Huace Navigation Technology A01010 GNSS Receiver User Manual il

Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology LTD. GNSS Receiver il


user manual

Safety InformationilCHC® i70 GNSS ReceiverRevision 1.0May 2017
CopyrightCopyright 2016-2017 CHC | Shanghai HuaceNavigation Technology Ltd. All rights reserved. TheCHC are trademark of Shanghai Huace NavigationTechnology Limited. All other trademarks are theproperty of their respective owners.TrademarksAll product and brand names mentioned in thispublication are trademarks of their respectiveholders.Safety WarningsThe Global Positioning System (GPS) is operated bythe U.S. Government, which is solely responsiblefor the accuracy and maintenance of the GPSnetwork. Accuracy can also be affected by poorsatellite geometry and obstructions, like buildingsand heavy canopy.i70 GNSS Receiver User GuideRevision 1.0 May 2017The  i70, iG8 model's the function, software and electric circuit are the same , only to different guest with product model numbers different.
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 1CONTENTS1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................................41.1. Safety information..............................................................................................................................41.1.1. Warnings and cautions............................................................................................................41.1.2. Regulations and safety............................................................................................................ 41.1.3. Use and Care........................................................................................................................... 51.2. Technical support............................................................................................................................... 51.3. Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................... 51.4. Your comments...................................................................................................................................52. Getting started with i70................................................................................................................................ 62.1. About the receiver..............................................................................................................................62.2. Parts of the receiver........................................................................................................................... 62.2.1. Front panel.............................................................................................................................. 62.2.2. Lower housing......................................................................................................................... 82.2.3. Receiver ports..........................................................................................................................82.3. Batteries and power........................................................................................................................... 92.3.1. Internal batteries..................................................................................................................... Charging the battery.................................................................................................... Battery safe................................................................................................................ 102.3.2. External power supply...........................................................................................................102.4. Inserting battery and SIM card.........................................................................................................112.5. Product basic supply accessories..................................................................................................... 122.5.1. Base kit basic supply..............................................................................................................122.5.2. Rover kit basic supply............................................................................................................132.6. Connecting to an office computer................................................................................................... 142.7. Connecting to a controller................................................................................................................152.7.1. Connecting via Wi-Fi with LandStar 7 software.................................................................... 152.7.2. Connecting via Bluetooth with LandStar 7 software............................................................ 172.8. Downloading logged data................................................................................................................ 193. Front panel operation................................................................................................................................. 213.1. Main operation menus.....................................................................................................................213.2. Configure the working mode........................................................................................................... 234. Base station setup and operation............................................................................................................... 284.1. Base station setup guidelines...........................................................................................................284.2. Outputting corrections using internal radio modem....................................................................... 294.2.1. Base station setup................................................................................................................. 294.3. Outputting corrections using external radio.................................................................................... 305. Rover station setup and operation..............................................................................................................325.1. Rover station setup guidelines......................................................................................................... 325.2. Rover station setup.......................................................................................................................... 336. Configuring through a web browser........................................................................................................... 346.1. Status menu......................................................................................................................................356.1.1. Position submenu..................................................................................................................35
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 26.1.2. Activity submenu...................................................................................................................366.1.3. Google Map submenu...........................................................................................................376.2. Satellites menu.................................................................................................................................376.2.1. Tracking Table submenu........................................................................................................ 376.2.2. Tracking Info. Table submenu................................................................................................386.2.3. Tracking SkyPlot submenu.....................................................................................................386.2.4. Satellite Activation submenu................................................................................................ 386.3. Receiver Configuration menu...........................................................................................................396.3.1. Description............................................................................................................................ 396.3.2. Antenna Configuration submenu.......................................................................................... 396.3.3. Reference Station Settings submenu.................................................................................... 406.3.4. Receiver Reset submenu....................................................................................................... 426.3.5. Languages submenu..............................................................................................................426.3.6. User Management submenu.................................................................................................426.3.7. USB Function Switch submenu............................................................................................. 426.3.8. HCPPP Settings submenu...................................................................................................... 426.3.9. 1PPS submenu.......................................................................................................................436.4. Data Recording menu.......................................................................................................................436.4.1. Log Settings submenu........................................................................................................... 436.4.2. FTP Push Settings submenu.................................................................................................. 456.4.3. FTP Push log submenu.......................................................................................................... 466.4.4. Data Download submenu......................................................................................................466.5. IO Settings menu.............................................................................................................................. 476.5.1. IO Settings submenu............................................................................................................. 476.6. Network Setting menu..................................................................................................................... 516.6.1. Discription submenu............................................................................................................. 516.6.2. Mobile network setting submenu.........................................................................................526.6.3. Email alarm submenu............................................................................................................526.6.4. HTTP submenu...................................................................................................................... 526.6.5. HTTPS submenu.................................................................................................................... 536.6.6. FTP service submenu.............................................................................................................536.7. Module setting menu.......................................................................................................................536.7.1. Description submenu............................................................................................................ 536.7.2. WiFi submenu....................................................................................................................... 546.7.3. Bluetooth settings submenu................................................................................................. 546.7.4. Radio settings submenu........................................................................................................ 546.7.5. Buzzer setting submenu........................................................................................................ 556.8. Firmware menu................................................................................................................................ 556.8.1. Firmware Info submenu........................................................................................................ 556.8.2. Hardware Version..................................................................................................................566.8.3. Config File..............................................................................................................................566.8.4. System Log Download submenu........................................................................................... 566.8.5. User Log.................................................................................................................................566.8.6. Firmware Update submenu.................................................................................................. 57
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 36.8.7. GNSS Board Upgrade.............................................................................................................576.8.8. Radio Upgrade.......................................................................................................................576.8.9. Upgrade Online..................................................................................................................... 576.8.10. GNSS Registration submenu................................................................................................586.9. Cloud Service Setting menu............................................................................................................. 586.9.1. Cloud Service Setting submenu.............................................................................................58A. Communication ports definition.................................................................................................................59A.I. CHC i70 receiver IO port (7-pin Lemo port) definition..................................................................... 59
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 41. INTRODUCTIONThe i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide describes how to set up and use the CHC®i70 GNSS receiver.In this manual, “the receiver” refers to the i70 GNSS receiver unlessotherwise stated.Even if you have used other Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)products before, CHC recommends that you spend some time reading thismanual to learn about the special features of this product. If you are notfamiliar with GNSS, go to for an interactive look at CHC andGNSS.1.1. SAFETY INFORMATION1.1.1. WARNINGS AND CAUTIONSAn absence of specific alerts does not mean that there are no safety risksinvolved.A Warning or Caution information is intended to minimize the risk ofpersonal injury and/or damage to the equipment.WARNING - A Warning alerts you to a potential misused or wrong setting ofthe equipment.CAUTION - A Caution alerts you to a possible risk of serious injury to yourperson and/or damage to the equipment.1.1.2. REGULATIONS AND SAFETYThe receivers contain a built-in wireless modem for signal communicationthrough Bluetooth® wireless technology or through external communicationdatalink. Regulations regarding the use of the wireless modem vary greatlyfrom country to country. In some countries, the unit can be used withoutobtaining an end-user license. However, in some countries, theadministrative permissions are required. For license information, consultyour local dealer. Bluetooth® operates in license-free bands.Before operating a i70 GNSS receiver, determine if authorization or a licenseto operate the unit is required in your country. It is the responsibility of theend-user to obtain an operator's permit or license for the receiver for thelocation or country of use.
1. Introductioni70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 51.1.3. USE AND CAREThis receiver is designed to withstand the rough environment that typicallyoccurs in the field. However, the receiver is high-precision electronicequipment and should be treated with reasonable care.CAUTION - Operating or storing the receiver outside the specifiedtemperature range will cause irreversible damage.1.2. TECHNICAL SUPPORTIf you have a problem and cannot find the information you need in thismanual or CHC website (, contact your local CHC dealerfrom which you purchased the receiver(s).If you need to contact CHC technical support, please contact us by email( or Skype (chc_support).1.3. DISCLAIMERBefore using the receiver, please make sure that you have read andunderstood this User Guide, as well as the safety information. CHC holds noresponsibility for the wrong operation by users and for the losses incurred bythe wrong understanding about this User Guide. However, CHC reserves therights to update and optimize the contents in this guide regularly. Pleasecontact your local CHC dealer for new information.1.4. YOUR COMMENTSYour feedback about this user guide will help us to improve it in futurerevision. Please email your comments to
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 62. GETTING STARTED WITH I702.1. ABOUT THE RECEIVERThe i70 GNSS receiver incorporates a GNSS engine, GNSS antenna, internalradio, optional 4G cellular modem, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and dual-battery in aruggedized and miniature unit that is easy for you to set up an all-in-one RTKrover or mobile base station.The LCD panel enables you to check satellite-tracking status, internal batterystatus, Wi-Fi status, working mode, data logging status and basic receiverinformation. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology provide cable-freecommunication between the receiver and controller.The receiver can be used as the part of a RTK GNSS system with CHCLansStar 7 software. And you can download the GNSS data that recorded inthe internal memory of receiver to a computer.You can change basic settings of the receiver with its LCD panel. To configurethe receiver for performing a wide variety of functions, you can use the webinterface by connecting the receiver with PC or smartphone through Wi-Fi.2.2. PARTS OF THE RECEIVERThe operating controls are all located on the front panel. Batterycompartment and SIM card slot are on the backside. Serial ports andconnectors are located on the bottom of the unit.2.2.1. FRONT PANELThe following figure shows a front view of the receiver.Front panelThe front panel contains one LCD screen, two indicator LEDs, and twobuttons.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 7Satellite LEDCorrection LEDLCD screenFn buttonPower & EnterbuttonNameDescriptionSatellite LED (Green)Shows the number of satellites that the receiver hastracked.When the receiver is searching satellites, the greenLED flashes once every 5 seconds.When the receiver has tracked N satellites, thegreen LED will flash N times every 5 seconds.Correction LED (Yellow)Indicates whether the receiver is transmitting/receivingdifferential data.The yellow LED flashes once per second whenAs a Base station: successfully transmittingdifferential data.As a Rover station: successfully receiving differentialdata from Base station.LCD screenThis liquid crystal display enables you view the basicinformation and current configuration settings ofreceiver.Fn buttonMove to next line of the menus or options.Move to next character of the value that you wantto make change.Cancel the change you make on a function.Power & Enter buttonWorks as a Power button:Press and hold this button for 3 seconds to turn onor turn off the receiver.Works as a Enter button:Advance to next screen.Make change to the selected character or field.Confirm the change you make on a function.Confirm the changes you make on a screen.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 8Works as a Reset button:Hold Fn button, and press this button for 5 timescontinuously to reset the mainboard.For more information about the front panel and relevant operations, see 3.Front panel operation.2.2.2. LOWER HOUSINGThe lower housing contains one SIM card slot, two battery compartments,one TNC radio antenna connector, two communication and power ports, one5/8-11 threaded insert, and two nameplates.TNC radio antennaconnectorSIM card slotUSB communication andpower in portIO serial communicationand power in portBattery compartment5/8-11 threaded insert2.2.3. RECEIVER PORTS
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 9PortNameDescriptionIO portThis port is a 7-pin Lemo connector that supports RS-232communications and external power input.Users can use GPS to PC Data Cable supplied with thesystem to realize RS-232 communications between thereceiver and computer or controller. Also, users can use a7-pin cable to transmit differential data to an external radio.USB portThis port is a mini-USB connector that supports USBcommunications.Users can use USB Cable supplied with the system todownload the logged data to a computer.Radio antennaconnectorConnect a radio antenna to internal radio of the receiver. Andthis connector is not used if you are using an external radio.2.3. BATTERIES AND POWER2.3.1. INTERNAL BATTERIESThe receiver has two rechargeable Lithium-ion batteries, which can beremoved for charging. Charging the batteryThe rechargeable Lithium-ion battery is supplied partially charged. Chargethe battery completely before using it for the first time. To charge thebattery, first remove the battery from the receiver, and then place it in thebattery charger, which is connected to AC power.WARNING - Charge and use the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery only instrict accordance with the instructions. Charging or using the battery inunauthorized equipment can cause an explosion or fire, and can result inpersonal injury and/or equipment damage.To prevent injury or damage:• Do not charge or use the battery if it appears to be damaged or leaking.• Charge the Lithium-ion battery only in a CHC product that is specifiedto charge it. Be sure to follow all instructions that are provided with thebattery charger.• Discontinue charging a battery that gives off extreme heat or a burningodor.• Use the battery only in CHC equipment that is specified to use it.• Use the battery only for its intended use and according to theinstructions in the product documentation.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page Battery safeWARNING - Do not damage the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery. Adamaged battery can cause an explosion or fire, and can result in personalinjury and/or property damage.To prevent injury or damage:• Do not use or charge the battery if it appears to be damaged. Signs ofdamage include, but are not limited to, discoloration, warping, and leakingbattery fluid.• Do not expose the battery to fire, high temperature, or direct sunlight.• Do not immerse the battery in water.• Do not use or store the battery inside a vehicle under hot weathercondition.• Do not drop or puncture the battery.• Do not open the battery or short-circuit its contacts.WARNING - Avoid contact with the rechargeable Lithium-ion battery if itappears to be leaking. Battery fluid is corrosive, and contact with it canresult in personal injury and/or property damage.To prevent injury or damage:• If the battery leaks, avoid with the battery fluid.• If battery fluid gets into your eyes, immediately rinses your eyes withclean water and seek medical attention. Please do not rub your eyes!• If battery fluid gets onto your skin or clothing, immediately use cleanwater to wash off the battery fluid.2.3.2. EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLYTwo methods are available for providing the external power to the receiverby the GPS to PC Data Cable+ Power Adapter, or GPS to PC Data Cable +external power cable (option purchase)+ vehicle battery.In the office:The Power Adapter is connecting with AC power of 100-240V, the outputport of the Power Adapter connects with the Power Port of the GPS to PCData Cable.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 11In the field:The external power cable is connecting with a vehicle battery, the outputport of the external power cable connects with the Power Port of the GPS toPC Data Cable.WARNING - Use caution when connecting external power cable's clip leadsto a vehicle battery. Do not allow any metal object to connect (short) thebattery's positive (+) terminal to either the negative (-) terminal or the metalpart of the vehicle battery. This could result in high current, arcing, and hightemperatures, exposing the user to possible injury.2.4. INSERTING BATTERY AND SIM CARDPush down the spring-loaded button on the battery cover to open the cover.Make electrode sheets of battery turn toward the receiver, align the socketof the battery and the lug of the battery compartment, and then insert thebattery into the battery compartment until it is locked by the battery bail.To remove the battery, slide the battery bail to the left or right.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 12Push downBattery bailBattery coverInsert the SIM card with the contacts facing upward, as indicated by the SIMcard icon next to the SIM card slot.To eject the SIM card, slightly push it in to trigger the spring-loaded releasemechanism.Tip – The SIM card is provided by your cellular network service provider.2.5. PRODUCT BASIC SUPPLY ACCESSORIES2.5.1. BASE KIT BASIC SUPPLYItemPicturei70 GNSS ReceiverUHF Bar Antenna (450-470 MHz)USB Cable
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 13GPS to PC Data CableLithium BatteryH.I. TapeExtension poleTribrach with optical plummetAuxiliary H.I. ToolTribrach adaptorTransport Hard Case2.5.2. ROVER KIT BASIC SUPPLYItemPicturei70 GNSS ReceiverUHF Bar Antenna (450-470 MHz)
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 14USB CableGPS to PC Data CableBattery ChargerPower Adapter with CordLithium Battery2M Range Pole w/bagAuxiliary H.I. ToolTransport Hard Case2.6. CONNECTING TO AN OFFICE COMPUTERThe receiver can be connected to an office computer for serial data transferor settings via a GPS to PC Data Cable. Before you connect to the officecomputer, ensure that the receiver is powered on by internal battery orexternal power.The following figure shows how to connect to the computer for serial datatransfer or settings:
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 15GPS to PC Data Cable2.7. CONNECTING TO A CONTROLLER2.7.1. CONNECTING VIA WI-FI WITH LANDSTAR 7SOFTWARE1. Turn on the controller → run LandStar 7 → go to Config main menu →tap Connect.2. In the Connect screen, select CHC for the Manufacture field, i70 forDevice Type field, WIFI for Connection Type field,3. Tap the Wireless Lan icon on the right side to select the hot-spot →Switch on the WiFi module by the top switch → tap refresh button tosearch the hot spot around → select the target device in the list.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 164. Tap Connect to link to the hot spot. If the first time connection to thishot spot, user may type in the password.Tip – The Wi-Fi key of the receiver is 12345678 by default.5. Tap the Connect button to build the connection.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 172.7.2. CONNECTING VIA BLUETOOTH WITH LANDSTAR 7SOFTWARE1. Turn on the controller → run LandStar 7 → go to Config main menu →tap Connect.2. In the Connect screen, select CHC for the Manufacture field, i70 forDevice Type field, Bluetooth for Connection Type field.3. Tap the Bluetooth Manager and turn on the Bluetooth function tosearch bluetooth device around → select the target device in the list.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 184. Tap Pair to connect the bluetooth device → selected the target device inthe bluetooth manager list5. Tap the Connect button to build the connection.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 192.8. DOWNLOADING LOGGED DATAData logging involves the collection of GNSS measurement data over aperiod of time at a static point or points, and subsequent postprocessing ofthe information to accurately compute baseline information. Data loggingusing receivers requires access to suitable GNSS postprocessing softwaresuch as the CHC Geomatics Office (CGO) Software.The procedures of downloading logged data in the receiver are as follows:1. Switch on the receiver and connect it with a computer by USB Cable.After the successful connection, a removable disk named as the SerialNumber (SN) of the receiver will appear on the computer.2. Double click the removable disk and you will see the folder named as“repo”. Double click this folder, you will see 9 folders. The “push_log”folder is used to save the log files, and the other 8 folders representdifferent logging session and are used for store static data.3. Double click the folder that you has configured to store the static data,you will see the folder(s) created by the i70 system automatically andnamed by the date which is decide by GPS time when you start to logdata.4. Select the destination folder and double click it, and then two foldersnamed as different data format (hcn and rinex) will be displayed.5. Select the data format that you has configured to save the static data,you will find the static raw data.
2. Getting started with i70i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 20Tip – For hcn files, the name of the file is represented as XXXXXXDDDNN,where XXXXXX is the SN of the receiver, DDD is day of year, and NN is therecording session.WARNING – The static data will be saved in the first logging session, the“record_1” folder, by default. Old files will be deleted if the storage space isfull. If you configure not to auto delete old files when the memory is low, thereceiver will stop data logging.
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 213. FRONT PANEL OPERATIONThe front panel contains one LCD screen, two indicator LEDs, and twobuttons. The operating controls are all located on the front panel.3.1. MAIN OPERATION MENUSThe main operation menus of the front panel are as follows:Top-level MenuSecond-level MenuDescriptionSV: 22 Battery: 97%Click Enter button to enter thesecond-level menus.Indicates the number of the satellitestracked and the internal batteries powerremaining.If the receiver is searching for satellitesand the batteries are not be inserted, thismenu will be displayed as “SV: GettingBattery: N/A”.22 = G09 R05 C07 S00 E0Indicates the total number of satellites thathave been tracked and the number of satellitestracked of each constellation, where Grepresents GPS, R represents GLONASS, Crepresents BeiDou, S represents SBAS and Erepresents Galileo.Pwr: A 97% B 97%Indicates the remaining power of the batteryinserted in the left (B) and right (A) batterycompartment.Wlan Status On Wlan ModeHotSpotIndicates the Wi-Fi status.Click Enter button to change the status,and then click Fn button to cancel thechange, or click Enter button to confirmthe change.Dial Status OfflineIndicates whether the receiver has beenconnected to cellular network.Generally, when the SIM card has beeninserted before the receiver is turned on,this menu will be displayed as “Dial StatusOnline”.CancelClick Enter button to back to the top-levelmenu.
3. Front panel operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 22Mode Rover UHFClick Enter button to enter thesecond-level menus.Indicates the current working mode.Base CableClick Enter button to enter theconfiguration screen of the selectedworking mode.More operation information, see 3.2.Configure the working mode.Base Int. UHFBase APISBase APIS & CableRover APISRover Ntrip/IPRover UHFCancelClick Enter button to back to the top-levelmenu.Static OffClick Enter button to enter thesecond-level menus.Indicates the current data logging status:Static Off or Static On.Set OffClick Enter button to change the data loggingstatus.Recorded 00:02Indicates the duration of data logging.Epoch Intv 1sClick Enter button to change themeasurement interval.The available options are: 0.2s, 0.5s, 1s,2s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 30s, and 60s.Mask Angle 13 DegreeClick Enter button to change the mask degreefrom 0 degree to 15 degrees.Duration time 1440 minClick Enter button to enter Duration TimeSetting screen.In the Duration Time Setting screen, clickFn button to move to the character of theduration time value you want to makechange, and then click Enter button tochange from 0 to 9. After the change hasbeen done, you can click Fn button tomove to OK field, and then click Enterbutton to save the change and back to thesecond-level menu; or click Fn button tomove to Cancel field and click Enterbutton to cancel the change and back tothe second-level menu.OKClick Enter button to save the settings of thedata logging and back to the top-level menu,and then the settings will take effect.
3. Front panel operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 23CancelClick Enter button to cancel the settings of thedata logging and back to the top-level menu.Receiver Info.Click Enter button to enter the second-levelmenus and check the basic information aboutthe receiver.SN 1000514Displays the Serial Number (SN) of the receiver.PN 1180020032231Displays the Part Number (PN) of the receiver.Reg. 20301231Displays the expiry date of registration code.Ver. 1.1.41Displays the firmware version.Language EnglishClick Enter button to change the displaylanguage between Chinese, English andRussian.CancelClick Enter button to back to the top-levelmenu.3.2. CONFIGURE THE WORKING MODE7 working modes are provided for quickly setting up a RTK base station orrover station. Users can configure each working mode through front panel asfollows:Working ModeMenus in Configuration ScreenDescriptionBase CableSet up the receiver as a base station usingexternal UHF.Click Enter button to enter theconfiguration screen.Mode Base CableThe title of this configuration screen.Format CMRClick Enter button to change the correctionformat.The available correction formats are: CMR,CMR+, SCMR, RTCM v2.3, RTCM v3, andRTCM v3.2.OKClick Enter button to save the settings and backto the top-level menu, and then this workingmode will take effect.CancelClick Enter button to cancel the settings and backto the second-level menu.Base Int. UHFSet up the receiver as a base station usinginternal UHF.Click Enter button to enter theconfiguration screen.Mode Base Int. UHFThe title of this configuration screen.
3. Front panel operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 24Channel 1Click Enter button to change the channel from 1to 9.Format CMRClick Enter button to change the correctionformat.The available correction formats are: CMR,CMR+, SCMR, RTCM v2.3, RTCM v3, andRTCM v3.2.Power 2wClick Enter button to change thetransmitting power.The available transmitting power optionsare: 0.1w, 0.5w, 1w and 2w.Protocol CHCIndicates the current protocol.OKClick Enter button to save the settings and backto the top-level menu, and then this workingmode will take effect.CancelClick Enter button to cancel the settings and backto the second-level menu.Base APISSet up the receiver as a base station usingAPIS service.Click Enter button to enter theconfiguration screen.Mode Base APISThe title of this configuration screen.Format CMRClick Enter button to change the correctionformat.The available correction formats are: CMR,CMR+, SCMR, RTCM v2.3, RTCM v3, andRTCM v3.2.IPClick Enter button to enter Common IPscreen.In Common IP screen, click Fn button tomove to the line of IP address, and thenclick Enter button to change to otherpredefined IP address. After the IP addresshas been changed, you can click Fn buttonto move to OK field, and then click Enterbutton to save the change and back to thesecond-level menu; or click Fn button tomove to Cancel field and click Enter buttonto cancel the change and back to thesecond-level menu.Port 9901Click Enter button to change the port from 9901
3. Front panel operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 25to 9920.OKClick Enter button to save the settings and backto the top-level menu, and then this workingmode will take effect.CancelClick Enter button to cancel the settings and backto the second-level menu.Base APIS & CableSet up the receiver as a base station usingboth APIS service and external UHF.Click Enter button to enter theconfiguration screen.Mode Base APIS & CableThe title of this configuration screen.Way Cable & APISIndicates that the receiver is set up as a basestation using not only external UHF, but also APISserviceFormat CMRClick Enter button to change the correctionformat.The available correction formats are: CMR,CMR+, SCMR, RTCM v2.3, RTCM v3, andRTCM v3.2.IPClick Enter button to enter Common IPscreen.In Common IP screen, click Fn button tomove to the line of IP address, and thenclick Enter button to change to otherpredefined IP address. After the IP addresshas been changed, you can click Fn buttonto move to OK field, and then click Enterbutton to save the change and back to thesecond-level menu; or click Fn button tomove to Cancel field and click Enter buttonto cancel the change and back to thesecond-level menu.Port 9901Click Enter button to change the port from 9901to 9920.OKClick Enter button to save the settings and backto the top-level menu, and then this combinationworking mode will take effect.CancelClick Enter button to cancel the settings and backto the second-level menu.Rover APISSet up the receiver as a rover station usingAPIS service.Click Enter button to enter the
3. Front panel operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 26configuration screen.Mode Rover APISThe title of this configuration screen.Current Base SN 1000456Display the SN of corresponding basestation.Click Enter button to enter Base SN settingscreen. In the Base SN setting screen, clickFn button to move to the character of thevalue you want to make change, and thenclick Enter button to change from digital 0to 9 (in addition, the initial character can bechanged to letter R). After the change hasbeen done, you can click Fn button to moveto OK field, and then click Enter button tosave the change and back to thesecond-level menu; or click Fn button tomove to Cancel field and click Enter buttonto cancel the change and back to thesecond-level menu.IPClick Enter button to enter Common IPscreen.In Common IP screen, click Fn button tomove to the line of IP address, and thenclick Enter button to change to otherpredefined IP address. After the IP addresshas been changed, you can click Fn buttonto move to OK field, and then click Enterbutton to save the change and back to thesecond-level menu; or click Fn button tomove to Cancel field and click Enter buttonto cancel the change and back to thesecond-level menu.Port 9901Click Enter button to change the port from 9901to 9920.OKClick Enter button to save the settings and backto the top-level menu, and then this workingmode will take effect.CancelClick Enter button to cancel the settings and backto the second-level menu.Rover Ntrip/IPSet up the receiver as a rover station usingNtrip.Click Enter button to enter theconfiguration screen.
3. Front panel operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 27Mode Rover Ntrip/IPThe title of this configuration screen.Status LoggedIndicates current status of Ntrip: Status NotLogged or Status Logged.Users need to use the web interface toconfigure the settings to log on Ntrip (see7.5.1. IO Settings submenu → RTK Client forinstruction) before.Note – Make sure a valid SIM card has beeninserted in the receiver.OKClick Enter button to save the settings and backto the top-level menu, and then this workingmode will take effect.CancelClick Enter button to cancel the settings and backto the second-level menu.Rover UHFSet up the receiver as a rover station usinginternal UHF.Click Enter button to enter theconfiguration screen.Mode Rover UHFThe title of this configuration screen.Channel 1Click Enter button to change the channel from 1to 9.Protocol CHCIndicates the current protocol.OKClick Enter button to save the settings and backto the top-level menu, and then this workingmode will take effect.CancelClick Enter button to cancel the settings and backto the second-level menu.Note – The operation menus of front panel may vary from different firmwareversions of your receiver. The menus described in this chapter are based onfirmware version 1.1.41.
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 284. BASE STATION SETUP AND OPERATIONReal-Time Kinematic (RTK) operation provides centimeter-level precision byeliminating errors that are present in the GNSS system. For all RTKoperations, you require both a rover receiver and a source of correctionsfrom a base station or network of base stations.A base station consists of a receiver that is placed at a known point. Thereceiver tracks the same satellites that are being tracked by the roverreceiver simultaneously. Errors in the GNSS system are monitored at thebase station, and a series of position corrections are computed. Themessages are sent through a radio link to the rover receiver, where they areused to correct the real time positions of the rover.This chapter provides the information to help you identify good setuplocations, outlines basic precautions that you need to take to protect theequipment, and describes the conventional process to set up the basestation and the configuring procedure that required for transmittingcorrection data.4.1. BASE STATION SETUP GUIDELINESFor good performance, the following base station setup guidelines arerecommended:Place the GNSS receiver in a location on the worksite where equalrange in all directions provides full coverage of the site.Place the GNSS antenna in a location that has a clear line of sight to thesky in all directions. Do not place the antenna near vertical obstructionssuch as buildings, deep cuttings, site vehicles, towers, or tree canopy.The GNSS antenna must have a dear line of sight to the sky at all timesduring operation.Place the GNSS and radio antennas as high as practical. This minimizesmultipath from the surrounding area, and enables the radio tobroadcast to the maximum distance.Choose the most appropriate radio antenna for the size of the worksite.The higher the gain on the antenna, the longer the range.Make sure that the GNSS receiver does not lose power. To operatecontinuously for more than a few hours without loss of power at thebase station, provide external power. When you use an external powersupply, the integrated battery provides a backup power supply,enabling you to maintain continuous operation through a mains powerfailure.Do not locate a GNSS receiver, GNSS antenna, or radio antenna within400 meters (about 1,300 feet) of transmitters, such as a power radar or
4. Base station setup and operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 29cellular communications tower.Do not set up the base station close to the sources of electromagneticinterference, include alternators and generators, electric motors,equipment with DC-to-AC converters, etc.Do not operate the receiver outside the specified operatingtemperature range -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to +140°F).Take reasonable care to keep the GNSS receiver equipment dry, whichcould prolong their life and reduce the effects of corrosion on ports andconnectors.4.2. OUTPUTTING CORRECTIONS USING INTERNAL RADIOMODEM4.2.1. BASE STATION SETUP1. Connect the radio antenna onto i70 receiver. Screw the receiver ontoextension pole.2. Screw the extension pole with auxiliary H.I. tool onto tribrach adaptor.3. Mount the tribrach onto the tripod.4. Insert the tribrach adaptor into the tribrach.5. Level and plumb the receiver over the known (control) point.6. Measure the height of the base station GNSS antenna by measuring theslant height from the known (control) point to the end of auxiliary H.I.tool.Note –After entered the vertical height from the known (control) point to thebottom of receiver that you calculated by adding the height of the extensionpole to the height from the known (control) point to the auxiliary H.I. tool,LandStar 7 will calculate the height to the Antenna Phase Center (APC)automatically.7. If required, connect the receiver to an external 12 V power supply.
4. Base station setup and operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 30Slant height4.3. OUTPUTTING CORRECTIONS USING EXTERNAL RADIOFor base receiver part:1. Screw the i70 receiver onto extension pole.2. Screw the extension pole with auxiliary H.I. tool onto tribrach adaptor.3. Mount the tribrach onto the tripod.4. Insert the tribrach adaptor into the tribrach.5. Level and plumb the receiver over the known (control) point.6. Measure the height of the base station GNSS antenna by measuring theslant height from the known (control) point to the auxiliary H.I. tool.Note – After entered the vertical height from the known (control) point to thebottom of receiver that you calculated by adding the height of the extensionpole to the height from the known (control) point to the end of auxiliary H.I.tool, LandStar 7 will calculate the height to the Antenna Phase Center (APC)automatically.7. If required, connect the receiver to an external 12 V power supply.For external radio part (take the CHC DL6 Datalink for example):8. Connect the Datalink Antenna to the 3 meter Cable for DatalinkAntenna.9. Connect 3 meter Cable for Datalink Antenna to Datalink AntennaMounting Pole.10. Screw the Datalink Antenna Mounting Pole onto the tribrach adapter.11. Mount the tribrach onto the tripod.12. Insert the tribrach adaptor into the tribrach.13. Set up the Datalink Antenna nearby the base receiver.
4. Base station setup and operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 3114. Fix the DL6 Datalink onto the tripod.15. Place the car battery at an appropriate location.For connection between the receiver part and external radio part:16. Connect Datalink Antenna to the Datalink Antenna Slot of DL6 Datalinkvia 3 meter Cable for Datalink Antenna.17. Connect the base receiver with DL6 Datalink via GPS to Datalink Cable.18. Connect the car battery with DL6 Datalink via Datalink External PowerCable.CAUTION – The Datalink Antenna must be connected to the Datalink beforethe Datalink is powered on; otherwise, the Datalink can be damaged.
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 325. ROVER STATION SETUP AND OPERATIONReal-Time Kinematic (RTK) operation provides centimeter-level precision byeliminating errors that are present in the GNSS system. For all RTKoperations, you require both a rover receiver and a source of correctionsfrom a base station or network of base stations.The second part of the RTK GNSS system is the rover receiver. The roverreceiver is moved between the points that require measurement or stakeout.The rover receiver is connected to a base station or to a source of RTKcorrections such as a CORS (Continuous Operational Reference System) orthe CHC APIS service. The connection is provided by:an integrated radioan integrated cellular modema cellular modem in the controllerThis chapter provides the information to help you identify good setuplocations, describes the conventional process to set up the rover station andthe configuring procedure that required for receiving correction data.5.1. ROVER STATION SETUP GUIDELINESFor good rover operation, observe the following setup guidelines:Place the GNSS antenna in a location that has a clear line of sight to thesky in all directions. Do not place the antenna near vertical obstructionssuch as buildings, deep cuttings, site vehicles, towers, or tree canopy.GNSS rovers and the base station receive the same satellite signalsfrom the same satellites. The system needs five common satellites toprovide RTK positioning.WARNING – Take care not to touch overhead power lines with the CHC i70GNSS receiver or the range pole when moving the equipment into position.Touching overhead power lines may cause electrocution, leading to seriousinjury.GNSS satellites are constantly moving. Because you cannot measure ata specific location now does not mean that you will not be able tomeasure there later, when satellite coverage at the location improves.To get a fixed position solution with centimeter precision, initialize theRTK rover receiver. For initialization to take place, the receiver musttrack at least five satellites that the base station is also tracking. In adual-satellite constellation operation, for example, GPS and GLONASS,the receiver must track at least six satellites.
5. Rover station setup and operationi70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 33To continue to survey at centimeter precisions, the rover mustcontinuously track at least four satellites that the base station is alsotracking. The radio link between the base and rover receivers must alsobe maintained.Loss of the satellite signals will result in a loss of centimeter positionprecision.5.2. ROVER STATION SETUP1. If required, connect the radio antenna onto i70 receiver.2. Screw the receiver on top of the range pole.3. Fix the controller bracket on the range pole.4. Fit the controller in the controller bracket.5. Level and plumb the receiver over the target measuring point.
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 346. CONFIGURING THROUGH A WEB BROWSERSupported browsers:Google ChromeMicrosoft Internet Explorer○Rversion 10, or higherTo connect to the receiver through a web browser:1. Turn on the Wi-Fi of the receiver.2. Search the wireless network named as GNSS-XXXXXXX (the SN of yourreceiver) on your computer, and then establish the connection.3. After the successful connection between your computer and thereceiver, enter the IP address of the receiver into the address bar of theweb browser on your computer:4. The web browser prompts you to enter a login account and password:The default login account for the receiver is:Login Account: adminPassword: passwordNote – Tick remember me option, and then the browser will remember theLogin Account and Password you entered for the next time you enter thislogin screen.5. Once you are logged in, the web page appears as follows:
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 35This web page shows the configuration menus on the left of the browserwindow, and the setting on the right. Each configuration menu contains therelated submenus to configure the receiver and monitor receiverperformance.This chapter describes each configuration menu.To view the web page in another language, select the correspondinglanguage name from the dropdown list on the upper right corner of the webpage.Currently, three languages are available:6.1. STATUS MENUThis menu provides a quick link to review the receiver's position information,satellites tracked, runtime, current data log status, current outputs, availablememory, and more.6.1.1. POSITION SUBMENUThis page shows the relevant position information about the receiver's
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 36position solution which including the position, DOP values, satellites usedand tracked, and the receiver clock information.6.1.2. ACTIVITY SUBMENULists several important items to help you understand how the receiver isbeing used and its current operating condition. Items include the identitiesof currently tracked satellites, internal and external storage usage rate, howlong the receiver has been operational, state of the internal battery, powersource state, files being logged, and data streams being output. With thisinformation, it is easy to tell exactly what functions the receiver isperforming:
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 376.1.3. GOOGLE MAP SUBMENUTap this submenu to show the location of the receiver on Google map.6.2. SATELLITES MENUUse the Satellites menu to view satellite tracking details and enable/disableGPS, SBAS, GLONASS, BDS and Galileo constellations. These menus includetabular and graphical displays to provide all required information on satellitetracking status.6.2.1. TRACKING TABLE SUBMENUProvides the status of satellites tracked in general, such as the satellite ID,satellite type, attitude angle, azimuth angle, L1 SNR, L2 SNR, L5 SNR andenable/disable status of each one.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 386.2.2. TRACKING INFO. TABLE SUBMENUThe following figure is an example of satellite track diagram page. Users candetermine the satellite types and the corresponding SNR of L-band carriersto be displayed in any combination.6.2.3. TRACKING SKYPLOT SUBMENUThe following figure is an example of Skyplot page.6.2.4. SATELLITE ACTIVATION SUBMENUUse this menu to enable or disable satellites.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 396.3. RECEIVER CONFIGURATION MENUUse this menu to configure settings such as the antenna type and height,elevation mask and PDOP setting, the reference station coordinates, receiverresetting and web interface language:6.3.1. DESCRIPTIONThis submenu shows the receiver information and reference stationinformation, including antenna related information, elevation mask angle,reference station work mode and position, etc.6.3.2. ANTENNA CONFIGURATION SUBMENUUse this screen to configure all of the items relating to the GNSS antenna.You must enter the correct values for all antenna-related fields, as thechoices you make significantly affect the accuracy for logged data andbroadcast correction data:
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 406.3.3. REFERENCE STATION SETTINGS SUBMENUUse this screen to configure settings such as the station coordinates and thebroadcast station identifiers. You must enter accurate information in thesefields, as this data significantly affects the accuracy of logged data files andbroadcast correction data:
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 41For Reference Station Mode:There are three modes available:a) Auto Rover: The receiver will serve as a rover after this mode isenabled, and then receive correction data through the workingmode set last time.b) Auto Base: The receiver will serve as a base after this mode isenabled, and then broadcast correction data based on coordinateinputted by user, or obtained through autonomous positioningautomatically.c) Manual Base: The receiver will serve neither as a base or a roverafter this mode is enabled. Users need to configure the receivermanually.For Reference Latitude and Reference Longitude:There are mainly three methods to enter the reference coordinates andshown as follows:a) Acquire Current Position: Click this button to acquire currentposition obtained through autonomous positioning automatically.b) Manual Input: Manually input the coordinate of a control point.c) From CORS: After the receiver logging in CORS, the software canrecord the coordinate of current position based on fix solution.For Sample for Average:Users can determine the positioning limit and sampling amount. Thepositioning limit falls into two types:a) Single Solution Coordinates: Collect the coordinates of receiverobtained through autonomous positioning.b) Fixed Solution Coordinates: Only collect coordinates of receiverwith a fixed solution.After the configuration of positioning limit and sampling amount, clickto carry out sampling and averaging → the progress bar willshow the progress → the result will be served as the coordinate ofcurrent positon.If users need to save the changes, please tap button.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 426.3.4. RECEIVER RESET SUBMENUUse this screen to completely or partially reset the receiver:6.3.5. LANGUAGES SUBMENUUse this screen to select the web interface language:6.3.6. USER MANAGEMENT SUBMENU6.3.7. USB FUNCTION SWITCH SUBMENUUse this menu to switch between USB personal area network andMultimedia storage.6.3.8. HCPPP SETTINGS SUBMENUUse this menu to select HCPPP Range.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 436.3.9. 1PPS SUBMENUUse this button to turn on or turn off 1PPS.6.4. DATA RECORDING MENUUse the Data Logging menu to set up the receiver to log static GNSS data andto view the logging settings. You can configure settings such as observablerate, recording rate, continuous logging limit, and whether to auto delete oldfiles if memory is low. This menu also provides the controls for the FTP pushfeature:6.4.1. LOG SETTINGS SUBMENUHere shows the data logging status, including internal and external storageusage and data logging status of each session. Also, users can configure thedata logging settings for each session, including recording name, storelocation, storage limit, store formats, start time, etc.To edit the settings of each session, click the Modify button to the right ofthe required session, and then the Recording Edit screen appears:
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 44Click advanced to see more settings.In this screen, you can configure all the data logging parameters, anddetermine whether the recording files will be affected by the FTP Push.The parameters are mainly as follows:File Name: The name of this logging session.Sample Interval: Select the observable rate from the dropdown list.Store Location: Determine whether to store at internal storage orexternal storage.Enable Start Time: Set the start time of data logging in UTC. SelectOr not option below to determine whether to start data loggingfrom the start time defined, or immediately after this session isswitched on.Duration Time: Set the duration of data logging.Assigned Storage: Set the storage space of this session.Circulating Memory: Select Yes or No option to determine whetherto auto delete old files if the storage space is full.Data Format: Set the data format of the logged data.FTP Push: Decide whether to push the stored files to the FTP serverof your choice.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 45Tap button to save the settings and back to the Log Settingsscreen. Also, users can click to abandon the changed settingsand back to Log Settings screen.Note – To modify data logging parameters, make sure the data loggingsession is switched off.To switch on or off ANY data logging session, tap the ON or OFF button tothe right of the required session.To delete the recorded files of ANY data logging session, tap the Clearbutton to the right of the required session.To delete the recorded files of ALL data logging sessions, tap the Clear ALLAccounts button.6.4.2. FTP PUSH SETTINGS SUBMENUUse this screen to configure the receiver to push stored files to the FTPserver of your choice. Only files that are configured to use FTP push aretransmitted.Tap Modify button to the right of the required FTP server and the FTP PushSettings screen appears:
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 466.4.3. FTP PUSH LOG SUBMENUShows the related information about the recorded filed that be pushed. Andusers can tap Clear Ftp Send Log button in the upper right corner to clearthe log of FTP Push operations.6.4.4. DATA DOWNLOAD SUBMENUIn this submenu, users can download the data files that recorded in theinternal storage through the internal FTP site.1. Click this submenu, and then the log on dialogue box will prompt you toenter a user name and password:The default logon account for the internal FTP site is:User name: ftpPassword: ftp2. Click the directory named as “repo” to view and download the filescurrently stored on the receiver:3. To find the file need to be downloaded, click the name of data loggingsession → the date of file that be recorded → the format of the file →the name of the target file.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 474. To download a file, left-click the name of the target file → download thefile according to the prompts.6.5. IO SETTINGS MENUUse the IO Settings menu to set up all receiver outputs and inputs. Thereceiver can output CMR, RTCM, Raw data, Ephemeris data, GPGGA, GPGSV,on TCP/IP, UDP, serial port, or Bluetooth ports.6.5.1. IO SETTINGS SUBMENUThe following figure shows an example of the screen that appears when youselect this submenu.In this submenu, users can configure 6 types of input and output settings.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 481. RTK ClientAfter configuring the settings of RTK client, users can log on CORS or APIS.Tap the Connect button to the right → the IO Settings screen will appear →choose one of the connection protocols among the NTRIP, APIS_BASE andAPIS_ROVER → configure the related parameters → click tolog on CORS or APIS.Connection Protocol: NTRIPConnection Protocol: APIS_BASEConnection Protocol: APIS_ROVER
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 492. TCP/UDP ClientTap the Connect button to the right of required TCP/UDP Client → the IOSettings screen will appear → select the connection protocol between TCPand UDP → enter the IP and Port of the target server → configure messagesthat you want to output to the target server → click to saveand complete the connection.3. TCP Server/NTRIP CasterTap the Connect button to the right of required TCP Server/NTRIP Caster →the IO Settings screen will appear → select one of the connection protocolsbetween NTRIP and TCP → configure the other related parameters → clickto save the settings and open the server.Connection Protocol: NTRIP
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 50Connection Protocol: TCP4. Serial PortTap the Settings button to the right of Serial Port → the Serial Port Setupscreen will appear → select Baud Rate used to transmit data → configure themessages that you want to output through the serial port → clickto save the settings and start to transmit.5. BluetoothTap the Settings button to the right of Bluetooth → the Bluetooth Set screenwill appear → configure the messages that you want to transmit throughBluetooth → click to save the settings and start to transmit.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 516. RadioTap the Settings button to the right of Radio → the Radio Settings screen willappear → select the format of differential data that you want to transmitthrough radio from the dropdown list → click to save thesettings and start to transmit.6.6. NETWORK SETTING MENUUse this menu to view network information, configure the receiver’s mobilenetwork, set email alert for specific situation, configure HTTP or HTTPS port,and the user name and password of internal FTP site:6.6.1. DISCRIPTION SUBMENUUse this submenu to check the information of network setting.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 526.6.2. MOBILE NETWORK SETTING SUBMENUUse this submenu to configure GPRS model, network module and modifydialing status.6.6.3. EMAIL ALARM SUBMENUUse this submenu to choose which situation of receiver will be alerted andinput the email address.6.6.4. HTTP SUBMENUUse this submenu to configure HTTP port.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 536.6.5. HTTPS SUBMENUUse this submenu to configure HTTPS port.6.6.6. FTP SERVICE SUBMENUUse this submenu to configure the user name and password of internal FTPsite.6.7. MODULE SETTING MENUUse this menu to check module information, configure WiFi, bluetooth, radiorelated settings, and turn on/off static voice of buzzer:6.7.1. DESCRIPTION SUBMENUUse this submenu to check the information of WiFi module, bluetoothmodule and radio module.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 546.7.2. WIFI SUBMENUUse this submenu to turn on/off WiFi function and modify password.6.7.3. BLUETOOTH SETTINGS SUBMENUUse this submenu to turn on/off bluetooth function and modify PIN number.6.7.4. RADIO SETTINGS SUBMENUUse this submenu to turn on/off radio function and configure radioparameters.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 556.7.5. BUZZER SETTING SUBMENUUse this submenu to turn on/off static voice.6.8. FIRMWARE MENUUse this menu to check the current firmware information, download thesystem log, update the receiver firmware, download or update theconfiguration file and register the receiver, and more:6.8.1. FIRMWARE INFO SUBMENUUse this submenu to check the current firmware information. The followingfigure shows an example of the firmware information.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 566.8.2. HARDWARE VERSIONUse this submenu to check the hardware information, including main boardversion and core board version:6.8.3. CONFIG FILEUse this submenu to update Configuration File.6.8.4. SYSTEM LOG DOWNLOAD SUBMENUUse this submenu to download the system log of the receiver.6.8.5. USER LOG
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 576.8.6. FIRMWARE UPDATE SUBMENUUse this submenu to load new firmware to the receiver across the network.Tap the Browse button to locate the upgrade file → tap Confirm button toconfirm the selected upgrading file and start upgrading.NotesIt may take about 3 or 4 minutes to complete the firmwareupgrading. Do not touch the power button or unplug the poweruntil the upgrading process is finished, or damage will be caused tothe receiver.The receiver will restart after the firmware upgrading is done, sousers need to reconnect the receiver with your computer via Wi-Fi,and then log-in the receiver through a web browser to continue theconfiguration.6.8.7. GNSS BOARD UPGRADEUse this submenu to upgrade GNSS Board.6.8.8. RADIO UPGRADEUse this submenu to browse upgrade file and upgrade radio.6.8.9. UPGRADE ONLINEUse this submenu to input Server Address and upgrade online.
7. Configuring through a web browseri70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 586.8.10. GNSS REGISTRATION SUBMENUUse this submenu to register the receiver. Paste or enter the registrationcode to the Registration Code field → tap Registration button to completethe registration.6.9. CLOUD SERVICE SETTING MENU6.9.1. CLOUD SERVICE SETTING SUBMENUUse this submenu to turn on or turn off Cloud Service, Auto Start, RemoteControl and configure other settings .
i70 GNSS Receiver User Guide Page 60CHC - Shanghai Huace Navigation Technology Ltd.Building C, NO. 599 Gaojing Road,Qingpu District, 201702 Shanghai, ChinaTel: +86 21 542 60 273Fax: +86 21 649 50 963Email: |support@chcnav.comWebsite:
   This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two  conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any  interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could  void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital  device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable  protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses  instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no  guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause  harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the  equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of  the following measures:  -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is  connected.  -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.   The device complies with RF specifications when the device used at 50cm form your body.

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