Hp Integrity Nonstop H Series Command Reference Guide Shadowbase Manual
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HP NonStop Shadowbase
Command Reference Manual
The HP NonStop ShadowbaseTM Command Reference explains the
command syntax required to configure, operate, and manage the HP
NonStop Shadowbase Process environment.
Product Version
HP Shadowbase Version 6.101\T1122H06^AAA
Supported Release Version Updates (RVUs)
This manual supports all J-series RVUs and all H-series RVUs (H06.21 and later
and J06.10 and later), until otherwise indicated in a replacement publication.
Part Number
November 2014
Document History
Part Number
Product Version
November 2014
August 2014
Legal Notices
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HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference
Legal Notices ....................................................................................................... iii
What’s New In This Manual .................................................................................. v
Notation Conventions........................................................................................... vi
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 2
Overview .................................................................................................... 2
AUDCOM Command Punctuation .............................................................. 2
AUDCOM Command Categories ............................................................... 2
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Definitions ................................................. 4
Basic Command Descriptions .................................................................... 4
! Command 4
ADTVOL Command......................................................................... 4
CMDVOL Command........................................................................ 4
DICTVOL Command ....................................................................... 5
ERRORS Command........................................................................ 5
EXIT Command ............................................................................... 6
FC Command .................................................................................. 6
HELP Command.............................................................................. 7
HISTORY Command ....................................................................... 8
HISTVOL Command........................................................................ 9
LICENSE Command........................................................................ 9
OBEY Command ........................................................................... 10
OBEYFORM * Command .............................................................. 11
OBEYVOL Command .................................................................... 11
OPEN Command ........................................................................... 11
SHOW Command .......................................................................... 12
SOURCEVOL Command .............................................................. 13
SPAN Command ........................................................................... 13
SPANON Command ...................................................................... 13
SPANOFF Command .................................................................... 13
TARGETVOL Command ............................................................... 14
TIDVOL Command ........................................................................ 14
Monitor Command Descriptions ............................................................... 15
ALTER AUD Command ................................................................. 15
ASSUME Command ...................................................................... 16
ESTATS AUD Command .............................................................. 16
INFO AUD Command .................................................................... 17
LOG Command ............................................................................. 19
OBEYFORM AUD Command ........................................................ 19
PULSE Command ......................................................................... 21
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
PULSESTATS Command.............................................................. 22
RESET AUD Command ................................................................ 28
RUN Command ............................................................................. 28
SET AUD Command ..................................................................... 29
SHOW AUD Command ................................................................. 38
SHUTDOWN Command ................................................................ 39
START AUD Command................................................................. 40
STATS AUD Command ................................................................. 40
STATUS AUD Command .............................................................. 43
SWITCH Command ....................................................................... 44
Collector Command Descriptions ............................................................. 45
ABORTTX COLL Command .......................................................... 45
ADD COLL Command ................................................................... 46
ALTER COLL Command ............................................................... 46
CLEARTX COLL Command .......................................................... 47
COMMITTX COLL Command ....................................................... 48
DELETE COLL Command ............................................................. 49
DUMPTX COLL Command ........................................................... 50
INFO COLL Command .................................................................. 51
INFOTX COLL Command ............................................................. 53
NEXTDOC COLL Command ......................................................... 54
OBEYFORM COLL Command ...................................................... 55
RESET COLL Command ............................................................... 57
RESUME COLL Command ........................................................... 57
RESUMEUPD COLL Command .................................................... 58
SET COLL Command.................................................................... 59
SHOW COLL Command ............................................................... 86
START COLL Command ............................................................... 88
STATS COLL Command ............................................................... 89
STATUS COLL Command .......................................................... 100
STOP COLL Command ............................................................... 102
SUSPEND COLL Command ....................................................... 103
SUSPENDUPD COLL Command ................................................ 104
Consumer Command Descriptions ........................................................ 106
ADD CONS Command ................................................................ 106
ALTER CONS Command ............................................................ 107
CLEARTX CONS Command ....................................................... 108
DELETE CONS Command .......................................................... 109
DUMPTX CONS Command ........................................................ 110
INFO CONS Command ............................................................... 111
INFOTX CONS Command .......................................................... 114
OBEYFORM CONS Command ................................................... 115
RESET CONS Command............................................................ 118
RESUME CONS Command ........................................................ 118
RESUMEUPD CONS Command ................................................. 118
SET CONS Command................................................................. 119
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
SHOW CONS Command ............................................................ 177
SOLVSTATS Command .............................................................. 179
START CONS Command ............................................................ 179
STATS CONS Command ............................................................ 180
STATUS CONS Command ......................................................... 192
STOP CONS Command .............................................................. 195
SUSPEND CONS Command ...................................................... 195
SUSPENDUPD CONS Command ............................................... 196
SWITCHNET CONS Command .................................................. 199
Database Specification Command Descriptions .................................... 200
ADD DBS Command ................................................................... 200
ALTER DBS Command ............................................................... 200
CAPTURE DBS Command ......................................................... 201
CHECK DBS Command .............................................................. 201
DELETE DBS Command............................................................. 206
ESTATS DBS Command ............................................................. 206
INFO DBS Command .................................................................. 208
OBEYFORM DBS Command ...................................................... 211
RELEASE DBS Command .......................................................... 213
RESET DBS Command ............................................................... 213
SET DBS Command.................................................................... 214
SHOW DBS Command ............................................................... 274
Queue Manager Command Descriptions ............................................... 277
ADD QMGR Command ............................................................... 277
CLEARTX QMGR Command ...................................................... 278
DELETE QMGR Command ......................................................... 279
DRAIN QMGR Command............................................................ 279
DUMPTX QMGR Command ........................................................ 280
INFO QMGR Command .............................................................. 281
INFOTX QMGR Command.......................................................... 283
OBEYFORM QMGR Command .................................................. 284
RESET QMGR Command ........................................................... 285
RESUME QMGR Command ....................................................... 286
SET QMGR Command ................................................................ 286
SHOW QMGR Command ............................................................ 297
START QMGR Command ........................................................... 298
STATS QMGR Command ........................................................... 299
STATUS QMGR Command ......................................................... 308
STOP QMGR Command ............................................................. 311
SUSPEND QMGR Command ..................................................... 312
SOLV Manager (File Chaser) Command Descriptions ........................... 313
ADD SOLVMGR Command ........................................................ 313
DELETE SOLVMGR Command .................................................. 314
INFO SOLVMGR Command ....................................................... 314
OBEYFORM SOLVMGR Command............................................ 316
RESET SOLVMGR Command .................................................... 318
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
SET SOLVMGR Command ......................................................... 318
SHOW SOLVMGR Command ..................................................... 330
START SOLVMGR Command .................................................... 331
STATS SOLVMGR Command (Alternative) ................................ 332
STATUS SOLVMGR Command .................................................. 332
STOP SOLVMGR Command ...................................................... 334
UNDO Command Descriptions .............................................................. 335
STATUS UNDO Command ......................................................... 335
UNDO QMGR Command ............................................................ 336
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
What’s New In This Manual
o 6.101\T1122H06^AAA
Updated SHOW SOLVMGR Command syntax example
Globally added File Chaser reference to SOLVMGR
Amended PURGE DDL verbiage under SET DBS Command
6.100\T1122H06 Original HP Release
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
Notation Conventions
Hypertext Links
Blue underline is used to indicate a hypertext link within text. By clicking a
passage of text with a blue underline, you are taken to the location
described. For example:
To preserve the modification timestamp, see….on page ___.
General Syntax Notation
The following list summarizes the conventions for syntax notation and
presentation in the HP Shadowbase manual collection.
UPPERCASE LETTERS. Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved
words; enter these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets
are required For example:
lowercase letters: Represent variable entries to be supplied by user. For
Computer type. Computer type letters within text indicate C and Open
System Services (OSS) keywords and reserved words. Type these items
exactly as show. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example
Italic computer type. Italic computer type letters within text indicate C and
Open System Services (OSS) variable items that you supply. Items not
enclosed in brackets are not required. For example:
Brackets [ ]: Enclose optional syntax. A vertically aligned group of items
enclosed in brackets represents a list of selections from which one, or
none, can be chosen. For example:
[\system.] [$volume.] [subvolume.]
Braces { }: Enclose required syntax. A vertically aligned group of items
enclosed in braces represents a list of selections from which exactly one
must be chosen. For example:
{ ON }
{ OFF }
Ellipses …: The enclosed syntax can be repeated a number of times. For
] ...
Punctuation: All punctuation and symbols other than those described above
must be entered precisely as show For example:
error := NEXTFILENAME ( file-name ) ;
LISTOPENS SU $process-name. #su-name
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the
symbol is a required character that you must type as shown. For example:
“{“ repetition-constant-list “}”
Item Spacing. Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the
items is a punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma. For
CALL STEPMOM ( process-id ) ;
If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In this
example, no spaces are permitted between the period and any other
Line Spacing. If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line,
eaqch continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the
precedinfg line by a blank line this spacing distinguishes items in a
continuation line from items in a vertical list of selections. For example:
ALTER [ / OUT file-spec / ] LINE
[ , attribute-spec ] …
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
This manual provides the detail definitions for all commands used to
configure, operate, and manage HP Shadowbase. Command definitions
are categorized as described in the next section.
AUDCOM Command Punctuation
An AUDCOM command line spans input records if the last non-blank
character is an ampersand (&). Multiple commands, separated by
semicolons, can appear on the same line. For example,
command-1; command-2; command-3; command-4; &
command-5; command-6...
Comments can be used to document AUDCOM commands. Comments
can be embedded within a command or can appear on separate lines.
Comments must be enclosed in brackets ( [ ] ) if they are embedded
within an AUDCOM command. If the comments appear at the end of an
AUDCOM command or on a line by themselves, the comment only needs
the left bracket to be recognized. No other comment character is
permitted. For example the following lines all perform the “STATUS AUD”
STATUS [this is a comment] AUD
STATUS AUD [this is a comment at the end of a command
AUDCOM Command Categories
AUDCOM commands are grouped into five logical categories. These
categories are:
Basic commands
Commands used to set context within an AUDCOM session and remain in
effect for the duration of the AUDCOM session.
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
Monitor control commands
Commands associated with the AUDMON configuration.
Collector process commands
Commands associated with the definition and control of Collectors.
Consumer process commands
Commands associated with the definition and control of Consumers.
Database specification commands
Commands associated with the definition and control of database
specifications related to source and target files/tables being replicated.
This includes those tables/files that are being included or excluded.
QMGR process commands
Commands associated with the definition and control of QMGR
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Definitions
Basic Command Descriptions
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command
Basic Command Descriptions
Basic commands are associated with setting context within an AUDCOM
session. Once set, they remain in effect for that AUDCOM session only.
The basic commands are described below:
These commands are session-oriented. Their values are reset to their
defaults each time AUDCOM is exited.
All VOL commands in the above list, default to the current
! Command
! [ [-] | ]
The ! command provides the ability to edit or to repeat a command line
from the history buffer. This command is identical to the FC command,
please refer to the ‘FC’ command description for usage information.
ADTVOL Command
The ADTVOL command sets the default volume and subvolume for
expansion of the audit trail file name if the file name given with an
ADTSTARTNAME Collector parameter is not fully qualified. See SET
COLL command description for more information on the
ADTSTARTNAME Collector parameter. The syntax is:
CMDVOL Command
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Definitions
Basic Command Descriptions
The CMDVOL command sets the default volume and subvolume for
expansion of any file names with the exception of the defaults set by the
commands. The syntax is:
The DICTVOL command sets the default volume and subvolume for
expansion of the SOURCEDICT and TARGETDICT DBS parameters.
The syntax is:
ERRORS Command
The ERRORS command directs AUDCOM to stop parsing the
configuration after the specified number of errors occurs. The state of the
configured objects will remain as configured to the point of the error. This
allows you to evaluate the configuration as it stands to determine the
problem using AUDCOM interactively or through the output file. The
syntax is:
Is the number of errors to allow before parsing of the configuration stops.
If this command is not entered, the entire configuration will be processed.
Unless an exclamation point (!) appears after the RUN command, any
error detected will prevent the system from entering a run state. See RUN
command description below for more information.
For example, if you want your HP Shadowbase configuration to stop after
the first error, add the line "ERRORS 1" to the beginning of your
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Definitions
Basic Command Descriptions
EXIT Command
The EXIT command terminates the current command file input stream and
AUDCOM. The syntax is:
Note: The CTRL Y key combination will also work to exit AUDCOM.
FC Command
The FC command provides the ability to edit or to repeat a command line
from the history buffer. The syntax is:
FC [ [-] | ]
{ [R]
{ [I]
{ [D]
When the FC command executes, it displays the previous command line,
or the specified line from the history buffer, and prompts for editing input
with a period (.). FC accepts three subcommands:
replace one or more characters
insert one or more characters
delete one character
Enter the subcommands and their associated strings beneath the
displayed command line and end them with a carriage return.
Replacement, insertion, or deletion begins with the character positioned
directly above the subcommand.
Subcommand R replaces characters in the command line with
replacement_string on a one-for-one basis. Subcommand I inserts
characters in the command line with insertion_string on a one-for-one
basis. Subcommand D deletes the above character in the command line;
the D subcommand can be repeated for each character that is to be
deleted. If a string is entered without a command, R is assumed.
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Definitions
Basic Command Descriptions
After editing the line, FC redisplays the command line and prompts for
another subcommand. FC terminates when it receives only a carriage
return. The corrected line then executes.
The FC command can be terminated without execution by pressing
BREAK, pressing CTRL/Y, or entering a double slash (//) in columns 1 and
2, immediately followed by a carriage return.
Examples of FC subcommand positioning:
set cpu 2p
Deletes the extra p
set cpu 2
set coll cpu 2
Inserts the word coll before cpu
set coll cpu 2
set coll cpu 1
Replaces the number 2 with 1
FC commands can be separated by the double slash. For example:
set coll
cpu 1
d// r2
set coll cpu 2
Deletes space between coll and cpu, and replaces 1 with 2.
HELP Command
The HELP command allows the user to view a description and the syntax
for the various HP Shadowbase commands. The syntax is:
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Reference Manual—785421-002
HP NonStop Shadowbase Command Definitions
Basic Command Descriptions
[ /OUT / ]
Is one of the following HP Shadowbase commands: Issuing a HELP
command for the various SET