Hootoo com TT-BR02 Wireless Audio Receiver User Manual
Hootoo.com Inc. Wireless Audio Receiver Users Manual
Users Manual
wwwylaolronlcs oom E.Mall support@taotronros oom Tel 1.555.455.5455 or 4 rMonday.Frrday 9 an . 13 an psT) Address 2530 Zankei Rd, sure 203, san Jose, cA 95134 eMarl suppomp@taoimmcs com rdapan) E.Mall supportuk@raotronrcs com runrted krngdom) support de@taotronros oom (Germany) support lr@raotronrcs com (France) supportes@raotronros com (Sperm supportrt@raotronros oom (nary) EU importer st lntematronal Tradrng GmbH Lode-err 21a 22525 hamburg Deutschland Q“ E MadelnChlna I I I I Q: Can 1 use the Tf-BROZ receiver while it Is charging? A: yes, the TFbRu2 rs desrgned to be able to use whrle chargrng. The rnternal crrcurt rs protected from over-chargrng. Q I haven't used the Tf-IRDZ tor a while, nevrttre battery dead. what can 1 do? A: if the unrt has not been used lDr more than 21 days, please charge the unrt tor at least 4 hours as the battery wrll need a full charge and be aware the LED rndrcator lrght may take several hours to show rechargrng rs complete: Technical Assistance For technical assistance, please emall to SupPORTfiiT/AOTRON- lCS.COM wlth your purchase order number and a detalled descrrptron of your issue: We normally respond to enourrres wrthrn 24 hours: For more rnformatron, please vrsrt www:TaoTronres:com. Warranty Thrs product rs oovered wrth Taonunlcs pare and labor warranty for l2 months from date of the orrgrnal purchase irom authorrzed retarler and drstrrbutor. 11 the deyrce iarls due to a manufactur. rng defect, please oontact TaoTronrcs Support (supporx@taotronres,com) rmmedrately to launch a warranty clarrn. we wrll rnstnrct you on how to return the defectrve unrt back to us tor reparr and replaoement. .9. TRaNlcs” Wireless Audio Receiver User Manual FCC ID: ZACIP-Tr-BROZ Model: TF-BROZ I I I I The iollowrng are excluded irom TaoTronres warranty coyer: - Devrce purchased as 2nd hand, used or irom unauthorrzed sellers, . Damage resulted from rnrsuse and abusrve actron. . Damage resulted from chemrcal, lrre, radroactrve substance, porscrrr, lrourd. . Damage resulted from natural drsaster. . Damage caused to any 3rd party / parson /ob}ect and beyond: no return will be accepted without seller authorization. Statement We can only proyrde after sale seryrces ior products that are sold by TaoTronrcs or TaoTronrcs author-zed retarler and drstnbubor. if you have purchased your unrt from a drrferent plaoe, please contact the seller for return and warranty rssues. FCC FCC ID: 2ACiprTTrBRo2, Model Numbe : TFBRUZ Thrs deyrce comprles wrth pan 15 01 the FCC Rules. Operatron rs sub’etft to the followrng two oondrtrons: (1) thrs deyrce may not cause harmiul rnterterence, and (2) thrs deyrce must accept any rnterference receryed, rncludrng Interference that may cause undesrred operatron. .10. Thank you for purchasrng TaoTronrcs 'l'l-BROZ Bluetooth Stereo Audro peoerver, please read the user manual carefully to understand rts features and operatron. if rn doubt, please emarl support@taotronrcs.oom wrth detarls. What is a receiver? The TaoTronlcs Tl-BRDZ Bluetooth retell/er can "add" Bluetooth capab. Dnoe suooesstully parted and bonneoed, your wrred headphone/- speaker/stereo system can reoerve musrc wrreless from your smartphone, tablets, etc: Package Contents y to exrstrng wrred audro systems. it connects to any wrred headphones, speakers or audro output devrce wrth a 3.5mm audrorrn lack. At the same trme, rt wrll parr wrreless yra Bluetooth connectron wrth any smartphone, tablet (Andrord, r05, Wrndows, etc) or other Bluetooth Asz enabled transmrttrng deyroe, Package Contents luuetdoth yersron oluetooth v: o luuetdoth rmlle AZDPr AVRCP hang. azieettlom) Charm rower use 5y Bunny Rechargeable ll-polynrer battery a, n n m. up too hours worklhd / ND w kl e/ st. dby rl Mmmmflw Chlr‘ln' run. 2 hours : asrz are 75 rnch plrnenrlon (tow-w) $5.73. ,9 M) w.l.lrt 2450101“ Identi Ication of Parts Power lndrcaror \ power sultoh lsornetrmes called olretooth auto-r) or lndrcaror m tudrodut rum r . use chard-no port 3 5mm audro-out port pot fludlo-oui rpldht) .2. How to Use char ' g The reoeveran beiully marged rn around 2 hours, We recommerd ohargrng the unrttorat least hours before usrng Torthe first trme. To charge the receryer: 1) insert the mum-use end ofthe chargng cable rnto the chargng port of the receryer. 2) Plug the USB end of the chargrng cable to an USB chargrng adapter or any actrye USB Dan: 3) The power LED wrll turn red when chargll'lg: it wrll automatrcally turn OFF when the receryer rs fully charged, Note: you can use the Tl-BRDZ whrle rt rs chargrng. The rnternal crrcurt rs protected from overchargrng: Turning the receiver Oil/Off runeudn Gwalior! LED indicator press and hold the power Tum 0N button [or 3.5 seconds untrl the st LED rushes rh purple The or LED wlll flash rn purple and then rt will llash .n red Prss and hold the power Turn or? button tar abodre seconds uhtll the sT LED hashes lh purple The at LED wlll hash rn purple at frrst. and turn or; .3. 31’ d cabal no color rhe sums or receiver Red and blue rtos rrash PM We arternateiy ° Red LED rushed raprdly standby rnode rted LED flashed once every 9 5mm oluetaoth connecrron establrshed slueoooth pairing In order lDr your TFBRUZ to parr wrth other Bluetooth deyicer you must brrng the TFBROZ rnto parnng mode. Thrs rs rndrcated by the BT rndrcatortlashrng rn red and blue alternatrvely. 1) Start wrth 'l'l-BROZ turned OFF. please make sure no other Bluetooth deyrce around rs ln parnng mode. 2) Brlng the 'l'l-BROZ and your Bluetooth deyroe next to each other or wrthrn 3 feet distance: 3) press and hold the power button tor 5 seoonds or urrtrl the BT rndrcator rs blrnkrng rn RED and BLUE altemately. you wrll see the purple lrght blrnkrng first: Just keep holdrng the button and the lrght wrll soon change to blue and red tlashrng, 4) The TFBROZ rs now rn parrrng mode: you can brrng your Bluetooth deyrce rnto parnng mode and they should arrtomabcally parr. 5) if you are usrng a smartphone or table, the TaoTTurllcs Tl-BRDZ .4. Recerver wrll be lrsted as “TFBROZ” on your Bluetooth deyrce lrst, 5) Once sucoesstully paired, the BT lndlcator wrll turn RED and then flash onoe every 9 seoonds. Note: . An alternatrve way to get the i'FBRuz rnto parrrng mode rs to srmply turn rt ON: when the BT rndrcator rs raprdly blrnkrng in red, wart for 10 seconds and rt wrll start tlashrng rn blue. The 'l'l-BRDZ can remember the last successfully parted deyroe. To reoonnect to the last parred deyrce, srmply turn ON the devrce and TPBROZ. Bluetooth connect-on wrll automatrcally establrsh. ii a PiN code rs reourred for parnng, pleasetry the followrng oode 0000 (4 zeros). Pa'rirlg If It two de es at are same time Bluetooth y3.0 supperts parrrng wrth two devrces srmultaneousr ly, Although you can parr wrth two deyrces, only one of them can play musrc or communrcate wrth the reoerver at a trme. To parr wrth two devrces: 1) Follow the “Bluetooth Parnng rnstructrons to parr the TFBRuz wrth your frrst devroe, 2) Turn OFF your first deyrce. 3) Follow the “Bluetooih Palnrlg" rnscructrons to parrthe 'l'l-BRDZ wrth your second deylce: .5. 4) urn ON your frrst deyrce and now both deyrce are palred wrth the TT-Blmz receryer, To swrtch between the two deyrces, srmply pause the musrc on theilrst device and play musrc on the second deyroe or was yersa, Reset Sometimes, the 'l'l-BROZ wrll refuse to parr wrth other devroes even rr rt rs rn parnng mode wrth red and blue lrghttlashrng. you wrll need to reset the recerver to make rt lresh and wantrng to parr agaln: To reset the receryer . Turn ON the receiyer: . Double press the power button: . urn oFF the recerver. you may need to try thrs a few trmes rf rt does not work on your frrst allemDK: Music playback whrle your deyroe rs playrng musrc through the Tl-BROZ receryer, press 01 the power button on the TFBROZ wrll pause the muslc: Prss rt agarn, the musrc wrll resume. Useful tips - The musrc wrll automatrcally pause when makrng or takrng phone calls; t wrll resume when the phone call rs llnished: .5. . The 'l'l-BROZ wrll stay rn parnng mode for 3 mrnutes at most ll no parrrng deyroe rs lound. Alterwards, rt wrll go rnto standby mode and power olf automatrcally rl there rs no Bluetooth connectron for m mrnutes, . The TFBROZ wrll swrtch to standby mode ll parrrng deyrces rs swrtched on or Bluetooth drsconnected. To reconnect the devrce, you wrll need to turn rt OFF and start parnng agarn. . you can safely use the recerver whrle rt rs chargrng. Care and Maintenance please read the followrng reoommendatrors to keep your product runnrng smoothly for a long trme to oome. . keep the reoerver away from heat and humrdrty, . Do not put the product under drrect sunlrght or hot areas. Hrgh temperatures wrll shorten lrlespan of the transmrtter, battery and/or the rnternal crrcurt board. . Do not try to take the product apart. it may cause serrous damage. . Do not drop or knock your transmrtter on hard surtaces as rt damage the rrrtenor crrcurt. . Do not use chemrcals or detergents to clean the product: . Do not scrape the surface wrth sharp ob,ects. Trouble Shooting 0: My receiver will not switch on. .7. A: Please recharge rt and make sure the TFBRUZ has enough battery power. plug the unrt to a charger and see rf the power button wrll become red, 0: I am having trouble pairing and connecting be my amour pairing device. A: Please check the iollowrng: . Please make sure your Bluetooth devrce support A2Dp profile. . Make sure turn OFF other Bluetooth deyrces around: . Make sure the TFBRoz and your devrce are next to each other or wrthrn 3 ieet: . you must get the TFBR02 rnto parrrng mode wrth BT lndlcator tlashrng rn red and blue altematrvely. Q: Alter connecting and pairing with my slueppoth device, 1 cannot hear any music lrom my sound system. A: please check the followrng: . your sound system rs connected to the TFBRUZ yra 3.5 mm connectlorl: - Make sure the musrc volume rs at audrble level on both your Bluetooth audro devroe and your sound system. . in some system, you may need to select “AUX" or “Llne-lrl" as audro rnput method. . please make sure your audro devrce is playrng musrc vla Bluaoml'l: Some devrce (such as computer) regurres manually selectrng musrc output method. .3. changes or modrlroauons ta thrs unrt nolexpiessly approved by the party responsrble for oomplranoe oould vord the user 5 authorrty to operate the eourprrlent
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