Hitec RCD OPTIC6SP-24G 2.4GHz 6CHANNEL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM User Manual optic 6 sp


Users Manual

 OPTIC6 SPORT2.4 2.4GHz 6Channel Radio Control System
Introduction the Optic 6 Sport 3If you are new to Computerized RC Transmitters  3Frequency Control  4Equipment Mounting 4Vibration and Water  5Antenna   5Connectors  5Charge the Batteries!  6Operating with a Trainer Cord  6Stick Length Adjustment  7Stick Lever Tension Adjustment / Mode Change  7Flying Safety  8Optic 6 Sport Controls and Switch Assignments  9Optic 6 Sport Programming Switches and Buttons  10 On-Off Switch  10Joystick Controls  11Receiver-Servo Connection List 12Transmitter Displays and Messages  12Initial Setup Menu Programming for All Aircraft  13Optic 6 Sport ACRO in-Fight Controls  16Model Setup Menu Programming for Powered Airplanes(ACRO) 17EPA (End Point Adjustment)  18D/R (Dual Rate)  20 EXP (Exponential Rate) 21          S TRM (Sub Trim) 22S REV (Servo Reverse)  22P MIX (Programmable Mix)  22ELVN (Elevon mix)  24FLPN (Flaperon)  25V.TAL (V-Tail)  25 A -> R (Aileron-Rudder mix)  26E -> F ( Elevator-Flap mix) 26CUT (Engine Cut function) 27 CAMB (Wing camber)  27FLT C (Flight Conditions)  28Optic 6 Sport Sailplane in-Flight Controls 30Sailplane Controls and Switch Assignments  31Initial Menu feature review for GLID programming 32Model Setup Main Menu Programming  32STCK (Throttle stick or switch)  32ADIF (Aileron differential)  33CROW (Glide-path and airspeed control)  34CAMB (Wing camber)  34Table of Contents - Page 2 Optic 6 Sport - Page 3The Optic 6 Sport advanced features include: ㅁ Model Memory: The computer's memory is capable of storing all the necessary trim settings and all the mixes and their nuances for each model (up to a total of ten models in the Optic Sport).The memory is non-volatile-that is, it won't be lost even if the transmitters battery is discharged or even removed.ㅁ Shift Selectable: The signal output is shift-selectable: Within the initial setup menu you can tell the transmitter to output its signal in either positive or negative shift.This means any FM receiver, no matter what the brand, will work with this transmitter.ㅁ Pre-mixed Flight Control Functions: The Optic 6 Sport computer automatically mixes rudder and elevator outputs to control a V-tail or mixes aileron and elevator outputs to create elevons for tail-less flying wings, eliminating the need for on-board mixing systems. Other pre-mixes include an aileron-to-rudder mix so turns are automatically coordinated and an elevator-to-flap mix for snap-turns.ㅁ Sub-Trim Function: This computerized radio allows you to easily fine-tune and coordinate the control surfaces (such as keeping a rudder centered or two ailerons-each on their own servo-moving the same amount) without having to physically re-adjust linkages.ㅁ Buddy-Box Function: For those learning to fly, the transmitter has a "buddy-box" capability so that you can use the optional trainer cord (part # xxxx) to connect your Optic 6 Sport to a second Hitec transmitter. This allows one transmitter to be used by an instructor as theprimary flight control while the other is controlled by the student pilot.Releasing a button instantly diverts control from the student's "slave" back to the master transmitter. ㅁ Open Mix Capability: The Optic Sport also features one "open-mix" in which you can choose any two channels to mix the servos master-to-slave, such as mixing the throttle with the elevator to counteract pitching or the throttle with the rudder toreduce yawingIf this is your first programmable radio control transmitter, you're probably feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the buttons and switches on the case and the cryptic symbols that appear on the radio's LCD screen. However, if you take the time to read this manual and follow the programming steps as you watch your model's control surfacesrespond,  programming the Optic 6 Sport will soon become quite routine.So stick with it-learning the programming basics won't take any longer or require any more brain power than it takes to do the average crossword or Sudoku puzzle. You'll discover that the rewards for mastering this simple but powerful computerized, programmable radio are well worth the effort.Congratulations! You now own a basic, but unusually versatile and powerful, 6-Channel programmable RC transmitter. The Optic 6 Sport is all the radio you need to fly most types of fixed-winged aircraft-from standard trainers to flying wings to 3-D aerobatic models to sailplanes (both powered or pure)-as well as most classes of helicopters. As you will learn later in this manual, the ability of this radio to mix and control many of the channel outputs in a variety of ways allows you to create some surprisingly sophisticated flying functions that were once available only in much more complex and expensive radios. Standard programming features include servo-reversing for all channels, subtrim adjustments on all channels, end point adjustment on all channels and selectable dual rate and exponential values for the ailerons, elevator and rudder.The primary limitation of this radio is that your models requiresix or less control channels. Introducing the Optic 6 SportIf you are new to Computerized RC Transmitters:Introducing the Optic 6 SportThroughout the manual you will see our "Tip Sheet" notes. These highlight specific function details we didn't want you to miss within the body of the manual. Check these out, they can make programming the Optic Sport easier. !Tip Optic 6 Sport Manual for Helicopters 36Optic 6 Sport Heli In-flight Controls  36Initial Menu feature review for HELI programming  37Model Setup Menu Programming for Helicopter  38 T.CV (Throttle Curve)  40 P.CV (Pitch Curve)  41GYRO (Gyro Gain)  41RVMX (Revolution Mix)  42HOLD (Throttle Hold)  43SWAH (120 Swash Plate Programming)  43FLT.C (Flight Conditions or "ldle-Up's")  44OPTIC 6 SPORT ACRO DATA SHEET  45OPTIC 6 SPORT GLID DATA SHEET   46OPTIC 6 SPORT HELI DATA SHEET   47Tip Tip !!   Note these icons at the top of each page to know what model type the information on that page refers to.
 Channel Number Operating frequency (kHz) 1 2405600.000 2 2406200.000 3 2406800.000 ··· ··· 59 2440400.000 60 2441000.000 61 2441600.000 ··· ··· 119 2476400.000 120 2477000.000 121 2477600.000  Frequency Table Frequency Table
Optic 6 Sport - Page 10Optic 6 Sport - Page 11On-Off SwitchOptic 6 Sport Programming Switches and ButtonsSAFETY NOTE: If you hear the radio suddenly begin to emit a steady beep, it means that the system voltage has dropped down to 6.6 volts. Land as soon as the runway is clear so you can switch the radio off and recharge its battery. (See the battery charging sidebar on page 6)  "EDIT"  buttonsThis pair of buttons has three basic functions: they get you into the initial setup menu when you hold both EDIT buttons down and then turn on the radio; they get you into the model setup menuwhen you push both down when the radio is already on; and once you are in either of these menus pushing one button scrolls you up or down through the list of menu items.  "DATA" buttonsAs the "+" and "-" symbols imply, these buttons allow you to change a numerical value (most often a % value of servo travel) up or down within a menu item. When not in the programming mode either ofthese buttons enable the countdown timer. "LOCK" buttonThis button is primarily a safety feature for powered models: When you push this button down the throttle channel on the model is taken off-line so that an accidental movement of the throttle stick won't change the setting. Get in the habit of using this function whenever you are carrying your model to the flight line. SAFETY NOTE: KEEP YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM THE PROPELLER OR ROTORS EVEN AFTER ENABLING THE LOCK FUNCTION-ARADIO GLITCH COULD STILL ACTIVATE THE THROTTLE !"CLEAR" buttonYou can use the clear button whenever you want to reset a numerical value to its starting point. It is also used in one of the menu screens (the P MIX TRM) to turn a function on or off.On-Off switchThis switch does more than just turn the radio on and off-it also gets you into the initial setup programs when you hold down the two "EDIT" buttons as you slide the switch from "off" to "on".When you turn off the switch after making selections in the initial setup menu, you "lock" your choices into the radio for this particular model slot. The switch is coupled to the light located a couple of inches above it-it comes on when the switch comes on and goes off when the switch is turned "CURSOR" buttonsWhen you are in a particular menu item, you'll use these two buttons to scroll within it-most commonly to the right or left to select a servo channel. When not in the programming mode, these buttons start, stop and reset the radio's countdown timer.EDIT DATACURSORTIMER RESETTIMER MODETIMER STARTLOCK CLEAR"SW-1" switchDepending on the initial set-up base-line programming you have selected, this switch can be used to lower landing gear; operate the throttle of an electric motor (as on a powered glider); or selecta flight condition mode.In Heli mode, this is the throttle hold switch. "SW-2" switchThis is your "Dual-rate" switch: The "0" position typically selects the full rate of movement of the aileron, elevator and rudder while the "1" position selects the diminished rate you have programmed in the model setup menu. The exponential values for these control surfaces are also selected by this switch.   "SW-3 FLT MODE" switchThis switch allows you to choose three different "flight condition modes"-an advanced programming function. In Heli mode this switch selects the NOR, or "hover", and 2 "idle-up" or stunt modes"Eng Cut"/"Trainer" switchIf you've activated the engine cut function in the model setup menu  programming, this button serves as the kill-switch for your motor. Otherwise, it functions as the trainer switch when your transmitter is linked via a cable to a second transmitter to act as a "buddy box"for flight training.As long as you hold down the training button the buddy box will be flying the model-let go of the button and your transmitter reverts to being the master.Trim switchesUse these switches to make small offset adjustments to the servos controlled by the two joysticks.Any adjustments will be "memorized" for this particular model so you won't have to re-trim every time you fly.Joystick ControlsAgain assuming the "Mode 2" configuration, this stick controls therudder (left and right) and the throttle (forward and back-back is off for electric motors and idle for glow). If you have selected "GLID" as the transmitter's programming baseline in the initial setup menu than the stick's forward and back movement controls the ailerons and flaps for the model's descent control (called "CROW").    Right-hand joystickLeft-hand joystickAssuming you have selected "Mode 2" in the initial setup menu (the most common control arrangement in North America), this stick controls the elevator (forward is down and back toward you is up) and the ailerons (left and right). LEFT RIGHTRIGHTLEFTFront ViewLEFT RIGHTRIGHTLEFTFront ViewLEFTRIGHTDOWNUPDOWNUP UPDOWNDOWNUPDOWNUP UPDOWNHIGHLOWHIGHLOWHIGH Position: Full ThrottleLOW Position: Power OffRIGHTLEFT
Optic 6 Sport - Page 12Optic 6 Sport - Page 13TimerIf you push either DATA button, you will enable the radio's timer mode. The word "TIMER" appears on the screen as well as a number indicating the starting countdown time (which you can set in the Initial Setup menu). If you push the right hand CURSOR button, the timer will start counting down and the numbers will diminish in one-second increments. Push it again and the countdown stops. Pushing the left hand CURSOR button resets the timer.Lock Indicator ScreenWhen you push the Lock button to hold the throttle at an idle, the word "LOCK" appears in a black box above the voltage value. When you push the lock button again, this symbol disappears toindicate that you have disabled the function. Receiver-Servo Connection ListTransmitter Displays and MessagesThe table below shows where the aircraft's servos should plug into a six-channel receiver. Note that some functions shown will not operate until they are activated in the transmitter.  The standard function is listed first for each channel.When you first turn on your transmitter, the first screen shown below appears on the LCD display. Before flying, or even starting the engine, BE SURE that the model number appearing next to the voltage matches the model that you are about to fly! If you don't, reversedservos and incorrect trims will lead to an immediate crash. If you press timer or engine cut or lock keys, you go directly tothose functions regardless of the display.This screen appears whenever you turn on the transmitter without pushing any other buttons. The model number currently enabled is the small number just to the right of the battery voltage and the programming baseline for this model (ACRO, GLID or HELI) is shown in the upper left hand corner. In the center bottom of the screen "NOR" appears in a small black box indicating that the transmitter is in the "Normal" flight mode condition. Startup Screen Rx. Ch.   ACRO    GLID HELI  Aileron    Aileron     Roll Cyclic   One   or Right Flaperon (FLPN ON)  or Right Aileron (ADIF on)  or Swash servo 1 (120¡Æ)   or Right Elevon    Elevator     Elevator     Pitch Cyclic Two or Right V tail (VTAL on)   or Right V tail (VTAL on)   or Swash servo 2 (120¡Æ)    or Left Elevon (ELVN on)   Three   Throttle     Throttle     Throttle Four   Rudder     Rudder     Tail Rotor    or Left V tail (VTAL on)   or Left V tail (VTAL on) Five  Landing Gear     Left Aileron (ADIF on)   Gyro Gain   Six   Flap     Flap     Collective  or Left Aileron (FLPN on)        or Swash Servo 3 (120¡Æ)Warning Display  (Low voltage)When the battery's voltage drops to 6.6 volts, this number starts blinking on the screen and the transmitter begins to steadily beep. If your plane is up in the air when this happens, land immediately so you can recharge the battery.Warning Display (Flight Condition other than NOR)If you turn the transmitter on and it immediately starts to beep while displaying the word "ON" on the screen, one of the flight condition modes other than Normal is switched on. The symbol in the black box at the bottom of the screen indicates which switch (SW1 or SW3) needs to be reset to Normal.Transmitter Displays and MessagesInitial Setup Menu Programming for All AircraftModel Select 0~9 [MODEL]Map of Basic Menu Functions MODEL Model select: choose on of ten model memories 14 ACRO Acrobatic model mode 14 GLID  Glider model mode 14 HELI  Helicopter model mode 14 SWAH 90  Nomal Swash Plate (HELI only) 14 SWAH 120  120* Swash Plate (HELI only)  14 TMER  Timer setup 15 MODE 1  Transmitter mode 1 15 MODE 2  Transmitter mode 2 15 SFT N  Negative Transmit Shift 15 SFT P  Positive Transmit Shift 15 RST  Reset memory 15Model Type[ACRO] or [GLID] or [HELI]Swash Plate type (HELI only)[90] [120]Timer setup [TIMER XX]Mode 1 and Mode 2Shift Dir. [SFT N] [SFT P]Reset Memory [RST]!Tip If this is your first AirplaneIf this is your first model Airplane, here are a few tips that willstreamline your experience in programming it. This will make more sense after you read through the manual. Refer back to this section when you are ready to begin the setup:1. Start with the correct model type, ACRO, in the Initial     Setup Menu.2. Access the main programming menu, then use the REV    function, and make sure all the servos are moving in the     proper direction.3. After centering the servo arms manually as close as     you can, use the S.TRM or sub-trim function to center     the servos.4. Set your servo end points with the EPA function.5. Program -35% EXPO values for aileron, Ch. 1 and     elevator, Ch. 2. 6. After your Plane is all ready to fly, put it on a shelf and     go get an R/C flight simulator program for your PC.     Spend quality time crashing the virtual plane in the     simulator. Using a sim will save you hundreds of dollars     spent on spare parts and countless hours of rebuilding     time in the long run.7.  Ready to fly your new Plane? If you are lucky you will      know someone that is an experienced model pilot and      would be willing to check over your plane and take it up      for its first flight. This is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED,      even if you have to drive a hundred miles to get to this      person!      If you are on your own, start slow and conservatively.
Optic 6 Sport - Page 14Optic 6 Sport - Page 15Before you turn on the transmitter to begin programming one of themodel slots for your aircraft, refer to the servo connection chart on page 12, to see how to plug the servos into their proper channel sockets in the receiver.Don't turn on the receiver in your model just yet-we'll tell you whento do so. First we'll get started setting up the aircraft in the Initial Setup program menu, then we'll continue into the Main Function menu to configure the servo responses and travels of your particular model. 1. Select a model slot:     Hold down both EDIT buttons and slide the on-off switch to "on".     The transmitter will beep, the red light will come on, and on     the LCD screen you will find yourself in the first menu item of    the initial setup menu.     Under the word "MODEL" the number will be blinking on and off     to get your attention. If this is the first model you are setting up     in this transmitter, go ahead and accept this numbered slot by     pushing the right-hand EDIT button to scroll down to the next     menu item.     When there are already models inputted, the number that comes     up when you turn on the transmitter will be the last activated     model slot.     To change to a different slot, push on one of the CURSOR     buttons to go to an empty slot (consult your list!) and then scroll     to the next screen to automatically select it.2. Select the Model type programming baseline:     In the second menu screen, the programming baseline of ACRO,     GLID, or HELI will be blinking.     Since we are setting up a powered aircraft, select ACRO by     scrolling to it with a CURSOR button. Push down both DATA     buttons simultaneously to tell the program to accept the     choice-you should hear the transmitter beep twice in     acknowledgement.    Now push the right-hand EDIT button to move to the next menu    screen.3. Heli Swash Plate:     If you selected HELI as your model type, this screen will     appear allowing you to select between NORMAL (90 degree     mechanical) or 120 degree swash plate heli's by pressing     one of the CURSOR buttons.    Find out which one of these popular swash formats your     helicopter uses and select it here.     After selecting the appropriate swash type, continue down to     the next menu item.Initial Setup Menu Programming for All Aircraft Initial Setup Menu Programming for All Aircraft4. Configure the countdown timer:     Now you are at the TIMER menu item with a number blinking     away at you-its 10 (minutes) by default.     If you want to set a timer value, go to page 12 for     more information on using the timer function. Otherwise,     move down to the next menu item. 5. Select the control's Mode configuration:     Under the word "MODE", the number "2" is blinking by default.     Go ahead and accept mode 2 by pushing the right-hand EDIT     button to continue to the next screen.    Of course, if you are used to the mode 1 configuration     (elevator on the left stick, throttle on the right), then select     number 1. Other changes to accommodate Mode 1 flyers      must be done to the transmitter.     Please refer to page 7 for more information.6. Select the signal shift:     As indicated by the "SFt" symbol on the screen we are now     in the shift selection menu. The blinking default selection is     "n", meaning negative shift.     If your receiver is marked "positive" shift, push one of the     CURSOR buttons so that a "P" starts blinking.     Then scroll to the next screen.7. Reset Screen:     In this screen you should now see  a tiny "RST" blinking in     the lower right hand corner This means RESET-and if you     push both DATA buttons at the same time that's exactly what     will happen: You will hear a "double beep" and undo all the     initial programming we just did, returning all the programming     to the factory's default settings!Now push the Right EDIT button to scroll right back where we started when we first turned on the transmitter. We are now done with the initial setup programming of your aircraft, so switch off the transmitter. When you switch it on again without holding down both EDIT buttons the transmitter will open up in the current model slot (the one we just programmed) with all the initial settings we just programmed in effect.!Tip !Tip The Optic Sport features a powerful option allowing you toselect between a Negative or Positive signal transmit shift. This allows you to use any brand of modern FM receiver. As a general rule, Futaba R  receivers are "Negative" shift, while JR R , Airtronics R and most Multiplex receivers are all Positive shift. All models of Hitec receivers have been offered in both shift versions, while newer Hitec receivers are now "auto shift selectable" and automatically know what shift the transmitter is. At this point you have selected the type of model ACRO, GLID or HELI, you wish to set-up. In the manual text that follows, we will review and explain the Model Setup Menu of the three different model types. The first is ACRO, followed by GLID, then HELI. All ACRO features will be described in detail within the ACRO section. Within the following GLID and HELI sections, only features exclusive to GLID and HELI programming will be described in detail. For those GLID and HELI features common to ACRO, we will refer you to their description within the ACRO section.
Optic 6 Sport - Page 18Optic 6 Sport - Page 19Elevator end pointsThrottle end pointsRudder end points1) To set the UP elevator motion, press on the Right CURSOR     button until CH "2" is flashing.     Now move the right stick all the way toward the transmitter     bottom and hold it. The letters "L/U" should appear above     the percentage value. (Indicating you are setting "U", the    UPWARD motion of the elevator-which also happens to be     the upward movement of the control surface.     Again listen for a buzzing sound to indicate that the servo is     stalling, and hit the -Decrease DATA button until the buzzing     stops. If the servo is not buzzing, leave the setting at 100%.2) Repeat the previous step to set the DOWN elevator by     moving the stick all the way toward the top of the transmitter     (R/D will light up). While the elevator is in full down position,     check for binding and buzzing and reduce the travel value as     necessary.1) To set the throttle position at IDLE, first return to the regular     display (push both DATA buttons) and push the trim button     to the right of left-hand joystick to set the throttle trim to read     0% on the screen. 2) Then go back to the EPA menu and press the Right     CURSOR button until channel number 3 is blinking.     Now move the throttle stick all the way to the transmitter     bottom and hold it. The letters "L/U" should appear next to    the flashing percent sign. Push the -Decrease DATA button    until the servo moves the throttle plate to a nearly - but not     completely - closed engine idle position. If necessary when    testing the motor, you may increase or decrease the travel     of the servo at idle so you can't accidentally shut off the    engine using the trim tab.3) To set the FULL throttle position, move the throttle stick all     the way to the transmitter top and hold it. The letters "R/D"     should appear next to the flashing percent sign. Listen for a     buzzing sound to indicate the servo is stalling,     and hit the -Decrease DATA button until the buzzing stops.    If the servo is not buzzing, leave the setting at 100% or     change your linkage as necessary to fully open the throttle. 1) To set the RIGHT rudder motion, press the Right CURSOR      button until the indicator moves over channel 4. Now move      the left stick all the way to the right and hold it.      The letters "R/D" should appear above the percentage value.      Listen for a buzzing sound to indicate the rudder servo is      stalling, and hit the DATA -Decrease button until the buzzing      stops. If the servo is not buzzing, leave the setting at 100%.     You may wish to increase or decrease this number     depending on how strongly the model reacts when the      rudder is deflected.2) Now move the stick to the left side, and repeat the setting    procedure for left rudder.Flap (or landing gear) end pointsIn the same manner as described above, set EPA values for channel 5 (landing gear or flaps) if your model has these functions.EPA  (End Point Adjustment) EPA  (End Point Adjustment)Aileron End Points for Aircraft with one Aileron ServoEPA  (End Point Adjustment)The EPA function is used to set (or limit) the travel of each servo, and may be set anywhere from 0% and 125% for each travel direction. Reducing the percentage settings reduces the total servo throw in that direction. The EPA function is normallyused to prevent any servos from binding at the ends of their travel.Note: We recommend that before setting end points you first confirm the direction of travel for the servo and reverse it if necessary using the servo reverse function as noted on page 22. Then center all the control surfaces as closely as possible by adjusting the pushrods or other mechanical linkages between the servos and the horns on the control surfaces. Then fine-tune the centering in the sub trim (S TRM) function screen as noted on page 22.In this menu function you can set aileron up and down travel, up and down elevator travels, right and left rudder travels, open and closed throttle positions, and aileron up and down travels if you have a second servo for the left wing. You can also set the end point travel of flaps and landing gear. Note:  If you change the EPA setting to 0%, you will not have any servoresponse in that direction, and will probably crash.When you first enter the EPA menu, you'll see the default screen as shown. The CH (channel) "1" right aileron is flashing and the travel value sits at 100%. Notice that you can change the R/D indicator symbol above the value to L/U by moving the stick to the left. You are about to see how this allows you set the travel directions independently for each stick motion.Setting up End Points 1) To set the RIGHT TURN aileron motion (which is upward on     the right wing and downward on the left wing), move the     aileron stick all the way to the right and hold it.     The right wing's aileron should move upward and the letters     "R/D" should appear above the percent value, meaning you     are setting "R" for Right aileron turn. 2) If your servo is stalled or binding, you'll hear a buzzing sound.     Hit the minus -Decrease DATA button until the buzzing stops.     If the servo is not buzzing, leave the setting at 100%. If you     can, choose a location for the pushrod on the servo arm so     that the throw is adjusted in the 90-100% range.3) To set the maximum travel of the LEFT (downward) motion,     move the aileron stick all the way to the left and hold it. The    letters "L/U" should appear above the percent sign (as shown     in the figure above). ("L" is for Left aileron turn). Again listen    and hit the -Decrease DATA button until the buzzing stops.    If the servo is not buzzing, apply the same value as you did     for the right turn setting.1󰛽6!Tip The following instructions to set aileron end points is basedon an airplane using one aileron servo for both ailerons.This servo would be plugged into the #1 channel of thereceiver. IF your airplane uses two aileron servos, one for each aileron, and you are in the ACRO mode, do the following: Plug the right wing servo into ch. 1 and the left wing servo into ch. 6. Activate the Flaperon mix as shown on page 24.Adjust the servo's direction of travel and end points as necessary.IF your airplane uses two aileron servos, one for each aileron, and you are in GLID mode plug the right wing aileron servo into ch. 1 and the left wing aileron servo into ch. 5. Activate the ADIF, or aileron differential function as shown shown on page 33. Adjust the servo's direction of travel and end points as necessary.!Tip Flight control surface travel should be published in the manual for your specific model. Many model manufacturers will often publish two values, one for full rates, and one for a diminished dual rates settings.
Optic 6 Sport - Page 20Optic 6 Sport - Page 21Setting up exponential1) Push the CURSOR buttons repeatedly until the channel "1"     is blinking. 2) The default exponential value is 0%. To create some     softness around the neutral position of the stick, we want to     apply some negative exponential. With switch SW-2 set in     the "1" position, push the - DATA button until the screen     indicates -25%--a typical exponential value for ailerons.     You can, of course, increase or decrease this amount as     you get a feeling for how the plane flies. 3) Move over to CH 2 with the CURSOR and set -25% on the    elevator; move to CH 4 and set -25%--again these are     arbitrary starting points subject to your personal preference.     Notice that when you push the SW-2 switch back to its "0"     position all the exponential values return to their default zero    settings.4) If you want, you can have some "expo" on any or all three     of these channels by setting a value with the switch in the     "0" position. To quickly get back to the default 0%, press the     Clear button.5) Return to the regular operating mode by pressing the two     EDIT Up Down buttons simultaneously.Note: You should understand that you won't see changes in your model's servo response unless you move the sticks. To get a feel for how exponential works, hold partial stick and watch thecontrol surfaces as you switch the Expo on and off(one side of the switch should be set to zero expo in this case).Note: Once each flight condition is activated, you can set EXP for each flight condition respectively.D/R  (Dual Rate) EXP (Exponential Rate)If this is your first computer radio, you may have never been introduced to dual rates before. Dual rates-which allow you to reduce the travel of the aileron, elevator and rudder servos with the flick of one switch (SW-2 on the Optic Sport) are often used to tone down the control throws when flying at higher speeds-without this ability, its possible to be really gentle with the controls and yet still over-control a fast-moving model. When you flick on a lower throw rate for the servos, you instantly reduce the radical response of the model to your control inputs. This ability is a boon for beginning pilots and very useful even for experts. The amount of travel reduction (or increase for wild aerobatics!) may be set anywhere between 0 and 125%. Get to the D/R menu by pressing one of the Up Down EDIT buttons repeatedly until the D/R dual rate screen appears, as shown.Note: if you set the dual rate amount to zero, you will get no response from that channel, which may cause a crash when you switch to this rate setting..1. Press the Right CURSOR button to get the channel "1" blinking (if it isn't already by default): The default value showing on the screen should be 100%--but notice the extra little zero next to the 100. This indicates that the rate is this value (100%) when the switch SW-2 on the upper right hand corner of the transmitter case is set in the 0 position (check out the label by this switch). Flick the switch toward you-the number 1 will come on next to the 100. For now, leave the rate at 100% in the 0 switch position, but let's change the rate for CH 1 when you move the switch to 1. 2. With the switch SW-2 forward and "1" showing next to the default 100 value, reduce the value to 75% by pushing down on the - DATA button.  Now whenever you move switch SW-2 to the 1 position, the travel of the ailerons (note that the second aileron is automatically affected) will be 75% of the "normal" 100% value. When flying the plane you will quickly see if 75%is enough of a reduction-if not, you can always come back and change it in this screen. (This is true, or course, for all the parameters we are going to establish in this menu set).Setting up dual rates on the elevator Press the Right Cursor key one time to get Channel "2" blinking. With the switch in the "1" position, set the elevator dual rate to 75%. Setting up rudder dual rate Press the Right Cursor key again to get "4" blinking. Now set the rudder dual rates in the same way you set the ailerons and elevator in the previous steps.Note: If you quickly want to get back to the default 100%, press the Clear buttonNote: Once each flight condition is activated, you can set D/R for each flight condition respectively.EXP (Exponential)This function-which may also be new to first-time computerized radio users-allows you to choose the exponential value for the ailerons, elevator and rudder. Applying exponential enables you to "soften" the stick throws to take out the "twitchiness" of your model's response to your control inputs. The greater the negative value you specify, the less effect the sticks have around their center points-and the less effect your twitchy fingers have on your model's performance. (Conversely,positive exponential makes the servos very sensitive aroundneutral and soft at the extreme stick throws-an effect best left to the experts!) Like the dual-rate programming, you can apply or remove this function with switch SW-2.Note: The values you set for exponential are highly dependent on both the model and pilot's preference. We recommend a start value of about -25 to -35%, and, after test flying, slowly increasing the number until things feel "right". Obviously this depends on the pilot and model so go ahead and fly it with Expo only on one side of the switch, turn it on and off during flight, and change the values to suit yourself. Or don't use it at all if you don't like it - it's not for everyone.ServoResponseStick Motion Negative Exponential gives smaller response for same stick motionaround neutralNormal linearresponseIncreasing negative exponential(shallower around neutral)0% (Linear)-25%-50%-75%Much less response around neutral (Comparewith Normal line)!Tip Exponential ("Expo") is great for beginners and highly recommended. Try it out. Your flying will be smoother and more controllable, reducing the stress most beginners feel when learning to fly.
Optic 6 Sport - Page 22Optic 6 Sport - Page 23P MIX (Programmable Mix)In this screen you can activate the ability of the Optic 6 Sport to create a custom-made, programmable mix of any two servochannels in which one servo is electronically "slaved" to another. This is a relatively advanced function.The program also provides a way to change the value of the response of the slave servo to that of the master. For example you could slave the elevator servo to the throttle channel so that when you increase the throttle, a slight downward movement of the elevator kicks in to automatically compensate for any up-pitching due to the increased thrust. Another typical mix might be to mix rudder with the throttle to reduce yawing. The Optic Sport's mixing program also offers an advanced function (call TRM P MIX) that, when activated, allows both servos to be trimmed by the same master servotrim button on the radio case-a useful option when, for example, you are using two servos to control a split elevator. Set up a throttle-to-rudder mixWhen you apply throttle to a powerful motor, the resultanttorque from the spinning propeller often tends to make theplane yaw to one side (usually to the left).This not only interferes with precision aerobatic maneuvers, but it makes it difficult to keep the model aligned with the runway during a full-power takeoff. To reduce the "pilot load" of having to correct the yaw with your left thumb on the rudderstick, you can use the P-Mix program function to automatically mix a proportional amount of rudder with an increase of throttle.Now let's set it up:1) Enter the Main Function menu and scroll down to the P MIX screen with the EDIT buttons. Activate the function by pressing both DATA buttons-"Inh" will turn off and the default screen shows "CH" with "MAS" blinking beneath. If, instead, a percentage value is blinking use the right-hand CURSORbutton to scroll over until you get this "CH" and "MAS" configuration. One of the servo channel numbers will also be showing-the default is "1".2) To make the throttle the master channel, push a DATA button to light up "3". Now push the right-hand CURSOR once more: "SLV" will light up with a number. Use a DATA button tochange this number to "4". Now the rudder channel is slaved to the throttle channel.3) Push the CURSOR button again: MAS 3 and a percentage value will be blinking. Use the DATA buttons to set the value of rudder travel to throttle travel-change to a negative value to move the rudder in the opposite direction if necessary. You won't likely need more than 15% to counteract the torque,but only flight-testing will tell for sure.    P-Mix trim:Set up a double-servo elevator with coordinated trim functionThe Optic 6 Sport offers an unusually sophisticated nuance with its P-MIX function: the ability to trim two servos simultaneously. This is especially useful if you are using two elevator servos (one to each half of the elevator). In flight,if the elevator needs to be trimmed, you can make the adjustment with the trim button next to the right-hand joystick on the case instead of having to enter the model setup programming in order to trim the servos independently. Lets set this example up: 1) Enter the P MIX screen and select the master and slave servos (2 and 5 on this radio for split elevators) and then selectthe travel value (most likely 100% unless your servo pushrodsare not set up exactly the same way). 2) Now use the Right CURSOR button to move to the P MIX screen where "TRM" is blinking. The default setting is "OFF"-turn it to "ON" by pressing the CLEAR button. 3) Exit the menu and you now have a split elevator with trimfunction.S TRM  (Sub Trim)S REV (Servo Reverse)P MIX (Programmable Mix)S TRM  (Sub Trim)This is a programmable function for setting the subtrim valuesfor each of the servos, allowing you to make fine adjustments to each individual servo independently of the trim buttonslocated on the radio case (which can be adjusted in flight).We recommend that you first set up the model's servo pushrodsso that the control surfaces are as centered as possible mechanically (with the transmitter's case-mounted trim buttons digitally centered) before attempting to adjust them in the subtrim menu. We also recommend that you try to keep all the subtrim values as small as possible. If the values are large, the servo's full range of travel may be restricted.Setting Sub TrimsAt this point you must have your plane in front of you and turned on so you can actually see when the control services are in alignment as you change the sub-trim value. 1. Starting with the CH 1 aileron servo, use the DATA buttons     to either increase or decrease the subtrim value until the     control surface is properly aligned on the model. 2. Move over to CH 2 with the right-hand CURSOR button and     align the elevator in the same way. 3. Continue by moving to CH 4 and align the rudder, to CH 6 to     adjust the aileron servo in channel 6 and to CH 5 to adjust    the flap.S REV (Servo Reverse)When you first turn on your model, you will immediately seewhether all the control surfaces are moving in the correct direction when you wiggle the controls. If any are moving in reverse, you can come to this screen to reverse the throw of theoffending servo.Reversing a servoLet's say your elevator is going down when you pull back on the joystick-that is definitely not going to be a good situation when you go to fly your plane! To reverse the elevator servo, come to this screen and use a CURSOR button to move over to CH 2 and push both DATA buttons simultaneously.. You'll notice that the symbol "NOR" ahead of CH has changed to "REV"-and that the servo is now operating as it should on your model. If any other servos need to be reversed, CURSOR over to that channel slot and push both DATA buttons simultaneously.P MIX (Programmable Mix)
Optic 6 Sport - Page 24Optic 6 Sport - Page 25Setting up a V-Tail1) Activate the program by pushing down both DATA buttons     simultaneously-the screen will change from "Inh" to a % value. 2) With your model turned on, check your servo travel     directions-both rudder and elevator channels-to be sure they    are correct. Go to the S REV screen if necessary to make the    correction. 3) For a basic V-tail setup, you can leave all the values at 100%     so the "ruddervators" will move as both elevators and rudders. 4) If you wish to a rudder control to the aileron stick movement,    refer to the Aileron-Rudder mix on page 26. Use a small     percentage of mix for coordinated turns, or set it up at 100%    mix if your plane does not have ailerons and you wish to fly     it with the right stick. FLPN (Flaperon)V.TAL (V-Tail)Setting up flaperons1) Activate the program by pushing both DATA buttons-the     "Inh" symbol changes to the default 100% value. With your     model turned on, test the ailerons by moving the joystick to     the right and to the left: To the right, the right-hand aileron    should go up while the left-hand aileron goes down.     If this isn't happening, go to the S REV screen and reverse     the offending aileron. 2) Now check the travel volume: If the servos are stalling at     their maximum throw, turn down the value in the EPA screen     (or move the pushrod further up on the aileron horn to     physically reduce the throw). Create aileron differentialNow let's create some aileron differential so that the ailerons move about twice as much upward than downward. Notice that the "MAS" (master) symbol is blinking along with channel 1 and the % sign. This means that we can change the travel value of the right-hand aileron (the master servo). Also notice that L/U is showing, meaning the value will changeonly for left-stick throw. 1) Reduce the downward movement to 50% by pushing down     the left-hand DATA button. Now move the stick to the right     and you will see R/D appear along with the default 100%    throw value. Now we have differential-each aileron should be movingdownward about half the amount it moves upward. You will likely have to adjust these values once you fly the plane and observe the yaw of the fuselage as you roll the aircraft:2) To create similar differential on the left hand servo    (the slave) push down the right-hand CURSOR button     once-now the "1" and the "SLV" symbols will be blinking.     This time leave the L/U stick position at 100%, then move     the stick to the right to light up R/D and decrease the    downward travel value to 50% with the left-hand  -DATA      button. This is another built-in mixing program available in the Optic Sport that mixes the rudder and elevator servos for controlling V-tailed aircraft. Similar to elevon programming, the two surfaces can move up and down together (for elevator control) or opposite (for rudder control in this case). Note: When you select V.TAL, the ELVN program is rendered unavailable.V.TAL (V-Tail)Nose Points outside Circleincrease coupling and/ordifferentialCoordinated turnfuse lines up with turn direction(don't change anything!)Nose Points inside circleToo much coupling or differential.Reduce one or both.CH2 CH4 CH2 CH4Up Elevator Right Rudder (view from rear) ELVN (Elevon Mix)FLPN (Flaperon)ELVN (Elevon mix)Front viewIf you are setting up a tail-less delta or flying wing aircraft, you can use this program to activate the pre-programmed elevon mix that mixes the output on the CH 1 aileron and CH 2 elevator servo channels. (As you will notice in the servo connection chart, you plug one aileron servo in the receiver's channel 1 slot and the other aileron servo into channel 2-the slot that usually feeds the elevator.) This is necessary because on these wing types the ailerons must double as elevators. Note: When you activate ELVN, note that flaperon and V-tail mixing are rendered unavailable by the radio. 2) Now set the amount (and direction if necessary as noted     above) of each servo-both as ailerons and as elevators.     Because flying wings are extraordinarily pitch sensitive    (because the elevator control surface is so close to the     airframe's center of gravity), you generally need the elevator    travel to be much less than that of the ailerons.     We create this type of differential in the next step.  3) For now, leave the "MAS 1" percentage value at the default     100% (unless your servo is stalling) and then CURSOR over     to the "SLV 1" where you will also leave the default value at     100%. Push the CURSOR button again to light up "MAS 2"     and reduce the value to +40%; CURSOR over to "SLV 2"     and reduce that value to +40% as well.    If one of the servo's travel directions isn't correct in the     elevator function, simply make this servo's travel volume a    negative -40%. 4) When you fly the model, if you find that this 40% reduction     isn't enough to take out "pitchiness", land and further reduce     the travel volume. To tone down the roll response, you can    reduce the endpoints of the aileron travel or set up dual-rates     on channel one as described in the setup of Model-1 above.This function activates another aileron servo (on channel 6 when in the ACRO menu) so that both ailerons can be slaved together to create a flaperon. This allows both ailerons to move together as flaperons for camber control or independently as usual for roll control. In this menu you can also set individualtravel values-upward and downward-for each aileron to create aileron differential. Being able to move an aileron less in one direction (usually downwards) helps reduce yaw in turns (and therefore unnecessary drag.) FLPN (Flaperon)Setting up elevons1) Activate the elevon function by pressing both DATA buttons when you are in the ELVN screen. Now check your model toIMPORTANT NOTE: It is possible due to the particular configuration of your servos that servo reverse won't fix the problem-you may get the ailerons working properly but not the elevator response on both servos. Don't worry: You can fix this problem in the elevon programming by changing one of the servo travel volumes to a negative value. see what happens when you move the right-hand joystick side-to-side-the ailerons should go up and down appropriately.Move the joystick forward and back to see if the ailerons bothrespond correctly as elevators. If necessary, go to the S REVscreen to reverse an offending servo.CH1 CH2Aileron OperationElevator Operation
Optic 6 Sport - Page 26Optic 6 Sport - Page 27As always, you will likely have to change all these values somewhat when you get the model up into the air.    CUT  (Engine Cut Function)CAMB (Wing Camber)Setting up an Elevator-to-Flap mix1) In the E-F screen, activate the function by pressing both     DATA buttons simultaneously. The "Inh" symbol disappears     and is replaced with a percentage value (100% is the default).2) Now hold the right-hand joystick all the way back (for full up     elevator) and then, as you watch your model, change the    value to gain the amount of down-flap movement you want    at full up-elevator. You probably won't need more than 15%,     but only in-flight testing will tell you for sure. 3) Finally, push the stick forward and reduce the value to     0 %-you generally don't want the flaps going up when you     push the elevator stick forward. This program allows you to initiate a mixing of the ailerons with flaps or Flaperon to camber the trailing edge downward or reflex it upwards. Camber changes the airfoil to create more lift as you slow the aircraft down for landing or to make a scale model fly more slowly and realistically. You will also be able to set the travel of the elevator on this menu screen to compensate for the model's tendency to nose up when the flaps and ailerons droop down together. Setting up wing camber and elevator compensation 2) Start with the SW-3 switch in the middle position.     Now move it toward the front of the case and you'll notice     that the "Inh" symbol comes on and the "NOR" symbol in the       black box changes to "ST-2". Activate this switch position by     pushing both DATA buttons simultaneously.     Now we are ready to feed in values for the ailerons and     elevator (for pitch compensation) when you pull the switch     toward you. (You could, of course, choose to activate the     mode with the switch pushed all the way back (ST 1) if that is     more intuitive for you.)3) Move back up one screen with the EDIT button to the CAMB     screen.4) With the SW-3 in the middle, "NOR" position, check to be     sure that the values for channels 1, 2 and 6 all read 0%.     Now pull the switch toward you-"ST 2" appears instead of    "NOR"-and use a DATA button to set the downward travel    value for the right-hand aileron to 25% (+ or - depending on     your servo orientation.)5) CURSOR over to channel 6 and set the left-hand aileron to     deflect 25% down as well. 6) To set a bit of downward compensation in the elevator travel     (we are assuming your airplane will likely nose upward when     the camber is activated), CURSOR over to channel 5 and set     15% of downward deflection.   1) To use the ailerons as flaperons to slightly droop down in     unison to camber the wing we first need to get into the FLT C     screen in order to put the flaperons action on the     three-position SW-3 "FLT Mode" switch on the upper     right-hand top of the transmitter case. Use the right-hand    EDIT button to move down to the FLT C screen.CAMB (Wing camber) CUT  (Engine Cut function) In this screen you can set the throttle's servo travel value (you can also choose the direction in the program) so that you can immediately cut off the motor when the engine is below half throttle with a push of the "Eng Cut" button located on the upper right-hand corner of the transmitter case.Setting the engine cut function1) In the "CUT" screen, un-inhibit the program by pushing both    DATA buttons-a percentage value comes up on the screen     (default is 0%). 2) Use either DATA button to change the value to a setting    (you can go positive or negative up to 75%) that moves your     throttle servo to the point where its pushrod fully closes the     motor's carburetor. (You activate the servo cut movement by     pushing the "ENG CUT" button on the upper right portion of    the transmitter case.)3) Watch the servo movement on your model carefully:     You don't want to overdo the travel value or you'll stall the     servo (you'll probably hear it buzzing if its stalled-which     creates a drain on the on-board battery and a potential     over-heating problem for the servo).A -> R (Aileron-Rudder Mix)E-F (Elevator-Flap Mix)Setting up a rudder-to-aileron mix1) In the A-R screen, activate the function by pressing both     DATA buttons at once. The "Inh" symbol disappears and is    replaced with a percentage value (100% is the default). 2) Hold the right-hand joystick to the left, and use the - DATA    button to reduce the value to a reasonable mix to begin with,     say 25%. 3) You're not done yet, though-we have the same issue with     the stick we encountered in the end point adjustment (EPA)     screen.     If you move the aileron joystick to the right, the value goes    back to the default 100% setting. Hold the stick to the right     and reduce the value to 25% here as well. 4) Now watch the rudder move as you move the joystick right      and left-as the right wing's aileron moves up, the rudder     should swing about one-quarter of its travel to the right-and     to the left with left-hand stick travel.The optimum value of the mix can only be determined by flyingthe model: If the nose of the airplane yaws to the right when you bank left, there is too little coupling-increase the rudder travel value. If it veers to the left (with the bank) there is toomuchThis program allows you to set a certain amount of elevator-to-flap mixing so that the flaps (or flaperons if you've activated this mix) move downward slightly when you pull back on the elevator stick. This is a favorite mix for pylon racing and 3-D aerobatics as a downward flap movement combined with up-elevator movement enables the plane to snap-turn more quickly. E-F (Elevator-Flap mix)A -> R (Aileron-Rudder mix)This pre-programmed aileron-rudder mix allows you to slave a certain amount of rudder movement with the movement of the ailerons to gain automatically coordinated turns. In addition to aileron differential, this mix reduces the yawing of the fuselage when the ailerons bank the wing. This mix is especially useful for making the turns of slower-flying scale models appear more realistic. UP elevatorDOWN flap or flaperon
Optic 6 Sport - Page 28Optic 6 Sport - Page 294. To establish a second set of dual rates for the ailerons in     flight condition mode ST1, move the switch SW-3 to the back     of the case: ST1 appears. Now set a dual rate when the     switch SW-2 in the "0" position and then in the "1" position.5. To establish a third set of dual rates for the ailerons in flight     condition mode ST2, move the switch SW-3 to the front of the     case: ST2 appears. Now set a dual rate when the switch     SW-2 in the "0" position and then in the "1" position.6. If you wish to set dual-rate ranges for the elevator and the    rudder follow the last three steps above-entering in the values     in elevator CH 2 and then in rudder CH 4.7. To establish the two additional flight mode exponential     settings, scroll to the EXP screen and follow essentially the     same process outlined above for setting the dual-rate ranges.     (Note that both the dual-rate and exponential settings are     toggled on the same switch: SW-2).FLT C  (Flight Conditions) FLT C  (Flight Conditions)IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you turn on your radio with one (or more) of the switches turned on to an activated flight condition, the radio will start beeping at you and the screen will inform you which switch is on. If this happens don't panic: simply move the switch(s) until the beeping stops and the  "NOR" symbol appears.Setting up flight condition modes  1. Move both mode switches to their normal positions: SW-1     toward the back "0" and SW-3 to the middle).2. To activate a flight mode on switch SW-1 move the switch     position toward you to "1" and hit both DATA buttons     simultaneously. The "Inh" symbol will change to "On" and    ST3 will be blinking. Now move the switch back to the "0"     position.3. To activate two more flight modes, move switch SW-3 from     its center position (NOR) toward the back of the transmitter.     Activate the mode ST1 by hitting both DATA buttons     simultaneously. The "Inh" symbol will change to "On" and     ST1 will be flashing.4.  Move switch SW-3 to the front of the transmitter. Activate     the mode ST2 by hitting both DATA buttons simultaneously.    The "Inh" symbol will change to "On" and ST2 will be flashing.5. The middle position, normal (NOR), is by default the fourth    flight mode.To activate a certain flight mode condition while in flight, simply move the appropriate switch. Note that SW-1 over-rides SW-3in any of its three positionsSetting up flight condition modes with different dual rate and exponential valuesLet's set up two dual-rate and exponential settings in addition tothose established with the switch SW-3 in the center, normal(NOR) position. We'll assume that you have already activated modes ST1 and ST2 on this switch as instructed above: 1. Enter the Main Function menu by pressing both EDIT buttons     with the transmitter on.2. Scroll to the dual rate (D/R) screen with the Right EDIT button:     CH 1 should be flashing and "NOR" should appear at the     bottom of the screen under the default value of 100%.     (If it isn't, you can return to the default value immediately by     pressing the Clear button). Next to the 100%, a "0" indicates     that switch SW-2 is in the 0 position-if it isn't, put it there.3. Using one of the DATA buttons, enter a rate value for the     ailerons in CH 1-then move switch SW-2 to the "1" position     and enter another value. This will be the dual-rate range for     the ailerons in the normal (NOR) flight mode.  FLT C  (Flight Conditions)This is a sophisticated function of the Optic 6 Sport's programming that allows you to activate up to four different flight condition modes with switches SW-1 and SW-3. In thesemodes you can select four different amounts of dual-rate, exponential and flaperon and elevator settings for each switchposition. We already demonstrated this function previously when we set upone additional flight mode with camber settings. Having the ability to set up four flight modes with different dual-rate and exponential functions offers some useful nuances of flight control when you are flying in changing weather conditions or performing advanced aerobatics.
Optic 6 Sport - Page 32Optic 6 Sport - Page 33Activating FlaperonsCreating aileron differentialNow let's reduce the downward travel of each aileron to about half that of the upward travel (a good starting point for setting up differential on a typical sailplane:1. Be sure MAS and "1" are blinking. Now, as you hold the stick     to the left, reduce the value with the -DATA button to 50%.  2. Use the Right CURSOR to get "SLV 1" blinking and then     reduce the travel value to 50% as you hold the stick to the     right. Now your ailerons are programmed with 50% differential.  This is the Main Function Menu screen (instead of FLPN in theACRO baseline) where you can activate the aileron servo plugged into channel 5 to create flaperons. It is also where you can create aileron differential:  Being able to adjust the ailerons so they can travel more in one direction (usually about twice as much UP movement as DOWN) is an especially important quality for sailplanes as differential reduces the "parasitic" drag due to a yawing fuselage and unnecessary aileron travel. Using the right-hand EDIT button, scroll down to the ADIF screen and activate the differential programming by pressing both DATA buttons. The "MAS" and CH "1" should now be blinking and CH 5 "SLV" holding steady (indicating the master servo is channel one and its slave is channel 5). The default values for both left-hand stick throw (L/U) and right-hand stick (R/D) should be 100%. Now, when the right wing's aileron moves up and down with the stick throw, theleft-wing aileron follows suit (but in the opposite direction).If you activate the CROW function and/or the Elevator-to-Flap mix, both ailerons will move in unison as Flaperons.Note: You must activate this program to create flaperons before you can set up Elevator-to-Flap, Camber, or Crow mixing functions.Nose Points outside Circleincrease coupling and/ordifferentialCoordinated turnfuse lines up with turn direction(don't change anything!)Nose Points inside circleToo much coupling or differential.Reduce one or both.ADIF  (Aileron Differential)ADIF  (Aileron differential)Initial Menu Feature Review for GLID ProgrammingThe following item is located in the Initial Menu as described on page 13 -15. We will review it here.Select the Model type baseline: In the second menu screen, the programming baseline of ACRO, GLID, or HELI will be blinking. Since we are setting up a Sailplane, select GLID by scrolling to it with a CURSOR button. Push down both DATA buttons simultaneously to tell theprogram to accept the choice-you should hear the transmitter beep twice in acknowledgement. Important Note: Do you have a "flying wing" glider?In the GLID mode the ELVN program is rendered unavailable-if your glider is a flying wing, use the ACRO mode to set it up. Model Setup Main Menu ProgrammingSTCK  (Throttle Stick or Switch) In the GLID programming baseline three new functions appear that are not available in the ACRO mode: A CROW function allows you to program a descent control in which both ailerons move upward while the flaps move downward; an ADF functioncreates flaperons and aileron differential and a STCK function moves the throttle of your glider's motor off the left-hand joystick and places it on the switch SW-1 on the upper left-hand corner of the transmitter case (which frees up the joystick to proportionally control the "CROW" function.) If your glider uses an electric motor for self-launching, the GLID programming baseline thoughtfully allows you to retain throttle control even if you opt to activate the CROW function on the left-hand joystick/throttle stick. To make this change in order to have a proportional CROW function, follow these two steps: 1. Go into the Main menu and scroll down to the STCK screen.     The default setting puts the throttle on the left-hand joystick. 2. To put the throttle on the switch SW-1, push down both     DATA buttons simultaneously and watch as the screen     displays "SW 1". Now, when you move this switch toward     you from "0" to "1", the motor will come on with full powerSTCK  (Throttle stick or switch) !Tip At this point you should have selected GLID in the Initial Setup Menu as the baseline programming for the model you wish to set-up. In the text that follows, we will review and explain the Model Setup Menu items specific to the GLID Menu for setting up your glider.For those GLID features common to ACRO, refer to their description within the ACRO section to set up your model's basic functions (such as servo reverse and end point travel).
!Tip Optic 6 Sport - Page 34Optic 6 Sport - Page 353. Now scroll back up to the CAMB screen with an EDIT button     and move the switch SW-3 toward you to the "launch" mode     position. Turn your model on so you can watch the control     surfaces move. 4. With CH 1 blinking, change the servo's travel value with a     DATA button until the right wing's aileron comes up to the     airfoil's reflex position. (Note: Ask the manufacturer of your     glider for their recommendation for reflex-and thermal-trailing     edge positions). 5. Using the right-hand CURSOR button, move to CH 2 and     adjust the travel of the elevator upward a few degrees.     CURSOR to CH 6 and reflex the left wing's aileron.     If your trailing edge also has flaps, CURSOR to CH 5 and     change their value to match that of the ailerons.  6. Now move switch SW-3 to the center, normal position and    follow the same process to set the trailing edge control     surfaces and the elevator to the appropriate values for the     "cruise" mode. 7. Finally, move SW-3 to the thermal position and adjust all the     values there. When done, move away from this screen     and/or turn off the transmitter. As always, plan on adjusting     the trailing edge and elevator settings in the CAMB screen     after flight testing to optimize their affect on performance.     CAMB (Wing Camber) Setting up flight mode wing camber and elevator compensation1. The first step is to leave this screen and move down to the     Flight Condition (FLT C) screen in order to put the wing     camber and elevator action of each mode on the     three-position SW-3 "FLT Mode" switch on the upper     right-hand top of the transmitter case. Use the Right EDIT     button to move down to the FLT C screen.2. Now activate what will be the "launch" mode by moving the     switch position toward you and then hitting both DATA buttons.     The "Inh" symbol will change to "On" and ST2 will be blinking.     Move the switch all the way back and, in the same way,     activate switch position ST1 which will become our "thermal"     mode. The middle, normal position (NOR) is "cruise". You can,     of course, reverse the launch and thermal positions to what    feels intuitive to you.Launch: When switch SW-3 is pulled toward you the ailerons and flaps will rise together slightly to "reflex" the airfoil for high-speed flight and the elevator will kick up a few degrees to rotate the model vertical in the first 5 seconds or so of flight. Cruise: When you push switch SW-3 to the middle position,the ailerons and flaps will come even with the trailing edge and the elevator will move down very slightly (relative to its normal angle of incidence). This allows the glider to quickly fly between thermals and through areas of sink. Thermal:  With the SW-3 switch pushed away from you, the ailerons and flaps will droop down 3/6-in. and the elevator will come up a few degrees from its normal angle of incidence.This is the mode to be in when you suspect you have hookedinto a thermal. The glider is now at its lowest sink rate and canfly just above a stall to allow you to turn tightly and keep in the small core of the thermal. CAMB (Wing Camber) CROW  (Glide-Path and Airspeed Control)CROW  (Glide-path and airspeed control)(CROW raises the ailerons and lowers the flaps when you move the left-hand joystick toward the bottom of the transmitter case) In this screen you can activate the CROW air-brake and glide path control function and set the values for the aileron, flap and elevator servo movements. The more CROW you apply during the landing approach (with the left-hand joystick), the more the glide path steepens and the glider slows down. Because you can regulate the amount of CROW, you can precisely control where and how slowly the glider lands-an important factor for landing on limited-length runways (gliders are generally a lot more "slippery" than power planes!) and in contests where you are rewarded points for landing on a target. Setting up CROW1) Activate the function by pressing both DATA buttons     simultaneously. 2) Watching the motion of the control surfaces on your model,     set the value for each of the servos with the left-hand joystick     pulled all the way to the bottom of the transmitter case.     Begin with the aileron servos in CH 1 and CH 5: Unless the     servos buzz and stall, set both ailerons to rise to approxamatly     50% of their travel. Don't make this value too large, as you still     need to control the aircraft's roll rate with the ailerons.    upward (Note that you can go to a negative value % to     reverse the direction of the movement of one of the aileron     servos if necessary).3) Set the flap servo on CH 6 to 75% of their travel (If you have     two flap servos, they should be connected with a Y-harness     to the channel 6 slot on the receiver)4) Finally, curser to CH 2 and set the elevator travel value so     the elevator moves down just a bit for pitch control: 15% is a     good starting point, though in-flight testing is necessary for     making true, final adjustments. SAFETY WARNING:  When checking out the in-flight response of your model to the crow settings, be sure to first gain at least200 feet of altitude to allow time for you to recover from any loss of control.CAMB (Wing camber) While the Camber function also appears in the ACRO menu, the use of this feature is significantly different for Sailplanes than it is with Power planes. Please refer to the instructions below to understand how to make the most effective use of Camber on your Sailplane.A solid understanding of the Flight condition feature will help when programming wing Camber.When flying gliders featuring modern, thin airfoils the ability to change the shape of the airfoil by reflexing (raising) or cambering (lowering) the trailing edge in combination with making simultaneous, slight changes in elevator trim is crucialto optimizing the performance of the model in a variety of flightconditions and tasks. The Optic Sport offers a selection of up to four flight condition modes in which you can program varying amounts of aileron, flap and elevator trim (as well as dual-rate and exponential values). These modes are activated by eitherswitch SW-3 or SW-1. A typical example for setting up a discus-launched glider for optimum performance would consist of these three flight modes(which are all assigned to SW-3):!Tip You must have A.DIF activated for ch. 5 to appear on the CROW screen
Optic 6 Sport - Page 38Optic 6 Sport - Page 39Model Setup Menu Programming for HelicopterThis section describes how to use the Optic helicopter functions (model type HELI). Descriptions of the other functions, such as endpoints, dual rates, expo, etc., are contained in the aircraft (ACRO) sectionThe Two Common Types of Power: Electric and Glow  There are some subtle, but important differences in the setup methods for glow- versus electric-powered heli's: If your Heli is powered by a glow engine: 1. A servo plugged into the Ch. 3 slot of the receiver controls the carburetor throttle plate of the engine.2. Glow heli's also have their own "on-board" battery to power the receiver, gyro and servos.If your Heli is powered by an electric motor:1. A proportional ESC (Electronic Speed Control) is plugged into the Ch. 3 receiver slot to control the RPM of the motor.     The Speed Control may have settings that need to be programmed so check the Speed Controller manual. 2. In smaller electric heli's a large motor battery provides the power for the servos, gyro and receiver through a BEC     (battery eliminator circuit) of the ESC (electronic speed control). Larger electric heli's will carry a separate receiver battery     to power the servos, receiver and gyro.Model Setup Menu Programming for HelicopterHelicopter Functions Map  EPA End Point Adjust (servo travels) 18 D/R Dual Rates 20 EXP Exponential Settings 21 STRM Subtrim(Netural settings) 22 SREV SERVO Reverse 22 P.MIX Programmable Mixer 22 T.CV Throttle Curve   40 P.CV Pitch Curve   41 GYRO Gyro Gain   41 RVMX Revolution Mix   42 HOLD Throttle Hold   43 CUT Throttle Cut   27 SWAH   120 Swash   43 FLT.C Flight condition(NOR, ST1, ST2, ST3) 44Volage/Timer DisplayNormal Display ModeEnd Point Adjust [EPA]Press both Edit ButtonsDual Rate Set [D/R]Exponential [EXP]Sub-Trims [TRM]Servo Reversing [S.REV]Prog.MixThrottle Curve [T.CV]Pitch Curve [P.CV]Gyro setting [GYRO]Revolution [RVMX]Throttle Hold [HOLD]Throttle Cut [CUT]Swash plate [SWAH]Flight Conditions FLT.CModel Setup Menu ProgrammingTo set up the Optic Sport to fly a particular model, you need to get into the radio's model setup menu. In this menu you can program specific control functions and the value (the amount of servo travel) for the particular model helicopter you selected earlier in the initial setup menu. Note: If you have previously set up a model in ACRO, you will notice that in the HELI programming baseline five new functions appear that weren't in the ACRO mode. Throttle Curve, Pitch Curve, Gyro Gain, Revolution Mix and Throttle Hold. All will be explained in the descriptions of these features which appear exclusively in the HELI menu.Now push down both EDIT buttons at the same time. The following menu items-in the order in which they appear-will come on the transmitter's LCD screen as you scroll down the list by pushing down the Right EDIT button:In the upper left-hand corner it will say "HELI" and to the rightthere will be a large number telling you the state of the battery voltage (such as 7.2 v) and a smaller single-digit number indicating the model slot the radio is currently opened to. There will also be a little black box at the bottom of the screen with the symbol "NOR". This indicates that the system is currently in the "normal" flight condition mode which in HELI is also known as the NORMAL curve. Later, we will show you how to activate the flight condition modes, or "idle-up" stunt modes-and it is here on the screen where you will be told which mode is currently active.Go ahead and switch the transmitter on-you are now in the standard operating screen!Tip The Two Fundamental Types of Helicopter's:  Fixed Pitch and Collective PitchThere are two fundamental types of model heli's, fixed pitch and collective pitch. The fixed pitch heli is simpler to operate and has fewer moving parts as the motor or engine RPM controls the speed of the "fixed" pitch blades of the heli.For this fixed pitch function you will use the Throttle curve function of the Optic Sport, but not the Pitch curve function.The other, more common, collective pitch setup uses a mix within the electronics of the radio transmitter to combine the throttle RPM with the adjustable "pitch" or angle of the heli's blades. Both Throttle curve and Pitch curve functions of the Optic Sport are used to fine-tune the performance of a collective pitch heli.
Optic 6 Sport - Page 40Optic 6 Sport - Page 41P.CV (Pitch Curve)GYRO (Gyro Gain)P.CV  Pitch CurveGYRO  Gyro GainGyro settings are used to automatically control the gyro's gain in all 4 different flight modes. It may be set to different values in NOR, ST1, ST2, and ST3 flight modes, allowing you to pickthe gain you need for each circumstance. The Gyro settings control the output at receiver CH5. You cannot  independently control this channel with a switch. There are many manufacturers of gyros. Not all of them setup the same. Read your gyro manual for a full understanding onits installation and setup. Inputting The Pitch Curve ValuesLike the throttle curve described previously, pitch curves are tied to the position of the throttle / collective stick, just as described in the Throttle curve section.Setup instructions are the same as those for throttle curve, except that you may also input a curve for the throttle hold/ST3 flight mode. If you are a beginner, don't worry about throttle HOLD for awhile. You can get a linear response by making the five settings lineup as shown above. But if you want another shape, you're free to do it. You can "flatten out" or "soften" the curve around hover,which is handy for making the control less sensitive there.1. Press one of the Up Down EDIT buttons until the P.CV     window appears. The default is for a linear curve, a straight     line from 0 to 100% passing through 50% at hover (center).2. Be sure you're in the desired flight Modes by moving the Flt.     Mode switch (SW-3) to its proper position. Remember, you     can input separate, independent throttle curve settings for     each separate idle-up mode.3. You begin a point 1, which will be blinking. This is the idle     position and will have a default value of 0%. Press the DATA     +Increase or -Decrease button to change the setting to your     desired value.4. When you're finished with Point 1, move to the next point with     the CURSOR Right button. The number 2 position will be     blinking and that indicates you are setting the value for Point 2.     Note that the function is inhibited (Inh) to start with. If you leave    it, you get a straight line from points 1 to 3. Otherwise, you can     change this setting with the DATA +Increase or -Decrease     buttons.5. Repeat this procedure for Points 3, 4, and 5 by pressing the     CURSOR Right button, then adjusting as desired by pressing    the CLEAR button, and then changing the value with the DATA     +Increase or -Decrease button.6. When you've completed the     settings for the first flight mode (NOR), test fly your model.     When you're satisfied with the settings, use them as a basis    for the other flight Modes.     Flip the switches as necessary to get into the new mode,     verify on the display that you are in the desired flight mode,    then set all the five points in by going through the steps given     previouslyUsing Gyro Settings1. Press one of the Up Down EDIT buttons repeatedly to get to    the GYRO menu. To begin with, the function is inhibited.     Press one of the CURSOR buttons to activate it. Once     activated, it's set to 50% in all four flight modes.Setting Up The Throttle Curve1. Press one of the Up Down EDIT buttons until the T.CV     window appears. The default is for a linear curve, a straight     line from 0 to 100% passing through 50% at hover     (center, point 3).2. Be sure you're in the desired flight Mode by moving the Flt.     Mode (SW-1) switch to its proper position. Remember, you     can input separate, independent throttle curve settings for     each separate idle-up mode (except for ST3, throttle hold)! 3. You begin a point 1, which will be blinking. This is the idle     position and will have a default value of 0%.  Press the    DATA +Increase or -Decrease button to change the setting     to your desired value, try about 15 to 20% to start with. 4. When you're finished with Point 1, move to the next point    with the CURSOR Right button. The number 2 position will     be blinking and that indicates you are setting the value for     Point 2. Note that the function is inhibited (Inh) to start with.     If you leave it, you get a straight line from points 1 to 3.     Otherwise, you can change this setting by pressing the     CLEAR button, and then changing the value with the     DATA +Increase or -Decrease button.T.CV (Throttle Curve)The throttle & pitch curves are tied to the position of the Throttle / Collective stick, and are specified at five points labeled 1through5 below. These "curves" are really straight lines connecting the settings at the five points, and are defined by assigning servo movement percentages to five positions of the left stick:Lowest stick position = Point 1, 1/4-up stick position = Point 2,Half-stick = Point 3,3/4 position = Point 4,Top stick position = Point 5.With the numbers defined as shown, the servo would move 50% of full travel to one side at low  collective stick position, and 50% of full travel to the other side at high stick position.You can get a linear response by making the five settings line up as shown above. But if you want another shape, you're free to do it. You can "flatten out" or "soften" the curve around hover asshown here. This is handy for making the control less sensitive around hover.100%75%75%50%60%50%40%25%25%0%1 2 3 4 5Low           Collective Stick          HighCurve Point5-Pt Curve Soft Near HoverShallowerSlope in this region Servo Response100%75%75%50%63%50%25%38%25%0%1 2 3 4 5Low            Collective Stick           HighCurve PointExample Five-Point CurveServo Response5. Repeat this procedure for Points 3, 4, and 5 by pressing the     CURSOR Right button, then adjusting as desired with the     DATA +Increase or -Decrease buttons.6. When you've completed the settings for the Throttle curves     in the first flight mode (NOR), go the Pitch Curve section and     setup the pitch curves for the NOR mode. !Tip Setting "Idle-Up" curves up in other flight modesAfter you learn to fly well in the "NOR" mode, consider programming the "Idle-Up" curves for doing more advanced aerobatic or 3D maneuvers. Use the settings in the NOR curve as a basis for the other flight modes used by advanced heli pilots.!Tip Where are the Hover Throttle and Hover Pitch controls?Experienced Heli pilots may be looking for the hover throttle and hover pitch controls on the Optic Sport.  Stop looking as there aren't any! Fine adjustment of hover throttle and pitch can be done at the number 3 or middle curve point on both the throttle and pitch curves menu.
Optic 6 Sport - Page 42Optic 6 Sport - Page 43HOLD  Throttle HoldSWAH 120 Swash Plate ProgrammingThe Optic contains settings for 120¡Æ swashplates. Consult your model's setup instructions to find out whether you need special swash settings. The swashplate menu is used to control the response of all three collective servos as a group. It should NOT be used for reversing or individual servo travel adjustment. Perform thesesettings in the REV and EPA menus respectively. When you move the collective stick, all swash plate servos should move in the same direction with the same amount of up and down travel without tilting the swash plate. If the swashplate should tilt to one side when you command collective, one or more servos is moving the wrong direction or the wrong amount, and must be adjusted in the SWAH menu. If the swashplate moves down when pitch should be increasing or vice versa, change the sign in front of all three servos from(+) to (-) or vice versa. Note that there is no SWAH menu whenthe NOR menu is selected, but the 120¡Æ swash type does contain the SWAH menu. The swash default settings are shown below. The Swashplate menu is intended only for helicopters whose collective pitch is controlled by more than a single servo at a time, and is sometimes referred to as CCPM (Collective & Cyclic Pitch Mixing). The Throttle Hold function moves the engine throttle servo to a selected position near idle, and disengages it from the throttle stick. It is commonly used during autorotation, and activated with the SW-1 switch on the left front of the transmitter. You can set the throttle position to be held over a -25 to +100% range centered about the throttle idle position. Activating throttle hold also disables revolution mixing (RVMX).1. Press one of the Up Down EDIT buttons until the H0LD     window appears. The default is for the function to be inhibited.     To activate the throttle hold function, press both DATA buttons     at the same time. This will cause the flashing INH display to    change to a 0% value. 2. Now you can adjust the throttle hold position with the DATA    +Increase or -Decrease buttons, anywhere between -25 to     +100% (to return to the default 0%, press the Active/Inhibit     (Clear) button).3. Check that your throttle goes to the desired hold position by    flipping the SW-1 switch one way and the other.    Adjust the number as needed. Be sure to choose an engine    speed that's fast enough to keep the engine from accidentally    quitting, but slow enough to not engage the main rotor clutch.Swashplate Programming1. Consult your model's setup instructions. If three servos are     needed to move the swashplate in a 120¡Æ CCPM set-up,     go to the model setup instructions on page 37 and select     the 120¡Æ swash type.2. With all the servos hooked up, and the transmitter and     receiver turned on, move the  throttle/collective stick up and     down. The swash should move up and down with no     rotations.    Move the aileron stick left and right. The swash should tilt     left and right without pitching or rising. Move the elevator     stick. The swash should tilt fore and aft with no rotations.     If there are rotations when  collective is moved, or the swash     moves up and down with aileron or elevator, you need to     adjust the settings in the swash menu.3. If the servos do not all respond in the same direction for     collective or opposite directions for aileron and elevator, you     will need to reverse one or more of them in the reversing     menu (REV). It may take a little trial and error trying different    combinations of normal and reverse rotation to get the 120'   NORCH1 +70%, CH2 +70%,CH6 +70% No SWAH menuHOLD (Throttle Hold)SWAH (120 Swash Plate Programming)GYRO (Gyro Gain)RVMX (Revolution Mix) 3. Flip the Flt. Mode (SW-3) switch to its center position. ST1     will be flashing on and off. Set the percentage to yield the     esired gyro gain in this flight mode (this will usually be a     lower-gain setting for reduced damping during stunts).4. Flip the Flt. Mode (SW-3) switch all the way forward. ST2     will be Flashing on and off. Set the  percentage to yield the     desired gyro gain.5. Now flip the SW-1 switch fully down. You may now input a     setting for ST3, throttle hold.6. Make some test flights to try these settings out. Take note     of when more gain is need, and when less gain is needed.     You can adjust all of the gyro settings in each flight mode to     suit your machine.2. To set the mixing amount for the normal (NOR) flight mode,    flip the Flt. Mode (SW-3) switch all the way back, NOR will     be flashing on and off. Set the percentage to yield the     desired gyro gain (this is usually a high-gain setting).    If for some reason you want a 0% setting, press the Active/    Inhibit (Clear) button.RVMX Revolution MixThe revolution mixing function mixes pitch commands to the tailrotor  in order to suppress the torque generated by changes in the main rotor's pitch angle and rotational speed. You can input independent values for revolution mixing above and below one-half throttle for each of the NOR, ST1, and ST2 flight conditions. Revolution mixing is disabled whenever throttle hold (ST3, operated by switch SW -1) is on.For a clockwise-turning rotor, revolution mixing should applyright rudder when pitch is increased; for a counterclockwise turning rotor, the opposite should occur. Remember to set thevalue for both sides of the throttle stick's motion. Revolution mixing has no preprogrammed values input at the start. You will need to input values for your helicopter as described in the setup example. Note: A procedure for adjusting revolution mixing is given in a table at direction.1. Call up the revolution mixing screen by repeatedly pressing     one of the Up Down EDIT buttons until the RVMX window     appears. The function is active with 0% mixing turned on.    Put the throttle stick to its idle position.2. Now press the DATA +Increase button. This will increase the    percentage of RVMX mixing for the low side of throttle.     You may set a value of 0% to 100% for this side. If you wish    to return the mixing percentage to the default 0% value,     press the Active/Inhibit (Clear) button. 3. Move the throttle stick to a position above half-throttle, and    change the percentage number to suit.4. Now verify that the rudder responds both the correct     direction and amount for travel on both sides when throttle    is commanded.5. Set up the RVMX values for the other flight conditions     (ST1, ST2) by flipping the Flt. Mode (SW-3) switch and    repeating these procedures.!Tip !Tip The following setups for gyro gain values in ST2, ST3 and  ST4 (Throttle Hold), are for advanced users flying in Idle-up or stunt modesRevo mix is used with "Standard Rate Gyros" NOT  "Heading Hold" gyros.
Optic 6 Sport - Page 44Optic 6 Sport - Page 45SWAH (120 Swash Plate Programming) OPTIC 6 SPORT ACRO DATA SHEETMODEL  TYPE : ACRO     SFT : N , P                               MODEL NAME : 0       1       2       3      4       5       6       7       8       9      .                     *Please make a copy and fill this form out. FLT.C (Flight Conditions or "Idle-Up's")4. Call up the swash screen by repeatedly pressing one of the     Up Down EDIT buttons until the SWAH window appears.     The function is automatically active when you select 120'     mixing in the model setup menu.5. If all the servos raise the swash with increasing collective,     go to the next step. If they lower the swash, press the     CURSOR Right button twice to get to the collective setting     menu (the arrow appears over the number 6).     Now press the DATA -Decrease button until the sign is     reversed in front of the percentage value. Now the swash     should properly respond to collective. If you've done the     wrong thing, you can reset the percentage by pressing the     Active/Inhibit (Clear) button.    servos to respond properly. Don't worry about the direction     they respond, just that they all move the same for collective     and tilt for aileron and elevator.6. If all the servos tilt the swash to the right with right aileron     stick, go to the next step. If they tilt the swash to the left,    press the CURSOR Right button once to get to the aileron     setting menu (the arrow appears over the number 1).    Reverse the sign in front of the percentage with the     DATA -Decrease button.    Now the swash should properly respond to aileron.7. If all the servos tilt the swash aft with up elevator stick, go to    the next step. If they tilt the swash forwards, press the     CURSOR Right button once to get to the elevator setting     menu (the arrow appears over the number 2).     Now press the DATA -Decrease button until the sign is     reversed in front of the percentage value. Now the swash     should properly respond to elevator.8. Double check that all three functions, collective, aileron, and     elevator, produce the desired result on the swashplate.    Do not set any SWAH values to 0% or you will disable the     response to that control!FLT.C  Flight Conditions or "Idle-Up's"Your Optic system's HELI menu provides three flight modes in addition to the normal one (NOR). Within each condition, you may program an independent set of dual rates, exponentials, throttle and pitch curves, revolution mixing, and gyro gain. In the HELI menus, these are automatically called up whenever you switch to a new condition. NOR is intended for hovering flight. ST1 may be used for forward flight and mild aerobatics, ST2 may be used for inverted, and ST3 is used for autorotations as it includes a throttle hold feature which disengages the throttle servo from collective commands. These conditions are activated whenever the model memory is chosen to be HELI typeThe defaults for the switches controlling these flightconditions are as follows:- NOR: ON when Flt. Mode (SW-3) Switch is BACK.- ST1: ON when Flt. Mode (SW-3) Switch CENTER.- ST2: ON when Flt. Mode (SW-4) Switch is FORWARD- ST3: ON when SW-1 is DOWN. (For Throttle Hold only)As these functions are switched on or off, ST3 = HOLD has highest priority, followed by ST2 and ST1. Regular settings (NOR)occur when all of the others are off. Throttle and pitch curves, revolution mixing, and gyro gain may be independently selected for each condition.Here are some suggested starting settings if your instructions do not provide any:Point      1 (low)      2       3        4  5 (high)  %    20    38     50     75   100Throttle Curve ST2Throttle Curve ST1Point  1 (low)      2       3        4  5 (high)  %   100     50     38      50    100Pitch Curve ST1Point  1 (low)      2       3        4  5 (high) Pitch  -4 deg.   +0.5    +6.0    +7.5   +9.0Pitch Curve ST2Pitch Curve ST3 (HOLD)Point  1 (low)      2       3        4  5 (high) Pitch  -9 deg.   -6.0      0     6.0       9 or 10.0Point      1 (low)      2      3        4  5 (high)Pitch -4 deg.     --  +6.5       --   +12CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV  EPA PMXCUTL/U  % L/U % L/U % L/U % L/U  % L/U % R/D % R/D % R/D %R/D % R/D % R/D % % % % % % MASSLVONOFFSTICKSERVOSTICKSERVOSTICKSERVOONINHONINHONINHELVN  FLPN  V.TAL  A->R  E->F ON INH ON INH NOR ST1 ST2 ST3 NOR ST1 ST2 ST3 ON ON , OFF ON , OFF ON , OFF  1  ,  2 TIMER   MODE   CAMB    FLT.C    ON INH TRM 0 1 0 1 D/R  EXP S.TRM   S.REV   % % % % % % % %% % %%% % %%% % %%% %% % %% % %% % %% %% %% %% %% %% %% % % % %  %%%%AILECH1AILECH1ELEVCH2AILECH2AILECH6ELEVCH4ELEVCH2FLAPCH6RUDDCH4ELEVCH1FLAPCH1RUDDCH2*Each flight condition for D/R & EXP are not shown on the chart.
Optic 6 Sport - Page 46Optic 6 Sport - Page 47OPTIC 6 SPORT HELI DATA SHEETMODEL  TYPE : HELI     SFT : N , P                               MODEL NAME : 0       1       2       3      4       5       6       7       8       9      .                     CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 *Please make a copy and fill this form out. OPTIC 6 SPORT GLID DATA SHEETMODEL  TYPE : GLID     SFT : N , P                               MODEL NAME : 0       1       2       3      4       5       6       7       8       9      .                     *Please make a copy and fill this form out. *Each flight condition for D/R & EXP are not shown on the chart. *Each flight condition for D/R & EXP are not shown on the chart.NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV  EPA PMXSTCKL/U  % L/U % L/U % L/U % L/U  % L/U % R/D % R/D % R/D %R/D % R/D % R/D % % % % % % MASSLVONOFFSTICKSERVOSTICKSERVOONINHSTICKSERVOONINHNORST1ST2ST3ONON, OFFON, OFFON, OFF1, 2AILECH1AILECH5ONINHONINHONINHNORST1ST2ST3 V.TAL A->RE->FCROWCAMBADIFFLT.CTIMERMODEON INH TRM 0 1 0 1 D/R  EXP S.TRM   S.REV   % % % % % %% %%%%  %  % % %% %% %% %% %% %% % % % %  % %%ELEVCH2ELEVCH4RUDDCH4RUDDCH2CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 EPA PMXL/U  % L/U % L/U % L/U % L/U  % L/U % R/D % R/D % R/D % R/D % R/D % R/D % % % % % % MASSLVONOFFPOINT NOR ST 1 ST 2ST 3NOR ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 NOR ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 THCVPTCVGYRORVMXHOLDSWAHFLT.CTIMERMODECUTNOR120 % %%%NORST1ST2ST3L/UR/DON INH TRM 0 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 5D/R  EXP S.TRM   S.REV   % % % % % % %%% %%% %% %% %%%%%% %% %%% %% %%% %%% %% %%% %%%%% %%% %%%%% %% %% %% %% %% %% % % % % NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV NOR , REV  ONON, OFFON, OFFON, OFF1, 2

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