Hp Ignite Ux Setup And Install Installing Updating


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Installing and Updating Ignite-UX
Table of Contents
Abstract .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Getting the software ............................................................................................................................. 2
Downloading Ignite-UX from the Web ................................................................................................ 2
Obtaining Ignite-UX from OE and Application media ........................................................................... 3
Obtaining Ignite-UX from the recovery commands depot ....................................................................... 4
Installing and updating Ignite-UX ........................................................................................................... 5
Problems related to installing and updating Ignite-UX ............................................................................... 6
Cleaning up after an update (if needed) ............................................................................................. 6
Dealing with obsolete HP-UX releases ................................................................................................. 6
Moving to an earlier version of Ignite-UX ............................................................................................ 7
Identifying the source depot for Ignite-UX software ............................................................................... 7
A change in the name of the full product bundle in version C.7.0 and later ............................................ 7
Mismatched filesets after updating to version C.7.0 or later .................................................................. 8
Ignite-UX is available from multiple sources and supports multiple HP-UX releases. This white paper
attempts to clarify how to obtain Ignite-UX, what parts of Ignite-UX to install, and how to address
common problems related to installing and updating this product.
In addition to this white paper, information on installing Ignite-UX is available in the Ignite-UX
Administration Guide available at
Getting the software
Ignite-UX is available from three sources:
1. The Web
2. OE media and Application media
3. The recovery commands depot on an Ignite-UX server
Downloading Ignite-UX from the Web
First, look for any important news items about the version of Ignite-UX currently available for
download in the Ignite-UX Release Notes document, found at
Then, download Ignite from the HP Software Depot at
The Web version of Ignite-UX provides OS-specific download options:
Download Option
When to use
HP-UX 11i v1
(B.11.11) only
Downloads Ignite-UX-11-11 Serving B.11.11 clients only
HP-UX 11i v2
(B.11.23) only
Downloads Ignite-UX-11-23 Serving B.11.23 clients only
HP-UX 11i v3
(B.11.31) only
Downloads Ignite-UX-11-31 Serving B.11.31 clients only
All supported HP-UX
versions (All 3
Downloads IGNITE, which includes
Ignite-UX-11-11, Ignite-UX-11-23, and
Serving multiple OS versions and/or you run
make_tape_recovery from a server1
with a different
OS than its clients
As of Ignite-UX version C.7.0, the Ignite-UX complete product bundle
that installs all supported versions of HP-UX has changed from B5725AA
1 If you plan to perform make_tape_recovery from the server, you will need to have the server’s version of Ignite-UX installed as well.
As an alternative to selecting the “All supported HP-UX versions” option, you may download more
than one OS-specific bundle to get the combination of HP-UX support that you need. When you
install an OS-specific Ignite-UX bundle, you will also see the IGNITE bundle in the swlist (1M) output
of your installed software.
If you only want to download the software required to support system recovery of a specific client,
select the applicable OS-specific option.
Any Web download package of Ignite-UX can install on any supported
HP-UX release. Supported versions of HP-UX are documented in the
Supported Versions of Ignite-UX PDF file available at
Hewlett-Packard provides OS-specific bundles in order to decrease the download time for Ignite-UX.
By limiting what you install on your Ignite-UX server, you save download time and disk space.
However, your needs may change over time. For example, if you downloaded the package that
supports HP-UX 11i v1 in July 2007, you most likely downloaded the C.7.2 version of Ignite-UX. If
you decide in October 2007 that you also need support for HP-UX 11i v2, the Web packages for
C.7.2 will no longer be available. At that point if you have not stored a copy of the full Ignite-UX
product for potential future use, you would be forced to upgrade to a new version of Ignite-UX in
order to add support for HP-UX 11i v2.
HP recommends you install the complete Ignite-UX product (IGNITE) unless you want to block the
use of a specific version of HP-UX, increase the download speed, or conserve disk space on the
Obtaining Ignite-UX from OE and Application media
Each media set released by HP contains bundles specific to one HP-UX release. For example, if you
install bundle Ignite-UX-11-11 from Operating Environment (OE) media for HP-UX 11i v2, that
bundle will only install properly on 11i v2 systems. The same is true for Application media.
If you support multiple HP-UX releases, you have two options:
1. Install Ignite-UX from the media specific to the HP-UX release of your Ignite-UX server. For
example, if the current OE media supports HP-UX 11i v2 and your Ignite-UX server is HP-UX 11i
v1, then use the AR media for HP-UX 11i v1 instead. Once Ignite-UX is installed on the system,
you can install clients with any supported HP-UX release (this assumes you have installed the
software required to support that release).
2. Download Ignite-UX from the Web. The version of Ignite-UX on the Web installs on any
supported HP-UX release.
To successfully install Ignite-UX, use media appropriate for the target HP-UX release. Attempting to
use Ignite-UX on a version of HP-UX that is no longer supported will fail. The appropriate OS-
specific bundles must be present in order for Ignite-UX to support a given HP-UX release.
Do not install Ignite-UX with the Software Distributor (SD) option x allow_incompatible
=true. HP does not support installing Ignite-UX in this manner. If software incompatible with a
target OS is force-installed, SD leaves that incompatible software in a state of installedbut not
“configured”; that is, the SD configure scripts are never run.
Obtaining Ignite-UX from the recovery commands depot
Getting Ignite-UX software from the recovery commands depot requires that you have already
installed and set up an Ignite-UX server. To determine whether the recovery commands depot
exists, type:
# swlist -l depot
Look for /var/opt/ignite/depots/recovery_cmds in the list of available depots. If the
recovery commands depot is not present, you can create it by running the pkg_rec_depot (1m)
# /opt/ignite/lbin/pkg_rec_depot
If you install additional Ignite-UX components onto an Ignite-UX server, you can force the recovery
commands depot to be recreated:
# /opt/ignite/lbin/pkg_rec_depot -f
Any time you install a new version of Ignite-UX, the recovery_cmds depot is updated
Use the swlist (1m) command to verify the content of the recovery commands depot. In the following
example, the command is being run on a system named brwisd02:
# swlist -d -s /var/opt/ignite/depots/recovery_cmds
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "brwisd02"...
# Target: brwisd02:/var/opt/ignite/depots/recovery_cmds
# Bundle(s):
IUX-Recovery C.7.3.146 Ignite-UX network recovery tool subset
Ignite-UX-11-11 C.7.3.146 HP-UX Installation Utilities for
Installing 11.11 Systems
Ignite-UX-11-23 C.7.3.146 HP-UX Installation Utilities for
Installing 11.23 Systems
Ignite-UX-11-31 C.7.3.146 HP-UX Installation Utilities for
Installing 11.31 Systems
The IUX-Recovery bundle is unique to the recovery commands depot and contains only the
filesets required to run make_net_recovery on an Ignite-UX client. The bundle is small because
it does not contain install kernels or install file systems. On clients that will run the
make_net_recovery command, only the IUX-Recovery bundle needs to be installed.
The various Ignite-UX bundles contain the same software as the Ignite-UX bundles on OE media and
the Web download versions of Ignite-UX. They contain the software needed to run the
make_tape_recovery command (including OS-specific install kernels and install file systems)
and consequently are much larger bundles.
If you add a system as a client of an Ignite-UX server and then run a make_net_recovery or
make_tape_recovery command from the ignite (5) user interface, Ignite-UX will automatically
install the correct software from the recovery commands depot. Ignite-UX only updates the software
on the client when make_net_recovery (1M) or make_tape_recovery (1M) are invoked via the ignite
(5) command on the Ignite-UX server. If either of these commands is invoked from the client, Ignite-
UX compares the client version to the server version and will generate one of the following error
messages if they are different.
The version of the tools used for system recovery on <client> is newer
than the version found on the server system <server>. You need to
either update the version of Ignite-UX on the server or down-date the
version on <client>.
The version of the tools used for system recovery on <client> is older
than the version found on the server system <server>. It is recommended
that you update Ignite-UX to the same version.
Ignite-UX makes no attempt to update the client’s software.
The Ignite-UX bundles from the recovery commands depot can be
installed onto any supported HP-UX release, even if the version of Ignite-
UX that was installed onto the Ignite-UX server was packaged as release
specific (as from OE media).
Installing and updating Ignite-UX
To decide what parts of Ignite-UX should be installed, consider the following factors:
1. The HP-UX releases that Ignite-UX needs to support in your environment
2. Previous installations of Ignite-UX software
Refer to the table in the previous section, Downloading Ignite-UX from the Webfor information on
what Ignite-UX bundles you need to support your environment.
If Ignite-UX is already installed on your system and you simply want to update it to a newer version,
make sure you update all the currently installed Ignite-UX bundles. To determine what bundles are
currently installed, use the swlist (1m) command:
# swlist -l bundle | grep Ignite
If this command yields something similar to the following, then you have the full Ignite-UX product
(B5725AA or IGNITE) installed:
IGNITE C.7.2.94 HP-UX Installation Utilities (Ignite-UX)
If you find Ignite-UX bundles for more than one HP-UX release, the simplest strategy is to install the
B5725AA or IGNITE bundle. Alternatively, you can supply multiple bundle names when you
execute the swinstall (1m) command.
As a best practice, do not swremove Ignite-UX before updating to a new version. Doing
so will cause some files to be reset, including the INDEX file, thus you will lose any
Problems related to installing and updating Ignite-UX
Related problems include:
Cleaning up old Ignite-UX software when an update didn’t match what was already on the
Needing to ignite and recover an HP-UX release that Ignite-UX no longer supports
Needing to move back to an earlier version of Ignite-UX
Identifying the source from which Ignite-UX was installed
A change in the name of the full product bundle in version C.7.0 and later
Mismatched filesets after updating to version C.7.0 or later
Cleaning up after an update (if needed)
If you select different Ignite-UX bundles for update than were previously installed, you can end up
with a mix of old and new software on the system. This situation causes problems when you try to
run the make_tape_recovery (1M) and make_net_recovery (1M) commands. Both commands check
the local system to ensure that Ignite-UX does not have mixed-revision filesets before allowing the
command to run. Mixed-revision filesets will cause the command to end in error, and a recovery
archive will not be created. If you accidentally create this scenario, you can clean up the older
software using the swremove (1M) command, or you can add newer software using the swinstall
(1M) command.
For example, assume you installed the Ignite-UX-11-11 bundle from version C.7.2.x. A few
months later you realize you need to support HP-UX 11i v2. Using your current OE media, you
install the Ignite-UX-11-23 bundle. However, the newer media contains Ignite-UX version
C.7.3.x. The second installation results in mixed versions of Ignite-UX. To correct this situation, you
can either remove the Ignite-UX-11-11 bundle (assuming you no longer need to support HP-
UX 11i v1), or you can install the C.7.3x version of the Ignite-UX-11-11 bundle.
Dealing with obsolete HP-UX releases
When Hewlett-Packard stops supporting an HP-UX release, the OS-specific bundle for that release is
removed from Ignite-UX. For example, in December 2005, Ignite-IA-11-22 was removed from
Ignite-UX C.6.5.x. In September 2004, Ignite-UX-10-20 was removed from Ignite-UX C.6.0.x.
In September 2007, Ignite-UX-11-00 was removed from Ignite-UX C.7.3.x. To determine
support for a specific release, refer to the Supported Versions of Ignite-UX document at
If your work environment requires continued support for an unsupported HP-UX release, you will
need to maintain more than one Ignite-UX server. One server must remain on the last version of
Ignite-UX to support the HP-UX release you need (e.g., Ignite-UX B.5.4.x for HP-UX 10.20). The
other Ignite-UX server can continue to move forward with newer versions of Ignite-UX in order to
support new hardware, features2
2 For example, using the HP-UX 11i v2 September 2004 OE or later requires you to use Ignite-UX version C.6.0.x or later on your Ignite-UX
server. Using VxVM 4.1 on clients requires you to run at least Ignite-UX version C.6.3.x.
, and revisions of HP-UX.
Moving to an earlier version of Ignite-UX
If you have installed a newer version of Ignite-UX and then wish to revert to a previous version of
Ignite-UX, you should remove Ignite-UX completely from the system and install the version you wish
to have. If the system being downgraded is the Ignite-UX server, removing Ignite-UX and installing it
again will not remove any per-client information. Note, however, that if you have modified any files
delivered by Ignite-UX, you will lose those changes when you install a different version. (Ignite-UX
preserves install file system customizations when upgrading versions.)
Ignite-UX allows backward compatibility of network recovery archives
(network recovery archives created with an older version of Ignite-UX
can be recovered with a newer version), but does not provide any
guarantee that a network recovery archive created with a newer version
of Ignite-UX can be recovered with an older version of Ignite-UX. Be very
careful of this if you move to an earlier version of Ignite-UX.
Identifying the source depot for Ignite-UX software
You can determine the source depot used to install Ignite-UX by using the following command:
# swlist -a install_source -l bundle B5725AA
Remember, from Ignite-UX version C.7.0 and later, the IGNITE bundle replaces the B5725AA
bundle. If you have one of the Ignite-UX-11-XX bundles installed instead of B5725AA or
IGNITE, use that bundle name to find the installation source.
For example, if the installed software came from a recovery commands depot, you could use the
above command to identify the Ignite-UX server. You could then determine if there is an updated
version of the recovery commands depot on that Ignite-UX server.
If Ignite-UX was installed from CD/DVD-ROM media, it will only show the mount point where it was
mounted; it will not identify the media in any way.
A change in the name of the full product bundle in version C.7.0 and
As of Ignite-UX version C.7.0, the Ignite-UX complete product bundle that installs all supported
versions of HP-UX has changed from B5725AA to IGNITE. When IGNITE is installed, B5725AA is
automatically removed.
If you have scripts that reference the old bundle name, they must be updated to reference the new
bundle name. The HP-UX version-specific bundles, such as Ignite-UX-11-23, will not change
Mismatched filesets after updating to version C.7.0 or later
Ignite-UX version C.7.0 fixes a defect in the pkg_rec_depot command. From Ignite-UX version
C.6.0 to C.6.10, the command contained a defect that caused all the BOOT-KRN-11-XX filesets to
be included in every Ignite-UX-11-XX bundle in the recovery commands depot
This issue does not affect the network recovery bundle IUX-Recovery,
any Ignite-UX-11-XX bundle from media, or the Web download
version of Ignite-UX.
If you use the recovery commands depot to perform an update to Ignite-UX version C.7.0, it will
end with warnings. If Ignite-UX is updated because you have started a make_tape_recovery
command on a client from the Ignite server, the make_tape_recovery command will fail
because of mismatched filesets.
You will only see this issue if you have installed the full Ignite-UX bundle B5725AA on the Ignite
server, or if you have installed more than one Ignite-UX-11-XX bundle on the Ignite server.
To work around this issue, you have to perform one of the following:
1. Remove all Ignite-UX software from all clients that have installed Ignite-UX from a recovery
commands depot containing Ignite-UX versions C.6.0 to C.6.10. Once the Ignite server has been
updated to Ignite-UX version C.7.0 or later, Ignite-UX can be installed again from the recovery
commands depot. Note that starting a make_tape_recovery command from the Ignite user
interface will cause Ignite-UX to be installed from the recovery commands depot you do not
need to install Ignite-UX if you normally create recovery tapes this way.
2. After updating Ignite-UX to version C.7.0 or later and determining that you have mixed fileset
revisions, perform the following tasks. First run the swlist command as follows to determine the
revisions of the mixed filesets.
# swlist | grep –i ignite
Ignite-UX-11-23 C.7.0.106 HP-UX Installation Utilities for
Installing 11.23 Systems
Ignite-UX C.6.1.44 HP-UX System Installation Services
For each line in the output that shows Ignite-UX, perform the next action:
#swremove Ignite-UX,r=
It is critical you provide the revision with the swremove command, or you might remove
software you did not intend to remove. You must also use the revision shown in the swlist
output, not the revision shown in the example swremove command. Normally, you should only
see one line with the product Ignite-UX, however if you had mismatched filesets previously
and never addressed the issue, it is possible you may see more than one line.
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