Hisense Electric NVU47FX5 LCD MONITOR User Manual USERS MANUAL 2

Hisense Electric Co., Ltd. LCD MONITOR USERS MANUAL 2



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Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Hisense Electric NVU47FX5 LCD MONITOR User Manual USERS MANUAL 2
Document ID1130940
Application IDbOvgYXnbdoJRalqr/VDReA==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize172.52kB (2156490 bits)
Date Submitted2009-06-29 00:00:00
Date Available2009-07-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2009-06-26 13:25:51
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2009-06-26 13:25:57
Document TitleUSERS MANUAL 2
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 7.0

ExternaI Connemion
Connecting a DVD Prayer / Set-Top Box via DV|
Each DVD DENIM-Top Box ha I differs!“ back nan!‘ Dmlflwrallon,
- wvun uonnm - nvn playwlsm-Top Box. mm m. cmar nflho comedian mm
to me cable.
1. Connect a DVI-ta-HDIM cable at DVI-HDMI Mam names“ we mm mm on me
murmur mums ow sow-scar on ma ma pllynr/Sfii-Tflp Emu
z. Comm Audio outm- between mm Aumo m m on the monlmr and the mom
our jlcks on an DVD phyar/Set-Top Box
External Connection
Connecting a DVD Player/ Set-Top Box via HDMI
mm |. mm"
. HDMI“ (ngn—nemnmen Mumrnedln Interface) e a cement sumo/video Marines for
nenmmng uncompmsned eagnaw em along mm. the WWW (High-Bandwidth Digilal
Cement Pmminn), The HDMW imn‘fim eennem digital empm snuru dev'm. such as
cable boxes. mum mm. DVD mam name conwloc and parsona‘ oempmersm
ms NIMsion dwsplay device. on a mush cable. kuwI V1.3A auppofls any remain or
palsuflzfl wmpmev video format incmding high—Munich smug with up so acrennels uf
aiem mm Then as 2 magmas ef numm mbweemmeme: Catagoly1 and canewy 2.
Us. Calogory 2 HDMI mm a! an timn mr optimum resufls.
. 001mm In HDM‘ Clbb momma Infll common on the mummy BM H1! IIDHI
connector on the DVD puyer/sa-Tep Box
mrri: mgnawmewenemaswrepBoxerwnylayunmnbemmnmermwmmnm
phymeaudia through flmTth-bar!
ExternaI Connection
Connecting a Digital Audio System
l Up (a 5.| CH India Is pausib‘l wfun ml manna! iseormtcmd lo ln lxtlmu‘ dim
manna 5.1 on
. Comm 3 Coaxial Cable bemeen ms Coaxia! summon the manila! and Ihe Dignaw Audio
Input lukan (ha Diglw Mum Symm.
Connecting an Ampllflsr/ DVD Home Theater
. sum axlnmal inpul sauna divine has . am back nannl mow-mien. wrm
mewnn an annual demos, mmcn ma cow mm mm mmln-l mm came,
1. Ounnectkudio Cables “Mammal!!!” LIRMMIMWWWWDIO III m
I 1. mum] on me AmplmerIDVD Hume Truman When an audio umpune; ls mum to
1b. AV OUT m I L AMINO] tinnlnah. chaot- ‘Snakcr On" or “Spnkor W in mm
Suiting! mu.
External Connection
Connecting a PC
- EmnPcnsadm-unheckpam mm.
1, Connie! I D—Sub Gibb bfllwm VWFC IN wnmuv on m. monitor Ind (bl Muller
wrpm eonnemv on your comm.
2. comm a 3.5mm mum we between PG AuDlo In jackon Ihe monnurand ma
Audio Du! jack oflhe awndurd on your wmpuler
Supported Signa|s
um n—um M
Pclm menu
Pc/Hnw Imxm
Basic Operation
Turning the monitor On and Off
mm m m m- monllw an n‘ on
. Gonna: ma ma card to ma manim Inner! ma power mu
Imn mu waH nun-t.
. meawaqumunmummmammumu a“
symbol men on the right panel of LCD monitor. -
. Normal mam wIH be dianlwed on me screen may 42
seconds. u no shnnl ls present ‘No Sign-J" wm be
dismayed an the screen.“
. nmmusuna Byinquirsd, msspwsm bmenan (ha mmmm of
mm mm on me right plnuL
. Wynn mmmpmerymwctpowwlwmkum, wwqmmmm
mum” midst.
sem- lmluflon l-mp
am: In power on mode.
Rad: wn many men.
Am Ihnd Iv
mhm a no algnm mum Iar approxlmmry 15 mmum m. monitor wiH umomlncalw um um.
Volume Adjustmsm
Tb “jut til. ”lull“:
1. Prusstn (he [vote/var] button Increase a decrease the vowume,
2. mama WW] human to Ian 0" ms mund. Frost ma [lint-15mm “a"! mum
the laund blck on.
Basic Operation
Language Settings
1, Fmflmmblmun Til-059596“.
z. Pm- wan-1m mug": Funnier! scrum. mm pm.- [van/scum to am.
ma Funcfinn sum-m menu.
3. Pass lumen-1m mm: 031: Language.
4. Frau Mum-l w unma- mum
5. Press M m nit.
Input Selection
nun Iva-u:
Pru ma Ilmufl Buy on the lemma mum mdlmhay
tha Hat of input mm. Pn- tendon-1m numiqm
m. unlmd Inn-Ill. nun m [vows-hen to confirm.
on. pnsl ans oftha um input 191mm Fwy: on m
mum- normal to mm "omen.
Basic Operation
Usmg the on-scrasn dlspmy
a. Press {cm lea-1m nigmigm a menu icon on me left, men press wot» lube-u |o
may lie menu
3. Pm [em Ion-1m highlight an omlm, man pres! mm. NIL-1 to mm the mun
manner a m m sub-options.
4. Ilynu mm a m of “Manama. m [cm Ind-1h rigmigm a sub—W1, mm
prasl not. Nob-1m mmm lub-apfinn.
Messing and Adjusting FX5 and FFM mods
1‘ mtmmmman,mosnopuu
2‘ mmmhmloeflwmnnlm-wmmu.
3‘ Pru-[ammo highlight mnmmmm yours-m bunon
4‘ Pass [cw-11a hlghllam m- individual ms than mm mm nub-1 mum
to calm.
Basic Operation
Adjusting the picture
“I In. the can:
1. Press llllunl'lv The OSD opens.
2. Press [one [cu-1 to highlight picture, then press you [Select] to enter the menu.
a. Press ta highlight In option, than press to aoiurn the aptien. You can idiun:
- anghtneee - iweasestne Drlghlnss to sue more light to dark areas oi the
picture. Decrease the brightness to aria more dark to light areas oflhe picture.
confirm 7 Increases the picture level to adjust the white areas of the picture.
Decreases the picture level to eulust the black areas oftne picture.
- color 7 Mums the imansny oi the coiors/ saturation.
- Tint - Adiusi skin tones irom green in red
sh-rpn-n 7 increases the sharpness Iml to shew cleaner and ciaerer images.
Decreases the levai to show a smother picture.
color Mpnrlhln 7 Changes the color temperature. You can select Warm.
Nonnei Cool, Viviu, or Custom.
Mined! minge- Accesses advanned vidso settings such as:
“D7 "Dynamic Noise Reduction. Reduces Video noise in moving images
without blurring the ulcmre.
Finn run. 7 For use with NTSC or other so program rnatensi is correct skin
tone. Only active when viewing content through AV er s-vmeo inputs.
- Auto eeler7Arriemetic Coinvcarecfim. Settings hrs on and on.
. Deep Diecir - Deep Elck uses more trits per ceier per pixel tor a wieer range of
caters. This takes advantage eitha wiser color gamut eitha newest panels.
Fxs Mod. - “Fllm Times Five". Eliminates the 3:2 wlldoiwn aloorithlrn by re»
peating each ireme 5 times creating an enhanced cinema experience.
Basic Operation
gum-rs mum and me msun an scum
- Fr-ne Fem-d Mm — Rem time Imawm frame cradle". deuvamg
presumingwy clear m maxim Goad 71"!th mum and spods,
4 vmm mud.
n: ulm - plenu- Inuit:
. Press planar-1am or moretlmse m sum-Ame plclum mod. you mm Veu
can gem 003mm (a made you Mna), Namal, Spons, led, or Movla
5. Saleem; me aspect ram)
n mm u.- M nun:
- PM; M to mom Image,
- PraulAmhousisctmaspeclmfiomode.
- Pmss new] 10 sewem mu aspect ratio mode,
- Press armor-nu] to wed Pam-m- upon ram: mode.
. Pm- 15mm . [a] mum 1:1 upset mile mode.
NOTE: 1. ‘FuH Screen“ ls only avaflabh MYPbPr/HDMWGA
a “Perm-ma" Is omy mums (orAV.
s. maxing a piclum
n from - Mm
. Praaan-n] bunonlnmm mammal” mod!
7. Displzwrm video some wormmon
Tn chm-y um mum lumnuum
I Plus he [Dllplm balm". Vuur Moflirordhp‘ly; iflvmuflw atom tho cum
vidao mum.
Basic Operation
Audio Settings
70 “In“ ml Illflln Ithlrlfi
1. Presn menu. The esp opens.
2. Pass [enema-1 ro highiigmAuuio moo. than press Noun-hot] n: emerihe
Audln seninge menu
a. Press [DHch-j ro highiighi In nptian, rhen pram memoir] m odjuer rhe npiion.
Wu nun ldluut‘.
Amio noo- - Seien vaflmm xiAdIn settings: alum, Mudc, m and rim.
lat-mo - Adjims me volume irom 1m Is“ and righi speakers.
Audio Une cutout -SeieabeaweenAudioOner-dmdioom "wen-own or.
an “mum xr- - Amivam me 558 TmSuimundW luncm‘ons.
Eouihor— A7 bond audio Equeiizeruiim fine oommi aims Mum response
onhie unit. vuu can Adlim inoiviouoiiy each hem and max enmlgumtinn will as ou—
(ommlcal'y served as cmom in the Amid Mode audlo semngs. Each band (120
"1,200 in. min. 1m, am, 1.5 mm 1: kHz) canoe considered
a: e soiociivo volume oomroi which oniy some a iramion oi mo ouoio iroqu-ncy
spa-31mm. rime: Equalizer is oniy uveiiuhie when Trusurmund xw is on.
Seoul on — A power saving iooiure rhui turns on the video onscreen whiie Ilmn—
lug to mueic chenneio orozhoram sources Frees any kay on iha rommo normal
in restore video on {he screen.
Murrow uni-ro- - Accesses advanced video netting: such as:
- Dion-i Audio nutom- Seiacts between POM and Surround nudiu imm ihe
oigiiui audio ompui,
- Llp I'm - Setting range irem on (no deiey) la 1 (mlximum oeiey)
Basic Operation
Setting the Sleep Timer
You can spechMa armunnlmeyou warn your munmrw wait before u
aulonmic-lly (LIN off.
- Option 1
1 - Select sleep Tlmsr menu in OSD
2 - Pym [endow] m nurngm the firm desired. men press wowed-sq
m cumin“ Vbu um adsct n minm,15 minmas, an minmas, an minmsn.
90 rry‘runuu, an 120 mimtsu.
. omz
1 - P1505 [Slap] one or morallmes until the remaining firm you want
nppam Vou can select 0 minubll.15 mlnmsl- an mlnutu, so minum.
90 mums, or 120 mm
Basic Operati
Functlon Samngs
a Pro“ [mum-1m Mhllght Mm mm.“ pm- whom no
ems-me Function Semngs menu.
3‘ Press [cm Ion-1m h'thlnm an npfian umnfouwmg ham: asp Lemme. Fan-
uxy m Input Label. LED, and osn Semng, mm the m dlrecflon mm , you
osn Langmga- Press [van/warm nhnflsaanOSD languaga.
me- wmmmw- In rmvynm osn. nwiumymr
- Input Label - Una mat-m dimminn humans In mmma an Input.
Basic Operation
PIP / PBP Mode Settings
Ib scum mm mmlnn mung:
1. "'_€4 7'm
. Pram [em [cu-1m hlghllgm PIP Mods, man prnss we... [Salon] in amulhe
PtP Mods menu.
. Puss [em [cu-1m highlightm of lholollowing m-nu ilsml: PIP Mode. PwP
Position, PIP Brightness, PIP Contrast, and PIP Cohan vomh the inurditedton butters,
you can adjust :
. Pu» You can choose P\P Moan.
- pu- mmon — Ybu (an chanson PIP Posmon - let Bottom. La?! Blmom. Lem
Ton. Flinn! Tap. and Center
- F ammu- Adjusme PtPor PEP Mmssit
- P (2an - |us1 the PIP or PBP wmnm.
' PIP color — Adjnfi P‘P color mlumtton
um: u ynu was [PIP] button rapsmodly, the man display will change as inflows:
"PIP Mode »> FE? 4:8 -> PBP16:9 »> PEP Full Screen -> Dr.
PIP hum:
Home Saba mo PIP mature sourco. Flm puss |PIP| on in. remote
mm! in dismay the PIP window. Now mes [PIP lnpuu; ma PIP
Source mum wiH be aim-m. Frees Mann-1m hwhngm an mom
and mm mass woman-ma m salsa
Basic Operation
Scraen Sattmgs
1. PM; Ill-Ila. The USP 098m.
2. Pm [cm Ian-1m higmlth 5mm Settings. men pass you Mac“ n my
lhesaunmnw menu.
3. Pass [cm flea-1 m mgmgm nn option Mme feHav/mg Items: Phase, cmmm.
and Image Fauna", wnn menu: dlrecmn muons. you can mum:
. Phlsandlus'llm-JVGApmm rrntchme PC. (mummy)
- max HusswammaVGAcln-xm mm. Pcdnnk. mummy
. lmqa Pmiflon 4mm ma VGA imaga pmifim slngh unil m
- H. mum —Mjun the horizontal poamun mm Irv-go.
. v. mmm—mlmmsvm pmmnn almsilmge,
Ova-m - swim.- m- pldurI Man an (m m m OFF (095
1. Press [IA-mu. The can opens
z. Pm [mom-1 monuments“ mmgmn anemia-ct] m
«Mauser-mm"- menu.
3. Pm! [cm [en-1 m mgmigm and adjust an omion
m Own-sun “11an homy unmi- an an HDMI, Dampcmm
Basic Operation
PC Sstfings
m Vow PM my not beam-w away mm mm mowmm. rmwmm
XP ism gamma. and 1m Windows tymm dlmluy mlng II I! Illunluhd:
.. 1 z.-
1. mm click mywhuu on your sum-y, mm ‘mp-mu'.
2. Flnfl (M Sdltimltlb on m fi‘m m “(M lat-n leullm.
3. See above anus Mme MINNIE WWW” by this MIL
4. Gflak OKIO M.
"you hover my prom-nu. cnsok ma counrarmmums for non symptom rime wow. Tho ror
romng symptoms may be caused by lnflpprupflme mmom mrnormon scrum mrmnwon of
rho unir. n ma mourns perm, mmam rm sawim osmor.
Wm Possible Sermons
Na pom, Mlka sum the power ooro a pruwoo no . working ourrar. Unprug
me monitor, war so seconds, plus; he monitor buck |n and rry k)
No pm“, Aalun «no oonrrasr and manure“ Venfy you are on me am
input a a HDMI1,uppuud to HDMI 2 etc.)
(3504 pram mom rho volume
our m 3mm Vsflfy our rnonrror Is not mumd. pros. MUTE on the remove comm
Vemy no mile! sound barren across other (nuns
crack muno swing in me umu
Ne w, comm Checkto see u batterlos an exhausted, and change w necessary
ore-n ma remote comm bus on from n' remote. The dimnoa be-
tween mo Monmor md "12 Remote snouro be imman 24".
M was" mam-"g V-HEIGMT vame may beset roo big, rosramna oomprnerano snrsr
um. VGA aah mode, mm m monitor par-amen to oorreor varu- according
to soiummn oescrrorion.
Hm.” mpg, Snmpra phas- mly room, mun phls- umlng lo piciur'
under VGA posnron
norm am my b, This product is a high resulufiun Loo olspruydwino and may
pm. on m. m" have a row orxer csH defects whlch can occur |n me manufacturing
pm Severn] ecru-so on more. on ma scram are oon-ro-
oroo Mutable. Nuwslon’s paramerers ror dark or ought cows are
amungsnhe nigrm in ma inoum and mm dark or ongm oorh
du not mean that the LCD is laxity.
For addnlomr 555m“. go to mmuvil’nnmnmlwmrl

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