Hitachi Vm E465La Users Manual

HITACHI 8mm Camcorder Manual L0604654 HITACHI 8mm Camcorder Owner's Manual, HITACHI 8mm Camcorder installation guides

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V(}_ 32 ................. 52 '/tep [_ t<<'od re[ai HKACH Eas} h_ use Cok_ _@id c_ys speaker _'ape analyzer H665L A_ TAI-_f>, }i0bSLA) a]d A sp_a}, i,LC D) mo_Ker R5 hm_,o_ (los _, Pez feet power _' 8uilb£_ DC E565LA %'_%h V%i*}{765I,A/VM- {St V%I H76_LAiVM- { ithh/_r/-ien ba [tel->') li(4bt (_o_< VM4:-[76SLA/VM- '* X22 optical zorn rsho X19[} digital zoom _:a o (sv, itch,_bb to Y,5(}0) '* Digimi effecs * 8[able pix (l:]ec_;onic ] _/age Stabilizatiori fEIS)) (VM-_ 176-5[ A /%M_lS(sSLA/VM-ES65LA / VM>E56 BLA) * Fade inifadeout " 14,_!o _rded da te search '_ Video effects - \,%ld playbad< (PAL6( com, e_sion) t! Types of differences .,I VM,-H765LA I....................................... rhJs inst_:ucfion do lot ap?e manua! r_ dependb.g contains on _---L.-n-' 7.7;--/ i--v_: ............... _7 - L.r----;-g-g77 VM_E565LA VM°E563LA VM'E4°StA _........ VM-H665La. ]L_ustra lions o[ V%[ P}?65LA can:_c,_l"de_, and displays. Sm_e dlsplnys @_c n_<>deL .... ICE) rl;or/itor o_ ia :he vie>'fiI?de_< :_¢qae _r o_cameoK]e_ iX( LCD With tbs mo you ito£ c_] Opea'_ ng fi;e LGD mord!o_ swi sees da_ }_ ctu_e i:o 8' {Ol_}v*_ ['t_ [£?X[8_scdbes operatk)]-ias_ _ csr(aed : " or _he J'{ p{¢ [8 sk pfc used_e,, h_ the[ >xl_he or :bsi_!g o_" in dw the plchKe view_bsde;_ ,Jew be(% 1 snringf]_a [:he_[ew%}ch'{' is_sed,_s _ i-n _4o_" n:lo _i{os de_Re, VM_H765LA/VM.NSg5LA/VM*[S65LA/VM-E583&A/VM,.[4¢5LA _7 Table of Contenfs fiT;pod'ant Information ................................. For You_" Safety .......................................... _mportant Safeguards .............................. 2 2 4 Before You Begin .......................................... Read This First ......................................... Features ....................................................... 6 B 7 Getting Started Components and Accessories ................ !dentifying Controls ................................. Loading Ciock Battery ............................ Ciock Battery ............................................ Using the nfrared Remote Cont_oi .............. LCD Monitor. .............................................. Opening the LCD Monitor ...................... Adjusting the Brightness of the LCD Screen ........................................... Range in which the LCD Mon tot can be T_oved Active Screen Adjusting the Electronic View finder ........ Eyep ece Adjustment ................................. Adjustment the Hand Strap ................... Attach ng the Shotflder Strap ............... Charging the Battery ................................... Bemovir_g the Battery Pack ......................... Reference of Charged Levei ...................... Cha_ging Time ....................................... Operat ng lime ...................................... Checking the Battery s Charge ................ Camco_der Power Sources ..................... Using Battery Pack ............................. Using fire AC Adaptor .............................. Using a Ca" Batte_'y ............................. insert ng and Removing Casse tes .......... nserd sg a Cassette ............................ Remov nga Cassette ........................... Protect ng Recorded Mater ai ................ items Se!ectab!e with Ment D splays ........ Mem_ seiectahle in the CAM mode ........ Menu selectable in the VDEO mode ...... /_ow to se}ect itenls and set !.hem ........... Rerna ning [ape .................................. Using d_e Linea" Tree Counter ................ S Hitching On-Screen Disp ay On/Off ........ De_ _onstration Mode ........................... Reco_diag H_[_ Quality h°nage on Normal Tape (for VM H765LiVVM H665LA} ....... -[ape Analyzer ATRS (auto tape record ng system) (for VM.H765LAiVM-H665LA)., Sett rig the Date and Time .................. Advanced 9 t0 !3 13 i3 14 !4 1/} !4 15 15 I6 16 t6 '!7 18 18 t8 18 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 ES 28 29 29 30 31 31 31 32 33 33 TechnJq_,_ea Date Recordir, g ......................................... Usi_ag Manual Focus Using x500 Digital Zoom ........................ Dig tal Effects Functions ...................... Digital Effects Recording ......................... Activating Digital Effects Recording ....... Video Effects in Playback Mode ................. Activat ng Video Effects Playback ........... Using Digita! Fade .................................... Using the PROGRAM AE Button (for VMH765LA/%_M-H665LAiVM-E565LA) .......... Using the Backlight Compensation .......... Loc!dng the White Balance .......................... Using the Electronic Image Stabi!izer (for VM H765LA/VM-H665LA/ VM &:.565 LAiV M_E563 LA) ....................... Using Quick Edit ....................................... Date Search .............................................. Using Memory .......................................... Creating and Recording a Tide .................. Seiecdng Stored Tide {Prememo) .......... Creadng a ]tie .......................... Recording Title on a Tape in the Camcorder. .............................................. Recording a Tide whi_e T_ansfening a ]ape ...................................................... Piaying Back Your Recordir_g on Your TV ............................................... Connecting to Television (or VCR) wth Audio/Video nput Jacks .................... Playing Back Your Recording on lhe Screen ........................................... Dubbing from the Camcorder to a VCR ..... Using Audio/Video Dubbing ...................... Multi Playback ........................................ TBC (Time Base Cor_ector) ON or OFF .... Attaching a W;de or Teie Com/e_ter Lens.. Using the Bu Itqn DC Light (for VM-H765LA/VM-E565LA .................. Genera! Basic Teehn@_es Making a Basc Recording .................. Chang ng the Angle of the LCD Monitor when Recording Using !nstan_ Review .......................... Using Auto Focus ................................. Using the Power Zoom ........................... Using the Digita Zoom ...................... Using Macro ................................................ Playback .................................................... Using Sti!l ................................................. Using Forward and Reverse Search ........ 35 36 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 48 49 49 50 50 5t 52 53 54 55 55 56 &:@inte_ance C eaning the Ca/-r:corder Heads ................ (:iean ng the Le_s and Picture 1".be of the Electron c Viev_f nder ............. Pedodic Maintenance .......................... Troubieshoot ng ........................................ Specifications .......................................... Ava table Accessories .............................. 57 57 58 58 60 62 H_TACHt Components :),[-ACI and Accessories ,,-_,_:_-<_ _, 5,\ VM,_H765LA/VM*H685LAfVM-E585LA/V#4-£563£AiV_b_E465LA E£ identifying Controls 11 345 12 13 I \ 14 1, Buif-in DC Ughf @56) (for VM- 15 cameo )pet_ ,_4lbmal cally der is set _o the came,*2_ (CikM) _hcn Power Zoom Control 4 CasseHe Eject Switch (p22) 6 he _x ()dr & 5,, Shoulder @22) Indicator 16, Microphone Jack (fo_ VM-H7 65LA/VM-H665LA/ (p3t) Co mect exte_xm! mk:cophon{' @1££suppied) he_.'e 17,.Audio/Video Output Jacks (Behind the jack cover) (pS0) Strap Slot (p!6) Charge Holder I. ulh: _e_. Lens Door (p28) 'H_e lens doo_' v,,fi t7 14. Hand Strap @16) t 5. Cassette 2, 16 (pt7) Conned the p_'o_ ded AV cable {.ron_ tbs ack iht' AV h_put i4c] o', o!u" TV o]: VCR ]'tie jacks carP_ oH!e_ di :_< _'Cl ('_cJ113: O(]_:_as Atlows to (/ 7. Record Indicator (p28) 8, infrared Receiver (p14) V}vb_ 9. Microphone Power Switch V'v!-}I66SLA has %-VI[)K) i;:lck a_d m_rt;m _1 acdi( OnlpU! iack. VM E565{ A!V\'! ES;_GLA / V>d Z,_65LA _m 10. CAM/OFF/VIDEO (p28) CAM; V_DEO; o adi_st {nonat_ % ,q_ _syostioRt_rucorf _3eti:a this posi ior, to )_ay back a _ape t 1. Diopter Con#ol 765LA @16) _l,e ,_ ev,, di_mJ_.4uo_"2by piciJare wih digib:' effuct added Batte D" Compartment 31, FOCUStVOt (p32, 36) 23 Sub Power Switch STANDBY: 1_>"_,-,_:_ the qins i.%tcp b_lt_on =ti '-a_' :"t-o_d r'g, LOCK {i've c:nnct_'de_ ¢,-711 n_t _n/tssed, 24. Stad/%top (],\kgl rtJd_" _ntd ta_ /71_ 7 _)17_ ph y{_ack i_aq \ tJ{{O _o] "o nv,_ch be _,,_,en aulo fosmd ]_a]%a_ foe13 _,O1_to ¢orlf_'o1 fo<u v_<_ Compensation) _,\' _ __ v o:'d{3:4 ,: su!:; ecl in b;)ht };_d_t,ho!d dA: !zuif_<)nd)wr f< eo¢_p ns/te lk)r 17;,id7 W_)n tag_ 33, M£1UU Button (p23) od_pla,_ tb, _t>u. 25. BAT< [J£CT kever (pl 8) S di ,%_dt {'_hok _,3, tb '_',+,h_ r_,_o f'_,, ......• _ 1, _ [i_7£ (."_{]tl'+ 26. Shoulder Buttons CAM mode: 32. BLC (Backlight Burton (p43) Buff,or} (p2& 33) Control ha,: Strap 81ol (p } 6) 27 LCD Monitor _b,, 34. OC IN Jack (p21) 3_ia_k )p w,_]ect/:< e-'l tb_,_m _hc <:[efuvd {/@' 37, Tripod Mounting Socket Controf he_o:n,}_._ndi_S :_m.: < _ onJcr 'o e>.:t thu ti }Ictus ,u_d set detai _ 40, COUNT[R RESETButton (oniy on the remo_e control) @4@ ta_/_e _ THE BATTERY AWAY _ROM p,'t?_ _:nt m/_p/ochsg ceFoe !_,;;¢ 0 _Jst JO3f7 CHtLDREN AND PETS, CONSULT A PHYSICIAN I[V1MEDIATELY FOR EMERGENCY 'TREATMENT. WARNING: NOZ BATTERY MAY EXPLODE IF HANDLED PROPERLY. RECHA£GE, DISASSEMBLE OF iN FRE. Note: _c_.4c_ct _qxo Sony, ery port ie>_ tout@ Notes Hh " t_b ?aY{_S, fl,e no ©ispese t> rot Do Not¢ [70 _ cisbou F_ofe: DO no: b_e ofc:-othe of fie (.'4x Htoch bc b,ni, bo- (_ _xplosion, s( fo!y oocorrio ot dis!4ose } he ice ef f_ fire bo_ the boitery hod o o, _ Iosi of b_7 tory !qws, wt C, So_yo CR2}25<;_ly !eod bed Do'cry %_taso DO NOT OR DISPOSZ ey, wifi 1he r_ eft_ ic ?Wt'OZOr% Note: Y,ee© he bc t'hrV _,r, a d(Ik coo, dry piece Using the infrared Remote Control Installing the Remote Controt Batteries •s __+tf ?'?'.P @ZJ " ......... ................ ...................... .......................... .......................... 7,f_ Ye,'_U zr,_ v,.,' I_/ co es'M tb_ db(:do/ ba:_ t{citr_'o, 'e i$eca:e- Cautions )o "* re _t,se DO ]O*FIX on the bofferies i_ o ( c! W :© I@f@S of c ff_AePt C"I!{2 - ng f', Vr_n irSt£ Ii( I k7 O( t+s, '_Jb't :_¢71 bc;Tf_fi_Ts VM44765LAiVM-N865LAIVM-_i585L,SjVM-E563LAiV_q.._465LA i_ Types rb _,o si-or_ <_ke c,p:,=_tor cis" ose of c ires, S_ ;eries by :T! QiO o fie it of 7 con pk,lt4y ord tnwr E 13 NOte: Use ?he w] oies5 Gnote COtS!K) WithN tM@ r_n@e o_ H_e ilhfiored receive_ o_ 1Ire C_rY/COl(Jet shown , 0 _ight Suciq _s @i_¢:? suN1igh[ OC ,2ry brght a fifk:<]l {]hti,-g Note: Cl÷or <,7_ drde your Hitochi VCF4 moy ma*JNC iori W_@N yOU USe tb÷ oo_sCOrder s wire- @SSLIi01@ C. @" s_,b. "Rb_ " ' _ ,s :1:: _o "", as the _eruen could get dir:y and @:upicture >ill ::or be see:: cleasdy, tf the LCD sc_ee> becc r_es dLty, ::so a soft dot: to _iRe o: :he di'.t, 1[ the earacorde_ l_ used [',: a _old place and becomes bo cold, @e LC© screen w@ be dim iJ the LC© monito_ s hnmed 9() so _bat it faces the same direction as J'_eIens wJ:e]_ tlqe ca 7_ea sgna', is bei_'..g recorded ch ring _wcoMi:g, reco'd ng pause, k s!.ant _evie:,_, editX:g, AiV dubbing or AiU dubbing pause, the image oR the r;onitoz screen: wi]i become a niNx> image azd the ,,i{ >,,f lder wil e_{r_lo_. '!lie on-screen dJ ;lay on he l,(D>mnitr a while alter _:e ie:npera:ure tha power 5s turne4 nside _he ca ::corder on W]_e:_ rise>, the b ::gh{i:ess o_ du pidm'e >411become _o:':ua. , Do Rot hold by the _CD cause s tP,A:fC:::£{iO::. moniR>r as ttqs could - (:)penthe LCD n:o::kor by 90 before changing its dhuction ]you wo(' to attempt to :rivet its direct!o:: be_oru n[,en_n_ _ cor::p e:ely, it c>:!d cause a maXu>c k_ :. o he iKD n:o_,dto: ca_::o: be eosed if it is t] _ed. C:osethe](Omon or a[ter'_ak::: pa:alld wbb the ,:ameo:der, :f ?ou the noiqto w[ie b: faces :he sane 8s_i'eitis wc_e to c}osc direction as t}_e k:s &r ii is ti,.tgona[, i_ cou!d d; n:*:ge the LCI) moMtor i)e ::or dfs:sse:ctble t]-c L(D monitor" As this , m gh_ cdnse f._ma1(_a'wtion, Whenol:tnk:?,;ds,:iCDmor:ilor, b ,,:;:r:,kfl!]lat ro water dro_?le sad ec t:< mo:itor s(:ree:, and %i]a[ no wa_er or dust (,asters the camcorder Ihr _ugh ti_'g_p Active The ca s:: biec as [fco:ld cac_se a sea!{:I:_R}F, Screen :corde autom,*tic/]ly b:i}A/h,:s tee backHgh{ of the L(.D outdoors, so if:at :!-:e I,LID screen is eas!' to ,ee Noie; Wet yo._' eco(( eoo[d q i:doo[s a bigt ro'nftor u,l_en you st bjeot ou:t6oo_% the c('; ,_ :ore er ,')[)v; o _(_ :me arc reorc[_>g a blight w[{i be ess fhcq wren _'lo{et [,/e!_ if ',IOUre ?or( O _ doo_÷, 1_e !CO [ropl o becidir}:t r!cly :o: br(7! te,,q, {f yo Qte .:_k l:_q @: Q qmk Subject Note_ Whe 1he £)oHety cha%e _ de@b[ "_ " s flesh: sG, She Actv:? Scee ;usi:on (ptk:/ 1 " Gsfi-: ] t-y, ::ae ::!he vi,y_,%-,1 ,r b:,:R ori)d _a[ }_os _ion b Viewfinder ff :n }t: ...................................................................................................................} CAU:_ON: Or_ s_ori_:g }se ca:nco,_ der ::: c;aseo_ car yir: S lhr camco'd:_: h'ror cam,,x>rd,':. / VM-H765LA/VM,Hg65LAtV##_E565LA/V_Vl*E563LA!VIVb, E465LA EI5 < usu h_' '{ectro_lc v e4s.'[:_de];, t_n-i thc dioptez co_h o] fo_: ).o_;c opti,ruum foc{:ts adiusf*_.e]lL NK "_ 2 N¢ .... :?):_' i _'-_ x>......._ '\ BATT. CHARGE wlc' oc(} ][ o%eF VOLJ/JSC _bc_t- ..... _>;, r{ .... --_- D*dicator ..... t?_oh it ro flee Oo 7 cort,_e£ ond oft ro Kb ",ge of S{t C V O C} - S./;°F ®¢ ,_uch :'s VM B!4_ 3iVM-BP_ _CiV)¢ _ gPl.60 esponsb e or oNy ,qhQ}tt_nctbr soi the < a_ co'tier those soec f e(l /,!_;x I j? a imiu % c: (t$>* i-:a botte$" ,he botte v Gf c_ te ppe . ..[ / DC Iqu_, "-" { _<:-tS>--< ....... A( Adapto_ Fo [H _N J%ck k........................................... "epce e£ tile chax_ged ]ev< ], Note: [f the BAN CIAL'G ef!oe @vsy de eclve J_' [ dcoto fios) es we secon, is, b@ bG ey C<) ]k] <)e Note: 7he BAiL C!ARGE _dic{J b,!a}te u., :e hat @e >,fide bla :re fts d:t b]4de_ c r Ja:e }-o_: o}:so]*. _. > OU_is" , O S_/o{] CO"J e7 Oil {c(tl C !'-5Of%, cal]u/le c tale b{]lfey fo tie _ote; Ch<_rgir/g w[i! Not be oerfermed wt_e__ the CAM/Q: !V[:£O SWITChoit e co Tc:txder i, _et to CAM o V)rO Ue,,_ev _ frecodi;g ©( t*se cones ot _Tere _ Gf] 5 rqi,-£es _n the {Ah'S me<_, i've C:d_r colder w]!l ,'; fo;'c x cc !y tsr_ if[, "Jl;le w oh chtg"g wt so<, i: t"-_ s_b©cwe w c_isse oLOCK, choror:.t_w_fl be ©e fo_cled _'ve_ w,o t!'e CqM/O:://iO[:O s,vch is set o CAM NO_@ e I-)C ©lu@ is risker ec ec \*/he ] the boX-e,y s or1(; : x-d old te CAM/OFF/VIDeO sw-tt is se o (3AM ,) vlDFO he co; +'corSet (]-arznt chly, (:]_ 'g n s complet t d]scenI_ ,rD('piu,from _,< "nxrder Note: Awc:ys 'e'nov< (]o_Ti<)or(Je[ ¸ G_e_ us@ ey ony by i_e :)re Pdtoch[ng _ bottery em;,er(Jtlres '.11 :ial l_V, rd_ _: _,,,' ._ [] vdth _,Sve -e-, _........ ( ]%h , ). r , s,+ , t( _ "e ,<)tl a £:(!- VM-H765LAiV_-HggSLA/VM-ESgSLA/VM-EB_3LA/V_-E465LA wU r_ off >n('e )£ her <::o_¥(ticcy _r" on oil< 'ore tbq _'e oltev w disc-,tsrge ii: te tc;_hco de is eft -;s s EI7 @Removing Side@eB:\T7. rr: ")in7 c_'qW :]q:d_ Stof_ }1 n o oleo( w_ "::_)t_ caia<:>rder ot_ ..tu 71// ZO Cent t f_ d3se [i:}_,'.t'l < s/<,_{ _d depends cl how $se st4:tiF,%<_, "H'I nuous _iVY LCO: op:rad /<.', @,v, c'_d do 0 I rp_ ct O© ! _tb ie b:" t_r,,' ci (; [ :). ciiJf [ec_, P'i': (-10°C) o_ (_bcve 13 < t45C) /_: extre Iv 'h OWe Ihe h_,, y:_:_ l)i '" USe 0_0 O ) [o@ ©Jb(;s "]gb o{@a )O x)f AI)w i'eg_iOeFC] qttC;C" 16)coo, O/)@rO Fe O] t'e ,s hof bctte ]/i@ [){_ _@ly (JeCK_(]5@3, YIC!V y fo i-e co whl@ )e 3C]fS r _:<'de[ Recoedlng oS LYS;OL%/Svv>@"' /!De 8_otlsr y Note: The bcJiie:ycdod dpoear when }he oa ncowJe_ H the AC odo0br, or does of ov,e ed th, 7his _iashi:tg ca_es a ba_c_}, p)>e/: [se sy _ _] h_dr/eaNy o',,li: o{ ,.;ri s]terqahve poe c: 50HYe e7 t: /ai_:, hP ba_tm-}' be_ol:e _:or_tiz tli l 8 !) de fJ_e cae_cgrdek Knowing Remaining Battery Power Time ff yo_ ;se tJe ?Y¢-BPLSO Jtf_/u,n uj_ bc,%,,y (b:p/Yohc7 _) _o pov_d,i J4, w:_COR }COF_Y,-)h'/t _ , C F ,f_i<2;,*_{} out few _r!.<,',; C(_,pCO c'¢'r ope'cd2-,@ iJzcf ,_?POdt_nSw;hh t}%p b ;;Or/, "!%e V!,,,IoBPT 30 ::;_east res tip }m tory cSc_dates @e _'enmilm_.?, bat!e_y ti>e, co[ist_ }Rhe % _tr-e ' cow,s{{ _p[ m varies c<:oixl _g to hew _ruquentH/a_oi'ocusing o_ zeomtRg s t_s_:d J_ d sp]a},ed rkne may decrease or _ncrease seve_-a] rnh_u{os c}tm];gu for sou_,e time, Note: 101£, sv,'ik:h VDEO a_ a _JT_e o_ nay '_et He emo{ ]gbaPeryt:n$.wllappeo_ sec,,,nd; @fie e CA,MiOFF/VD_.O is sei to CAM; ii wi! no qppear - 1he potion Note: We lhe ef Imedecmose!_io i ]r fes (:x oss 1he i[e dis )( y w} disq©peo, %%ototem'nor d h_ voLi repece i_e b t1 ry er,r}ie_ Note: fv<'d :or pect the VM_BPt.;4( bo tory v/h th% 1 <_pp _o', uso 4p the batt('ry iil !:>e s.:bsto-fo V d_:ffee, ! fro te dispmvec i)>e Ond the gory is dscho;ge@, power wil s J! off 'T dvQy owl the ccq',co,"da_WNtop, Whu the haSP, v s 4is<:i q,ged, r:m:x_ jh_ }, _e_ ow: trerq ¢t'e : _l] Co,Qe_ o-._ C o_{;1_ ii G_:] ], Note: Who,: "_e VM 8PL3O ',:xs b'_y s used 1he bc',lery chorge :/'dicoP)r }: " rTov ) !-note[ the emonng ooff@y -he ospcy (n K *]TOS) iS d-'S O so, _-ffer b toe re< oi nfd t_e dspoy wPe£ ',is {_d_e CO:',_ Colder To display the co_ec_ time on camco_cler remaining baffe_y ,41! s _bicct_\o_N:'_.ut 74)'.ee i£_ , ep( r ,_ id dose he _C[) x onil:or s_ lie y_u ase as{n 8 }e <:a ]sco;de_. VM_H765LA/V[WH665£A!VBA._565LAIV_tESS3LAiV[',_q,.E485LA E19 Camcorder Power Sources You 0(;; _ use the c s,'4rged ©afiory pack, AC odGoK_; 0D,'ov tJo¢i) or Cc_rbctfery <-e Cc_,-0cordeK ,¢tfo{ use, be swe fo romote the !sowersuOo/y Using Battery Pack 1 . ,:: co<:: (o\o+,'o w_0 to po,4,e_ , : A ach th<' ch3ned baier} pack to _he cam_ corder. (See pages i?-dS for a[tacsment an< eha_ n£ ;{ b ittery pad<} .,<, * -<.,t i! Using the AC Adaptor R ,e_Tse ensuy<÷ 'hat ::: "he CAfv_!O£F/VtDEO switch s k! the OFF posit : : o_,} _,_ t _ ev,_r a T_,;', _, ,g c; _ T% AC roc "J;_o Outlet AC Adapto_ To DC IN lak )_3t]d: th:,_ wide Make s]ot. sure ti3a If itd )esn't !'i try you sd]1 cannot make out]el either con[at[ _20 blade fits :ev"rsing k3t_ i. t: fit d!c bbdes _u]lyinto {b m3 @]eCtt' daf} [0 replace },our obsoie_e o Jt]et, or out _,1accessory. the' _d_" 'usea pe]ar zcd eerd or Note: he AC @d(spto:< < i(_ o!l !>-<3 A( 200 - 240V HtTACH! Using o Car Battery . : ,<,, -,, Tt_e Cc'_,n_cor:;_÷r Oaf'! )e ;Jo>.'cr_',d >_,T8,2; C_ OC_tfd y by ttif_ c _o,ohu;no'i Co_ bd_ttery oo,2:_ (H'isJeh \/,L4 CCOOA KhD, _¢ p£ g ft, e oamcdSet uwo '_tt÷ Cd_!'_ Cjt_x._r<_/_c ,ohfer socifoc ere) Vb_t-H765LAiVM, wt_et_et,,e_r aft,-:lchlog H665LA/VM-E565LA/VM-,ES63LA/VM.E485&A or o:etoe#<;g any po 4"e s:4op, y _ E21 tnse ting and Removing Cassettes ",4 pOr-,<;6? CO_t]egfoc{ s_ttes car t_e ir se,'t(_d or re_T,oved ?vhe ?e< fDe CAIV_,O w}"v?DEpes te side I-_o{t}/ oJ [£]e {:almcor<]<:_ is:sd _:e sls:ocke!5 it?war' i t]:( ,body of the ca _:co:det er_d ¢ may o Cassette ]_ FIL(_ ! :, , Protecting the wl_ding u::Lii _?:u [ab :s c:omy_Iei_,]y visik>h,. ,%]de :f_et:b _ :_,:e e[o[)esAe{Jtedtior}, t_r:t ] theta_" disappears, t<) ecorc! o the cassette agai:] toide_- % "_ ] u >h-:i ,M'2>M; 3 P::sh lh_, c::_:s :_,., doo:, v_]ich :s e_}_o.!ed :_:_t_q,:i:ilfii i{ '<:licks' in!<',?a;e :%e resq"e<:aordewn, e: yo<' tray +;q f :_{::_;your <)a_; card¢_,: No_e: are care <_o to st bieci te slide t_© st( (_e 1o aF,y impQc:i c r'cF a<;e ecs(Ji_/_ ar ¢i<)a_'Jrl<_ O W-,ah th:? CC:S_-t,:: hoddy S O_ _%:ri? Ff:_OCJCT O S (ie--t O s_a¢_,_÷ god _ost_t ha f , E1\_D {p25) (only to< VM°HT05LA/ /- To record J_opdmum s_a[_.,s 1oim[chtapebeingused (p25) (only forVM-H765LAi @[ ] d s{_lav _]'%" '] } SdOCl 117t'do [ytO!'lt}IDa} k)12 i rood{ (p24] <.................................................... VM-H665LA). @Menu selectable l'_essing the b'ITNU button in the VIDEO mode wili display @_ekolio_ ] rag: ,, Nu [oenln'e-oavb_ck _taNe £ .............. -"'_ PAL CO V p_ctm es (p 55). O ! S P LAY ] ] OFF ................. T-- I'0 ,kW [_pe pla}'bad_,by LCD "-.. ] END ] ........................................................................ J @ How to select items and set them r .......... To I 2 Press { te _/ll-_t_ [h{ PLAY or S'['OP [)utto] [o {ebd the se]e[ the desiHd /,i 0 ( ................................................. LCD: Infol;!nsth)_on the a}:>{i:el[_ainilu_, i-ue c< n_ -,{,k. sdispt_y,d p/cy ':;< _ DWF"T w]e Si ;© b)uefy -_ ' Jho ape XAV iS 3r [@ s YiOV@" <. ox , "ON' s©e< -to'OFF' ore: L,i v o,o s,_j<,c: ed c powo S',_)D!V S <_i''O/ _ / W [13 t 9 tick :) O_ < =s< d: :; ,.it 'Cb' s s_)e :re< , f}_:; AR5 r-{-m ,_/rt i3 "O', ' s,'UOte: "en ! "0!)"'_'! t S_! _)( of r<: _*_e dote and ;%-!e car_ be recorded s you, _ icpe-; tc ac,a._ o hapdy re'.,bence wt;e ? vfe_drV tt,:÷n? at_r, Use i;_e Dilo vinfd_procedure to se_ _ p the disp ay for he current date, and time. Note: Be sire 1o nser ii°_e cock b{_Ite / befor set ng t ;e dante end sae/', ik out con be set _7bout the c:ock betray inse_ted, they wi! _ ls_p )eg¢ when the bai%ry tr__ cc_'acorde[ is _emovec_ bdake sure that tire cun:e_t time is ds:qayed eon'ect{y bef:or_ you sta'f filming4, Date and Time Seiect DAFT! I I,od t£, battery. ("Ca date appear 4 gives Pressig white and time r_cerder Power Co_eeting Sources', s_oct]d I i 6e tt_e PLAY button hig]tm' numbers SK)P btlftOP, {'ires yo_;_ ]_xve:_ 12_I1_]be1:s, Se]ed 3 r "/ I I i the righ mo_stk and press FF [k ................... butcm Use@eXAY, SIOP arid _E buitc)ns te select t/to ]praTer hour, mitt k', +_nd. i%5/J or P;\& the Dale and Time {tokt do>,_ th' 1 )A'N:? {?@ton br at lca_t _ ,weends: It:e fiasl_ing <:u:-mr will ap]>ear a_ 1> month, [0 Co[re( irlthe lo_ver igh{ i w_u Buffon Bnf_on p20.) 2 Press _:e small bu{to_ on ff_e CAM/OF{'/ VIDE() s_,dtch as you ,di,:!et t_ CAM. 3 ()P@ the IC{) :miter, are r .............. @@'t {:¢e5s [le [)\H I?uto_, { the the dote an( iix_e pray d T_f5pow®r to Press t, _he DAI'E aM _i:@e. Ix£oc, io set i£' cernxted date 2 : :1(1_I i _}/ da b 5qooo :.T..._ I }_'a, After se@n_ t_(_ AM/PM, press the E)ATE bu_tort i%e disph}' changes and the inten_al dock sta !s, Note: Afie_ ihe dante @d Pe ere set, _e cameo def erqers the , _ _r,_ y_ode See "©G_e PecoKJir_ tage 36 E26 date " o_ HITACHI Basic Techniques 7t',e boli_;'es a_oinpk_eeond oha_geci:hedc_te ond fi,l:)'f_hhow hhe math:he works yod CQH :[lOVe iO #'e more so:'_,h;_f!,:;atod feai-t:res ,:,',:h tess s::ess Let's U<.,,ts:cT::%-d VM-H765LA/VM-H865LAJVM-E555LA/V_-E563LA/VM.E465LA E27 Making a Basic ssro f!2_dx!-omcRh:'olysoe,:.;3 #co,o£'<,._Ps_efsDeed(e/i3he; 7,@G J123, ;;1 G /Z6.O, /:350, /506_ _huRm to s_ec @e exF,osu<'e _.m_su% {he s _biect co>d t@-_. Fr c!et,_fis see .sngthe >ROGRAMAEButcm o_ page _2. _ a p'es5 . YVh_c', ,, :>t lTe :iead 3 kc r,_p., _..u o. {:h_ Li:aet/ Sop -_@tt<_. R}{C',.gju. rs au; [__' an<<:rde_ 3ecords d'_epicture }ou see {3 w vie>,fin,'ler en the [CO 3_ox_tot< The a£sd "R!iC" dqsa >£_a eves,,, /nel:,ic re,'_ hevew;i de', leave }i_e1, 1)] s s i, the ::>_'c[er [40@; _f i'e CD {'*oni';c! sop eS o_ <;bsed .,_<¢, \,]D .... . X) s4ik:h d> r_,,Hi Nae vi _ a_ as% .... k{ _ _ i to CAM '-5:? < :;:m ,' fon3atR_g[y. @fl'aps_rs{3 -@(?7_il{.)i" a;/d { _3_"ICO!"t'/e iS ]',OY,,' lea< ?' {-; I1<< I'_!, ¢ ................................... g el $he ! ,#.?{7 :<;<)/ e::C, es-_Grs The tqe o -e €o[ v,' el% o)ou /3 F ) _es or ,.:}>e <;Gs/<,' @ NO@] if 1,,"6 e::- !'oL a:( J-_.<,:-1(.... -<]P w<_ ? _<_. s ({:::'< hl<_J_, _Tcsy be Using Instant Review w vie?/ _'_I/IRN vD/_ TI I_.; -_:n,,:, rec:ofGn(d to _e<: @' !8 ]_,@ 0"I ©/so di sl(_ us f ii I,:;,CII HOI@I o H-:e ()D [Ci) ncn÷o_ CO "]@lG J@fiS SO hot :'ess il :G{_e on be he of VCL'sof, ;,*}:to 80@8; cs ] Ji'ec LJ;. slit] wi (+S)']y efc@( :on of -,e lh_ r_i_cI be d @diS% Of O 411 ]/-/o_}e c,i%y <]c_to ,,_'I c)i /o Jrs 11 tic,c@ ',@o[ [[_ ,ic,_ _4] ;}% • 7-;3-] , ' , ] S};R {,<. O;,.?d: .,.a'p.e I b:! ,_t':',[si} *< ?1 ,: NO[@: W'[}" C<10 ( ÷*,@ T ZOOf fSC.,S 00 C wJti i, <3wGy "o fihy use Ii, _ ( c "_) GWGy I F-iPy fox Wi CO' subec e rOl yOt _ (33 G/e W coo m ssbe<:s @iS (i8 yo< $/_ Ufh@ con des <.wGy O Using fhe Power Zoom 77_e povy@f Z)o/g ...... J_..v. H/CoT";_#oJ w ¢.ien_ ;he _o/Pfu;o .... ,.t<.b_, T ,.._d,,fd. _,_ , _ J@,_ 0 ,_ p,c..],_ , ,_ w_ , s, <..; g_oYiq, ._l g>'.. _ Z..,,_ D, s.C_. #bona!or. t C,,,_pe,_S /ZZ-', ii e cfJg.;/i< ?ZOOrr_ ................ 7hezoomspeedv _ries dependng onho,/,: [hepowelzool-,l co _[rol ]everi;moved: thvmore t[_e !everb moved, the hi_,her tbm_ }'oom speed >:dl iL> be. i When thepo>e 'zoom eo{'_t_ol ispe_-ated, dm z_o_>pos{on s dis]_4ayed in thevie>, findero on theCD _qoni{o_' fo_" abO*it 5 secoI]ds a]rd displayed i_ 10 steps. [hen disappe lx's g%_, zoom position \ \ zom_,_ posil-ior_ is Using the Digitat Zoom , >_ dg, 71 z<._/_ ,c. e&,es ,c ,:3g= _,,.,,./c,_ fh ?oower zoo_71 ©y,db tif71es '}x,-con/rob When "ZOOM" is not dispb)ed i_ the vie_s finder: o_' on the I.(D mo_itor, normal zoon l'[lllcli(£1S £estlllle. Note: [his d',]o zoon_ hos cerlc[n [mii3ions <1_'£{mGy <:<,g[o(J@ o ex',reme rr o a_.<}_o as 3/8 in ii i1 isdi:pki'Je: <, 541) ":1::f: >_ %-, 0-"<,<,(' ?b%:?, • " %! :,,'<407 > IU)# ;;Ld? FOCUS/VOL Note: L)ecFeGse COl _,I ()I I Itios'l "10p::: t-._ ....... L(.? :'?nit:>':ridt:,,- _e o e pGye@ ;V!@ke Mo::itoff :: ;:_ s,-+,-..: S 7 We Whe', iv. o[:_rne, o1: Ress V fo d:,creac[ r_d{co!e )9 H@e -g @ Yle is :'iO '/at] fe @s i s, ',he do}s control bultou:;. W_en Nther b4:cm is p es;e l. :<'¢-o1 me;d:stme-:t displ f, wfU pp _: the L(D / K_ni_o {or b)u 5 suco !J.s. A to @ G 0 d@ %C0!0@ 'eeoc :" _e of aGE< 6_< porte ] _:ock Note CO [; e [_R]y Cc,:>-ico he (N@ okye e_ : he vail s0tnd y)u %eOtrg vot n ;)e %,,-eh coster Ih_f_o_s Conh'A C! :;ia,lbcc£ _viJf]ot_? ,'{el,,:-_) is read o",d S 0 recofdeo sould 0°i © ]',, :he seo_': S [_eO: {o N;d I}£W is open [he soo_ (Clear _nss the _'r b_ttRm duling playback to play be tape fo_ wal:d a[ api_ 'ox_ _late]y 9 th_es o()!:i_ ] -,pe_ d. _%ts'-, [be _I,AY bu [o11 [e 'ettu'_ [<; !]o!- Seamh): real ® Press t[le Ft: button duNn S playback/o play the ta_>e tsp_._a_:d at 6 fi_es torma pta) _ speed. Press ward playback and hold tbu IF ha:lion dtHJn 8 fas to vJsuaH}, s(:a_ tie tap( at i9 times I! normal pla_,bas t( iiay Y trees to r{u - --W'" k. / , , 2 5, ,_>( I _: ! * .:t:_}:" / ; d" ,_ '_ ; x; • { • - / 4 s the P[ AY burro Press as4 the ward to vlsu hol J[), } to resume F[ b_,tten scan the on fhe 1,CD >ermal f:ast £)'r- d_drig ape play at 17 times playb,£k speed. Rdeask/_ older to fast [o_, a_d. lh_ F[; re ul"/s P<_:s the R[iW buttols dmir_g playback o p_y the ape in teverse a_ 4 times p<):_r a] speed inb_ _asi: Note: Whe7_ yo_ e _gage :F _7'Uf!7Jf]O[ [,!EW bun Ion Re Di)h re whcve Sor_,e nfeff<;<;rhoe or no]se ip #e VeviPOde Th8 f_ >otr,(3 se(][( [ s 4rid held the J<#W buth_n (it!:' -_ 8 {::., rewll:d to vJsuaiiy se4n the tap:, ba kwa!'ds at 15 ti_:i s the :'to 'real playba RW :el r__s [he ca:be)rd :k speed He[easin : to last :ewi-@, Note: _fyo OtQ ;5fQ forwm,:lo eve_se seof( h wih fbe LOt) eor_ t>[ ciosed, i[<:r yo_: wiJi %0[ be oble o yew p}< t_r}s wt {'as sped < ow en:)eot'ie rs _ d'_=_÷_e gro_;p of _a_',;;:_ that add P_f ost a!:'c! xcitomont ores _eo As you ioarn #_ey rn/gtlf E34 ro your v_cbo, Adding fc_des to s:nooP v¢_th o prof_essiono'/ _,ook an_ _pr_cCc÷ fit k_ ond add _;,,th fhc_se footuros Rc;_ dt;c" _s c_e- ff_bl< of situat_,'J s iha cr SfDe(;%:?iouc'h, HFf ACHI ] Pr{ss d_e small_ou button entheCAM/()FF! "#P<)EO sqchas side _"vl. Date -- Date Recording 2 Pressthe ]])A7 t{])tl 10nt) spucd t tire daiedisp]a>):)c_ w4qt to_ celx;l i t]:t dm_ I ",,'_AUTO _ and Date -- Automatic Date Recording Ihi>o?_on feces'd<. 4ah,_ _o3>4to; _yo>/ and Time -- Date and Time the pktu_e ai rt<' time loP< 7 NOte; if ff]3 c_*,_.,_ _ c <;noes wile .,_,-_ the vie>,-L_nde o__ on _be ],(_]D moni/£. focus pAa _ua t3' You can adjust ..... the I:'(}Ct_Si\,OL con[to! _ (a_) butte: uni] the subject is in fo( us, Use []]_ [)o_,vet' Zo()lt_ _ _-h< _ {)icturo TO4 des[to Zoom COnlrO} t!,e control to zoom to the pfcfnre you wmt. the picture nay {a!l ou:: of focus v,, u:e actuat !'ecording 5{a)ts. Press nea_') Powet • v :-'--s l_v>; t .... ..@< \. ack [o Nole: To [etum fo (]ulo focus press he FOCUS/ VOL, coniro: [ ufio< s <]d ]he "FQC iS" dsc_) s the :b O, '\, q:- s ()s s ,s 0 cc I A': .... :w; : io r,( ]k> /........................................... {_r s!_eMl NI. bl[[o:::h:::n_m_xeat :'oln[hi:i(:) mor:h:o:'o:' vi: _,_inde:. Nofe: [::saJ::_:f<]lzc<)mhq_sce: ::_H{:Jo1:o::s: :: _h@j .!egrcd_ f s<>< or extrerr{ to}, o} <:1 i _l;?[?y <_mpilv ,:_mor: f ¢!1" T/{:_:fi(tO r tw OV<'- HtTACH_ ".$efhe o'Gh'o efie<;'f f÷<_9re tn¢¢t#ooP, soeoiol /_$ C<]ITTC<)P] R_f_ a the _ $210/'I3 Nor nat Mode 838 HITACHI Video Effects i;n Playback Mode '%_eu'ji?'.;/ si_j_'10 i>'e/©ceh ]:2: ,.5>(g A £FYECF sv,, B_ ". Sep]< ! dv o' m,'<:<}'_ o tc '4,,_ ?e to_ as fc 11o_ s: I 6X? !:P ,_, I A} , _s,, ' 16X9 Mode Activating Sep]c_ [ / Mod_ A_'f Mode Video Effects Playback Btaek-a_'_8 ;; < ,; wh le ;7};; made f4o_'maf ( Mode ,:; ,<; .... "ART": A_t Mode s'_,i V] )[';0 Jdy _[ ) t15 ]1< "16X9% _s *u Nik f/}/ it to % IDt-:O. 1 } [' ',:< r;f ho i elCO C(]-]corde clo t! to ino 111 I:_ 9019 i+I)I]Ol'diq ii ]i ¢, ;Iilli "J";( 4_A ©_ S_A.. to WO @II) r )tl_'t ]I }5 vSL;9 i he x, U]i ill '" e v_ r(e r>e,_oec:tl-_otngto!_L ]e re'::o d V['_-H7(iILAiV£7-HIIBLAiV'Pvl-I565LA/VId! _]ode (]g(:l ] IBI3LA/V_,!_.I465LA E41 Using the PROGRAM AE Button (for VM-H765LA/ VM H665LA/VM4 565LA) RW$ CcFPco_cf_f OJ! Si'L/'J?_fW] o[ pur_.os¢, program A_) OQSi/y Set th@ sP,u?tor soeed #Tod ¢Tped%ffo/b s JJ? th6, suPjec? co,oo%ffo_ r@ooP.ff,'f_o CS Wo[; OS OdjSBHNg 0//Of these Qoco¢o'if_c_4 i(? _Y_@subv'oc? D_:;gh;mess (coNv'en2onoi Pf \_-. "'_. - /,APm _:>: [ i" :'> l!,iec, such a> n a dim roem, etc,: The entire image wilt be re< )rded brigh*-er { i ] Sports Mode t; Gait>Up No Display: i Portroil 3 !:%ess the Stad/Stop button to start _ec:et'dLng, ['O IXh4r/3 {e the {Ul] auk<} 171ode, p_ess the !R()(;RAM %g botten Mode t* Mode Spotlight Mode Full Auto Mode ]rithi>,mode, h_cn>< :@,r,_ltomaic;d!} _d_ t t_e sl uf_er speed and aperttr[ accbrdh_ 8 o the su)je( bN£ _tnes_ 'F_re_orc, us_ }ds mode [(,r standard reeordJ _5, _: Sports Mode S_.'lect this mode wi_en ',e:>dk ;1;rap dly m<> _< R bjects, s_cb as got or re=,nfs s'eings, e:c.: "the st@lee[ >,[! be ea/?y recorded,>,ithout b] :tin 8 _: 9OrttOit Mode Sele< {:his mode ,,hen :ecordi>g a sub]ect po:ttait sia x _ 14oft fr{_ a bturmd badI iDYi!C?Jht iO f 'S C_/CT/iQ_>., ..<.._ v liJ b _ckx'e _nd pz'ess _d lx M the B{ C bt_ _o_" I_.... txl] cex'ed t @iW_hdn o1_i:]!e tape. ::_:d;i)d': <} r................................ I VM -H765LA!VM No_e: f co!or_ appea on te CD r _onie w1 "WFiTf: BA/L(}CK" specifeo, r,_s_,_I';e whbe _G!QXSe e speefy W IH£ BAi AUTO" {/d'E, ??_ Note: i_ the CAM/OF_iV!D C: swtc s s@i to V![> Q, eck}r 9; wt be re!e_usec end A_!"O' w be so :if ed ogo_ ib ,_665LA/VM-E585LA!VM_E563LAiVM..E465LA E43 Using the Etecffonic image Sfablizer (for VM-H7 65LAiVM-H665LA/VM-E565 /VM-E563LA) } Y " # ', ' 4"3"_ -_ _'/÷; ; *e Press _Fo_RIi'W_ ito_to d£s!:d } 'O}_ , , t i ', W]ile y)u zoom to a d sta_t A 8 )s?' ) tc; subject W',lfie o_._eas _th _}te_:l:ft¢o :,; oI: LCD mordto ' he }I9 u,:o[:de h.xn s ) _ind- mo",i or {ma?;e s _tk(s wi[:[ / sKsht delay No}÷: E]S n'_*,';, _ct fi/ ciot if yo s,:, o ,,,'d_ _o ei_ cony de[ ,is }-dote: is ccor(r",orded Act yot do _o1 S_t t e [IS fL;PCtiOn \vth9 _ 'S }h{_© if pod ]:, sot sol ,vO ( (:_ef(}c¢ /:;[t (,!hs lOFt J}',@ }fi[l)Od N w!_c} case 1Ive p[c,_m v/o_ lid be !-_ r_®d No_'es fo_ VM4x1665LA,fVM £565_/VM,o_563LA W-;en th÷ EiS :uncton s ÷ngaged in he vie xi y of ire zoo;_ 'q_YTe i,/h ZOOM' ds>a_÷d n _e viewfinder o_ or the {CD qon tot, _,]en P,;oved from t,÷ vv de-o tlP; end, t]÷ inag® si;'e ;d! c_ r._nge b;i li,_ k; 30q"qO, * \/i]e] the [iS n'_ctio_ 'ire becomes ;ogt 0 vew G$ _ e wide []£I OWe_ E44 i¢ e_ g,Jged, _3],dl el(.! he becc pk: es HI'TACH{ Date Se®rch Note: f _iJfic'io!-_ (Whei_ ore wiJi i!<)t eeoea oositio_ i_ _/e _he bQ_!ety is _@f_ioved No_@I Whe_] ©_o1_]_[ ih_ or1_ th_ recoroir'_ _s i_'u_ rec orci is _c>! ii_5_teci the power c_sselie C_T_)coto@f, s d_y) b©tlefv ©rovidir_ COfde_ t fi]<][ ¸ COss@j.@ is ider)tif]÷(_ op ii_Qt ciock cossei'e wi1_ is if_ser_e(J ih@ ©osifiolh ]n_ st_r_ lie (>_>e(©16 _ c©ss_!_ite Jsg_olted, No_e; o_ She to wQs ih@ ti_,e Corn _÷corcJ_ do¢@ se(:_f()[i ii)y !!ii_ct[oiq 00@3 f]oi ¸ o©e_Gi@ s@(_[ c{ ¸] / T)©_@ No_e; If [he oPi<_s ihe r o£eS St? 5 (" /:l _!,'SO S ) I ...... ; ]]'!?t l) :y sp CTf', }ii[O /o"d! g [ S )Se L SCi@( 11 {s-, b: ....... CAbt,'O_iiVD @ (/ Otl_[O/'l reco_<:!ed {:_c_!i) se©tcb "_(_ vOh:S VWt-H765LA/Vfv1-H685LAiVM re- ',ape _e £_ [: stsp ][war at fire dS ',(,1/. £BSrSLAiVRq.FT563LAiVM,Ea_S_ ,¢ af (I{{ <0 l_1_(r 11<';)_01V Creating and Recording a Tile Tile;%';og!%;r_ctxbn O!Lc:_,%you to s÷;eot OJOe Ol ,o'7@Jffe)¢ s_%"e" b: J ( {ro_H $ _'_ Press the NTI.E appear, arid btttk;n. the' color The select selected mode title _a£] _'_ii! be ei_gaged. Press tb_ F_AY or STOP buttex to seed f_le desil'ed coMt. Yx_ can cEoese @ore seven ( )]ors: I Sfored ddes (Prememo) wl'£te, blue J c)-an, n',agenfa, red, gcen and Note: !f he CAMiOFF/V_DeO sw_tch is set Io VIDEO, you o(_npot seiect :ooc the title wl eopee in white, avaihble i BOH )elIo',,,, \'qNT%_ R_,\ Rf: 7 ,kfter you ba_e '1]'1 ] ,E butte _1. se!ectect the cob_'_ p::ess the _ole_ If !ou dist)R_y th4", dote <]ionQ w_h lh;. _ tille, cJfie:' selec?zg t_e co!or, t_e date wl_ be cisp eyed i_ 11-@s(_:ne cool N bk'vfK;Lb_% i E Q _ [,A Pi'S' 'A? NR Sf oB\ d 7) VM44765LAiV_/_H565LA/VM.,8565LA/VM E563LA/VM_E465LA E47 ._re6J]n{_ ,£ #1 , I !;e cock b_)Iterv _s,'>et'd f will :°,scc_oc<-r :e coq-co{;,}_ s rer ore, c] ] £on!iec he £ar>,cord_r i od 9 d: ,n su' ] sovrc*:_. a _Lt(r, {ri d/{ (i_%1/ o_ \ZDEO }}._:_s [o n /,-,,i > r ©r% -_be ....... _..,, scr,_e[ fe cr fro-n _f "., ?}t_ tit!_. Z -+ i OOA_ O 12 ; <> 3 4 5 !AEiOi i 0OAE 8 7 1 i O0_l ! .......... S[)a,.s % ()l bt[on,/hi s_!ed: b, _e c t]_ ic ]!,i\Y Jt seie,, seer: [re t e w oo©ts if b wh[e ] x!-. ?3 [ 1{ 1_, ..................................... P: 6 S ii_T,<< ','\"_ ;,#es; {7_d _ ' < . E48 [()[ r s - _:_uX , to select } _''<)]!/ 51 ,'£ b [ < > (itS; Iu, Hote: A)EO, {{ h7 ..," _ ......... '<'[::', ?:). ea or see ,'it<]'_ whi!e s]it]ingthe switc]sto C%b,I Note: Creote end store y2, tire betoe o] event yod p!es to !ecod Just p_ess h, ])LE boon 1() supe {moose t_,e _,[_eove_ he scene _ [oc_e t_e ]aom_ of _he ape w]_er< [eco_d _e title ("Using Q_ i_'k Edit" os iou - _ >:su v_'_,qn o p44) ,1. ,I .... [ )..,%. _< s t_e I [ IE b_tton. 4 t Ths _"ethod e,,'cids C',11[be er_tered, Use the flEW, P} AY a/_d S']OP buttons [,as_but_en to !:_m i:itb ell VIDEO switch while s}iding the sv4r_< _ th,' c_/h, e pl_£, to @e licks the :okrs V'\,[ _6651iL/VME565[,A/VMd.%31AiVMd[4(,5,A:!f?our tec' []_e audo ph_{ _<, the [ :ack (w}_if). 2: Y_le VM M705]b% /VM-} S-VK)E('!jack, VM@W65LA: co_c 166N ,A _-a_ vise a i enema he Sl_reo q-v d-o g)pe S-% H)EO AI©( k E58 :ab/instea.! b, valaNe )f t,q S-.vidi < cable ye b_', 665[A, on TV or _'C I:£,making su_'e h_ _! a,_ b IVorV_ Riss_er_,,), c_ _- ViD]O [{ },<:, 1 "IV or Vre_ A{Ji)© Iype i![Dg"O dora m_ AUO}I fl "rf, p _ _10_:© A HKACHi VM-H665LA: Stm:eo Type rHi-h S-VIDeO ]a_:k S{e;:eo Y) pe L ...........J VM-ES65LA/ VM-E565LA/ VM,,g465LA: Stereo Iyp< >_[d_ 5-% H){:O {a_k ......... 6 Press l- Monaa_raI Type Moaam_iral 'lype L........ ! Stereo Type ] _"()"b_tlx)! ifdsled V{',gi_H7_5 LAt V}V_-N665LAIVM-EB_,S5LA/VfW_SB3LA/V#z%_465LA _51 ! ¢. onnect 2 7{-b/yrs013yO_41"VCT£ ard input mode (cons_al£ pages }ou_'camcoi%er bi]owflTg 50-51. d< _a is). Ope_>_u do {,) see the ]_[od to the VCR, do>,'/_ place it ii'/{be camcozde ' you_ VCR _=_I_uai */or d_e _eiev,;s_o__ a_ you s g::al comi_g :ore t_:< sma]TI bueo> n<>" _aEy fAe VCR. <.',£ 8!e CA_,I/ O]'7/\qD7£O switch w1_}e yo_ s{k-!ethe s _i_ch to VIDEO. 4 _nse_t fine _'ecoMed bia_k _ap{ into d_ tape it_ the camco_dex' a_<{ a 'vC],t S_. tJ]e \CIR to reco{d. }qa}' the tape _}_e (:an_{ order* _1_ te record from Note: if lh÷ VCR is connected to a tefevson ond the VCR/rV se_ecio s se,_+e VCR yoa car mort€or _he }ope beng dubbed, Note: Reduce the vok rne oi he co;recorder c_s !ow as >ossib}e during dubbing, Other,_',, se 1he p/oye( b_;ck pictures cot_ld oe d{s_o;ied Note: D:.r 93 }uli ploybbed podon [s Pl'wed bGck x';_se troy <_pp:_,or a', 1be end o _ thed :)b dp_ce:t_ ° JGf :"_2 } 430 ,<-,, ..... ,.... v_lt t.,f Ch' _+_f8C, ,'{hh IO, cO _" , _;-_" "'_"ff ": e OC _ T@ :!AL_;O" !© tJ+gt/o 7o_{)@ _.@tot 7:,7 ' m. _" ,.._ :_ or rvn i\/!,C ,'oco;,tJr d,s :th:' _f"_: -, !ID]O ;!e k,f{t'\: bt_tton: r rl* d:p!:)' v,i [- " i _t::_ i c ............... , ] i i 9 ?, he!: p a,, back VIDJ::;Os "_ [_'ktO!_ 10 S:i]l_!ii '[_A[, Cc>r_t_ec)t wh:ch Q:, o2k " i "r:e) "(: r o h SPCLiOtl) OOrYOOrOet _'1_,'; Ha (Jr/el PAL0 c:lCir%,:i Oi ' :?(',[d/_ coi 60 [/-e _ i:e G vet [o: :h:islu. c ( :i_"_ _'4ofe: (vol. ('()q\,, i'fJr_F_'?7 SY o(_ io o 7V :_ or i o o(:L_s_r-]@_'_ whlch -:o,te f,Tefe:" i! btt;]l_ O h()_, clr u["t/ (!so oe Io e ::/ O .:t_P l/@ b/ _'}Ofe: ]I'll;> ;::¢Y C )rU'O¢ C(:[ FkL60 syscm _ote: {be©(tndl'c ctCO"Jc;(S, !?. to dJ;?}:'_ o:" ' ;'.1 {_ \L, q:'",16)' i '. ::::,:+:::_:_:_ f: : A :0 tzs ot retort t liOl rt) >rd utiq(]} _- s?de "/Oy coi of ob 1he <',/t_ ¢o[)e ,",:;; !:]:e "q[:X[ b:: ton HI [ACHI TBC (Time Base CorrecteO ON or OFF _,i,'_h TBC specif, e<:f ON, you can suppress fi sctuafions o distort;o _ , -" ¢7 "-'-_ _d_,-!./4:;@tcfiorl _V'_ 0;.)_ _ OF',FI C2i1]:;7 DDCL/,° 4/77(P1_ -ILJL3bJ2_ iS _Cp@,',_tOd. _] t'et t_' _[rss i ,, 1\1,'O[:]/VII-)EOs , tc _to VIDEO o c ire h_ a 7"0) ©ocut ,vhen toloe_ {?(TL.'/hh(_13}/ ?Oi;@ J?7(B'T]_Or hf*OqS S 4 [h' *ss t];( F b_ i_o_, o dis_.40, "ON". the _!}_['< _ b ilion Nobs: In some (€sos _';'LI/'_(} ? [O S(!i_?Cf _[ [_(.2". _L ceJ_ 3P /Y OF :) Note: _i:'_the _dir 9 or bi(}i @S ITQy ON' s©ecfied a Wide or Yele Converter L,_-. rl;_o ibc fi ct(a oich ge ocffiNo_ be st ipp[_s@ci ON" hc's been spedf ed tic riot@ io-s c[<;sbNor t; @v@it When ¸'TBC e o©@ ksed, >ioy)ook v;) 8 (3 C_,OWq W?] n t;,s case, s,qee Iv "1C ' 50 0 Lens _._mlo_-d."_ ]e[]5 i_5se r_f_S. Note: f the iee-cc,nversb¢ es s oHoc ..d ov_)r e es, i'_t" O.'r COt ets of }/o }oidt; w', be _ ssrt8 f_ te _¢dbqn!20 posifio_ Lse zoo Y r be _e©hoto i.Dos- or'_ VM-H785LA/VM-HS{_SLA/VM-ES_SLA!VM-ES63LAIVMJ{485LA E55 Using the tuiltqn VM- E565LA) c%_;,me bu/fiin DC Light (for VM-H765LAi ,, DC ;uj,*-t if you ',,.Li,;:C÷ CAIJTION: $ce le po_.,.er corsumoto ever with o f, iyc (x_)ec bo}ew _ cf T>e iS gh fi'e c,'.:mcor("er _ M,de s ori 1} P'e crl'¢co','Jer irfl ihe eosc, [he lerY,O ()or_ o_y be r'soici_r,J fy q {/viol !-:NSIf _gt-?r:7 toe lOFt]t) ttGs t)fevlN "Or3U}] yDtJf fx)orest ep/ice C_.>r:tr-',f, :tup consult >'ore :_earest deak'r or VCR s_,rvice center for [:,rof_ ssional Cleaning head cleaning the Lens and Picture Tube of the Electronic 77?00r?S Of ft _?6* ec ro to 11 Eve+cap . [C v÷'wfi?_Jef CON )e : _:e_-c eonecJ .,'fdcsfi di;t, _ -_:-_ o¢ _'?'_,-'_ i_ ,,. ,o, .,_r; rr?o1?er adheres Referencc 2?1>ult out : )'lurn i)Tur:_ 1 Turn th? eye cup c(u::te:clockwise unli{ it siopb th(n p::]]_1out V,}remove, Ma@ 2 Clea::th( pk:ture tL:beGce and funs. [o j,:'evont 3 \:{igtltI:ereference mark on ey:-'cup vitb th_ top scrat(::hln :, t:s? so[ non aknashe do[hi sv,ab or ed_;c of nokh, :rod _;us[: the aye c::p dh p->",or,4 )................................................................................................................... _; " £.&_A.'_'_I.iLL.Y.." E_.Ci£:. ..................i ] ,q io-ioc' I s (iDes no1 el%e,fate, A Jb Focus do<,s tel o >e ale f s spec ci e':Fects f! tr s a

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