Hitec RCD FOC3F72 R/C Transmitter User Manual

Hitec RCD Inc. R/C Transmitter Users Manual

Users Manual

Table of Contents1. Introduction11. Features and Specifications111. System LayoutIV. Setting and Operation1. Transmittera. Loading Batteries b. Reading theLED Battery Indicators c. RechargingNiCad Batteries d. TransmitterAntenna e. Changing Crystals2. Installation of Receiver andServos3. Transmitter, Receiver and ServoSettingsa. Checking Operation of the Servob. Elevator and Rudder Servo TrimSettings- Trim Setting before Flight- Trim Setting during Flight
I. IntroductionThe Focus 3 Single Stick FM radio is specifically made for simple 3 channelElectric, 112A and Sailplane applications. It was ergonomically designed to allowthe user to hold onto the transmitter with one hand, while launching the aircraft withthe other. The Focus 3 SS FM will prepare you to use radios with more advancedfeatures as your skill level and desire for greater challenges evolve.II. Features and Specifications,,1. Transmitter- Single stick 3 channel FM proportional system- Dual axis precision gimbal- 3 LED battery status indicators- Charging jack for optional NiCads- Servo reversing for channels I and 2- Current drain: 180mA- V-tail or Elevon mixing function- Proportional 3rd channel slide switch2. Receiver- Standard version(HFS-04MI+)Narrow Band 5 channel (with optional "Y" harness) FMreceiver- Feather version(Feather receiver)Narrow Band 4 channel (with optional "Y" harness) FMreceiver3. Servo- High impact resin gear- High reliability SMT circuit
Ill. System Layout1. Transmittera. Loading BatteriesYou may use either Alkaline "AN' size batteries or optional NiCad batteries.(NiCads recommended) - Push the bottom battery cover in the direction of thearrow then lift up the cover - Load 8 AA batteries (Be sure the polarity is correct) -Reinstall battery case with installed AA batteries with connections to the top left -NiCads should be charged before use
b. Reading the LED Battery IndicatorsFull Power: Green Normal: Amber  Warning: Flashing RedWith new alkaline or freshly charged NiCads, the Green light should be lit. Withuse, the Green light will turn to Amber. If the Red begins to flash, operationshouldbe stopped and the batteries should be recharged or replaced immediately.c. Recharging NiCad BatteriesThe Focus 3 SS FM is equipped with an external charging jack so there is no needto remove the battery pack from the transmitter. The Hitec CG-22A or 25A are madeto charge these type of batteries overnight or for approximately 12-15 hours.Please refer to the following diagram; check to see that the charge lights are lit afterthe connection is complete. It is advisable to cycle your NiCad batteries at least onceevery 5 or 6 charges. This can be done by simply turning your transmitter on with theantenna connected and extended to let it run completely dead (Warning!!! Alwaysextend your antenna so as not to overload the circuitry when radio is on.), then followthe charging method and repeat this 3 times, this will remove the memory that the
d. Transmitter AntennaAlways make sure your antenna is attached and fully extended before use otherwiseyour operating range will be greatly reduced and could result in damage to your aircraftand or injuries to yourself and others.e. Changing CrystalsChanging crystal to avoid conflicts with other aircraft is possible where permitted.(Youmust check your local rules before doing so. For example in the US the FCCprohibitsthe changing of transmitter crystals on 72 and 27MHz). If you are allowed to changecrystals, both the transmitter and receiver crystals must be changed together. Youmusth ithi th b d i 72MH t 72MH 27MH t 27MH diff t
2. Installation of Receiver and ServosAfter connecting the receiver and servos as below illustration, turn on the powertothe transmitter first then turn the receiver on. (Always turn the transmitter ON firstand OFF last.) This will prevent the receiver from picking up stray signals and~ going out of control. Now, move the controls to see if the servos are movingproperly.
3.Transmitter Receiver and Servo SettingsNow we come to the critical part as proper installation of these componentsareessential.a. Checking Operation of the ServoAfter installation of the servo and receiver into your model is complete, turnthe power "ON" the transmitter (fully extend the antenna) now turn on thereceiver.(Note: Do not connect the linkage to the servos until the servo test procedureis completed as unexpected movement may damage the servos or the model)- Check to see if all servos are working properly. If not, check theconnections and/or make sure the main battery pack is charged.- If the servos check out fine, connect the linkage to the servo horns now.Check to see that the servos are moving in the correct direction. If not, changethe servo direction, with the reversing switches located on the back of the radio.The 3rd channel of the Focus 3 SS FM is not reversible.- If everything checks out then turn the receiver "OFF" first, then thetransmitter.The Focus 3 SS FM offers an internal electronic mix for channels I and 2 todeliver an Elevon or V-tail mix for those aircraft requiring those specificfunctions.(Always remembers to never have the receiver "ON" without the transmitter being"ON". This means when turning your model "ON" always turn the transmitter "ON"first and "OFF" last)(Note: Please make sure to fold the transmitter antenna after use so as not toget damaged or poke someone in the eyes)
Warning!!! : Do not shorten the length of the receiver antenna by cutting offany excess wire. This will severely affect the operating range and couldresult in injury to yourself and others..b. Elevator and Rudder Servo Trim Settings-Trim Setting before FlightThe servo trim enables minor adjustment of the servo neutral position so that theplane will fly straight when the stick is in the center position. Before adjusting theservo trim, please make sure that when both the stick and the servo trim is in itscenter position, (1) the servo arm is perpendicular to the push rods, and (2) theelevator and rudder of the plane is flush with the tail wing.
-Trim Setting during FlightYou may perform some minor trim adjustment during flight if the plane nose up ordown (Elevator Trim) or sideways (Rudder Trim) when the stick is in the centerposition. However please keep in mind that trim adjustment is only for minoradjustment and major adjustment should still be done through push rod (linkage)adjustment at the model. (Note: There is no trim adjustment on the 3rd channelof the Focus 3 SS FM)For U.S.A.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (I) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.Transmitter frequencies can only be changed by an authorized Hitec RCD Inc.service center. Changing frequencies by the consumer will void the warranty and isa violation of FCC regulations.

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