrne (ewevwsur y se wa reubwcaw se deben apwwear was rnwsrnas nbseNacwunes compre e wnswawe awsposwwwvos de ‘ ancwaje de pawe oaswo wswew para evwlar oue was tewevwsmes‘ wos aparadores, was pwbwwowecps u are (Inn 62 muebwe se wnewwnen Sujetar un Montaje de la Pared o Soporte al TV Aaagurasa qa qua su le‘evxsor (enga buena mrcmacmn qa ave DeAe suncrama espacm a‘rededur del |elewsor came 53 muasna a cummuamén ma mmzar el le‘evwsm a (emaevamvas menoves de 41 ' r (5 -c) ADVER'IENCI V ~ Culndo uned mom: au TV an la paraq o In coluca an In muebles, mamanqa uni dislancia aa al menu: 4 pulqaaaa arura al N y owes amauqs (paredes‘ laterales qal :rmzrie‘ etc.) uzra aaaqurar la vemilauén aproniadz. El rm cumplir aI mamarr muama qa una ventilaclén apmplafla puaqa hacer qua a: w aa raaanama . Na mqma 9‘ w an una Inclinaclan qa mas qa 12 graflos. - No mu m- ‘0: mm'non qu- dw q. I: longilud V II dlimulm qu- mmos rIcomunflado (Consul: II manual dul usu-rio q» stenn o la Gui: qq Inicio Répiqo), - Na apnete los tar as dams qa [mum/Heme. 5a puada dzfizrel rv o provoczr qua aa a qa, produciando \esiunes persenales. msanaa "a se ma respbnsame qa asma "st qa accmemes. - Tenga cumada cuando usled {aqua a: w. Algunas pangs puaqan estar cqnamaa. ~ No to‘oquu mngun (ipo nu ma 0 nipulu no! dubajo, an Ii pm. sup-nor. o aw lado q-w rv s- puuqu hquuw la "n lacién y causav un incandwo. - Par: nblener I: inlovmzmén delallzda sabre \: insulacién dal sopona da mamaja an uaraq, vézse Ias Inslruccinnes del mncama de Kareem a péngase an :Dntaflo con un Insia‘ador proraarqual para amauar la ayufla. ~ No qpara m manlpme 2‘ N can minus ma‘adzs. ~ Nunca coloque un Ialevisnr an un Inga! iuamma Un {alewaor puede cause y causar \mpomnles lasmnes parsqualas o I: mums, Much“ I157 \as warm" n namcular a lo: nifiui, u puaq-n nviur DDrlnmIr m. nus‘ was com a mum Iqs gamma. q sopane: lecnmermaflos pm a: «annaama del televlson a 5qu u. r Io: muehles qua nuaqan sauonav aI tel: ' ur con seguridid. - Alas-aura qe qua aI lalavim nu ma lubreu and. al bqrqa ea In! mueblu qa Invofle. _ "q calnclv a: III-VIM! an ml mum. In: (pqr .Jmpla, Iqa mum“ q Ins .aum uy sln Ill-v um .I munhl- mm a: televlsov a un snpofle apmplado. a Na colnczr aI lelevisov an : qa I: tel: u «no: mzlerizles qua puaqau encanlrirse amra a: tale isov y al muama qa "lone. _ :qum : Inn Man: mm In: pangm q. lublvs .I mulhll pm llnglv . alum" a sua manual- .s. an televlsnrse am mama. q tmsladadn, sa qanau apllcal las mismas aansmanarquaa qua aa mm: manor. mama. Farma comma de sujelar un sopone de TV Form: currenta de sujetar an la pared u am m, u u ms nu 5m» {3n 2m 4 pu‘gadas . A pmgades 2 «4 mm; m A m m no my (m am) (5cm) ’ 5‘01“;ka {109cm ._ new u mam um |— ”fire urausam D21: u mam um aw a a ahededor de‘ le‘ewsov 4 Du‘qadns no em, La circulacién de aire inadecuada puede hacer que el TV sobrecalieme. La wcu‘acmn 65‘ m em moqueana L: circulzcién da :ive madaauadz puaaa haw qua aI TV sahrauliama. 15 War for USA LIMITED WARRANTY FOR HISENSEW T Congratulations on your purchase! IMPORTANT Just in case your newly purehased TV needs to he serviced, please keep the nal packaging materials and original receipt. ori llisense L'SA Corporation ("Hiscnse"), hereby warrants to the lirst end user eonsirrnei purchasei (“Purchaser") for this Hisense‘“ television (“Product”) when shipped in its Original eontorner and sold or distributed in the United States and Puerlo Rico by an authorized llisense dealei, and provided that this Product was not sold either “as is", “With all fauIIs“, “sales final" or per similar terms, that this Product will, during the applreahle wimanty period as stated solely in this Limited Wimimty, be free horn deteets rri maIcrial and workmanship l-Iisense wrll, solely within the applioahle warranty period, and at Ulsense's sole diseretion, either repair the deieetive Praduct or provide the Purehaser with a like new or returlrished product of similar or better quality llow To GL ‘WARRANTY SERVICE: Warranty serviee may he ohtained lty eontaetrng lliserrse using any of the methods helow Proof of pniehase in the farm titan original bill of sale or reeeipted invoice that evidences the Prndllci is within the applreahle Warlanry period must he presented to Home in order to obtain warranty scmcc Our eontaet inl‘ormation is provided below. Warranty Service and Troubleshooting Information for Customers in the United States and Puenn Rica lo ehiain warranty serviee and troubleshooting information, Contact the Hisense Consumer Eleetronies Care Center, Call 1»888»935»8880 (Mondayrii'riday from 9 atm. - 9 pm. EST, SaturdayrSunday from 9 am, , 5 pin) or Email service Ehlscnscmsaxom or visit our website www.hi ON-SITE SERVICE Certain Products are c giblc for onrsitc service at Hiscnsc’s sole discretion. Onrsitc service requires that access In the Pruduct, our authorized service provider be given elear, eoniplete, unobstructed and ea v Onrslte service does not include that the service provider removes. i‘einstalis or transports the Product. 1t is posslhlc that eeriarn an-Silc repairs wrll need to he eonipleted o site, and at Ulscnsc’s drseretrorr, requiie that the Piotiucl to be shipped directly to Hisense’s warehouse, ottee Hisense receives the Prodiiet and repairs or replaces it, Ilisense will return the reparred/replneed Produet hack to Kim Purchaser TF‘ 9 AND CONDITIONS: Thi, limited wan anty shall not apply to: 17 Warranty far USA (a) Any dcfccls caused or repairs required as a result of: abusive operation; negligence; accident; shipment damages; improper delivery and installation; application and use for which this Pioduct was not intended as set forth in the uscr-s manual or other applicablc Product documentation. (b) Any detects caused or rcpairs rcqulrcd as a result of any Product that has hccn tampered with, modified, adjusted or repaired by any person other than Hisense. a Hlsense authorized service provider or a llisense authorized service center or dealer. (c) Any replacement or aceessorres, glassware, consumable or peripheral items required through normal use ofthe Product, including bul not limi (d) Any cosmetic damage to the Product surface or extenor, including but not limited to that which has been defaced or caused through normal wear and tear, improper shipping and handling or the use of d to, earphones, remote controls, hatter s, etc. chemical cleaning agents (e) Any defects caused or repairs required as a result or damage caused by any exlemal or environmental conditions. including but not limitetl to, use of incorrect voltage, fluctuations oi surge: in transmission line/power line voltage, llquid spillage, or acts of nanire or omod (0 Warranty claims for Products returned with altered, lllcgiblc or missing model. faclory serial number and UL markings. (g) Any Products used for rental, business or commercial purposes. (It) Any installation, consumer instruction, delivery, serup, adjustment, and/or programming charges. (l) A Product that ls not installed in accordance wth inslallalion lnslructions included with the Product. (J) Any signal reception problems (including antenna related problems), images “burnt" into the screen, signal noise or echo, interference or other signal transmission or delivery problems, availahility of thirdrpany provided services or content (including, without limitation, image, audio or video content). No other entity other than llisonse is authonzod to extend, enlarge or rransfer this warranty on behalf of Hlscnsc, The express warranties in this limited wananty are. in lieu of and, except to the extent prohibited by applieahle law, Hlscnsc disclaims all other warranties and conditions, express or implied, whether arising by law, statute, by course oi dealing or usage of trade, including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and/oi quality, fiLness tor a particular use or purpose, and/or non—infringement llisense does not warrant uninterrupted or error—free operation of this Produet, Limitations; (a) llisense shall not be liable for any incidental, special, consequential, economic, exemplary or indirect damages or any kind or nanire [mcludmg lost protits or damagcs for loss ortime or loss of use or loss of data) arising from or in any connection with the use or pcrformnncc (if a Product or a railure ora Product, even linsense is aware oror has been advised orthe possibility orsucb damages, (h) the remedies descnbed in this limited warranty constitute complete lullillment or all obligations and responsibilities of llisense to the Purchaser wrth respect to the Produet and shall constitute full satisfaction or all claims, whether based in contract. negligence, strict liability or otherwise. Some States do not allow the exclusion or limitation or incidental or consequential damages. so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you, 18 Warranty for USA WARRANTY PERIODS' All warranty periods shall lie aloulaied from the dare ororiginal pureliase by Ihc Purchaser, - LCD/LED TV smaller than 50 inches noan'HD): 1 year for pans and labor (rcplac mom Pmducl and pans assume ilie rcmalmng original warranly period, or nineiy (90) days, wliielieyer is longer), - LCD/LED TV equal to or lalgcr Than 50 lnchcs non-UITD : 2 years I'm pans and label (I cplaccmcnl Product and pans assume Lhe remaining original warraiiiy period, or ninely (90) days, wliielieuer is longer) . UIID (4K) Tvs all sizes; 4 years {in pans and labor (replacemenl Produei and pans assume ilie remai rig original warranly period, oi ninely (90) days wliielieuei is longer), . 3r) Glasses and Rename Cuiiuol 90 days lorpaiils and labor. This Wanamy ls only valid in the Uillled Slalcs and Pueno Rlco and only apphes io Produois sold'dlsmhuicd and scrvlccd in the UlllKCd Slalcs and Pucrlo Rico. NO WARRANTIES (WHETHER EXPRESS OR nn’lilEu) INCLUDING BUT N TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SIIALL APPLY AFTER TIIE EXPRESS WARRANTY PERIOD S'IA'I‘ED ABOVE, AM) no OTHER EXPRESS WARRA, 0R GUARANIV GIVEN (BV ANY PERSONY FIRM OR ENTITY WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT) SHALL BE BINDING ON IIISENSEl TIIIS “’ARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUC AND HISENSE IS THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY PROVIDER FOR THE PRODUCT, REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER. HISENSE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE USE, MISUSE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT NDTVVITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, CONSUMER'S RECOVERY AGAINST HISENSE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT SOLD BY HISENSE, THIS WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THE ORIGINAL END USER CONSUMER PURCHASER OF THE PRODUCT AND IS NOT TRANSFERABLE. Some Stales do not allow limitations on how long an implied wananly lasts, or the excluslon or llmilalion or iiieidenral or eonsequennal damages or allow limitations on warraiuies; iliererore, the limilauons or excluslons stated above may noi apply in Purchaser. solely within those Speclfic Slales. 'lliis warranty gives you specific legal nghls, and you also may have olher nghls which Wily from Slale lo Slale. This warranty applies (0 Ihc maximum exreni iim prohihiied by law CUSTOMER RECORD Please fill and rclam for your records, along wllh pl'oofof original puroliase. You do not need to send us this Warranty card to rcccwc warranty scmcc.
Source Exif Data:
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