Hisense Electric LCDF0134 Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV User Manual

Hisense Electric Co., Ltd. Part15 Subpart B-LED LCD TV

TempConfidential_W9HLCDF0134_User Manual 3-Part1

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Document DescriptionTempConfidential_W9HLCDF0134_User Manual 3-Part1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize349.61kB (4370152 bits)
Date Submitted2017-07-16 00:00:00
Date Available2018-01-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-07-05 14:13:46
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Document Lastmod2017-07-05 14:17:40
Document Title?明?.pdf
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Document Author: Alan

Before using the TV. please read this manua‘
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Before using the TV. please read this manua‘
thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
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"NotWithstanding anything to the contrary, including in any or all descriptions representations statements or other
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Images throughout this document are for illustrative purposes only and may differ trom the actual product.
Content ............................................................................................................... 3
Connecting Devices to your TV ...............................
Connecting an antenna. cable set-top box or satellite receiver .. .....
Connecting a satellite receiver, DVD player or other audio visual (AV) deVice With a
composite Video cable (yellow/red/white) .. ..
Connecting an AV deVice With a component video cable (red/blue/green) ..
Connecting an AV deVice With an HDMI cable .....
Connecting an MHLrEnabled deVice. ..
Connecting a headphone .. ..
Connecting speakers or other audio receivers
Connecting a digital sound bar to use Audio Return Channel (ARC) ..
Connecting a USB device ..
Connecting Your TV to a Wireless or Wired Network ..................................... 9
Connecting toawireless network. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .9
Connecting tanIred (Ethernet) network.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..10
Using Your TV Remote Control.
Buttons on your TV remote.
Remotecontrol range information. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12
Begin using your remote. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13
Completing the First-Time Setup Menu ......................................................... 14
Shortcuts Instructions 15
Turning yourTV on or off. .. .. 15
Selecting the input source 15
Usingthe LiveTV.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..15
Usingthe Menu Function .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17
Basic Settings. 18
Usingthe Settings Menu. .. 18
Picture Menu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19
Sound Menu 20
Network Menu.. .. 21
Channel Menu.. .. 21
Accessibility. .. .. 22
System Menu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..22
Parental Controls” .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..24
Advanced TV Settings ..................................................................................... 26
Gettmg tamiHar with the Home screen .. ..... .. 26
Nottticattons . .. .. 26
Apps.. .. .. . .. . .. . .. ..... .. .. .. ..27
Medta. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..28
Edtt 28
Usmg Anyvtew Cast to mtrror content from your dthCe to the TV screen. .. .. 29
Software updatesforyourTV.. .. ..30
Quick Problem-Solving Tips ........................................................................... 31
Connecting Devices to your TV
Vou have several options for connecting your TV to different devices, The method in which you connect will be based
upon the type 01 cables you have and the available outputs on your device,
Connecting an antenna, cable set-top box or satellite receiver
To connect an antennacable set-top box or satellite receiver.
1. Connect one end 01 a coaxial cable (not included) to the RF OUT port on the antenna. cable or satellite box. If you
are using an antenna with twin-lead cable, you may need a 300—75 Ohm adapter (not provided) to connect it to the
back of your TV Likewise, if you are using several antennas, you may need a combiner (not provided).
2. Connect the other end of the cable to the ANT/CABLE port on the stde of TV.
3. Using your remote, press the [INPUT] button and select ANT/CABLE as the input source.
Cnble set top box
RF Out
Connecting a satellite receiver, DVD player or other audio visual (AV)
device with a composite video cable (yellow/red/white)
To connect an AV devrce with a composite video cable (not provided):
1. Use the audio and video cables to connect the composite video/audio ports of the external AV device to the AV IN
ports of the TV. (Video = yellow, Audio Lett = white, and Audio Right: red)
2. Plug the connected devices into the AV connectors on the TV belore switchlng it on.
3. Using your remote, press the [INPUT] button and select AV as the input source.
Red (R) Red (R) 6 » . 2 V / V
Audio Cable we prwmmr
Whlle ll.) Whlte (L) (:3 a
alt-.1 “Mm i‘l-‘lt
Vellow or Green lvmeo) Vellow (Video) m” cabl-
\fideo Cable 0
» AV our Semin- Rmmsr
Connecting an AV device with a component video cable (red/blue/green)
To connect an AV device with a component cable (not provided):
1. Use a component video cable to connect the component output ports of the external device to the YP.Pfl ports
for the TV (Y = green, PB = blue, and PR = red). Use an audio cable to connect the component audio ports of the
external device to the TV AUDIO (LIR) ports.
2. Plug the connected devices into the YP.Pfl and LIR ports on the TV before switching it on.
3. Using your remote, press the [INPUT] button and select COMPONENT as the input source,
Audio Cable
a,” u:
Ream/CR, Reawctr wupiwmmr
awn/cg) CompunenlCahle aius(i=.rc,,)
Grean(V) w» _ sntdll
cm.- 5“” W .mm':
smart. Rm"
- One AV device can be connected to the TV using a component video or composite video cable,
Connecting an AV device with an HDMI cable
This 4K TV has two different software versions of HDMI ports to connect HDerenabled devices The two highrpowered
HDMI version 20 inputs enable you to connect 4K UltrarHD external deVices that require more bandWidth to transmit
to the TV screen, For example, if you have an Xebox or Blurray player that supports the 20 standard, The two HDMI
version L4 inputs are great for any of your external devices that support a standard full highrdetinition resolution ot
Please refer to the User Manual that came With your devrce for steprbyrstep instructions,
To connect an AV device with an HDMl cable (not provided):
1. Use an HDMl cable to connect the HDMI output port of the AV device to the HDMI port at the TV
2. Plug the connected devices into the HDMI port on the TV before switching it on,
3. Using your remote, press the [INPUT] button and select the corresponding HDMI input.
- Because the HDMI connector provides video and audio signals. it is not necessary to connect an audio cable,
- We strongly recommend to use HDMI Cable with 2 cores as shown in the figure.
a M HDMI Cable 9 I m
amp Box
Connecting an MHL-Enabled device
You can connect an MHL-enabied device such as
a ceII phone. and View the screen of your device on EXTERNAL
T. Connect one end at an HDMIrtoVMt—IL cabIe (not TV PORT
provided) to the micro USB port on the device
HDMI-to-MHL Cable
2. Connect the other end or the cabIe to the HDMI / Wei—um
MHL port
3 SeIect the corresponding source rrorn the TV
0 This feature may be unavaiiabie on some TV series
0 We strongiy recommend to use MHL Caoie With 2 core as shown in the figure
cu Winn:
Connecting a headphone TV PORT EXTERNAL DEVICE
You can connect headphone (not provided) to the
AUDIO OUT port on your TV. White the headphone Hfifidvhone
is connected the sound from the bLlIIHTI speakers r
WIII be disabied.
Connecting speakers or other audio receivers
To connect speakers or other audio receivers with an audio cabIe (not provided)
1. Use an audio cabIe to connect the digitaI audio in port of the audio receiver device to the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT
port of the TV Another option is to use an RCA Yrcabie (tla‘istereo rnini to UR phono) to connect an anang sound
system to the AUDIO OUT port of the TV.
2 Piug the connected devices into the main power socket before SWitch'ing on the TV
‘ Audio Cebte
. fi—Q —
mm mg a"
Red R ——
We L “Wm aims. W"
I TIP: It you preter to use Audio Return Channeii then see Connecting a digital sound bar to use Audio Return Channel
(ARC! on gage a.
- When a digital audio system is connected to the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT porti decrease the TV and system vqurne
- 51 CH (channeI) audio is aVaiIabIe when the TV is connected to an externaI device that supports a 51 channeI
surround sound
' You can receive 5 t channeI audio in one of two ways The first way is to connect the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT port
from the deVice to the Ampiitier The second way is to connect the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT port on the back of the
TV to the Opticai port on the Ampiiher After you‘ve compieted one at the two methods then be sure to go into the
Advanced Audio Settings ol the TV and seIect FtAW to receive the 51 channei audio You WIII need to aIso go
into the sound or audio settings of your device to ensure it is set to 5 1 Channei output. It may read Bitstream'i ‘RAW’
or ‘Digitai‘
Connecting a digital sound bar to use Audio Return Channel (ARC)
if you’d like to use the Audio Return Channel (ARC) feature to have sound sent from the TV back down an HDMI cable
to a digital sound bar. then you Will need to connect the cable to the HDMI l ARC port By using this leature. you Will
also be able to control the sound bar With your TV remote instead oi having to use multiple remotes for each device.
To connect a digital sound bar With an HDMl cable (not provided)
1. Connect the cable that‘s attached to the sound bar to the HDMI/ARC port on the TV.
2. Turn on the sound bar by pressing the Power button
3. Press the [ El] button on your remote and press the [ v ] button 01 your remote to select Settings and then press
OK to enter the Settings menu. go to System > CEC Function
4 Turn on the CEC Control setting
5 Turn on the Audio Receiver setting
- Only digital sound bars that require a Wired connection are compatible With the TV
- It the device has an input Selector feature then make sure to change it to TV
HDMI Cable
Connecting a USB device
You can connect the USB devices such as hard
drives. USB sticks and digital cameras tor browsing TV PORTS EXTERNAL DEVlCE
photos, listening music and watching recorded
movics. [
l. Connect a USB device into the USB port. a a ‘1:
2. Select the Media type on the Media screen or
Home screen. For more information. see Media on gage 28.
- When connecting a hard disk or a USB hub, always connect the mains adapter of the connected device to the
power supply. Exceeding a total current consumption may result in damage The USBl l and USBZ 0 devices
maximum current consumption are SOOmA. The USBSD device maximum current consumption is 1A
- For individual nonrstandard highrcapacity mobile hard disk. if it's impulse current is greater than or equal 1A. it
may cause TVrrebooting or seltrlocking. So the TV does not support it.
- The USB port supports a voltage of 5V
Connecting Your TV to 0 Wireless or Wired Network
Vou have the option to connect your TV to a wireless or wired network to access the Internet, For more information about
the network settings on TV. see Network Menu on page 21.
Connecting to a wireless network
Our built-in Wireless LAN adapter supports the lEEE 802.11 aC/b/g/n communication protocols and We recommend that
you use an IEEE 802.11n or lEEE 802.11ac router. When you play a video over an lEEE 802.11 b/g connection. the
video may not play smoothly.
K“ The LAN Port on the Wall
Wireless Router
Wireless Adapter
built-in the TV set
U You must use the bullt»ln Wireless LAN Adapter to use a wireless network because the set does not support an
external USB network adapter.
U To use a wireless network. your TV must be connected to a Wireless IP sharer. It the Wireless lP sharer supports
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)‘ your TV can use a DHCP or static IP address to connect to the
Wireless network.
U Select a channel for the Wireless lP sharer that is not currently being used. If the channel set for the wireless lP
sharer is currently being used by another device nearby, this Will result in interference and communication failure
U It you apply a security system other than the systems listed below, it will not Work With the TV,
U If Pure High-throughput (Greenfield) 802.11N mode is selected and the Encryption type is set to WEP. TKIP or
TKIP-AES (WPS2 Mixed) for your Access Point (AP) then the TV will not support a connection in compliance with
these Wi-Fi certification specifications
U If your access point (AP) supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS). you can connect to the network via Push Button
Configuration (PBC) or PIN (Personal Identification Number). WPS will automatically configure the SSID and WPA
key in either mode.

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