Honeywell 8DL5816MN2 Security / Remote Control Transmitter User Manual II with FCC lable and ID number
Honeywell International Inc. Security / Remote Control Transmitter II with FCC lable and ID number
- 1. II with FCC lable and ID number
- 2. II with FCC lable and ID number
II with FCC lable and ID number
DEMCD “(5503 5m” Pfellmmary INSTALLATION 5815 6/14/00 tp IN STRU CTI o N S DOORNVINDOW TRANSMITTER MR (AI-YERNATE POSWON cwEva-orrstcrr mg mm 0.00? Il mam w if?“ wow {5st RELEASE ohm rum MIGNET MW" (ovum SEPARATELY) K: COVER REWNlNG HOOKS (3 “7:52 msnt. MOUNVINB HATE CASE ”W" m (L009 7, OWE-R minim; Flgure 1. Mounting Plan and Case News [3] GENERAL INFORMATION Each 5315 Door/Mmow Ynnsmmer has its will untque serial number pennanerlliy eeeigned during rrlanu'actule. me mlllrol It" NQHM In "Ian the lmmmlflef ID at some WM prior lo its usage in the alarm syslem. Rotor lo the ooniroi unini lneielleuon lnatniotlom tor iunner details. Node: Dunno programming oi me control unll. 5515 transmiflm should be heated ae “RF“ 9. eupenneed an Type (meridnory by UL iii-wisdom The 5315 can send In? unique codes. the outlet e wired dnud circm contact loop and the "who tor he ouitl-in reed ewnch (used in oonlunaion with a magnet as deemed below). A wired loop end/or reed switch Mybeused. Fautmmmamamymtoe more man i feet from the emitter, The 5515 includes a lid in oover tamper whim is aoo‘vated when the cover is removed. MOUN'HNG Forproperorierroitionotmeonitiirrelatiantome mom'ng plate. loop wiring end/or magnet. And all of bite aeolian beloia Wing the unit the desorlpiion that follows ltsumal that the unit will be mounted u snawn In the diagram, with lhe megnel (n uaed) loo-lad in one oi the poahions enwn i Figure 2, The iaiit may. Mel/cf. be Matted in anydireouon. as long as the relationship of the untl to its mounting plate and (it used) magnet la maintained. Alttongh the unit can be mounted drealy lo a nirtaee. it is Nmflw that he "naming piste be um, (or erase in naming the unit for eeivibing should ll beoorrle neoeeeaiy. Before inounong the earmitterpeirrranenthr, eonduot Gomo Go dam (m ooimors limo-niche) to verify adequate signai mm and reorient or teloeete me mmirneeeuary. 1. Remove the mmhl-rn lee eever oy inaening the III! blade oi a urn-it eorewdnver into the pry-oil eloialoneendollheuniumng. t iorlooeoon). and align!” twisting the blade until the com dungeon. Flynn 2. 5815 {shown wltllout collar) 2. Dlww bile attached mourning plum lrom the ease by inserting the blade oi a smell soiewdnver irilo the locking lab release window (see Figure l) and pressing h against the locking lab (also shown bi Fig. 1), whle eliding tne mounting ptale upward along the oaee back until tree, 5. lint-ll the moumlng plate, with as two case- holding pools pointing up (in example). in lhe looalion selected as described in me oohttdt panel's mllahon imtniotiolle. use the flat head screws swplied. Nose: li a wired ooiltaol loop is to be used. with eonoeeted wiring, the wire exit hole in the wall should be In the location shown in Figure 1. and no men than 1/4" in diam-tan 4. hawlnd oer-tut loop laoetze uud, teed oonoealed wiring through the stat in the cue back, bul do not connect «a the terminal Mock yel. For smeee wiring elwy. Mo lnln -bieakout' areae are ptvvtded in the wee wall. 5 mmuubecktomemwmplmbv sliding the keyhole slots in me eaee back mu onto the mounting plate'e ceee holding podul. The Iockblg lab will ollohaa the use M locks in place. & noneonhemdwltcheslntmunhtsmbe ueed, a No. 5899 Magnet (obtain sepamtely) should be mourned adieoem lo the reed switch. or adiaoemlolhetopoflhecaeteee Fig. 2). LOOP WIRING CONNECTIONS (ll used) With the baltery et- not lneetted, oorineol the oorilect loop wires to the union loog ienninale ieee Fig 2). MW The comet loop M uul otooed areuit demon The loop ruponu lime ii a noirfiial 100mm, momtllneoonlaollooplsnollooeueed, no oollneoiio ”a needed acme: the loop tennlnalo. (mlinlud)
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Create Date : 2000:06:27 16:56:23 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.05 for Windows Modify Date : 2000:06:27 16:56:30-04:00 Page Count : 1EXIF Metadata provided by
II with FCC lable and ID number
BATTERY INSTALLATION/REPLACEMENT to Runrm the tnnunlttm‘a com in it is not al- ready on) as described In MOUNTING SIep 1. 2. Ohm. correct pollmy Ind lnurt tM bmry prorioeo into the natury holder (see Fig. 2), Take SPECIFICATIONS Dlmlnfiofll: 1-1I2'W x TH K 7/81) (36mm x 75mm x 22mm) RIM: 3V L'lhium (see Note in step 2 of BATTERY INSTALLATIOMREPLACEMENT) are not In bend me antenna, r“ ”on; Replace “New “you”, ; E BATTERY CAUTION Rlak of fire, ”mimic Par-norm cnrzsA. Duracell puzzle i and buml. Do not recharge. alumni- Sanyo can», van, cmzsA, or I nut above m's (1 we) or Inclnurale ADEMCO res. ! Dispose or und button-r prompuy. a. To replace the sour, engage the hooks along I one edge and snap slml. TO THE lNSTALLER Regular maintenance and inspection (at least annually) by the installer and frequent testing by the user are vnal lo continuous mammary operation or any alarm system. The installer should assume the responsibility or developing and onennq a regular mannenanoe program lo tne user. as well as aoouarnuno iris uw with the proper operalion and I'rrnitatiom Mme alarm system and its component parts. Recommendations muel be Included lor a specific program or Irequent rearing (at least weekly) to insure the system's nperatron at all times. REFER TO THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE RECEIVERICONTROL WITH WHICH THIS DEVICE IS USED, FOR DETAILS REGARDING LIMITATIONS OF THE ENTIRE ALARM SYSTEM. ADEMCO LIMITED WARRANTY Alarm Device Manufacturing Company, a Division or Funny Corporation. and Its divisions subsidiaries and affiliates (‘Seller”). 155 Eileen Way. syosset. New York 11791, warrants its products to be in can'ormance with Its own plans and specificanorrs and to be free from detects In materials and workmanship under normal use and service tor 18 months trorn the date sump control on the product or, for products not having an ADEMCO date stamp, (or 12 months Irorn date or original purchase unless the installation Instruaiona or catalog sets forth a shorter period. In which case the shorter period shall apply. Seller‘s obligation shall be limited to repalnng or replacing, at no option. tree or charge for materials or labor. any product which Is proved not in compliance with Sellers specifications or proves defective In materials or workmanship under normal use and service, Seller shall have no ohllgation under this Limited Warranty or otherwise it the product ls altered or Improperly repaired or serviced Ivy anyone other than ADEMCO factory servicet For Winanty service, return product transportation prepaid, to ADEMCO Factory Service. 165 Eileen Way, Syossel, New York 11791. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMFLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE. WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. IN NO CASE SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY. EXPRESS OR IMPIJED, OR UPON ANY OTHER BASIS OF LIABILITY WHATSOEVER. EVEN IF THE LOSS OR DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY THE SELLER'S OWN NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT Seller does not represent that the products It sells may not be compromised or dreumvented: that the products will prevent any personal Injury or property loss by burglary. robbery, fire or otherwise; or that the products W!" in an cases pmvlde adequate wemlng or protection Customer understands that a properly installed and maintained alarm may only reduce the risk or a burglary, robbery, lire or other events occurring without providing an alarm, but it is not insurance or a guarantee that such will not occur or that there will be no personal injury or properly loss as a resulL CONSEQUENTLY. SELLER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR OTHER LOSS BASED ON A CLAIM THE PRODUCT FAILED TO GIVE WARNING. HOWEVER. IF SELLER IS HELD LIABLE. WHETHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY. FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE, REGARDLESS OF CAUSE OR ORIGIN, SELLER’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT. WHICH SHALL BE THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINST SELLER. Thle warranty replaces any previous warranlles end is the only warranty made by Seller on this product. No increase or alteration written or verbal, of the obligaflofls of Ihia Limited Warranty Is authorized. THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS: (1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION FCC ID2CFSSDL5816MN2 ADEMCD GROUP 185 Eileen Way, syosset, New York 11791 Copyright O 2000 Piliway Corporation
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Create Date : 2000:06:27 16:40:21 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 4.05 for Windows Modify Date : 2000:06:27 16:40:25-04:00 Page Count : 1EXIF Metadata provided by