Hp Xc System 4 X Software Command Reference Guide Platform LSF
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- Platform™ LSF™ Command Reference
- bacct
- Synopsis
- Description
- Throughput calculation
- Options
- Default output format (SUMMARY)
- Brief format (-b)
- Long format (-l)
- Advance Reservations (-U)
- Termination reasons displayed by bacct
- Example: Default format
- Example: Jobs that have triggered job exceptions
- Example: Advance reservation accounting information
- Example: LSF Job termination reason logging
- Files
- See also
- bapp
- badmin
- bbot
- bchkpnt
- bclusters
- bgadd
- bgdel
- bhist
- bhosts
- bhpart
- bgmod
- bjgroup
- bjobs
- bkill
- bladmin
- blaunch
- blcollect
- blhosts
- blimits
- blinfo
- blkill
- blparams
- blplugins
- blstat
- bltasks
- blusers
- bmgroup
- bmig
- bmod
- bparams
- bpeek
- bpost
- bqueues
- bread
- brequeue
- bresources
- brestart
- bresume
- brlainfo
- brsvadd
- brsvdel
- brsvmod
- brsvs
- brun
- bsla
- bslots
- bstatus
- bstop
- bsub
- bswitch
- btop
- bugroup
- busers
- ch
- lsacct
- lsacctmrg
- lsadmin
- lsclusters
- lseligible
- lsfinstall
- lsfmon
- lsfrestart
- lsfshutdown
- lsfstartup
- lsgrun
- lshosts
- lsid
- lsinfo
- lsload
- lsloadadj
- lslogin
- lsltasks
- lsmon
- lspasswd
- lsplace
- lsrcp
- lsrtasks
- lsrun
- lstcsh
- pam
- patchinstall
- pmcadmin
- pmcremoverc
- pmcsetrc
- perfadmin
- perfremoverc
- perfsetrc
- pversions (Windows)
- pversions (UNIX)
- ssacct
- ssched
- taskman
- tspeek
- tssub
- wgpasswd
- wguser
- Index
- bacct
Platform™ LSF™ Command Reference
Version 7 Update 3
Release date: May 2008
Last modified: May 16, 2008
Comments to: doc@platform.com
Support: support@platform.com
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Platform LSF Command Reference 3
bacct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
bapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
badmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
bbot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
bchkpnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
bclusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
bgadd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
bgdel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
bhist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
bhosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
bhpart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
bgmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
bjgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
bjobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
bkill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
bladmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
blaunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
blcollect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
blhosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
blimits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
blinfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
blkill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
blparams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
blplugins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
blstat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
bltasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
blusers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
bmgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
bmig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
bmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
bparams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
bpeek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
bpost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
bqueues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
brequeue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
bresources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
4Platform LSF Command Reference
brestart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
bresume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
brlainfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
brsvadd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
brsvdel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
brsvmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
brsvs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
brun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
bsla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
bslots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
bstatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
bstop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
bsub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
bswitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
btop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
bugroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
busers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
lsacct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
lsacctmrg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
lsadmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
lsclusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
lseligible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
lsfinstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
lsfmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
lsfrestart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
lsfshutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
lsfstartup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
lsgrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
lshosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
lsid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
lsinfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
lsload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
lsloadadj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
lslogin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
lsltasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
lsmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
lspasswd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
lsplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
lsrcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
lsrtasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
lsrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
lstcsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
pam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
patchinstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
pmcadmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Platform LSF Command Reference 5
pmcremoverc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
pmcsetrc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
perfadmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
perfremoverc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
perfsetrc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
pversions (Windows) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
pversions (UNIX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
ssacct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
ssched . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
taskman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
tspeek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
tssub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
wgpasswd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
wguser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
6Platform LSF Command Reference
Platform LSF Command Reference 7
Displays accounting statistics about finished jobs.
bacct [-b | -l] [-d] [-e] [-w] [-x] [-app application_profile_name]
[-C time0,time1] [-D time0,time1] [-f logfile_name]
[-Lp ls_project_name ...] [-m host_name ...|-M host_list_file]
[-N host_name |-N host_model |-N cpu_factor]
[-P project_name ...] [-q queue_name ...]
[-sla service_class_name ...] [-S time0,time1]
[-u user_name ... |-u all]
bacct [-b | -l] [-f logfile_name] [job_ID ...]
bacct [-U reservation_ID ... |-U all [-u user_name ... |-u all]
bacct [-h |-V]
Displays a summary of accounting statistics for all finished jobs (with a DONE or
EXIT status) submitted by the user who invoked the command, on all hosts,
projects, and queues in the LSF system. bacct displays statistics for all jobs logged
in the current LSF accounting log file:
CPU time is not normalized.
All times are in seconds.
Statistics not reported by bacct but of interest to individual system administrators
can be generated by directly using awk or perl to process the lsb.acct file.
Throughput calculation
The throughput (T) of the LSF system, certain hosts, or certain queues is calculated
by the formula:
T = N/(ET-BT)
◆N is the total number of jobs for which accounting statistics are reported
◆BT is the Start time—when the first job was logged
◆ET is the End time—when the last job was logged
You can use the option -C time0,time1 to specify the Start time as time0 and the
End time as time1. In this way, you can examine throughput during a specific time
Jobs involved in the throughput calculation are only those being logged (that is,
with a DONE or EXIT status). Jobs that are running, suspended, or that have never
been dispatched after submission are not considered, because they are still in the
LSF system and not logged in lsb.acct.
8Platform LSF Command Reference
The total throughput of the LSF system can be calculated by specifying -u all
without any of the -m, -q, -S, -D or job_ID options. The throughput of certain hosts
can be calculated by specifying -u all without the -q, -S, -D or job_ID options.
The throughput of certain queues can be calculated by specifying -u all without
the -m, -S, -D or job_ID options.
bacct does not show local pending batch jobs killed using bkill -b. bacct shows
MultiCluster jobs and local running jobs even if they are killed using bkill -b.
-b Brief format.
-d Displays accounting statistics for successfully completed jobs (with a DONE
-e Displays accounting statistics for exited jobs (with an EXIT status).
-l Long format with additional detail.
-w Wide field format.
-x Displays jobs that have triggered a job exception (overrun, underrun, idle). Use
with the -l option to show the exception status for individual jobs.
-app application_profile_name
Displays accounting information about jobs submitted to the specified application
profile. You must specify an existing application profile configured in
-C time0,time1 Displays accounting statistics for jobs that completed or exited during the specified
time interval. Reads lsb.acct and all archived log files (lsb.acct.n) unless -f is
also used.
The time format is the same as in bhist(1).
-D time0,time1 Displays accounting statistics for jobs dispatched during the specified time interval.
Reads lsb.acct and all archived log files (lsb.acct.n) unless -f is also used.
The time format is the same as in bhist(1).
-f logfile_name Searches the specified job log file for accounting statistics. Specify either an absolute
or relative path.
Useful for offline analysis.
The specified file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX, or up to 255
characters for Windows.
-Lp ls_project_name ... Displays accounting statistics for jobs belonging to the specified License Scheduler
projects. If a list of projects is specified, project names must be separated by spaces
and enclosed in quotation marks (") or (’).
-M host_list_file Displays accounting statistics for jobs dispatched to the hosts listed in a file
(host_list_file) containing a list of hosts. The host list file has the following format:
◆Multiple lines are supported
◆Each line includes a list of hosts separated by spaces
◆The length of each line must be less than 512 characters
Platform LSF Command Reference 9
-m host_name ... Displays accounting statistics for jobs dispatched to the specified hosts.
If a list of hosts is specified, host names must be separated by spaces and enclosed
in quotation marks (") or (’).
-N host_name | -N host_model | -N cpu_factor
Normalizes CPU time by the CPU factor of the specified host or host model, or by
the specified CPU factor.
If you use bacct offline by indicating a job log file, you must specify a CPU factor.
-P project_name ... Displays accounting statistics for jobs belonging to the specified projects. If a list of
projects is specified, project names must be separated by spaces and enclosed in
quotation marks (") or (’).
-q queue_name ... Displays accounting statistics for jobs submitted to the specified queues.
If a list of queues is specified, queue names must be separated by spaces and
enclosed in quotation marks (") or (’).
-S time0,time1 Displays accounting statistics for jobs submitted during the specified time interval.
Reads lsb.acct and all archived log files (lsb.acct.n) unless -f is also used.
The time format is the same as in bhist(1).
-sla service_class_name
Displays accounting statistics for jobs that ran under the specified service class.
If a default system service class is configured with ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA
in lsb.params but not explicitly configured in lsb.applications,
bacct -sla service_class_name displays accounting information for the specified
default service class.
-U reservation_id ... | -U all
Displays accounting statistics for the specified advance reservation IDs, or for all
reservation IDs if the keyword all is specified.
A list of reservation IDs must be separated by spaces and enclosed in quotation
marks (") or (’).
The -U option also displays historical information about reservation modifications.
When combined with the -U option, -u is interpreted as the user name of the
reservation creator. For example:
bacct -U all -u user2
shows all the advance reservations created by user user2.
Without the -u option, bacct -U shows all advance reservation information about
jobs submitted by the user.
In a MultiCluster environment, advance reservation information is only logged in
the execution cluster, so bacct displays advance reservation information for local
reservations only. You cannot see information about remote reservations. You
cannot specify a remote reservation ID, and the keyword all only displays
information about reservations in the local cluster.
-u user_name ...|-u all Displays accounting statistics for jobs submitted by the specified users, or by all
users if the keyword all is specified.
Default output format (SUMMARY)
10 Platform LSF Command Reference
If a list of users is specified, user names must be separated by spaces and enclosed
in quotation marks (") or (’). You can specify both user names and user IDs in the
list of users.
job_ID ... Displays accounting statistics for jobs with the specified job IDs.
If the reserved job ID 0 is used, it is ignored.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Default output format (SUMMARY)
Statistics on jobs. The following fields are displayed:
◆Total number of done jobs
◆Total number of exited jobs
◆Total CPU time consumed
◆Average CPU time consumed
◆Maximum CPU time of a job
◆Minimum CPU time of a job
◆Total wait time in queues
◆Average wait time in queue
◆Maximum wait time in queue
◆Minimum wait time in queue
◆Average turnaround time (seconds/job)
◆Maximum turnaround time
◆Minimum turnaround time
◆Average hog factor of a job (cpu time/turnaround time)
◆Maximum hog factor of a job
◆Minimum hog factor of a job
◆Tota l throughput
◆Beginning time: the completion or exit time of the first job selected
◆Ending time: the completion or exit time of the last job selected
The total, average, minimum, and maximum statistics are on all specified jobs.
The wait time is the elapsed time from job submission to job dispatch.
The turnaround time is the elapsed time from job submission to job completion.
The hog factor is the amount of CPU time consumed by a job divided by its
turnaround time.
The throughput is the number of completed jobs divided by the time period to
finish these jobs (jobs/hour).
Brief format (-b)
In addition to the default format SUMMARY, displays the following fields:
Platform LSF Command Reference 11
U/UID Name of the user who submitted the job. If LSF fails to get the user name by
getpwuid(3), the user ID is displayed.
QUEUE Queue to which the job was submitted.
SUBMIT_TIME Time when the job was submitted.
CPU_T CPU time consumed by the job.
WAIT Wait time of the job.
TURNAROUND Turnaround time of the job.
FROM Host from which the job was submitted.
EXEC_ON Host or hosts to which the job was dispatched to run.
JOB_NAME The job name assigned by the user, or the command string assigned by default at
job submission with bsub. If the job name is too long to fit in this field, then only
the latter part of the job name is displayed.
The displayed job name or job command can contain up to 4094 characters for
UNIX, or up to 255 characters for Windows.
Long format (-l)
In addition to the fields displayed by default in SUMMARY and by -b, displays the
following fields:
JOBID Identifier that LSF assigned to the job.
PROJECT_NAME Project name assigned to the job.
STATUS Status that indicates the job was either successfully completed (DONE) or exited
DISPAT_TIME Time when the job was dispatched to run on the execution hosts.
COMPL_TIME Time when the job exited or completed.
HOG_FACTOR Average hog factor, equal to "CPU time" / "turnaround time".
MEM Maximum resident memory usage of all processes in a job. By default, memory
usage is shown in MB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a
larger unit for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
CWD Current working directory of the job.
SWAP Maximum virtual memory usage of all processes in a job. By default, swap space is
shown in MB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a larger unit
for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
INPUT_FILE File from which the job reads its standard input (see bsub -i input_file).
OUTPUT_FILE File to which the job writes its standard output (see bsub -o output_file).
ERR_FILE File in which the job stores its standard error output (see bsub -e err_file).
EXCEPTION STATUS Possible values for the exception status of a job include:
Advance Reservations (-U)
12 Platform LSF Command Reference
The job is consuming less CPU time than expected. The job idle factor
(CPU time/runtime) is less than the configured JOB_IDLE threshold for the queue
and a job exception has been triggered.
The job is running longer than the number of minutes specified by the
JOB_OVERRUN threshold for the queue and a job exception has been triggered.
The job finished sooner than the number of minutes specified by the
JOB_UNDERRUN threshold for the queue and a job exception has been triggered.
Advance Reservations (-U)
Displays the following fields:
RSVID Advance reservation ID assigned by brsvadd command
TYPE Type of reservation: user or system
CREATOR User name of the advance reservation creator, who submitted the brsvadd
USER User name of the advance reservation user, who submitted the job with bsub -U
NCPUS Number of CPUs reserved
RSV_HOSTS List of hosts for which processors are reserved, and the number of processors
TIME_WINDOW Time window for the reservation.
◆A one-time reservation displays fields separated by slashes
(month/day/hour/minute). For example:
◆A recurring reservation displays fields separated by colons
(day:hour:minute). For example:
5:18:0 5:20:0
Termination reasons displayed by bacct
When LSF detects that a job is terminated, bacct -l displays one of the following
termination reasons. The corresponding integer value logged to the JOB_FINISH
record in lsb.acct is given in parentheses.
◆TERM_ADMIN: Job killed by root or LSF administrator (15)
◆TERM_BUCKET_KILL: Job killed with bkill -b (23)
◆TERM_CHKPNT: Job killed after checkpointing (13)
◆TERM_CWD_NOTEXIST: current working directory is not accessible or does
not exist on the execution host (25)
◆TERM_CPULIMIT: Job killed after reaching LSF CPU usage limit (12)
◆TERM_DEADLINE: Job killed after deadline expires (6)
◆TERM_EXTERNAL_SIGNAL: Job killed by a signal external to LSF (17)
Platform LSF Command Reference 13
◆TERM_FORCE_ADMIN: Job killed by root or LSF administrator without time
for cleanup (9)
◆TERM_FORCE_OWNER: Job killed by owner without time for cleanup (8)
◆TERM_LOAD: Job killed after load exceeds threshold (3)
◆TERM_MEMLIMIT: Job killed after reaching LSF memory usage limit (16)
◆TERM_OWNER: Job killed by owner (14)
◆TERM_PREEMPT: Job killed after preemption (1)
◆TERM_PROCESSLIMIT: Job killed after reaching LSF process limit (7)
◆TERM_REQUEUE_ADMIN: Job killed and requeued by root or LSF
administrator (11)
◆TERM_REQUEUE_OWNER: Job killed and requeued by owner (10)
◆TERM_RUNLIMIT: Job killed after reaching LSF run time limit (5)
◆TERM_SLURM: Job terminated abnormally in SLURM (node failure) (22)
◆TERM_SWAP: Job killed after reaching LSF swap usage limit (20)
◆TERM_THREADLIMIT: Job killed after reaching LSF thread limit (21)
◆TERM_UNKNOWN: LSF cannot determine a termination reason—0 is logged
but TERM_UNKNOWN is not displayed (0)
◆TERM_WINDOW: Job killed after queue run window closed (2)
◆TERM_ZOMBIE: Job exited while LSF is not available (19)
TIP:The integer values logged to the JOB_FINISH record in lsb.acct and termination reason
keywords are mapped in lsbatch.h.
Example: Default format
Accounting information about jobs that are:
- submitted by users user1.
- accounted on all projects.
- completed normally or exited.
- executed on all hosts.
- submitted to all queues.
- accounted on all service classes.
SUMMARY: ( time unit: second )
Total number of done jobs: 60 Total number of exited jobs: 118
Total CPU time consumed: 1011.5 Average CPU time consumed: 5.7
Maximum CPU time of a job: 991.4 Minimum CPU time of a job: 0.0
Total wait time in queues: 134598.0
Average wait time in queue: 756.2
Maximum wait time in queue: 7069.0 Minimum wait time in queue: 0.0
Average turnaround time: 3585 (seconds/job)
Maximum turnaround time: 77524 Minimum turnaround time: 6
Average hog factor of a job: 0.00 ( cpu time / turnaround time )
Maximum hog factor of a job: 0.56 Minimum hog factor of a job: 0.00
Total throughput: 0.67 (jobs/hour) during 266.18 hours
Beginning time: Aug 8 15:48 Ending time: Aug 19 17:59
Example: Jobs that have triggered job exceptions
14 Platform LSF Command Reference
Example: Jobs that have triggered job exceptions
bacct -x -l
Accounting information about jobs that are:
- submitted by users user1,
- accounted on all projects.
- completed normally or exited
- executed on all hosts.
- submitted to all queues.
- accounted on all service classes.
Job <1743>, User <user1>, Project <default>, Status <DONE>, Queue <normal>, Command
<sleep 30>
Mon Aug 11 18:16:17: Submitted from host <hostB>, CWD <$HOME/jobs>, Output File
Mon Aug 11 18:17:22: Dispatched to <hostC>;
Mon Aug 11 18:18:54: Completed <done>.
Accounting information about this job:
0.19 65 157 done 0.0012 4M 5M
Job <1948>, User <user1>, Project <default>, Status <DONE>, Queue <normal>,
<sleep 550>
Tue Aug 12 14:15:03: Submitted from host <hostB>, CWD <$HOME/jobs>, Output File
Tue Aug 12 14:15:15: Dispatched to <hostC>;
Tue Aug 12 14:25:08: Completed <done>.
EXCEPTION STATUS: overrun idle
Accounting information about this job:
0.20 12 605 done 0.0003 4M 5M
Job <1949>, User <user1>, Project <default>, Status <DONE>, Queue <normal>,
<sleep 400>
Tue Aug 12 14:26:11: Submitted from host <hostB>, CWD <$HOME/jobs>, Output File
Tue Aug 12 14:26:18: Dispatched to <hostC>;
Tue Aug 12 14:33:16: Completed <done>.
Accounting information about this job:
0.17 7 425 done 0.0004 4M 5M
Job <719[14]>, Job Name <test[14]>, User <user1>, Project <default>, Status
Platform LSF Command Reference 15
<EXIT>, Queue <normal>, Command </home/user1/job1>
Mon Aug 18 20:27:44: Submitted from host <hostB>, CWD <$HOME/jobs>, Output File
Mon Aug 18 20:31:16: [14] dispatched to <hostA>;
Mon Aug 18 20:31:18: Completed <exit>.
Accounting information about this job:
0.19 212 214 exit 0.0009 2M 4M
SUMMARY: ( time unit: second )
Total number of done jobs: 45 Total number of exited jobs: 56
Total CPU time consumed: 1009.1 Average CPU time consumed: 10.0
Maximum CPU time of a job: 991.4 Minimum CPU time of a job: 0.1
Total wait time in queues: 116864.0
Average wait time in queue: 1157.1
Maximum wait time in queue: 7069.0 Minimum wait time in queue: 7.0
Average turnaround time: 1317 (seconds/job)
Maximum turnaround time: 7070 Minimum turnaround time: 10
Average hog factor of a job: 0.01 ( cpu time / turnaround time )
Maximum hog factor of a job: 0.56 Minimum hog factor of a job: 0.00
Total throughput: 0.59 (jobs/hour) during 170.21 hours
Beginning time: Aug 11 18:18 Ending time: Aug 18 20:31
Example: Advance reservation accounting information
bacct -U user1#2
Accounting for:
- advanced reservation IDs: user1#2
- advanced reservations created by user1
user1#2 user user1 user1 1 hostA:1 9/16/17/36-9/16/17/38
Total number of jobs: 4
Total CPU time consumed: 0.5 second
Maximum memory of a job: 4.2 MB
Maximum swap of a job: 5.2 MB
Total duration time: 0 hour 2 minute 0 second
Example: LSF Job termination reason logging
When a job finishes, LSF reports the last job termination action it took against the
job and logs it into lsb.acct.
If a running job exits because of node failure, LSF sets the correct exit information
in lsb.acct, lsb.events, and the job output file.
Use bacct -l to view job exit information logged to lsb.acct:
bacct -l 7265
Accounting information about jobs that are:
- submitted by all users.
- accounted on all projects.
16 Platform LSF Command Reference
- completed normally or exited
- executed on all hosts.
- submitted to all queues.
- accounted on all service classes.
Job <7265>, User <lsfadmin>, Project <default>, Status <EXIT>, Queue <normal>,
Command <srun sleep 100000>
Thu Sep 16 15:22:09: Submitted from host <hostA>, CWD <$HOME>;
Thu Sep 16 15:22:20: Dispatched to 4 Hosts/Processors <4*hostA>;
Thu Sep 16 15:22:20: slurm_id=21793;ncpus=4;slurm_alloc=n[13-14];
Thu Sep 16 15:23:21: Completed <exit>; TERM_RUNLIMIT: job killed after reaching
LSF run time limit.
Accounting information about this job:
Share group charged </lsfadmin>
0.04 11 72 exit 0.0006 0K 0K
SUMMARY: ( time unit: second )
Total number of done jobs: 0 Total number of exited jobs: 1
Total CPU time consumed: 0.0 Average CPU time consumed: 0.0
Maximum CPU time of a job: 0.0 Minimum CPU time of a job: 0.0
Total wait time in queues: 11.0
Average wait time in queue: 11.0
Maximum wait time in queue: 11.0 Minimum wait time in queue: 11.0
Average turnaround time: 72 (seconds/job)
Maximum turnaround time: 72 Minimum turnaround time: 72
Average hog factor of a job: 0.00 ( cpu time / turnaround time )
Maximum hog factor of a job: 0.00 Minimum hog factor of a job: 0.00
Reads lsb.acct, lsb.acct.n.
See also
bhist, bsub, bjobs, lsb.acct, brsvadd, brsvs, bsla, lsb.serviceclasses
Platform LSF Command Reference 17
Displays information about application profile configuration.
bapp [-l |-w] [application_profile_name ...]
bapp [-h |-V]
Displays information about application profiles configured in lsb.applications.
Returns application name, job slot statistics, and job state statistics for all
application profiles:
In MultiCluster, returns the information about all application profiles in the local
CPU time is normalized.
-w Wide format. Fields are displayed without truncation.
-l Long format with additional information.
Displays the following additional information: application profile description,
application profile characteristics and statistics, parameters, resource usage limits,
associated commands, and job controls.
application_profile_name ...
Displays information about the specified application profile.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints product release version to stderr and exits.
Default output format
Displays the following fields:
The name of the application profile. Application profiles are named to correspond
to the type of application that usually runs within them.
NJOBS The total number of job slots held currently by jobs in the application profile. This
includes pending, running, suspended and reserved job slots. A parallel job that is
running on n processors is counted as n job slots, since it takes n job slots in the
PEND The number of job slots used by pending jobs in the application profile.
RUN The number of job slots used by running jobs in the application profile.
SUSP The number of job slots used by suspended jobs in the application profile.
Long output format(-l)
18 Platform LSF Command Reference
Long output format(-l)
In addition to the above fields, the -l option displays the following:
Description A description of the typical use of the application profile.
The number of job slots in the application profile allocated to jobs that are
suspended by LSF because of load levels or run windows.
The number of job slots in the application profile allocated to jobs that are
suspended by the job submitter or by the LSF administrator.
The number of job slots in the application profile that are reserved by LSF for
pending jobs.
Per-job resource usage limits
The soft resource usage limits that are imposed on the jobs associated with the
application profile. These limits are imposed on a per-job and a per-process basis.
The possible per-job limits are:
The maximum CPU time a job can use, in minutes, relative to the CPU factor of the
named host. CPULIMIT is scaled by the CPU factor of the execution host so that
jobs are allowed more time on slower hosts.
The maximum running set size (RSS) of a process.
By default, the limit is shown in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to
specify a larger unit for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
A memory limit is the maximum amount of memory a job is allowed to consume.
Jobs that exceed the level are killed. You can specify different types of memory
limits to enforce, based on PROCESS, TASK, or JOB (or any combination of the
The maximum number of concurrent processes allocated to a job.
The maximum number of processors allocated to a job.
The swap space limit that a job may use.
By default, the limit is shown in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to
specify a larger unit for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
The maximum number of concurrent threads allocated to a job.
Platform LSF Command Reference 19
Per-process resource usage limits
The possible UNIX per-process resource limits are:
The maximum size of a core file.
By default, the limit is shown in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to
specify a larger unit for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
The maximum size of the data segment of a process, in KB. This restricts the
amount of memory a process can allocate.
The maximum file size a process can create, in KB.
The maximum wall clock time a process can use, in minutes. RUNLIMIT is scaled
by the CPU factor of the execution host.
The maximum size of the stack segment of a process. This restricts the amount of
memory a process can use for local variables or recursive function calls.
By default, the limit is shown in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to
specify a larger unit for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
CHKPNT_DIR The checkpoint directory, if automatic checkpointing is enabled for the application
The initial checkpoint period in minutes. The periodic checkpoint does not happen
until the initial period has elapsed.
CHKPNT_PERIOD The checkpoint period in minutes. The running job is checkpointed automatically
every checkpoint period.
CHKPNT_METHOD The checkpoint method.
MIG The migration threshold in minutes. A value of 0 (zero) specifies that a suspended
job should be migrated immediately.
Where a host migration threshold is also specified, and is lower than the job value,
the host value is used.
PRE_EXEC The pre-execution command for the application profile. The PRE_EXEC command
runs on the execution host before the job associated with the application profile is
dispatched to the execution host (or to the first host selected for a parallel batch
POST_EXEC The post-execution command for the application profile. The POST_EXEC
command runs on the execution host after the job finishes.
If JOB_INCLUDE_POSTPROC= Y, post-execution processing of the job is included as
part of the job.
See also
20 Platform LSF Command Reference
Timeout in minutes for job post-execution processing. If post-execution processing
takes longer than the timeout, sbatchd reports that post-execution has failed
(POST_ERR status), and kills the process group of the job’s post-execution
Jobs that exit with these values are automatically requeued.
RES_REQ Resource requirements of the application profile. Only the hosts that satisfy these
resource requirements can be used by the application profile.
JOB_STARTER An executable file that runs immediately prior to the batch job, taking the batch job
file as an input argument. All jobs submitted to the application profile are run via
the job starter, which is generally used to create a specific execution environment
before processing the jobs themselves.
CHUNK_JOB_SIZE Chunk jobs only. Specifies the maximum number of jobs allowed to be dispatched
together in a chunk job. All of the jobs in the chunk are scheduled and dispatched
as a unit rather than individually.
RERUNNABLE If the RERUNNABLE field displays yes, jobs in the application profile are
automatically restarted or rerun if the execution host becomes unavailable.
However, a job in the application profile is not restarted if you use bmod to remove
the rerunnable option from the job.
RESUME_CONTROL The configured actions for the resume job control.
The configured actions are displayed in the format [action_type, command] where
action_type is RESUME.
The configured actions for the suspend job control.
The configured actions are displayed in the format [action_type, command] where
action_type is SUSPEND.
The configured actions for terminate job control.
The configured actions are displayed in the format [action_type, command] where
action_type is TERMINATE.
See also
lab.applications, lsb.queues, bsub, bjobs, badmin, mbatchd
Platform LSF Command Reference 21
Administrative tool for LSF.
badmin subcommand
badmin [-h |-V]
IMPORTANT:This command can only be used by LSF administrators.
badmin provides a set of subcommands to control and monitor LSF. If no
subcommands are supplied for badmin, badmin prompts for a subcommand from
standard input.
Information about each subcommand is available through the help command.
The badmin subcommands include privileged and non-privileged subcommands.
Privileged subcommands can only be invoked by root or LSF administrators.
Privileged subcommands are:
The configuration file lsf.sudoers(5) must be set to use the privileged command
hstartup by a non-root user.
All other commands are non-privileged commands and can be invoked by any LSF
user. If the privileged commands are to be executed by the LSF administrator,
badmin must be installed, because it needs to send the request using a privileged
For subcommands for which multiple hosts can be specified, do not enclose the
host names in quotation marks.
Subcommand synopsis
22 Platform LSF Command Reference
Subcommand synopsis
ckconfig [-v]
diagnose [job_ID ... | "job_ID[index]" ...]
reconfig [-v] [-f]
mbdrestart [-C comment] [-v] [-f]
qopen [-C comment] [queue_name ... | all]
qclose [-C comment] [queue_name ... | all]
qact [-C comment] [queue_name ... | all]
qinact [-C comment] [queue_name ... | all]
qhist [-t time0,time1] [-f logfile_name] [queue_name ...]
hopen [-C comment] [host_name ... | host_group ... | all]
hclose [-C comment] [host_name ... | host_group ... | all]
hrestart [-f] [host_name ... | all]
hshutdown [-f] [host_name ... | all]
hstartup [-f] [host_name ... | all]
hhist [-t time0,time1] [-f logfile_name] [host_name ...]
mbdhist [-t time0,time1] [-f logfile_name]
hist [-t time0,time1] [-f logfile_name]
hghostadd [-C comment] host_group host_name [host_name ...]
hghostdel [-f] [-C comment] host_group host_name [host_name ...]
help [command ...] | ? [command ...]
mbddebug [-c class_name ...] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
mbdtime [-l timing_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
sbddebug [-c class_name ...] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
[host_name ...]
sbdtime [-l timing_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] [host_name ...]
schddebug [-c class_name ...] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name]
schdtime [-l timing_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
showconf mbd | [sbd [ host_name … | all ]]
perfmon start [sample_period]| stop | view | setperiod sample_period
Platform LSF Command Reference 23
subcommand Executes the specified subcommand. See Usage section.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
ckconfig [-v] Checks LSF configuration files located in the
LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir directory, and checks
The LSB_CONFDIR variable is defined in lsf.conf (see lsf.conf(5)) which is in
LSF_ENVDIR or /etc (if LSF_ENVDIR is not defined).
By default, badmin ckconfig displays only the result of the configuration file
check. If warning errors are found, badmin prompts you to display detailed
Verbose mode. Displays detailed messages about configuration file checking to
diagnose [job_ID ... | "job_ID]" ...][
Displays full pending reason list if CONDENSE_PENDING_REASONS=Y is set in
lsb.params. For example:
badmin diagnose 1057
reconfig [-v] [-f] Dynamically reconfigures LSF without restarting mbatchd.
Configuration files are checked for errors and the results displayed to stderr. If no
errors are found in the configuration files, a reconfiguration request is sent to
mbatchd and configuration files are reloaded.
With this option, mbatchd and mbschd are not restarted and lsb.events is not
replayed. To restart mbatchd and mbschd, and replay lsb.events, use badmin
When you issue this command, mbatchd is available to service requests while
reconfiguration files are reloaded. Configuration changes made since system boot
or the last reconfiguration take effect.
If warning errors are found, badmin prompts you to display detailed messages. If
fatal errors are found, reconfiguration is not performed, and badmin exits.
If you add a host to a queue or to a host group, the new host is not recognized by
jobs that were submitted before you reconfigured. If you want the new host to be
recognized, you must use the command badmin mbdrestart.
Resource requirements determined by the queue no longer apply to a running job
after running badmin reconfig, For example, if you change the RES_REQ
parameter in a queue and reconfigure the cluster, the previous queue-level resource
requirements for running jobs are lost.
24 Platform LSF Command Reference
Verbose mode. Displays detailed messages about the status of the configuration
files. Without this option, the default is to display the results of configuration file
checking. All messages from the configuration file check are printed to stderr.
Disables interaction and proceeds with reconfiguration if configuration files
contain no fatal errors.
mbdrestart [-C comment] [-v] [-f]
Dynamically reconfigures LSF and restarts mbatchd and mbschd.
Configuration files are checked for errors and the results printed to stderr. If no
errors are found, configuration files are reloaded, mbatchd and mbschd are
restarted, and events in lsb.events are replayed to recover the running state of the
last mbatchd. While mbatchd restarts, it is unavailable to service requests.
If warning errors are found, badmin prompts you to display detailed messages. If
fatal errors are found, mbatchd and mbschd restart is not performed, and badmin
If lsb.events is large, or many jobs are running, restarting mbatchd can take
several minutes. If you only need to reload the configuration files, use badmin
-C comment
Logs the text of comment as an administrator comment record to lsb.events. The
maximum length of the comment string is 512 characters.
Verbose mode. Displays detailed messages about the status of configuration files.
All messages from configuration checking are printed to stderr.
Disables interaction and forces reconfiguration and mbatchd restart to proceed if
configuration files contain no fatal errors.
qopen [-C comment] [queue_name ... | all]
Opens specified queues, or all queues if the reserved word all is specified. If no
queue is specified, the system default queue is assumed. A queue can accept batch
jobs only if it is open.
-C comment
Logs the text of comment as an administrator comment record to lsb.events. The
maximum length of the comment string is 512 characters.
qclose [-C comment] [queue_name ... | all]
Closes specified queues, or all queues if the reserved word all is specified. If no
queue is specified, the system default queue is assumed. A queue does not accept
any job if it is closed.
-C comment
Logs the text as an administrator comment record to lsb.events. The maximum
length of the comment string is 512 characters.
qact [-C comment] [queue_name ... | all]
Platform LSF Command Reference 25
Activates specified queues, or all queues if the reserved word all is specified. If no
queue is specified, the system default queue is assumed. Jobs in a queue can be
dispatched if the queue is activated.
A queue inactivated by its run windows cannot be reactivated by this command.
-C comment
Logs the text of the comment as an administrator comment record to lsb.events.
The maximum length of the comment string is 512 characters.
qinact [-C comment] [queue_name ... | all]
Inactivates specified queues, or all queues if the reserved word all is specified. If
no queue is specified, the system default queue is assumed. No job in a queue can
be dispatched if the queue is inactivated.
-C comment
Logs the text as an administrator comment record to lsb.events. The maximum
length of the comment string is 512 characters.
qhist [-t time0,time1] [-f logfile_name] [queue_name ...]
Displays historical events for specified queues, or for all queues if no queue is
specified. Queue events are queue opening, closing, activating and inactivating.
-t time0,time1
Displays only those events that occurred during the period from time0 to time1. See
bhist(1) for the time format. The default is to display all queue events in the event
log file (see below).
-f logfile_name
Specify the file name of the event log file. Either an absolute or a relative path name
may be specified. The default is to use the event log file currently used by the LSF
system: LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/logdir/lsb.events. Option -f is useful for
offline analysis.
If you specified an administrator comment with the -C option of the queue control
commands qclose, qopen, qact, and qinact, qhist displays the comment text.
hopen [-C comment] [host_name ... | host_group ... | all]
Opens batch server hosts. Specify the names of any server hosts or host groups. All
batch server hosts are opened if the reserved word all is specified. If no host or host
group is specified, the local host is assumed. A host accepts batch jobs if it is open.
IMPORTANT:If EGO-enabled SLA scheduling is configured through ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA
in lsb.params, and a host is closed by EGO, it cannot be reopened by badmin hopen. Hosts
closed by EGO have status closed_EGO in bhosts -l output.
-C comment
Logs the text as an administrator comment record to lsb.events. The maximum
length of the comment string is 512 characters.
If you open a host group, each host group member displays with the same comment
hclose [-C comment] [host_name ... | host_group ... | all]
26 Platform LSF Command Reference
Closes batch server hosts. Specify the names of any server hosts or host groups. All
batch server hosts are closed if the reserved word all is specified. If no argument is
specified, the local host is assumed. A closed host does not accept any new job, but
jobs already dispatched to the host are not affected. Note that this is different from
a host closed by a window; all jobs on it are suspended in that case.
-C comment
Logs the text as an administrator comment record to lsb.events. The maximum
length of the comment string is 512 characters.
If you close a host group, each host group member displays with the same comment
hghostadd [-C comment] host_group host_name [host_name ...]
If dynamic host configuration is enabled, dynamically adds hosts to a host group, .
After receiving the host information from the master LIM, mbatchd dynamically
adds the host without triggering a reconfig.
Once the host is added to the group, it is considered to be part of that group with
respect to scheduling decision making for both newly submitted jobs and for
existing pending jobs.
This command fails if any of the specified host groups or host names are not valid.
RESTRICTION:If EGO-enabled SLA scheduling is configured through ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA
in lsb.params, you cannot use hghostadd because all host allocation is under control of
Platform EGO.
-C comment
Logs the text as an administrator comment record to lsb.events. The maximum
length of the comment string is 512 characters.
hghostdel [-f] [-C comment] host_group host_name [host_name ...]
Dynamically deletes hosts from a host group by triggering an mbatchd reconfig
This command fails if any of the specified host groups or host names are not valid.
CAUTION:If you want to change a dynamic host to a static host, first use the command
badmin hghostdel to remove the dynamic host from any host group that it belongs to, and
then configure the host as a static host in lsf.cluster.cluster_name.
RESTRICTION:If EGO-enabled SLA scheduling is configured through ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA
in lsb.params, you cannot use hghostdel because all host allocation is under control of
Platform EGO.
hrestart [-f] [host_name ... | all]
Restarts sbatchd on the specified hosts, or on all server hosts if the reserved word
all is specified. If no host is specified, the local host is assumed. sbatchd reruns
itself from the beginning. This allows new sbatchd binaries to be used.
Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for restarting sbatchd.
hshutdown [-f] [host_name ... | all]
Platform LSF Command Reference 27
Shuts down sbatchd on the specified hosts, or on all batch server hosts if the
reserved word all is specified. If no host is specified, the local host is assumed.
sbatchd exits upon receiving the request.
Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for shutting down sbatchd.
hstartup [-f] [host_name ... | all]
Starts sbatchd on the specified hosts, or on all batch server hosts if the reserved
word all is specified. Only root and users listed in the file lsf.sudoers(5) can
use the all and -f options. These users must be able to use rsh or ssh on all LSF
hosts without having to type in passwords. If no host is specified, the local host is
The shell command specified by LSF_RSH in lsf.conf is used before rsh is tried.
Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for starting sbatchd.
hhist [-t time0,time1] [-f logfile_name] [host_name ...]
Displays historical events for specified hosts, or for all hosts if no host is specified.
Host events are host opening and closing.
-t time0,time1 Displays only those events that occurred during the period from time0 to time1. See
bhist(1) for the time format. The default is to display all queue events in the event
log file (see below).
-f logfile_name Specify the file name of the event log file. Either an absolute or a relative path name
may be specified. The default is to use the event log file currently used by the LSF
system: LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/logdir/lsb.events. Option -f is useful for
offline analysis.
If you specified an administrator comment with the -C option of the host control
commands hclose or hopen, hhist displays the comment text.
mbdhist [-t time0,time1] [-f logfile_name]
Displays historical events for mbatchd. Events describe the starting and exiting of
-t time0,time1 Displays only those events that occurred during the period from time0 to time1. See
bhist(1) for the time format. The default is to display all queue events in the event
log file (see below).
-f logfile_name Specify the file name of the event log file. Either an absolute or a relative path name
may be specified. The default is to use the event log file currently used by the LSF
system: LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/logdir/lsb.events. Option -f is useful for
offline analysis.
If you specified an administrator comment with the -C option of the mbdrestart
command, mbdhist displays the comment text.
hist [-t time0,time1] [-f logfile_name]
Displays historical events for all the queues, hosts and mbatchd.
28 Platform LSF Command Reference
-t time0,time1 Displays only those events that occurred during the period from time0 to time1. See
bhist(1) for the time format. The default is to display all queue events in the event
log file (see below).
-f logfile_name Specify the file name of the event log file. Either an absolute or a relative path name
may be specified. The default is to use the event log file currently used by the LSF
system: LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/logdir/lsb.events. Option -f is useful for
offline analysis.
If you specified an administrator comment with the -C option of the queue, host,
and mbatchd commands, hist displays the comment text.
help [command ...] | ? [command ...]
Displays the syntax and functionality of the specified commands.
quit Exits the badmin session.
mbddebug [-c class_name ...] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
Sets message log level for mbatchd to include additional information in log files.
You mus t b e root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
See sddebug for an explanation of options.
mbdtime [-l timing_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
Sets timing level for mbatchd to include additional timing information in log files.
You m u s t b e root or the LSF administrator to use this command. See sbdtime for
an explanation of options.
sbddebug [-c class_name ...] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] [host_name ...]
Sets the message log level for sbatchd to include additional information in log files.
You mus t b e root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
In MultiCluster, debug levels can only be set for hosts within the same cluster. For
example, you cannot set debug or timing levels from a host in clusterA for a host
in clusterB. You need to be on a host in clusterB to set up debug or timing levels
for clusterB hosts.
If the command is used without any options, the following default values are used:
class_name=0 (no additional classes are logged)
debug_level=0 (LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LSF_LOG_MASK)
logfile_name=current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in the
format daemon_name.log.host_name
host_name=local host (host from which command was submitted)
-c class_name ...
Specifies software classes for which debug messages are to be logged.
Format of class_name is the name of a class, or a list of class names separated by
spaces and enclosed in quotation marks. Classes are also listed in lsf.h.
Valid log classes are:
◆LC_ADVRSV - Log advance reservation modifications
◆LC_AFS - Log AFS messages
◆LC_AUTH - Log authentication messages
Platform LSF Command Reference 29
◆LC_CHKPNT - Log checkpointing messages
◆LC_COMM - Log communication messages
◆LC_CONF - Print out all parameters in lsb.params
◆LC_DCE - Log messages pertaining to DCE support
◆LC_EEVENTD - Log eeventd messages
◆LC_ELIM - Log ELIM messages
◆LC_EXEC - Log significant steps for job execution
◆LC_FAIR - Log fairshare policy messages
◆LC_FILE - Log file transfer messages
◆LC_HANG - Mark where a program might hang
◆LC_JARRAY - Log job array messages
◆LC_JLIMIT - Log job slot limit messages
◆LC_LICENSE - Log license management messages (LC_LICENCE is also
supported for backward compatibility)
◆LC_LOADINDX - Log load index messages
◆LC_M_LOG - Log multievent logging messages
◆LC_MPI - Log MPI messages
◆LC_MULTI - Log messages pertaining to MultiCluster
◆LC_PEND - Log messages related to job pending reasons
◆LC_PERFM - Log performance messages
◆LC_PIM - Log PIM messages
◆LC_PREEMPT - Log preemption policy messages
◆LC_SIGNAL - Log messages pertaining to signals
◆LC_SYS - Log system call messages
◆LC_TRACE - Log significant program walk steps
◆LC_XDR - Log everything transferred by XDR
Default: 0 (no additional classes are logged)
-l debug_level
Specifies level of detail in debug messages. The higher the number, the more detail
that is logged. Higher levels include all lower levels.
Possible values:
0 LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LSF_LOG_MASK in lsf.conf.
1 LOG_DEBUG1 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2 LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
2 LOG_DEBUG2 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2 LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
30 Platform LSF Command Reference
3 LOG_DEBUG3 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
Default: 0 (LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LSF_LOG_MASK)
-f logfile_name
Specify the name of the file into which debugging messages are to be logged. A file
name with or without a full path may be specified.
If a file name without a path is specified, the file is saved in the LSF system log
The name of the file that is created has the following format:
On UNIX, if the specified path is not valid, the log file is created in the /tmp
On Windows, if the specified path is not valid, no log file is created.
Default: current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory.
Turns off temporary debug settings and resets them to the daemon starting state.
The message log level is reset back to the value of LSF_LOG_MASK and classes are
reset to the value of LSB_DEBUG_MBD, LSB_DEBUG_SBD.
The log file is also reset back to the default log file.
host_name ...
Optional. Sets debug settings on the specified host or hosts.
Lists of host names must be separated by spaces and enclosed in quotation marks.
Default: local host (host from which command was submitted)
sbdtime [-l timing_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] [host_name ...]
Sets the timing level for sbatchd to include additional timing information in log
files. You must be root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
In MultiCluster, timing levels can only be set for hosts within the same cluster. For
example, you could not set debug or timing levels from a host in clusterA for a host
in clusterB. You need to be on a host in clusterB to set up debug or timing levels for
clusterB hosts.
If the command is used without any options, the following default values are used:
timing_level=no timing information is recorded
logfile_name=current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in the
format daemon_name.log.host_name
host_name=local host (host from which command was submitted)
-l timing_level
Specifies detail of timing information that is included in log files. Timing messages
indicate the execution time of functions in the software and are logged in
Valid values: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Platform LSF Command Reference 31
The higher the number, the more functions in the software that are timed and
whose execution time is logged. The lower numbers include more common
software functions. Higher levels include all lower levels.
Default: undefined (no timing information is logged)
-f logfile_name
Specify the name of the file into which timing messages are to be logged. A file
name with or without a full path may be specified.
If a file name without a path is specified, the file is saved in the LSF system log file
The name of the file created has the following format:
On UNIX, if the specified path is not valid, the log file is created in the /tmp
On Windows, if the specified path is not valid, no log file is created.
Note: Both timing and debug messages are logged in the same files.
Default: current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in the
format daemon_name.log.host_name.
Optional. Turn off temporary timing settings and reset them to the daemon starting
state. The timing level is reset back to the value of the parameter for the
corresponding daemon (LSB_TIME_MBD, LSB_TIME_SBD).
The log file is also reset back to the default log file.
host_name ...
Sets the timing level on the specified host or hosts.
Lists of hosts must be separated by spaces and enclosed in quotation marks.
Default: local host (host from which command was submitted)
schddebug [-c class_name ...] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
Sets message log level for mbschd to include additional information in log files. You
must be root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
See sbddebug for an explanation of options.
schdtime [-l timing_level] [-f] [-o]
Sets timing level for mbschd to include additional timing information in log files.
You mus t b e root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
See sbdtime for an explanation of options.
showconf mbd | [sbd [ host_name … | all ]]
Display all configured parameters and their values set in lsf.conf or ego.conf
that affect mbatchd and sbatchd.
In a MultiCluster environment, badmin showconf only displays the parameters of
daemons on the local cluster.
32 Platform LSF Command Reference
Running badmin showconf from a master candidate host reaches all server hosts
in the cluster. Running badmin showconf from a slave-only host may not be able to
reach other slave-only hosts.
badmin showconf only displays the values used by LSF.
For example, if you define LSF_MASTER_LIST in lsf.conf, and
EGO_MASTER_LIST in ego.conf, badmin showconf displays the value of
badmin showconf displays the value of EGO_MASTER_LIST from wherever it is
defined. You can define either LSF_MASTER_LIST or EGO_MASTER_LIST in
lsf.conf. LIM reads lsf.conf first, and ego.conf if EGO is enabled in the LSF
cluster. The value of LSF_MASTER_LIST is displayed only if EGO_MASTER_LIST
is not defined at all in ego.conf.
For example, if EGO is enabled in the LSF cluster, and you define
LSF_MASTER_LIST in lsf.conf, and EGO_MASTER_LIST in ego.conf,
badmin showconf displays the value of EGO_MASTER_LIST in ego.conf.
If EGO is disabled, ego.conf not loaded, so whatever is defined in lsf.conf is
perfmon start [sample_period] | stop | view | setperiod sample_period
Dynamically enables and controls scheduler performance metric collection.
Collecting and recording performance metric data may affect the performance of
LSF. Smaller sampling periods results in the lsb.streams file growing faster.
The following metrics are collected and recorded in each sample period:
◆The number of queries handled by mbatchd
◆The number of queries for each of jobs, queues, and hosts. (bjobs, bqueues,
and bhosts, as well as other daemon requests)
◆The number of jobs submitted (divided into job submission requests and jobs
actually submitted)
◆The number of jobs dispatched
◆The number of jobs completed
◆The numbers of jobs sent to remote cluster
◆The numbers of jobs accepted by from cluster
start [sample_period]
Start performance metric collection dynamically and specifies an optional
sampling period in seconds for performance metric collection.
If no sampling period is specified, the default period set in
SCHED_METRIC_SAMPLE_PERIOD in lsb.params is used.
Stop performance metric collection dynamically.
Display real time performance metric information for the current sampling period
setperiod sample_period
34 Platform LSF Command Reference
Moves a pending job relative to the last job in the queue.
bbot job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]" [position]
bbot -h |-V
Changes the queue position of a pending job or job array element, to affect the
order in which jobs are considered for dispatch.
By default, LSF dispatches jobs in a queue in the order of arrival (that is, first-come,
first-served), subject to availability of suitable server hosts.
The bbot command allows users and the LSF administrator to manually change the
order in which jobs are considered for dispatch. Users can only operate on their
own jobs, whereas the LSF administrator can operate on any user’s jobs.
If invoked by the LSF administrator, bbot moves the selected job after the last job
with the same priority submitted to the queue.
If invoked by a user, bbot moves the selected job after the last job with the same
priority submitted by the user to the queue.
Pending jobs are displayed by bjobs in the order in which they are considered for
A user may use bbot to change the dispatch order of their jobs scheduled using a
fairshare policy. However, if a job scheduled using a fairshare policy is moved by the
LSF administrator using btop, the job is not subject to further fairshare scheduling
unless the same job is subsequently moved by the LSF administrator using bbot; in
this case the job is scheduled again using the same fairshare policy.
To prevent users from changing the queue position of a pending job with bbot,
configure JOB_POSITION_CONTROL_BY_ADMIN=Y in lsb.params.
You c an not ru n bbot on jobs pending in an absolute priority scheduling (APS)
job_ID | "job_ID[index_list]"
Required. Job ID of the job or job array on which to operate.
For a job array, the index list, the square brackets, and the quotation marks are
required. An index list is used to operate on a job array. The index list is a comma
separated list whose elements have the syntax start_index[-end_index[:step]]
where start_index, end_index and step are positive integers. If the step is omitted, a
step of one is assumed. The job array index starts at one. The maximum job array
index is 1000. All jobs in the array share the same job_ID and parameters. Each
element of the array is distinguished by its array index.
Platform LSF Command Reference 35
position Optional. The position argument can be specified to indicate where in the queue
the job is to be placed. position is a positive number that indicates the target
position of the job from the end of the queue. The positions are relative to only the
applicable jobs in the queue, depending on whether the invoker is a regular user or
the LSF administrator. The default value of 1 means the position is after all other
jobs with the same priority.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
bjobs(1), bswitch(1), btop(1), JOB_POSITION_CONTROL_BY_ADMIN in
36 Platform LSF Command Reference
checkpoints one or more checkpointable jobs
bchkpnt [-f] [-k] [-p minutes | -p 0]
job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]" ...
bchkpnt [-f] [-k] [-p minutes | -p 0] -J job_name
|-m host_name |-m host_group |-q queue_name
|-u "user_name"|-u all [0]
bchkpnt -h |-V
Checkpoints the most recently submitted running or suspended checkpointable
LSF administrators and root can checkpoint jobs submitted by other users.
Jobs continue to execute after they have been checkpointed.
LSF invokes the echkpnt(8) executable found in LSF_SERVERDIR to perform the
Only running members of a chunk job can be checkpointed. For chunk jobs in
WA I T s t at e , mbatchd rejects the checkpoint request.
0(Zero). Checkpoints all of the jobs that satisfy other specified critera.
-f Forces a job to be checkpointed even if non-checkpointable conditions exist (these
conditions are OS-specific).
-k Kills a job after it has been successfully checkpointed.
-p minutes | -p 0 Enables periodic checkpointing and specifies the checkpoint period, or modifies
the checkpoint period of a checkpointed job. Specify -p 0 (zero) to disable periodic
Checkpointing is a resource-intensive operation. To allow your job to make
progress while still providing fault tolerance, specify a checkpoint period of 30
minutes or longer.
-J job_name Checkpoints only jobs that have the specified job name.
-m host_name | -m host_group
Checkpoints only jobs dispatched to the specified hosts.
-q queue_name
Checkpoints only jobs dispatched from the specified queue.
-u "user_name" | -u all
Platform LSF Command Reference 37
Checkpoints only jobs submitted by the specified users. The keyword all specifies
all users. Ignored if a job ID other than 0 (zero) is specified. To specify a Windows
user account, include the domain name in uppercase letters and use a single
backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) in a Windows command line or a double
backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
job_ID | "job_ID[index_list]"
Checkpoints only the specified jobs.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bchkpnt 1234
Checkpoints the job with job ID 1234.
bchkpnt -p 120 1234
Enables periodic checkpointing or changes the checkpoint period to 120 minutes (2
hours) for a job with job ID 1234.
bchkpnt -m hostA -k -u all 0
When issued by root or the LSF administrator, checkpoints and kills all
checkpointable jobs on hostA. This is useful when a host needs to be shut down or
See also
bsub(1), bmod(1), brestart(1), bjobs(1), bqueues(1), bhosts(1), libckpt.a(3),
lsb.queues(5), echkpnt(8), erestart(8), mbatchd(8)
38 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays MultiCluster information
bclusters [-app]
bclusters [-h | -V]
For the job forwarding model, displays a list of MultiCluster queues together with
their relationship with queues in remote clusters.
For the resource leasing model, displays remote resource provider and consumer
information, resource flow information, and connection status between the local
and remote cluster.
-app Displays available application profiles in remote clusters.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Job Forwarding Information
Displays a list of MultiCluster queues together with their relationship with queues
in remote clusters.
Information related to the job forwarding model is displayed under the heading Job
Forwarding Information.
LOCAL_QUEUE Name of a local MultiCluster send-jobs or receive-jobs queue.
JOB_FLOW Indicates direction of job flow.
The local queue is a MultiCluster send-jobs queue (SNDJOBS_TO is defined in the
local queue).
The local queue is a MultiCluster receive-jobs queue (RCVJOBS_FROM is defined
in the local queue).
REMOTE For send-jobs queues, shows the name of the receive-jobs queue in a remote cluster.
For receive-jobs queues, always “-”.
CLUSTER For send-jobs queues, shows the name of the remote cluster containing the
receive-jobs queue.
Platform LSF Command Reference 39
For receive-jobs queues, shows the name of the remote cluster that can send jobs to
the local queue.
STATUS Indicates the connection status between the local queue and remote queue.
The two clusters can exchange information and the system is properly configured.
Communication between the two clusters has not been established. This could
occur because there are no jobs waiting to be dispatched, or because the remote
master cannot be located.
The remote queue rejects jobs from the send-jobs queue. The local queue and
remote queue are connected and the clusters communicate, but the queue-level
configuration is not correct. For example, the send-jobs queue in the submission
cluster points to a receive-jobs queue that does not exist in the remote cluster.
If the job is rejected, it returns to the submission cluster.
Resource Lease Information
Displays remote resource provider and consumer information, resource flow
information, and connection status between the local and remote cluster.
Information related to the resource leasing model is displayed under the heading
Resource Lease Information.
REMOTE_CLUSTER For borrowed resources, name of the remote cluster that is the provider.
For exported resources, name of the remote cluster that is the consumer.
RESOURCE_FLOW Indicates direction of resource flow.
Local cluster is the consumer and borrows resources from the remote cluster
(HOSTS parameter in one or more local queue definitions includes remote
Local cluster is the provider and exports resources to the remote cluster.
STATUS Indicates the connection status between the local and remote cluster.
MultiCluster jobs can run.
No communication between the two clusters. This could be a temporary situation
or could indicate a MultiCluster configuration error.
The two clusters communicate, but the lease is not established. This should be a
temporary situation.
40 Platform LSF Command Reference
Remote Cluster Application Information
bcluster -app displays information related to application profile configuration
under the heading Remote Cluster Application Information. Application
profile information is only displayed for the job forwarding model. bclusters does
not show local cluster application profile information.
REMOTE_CLUSTER The name of the remote cluster.
APP_NAME The name of the application profile available in the remote cluster.
DESCRIPTION The description of the application profile.
Reads lsb.queues and lsb.applications.
See also
bapp, bhosts, bqueues, lsclusters, lsinfo, lsb.queues
Platform LSF Command Reference 41
creates job groups
bgadd [-L limit] [-sla service_class_name] job_group_name
bgadd [-h |-V]
Creates a job group with the job group name specified by job_group_name.
You must provide full group path name for the new job group. The last component
of the path is the name of the new group to be created.
You do not need to create the parent job group before you create a sub-group under
it. If no groups in the job group hierarchy exist, all groups are created with the
specified hierarchy.
-L limit Specifies the maximum number of concurrent jobs allowed to run under the job
group (including child groups) -L limits the number of started jobs (RUN, SSUSP,
USSUP) under the job group.
Specify a positive number between 0 and 2147483647. If the specified limit is zero
(0), no jobs under the job group can run.
You cannot specify a limit for the root job group. The root job group has no job
limit. Job groups added with no limits specified inherit any limits of existing parent
job groups. The -L option only limits the lowest level job group created.
If a parallel job requests 2 CPUs (bsub -n 2), the job group limit is per job, not per
slots used by the job.
By default, a job group has no job limit. Limits persist across mbatchd restart or
-sla service_class_name
The name of a service class defined in lsb.serviceclasses, or the name of the
SLA defined in ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA in lsb.params. The job group is
attached to the specified SLA.
job_group_name Full path of the job group name.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
◆Create a job group named risk_group under the root group /:
bgadd /risk_group
Platform LSF Command Reference 43
deletes job groups
bgdel [-u user_name | -u all] job_group_name | 0
bgdel -c job_group_name
bgdel [-h |-V]
Deletes a job group with the job group name specified by job_group_name and all
its subgroups.
You must provide full group path name for the job group to be deleted. The job
group cannot contain any jobs.
Users can only delete their own job groups. LSF administrators can delete any job
Job groups can be created explicitly or implicitly:
◆A job group is created explicitly with the bgadd command.
◆A job group is created implicitly by the bsub -g or bmod -g command when
the specified group does not exist. Job groups are also created implicitly when
a default job group is configured (DEFAULT_JOBGROUP in lsb.params or
LSB_DEFAULT_JOBGROUP environment variable).
0Delete the empty job groups. These groups can be explicit or implicit.
-u user_name Delete empty job groups owned by the specified user. Only administrators can use
this option. These groups can be explicit or implicit. If you specify a job group
name, the -u option is ignored.
-u all Delete empty job groups and their sub groups for all users. Only administrators can
use this option. These groups can be explicit or implicit. If you specify a job group
name, the -u option is ignored.
-c job_group_name Delete all the empty groups below the requested job_group_name including the
job_group_name itself. These groups can be explicit or implicit.
job_group_name Full path of the job group name.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bgdel /risk_group
Job group /risk_group is deleted.
deletes the job group /risk_group and all its subgroups.
Platform LSF Command Reference 45
displays historical information about jobs
bhist [-a | -d | -e |-p | -r | -s] [-b | -w] [-l]
[-C start_time,end_time] [-D start_time,end_time]
[-f logfile_name |-n number_logfiles |-n 0]
[-S start_time,end_time] [-J job_name] [-Lp ls_project_name]
[-m host_name] [-N host_name | -N host_model | -N CPU_factor]
[-P project_name] [-q queue_name] [-u user_name |-u all]
bhist [-t] [-f logfile_name] [-T start_time,end_time]
bhist [-J job_name] [-N host_name | -N host_model | -N cpu_factor]
[job_ID ... |"job_ID[index]" ...]
bhist [-h |-V]
By default:
◆Displays information about your own pending, running and suspended jobs.
Groups information by job
◆CPU time is not normalized
◆Searches the event log file currently used by the LSF system:
$LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/logdir/lsb.events (see lsb.events(5))
◆Displays events occurring in the past week, but this can be changed by setting
the environment variable LSB_BHIST_HOURS to an alternative number of
If neither -l nor -b is present, the default is to display only the fields shown in
Output on page 48.
-a Displays information about both finished and unfinished jobs.
This option overrides -d, -p, -s, and -r.
-b Brief format. Displays the information in a brief format. If used with the -s option,
shows the reason why each job was suspended.
-d Only displays information about finished jobs.
-e Only displays information about exited jobs.
-l Long format. Displays additional information. If used with -s, shows the reason
why each job was suspended.
If you submitted a job using the OR (||) expression to specify alternative resources,
this option displays the successful Execution rusage string with which the job
46 Platform LSF Command Reference
If you submitted a job with multiple resource requirement strings using the bsub -R
option for the order, same, rusage, and select sections, bjobs -l displays a single,
merged resource requirement string for those sections, as if they were submitted
using a single -R.
bhist -l can display job exit codes. A job with exit code 131 means that the job
exceeded a configured resource usage limit and LSF killed the job with signal 3
bhist -l can display changes to pending jobs as a result of the following bmod
◆Absolute priority scheduling (-aps | -apsn)
◆Runtime estimate (-We | -Wen)
◆Post-execution command (-Ep | -Epn)
◆User limits (-ul | -uln)
◆Current working directory (-cwd | -cwdn)
◆Checkpoint options (-k | -kn)
◆Migration threshold (-mig | -mign)
-p Only displays information about pending jobs.
-r Only displays information about running jobs.
-s Only displays information about suspended jobs.
-t Displays job events chronologically.
-w Wide format. Displays the information in a wide format.
-C start_time,end_time
Only displays jobs that completed or exited during the specified time interval.
Specify the span of time for which you want to display the history. If you do not
specify a start time, the start time is assumed to be the time of the first occurrence.
If you do not specify an end time, the end time is assumed to be now.
Specify the times in the format "yyyy/mm/dd/HH:MM". Do not specify spaces in
the time interval string.
The time interval can be specified in many ways. For more specific syntax and
examples of time formats, see TIME INTERVAL FORMAT.
-D start_time,end_time
Only displays jobs dispatched during the specified time interval. Specify the span
of time for which you want to display the history. If you do not specify a start time,
the start time is assumed to be the time of the first occurrence. If you do not specify
an end time, the end time is assumed to be now.
Specify the times in the format "yyyy/mm/dd/HH:MM". Do not specify spaces in
the time interval string.
The time interval can be specified in many ways. For more specific syntax and
examples of time formats, see TIME INTERVAL FORMAT.
-S start_time,end_time
Platform LSF Command Reference 47
Only displays information about jobs submitted during the specified time interval.
Specify the span of time for which you want to display the history. If you do not
specify a start time, the start time is assumed to be the time of the first occurrence.
If you do not specify an end time, the end time is assumed to be now.
Specify the times in the format "yyyy/mm/dd/HH:MM". Do not specify spaces in
the time interval string.
The time interval can be specified in many ways. For more specific syntax and
examples of time formats, see TIME INTERVAL FORMAT.
-T start_time,end_time
Used together with -t.
Only displays information about job events within the specified time interval.
Specify the span of time for which you want to display the history. If you do not
specify a start time, the start time is assumed to be the time of the first occurrence.
If you do not specify an end time, the end time is assumed to be now.
Specify the times in the format yyyy/mm/dd/HH:MM. Do not specify spaces in the
time interval string.
The time interval can be specified in many ways. For more specific syntax and
examples of time formats, see Time Interval Format on page 49.
-f logfile_name Searches the specified event log. Specify either an absolute or a relative path.
Useful for analysis directly on the file.
The specified file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX, or up to 255
characters for Windows.
-J job_name Only displays the jobs that have the specified job name.
The specified job name can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX, or up to 255
characters for Windows.
-Lp ls_project_name Only displays information about jobs belonging to the specified License Scheduler
-m host_name Only displays jobs dispatched to the specified host.
-n number_logfiles | -n 0
Searches the specified number of event logs, starting with the current event log and
working through the most recent consecutively numbered logs. The maximum
number of logs you can search is 100. Specify 0 to specify all the event log files in
$(LSB_SHAREDIR)/cluster_name/logdir (up to a maximum of 100 files).
If you delete a file, you break the consecutive numbering, and older files are
inaccessible to bhist.
For example, if you specify 3, LSF searches lsb.events, lsb.events.1, and
lsb.events.2. If you specify 4, LSF searches lsb.events, lsb.events.1,
lsb.events.2, and lsb.events.3. However, if lsb.events.2 is missing, both
searches include only lsb.events and lsb.events.1.
-N host_name | -N host_model | -N cpu_factor
Normalizes CPU time by the specified CPU factor, or by the CPU factor of the
specified host or host model.
48 Platform LSF Command Reference
If you use bhist directly on an event log, you must specify a CPU factor.
Use lsinfo to get host model and CPU factor information.
-P project_name Only displays information about jobs belonging to the specified project.
-q queue_name Only displays information about jobs submitted to the specified queue.
-u user_name | -u all Displays information about jobs submitted by the specified user, or by all users if
the keyword all is specified. To specify a Windows user account, include the
domain name in uppercase letters and use a single backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\
user_name) in a Windows command line or a double backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
job_ID | "job_ID[index]"
Searches all event log files and only displays information about the specified jobs.
If you specify a job array, displays all elements chronologically.
This option overrides all other options except -J, -N, -h, and -V. When it is used
with -J, only those jobs listed here that have the specified job name are displayed.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Default format
Statistics of the amount of time that a job has spent in various states:
PEND The total waiting time excluding user suspended time before the job is dispatched.
PSUSP The total user suspended time of a pending job.
RUN The total run time of the job.
USUSP The total user suspended time after the job is dispatched.
SSUSP The total system suspended time after the job is dispatched.
UNKWN The total unknown time of the job (job status becomes unknown if sbatchd on the
execution host is temporarily unreachable).
TOTAL The total time that the job has spent in all states; for a finished job, it is the
turnaround time (that is, the time interval from job submission to job completion).
Long format (-l)
The -l option displays a long format listing with the following additional fields:
Project The project the job was submitted from.
Application Profile The application profile the job was submitted to.
Command The job command.
Platform LSF Command Reference 49
Detailed history includes job group modification, the date and time the job was
forwarded and the name of the cluster to which the job was forwarded.
The displayed job command can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX, or up to
255 characters for Windows.
Initial checkpoint
The initial checkpoint period specified at the job level, by bsub -k, or in an
application profile with CHKPNT_INITPERIOD.
Checkpoint period The checkpoint period specified at the job level, by bsub -k, in the queue with
CHKPNT, or in an application profile with CHKPNT_PERIOD.
The checkpoint directory specified at the job level, by bsub -k, in the queue with
CHKPNT, or in an application profile with CHKPNT_DIR.
The migration threshold specified at the job level, by bsub -mig.
Reads lsb.events
See also
lsb.events, bgadd, bgdel, bjgroup, bsub, bjobs, lsinfo
Time Interval Format
You use the time interval to define a start and end time for collecting the data to be
retrieved and displayed. While you can specify both a start and an end time, you can
also let one of the values default. You can specify either of the times as an absolute
time, by specifying the date or time, or you can specify them relative to the current
Specify the time interval is follows:
Specify start_time or end_time in the following format:
◆year is a four-digit number representing the calendar year.
◆month is a number from 1 to 12, where 1 is January and 12 is December.
◆day is a number from 1 to 31, representing the day of the month.
◆hour is an integer from 0 to 23, representing the hour of the day on a 24-hour
◆minute is an integer from 0 to 59, representing the minute of the hour.
◆. (period) represents the current month/day/hour:minute.
◆.-relative_int is a number, from 1 to 31, specifying a relative start or end time
prior to now.
Time Interval Format
50 Platform LSF Command Reference
Specifies both the start and end times of the interval.
Specifies a start time, and lets the end time default to now.
Specifies to start with the first logged occurrence, and end at the time specified.
Starts at the beginning of the most specific time period specified, and ends at the
maximum value of the time period specified. For example, 2/ specifies the month
of February—start February 1 at 00:00 a.m. and end at the last possible minute in
February: February 28th at midnight.
Absolute Time Examples
Assume the current time is May 9 17:06 2008:
1,8 = May 1 00:00 2008 to May 8 23:59 2008
,4 = the time of the first occurrence to May 4 23:59 2008
6 = May 6 00:00 2008 to May 6 23:59 2008
2/ = Feb 1 00:00 2008 to Feb 28 23:59 2008
/12: = May 9 12:00 2008 to May 9 12:59 2008
2/1 = Feb 1 00:00 2008 to Feb 1 23:59 2008
2/1, = Feb 1 00:00 to the current time
,. = the time of the first occurrence to the current time
,2/10: = the time of the first occurrence to May 2 10:59 2008
2001/12/31,2008/5/1 = from Dec 31, 2001 00:00:00 to May 1st 2008 23:59:59
Relative Time Examples
.-9, = April 30 17:06 2008 to the current time
,.-2/ = the time of the first occurrence to Mar 7 17:06 2008
.-9,.-2 = nine days ago to two days ago (April 30, 2008 17:06 to May 7, 2008 17:06)
Platform LSF Command Reference 51
displays hosts and their static and dynamic resources
bhosts [-e |-l |-w] [-x] [-X] [-R "res_req"]
[host_name |host_group] ...
bhosts [-e |-l |-w] [-X] [-R "res_req"] [cluster_name]
bhosts [-e ]-s [resource_name ...]
bhosts [-h |-V]
By default, returns the following information about all hosts: host name, host status,
job state statistics, and job slot limits.
bhosts displays output for condensed host groups. These host groups are defined
by CONDENSE in the HostGroup section of lsb.hosts. These host groups are
displayed as a single entry with the name as defined by GROUP_NAME in the
HostGroup section of lsb.hosts.
The -l and -X options display uncondensed output.
The -s option displays information about the numeric resources (shared or
host-based) and their associated hosts.
With MultiCluster, displays the information about hosts available to the local
cluster. Use -e to view information about exported hosts.
-e MultiCluster only. Displays information about resources that have been exported to
another cluster.
-l Displays host information in a (long) multi-line format. In addition to the default
fields, displays information about the CPU factor, the current load, and the load
Also displays information about the dispatch windows.
If you specified an administrator comment with the -C option of the host control
commands hclose or hopen, -l displays the comment text.
-w Displays host information in wide format. Fields are displayed without truncation.
For condensed host groups, the -w option displays the overall status and the
number of hosts with the ok, unavail, unreach, and busy status in the following
host_group_status num_ok/num_unavail/num_unreach/num_busy
◆host_group_status is the overall status of the host group. If a single host in the
host group is ok, the overall status is also ok.
52 Platform LSF Command Reference
◆num_ok, num_unavail, num_unreach, and num_busy are the number of hosts
that are ok, unavail, unreach, and busy, respectively.
For example, if there are five ok, two unavail, one unreach, and three busy hosts
in a condensed host group hg1, its status is displayed as the following:
hg1 ok 5/2/1/3
If any hosts in the host group are closed, the status for the host group is displayed
as closed, with no status for the other states:
hg1 closed
-x Display hosts whose job exit rate has exceeded the threshold configured by
EXIT_RATE in lsb.hosts for longer than JOB_EXIT_RATE_DURATION
configured in lsb.params, and are still high. By default, these hosts are closed the
next time LSF checks host exceptions and invokes eadmin.
Use with the -l option to show detailed information about host exceptions.
If no hosts exceed the job exit rate, bhosts -x displays:
There is no exceptional host found
-X Displays uncondensed output for host groups.
-R "res_req"Only displays information about hosts that satisfy the resource requirement
expression. For more information about resource requirements, see Administering
Platform LSF. The size of the resource requirement string is limited to 512 bytes.
LSF supports ordering of resource requirements on all load indices, including
external load indices, either static or dynamic.
-s [resource_name ...]
Displays information about the specified resources (shared or host-based). The
resources must have numeric values. Returns the following information: the
resource names, the total and reserved amounts, and the resource locations.
bhosts -s only shows consumable resources.
When LOCAL_TO is configured for a license feature in lsf.licensescheduler,
bhosts -s shows different resource information depending on the cluster locality
of the features. For example:
From clusterA:
bhosts -s
hspice 36.0 0.0 host1
From clusterB in siteB:
bhosts -s
hspice 76.0 0.0 host2
host_name ... | host_group ...
Only displays information about the specified hosts. Do not use quotes when
specifying multiple hosts.
Platform LSF Command Reference 53
For host groups, the names of the hosts belonging to the group are displayed instead
of the name of the host group. Do not use quotes when specifying multiple host
cluster_name MultiCluster only. Displays information about hosts in the specified cluster.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Host-Based Default
Displays the following fields:
HOST_NAME The name of the host. If a host has batch jobs running and the host is removed from
the configuration, the host name is displayed as lost_and_found.
For condensed host groups, this is the name of host group.
STATUS With MultiCluster, not shown for fully exported hosts.
The current status of the host and the sbatchd daemon. Batch jobs can only be
dispatched to hosts with an ok status. The possible values for host status are as
The host is available to accept batch jobs.
For condensed host groups, if a single host in the host group is ok, the overall status
is also shown as ok.
If any host in the host group is not ok, bhosts displays the first host status it
encounters as the overall status for the condensed host group. Use bhosts -X to see
the status of individual hosts in the host group.
The host is down, or LIM and sbatchd on the host are unreachable.
LIM on the host is running but sbatchd is unreachable.
The host is not allowed to accept any remote batch jobs. There are several reasons
for the host to be closed (see Host-Based -l Options).
The host does not have a valid LSF license.
JL/U With MultiCluster, not shown for fully exported hosts.
The maximum number of job slots that the host can process on a per user basis. If
a dash (-) is displayed, there is no limit.
For condensed host groups, this is the total number of job slots that all hosts in the
host group can process on a per user basis.
54 Platform LSF Command Reference
The host does not allocate more than JL/U job slots for one user at the same time.
These job slots are used by running jobs, as well as by suspended or pending jobs
that have slots reserved for them.
For preemptive scheduling, the accounting is different. These job slots are used by
running jobs and by pending jobs that have slots reserved for them (see the
description of PREEMPTIVE in lsb.queues(5) and JL/U in lsb.hosts(5)).
MAX The maximum number of job slots available. If a dash (-) is displayed, there is no
For condensed host groups, this is the total maximum number of job slots available
in all hosts in the host group.
These job slots are used by running jobs, as well as by suspended or pending jobs
that have slots reserved for them.
If preemptive scheduling is used, suspended jobs are not counted (see the
description of PREEMPTIVE in lsb.queues(5) and MXJ in lsb.hosts(5)).
A host does not always have to allocate this many job slots if there are waiting jobs;
the host must also satisfy its configured load conditions to accept more jobs.
NJOBS The number of job slots used by jobs dispatched to the host. This includes running,
suspended, and chunk jobs.
For condensed host groups, this is the total number of job slots used by jobs
dispatched to any host in the host group.
RUN The number of job slots used by jobs running on the host.
For condensed host groups, this is the total number of job slots used by jobs
running on any host in the host group.
SSUSP The number of job slots used by system suspended jobs on the host.
For condensed host groups, this is the total number of job slots used by system
suspended jobs on any host in the host group.
USUSP The number of job slots used by user suspended jobs on the host. Jobs can be
suspended by the user or by the LSF administrator.
For condensed host groups, this is the total number of job slots used by user
suspended jobs on any host in the host group.
RSV The number of job slots used by pending jobs that have jobs slots reserved on the
For condensed host groups, this is the total number of job slots used by pending
jobs that have job slots reserved on any host in the host group.
Host-Based -l Option
In addition to the above fields, the -l option also displays the following:
The scheduling and suspending thresholds for the host. If a threshold is not
defined, the threshold from the queue definition applies. If both the host and the
queue define a threshold for a load index, the most restrictive threshold is used.
Platform LSF Command Reference 55
The migration threshold is the time that a job dispatched to this host can remain
suspended by the system before LSF attempts to migrate the job to another host.
If the host’s operating system supports checkpoint copy, this is indicated here. With
checkpoint copy, the operating system automatically copies all open files to the
checkpoint directory when a process is checkpointed. Checkpoint copy is currently
supported only on Cray systems.
STATUS The long format shown by the -l option gives the possible reasons for a host to be
The host is closed by the LSF administrator or root (see badmin(8)). No job can be
dispatched to the host, but jobs that are executing on the host are not affected.
The host is locked by the LSF administrator or root (see lsadmin(8)). All batch
jobs on the host are suspended by LSF.
The host is closed by its dispatch windows, which are defined in the configuration
file lsb.hosts(5). Jobs already started are not affected by the dispatch windows.
The configured maximum number of batch job slots on the host has been reached
(see MAX field below).
The host is currently running an exclusive job.
The host is overloaded, because some load indices go beyond the configured
thresholds (see lsb.hosts(5)). The displayed thresholds that cause the host to be
busy are preceded by an asterisk (*).
LIM on the host is unreachable, but sbatchd is ok.
For EGO-enabled SLA scheduling, host is closed because it has not been allocated
by EGO to run LSF jobs. Hosts allocated from EGO display status ok.
CPUF Displays the CPU normalization factor of the host (see lshosts(1)).
Displays the dispatch windows for each host. Dispatch windows are the time
windows during the week when batch jobs can be run on each host. Jobs already
started are not affected by the dispatch windows. When the dispatch windows close,
jobs are not suspended. Jobs already running continue to run, but no new jobs are
started until the windows reopen. The default for the dispatch window is no
restriction or always open (that is, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week).
For the dispatch window specification, see the description for the
DISPATCH_WINDOWS keyword under the -l option in bqueues(1).
56 Platform LSF Command Reference
CURRENT LOAD Displays the total and reserved host load.
You specify reserved resources by using bsub -R. These resources are reserved by
jobs running on the host.
The total load has different meanings depending on whether the load index is
increasing or decreasing.
For increasing load indices, such as run queue lengths, CPU utilization, paging
activity, logins, and disk I/O, the total load is the consumed plus the reserved
amount. The total load is calculated as the sum of the current load and the reserved
load. The current load is the load seen by lsload(1).
For decreasing load indices, such as available memory, idle time, available swap
space, and available space in tmp, the total load is the available amount. The total
load is the difference between the current load and the reserved load. This
difference is the available resource as seen by lsload(1).
LOAD THRESHOLD Displays the scheduling threshold loadSched and the suspending threshold
loadStop. Also displays the migration threshold if defined and the checkpoint
support if the host supports checkpointing.
The format for the thresholds is the same as for batch job queues (see bqueues(1))
and lsb.queues(5)). For an explanation of the thresholds and load indices, see the
description for the "QUEUE SCHEDULING PARAMETERS" keyword under the
-l option in bqueues(1).
Displays the configured threshold of EXIT_RATE for the host and its current load
value for host exceptions.
If the LSF administrator specified an administrator comment with the -C option of
the badmin host control commands hclose or hopen, the comment text is
Resource-Based -s Option
The -s option displays the following: the amounts used for scheduling, the amounts
reserved, and the associated hosts for the resources. Only resources (shared or
host-based) with numeric values are displayed. See lim(8), and lsf.cluster(5)
on how to configure shared resources.
The following fields are displayed:
RESOURCE The name of the resource.
TOTAL The total amount free of a resource used for scheduling.
RESERVED The amount reserved by jobs. You specify the reserved resource using bsub -R.
LOCATION The hosts that are associated with the resource.
58 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays information about host partitions
bhpart [-r] [host_partition_name ...]
bhpart [-h |-V]
By default, displays information about all host partitions. Host partitions are used
to configure host-partition fairshare scheduling.
-r Displays the entire information tree associated with the host partition recursively.
host_partition_name ...
Displays information about the specified host partitions only.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
The following fields are displayed for each host partition:
Name of the host partition.
Hosts or host groups that are members of the host partition. The name of a host
group is appended by a slash (/) (see bmgroup(1)).
Name of users or user groups who have access to the host partition (see
Number of shares of resources assigned to each user or user group in this host
partition, as configured in the file lsb.hosts. The shares affect dynamic user
priority for when fairshare scheduling is configured at the host level.
Dynamic user priority for the user or user group. Larger values represent higher
priorities. Jobs belonging to the user or user group with the highest priority are
considered first for dispatch.
In general, users or user groups with larger SHARES, fewer STARTED and
RESERVED, and a lower CPU_TIME and RUN_TIME have higher PRIORITY.
Platform LSF Command Reference 59
Number of job slots used by running or suspended jobs owned by users or user
groups in the host partition.
Number of job slots reserved by the jobs owned by users or user groups in the host
Cumulative CPU time used by jobs of users or user groups executed in the host
partition. Measured in seconds, to one decimal place.
LSF calculates the cumulative CPU time using the actual (not normalized) CPU
time and a decay factor such that 1 hour of recently-used CPU time decays to 0.1
hours after an interval of time specified by HIST_HOURS in lsb.params (5 hours
by default).
Wall-clock run time plus historical run time of jobs of users or user groups that are
executed in the host partition. Measured in seconds.
LSF calculates the historical run time using the actual run time of finished jobs and
a decay factor such that 1 hour of recently-used run time decays to 0.1 hours after
an interval of time specified by HIST_HOURS in lsb.params (5 hours by default).
Wall-clock run time is the run time of running jobs.
Reads lsb.hosts.
See also
bugroup(1), bmgroup(1), lsb.hosts(5)
60 Platform LSF Command Reference
modifies job groups
bgmod [-L limit | -Ln] job_group_name
bgmod [-h | -V]
Modifies the job group with the job group name specified by job_group_name.
Only root, LSF administrators, the job group creator, or the creator of the parent job
groups can use bgmod to modify a job group limit.
You must provide full group path name for the modified job group. The last
component of the path is the name of the job group to be modified.
-L limit Changes the limit of job_group_name to the specified limit value. If the job group
has parent job groups, the new limit cannot exceed the limits of any higher level job
groups. Similarly, if the job group has child job groups, the new value must be
greater than any limits on the lower level job groups.
limit specifies the maximum number of concurrent jobs allowed to run under the
job group (including child groups) -L limits the number of started jobs (RUN,
SSUSP, USSUP) under the job group.
Specify a positive number between 0 and 2147483647. If the specified limit is zero
(0), no jobs under the job group can run.
You cannot specify a limit for the root job group. The root job group has no job
limit. The -L option only limits the lowest level job group specified.
If a parallel job requests 2 CPUs (bsub -n 2), the job group limit is per job, not per
slots used by the job.
-Ln Removes the existing job limit for the job group. If the job group has parent job
groups, the job modified group automatically inherits any limits from its direct
parent job group.
job_group_name Full path of the job group name.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
The following command only modifies the limit of group
/canada/projects/test1. It does not modify limits of /canada
bgmod -L 6 /canada/projects/test1
62 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays information about job groups
bjgroup [-N] [-s [group_name]]
bjgroup [-h |-V]
Displays job group information.
-s Sorts job groups by group hierarchy.
For example, for job groups named /A, /A/B, /X and /X/Y, bjgroup without -s
/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0/10 user1
/X 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0/- user2
/A/B 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0/5 user1
/X/Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0/5 user2
For the same job groups, bjgroup -s displays:
bjgroup -s
/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0/10 user1
/A/B 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0/5 user1
/X 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0/- user2
/X/Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0/5 user2
Specify a job group name to show the hierarchy of a single job group:
bjgroup -s /X
/X 25 0 25 0 0 0 puccini 25/100 user1
/X/Y 20 0 20 0 0 0 puccini 20/30 user1
/X/Z 5 0 5 0 0 0 puccini 5/10 user2
Specify a job group name with a trailing slash character (/) to show only the root
job group:
bjgroup -s /X/
/X 25 0 25 0 0 0 puccini 25/100 user1
Platform LSF Command Reference 63
-N Displays job group information by job slots instead of number of jobs. NSLOTS,
PEND, RUN, SSUSP, USUSP, RSV are all counted in slots rather than number of
bjgroup -N
/X 25 0 25 0 0 0 puccini user1
/A/B 20 0 20 0 0 0 wagner batch
-N by itself shows job slot info for all job groups, and can combine with -s to sort
the job groups by hierarchy:
bjgroup -N -s
/A 0 0 0 0 0 0 wagner batch
/A/B 0 0 0 0 0 0 wagner user1
/X 25 0 25 0 0 0 puccini user1
/X/Y 20 0 20 0 0 0 puccini batch
/X/Z 5 0 5 0 0 0 puccini batch
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Default output
A list of job groups is displayed with the following fields:
The name of the job group.
The current number of jobs in the job group. A parallel job is counted as 1 job,
regardless of the number of job slots it uses.
The number of pending jobs in the job group.
The number of running jobs in the job group.
The number of system-suspended jobs in the job group.
The number of user-suspended jobs in the job group.
The number of jobs in the specified job group in EXITED or DONE state.
Job slots (-N) output
64 Platform LSF Command Reference
The name of the service class that the job group is attached to with
bgadd -sla service_class_name. If the job group is not attached to any service class,
empty parentheses () are displayed in the SLA name column.
The job group limit set by bgadd -L or bgmod -L. Job groups that have no
configured limits or no limit usage are indicated by a dash (-). Job group limits are
displayed in a USED/LIMIT format. For example, if a limit of 5 jobs is configured
and 1 job is started, bjgroup displays the job limit under JLIMIT as 1/5.
The job group owner.
/fund1_grp 5 4 0 1 0 0 Venezia 1/5 user1
/fund2_grp 11 2 5 0 0 4 Venezia 5/5 user1
/bond_grp 2 2 0 0 0 0 Venezia 0/- user2
/risk_grp 2 1 1 0 0 0 () 1/- user2
/admi_grp 4 4 0 0 0 0 () 0/- user2
Job slots (-N) output
NSLOTS, PEND, RUN, SSUSP, USUSP, RSV are all counted in slots rather than
number of jobs. A list of job groups is displayed with the following fields:
The name of the job group.
The total number of job slots held currently by jobs in the job group. This includes
pending, running, suspended and reserved job slots. A parallel job that is running
on n processors is counted as n job slots, since it takes n job slots in the job group.
The number of job slots used by pending jobs in the job group.
The number of job slots used by running jobs in the job group.
The number of job slots used by system-suspended jobs in the job group.
The number of job slots used by user-suspended jobs in the job group.
Platform LSF Command Reference 65
The number of job slots in the job group that are reserved by LSF for pending jobs.
The name of the service class that the job group is attached to with
bgadd -sla service_class_name. If the job group is not attached to any service class,
empty parentheses () are displayed in the SLA name column.
The job group owner.
bjgroup -N
/X 25 0 25 0 0 0 puccini user1
/A/B 20 0 20 0 0 0 wagner batch
See also
bgadd, bgdel, bgmod
66 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays information about LSF jobs
bjobs [-A] [-a] [-W] [-w |-l] [-X] [-x]
[-app application_profile_name] [-g job_group_name]
[-sla service_class_name] [-J job_name] [-Lp ls_project_name]
[-m host_name |-m host_group | -m cluster_name]
[-N host_name | -N host_model | -N cpu_factor]
[-P project_name] [-q queue_name]
[-u user_name |-u user_group |-u all |-G user_group]
job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]" ...
bjobs [-A] [-d] [-p] [-r] [-s] [-W] [-w |-l] [-X] [-x]
[-app application_profile_name] [-g job_group_name]
[-sla service_class_name] [-J job_name] [-Lp ls_project_name]
[-m host_name |-m host_group | -m cluster_name]
[-N host_name | -N host_model | -N cpu_factor]
[-P project_name] [-q queue_name]
[-u user_name |-u user_group |-u all |-G user_group]
job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]" ...
bjobs [-w | -l | -aps] [-A] [-a] [-d] [-p] [-s] [-r] [-X] [-x]
[-m host_name] [-q queue_name]
[-u user_name |-u user_group |-u all |-G user_group]
[-g job_group] [-sla service_class] [-P project_name]
[-N host_spec] [-Lp license_project] [-app application_profile]
[-J name_spec] [job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]" ...]
bjobs [-h |-V]
By default, displays information about your own pending, running and suspended
bjobs displays output for condensed host groups. These host groups are defined by
CONDENSE in the HostGroup section of lsb.hosts. These host groups are displayed
as a single entry with the name as defined by GROUP_NAME in the HostGroup section
of lsb.hosts. The -l and -X options display uncondensed output.
If you defined LSB_SHORT_HOSTLIST=1 in lsf.conf, parallel jobs running in
the same condensed host group are displayed as an abbreviated list.
To display older historical information, use bhist.
-A Displays summarized information about job arrays. If you specify job arrays with
the job array ID, and also specify -A, do not include the index list with the job array
You c an us e -w to show the full array specification, if necessary.
-a Displays information about jobs in all states, including finished jobs that finished
recently, within an interval specified by CLEAN_PERIOD in lsb.params (the
default period is 1 hour).
Platform LSF Command Reference 67
Use -a with -x option to display all jobs that have triggered a job exception
(overrun, underrun, idle).
-aps Displays absolute priority scheduling (APS) information for pending jobs in a
queue with APS_PRIORITY enabled. The APS value is calculated based on the
current scheduling cycle, so jobs are not guaranteed to be dispatched in this order.
Pending jobs are ordered by APS value. Jobs with system APS values are listed first,
from highest to lowest APS value. Jobs with calculated APS values are listed next
ordered from high to low value. Finally, jobs not in an APS queue are listed. Jobs
with equal APS values are listed in order of submission time. APS values of jobs not
in an APS queue are shown with a dash (-).
If queues are configured with the same priority, bjobs -aps may not show jobs in
the correct expected dispatch order. Jobs may be dispatched in the order the queues
are configured in lsb.queues. You should avoid configuring queues with the same
-d Displays information about jobs that finished recently, within an interval specified
by CLEAN_PERIOD in lsb.params (the default period is 1 hour).
-l Long format. Displays detailed information for each job in a multiline format.
The -l option displays the following additional information: project name, job
command, current working directory on the submission host, initial checkpoint
period, checkpoint directory, migration threshold, pending and suspending
reasons, job status, resource usage, resource usage limits information, runtime
resource usage information on the execution hosts.
Use bjobs -A -l to display detailed information for job arrays including job array
job limit (%job_limit) if set.
If JOB_IDLE is configured in the queue, use bjobs -l to display job idle exception
If you submitted your job with the -U option to use advance reservations created
with the brsvadd command, bjobs -l shows the reservation ID used by the job.
If LSF_HPC_EXTENSIONS="SHORT_PIDLIST" is specified in lsf.conf, the
output from bjobs is shortened to display only the first PID and a count of the
process group IDs (PGIDs) and process IDs for the job. Without SHORT_PIDLIST,
all of the process IDs (PIDs) for a job are displayed.
If you submitted a job with multiple resource requirement strings using the bsub -R
option for the order, same, rusage, and select sections, bjobs -l displays a single,
merged resource requirement string for those sections, as if they were submitted
using a single -R.
If you submitted a job using the OR (||) expression to specify alternative resources,
this option displays the Execution rusage string with which the job runs.
For jobs submitted to an absolute priority scheduling (APS) queue, -l shows the
ADMIN factor value and the system APS value if they have been set by the
administrator for the job:
-p Displays pending jobs, together with the pending reasons that caused each job not
to be dispatched during the last dispatch turn. The pending reason shows the
number of hosts for that reason, or names the hosts if -l is also specified.
68 Platform LSF Command Reference
With MultiCluster, -l shows the names of hosts in the local cluster.
Each pending reason is associated with one or more hosts and it states the cause
why these hosts are not allocated to run the job. In situations where the job requests
specific hosts (using bsub -m), users may see reasons for unrelated hosts also being
displayed, together with the reasons associated with the requested hosts.
The life cycle of a pending reason ends after the time indicated by
When the job slot limit is reached for a job array
(bsub -J "jobArray[indexList]%job_slot_limit") the following message is
The job array has reached its job slot limit.
-r Displays running jobs.
-s Displays suspended jobs, together with the suspending reason that caused each job
to become suspended.
The suspending reason may not remain the same while the job stays suspended. For
example, a job may have been suspended due to the paging rate, but after the paging
rate dropped another load index could prevent the job from being resumed. The
suspending reason is updated according to the load index. The reasons could be as
old as the time interval specified by SBD_SLEEP_TIME in lsb.params. So the
reasons shown may not reflect the current load situation.
-W Provides resource usage information for: PROJ_NAME, CPU_USED, MEM,
-w Wide format. Displays job information without truncating fields.
-X Displays uncondensed output for host groups.
-x Displays unfinished jobs that have triggered a job exception (overrun, underrun,
idle). Use with the -l option to show the actual exception status. Use with -a to
display all jobs that have triggered a job exception.
-app application_profile_name
Displays information about jobs submitted to the specified application profile. You
must specify an existing application profile.
-G user_group Only displays jobs associated with a user group submitted with bsub -G for the
specified user group. The –G option does not display jobs from subgroups within
the specified user group.
The -G option cannot be used together with the -u option. You can only specify a
user group name. The keyword all is not supported for -G.
-g job_group_name Displays information about jobs attached to the job group specified by
job_group_name. For example:
bjobs -g /risk_group
113 user1 PEND normal hostA myjob Jun 17 16:15
111 user2 RUN normal hostA hostA myjob Jun 14 15:13
110 user1 RUN normal hostB hostA myjob Jun 12 05:03
104 user3 RUN normal hostA hostC myjob Jun 11 13:18
Platform LSF Command Reference 69
Use -g with -sla to display job groups attached to a service class. Once a job group
is attached to a service class, all jobs submitted to that group are subject to the SLA.
bjobs -l with -g displays the full path to the group to which a job is attached. For
bjobs -l -g /risk_group
Job <101>, User <user1>, Project <default>, Job Group </risk_group>, Status <RUN>, Queue
<normal>, Command <myjob>
Tue Jun 17 16:21:49: Submitted from host <hostA>, CWD </home/user1;
Tue Jun 17 16:22:01: Started on <hostA>;
-J job_name Displays information about the specified jobs or job arrays. Only displays jobs that
were submitted by the user running this command.
The job name can be up to 4094 characters long for UNIX and Linux or up to 255
characters for Windows.
-Lp ls_project_name Displays jobs that belong to the specified LSF License Scheduler project.
-m host_name ... | -m host_group ... | -m cluster_name ...
Only displays jobs dispatched to the specified hosts. To see the available hosts, use
If a host group is specified, displays jobs dispatched to all hosts in the group. To
determine the available host groups, use bmgroup.
With MultiCluster, displays jobs in the specified cluster. If a remote cluster name is
specified, you see the remote job ID, even if the execution host belongs to the local
cluster. To determine the available clusters, use bclusters.
-N host_name |-Nhost_model |-Ncpu_factor
Displays the normalized CPU time consumed by the job. Normalizes using the
CPU factor specified, or the CPU factor of the host or host model specified.
-P project_name Only displays jobs that belong to the specified project.
-q queue_name Only displays jobs in the specified queue.
The command bqueues returns a list of queues configured in the system, and
information about the configurations of these queues.
In MultiCluster, you cannot specify remote queues.
-sla service_class_name
Displays jobs belonging to the specified service class.
bjobs also displays information about jobs assigned to a default SLA configured
with ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA in lsb.params.
Use -sla with -g to display job groups attached to a service class. Once a job
group is attached to a service class, all jobs submitted to that group are subject to
the SLA.
Use bsla to display the configuration properties of service classes configured in
lsb.serviceclasses, the default SLA configured in lsb.params, and dynamic
information about the state of each service class.
-u user_name... | -u user_group... | -u all
70 Platform LSF Command Reference
Only displays jobs that have been submitted by the specified users or user groups.
The keyword all specifies all users. To specify a Windows user account, include the
domain name in uppercase letters and use a single backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\
user_name) in a Windows command line or a double backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
The -u option cannot be used with the -G option.
job_ID | "job_ID[index]"
Displays information about the specified jobs or job arrays.
If you use -A, specify job array IDs without the index list.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Pending jobs are displayed in the order in which they are considered for dispatch.
Jobs in higher priority queues are displayed before those in lower priority queues.
Pending jobs in the same priority queues are displayed in the order in which they
were submitted but this order can be changed by using the commands btop or
bbot. If more than one job is dispatched to a host, the jobs on that host are listed in
the order in which they are considered for scheduling on this host by their queue
priorities and dispatch times. Finished jobs are displayed in the order in which they
were completed.
Default Display
A listing of jobs is displayed with the following fields:
JOBID The job ID that LSF assigned to the job.
USER The user who submitted the job.
STAT The current status of the job (see JOB STATUS below).
QUEUE The name of the job queue to which the job belongs. If the queue to which the job
belongs has been removed from the configuration, the queue name is displayed as
lost_and_found. Use bhist to get the original queue name. Jobs in the
lost_and_found queue remain pending until they are switched with the bswitch
command into another queue.
In a MultiCluster resource leasing environment, jobs scheduled by the consumer
cluster display the remote queue name in the format queue_name@cluster_name.
By default, this field truncates at 10 characters, so you might not see the cluster
name unless you use -w or -l.
FROM_HOST The name of the host from which the job was submitted.
With MultiCluster, if the host is in a remote cluster, the cluster name and remote job
ID are appended to the host name, in the format host_name@cluster_name:job_ID.
By default, this field truncates at 11 characters; you might not see the cluster name
and job ID unless you use -w or -l.
Platform LSF Command Reference 71
EXEC_HOST The name of one or more hosts on which the job is executing (this field is empty if
the job has not been dispatched). If the host on which the job is running has been
removed from the configuration, the host name is displayed as lost_and_found.
Use bhist to get the original host name.
If the host is part of a condensed host group, the host name is displayed as the name
of the condensed host group.
If you configure a host to belong to more than one condensed host groups using
wildcards, bjobs can display any of the host groups as execution host name.
JOB_NAME The job name assigned by the user, or the command string assigned by default at
job submission with bsub. If the job name is too long to fit in this field, then only
the latter part of the job name is displayed.
The displayed job name or job command can contain up to 4094 characters for
UNIX, or up to 255 characters for Windows.
SUBMIT_TIME The submission time of the job.
-l output
The -l option displays a long format listing with the following additional fields:
Project The project the job was submitted from.
Application Profile The application profile the job was submitted to.
Command The job command.
CWD The current working directory on the submission host.
Initial checkpoint
The initial checkpoint period specified at the job level, by bsub -k, or in an
application profile with CHKPNT_INITPERIOD.
Checkpoint period The checkpoint period specified at the job level, by bsub -k, in the queue with
CHKPNT, or in an application profile with CHKPNT_PERIOD.
The checkpoint directory specified at the job level, by bsub -k, in the queue with
CHKPNT, or in an application profile with CHKPNT_DIR.
The migration threshold specified at the job level, by bsub -mig.
The post-execution command specified at the job-level, by bsub -Ep.
PENDING REASONS The reason the job is in the PEND or PSUSP state. The names of the hosts
associated with each reason are displayed when both -p and -l options are
The reason the job is in the USUSP or SSUSP state.
72 Platform LSF Command Reference
The load scheduling thresholds for the job.
The load suspending thresholds for the job.
JOB STATUS Possible values for the status of a job include:
The job is pending, that is, it has not yet been started.
The job has been suspended, either by its owner or the LSF administrator, while
The job is currently running.
The job has been suspended, either by its owner or the LSF administrator, while
The job has been suspended by LSF. The job has been suspended by LSF due to
either of the following two causes:
◆The load conditions on the execution host or hosts have exceeded a threshold
according to the loadStop vector defined for the host or queue.
◆The run window of the job’s queue is closed. See bqueues(1), bhosts(1), and
The job has terminated with status of 0.
The job has terminated with a non-zero status – it may have been aborted due to an
error in its execution, or killed by its owner or the LSF administrator.
For example, exit code 131 means that the job exceeded a configured resource usage
limit and LSF killed the job.
mbatchd has lost contact with the sbatchd on the host on which the job runs.
For jobs submitted to a chunk job queue, members of a chunk job that are waiting
to run.
A job becomes ZOMBI if:
◆A non-rerunnable job is killed by bkill while the sbatchd on the execution
host is unreachable and the job is shown as UNKWN.
Platform LSF Command Reference 73
◆The host on which a rerunnable job is running is unavailable and the job has
been requeued by LSF with a new job ID, as if the job were submitted as a new
◆After the execution host becomes available, LSF tries to kill the ZOMBI job.
Upon successful termination of the ZOMBI job, the job’s status is changed to
With MultiCluster, when a job running on a remote execution cluster becomes
a ZOMBI job, the execution cluster treats the job the same way as local ZOMBI
jobs. In addition, it notifies the submission cluster that the job is in ZOMBI
state and the submission cluster requeues the job.
RUNTIME Estimated run time for the job, specified by bsub -We or bmod -We.
RESOURCE USAGE For the MultiCluster job forwarding model, this information is not shown if
MultiCluster resource usage updating is disabled.
The values for the current usage of a job include:
CPU time
Cumulative total CPU time in seconds of all processes in a job.
Job idle information (CPU time/runtime) if JOB_IDLE is configured in the queue,
and the job has triggered an idle exception.
Total resident memory usage of all processes in a job. By default, memory usage is
shown in MB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a larger unit
for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
Total virtual memory usage of all processes in a job. By default, swap space is shown
in MB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for
display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
Number of currently active threads of a job.
Currently active process group ID in a job.
Currently active processes in a job.
RESOURCE LIMITS The hard resource usage limits that are imposed on the jobs in the queue (see
getrlimit(2) and lsb.queues(5)). These limits are imposed on a per-job and a
per-process basis.
The possible per-job resource usage limits are:
74 Platform LSF Command Reference
The possible UNIX per-process resource usage limits are:
If a job submitted to the queue has any of these limits specified (see bsub(1)), then
the lower of the corresponding job limits and queue limits are used for the job.
If no resource limit is specified, the resource is assumed to be unlimited. User shell
limits that are unlimited are not displayed.
EXCEPTION STATUS Possible values for the exception status of a job include:
The job is consuming less CPU time than expected. The job idle factor
(CPU time/runtime) is less than the configured JOB_IDLE threshold for the queue
and a job exception has been triggered.
The job is running longer than the number of minutes specified by the
JOB_OVERRUN threshold for the queue and a job exception has been triggered.
The job finished sooner than the number of minutes specified by the
JOB_UNDERRUN threshold for the queue and a job exception has been triggered.
Job Array Summary Information
If you use -A, displays summary information about job arrays. The following fields
are displayed:
JOBID Job ID of the job array.
ARRAY_SPEC Array specification in the format of name[index]. The array specification may be
truncated, use -w option together with -A to show the full array specification.
OWNER Owner of the job array.
NJOBS Number of jobs in the job array.
PEND Number of pending jobs of the job array.
RUN Number of running jobs of the job array.
DONE Number of successfully completed jobs of the job array.
Platform LSF Command Reference 75
EXIT Number of unsuccessfully completed jobs of the job array.
SSUSP Number of LSF system suspended jobs of the job array.
USUSP Number of user suspended jobs of the job array.
PSUSP Number of held jobs of the job array.
bjobs -pl
Displays detailed information about all pending jobs of the invoker.
bjobs -ps
Display only pending and suspended jobs.
bjobs -u all -a
Displays all jobs of all users.
bjobs -d -q short -m hostA -u user1
Displays all the recently finished jobs submitted by user1 to the queue short, and
executed on the host hostA.
bjobs 101 102 203 509
Display jobs with job_ID 101, 102, 203, and 509.
bjobs -X 101 102 203 509
Display jobs with job ID 101, 102, 203, and 509 as uncondensed output even if these
jobs belong to hosts in condensed host groups.
bjobs -sla Uclulet
Displays all jobs belonging to the service class Uclulet.
bjobs -app fluent
Displays all jobs belonging to the application profile fluent.
See also
bsub(1), bkill(1), bhosts(1), bmgroup(1), bclusters(1), bqueues(1), bhist(1),
bresume(1), bsla(1), bstop(1), lsb.params(5), lsb.erviceclasses(5), mbatchd(8)
76 Platform LSF Command Reference
sends signals to kill, suspend, or resume unfinished jobs
bkill [-l] [-app application_profile_name] [-g job_group_name]
[-sla service_class_name] [-J job_name] [-m host_name |
-m host_group] [-q queue_name] [-r |
-s signal_value |signal_name] [-u user_name |
-u user_group |-u all] [job_ID ... | 0|"job_ID[index]" ...]
bkill [ -l] [-b] [-app application_profile_name] [-g job_group_name]
[-sla service_class_name] [-J job_name] [-m host_name |
-m host_group] [-q queue_name] [-u user_name |
-u user_group |-u all] [job_ID ... | 0|"job_ID[index]" ...]
bkill [-h |-V]
By default, sends a set of signals to kill the specified jobs. On UNIX, SIGINT and
SIGTERM are sent to give the job a chance to clean up before termination, then
SIGKILL is sent to kill the job. The time interval between sending each signal is
defined by the JOB_TERMINATE_INTERVAL parameter in lsb.params(5).
By default, kills the last job submitted by the user running the command. You must
specify a job ID or -app, -g, -J, -m, -u, or -q. If you specify -app, -g, -J, -m, -u, or
-q without a job ID, bkill kills the last job submitted by the user running the
command. Specify job ID 0 (zero) to kill multiple jobs.
On Windows, job control messages replace the SIGINT and SIGTERM signals (but
only customized applications can process them) and the TerminateProcess()
system call is sent to kill the job.
Exit code 130 is returned when a dispatched job is killed with bkill.
Only root and LSF administrators can run bkill -r. The -r option is ignored for
other users.
Users can only operate on their own jobs. Only root and LSF administrators can
operate on jobs submitted by other users.
If a signal request fails to reach the job execution host, LSF tries the operation later
when the host becomes reachable. LSF retries the most recent signal request.
If a job is running in a queue with CHUNK_JOB_SIZE set, bkill has the following
results depending on job state:
Job is removed from chunk (NJOBS -1, PEND -1)
All jobs in the chunk are suspended (NRUN -1, NSUSP +1)
Platform LSF Command Reference 77
Job finishes, next job in the chunk starts if one exists (NJOBS -1, PEND -1, SUSP
-1, RUN +1)
Job finishes (NJOBS-1, PEND -1)
If the job cannot be killed, use bkill -r to remove the job from the LSF system
without waiting for the job to terminate, and free the resources of the job.
0Kills all the jobs that satisfy other options (-app. -g, -m, -q, -u, and -J).
-b Kills large numbers of jobs as soon as possible. Local pending jobs are killed
immediately and cleaned up as soon as possible, ignoring the time interval specified
by CLEAN_PERIOD in lsb.params. Jobs killed in this manner are not logged to
Other jobs, such as running jobs, are killed as soon as possible and cleaned up
If the -b option is used with the 0 subcommand, bkill kills all applicable jobs and
silently skips the jobs that cannot be killed.
bkill -b 0
Operation is in progress
The -b option is ignored if used with the -r or -s options.
-l Displays the signal names supported by bkill. This is a subset of signals supported
by /bin/kill and is platform-dependent.
-r Removes a job from the LSF system without waiting for the job to terminate in the
operating system.
Only root and LSF administrators can run bkill -r. The -r option is ignored for
other users.
Sends the same series of signals as bkill without -r, except that the job is removed
from the system immediately, the job is marked as EXIT, and the job resources that
LSF monitors are released as soon as LSF receives the first signal.
Also operates on jobs for which a bkill command has been issued but which
cannot be reached to be acted on by sbatchd (jobs in ZOMBI state). If sbatchd
recovers before the jobs are completely removed, LSF ignores the zombi jobs killed
with bkill -r.
Use bkill -r only on jobs that cannot be killed in the operating system, or on jobs
that cannot be otherwise removed using bkill.
The -r option cannot be used with the -s option.
-app application_profile_name
Operates only on jobs associated with the specified application profile. You must
specify an existing application profile. If job_ID or 0 is not specified, only the most
recently submitted qualifying job is operated on.
-g job_group_name Operates only on jobs in the job group specified by job_group_name.
78 Platform LSF Command Reference
Use -g with -sla to kill jobs in job groups attached to a service class.
bkill does not kill jobs in lower level job groups in the path. For example, jobs are
attached to job groups /risk_group and /risk_group/consolidate:
bsub -g /risk_group myjob
Job <115> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
bsub -g /risk_group/consolidate myjob2
Job <116> is submitted to default queue <normal>.
The following bkill command only kills jobs in /risk_group, not the subgroup
bkill -g /risk_group 0
Job <115> is being terminated
bkill -g /risk_group/consolidate 0
Job <116> is being terminated
-J job_name Operates only on jobs with the specified job name. The -J option is ignored if a job
ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option.
-m host_name | -m host_group
Operates only on jobs dispatched to the specified host or host group.
If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted qualifying job is
operated on. The -m option is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the
job_ID option. See bhosts(1) and bmgroup(1) for more information about hosts
and host groups.
-q queue_name Operates only on jobs in the specified queue.
If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted qualifying job is
operated on.
The -q option is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option.
See bqueues(1) for more information about queues.
-s signal_value | signal_name
Sends the specified signal to specified jobs. You can specify either a name, stripped
of the SIG prefix (such as KILL), or a number (such as 9).
Eligible UNIX signal names are listed by bkill -l.
The -s option cannot be used with the -r option.
Use bkill -s to suspend and resume jobs by using the appropriate signal instead
of using bstop or bresume. Sending the SIGCONT signal is the same as using
Sending the SIGSTOP signal to sequential jobs or the SIGTSTP to parallel jobs is
the same as using bstop.
You cannot suspend a job that is already suspended, or resume a job that is not
suspended. Using SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP on a job that is in the USUSP state has no
effect and using SIGCONT on a job that is not in either the PSUSP or the USUSP
state has no effect. See bjobs(1) for more information about job states.
-sla service_class_name
Operates on jobs belonging to the specified service class.
If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted job is operated on.
Platform LSF Command Reference 79
Use -sla with -g to kill jobs in job groups attached to a service class.
The -sla option is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the job_ID option.
Use bsla to display the configuration properties of service classes configured in
lsb.serviceclasses, the default SLA configured with
ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA in lsb.params, and dynamic information about
the state of each service class.
-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all
Operates only on jobs submitted by the specified user or user group, or by all users
if the reserved user name all is specified. To specify a Windows user account,
include the domain name in uppercase letters and use a single backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) in a Windows command line or a double backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
If job_ID is not specified, only the most recently submitted qualifying job is
operated on. The -u option is ignored if a job ID other than 0 is specified in the
job_ID option.
job_ID ... | 0 | "job_ID[index]" ...
Operates only on jobs that are specified by job_ID or "job_ID[index]", where
"job_ID[index]" specifies selected job array elements (see bjobs(1)). For job arrays,
quotation marks must enclose the job ID and index, and index must be enclosed in
square brackets.
Jobs submitted by any user can be specified here without using the -u option. If you
use the reserved job ID 0, all the jobs that satisfy other options (that is, -m, -q, -u
and -J) are operated on; all other job IDs are ignored.
The options -u, -q, -m and -J have no effect if a job ID other than 0 is specified. Job
IDs are returned at job submission time (see bsub(1)) and may be obtained with
the bjobs command (see bjobs(1)).
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bkill -s 17 -q night
Sends signal 17 to the last job that was submitted by the invoker to queue night.
bkill -q short -u all 0
Kills all the jobs that are in the queue short.
bkill -r 1045
Forces the removal of unkillable job 1045.
bkill -sla Tofino 0
Kill all jobs belonging to the service class named Tofino.
bkill -g /risk_group 0
Kills all jobs in the job group /risk_group.
bkill -app fluent
See also
80 Platform LSF Command Reference
Kills the most recently submitted job associated with the application profile fluent
for the current user.
bkill -app fluent 0
Kills all jobs associated with the application profile fluent for the current user.
See also
bsub(1), bjobs(1), bqueues(1), bhosts(1), bresume(1), bapp(1), bsla(1), bstop(1),
bgadd(1), bgdel(1), bjgroup(1), bparams(5), lsb.serviceclasses(5), mbatchd(8),
kill(1), signal(2)
Platform LSF Command Reference 81
reconfigures the Platform LSF License Scheduler daemon (bld)
bladmin subcommand
bladmin [-h | -V]
Use this command to reconfigure the License Scheduler daemon (bld).
You must be a License Scheduler administrator to use this command.
Subcommand List
ckconfig [-v]
reconfig [host_name ... | all]
shutdown [host_name ... | all]
blddebug [-c class_name ...] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
blcdebug [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] collector_name ...
| all
82 Platform LSF Command Reference
ckconfig [-v] Checks LSF License Scheduler configuration in
LSF_ENVDIR/lsf.licensescheduler and lsf.conf.
By default, bladmin ckconfig displays only the result of the configuration file
check. If warning errors are found, bladmin prompts you to use the -v option to
display detailed messages.
Verbose mode. Displays detailed messages about configuration file checking to
reconfig [host_name ... | all]
Reconfigures License Scheduler.
shutdown [host_name ... | all]
Shuts down License Scheduler.
blddebug [-c class_name ...] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
Sets the message log level for bld to include additional information in log files. You
must be root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
If the bladmin blddebug is used without any options, the following default values
are used:
◆class_name=0 (no additional classes are logged)
◆debug_level=0 (LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LS_LOG_MASK)
◆logfile_name=current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in
the format daemon_name.log.host_name
-c class_name ...
Specifies software classes for which debug messages are to be logged.
Format of class_name is the name of a class, or a list of class names separated by
spaces and enclosed in quotation marks. Classes are also listed in lsf.h.
Valid log classes:
◆LC_AUTH - Log authentication messages
◆LC_COMM - Log communication messages
◆LC_FLEX - Log everything related to FLEX_STAT or FLEX_EXEC
Macrovision APIs
◆LC_LICENCE - Log license management messages
◆LC_PREEMPT - Log preemption policy messages
◆LC_TRACE - Log significant program walk steps
◆LC_XDR - Log everything transferred by XDR
Default: 0 (no additional classes are logged)
-l debug_level
Specifies level of detail in debug messages. The higher the number, the more detail
that is logged. Higher levels include all lower levels.
Platform LSF Command Reference 83
Possible values:
0 LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LS_LOG_MASK in lsf.conf.
1 LOG_DEBUG1 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2 LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
2 LOG_DEBUG2 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2 LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
3 LOG_DEBUG3 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
Default: 0 (LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LS_LOG_MASK)
-f logfile_name
Specifies the name of the file where debugging messages are logged. The file name
can be a full path. If a file name without a path is specified, the file is saved in the
LSF system log directory.
The name of the file has the following format:
On UNIX, if the specified path is not valid, the log file is created in the /tmp
On Windows, if the specified path is not valid, no log file is created.
Default: current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory.
Turns off temporary debug settings and resets them to the daemon starting state.
The message log level is reset back to the value of LS_LOG_MASK and classes are
reset to the value of LSB_DEBUG_BLD. The log file is also reset back to the default
log file.
blcdebug [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] collector_name | all
Sets the message log level for blcollect to include additional information in log
files. You must be root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
If the bladmin blcdebug is used without any options, the following default values
are used:
◆debug_level=0 (LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LS_LOG_MASK)
◆logfile_name=current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in
the format daemon_name.log.host_name
-l debug_level
Specifies level of detail in debug messages. The higher the number, the more detail
that is logged. Higher levels include all lower levels.
Possible values:
0 LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LS_LOG_MASK in lsf.conf.
See also
84 Platform LSF Command Reference
1 LOG_DEBUG1 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2 LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
2 LOG_DEBUG2 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2 LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
3 LOG_DEBUG3 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
Default: 0 (LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LS_LOG_MASK)
-f logfile_name
Specifies the name of the file where debugging messages are logged. The file name
can be a full path. If a file name without a path is specified, the file is saved in the
LSF system log directory.
The name of the file has the following format:
On UNIX, if the specified path is not valid, the log file is created in the /tmp
On Windows, if the specified path is not valid, no log file is created.
Default: current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory.
Turns off temporary debug settings and resets them to the daemon starting state.
The message log level is reset back to the value of LS_LOG_MASK and classes are
reset to the value of LSB_DEBUG_BLD. The log file is also reset back to the default
log file.
If a collector name is not specified, default value is to restore the original log mask
and log file directory for the default collector.
collector_name ... | all
Specifies the collector names separated by blanks. all means all the collectors.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints release version to stderr and exits.
See also
blhosts, lsf.licensescheduler, lsf.conf
Platform LSF Command Reference 85
launches parallel tasks on a set of hosts
blaunch [-n] [-u host_file |-z host_name ... | host_name]
command [argument ...]
blaunch [-h |-V]
IMPORTANT:You cannot run blaunch directly from the command line.
RESTRICTION:The command blaunch does not work with user account mapping. Do not run
blaunch on a user account mapping host.
Most MPI implementations and many distributed applications use rsh and ssh as
their task launching mechanism. The blaunch command provides a drop-in
replacement for rsh and ssh as a transparent method for launching parallel
applications within LSF.
blaunch supports the following core command line options as rsh and ssh:
◆rsh host_name command
◆ssh host_name command
All other rsh and ssh options are silently ignored.
blaunch transparently connects directly to the RES/SBD on the remote host, and
subsequently creates and tracks the remote tasks, and provides the connection back
to LSF. You do not need to insert pam, taskstarter or any other wrapper.
blaunch only works under LSF. It can only be used to launch tasks on remote hosts
that are part of a job allocation. It cannot be used as a standalone command.
blaunch is not supported on Windows.
When no host names are specified, LSF allocates all hosts listed in the environment
variable LSB_MCPU_HOSTS.
-n Standard input is taken from /dev/null.
-u host_file Executes the task on all hosts listed in the host_file.
Specify the path to a file that contains a list of host names. Each host name must
listed on a separator line in the host list file.
This option is exclusive of the -z option.
host_name The name of the host where remote tasks are to be launched.
-z host_name ... Executes the task on all specified hosts.
86 Platform LSF Command Reference
Whereas the host name value for rsh and ssh is a single host name, you can use the
-z option to specify a space-delimited list of hosts where tasks are started in
Specify a list of hosts on which to execute the task. If multiple host names are
specified, the host names must be enclosed by quotation marks (" or ') and
separated by white space.
This option is exclusive of the -u option.
command [argument ...]
Specify the command to execute. This must be the last argument on the command
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Exit status is 0 if all commands are executed correctly.
See also
lsb_getalloc(3), lsb_launch(3)
Platform LSF Command Reference 87
license information collection daemon that collects license usage information
blcollect -c collector_name -m host_name [...] -p
license_scheduler_port [-i lmstat_interval | -D lmstat_path]
blcollect [-h | -V]
Periodically collects license usage information from Macrovision FLEXnet. It
queries FLEXnet for license usage information from the FLEXnet lmstat
command, and passes the information to the License Scheduler daemon (bld). The
blcollect daemon improves performance by allowing you to distribute license
information queries on multiple hosts.
By default, license information is collected from FLEXnet on one host. Use
blcollect to distribute the license collection on multiple hosts.
For each service domain configuration in lsf.licensescheduler, specify one
name for blcollect to use. You can only specify one collector per service domain,
but you can specify one collector to serve multiple service domains. You can choose
any collector name you want, but must use that exact name when you run
-c Required. Specify the collector name you set in lsf.licensescheduler. You must
use the collector name (LIC_COLLECT) you define in the ServiceDomain section of
the configuration file.
-m Required. Specifies a space-separated list of hosts to which license information is
sent. The hosts do not need to be running License Scheduler or a FLEXnet. Use fully
qualified host names.
-p Required. You must specify the License Scheduler listening port, which is set in
lsf.licensescheduler and has a default value of 9581.
-i lmstat_interval Optional. The frequency in seconds of the calls that License Scheduler makes to
lmstat to collect license usage information from FLEXnet.
The default interval is 60 seconds.
-D lmstat_path Optional. Location of the FLEXnet command lmstat.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints release version to stderr and exits.
See also
88 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays the names of all the hosts running the License Scheduler daemon (bld)
blhosts [-h | -V]
Displays a list of hosts running the License Scheduler daemon. This includes the
License Scheduler master host and all the candidate License Scheduler hosts
running bld.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints release version to stderr and exits.
Prints out the names of all the hosts running the License Scheduler daemon (bld).
For example, the following sample output shows the License Scheduler master host
and two candidate License Scheduler hosts running bld:
bld is running on:
master: host1.domain1.com
slave: host2.domain1 host3.domain1
See also
blinfo, blstat, bladmin
Platform LSF Command Reference 89
displays information about resource allocation limits of running jobs
blimits [-w] [-n limit_name ...]
[-m host_name |-m host_group | -m cluster_name ...]
[-P project_name ...] [-q queue_name ...]
[-u user_name |-u user_group ...]
blimits -c
blimits -h |-V
Displays current usage of resource allocation limits configured in Limit sections in
◆Configured limit policy name
◆Users (-u option)
◆Queues (-q option)
◆Hosts (-m option)
◆Project names (-P option)
◆Limit configuration (-c option). This is the same as bresources with no
Resources that have no configured limits or no limit usage are indicated by a dash
(-). Limits are displayed in a USED/LIMIT format. For example, if a limit of 10 slots
is configured and 3 slots are in use, then blimits displays the limit for SLOTS as
Note that if there are no jobs running against resource allocation limits, LSF
indicates that there is no information to be displayed:
No resource usage found.
If limits MEM, SWP, or TMP are configured as percentages, both the limit and the
amount used are displayed in MB. For example, lshosts displays maxmem of 249
MB, and MEM is limited to 10% of available memory. If 10 MB out of 25 MB are
used, blimits displays the limit for MEM as 10/25 (10 MB USED from a 25 MB
Limits are displayed for both the vertical tabular format and the horizontal format
for Limit sections. If a vertical format Limit section has no name, blimits displays
NONAMEnnn under the NAME column for these limits, where the unnamed
limits are numbered in the order the vertical-format Limit sections appear in the
lsb.resources file.
If a resource consumer is configured as all, the limit usage for that consumer is
indicated by a dash (-)
90 Platform LSF Command Reference
PER_HOST slot limits are not displayed. The bhosts commands displays these as
MXJ limits.
In MultiCluster, blimits returns the information about all limits in the local
Limit names and policies are set up by the LSF administrator. See
lsb.resources(5) for more information.
-c Displays all resource configurations in lsb.resources. This is the same as
bresources with no options.
-w Displays resource allocation limits information in a wide format. Fields are
displayed without truncation.
-n limit_name ... Displays resource allocation limits the specified named Limit sections. If a list of
limit sections is specified, Limit section names must be separated by spaces and
enclosed in quotation marks (") or (’).
-m host_name | -m host_group | -m cluster_name ...
Displays resource allocation limits for the specified hosts. Do not use quotes when
specifying multiple hosts.
To see the available hosts, use bhosts.
For host groups:
◆If the limits are configured with HOSTS, the name of the host group is
◆If the limits are configured with PER_HOST, the names of the hosts belonging
to the group are displayed instead of the name of the host group.
TIP:PER_HOST slot limits are not displayed. The bhosts command displays these as MXJ limits.
For a list of host groups see bmgroup(1).
In MultiCluster, if a cluster name is specified, displays resource allocation limits in
the specified cluster.
-P project_name ... Displays resource allocation limits for the specified projects.
If a list of projects is specified, project names must be separated by spaces and
enclosed in quotation marks (") or (’).
-q queue_name ... Displays resource allocation limits for the specified queues.
The command bqueues returns a list of queues configured in the system, and
information about the configurations of these queues.
In MultiCluster, you cannot specify remote queues.
-u user_name | -u user_group ...
Displays resource allocation limits for the specified users.
If a list of users is specified, user names must be separated by spaces and enclosed
in quotation marks (") or (’). You can specify both user names and user IDs in the
list of users.
Platform LSF Command Reference 91
If a user group is specified, displays the resource allocation limits that include that
group in their configuration. For a list of user groups see bugroup(1)).
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Configured limits and resource usage for built-in resources (slots, mem, tmp, and
swp load indices, and running and suspended job limits) are displayed as
INTERNAL RESOURCE LIMITS separately from custom external resources,
which are shown as EXTERNAL RESOURCE LIMITS.
Resource Consumers
blimits displays the following fields for resource consumers:
NAME The name of the limit policy as specified by the Limit section NAME parameter.
USERS List of user names or user groups on which the displayed limits are enforced, as
specified by the Limit section parameters USERS or PER_USER.
User group names have a slash (/) added at the end of the group name. See
QUEUES The name of the queue to which the limits apply, as specified by the Limit section
parameters QUEUES or PER_QUEUES.
If the queue has been removed from the configuration, the queue name is displayed
as lost_and_found. Use bhist to get the original queue name. Jobs in the
lost_and_found queue remain pending until they are switched with the bswitch
command into another queue.
In a MultiCluster resource leasing environment, jobs scheduled by the consumer
cluster display the remote queue name in the format queue_name@cluster_name.
By default, this field truncates at 10 characters, so you might not see the cluster
name unless you use -w or -l.
HOSTS List of hosts and host groups on which the displayed limits are enforced, as specified
by the Limit section parameters HOSTS or PER_HOSTS.
Host group names have a slash (/) added at the end of the group name. See
TIP:PER_HOST slot limits are not displayed. The bhosts command displays these as MXJ limits.
PROJECTS List of project names on which limits are enforced., as specified by the Limit section
Resource Limits
blimits displays resource allocation limits for the following resources:
SLOTS Number of slots currently used and maximum number of slots configured for the
limit policy, as specified by the Limit section SLOTS parameter.
92 Platform LSF Command Reference
MEM Amount of memory currently used and maximum configured for the limit policy,
as specified by the Limit section MEM parameter.
TMP Amount of tmp space currently used and maximum amount of tmp space
configured for the limit policy, as specified by the Limit section TMP parameter.
SWP Amount of swap space currently used and maximum amount of swap space
configured for the limit policy, as specified by the Limit section SWP parameter.
JOBS Number of currently running and suspended jobs and the maximum number of
jobs configured for the limit policy, as specified by the Limit section JOBS
The following command displays limit configuration and dynamic usage
information for project proj1:
blimits -P proj1
limit1 user1 - hostA proj1 2/6 - - - -
NONAME022 - - hostB proj1 proj2 1/3 - - - -
limit1 user1 - hostA proj1 1/1
See also
bclusters, bhosts, bhist, bmgroup, bqueues, bugroup, lsb.resources
Platform LSF Command Reference 93
displays static License Scheduler configuration information
blinfo -Lp | -p | -D | -G | -P
blinfo [-a [-t token_name |"token_name ..."]] [-o alpha |total]
[-g "feature_group ..."]
blinfo -A [-t token_name |"token_name ..."] [-o alpha |total ]
[-g "feature_group ..."]
blinfo -C [-t token_name |"token_name ..."] [-o alpha |total]
[-g "feature_group ..."]
blinfo [-t token_name |"token_name ..."] [-o alpha |total]
[-g "feature_group ..."]
blinfo [ -h | -V ]
Displays different license configuration information, depending on the option
By default, displays information about the distribution of licenses managed by
License Scheduler.
-A When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, shows
the feature allocation by cluster locality.
You can optionally provide license token names.
-a Shows all information, including information about non-shared licenses
(NON_SHARED_DISTRIBUTION) and workload distribution
You can optionally provide license token names.
blinfo -a does not display NON_SHARED information for hierarchical project
group scheduling policies. Use blinfo -G to see hierarchical group configuration.
-C When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, shows
the cluster locality information for the features.
You can optionally provide license token names.
-D Lists the License Scheduler service domains and the corresponding FLEXnet
license server hosts.
-G Lists the hierarchical configuration information.
If PRIORITY is defined in the ProjectGroup Section of lsf.licensescheduler,
this option also shows the priorities of each project.
94 Platform LSF Command Reference
-g feature_group ... When FEATURE_GROUP is configured for a group of license features in
lsf.licensescheduler, shows only information about the features configured in
the FEATURE_LIST of specified feature groups. You can specify more than one
feature group at one time.
When you specify feature names with -t, features in the feature list defined by -t
and feature groups are both displayed.
Feature groups listed with -g but not defined in lsf.licensescheduler are
-Lp Lists the active projects managed by License Scheduler.
-Lp only displays projects associated with configured features.
If PRIORITY is defined in the Projects Section of lsf.licensescheduler, this
option also lists the priorities of each project.
-o alpha | total Sorts license feature information alphabetically, by total licenses, or by available
◆alpha: Features are listed in descending alphabetical order.
◆total: Features are sorted by the descending order of the sum of licenses that are
allocated to LSF workload from all the service domains configured to supply
licenses to the feature. Licenses borrowed by non-LSF workload are not
included in this amount.
-P When LS_FEATURE_PERCENTAGE=Y, lists the license ownership in percentage.
-p Displays values of lsf.licensescheduler configuration parameters and
lsf.conf parameters related to License Scheduler. This is useful for
-t token_name |"token_name ..."
Only shows information about specified license tokens. Use spaces to separate
multiple names, and enclose them in quotation marks.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints the License Scheduler release version to stderr and exits.
Default output
Displays the following fields:
FEATURE The license name. This becomes the license token name.
When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, blinfo
shows the cluster locality information for the license features.
SERVICE_DOMAIN The name of the service domain that provided the license.
TOTAL The total number of licenses managed by FLEXnet. This number comes from
Platform LSF Command Reference 95
DISTRIBUTION The distribution of the licenses among license projects in the format [project_name,
percentage[/number_licenses_owned]]. This determines how many licenses a
project is entitled to use when there is competition for licenses. The percentage is
calculated from the share specified in the configuration file.
Allocation output (-A)
FEATURE The license name. This becomes the license token name.
When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, blinfo
shows the cluster locality information for the license features.
PROJECT The License Scheduler project name.
The percentage of shares assigned to each cluster for a feature and a project.
All output (-a)
Same as Default Output with NON_SHARED_DISTRIBUTION.
This column is displayed directly under DISTRIBUTION with the -a option. If there
are non-shared licenses, then the non-shared license information is output in the
following format: [project_name, number_licenses_non_shared]
If there are no non-shared licenses, then the following license information is output
- (dash)
Cluster locality output (-C)
NAME The license feature token name.
When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, blinfo
shows the cluster locality information for the license features.
FLEX_NAME The actual FLEXnet feature name—the name used by FLEXnet to identify the type
of license. May be different from the License Scheduler token name if a different
FLEX_NAME is specified in lsf.licensescheduler.
CLUSTER_NAME The name of the cluster the feature is assigned to.
FEATURE The license feature name. This becomes the license token name.
When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, blinfo
shows the cluster locality information for the license features.
SERVICE_DOMAIN The service domain name.
Service Domain Output (-D)
SERVICE_DOMAIN The service domain name.
96 Platform LSF Command Reference
LIC_SERVERS Names of FLEXnet license server hosts that belong the to service domain. Each host
name is enclosed in parentheses, as shown:
Redundant hosts (that share the same FLEXnet license file) are grouped together as
(port_number@host_name port_number@host_name port_number@host_name)
Hierarchical Output (-G)
The following fields describe the values of their corresponding configuration fields
in the ProjectGroup Section of lsf.licensescheduler.
GROUP The project names in the hierarchical grouping and its relationships. Each entry
specifies the name of the hierarchical group and its members. The entry is enclosed
in parentheses as shown:
(group (member ...))
SHARES The shares assigned to the hierarchical group member projects.
OWNERSHIP The number of licenses that each project owns.
LIMITS The maximum number of licenses that the hierarchical group member project can
use at any one time.
NON_SHARED The number of licenses that the hierarchical group member projects use exclusively.
PRIORITY The priority of the project if it is different from the default behavior. A larger
number indicates a higher priority.
DESCRIPTION The description of the project group.
Project Output (-Lp)
List of active License Scheduler projects.
-Lp only displays projects associated with configured features.
PROJECT The project name.
PRIORITY The priority of the project if it is different from the default behavior. A larger
number indicates a higher priority.
DESCRIPTION The description of the project.
Parameters Output (-p)
ADMIN The License Scheduler administrator. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
This parameter includes
◆The interval (a multiple of LM_STAT_INVERVAL periods) at which License
Scheduler checks for distribution policy violations, and
Platform LSF Command Reference 97
◆The directory path and command that License Scheduler runs when reporting
a violation
Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
EXT_FILTER_PORT TCP listening port used by all external plug-ins to communicate with License
Scheduler hosts. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
FLX_LICENSE_FILE Path to the file that contains the license keys FLEXnet.Ext.Filter and
FLEXnet.Usage.Snapshot to enable the FLEXnet APIs. Defined in
HOSTS License Scheduler candidate hosts. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
Minimum time a job must have a license checked out before lmremove can remove
the license. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
LM_STAT_INTERVAL Time interval between calls that License Scheduler makes to collect license usage
information from FLEXnet license management. Defined in
Maximum number of taskman jobs that run simultaneously. Defined in
List of hosts that are candidate LSF License Scheduler hosts. Defined in lsf.conf.
Specifies whether to requeue or suspend a job whose license is preempted by LSF
License Scheduler. Defined in lsf.conf.
Specifies whether to release the slot of a job that is suspended when its license is
preempted by LSF License Scheduler. Defined in lsf.conf.
Specifies whether to use job controls to stop a job that is preempted. Defined in
LSF_LICENSE_FILE Location of the LSF license file, which includes License Scheduler keys. Defined in
PORT TCP listening port used by License Scheduler. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
98 Platform LSF Command Reference
blinfo -a displays both NON_SHARED_DISTRIBUTION and
blinfo -a
g1 LS 3 [p1, 50.0%] [p2, 50.0% / 2]
[p2, 2]
[LSF 66.7%, NON_LSF 33.3%]
blinfo -a does not display NON_SHARED_DISTRIBUTION, if the
blinfo -a
g1 LS 0 [p1, 50.0%] [p2, 50.0%]
[LSF 66.7%, NON_LSF 33.3%]
g2 LS 0 [p1, 50.0%] [p2, 50.0%]
g33 WS 0 [p1, 50.0%] [p2, 50.0%]
blinfo -a does not display WORKLOAD_DISTRIBUTION, if the
blinfo -a
g1 LS 3 [p1, 50.0%] [p2, 50.0% / 2]
[p2, 2]
Reads lsf.licensescheduler
See also
blstat, blusers
Platform LSF Command Reference 99
terminates an interactive License Scheduler task
blkill [-t seconds] task_ID
blkill [-h | -V]
Terminates a running or waiting interactive task in License Scheduler.
Users can kill their own tasks. You must be a License Scheduler administrator to
terminate another user’s task.
By default, blkill notifies the user and waits 30 seconds before killing the task.
task_ID Task ID of the task you want to kill.
-t seconds Specify how many seconds to delay before killing the task. A value of 0 means to kill
the task immediately (do not give the user any time to save work).
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints License Scheduler release version to stderr and exits.
100 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays information about configurable License Scheduler parameters defined in
the files lsf.licensescheduler and lsf.conf
blparams [-h |-V]
Displays the following parameter values:
The License Scheduler administrator. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
This parameter includes
◆The interval (a multiple of LM_STAT_INVERVAL periods) at which License
Scheduler checks for distribution policy violations, and
◆The directory path and command that License Scheduler runs when reporting
a violation
Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
TCP listening port used by all external plugins to communicate with License
Scheduler hosts. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
Path to the file that contains the license keys FLEXnet.Ext.Filter and
FLEXnet.Usage.Snapshot to enable the FLEXnet APIs. Defined in
License Scheduler candidate hosts. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
Minimum time a job must have a license checked out before lmremove can remove
the license. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
Time interval between calls that License Scheduler makes to collect license usage
information from FLEXnet license management. Defined in
Sets the debugging log class for the LSF License Schedulerbld daemon. Defined in
Platform LSF Command Reference 101
Specifies the log class filtering to be applied to bld. Messages belonging to the
specified log class are recorded. Not all debug message are controlled by log class.
LS_DEBUG_BLD sets the log class and is used in combination with MASK, which
sets the log level. For example:
You need to restart the bld daemon after setting LS_DEBUG_BLD for your changes
to take effect.
Valid log classes are:
◆LC_AUTH: Log authentication messages
◆LC_COMM: Log communication messages
◆LC_FLEX: Log everything related to FLEX_STAT or FLEX_EXEC Macrovision
◆LC_LICENSE: Log license management messages (LC_LICENCE is also
supported for backward compatibility)
◆LC_PREEMPT: Log license preemption policy messages
◆LC_TRACE: Log significant program walk steps
◆LC_XDR: Log everything transferred by XDR
If you use the command bladmin blddebug to temporarily change this parameter
without changing lsf.licensescheduler, you do not need to restart the
Specifies the logging level of error messages for LSF License Scheduler daemons. If
LS_LOG_MASK is not defined in lsf.licensescheduler, the value of
LSF_LOG_MASK in lsf.conf is used. If neither LS_LOG_MASK nor
LSF_LOG_MASK is defined, the default is LOG_WARNING.
For example:
The log levels in order from highest to lowest are:
The most important License Scheduler log messages are at the LOG_WARNING
level. Messages at the LOG_DEBUG level are only useful for debugging.
Maximum number of taskman jobs that run simultaneously. Defined in
102 Platform LSF Command Reference
Enables bottom-up license token preemption in hierarchical project group
configuration. License Scheduler attempts to preempt tokens from the closest
projects in the hierarchy first. This balances token ownership from the bottom up.
Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
List of hosts that are candidate LSF License Scheduler hosts. Defined in lsf.conf.
Specifies whether to requeue or suspend a job whose license is preempted by LSF
License Scheduler. Defined in lsf.conf.
Specifies whether to release the slot of a job that is suspended when its license is
preempted by LSF License Scheduler. Defined in lsf.conf.
Specifies whether to use job controls to stop a job that is preempted. Defined in
Location of the LSF license file, which includes License Scheduler keys. Defined in
TCP listening port used by License Scheduler. Defined in lsf.licensescheduler.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
lsf.licensescheduler, lsf.conf
Platform LSF Command Reference 103
displays plug-in activity and the check-in, check-out, and deny counters as seen by
the License Scheduler for each feature and service domain
blplugins [-h |-V]
Displays the License Scheduler Vendor Plugin Status.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
The IP address for each external filter server plugin.
The total number of licenses checked in to the license server from the last time the
external filter server was to bld.
The total number of licenses checked out from the license server from the last time
the external filter server was to bld.
The total number of checkouts denied by the license server from the last time the
external filter server was to bld.
See also
104 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays dynamic license information
blstat [-a] [-c token_name] [-G] [-s] [-S] [-D service_domain_name
| "service_domain_name ..."] [-Lp ls_project_name |
"ls_project_name ..."] [-P][-t token_name |"token_name ..."]
[-o alpha |total | avail] [-g "feature_group ..."]
blstat [ -h | -V]
Displays license usage statistics.
By default, shows information about all licenses and all clusters.
-a Displays each project group’s accumulated value of licenses. The license token
dispatching order is based on the sort order, which is based on the scaled
accumulate value of each project. The lower the value, the sooner the license token
is dispatched to that project.
-c token_name Displays cross cluster information for tokens, sorted by the value of
SCALED_ACUM. The first cluster listed receives tokens first.
Information displayed includes token usage, reserved tokens, free tokens, demand
for tokens, accumulated value of tokens, and scaled accumulate value of tokens in
each cluster.
-G Displays dynamic hierarchical license information.
blstat -G also works with the -t option to only display hierarchical information
for the specified feature names.
-S Displays information on the license server associated with license features.
-s Displays license usage of the LSF and non-LSF workloads. Workload distributions
are defined by WORKLOAD_DISTRIBUTION in lsf.licensescheduler. If
there are any distribution policy violations, blstat marks these with an asterisk (*)
at the beginning of the line.
-D service_domain_name |"service_domain_name ..."
Only shows information about specified service domains. Use spaces to separate
multiple names, and enclose them in quotation marks.
-g feature_group ... When FEATURE_GROUP is configured for a group of license features in
lsf.licensescheduler, shows only information about the features configured in
the FEATURE_LIST of specified feature groups. You can specify more than one
feature group at a time.
When you specify feature names with -t, features in the FEATURE_LIST defined
by -t and feature groups are both displayed.
Platform LSF Command Reference 105
Feature groups listed with -g but not defined in lsf.licensescheduler are
-Lp ls_project_name |"ls_project_name ..."
Shows project description for specified projects (non-hierarchical). Use spaces to
separate multiple names and enclose them in quotation marks.
-o alpha | total | avail Sorts license feature information alphabetically, by total licenses, or by available
◆alpha: Features are listed in descending alphabetical order.
◆total: Features are sorted by the descending order of the sum of licenses that
are allocated to LSF workload from all the service domains configured to
supply licenses to the feature. Licenses borrowed by non-LSF workload are not
included in this amount.
◆avail: Features are sorted by descending order of licenses available, including
free tokens.
Displays percentage values for INUSE and RESERVE. The percentage value
represents the number of tokens this project has used and reserved compared to
total number of licenses.
-t token_name |"token_name ..."
Only shows information about specified licenses. Use spaces to separate multiple
names, and enclose them in quotation marks.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints the release version to stderr and exits.
Information is organized first by license feature, then by service domain. For each
combination of license and service domain, License Scheduler displays a line of
summary information followed by rows of license project information (one row for
each license project configured to use the license).
In each group of statistics, numbers and percentages refer only to licenses of the
specified license feature that can be checked out from FLEXnet license server hosts
in the specified service domain.
Summary output
FEATURE The license name. (This appears only once for each feature.)
SERVICE_DOMAIN The name of the service domain that provided the license.
TOTAL_INUSE The number of licenses in use by License Scheduler projects. (Licenses in use have
been checked out from the FLEXnet license manager.)
TOTAL_RESERVE The number of licenses reserved for License Scheduler projects. (Licenses that are
reserved and have not been checked out from the FLEXnet license manager.)
106 Platform LSF Command Reference
TOTAL_FREE The number of free licenses that are available to License Scheduler projects.
(Licenses that are not reserved or in use.)
OTHERS The number of licenses checked out by users who are not submitting their jobs to
License Scheduler projects.
By default, these licenses are not being managed by License Scheduler policies.
To enforce license distribution policies for these license features, configure
ENABLE_DYNAMIC_RUSAGE=Y in the feature section for those features in
Workload output
LSF_USE The total number of licenses in use by License Scheduler projects in the LSF
LSF_DESERVE The total number of licenses assigned to License Scheduler projects in the LSF
LSF_FREE The total number of free licenses available to License Scheduler projects in the LSF
NON_LSF_USE The total number of licenses in use by projects in the non-LSF workload.
NON_LSF_DESERVE The total number of licenses assigned to projects in the non-LSF workload.
NON_LSF_FREE The total number of free licenses available to projects in the non-LSF workload.
Project output
For each project that is configured to use the license, blstat displays the following
PROJECT The License Scheduler project name.
SHARE The percentage of licenses assigned to the license project by the License Scheduler
administrator. This determines how many licenses the project is entitled to when
there is competition for licenses. This information is static.
The percentage is calculated to one decimal place using the share assignment in
LIMITS The maximum number of licenses that the hierarchical group member project can
use at any one time.
OWN Numeric value indicating the number of tokens owned by each project.
INUSE The number of licenses in use by the license project. (Licenses in use have been
checked out from the FLEXnet license manager.)
RESERVE The number of licenses reserved for the license project. (The corresponding job has
started to run, but has not yet checked out its license from the FLEXnet license
Platform LSF Command Reference 107
FREE The number of licenses the license project has free. (The license tokens have been
allocated to the license project by License Scheduler, but the licenses are not
reserved and have not yet been checked out from the FLEXnet license manager.)
DEMAND Numeric value indicating the number of tokens required by each project.
NON_SHARED The number of non-shared licenses belonging to the license project. (The license
tokens allocated to non-shared distribution are scheduled before the tokens
allocated to shared distribution.)
DESCRIPTION Description of the project.
ACUM_USE The number of tokens accumulated by each consumer at runtime. It is the number
of licenses assigned to a given consumer for a specific feature.
SCALED_ACUM The number of tokens accumulated by each consumer at runtime divided by the
SHARE value. License Scheduler uses this value to schedule the tokens for each
Hierarchical output
SHARE_INFO_FOR The root member and name of the hierarchical group. The project information
displayed after this title shows the information specific to this particular
hierarchical group. If this root member is itself a member of another hierarchical
group, the relationship is displayed as follows:
PROJECT/GROUP The members of the hierarchical group, listed by its group or project name.
Viewing license feature locality
When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, blstat
shows the cluster locality information for the license features. For example, with a
group distribution configuration blstat shows the locality of the hspice feature
configured for various sites:
FEATURE: hspice
Lp1 50.0 % 3 1 0 0 11
Lp2 50.0 % 1 3 0 0 11
FEATURE: hspice@clusterA
Lp1 50.0 % 4 0 0 12 3
Lp2 50.0 % 5 0 0 13 1
FEATURE: hspice@siteB
Platform LSF Command Reference 109
displays License Scheduler interactive task information
bltasks [-l] [task_ID]
bltasks [-l] [-p | -r | -w] [-Lp “ls_project_name...”]
[-m “host_name...”] [-t “terminal_name...”] [-u “user_name...”]
bltasks [-h | -V]
Displays current information about interactive tasks managed by License Scheduler
(submitted using taskman).
By default, displays information about all tasks.
task_ID Only displays information about the specified task.
-l Long format. Displays detailed information for each task in a multi-line format.
-p Only displays information about tasks with PREEMPTED status.
Cannot be used with -r or -w.
-r Only displays information about tasks with RUN status.
Cannot be used with -p or -w.
-w Only displays information about tasks with WAIT status.
Cannot be used with -p or -r.
-Lp “ls_project_name...”
Only displays information about tasks associated with the specified projects.
-m "host_name..."
Only displays information about tasks submitted from the specified hosts.
-t “terminal_name...”
Only displays information about tasks submitted from the specified terminals.
-u “user_name...”
Only displays information about tasks submitted by the specified users.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints License Scheduler release version to stderr and exits.
110 Platform LSF Command Reference
Default Output
Displays the short format with the following information:
TID Task ID that License Scheduler assigned to the task.
USER The user who submitted the task.
STAT The current status of the task.
◆RUN: Task is running.
◆WAIT: Task has not yet started.
◆PREEMPT: Task has been preempted and currently has no license token.
HOST The name of host from which the task was submitted.
PROJECT The name of the project to which the task belongs.
FEATURES Name of the License Scheduler token.
CONNECT TIME The submission time of the task.
Output for -l Option
Displays detailed information for each task in multi-line format. If the task is in
WA I T s t atu s , bltasks displays "The application manager is waiting for a token to
start" and the resource requirement. Otherwise, the current resource usage of task
is displayed as follows:
TERMINAL The terminal the task is using.
PGID UNIX process group ID.
CPU The total accumulated CPU time of all processes in a task, in seconds.
MEM Total resident memory usage of all processes in a task, in KB.
SWAP Total virtual memory usage of all processes in a task, in KB.
Keyboard idle since Time at which the task became idle.
RES_REQ The resource requirement of the task.
Command line The command the License Scheduler task manager is executing.
Platform LSF Command Reference 111
displays license usage information
blusers [-J | -l | -P -j job_ID -u user_name -m host_name | -P
-c cluster_name -j job_ID -u user_name -m host_name]
blusers [-h | -V]
By default, displays summarized information about usage of licenses.
-J Displays detailed license usage information about each job.
-l Long format. Displays additional license usage information. See Output on page
111 for a description of information that is displayed.
-P -j job_ID -u user_name -m host_name
-P -c cluster_name -j job_ID -u user_name -m host_name
This string of options is designed to be used in a customized preemption script. To
identify a job, specify the LSF job ID, the user name, and the name of the host where
the job is running.
(If the job is an interactive task submitted using taskman, do not specify -c
You see the display terminal used by the job, the licenses it has checked out, and the
license servers that provided the licenses. There is one line of output for each license
feature from each FLEXnet license server, in the format:
port_number@host_name token_name user_name host_name display
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints License Scheduler release version to stderr and exits.
Default Output
FEATURE The license name. This becomes the license token name.
SERVICE_DOMAIN The name of the service domain that provided the license.
USER The name of the user who submitted the jobs.
HOST The name of the host where jobs have started.
NLICS The number of licenses checked out from FLEXnet.
NTASKS The number of running tasks using these licenses.
112 Platform LSF Command Reference
-J Output
Displays the following summary information for each job:
JOBID The job ID assigned by LSF.
USER The name of the user who submitted the job.
HOST The name of the host where the job has been started.
PROJECT The name of the license project that the job is associated with.
CLUSTER The name of the LSF cluster that the job is associated with. Displays “-” for an
interactive job.
START_TIME The job start time.
Displays the following information for each license in use by the job:
RESOURCE The name of the license requested by the job.
RUSAGE The number of licenses requested by the job.
SERVICE_DOMAIN The name of the service domain that provided the license.
The keyword UNKNOWN means the job requested a license from License
Scheduler but has not checked out the license from FLEXnet.
Long Output (-l)
Displays the default output and the following additional information for each job:
OTHERS License usage for non-managed or non-LSF workload.
DISPLAYS Terminal display associated with the license feature.
PIDS Process ID of the process that checked out the license feature.
The Macrovision FLEXnet plugin for LSF License Scheduler must be enabled to
display the process ID.
Viewing license feature locality
When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, blusers
shows the cluster locality information for the license features. For example:
hspice@clusterA SD1 user1 host1 1 1
hspice@siteB SD2 user2 host2 1 1
Platform LSF Command Reference 113
blusers -l
feat1 LanServer user1 hostA 1 1 0 (/dev/tty) (16326)
blusers -J
553 user1 hostA p3 cluster1 Oct 5 15:47:14
p1_f1 1 app_1
See also
blhosts, blinfo, blstat
114 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays information about host groups
bmgroup [-r] [-l] [-w] [host_group ...]
bmgroup [-h |-V]
Displays host groups and host names for each group.
By default, displays information about all host groups including host groups created
for EGO-enabled SLA scheduling. A host partition is also considered a host group.
Host groups for EGO-enabled SLA
When hosts are allocated to an EGO-enabled SLA, they are dynamically added to a
host group created by the SLA. The name of the host group is _sla_sla_name,
where sla_name is the name of the EGO-enabled SLA defined in
lsb.serviceclasses or in ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA in lsb.params. One
of the hosts in the host group has the name _virtual.
When the host is released to EGO, the entry is removed from the host group.
bmgroup displays the hosts allocated by EGO to the host group created by the SLA.
-l Displays static and dynamic host group members. A ‘+’ sign before the host name
indicates that the host is dynamic and is currently a member of the host group. A ‘-’
sign before the host name indicates that the host is currently not an LSF host but is
a member of the dynamic host group.
Also identifies condensed host groups. These host groups are defined by CONDENSE
in the HostGroup section of lsb.hosts.
-r Expands host groups recursively. The expanded list contains only host names; it
does not contain the names of subgroups. Duplicate names are listed only once.
-w Wide format. Displays host and host group names without truncating fields.
host_group ... Only displays information about the specified host groups. Do not use quotes when
specifying multiple host groups.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
In the list of hosts, a name followed by a slash (/) indicates a subgroup.
Host groups and host partitions are defined in the configuration file lsb.hosts(5).
116 Platform LSF Command Reference
migrates checkpointable or rerunnable jobs
bmig [-f] [job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]"] ...
bmig [-f] [-J job_name] [-m "host_name ..."|-m "host_group ..."]
[-u user_name |-u user_group |-u all] [0]
bmig [-h |-V]
Migrates one or more of your checkpointable or rerunnable jobs to a different host.
You can migrate only running or suspended jobs; you cannot migrate pending jobs.
Members of a chunk job in the WAIT state can be migrated; LSF removes waiting
jobs from the job chunk and changes their original dispatch sequence.
By default, migrates the most recently submitted job, or the most recently submitted
job that also satisfies other specified options (-u and -J). Specify 0 (zero) to migrate
multiple jobs. Only LSF administrators and root can migrate jobs submitted by
other users. Both the original and the new hosts must:
◆Be binary compatible
◆Run the same dot version of the operating system for predictable results
◆Have network connectivity and read/execute permissions to the checkpoint
and restart executables (in LSF_SERVERDIR by default)
◆Have network connectivity and read/write permissions to the checkpoint
directory and the checkpoint file
◆Have access to all files open during job execution so that LSF can locate them
using an absolute path name
When you migrate a checkpointable job, LSF checkpoints and kills the job and then
restarts the job on the next available host. If checkpoint fails, the job continues to
run on the original host. If you issue the bmig command while a job is being
checkpointed—for example, with periodic checkpointing enabled—LSF ignores the
migration request.
When you migrate a rerunnable job, LSF kills the job and then restarts it from the
beginning on the next available host. LSF sets the environment variable
LSB_RESTART to Y when a migrating job restarts or reruns.
NOTE:The user does not receive notification when LSF kills a checkpointable or rerunnable job as
part of job migration.
In a MultiCluster environment, you must use brun rather than bmig to move a job
to another host.
When absolute job priority scheduling (APS) is configured in the queue, LSF always
schedules migrated jobs before pending jobs. For migrated jobs, LSF keeps the
existing job priority. If LSB_REQUEUE_TO_BOTTOM and LSB_MIG2PEND are
Platform LSF Command Reference 117
configured in lsf.conf, the migrated jobs keep their APS information, and the
migrated jobs compete with other pending jobs based on the APS value. If you want
to reset the APS value, you must use brequeue instead of bmig.
-f Forces a checkpointable job to be checkpointed and migrated, even if
non-checkpointable conditions exist within the operating system environment.
job_ID | "job_ID[index_list]" | 0
Migrates jobs with the specified job IDs. LSF ignores the -J and -u options.
If you specify a job ID of 0 (zero), LSF ignores all other job IDs and migrates all jobs
that satisfy the -J and -u options.
If you do not specify a job ID, LSF migrates the most recently submitted job that
satisfies the -J and -u options.
-J job_name Migrates the job with the specified name. Ignored if a job ID other than 0 (zero) is
-m "host_name ..." | -m "host_group ..."
Migrates jobs to the specified hosts.
This option cannot be used on a MultiCluster job; bmig can only restart or rerun
the job on the original host.
-u "user_name" | -u "user_group" | -u all
Migrates only those jobs submitted by the specified users. To specify a Windows
user account, include the domain name in uppercase letters and use a single
backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) in a Windows command line or a double
backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
If you specify the reserved user name all, LSF migrates jobs submitted by all users.
Ignored if a job ID other than 0 (zero) is specified.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
bsub, brestart, bchkpnt, bjobs, bqueues, bhosts, bugroup, mbatchd, lsb.queues,
118 Platform LSF Command Reference
modifies job submission options of a job
bmod [bsub_options] [job_ID | "job_ID[index]"]
bmod [-g job_group_name |-gn] [job_ID]
bmod [-sla service_class_name | -slan] [job_ID]
bmod [-aps "system=value" | "admin=value" | -apsn] [job_ID]
bmod [-h |-V]
Option List
[-B |-Bn]
[-N |-Nn]
[-r |-rn]
[-ul | -uln]
[-x |-xn]
[-a esub_application]
[-app application_profile_name |-appn]
[-aps "system=value" | "admin=value" | -apsn]
[-b begin_time |-bn]
[-C core_limit |-Cn]
[-c [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model] | -cn]
[-cwd "current_working_directory" | -cwdn]
[-D data_limit |-Dn]
[-E "pre_exec_command [argument ...]"|-En]
[-Ep "post_exec_command [argument ...]"|-Epn]
[-e err_file |-en]
[-eo err_file |-en]
[-F file_limit |-Fn]
[-f "local_file op [remote_file]"... | -fn]
[-G user_group |-Gn]
[-g job_group_name |-gn]
[-i input_file |-in |-is input_file |-isn]
[-J job_name |-J "%job_limit"|-Jn]
-k "checkpoint_dir [init=initial_checkpoint_period] [checkpoint_period]"|-kn]
[-L login_shell |-Ln]
[-Lp ls_project_name |-Lpn]
Platform LSF Command Reference 119
[-M mem_limit |-Mn]
[-m "host_name[@cluster_name][[!] | +[pref_level]] | host_group[[!] |
+[pref_level]] ..."| -mn]
[-mig migration_threshold | -mign]
[-n num_processors |-nn ]
[-o out_file |-on]
[-oo out_file |-oon]
[-P project_name |-Pn]
[-p process_limit |-pn]
[-Q "[exit_code …] [EXCLUDE(exit_code …)]" ]
[-q "queue_name ..."|-qn]
[-R "res_req" [-R "res_req" …] | -Rn]
[-S stack_limit |-Sn]
[-s signal |-sn]
[-sla service_class_name | -slan]
[-sp priority |-spn]
[-T thread_limit |-Tn]
[-t term_time |-tn]
[-U reservation_ID |-Un]
[-u mail_user |-un]
[-v swap_limit |-vn]
[-W [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model]|-Wn]
[-We [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model]|-Wen]
[-w 'dependency_expression'|-wn]
[-wa '[signal | command | CHKPNT]'|-wan]
[-wt 'job_warning_time'|-wtn]
[-Z "new_command"|-Zs "new_command"|-Zsn]
[job_ID |"job_ID[index]"]
Modifies the options of a previously submitted job. See bsub for complete
descriptions of job submission options you can modify with bmod.
Only the owner of the job, or LSF administrators, can modify the options of a job.
All options specified at submission time may be changed. The value for each option
may be overridden with a new value by specifying the option as in bsub. To reset an
option to its default value, use the option string followed by 'n'. Do not specify an
option value when resetting an option.
The -i, -in, and -Z options have counterparts that support spooling of input and
job command files (-is, -isn, -Zs, and -Zsn).
120 Platform LSF Command Reference
Options related to file names and job spooling directories support paths that
contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters for
Options related to command names and job names can contain up to 4094
characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters for Windows.
You can modify all options of a pending job, even if the corresponding bsub option
was not specified.
Modifying a job that is pending in a chunk job queue (CHUNK_JOB_SIZE)
removes the job from the chunk to be scheduled later.
Like bsub, bmod calls the master esub (mesub), which invokes any mandatory esub
executables configured by an LSF administrator, and any executable named esub
(without .application) if it exists in LSF_SERVERDIR. Only esub executables invoked
by bsub can change the job environment on the submission host. An esub invoked
by bmod cannot change the job environment.
-cwdn sets the current working directory for the job to the directory where bmod is
-Epn cancels the setting of job-level post-execution commands. The job-level
post-execution commands do not run. Application-level post-execution
commands run if they exist.
-rn resets the rerunnable job setting specified by bsub –rn or bsub -r. The
application profile and queue level rerunnable job setting if any is used. bmod -rn
does not disable or override job rerun if the job was submitted to a rerunnable
queue or application profile with job rerun configured. bmod –rn is different from
bsub -rn, which does override the application profile and queue level rerunnable
job setting.
-uln sets the user shell limits for pending jobs to their default values. -uln is not
supported on Windows.
-Wen cancels the estimated job runtime. The runtime estimate does not take effect
for the job.
-Q does not affect running jobs. For rerunnable and requeue jobs, -Q affects the
next run.
Modifying running jobs
By default, you can modify resource requirements for running jobs (-R "res_req").
To modify additional job options for running jobs, define
LSB_MOD_ALL_JOBS=Y in lsf.conf.
When LSB_MOD_ALL_JOBS=Y is set, the following are the only bmod options that
are valid for running jobs. You cannot make any other modifications after a job has
been dispatched.
◆CPU limit (-c [hour:]minute[/host_name |/host_model])
◆Memory limit (-M mem_limit)
◆Rerunnable jobs (-r | -rn)
◆Resource reservation (-R "res_req")
◆Run limit (-W run_limit[/host_name |/host_model])
Platform LSF Command Reference 121
◆Standard output (stdout) file name up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux
or 255 characters for Windows (-o output_file)
◆Standard error (stderr) file name up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux
or 255 characters for Windows (-e error_file)
◆Overwrite standard output (stdout) file name up to 4094 characters for UNIX
and Linux or 255 characters for Windows (-oo output_file)
◆Overwrite standard error (stderr) file name up to 4094 characters for UNIX
and Linux or 255 characters for Windows (-eo error_file)
Modified resource usage limits cannot exceed limits defined in the queue.
To modify the CPU limit or the memory limit of running jobs, the parameters
LSB_JOB_CPULIMIT=Y and LSB_JOB_MEMLIMIT=Y must be defined in
If you want to specify array dependency by array name, set JOB_DEP_LAST_SUB
in lsb.params. If you do not have this parameter set, the job is rejected if one of
your previous arrays has the same name but a different index.
By default, options for the following resource usage limits are specified in KB:
◆Core limit (-C)
◆Memory limit (-M)
◆Stack limit (-S)
◆Swap limit (-v)
Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a different unit for the limit
(MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
Modifying resource requirements
The -R option of bmod completely replaces any previous resource requirement
specification. It does not add the modification to the existing specification. For
example, if you submit a job with
bsub -R "rusage[res1=1]"
then modify it with
bmod -R "rusage[res2=1]"
the new resource usage requirement for the job is [res2=1], not
[res1=1; res2=1].
bmod does not support the OR (||) operator on the -R option.
To remove all of the string input specified using the bsub command, use the -Rn
Modifying job groups
Use the -g option of bmod and specify a job group path to move a job or a job array
from one job group to another. For example:
bmod -g /risk_group/portfolio2/monthly 105
moves job 105 to job group /risk_group/portfolio2/monthly.
Like bsub -g, if the job group does not exist, LSF creates it.
122 Platform LSF Command Reference
bmod -g cannot be combined with other bmod options. It can only operate on
pending jobs. It cannot operate on running or finished jobs.
You can modify your own job groups and job groups that other users create under
your job groups. LSF administrators can modify job groups of all users.
You cannot move job array elements from one job group to another, only entire job
arrays. If any job array elements in a job array are running, you cannot move the job
array to another group. A job array can only belong to one job group at a time.
You cannot modify the job group of a job attached to a service class.
Modifying jobs in service classes
The -sla option modifies a job by attaching it to the specified service class. The
-slan option detaches the specified job from a service class. If the service class does
not exist, the job is not modified. For example:
bmod -sla Kyuquot 2307
attaches job 2307 to the service class Kyuquot.
bmod -slan 2307
detaches job 2307 from the service class Kyuquot. If a default SLA is configured in
lsb.params, the job is moved to the default service class.
You c an not
◆Use -sla with other bmod options
◆Move job array elements from one service class to another, only entire job
◆Modify the service class of job already attached to a job group. Use bsla to
display the configuration properties of service classes configured in
lsb.serviceclasses, the default SLA configured in lsb.params, and
dynamic information about the state of each service class.
If a default SLA is configured in lsb.params, bmod -slan moves the job to the
default SLA. If the job is already attached to the default SLA, bmod -slan has no
effect on that job.
Modifying jobs associated with application profiles
The -app option modifies a job by associating it to the specified application profile.
The -appn option dissociates the specified job from its application profile. If the
application profile does not exist, the job is not modified.
You can only modify the application profile for pending jobs. For example:
bmod -app fluent 2308
associates job 2308 with the application profile fluent.
bmod -appn 2308
dissociates job 2308 from the service class fluent.
Use bapp to display the properties of application profiles configured in
Platform LSF Command Reference 123
Modifying absolute priority scheduling options
Administrators can use bmod -aps to adjust the APS value for pending jobs.
bmod -apsn cancels previous bmod -aps settings. You cannot combing bmod -aps
with other bmod options.
bmod -aps
Set a static non-zero APS value of a pending job. Setting a system APS value
overrides any calculated APS value for the job. The system APS value cannot be
applied to running jobs.
bmod -aps
Set a non-zero ADMIN factor value for a pending job. The ADMIN factor adjusts
the calculated APS value higher or lower. A negative admin value is lowers the
calculated APS value, and a positive value raises the calculated APS value relative to
other pending jobs in the APS queue.
You cannot configure APS weight, limit, or grace period for the ADMIN factor. The
ADMIN factor takes effect as soon as it is set.
bmod -apsn Run bmod -apsn to cancel previous bmod -aps settings. You cannot apply bmod
-apsn on running jobs in an APS queue. An error is issued if the job has no system
APS priority or ADMIN factor set.
job_ID |"job_ID[index]"
Modifies jobs with the specified job ID.
Modifies job array elements specified by "job_ID[index]".
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Modifying remote running jobs in a MultiCluster environment is not supported.
If you do not specify -e or -eo before the job is dispatched, you cannot modify the
name of job error file for a running job. Modifying the job output options of remote
running jobs is not supported.
See also
124 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays information about configurable system parameters in lsb.params
bparams [-a] [-l]
bparams [-h |-V]
Displays the following parameter values:
◆Default Queues
◆Job Dispatch Interval
◆Job Checking Interval
◆Job Accepting Interval
-a All format. Displays all the configurable parameters set in lsb.params.
-l Long format. Displays detailed information about all the configurable parameters
in lsb.params.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
Platform LSF Command Reference 125
displays the stdout and stderr output of an unfinished job
bpeek [-f] [-q queue_name | -m host_name | -J job_name |
job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]"]
bpeek [-h |-V]
Displays the standard output and standard error output that have been produced by
one of your unfinished jobs, up to the time that this command is invoked.
By default, displays the output using the command cat.
This command is useful for monitoring the progress of a job and identifying errors.
If errors are observed, valuable user time and system resources can be saved by
terminating an erroneous job.
-f Displays the output of the job using the command tail -f.
-q queue_name Operates on your most recently submitted job in the specified queue.
-m host_name Operates on your most recently submitted job that has been dispatched to the
specified host.
-J job_name Operates on your most recently submitted job that has the specified job name.
The job name can be up to 4094 characters long for UNIX and Linux or up to 255
characters for Windows.
job_ID | "job_ID[index_list]"
Operates on the specified job.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
cat, tail, bsub, bjobs, bhist, bhosts, bqueues
126 Platform LSF Command Reference
sends external status messages and attaches data files to a job
bpost [-i message_index] [-d "description"] [-a data_file]
job_ID |"job_ID[index]" | -J job_name
bpost [-h |-V]
Provides external status information or sends data to a job in the system. Done or
exited jobs cannot accept messages.
By default, operates on the message index 0. By default, posts the message
"no description".
If a you specify a job ID:
◆You can only send messages and data to your own jobs.
◆You cannot send messages and data to jobs submitted by other users.
◆Only root and LSF administrators can send messages to jobs submitted by other
◆Root and LSF administrators cannot attach data files to jobs submitted by other
Job names are not unique; if you specify -J job_name:
◆You can only send messages and data to your own jobs.
◆You cannot send messages and data to jobs submitted by other users.
◆Root and the LSF administrators can only send messages and data to their own
A job can accept messages until it is cleaned from the system. If your application
requires transfer of data from one job to another, use the -a option of bpost(1) to
attach a data file to the job, then use the bread(1) command to copy the attachment
to another file.
You can associate several messages and attached data files with the same job. As the
job is processed, use bread(1) or bstatus(1) to retrieve the messages posted to the
job. Use bread(1) to copy message attachments to external files.
For example, your application may require additional job status descriptions
besides the ones that LSF provides internally (PEND, RUN, SUSP, etc.) Use the -d
option to place your own status or job description text as a message to the job.
You can also use bstatus -d to update the external job status. The command:
bstatus -d "description" myjob
is equivalent to:
bpost -i 0 -d "description" myjob
Platform LSF Command Reference 127
With MultiCluster, both clusters must run LSF Version 7 or later. You cannot post
a message to a MultiCluster job if the clusters are disconnected. You cannot attach
files to MultiCluster jobs.
-a data_file Attaches the specified data file to the job external storage. This option is ignored for
MultiCluster jobs; you can only attach a file if the job executes in the local cluster.
Use the JOB_ATTA_DIR parameter in lsb.params(5) to specify the directory
where attachment data files are saved. The directory must have at least 1 MB of free
space. mbatchd checks for available space in the job attachment directory before
transferring the file.
Use the MAX_JOB_ATTA_SIZE parameter in lsb.params to set a maximum size
for job message attachments.
-d "description"Places your own status text as a message to the job. The message description has a
maximum length of 512 characters.
For example, your application may require additional job status descriptions
besides the ones that LSF provides internally (PEND, RUN, SUSP, etc.)
Default: "no description"
-i message_index Operates on the specified message index.
Default: 0
Use the MAX_JOB_MSG_NUM parameter in lsb.params to set a maximum
number of messages for a job. With MultiCluster, to avoid conflicts,
MAX_JOB_MSG_NUM should be the same in all clusters.
job_ID | "job_ID[index]" | -J job_name
Required. Operates on the specified job. With MultiCluster job forwarding model,
you must always use the local job ID.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bpost -i 1 -d "step 1" -a step1.out 2500
Puts the message text step 1 into message index 1, and attaches the file step1.out
to job 2500.
See also
bread(1), bstatus(1), MAX_JOB_ATTA_SIZE, MAX_JOB_MSG_NUM
128 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays information about queues
bqueues [-w |-l |-r]
[-m host_name |-m host_group | -m cluster_name | -m all]
[-u user_name |-u user_group | -u all] [queue_name ...]
bqueues [-h |-V]
Displays information about queues.
By default, returns the following information about all queues: queue name, queue
priority, queue status, job slot statistics, and job state statistics.
In MultiCluster, returns the information about all queues in the local cluster.
Batch queue names and characteristics are set up by the LSF administrator (see
lsb.queues(5) and mbatchd(8)).
CPU time is normalized.
-l Displays queue information in a long multiline format. The -l option displays the
following additional information: queue description, queue characteristics and
statistics, scheduling parameters, resource usage limits, scheduling policies, users,
hosts, associated commands, dispatch and run windows, and job controls.
Also displays user shares.
If you specified an administrator comment with the -C option of the queue control
commands qclose, qopen, qact, and qinact, qhist displays the comment text.
Displays absolute priority scheduling (APS) information for queues configured
-r Displays the same information as the -l option. In addition, if fairshare is defined
for the queue, displays recursively the share account tree of the fairshare queue.
-w Displays queue information in a wide format. Fields are displayed without
-m host_name | -m host_group | -m cluster_name | -m all
Displays the queues that can run jobs on the specified host. If the keyword all is
specified, displays the queues that can run jobs on all hosts.
If a host group is specified, displays the queues that include that group in their
configuration. For a list of host groups see bmgroup(1).
In MultiCluster, if the all keyword is specified, displays the queues that can run
jobs on all hosts in the local cluster. If a cluster name is specified, displays all queues
in the specified cluster.
-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all
Platform LSF Command Reference 129
Displays the queues that can accept jobs from the specified user. If the keyword all
is specified, displays the queues that can accept jobs from all users.
If a user group is specified, displays the queues that include that group in their
configuration. For a list of user groups see bugroup(1)).
queue_name ... Displays information about the specified queues.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Default Output
Displays the following fields:
QUEUE_NAME The name of the queue. Queues are named to correspond to the type of jobs usually
submitted to them, or to the type of services they provide.
If the LSF administrator removes queues from the system, LSF creates a queue
called lost_and_found and places the jobs from the removed queues into the
lost_and_found queue. Jobs in the lost_and_found queue are not started unless
they are switched to other queues (see bswitch).
PRIO The priority of the queue. The larger the value, the higher the priority. If job priority
is not configured, determines the queue search order at job dispatch, suspension
and resumption time. Jobs from higher priority queues are dispatched first (this is
contrary to UNIX process priority ordering), and jobs from lower priority queues
are suspended first when hosts are overloaded.
STATUS The current status of the queue. The possible values are:
The queue is able to accept jobs.
The queue is not able to accept jobs.
Jobs in the queue may be started.
Jobs in the queue cannot be started for the time being.
At any moment, each queue is either Open or Closed, and is either Active or
Inactive. The queue can be opened, closed, inactivated and re-activated by the
LSF administrator using badmin (see badmin(8)).
Jobs submitted to a queue that is later closed are still dispatched as long as the queue
is active. The queue can also become inactive when either its dispatch window is
closed or its run window is closed (see DISPATCH_WINDOWS in the “Output for
the -l Option” section). In this case, the queue cannot be activated using badmin.
130 Platform LSF Command Reference
The queue is re-activated by LSF when one of its dispatch windows and one of its
run windows are open again. The initial state of a queue at LSF boot time is set to
open, and either active or inactive depending on its windows.
MAX The maximum number of job slots that can be used by the jobs from the queue.
These job slots are used by dispatched jobs which have not yet finished, and by
pending jobs which have slots reserved for them.
A sequential job uses one job slot when it is dispatched to a host, while a parallel job
uses as many job slots as is required by bsub -n when it is dispatched. See bsub(1)
for details. If ‘–’ is displayed, there is no limit.
JL/U The maximum number of job slots each user can use for jobs in the queue. These
job slots are used by your dispatched jobs which have not yet finished, and by
pending jobs which have slots reserved for them. If ‘–’ is displayed, there is no limit.
JL/P The maximum number of job slots a processor can process from the queue. This
includes job slots of dispatched jobs that have not yet finished, and job slots
reserved for some pending jobs. The job slot limit per processor (JL/P) controls the
number of jobs sent to each host. This limit is configured per processor so that
multiprocessor hosts are automatically allowed to run more jobs. If ‘–’ is displayed,
there is no limit.
JL/H The maximum number of job slots a host can allocate from this queue. This
includes the job slots of dispatched jobs that have not yet finished, and those
reserved for some pending jobs. The job slot limit per host (JL/H) controls the
number of jobs sent to each host, regardless of whether a host is a uniprocessor host
or a multiprocessor host. If ‘–’ is displayed, there is no limit.
NJOBS The total number of job slots held currently by jobs in the queue. This includes
pending, running, suspended and reserved job slots. A parallel job that is running
on n processors is counted as n job slots, since it takes n job slots in the queue. See
bjobs(1) for an explanation of batch job states.
PEND The number of job slots used by pending jobs in the queue.
RUN The number of job slots used by running jobs in the queue.
SUSP The number of job slots used by suspended jobs in the queue.
Long Output (-l)
In addition to the above fields, the -l option displays the following:
Description A description of the typical use of the queue.
Default queue indication
Indicates that this is the default queue.
Platform LSF Command Reference 131
The nice value at which jobs in the queue are run. This is the UNIX nice value for
reducing the process priority (see nice(1)).
The long format for the -l option gives the possible reasons for a queue to be
The queue is out of its dispatch window or its run window.
The queue has been inactivated by the LSF administrator.
The number of job slots in the queue allocated to jobs that are suspended by LSF
because of load levels or run windows.
The number of job slots in the queue allocated to jobs that are suspended by the job
submitter or by the LSF administrator.
The number of job slots in the queue that are reserved by LSF for pending jobs.
Migration threshold
The length of time in seconds that a job dispatched from the queue remains
suspended by the system before LSF attempts to migrate the job to another host. See
the MIG parameter in lsb.queues and lsb.hosts.
Schedule delay for a new job
The delay time in seconds for scheduling after a new job is submitted. If the
schedule delay time is zero, a new scheduling session is started as soon as the job is
submitted to the queue. See the NEW_JOB_SCHED_DELAY parameter in
Interval for a host to accept two jobs
The length of time in seconds to wait after dispatching a job to a host before
dispatching a second job to the same host. If the job accept interval is zero, a host
may accept more than one job in each dispatching interval. See the
JOB_ACCEPT_INTERVAL parameter in lsb.queues and lsb.params.
RESOURCE LIMITS The hard resource usage limits that are imposed on the jobs in the queue (see
getrlimit(2) and lsb.queues(5)). These limits are imposed on a per-job and a
per-process basis.
The possible per-job limits are:
132 Platform LSF Command Reference
The maximum CPU time a job can use, in minutes, relative to the CPU factor of the
named host. CPULIMIT is scaled by the CPU factor of the execution host so that
jobs are allowed more time on slower hosts.
When the job-level CPULIMIT is reached, a SIGXCPU signal is sent to all processes
belonging to the job. If the job has no signal handler for SIGXCPU, the job is killed
immediately. If the SIGXCPU signal is handled, blocked, or ignored by the
application, then after the grace period expires, LSF sends SIGINT, SIGTERM, and
SIGKILL to the job to kill it.
The maximum number of processors allocated to a job. Jobs that request fewer slots
than the minimum PROCLIMIT or more slots than the maximum PROCLIMIT
are rejected. If the job requests minimum and maximum job slots, the maximum
slots requested cannot be less than the minimum PROCLIMIT, and the minimum
slots requested cannot be more than the maximum PROCLIMIT.
The maximum running set size (RSS) of a process. If a process uses more memory
than the limit allows, its priority is reduced so that other processes are more likely
to be paged in to available memory. This limit is enforced by the setrlimit system
call if it supports the RLIMIT_RSS option.
By default, the limit is shown in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to
specify a larger unit for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
The swap space limit that a job may use. If SWAPLIMIT is reached, the system
sends the following signals in sequence to all processes in the job: SIGINT, SIGTERM,
By default, the limit is shown in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to
specify a larger unit for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
The maximum number of concurrent processes allocated to a job. If
PROCESSLIMIT is reached, the system sends the following signals in sequence to
all processes belonging to the job: SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGKILL.
The maximum number of concurrent threads allocated to a job. If THREADLIMIT
is reached, the system sends the following signals in sequence to all processes
belonging to the job: SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGKILL.
The possible UNIX per-process resource limits are:
The maximum wall clock time a process can use, in minutes. RUNLIMIT is scaled
by the CPU factor of the execution host. When a job has been in the RUN state for
a total of RUNLIMIT minutes, LSF sends a SIGUSR2 signal to the job. If the job does
not exit within 5 minutes, LSF sends a SIGKILL signal to kill the job.
Platform LSF Command Reference 133
The maximum file size a process can create, in KB. This limit is enforced by the
UNIX setrlimit system call if it supports the RLIMIT_FSIZE option, or the ulimit
system call if it supports the UL_SETFSIZE option.
The maximum size of the data segment of a process, in KB. This restricts the
amount of memory a process can allocate. DATALIMIT is enforced by the
setrlimit system call if it supports the RLIMIT_DATA option, and unsupported
The maximum size of the stack segment of a process. This limit restricts the amount
of memory a process can use for local variables or recursive function calls.
STACKLIMIT is enforced by the setrlimit system call if it supports the
By default, the limit is shown in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to
specify a larger unit for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
The maximum size of a core file. This limit is enforced by the setrlimit system call
if it supports the RLIMIT_CORE option.
If a job submitted to the queue has any of these limits specified (see bsub(1)), then
the lower of the corresponding job limits and queue limits are used for the job.
If no resource limit is specified, the resource is assumed to be unlimited.
By default, the limit is shown in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to
specify a larger unit for display (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
The scheduling and suspending thresholds for the queue.
The scheduling threshold loadSched and the suspending threshold loadStop are
used to control batch job dispatch, suspension, and resumption. The queue
thresholds are used in combination with the thresholds defined for hosts (see
bhosts(1) and lsb.hosts(5)). If both queue level and host level thresholds are
configured, the most restrictive thresholds are applied.
The loadSched and loadStop thresholds have the following fields:
The 15-second exponentially averaged effective CPU run queue length.
The 1-minute exponentially averaged effective CPU run queue length.
The 15-minute exponentially averaged effective CPU run queue length.
The CPU utilization exponentially averaged over the last minute, expressed as a
percentage between 0 and 1.
134 Platform LSF Command Reference
The memory paging rate exponentially averaged over the last minute, in pages per
The disk I/O rate exponentially averaged over the last minute, in KB per second.
The number of current login users.
On UNIX, the idle time of the host (keyboard not touched on all logged in
sessions), in minutes.
On Windows, the it index is based on the time a screen saver has been active on a
particular host.
The amount of free space in /tmp, in MB.
The amount of currently available swap space. By default, swap space is shown in
MB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for display
(MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
The amount of currently available memory. By default, memory is shown in MB.
Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for display (MB,
GB, TB, PB, or EB).
The speed of each individual cpu, in megahertz (MHz).
The maximum bandwidth requirement, in megabits per second (Mbps).
In addition to these internal indices, external indices are also displayed if they are
defined in lsb.queues (see lsb.queues(5)).
The loadSched threshold values specify the job dispatching thresholds for the
corresponding load indices. If ‘–’ is displayed as the value, it means the threshold is
not applicable. Jobs in the queue may be dispatched to a host if the values of all the
load indices of the host are within (below or above, depending on the meaning of
the load index) the corresponding thresholds of the queue and the host. The same
conditions are used to resume jobs dispatched from the queue that have been
suspended on this host.
Similarly, the loadStop threshold values specify the thresholds for job suspension.
If any of the load index values on a host go beyond the corresponding threshold of
the queue, jobs in the queue are suspended.
Configured job exception thresholds and number of jobs in each exception state for
the queue.
Threshold and NumOfJobs have the following fields:
Platform LSF Command Reference 135
Configured threshold in minutes for overrun jobs, and the number of jobs in the
queue that have triggered an overrun job exception by running longer than the
overrun threshold
Configured threshold in minutes for underrun jobs, and the number of jobs in the
queue that have triggered an underrun job exception by finishing sooner than the
underrun threshold
Configured threshold (CPU time/runtime) for idle jobs, and the number of jobs in
the queue that have triggered an overrun job exception by having a job idle factor
less than the threshold
Scheduling policies of the queue. Optionally, one or more of the following policies
may be configured:
Absolute Priority Scheduling is enabled. Pending jobs in the queue are ordered
according to the calculated APS value.
Queue-level fairshare scheduling is enabled. Jobs in this queue are scheduled based
on a fairshare policy instead of the first-come, first-served (FCFS) policy.
A job in a backfill queue can use the slots reserved by other jobs if the job can run
to completion before the slot-reserving jobs start.
Backfilling does not occur on queue limits and user limit but only on host based
limits. That is, backfilling is only supported when MXJ, JL/U, JL/P, PJOB_LIMIT,
and HJOB_LIMIT are reached. Backfilling is not supported when MAX_JOBS,
QJOB_LIMIT, and UJOB_LIMIT are reached.
If IGNORE_DEADLINE is set to Y, starts all jobs regardless of the run limit.
Jobs dispatched from an exclusive queue can run exclusively on a host if the user so
specifies at job submission time (see bsub(1)). Exclusive execution means that the
job is sent to a host with no other batch job running there, and no further job, batch
or interactive, is dispatched to that host while the job is running. The default is not
to allow exclusive jobs.
This queue does not accept batch interactive jobs. (see the -I, -Is, and -Ip options
of bsub(1)). The default is to accept both interactive and non-interactive jobs.
136 Platform LSF Command Reference
This queue only accepts batch interactive jobs. Jobs must be submitted using the -I,
-Is, and -Ip options of bsub(1). The default is to accept both interactive and
non-interactive jobs.
Lists queues participating in cross-queue fairshare. The first queue listed is the
master queue—the queue in which fairshare is configured; all other queues listed
inherit the fairshare policy from the master queue. Fairshare information applies to
all the jobs running in all the queues in the master-slave set.
Lists queues participating in an absolute priority scheduling (APS) queue group.
If both FAIRSHARE and APS_PRIORITY are enabled in the same queue, the
FAIRSHARE_QUEUES are not displayed. These queues are instead displayed as
DISPATCH_ORDER DISPATCH_ORDER=QUEUE is set in the master queue. Jobs from this queue are
dispatched according to the order of queue priorities first, then user fairshare
priority. Within the queue, dispatch order is based on user share quota. This avoids
having users with higher fairshare priority getting jobs dispatched from
low-priority queues.
USER_SHARES A list of [user_name, share] pairs. user_name is either a user name or a user group
name. share is the number of shares of resources assigned to the user or user group.
A party receives a portion of the resources proportional to that party’s share divided
by the sum of the shares of all parties specified in this queue.
The default host or host model that is used to normalize the CPU time limit of all
If you want to view a list of the CPU factors defined for the hosts in your cluster, see
lsinfo(1). The CPU factors are configured in lsf.shared(5).
The appropriate CPU scaling factor of the host or host model is used to adjust the
actual CPU time limit at the execution host (see CPULIMIT in lsb.queues(5)).
The DEFAULT_HOST_SPEC parameter in lsb.queues overrides the system
DEFAULT_HOST_SPEC parameter in lsb.params (see lsb.params(5)). If a user
explicitly gives a host specification when submitting a job using
bsub -c cpu_limit[/host_name |/host_model], the user specification overrides the
values defined in both lsb.params and lsb.queues.
RUN_WINDOWS The time windows in a week during which jobs in the queue may run.
When a queue is out of its window or windows, no job in this queue is dispatched.
In addition, when the end of a run window is reached, any running jobs from this
queue are suspended until the beginning of the next run window, when they are
resumed. The default is no restriction, or always open.
Platform LSF Command Reference 137
Dispatch windows are the time windows in a week during which jobs in the queue
may be dispatched.
When a queue is out of its dispatch window or windows, no job in this queue is
dispatched. Jobs already dispatched are not affected by the dispatch windows. The
default is no restriction, or always open (that is, twenty-four hours a day, seven days
a week). Note that such windows are only applicable to batch jobs. Interactive jobs
scheduled by LIM are controlled by another set of dispatch windows (see
lshosts(1)). Similar dispatch windows may be configured for individual hosts
(see bhosts(1)).
A window is displayed in the format begin_time–end_time. Time is specified in the
format [day:]hour[:minute], where all fields are numbers in their respective legal
ranges: 0(Sunday)-6 for day, 0-23 for hour, and 0-59 for minute. The default value
for minute is 0 (on the hour). The default value for day is every day of the week. The
begin_time and end_time of a window are separated by ‘–’, with no blank characters
(SPACE and TAB) in between. Both begin_time and end_time must be present for a
window. Windows are separated by blank characters.
USERS A list of users allowed to submit jobs to this queue. LSF administrators can submit
jobs to the queue even if they are not listed here.
User group names have a slash (/) added at the end of the group name. See
If the fairshare scheduling policy is enabled, users cannot submit jobs to the queue
unless they also have a share assignment. This also applies to LSF administrators.
HOSTS A list of hosts where jobs in the queue can be dispatched.
Host group names have a slash (/) added at the end of the group name. See
A list of NQS destination queues to which this queue can dispatch jobs.
When you submit a job using bsub -q queue_name, and the specified queue is
configured to forward jobs to the NQS system, LSF routes your job to one of the
NQS destination queues. The job runs on an NQS batch server host, which is not a
member of the LSF cluster. Although running on an NQS system outside the LSF
cluster, the job is still managed by LSF in almost the same way as jobs running
inside the LSF cluster. Thus, you may have your batch jobs transparently sent to an
NQS system to run and then get the results of your jobs back. You may use any
supported user interface, including LSF commands and NQS commands (see
lsnqs(1)) to submit, monitor, signal and delete your batch jobs that are running in
an NQS system. See lsb.queues(5) and bsub(1) for more information.
ADMINISTRATORS A list of queue administrators. The users whose names are specified here are
allowed to operate on the jobs in the queue and on the queue itself. See
lsb.queues(5) for more information.
138 Platform LSF Command Reference
PRE_EXEC The PRE_EXEC command runs on the execution host before the job associated with
the queue is dispatched to the execution host (or to the first host selected for a
parallel batch job).
POST_EXEC The post-execution command for the queue. The POST_EXEC command runs on the
execution host after the job finishes.
Jobs that exit with these values are automatically requeued. See lsb.queues(5) for
more information.
RES_REQ Resource requirements of the queue. Only the hosts that satisfy these resource
requirements can be used by the queue.
Maximum slot reservation time
The maximum time in seconds a slot is reserved for a pending job in the queue. See
the SLOT_RESERVE=MAX_RESERVE_TIME[n] parameter in lsb.queues.
RESUME_COND The conditions that must be satisfied to resume a suspended job on a host. See
lsb.queues(5) for more information.
STOP_COND The conditions which determine whether a job running on a host should be
suspended. See lsb.queues(5) for more information.
JOB_STARTER An executable file that runs immediately prior to the batch job, taking the batch job
file as an input argument. All jobs submitted to the queue are run via the job starter,
which is generally used to create a specific execution environment before
processing the jobs themselves. See lsb.queues(5) for more information.
CHUNK_JOB_SIZE Chunk jobs only. Specifies the maximum number of jobs allowed to be dispatched
together in a chunk job. All of the jobs in the chunk are scheduled and dispatched
as a unit rather than individually. The ideal candidates for job chunking are jobs
that typically takes 1 to 2 minutes to run.
SEND_JOBS_TO MultiCluster. List of remote queue names to which the queue forwards jobs.
MultiCluster. List of remote cluster names from which the queue receives jobs.
The queue is preemptive. Jobs in this queue may preempt running jobs from
lower-priority queues, even if the lower-priority queues are not specified as
The queue is preemptable. Running jobs in this queue may be preempted by jobs in
higher-priority queues, even if the higher-priority queues are not specified as
Platform LSF Command Reference 139
RERUNNABLE If the RERUNNABLE field displays yes, jobs in the queue are rerunnable. That is,
jobs in the queue are automatically restarted or rerun if the execution host becomes
unavailable. However, a job in the queue is not restarted if you remove the
rerunnable option from the job.
CHECKPOINT If the CHKPNTDIR field is displayed, jobs in the queue are checkpointable. Jobs
use the default checkpoint directory and period unless you specify other values.
Note that a job in the queue is not checkpointed if you remove the checkpoint
option from the job.
Specifies the checkpoint directory using an absolute or relative path name.
Specifies the checkpoint period in seconds.
Although the output of bqueues reports the checkpoint period in seconds, the
checkpoint period is defined in minutes (the checkpoint period is defined through
the bsub -k "checkpoint_dir []" option, or in lsb.queues).
JOB CONTROLS The configured actions for job control. See JOB_CONTROLS parameter in
The configured actions are displayed in the format [action_type, command] where
action_type is either SUSPEND, RESUME, or TERMINATE.
If the LSF administrator specified an administrator comment with the -C option of
the queue control commands qclose, qopen, qact, and qinact, qhist the
comment text is displayed.
SLOT_SHARE Share of job slots for queue-based fairshare. Represents the percentage of running
jobs (job slots) in use from the queue. SLOT_SHARE must be greater than zero.
The sum of SLOT_SHARE for all queues in the pool does not need to be 100%. It
can be more or less, depending on your needs.
SLOT_POOL Name of the pool of job slots the queue belongs to for queue-based fairshare. A
queue can only belong to one pool. All queues in the pool must share the same set
of hosts.
Recursive Share Tree Output (-r)
In addition to the fields displayed for the -l option, the -r option displays the
The -r option causes bqueues to recursively display the entire share information
tree associated with the queue.
Platform LSF Command Reference 141
reads messages and attached data files from a job
bread [-i message_index] [-a file_name]
job_ID |"job_ID[index]" |-J job_name
bread [-h |-V]
Reads messages and data posted to an unfinished job with bpost.
By default, displays the message description text of the job. By default, operates on
the message with index 0.
You can read messages and data from a job until it is cleaned from the system. You
cannot read messages and data from done or exited jobs.
If a you specify a job ID:
◆You can get read messages of jobs submitted by other users, but you cannot read
data files attached to jobs submitted by other users.
◆You can only read data files attached to your own jobs.
◆Root and LSF administrators can read messages of jobs submitted by other
◆Root and LSF administrators cannot read data files attached to jobs submitted
by other users.
Job names are not unique; if you specify -J job_name:
◆You only can read messages and data from your own jobs.
◆You cannot read messages and data from jobs submitted by other users.
◆Root and the LSF administrators can only read messages and data from their
own jobs.
The command:
is equivalent to:
bread -i 0
-a file_name Gets the text message and copies the data file attached to the specified message
index of the job to the file specified by file_name. Data files cannot be attached to
MultiCluster jobs.
If you do not specify a message index, copies the attachment of message index 0 to
the file. The job must have an attachment, and you must specify a name for the file
you are copying the attachment to. If the file already exists, -a overwrites it with the
new file.
142 Platform LSF Command Reference
By default, -a gets the attachment file from the directory specified by the
JOB_ATTA_DIR parameter. If JOB_ATTA_DIR is not specified, job message
attachments are saved in LSB_SHAREDIR/info/.
-i message_index Specifies the message index to be retrieved.
Default: 0
job_ID | "job_ID[index]" | -J job_name
Required. Specify the job to operate on.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bpost -i 1 -d "step 1" -a step1.out 2500
bread -i 1 -a step2.in 2500
2500 1 user1 May 19 13:59 step 1
Displays the message description text step 1 for message index 1 of job 2500 and
copies the data in the file step1.out attached to message 1 to the file step2.in.
See also
bpost(1), bstatus(1), bsub(1), JOB_ATTA_DIR
Platform LSF Command Reference 143
kills and requeues a job
brequeue [-J job_name | -J "job_name[index_list]"] [ -u user_name |
-u all ] [ job_ID | "job_ID[index_list]"] [-d] [-e] [-r] [-a]
brequeue [-h |-V]
You can only use brequeue on a job you own, unless you are root or the LSF
Kills a running (RUN), user-suspended (USUSP), or system-suspended (SSUSP)
job and returns it to the queue. A job that is killed and requeued retains its submit
time but is dispatched according to its requeue time. When the job is requeued, it is
assigned the PEND status or PSUSP if the -H option is used. Once dispatched, the
job starts over from the beginning. The requeued job keeps the same job ID.
When JOB_INCLUDE_POSTPROC=Y is set in lsb.params or in an application
profile in lsb.applications, job requeue occurs only after post-execution
processing, not when the job finishes.
Use brequeue to requeue job arrays or job array elements.
By default, kills and requeues your most recently submitted job when no job ID is
With MultiCluster, you can only use brequeue on jobs in local queues. A job that is
killed and requeued is assigned a new job ID on the cluster in which it is executed,
but it retains the same job ID on the cluster from which it was submitted. For
example, a job from cluster A that is killed and requeued and then run on cluster B
is assigned a new job ID on cluster B. However, when the bjobs command is used
from cluster A, the submitting cluster, the job is displayed with the original job ID.
When the bjobs command is used from cluster B, the execution cluster, the job is
displayed with the new job ID.
When absolute job priority scheduling (APS) is configured in the queue, all
requeued jobs are treated as newly submitted jobs for APS calculation. The job
priority, system, and ADMIN APS factors are reset on requeue.
-a Requeues all jobs including running jobs, suspending jobs, and jobs with EXIT or
DONE status.
-d Requeues jobs that have finished running with DONE job status.
-e Requeues jobs that have terminated abnormally with EXIT job status.
-H Requeues jobs to PSUSP job status.
-r Requeues jobs that are running.
144 Platform LSF Command Reference
-J job_name |-J "job_name[index_list]"
Operates on the specified job.
Since job names are not unique, multiple job arrays may have the same name with
a different or same set of indices.
-u user_name | -u all Operates on the specified user’s jobs or all jobs. To specify a Windows user account,
include the domain name in uppercase letters and use a single backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) in a Windows command line or a double backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
Only root and LSF administrators can requeue jobs submitted by other users.
job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]"
Operates on the specified job or job array elements.
The value of 0 for job_ID is ignored.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
brequeue cannot be used on interactive batch jobs; brequeue only kills interactive
batch jobs, it does not restart them.
Platform LSF Command Reference 145
displays information about resource reservation and resource limits configuration
bresources [-s] [resource_name ...]
bresources [-h |-V]
By default, bresources displays all resource configurations in lsb.resources.
This is the same as blimits -c.
-s Displays per-resource reservation configurations from the ReservationUsage
section of lsb.resources. For example:
bresources -s
Begin ReservationUsage
licenseX PER_JOB
licenseY PER_HOST
licenseZ PER_SLOT
End ReservationUsage
resource_name ... Only displays information about the specified resource. For example:
bresources -s licenseZ
licenseZ PER_SLOT
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
146 Platform LSF Command Reference
restarts checkpointed jobs
brestart [bsub_options] [-f] checkpoint_dir
[job_ID |"job_ID[index]"]
brestart [-h |-V]
Option List
-b begin_time
-C core_limit
-c [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model]
-D data_limit
-E "pre_exec_command [argument ...]"
-F file_limit
-m "host_name[+[pref_level]] | host_group[+[pref_level]] ..."
-G user_group
-M mem_limit
-q "queue_name ..."
-S stack_limit
-t term_time
-w 'dependency_expression'
-W run_limit[/host_name| /host_model]
checkpoint_dir [job_ID |"job_ID[index]"]
Restarts a checkpointed job using the checkpoint files saved in
checkpoint_dir/last_job_ID/. Only jobs that have been successfully checkpointed
can be restarted.
Jobs are re-submitted and assigned a new job ID. The checkpoint directory is
renamed using the new job ID, checkpoint_dir/new_job_ID/.
By default, jobs are restarted with the same output file and file transfer
specifications, job name, window signal value, checkpoint directory and period,
and rerun options as the original job.
Platform LSF Command Reference 147
To restart a job on another host, both hosts must be binary compatible, run the
same OS version, have access to the executable, have access to all open files (LSF
must locate them with an absolute path name), and have access to the checkpoint
The environment variable LSB_RESTART is set to Y when a job is restarted.
LSF invokes the erestart(8) executable found in LSF_SERVERDIR to perform the
Only the bsub options listed here can be used with brestart.
Like bsub, brestart calls the master esub (mesub), which invokes any mandatory
esub executables configured by an LSF administrator, and any executable named
esub (without .application) if it exists in LSF_SERVERDIR. Only esub executables
invoked by bsub can change the job environment on the submission host. An esub
invoked by brestart cannot change the job environment.
The following option applies only to brestart.
-f Forces the job to be restarted even if non-restartable conditions exist (these
conditions are operating system specific).
See bsub(1) for a description of all other options.
In kernel-level checkpointing, you cannot change the value of core limit, CPU limit,
stack limit or memory limit with brestart.
See also
bsub(1), bjobs(1), bmod(1), bqueues(1), bhosts(1), bchkpnt(1), lsbqueues(5),
echkpnt(8), erestart(8), mbatchd(8)
148 Platform LSF Command Reference
resumes one or more suspended jobs
bresume [-app application_profile_name] [-g job_group_name]
[-J job_name] [-m host_name] [-q queue_name]
[-sla service_class_name] [-u user_name | -u user_group |
-u all] [0]
bresume [job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]"] ...
bresume [-h |-V]
Sends the SIGCONT signal to resume one or more of your suspended jobs.
Only root and LSF administrators can operate on jobs submitted by other users.
You cannot resume a job that is not suspended. Using bresume on a job that is not
in either the PSUSP or the USUSP state has no effect.
You mus t sp e ci f y a j o b I D or -g, -J, -m, -u, or -q. You cannot resume a job that is
not suspended. Specify -0 (zero) to resume multiple jobs.
You can also use bkill -s CONT to send the resume signal to a job.
If a signal request fails to reach the job execution host, LSF retries the operation
later when the host becomes reachable. LSF retries the most recent signal request.
Jobs that are suspended by the administrator can only be resumed by the
administrator or root; users do not have permission to resume a job suspended by
another user or the administrator. Administrators or root can resume jobs
suspended by users or administrators.
ENABLE_USER_RESUME parameter (lsb.params)
If ENABLE_USER_RESUME=Y in lsb.params, users can resume their own jobs
that have been suspended by the administrator.
0Resumes all the jobs that satisfy other options (-g, -m, -q, -u, and -J).
-app application_profile_name
Resumes only jobs associated with the specified application profile. You must
specify an existing application profile.
-g job_group_name Resumes only jobs in the specified job group.
-J job_name Resumes only jobs with the specified name.
-m host_name Resumes only jobs dispatched to the specified host.
-q queue_name Resumes only jobs in the specified queue.
-sla service_class_name
Resume jobs belonging to the specified service class.
Platform LSF Command Reference 149
Use bsla to display the properties of service classes configured in
LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir/lsb.serviceclasses (see
lsb.serviceclasses(5)) and dynamic information about the state of each
configured service class.
-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all
Resumes only jobs owned by the specified user or group, or all users if the reserved
user name all is specified. To specify a Windows user account, include the domain
name in uppercase letters and use a single backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\
user_name) in a Windows command line or a double backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
job_ID ... | "job_ID[index_list]" ...
Resumes only the specified jobs. Jobs submitted by any user can be specified here
without using the -u option.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bresume -q night 0
Resumes all of the user’s suspended jobs that are in the night queue. If the user is
the LSF administrator, resumes all suspended jobs in the night queue.
bresume -g /risk_group 0
Resumes all suspended jobs in the job group /risk_group.
See also
bsub(1), bjobs(1), bqueues(1), bhosts(1), bstop(1), bkill(1), bgadd(1), bgdel(1),
bjgroup(1), bparams(1), bapp(1), mbatchd(8), kill(1), signal(2) lsb.params(5),
150 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays host topology information
brlainfo [-l] [host_name ...]
brlainfo [-h |-V]
brlainfo contacts the Platform LSF HPC topology adapter (RLA) on the specified
host and presents topology information to the user. By default, displays information
about all hosts running RLA.
-l Long format. Displays additional host topology information. See Output on page
150 for a description of information that is displayed.
host_name ... Only displays information about the specified host.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Default output
Displays the following fields:
HOSTNAME Name of the host running RLA
CPUSET_OS RLA host operating system
NCPUS Tota l nu mber of CPUs
FREECPUS Number of free CPUS
NNODES Number of nodes allocated
NCPU/NODE Number of CPUs per node
NSTATIC_CPUSETS Number of static cpusets allocated
Long output (-l)
The -l option displays a long format listing with the following additional fields:
FREE CPU LIST List of free CPUs in the cpuset
For example:
Platform LSF Command Reference 151
Number of free CPUs on each node
For example:
STATIC CPUSETS List of static cpuset names
For example:
CPU_RADIUS Available CPUs with a given radius. CPU radius is determined by the processor
topology of the system and is expressed in terms of the number of router hops
between CPUs. The CPU radius is displayed as a comma-separated list of the
number of free CPUs available with radius 0, radius 1, radius 2, and so on:
For example:
◆2 CPUs are available within radius 0
◆3 CPUs are available within radius 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
CPUs grouped within a smaller radius can be thought of as being closer together
and therefore have better communications performance.
brlainfo hostA hostB hostC
hostA SGI_IRIX 2 2 1 2 0
hostB PROPACK_4 4 4 2 2 0
hostC PROPACK_4 4 3 2 2 0
brlainfo -l
HOST: hostC
PROPACK_4 4 3 2 2 0
CPU_RADIUS: 2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
152 Platform LSF Command Reference
adds an advance reservation
brsvadd [-o] [-d "description"] [-N reservation_name]
{-s |-n job_slots {-u user_name |-g group_name}}
{-m "host_name |host_group ..."[-R "res_req"]|
[-m "host_name |host_group ..."] -R "res_req"}
{-b begin_time -e end_time |-t time_window}
brsvadd {-h |-V}
CAUTION:By default, this command can only be used by LSF administrators or root.
Reserves job slots in advance for a specified period of time for a user or user group,
or for system maintenance purposes. Use -b and -e for one-time reservations, and
-t for recurring reservations.
To allow users to create their own advance reservations without administrator
intervention, configure advance reservation policies in the ResourceReservation
section of lsb.resources.
Only administrators, root, or the users listed in the ResourceReservation section
can add reservations for themselves or any other user or user group.
-o Creates an open advance reservation. A job with an open advance reservation only
has the advance reservation property during the reservation window, after which
the job becomes a normal job, not subject to termination when the reservation
window closes.
This prevents jobs from being killed if the reservation window is too small. Instead,
the job is suspended and normal scheduling policies apply after the reservation
-s Creates a reservation for system use. LSF does not dispatch jobs to the specified
hosts while the reservation is active.
When specifying a system reservation with -s, you do not need to specify the
number of job slots to reserve with the -n option.
-b begin_time Begin time for a one-time reservation. The begin time is in the form
with the following ranges:
◆year: any year after 1900 (YYYY)
◆month: 1-12 (MM)
◆day of the month: 1-31 (dd)
◆hour: 0-23 (hh)
Platform LSF Command Reference 153
◆minute: 0-59 (mm)
You must specify at least hour:minute. Year, month, and day are optional. Three
fields are assumed to be day:hour:minute, four fields are assumed to be
month:day:hour:minute, and five fields are year:month:day:hour:minute.
If you do not specify a day, LSF assumes the current day. If you do not specify a
month, LSF assumes the current month. If you specify a year, you must specify a
The time value for -b must use the same syntax as the time value for -e. It must be
earlier than the time value for -e, and cannot be earlier than the current time.
-d "description"Specifies a description for the reservation to be created. The description must be
provided as a double quoted text string. The maximum length is 512 characters.
-e end_time End time for a one-time reservation. The end time is in the form
with the following ranges:
◆year: any year after 1900 (YYYY)
◆month: 1-12 (MM)
◆day of the month: 1-31 (dd)
◆hour: 0-23 (hh)
◆minute: 0-59 (mm)
You must specify at least hour:minute. Year, month, and day are optional. Three
fields are assumed to be day:hour:minute, four fields are assumed to be
month:day:hour:minute, and five fields are year:month:day:hour:minute.
If you do not specify a day, LSF assumes the current day. If you do not specify a
month, LSF assumes the current month. If you specify a year, you must specify a
The time value for -e must use the same syntax as the time value for -b. It must be
later than the time value for -b.
-g group_name Creates a reservation for a user group.
The -g group_name option does not support the @cluster notation for advance
reservations on remote clusters.
-m "host_name | host_group ..."
Lists hosts for which job slots specified with -n are reserved. At job submission, LSF
considers the hosts in the specified order.
If you also specify a resource requirement string with the -R option, -m is optional.
The hosts can be local to the cluster or hosts leased from remote clusters.
-N reservation_name Specifies a user-defined advance reservation name unique in an LSF cluster. The
name is a string of letters, numeric characters, underscores, and dashes beginning
with a letter. The maximum length of the name is 39 characters.
If no user-defined advance reservation name is specified, LSF creates the
reservation with a system assigned name with the form
154 Platform LSF Command Reference
For example:
brsvadd -n 3 -M "hostA hostB" -u user2 -b 16:0 -e 17:0 -d "Production
AR test"
Reservation user2#0 (Production AR test) is created
brsvadd -n 2 -N Production_AR -M hostA -u user2 -b 16:0 -e 17:0 -d
"Production AR test"
Reservation Production_AR (Production AR test) is created
If a job already exists that references a reservation with the specified name, an error
message is returned: The specified reservation name is referenced by a job.
-n job_slots Number of job slots to reserve. job_slots must be less than or equal to the actual
number of job slots for the hosts selected by -m or -R for the reservation.
If you also specify the reservation for system use with the -s option, -n is optional.
-R "res_req"Selects hosts for the reservation according to the specified resource requirements.
Only hosts that satisfy the resource requirement expression are reserved. -R accepts
any valid resource requirement string, but only the select string takes effect.
If you also specify a host list with the -m option, -R is optional.
For more information about specifying resource requirement strings, see
Administering Platform LSF.
The size of the resource requirement string is limited to 512 bytes.
-t time_window Time window for a recurring reservation.
To specify a time window, specify two time values separated by a hyphen (-), with
no space in between:
time_window = begin_time-end_time
Times are specified in the format:
where all fields are numbers with the following ranges:
◆day of the week: 0-6 (0 is Sunday)
◆hour: 0-23
◆minute: 0-59
Specify a time window one of the following ways:
The default value for minute is 0 (on the hour); the default value for day is every day
of the week.
You must specify at least the hour. Day of the week and minute are optional. Both
the start time and end time values must use the same syntax. If you do not specify
a minute, LSF assumes the first minute of the hour (:00). If you do not specify a day,
LSF assumes every day of the week. If you do specify the day, you must also specify
the minute.
You can specify multiple time windows, but they cannot overlap. For example:
timeWindow(8:00-14:00 18:00-22:00)
Platform LSF Command Reference 155
is correct, but
timeWindow(8:00-14:00 11:00-15:00)
is not valid.
LSF administrators can prevent running jobs from being killed when the
reservation expires by changing the termination time of the job using the
reservation (bmod -t) before the reservation window closes.
When the job starts running, the run limit of the reservation is set to the minimum
of the job run limit (if specified), the queue run limit (if specified), or the duration
of the time window.
-u user_name Creates a reservation for an individual user.
The -u user_name option does not support the @cluster notation for advance
reservations on remote clusters.
-h Prints command usage and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version and exits.
The following command creates a one-time advance reservation for 1024 job slots
on host hostA for user user1 between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. today:
brsvadd -n 1024 -m hostA -u user1 -b 6:0 -e 8:0
Reservation "user1#0" is created
The hosts specified by -m can be local to the cluster or hosts leased from remote
The following command creates an advance reservation for 1024 job slots on two
hosts hostA and hostB for user group groupA every Wednesday from 12:00
midnight to 3:00 a.m.:
brsvadd -n 1024 -m "hostA hostB" -g groupA -t "3:0:0-3:3:0"
Reservation "groupA#0" is created
The following command creates an open advance reservation for 1024 job slots on
host hostA for user user1 between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. today.
brsvadd -o -n 1024 -m hostA -u user1 -b 6:0 -e 8:0
Reservation "user1#0" is created
See also
brsvdel, brsvmod, brsvs, lsb.resources
156 Platform LSF Command Reference
deletes an advance reservation
brsvdel reservation_ID ...
brsvdel {-h |-V}
CAUTION:By default, this command can only be used by LSF administrators or root.
Deletes advance reservations for the specified reservation IDs.
For example, if the following command was used to create the reservation user1#0,
brsvadd -n 1024 -m hostA -u user1 -b 13:0 -e 18:0
Reservation "user1#0" is created
the following command deletes the reservation:
brsvdel user1#0
Reservation user1#0 is being deleted
You can delete multiple reservations at a time.
To allow users to delete their own advance reservations without administrator
intervention, configure advance reservation policies in the ResourceReservation
section of lsb.resources.
Administrators and root can delete any reservations. Users listed in the
ResourceReservation section can only delete reservations they created themselves.
-h Prints command usage and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version and exits.
See also
brsvadd, brsvmod, brsvs, lsb.resources
Platform LSF Command Reference 157
modifies an advance reservation
brsvmod [-o |-on] [-d "description"] [-u user_name |
-g group_name] [[-b begin_time | [+|-]minutes] [-e end_time |
[+|-]minutes]] | [-t time_window] reservation_ID
brsvmod disable {-td "begin_date-end_date" | -tn} [-f]
brsvmod addhost {-n job_slots -R "res_req"
[-m "host_name ... | host_group ..."]} | {[-n job_slots]
-m "host_name ... | host_group ..."} reservation_ID
brsvmod rmhost { -n job_slots [ -m "host_name ... | host_group ..."]}
| {[-n job_slots] -m "host_name ... | host_group ..."}
brsvmod {-h |-V}
CAUTION:By default, this command can only be used by LSF administrators or root.
Replaces advance reservation option values previously created, extends or reduces
the reservation time window, or adds or removes reserved hosts of the advance
reservation specified by reservation_ID. For a recurring reservation, can disable
specified occurrences of the reservation.
Administrators and root can modify any reservations. Users listed in the
ResourceReservation section of lsb.resources, can only modify reservations they
created themselves.
The original value for user, user group, or time window, can be overridden with a
new value by specifying the option as in brsvadd. Change a reservation from closed
(the default) to open with the -o option, or from open to closed with the -on option.
Options -n, -m, and -R must be used with the subcommands addhost or rmhost.
These options allow adding or removing from the original values.
The -td and -tn options are only allowed in disable subcommand.
All three subcommands are mutually exclusive. The time window options -b, -e
and -t are not valid in any of the subcommands.
You cannot modify the start time of an active reservation.
brsvmod does not support the reservation_ID@cluster_name notation for
advance reservations on remote clusters, or the user_name@cluster_name
notation for reservations with remote users.
The job slot requirements of the -n option must be satisfied, but -m or -R provides
a candidate list for processing, which does not trigger error unless no valid hosts are
the list. For instance, if you specify
-n 3 -m "host1 host2"
158 Platform LSF Command Reference
3 slots are required. LSF tries to find as many slots as possible from host1. If 3 slots
are not available on host1, then LSF tries to find the rest from host2. Hosts with
no slots available are removed from the list when the request is handled.
addhost [-n job_slots [-R "res_req"]] [-m "host_name ... | host_group ..."] reservation_ID
Adds hosts and slots on hosts into the original reservation allocation. The hosts can
be local to the cluster or hosts leased from remote clusters.
Adding a host without -n reserves all available slots on the host that are not already
reserved by other reservations. You can specify the number of slots to be added
from the host list specified with -n, but -n cannot be used alone. -m can be used
alone if no host group is specified in the list. You cannot specify -R without with -n.
The specified slot number must be less than or equal to the available number of slots
for the hosts.
Only hosts can be added (-m) to a system reservation. Slots cannot be added (-n) to
a system reservation.
disable -td "begin_date-end_date" | -tn [-f] reservation_ID
Disables specified periods, or instances, of a recurring advance reservation. The
start_date and end_date represent the start and end date of a period in which the
reservation should be disabled. These periods must take one of the following forms:
◆mm:dd-mm:dd - current year is assumed
◆dd-dd - current month and year are assumed
The start date must be the same as or earlier than the end date.
If a reservation is disabled for a given day, then it does not become active on that
day, and remains inactive for the duration of the reservation time window.
Non-recurring reservations are able to use slots of the recurring reservation for the
duration of the time window.The -tn option is a shortcut that disables a reservation
on the starting day of the next instance of the reservation time window; that is, the
instance that starts nearest in the future. If the reservation has already been disabled
for this day, the modification request is rejected.
For example, for a weekly reservation with time window from Wednesday 9 a.m. to
Friday 10 p.m, if the current day is Monday, then running the command with the
-tn option disables the reservation from Wednesday to Friday of the current week.
However, if the current day is Thursday, then the reservation is disabled from
Wednesday to Friday of the following week. If it is Wednesday, then whether to
disable in the current week or following week depends on whether or not the start
time of the instance has passed: if not then the reservation is disabled in the current
week, otherwise the following week’s reservation is disabled.
Running the disable command with the -tn option twice on Monday tries to
disable twice in the current week. The second run has no effect, but is rejected
because the specified reservation instance is already disabled.
Platform LSF Command Reference 159
Once a reservation is disabled for a period, it cannot be enabled; that is, the disabled
periods remain fixed. Before a reservation is disabled, you are prompted to confirm
whether to continue disabling the reservation. Use the -f option to silently force the
command to run without prompting for confirmation; for example, to allow for
automating disabling reservations from a script.
rmhost [-n job_slots] [-m "host_name ... | host_group ..."] reservation_ID
Removes hosts or slots on hosts from the original reservation allocation. You must
specify either -n or -m. Use -n to specify the number of slots to be released from
reserved hosts. Removing a host without -n releases all reserved free slots on the
host. The new slot specification must be less than or equal to the actual reserved slot
number of the host.
You can only remove a whole host from a system AR.
How many slots or hosts can be removed depends on the number of slots that are
free as long as the reservation is active. rmhost cannot remove more slots than are
free on the host. This applies to removing hosts on both one-time and recurring
reservations that are active. If you want to remove more slots from the reservation,
you must wait until running jobs finish or the reservation is inactive.
-o Changes a closed advance reservation to open, or cancels an open reservation.
Changes the type of a reservation to be open or closed. If the reservation is open, all
jobs in the reservation become normal jobs, not subject to termination when the
reservation window closes. -on closes the reservation when it expires.
The running jobs of an open reservation are terminated when the reservation is
changed into closed. The termination times of running jobs of a closed reservation
are removed if the reservation is changed to open.
The termination time of running jobs is set by mbatchd but checked by sbatchd.
Termination time is an absolute time based on master host, so all hosts in the cluster
should be synchronized with the local time on the master host. If sbatchd and
mbatchd are not synchronized, termination may not occur at the correct time.
-b begin_time | [+ | -]minutes
Replaces the begin time for a one-time reservation, or gives an offset in minutes to
the current begin time.
RESTRICTION:You cannot modify the begin time of an active reservation.
The begin time is in the form
with the following ranges:
◆year: any year after 1900 (YYYY)
◆month: 1-12 (MM)
◆day of the month: 1-31 (dd)
◆hour: 0-23 (hh)
◆minute: 0-59 (mm)
160 Platform LSF Command Reference
You mus t sp e ci f y at least hour:minute. Year, month, and day are optional. Three
fields are assumed to be day:hour:minute, four fields are assumed to be
month:day:hour:minute, and five fields are year:month:day:hour:minute.
If you do not specify a day, LSF assumes the current day. If you do not specify a
month, LSF assumes the current month. If you specify a year, you must specify a
The offset is in minutes, an integer with a prefix+ or -. For example, -b+5 moves the
begin time 5 minutes later, and -b-5 moves the begin time 5 minutes earlier.
The modified time value for -b must use the same syntax as the time value for -e.
It must be earlier than the time value for -e, and cannot be earlier than the current
-d "description"Replaces or sets a description for the reservation. The description must be provided
as a double quoted text string. The maximum length is 512 characters.
-e end_time | [+ | -]minutes
Replaces the end time for a one-time reservation, or gives an offset in minutes to
the current end time.
By giving a positive offset to the end time, you extend the duration of a reservation
so that the jobs in the reservation can run longer. Shrinking the reservation with a
negative value terminates running jobs earlier.
The end time is in the form
with the following ranges:
◆year: any year after 1900 (YYYY)
◆month: 1-12 (MM)
◆day of the month: 1-31 (dd)
◆hour: 0-23 (hh)
◆minute: 0-59 (mm)
You mus t sp e ci f y at least hour:minute. Year, month, and day are optional. Three
fields are assumed to be day:hour:minute, four fields are assumed to be
month:day:hour:minute, and five fields are year:month:day:hour:minute.
If you do not specify a day, LSF assumes the current day. If you do not specify a
month, LSF assumes the current month. If you specify a year, you must specify a
The time value for -e must use the same syntax as the time value for -b. It must be
later than the time value for -b.
-g group_name Changes the user group that is able to submit jobs to the reservation. Changing the
user group does not affect the currently running jobs.
Jobs submitted by the original user group to the reservation still belong to the
reservation and scheduled as advance reservation jobs, but newly submitted jobs
from a user group that has been removed from the reservation cannot use the
reservation any longer.
The -g group_name option does not support the @cluster notation for advance
reservations on remote clusters.
Platform LSF Command Reference 161
-m "host_name | host_group ..."
Changes the list of hosts for which job slots specified with -n are reserved. At job
submission, LSF considers the hosts in the specified order.
If you also specify a resource requirement string with the -R option, -m is optional.
The hosts can be local to the cluster or hosts leased from remote clusters.
-n job_slots Changes the number of job slots to reserve. job_slots must be less than or equal to
the actual number of sltos for the hosts selected by -m or -R for the reservation.
If you also specify the reservation for system use with the -s option, -n is optional.
-R "res_req"Changes the host selection for the reservation according to the specified resource
requirements. Only hosts that satisfy the resource requirement expression are
reserved. -R accepts any valid resource requirement string, but only the select string
takes effect.
If you also specify a host list with the -m option, -R is optional.
For more information about resource requirements, see Administering
Platform LSF.
The size of the resource requirement string is limited to 512 bytes.
-t time_window Replaces the time window with a new one to shift a recurring reservation. You
cannot modify the start time of a recurring reservation that has current active
To specify a time window, specify two time values separated by a hyphen (-), with
no space in between:
time_window = begin_time-end_time
Times are specified in the format:
where all fields are numbers with the following ranges:
◆day of the week: 0-6 (0 is Sunday)
◆hour: 0-23
◆minute: 0-59
Specify a time window one of the following ways:
The default value for minute is 0 (on the hour); the default value for day is every day
of the week.
You must specify at least the hour. Day of the week and minute are optional. Both
the start time and end time values must use the same syntax. If you do not specify
a minute, LSF assumes the first minute of the hour (:00). If you do not specify a day,
LSF assumes every day of the week. If you do specify the day, you must also specify
the minute.
You can specify multiple time windows, but they cannot overlap. For example:
timeWindow(8:00-14:00 18:00-22:00)
162 Platform LSF Command Reference
is correct, but
timeWindow(8:00-14:00 11:00-15:00)
is not valid.
LSF administrators can prevent running jobs from being killed when the
reservation expires by changing the termination time of the job using the
reservation (bmod -t) before the reservation window closes.
When the job starts running, the run limit of the reservation is set to the minimum
of the job run limit (if specified), the queue run limit (if specified), or the duration
of the time window.
-u user_name Changes the user who is able to submit jobs to the reservation. Changing user does
not affect the currently running jobs.
Jobs submitted by the original user to the reservation still belong to the reservation
and scheduled as advance reservation jobs, but newly submitted jobs from users
that have been removed from the reservation cannot use the reservation any longer.
The -u user_name option does not support the @cluster notation for advance
reservations on remote clusters.
-h Prints command usage and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version and exits.
The following command adds a host to an existing reservation.
brsvmod -addhost hostB user1#0
HostB is added to reservation "user1#0".
The following example disables the advanced reservation between Janurary 1 and
January 6, 2008, inclusive.
brsvmod disable {-td "2008:01:01-2008:01:06"}
See also
brsvadd, brsvdel, brsvs, lsb.resources
Platform LSF Command Reference 163
displays advance reservations
brsvs [-l |-w] [-p all | "host_name ..."]
brsvs [-l |-w] [-z all | "host_name ..."]
brsvs [-c all | "policy_name"]
brsvs [-h |-V]
By default, displays the current advance reservations for all hosts, users, and groups.
For advance reservations across clusters:
◆-p all shows local and all remote reservations
◆The default all includes both local and remote
◆host_name does NOT take host_name@cluster_name
By default, brsvs truncates the reservation ID (RSVID) at 11 characters. Use -w to
see the full reservation ID.
-l Displays advance reservations in a long multiline format. In addition to the
standard output, the -l option displays the reservation type (open or closed) and
the job IDs of any jobs associated with the specified advance reservation, sorted by
-w Wide format. Displays reservation information without truncating fields.
-c all | "policy_name ..."
Shows advance reservation policies defined in lsb.resources. By default, displays
all policy names.
The all keyword shows detailed information for all policies.
-p all | "host_name ..."
Shows a weekly planner for specified hosts using advance reservations.
The all keyword shows a weekly planner for all hosts with reservations.
-z all | "host_name"Show a planner with only the weekly items that have reservation configurations
displayed. Empty lines are omitted.
The all keyword shows a weekly planner for all hosts with reservations.
-h Prints command usage and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version and exits.
Platform LSF Command Reference 165
forces a job to run immediately
brun [-b] [-c] [-f] -m "host_name[#num_cpus] ... " job_ID
brun [-b] [-c] [-f] -m "host_name[#num_cpus] ... "
brun [-h |-V]
CAUTION:This command can only be used by LSF administrators.
Forces a pending job to run immediately on specified hosts.
A job which has been forced to run is counted as a running job, this may violate the
user, queue, or host job limits, and fairshare priorities. The forced job can run on
hosts with an exclusive resource definition.
A job which has been forced to run cannot be preempted by other jobs even if it is
submitted to a preemptable queue and other jobs are submitted to a preemptive
By default, after the job is started, it is still subject to run windows and suspending
LSF administrators can use brun to force jobs with an advance reservation to run
before the reservation is active, but the job must finish running before the time
window of the reservation expires.
For example, if the administrator forces a job with a reservation to run one hour
before the reservation is active, and the reservation period is 3 hours, a 4 hour run
limit takes effect.
-b Causes a checkpointable job to start over from the beginning, as if it had never been
-c Distribute job slots for a multihost parallel job according to free CPUs.
By default, if a parallel job spans for more than one host, LSF distributes the slots
based on the static CPU counts of each host listed in the -m option. Use -c to
distribute the slots based on the free CPUs of each host instead of the static CPUs.
The -c option can be only applied to hosts whose total slot counts equal to their
total CPU counts. MXJ in lsb.hosts must be less than or equal to the number of
CPUs and PJOB_LIMIT=1 must be specified in the queue (lsb.queues).
For example, a 6-CPU job is submitted to hostA and hostB with 4 CPUs each.
Without -c, LSF would let the job take 4 slots from hostA first and then take 2 slots
from hostB regardless to the status or the slots usage on hostA and hostB. If any
166 Platform LSF Command Reference
slots on hostA are used, the job remains pending. With -c, LSF takes into
consideration that hostA has 2 slots in use and hostB is completely free, so LSF is
able to dispatch the job using the 2 free slots on hostA and all 4 slots on hostB.
-f Allows the job to run without being suspended due to run windows or suspending
-m "host_name[#num_cpus] ... "
Required. Specify one or more hosts on which to run the job.
You can optionally specify the number of CPUs required per host for multihost
parallel jobs. The #num_cpus option distributes job slots according the number of
CPUs on the host. If #num_cpus is not defined, or if #num_cpus is greater than the
number of static CPUs on the host (or the number of free CPUs if -c is specified),
LSF distributes job slots according to the number of static CPUs on the host, or the
number of free CPUs on the host if -c is specified. The number sign (#) is required
as a prefix to the number of CPUs. The square brackets ([])indicate that
#num_cpus is optional. Do not include them in the command.
For example, the following command forces job 123 to run and specifies 1 CPU on
hostA and 1 CPU on hostB:
brun -m "hostA#1 hostB#1" 123
job_ID | "job_ID[index_list]"
Required. Specify the job to run, or specify one element of a job array.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
You cannot force a job in SSUSP or USUSP state.
brun does not guarantee a job will run; it just forces LSF to dispatch the job.
In the MultiCluster job forwarding model, you can only force a job by running the
command in the execution cluster.
Platform LSF Command Reference 167
displays information about service class configuration for goal-oriented
service-level agreement (SLA) scheduling
bsla [service_class_name]
bsla [-h |-V]
bsla displays the properties of service classes configured in lsb.serviceclasses
and dynamic information about the state of each configured service class.
If a default system service class is configured with ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA
in lsb.params but no other service classes are explicitly configured in
lsb.serviceclasses, bsla only displays information for the default SLA.
service_class_name The name of a service class configured in lsb.serviceclasses.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
A list of job groups is displayed with the following fields:
The name of the service class, followed by its description, if any.
The service class priority. A higher value indicates a higher priority, relative to other
service classes. Similar to queue priority, service classes access the cluster resources
in priority order.
For EGO-enabled SLA service classes, the name of the EGO consumer from which
hosts are allocated to the SLA.
For EGO-enabled SLA service classes, the EGO resource requirement defined in
the SLA.
For EGO-enabled SLA service classes, how long the SLA holds its idle hosts before
LSF releases them to EGO.
168 Platform LSF Command Reference
For EGO-enabled SLA service classes, the number of hosts allocated to the SLA that
EGO has reclaimed.
For EGO-enabled SLA service classes, the amount of time EGO gives to LSF to
clean up its workload before EGO reclaims the host.
User names or user groups who can submit jobs to the service class.
The type of service class goal and its configured value:
The configured time window when the service class goal is active. If a throughput
or velocity goal has no time window configured, ACTIVE WINDOW is Always
Current status of the service class goal:
◆Active:On time—the goal is active and meeting its target.
◆Active:Delayed—the goal is active but is missing its target.
◆Inactive—the goal is not active; its time window is closed. Jobs are scheduled
as if no service class is defined. LSF does not enforce any service-level goal for
an inactive SLA.
For throughput goals, the configured job throughput (finished jobs per hour) for
the service class.
The current throughput for the SLA finished jobs per clean period.
For goals with a time window, estimated finish time of the SLA. If the service class
status is on time, the finish time is before the configured deadline. If the service
class status is delayed, the service class is missing its goal and bsla shows a finish
time later than the deadline.
For goals with a time window, the optimum number of jobs that should be running
in the service class for the SLA to meet its goal.
Platform LSF Command Reference 169
The current number of job slots used by jobs in the specified service class. A parallel
job is counted as 1 job, regardless of the number of job slots it uses.
The number of pending job slots used by jobs in the specified service class.
The number of job slots used by running jobs in the specified service class.
The number of job slots used by the system-suspended jobs in the service class.
The number of job slots used by user-suspended jobs in the specified service class.
The number of jobs in the specified service class in EXITED or DONE state.
The following service class named Kyuquot is configured in lsb.serviceclasses:
Begin ServiceClass
NAME = Kyuquot
CONSUMER = Kyuquot
USER_GROUP = user1 user2
GOALS = [VELOCITY 8 timeWindow (9:00-17:30)] \
[DEADLINE timeWindow (17:30-9:00)]
DESCRIPTION = Daytime/Nighttime SLA
End ServiceClass
bsla shows the following properties and current status:
bsla Kyuquot
-- Daytime/Nighttime SLA
EGO_RES_REQ: any host
USER_GROUP: user1 user2
ACTIVE WINDOW: (9:00-17:30)
STATUS: Active:On time
ACTIVE WINDOW: (17:30-9:00)
STATUS: Inactive
0 0 0 0 0 0
Platform LSF Command Reference 171
displays slots available and backfill windows available for backfill jobs
bslots [-l] [-n slots] [-R "res_req"] [-W [hour:]minutes]
bslots [-h |-V]
The available slots displayed by bslots are not currently used for running jobs and
can be used for backfill jobs. bslots displays a snapshot of the slots currently not
in use by parallel jobs or advance reservations. They are not guaranteed to be
available at job submission.
By default, displays all available slots, and the available run times (backfill windows)
for those slots. When no slots are available for backfill, bslots displays
No backfill window exists at this time
bslots calculates the backfill window based on the estimated start time of potential
backfill jobs. Estimated start time is only relatively accurate according to current
running job information. If running jobs finish earlier or later, estimated start time
may be moved to earlier or later time. There may be a small delay of a few minutes
between the job finish time on which the estimate was based and the actual start
time of the allocated job.
If the available backfill window has no run time limit, its length is displayed as
-l Displays backfill windows in a long multi-line format. The -l option displays host
names and the number of slots on each host available for backfill.
-n slots Specifies required slots (processors). Backfill windows whose widths are equal or
larger than specified value are returned.
When no slots are available for backfill, bslots -n displays
No backfill window meets these requirements at this time
-R "res_req"Selects hosts for calculating the backfill windows according to the specified
resource requirement. By default, selects hosts of any type. The -R option only
supports the select resource requirement string. Other resource requirement
sections are not supported.
When no slots are available for backfill, bslots -R displays
No backfill window meets these requirements at this time
-W [hour:]minutes Specifies expected runtime limit. Backfill windows whose lengths are equal or
larger than specified value are returned.
When no slots are available for backfill, bslots -W displays
No backfill window meets these requirements at this time
172 Platform LSF Command Reference
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Platform LSF Command Reference 173
gets current external job status or sets new job status
bstatus [-d "description"] job_ID | "job_ID[index]" | -J job_name
bstatus [-h |-V]
Gets and displays the message description text of a job, or changes the contents of
the message description text with the -d option. Always operates on the message
with index 0.
You can set the external status of a job until it completes. You cannot change the
status of done or exited jobs. You can display the status of a job until it is cleaned
from the system.
If a you specify a job ID:
◆You can get the external job status of jobs submitted by other users, but you
cannot set job status of jobs submitted by other users.
◆You can only set external status on your own jobs.
◆Only root and LSF administrators can set external job status on jobs submitted
by other users.
Job names are not unique; if you specify -J job_name:
◆You can only get or set the external status on your own jobs.
◆You cannot get or set external job status on jobs submitted by other users.
◆Root and the LSF administrators can only get or set the external status on their
own jobs.
-d "description"Updates the job status with specified message description text.
job_ID | "job_ID[index]" | -J job_name
Required. Operates on the specified job.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bstatus 2500
2500 user1 Sep 14 16:54 step 1
Displays the message description text of message index 0 of job 2500.
bstatus -d "step 2" 2500
Changes the message description text of message index 0 of job 2500 to step 2.
Platform LSF Command Reference 175
suspends unfinished jobs
bstop [ -a] [-d] [-app application_profile_name] [-g job_group_name]
[-sla service_class_name] [-J job_name] [-m host_name | -m
host_group] [-q queue_name] [-u user_name |
-u user_group |-u all] [0] [job_ID ... |"job_ID[index]"] ...
bstop [-h |-V]
Suspends unfinished jobs.
Sends the SIGSTOP signal to sequential jobs and the SIGTSTP signal to parallel
jobs to suspend them.
You must specify a job ID or -g, -J, -m, -u, or -q. You cannot suspend a job that is
already suspended. Specify job ID 0 (zero) to stop multiple jobs.
Only root and LSF administrators can operate on jobs submitted by other users.
Use bresume to resume suspended jobs.
An administrator can use bstop on a job stopped by the user (in the state USUSP)
to prevent the user from resuming the job.
You can also use bkill -s STOP to send the suspend signal to a job or use
bkill -s TSTP to suspend one or more parallel jobs. Use bkill -s CONT to send
a resume signal to a job.
If a signal request fails to reach the job execution host, LSF retries the operation
later when the host becomes reachable. LSF retries the most recent signal request.
0Suspends all the jobs that satisfy other options (-g, -m, -q, -u, and -J).
-a Suspends all jobs.
-app application_profile_name
Suspends only jobs associated with the specified application profile. You must
specify an existing application profile.
-g job_group_name Suspends only jobs in the specified job group.
-J job_name Suspends only jobs with the specified name.
-m host_name | -m host_group
Suspends only jobs dispatched to the specified host or host group.
-q queue_name Suspends only jobs in the specified queue.
-sla service_class_name
Suspends jobs belonging to the specified service class.
176 Platform LSF Command Reference
Use bsla to display the properties of service classes configured in
LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir/lsb.serviceclasses (see
lsb.serviceclasses(5)) and dynamic information about the state of each
configured service class.
-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all
Suspends only jobs owned by the specified user or user group, or all users if the
keyword all is specified. To specify a Windows user account, include the domain
name in uppercase letters and use a single backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\
user_name) in a Windows command line or a double backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
job_ID ... | "job_ID[index]" ...
Suspends only the specified jobs. Jobs submitted by any user can be specified here
without using the -u option.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bstop 314
Suspends job number 314.
bstop -m hostA
Suspends the invoker’s last job that was dispatched to host hostA.
bstop -u jsmith 0
Suspends all the jobs submitted by user jsmith.
bstop -u all
Suspends the last submitted job in the LSF system.
bstop -u all 0
Suspends all jobs for all users in the LSF system.
bstop -g /risk_group/consolidate 0
Suspends all jobs in the job group /risk_group/consolidate.
bstop -app fluent 0
Suspends all jobs associated with the application profile fluent.
See also
bsub(1), bjobs(1), bqueues(1), bhosts(1), bresume(1), bkill(1), bapp(1), bgadd(1),
bgdel(1), bjgroup(1), bparams(5), mbatchd(8), kill(1), signal(2) lsb.params(5)
Platform LSF Command Reference 177
submits a batch job to LSF
bsub [options] command [arguments]
bsub [-h |-V]
Option List
-I | -Ip | -Is
-r | -rn
-a esub_application
-app application_profile_name
-b [[month:]day:]hour:minute
-C core_limit
-c [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model]
-cwd "current_working_directory"
-D data_limit
-E "pre_exec_command [arguments ...]"
-Ep "post_exec_command [arguments …]"
-e error_file
-eo error_file
-ext[sched] "external_scheduler_options"
-F file_limit
-f "local_file operator [remote_file]" ...
-G user_group
-g job_group_name
-i input_file | -is input_file
-J job_name | -J "job_name[index_list]%job_slot_limit"
-jsdl file_name | -jsdl_strict file_name
-k "checkpoint_dir [init=initial_checkpoint_period] [checkpoint_period]
-L login_shell
178 Platform LSF Command Reference
-Lp ls_project_name
-M mem_limit
-m "host_name[@cluster_name][[!] | +[pref_level]] | host_group[[!] | +[pref_level]]
-mig migration_threshold
-n min_proc[,max_proc]
-o output_file
-oo output_file
-P project_name
-p process_limit
-Q "[exit_code …] [EXCLUDE(exit_code …)]"
-q "queue_name ..."
-R "res_req" [-R "res_req" …]
-S stack_limit
-s signal
-sla service_class_name
-sp priority
-T thread_limit
-t [[month:]day:]hour:minute
-U reservation_ID
-u mail_user
-v swap_limit
-W [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model]
-We [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model]
-w 'dependency_expression'
-wa 'signal'
-wt '[hour:]minute'
Submits a job for batch execution and assigns it a unique numerical job ID.
Runs the job on a host that satisfies all requirements of the job, when all conditions
on the job, host, queue, application profile, and cluster are satisfied. If LSF cannot
run all jobs immediately, LSF scheduling policies determine the order of dispatch.
Jobs are started and suspended according to the current system load.
Platform LSF Command Reference 179
Sets the user’s execution environment for the job, including the current working
directory, file creation mask, and all environment variables, and sets LSF
environment variables before starting the job.
When a job is run, the command line and stdout/stderr buffers are stored in the
directory home_directory/.lsbatch on the execution host. If this directory is not
accessible, /tmp/.lsbtmp user_ID is used as the job’s home directory. If the current
working directory is under the home directory on the submission host, then the
current working directory is also set to be the same relative directory under the
home directory on the execution host.
By default, if the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host,
the job runs in /tmp. If the environment variable
LSB_EXIT_IF_CWD_NOTEXIST is set to Y and the current working directory is
not accessible on the execution host, the job exits with the exit code 2.
If no command is supplied, bsub prompts for the command from the standard
input. On UNIX, the input is terminated by entering CTRL-D on a new line. On
Windows, the input is terminated by entering CTRL-Z on a new line.
To kill a batch job submitted with bsub, use bkill.
Use bmod to modify jobs submitted with bsub. bmod takes similar options to bsub.
Jobs submitted to a chunk job queue with the following options are not chunked;
they are dispatched individually:
◆-I (interactive jobs)
◆-c (jobs with CPU limit greater than 30)
◆-W (jobs with run limit greater than 30 minutes)
To submit jobs from UNIX to display GUIs through Microsoft Terminal Services
on Windows, submit the job with bsub and define the environment variables
LSF_LOGON_DESKTOP=1 and LSB_TSJOB=1 on the UNIX host. Use tssub to
submit a Terminal Services job from Windows hosts. See Using Platform LSF on
Windows for more details.
If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, and you use
the -o or -oo option, the standard output of a job is written to the file you specify
as the job runs. If LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, and you use -o or -oo, the
standard output of a job is written to a temporary file and copied to the specified
file after the job finishes. LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not supported on Windows.
Default Behavior
LSF assumes that uniform user names and user ID spaces exist among all the hosts
in the cluster. That is, a job submitted by a given user runs under the same user’s
account on the execution host. For situations where nonuniform user names and
user ID spaces exist, account mapping must be used to determine the account used
to run a job.
bsub uses the command name as the job name. Quotation marks are significant.
Options related to file names and job spooling directories support paths that
contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters for
180 Platform LSF Command Reference
Options related to command names and job names can contain up to 4094
characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters for Windows.
Options for the following resource usage limits are specified in KB:
◆Core limit (-C)
◆Memory limit (-M)
◆Stack limit (-S)
◆Swap limit (-v)
Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for the limit
(MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
If fairshare is defined and you belong to multiple user groups, the job is scheduled
under the user group that allows the quickest dispatch.
The job is not checkpointable.
bsub automatically selects an appropriate queue. If you defined a default queue list
by setting LSB_DEFAULTQUEUE environment variable, the queue is selected
from your list. If LSB_DEFAULTQUEUE is not defined, the queue is selected from
the system default queue list specified by the LSF administrator with the
DEFAULT_QUEUE parameter in lsb.params.
LSF tries to obtain resource requirement information for the job from the remote
task list that is maintained by the load sharing library. If the job is not listed in the
remote task list, the default resource requirement is to run the job on a host or hosts
that are of the same host type as the submission host.
bsub assumes only one processor is requested.
bsub does not start a login shell but runs the job file under the execution
environment from which the job was submitted.
The input file for the batch job is /dev/null (no input).
bsub sends mail to you when the job is done. The default destination is defined by
LSB_MAILTO in lsf.conf. The mail message includes the job report, the job
output (if any), and the error message (if any).
bsub charges the job to the default project. The default project is the project you
define by setting the environment variable LSB_DEFAULTPROJECT. If you do not
set LSB_DEFAULTPROJECT, the default project is the project specified by the LSF
administrator with DEFAULT_PROJECT parameter in lsb.params. If
DEFAULT_PROJECT is not defined, then LSF uses default as the default project
-B Sends mail to you when the job is dispatched and begins execution.
-H Holds the job in the PSUSP state when the job is submitted. The job is not
scheduled until you tell the system to resume the job (see bresume(1)).
-I | -Ip | -Is Submits a batch interactive job. A new job cannot be submitted until the interactive
job is completed or terminated.
Sends the job’s standard output (or standard error) to the terminal. Does not send
mail to you when the job is done unless you specify the -N option.
Platform LSF Command Reference 181
Terminal support is available for a batch interactive job.
When you specify the -Ip option, submits a batch interactive job and creates a
pseudo-terminal when the job starts. Some applications (for example, vi) require a
pseudo-terminal in order to run correctly.
When you specify the -Is option, submits a batch interactive job and creates a
pseudo-terminal with shell mode support when the job starts. This option should
be specified for submitting interactive shells, or applications which redefine the
CTRL-C and CTRL-Z keys (for example, jove).
If the -i input_file option is specified, you cannot interact with the job’s standard
input via the terminal.
If the -o out_file option is specified, sends the job’s standard output to the specified
output file. If the -e err_file option is specified, sends the job’s standard error to the
specified error file.
You cannot use -I, -Ip, or -Is with the -K option.
Interactive jobs cannot be checkpointed.
Interactive jobs cannot be rerunnable (bsub -r).
The options that create a pseudo-terminal (-Ip and -Is) are not supported on
-K Submits a batch job and waits for the job to complete. Sends the message "Waiting
for dispatch" to the terminal when you submit the job. Sends the message "Job
is finished" to the terminal when the job is done.
You are not able to submit another job until the job is completed. This is useful
when completion of the job is required in order to proceed, such as a job script. If
the job needs to be rerun due to transient failures, bsub returns after the job finishes
successfully. bsub exits with the same exit code as the job so that job scripts can take
appropriate actions based on the exit codes. bsub exits with value 126 if the job was
terminated while pending.
You cannot use the -K option with the -I, -Ip, or -Is options.
-N Sends the job report to you by mail when the job finishes. When used without any
other options, behaves the same as the default.
Use only with -o, -oo, -I, -Ip, and -Is options, which do not send mail, to force
LSF to send you a mail message when the job is done.
-r | -rn If the execution host becomes unavailable while a job is running, specifies that the
job be rerun on another host. LSF requeues the job in the same job queue with the
same job ID. When an available execution host is found, reruns the job as if it were
submitted new, even if the job has been checkpointed. You receive a mail message
informing you of the host failure and requeuing of the job.
If the system goes down while a job is running, specifies that the job is requeued
when the system restarts.
Reruns a job if the execution host or the system fails; it does not rerun a job if the
job itself fails.
182 Platform LSF Command Reference
-rn specifies that the job is never rerunnable. bsub –rn disables job rerun if the job
was submitted to a rerunnable queue or application profile with job rerun
configured. The command level job rerunnable setting overrides the application
profile and queue level setting. bsub –rn is different from bmod -rn, which cannot
override the application profile and queue level rerunnable job setting.
Members of a chunk job can be rerunnable. If the execution host becomes
unavailable, rerunnable chunk job members are removed from the queue and
dispatched to a different execution host.
Interactive jobs (bsub -I) cannot be rerunnable.
-ul Passes the current operating system user shell limits for the job submission user to
the execution host. User limits cannot override queue hard limits. If user limits
exceed queue hard limits, the job is rejected.
RESTRICTION:UNIX and Linux only. -ul is not supported on Windows.
The following bsub options for job-level runtime limits override the value of the
user shell limits:
◆Per-process (soft) core file size limit (-C)
◆CPU limit (-c)
◆Per-process (soft) data segment size limit (-D)
◆File limit (-F)
◆Per-process (soft) memory limit (-M)
◆Process limit (-p)
◆Per-process (soft) stack segment size limit (-S)
◆Limit of the number of concurrent threads (-T)
◆Total process virtual memory (swap space) limit (-v)
◆Runtime limit (-W)
LSF collects the user limit settings from the user's running environment that are
supported by the operating system, and sets the value to submission options if the
value is no unlimited. If the operating system has other kinds of shell limits, LSF
does not collect them. LSF collects the following operating system user limits:
◆CPU time in milliseconds
◆Maximum file size
◆Data size
◆Stack size
◆Core file size
◆Resident set size
◆Open files
◆Virtual (swap) memory
◆Process limit
◆Thread limit
-x Puts the host running your job into exclusive execution mode.
Platform LSF Command Reference 183
In exclusive execution mode, your job runs by itself on a host. It is dispatched only
to a host with no other jobs running, and LSF does not send any other jobs to the
host until the job completes.
To submit a job in exclusive execution mode, the queue must be configured to allow
exclusive jobs.
When the job is dispatched, bhosts(1) reports the host status as closed_Excl, and
lsload(1) reports the host status as lockU.
Until your job is complete, the host is not selected by LIM in response to placement
requests made by lsplace(1), lsrun(1) or lsgrun(1) or any other load sharing
You can force other batch jobs to run on the host by using the -m host_name option
of brun(1) to explicitly specify the locked host.
You can force LIM to run other interactive jobs on the host by using the -m
host_name option of lsrun(1) or lsgrun(1) to explicitly specify the locked host.
-a esub_application Specifies one or more application-specific esub executables that you want LSF to
associate with the job.
The value of -a must correspond to the application name of an actual esub file. For
example, to use bsub -a fluent, the file esub.fluent must exist in
For example, to submit a job that invokes two application-specific esub executables
named esub.license and esub.fluent, enter:
bsub -a license fluent my_job
mesub uses the method name license to invoke the esub named
LSF_SERVERDIR/esub.license, and the method name fluent to invoke the esub
named LSF_SERVERDIR/esub.fluent.
The name of an application-specific esub program is passed to the master esub.
The master esub program (LSF_SERVERDIR/mesub) handles job submission
requirements of the application. Application-specific esub programs can specify
their own job submission requirements. The value of -a is set in the
LSB_SUB_ADDITIONAL option in the LSB_SUB_PARM file used by esub.
If an LSF administrator specifies one or more mandatory esub executables using
the parameter LSB_ESUB_METHOD, LSF invokes the mandatory executables first,
followed by the executable named esub (without .esub_application in the file name)
if it exists in LSF_SERVERDIR, and then any application-specific esub executables
(with .esub_application in the file name) specified by -a.esub_application.
The name of the esub program must be a valid file name. It can contain only
alphanumeric characters, underscore (_) and hyphen (-).
RESTRICTION:After LSF version 5.1, the value of -a and LSB_ESUB_METHOD must correspond to
an actual esub file in LSF_SERVERDIR. For example, to use bsub -a fluent, the file esub.fluent must
-app application_profile_name
Submits the job to the specified application profile. You must specify an existing
application profile. If the application profile does not exist in lsb.applications,
the job is rejected.
184 Platform LSF Command Reference
-b [[month:]day:]hour:minute
Dispatches the job for execution on or after the specified date and time. The date
and time are in the form of [[month:]day:]hour:minute where the number ranges
are as follows: month 1-12, day 1-31, hour 0-23, minute 0-59.
At least two fields must be specified. These fields are assumed to be hour:minute. If
three fields are given, they are assumed to be day:hour:minute, and four fields are
assumed to be month:day:hour:minute.
-C core_limit Sets a per-process (soft) core file size limit for all the processes that belong to this
batch job (see getrlimit(2)).
By default, the limit is specified in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf
to specify a larger unit for the limit (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
The behavior of this option depends on platform-specific UNIX or Linux systems.
In some cases, the process is sent a SIGXFSZ signal if the job attempts to create a
core file larger than the specified limit. The SIGXFSZ signal normally terminates
the process.
In other cases, the writing of the core file terminates at the specified limit.
-c [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model]
Limits the total CPU time the job can use. This option is useful for preventing
runaway jobs or jobs that use up too many resources. When the total CPU time for
the whole job has reached the limit, a SIGXCPU signal is first sent to the job, then
If LSB_JOB_CPULIMIT in lsf.conf is set to n, LSF-enforced CPU limit is
disabled and LSF passes the limit to the operating system. When one process in the
job exceeds the CPU limit, the limit is enforced by the operating system.
The CPU limit is in the form of [hour:]minute. The minutes can be specified as a
number greater than 59. For example, three and a half hours can either be specified
as 3:30, or 210.
The CPU time you specify is the normalized CPU time. This is done so that the job
does approximately the same amount of processing for a given CPU limit, even if it
is sent to host with a faster or slower CPU. Whenever a normalized CPU time is
given, the actual time on the execution host is the specified time multiplied by the
CPU factor of the normalization host then divided by the CPU factor of the
execution host.
Optionally, you can supply a host name or a host model name defined in LSF. You
must insert a slash (/) between the CPU limit and the host name or model name.
(See lsinfo(1) to get host model information.) If a host name or model name is not
given, LSF uses the default CPU time normalization host defined at the queue level
(DEFAULT_HOST_SPEC in lsb.queues) if it has been configured, otherwise uses
the default CPU time normalization host defined at the cluster level
(DEFAULT_HOST_SPEC in lsb.params) if it has been configured, otherwise uses
the submission host.
Jobs submitted to a chunk job queue are not chunked if the CPU limit is greater
than 30 minutes.
-cwd "current_working_directory"
Platform LSF Command Reference 185
Specifies the current working directory for the job.
By default, if the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host,
the job runs in /tmp. If the environment variable
LSB_EXIT_IF_CWD_NOTEXIST is set to Y and the current working directory is
not accessible on the execution host, the job exits with the exit code 2.
-D data_limit Sets a per-process (soft) data segment size limit for each of the processes that belong
to the batch job (see getrlimit(2)). The limit is specified in KB.
This option affects calls to sbrk() and brk() . An sbrk() or malloc() call to
extend the data segment beyond the data limit returns an error.
NOTE:Linux does not use sbrk() and brk() within its calloc() and malloc(). Instead, it
uses (mmap()) to create memory. DATALIMIT cannot be enforced on Linux applications that call
sbrk() and malloc().
-E "pre_exec_command [arguments ...]"
Runs the specified pre-execution command on the execution host before actually
running the job. For a parallel job, the pre-execution command runs on the first
host selected for the parallel job. If you want the pre-execution command to run on
a specific first execution host, specify one or more first execution host candidates at
the job level using -m, at the queue level with PRE_EXEC in lsb.queues, or at the
application level with PRE_EXEC in lsb.applications.
If the pre-execution command returns a zero (0) exit code, LSF runs the job on the
selected host. Otherwise, the job and its associated pre-execution command goes
back to PEND status and is rescheduled. LSF keeps trying to run pre-execution
commands and pending jobs. After the pre-execution command runs successfully,
LSF runs the job. You must ensure that the pre-execution command can run
multiple times without causing side effects, such as reserving the same resource
more than once.
The standard input and output for the pre-execution command are directed to the
same files as the job. The pre-execution command runs under the same user ID,
environment, home, and working directory as the job. If the pre-execution
command is not in the user’s usual execution path (the $PATH variable), the full path
name of the command must be specified.
-Ep "post_exec_command [arguments ...]"
Runs the specified post-execution command on the execution host after the job
If both application-level (POST_EXEC in lsb.applications) and job-level
post-execution commands are specified, job level post-execution overrides
application-level post-execution commands. Queue-level post-execution
commands (POST_EXEC in lsb.queues) run after application-level post-execution
and job-level post-execution commands.
-e error_file Specify a file path. Appends the standard error output of the job to the specified file.
186 Platform LSF Command Reference
If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, the standard
error output of a job is written to the file you specify as the job runs. If
LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, it is written to a temporary file and copied to
the specified file after the job finishes. LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not supported on
If you use the special character %J in the name of the error file, then %J is replaced
by the job ID of the job. If you use the special character %I in the name of the error
file, then %I is replaced by the index of the job in the array if the job is a member of
an array. Otherwise, %I is replaced by 0 (zero).
If the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host after the job
starts, LSF writes the standard error output file to /tmp/.
NOTE:The file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters
for Windows, including the directory, file name, and expanded values for %J (job_ID) and %I
-eo error_file Specify a file path. Overwrites the standard error output of the job to the specified
If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, the standard
error output of a job is written to the file you specify as the job runs, which occurs
every time the job is submitted with the overwrite option, even if it is requeued
manually or by the system. If LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, it is written to a
temporary file and copied to the specified file after the job finishes.
LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not supported on Windows.
If you use the special character %J in the name of the error file, then %J is replaced
by the job ID of the job. If you use the special character %I in the name of the error
file, then %I is replaced by the index of the job in the array if the job is a member of
an array. Otherwise, %I is replaced by 0 (zero).
If the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host after the job
starts, LSF writes the standard error output file to /tmp/.
NOTE:The file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters
for Windows, including the directory, file name, and expanded values for %J (job_ID) and %I
-ext[sched] "external_scheduler_options"
Application-specific external scheduling options for the job.
To enable jobs to accept external scheduler options, set
You can abbreviate the -extsched option to -ext.
You can specify only one type of external scheduler option in a single -extsched
For example, SGI IRIX hosts and AlphaServer SC hosts running RMS can exist in
the same cluster, but they accept different external scheduler options. Use external
scheduler options to define job requirements for either IRIX cpusets OR RMS, but
not both. Your job runs either on IRIX or RMS. If external scheduler options are not
defined, the job may run on IRIX but it does not run on an RMS host.
Platform LSF Command Reference 187
The options set by -extsched can be combined with the queue-level
-extsched and MANDATORY_EXTSCHED set the same option, the
MANDATORY_EXTSCHED setting is used. If -extsched and
DEFAULT_EXTSCHED set the same options, the -extsched setting is used.
Use DEFAULT_EXTSCHED in lsb.queues to set default external scheduler
options for a queue.
To make certain external scheduler options mandatory for all jobs submitted to a
queue, specify MANDATORY_EXTSCHED in lsb.queues with the external
scheduler options you need or your jobs.
See Using Platform LSF HPC for information about specific external scheduler
-F file_limit Sets a per-process (soft) file size limit for each of the processes that belong to the
batch job (see getrlimit(2)). The limit is specified in KB.
If a job process attempts to write to a file that exceeds the file size limit, then that
process is sent a SIGXFSZ signal. The SIGXFSZ signal normally terminates the
-f "local_file operator [remote_file]" ...
Copies a file between the local (submission) host and the remote (execution) host.
Specify absolute or relative paths, including the file names. You should specify the
remote file as a file name with no path when running in non-shared systems.
If the remote file is not specified, it defaults to the local file, which must be given.
Use multiple -f options to specify multiple files.
An operator that specifies whether the file is copied to the remote host, or whether
it is copied back from the remote host. The operator must be surrounded by white
The following describes the operators:
> Copies the local file to the remote file before the job starts. Overwrites the remote
file if it exists.
< Copies the remote file to the local file after the job completes. Overwrites the local
file if it exists.
<< Appends the remote file to the local file after the job completes. The local file
must exist.
>< Copies the local file to the remote file before the job starts. Overwrites the
remote file if it exists. Then copies the remote file to the local file after the job
completes. Overwrites the local file.
<> Copies the local file to the remote file before the job starts. Overwrites the
remote file if it exists. Then copies the remote file to the local file after the job
completes. Overwrites the local file.
If you use the -i input_file option, then you do not have to use the -f option to copy
the specified input file to the execution host. LSF does this for you, and removes the
input file from the execution host after the job completes.
188 Platform LSF Command Reference
If you use the -o out_file,-e err_file, -oo out_file, or the -eo err_file option, and you
want the specified file to be copied back to the submission host when the job
completes, then you must use the -f option.
If the submission and execution hosts have different directory structures, you must
make sure that the directory where the remote file and local file are placed exists.
If the local and remote hosts have different file name spaces, you must always
specify relative path names. If the local and remote hosts do not share the same file
system, you must make sure that the directory containing the remote file exists. It
is recommended that only the file name be given for the remote file when running
in heterogeneous file systems. This places the file in the job’s current working
directory. If the file is shared between the submission and execution hosts, then no
file copy is performed.
LSF uses lsrcp to transfer files (see lsrcp(1) command). lsrcp contacts RES on
the remote host to perform the file transfer. If RES is not available, rcp is used (see
rcp(1)). The user must make sure that the rcp binary is in the user’s $PATH on the
execution host.
Jobs that are submitted from LSF client hosts should specify the -f option only if
rcp is allowed. Similarly, rcp must be allowed if account mapping is used.
-G user_group Only useful with fairshare scheduling.
Associates the job with the specified group. Specify any group that you belong to
that does not contain any subgroups. You must be a direct member of the specified
user group.
-g job_group_name Submits jobs in the job group specified by job_group_name The job group does not
have to exist before submitting the job. For example:
bsub -g /risk_group/portfolio1/current myjob
Job <105> is submitted to default queue.
Submits myjob to the job group /risk_group/portfolio1/current.
If group /risk_group/portfolio1/current exists, job 105 is attached to the job
Job group names can be up to 512 characters long.
If group /risk_group/portfolio1/current does not exist, LSF checks its parent
recursively, and if no groups in the hierarchy exist, all three job groups are created
with the specified hierarchy and the job is attached to group.
You c an us e -g with -sla. All jobs in a job group attached to a service class are
scheduled as SLA jobs. It is not possible to have some jobs in a job group not part
of the service class. Multiple job groups can be created under the same SLA. You can
submit additional jobs to the job group without specifying the service class name
For example, the following attaches the job to the service class named opera, and
the group /risk_group/portfolio1/current:
bsub -sla opera -g /risk_group/portfolio1/current myjob
To submit another job to the same job group, you can omit the SLA name:
bsub -g /risk_group/portfolio1/current myjob2
-i input_file | -is input_file
Platform LSF Command Reference 189
Gets the standard input for the job from specified file. Specify an absolute or relative
path. The input file can be any type of file, though it is typically a shell script text file.
Unless you use -is, you can use the special characters %J and %I in the name of the
input file. %J is replaced by the job ID. %I is replaced by the index of the job in the
array, if the job is a member of an array, otherwise by 0 (zero). The special
characters %J and %I are not valid with the -is option.
NOTE:The file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters
for Windows, including the directory, file name, and expanded values for %J (job_ID) and %I
If the file exists on the execution host, LSF uses it. Otherwise, LSF attempts to copy
the file from the submission host to the execution host. For the file copy to be
successful, you must allow remote copy (rcp) access, or you must submit the job
from a server host where RES is running. The file is copied from the submission
host to a temporary file in the directory specified by the JOB_SPOOL_DIR
parameter in lsb.params, or your $HOME/.lsbatch directory on the execution
host. LSF removes this file when the job completes.
By default, the input file is spooled to LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/lsf_indir. If
the lsf_indir directory does not exist, LSF creates it before spooling the file. LSF
removes the spooled file when the job completes. Use the -is option if you need to
modify or remove the input file before the job completes. Removing or modifying
the original input file does not affect the submitted job.
If JOB_SPOOL_DIR is specified, the -is option spools the input file to the
specified directory and uses the spooled file as the input file for the job.
JOB_SPOOL_DIR can be any valid path up to a maximum length up to 4094
characters on UNIX and Linux or up to 255 characters for Windows.
JOB_SPOOL_DIR must be readable and writable by the job submission user, and it
must be shared by the master host and the submission host. If the specified
directory is not accessible or does not exist, bsub -is cannot write to the default
directory LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/lsf_indir and the job fails.
-J job_name | -J "job_name[index_list]%job_slot_limit"
Assigns the specified name to the job, and, for job arrays, specifies the indices of the
job array and optionally the maximum number of jobs that can run at any given
The job name does not need to be unique.
Job names can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255
characters for Windows.
To specify a job array, enclose the index list in square brackets, as shown, and
enclose the entire job array specification in quotation marks, as shown. The index
list is a comma-separated list whose elements have the syntax start[-end[:step]]
where start, end and step are positive integers. If the step is omitted, a step of one is
assumed. The job array index starts at one.
By default, the maximum number of jobs in a job array is 1000, which means the
maximum size of a job array (that is, the maximum job array index) can never
exceed 1000 jobs.
190 Platform LSF Command Reference
To change the maximum job array value, set MAX_JOB_ARRAY_SIZE in
lsb.params to any positive integer between 1 and 2147483646. The maximum
number of jobs in a job array cannot exceed the value set by
You may also use a positive integer to specify the system-wide job slot limit (the
maximum number of jobs that can run at any given time) for this job array.
All jobs in the array share the same job ID and parameters. Each element of the
array is distinguished by its array index.
After a job is submitted, you use the job name to identify the job. Specify
"job_ID[index]" to work with elements of a particular array. Specify
"job_name[index]" to work with elements of all arrays with the same name. Since
job names are not unique, multiple job arrays may have the same name with a
different or same set of indices.
-jsdl file_name | -jsdl_strict file_name
Submits a job using a JSDL file to specify job submission options.
LSF provides an extension to the JSDL specification so that you can submit jobs
using LSF features not defined in the JSDL standard schema. The JSDL schema
(jsdl.xsd), the POSIX extension (jsdl-posix.xsd), and the LSF extension
(jsdl-lsf.xsd) are located in the LSF_LIBDIR directory.
◆To submit a job that uses the LSF extension, use the -jsdl option.
◆To submit a job that uses only standard JSDL elements and POSIX extensions,
use the -jsdl_strict option. You can use the -jsdl_strict option to verify
that your file contains only valid JSDL elements and POSIX extensions. Error
messages indicate invalid elements, including:
❖Elements that are not part of the JSDL specification
❖Valid JSDL elements that are not supported in this version of LSF
❖Extension elements that are not part of the JSDL standard and POSIX
extension schemas
NOTE:For a detailed mapping of JSDL elements to LSF submission options, and for a complete
list of supported and unsupported elements, see the chapter "Submitting Jobs Using JSDL" in
Administering Platform LSF.
If you specify duplicate or conflicting job submission parameters, LSF resolves the
conflict by applying the following rules:
1The parameters specified in the command line override all other parameters.
2A job script or user input for an interactive job overrides parameters specified
in the JSDL file.
-k "checkpoint_dir [init=initial_checkpoint_period] [checkpoint_period] [method=method_name]"
Makes a job checkpointable and specifies the checkpoint directory. Specify a
relative or absolute path name. The quotes (") are required is you specify a
checkpoint period, initial checkpoint period, or custom checkpoint and restart
method name.
Platform LSF Command Reference 191
When a job is checkpointed, the checkpoint information is stored in
checkpoint_dir/job_ID/file_name. Multiple jobs can checkpoint into the same
directory. The system can create multiple files.
The checkpoint directory is used for restarting the job (see brestart(1)). The
checkpoint directory can be any valid path.
Optionally, specifies a checkpoint period in minutes. Specify a positive integer. The
running job is checkpointed automatically every checkpoint period. The
checkpoint period can be changed using bchkpnt(1). Because checkpointing is a
heavyweight operation, you should choose a checkpoint period greater than half an
Optionally, specifies an initial checkpoint period in minutes. Specify a positive
integer. The first checkpoint does not happen until the initial period has elapsed.
After the first checkpoint, the job checkpoint frequency is controlled by the normal
job checkpoint interval.
Optionally, specifies a custom checkpoint and restart method to use with the job.
Use method=default to indicate to use the default LSF checkpoint and restart
programs for the job, echkpnt.default and erestart.default.
The echkpnt.method_name and erestart.method_name programs must be in
LSF_SERVERDIR or in the directory specified by
LSB_ECHKPNT_METHOD_DIR (environment variable or set in lsf.conf).
If a custom checkpoint and restart method is already specified with
LSB_ECHKPNT_METHOD (environment variable or in lsf.conf), the method
you specify with bsub -k overrides this.
Process checkpointing is not available on all host types, and may require linking
programs with a special libraries (see libckpt.a(3)). LSF invokes echkpnt (see
echkpnt(8)) found in LSF_SERVERDIR to checkpoint the job. You can override the
default echkpnt for the job by defining as environment variables or in lsf.conf
your own echkpnt. This allows you to use other checkpointing facilities, including
application-level checkpointing.
The checkpoint method directory should be accessible by all users who need to run
the custom echkpnt and erestart programs.
Only running members of a chunk job can be checkpointed.
-L login_shell Initializes the execution environment using the specified login shell. The specified
login shell must be an absolute path. This is not necessarily the shell under which
the job is executed.
Login shell is not supported on Windows.
-Lp ls_project_name Assigns the job to the specified License Scheduler project.
-M mem_limit Sets a per-process (soft) memory limit for all the processes that belong to this batch
job (see getrlimit(2)).
By default, the limit is specified in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf
to specify a larger unit for the limit (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
192 Platform LSF Command Reference
lsf.conf, LSF kills the job when it exceeds the memory limit. Otherwise, LSF
passes the memory limit to the operating system. UNIX operating systems that
support RUSAGE_RSS for setrlimit() can apply the memory limit to each
The following operating systems do not support the memory limit at the OS level:
- Windows
- Sun Solaris 2.x
-m "host_name[@cluster_name][[!] | +[pref_level]] | host_group[[!] |+[pref_level]] ..."
Runs the job on one of the specified hosts.
By default, if multiple hosts are candidates, runs the job on the least-loaded host.
To change the order of preference, put a plus (+) after the names of hosts or host
groups that you would prefer to use, optionally followed by a preference level. For
preference level, specify a positive integer, with higher numbers indicating greater
preferences for those hosts. For example, -m "hostA groupB+2 hostC+1" indicates
that groupB is the most preferred and hostA is the least preferred.
The keyword others can be specified with or without a preference level to refer to
other hosts not otherwise listed. The keyword others must be specified with at
least one host name or host group, it cannot be specified by itself. For example, -m
"hostA+ others" means that hostA is preferred over all other hosts.
If you also use -q, the specified queue must be configured to include all the hosts in
the your host list. Otherwise, the job is not submitted. To find out what hosts are
configured for the queue, use bqueues -l.
If the host group contains the keyword all, LSF dispatches the job to any available
host, even if the host is not defined for the specified queue.
To display configured host groups, use bmgroup.
For the MultiCluster job forwarding model, you cannot specify a remote host by
For parallel jobs, specify first execution host candidates when you want to ensure
that a host has the required resources or runtime environment to handle processes
that run on the first execution host.
To specify one or more hosts or host groups as first execution host candidates, add
the (!) symbol after the host name, as shown in the following example:
bsub -n 2 -m "host1 host2! hostgroupA! host3 host4" my_parallel_job
LSF runs my_parallel_job according to the following steps:
1LSF selects either host2 or a host defined in hostgroupA as the first execution
host for the parallel job.
NOTE:First execution host candidates specified at the job-level (command line) override
candidates defined at the queue level (in lsb.queues).
2If any of the first execution host candidates have enough processors to run the
job, the entire job runs on the first execution host, and not on any other hosts.
Platform LSF Command Reference 193
In the example, if host2 or a member of hostgroupA has two or more
processors, the entire job runs on the first execution host.
3If the first execution host does not have enough processors to run the entire job,
LSF selects additional hosts that are not defined as first execution host
Follow these guidelines when you specify first execution host candidates:
❖If you specify a host group, you must first define the host group in the file
❖Do not specify a dynamic host group as a first execution host.
❖Do not specify all, allremote, or others, or a host partition as a first
execution host.
❖Do not specify a preference (+) for a host identified by (!) as a first
execution host candidate.
❖For each parallel job, specify enough regular hosts to satisfy the processor
requirement for the job. Once LSF selects a first execution host for the
current job, the other first execution host candidates become unavailable to
the current job, but remain available to other jobs as either regular or first
execution hosts.
❖You cannot specify first execution host candidates when you use the brun
In a MultiCluster environment, insert the (!) symbol after the cluster name, as
shown in the following example:
bsub -n 2 -m "host2@cluster2! host3@cluster2" my_parallel_job
-mig migration_threshold
Specifies the migration threshold for checkpointable or rerunnable jobs in minutes.
Enables automatic job migration and specifies the migration threshold, in minutes.
A value of 0 (zero) specifies that a suspended job should be migrated immediately.
Command-level job migration threshold overrides application profile and
queue-level settings.
Where a host migration threshold is also specified, and is lower than the job value,
the host value is used.
-n min_proc[,max_proc]
Submits a parallel job and specifies the number of processors required to run the
job (some of the processors may be on the same multiprocessor host).
You can specify a minimum and maximum number of processors to use. The job
can start if at least the minimum number of processors is available. If you do not
specify a maximum, the number you specify represents the exact number of
processors to use.
If PARALLEL_SCHED_BY_SLOT=Y in lsb.params, this option specifies the
number of slots required to run the job, not the number of processors.
Jobs that request fewer slots than the minimum PROCLIMIT defined for the queue
or application profile to which the job is submitted, or more slots than the
maximum PROCLIMIT are rejected. If the job requests minimum and maximum
194 Platform LSF Command Reference
job slots, the maximum slots requested cannot be less than the minimum
PROCLIMIT, and the minimum slots requested cannot be more than the
maximum PROCLIMIT.
For example, if the queue defines PROCLIMIT=4 8:
◆bsub -n 6 is accepted because it requests slots within the range of PROCLIMIT
◆bsub -n 9 is rejected because it requests more slots than the PROCLIMIT
◆bsub -n 1 is rejected because it requests fewer slots than the PROCLIMIT
◆bsub -n 6,10 is accepted because the minimum value 6 is within the range of
the PROCLIMIT setting
◆bsub -n 1,6 is accepted because the maximum value 6 is within the range of
the PROCLIMIT setting
◆bsub -n 10,16 is rejected because its range is outside the range of
◆bsub -n 1,3 is rejected because its range is outside the range of PROCLIMIT
See the PROCLIMIT parameter in lsb.queues(5) and lsb.applications(5) for
more information.
In a MultiCluster environment, if a queue exports jobs to remote clusters (see the
SNDJOBS_TO parameter in lsb.queues(5)), then the process limit is not imposed
on jobs submitted to this queue.
Once at the required number of processors is available, the job is dispatched to the
first host selected. The list of selected host names for the job are specified in the
environment variables LSB_HOSTS and LSB_MCPU_HOSTS. The job itself is
expected to start parallel components on these hosts and establish communication
among them, optionally using RES.
Specify first execution host candidates using the -m option when you want to
ensure that a host has the required resources or runtime environment to handle
processes that run on the first execution host.
If you specify one or more first execution host candidates, LSF looks for a first
execution host that satisfies the resource requirements. If the first execution host
does not have enough processors or job slots to run the entire job, LSF looks for
additional hosts.
-o output_file Specify a file path. Appends the standard output of the job to the specified file.
Sends the output by mail if the file does not exist, or the system has trouble writing
to it.
If only a file name is specified, LSF writes the output file to the current working
directory. If the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host
after the job starts, LSF writes the standard output file to /tmp/.
Platform LSF Command Reference 195
If you use the special character %J in the name of the output file, then %J is replaced
by the job ID of the job. If you use the special character %I in the name of the output
file, then %I is replaced by the index of the job in the array, if the job is a member of
an array. Otherwise, %I is replaced by 0 (zero).
NOTE:The file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters
for Windows, including the directory, file name, and expanded values for %J (job_ID) and %I
If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, the standard
output of a job is written to the file you specify as the job runs. If
LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, it is written to a temporary file and copied to
the specified file after the job finishes. LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not supported on
If you use -o without -e or -eo, the standard error of the job is stored in the output
If you use -o without -N, the job report is stored in the output file as the file header.
If you use both -o and -N, the output is stored in the output file and the job report
is sent by mail. The job report itself does not contain the output, but the report
advises you where to find your output.
-oo output_file Specify a file path. Overwrites the standard output of the job to the specified file if
it exists, or sends the output to a new file if it does not exist. Sends the output by
mail if the system has trouble writing to the file.
If only a file name is specified, LSF writes the output file to the current working
directory. If the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host
after the job starts, LSF writes the standard output file to /tmp/.
If you use the special character %J in the name of the output file, then %J is replaced
by the job ID of the job. If you use the special character %I in the name of the output
file, then %I is replaced by the index of the job in the array, if the job is a member of
an array. Otherwise, %I is replaced by 0 (zero).
NOTE:The file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX and Linux, or up to 255 characters
for Windows, including the directory, file name, and expanded values for %J (job_ID) and %I
If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, the standard
output of a job overwrites the output file you specify as the job runs, which occurs
every time the job is submitted with the overwrite option, even if it is requeued
manually or by the system. If LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, the output is
written to a temporary file that overwrites the specified file after the job finishes.
LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not supported on Windows.
If you use -oo without -e or -eo, the standard error of the job is stored in the output
If you use -oo without -N, the job report is stored in the output file as the file header.
If you use both -oo and -N, the output is stored in the output file and the job report
is sent by mail. The job report itself does not contain the output, but the report
advises you where to find your output.
196 Platform LSF Command Reference
-P project_name Assigns the job to the specified project.
On IRIX 6, you must be a member of the project as listed in /etc/project(4). If
you are a member of the project, then /etc/projid(4) maps the project name to a
numeric project ID. Before the submitted job executes, a new array session
(newarraysess(2)) is created and the project ID is assigned to it using setprid(2).
-p process_limit Sets the limit of the number of processes to process_limit for the whole job. The
default is no limit. Exceeding the limit causes the job to terminate.
-Q "[exit_code …] [EXCLUDE(exit_code …)]"
Specify automatic job requeue exit values. Use spaces to separate multiple exit
codes. The reserved keyword all specifies all exit codes. Exit codes are typically
between 0 and 255. Use a tilde (~) to exclude specified number or numbers from the
exit_code has the following form:
"[all] [~number ...] | [number ...]"
Job level exit values override application-level and queue-level values.
Jobs running with the specified exit code share the same application and queue with
other jobs.
Define an exit code as EXCLUDE(exit_code) to enable exclusive job requeue.
Exclusive job requeue does not work for parallel jobs.
If mbatchd is restarted, it does not remember the previous hosts from which the job
exited with an exclusive requeue exit code. In this situation, it is possible for a job
to be dispatched to hosts on which the job has previously exited with an exclusive
exit code.
-q "queue_name ..." Submits the job to one of the specified queues. Quotes are optional for a single
queue. The specified queues must be defined for the local cluster. For a list of
available queues in your local cluster, use bqueues.
When a list of queue names is specified, LSF selects the most appropriate queue in
the list for your job based on the job’s resource limits, and other restrictions, such
as the requested hosts, your accessibility to a queue, queue status (closed or open),
etc. The order in which the queues are considered is the same order in which these
queues are listed. The queue listed first is considered first.
-R "res_req"
[-R "res_req" …]
Runs the job on a host that meets the specified resource requirements. A resource
requirement string describes the resources a job needs. LSF uses resource
requirements to select hosts for job execution.
The size of the resource requirement string cannot exceed 512 characters. If you
need to include a hyphen (-) or other non-alphabet characters within the string,
enclose the text in single quotation marks, for example, bsub -R
A resource requirement string is divided into the following sections. Each section
has a different syntax.
◆A selection section (select). The selection section specifies the criteria for
selecting execution hosts from the system.
◆An ordering section (order). The ordering section indicates how the hosts that
meet the selection criteria should be sorted.
Platform LSF Command Reference 197
◆A resource usage section (rusage). The resource usage section specifies the
expected resource consumption of the task.
◆A job spanning section (span). The job spanning section indicates if a parallel
batch job should span across multiple hosts.
◆A same resource section (same). The same section indicates that all processes
of a parallel job must run on the same type of host.
The resource requirement string sections have the following syntax:
select[selection_string] order[order_string] rusage[usage_string
[,usage_string][|| usage_string] ...] span[span_string]
The square brackets must be typed as shown for each section.
If select keyword and square brackets are omitted from the selection string, then
the entire string is treated as a selection string (select[selection_string]). A
selection string that omits the select keyword must be the first string in the
resource requirement string.
When LSF_STRICT_RESREQ=Y in lsf.conf, LSF rejects resource requirement
strings where an rusage section contains a non-consumable resource.
Any resource for run queue length, such as r15s, r1m or r15m, specified in the
resource requirements refers to the normalized run queue length.
By default, memory (mem) and swap (swp) limits in select[] and rusage[]
sections are specified in MB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf to specify
a larger unit for the these limits (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
For example, to submit a job that runs on Solaris 7 or Solaris 8:
bsub -R "sol7 || sol8" myjob
The following command runs the job called myjob on an HP-UX host that is lightly
loaded (CPU utilization) and has at least 15 MB of swap memory available.
bsub -R "swp > 15 && hpux order[ut]" myjob
bsub also accepts multiple -R options for the order, same, rusage, and select
sections. You can specify multiple strings instead of using the && operator:
bsub -R "select[swp > 15]" -R "select[hpux] order[r15m]" -R
rusage[mem=100]" -R "order[ut]" -R "same[type]" -R
rusage[tmp=50:duration=60]" -R "same[model]" myjob
LSF merges the multiple -R options into one string and selects a host that meets all
of the resource requirements. The number of -R option sections is unlimited, up to
a maximum of 512 characters for the entire string.
REMEMBER:Use multiple -R options only with the order, same, rusage, and select sections of the
resource requirements string and with the bsub and bmod commands.
You defined a resource called bigmem in lsf.shared and defined it as an exclusive
resource for hostE in lsf.cluster.mycluster. Use the following command to
submit a job that runs on hostE:
bsub -R "bigmem" myjob
bsub -R "defined(bigmem)" myjob
198 Platform LSF Command Reference
You configured a static shared resource for licenses for the Verilog application as a
resource called verilog_lic. To submit a job that runs on a host when there is a
license available:
bsub -R "select[defined(verilog_lic)] rusage[verilog_lic=1]" myjob
The following job requests 20 MB memory for the duration of the job, and 1 license
for 2 minutes:
bsub -R "rusage[mem=20, license=1:duration=2]" myjob
The following job requests 20 MB of memory and 50 MB of swap space for 1 hour,
and 1 license for 2 minutes:
bsub -R "rusage[mem=20:swp=50:duration=1h, license=1:duration=2]" myjob
The following job requests 20 MB of memory for the duration of the job, 50 MB of
swap space for 1 hour, and 1 license for 2 minutes.
bsub -R "rusage[mem=20,swp=50:duration=1h, license=1:duration=2]" myjob
The following job requests 50 MB of swap space, linearly decreasing the amount
reserved over a duration of 2 hours, and requests 1 license for 2 minutes:
bsub -R "rusage[swp=50:duration=2h:decay=1, license=1:duration=2]" myjob
The following job requests two resources with same duration but different decay:
bsub -R "rusage[mem=20:duration=30:decay=1, lic=1:duration=30]" myjob
You are running an application version 1.5 as a resource called app_lic_v15 and
the same application version 2.0.1 as a resource called app_lic_v201. The license
key for version 2.0.1 is backward compatible with version 1.5, but the license key for
version 1.5 does not work with 2.0.1.
Job-level resource requirement specifications that use the || operator take
precedence over any queue-level resource requirement specifications.
◆If you can only run your job using one version of the application, submit the job
without specifying an alternative resource. To submit a job that only uses
bsub -R "rusage[app_lic_v201=1]" myjob
◆If you can run your job using either version of the application, try to reserve
version 2.0.1 of the application. If it is not available, you can use version 1.5. To
submit a job that tries app_lic_v201 before trying app_lic_v15:
bsub -R "rusage[app_lic_v201=1||app_lic_v15=1]" myjob
◆If different versions of an application require different system resources, you
can specify other resources in your rusage strings. To submit a job that uses 20
MB of memory for app_lic_v201 or 20 MB of memory and 50 MB of swap
space for app_lic_v15:
bsub -R "rusage[mem=20:app_lic_v15=1||mem=20:swp=50:app_lic_v201=1]" myjob
-S stack_limit Sets a per-process (soft) stack segment size limit for each of the processes that
belong to the batch job (see getrlimit(2)).
By default, the limit is specified in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf
to specify a larger unit for the limit (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
-s signal Send the specified signal when a queue-level run window closes.
By default, when the window closes, LSF suspends jobs running in the queue (job
state becomes SSUSP) and stops dispatching jobs from the queue.
Platform LSF Command Reference 199
Use -s to specify a signal number; when the run window closes, the job is signalled
by this signal instead of being suspended.
-sla service_class_name
Specifies the service class where the job is to run.
If the SLA does not exist or the user is not a member of the service class, the job is
If EGO-enabled SLA scheduling is configured with
ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA in lsb.params, jobs submitted without -sla are
attached to the configured default SLA.
You c an us e -g with -sla. All jobs in a job group attached to a service class are
scheduled as SLA jobs. It is not possible to have some jobs in a job group not part
of the service class. Multiple job groups can be created under the same SLA. You can
submit additional jobs to the job group without specifying the service class name
TIP:You should submit your jobs with a runtime limit (-W option) or you should specify a run time
limit in a queue or application profile (RUNLIMIT in the queue definition in lsb.queues or
RUNLIMIT in the application profile definition in lsb.applications). If you do not specify a
run time limit, LSF automatically adjusts the optimum number of running jobs according to the
observed run time of finished jobs.
Use bsla to display the properties of service classes configured in
LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir/lsb.serviceclasses (see
lsb.serviceclasses(5)) and dynamic information about the state of each service
-sp priority Specifies user-assigned job priority which allow users to order their jobs in a queue.
Valid values for priority are any integers between 1 and MAX_USER_PRIORITY
(configured in lsb.params, displayed by bparams -l). Job priorities that are not
valid are rejected. LSF and queue administrators can specify priorities beyond
The job owner can change the priority of their own jobs. LSF and queue
administrators can change the priority of all jobs in a queue.
Job order is the first consideration to determine job eligibility for dispatch. Jobs are
still subject to all scheduling policies regardless of job priority. Jobs with the same
priority are ordered first come first served.
User-assigned job priority can be configured with automatic job priority escalation
to automatically increase the priority of jobs that have been pending for a specified
period of time (JOB_PRIORITY_OVER_TIME in lsb.params).
When absolute priority scheduling is configured in the submission queue
(APS_PRIORITY in lsb.queues), the user-assigned job priority is used for the
JPRIORITY factor in the APS calculation.
-T thread_limit Sets the limit of the number of concurrent threads to thread_limit for the whole job.
The default is no limit.
Exceeding the limit causes the job to terminate. The system sends the following
signals in sequence to all processes belongs to the job: SIGINT, SIGTERM, and
200 Platform LSF Command Reference
-t [[month:]day:]hour:minute
Specifies the job termination deadline.
If a UNIX or Linux job is still running at the termination time, the job is sent a
SIGUSR2 signal, and is killed if it does not terminate within ten minutes.
If a Windows job is still running at the termination time, it is killed immediately.
(For a detailed description of how these jobs are killed, see bkill.)
In the queue definition, a TERMINATE action can be configured to override the
bkill default action (see the JOB_CONTROLS parameter in lsb.queues(5)).
In an application profile definition, a TERMINATE_CONTROL action can be
configured to override the bkill default action (see the TERMINATE_CONTROL
parameter in lsb.applications(5)).
The format for the termination time is [[month:]day:]hour:minute where the
number ranges are as follows: month 1-12, day 1-31, hour 0-23, minute 0-59.
At least two fields must be specified. These fields are assumed to be hour:minute. If
three fields are given, they are assumed to be day:hour:minute, and four fields are
assumed to be month:day:hour:minute.
-U reservation_ID If an advance reservation has been created with the brsvadd command, the -U
option makes use of the reservation.
For example, if the following command was used to create the reservation user1#0,
brsvadd -n 1024 -m hostA -u user1 -b 13:0 -e 18:0
Reservation "user1#0" is created
The following command uses the reservation:
bsub -U user1#0 myjob
The job can only use hosts reserved by the reservation user1#0. LSF only selects
hosts in the reservation. You can use the -m option to specify particular hosts within
the list of hosts reserved by the reservation, but you cannot specify other hosts not
included in the original reservation.
If you do not specify hosts (bsub -m) or resource requirements (bsub -R), the
default resource requirement is to select hosts that are of any host type (LSF
assumes "type==any" instead of "type==local" as the default select string).
If you later delete the advance reservation while it is still active, any pending jobs
still keep the "type==any" attribute.
A job can only use one reservation. There is no restriction on the number of jobs
that can be submitted to a reservation; however, the number of slots available on the
hosts in the reservation may run out. For example, reservation user2#0 reserves
128 slots on hostA. When all 128 slots on hostA are used by jobs referencing
user2#0, hostA is no longer available to other jobs using reservation user2#0. Any
single user or user group can have a maximum of 100 reservation IDs
Jobs referencing the reservation are killed when the reservation expires. LSF
administrators can prevent running jobs from being killed when the reservation
expires by changing the termination time of the job using the reservation (bmod -t)
before the reservation window closes.
Platform LSF Command Reference 201
To use an advance reservation on a remote host, submit the job and specify the
remote advance reservation ID. For example:
bsub -U user1#01@cluster1
In this example, we assume the default queue is configured to forward jobs to the
remote cluster.
-u mail_user Sends mail to the specified email destination. To specify a Windows user account,
include the domain name in uppercase letters and use a single backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) in a Windows command line or a double backslash
(DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in a UNIX command line.
-v swap_limit Set the total process virtual memory limit to swap_limit for the whole job. The
default is no limit. Exceeding the limit causes the job to terminate.
By default, the limit is specified in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf
to specify a larger unit for the limit (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
-W [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model]
Sets the runtime limit of the batch job. If a UNIX or Linux job runs longer than the
specified run limit, the job is sent a SIGUSR2 signal, and is killed if it does not
terminate within ten minutes. If a Windows job runs longer than the specified run
limit, it is killed immediately. (For a detailed description of how these jobs are
killed, see bkill.)
In the queue definition, a TERMINATE action can be configured to override the
bkill default action (see the JOB_CONTROLS parameter in lsb.queues(5)).
In an application profile definition, a TERMINATE_CONTROL action can be
configured to override the bkill default action (see the TERMINATE_CONTROL
parameter in lsb.applications(5)).
If you want to provide LSF with an estimated run time without killing jobs that
exceed this value, submit the job with -We, or define the RUNTIME parameter in
lsb.applications and submit the job to that application profile. LSF uses the
estimated runtime value for scheduling purposes only..
The run limit is in the form of [hour:]minute. The minutes can be specified as a
number greater than 59. For example, three and a half hours can either be specified
as 3:30, or 210.
The run limit you specify is the normalized run time. This is done so that the job
does approximately the same amount of processing, even if it is sent to host with a
faster or slower CPU. Whenever a normalized run time is given, the actual time on
the execution host is the specified time multiplied by the CPU factor of the
normalization host then divided by the CPU factor of the execution host.
If ABS_RUNLIMIT=Y is defined in lsb.params, the runtime limit and the
runtime estimate are not normalized by the host CPU factor. Absolute wall-clock
run time is used for all jobs submitted with a runtime limit or runtime estimate.
Optionally, you can supply a host name or a host model name defined in LSF. You
must insert ‘/’ between the run limit and the host name or model name. (See
lsinfo(1) to get host model information.)
202 Platform LSF Command Reference
If no host or host model is given, LSF uses the default runtime normalization host
defined at the queue level (DEFAULT_HOST_SPEC in lsb.queues) if it has been
configured; otherwise, LSF uses the default CPU time normalization host defined
at the cluster level (DEFAULT_HOST_SPEC in lsb.params) if it has been
configured; otherwise, LSF uses the submission host.
For MultiCluster jobs, if no other CPU time normalization host is defined and
information about the submission host is not available, LSF uses the host with the
largest CPU factor (the fastest host in the cluster).
If the job also has termination time specified through the bsub -t option, LSF
determines whether the job can actually run for the specified length of time allowed
by the run limit before the termination time. If not, then the job is aborted.
If the IGNORE_DEADLINE parameter is set in lsb.queues(5), this behavior is
overridden and the run limit is ignored.
Jobs submitted to a chunk job queue are not chunked if the run limit is greater than
30 minutes.
-We [hour:]minute[/host_name | /host_model]
Specifies an estimated run time for the job. LSF uses the estimated value for job
scheduling purposes only, and does not kill jobs that exceed this value unless the
jobs also exceed a defined runtime limit. The format of runtime estimate is same as
run limit set by the -W option.
Use JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO in lsb.params to limit the runtime estimate users
can set. If JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO is set to 0 no restriction is applied to the
runtime estimate.
The job-level runtime estimate setting overrides the RUNTIME setting in an
application profile in lsb.applications.
-w 'dependency_expression'
LSF does not place your job unless the dependency expression evaluates to TRUE.
If you specify a dependency on a job that LSF cannot find (such as a job that has not
yet been submitted), your job submission fails.
The dependency expression is a logical expression composed of one or more
dependency conditions. To make dependency expression of multiple conditions,
use the following logical operators:
&& (AND)
|| (OR)
! (NOT)
Use parentheses to indicate the order of operations, if necessary.
Enclose the dependency expression in single quotes (') to prevent the shell from
interpreting special characters (space, any logic operator, or parentheses). If you use
single quotes for the dependency expression, use double quotes (") for quoted items
within it, such as job names.
Platform LSF Command Reference 203
In dependency conditions, job names specify only your own jobs, unless you are the
LSF administrator. By default, if you use the job name to specify a dependency
condition, and more than one of your jobs has the same name, all of your jobs that
have that name must satisfy the test. If JOB_DEP_LAST_SUB in lsb.params is set
to 1, the test is done on the job submitted most recently.
Use double quotes (") around job names that begin with a number. In the job name,
specify the wildcard character asterisk (*) at the end of a string, to indicate all jobs
whose name begins with the string. For example, if you use jobA* as the job name,
it specifies jobs named jobA, jobA1, jobA_test, jobA.log, etc.
Use the * with dependency conditions to define one-to-one dependency among job
array elements such that each element of one array depends on the corresponding
element of another array. The job array size must be identical.
For example:
bsub -w "done(myarrayA[*])" -J "myArrayB[1-10]" myJob2
indicates that before element 1 of myArrayB can start, element 1 of myArrayA must
be completed, and so on.
You can also use the * to establish one-to-one array element dependencies with
bmod after an array has been submitted.
If you want to specify array dependency by array name, set JOB_DEP_LAST_SUB
in lsb.params. If you do not have this parameter set, the job is rejected if one of
your previous arrays has the same name but a different index.
In dependency conditions, the variable op represents one of the following relational
Use the following conditions to form the dependency expression.
done(job_ID |"job_name" ...)
The job state is DONE.
LSF refers to the oldest job of job_name in memory.
ended(job_ID | "job_name")
The job state is EXIT or DONE.
exit(job_ID | "job_name" [,[operator] exit_code])
The job state is EXIT, and the job’s exit code satisfies the comparison test.
If you specify an exit code with no operator, the test is for equality (== is assumed).
If you specify only the job, any exit code satisfies the test.
external(job_ID | "job_name", "status_text")
The job has the specified job status.
204 Platform LSF Command Reference
If you specify the first word of the message description (no spaces), the text of the
job’s status begins with the specified word. Only the first word is evaluated.
job_ID | "job_name"
If you specify a job without a dependency condition, the test is for the DONE state
(LSF assumes the “done” dependency condition by default).
numdone(job_ID, operator number | *)
For a job array, the number of jobs in the DONE state satisfies the test. Use * (with
no operator) to specify all the jobs in the array.
numended(job_ID, operator number | *)
For a job array, the number of jobs in the DONE or EXIT states satisfies the test.
Use * (with no operator) to specify all the jobs in the array.
numexit(job_ID, operator number | *)
For a job array, the number of jobs in the EXIT state satisfies the test. Use * (with
no operator) to specify all the jobs in the array.
numhold(job_ID, operator number | *)
For a job array, the number of jobs in the PSUSP state satisfies the test. Use * (with
no operator) to specify all the jobs in the array.
numpend(job_ID, operator number | *)
For a job array, the number of jobs in the PEND state satisfies the test. Use * (with
no operator) to specify all the jobs in the array.
numrun(job_ID, operator number | *)
For a job array, the number of jobs in the RUN state satisfies the test. Use * (with no
operator) to specify all the jobs in the array.
numstart(job_ID, operator number | *)
For a job array, the number of jobs in the RUN, USUSP, or SSUSP states satisfies the
test. Use * (with no operator) to specify all the jobs in the array.
post_done(job_ID | "job_name")
The job state is POST_DONE (post-execution processing of the specified job has
completed without errors).
post_err(job_ID | "job_name")
The job state is POST_ERR (post-execution processing of the specified job has
completed with errors).
started(job_ID | "job_name")
The job state is:
◆PEND or PSUSP, and the job has a pre-execution command (bsub -E) that is
Platform LSF Command Reference 205
-wa 'signal'
Specifies the job action to be taken before a job control action occurs.
A job warning action must be specified with a job action warning time in order for
job warning to take effect.
If -wa is specified, LSF sends the warning action to the job before the actual control
action is taken. This allows the job time to save its result before being terminated by
the job control action.
The warning action specified by -wa option overrides JOB_WARNING_ACTION
in the queue. JOB_WARNING_ACTION is used as the default when no command
line option is specified.
For example the following specifies that 2 minutes before the job reaches its
runtime limit, an URG signal is sent to the job:
bsub -W 60 -wt '2' -wa 'URG' myjob
-wt '[hour:]minute'Specifies the amount of time before a job control action occurs that a job warning
action is to be taken. Job action warning time is not normalized.
A job action warning time must be specified with a job warning action in order for
job warning to take effect.
The warning time specified by the bsub -wt option overrides
JOB_ACTION_WARNING_TIME is used as the default when no command line
option is specified.
For example the following specifies that 2 minutes before the job reaches its
runtime limit, an URG signal is sent to the job:
bsub -W 60 -wt '2' -wa 'URG' myjob
-Zs Spools a job command file to the directory specified by the JOB_SPOOL_DIR
parameter in lsb.params, and uses the spooled file as the command file for the job.
By default, the command file is spooled to
LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/lsf_cmddir. If the lsf_cmddir directory does not
exist, LSF creates it before spooling the file. LSF removes the spooled file when the
job completes.
If JOB_SPOOL_DIR is specified, the -Zs option spools the command file to the
specified directory and uses the spooled file as the input file for the job.
JOB_SPOOL_DIR can be any valid path up to a maximum length up to 4094
characters on UNIX and Linux or up to 255 characters for Windows.
JOB_SPOOL_DIR must be readable and writable by the job submission user, and it
must be shared by the master host and the submission host. If the specified
directory is not accessible or does not exist, bsub -Zs cannot write to the default
directory LSB_SHAREDIR/cluster_name/lsf_cmddir and the job fails.
The -Zs option is not supported for embedded job commands because LSF is
unable to determine the first command to be spooled in an embedded job
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
206 Platform LSF Command Reference
command [argument]The job can be specified by a command line argument command, or through the
standard input if the command is not present on the command line. The command
can be anything that is provided to a UNIX Bourne shell (see sh(1)). command is
assumed to begin with the first word that is not part of a bsub option. All arguments
that follow command are provided as the arguments to the command.
The job command can be up to 4094 characters long for UNIX and Linux or up to
255 characters for Windows. If no job name is specified with -J, bjobs, bhist and
bacct displays the command as the job name.
If the batch job is not given on the command line, bsub reads the job commands
from standard input. If the standard input is a controlling terminal, the user is
prompted with bsub> for the commands of the job. The input is terminated by
entering CTRL-D on a new line. You can submit multiple commands through
standard input.
The commands are executed in the order in which they are given. bsub options can
also be specified in the standard input if the line begins with #BSUB; e.g., #BSUB -x.
If an option is given on both the bsub command line, and in the standard input, the
command line option overrides the option in the standard input. The user can
specify the shell to run the commands by specifying the shell path name in the first
line of the standard input, such as #!/bin/csh. If the shell is not given in the first
line, the Bourne shell is used. The standard input facility can be used to spool a
user’s job script; such as bsub < script.
See Examples for examples of specifying commands through standard input.
If the job is successfully submitted, displays the job ID and the queue to which the
job has been submitted.
bsub sleep 100
Submit the UNIX command sleep together with its argument 100 as a batch job.
bsub -q short -o my_output_file "pwd; ls"
Submit the UNIX command pwd and ls as a batch job to the queue named short
and store the job output in my_output file.
bsub -m "host1 host3 host8 host9" my_program
Submit my_program to run on one of the candidate hosts: host1, host3, host8 and
bsub -q "queue1 queue2 queue3" -c 5 my_program
Submit my_program to one of the candidate queues: queue1, queue2, and queue3
which are selected according to the CPU time limit specified by -c 5.
bsub -I ls
Submit a batch interactive job which displays the output of ls at the user’s terminal.
bsub -Ip vi myfile
Submit a batch interactive job to edit myfile.
bsub -Is csh
Platform LSF Command Reference 207
Submit a batch interactive job that starts csh as an interactive shell.
bsub -b 20:00 -J my_job_name my_program
Submit my_program to run after 8 p.m. and assign it the job name my_job_name.
bsub my_script
Submit my_script as a batch job. Since my_script is specified as a command line
argument, the my_script file is not spooled. Later changes to the my_script file
before the job completes may affect this job.
bsub < default_shell_script
where default_shell_script contains:
The file default_shell_script is spooled, and the commands are run under the
Bourne shell since a shell specification is not given in the first line of the script.
bsub < csh_script
where csh_script contains:
csh_script is spooled and the commands are run under /bin/csh.
bsub -q night < my_script
where my_script contains:
#BSUB -q test
#BSUB -o outfile -e errfile # my default stdout, stderr files
#BSUB -m "host1 host2" # my default candidate hosts
#BSUB -f "input > tmp" -f "output << tmp"
#BSUB -D 200 -c 10/host1
#BSUB -t 13:00
#BSUB -k "dir 5"
The job is submitted to the night queue instead of test, because the command line
overrides the script.
bsub -b 20:00 -J my_job_name
bsub> sleep 1800
bsub> my_program
bsub> CTRL-D
The job commands are entered interactively.
bsub -T 4 myjob
Submits myjob with a maximum number of concurrent threads of 4.
bsub -W 15 -sla Kyuquot sleep 100
Submit the UNIX command sleep together with its argument 100 as a batch job to
the service class named Kyuquot.
208 Platform LSF Command Reference
When using account mapping, the command bpeek(1) does not work. File transfer
via the -f option to bsub(1) requires rcp(1) to be working between the submission
and execution hosts. Use the -N option to request mail, and/or the -o and -e options
to specify an output file and error file, respectively.
See also
bjobs, bkill, bqueues, bhosts, bmgroup, bmod, bchkpnt, brestart, bgadd, bgdel,
bjgroup, sh, getrlimit, sbrk, libckpt.a, lsb.users, lsbqueues, lsb.params,
lsb.hosts, lsb.serviceclasses, mbatchd
Platform LSF Command Reference 209
switches unfinished jobs from one queue to another
bswitch [ -J job_name] [-m host_name | -m host_group] [-q queue_name]
[-u user_name | -u user_group |-u all] destination_queue [0]
bswitch destination_queue [job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]"] ...
bswitch [-h |-V]
Switches one or more of your unfinished jobs to the specified queue. LSF
administrators and root can switch jobs submitted by other users.
By default, switches one job, the most recently submitted job, or the most recently
submitted job that also satisfies other specified options (-m, -q, -u, or -J). Specify
-0 (zero) to switch multiple jobs.
The switch operation can be done only if a specified job is acceptable to the new
queue as if it were submitted to it, and, in case the job has been dispatched to a host,
if the host can be used by the new queue. If the switch operation is unsuccessful, the
job stays where it is.
If a switched job has not been dispatched, then its behavior is as if it were submitted
to the new queue in the first place.
If a switched job has been dispatched, then it is controlled by the loadSched and
loadStop vectors and other configuration parameters of the new queue, but its nice
value and resource limits remain the same.
Also, if a switched job has been dispatched, it is controlled by the PRIORITY and
RUN_WINDOW configuration parameters of the new queue.
Members of a chunk job can be switched to another queue. Running chunk job
members are removed from the chunk and switched; all other WAIT jobs are
requeued to PEND. For chunk jobs in WAIT state, only the WAIT job is removed
from the chunk and switched, and requeued to PEND.
The bswitch command is useful to change a job’s attributes inherited from the
0(Zero). Switches multiple jobs. Switches all the jobs that satisfy other specified
options (-m, -q, -u and -J).
-J job_name Only switches jobs that have the specified job name.
-m host_name | -m host_group
Only switches jobs dispatched to the specified host or host group.
-q queue_name Only switches jobs in the specified queue.
-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all
210 Platform LSF Command Reference
Only switches jobs submitted by the specified user, or all users if you specify the
keyword all. To specify a Windows user account, include the domain name in
uppercase letters and use a single backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) in a
Windows command line or a double backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in
a UNIX command line.
If you specify a user group, switches jobs submitted by all users in the group.
destination_queue Required. Specify the queue to which the job is to be moved.
job_ID ... |"job_ID[index_list]" ...
Switches only the specified jobs.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
You cannot switch a MultiCluster job.
See also
bqueues(1), bhosts(1), bugroup(1), bsub(1), bjobs(1)
Platform LSF Command Reference 211
moves a pending job relative to the first job in the queue
btop job_ID |"job_ID[index_list]" [position]
btop [-h |-V]
Changes the queue position of a pending job or a pending job array element, to
affect the order in which jobs are considered for dispatch.
By default, LSF dispatches jobs in a queue in the order of their arrival (that is, first
come, first served), subject to availability of suitable server hosts.
The btop command allows users and the LSF administrator to manually change the
order in which jobs are considered for dispatch. Users can only operate on their
own jobs, whereas the LSF administrator can operate on any user’s jobs. Users can
only change the relative position of their own jobs.
If invoked by the LSF administrator, btop moves the selected job before the first job
with the same priority submitted to the queue. The positions of all users’ jobs in the
queue can be changed by the LSF administrator.
If invoked by a regular user, btop moves the selected job before the first job with the
same priority submitted by the user to the queue. Pending jobs are displayed by
bjobs in the order in which they are considered for dispatch.
A user may use btop to change the dispatch order of his/her jobs scheduled using a
fairshare policy. However, if a job scheduled using a fairshare policy is moved by the
LSF administrator using btop, the job is not subject to further fairshare scheduling
unless the same job is subsequently moved by the LSF administrator using bbot; in
this case the job is scheduled again using the same fairshare policy (see the
FAIRSHARE keyword in lsb.queues(5) and HostPartition keyword in lsb.hosts
To prevent users from changing the queue position of a pending job with btop,
configure JOB_POSITION_CONTROL_BY_ADMIN=Y in lsb.params.
You c an not ru n btop on jobs pending in an absolute priority scheduling (APS)
job_ID | "job_ID[index_list]"
Required. Job ID of the job or of the job array on which to operate.
For a job array, the index list, the square brackets, and the quotation marks are
required. An index list is used to operate on a job array. The index list is a comma
separated list whose elements have the syntax start_index[-end_index[:step] ]
where start_index, end_index and step are positive integers. If the step is omitted, a
See also
212 Platform LSF Command Reference
step of one is assumed. The job array index starts at one. The maximum job array
index is 1000. All jobs in the array share the same job_ID and parameters. Each
element of the array is distinguished by its array index.
position Optional. The position argument can be specified to indicate where in the queue the
job is to be placed. position is a positive number that indicates the target position
of the job from the beginning of the queue. The positions are relative to only the
applicable jobs in the queue, depending on whether the invoker is a regular user or
the LSF administrator. The default value of 1 means the position is before all the
other jobs in the queue that have the same priority.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits
See also
bbot(1), bjobs(1), bswitch(1)
Platform LSF Command Reference 213
displays information about user groups
bugroup [-l] [-r] [-w] [user_group ...]
bugroup [-h |-V]
Displays user groups and user names for each group.
The default is to display information about all user groups.
-l Displays information in a long multi-line format. Also displays share distribution if
shares are configured.
-r Expands the user groups recursively. The expanded list contains only user names;
it does not contain the names of subgroups. Duplicate user names are listed only
-w Wide format. Displays user and user group names without truncating fields.
user_group ... Only displays information about the specified user groups. Do not use quotes when
specifying multiple user groups.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
In the list of users, a name followed by a slash (/) indicates a subgroup.
User groups and user shares are defined in the configuration file lsb.users(5).
See also
lsb.users(5), bmgroup(1), busers(1)
214 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays information about users and user groups
busers [-w] [user_name ... | user_group ... | all]
busers [-h |-V]
Displays information about users and user groups.
By default, displays information about the user who runs the command.
user_name ... | user_group ... | all
Displays information about the specified users or user groups, or about all users if
you specify all. To specify a Windows user account, include the domain name in
uppercase letters and use a single backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) in a
Windows command line or a double backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in
a UNIX command line.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
-w Prints user and user group pending job thresholds and exits.
A listing of the users and user groups is displayed with the following fields:
The name of the user or user group.
The maximum number of job slots that can be processed simultaneously for the
specified users on each processor. For non-preemptive scheduling, these job slots
are used by running and suspended jobs or by pending jobs which have jobs slots
reserved for them. For preemptive scheduling, these job slots are used by running
jobs or by pending jobs which have slots reserved for them. (see the description of
PREEMPTION in lsb.queues). This job limit is configured per processor so that
multiprocessor hosts have more job slots. If the dash character (-) is displayed, there
is no limit. JL/P is defined in the LSF configuration file lsb.users.
The maximum number of job slots that can be processed concurrently for the
specified users’ jobs. For non-preemptive scheduling, these job slots are used by
running and suspended jobs or by pending jobs which have job slots reserved for
them. For preemptive scheduling, these job slots are used by running jobs or by
Platform LSF Command Reference 215
pending jobs which have job slots reserved for them. (see the description of
PREEMPTIVE in lsb.queues). If the character ‘–’ is displayed, there is no limit.
MAX is defined by the MAX_JOBS parameter in the configuration file
The current number of job slots used by specified users’ jobs. A parallel job that is
pending is counted as n job slots for it uses n job slots in the queue when it is
The number of pending job slots used by jobs of the specified users.
The number of job slots used by running jobs of the specified users.
The number of job slots used by the system-suspended jobs of the specified users.
The number of job slots used by user-suspended jobs of the specified users.
The number of job slots used by pending jobs of the specified users which have job
slots reserved for them.
The pending job threshold for the specified users or user groups. MPEND is
defined by the MAX_PEND_JOBS parameter in the configuration file lsb.users.
See also
bugroup, lsb.users, lsb.queues
216 Platform LSF Command Reference
changes the host on which subsequent commands are to be executed
ch [-S] [-t] [host_name]
ch [-h |-V]
Changes the host on which subsequent commands are to be executed.
By default, if no arguments are specified, changes the current host to the home host,
the host from which the ch command was issued.
By default, executes commands on the home host.
By default, shell mode support is not enabled.
By default, does not display execution time of tasks.
The ch command allows you to quickly change to a designated host with the same
execution environment. A simple shell is started that delivers all subsequent
commands (except built-in commands) to the designated host for execution.
When the simple shell starts, it is in the current working directory and has the same
command execution environment as that of the parent shell. Every remotely
dispatched command is executed with the same environment as that on the home
host. The syntax of the ch command is similar to that of the Bourne shell. However,
there are some important differences.
The ampersand (&) following a command line (representing a background job in
the Bourne shell) is ignored by ch. You can submit background jobs in ch with the
built-in post command and bring them into the foreground with the built-in
contact command (see below for details).
ch recognizes a ~ (tilde) as a special path name. If a ~ (tilde) is followed by a space,
tab, new line or / (slash) character, then the ~ character is translated into the user’s
home directory. Otherwise, the ~ is translated as the home directory of the user
name given by the string following the ~ character. Pipelines, lists of commands and
redirection of standard input/output are all handled by invoking /bin/sh.
The following sequence of commands illustrates the behavior of the ch command.
For example, the user is currently on hostA:
ch hostB
hostB> ch hostC
hostC> ch
hostA> ... ...
-S Starts remote tasks with shell mode support. Shell mode support is required for
running interactive shells or applications which redefine the CTRL-C and CTRL-Z
keys (for example, jove).
Platform LSF Command Reference 217
-t Turns on the timing option. The amount of time each subsequent command takes
to execute is displayed.
host_name Executes subsequent commands on the specified host.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
The ch command interprets the following built-in commands:
cd [directory_name]Changes the current working directory to the specified directory. If a directory is
not specified, changes to the user’s home directory by default.
ch [host_name]Changes the current working host to the specified host. If a host is not specified,
changes to the home host by default.
post [command [argument ...]]
Posts the specified command for execution in the background on the current
working host. ch assigns a unique task ID to this command and displays this ID,
then continues to interact with the user. However, the output of background jobs
may disturb the screen. You can post multiple commands on one host or on
different hosts. When a previously posted command is completed, ch reports its
status to the standard error. If a command is not specified, ch displays all currently
running background commands.
contact task_ID Brings a previously posted background command into the foreground. task_ID is
the ID returned by the post command. Standard input is now passed to this
foreground command. You cannot put an active foreground job into the
background. A command that has been brought into the foreground with the
contact command cannot be put back into the background.
exit Exits ch if there are no posted commands running. Typing an EOF character
(usually CTRL-D but may be set otherwise, see stty(1)) forces ch to exit;
uncompleted posted commands are killed.
Currently, the ch command does not support script, history, nor alias.
The ch prompt is always the current working host:current working directory
followed by a > (right angle bracket) character. If the ch session is invoked by a shell
that supports job control (such as tcsh or ksh), CTRL-Z suspends the whole ch
session. The exit status of a command line is printed to stderr if the status is
See also
lsrun(1), rsh(1), stty(1)
218 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays accounting statistics on finished RES tasks in the LSF system
lsacct [-l] [-C time0,time1] [-S time0,time1] [-f logfile_name]
[-m host_name] [-u user_name ... | -u all] [pid ...]
lsacct [-h |-V]
Displays statistics on finished tasks run through RES. When a remote task
completes, RES logs task statistics in the task log file.
By default, displays accounting statistics for only tasks owned by the user who
invoked the lsacct command.
By default, displays accounting statistics for tasks executed on all hosts in the LSF
By default, displays statistics for tasks logged in the task log file currently used by
RES: LSF_RES_ACCTDIR/lsf.acct.host_name or /tmp/lsf.acct.host_name
(see lsf.acct(5)).
If -l is not specified, the default is to display the fields in SUMMARY only (see
The RES on each host writes its own accounting log file. These files can be merged
using the lsacctmrg command to generate statistics for the entire LSF cluster.
All times are reported in seconds. All sizes are reported in kilobytes.
-l Per-task statistics. Displays statistics about each task. See OUTPUT for a
description of information that is displayed.
-C time0,time1 Displays accounting statistics for only tasks that completed or exited during the
specified time interval.
The time format is the same as in bhist(1).
-f logfile_name Searches the specified task log file for accounting statistics. Specify either an
absolute or a relative path.
Useful for analyzing old task log files or files merged with the lsacctmrg
-m host_name ... Displays accounting statistics for only tasks executed on the specified hosts.
If a list of hosts is specified, host names must be separated by spaces and enclosed
in quotation marks (") or (’).
-S time0,time1 Displays accounting statistics for only tasks that began executing during the
specified time interval.
The time format is the same as in bhist(1).
Platform LSF Command Reference 219
-u user_name ... | -u all Displays accounting statistics for only tasks owned by the specified users, or by all
users if the keyword all is specified.
If a list of users is specified, user names must be separated by spaces and enclosed
in quotation marks (") or (’). You can specify both user names and user IDs in the
list of users. To specify a Windows user account, include the domain name in
uppercase letters and use a single backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) in a
Windows command line or a double backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) in
a UNIX command line.
pid ... Displays accounting statistics for only tasks with the specified pid. This option
overrides all other options except for -l, -f, -h, -V.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
SUMMARY (default format)
Overall statistics for tasks.
The total, average, maximum and minimum resource usage statistics apply to all
specified tasks.
The following fields are displayed:
Total number of tasks
Total number of tasks including tasks completed successfully and total number of
exited tasks.
Time range of started tasks
Start time of the first and last task selected.
Time range of ended tasks
Completion or exit time of the first and last task selected.
Resource usage of tasks selected
See getrusage (2).
CPU time Total CPU time consumed by the task.
Page faults Number of page faults.
Swaps Number of times the process was swapped out.
Blocks in Number of input blocks.
Blocks out Number of output blocks.
Messages sent Number of System VIPC messages sent.
Messages rcvd Number of IPC messages received.
220 Platform LSF Command Reference
Voluntary cont sw Number of voluntary context switches.
Involuntary con sw Number of involuntary context switches.
Turnaround Elapsed time from task execution to task completion.
Per Task Statistics ( -l)
In addition to the fields displayed by default in SUMMARY, displays the following
fields for each task:
Starting time Time the task started.
User and host name User who submitted the task, host from which the task was submitted, in the format
PID UNIX process ID of the task.
Execution host Host on which the command was run.
Command line Complete command line that was executed.
CWD Current working directory of the task.
Completion time Time at which the task completed.
Exit status UNIX exit status of the task.
Reads lsf.acct.host_name
See also
lsf.acct(5), lsacctmrg(1), res(8), bhist(1)
Platform LSF Command Reference 221
merges task log files
lsacctmrg [-f] logfile_name ... target_logfile_name
lsacctmrg [-h |-V]
Merges specified task log files into the specified target file in chronological order
according to completion time.
All files must be in the format specified in lsf.acct (see lsf.acct(5)).
-f Overwrites the target file without prompting for confirmation.
logfile_name ... Specify log files to be merged into the target file, separated by spaces. Specify either
an absolute or a relative path.
target_logfile_name Specify the file into which all log files are to be merged. Specify either an absolute
or a relative path. The target file cannot be part of the files to be merged.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
lsf.acct(5), res(8)
222 Platform LSF Command Reference
administrative tool for LSF
lsadmin subcommand
lsadmin [-h |-V]
CAUTION:This command can only be used by LSF administrators.
lsadmin is a tool that executes privileged commands to control LIM and RES
operations in the LSF cluster.
If no subcommands are supplied for lsadmin, lsadmin prompts for subcommands
from the standard input.
For subcommands for which multiple host names or host groups can be specified,
do not enclose the multiple names in quotation marks.
Subcommand List
ckconfig [-v]
reconfig [-f] [-v]
limstartup [-f] [host_name ... |all]
limshutdown [-f] [host_name ... | all]
limrestart [-v] [-f] [host_name ... | all]
limlock [-l time_seconds]
resstartup [-f] [host_name ... | all]
resshutdown [-f][host_name ... | all]
resrestart [-f] [host_name ... | all]
reslogon [-c cpu_time] [host_name ... | all]
reslogoff [host_name ... | all]
limdebug [-c "class_name ..."] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
["host_name ..."]
resdebug [-c "class_name"] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o]
["host_name ..."]
limtime [-l timing_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] ["host_name ..."]
restime [-l timing_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] ["host_name ..."]
showconf lim [ host_name … | all ]
help [subcommand ...] | ? [subcommand ...]
Platform LSF Command Reference 223
subcommand Executes the specified subcommand. See Usage section.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
ckconfig [-v] Checks LSF configuration files.
Displays detailed messages about configuration file checking.
reconfig [-f] [-v] Restarts LIMs on all hosts in the cluster. You should use reconfig after changing
configuration files. The configuration files are checked before all LIMs in the
cluster are restarted. If the configuration files are not correct, reconfiguration is not
If LSF_MASTER_LIST is specified in lsf.conf, you are prompted to confirm the
reconfiguration for only the master candidate hosts.
Disables user interaction and forces LIM to restart on all hosts in the cluster if no
fatal errors are found. This option is useful in batch mode.
Displays detailed messages about configuration file checking.
limstartup [-f] [host_name ... |all]
Starts LIM on the local host if no arguments are specified.
Starts LIMs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if the word all is the
only argument provided. You are prompted to confirm LIM startup.
Only root and users listed in the parameter LSF_STARTUP_USERS in
lsf.sudoers(5) can use the all and -f options to start LIM as root.
These users must also be able to use rsh or ssh on all LSF hosts without having to
type in passwords. If permission to start up LIMs as root is not configured,
limstartup starts up LIMs as yourself after your confirmation.
The shell command specified by LSF_RSH in lsf.conf is used before rsh is tried.
Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for starting LIMs.
limshutdown [-f] [host_name ... | all]
Shuts down LIM on the local host if no arguments are supplied.
Shuts down LIMs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if the word all
is specified. You are prompted to confirm LIM shutdown.
224 Platform LSF Command Reference
Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for shutting down LIMs.
limrestart [-v] [-f] [host_name ... | all]
Restarts LIM on the local host if no arguments are supplied.
Restarts LIMs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if the word all is
specified. You are prompted to confirm LIM restart.
limrestart should be used with care. Do not make any modifications until all the
LIMs have completed the startup process. If you execute limrestart
host_name... to restart some of the LIMs after changing the configuration files,
but other LIMs are still running the old configuration, confusion arises among
these LIMs. To avoid this situation, use reconfig instead of limrestart.
Displays detailed messages about configuration file checking.
Disables user interaction and forces LIM to restart if no fatal errors are found. This
option is useful in batch mode. limrestart -f all is the same as reconfig -f.
limlock [-l time_seconds]
Locks LIM on the local host until it is explicitly unlocked if no time is specified.
When a host is locked, LIM’s load status becomes lockU. No job is sent to a locked
host by LSF.
-l time_seconds
The host is locked for the specified time in seconds.
LSF suspends all non-exclusive jobs running on the host. This is useful if a machine
is running an exclusive job requiring all the available CPU time and/or memory. If
LSB_DISABLE_LIMLOCK_EXCL=y (to enable preemption of exclusive jobs, for
example) LSF suspends all jobs, including exclusive jobs.
limunlock Unlocks LIM on the local host.
resstartup [-f] [host_name ... | all]
Starts RES on the local host if no arguments are specified.
Starts RESs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if the word all is
specified. You are prompted to confirm RES startup.
Only root and users defined by the LSF_STARTUP_USERS parameter in
lsf.sudoers(5) can use the all and -f options to start RES as root.
These users must be able to use rsh or ssh on all LSF hosts without having to type
in passwords. For root installation to work properly, lsadmin must be installed as
a setuid to root program.
The shell command specified by LSF_RSH in lsf.conf is used before rsh is tried.
Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for starting RESs.
resshutdown [-f] [host_name ... | all]
Shuts down RES on the local host if no arguments are specified.
Platform LSF Command Reference 225
Shuts down RESs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if the word all
is specified. You are prompted to confirm RES shutdown.
If RES is running, it keeps running until all remote tasks exit.
Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for shutting down RESs.
resrestart [-f] [host_name ... | all]
Restarts RES on the local host if no arguments are specified.
Restarts RESs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if the word all is
specified. You are prompted to confirm RES restart.
If RES is running, it keeps running until all remote tasks exit. While waiting for
remote tasks to exit, another RES is restarted to serve the new queries.
Disables interaction and does not ask for confirmation for restarting RESs.
reslogon [-c cpu_time] [host_name ... | all]
Logs all tasks executed by RES on the local host if no arguments are specified.
Logs tasks executed by RESs on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if
all is specified.
RES writes the task’s resource usage information into the log file
lsf.acct.host_name. The location of the log file is determined by
LSF_RES_ACCTDIR defined in lsf.conf. If LSF_RES_ACCTDIR is not defined,
or RES cannot access it, the log file is created in /tmp instead.
-c cpu_time
Logs only tasks that use more than the specified amount of CPU time. The amount
of CPU time is specified by cpu_time in milliseconds.
reslogoff [host_name ... | all]
Turns off RES task logging on the specified hosts or on all hosts in the cluster if all
is specified.
If no arguments are specified, turns off RES task logging on the local host.
limdebug [-c "class_name ..."] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] ["host_name ..."]
Sets the message log level for LIM to include additional information in log files. You
must be root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
If the command is used without any options, the following default values are used:
class_name=0 (no additional classes are logged)
debug_level=0 (LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LSF_LOG_MASK)
logfile_name=current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in the
format daemon_name.log.host_name
host_name= local host (host from which command was submitted)
In MultiCluster, debug levels can only be set for hosts within the same cluster. For
example, you could not set debug or timing levels from a host in clusterA for a
host in clusterB. You need to be on a host in clusterB to set up debug or timing
levels for clusterB hosts.
226 Platform LSF Command Reference
-c "class_name ..."
Specify software classes for which debug messages are to be logged. If a list of classes
is specified, they must be enclosed in quotation marks and separated by spaces.
Possible classes:
LC_AFS - Log AFS messages
LC_AUTH - Log authentication messages
LC_CHKPNT - log checkpointing messages
LC_COMM - Log communication messages
LC_CONF - Print out all parameters in lsf.conf (and ego.conf
LC_DCE - Log messages pertaining to DCE support
LC_EXEC - Log significant steps for job execution
LC_FILE - Log file transfer messages
LC_HANG - Mark where a program might hang
LC_LICENCE - Log license management messages
LC_MULTI - Log messages pertaining to MultiCluster
LC_PIM - Log PIM messages
LC_SIGNAL - Log messages pertaining to signals
LC_TRACE - Log significant program walk steps
LC_XDR - Log everything transferred by XDR
Default: 0 (no additional classes are logged)-f
NOTE: Classes are also listed in lsf.h.
-l debug_level
Specify level of detail in debug messages. The higher the number, the more detail
that is logged. Higher levels include all lower levels.
Possible values:
0 - LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LSF_LOG_MASK in lsf.conf.
1 - LOG_DEBUG1 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2 LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
2 - LOG_DEBUG2 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2 LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
3 - LOG_DEBUG3 level for extended logging. A higher level includes lower logging
levels. For example, LOG_DEBUG3 includes LOG_DEBUG2, LOG_DEBUG1, and
LOG_DEBUG levels.
Default: 0 (LOG_DEBUG level in parameter LSF_LOG_MASK)
-f logfile_name
Specify the name of the file into which debugging messages are to be logged. A file
name with or without a full path may be specified.
Platform LSF Command Reference 227
If a file name without a path is specified, the file is saved in the LSF system log file
The name of the file created has the following format:
On UNIX, if the specified path is not valid, the log file is created in the /tmp
On Windows, no log file is created.
Default: current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in the
format daemon_name.log.host_name.
Turns off temporary debug settings and reset them to the daemon starting state.
The message log level is reset back to the value of LSF_LOG_MASK and classes are
reset to the value of LSF_DEBUG_RES, LSF_DEBUG_LIM.
Log file is reset back to the default log file.
"host_name ..."
Sets debug settings on the specified host or hosts.
Default: local host (host from which command was submitted)
resdebug [-c "class_name"] [-l debug_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] ["host_name ..."]
Sets the message log level for RES to include additional information in log files. You
must be the LSF administrator to use this command, not root.
See description of limdebug for an explanation of options.
limtime [-l timing_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] ["host_name ..."]
Sets timing level for LIM to include additional timing information in log files. You
must be root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
If the command is used without any options, the following default values are used:
timing_level=no timing information is recorded
logfile_name=current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in the
format daemon_name.log.host_name
host_name=local host (host from which command was submitted)
In MultiCluster, timing levels can only be set for hosts within the same cluster. For
example, you could not set debug or timing levels from a host in clusterA for a
host in clusterB. You need to be on a host in clusterB to set up debug or timing
levels for clusterB hosts.
-l timing_level
Specifies detail of timing information that is included in log files. Timing messages
indicate the execution time of functions in the software and are logged in
Valid values: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
The higher the number, the more functions in the software that are timed and
whose execution time is logged. The lower numbers include more common
software functions. Higher levels include all lower levels.
228 Platform LSF Command Reference
Default: undefined (no timing information is logged)
-f logfile_name
Specify the name of the file into which timing messages are to be logged. A file
name with or without a full path may be specified.
If a file name without a path is specified, the file is saved in the LSF system log file
The name of the file created has the following format:
On UNIX, if the specified path is not valid, the log file is created in the /tmp
On Windows, no log file is created.
NOTE:Both timing and debug messages are logged in the same files.
Default: current LSF system log file in the LSF system log file directory, in the
format daemon_name.log.host_name.
Turns off temporary timing settings and resets them to the daemon starting state.
The timing level is reset back to the value of the parameter for the corresponding
Log file is reset back to the default log file.
"host_name ..."
Sets the timing level on the specified host or hosts.
Default: local host (host from which command was submitted)
restime [-l timing_level] [-f logfile_name] [-o] ["host_name ..."]
Sets timing level for RES to include additional timing information in log files. You
must be the LSF administrator can use this command, not root.
See description of limtime for an explanation of options.
showconf lim [ host_name … | all ]
Display all configured parameters and their values set in lsf.conf or ego.conf
that affect lim.
Use lsadmin showconf lim to display the parameters configured in lsf.conf
and ego.conf that apply to root LIM. By default, lsadmin displays the local LIM
parameters. You can optionally specify the host to display the LIM parameters.
In a MultiCluster environment, lsadmin showconf only displays the parameters of
daemons on the local cluster.
Running lsadmin showconf from a master candidate host reaches all server hosts
in the cluster. Running lsadmin showconf from a slave-only host may not be able
to reach other slave-only hosts.
You c an not ru n lsadmin showconf lim from client hosts. lsadmin shows only
server host configuration, not client host configuration.
lsadmin showconf only displays the values used by LSF.
Platform LSF Command Reference 229
LIM reads EGO_MASTER_LIST from wherever it is defined. You can define either
LSF_MASTER_LIST in lsf.conf or EGO_MASTER_LIST in ego.conf. LIM
reads lsf.conf first, and ego.conf if EGO is enabled in the LSF cluster. LIM only
takes the value of LSF_MASTER_LIST if EGO_MASTER_LIST is not defined at all
in ego.conf.
For example, if EGO is enabled in the LSF cluster, and you define
LSF_MASTER_LIST in lsf.conf, and EGO_MASTER_LIST in ego.conf,
lsadmin showconf displays the value of EGO_MASTER_LIST in ego.conf.
If EGO is disabled, ego.conf not loaded, so whatever is defined in lsf.conf is
help [subcommand ...] | ? [subcommand ...]
Displays the syntax and functionality of the specified commands. The commands
must be explicit to lsadmin.
From the command prompt, you may use help or ?.
quit Exits the lsadmin session.
See also
ls_limcontrol, ls_rescontrol, ls_readconfenv, ls_gethostinfo,
ls_connect, ls_initrex, lsf.conf, lsf.sudoers, lsf.acct, bmgroup, busers
230 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays configuration information about LSF clusters
lsclusters [-l] [cluster_name ...]
lsclusters [-h |-V]
Displays configuration information about LSF clusters.
By default, returns information about the local cluster and all other clusters of
which the local cluster is aware (all clusters defined in the RemoteClusters section
of lsf.cluster.cluster_name if that section exists, otherwise all clusters defined in
-l Long format. Displays additional information.
cluster_name ... Only displays information about the specified clusters.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Default Output
The information includes: cluster name, cluster master host, primary cluster
administrator’s login name, total number of hosts in the cluster, and the number of
server hosts in the cluster.
A listing of the clusters is displayed with the following fields:
CLUSTER_NAME The name of the cluster.
STATUS The current status of the cluster. Possible values are:
The cluster is in normal load sharing state, and exchanges load information with the
local cluster.
The cluster is unavailable.
MASTER_HOST The name of the cluster’s master host.
ADMIN The user account name of the cluster’s primary LSF administrator.
HOSTS Number of LSF static client and server hosts in the cluster. The HOSTS field does
not include floating clients.
Platform LSF Command Reference 231
SERVERS Number of LSF server hosts in the cluster.
Long Format (-l)
If this option is specified, the command also lists available resource names, host
types, host models and cluster administrator’s login names, and whether local
cluster accepts or sends interactive jobs to this cluster.
See also
ls_info, ls_policy, ls_clusterinfo lsf.cluster
232 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays whether a task is eligible for remote execution
lseligible [-r] [-q] [-s] task
lseligible [-h |-V]
Displays whether the specified task is eligible for remote execution.
By default, only tasks in the remote task list are considered eligible for remote
-q Quiet mode. Displays only the resource requirement string defined for the task. The
string ELIGIBLE or NON-ELIGIBLE is omitted.
-r Remote mode. Considers eligible for remote execution any task not included in the
local task list.
-s Silent mode. No output is produced. The -q and -s options are useful for shell
scripts which operate by testing the exit status (see DIAGNOSTICS).
task Specify a command.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
If the task is eligible, the string ELIGIBLE followed by the resource requirements
associated with the task are printed to stdout. Otherwise, the string
NON-ELIGIBLE is printed to stdout.
If lseligible prints ELIGIBLE with no resource requirements, the task has the
default requirements of CPU consumption and memory usage.
lseligible has the following exit statuses:
0 Task is eligible for remote execution
1 Command is to be executed locally
-1 Syntax errors
-10 A failure is detected in the LSF system
See also
ls_eligible(3), lsrtasks(1), lsf.task(5)
Platform LSF Command Reference 233
runs lsfinstall, the Platform LSF installation and configuration script
lsfinstall -f install.config
lsfinstall -s -f slave.config
lsfinstall -h
lsfinstall runs the LSF installation scripts and configuration utilities to install a
new Platform LSF cluster or upgrade LSF from a previous release.
To install a fully operational LSF cluster that all users can access, you should install
as root.
You c an r u n lsfinstall as a non-root user, with limitations.
Required install.config variables
◆LSF_ADMINS="user_name [user_name...]"
Required slave.config variables
If you use slave.config for dynamic slave host installation, the following
parameters are required:
◆LSF_SERVER_HOSTS="host_name [host_name ...]"
Variables that require an absolute path
What lsfinstall does
Before installing and configuring LSF, lsfinstall checks the installation
prerequisites, and outputs the results to lsfprechk.rpt. lsfinstall writes any
unrecoverable errors to the Install.err file and exits. You must correct these
errors before continuing to install and configure LSF.
During installation, lsfinstall logs installation progress in the Install.log file,
calls other utilities to uncompress, extract and copy product files, installs a license,
and configures the cluster.
234 Platform LSF Command Reference
After installation, you should run hostsetup to set up each server host in the
cluster. After setting up the server hosts, you should start your cluster and test the
installation by running some basic commands.
Where lsfinstall is located
lsfinstall is included in the LSF installation script tar file
lsf7Update3_lsfinstall.tar.Z and is located in the lsf7Update3_lsfinstall
directory created when you uncompress and extract installation script tar file.
After installation, lsfinstall is located in LSF_TOP/7.0/install/.
Before running lsfinstall
1Plan your installation by choosing:
❖LSF installation directory on file server
(e.g., LSF_TOP="/usr/share/lsf")
❖LSF hosts (master host, server hosts, and client-only hosts; e.g.,
LSF_ADDSERVERS="hosta hostb hostc")
❖Cluster name (39 characters or less with no white spaces; e.g.,
IMPORTANT:Do not use the name of any host, user, or user group as the name of your
❖Primary LSF administrator (owns the LSF configuration files and log files;
e.g., LSF_ADMINS="lsfadmin")
❖LSF server hosts that are candidates to become the master host for the
cluster, if you are installing a new host to be dynamically added to the
cluster (e.g., LSF_MASTER_LIST="hosta hostb")
2Prepare your systems for installation:
❖Make sure the installation file system on the file server host has enough
disk space for all hosts types (approximately 300 MB per host type).
❖Make sure the top-level installation directory (LSF_TOP) is accessible with
the same path name from all hosts in the cluster (e.g., /usr/share/lsf).
❖Create user accounts for LSF administrators (e.g., lsfadmin).
❖Read the “Release Notes for Platform LSF”
(/distrib/7.0/lsf7Update3_release_notes.html) on the
ftp.platform.com FTP site for detailed steps for downloading LSF
distribution tar files
❖Get the LSF installation script tar file lsf7Update3_lsfinstall.tar.Z
and extract it. For example:
#zcat lsf7Update3_lsfinstall.tar.Z | tar xvf -
❖Read lsf7Update3_lsfinstall/README for information about the
contents of lsf7Update3_lsfinstall.tar.Z.
❖Get the distribution tar files for all host types you need.
Platform LSF Command Reference 235
❖Put the distribution files in the same directory as
TIP:Do not uncompress and extract the distribution tar files.
❖Get a valid license key and create a license file (license.dat) in the same
directory as the distribution files and lsf7Update3_lsfinstall.tar.Z.
CAUTION:If you do not specify a license file with LSF_LICENSE, or lsfinstall cannot find
a license file in the default location, lsfinstall exits.
❖Make sure the installation file system containing LSF_TOP is writable by
the user account that is running lsfinstall.
Running lsfinstall
1Log on as root to the installation file server.
2Edit lsf7Update3_lsfinstall/install.config or
Uncomment the options you want in the template file, and replace the example
values with your own settings.
To enable Platform LSF HPC installation, specific ENABLE_HPC_INST=Y in
TIP:The sample values in the install.config and slave.config template files are examples only. They
are not default installation values.
3Change to lsf7Update3_lsfinstall/.
4Run lsfinstall:
❖# ./lsfinstall -f install.config
❖# ./lsfinstall -s -f slave.config
5Before using your cluster, read the following:
❖lsf7Update3_lsfinstall/lsf_getting_started.html to find out how
to set up your LSF hosts, start LSF and test your new cluster.
❖lsf7Update3_lsfinstall/lsf_quick_admin.html to learn more about
your new cluster.
If you install as a non-root user
You can install as a non-root user with some limitations. During installation,
lsfinstall detects that you are not root. You must choose to configure either a
multi-user cluster or a single-user cluster:
◆Single-user— Your user account must be primary LSF administrator. You can
start LSF daemons, but only your user account can submit jobs to the cluster.
Your user account must be able to read the system kernel information, such as
236 Platform LSF Command Reference
◆Multi-user—By default, only root can start the LSF daemons. Any user can
submit jobs to your cluster. To make the cluster available to other users, you
must manually change the ownership and setuid bit for lsadmin and badmin to
root, and the file permission mode to -rwsr-xr-x (4755) so that the user ID bit
for the owner is setuid.
Use the following commands to set the correct owner, user ID bit, and file
permission mode for a multi-user cluster:
# chown root lsadmin badmin eauth swtbl_api ntbl_api
# chmod 4755 lsadmin badmin eauth swtbl_api ntbl_api
After installing Platform LSF
1Optional. Run hostsetup to configure host-based resources and set up
automatic LSF startup on your server hosts.
TIP:For Platform LSF HPC hosts, running hostsetup is optional on AIX and Linux. You must run
hostsetup on SGI IRIX, TRIX, and Altix hosts, and on HP-UX hosts.
aLog on to each server host as root. Start with the master host. If you are not
root, you can continue with host setup, but by default, only root can start
the LSF daemons.
bRun hostsetup on each server host. For example:
# cd /usr/share/lsf/7.0/install
# ./hostsetup --top="/usr/share/lsf" --boot="y"
TIP:For complete hostsetup usage, enter hostsetup -h.
2Log on to the LSF master host as root, and set your LSF environment:
❖For csh or tcsh:
% source LSF_TOP/conf/cshrc.lsf
❖For sh, ksh, or bash:
$ . LSF_TOP/conf/profile.lsf
3Run lsfstartup to start the cluster.
TIP:For large cluster, where cluster management software exists, you should use /etc/init.d lsf
start instead of lsfstartup.
4Test your cluster by running some basic commands (e.g., lsid, lshosts,
After testing your cluster, be sure all LSF users include LSF_CONFDIR/cshrc.lsf or
LSF_CONFDIR/profile.lsf in their .cshrc or .profile.
Follow the steps in lsf7Update3_lsfinstall/lsf_quick_admin.html for using
LSF_CONFDIR/cshrc.lsf and LSF_CONFDIR/profile.lsf to set up the
Platform LSF environment for users.
Platform LSF Command Reference 237
hostsetup example
The following example sets up a host to use the cluster installed in
/usr/share/lsf. It also configures the LSF daemons to start automatically
# hostsetup --top="/usr/share/lsf" --boot="y"
Running host setup remotely (rhostsetup)
Use the rhostsetup script to launch hostsetup on remote hosts.
rhostsetup uses either ssh or rsh. It is included in the installation script tar file
lsf7Update3_lsfinstall.tar.Z and is located in the lsf7Update3_lsfinstall
directory created when you uncompress and extract installation script tar file.
After installation, rhostsetup is located in LSF_TOP/7.0/install/.
rhostsetup parameters
Before using rhostsetup, you must configure the following parameters at the top
of the script:
◆LSF_RSHCMD—the remote shell command (e.g, rsh or ssh) accessing the
remote host
◆LSF_HOSTS—list of hosts to run hostsetup on
◆LSF_TOPDIR—sets the hostsetup --top option. Specify the full path to the
top-level installation directory. rhostsetup tries to detect this from lsf.conf
if it is not defined here.
◆LSF_BOOT—sets the hostsetup --boot option. Default is no (n).
◆LSF_QUIET—sets the hostsetup --quiet option. Default is no (n).
Example rshostsetup configuration
LSF_RSHCMD="ssh -n"
LSF_HOSTS="hostA hostB hostC"
-f option_file Name of the file containing the installation options. The file can be any name you
choose. The name of the default template file for normal installation is
install.config. To install slave hosts for dynamic host configuration, use the
template file slave.config.
-s Install a dynamic slave host.
Specify installation options in the slave.config file.
Required parameters:
◆LSF_SERVER_HOSTS="host_name [host_name ...]"
See also
238 Platform LSF Command Reference
Optional parameters:
If the master host does not use the default LSF_LIM_PORT, you must specify the
same LSF_LIM_PORT defined in lsf.conf on the master host.
LSF_LOCAL_RESOURCES="resource ..."
Defines the local resources for a dynamic host.
◆For numeric resources, defined name-value pairs:
"[resourcemap value*resource_name]"
◆For Boolean resources, the value is the resource name in the form:
"[resource resource_name]"
For example:
LSF_LOCAL_RESOURCES="[hostname hostA] [server 1] [resourcemap
1*verilog] [resource linux]"
TIP:If LSF_LOCAL_RESOURCES are already defined in a local lsf.conf on the slave host,
lsfinstall does not add resources you define in LSF_LOCAL_RESOURCES in slave.config.
lsfinstall creates a local lsf.conf for the slave host, which sets the following
◆LSF_LOCAL_RESOURCES="resource ..."
◆LSF_SERVER_HOSTS="host_name [host_name ...]"
-h Prints command usage and exits.
See also
lsf.conf, install.config, slave.config
Platform LSF Command Reference 239
installs or uninstalls LSF Monitor
lsfmon -install
lsfmon -remove
Installs or uninstalls LSF Monitor in an existing cluster.
LSF Monitor runs on Microsoft Windows and allows you to use Windows
Performance Monitor to chart information about the LSF cluster.
The LSF Monitor service runs under the account of an LSF cluster administrator.
-install Installs LSF Monitor on the host.
-remove Removes LSF Monitor from the host.
240 Platform LSF Command Reference
restarts LIM, RES, sbatchd and mbatchd on all hosts in the cluster
lsfrestart [-f |-h |-V]
CAUTION:This command can only be used by root or users listed in lsf.sudoers.
Restarts LIM, RES, sbatchd and mbatchd, in that order, on all hosts in the local
By default, prompts for confirmation of the next operation if an error is
In order to be able to control all daemons in the cluster:
◆The file /etc/lsf.sudoers has to be set up properly.
◆You must be able to run the rsh or ssh command across all LSF hosts without
having to enter a password. See your operating system documentation for
information about configuring the rsh and ssh commands.
The shell command specified by LSF_RSH in lsf.conf is used before rsh is tried.
-f Force mode. Continues to restart daemons even if an error is encountered.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
lsadmin(8), badmin(8), lsfshutdown(8), lsf.sudoers(5)
Platform LSF Command Reference 241
shuts down LIM, RES, sbatchd and mbatchd on all hosts in the cluster
lsfshutdown [-f | -h |-V]
CAUTION:This command can only be used by root or users listed in lsf.sudoers.
Shuts down sbatchd, RES, LIM, and mbatchd, in that order, on all hosts.
By default, prompts for confirmation of the next operation if an error is
In order to be able to control all daemons in the cluster:
◆The file /etc/lsf.sudoers has to be set up properly.
◆You must be able to run the rsh or ssh command across all LSF hosts without
having to enter a password. See your operating system documentation for
information about configuring the rsh and ssh commands.
The shell command specified by LSF_RSH in lsf.conf is used before rsh is tried.
-f Force mode. Continues to shut down daemons even if an error is encountered.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
lsadmin(8), badmin(8), lsfrestart(8), lsf.sudoers(5)
242 Platform LSF Command Reference
starts LIM, RES, sbatchd, and mbatchd on all hosts in the cluster
lsfstartup [-f ]
lsfstartup [-h |-V]
CAUTION:This command can only be used by root or users listed in lsf.sudoers.
Starts LIM, RES, sbatchd, and mbatchd, in that order, on all hosts.
By default, prompts for confirmation of the next operation if an error is
If LSF daemons are already running, use lsfrestart instead, or use lsfshutdown
and shut down the running daemons before you use lsfstartup.
In order to be able to control all daemons in the cluster:
◆The file /etc/lsf.sudoers has to be set up properly.
◆You must be able to run the rsh or ssh command across all LSF hosts without
having to enter a password. See your operating system documentation for
information about configuring the rsh and ssh commands.
The shell command specified by LSF_RSH in lsf.conf is used before rsh is tried.
-f Force mode. Continues to start daemons even if an error is encountered.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
lsadmin(8), badmin(8), lsfshutdown(8), lsfrestart(8), lsf.sudoers(5)
Platform LSF Command Reference 243
executes a task on a set of hosts
lsgrun [-i] [-p | -P | -S] [-v]
-f host_file |-m host_name ... | -n num_hosts [-R"res_req"]
[command [argument ...]]
lsgrun [-h |-V]
Executes a task on the specified hosts. lsgrun is useful for fast global operations
such as starting daemons, replicating files to or from local disks, looking for
processes running on all hosts, checking who is logged in on each host, and so on.
The hosts can be specified using a host file, a list of host names or by letting the
system select the hosts. If LSB_DISABLE_LIMLOCK_EXCL=y (to enable preemption of
exclusive jobs, for example), you can use lsgrun to start a task on hosts that are
currently running exclusive jobs.
By default:
◆lsgrun is not interactive.
◆The specified task is executed sequentially on hosts with full pseudo tty
◆lsgrun does not create a pseudo-terminal.
◆LSF uses as many processors as available to run the specified task.
◆The resource requirement for host selection is r15s:pg.
◆The prompt Command> is displayed to allow users to type in a command (task)
terminated by a CTRL-D or EOF. The command is then executed on the specified
-i Interactive operation mode. You are asked whether the task is to be executed on all
hosts. If you answer y, the task is started on all specified hosts; otherwise, you are
asked to specify hosts interactively.
-P Creates a pseudo-terminal on UNIX hosts. This is necessary to run programs
requiring a pseudo-terminal (for example, vi).
This option is not supported on Windows.
-p Parallel run mode. Executes the task on all hosts simultaneously and without
pseudo tty support.
If this option is specified and the -P option is specified, the -P option is ignored.
This option is useful for fast start-up of tasks. However, any output from remote
tasks arrive at the terminal in arbitrary order, depending on task execution speeds
on individual hosts.
244 Platform LSF Command Reference
-S Creates a pseudo-terminal with shell mode support on UNIX hosts.
Shell mode support is required for running interactive shells or applications which
redefine the CTRL-C and CTRL-Z keys (such as jove).
This option is not supported on Windows.
-v Verbose mode. Displays the name of the host or hosts running the task.
-f host_file Either -f host_file, -m host_name or -n num_processors is required.
Executes the task on all hosts listed in the host_file.
Specify a file that contains a list of host names. Host names must be separated by
white space characters (for example, SPACE, TAB, and NEWLINE).
This option is exclusive of options -n, -R, and -m.
-m host_name ... Either -f host_file, -m host_name or -n num_processors is required.
Executes the task on all specified hosts.
Specify hosts on which to execute the task. If multiple host names are specified, the
host names must be enclosed by " or ' and separated by white space.
This option is exclusive of options -n, -R, and -f.
-n num_hosts Either -f host_file, -m host_name or -n num_hosts is required.
Executes the task in a cluster with the required number of available hosts.
One host may be used to start several tasks if the host is multiprocessor. This option
can be used together with option -R to select desired hosts.
This option is exclusive of options -m and -f.
-R "res_req"Executes the task on hosts with the required resource requirements.
Specify the resource requirement expression for host selection. The resource
requirement is used to choose from all hosts with the same host type as the local
host, unless a "type == value" exists in res_req to specify otherwise.
This option can be used together with option -n to choose a specified number of
processors to run the task.
Exclusive resources need to be explicitly specified within the resource requirement
string. For example, you defined a resource called bigmem in lsf.shared and
defined it as an exclusive resource for hostE in lsf.cluster.mycluster. Use the
following command to submit a task to run on hostE:
lsgrun -R "bigmem" myjob
lsgrun -R "defined(bigmem)" myjob
If the -m option is specified with a single host name, the -R option is ignored.
command [argument ...]
Specify the command to execute. This must be the last argument on the command
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Platform LSF Command Reference 245
Exit status is 0 if all commands are executed correctly.
Otherwise, the exit status is the first non-zero status returned by a remotely
executed task. lsgrun executes the task on all hosts even if some have non-zero exit
Exit status is -10 if a problem is detected in LSF.
See also
lsrun, lsplace
246 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays hosts and their static resource information
lshosts [-w |-l] [-R "res_req"] [host_name |cluster_name] ...
lshosts -s [resource_name ...]
lshosts [-h |-V]
Displays static resource information about hosts.
By default, returns the following information: host name, host type, host model,
CPU factor, number of CPUs, total memory, total swap space, whether or not the
host is a server host, and static resources. Displays information about all hosts in
the cluster. See lsf.cluster.
In MultiCluster job forwarding model, the default behavior is to return the
following information: host name, host type, host model, CPU factor, number of
CPUs, total memory, total swap space, whether or not the host is a server host, and
static resources. Displays information about all hosts in the local cluster and for all
hosts in equivalent remote clusters that the local cluster sees. See lsf.cluster(5).
In MultiCluster resource leasing model, returns information about hosts in the
local cluster.
The -s option displays information about the static resources (shared or
host-based) and their associated hosts.
-l Displays host information in a long multi-line format. In addition to the default
fields, displays additional information, including maximum /tmp space, the
number of local disks, the execution priority for remote jobs, load thresholds, run
windows, and the license classes used or needed.
-w Displays host information in wide format. Fields are displayed without truncation.
-R "res_req"Only displays information about the hosts that satisfy the resource requirement
expression. For more information about resource requirements, see Administering
Platform LSF. The size of the resource requirement string is limited to 512 bytes.
LSF supports ordering of resource requirements on all load indices, including
external load indices, either static or dynamic.
In MultiCluster, only displays information about the hosts in the local cluster that
satisfy the resource requirement expression.
host_name...| cluster_name...
Only displays information about the specified hosts. Do not use quotes when
specifying multiple hosts.
Platform LSF Command Reference 247
For MultiCluster, displays information about hosts in the specified clusters. The
names of the hosts belonging to the cluster are displayed instead of the name of the
cluster. Do not use quotes when specifying multiple clusters.
-s [resource_name ...]
Displays information about the specified resources. The resources must be static
resources (shared or host-based). If no resource is specified, then displays
information about all resources. Returns the following information: the resource
names, the values of the resources, and the resource locations.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints the LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Host-Based Default
Displays the following fields:
HOST_NAME The name of the host. This display field is truncated.
type The host type. This display field is truncated.
With MultiCluster, if the host type of a remote cluster’s host is not defined in the
local cluster, the keyword unknown is displayed.
model The host model. This display field is truncated.
With MultiCluster, if the host model of a remote cluster’s host is not defined in the
local cluster, the keyword unknown is displayed.
cpuf The relative CPU performance factor. The CPU factor is used to scale the CPU load
value so that differences in CPU speeds are considered. The faster the CPU, the
larger the CPU factor.
The CPU factor of a host with an unknown host type is 1.0.
ncpus The number of processors on this host.
If LSF_ENABLE_DUALCORE=Y in lsf.conf for multi-core CPU hosts, displays
the number of cores instead of physical CPUs.
If EGO is enabled in the LSF cluster and EGO_DEFINE_NCPUS is specified in
lsf.conf or ego.conf, the appropriate value for ncpus is displayed, depending on
the value of EGO_DEFINE_NCPUS:
◆EGO_DEFINE_NCPUS=procs—ncpus=number of processors
◆EGO_DEFINE_NCPUS=cores—ncpus=number of processors x number of
cores per processor
◆EGO_DEFINE_NCPUS=threads—ncpus=number of processors x number of
cores per processor x number of threads per core
EGO_DEFINE_NCPUS=cores is the same as setting
nprocs The number of physical processors per CPU configured on a host.
248 Platform LSF Command Reference
ncores The number of cores per processor configured on a host.
nthreads The number of threads per core configured on a host.
maxmem The maximum amount of physical memory available for user processes.
By default, the amount is displayed in KB. The amount may appear in MB
depending on the actual system memory. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in
lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for the limit (GB, TB, PB, or EB).
maxswp The total available swap space.
By default, the amount is displayed in KB. The amount may appear in MB
depending on the actual system swap space. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in
lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for the limit (GB, TB, PB, or EB).
server Indicates whether the host is a server or client host. “Yes” is displayed for LSF
servers. “No” is displayed for LSF clients. “Dyn” is displayed for dynamic hosts.
RESOURCES The Boolean resources defined for this host, denoted by resource names, and the
values of external numeric and string static resources. See lsf.cluster(5), and
lsf.shared(5) on how to configure external static resources.
Host Based -l Option
In addition to the above fields, the -l option also displays the following:
ndisks The number of local disk drives directly attached to the host.
maxtmp The maximum /tmp space in MB configured on a host.
rexpri UNIX only. The execution priority of remote jobs run by the RES. rexpri is a
number between -20 and 20, with -20 representing the highest priority and 20 the
lowest. The default rexpri is 0, which corresponds to the default scheduling
priority of 0 on BSD-based UNIX systems and 20 on System V-based systems.
nprocs The number of physical processors per CPU configured on a host.
ncores The number of cores per processor configured on a host.
nthreads The number of threads per core configured on a host.
RUN_WINDOWS The time windows during which LIM considers the host as available to execute
remote jobs. These run windows have the same function for LSF hosts as dispatch
windows have for LSF hosts.
The licenses that are enabled for each specified host.
The required banded license class for each specified host.
Platform LSF Command Reference 249
If LSF_ENABLE_DUALCORE=Y in lsf.conf for dual-core CPU hosts,
lshosts -l also displays if dual-core CPU license is enabled for the hosts and the
number of dual-core licenses needed.
The thresholds for scheduling interactive jobs. If a load index exceeds the load
threshold (or falls below the load threshold, for decreasing load indices), the host
status is changed to “busy.” If the threshold is displayed as a dash “-”, the value of
that load index does not affect the host’s status.
Resource-Based -s Option
Displays the static resources (shared or host-based). Each line gives the value and
the associated hosts for the static resource. See lsf.shared, and lsf.cluster on
how to configure static shared resources.
The following fields are displayed:
RESOURCE The name of the resource.
VALUE The value of the static resource.
LOCATION The hosts that are associated with the static resource.
Reads lsf.cluster.cluster_name.
See also
ls_info, ls_policy, ls_gethostinfo, lsf.cluster, lsf.shared
250 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays the current LSF version number, the cluster name, and the master host
lsid [-h |-V]
Displays the current LSF version number, the cluster name, and the master host
The master host is dynamically selected from all hosts in the cluster.
In MultiCluster, the master host is dynamically selected from all hosts in the local
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
The host names and cluster names are defined in lsf.cluster.cluster_name and
lsf.shared, respectively.
See also
ls_getclustername(3), ls_getmastername(3), lsinfo(1)
Platform LSF Command Reference 251
displays load sharing configuration information
lsinfo [-l] [-m | -M] [-r] [-t] [resource_name ...]
lsinfo [-h |-V]
By default, displays all load sharing configuration information including resource
names and their meanings, host types and models, and associated CPU factors
known to the system.
By default, displays information about all resources. Resource information includes
resource name, resource type, description, and the default sort order for the
You can use resource names in task placement requests.
Use this command with options to selectively view configured resources, host types,
and host models.
-l Displays resource information in a long multi-line format. Additional parameters
are displayed including whether a resource is built-in or configured, and whether
the resource value changes dynamically or is static. If the resource value changes
dynamically then the interval indicates how often it is evaluated.
-M Displays information about all host models in the file lsf.shared.
-m Displays only information about host models that exist in the cluster.
-r Displays only information about configured resources.
-t Displays only information about configured host types. See lsload(1) and
resource_name ... Displays only information about the specified resources.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
-l option
The -l option displays all information available about load indices.
TYPE Indicates whether the resource is numeric, string, or Boolean.
ORDER ◆Inc—If the numeric value of the load index increases as the load it measures
increases, such as CPU utilization(ut).
See also
252 Platform LSF Command Reference
◆Dec—If the numeric value decreases as the load increases.
◆N/A—If the resource is not numeric.
INTERVAL The number of seconds between updates of that index. Load indices are updated
every INTERVAL seconds. A value of 0 means the value never changes.
BUILTIN If BUILTIN is Yes, the resource name is defined internally by LIM. If BUILTIN is
No, the resource name is site-specific defined externally by the LSF administrator.
DYNAMIC If DYNAMIC is Yes the resource is a load index that changes over time. If
DYNAMIC is No the resource represents information that is fixed such as the total
swap space on a host. Resources are Static or Boolean.
RELEASE Applies to numeric shared resources only, such as floating licenses. Indicates
whether LSF releases the resource when a job using the resource is suspended.
When a job using a shared resource is suspended, the resource is held or released
by the job depending on the configuration of the RELEASE parameter in
No indicates the resource is held. Yes indicates the resource is released.
CONSUMABLE If CONSUMABLE is Yes the resource is a static or dynamic numeric resource that
is specified as consumable in the Resource section of lsf.shared.
See also
lshosts, lsload, lsf.shared, ls_info, ls_policy
Platform LSF Command Reference 253
displays load information for hosts
lsload [-l] [-N |-E] [-I load_index[:load_index] ...]
[-n num_hosts] [-R res_req] [host_name ... | cluster_name ...]
lsload -s [resource_name ...]
lsload [-h | -V]
Displays load information for hosts. Load information can be displayed on a
per-host basis, or on a per-resource basis.
By default, displays load information for all hosts in the local cluster, per host.
With MultiCluster, also displays load information for all hosts in equivalent clusters
(see lsf.cluster(5)).
By default, displays raw load indices.
By default, load information for resources is displayed according to CPU and
paging load.
-l Long format. Displays load information without truncation along with additional
fields for I/O and external load indices.
This option overrides the index names specified with the -I option.
-N Displays normalized CPU run queue length load indices.
-E Displays effective CPU run queue length load indices. Options -N and -E are
mutually exclusive.
-w Displays load information in wide format. Fields are displayed without truncation.
-I load_index[:load_index] ...
Displays only the specified load indices. Separate multiple index names with colons
(for example, r1m:pg:ut).
Specify any built-in load index. Specify external load indices only for host-based
resources that are numeric and dynamic (you cannot specify external load indices
for shared, string or Boolean resources).
-n num_hosts Displays only load information for the requested number of hosts. Information for
up to num_hosts hosts that best satisfy the resource requirements is displayed.
-R res_req Displays only load information for hosts that satisfy the specified resource
requirements. See Administering Platform LSF for a list of built-in resource names.
Load information for the hosts is sorted according to load on the specified
254 Platform LSF Command Reference
If res_req contains special resource names, only load information for hosts that
provide these resources is displayed (run lshosts to find out what resources are
available on each host).
If one or more host names are specified, only load information about the hosts that
satisfy the resource requirements is displayed.
With MultiCluster, when a cluster name is specified, displays load information of
hosts in the specified cluster that satisfy the resource requirements.
host_name ... | cluster_name ...
Displays only load information for the specified hosts.
With MultiCluster, displays only load information for hosts in the specified
-s [resource_name ...] Displays information about all dynamic resources configured in the cluster, or
about the specified resources only. Specify dynamic resources (shared or
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Host-Based Output (default output)
Built-in load indices include r15s, r1m, r15m, ut, pg, io, ls, it, swp, mem and tmp.
External load indices are configured in the file lsf.cluster.cluster_name (see
lsf.cluster(5)). The selection and order sections of res_req control for which
hosts are displayed and how the information is ordered.
The display includes the following fields:
HOST_NAME Standard host name used by LSF, typically an Internet domain name with two
status Status of the host. A minus sign (-) may precede the status, indicating that RES is
not running on the host.
Possible statuses are:
The host is in normal load sharing state and can accept remote jobs. The ok status
indicates that the Load Information Manager (LIM) is unlocked and that both LIM
and the Remote Execution Server (RES) are running.
The (LIM) on the host is running but RES is unreachable.
The host is overloaded because some load indices exceed configured thresholds.
Load index values that caused the host to be busy are preceded by an asterisk (*).
Platform LSF Command Reference 255
The host is locked by its run window. Run windows for a host are specified in the
configuration file (see lsf.conf(5)) and can be displayed by lshosts. A locked
host does not accept load shared jobs from other hosts.
The host is locked by the LSF administrator or root.
The host is down or the LIM on the host is not running.
The host does not have a valid LSF license.
r15s The 15-second exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
r1m The 1-minute exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
r15m The 15-minute exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
ut The CPU utilization exponentially averaged over the last minute, between 0 and 1.
pg The memory paging rate exponentially averaged over the last minute, in pages per
ls The number of current login users.
it On UNIX, the idle time of the host (keyboard not touched on all logged in
sessions), in minutes.
On Windows, the it index is based on the time a screen saver has been active on a
particular host.
tmp The amount of free space in /tmp, in MB.
swp The amount of available swap space.
By default, the amount is displayed in KB. The amount may appear in MB
depending on the actual system swap space. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in
lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for the limit (GB, TB, PB, or EB).
mem The amount of available RAM.
By default, the amount is displayed in KB. The amount may appear in MB
depending on the actual system memory. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in
lsf.conf to specify a larger unit for the limit (GB, TB, PB, or EB).
io By default, io is not shown.
If -l is specified, shows the disk I/O rate exponentially averaged over the last
minute, in KB per second.
external_index By default, external load indices are not shown.
If -l is specified, shows indices for all dynamic custom resources available on the
host, including shared, string and Boolean resources.
256 Platform LSF Command Reference
If -I load_index is specified, only shows indices for specified non-shared
(host-based) dynamic numeric custom resources.
Resource-Based Output (lsload -s)
Displays information about dynamic resources (shared or host-based). Each line
gives the value and the associated hosts for an instance of the resource. See lim(8),
and lsf.cluster(5) for information on configuring dynamic shared resources.
The displayed information consists of the following fields:
RESOURCE Name of the resource.
VALUE Value for an instance of the resource.
LOCATION Hosts associated with the instance of the resource.
lsload -R "select[r1m<=0.5 && swp>=20 && type==ALPHA]"
OR, in restricted format:
lsload -R r1m=0.5:swp=20:type=ALPHA
Displays the load of ALPHA hosts with at least 20 MB of swap space, and a 1-minute
run queue length less than 0.5.
lsload -R "select[(1-swp/maxswp)<0.75] order[pg]"
Displays the load of the hosts whose swap space utilization is less than 75%. The
resulting hosts are ordered by paging rate.
lsload -I r1m:ut:io:pg
Displays the 1-minute CPU raw run queue length, the CPU utilization, the disk I/O
and paging rates for all hosts in the cluster.
lsload -E
Displays the load of all hosts, ordered by r15s:pg, with the CPU run queue lengths
being the effective run queue lengths.
lsload -s verilog_license
Displays the value and location of all the verilog_license dynamic shared
resource instances.
Exit status is -10 for LSF problems or a bad resource names.
Exit status is -1 if a bad parameter is specified, otherwise lsload returns 0.
See also
lim(8), lsf.cluster(5), lsplace(1), lshosts(1), lsinfo(1), lslockhost(8),
Platform LSF Command Reference 257
adjusts load indices on hosts
lsloadadj [-R res_req] [host_name[:num_task] ...]
lsloadadj [-h |-V]
Adjusts load indices on hosts. This is useful if a task placement decision is made
outside LIM by another application.
By default, assumes tasks are CPU-intensive and memory-intensive. This means
the CPU and memory load indices are adjusted to a higher number than other load
By default, adjusts load indices on the local host, the host from which the command
was submitted.
By default, starts 1 task.
Upon receiving a load adjustment request, LIM temporarily increases the load on
hosts according to resource requirements. This helps LIM avoid sending too many
jobs to the same host in quick succession. The adjusted load decays over time before
the real load produced by the dispatched task is reflected in LIM’s load information.
lsloadadj adjusts all indices except for ls (login sessions), it (idle time), r15m
(15-minute run queue length) and external load indices. Other load indices can
only be adjusted beyond specific maximum values.
◆tmp is -0.5
◆swp is -1.5
◆mem is -1.0
◆r1m is 0.4
◆ut is 15%
-R res_req Specify resource requirements for tasks. Only the resource usage (rusage) section
of the resource requirement string is considered. This is used by LIM to determine
by how much individual load indices are to be adjusted.
For example, if a task is swap-space-intensive, load adjustment on the swp load
index is higher; other indices are increased only slightly.
host_name[:num_task] ...
Specify a list of hosts for which load is to be adjusted. num_task indicates the
number of tasks to be started on the host.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
258 Platform LSF Command Reference
lsloadadj -R "rusage[swp=20:mem=10]"
Adjusts the load indices swp and mem on the host from which the command was
Returns -1 if a bad parameter is specified; otherwise returns 0.
See also
lsinfo(1), lsplace(1), lsload(1), ls_loadadj(3)
Platform LSF Command Reference 259
remotely logs in to a lightly loaded host
lslogin [-v] [-m "host_name ..."|-m "cluster_name ..."]
[-R "res_req"] [rlogin_options]
lslogin [-h |-V]
Remotely logs in to a lightly loaded host.
By default, lslogin selects the least loaded host, with few users logged in, and
remotely logs in to that host using the UNIX rlogin command.
In a MultiCluster environment, the default is to select the least loaded host in the
local cluster.
-v Displays the name of the host to which lslogin remotely logs you in.
-m "host_name ..." | -m "cluster_name ..."
Remotely logs in to the specified host.
With MultiCluster job forwarding, when a cluster name is specified, remotely logs
in to the least loaded host in the specified cluster, if the remote cluster accepts
interactive jobs from the local cluster (see lsf.cluster(5)).
-R "res_req"Remotely logs in to a host that meets the specified resource requirement. The
resource requirement expression restricts the set of candidate hosts and determines
the host selection policy.
For a complete explanation of resource requirement expressions, see Administering
Platform LSF. To find out what resources are configured in your system, use lsinfo
and lshosts.
rlogin_options Specify remote login options passed to the rlogin command.
If remote execution fails, lslogin logs in locally only if the local host also satisfies
required resources; otherwise, log in fails.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
lslogin -R "select[it>1 && bsd]"
Remotely logs in to a host that has been idle for at least 1 minute, that runs BSD
UNIX, and is lightly loaded both in CPU resources and the number of users logged
260 Platform LSF Command Reference
Because lslogin passes all unrecognized arguments to rlogin, incorrect options
usually cause the rlogin usage message to be displayed rather than the lslogin
usage message.
See also
ls_placereq(3), rlogin(1)
Platform LSF Command Reference 261
displays or updates a local task list
lsltasks [+ task_name ... | – task_name ...]
lsltasks [-h |-V]
Displays or updates a user local task list in $HOME/.lsftask.
When no options are specified, displays tasks listed in the system task file lsf.task
and the user task file .lsftask.
If there is a conflict between the system task file lsf.task and the user task file
(.lsftask), the user task file overrides the system task file.
Tasks in the local task list are not eligible for remote execution, either because they
are trivial tasks or because they need resources on the local host.
+ task_name If + is specified and the specified task names are not already in the user task file
(.lsftask), adds the task names to the file with a plus sign (+) preceding them.
If any of the task names are already in the .lsftask file, the actual action depends
on the entry in the file. If the entry starts with a + or nothing, replaces the entry with
the specified content; if the entry starts with a minus sign (-), deletes the entry from
the .lsftask file.
- task_name If – is specified and specified task names are not already in the user .lsftask file,
adds the task names to the file with a – preceding the task name.
If any of the task names are already in the .lsftask file, the actual action depends
on the entry in the file. If the entry starts with a –, no operation is done; if the entry
starts with a +, deletes the entry from the .lsftask file.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
lsltasks + foo
Adds the command foo to the local task list.
Reads the system task file lsf.task, and the user .lsftask file. See lsf.task(5)
for more details.
See also
262 Platform LSF Command Reference
The system and user task files contain two sections, one for the remote task list, the
other for the local task list. The local tasks section starts with Begin LocalTasks
and ends with End LocalTasks. Each line in the section is an entry consisting of a
task name.
A plus sign (+) or a minus sign (–) can optionally precede each entry. If no + or – is
specified, then + is assumed.
See also
lseligible, ls_task, lsrtasks, lsf.task, ls_eligible
Platform LSF Command Reference 263
displays load information for LSF hosts and periodically updates the display
lsmon [-N |-E] [-n num_hosts] [-R res_req] [-I index_list]
[-i interval] [-L file_name] [host_name ...]
lsmon [-h | -V]
lsmon is a full-screen LSF monitoring utility that displays and updates load
information for hosts in a cluster.
By default, displays load information for all hosts in the cluster, up to the number
of lines that fit on-screen.
By default, displays raw load indices.
By default, load information is sorted according to CPU and paging load.
By default, load information is updated every 10 seconds.
-N Displays normalized CPU run queue length load indices.
-E Displays effective CPU run queue length load indices. Options -N and -E are
mutually exclusive.
-n num_hosts Displays only load information for the requested number of hosts. Information for
up to num_hosts hosts that best satisfy resource requirements is displayed.
-R res_req Displays only load information for hosts that satisfy the specified resource
requirements. See Administering Platform LSF for a list of built-in resource names.
Load information for the hosts is sorted according to load on the specified
If res_req contains special resource names, only load information for hosts that
provide these resources is displayed (use lshosts to find out what resources are
available on each host).
If one or more host names are specified, only load information for the hosts that
satisfy the resource requirements is displayed.
-I index_list Displays only load information for the specified load indices. Load index names
must be separated by a colon (for example, r1m:pg:ut).
If the index list index_list is too long to fit in the screen of the user who invoked the
command, the output is truncated. For example, if the invoker's screen is 80
characters wide, then up to 10 load indices are displayed.
-i interval Sets how often load information is updated on-screen, in seconds.
-L file_name Saves load information in the specified file while it is displayed on-screen.
264 Platform LSF Command Reference
If you do not want load information to be displayed on your screen at the same time,
use lsmon -L file_name < /dev/null. The format of the file is described in
host_name ... Displays only load information for the specified hosts.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
You can use the following commands while lsmon is running:
[^L | i | n | N | E | R | q]
^L Refreshes the screen.
iPrompts you to input a new update interval.
nPrompts you to input a new number of hosts to display.
NToggles between displaying raw CPU run queue length load indices and
normalized CPU run queue length load indices.
EToggles between displaying raw CPU run queue length load indices and effective
CPU run queue length load indices.
RPrompts you to input new resource requirements.
qQuits lsmon.
The following fields are displayed by default.
Name of specified hosts for which load information is displayed, or if resource
requirements were specified, name of hosts that satisfied the specified resource
requirement and for which load information is displayed.
Status of the host. A minus sign (-) may precede the status, indicating that the
Remote Execution Server (RES) on the host is not running.
Possible statuses are:
The host is in normal load sharing state and can accept remote jobs.
The host is overloaded because some load indices exceed configured thresholds.
Load index values that caused the host to be busy are preceded by an asterisk (*).
Built-in load indices include r15s, r1m, r15m, ut, pg, io, ls, it, swp, mem and tmp
(see below). External load indices are configured in the file
Platform LSF Command Reference 265
The host is locked by its run window. Run windows for a host are specified in
lsf.conf and can be displayed by lshosts. A locked host does not accept load
shared jobs from other hosts.
The host is locked by the LSF administrator or root.
The host is down or the Load Information Manager (LIM) on the host is not
The host does not have a valid LSF license.
The 15-second exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
The 1-minute exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
The 15-minute exponentially averaged CPU run queue length.
The CPU utilization exponentially averaged over the last minute, between 0 and 1.
The memory paging rate exponentially averaged over the last minute, in pages per
The number of current login users.
On UNIX, the idle time of the host (keyboard not touched on all logged in
sessions), in minutes.
On Windows, the it index is based on the time a screen saver has been active on a
particular host.
The amount of free space in /tmp, in megabytes.
The amount of currently available swap space, in megabytes.
The amount of currently available memory, in megabytes.
266 Platform LSF Command Reference
Specifying an incorrect resource requirement string while lsmon is running (via the
R option) causes lsmon to exit with an appropriate error message.
lsmon exits if it does not receive a reply from LIM within the update interval.
See also
lshosts, lsinfo, lsload, lslockhost, lim.acct, ls_load
Platform LSF Command Reference 267
registers user passwords in LSF on Windows
lspasswd [-u user_name] [-p password]
lspasswd [-r] [-u user_name]
lspasswd [-c] [-u user_name] [-p password]
lspassword [-h |-V]
Registers user passwords in LSF on Windows. Passwords must be longer than 3
characters and 31 characters or less.
By default, if no options are specified, the password applies to the user who issued
the command.
Users must update the password maintained by LSF if they change their Windows
user account password.
Passwords are Windows user account passwords and are saved in the LSF database.
LSF uses the passwords to start jobs on behalf of the user.
lspasswd communicates with LSF services to store the password. The password is
stored in encrypted format and the password database is protected by file access
permissions. The password remains encrypted as it travels through the network.
The -p option allows scripts to use lspasswd. You should not use this option
directly on the command line because the password is entered in full view on the
command line. Only error messages are displayed when using the -p option.
-c -u user_name -p password
Check that the password is valid for the specified user.
-r -u user_name
Remove the user entry from the password database.
-u user_name -p password
Specify the user and password for the user whose password you want to register or
change. Include the domain name in uppercase letters (DOMAIN_NAME\
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
You mus t r u n lspasswd from an LSF Windows host.
268 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays hosts available to execute tasks
lsplace [-L] [-n minimum |-n 0] [-R res_req] [-w maximum |-w 0]
[host_name ...]
lsplace [-h |-V]
Displays hosts available for the execution of tasks, and temporarily increases the
load on these hosts (to avoid sending too many jobs to the same host in quick
succession). The inflated load decays slowly over time before the real load produced
by the dispatched task is reflected in the LIM’s load information. Host names may
be duplicated for multiprocessor hosts, to indicate that multiple tasks can be placed
on a single host.
By default, displays only one host name.
By default, uses LSF default resource requirements.
-L Attempts to place tasks on as few hosts as possible. This is useful for distributed
parallel applications in order to minimize communication costs between tasks.
-n minimum | -n 0 Displays at least the specified number of hosts. Specify 0 to display as many hosts as
Prints Not enough host(s) currently eligible and exits with status 1 if the
required number of hosts holding the required resources cannot be found.
-R res_req Displays only hosts with the specified resource requirements. When
LSF_STRICT_RESREQ=Y in lsf.conf, LSF rejects resource requirement strings
where an rusage section contains a non-consumable resource.
-w maximum | -w 0 Displays no more than the specified number of hosts. Specify 0 to display as many
hosts as possible.
host_name ... Displays only hosts that are among the specified hosts.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
lsplace is mostly used in backquotes to pick out a host name which is then passed
to other commands. The following example issues a command to display a lightly
loaded HPPA-RISC host for your program to run on:
lsrun -m ‘lsplace -R hppa‘ myprogram
Platform LSF Command Reference 269
In order for a job to land on a host with an exclusive resource, you need to explicitly
specify that resource for the resource requirements. The following example issues a
command to display the host with the bigmem exclusive resource for your program
to run on:
lsrun -m ‘lsplace -R "bigmem"‘ myprogram
The -w and -n options can be combined to specify the upper and lower bounds in
processors to be returned, respectively. For example, the command
lsplace -n 3 -v 5
returns at least 3 and not more than 5 host names.
lsplace returns 1 if insufficient hosts are available. The exit status is -10 if a
problem is detected in LSF, -1 for other errors, otherwise 0.
See also
lsinfo(1), ls_placereq(3), lsload(1), lsrun(1)
270 Platform LSF Command Reference
remotely copies files using LSF
lsrcp [-a] source_file target_file
lsrcp [-h |-V]
Remotely copies files using LSF.
lsrcp is an LSF-enabled remote copy program that transfers a single file between
hosts in an LSF cluster. lsrcp uses RES on an LSF host to transfer files. If LSF is not
installed on a host or if RES is not running then lsrcp uses rcp to copy the file.
To use lsrcp, you must have read access to the file being copied.
Both the source and target file must be owned by the user who issues the command.
lsrcp uses rcp to copy a source file to a target file owned by another user. See
rcp(1) and LIMITATIONS below for details.
-a Appends source_file to target_file.
source_file target_file Specify an existing file on a local or remote host that you want to copy, and a file to
which you want to copy the source file.
File format is as follows:
Login name to be used for accessing files on the remote host. If user_name is not
specified, the name of the user who issued the command is used.
Name of the remote host on which the file resides. If host_name is not specified, the
local host, the host from which the command was issued, is used.
Absolute path name or a path name relative to the login directory of the user. Shell
file name expansion is not supported on either the local or remote hosts. Only
single files can be copied from one host to another.
Use "\" to transfer files from a Windows host to another Windows host. For
c:\share>lsrcp file1 hostA:c:\temp\file2
Use "/" to transfer files from a UNIX host to a UNIX host. For example:
lsrcp file1 hostD:/home/usr2/test/file2
Platform LSF Command Reference 271
Always use "/" to transfer files from a UNIX host to a Windows host, or from a
Windows host to a UNIX host. This is because the operating system interprets "\"
and lsrcp opens the wrong files.
For example, to transfer a file from UNIX to a Windows host:
lsrcp file1 hostA:c:/temp/file2
To transfer a file from Windows to a UNIX host:
c:\share>lsrcp file1 hostD:/home/usr2/test/file2
Name of source file. File name expansion is not supported.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
lsrcp myfile @hostC:/home/usr/dir1/otherfile
Copies file myfile from the local host to file otherfile on hostC.
lsrcp user1@hostA:/home/myfile user1@hostB:otherfile
Copies the file myfile from hostA to file otherfile on hostB.
lsrcp -a user1@hostD:/home/myfile /dir1/otherfile
Appends the file myfile on hostD to the file otherfile on the local host.
lsrcp /tmp/myfile user1@hostF:~/otherfile
Copies the file myfile from the local host to file otherfile on hostF in user1’s
home directory.
lsrcp attempts to copy source_file to target_file using RES. If RES is down or fails
to copy the source_file, lsrcp uses either rsh or the shell command specified by
LSF_RSH in lsf.conf when the -a option is specified. When -a is not specified,
lsrcp uses rcp.
File transfer using lsrcp is not supported in the following contexts:
◆If LSF account mapping is used; lsrcp fails when running under a different
user account
◆On LSF client hosts. LSF client hosts do not run RES, so lsrcp cannot contact
RES on the submission host
◆Third party copies. lsrcp does not support third party copies, when neither
source nor target file are on the local host. In such a case, rcp or rsh (or the
shell command specified by LSF_RSH in lsf.conf) is used. If the target_file
exists, lsrcp preserves the modes; otherwise, lsrcp uses the source_file modes
modified with the umask (see umask(2)) of the source host.
You c an do t h e f o l l ow i n g :
See also
272 Platform LSF Command Reference
◆rcp on UNIX. If lsrcp cannot contact RES on the submission host, it attempts
to use rcp to copy the file. You must set up the /etc/hosts.equiv or
HOME/.rhosts file in order to use rcp. See the rcp(1), rsh(1), ssh(1) manual
pages for more information on using the rcp, rsh, and ssh commands.
◆You c an re p l a ce lsrcp with your own file transfer mechanism as long as it
supports the same syntax as lsrcp. This might be done to take advantage of a
faster interconnection network, or to overcome limitations with the existing
lsrcp. sbatchd looks for the lsrcp executable in the LSF_BINDIR directory.
See also
rsh, rcp, res
Platform LSF Command Reference 273
displays or updates a remote task list
lsrtasks [+ task_name[/res_req] ... | – task_name[/res_req] ...]
lsrtasks [-h |-V]
Displays or updates a user’s remote task list in $HOME/.lsftask.
When no options are specified, displays tasks listed in the system task file lsf.task
and the user’s task file (.lsftask).
If there is a conflict between the system task file lsf.task and the user task file, the
user task file overrides the system task file.
Tasks in the remote task list are eligible for remote execution. You can associate
resource requirements with each task name. Eligibility of tasks not specified in a
task list for remote execution depends on the operation mode: local or remote. In
local mode, tasks are not eligible for remote execution; in remote mode, tasks are
eligible. You can specify the operation mode when deciding the eligibility of a task
(see lseligible(1), and ls_eligible(3)).
+ task_name[/res_req] ...
If plus sign (+) is specified and the specified task names are not already in the user
task file (.lsftask), adds the task names to the file with a + sign preceding them.
If any of the task names are already in the .lsftask file, the actual action depends
on the entry in the file. If the entry starts with a + or nothing, replaces the entry with
the specified content; if the entry starts with a minus sign (–), deletes the entry from
the .lsftask file.
Remote tasks can have a resource requirement expression associated with them,
separated by a backslash (/). See ls_task(3).
-task_name[/res_req] ...
If – is specified and specified task names are not already in the user task file
(.lsftask), adds the task names to the file with a – preceding the task name.
If any of the task names are already in the .lsftask file, the actual action depends
on the entry in the file. If the entry starts with a –, no operation is done; if the entry
starts with a +, deletes the entry from the .lsftask file.
Remote tasks can have a resource requirement expression associated with them,
separated by a backslash /. See ls_task(3).
Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
274 Platform LSF Command Reference
Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
% lsrtasks + task1 task2/"select[cpu && mem]" - task3
or in restricted form:
% lsrtasks + task1 task2/cpu:mem - task3
Adds the command task1 to the remote task list with no resource requirements,
adds task2 with the resource requirement cpu:mem, and removes task3 from the
remote task list.
%lsrtasks + myjob/swap>=100 && cpu
Adds myjob to the remote tasks list with its resource requirements.
Running lsrtasks with no arguments displays the resource requirements of tasks
in the remote list, separated from the task name by a slash (/):
cc/cpu cfd3d/type == SG1 && cpu compressdir/cpu:mem
f77/cpu verilog/cpu && cadence compress/cpu
dsim/type == any hspice/cpu && cadence nas/swp > 200 && cpu
compress/-:cpu:mem epi/hpux11 sparc regression/cpu
cc/type == local synopsys/swp >150 && cpu
Reads the system task file lsf.task, and the user task file (.lsftask). See
lsf.task(5) for more details.
The system and user task files contain two sections, one for the remote task list, the
other for the local task list. The remote tasks section starts with Begin
RemoteTasks and ends with End RemoteTasks. Each line in the section is an entry
consisting of a task name.
A plus sign + or a minus sign – can optionally precede each entry. If no + or – is
specified, then + is assumed.
See also
lseligible, ls_task, lsltasks, lsf.task, ls_eligible
Platform LSF Command Reference 275
runs an interactive task through LSF
lsrun [-l] [-L] [-P] [-S] [-v] [-m "host_name
..."|-m "cluster_name ..."] [-R "res_req"] command [argument
lsrun [-h |-V]
Submits a task to LSF for execution.
With MultiCluster job forwarding model, the default is to run the task on a host in
the local cluster.
By default, lsrun first tries to obtain resource requirement information from the
remote task list to find an eligible host. (See lseligible(1) and ls_task(3).)
Otherwise, lsrun runs the task on a host that is of the same host type (or
architecture) as the submission host. If several hosts of the same architecture are
available, the host with the lowest CPU and memory load is selected.
By default, if execution fails and the local host satisfies resource requirements, LSF
runs the task locally.
By default, lsrun does not create a pseudo-terminal when running the task.
-l If execution on another host fails, runs the task locally.
-L Forces lsrun to go through RES to execute a task. By default, lsrun does not use
RES if the task is going to run on the current host.
-P Creates a pseudo-terminal when starting the task on UNIX hosts. This is necessary
in order to run programs that require a pseudo-terminal (for example, vi).
This option is not supported on Windows.
-S Creates a pseudo-terminal with shell mode support when starting the task on a
UNIX host. Shell mode support is required for running interactive shells or
applications which redefine the CTRL-C and CTRL-Z keys (for example, jove).
This option is not supported on Windows.
-v Displays the name of the host running the task.
-m "host_name ..." | -m "cluster_name ..."
The execution host must be one of the specified hosts. If a single host is specified,
all resource requirements are ignored.
If multiple hosts are specified and you do not use the -R option, the execution host
must satisfy the resource requirements in the remote task list (see lsrtasks(1)). If
none of the specified hosts satisfy the resource requirements, the task does not run.
276 Platform LSF Command Reference
With MultiCluster job forwarding model, the execution host can be a host in one of
the specified clusters, if the remote cluster accepts tasks from the local cluster. (See
RemoteClusters section in lsf.cluster(5).)
-R "res_req"Runs the task on a host that meets the specified resource requirement. The size of
the resource requirement string is limited to 512 bytes. For a complete explanation
of resource requirement expressions, see Administering Platform LSF. To find out
what resources are configured in your system, use lsinfo and lshosts.
LSF supports ordering of resource requirements on all load indices, including
external load indices, either static or dynamic.
Exclusive resources need to be explicitly specified within the resource requirement
string. For example, you defined a resource called bigmem in lsf.shared and
defined it as an exclusive resource for hostE in lsf.cluster.mycluster. Use the
following command to submit a task to run on hostE:
lsrun -R "bigmem" myjob
lsrun -R "defined(bigmem)" myjob
If the -m option is specified with a single host name, the -R option is ignored.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
You c an us e lsrun together with other utility commands such as lsplace, lsload,
lsloadadj, and lseligible to write load sharing applications in the form of
UNIX shell scripts.
lsrun supports interactive job control. Suspending lsrun suspends both the task
and lsrun, and continuing lsrun continues the task.
If LSB_DISABLE_LIMLOCK_EXCL=y (to enable preemption of exclusive jobs, for
example), you can use lsrun to start a task on a host that is currently running an
exclusive job.
The -n option of rsh can be simulated by redirecting input from /dev/null. For
lsrun cat </dev/null &
lsrun exits with status -10 and prints an error message to stderr if a problem is
detected in LSF and the task is not run.
The exit status is -1 and an error message is printed to stderr if a system call fails
or incorrect arguments are specified.
Otherwise, the exit status is the exit status of the task.
See also
rsh, ls_rexecv, lsplace, lseligible, lsload, lshosts, lsrtasks, lsf.cluster
Platform LSF Command Reference 277
load sharing tcsh for LSF
lstcsh [tcsh_options] [-L] [argument ...]
lstcsh is an enhanced version of tcsh. lstcsh behaves exactly like tcsh, except
that it includes a load sharing capability with transparent remote job execution for
By default, a lstcsh script is executed as a normal tcsh script with load sharing
If a command line is considered eligible for remote execution, LSF selects a suitable
host— typically a powerful and/or lightly loaded host that can execute the
command line correctly—and sends the command line to that host.
You can restrict who can use @ for host redirection in lstcsh with the parameter
LSF_SHELL_AT_USERS in lsf.conf.
Remote Hosts
lstcsh provides a high degree of network transparency. Command lines executed
on remote hosts behave the same as they do on the local host. The remote execution
environment is designed to mirror the local one as closely as possible by using the
same values for environment variables, terminal setup, current working directory,
file creation mask, and so on. Each modification to the local set of environment
variables is automatically reflected on remote hosts.
Shell variables, nice values, and resource limits are not automatically propagated to
remote hosts.
Job Control
Job control in lstcsh is exactly the same as in tcsh except for remote background
jobs. lstcsh numbers background jobs separately for each of the hosts that are used
to execute them. The output of the built-in command job lists background jobs
together with their execution hosts.
To bring a remote background job to the foreground, the host name must be
specified together with an at sign (@), as in the following example:
fg %2 @hostA
Similarly, the host name must be specified when killing a remote job. For example:
kill %2 @hostA
tcsh_options lstcsh accepts all the options used by tcsh. See tcsh(1) for the meaning of
specific options.
-L Executes a script with load sharing enabled.
278 Platform LSF Command Reference
There are three ways to run a lstcsh script with load sharing enabled:
- Execute the script with the -L option
- Use the built-in command source to execute the script
- Insert "#!/local/bin/lstcsh -L" as the first line of the script (assuming you
install lstcsh in /local/bin).
Using @ or lsmode in a script does not enable load sharing if the script has not been
executed using one of these three ways.
In addition to the built-in commands in tcsh, lstcsh provides the following
built-in commands:
lsmode [on | off] [local | remote] [@] [v | -v] [e | -e] [t | -t] [connect
[host_name ...]] [lsrtasks [lsrtasks_options]] [lsltasks [lsltasks_options]] [jobs]
on | off Turns load sharing on or off. When off, you can specify @ to send a command line
to a remote host.
local | remote Sets operation mode of lstcsh.
The default is local.
Local operation mode. This is the default mode.
In this mode, a command line is eligible for remote execution only if all the
specified tasks are present in the remote task list in the user’s tasks file
$HOME/.lsftask, or if @ is specified on the command line to force specified tasks
to be eligible for remote execution.
Tasks in the local task list must be executed locally.
The local mode of operation is conservative, and can fail to take advantage of the
performance benefits and load balancing advantages of LSF.
The way lstcsh handles tasks that are not present in the remote task list nor in the
local task list, depends on the mode of operation of lstcsh (local or remote).
Remote operation mode.
In this mode, a command line is considered eligible for remote execution only if
none of the specified tasks are present in the local task list in the user’s tasks file
Tasks in the remote list can be executed remotely.
The remote mode of operation is aggressive, and promotes extensive use of LSF.
The way lstcsh handles tasks that are not present in the remote task list nor in the
local task list, depends on the mode of operation of lstcsh (local or remote).
@Specify @ to explicitly specify the eligibility of a command for remote execution.
The @ may be anywhere in the command line except in the first position (which is
used to set the value of shell variables).
There are several ways to use @:
Platform LSF Command Reference 279
@ : Specify @ followed by nothing to indicate the command line is eligible for remote
@ host_name : Specify @ followed by a host name to force the command line to be
executed on that host.
Host names and the reserved word local following @ can all be abbreviated as long
as they do not cause ambiguity.
@ local : Specify @ followed by the reserved word local to force the command line
to executed on the local host.
@ /res_req : Specify @ followed by / and a resource requirement string to indicate
the command is eligible for remote execution, and that the specified resource
requirements must be used instead of those in the remote task list.
When specifying resource requirements following the @ it is necessary to use / only
if the first requirement characters specified are also the first characters of a host
e | -e Turns eligibility verbose mode on (e) or off (-e).
If eligibility verbose mode is on, lstcsh shows whether the command is eligible for
remote execution, and displays the resource requirement used if the command is
The default is off.
v | -v Turns task placement verbose mode on (v) or off (-v). If verbose mode is on,
lstcsh displays the name of the host on which the command is run if the command
is not run on the local host.
The default is on.
t | -t Turns wall clock timing on (t) or off (-t).
If timing is on, the actual response time of the command is displayed. This is the
total elapsed time in seconds from the time you submit the command to the time
the prompt comes back.
This time includes all remote execution overhead. The csh time built-in does not
include the remote execution overhead.
This is an impartial way of comparing the response time of jobs submitted locally
or remotely, because all the load sharing overhead is included in the displayed
elapsed time.
The default is off.
connect [host_name ...]
Establishes connections with specified remote hosts. If no hosts are specified, lists
all the remote hosts to which an lstcsh connection has been established.
A plus sign (+) with a remote host indicates that a server-shell has also been started
on it.
lsrtasks [+ task_name[/res_req ...] | - task_name[/res_req ...]]
Displays or update a user’s remote task list in the user’s task list $HOME/.lsftask.
280 Platform LSF Command Reference
This command has the same function as the external command lsrtasks, except
that the modified remote task list takes effect immediately for the current lstcsh
See lsrtasks(1) for more details.
lsltasks [+ task_name ... | - task_name ...]
Displays or update a user’s local task list in the user’s task list $HOME/.lsftask.
This command has the same function as the external command lsltasks, except
that the modified local task list takes effect immediately for the current lstcsh
See lsltasks(1) for more details.
jobs Lists background jobs together with the execution hosts. This break of transparency
is intentional in order to provide you with more control over your background jobs.
There are three optional configuration files for lstcsh:
The .shrc and .hostrc files are used by lstcsh alone, whereas .lsftask is used
by LSF to determine general task eligibility.
Use this file when you want an execution environment on remote hosts that is
different from that on the local host. This file is sourced automatically on a remote
host when a connection is established. For example, if the remote host is of different
type, you may need to run a version of the executable for that particular host type,
therefore it may be necessary to set a different path on the remote host.
Use this file to indicate a list of host names to which the user wants to be connected
(asynchronously in the background) at lstcsh startup time. This saves the time
spent in establishing the connections dynamically during execution of shell
commands. Once a connection is set up, you can execute further remote commands
on those connected hosts with very little overhead.
Use this file to specify lists of remote and local tasks that you want to be added to
the respective system default lists. Each line of this file is of the form
task_name/res_req, where task_name is the name of a task, and res_req is a string
specifying the resource requirements of the task. If res_req is not specified, the
command is executed on machines of the same type as the local host.
Platform LSF Command Reference 281
Type-ahead for the next command is discarded when a job is executing in the
foreground on a remote host.
It is not possible to provide input data to load sharing shell scripts (that is, shell
scripts whose content is load shared).
The lstcsh is fully compatible with tcsh 6.03 7-bit mode. Any feature that is not
included in tcsh 6.03 is not supported.
See also
csh, tcsh, lsrtasks, lsltasks, lseligible, lsinfo, lsload
282 Platform LSF Command Reference
Parallel Application Manager – job starter for MPI applications
HP-UX vendor MPI syntax
bsub pam -mpi mpirun [mpirun_options ] mpi_app [argument ...]
SGI vendor MPI syntax
bsub pam [-n num_tasks ] -mpi -auto_place mpi_app [argument ...]
Generic PJL framework syntax
bsub pam [-t] [-v] [-n num_tasks ] -g [num_args]
pjl_wrapper [pjl_options] mpi_app [argument ...]
pam [-h] [-V]
The Parallel Application Manager (PAM) is the point of control for Platform LSF.
PAM is fully integrated with Platform LSF to interface the user application with
LSF. PAM acts as the supervisor of a parallel LSF job.
MPI jobs started by pam can only be submitted through the LSF Batch system. PAM
cannot be used interactively to start parallel jobs. sbatchd starts PAM on the first
execution host.
For all parallel application processes (tasks), PAM:
◆Uses a vendor MPI library or an MPI Parallel Job Launcher (PJL; for example,
mpirun, poe) to start a parallel job on a specified set of hosts in a LSF cluster.
◆PAM contacts RES on each execution host allocated to the parallel job.
◆PAM queries RES periodically to collect resource usage for each parallel task
and passes control signals through RES to all process groups and individual
running tasks, and cleans up tasks as needed.
◆Passes job-level resource usage and process IDs (PIDs and PGIDs) to sbatchd
for enforcement
◆Collects resource usage information and exit status upon termination
Task startup for vendor MPI jobs
The pam command starts a vendor MPI job on a specified set of hosts in a LSF
cluster. Using pam to start an MPI job requires the underlying MPI system to be LSF
aware, using a vendor MPI implementation that supports LSF (SGI IRIX vendor
MPI or HP-UX vendor MPI).
PAM uses the vendor MPI library to spawn the child processes needed for the
parallel tasks that make up your MPI application. It starts these tasks on the systems
allocated by LSF. The allocation includes the number of execution hosts needed,
and the number of child processes needed on each host.
Platform LSF Command Reference 283
Task startup for LSF HPC generic PJL jobs
For parallel jobs submitted with bsub:
◆PAM invokes the PJL, which in turn invokes the TaskStarter (TS).
◆TS starts the tasks on each execution host, reports the process ID to PAM, and
waits for the task to finish.
Options for vendor MPI jobs
-auto_place The -auto_place option on the pam command line tells the SGI IRIX mpirun
library to launch the MPI application according to the resources allocated by LSF.
-mpi In the SGI environment, the -mpi option on the bsub and pam command line is
equivalent to the mpirun command.
On HP-UX, you can have LSF manage the allocation of hosts to achieve better
resource utilization by coordinating the start-up phase with mpirun. This is done
by preceding the regular HP MPI mpirun command with:
bsub pam -mpi
For HP-UX vendor MPI jobs, the -mpi option must be the first option of the pam
For example, to run a single-host job and have LSF select the host, the command:
mpirun -np 14 a.out
is entered as:
bsub pam -mpi mpirun -np 14 a.out
-n num_tasks The number of processors required to run the MPI application, typically the
number of parallel tasks in the job. If the host is a multiprocessor, one host can start
several tasks.
You c an us e b ot h bsub -n and pam -n in the same job submission. The number
specified in the pam -n option should be less than or equal to the number specified
by bsub -n. If the number of tasks specified with pam -n is greater than the
number specified by bsub -n, the pam -n is ignored.
For example, on SGI IRIX or SGI Altix, you can specify:
bsub -n 5 pam -n 2 -mpi -auto_place a.out
Here, the job requests 5 processors, but PAM only starts 2 parallel tasks.
mpi_app [argument ...]
The name of the MPI application to be run on the listed hosts. This must be the last
argument on the command line.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exit.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exit.
Exit Status
284 Platform LSF Command Reference
Options for LSF HPC generic PJL jobs
-t This option tells pam not to print out the MPI job tasks summary report to the
standard output. By default, the summary report prints out the task ID, the host on
which it was executed, the command that was executed, the exit status, and the
termination time.
-v Verbose mode. Displays the name of the execution host or hosts.
-g [num_args] pjl_wrapper [pjl_options]
The -g option is required to use the LSF generic PJL framework. You must specify
all the other pam options before -g.
Specifies how many space-separated arguments in the command line are related to
the PJL (after that, the remaining section of the command line is assumed to be
related to the binary application that launches the parallel tasks).
The name of the PJL
Optional arguments to the PJL
For example:
◆A PJL named no_arg_pjl takes no options, so num_args=1. The syntax is:
pam [pam_options] -g 1 no_arg_pjl job [job_options]
◆A PJL is named 3_arg_pjl and takes the options -a, -b, and group_name, so
num_args=4. The syntax is:
pam [pam_options] -g 4 3_arg_pjl -a -b group_name job [job_options]
-n num_tasks The number of processors required to run the MPI application, typically the
number of parallel tasks in the job. If the host is a multiprocessor, one host can start
several tasks.
You c an us e b ot h bsub -n and pam -n in the same job submission. The number
specified in the pam -n option should be less than or equal to the number specified
by bsub -n. If the number of tasks specified with pam -n is greater than the number
specified by bsub -n, the pam -n is ignored.
mpi_app [argument ...]
The name of the MPI application to be run on the listed hosts. This must be the last
argument on the command line.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exit.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exit.
Exit Status
pam exits with the exit status of mpirun or the PJL wrapper.
See also
Platform LSF Command Reference 285
UNIX only. Manage patches in a licensed Platform cluster.
patchinstall [-f env_file] [--silent] package...
patchinstall -c [-f env_file] [--silent] package...
patchinstall -r [-f env_file] [--silent] package
patchinstall -r [-f env_file] [--silent] build_number
patchinstall -h
Permission required to run this command depends on the package contents and the
original cluster installation account; you should normally log on as root, but you
can patch some binaries as cluster administrator (lsfadmin).
By default, the command installs one or more packages in an existing cluster.
The cluster location is normally determined by your environment setting, so ensure
your environment is set before you run this command (for example, you sourced
cshrc.lsf or profile.lsf).
Specify the packages you want to install.
The installer does some checking first. If it does not find a problem, it prompts you
to proceed with installation. If you confirm, it backs up the current binaries to the
patch backup directory and then installs the specified packages on the cluster,
updating or adding new binaries. It does not modify any existing configuration
files. If there is any problem during installation of a package, it automatically rolls
back to the cluster’s previous state. It records the changes in the patch history
directory. This additional checking can take more time than installing with
The command can also be used to do the following:
◆Check—do the checking for the packages without installing them. For more
information, see the -c option.
◆Roll back—remove the most recent patch and return the cluster to the previous
patch level. If you want to roll back multiple versions, you must roll back one
patch level at a time, in the reverse order of installation. For more information,
see the -r option.
-c Check. Perform checking as if to install, but do not proceed with installation.
Specify each package you want to check. You may specify multiple packages.
Checks that the existing cluster is compatible with the patch (the same version of
the product is already installed on the same binary types). Fixes and fix packs may
also require that a specific enhancement pack be installed.
286 Platform LSF Command Reference
Checks that your user account has permission to write to the installation directory,
backup directory, and history directory.
Lists existing files that will be overwritten by the patch.
Lists files that to be added by the patch.
-f env_file This option should only be used if you cannot set your environment (for example,
you cannot source cshrc.lsf or profile.lsf).
Specify the full path and file name of a file (such as your LSF install.config file)
that properly defines the parameter LSF_TOP.
If you use this option, the command gets the cluster location from this file, not from
the settings in your environment.
-h Outputs command usage and exits.
-r Rollback. You must specify the most recently installed patch. The installer checks
all binary types and finds all instances where the most recently installed patch has
the same build number. These packages are removed and the cluster reverts to the
previous patch level.
Specify the build number of the most recent patch or specify full path to the package
you used to install the most recent patch, The installer automatically checks the
package to determine the build. You cannot specify any other build.
To remove multiple patches and roll back multiple versions, you must run the
command multiple times and roll back one patch level at a time.
You cannot roll back if the backup files from the previous patch level are unavailable
(if you deleted them from the patch backup directory).
--silent Silent mode. Install or roll back without any interactive prompts for confirmation.
Status information and prompts are displayed in your command console.
Status information is also logged to patch.log (when patching or rolling back the
cluster) or precheck.log (when checking a package).
If there are any problems found when checking a package, errors are displayed in
your command console and also logged to patch.err.
See also
◆pversions command: displays the patch level of products installed in your
◆install.config file: describes the parameter LSF_TOP
◆patch.conf file: defines backup and history directories
Administer the Platform Management Console (PMC).
pmcadmin [start | stop | list | addrtm URL | -h ]
CAUTION:This command can only be used by LSF administrators.
Always run this command on the host that runs PMC.
This command is used to administer the PMC.
start Starts the Platform Management Console on the local host.
stop Stops the Platform Management Console on the local host.
list Status of the PMC service on the local host.
addrtm URL RTM only. Integrate RTM web pages with PMC. Specify the RTM main web page
access URL. For example, specify http://host_name/cacti
-h Outputs command usage and exits.
Output of pmcadmin list.
SERVICE WEBGUI, the name of the PMC service
PMC is running.
PMC is not running.
PMC status is unknown. The local host may not be the PMC host.
HOSTNAME Name of the host.
WSM_PID Process ID of the service.
PORT Web ser ver port.
See also
◆perfadmin command: administer PERF services
◆pmcsetrc command: enable automatic startup of PMC on a host
◆pmcremoverc command: disable automatic startup of PMC on a host
288 Platform LSF Command Reference
Prevents automatic startup of the Platform Management Console (PMC) on a
UNIX host.
This is an administrative command. You must be logged on as root to issue this
Prevents automatic startup of PMC on a UNIX host when a system reboot
command is issued. After this command is issued, PMC no longer starts
automatically if the host gets rebooted. In such a case, you must manually start
PMC after the host has started up.
Removes the file pmc created in the system startup directory by pmcsetrc.
Platform LSF Command Reference 289
Configures automatic startup of the Platform Management Console (PMC) on a
UNIX host.
Configures a UNIX host to allow automatic startup of PMC on the machine when
a system reboot command is issued. Creates the file pmc under the system startup
This is an administrative command. You must be logged on as root to issue this
For ease of administration, you should enable automatic startup. This starts PMC
automatically when the host restarts.
If you do not configure hosts to start automatically, PMC must be started manually.
290 Platform LSF Command Reference
Administer the LSF Reports (PERF) services.
perfadmin start service_name | all
perfadmin stop service_name | all
perfadmin [list | -h]
CAUTION:This command can only be used by LSF administrators.
Starts or stops the PERF services, or shows status.
Run the command on the PERF host to control the following PERF services: loader
controller (plc), job data transformer (jobdt), and data purger (purger). Run the
command on the Derby database host to control the Derby database service
If PERF services are controlled by EGO, let the EGO service controller start and
stop the PERF services.
start service_name | all
Starts the PERF services on the local host. You must specify the service name or the
keyword all. Do not run this command on a host that is not the PERF host or
Derby database host, you should only run one set of services per cluster.
stop service_name | all
Stops the PERF services on the local host. You must specify the service name or the
keyword all.
list Lists status of PERF services. Run this command on the PERF host or Derby
database host.
-h Outputs command usage and exits.
Status information and prompts are displayed in your command console.
SERVICE The name of the PERF service.
Service is running.
Service is not running.
Platform LSF Command Reference 291
Service status is unknown. The local host may not be the PERF host or Derby
database host.
HOSTNAME Name of the host.
WSM_PID Process ID of the running service.
See also
◆pmcadmin command: administer the Platform Management Console (PMC)
◆perfsetrc command: enable automatic startup of PERF services on a host
◆perfremoverc command: disable automatic startup of PERF services on a host
Prevents automatic startup of the LSF Reporting (PERF) daemons on a UNIX host.
This is an administrative command. You must be logged on as root to issue this
Prevents automatic startup of PERF daemons on a UNIX host when a system reboot
command is issued. After this script/command is issued, PERF daemons no longer
start automatically if the host gets rebooted. In such a case, you must manually start
daemons after the host has started up.
Removes the file perf created in the system startup directory by perfsetrc.
Run the command on the PERF host to control the following PERF services: loader
controller (plc), job data transformer (jobdt), and data purger (purger). Run the
command on the Derby database host to control the Derby database service
Configures automatic startup of the LSF Reporting (PERF) daemons on a UNIX
This is an administrative command. You must be logged on as root to issue this
Configures a UNIX host to allow automatic startup of PERF daemons on the
machine when a system reboot command is issued. Creates the file perf under the
system startup directory.
For ease of administration, you should enable automatic startup. This starts PERF
daemons automatically when the host restarts.
If you do not configure hosts to start automatically, PERF daemons must be started
Run the command on the PERF host to control the following PERF services: loader
controller (plc), job data transformer (jobdt), and data purger (purger). Run the
command on the Derby database host to control the Derby database service
pversions (Windows)
294 Platform LSF Command Reference
pversions (Windows)
Windows version of the command: displays the version information for Platform
products installed on a Windows host.
pversions [product_name]
pversions -h
pversions -V
Displays the version and patch level of a Platform product installed on a Windows
host, and the list of patches installed.
product_name Specify the Platform product for which you want version information. Specify one
of the following:
◆EGO—to see version information for Platform EGO
◆Symphony—to see version information for Platform Symphony and Symphony
Developer’s Edition
◆LSF—to see version information for Platform LSF
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits from the software.
-V Prints product version to stderr and exits.
Platform LSF Command Reference 295
pversions (UNIX)
UNIX version of the command: displays the version information for Platform
products installed on UNIX hosts.
pversions [-f env_file] [-p product_name]
pversions [-f env_file] -b build_number
pversions [-f env_file] -q file_name
pversions -c package_name
pversions -h
By default, displays the version and patch level of Platform products.
The cluster location is normally determined by your environment setting, so ensure
your environment is set before you run this command (for example, you sourced
cshrc.lsf or profile.lsf).
For each binary type, displays basic version information (package build date, build
number, package installed date) and lists patches installed (package type, build
number, date installed, fixes).
Optionally, the command can also be used to do the following:
◆Check the contents of a package before installing it
◆Show information about a specific Platform product installed
◆Show information about installed packages from specific build
◆Find current versions of a specific Platform file and see information for each
-f env_file This option should only be used if you cannot set your environment (for example,
you cannot source cshrc.lsf or profile.lsf).
Specify the full path and file name of a file (such as your LSF install.config file)
that properly defines the parameter LSF_TOP.
If you use this option, the command gets the cluster location from this file, not from
the settings in your environment.
-b build_number Specify the build number of an installed patch (you can specify the most recent full
installation or patches installed after the most recent full installation).
Displays information and the contents of the build (binary type and install date,
notes, fixes, and files in the package).
-c package_name Specify the full path and file name of an uninstalled package. For this option, you
do not need to set your environment because a cluster is not required.
Displays package contents (notes, fixes, and files in the patch).
-p product_name Specify one Platform product to see information for that product only. Specify LSF
to see information about LSF or PMC to see information about the Console package.
296 Platform LSF Command Reference
-q file_name Specify the file name of one installed file.
For each binary type, displays basic version information and file location. If the
binary has been updated after the most recent full installation, displays additional
information about the most recent patch that updated the file (build number, fixes,
notes, date installed)
-h Outputs command usage and exits.
Information is displayed in your command console.
Product Version Information (Default and -p)
By default, displays product information for entire cluster. With -p, displays
information for specified product only.
For each Platform product, displays product name and version followed by specific
information about each binary type.
For each binary type, displays basic version information (package build date, build
number, package installed date) and lists any patches installed (package type, build
number or fix number, date installed).
binary type Binary type, build number of binary, and build date of the binary for the most
recent full installation (a full installation is installation of any distribution that
contains a complete set of new binaries. A full installation can be a new cluster, a
licensed upgrade, or patching with an enhancement pack).
installed Date the binary was installed for the most recent full installation.
patched For each patch after the most recent full installation, displays fix number, build
number, and date patch was installed. If the patch was a fix pack, multiple fixes are
File Version
Information (-q)
With -q, displays information for specified file only.
For each Platform product that contains the specified file, displays product name
and version followed by specific information about each binary type.
For each binary type that contains the specified file, displays basic version
information and file location. If the binary has been updated after the most recent
full installation, displays additional information about the most recent patch that
updated the file (build number, fixes, notes, date installed).
binary type
Binary type, build number of binary, and build date of the binary for the most
recent full installation (a full installation is any distribution that contains a complete
set of new binaries. A full installation can be a new cluster installation, a licensed
version upgrade, or patching with an enhancement pack).
Date the binary was installed for the most recent full installation.
Full path to the version of the file being used for this binary type.
Platform LSF Command Reference 297
last patched
For the last patch to update the file after the most recent full installation, displays
build number and date patch was installed.
last patch notes
Optional. Some information provided by Platform for the last patch that updated
the file.
last patch fixes
Fixes included in the last patch that updated the file.
Build Version Information (-b)
With -b, displays information for patches with the specified build number only.
For each Platform product, if the product is using binaries from the specified build,
displays product name and version followed by specific information about each
binary type.
For each binary type, displays the following:
binary type Binary type, build number and build date of the patch.
installed Date the patch was installed.
notes Optional. Some information provided by Platform for the build.
fixes Fixes included in the patch.
files Files included in the patch (not shown for a full distribution such as enhancement
pack). Full path to the file installed by this patch.
Package Version Information (-c)
With -c, displays version information for a specified uninstalled package.
product Displays Platform product name and version.
binary type Binary type, build number and build date of the patch.
notes Optional. Some information provided by Platform for the build.
fixes Fixes included in the patch.
files Files included in the patch (not shown for a full distribution such as enhancement
pack). Relative path to the file.
298 Installing and Running Platform LSF Session Scheduler
displays accounting statistics about finished Session Scheduler jobs
ssacct [-l] job_ID | [task_ID | "task_ID[index]"]
ssacct [-l] "job_ID [index]"] [task_ID | "task_ID[index]"]
ssacct [-l] -f log_file [job_ID | [task_ID | "task_ID[index]"]]
ssacct [-l] -f log_file ["job_ID [index]"] [task_ID |
ssacct -h |-V
By default, displays accounting statistics for all finished jobs submitted by the user
who invoked the command.
-l Long format. Displays additional accounting statistics.
-f log_file Searches the specified job log file for accounting statistics. Specify either an absolute
or relative path.
By default, ssacct searches for accounting files in SSCHED_ACCT_DIR in
lsb.params. Use this option to parse a specific file in a different location. You can
specify a log file name, or a job ID, or both a log file and a job ID. The following are
ssacct -f log_file job_ID
ssacct -f log_file
ssacct job_ID
The specified file path can contain up to 4094 characters for UNIX, or up to 255
characters for Windows.
job_ID | "job_ID[index]"
Displays information about the specified jobs or job arrays.
task_ID | "task_ID[index]"
Displays information about the specified tasks or task arrays.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints Session Scheduler release version to stderr and exits.
Installing and Running Platform LSF Session Scheduler 299
Summary (default format)
Statistics on all tasks in the session. The following fields are displayed:
◆Total number of done tasks
◆Total CPU time in seconds consumed
◆Average CPU time in seconds consumed
◆Maximum CPU time in seconds of a task
◆Minimum CPU time in seconds of a task
◆Total wait time in seconds
◆Average wait time in seconds
◆Maximum wait time in seconds
◆Minimum wait time in seconds
◆Average turnaround time (seconds/task)
◆Maximum turnaround time (seconds/task)
◆Minimum turnaround time (seconds/task)
◆Average hog factor of a job (CPU time/turnaround time)
◆Maximum hog factor of a task (CPU time/turnaround time)
◆Minimum hog factor of a task (CPU time/turnaround time)
The total, average, minimum, and maximum statistics are on all specified tasks.
The wait time is the elapsed time from job submission to job dispatch.
The turnaround time is the elapsed time from job submission to job completion.
The hog factor is the amount of CPU time consumed by a job divided by its
turnaround time.
Long Format (-l)
In addition to the fields displayed by default in SUMMARY, -l displays the
following fields:
CPU_T CPU time in seconds used by the task
WAIT Wall clock time in seconds between when the task was submitted to the
Session Scheduler and when it has been dispatched to an execution host
TURNAROUND Wall clock time in seconds between when the task was submitted to the
Session Scheduler and when it has completed running
STATUS Status that indicates the job was either successfully completed (done) or exited
HOG_FACTOR Average hog factor, equal to CPU time /turnaround time
300 Installing and Running Platform LSF Session Scheduler
Default format
ssacct 108 1[1]
Accounting information about tasks that are:
- submitted by all users.
- completed normally or exited.
- executed on all hosts.
SUMMARY: ( time unit: second )
Total number of done tasks: 1 Total number of exited tasks: 0
Total CPU time consumed: 0.0 Average CPU time consumed: 0.0
Maximum CPU time of a task: 0.0 Minimum CPU time of a task: 0.0
Total wait time: 2.0
Average wait time: 2.0
Maximum wait time: 2.0 Minimum wait time: 2.0
Average turnaround time: 3 (seconds/task)
Maximum turnaround time: 3 Minimum turnaround time: 3
Average hog factor of a task: 0.01 ( cpu time / turnaround time )
Maximum hog factor of a task : 0.01 Minimum hog factor of a task: 0.01
Long format (-l)
ssacct -l 108 1[1]
Accounting information about tasks that are:
- submitted by all users.
- completed normally or exited.
- executed on all hosts.
Job <108>, Task <1>, User <user1>, Status <Done> Command <myjob>
Thu Nov 1 13:48:03 2007: Submitted from host <hostA>;
Thu Nov 1 13:48:05 2007: Dispatched to <hostA>, Execution CWD </home/user1/src
Thu Nov 1 13:48:06 2007: Completed <done>.
Accounting information about this job:
0.03 2 3 done 0.0113
SUMMARY: ( time unit: second )
Total number of done tasks: 1 Total number of exited tasks: 0
Total CPU time consumed: 0.0 Average CPU time consumed: 0.0
Installing and Running Platform LSF Session Scheduler 301
Maximum CPU time of a task: 0.0 Minimum CPU time of a task: 0.0
Total wait time: 2.0
Average wait time: 2.0
Maximum wait time: 2.0 Minimum wait time: 2.0
Average turnaround time: 3 (seconds/task)
Maximum turnaround time: 3 Minimum turnaround time: 3
Average hog factor of a task: 0.01 ( cpu time / turnaround time )
Maximum hog factor of a task : 0.01 Minimum hog factor of a task: 0.01
Reads job_ID.ssched.acct
See also
ssched, lsb.params
302 Installing and Running Platform LSF Session Scheduler
submit tasks through Platform LSF Session Scheduler
ssched [options] command
ssched [options] -tasks task_definition_file
ssched [options] -tasks task_definition_file command
ssched [-h | -V]
Options can be specified on the ssched command line or on a line in a task
definition file. If specified on the command line, the option applies to all tasks,
whether specified on the command line or in a file. Options specified in a file apply
only to the command on that line. Options in the task definition file override the
same option specified on the command line.
ssched exit codes
Task Definition File Format
The task definition file is an ASCII file. Each line represents one task, or an array of
tasks. Each line has the following format:
[task_options] command [arguments]
Options List
Command options
-1 | -2 | -3
Task options
-E "pre_exec_command [argument ...]"
-Ep "post_exec_command [argument ...]"
-e err_file
Exit Code Meaning
0 All tasks completed normally
1 An unspecified error occurred
3 All tasks completed, but some tasks have a non-zero exit code
4 Error parsing ssched command line parameters or tasks definition file. No
tasks were run.
5 Exceeded the SSCHED_MAX_TASKS limit
6 License expired
Installing and Running Platform LSF Session Scheduler 303
-i input_file
-J task_name[index_list]
-j "starter [starter] [%USRCMD] [starter]"
-M mem_limit
-o out_file
-Q "exit_code ..."
-W [minutes:]seconds
Option Descriptions
Command options
-1 | -2 | -3 Enables increasing amounts of debug output
-C Sanity check all parameters and the task definition file. Exit immediately after the
check is complete. An exit code of 0 indicates no errors were found. Any non-zero
exit code indicates an error. ssched -C can be run outside of LSF.
-p Do not delete the temporary working directory. This option is useful when
diagnosing errors.
Task options
-E "pre_exec_command [arguments ...]"
Runs the specified pre-execution command on the execution host before actually
running the task.
The task pre-execution behavior mimics the behavior of LSF job pre-execution.
However, the task pre-execution command cannot run as root.
The standard input and output for the pre-execution command are directed to the
same files as the job. The pre-execution command runs under the same user ID,
environment, home, and working directory as the job. If the pre-execution
command is not in the user’s usual execution path (the $PATH variable), the full path
name of the command must be specified.
-Ep "post_exec_command [arguments ...]"
Runs the specified post-execution command on the execution host after the task
The task post-execution behavior mimics the behavior of LSF job post-execution.
However, the task post-execution command cannot run as root.
If the post-execution command is not in the user’s usual execution path (the $PATH
variable), the full path name of the command must be specified.
-e error_file
Specify a file path. Appends the standard error output of the job to the specified file.
Option Descriptions
304 Installing and Running Platform LSF Session Scheduler
If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, the standard
error output of a task is written to the file you specify as the job runs. If
LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, standard error output of a task is written to a
temporary file and copied to the specified file after the task finishes.
You can use the special characters %J, %I, %T, %X in the name of the input file. %J
is replaced by the job ID. %I is replaced by the job array index, %T is replaced with
the task ID, and %X is replaced by the task array index.
If the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host after the job
starts, Session Scheduler writes the standard error output file to /tmp/.
NOTE:The file path can contain up to 4094 characters including the directory, file name, and
expanded values for %J, %I, %T and %X
-i input_file
Gets the standard input for the job from specified file. Specify an absolute or relative
path. The input file can be any type of file, though it is typically a shell script text file.
If -i is not specified, standard input defaults to /dev/null.
You can use the special characters %J, %I, %T, %X in the name of the input file. %J
is replaced by the job ID. %I is replaced by the job array index, %T is replaced with
the task ID, and %X is replaced by the task array index.
NOTE:The file path can contain up to 4094 characters including the directory, file name, and
expanded values for %J, %I, %T and %X
-J task_name[ index_list]
Specifies the indices of the task array. The index list must be enclosed in square
brackets. The index list is a comma-separated list whose elements have the syntax
start[-end[:step]] where start, end and step are positive integers. If the step is
omitted, a step of one is assumed. The task array index starts at one.
All tasks in the array share the same option parameters. Each element of the array
is distinguished by its array index.
-j "starter [starter] [%USRCMD] [starter] "
Task job starter. Creates a specific environment for submitted tasks prior to
The job starter is any executable that can be used to start the task (that is, it can
accept the task as an input argument). Optionally, additional strings can be
By default, the user commands run after the job starter. A special string, %USRCMD,
can be used to represent the position of the user's task in the job starter command
line. The %USRCMD string may be followed by additional commands.
-o output_file
Specify a file path. Appends the standard output of the task to the specified file. The
default is to output to the same stdout as the ssched command.
Installing and Running Platform LSF Session Scheduler 305
If only a file name is specified, LSF writes the output file to the current working
directory. If the current working directory is not accessible on the execution host
after the task starts, LSF writes the standard output file to /tmp/.
If the parameter LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT in lsf.conf is set to Y or y, the standard
output of a task is written to the file you specify as the task runs. If
LSB_STDOUT_DIRECT is not set, it is written to a temporary file and copied to
the specified file after the task finishes.
You can use the special characters %J, %I, %T, %X in the name of the input file. %J
is replaced by the job ID. %I is replaced by the job array index, %T is replaced with
the task ID, and %X is replaced by the task array index.
NOTE:The file path can contain up to 4094 characters including the directory, file name, and
expanded values for %J, %I, %T and %X
-M mem_limit
Sets a per-process (soft) memory limit for all the processes that belong to the task
(see getrlimit(2)).
By default, the limit is specified in KB. Use LSF_UNIT_FOR_LIMITS in lsf.conf
to specify a larger unit for the limit (MB, GB, TB, PB, or EB).
You should only set a task level memory limit if it less than the job limit.
-Q "exit_code ..."
Task requeue exit values. Enables automatic task requeue and sets the
LSB_EXIT_REQUEUE environment variable. Separate multiple exit codes with
spaces. The output from the failed run is not saved, and the user is not notified by
-W [minutes:]seconds
Sets the run time limit of the task. If a task runs longer than the specified run limit,
the task is sent a SIGKILL signal.
The run limit is in the form of [minutes:]seconds. The seconds can be specified as a
number greater than 59. For example, three and a half minutes can either be
specified as 3:30, or 210. The run limit you specify is the absolute run time.
-tasks task_definition_file
Specify tasks through a task definition file.
command [argument]
The command can be anything that is provided to a UNIX Bourne shell (see sh(1)).
The command is assumed to begin with the first word that is not part of a option.
All arguments that follow command are provided as the arguments to the
The job command can be up to 4094 characters long.
Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
Prints release version to stderr and exits.
Platform LSF Command Reference 307
checks out a license token and manages interactive UNIX applications
taskman -Lp project
-R “rusage[token=number[:duration=minutes |hoursh]
[:token=number[:duration=minutes |hoursh]]...] [-N n_retries]
[-v] command
taskman [-h | -V]
Runs the interactive UNIX application on behalf of the user. When it starts, the task
manager connects to License Scheduler to request the application license tokens.
When all the requested licenses are available, the task manager starts the
application. While the application is running, the task manager monitors resource
usage, CPU, and memory, and reports the usage to License Scheduler. When the
application terminates, the task manager exits.
By default, a license is reserved for the duration of the task, so the application can
check out the license at any time. Use the duration keyword if you want unused
licenses to be reallocated if the application fails to check out the license before the
reservation expires.
command Required. The command to start the job that requires the license.
-v Verbose mode. Displays detailed messages about the status of configuration files.
-N n_retries Specifies the maximum number of retry attempts taskman takes to connect to the
daemon. If this option is not specified, taskman retries indefinitely.
-Lp project Required. Specifies the interactive license project that is requesting tokens. The
client must be known to LSF License Scheduler.
-R “rusage[token=number[:duration=minutes | hoursh][:token=number[:duration=minutes | hoursh]]...]
Required. Specifies the type and number of license tokens to request from GLB.
Optionally, specifies a time limit for the license reservation, expressed as an integer
(the keyword h following the number indicates hours instead of minutes). You may
specify multiple license types, with different duration values. Separate each
requirement with a colon (:). Enclose the entire list in one set of square brackets.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints the License Scheduler release version to stderr and exits.
308 Platform LSF Command Reference
displays the stdout and stderr output of an unfinished Terminal Services job
tspeek job_ID
tspeek [-h |-V]
Displays the standard output and standard error output that have been produced by
one of your unfinished Terminal Services jobs, up to the time that this command is
This command is useful for monitoring the progress of a job and identifying errors.
If errors are observed, valuable user time and system resources can be saved by
terminating an erroneous job.
tspeek is supported on Windows and Linux. You cannot use tspeek to monitor job
output from UNIX. tspeek on Linux requires rdesktop.
You c an us e tspeek from any Linux host where rdesktop is installed to view the
output of a Terminal Services job. For example, if your job ID is 23245, run:
tspeek 23245
job_ID Operates on the specified Terminal Services job.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
Platform LSF Command Reference 309
submits a Terminal Services job to LSF
tssub [bsub_options] command [arguments]
tssub [-h |-V]
Submits a Terminal Services job for batch execution and assigns it a unique
numerical job ID.
tssub is a wrapper around the bsub command which only submits jobs to hosts
that have Microsoft Terminal Services installed. For bsub options, see the bsub
You submit Terminal Services job with tssub instead of bsub. If the terminal
window is closed, the job remains running. You can reconnect to view the job with
tssub is supported on Windows and Linux. You cannot use tssub to submit
Terminal Services jobs from UNIX.
If the job is dispatched to a host in which Terminal Services is not installed or
properly configured, the job is set to the PEND state and a pending reason is written
in sbatchd.log.host_name.
If tssub -I is specified, a terminal display is visible on the submission host after
the job has been started.
If the job is not a GUI job, LSF runs a command window and output is displayed in
the command window when something is written to stdout.
Pre- and post-execution commands are executed within the terminal session. The
job does not complete until post-execution commands complete.
If you use bjobs -l to monitor the job, you see a message similar to “External
Message 2 was posted from LSF\lsfadmin to message box 2”. The body of
the message contains the ID of the terminal session that was created.
Use tspeek to view job output.
tssub sets the LSB_TSJOB and LSF_LOGON_DESKTOP environment variables.
These variables are then transferred to the execution host:
When LSF_LOGON_DESKTOP=1, jobs run in interactive foreground sessions.
This allows GUIs to be displayed on the execution host. If this parameter is not
defined, jobs run in the background.
When the LSB_TSJOB variable is defined to any value, it indicates to LSF that the
job is a Terminal Services job.
310 Platform LSF Command Reference
◆You cannot use bmod to modify a job submitted as a Terminal Services job to
become a non-Terminal Services job
◆The bsub option -o out_file is not supported for tssub
◆Only Windows bsub options are supported for tssub. For example, you cannot
use the options -Ip, -Is, -L login_shell of bsub with tssub.
◆Interactive bsub options (-I, -Ip, -Is) are not supported with tssub on Linux
◆If user mapping is defined, the user who invokes tspeek must have the required
privileges to access the session
◆MultiCluster is not supported
bsub_options Only Windows bsub options are supported for tssub. For example, you cannot use
the options -Ip, -Is, -L login_shell of bsub with tssub.
For bsub options, see the bsub command.
command [argument]The job can be specified by a command line argument command, or through the
standard input if the command is not present on the command line. The command
is assumed to begin with the first word that is not part of a tssub option. All
arguments that follow command are provided as the arguments to the command.
The job command can be up to 4094 characters long for UNIX and Linux or up to
255 characters for Windows. If no job name is specified with -J, bjobs, bhist and
bacct displays the command as the job name.
The commands are executed in the order in which they are given.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
-V Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
See also
bsub, tspeek
Platform LSF Command Reference 311
changes a user’s password for an entire Microsoft Windows workgroup
wgpasswd [user_name]
wgpasswd [-h]
You must run this command on a host in a Windows workgroup. You must have
administrative privileges to change another user’s password.
Prompts for old and new passwords, then changes the password on every host in
the workgroup.
By default, modifies your own user account.
user_name Specifies the account to modify. You must have administrative privileges to change
another user’s password.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
For each host in the workgroup, returns the status of the operation (SUCCESS or
Modifies the LSF password file.
312 Platform LSF Command Reference
modifies user accounts for an entire Microsoft Windows workgroup
wguser [-r] user_name ...
wguser [-h]
CAUTION:You must run this command on a host in a Microsoft Windows workgroup. You should
have administrative privileges on every host in the workgroup.
Modifies accounts on every host in the workgroup that you have administrative
privileges on.
By default, prompts for a default password to use for all of the accounts, and then
creates the specified user accounts on each host, if they do not already exist.
Use -r to remove accounts from the workgroup.
-r Removes the specified user accounts from each host, if they exist.
user_name ... Required. Specifies the accounts to add or remove.
-h Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
For each host in the workgroup, returns the result of the operation (SUCCESS or
Platform LSF Command Reference 313
ABS_RUNLIMIT, lsb.params file, bsub -W 201
absolute path, lsfinstall options 233
Active status, bqueues 129
Active:Missed status, bsla 168
Active:Ontime status, bsla 168
blinfo output 96
blparams output 100
lsclusters 230
bhosts -l 56
bqueues -l 139
administrator, lsfinstall command 234
ADMINISTRATORS, bqueues -l 137
ALLOCATION, blinfo output 95
APP_NAME, bclusters 40
Application Profile
bhist -l 48
bjobs -l ouput 71
ARRAY_SPEC, bjobs -A 74
BACKFILL, bqueues -l 135
bld, License Scheduler daemon 81, 88
Blocks in, lsacct 219
Blocks out, lsacct 219
BUILTIN, lsinfo -l 252
bulk jobs, killing 77
checkins, blplugins output 103
checkouts, blplugins output 103
CHECKPOINT, bqueues -l 139
Checkpoint directory
bhist -l 49
bjobs -l 71
Checkpoint period
bhist -l 49
bjobs -l 71
CHKPNT_DIR, bapp -l 19
CHKPNT_METHOD, bapp -l 19
CHKPNT_PERIOD, bapp -l 19
CHKPNTDIR, bqueues -l 139
CHKPNTPERIOD, bqueues -l 139
chunk jobs
bmig 116
bsub restrictions 179
bswitch 209
bapp -l 20
bqueues -l 138
cleanup 13
Closed status, bqueues 129
bclusters 38
blusers output 112
cluster name, lsfinstall command 234
blinfo output 95
lsclusters 230
bhist -l output 48
bjobs -l 71
Command line, lsacct -l output 220
perfremoverc 292
perfsetrc 293
pmcremoverc 288
pmcsetrc 289
COMPL_TIME, bacct -l 11
Completion time, lsacct -l 220
automatic startup 289, 293
removing 288, 292
CONSUMABLE, lsinfo -l 252
CONSUMER, bsla 167
bapp -l 19
bqueues -l 133
CPU time
bjobs -l 73
lsacct 219
CPU_RADIUS, brlainfo 151
314 Platform LSF Command Reference
bacct -b 11
ssacct -l 299
CPU_TIME, bhpart 59
CPUF, bhosts -l 55
cpuf, lshosts 247
bapp -l 18
bqueues -l 132
CPUSET_OS, brlainfo 150
CREATOR, bacct -U 12
CURRENT LOAD, bhosts -l 56
bacct -l 11
bjobs -l 71
lsacct -l 220
bapp -l 19
bqueues -l 133
Default queue indication, bqueues -l 130
DEFAULT_EXTSCHED, lsb.queues file, bsub -ext 187
lsb.params file, bsub -c 184
lsb.queues file, bsub -c 184
DEFAULT_QUEUE, lsb.params file, bsub
command 180
DEMAND, blstat output 107
denies, blplugins output 103
bclusters 40
blinfo output 96
bapp -l 18
bqueues -l 130
disk space for installation 234
DISPAT_TIME, bacct -l 11
bhosts -l 55
bqueues -l 137
DISPLAYS, blusers output 112
DISTRIBUTION, blinfo output 95
blinfo output 96
blparams output 100
bjobs -A 74
bjobs -l 72
dual-core CPUs, license needed in lshosts -l 249
DYNAMIC, lsinfo -l 252
dynamic slave host
lsfinstall -s option 237
slave.config file variables 233
EGO_RES_REQ, bsla 167
ENABLE_DEFAULT_EGO_SLA, lsb.params file, bsub
-sla 199
ERR_FILE, bacct -l 11
EXCEPTION STATUS, bjobs -l 11, 74
EXCLUSIVE, bqueues -l 135
EXEC_HOST, bjobs 71
EXEC_ON, bacct -b 11
Execution host, lsacct -l 220
bjobs -A 75
bjobs -l 72
Exit status, lsacct -l 220
blinfo output 97
blparams output 100
external_index, lsload 255
bqueues -l 135
bqueues -r 139
FAIRSHARE_QUEUES, bqueues -l 136
blinfo output 94, 95
blstat output 105
blusers output 111
bapp -l 19
bqueues -l 133
bjgroup, default output 63
bsla 169
FLEX_NAME, blinfo output 95
blinfo output 97
blparams output 100
FREE, blstat output 107
FREE CPU LIST, brlainfo 150
FREECPUS, brlainfo 150
FROM, bacct -b 11
FROM_HOST, bjobs 70
GOAL, bsla 168
GROUP, blinfo output 96
default output 63
job slots (-N) output 64
Platform LSF Command Reference 315
bacct -l 11
ssacct -l 299
HOST, blusers output 111, 112
bhosts 53
lshosts 247
lsload 254
lsmon 264
HOSTNAME, brlainfo 150
bhpart 58
blimits 91
blinfo output 97
blparams output 100
bqueues -l 137
lsclusters 230
lost_and_found 53, 71
lsfinstall command 234
hostsetup command, example 237
hostsetup script, lsfinstall command 236
idle job exception
bacct -l -x 12
bjobs -l 74
bqueues -l 135
IDLE_FACTOR, bjobs -l 73
bqueues -l 135
lsb.applications file, bsub -W 202
Inact_Adm status, bqueues -l 131
Inact_Win status, bqueues -l 131
Inactive status
blsa 168
bqueues 129
bqueues -l 131
Initial checkpoint period
bhist -l 49
bjobs -l 71
INPUT_FILE, bacct -l 11
install.config file, required variables 233
installation directory, lsfinstall command 234
INTERVAL, lsinfo -l 252
Interval for a host to accept two jobs, bqueues -l 131
INUSE, blstat output 106
Involuntary con sw, lsacct 220
bqueues -l 134
lsload 255
IP, blplugins output 103
bqueues -l 134
lsload 255
lsmon 265
JL/H, bqueues 130
bqueues 130
busers 214
bhosts 53
bqueues 130
JLIMIT, bjgroup, default output 64
JOB CONTROLS, bqueues -l 139
job migration, absolute job priority scheduling 116
job requeue, absolute job priority scheduling 143
JOB STATUS, bjobs -l 72
JOB_CONTROLS, lsb.queues file, bsub -t 200
JOB_DEP_LAST_SUB, lsb.params file, bsub -w 203
JOB_FLOW, bclusters 38
bacct -b 11
bjobs 71
lsb.params file
bsub -i 189
bsub -Zs 205
bapp -l 20
bqueues -l 138
bacct -l 11
bjobs 70
bjobs -A 74
blusers output 112
JOBS, blimits 92
jsdl_strict option 190
submit a job using bsub 190
LIC_COLLECT, lsf.licensescheduler file 87
LIC_SERVERS, blinfo output 96
LICENSE CLASS NEEDED, lshosts -l 248
license key, lsfinstall command 235
LICENSES_ENABLED, lshosts -l 248
LIMITS, blinfo output 96, 106
blinfo output 97
blparams output 100
blinfo output 97
blparams output 100
316 Platform LSF Command Reference
LOAD THRESHOLD, bhosts -l 56
LOAD_THRESHOLDS, lshosts -l 249
bhosts -l 54
bjobs -l 72
bhosts -l 54
bjobs -l 72
LOCAL_QUEUE, bclusters 38
bhosts -s 56
lshosts -s 249
lsload -s 256
lost_and_found host 53, 71
lost_and_found queue 91
bqueues 70
lost_and_found queue name, bqueues 129
bqueues -l 134
lsload 255
lsmon 265
blinfo output 97
blparams output 101
LSF administrator, lsfinstall command 234
LSF_DESERVE, blstat output 106
LSF_FREE, blstat output 106
blinfo output 97
blparams output 102
blinfo output 97
blparams output 102
blinfo output 97
blparams output 102
blinfo output 97
blparams output 102
blinfo output 97
blparams output 102
LSF_USE, blstat output 106
lsf7Update2_lsfinstall.tar.Z file 234
lsfinstall command, location 234
lsrcp 271
MANDATORY_EXTSCHED, lsb.queues file, bsub
-ext 187
master host candidates, lsfinstall command 234
MASTER_HOST, lsclusters 230
bhosts 54
bqueues 130
busers 214
Maximum slot reservation time, bqueues -l 138
maxmem, lshosts 248
maxswp, lshosts 248
maxtmp, lshosts -l 248
bacct -l 11
bjobs -l 73
blimits 92
bqueues -l 134
lsload 255
lsmon 265
bapp -l 18
bqueues -l 132
MEMLIMIT_TYPE bapp -l 18
Messages rcvd, lsacct 219
Messages sent, lsacct 219
MIG, bapp -l 19
migrated jobs, absolute job priority scheduling 116
Migration threshold
bhist -l 49
bjobs -l 71
bqueues -l 131
model, lshosts 247
MPEND, busers 215
multi-core CPUs, ncpus in lshosts 247
blimits 91
blinfo output 95
lshosts 248
lshosts -l 248
bacct -U 12
brlainfo 150
ncpus, lshosts 247
ndisks, lshosts -l 248
NICE, bqueues -l 131
bapp 17
default output 63
job slots (-N) output 64
bjobs -A 74
bqueues 130
Platform LSF Command Reference 317
bsla 169
busers 215
NJOBS bhosts 54
NLICS, blusers output 111
NNODES, brlainfo 150
NO_INTERACTIVE, bqueues -l 135
NON_LSF_DESERVE, blstat output 106
NON_LSF_FREE, blstat output 106
NON_LSF_USE, blstat output 106
blinfo output 96
blstat output 107
lshosts 247
lshosts -l 248
NSTATIC_CPUSETS, brlainfo 150
NTASKS, blusers output 111
NTHREAD, bjobs -l 73
lshosts 248
lshosts -l 248
ONLY_INTERACTIVE, bqueues -l 136
Open status, bqueues 129
ORDER, lsinfo -l 251
blstat output 106
blusers output 112
OUTPUT_FILE, bacct -l 11
overrun job exception
bacct -l -x 12
bjobs -l 74
bqueues -l 135
OWN, blstat output 106
default output 64
job slots (-N) output 65
bjobs -A 74
OWNERSHIP, blinfo output 96
Page faults, lsacct 219
PARALLEL_SCHED_BY_SLOT, lsb.params file, bsub
-n 193
bapp 17
bhist 48
default output 63
job slots (-N) output 64
bjobs -A 74
bjobs -l 72
bqueues 130
bsla 169
busers 215
PENDING REASONS, bjobs -l 71
perfremoverc command 292
perfsetrc command 293
bqueues -l 134
lsload 255
lsmon 265
PGID, bjobs -l 73
PID, lsacct -l 220
PIDS, blusers output 112
PIDs, bjobs -l 73
pmcremoverc command 288
pmcsetrc command 289
blinfo output 97
blparams output 102
bapp -l 19
bqueues -l 138
lsb.applications file, bsub -Ep 185
lsb.queues file, bsub -Ep 185
Post-execute Command, bjobs -l 71
pre- and post-execution processing
job level 185
job state post_done 204
job state post_err 204
bapp -l 19
bqueues -l 138
lsb.applications file, bsub -E 185
lsb.queues file, bsub -E 185
PREEMPTABLE, bqueues 138
PREEMPTION parameter, bqueues 138
bqueues 138
bqueues -l 138
primary LSF administrator, lsfinstall command 234
PRIO, bqueues 129
bhpart 58
bsla 167
bapp -l 18
bqueues -l 132
bapp -l 18
bqueues -l 132
lsb.queues file, bsub -n 194
318 Platform LSF Command Reference
blinfo output 95
blstat output 106
blusers output 112
bhist -l 48
bjobs -l 71
PROJECT/GROUP, blstat output 107
PROJECT_NAME, bacct -l 11
PROJECTS, blimits 91
bhist 48
bjobs -A 75
bjobs -l 72
bacct -b 11
bjobs 70
QUEUE_NAME, bqueues 129
QUEUES, blimits 91
queues, lost_and_found 70, 91
bqueues -l 133
lsload 255
lsmon 265
bqueues -l 133
lsload 255
lsmon 265
bqueues -l 133
lsload 255
lsmon 265
RECEIVE_JOBS_FROM, bqueues -l 138
RELEASE, lsinfo -l 252
REMOTE, bclusters 38
remote shell, lsrcp 271
REMOTE_CLUSTER, bclusters 39, 40
bapp -l 20
bqueues -l 138
requeued jobs, absolute job priority scheduling 143
required install.config and slave.config variables 233
bapp -l 20
bqueues -l 139
bapp -l 20
bqueues -l 138
RESERVE, blstat output 106
bhosts -s 56
bhpart 59
bhosts -s 56
blusers output 112
lshosts -s 249
lsload -s 256
bapp -l 18
bjobs -l 73
bqueues -l 131
RESOURCE USAGE, bjobs -l 73
Resource usage of tasks selected, lsacct 219
RESOURCE_FLOW, bclusters 39
RESOURCES, lshosts 248
RESUME_COND, bqueues -l 138
RESUME_CONTROL, bapp -l 20
rexpri, lshosts -l 248
rhostsetup script, lsfinstall command 237
rsh command
badmin hstartup all 27
lsadmin limstartup all 223
lsadmin resstartup all 224
lsfrestart lsfshutdown lsfstartup 240, 241, 242
lsrcp 271
bapp -l 18
bhosts 54
bjgroup, job slots (-N) output 65
bqueues -l 131
busers 215
RSV_HOSTS, bacct -U 12
RSVID, bacct -U 12
bapp 17
bhist 48
bhosts 54
default output 63
job slots (-N) output 64
bjobs -A 74
bjobs -l 72
bqueues 130
bsla 169
busers 215
RUN_TIME, bhpart 59
bqueues -l 136
lshosts -l 248
bapp -l 19
bqueues -l 132
RUNTIME, bjobs -l 73
RUSAGE, blusers output 112
Platform LSF Command Reference 319
Schedule delay for a new job, bqueues -l 131
bqueues -l 135
bqueues -r 139
secure shell 271
SEND_JOBS_TO, bqueues -l 138
server, lshosts 248
server hosts, lsfinstall command 234
SERVERS, lsclusters 231
blinfo output 94, 95
blstat output 105
blusers output 111, 112
SHARE, blstat output 106
SHARE_INFO_FOR, blstat output 107
bhpart 58
blinfo output 96
default output 64
job slots (-N) output 65
slave.config file, required variables 233
SLOT_POOL, bqueues -l 139
SLOT_SHARE, bqueues -l 139
SLOTS, blimits 91
ssh command
badmin hstartup all 27
lsadmin limstartup all 223
lsadmin resstartup all 224
lsfrestart lsfshutdown lsfstartup 240, 241, 242
lsrcp 271
bapp -l 18
bhist 48
bhosts 54
default output 63
job slots (-N) output 64
bjobs -A 75
bjobs -l 72
bqueues -l 131
bsla 169
busers 215
bapp -l 19
bqueues -l 133
START_TIME, blusers output 112
STARTED, bhpart 59
Starting time, lsacct -l 220
STAT, bjobs 70
STATIC CPUSETS, brlainfo 151
bacct -l 11
bclusters 39
bhosts 53
bhosts -l 55
bqueues 129
bqueues -l 131
bsla 168
lsclusters 230
ssacct -l 299
lsload 254
lsmon 264
STOP_COND, bqueues -l 138
bacct -b 11
bjobs 71
bapp 17
bqueues 130
bacct -l 11
bjobs -l 73
bapp -l 18
bqueues -l 132
Swaps, lsacct 219
SWP, blimits 92
bqueues -l 134
lsload 255
lsmon 265
bapp -l 20
lsb.applications file, bsub -t 200
bapp -l 18
bqueues -l 132
THROUGHPUT, bsla 168
Time range of ended tasks, lsacct 219
Time range of started tasks, lsacct 219
time windows, syntax 154
TIME_WINDOW, bacct -U 12
TMP, blimits 92
bqueues -l 134
lsload 255
lsmon 265
320 Platform LSF Command Reference
top-level installation directory (LSF_TOP) 234
bhist 48
bhosts -s 56
blinfo output 94
Total number of tasks, lsacct 219
TOTAL_FREE, blstat output 106
TOTAL_INUSE, blstat output 105
TOTAL_RESERVE, blstat output 105
bacct -b 11
ssacct -l 299
Turnaround, lsacct 220
bacct -U 12
lsinfo -l 251
type, lshosts 247
U/UID, bacct -b 11
underrun job exception
bacct -l -x 12
bjobs -l 74
bqueues -l 135
UNKNOWN, blusers output 112
bhist 48
bjobs -l 72
bacct -U 12
bjobs 70
blusers output 111, 112
user and host name, lsacct -l 220
USER GROUP, bsla 168
bhpart 58
busers 214
USER_SHARES, bqueues -l 136
blimits 91
bqueues -l 137
bapp -l 18
bhist 48
bhosts 54
default output 63
job slots (-N) output 64
bjobs -A 75
bjobs -l 72
bqueues -l 131
bsla 169
busers 215
bqueues -l 133
lsload 255
lsmon 265
lshosts -s 249
lsload -s 256
Voluntary cont sw, lsacct 220
bacct -b 11
bjobs -l 72
ssacct -l 299
windows, time 154
ZOMBI, bjobs -l 72