Huawei Technologies BTS3812E-1900 WCDMA Base Station User Manual 00 1 Cover
Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd WCDMA Base Station 00 1 Cover
- 1. User Manual Part 1
- 2. User Manual Part 2
User Manual Part 1
NodeB LMT User Guide
Huawei Technologies Proprietary

NodeB LMT User Guide
Volume NodeB LMT User Guide
Manual Version T2-031640-20051230-C-1.60
Product Version V100R006
BOM 31161640
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Copyright © 2005 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
All Rights Reserved
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
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The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every effort has
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all statements, information, and recommendations in this manual do not constitute
the warranty of any kind, express or implied.
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Summary of Updates
This section provides the update history of this manual and introduces the contents of
subsequent updates.
Update History
This manual is updated for a major product version to maintain consistency with system
hardware or software versions and to incorporate customer suggestions.
Manual Version Notes
T2-031640-20051230-C-1.60 Initial field trial release
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About This Manual
Release Notes
The product version that corresponds to the manual is WCDMA NodeB V100R006.
The manual describes routine maintenance of WCDMA NodeB.
There are fourteen chapters and one appendix in the manual.
Chapter 1 About This Manual describes general information about this manual.
Chapter 2 Overview describes the local maintenance terminal (LMT) system and its
Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application describes the installation of LMT software.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT describes how to log into the NodeB through the
Chapter 5 Alarm Management describes how to manage the alarms on the NodeB
though the LMT.
Chapter 6 Managing Files describes how to upload and browse files.
Chapter 7 Managing NodeB and Boards describes operations on the NodeB and the
boards on the NodeB O&M system.
Chapter 8 Tracing NodeB Iub Interface Signaling describes how to create tracing
tasks and how to browse traced messages.
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in Real Time describes how
to monitor the NodeB performance and state in real time.
Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB describes how to monitor
the NodeB external environment.
Chapter 11 141 Test describes the NodeB RF performance tests.
Chapter 12 Managing NodeB Clock describes routine maintenance of the clock
management system.
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Chapter 13 Managing NodeB Cells describes operations of the NodeB cell
management system.
Chapter 14 NodeB Software Update and Data Configuration File Transfer
describes the NodeB software upgrade and data configuration file transfer.
Appendix A Acronyms and Abbreviations lists all acronyms and abbreviations in
this manual with their full names.
Intended Audience
The manual is intended for the following readers:
z Maintenance engineers and technicians
This document uses the following conventions:
I. General conventions
Convention Description
Arial Normal paragraphs are in Arial.
Arial Narrow Warnings, cautions, notes and tips are in Arial Narrow.
II. Symbols
Eye-catching symbols are also used in this document to highlight the points worthy of
special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:
Caution, Warning, Danger: Means reader be extremely careful during the
Note, Comment, Tip, Knowhow, Thought: Means a complementary description.
Huawei Technologies Proprietary

NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 About This Manual....................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Purpose of This Manual..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Intended Audience............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Architecture of This Manual ............................................................................................... 1-1
Chapter 2 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Introduction to LMT............................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2.1 Functions of LMT..................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2.2 LMT Configuration Requirements ........................................................................... 2-1
2.3 LMT System Composition.................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3.2 NodeB O&M System ............................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.3 NodeB Alarm Management System........................................................................ 2-6
2.3.4 TraceViewer ............................................................................................................ 2-8
Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application.......................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Installation Introduction...................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Preparing for Installation ......................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.2 Impact on System.................................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Installing LMT Software .....................................................................................................3-1
3.4 Verifying Installation......................................................................................................... 3-14
Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT ............................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Starting LMT ...................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.2 Setting IP Address for LMT Computer .................................................................... 4-1
4.2.3 Connecting LMT Computer to NodeB..................................................................... 4-3
4.2.4 Logging into NodeB Through LMT.......................................................................... 4-4
4.2.5 Logging into NodeB Through M2000 Server .......................................................... 4-6
4.3 Configuring LMT ................................................................................................................ 4-6
4.3.1 Configuring LMT Attributes ..................................................................................... 4-6
4.3.2 Changing Login Password ...................................................................................... 4-7
4.4 Managing Office................................................................................................................. 4-8
4.5 Locking LMT ...................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.6 Executing MML Commands............................................................................................. 4-11
4.6.1 Introduction to MML Commands ........................................................................... 4-11
4.6.2 Executing a Single MML Command...................................................................... 4-13
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
4.6.3 Executing Batch MML Commands........................................................................ 4-14
4.7 Exiting LMT ...................................................................................................................... 4-18
Chapter 5 Alarm Management......................................................................................................5-1
5.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2.1 Alarm Types ............................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2.2 Alarm Log ................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.3 Alarm Severity......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.4 Alarms Classified by Network Management ........................................................... 5-2
5.3 Configuring Alarm System Attributes................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.2 Configuring Attributes of Alarm Query Window ...................................................... 5-3
5.3.3 Setting Fault Alarm Blinking Prompt ....................................................................... 5-5
5.3.4 Setting Sound Duration for Fault Alarms ................................................................ 5-5
5.3.5 Setting Dial Notify for Fault Alarms ......................................................................... 5-7
5.3.6 Setting SMS Notify for Fault Alarms........................................................................ 5-9
5.3.7 Sorting Alarms....................................................................................................... 5-10
5.4 Monitoring NodeB Alarms................................................................................................ 5-10
5.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 5-10
5.4.2 Browsing Alarms ................................................................................................... 5-11
5.4.3 Querying Active Alarms......................................................................................... 5-14
5.4.4 Querying Alarm Log .............................................................................................. 5-15
5.4.5 Querying Alarm Details ......................................................................................... 5-19
5.4.6 Realtime Printing Alarms....................................................................................... 5-20
5.5 Handling NodeB Alarms .................................................................................................. 5-22
5.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 5-22
5.5.2 Querying Alarm Handling Suggestions ................................................................. 5-22
5.5.3 Shielded Alarms .................................................................................................... 5-22
Chapter 6 Managing Files............................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Overview of File Management ........................................................................................... 6-1
6.2.1 File Types................................................................................................................6-1
6.2.2 Browsing Files ......................................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Uploading Files .................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.3.1 Uploading Operation Log ........................................................................................ 6-2
6.3.2 Uploading Equipment Archives ............................................................................... 6-5
6.3.3 Uploading Main Board Log Files ............................................................................. 6-6
6.3.4 Uploading Board Log Files...................................................................................... 6-7
6.3.5 Uploading RTWP Routine Test Log........................................................................ 6-8
6.4 Browsing Files.................................................................................................................... 6-8
6.4.1 Browsing Files on FTP Server ................................................................................ 6-8
6.4.2 Browsing Operation Log on M2000 Server............................................................. 6-9
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Chapter 7 Managing NodeB and Boards..................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Basic Equipment Panel Operation..................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.1 Introduction to Equipment Panel............................................................................. 7-1
7.2.2 Functions of Equipment Panel ................................................................................ 7-1
7.2.3 Interface of Equipment Panel.................................................................................. 7-1
7.2.4 Starting Equipment Panel ....................................................................................... 7-3
7.2.5 Showing or Hiding Board Indicators........................................................................ 7-4
7.2.6 Showing or Hiding Fault Bar ................................................................................... 7-4
7.3 NodeB-level Operation ...................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.3.2 Querying NodeB Running Version .......................................................................... 7-5
7.3.3 Querying NodeB Software Version ......................................................................... 7-6
7.3.4 Modifying NodeB Time............................................................................................ 7-7
7.3.5 Modifying NodeB Password .................................................................................... 7-8
7.3.6 Resetting NodeB ..................................................................................................... 7-9
7.4 Board-level Operation...................................................................................................... 7-10
7.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 7-10
7.4.2 Querying Board Status.......................................................................................... 7-11
7.4.3 Querying Active Alarms on Board ......................................................................... 7-13
7.4.4 Querying Board Version........................................................................................ 7-13
7.4.5 Querying E1/T1 Status.......................................................................................... 7-14
7.4.6 Querying E1/T1 Work Mode.................................................................................. 7-16
7.4.7 Querying STM-1 Status......................................................................................... 7-18
7.4.8 Querying STM-1 Work Mode ................................................................................ 7-19
7.4.9 Blocking/Unblocking Board ................................................................................... 7-20
7.4.10 Resetting Board................................................................................................... 7-21
7.4.11 Adding/Removing Board ..................................................................................... 7-21
Chapter 8 Tracing NodeB Iub Interface Signaling ..................................................................... 8-1
8.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2.1 Principle of Tracing NodeB Iub Interface Signaling ................................................ 8-1
8.2.2 Introduction to NodeB Iub Interface Tracing ........................................................... 8-2
8.3 Creating NodeB Iub Interface Tracing Task ...................................................................... 8-2
8.4 Browsing NodeB Traced Message .................................................................................... 8-6
8.4.1 Browsing NodeB Traced Message Online .............................................................. 8-6
8.4.2 Setting Browsing Properties of NodeB Traced Message........................................ 8-7
8.4.3 Saving NodeB Traced Messages Automatically ..................................................... 8-8
8.4.4 Saving NodeB Traced Messages Manually ............................................................ 8-9
8.4.5 Browsing NodeB Traced Messages Offline ............................................................ 8-9
8.4.6 Filtering NodeB Traced Messages........................................................................ 8-11
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Chapter 9 Monitoring NodeB Performance and State in Real Time......................................... 9-1
9.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 9-1
9.2 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 9-1
9.3 Querying CPU/DSP Occupancy ........................................................................................ 9-1
9.4 Querying Cell Service Resource........................................................................................ 9-3
9.5 Testing NodeB RTWP ....................................................................................................... 9-5
9.6 Testing NodeB Clock .........................................................................................................9-7
9.7 Scanning NodeB Rx Frequency ........................................................................................ 9-8
9.8 Testing MTRU Output Power........................................................................................... 9-11
9.9 Testing MTRU Temperature ............................................................................................ 9-12
9.10 Testing MRRU Output Power ........................................................................................ 9-14
9.11 Testing MRRU Temperature.......................................................................................... 9-15
9.12 Querying Board Service Resource ................................................................................ 9-16
9.13 Routine Testing NodeB E1/T1 Performance ................................................................. 9-18
9.14 Routine Testing STM-1 Performance ............................................................................ 9-19
Chapter 10 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB......................................................... 10-1
10.1 About This Chapter........................................................................................................ 10-1
10.2 Monitoring External Environment of NodeB .................................................................. 10-1
10.2.1 Overview of External Environment...................................................................... 10-1
10.2.2 Monitoring Input Power Supply ........................................................................... 10-1
10.2.3 Monitoring Temperature and Humidity................................................................ 10-2
10.2.4 Smoke and Anti-theft Alarms .............................................................................. 10-3
10.2.5 Customized Alarms ............................................................................................. 10-3
10.3 Monitoring Input Power Supply...................................................................................... 10-3
10.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 10-3
10.3.2 Setting NEMU Input Voltage Alarm Thresholds.................................................. 10-4
10.3.3 Querying NEMU Alarm Thresholds for Input Voltage ......................................... 10-4
10.3.4 Querying NEMU Input Voltage............................................................................ 10-4
10.4 Monitoring Temperature and Humidity .......................................................................... 10-4
10.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 10-4
10.4.2 Querying NEMU Temperature and Humidity ...................................................... 10-4
10.4.3 Setting Thresholds of NEMU Temperature and Humidity................................... 10-5
10.4.4 Querying Thresholds of NEMU Temperature and Humidity ............................... 10-5
10.5 Smoke and Anti-theft Alarms......................................................................................... 10-5
10.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 10-5
10.5.2 Clearing NEMU Smoke and Enclosure Alarms................................................... 10-6
Chapter 11 141 Test..................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1 About This Chapter........................................................................................................ 11-1
11.2 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 11-1
11.2.1 Introduction to 141 Test ...................................................................................... 11-1
11.2.2 Precautions ......................................................................................................... 11-1
11.3 Setting Cell Parameters................................................................................................. 11-2
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11.4 UL 141 Test ................................................................................................................... 11-8
11.4.1 Introduction to UL 141 Test................................................................................. 11-8
11.4.2 Testing UL DPCH................................................................................................ 11-9
11.4.3 Testing UL RACH.............................................................................................. 11-13
11.5 DL 141 Test ................................................................................................................. 11-16
11.5.1 Introduction to DL 141 Test............................................................................... 11-16
11.5.2 Testing Max Transmit Power ............................................................................ 11-17
11.5.3 Testing CPICH Power Accuracy ....................................................................... 11-18
11.5.4 Testing Frequency Error ................................................................................... 11-19
11.5.5 Testing Transmit Intermodulation...................................................................... 11-21
11.5.6 Testing IPDL Time Mask................................................................................... 11-22
11.5.7 Testing Power Control Steps ............................................................................ 11-23
11.5.8 Testing Power Control Step or Dynamic Range ............................................... 11-26
11.5.9 Testing Total Dynamic Range........................................................................... 11-28
11.5.10 Testing Occupied Bandwidth .......................................................................... 11-29
11.5.11 Testing Spurious Emission.............................................................................. 11-30
11.5.12 Testing Spectrum Emission ............................................................................ 11-33
11.5.13 Testing ACLR.................................................................................................. 11-34
11.5.14 Testing EVM.................................................................................................... 11-35
11.5.15 Testing PCDE.................................................................................................. 11-36
Chapter 12 Managing NodeB Clock........................................................................................... 12-1
12.1 About This Chapter........................................................................................................ 12-1
12.2 Overview of NodeB Clock.............................................................................................. 12-1
12.2.1 Principle of Clock ................................................................................................ 12-1
12.2.2 Center Frequency DA Value ............................................................................... 12-1
12.2.3 Current Frequency DA Value .............................................................................. 12-1
12.2.4 Initial DA Value.................................................................................................... 12-2
12.3 Querying Clock Status ................................................................................................... 12-2
12.3.1 Overview of Querying Clock Status .................................................................... 12-2
12.3.2 Introduction to Clock Status ................................................................................ 12-2
12.3.3 Querying Current Clock Status ........................................................................... 12-3
12.3.4 Querying History Clock Record........................................................................... 12-4
12.4 Managing NodeB Clock Source..................................................................................... 12-5
12.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 12-5
12.4.2 Introduction to NodeB Clock Source................................................................... 12-5
12.4.3 Setting NodeB Clock Work Mode........................................................................ 12-5
12.4.4 Setting NodeB Clock Source............................................................................... 12-6
12.4.5 Testing NodeB Clock Source Quality.................................................................. 12-6
12.5 Setting NodeB Clock Frequency.................................................................................... 12-6
12.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................. 12-6
12.5.2 Introduction to Clock Frequency Values ............................................................. 12-7
12.5.3 Setting NodeB Clock Center Frequency ............................................................. 12-7
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12.5.4 Setting NodeB Clock Current Frequency............................................................ 12-7
Chapter 13 Managing NodeB Cells............................................................................................ 13-1
13.1 About This Chapter........................................................................................................ 13-1
13.2 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 13-1
13.2.1 Local Cell and Logical Cell.................................................................................. 13-1
13.2.2 Cell Radius and Handover Radius...................................................................... 13-1
13.2.3 Cell Status ........................................................................................................... 13-2
13.2.4 Blocking Cell........................................................................................................ 13-2
13.3 Querying Cell Configuration........................................................................................... 13-3
13.3.1 Overview of Cell Configuration Query................................................................. 13-3
13.3.2 Introduction to Cell Configuration and Cell Status .............................................. 13-3
13.3.3 Querying Cell Configuration ................................................................................ 13-4
13.3.4 Querying Cell Status ........................................................................................... 13-4
13.3.5 Auditing Resources ............................................................................................. 13-4
13.4 Modifying Local Cell....................................................................................................... 13-5
13.4.1 Overview of Modifying Local Cell ........................................................................ 13-5
13.4.2 Introduction to Cell Parameters........................................................................... 13-5
13.4.3 Modifying Local Cell Parameters ........................................................................ 13-5
13.4.4 Blocking/Unblocking Cell..................................................................................... 13-5
Chapter 14 NodeB Software Update and Data Configuration File Transfer .......................... 14-1
14.1 About This Chapter........................................................................................................ 14-1
14.2 Overview of Software Update ........................................................................................ 14-1
14.3 Upgrading NodeB Software ........................................................................................... 14-1
14.3.1 Overview of Upgrading NodeB Software ............................................................ 14-1
14.3.2 Introduction to NodeB Software .......................................................................... 14-2
14.3.3 Procedure of Upgrading NodeB Software........................................................... 14-2
14.3.4 Downloading NodeB Software ............................................................................ 14-3
14.3.5 Supplying NodeB Software ................................................................................. 14-8
14.3.6 Activating NodeB Software ............................................................................... 14-10
14.3.7 Activating Board Software................................................................................. 14-11
14.3.8 Synchronizing Version ...................................................................................... 14-13
14.4 Upgrading NodeB BOOTROM..................................................................................... 14-14
14.4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 14-14
14.4.2 Introduction to BOOTROM Software ................................................................ 14-14
14.4.3 Procedure of Upgrading NodeB BOOTROM Software..................................... 14-14
14.4.4 Downloading NodeB BOOTROM Package....................................................... 14-15
14.4.5 Activating NodeB BOOTROM........................................................................... 14-18
14.4.6 Activating Board BOOTROM ............................................................................ 14-19
14.5 Upgrading Patches ...................................................................................................... 14-19
14.5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 14-19
14.5.2 Introduction to Patch ......................................................................................... 14-19
14.5.3 Procedure of Upgrading Patches ...................................................................... 14-19
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14.5.4 Downloading Patch Package ............................................................................ 14-20
14.5.5 Activating Patches............................................................................................. 14-22
14.6 Downloading Data Configuration File .......................................................................... 14-23
14.6.1 Introduction Data Configuration File ................................................................. 14-23
14.6.2 Downloading Data Configuration File ............................................................... 14-23
14.6.3 Backing up Data Configuration File .................................................................. 14-25
Appendix A Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................A-1
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 About This Manual....................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Purpose of This Manual..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Intended Audience............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Architecture of This Manual ............................................................................................... 1-1
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 1 About This Manual
Chapter 1 About This Manual
1.1 Purpose of This Manual
This manual describes
z Installation of the NodeB local maintenance terminal (LMT)
z Functions and interfaces of each element in LMT
z Operation guide to NodeB routine operation and maintenance
The NodeB routine maintenance is mainly conducted through the iManager M2000
server. For O&M guide to the M2000 server, see iManager M2000 Mobile Element
Management System Operation Manual.
1.2 Intended Audience
This manual is intended for those who operate and maintain the NodeB on the LMT
system. They must have basic operation skills of MS Windows operating system and
understandings of the NodeB.
1.3 Architecture of This Manual
There are 14 chapters and an appendix in this manual.
z Chapter 1: describes general information about this manual.
z Chapter 2: describes the local maintenance terminal (LMT) system and its
z Chapter 3: describes the installation of LMT software.
z Chapter 4: describes how to log into the NodeB through the LMT.
z Chapter 5: describes how to manage the alarms on the NodeB though the LMT.
z Chapter 6: describes how to upload and browse files.
z Chapter 7: describes operations on the NodeB and the boards on the NodeB O&M
z Chapter 8: describes how to create tracing tasks and how to browse traced
z Chapter 9: describes how to monitor the NodeB performance and state in real
z Chapter 10: describes how to monitor the NodeB external environment.
z Chapter 11: describes the NodeB RF performance tests.
z Chapter 12: describes routine maintenance of the clock management system.
z Chapter 13: describes operations of the NodeB cell management system.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 1 About This Manual
z Chapter 14: describes the NodeB software upgrade and data configuration file
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 2 Overview....................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Introduction to LMT............................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2.1 Functions of LMT..................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2.2 LMT Configuration Requirements ........................................................................... 2-1
2.3 LMT System Composition.................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3.2 NodeB O&M System ............................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.3 NodeB Alarm Management System........................................................................ 2-6
2.3.4 TraceViewer ............................................................................................................ 2-9
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 2 Overview
Chapter 2 Overview
2.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes the local maintenance terminal (LMT) system and its elements,
z Functions
z Configuration requirements
z Compositions
z Main interfaces
2.2 Introduction to LMT
2.2.1 Functions of LMT
The LMT of the NodeB series provides graphic user interface (GUI) for
z NodeB test
z Local maintenance
z Troubleshooting
2.2.2 LMT Configuration Requirements
The computer used to install the LMT software must meet the following requirements:
z Software
z Hardware
z Communications
I. Hardware Configuration Requirements
Table 2-1 shows the hardware configuration requirements to be met for the computer
used to install the LMT software.
Table 2-1 Hardware configuration list
Item Quantity Recommended
CPU 1 2.4 G 400 M
RAM 1 512 M 64 M
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 2 Overview
Recommended Minimum
Item Quantity configuration configuration
Hard disk 1 40 G 1 G (the minimum
available space)
Display adapter
resolution -- 1024 x 768 800 x 600
CD drive 1 -- --
Network adapter 1 10&100 M 10&100 M
Others 1 x 3 Modem, sound card
and sound box --
II. Software Configuration Requirements
Table 2-2 shows the software configuration requirements to be met for the computer
used to install the LMT software.
Table 2-2 Software configuration list
Item Standard configuration
Operating system Windows 2000 Professional (SP4) or above of English
Default language of
operating system Western Europe and United States
Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or above
It is recommended that the LMT software be installed in a standard operating system.
Otherwise, they might not be compatible.
III. Communications Requirements
The computer supports the TCP/IP protocol.
2.3 LMT System Composition
2.3.1 Overview
The LMT communicates with the NodeB through LAN or WAN. You can maintain a
NodeB through the LMT computer.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 2 Overview
The NodeB LMT consists of
z NodeB O&M system
z NodeB alarm management system
z TraceViewer
2.3.2 NodeB O&M System
I. Functions
The O&M system provides MML client and GUI access to maintain NodeB, including:
z Operating MML client: runs a single command on the platform of the MML Client.
z Tracing management: manages the tracing messages of Iub interface.
z Software management: downloads and backs up configuration files, and upgrades
z Realtime state monitoring: including CPU/DSP occupancy, board or cell service
resource query, RTWP measurement, and clock test.
z Test management: supports 141 tests.
z Equipment maintenance: controls board reset and block/unblock, and helps
retrieve board data.
z Clock maintenance: provides routine maintenance for the NodeB timing.
z Cell management: retrieves and modifies NodeB cells data, and blocks or
unblocks NodeB cells.
II. Interface
The interface of the NodeB O&M system consists of:
z System menu
z Toolbar
z Navigation tree pane
z Object pane
z Output pane
z Status bar
z MML client
Figure 2-1 shows the NodeB O&M System window.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 2 Overview
Figure 2-1 NodeB O&M System window
Table 2-3 describes the fields of the NodeB O&M System window.
Table 2-3 Filed description of O&M System window
No. Field Description
1 Menu bar
The menu bar includes System, Service, View, Window and
Help menus.
The System and Service menus provide access to logging
into the operating system.
The View, Window and Help menus are similar to those in
other commonly used application programs.
2 Toolbar
The toolbar provides shortcut icons including:
z Re-login
z Exit
z Lock System
z Office Management
z Show/Hide other window
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 2 Overview
No. Field Description
n tree
There are three tabs at the bottom of the pane, including:
z Maintenance Navigator: The navigator provides
important routine operations through a GUI interface.
z MML Navigator: The navigator provides all MML
z Search. In this tab, you can retrieve MML commands by
command name or by command word. The system lists all
the commands matching your input automatically to make
the retrieval faster.
4 Object
This pane provides details about the object. You can maintain
the NodeB through this pane.
If you select Maintenance Navigator in the navigation tree
pane, the pane contains an upper curve graph and a lower list
of description.
If you select MML Navigator, the pane contains the MML
5 Output
The pane records detailed information of current operations
and system feedback. At the bottom of the pane, there are four
tabs as follows:
z Maintenance Output: It displays results of operations and
auto reported information.
z Debug Output: It displays the contents in Maintenance
Output in binary.
z Test Output: It displays the result of 141 test.
z Alarm output: It displays alarms reported by the NodeB.
6 Status
The bar is at the bottom of the interface. It displays
z Connected office
z IP address of the office
z Connection status
III. Online Help
The NodeB O&M system provides two kinds of online help:
z NodeB O&M system help
z MML help
Table 2-4 shows the main contents and starting modes of these helps.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 2 Overview
Table 2-4 Online helps of NodeB O&M system
Name Main contents Starting mode
NodeB O&M
system help
It provides the following
information about the NodeB
O&M system:
z Field meaning of the dialog
z Description of and operation
guide to each O&M function
z Detailed information about
the board
There are three starting modes
in the NodeB O&M window,
z Press F1 or select Help ->
Help topics to display the
NodeB O&M System Help
z Click to display the
help information.
z Click Help in a dialog box to
show the help information.
MML help
It provides the following
information about each MML
z Function
z Note
z Parameter
z Example
1) Execute a command in the
MML client of the NodeB
O&M system.
2) The Help window displays
information about this
This manual does not present detailed description of the MML commands involved. For
more information about the MML commands, see MML Command Help.
2.3.3 NodeB Alarm Management System
I. Functions
The NodeB alarm management system serves as a major tool for routine alarm
management. With this system, you can:
z Browse alarm information, including fault alarm information and event alarm
z Query alarm information, including active alarms, alarm log, alarm configuration,
and alarm details.
z Maintain alarm information by modifying or restoring alarm configuration.
z Set attributes of fault alarm notification, including sound duration, fixed-line phone
number and mobile phone number.
z Print and save alarm records, including browsed and reported alarm records.
For details, see Chapter 5 “Alarm Management”.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 2 Overview
II. Interface
The interface of the NodeB alarm management system consists of
z System menu
z Toolbar
z Fault alarm browse window
z Event alarm browse window
z Status bar
Figure 2-2 shows the BTS3812E Alarm Management System window.
Figure 2-2 BTS3812E Alarm Management System window
Table 2-5 describes the elements of the BTS3812E Alarm Management System
Table 2-5 Elements of BTS3812E Alarm Management System window
No. Field Description
1 Menu bar The menu bar provides access to most operations of the
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 2 Overview
No. Field Description
2 Toolbar
The toolbar provides shortcut icons for common
operations, including
z Relogin
z Office Management
z Toggle Lock System
z Display Color Setting
z Fault Alarm Browse
z Event Alarm Browse
z Query Alarm Log
3 Fault alarm
browse window The window displays the current fault alarm.
4 Event alarm
browse window The window displays the current event alarm.
5 Status bar
The bar is at the bottom of the interface.
It displays
z IP address of the connected office
z Connection status
z Messages between the system and the NodeB
III. Online Help
Table 2-6 shows the main contents and starting modes of the NodeB Alarm
Management System Help.
Table 2-6 Online help of NodeB alarm management system
Name Main contents Starting mode
NodeB alarm
system help
It provides the following
information about the
NodeB alarm
management system:
z Field meaning of the
dialog box
z Description of and
operation guide to
each alarm
management function
In the NodeB alarm management
system window,
z Press F1 or select Help -> Help
topics to display the NodeB Alarm
Management System Help.
z Click to display the NodeB
Alarm Management System Help.
z Click Help in a dialog box to display
the help information.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 2 Overview
2.3.4 TraceViewer
I. Function
The TraceViewer simulates the online environment and opens saved message files in
the offline environment. It facilitates the browse of traced messages.
For details, see Chapter 8 “Viewing Traced Messages Offline”.
II. Interface
Figure 2-3 shows the BTS3812E TraceViewer window.
Figure 2-3 BTS3812E TraceViewer window
Table 2-7 describes elements of the BTS3812E TraceViewer window.
Table 2-7 Elements of BTS3812E TraceViewer window
No. Field Description
1 Menu bar Providing most of the functions of the TraceViewer.
2 Toolbar Providing the Open shortcut icon.
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3 Message
browse pane Displaying messages by tracing the Iub interface.
4 Status bar
Located at the bottom of the window, displaying
z Connected office
z IP address of the office
z Network status
III. Online Help
Table 2-8 shows the main contents and starting mode of the NodeB TraceViewer
Table 2-8 Online help of the NodeB TraceViewer
Name Main contents Starting mode
It describes the usage of
each message browse
function of the NodeB
In the TraceViewer window,
z Press F1 or select Help -> Help
topics to display the NodeB
TraceViewer Help.
z Click Help in a dialog box to
display the help info-rmation.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application.......................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Installation Introduction...................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Preparing for Installation ......................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.2 Impact on System.................................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Installing LMT Software ..................................................................................................... 3-1
3.4 Verifying Installation......................................................................................................... 3-14
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Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
3.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes
z Software installation preparation
z Installation process
z Confirmation after installation.
3.2 Installation Introduction
3.2.1 Preparing for Installation
Prepare as follows before installing the LMT software:
z Obtain the installation disk and instruction provided by Huawei.
z Obtain valid serial number of the LMT software.
z Log into the MS Windows 2000 or MS Windows XP operating system with the
administrator authority.
3.2.2 Impact on System
Installing the LMT software shall have the following impact on the system:
z Creating a shortcut on the desktop
z Creating a program group of Start -> Program -> Huawei Local Maintenance
Terminal. The Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal menu includes
sub-menus of
z NodeB Operation & Maintenance System
z Uninstall NodeB Operation & Maintenance System
z Copying NodeB LMT V1.5 to the selected directory of NodeBV100R005ENG
3.3 Installing LMT Software
Follow the steps below to install the NodeB LMT software.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
To install the LMT software, there are three modes:
z Initial installation of LMT software
z Modify installation of LMT software
z Repair installation of LMT software
This manual adopts the initial installation mode to introduce the LMT software
I. Starting Installation Program
Follow the steps below to start the installation program:
1) Insert the installation disk into the disk drive.
2) The installation program automatically runs.
Or you may follow the steps below:
1) Copy the installation software package into the hard disk.
2) Open the file folder of disk1.
3) Double-click Setup.exe.
Then the installation program is started.
II. Choosing Setup Language
Follow the steps below to choose the setup language:
1) Start the installation program.
The Choose Setup Language dialog box opens up as shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 Choose Setup Language dialog box
2) Choose English in the list box and click OK.
3) Click Next in the Welcome dialog box after the installation program initialization
Figure 3-2 shows the Welcome dialog box.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
Figure 3-2 Welcome dialog box
z Click Cancel to display the quit installation interface. You may choose whether to
quit or continue the installation.
z Back is not available in the first installation step. In later steps, Back is available to
go back to the previous step.
III. Confirming License Agreement
To accept this agreement after reading it, click Yes. Otherwise, click No to quit the
installation program.
Figure 3-3 shows the License Agreement dialog box.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
Figure 3-4 Information dialog box
V. Verifying Serial Number
Enter the customer information and valid serial number in the Customer Information
dialog box, and then click Next.
Figure 3-5 shows the Customer Information dialog box.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
Figure 3-5 Customer Information dialog box
z The serial number is provided with the installation disk and contained in the
Serial. txt file of the software package.
z Next is available only after you enter the user name, company name and serial
z Enter the valid serial number. Note that the serial number is case sensitive.
z If the serial number is invalid for three times, the installation program shall
automatically quit from the present installation program.
VI. Choosing Destination Location
Click Browse to select the folder where Setup will install files. Or click Next to install
files under C:\HWLMT by default.
Figure 3-6 shows the Choose Destination Location dialog box.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
Figure 3-7 Setup Type dialog box
There are three setup types:
z Typical: The program installs all the components to maintain all the NodeB
models and versions supported by the LMT software. Most users are
recommended to install the software with this type.
z Compact: The program installs part of the components only to maintain the latest
version of the NodeB supported by the LMT software of that model.
z Custom: the program installs the selected components. It is recommended for
advanced users.
Select the needed setup type and then click Next. It is recommended for most users
to select Typical.
If you select Custom,
1) Click Next.
2) Tick the needed components in Select Components dialog box as shown in
Figure 3-8.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
Figure 3-9 Select Program Folder dialog box
You can rename the program folder or use the default name. It is recommended that
you use the default program folder name and click Next.
IX. Copying Files
Figure 3-10 shows the Start Copying Files dialog box.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
Figure 3-10 Start Copying Files dialog box
Confirm all the information. Then Click Next to create a folder C:\HWLMT and copy
files into it.
When copying files, a progress indicator indicates the setup progress, file types and
file setup path as shown in Figure 3-11.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
Figure 3-12 Installation Completed dialog box
Follow the steps below to finish the installation of the LMT software, update the
system setup, open the readme.txt, and start O&M system for login interface:
1) Tick Start readme.txt and Start Operation_Maintenance System.
2) Click Finish.
If you click Finish without ticking Start readme.txt and Start
Operation_Maintenance System, you can finish the LMT software installation and
update the system setup.
If the system finds locked files or files under share during the installation, an
InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box shall prompt you to restart the computer,
as shown in Figure 3-13. If so, choose Yes, I want to restart my computer now. and
click Finish.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
Figure 3-13 InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box
3.4 Verifying Installation
After the LMT software installation, the program copies the WCDMA NodeB LMT
programs into the file folder under the selected path. If you use the default installation
directory, the entire file package of LMT software is copied to C:\Hwlmt.
Figure 3-14 shows the directory architecture of the LMT software.
Figure 3-14 Directory architecture of the LMT software
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 3 Installing LMT Application
Table 3-1 describes the directory at different levels.
Table 3-1 Description of the directory at different levels
Directory Description
Bin Storing public files, such as *.dll files which assist operation
Storing files related to this NodeB version. Each folder has the
same architecture including the following sub-folders:
bin: storing execution files related to this version
wh_mes: storing interface tracing resolution files related to this
data: storing data files related to this version
Map: storing .map files related to this version for the purpose to
find problems in case of exceptional conditions
OnLineHelp: storing online help files related to version
Data Storing data files unrelated to this version
Map Storing *.map files to locate problems in case of exceptional
OnLineHelp Storing online help files unrelated to this version
When you use the LMT software, the system creates new file folders under NodeB
z Output: default folder for file output
z Trace: to save traced files
z Log: to save LMTFrame.log files and LMTFTool.log files
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT ............................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Starting LMT ...................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.2 Setting IP Address for LMT Computer .................................................................... 4-1
4.2.3 Connecting LMT Computer to NodeB..................................................................... 4-3
4.2.4 Logging into NodeB Through LMT.......................................................................... 4-4
4.2.5 Logging into NodeB Through M2000 Server .......................................................... 4-6
4.3 Configuring LMT ................................................................................................................ 4-6
4.3.1 Configuring LMT Attributes ..................................................................................... 4-6
4.3.2 Changing Login Password ...................................................................................... 4-7
4.4 Managing Office................................................................................................................. 4-8
4.5 Locking LMT .................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.6 Executing MML Commands............................................................................................. 4-12
4.6.1 Introduction to MML Commands........................................................................... 4-12
4.6.2 Executing a Single MML Command...................................................................... 4-13
4.6.3 Executing Batch MML Commands........................................................................ 4-14
4.7 Exiting LMT ...................................................................................................................... 4-18
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
4.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to login to the NodeB through the LMT, including
z Starting LMT
z Configuring LMT
z Managing Office
z Locking LMT
z Executing MML Commands
z Exiting LMT
4.2 Starting LMT
4.2.1 Overview
Before starting the LMT, complete the following operations:
z Set IP address of the LMT computer
z Connect the LMT computer to the NodeB
4.2.2 Setting IP Address for LMT Computer
I. Introduction
Make sure the IP address of the LMT compter does not confict with another IP
address of a computer within the same local area network.
You have two ways to maintain the NodeB on the LMT:
z Local maintenance
z Remote maintenance
When you conduct the local maintenance, set the IP address for the LMT computer as
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
z For the macro NodeB, IP addresses of the LMT computer and the NMPT
network port need to be in the same network segment.
z For the DBS3800, IP addresses of the LMT computer and the BBU need to be in
the same network segment.
II. Prerequisite
The LMT computer has configured the TCP/IP protocol.
III. Procedure
Microsoft® Windows 2000 (SP4) is the product of Microsoft. For details, refer to the
technical documents of Microsoft® Windows 2000 (SP4).
All the Microsoft-related corporate names, trademarks and technical documents are
properties of Microsoft Corporation.
Follow the steps below to set the IP address of the LMT computer with the MS
Windows 2000 (SP4) operating system as an example:
1) Choose Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
The Network and Dial-up Connection window opens up.
2) Right-click the icon of Local Area Connection.
The Local Area Connection Status dialog box opens up.
3) Select Properties on the shortcut menu.
The Local Area Connection Properties dialog box opens up.
4) Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
5) Click Properties.
The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box open up.
6) Select Use the following IP address.
7) Enter the correct IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.
z In near end O&M mode, the default IP address of all debugging Ethernet ports of
the NodeB for local maintenance is
z The subnet mask is
z If there is no gateway, you can keep the field Default Gateway blank or enter the
IP address of the LMT. If there is a gateway, enter the IP address of the gateway.
8) Click OK.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
The setting is completed.
4.2.3 Connecting LMT Computer to NodeB
I. Introduction
There are two ways to maintain the NodeB through the LMT. Correspondingly, there
are two ways to connect the LMT computer to the NodeB.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Under the local maintenance mode:
z For the macro NodeB, connect the Ethernet port of the LMT computer to that of
the NodeB NMPT through crossover network cables, as shown in Figure 4-1. Or
you can connect the LMT computer to the NodeB NMPT through a HUB by using
straight-thru cables.
z For the DBS3800, connect the Ethernet port of the LMT computer to the upper
ETH port of the BBU front plate with crossover network cables, as shown in
Figure 4-2. Or you can connect the LMT computer to the BBU through a HUB by
using straight-thru cables.
(1) NMPT (2) Network cable (3) LMT computer
Figure 4-1 Connecting LMT computer and NMPT under local maintenance mode
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
(1) BBU3806 (2) Crossover cable (3) LMT computer
Figure 4-2 Connecting LMT computer and BBU3806 under local maintenance mode
Under the remote maintenance mode:
z You can connect the Ethernet port of the LMT computer to that of the back
administration module (BAM) on the RNC directly.
z You can connect the Ethernet port of the LMT computer to that of the RNC BAM
through a gateway.
z No matter how the LMT computer and the NodeB are connected, you can check
the connection with a ping command.
4.2.4 Logging into NodeB Through LMT
I. Introduction
You may operate and maintain a NodeB by starting the LMT and logging into the
II. Prerequisite
Physical connection between the LMT computer and the NodeB is good under the
local maintenance mode.
III. Porcedure
Follow the steps below to login to the NodeB through the LMT:
1) Choose Start -> Program -> Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal -> NodeB
V100R005 -> NodeB Operation & Maintenance System.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
If the NodeB O&M system has started, select System -> Login, or click the
shortcut icon to display the Login dialog box as shown in Figure 4-3.
Figure 4-3 Login dialog box
Table 4-1 describes the fields in the Login dialog box.
Table 4-1 Field description of Login dialog box
Field Description
User name It is the name used to log into NodeB. It is case sensitive and
cannot be omitted. The default name is admin.
It is used to log in to NodeB. It starts with letter, and is case
sensitive. It is a string of up to 16 characters and contains only
letters and numbers.
It is the name of the NodeB to which the O&M system is connected.
Click Office Management to edit the office information. For
details, see 4.4 “Managing Office”.
IP address This is the IP address of NodeB to which the LMT system is
connected. It is unique to the office name.
If there is no office in the Office Management dialog box as shown in Figure 4-5, set
the parameters in the dialog box with reference to 4.4 "Managing Office".
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
2) Set parameters in the Office Management dialog box.
3) Set the user information and IP address in the Login dialog box.
4) Click OK.
Then you log into the NodeB.
4.2.5 Logging into NodeB Through M2000 Server
I. Introduction
You may conduct centralized maintenance to NodeBs by logging into the M2000
II. Prerequisites
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to log into the NodeB through the M2000 server:
1) Choose Start -> Program -> Huawei Local Maintenance Terminal -> NodeB
V100R005 -> NodeB Operation & Maintenance System.
If the NodeB O&M system has started, select System -> Login, or click the
shortcut icon to display the Login dialog box as shown in Figure 4-3.
2) Set IP address, user name, and password in the Login dialog box.
This enables you to log into the M2000 server.
3) Click OK.
The NodeB List dialog box opens up.
4) Select the NodeB to be maintained in the dialog box.
5) Click OK and enter your user name and password.
Then you log into the NodeB.
4.3 Configuring LMT
4.3.1 Configuring LMT Attributes
I. Introduction
Configurations of the LMT attributes include:
z Setting the office
z Setting the time-out time of MML commands
z Setting the system lock time
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
z Executing batch commands
II. Prerequisites
III. Procedure
Table 4-2 shows configurations of the LMT attributes.
Table 4-2 Configurations of the LMT attributes
LMT attribute Menu Remarks
Office management System -> Office
See 4.4 “Managing
Setting time-out time
of MML commands
System -> System
See 4.6.3 "Executing
Batch MML Commands"
Setting system lock
System -> System
Configuration See 4.5 "Locking LMT"
Executing batch
MML commands
System -> Execute Batch
See 4.6.3 "Executing
Batch MML Commands"
4.3.2 Changing Login Password
I. Introduction
Changing the login password refers to changing the password for logging into the
NodeB. You can log into the NodeB only when you provide the correct password.
II. Prerequisite
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III. Procedure
z New password takes effects for new users to log into the NodeB. If you have
logged in to the NodeB, it does not affect your current state.
z The M2000 server user and the NodeB O&M user have the authority to change the
login password. The NodeB alarm management user has no authority to change
the login password.
Follow the steps below to modify the login password:
1) Choose System -> Change Password.
The Change Password dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4 Change Password dialog box
2) Enter the old and new passwords in the dialog box.
3) Click OK.
Then the password is changed.
4.4 Managing Office
I. Introduction
Managing office refers to setting IP address of the M2000 server or NodeB that the
LMT connects.
Generally, one office uses one name to identify different IP addresses. A NodeB O&M
system may have different office information to connect to a specified M2000 server
or NodeB.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
II. Prerequisites
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to manage the office:
1) Choose System -> Office Management, or click the shortcut icon .
The Office Management dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 4-5.
Figure 4-5 Office Management dialog box
Table 4-3 describes the fields in the Office Management dialog box.
Table 4-3 Field description of the Office Management dialog box
Filed Description
It is the name of M2000 server or the NodeB to which the NodeB
O&M system connects. It is a string of up to 80 characters or 40
Chinese characters defined by you.
IP address It is the M2000/NodeB IP address. It is unique to the “office”.
Add You can add other M2000 server or NodeB office information by
clicking Add to display the Office Information dialog box.
Delete You can delete an office by selecting that office and click Delete.
Modify You can modify office information by selecting an office and clicking
2) Set the office information in the dialog box.
3) Click OK.
The setting is completed.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
4.5 Locking LMT
I. Introduction
The NodeB O&M system provides lock function to ensure its safe operation. You can
set system lock when you do not use the system so as to prevent illegal operation
from others. Once the system is locked, you need to enter the correct password
before further operation.
The NodeB O&M system has two lock modes:
z Lock by schedule
z Lock Now
The lock function locks the interface of the NodeB O&M system only. It is similar to the
screen saver of the MS Windows operating system.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to conduct Lock Now of the NodeB O&M system:
1) In the NodeB O&M system, to lock the system interface immediately, there are
three ways:
z Choose System -> System Lock
z Press the shortcut key F12
z Click the shortcut icon .
Then the Please Input Your Password dialog box opens up after the system is
2) Enter your password and click OK to remove the lock.
Follow the steps below to conduct Lock by schedule of the NodeB O&M system:
3) Choose System -> System Configuration.
The System Configuration dialog box opens up as shown in Figure 4-6.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
Figure 4-6 System Configuration dialog box
Table 4-4 describes the fields in the System Configuration dialog box.
Table 4-4 Field description of System Configuration dialog box
Field Description
It is the name used to set command time-out time. The value
range is from 10 seconds to 600 seconds and the default value is
65 seconds. The command fails to execute when it exceeds the
time-out limitation.
Set lock time
It is the name used to set the system lock time. The value range is
from 0 to 100 minutes and the default value is 5 minutes. 0 is not
to lock the time. After you set the system lock time and have no
operation within that period, the system auto locks till you type in
the correct password.
FTP Server
The FTP server is used to transfer the software package and data
files to the NodeB.
You can set the user name and password of the FTP server built
in the LMT computer. The system has initial default values for
use. You need not to change them.
The user name and password are both a string of up to 16
characters including letters, numbers and underlines.
4) Set the lock time in Set lock time of the dialog box.
5) Click OK.
The setting is completed.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
4.6 Executing MML Commands
4.6.1 Introduction to MML Commands
I. Functions of MML Commands
The NodeB MML command helps to maintain the entire NodeB. The functions are:
z System management
z Equipment maintenance
z Iub Interface management
z Local cell management
z Alarm management
II. MML Command Format
All MML commands are in the format of Command: Parameter Name=Value;.
The command is mandatory while the parameter name and value are not.
z An example of an MML command with a command and parameters: SET
z An example of an MML command with a command only: LST VER:;
III. MML Command Parameter
The MML client distinguishes parameters of different attributes by different colors. For
details, see Table 4-5.
Table 4-5 Colors for different parameter attributes
Color of
Meaning Details
Red Mandatory
You must set the red parameters. Otherwise, the
system returns failure.
For commands starting with LST and DSP, if you fail to
set an optional parameter, the system returns all the
For commands starting with ADD, if you fail to set an
optional parameter, the system takes its default value if
any or takes it as null.
Black Optional
For commands starting with MOD and SET, if you fail to
set an optional parameter, the parameter value
remains unchanged.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 4 Getting Started with LMT
IV. MML Command Types
The MML command format is Action + Object. For details, see Table 4-6.
Table 4-6 MML command types
Action Meaning
ACT To activate
ADD To add
BKP To back up
BLK To block
DLD To download
DSP To display dynamic information
SET To set
LST To list static data
MOD To modify
RMV To remove
RST To reset
STR To start
STP To stop
UBL To unblock
ULD To upload
4.6.2 Executing a Single MML Command
I. Introduction
Troubleshooting requires executing a single MML command.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to execute a single MML command:
1) Click MML Command Navigation Tree in the navigation tree pane.
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2) Select an MML command and double click on it to start the MML Client. The
command is shown in the Command Input box and the parameter input area is
If you start the MML Client by selecting View -> Command Window on the menu of
the O&M system, or by clicking the shortcut icon , there is no MML command in
the Command Input field. You need to enter a command manually, and then click
to display the parameter input area.
3) Set the parameters.
For deails, see the Online Help page.
4) Click the icon to execute the command. View the results in Common
Maintenance page.
4.6.3 Executing Batch MML Commands
I. Introduction
Executing batch MML commands refers to compiling a series of commands into a
batch file and then run the file to perform a function or an operation.
There are two modes to execute batch MML commands:
z Execute batch MML commands by schedule
z Execute batch MML commands now
II. Prerequisites
z Batch MML command files have already been created.
The batch file (also referred to as the data script file) is a plain text file (*.txt). It stores
a group of commands that can perform a common function or a specific task in a *.txt
file. Therefore, you can simply run the file instead of entering the commands one by
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There are three ways to create batch MML command files:
z Create a *.txt file and write the commands into the file. Be sure to write one
command in a line.
z Copy the information in History Command drop-down box in the output pane
and save it in a blank *.txt file.
z Choose System -> Save Command -> Start Save Input Command… to save
the used commands.
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to execute the batch MML command by schedule:
1) Choose System -> Execute Batch Commands, or press Ctrl+R.
The Execute Batch Commands dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-7 Execute Batch Commands dialog box
Table 4-7 describes the fields of the Execute Batch Commands dialog box.
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Table 4-7 Field description of the Execute Batch Commands dialog box
Field Description
Select Batch
To specify the batch file to run
The default file directory is Bin under the installation directory. Note
that the file must be a *.txt file edited by following correct MML
command syntax with one MML command in a line.
Set Execution
To select the execution mode Execute now or Execute by
schedule for batch processing
If you select Execute by schedule, you will have to set the
specified Date and Time.
If you select Execute now, you may also select User interface.
File Executed
by Schedule
It lists the information of all the files and their Scheduled Time set in
the Execute by schedule mode.
You can click Add to add a batch file to the File Executed by
Schedule list, after selecting the batch file and setting the time to
run it.
Delete You can select a scheduled task from the File Executed by
Schedule list and click Delete to delete it.
2) Select Execute by schedule under Set Execution Mode.
3) Set the execution date and time in Date and Time under the Execute by
schedule mode.
4) Click Browse to select the batch file.
5) Click Add to add the batch file into the File Executed by Schedule list.
6) Repeat steps 3) to 5) to add all the needed batch files into the list.
7) Click OK.
The setting is completed and the Maintenance Output tab in the window displays the
Follow the steps below to execute the batch MML commands now:
1) Choose System -> Execute Batch Commands, or press Ctrl+R.
The Execute Batch Commands dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 4-7.
2) Click Browse to select the batch file.
3) Select Execute now and User interfere under Set Execution Mode.
4) Click OK.
The Execute now dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 4-8.
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Figure 4-8 Execute now dialog box
Table 4-8 describes the fields of the Execute now dialog box.
Table 4-8 Field description of the Execute now dialog box
Field Description
Run All
The system runs in turn all the commands in the batch command file.
Method: Select Run All and then click Run.
Note: During the process, the icon points to the command being
Step Run
The system runs one command in the batch command file at a time.
Method: Select Step Run and then click Run.
Note: During the process, the icon points to the command being
executed. You can click Stop to stop the running.
The system runs the commands in the batch command file in turn until
a breakpoint.
Method: Select Breakpoint Run. Click on a command and click
Breakpoint to set a breakpoint. Click Run to start running from the
beginning. Click Stop to stop running during the process.
The icon points to the command being executed.
The icon points to the specified breakpoint.
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Run Range
To specify a range in the batch file to run
Method: Select Run Range, enter the start row and end row, and then
click Run.
If you select Execute now without selecting User interfere and click OK, the system
will run the file immediately without displaying the Execute now dialog box. The
process is the same as Execute by schedule.
5) Set the information as needed and execute the command.
The Maintenance Output tab in the window displays the results.
z When running the batch file, you cannot modify the MML commands in the file.
z When running the batch file, the Maintenance Output tab does not display results.
When execution of batch MML commands is stopped, Maintenance Output tab
and History Command drop-down box are empty.
4.7 Exiting LMT
I. Introduction
If you exit the LMT, you will disconnect the LMT to the NodeB and M2000 server (if
you log into the NodeB through the M2000 server), and close the Node O&M system.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to exit the LMT system:
1) Choose System -> Exit, or click the shortcut icon .
The Sure to exit the system? dialog box opens up.
2) Click OK.
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Then you exit the LMT.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 5 Alarm Management...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2.1 Alarm Types ............................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2.2 Alarm Log ................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.3 Alarm Severity......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.4 Alarms Classified by Network Management ........................................................... 5-3
5.3 Configuring Alarm System Attributes................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.2 Configuring Attributes of Alarm Query Window ...................................................... 5-3
5.3.3 Setting Fault Alarm Blinking Prompt ....................................................................... 5-5
5.3.4 Setting Sound Duration for Fault Alarms ................................................................ 5-6
5.3.5 Setting Dial Notify for Fault Alarms ......................................................................... 5-7
5.3.6 Setting SMS Notify for Fault Alarms........................................................................ 5-9
5.3.7 Sorting Alarms....................................................................................................... 5-10
5.4 Monitoring NodeB Alarms................................................................................................ 5-11
5.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 5-11
5.4.2 Browsing Alarms ................................................................................................... 5-11
5.4.3 Querying Active Alarms......................................................................................... 5-14
5.4.4 Querying Alarm Log .............................................................................................. 5-16
5.4.5 Querying Alarm Details ......................................................................................... 5-20
5.4.6 Realtime Printing Alarms....................................................................................... 5-21
5.5 Handling NodeB Alarms .................................................................................................. 5-23
5.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 5-23
5.5.2 Querying Alarm Handling Suggestions ................................................................. 5-23
5.5.3 Shielded Alarms .................................................................................................... 5-23
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Chapter 5 Alarm Management
5.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to manage the alarms on the NodeB though the LMT.
5.2 Overview
5.2.1 Alarm Types
I. Fault Alarm and Event Alarm
Alarms can be classified into fault alarms and event alarms by nature.
z Fault alarm: refers to the alarm generated in case of hardware equipment fault or
major function failure. When the fault is removed, the system reports a cleared
alarm. One cleared alarm corresponds to one fault alarm. The severity of a fault
alarm is higher than that of an event alarm in most cases.
z Event alarm: refers to the accidental alarm indicating that the system is in alarm
state for a while. There is no cleared alarm for the event alarm. Some event
alarms are generated periodically.
II. Active Alarm and Recovery Alarm
When there are alarms, the alarms can be classified into active alarms and recovery
alarms according to the alarm state.
z If an alarm has recovered, the alarm is in a “recovery” state and is called
“recovery alarm”.
z If an alarm has not recovered, the alarm is in an “active” state and is call “active
For example, when a fault occurs in the interior hardware of a tower mounted amplifier
(TMA), the system will report a TMA fault alarm.
z Before the fault in the interior hardware of the TMA is cleared, the alarm is an
active alarm.
z After the fault in the interior hardware of the TMA is cleared, the alarm is a
recovery alarm.
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A recovery alarm indicates the alarm has recovered. The alarm records are still stored
in the alarm log and can be queried. See 5.4.4 “Querying Alarm Log”.
5.2.2 Alarm Log
The alarm log keeps all the alarm records. You can obtain NodeB alarm information or
collect alarm statistics by querying the alarm log.
5.2.3 Alarm Severity
The alarm severity shows the level of urgency and severity of an alarm.
The alarm severities of fault alarms and event alarms in descending order are as
z Critical alarm
z Major alarm
z Minor alarm
z Warning
Table 5-1 describes definitions and handling of alarms at different severities.
Table 5-1 Definitions and handling of alarms at different severities
severity Definition Handling
The critical alarm has an impact on the service
provided by the system and needs timely
handling even when it occurs in after-work time.
For example, a device or resource is not
It requires timely
Otherwise, the
system may
The major alarm affects the quality of service
(QoS) and needs resolving within work time to
avoid impact on some major functions. For
example, the QoS of a device or resource is
impaired and needs recovery.
It requires timely
Otherwise, some
major functions may
be affected.
The minor alarm does not affect QoS. It needs
handling at a proper time against potential faults.
The purpose of this
alarm is to remind
technicians of alarm
reasons and
eliminate potential
Warning The warning shows a potential error that may
affect service and needs handling in some cases.
It requires
understanding of
the system running
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5.2.4 Alarms Classified by Network Management
Alarms can also be classified by network management as follows:
z Power system: Alarms of the power system (for example, DC 48 V)
z Environment system: Alarms of equipment room environment (for example,
temperature, humidity and door control)
z Signaling system: Alarms of channel associated signaling and SS7
z Trunk system: Alarms of trunk circuit and trunk board
z Hardware system: Alarms of board parts (for example clock and CPU)
z Software system: Alarms of software
z Running system: Alarms of system running
z Communication system: Alarms of communication system
z QoS: Alarms of QoS
z Processing error: Other alarms
5.3 Configuring Alarm System Attributes
5.3.1 Overview
Configurations of alarm system attributes consist of:
z Configuring Attributes of Alarm Query Window
z Setting Fault Alarm Blinking Prompt
z Setting Sound Duration for Fault Alarm
z Setting Dial Notify for Fault Alarms
z Setting SMS Notify for Fault Alarms
z Sorting Alarms
5.3.2 Configuring Attributes of Alarm Query Window
I. Introduction
Configuring attributes of the alarm query window consists of:
z Alarm colors
z Column width
z Showing/Hiding tip
z Clearing current alarm records
z Dynamic addition
z Querying active alarm when login successfully
z Refreshing the window
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II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Alarm query
window attribute Menu Remarks
Displaying color
System -> Display Color
This function is applicable to
all the alarm browse windows.
Displaying column
System -> Display
Column Setting…
This function is applicable to
all active alarm browse
Showing/hiding tip System -> Tip
Tip function: When the cursor
moves to an alarm in a browse
window, a Tip showing the
alarm information is displayed.
The information is the same as
that in Browse Alarm
Information widow. However,
the use of tips facilitates
This function is applicable to
all the alarm browse windows.
Clearing current
alarm records
Right click in an alarm
browse window and
select Clear all the
alarms from the
This function is applicable to
Fault Alarm Browse and
Event Alarm Browse
windows only.
Dynamic addition
Right click in an alarm
browse window and
select Dynamic Addition
from the shortcut menu.
This function is applicable to
the Fault Alarm Browse,
Event Alarm Browse and
Alarm log query result
Querying active alarm
when login
System -> System
This function applies to Fault
Alarm Browse window only.
Refreshing the
Right click in an alarm
browse window and
select Refresh Window
from the shortcut menu.
z For Event Alarm Browse
window, refreshing means
clearing the window.
z For windows of Fault
Alarm Browse, Alarm Log
Query Result and Active
alarm query result,
refreshing means querying
alarms by original
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5.3.3 Setting Fault Alarm Blinking Prompt
I. Introduction
When you log into the NodeB alarm management system, an icon displays in the
status area of the LMT taskbar.
The blinking prompt function means when the system reports a fault alarm, the tray
blinks alternately between and .
z This function is applicable to fault alarms only.
z When an alarm is reported, the icon blinks. When the alarm is cleared, the icon
does not stop blinking automatically. You need to stop it manually.
z When you disable the blinking prompt when the icon is blinking, the icon stops
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
In the NodeB alarm management system, select Management -> Fault Alarm
Prompt to enable or disable this function. If there is a symbol √ in front of the menu,
the function is enabled. Otherwise, this function is disabled. The default setting is
z If you enable this function, the icon blinks when the system reports a fault alarm.
Double click the icon to stop blinking and to maximize the window of the alarm
management system. This facilitates you to handle the fault alarm.
z If you disable this function, the icon does not change when the system reports a
fault alarm.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 5 Alarm Management
5.3.4 Setting Sound Duration for Fault Alarms
I. Introduction
If the alarm sound function is enabled, the system prompts you with sound of different
duration when there are fault alarms at different severity levels.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to set the sound duration for fault alarms in the NodeB alarm
management system:
1) Select Management -> Fault Alarm Sound to display the Fault Alarm Sound
dialog box as shown in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 Fault Alarm Sound dialog box
Table 5-2 describes the fields in the Fault Alarm Sound dialog box
Table 5-2 Description of fields in Fault Alarm Sound dialog box
Field Description
Critical Alarm
It is used to set the sound duration for critical alarms. Selecting
Critical Alarm means starting the fault alarm sound at this severity
Major Alarm
It is used to set the sound duration for major alarms. Selecting
Major Alarm means starting the fault alarm sound at this severity
Minor Alarm
It is used to set the sound duration for minor alarms. Selecting
Minor Alarm means starting the fault alarm sound at this severity
Warning It is used to set the sound duration for warning. Selecting Warning
means starting the fault alarm sound at this severity level
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 5 Alarm Management
2) Set sound duration for fault alarms and decide whether to start the alarm sound
at each severity level in the dialog box.
3) Click OK to complete the settings.
5.3.5 Setting Dial Notify for Fault Alarms
I. Introduction
The function of setting dial notify for fault alarms indicates that the system notifies you
in case of fault alarms with the pre-set fixed-line phone number or the mobile phone
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to set dial and SMS notify for fault alarms in the NodeB alarm
management system:
1) Select Management -> Fault Alarm Notify to display the Fault Alarm Notify
dialog box as shown in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2 Fault Alarm Notify dialog box
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Table 5-3 describes the fields in the Fault Alarm Notify dialog box
Table 5-3 Field description of Fault Alarm Notify dialog box
Field Description
Show After checking an alarm severity level, alarm records at that level
automatically shown in the left list.
Notify Type
You can select alarms in the left list by pressing Shift or Ctrl and then
select Dial Notify and/or SMS Notify. These settings enable you to
receive notification of the selected alarms through the preset
fixed-line phone number and/or the mobile phone number.
The SMS notify includes
z alarm ID
z alarm severity
z alarm rising time
You can start the alarm notification type by selecting Dial Notify
and/or SMS Notify.
If you select alarm report of a notify type, the system starts reporting
the selected alarms through the preset phone number and/or SMS.
Setting You can set the fixed-line phone and/or mobile phone numbers in the
Set Notification Mode dialog box by clicking Setting.
2) Select an alarm severity in the dialog box to display alarm records at that level in
the left list.
3) Select alarms to be set in the left list.
4) Select Dial Notify under Notify Type.
5) Select Dial Notify under Start.
6) Click Setting to display the Set Notify Type dialog box as shown in Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3 Set Notify Type dialog box
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Table 5-4 describes the fields in the Set Notify Type dialog box
Table 5-4 Field description of Set Notify Type dialog box
Field Description
Notify Type You can choose the notify type from Dial Notify or SMS Notify.
Notify Tool
z If the notify type is Dial Notify, Modem is enabled.
z If the notify type is SMS Notify, Mobile is enabled.
z Note that the system automatically sets Notify Tool according to
the notify type setting.
Serial Port
You can select the Modem port number connected with the NodeB
alarm management system for alarm notification.
Phone No.
z If the notify type is SMS Notify, enter a mobile phone number.
z If the notify type is Dial Notify, enter a fixed-line phone number
or a mobile phone number.
Cleared Time
A fault alarm will be notified if the time between the occurrences of
the fault alarm and its corresponding cleared alarm is over Cleared
Time Delay.
Interval Two
SMS (s)
The system reports fault alarms one by one at intervals of Interval
Two SMS. An alarm is reported for one time only.
7) Select Dial Notify in the Notify Type drop box.
8) Set the following parameters in the Set Notify Type dialog box
z Serial port No.
z Phone No.
z Cleared time delay(s)
z Interval two SMS(s)
9) Click OK to close Set Notify Type dialog box.
10) Click OK to close Fault Alarm Notify dialog box.
5.3.6 Setting SMS Notify for Fault Alarms
I. Introduction
The function of setting SMS notify for fault alarms indicates that the system notifies
you in case of fault alarms with the pre-set mobile phone number.
II. Prerequisite
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III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to set the SMS notify for fault alarms in the NodeB alarm
management system:
1) Select Management -> Fault Alarm Notify to display the Fault Alarm Notify
dialog box as shown in Figure 5-2.
2) Select an alarm severity in the dialog box to display alarm records at that level in
the left list.
3) Select alarms to be set in the left list.
4) Click SMS Notify under Notify Type.
5) Click SMS Notify under Start.
6) Click Setting to display the Set Notify Type dialog box as shown in Figure 5-3.
7) Select SMS Notify in the Notify Type drop box.
8) Set the following parameters in the Set Notify Type dialog box
z Serial port No.
z Phone No.
z Cleared time delay(s)
z Interval two SMS (s)
9) Click OK to close Set Notify Type dialog box.
10) Click OK to close Fault Alarm Notify dialog box.
5.3.7 Sorting Alarms
I. Introduction
Alarm records can be sorted by any column. If an alarm is reported after sorting, it is
added to the list end.
Alarm records can be sorted only by one column each time.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
To sort alarm records in an alarm browse window by a column, click the caption of the
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 5 Alarm Management
5.4 Monitoring NodeB Alarms
5.4.1 Overview
Monitoring the NodeB alarms includes
z Browsing alarms
z Querying active alarms
z Querying alarm log
z Querying alarm details
z Realtime print alarms
5.4.2 Browsing Alarms
I. Introduction
The NodeB alarm management system dynamically displays the latest records of
fault alarms and event alarms in the Fault Alarm Browse and Event Alarm Browse
windows. You can view the alarm records to know the current operation of the NodeB.
This function includes:
z Browsing fault alarms
z Browsing event alarms
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to browse current fault alarms:
1) Start the NodeB alarm management system. Then the Fault Alarm Browse
window opens up as shown in Figure 5-4. If the Fault Alarm Browse window is
closed, select Browse -> Fault Alarm Browse or click the shortcut icon to
open it again.
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Figure 5-4 Fault Alarm Browse window
Table 5-5 describes the fields in the Fault Alarm Browse window
Table 5-5 Field description of Fault Alarm Browse window
Field Description
Alarm serial No. It is a number given to an alarm by the raised time.
Cleared state It shows whether the alarm is cleared.
Alarm name It is preset in the NodeB.
Alarm raised
time/cleared time
It shows the time when the alarm is generated. If the
alarm is cleared, it also shows the time when it is cleared.
Alarm severity It is preset in the NodeB and changes with the fault code
Location info
It refers to the fault code of the alarm and the fault location
in the NodeB. Details include:
z The cabinet number
z The subrack number
z The slot number
z The link number
Alarm source
It shows the net element from which the alarm is reported.
For the NodeB alarm management system, the alarm
source is the NodeB itself.
Alarm ID
Event type
Alarm type
These items are preset in the NodeB.
2) Browse the active fault alarms with. The system adds new fault alarms to the list
end in real time.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 5 Alarm Management
z Select System -> System Setting to display the System Setting dialog box. If
Query active alarm when login successfully in the dialog box is not ticked, the
fault alarms reported before login are not displayed in the Fault Alarm Browse
window. The window only displays the fault alarms reported after login.
z If Query active alarm when login successfully in the dialog box is ticked, all the
active fault alarms are displayed in the Fault Alarm Browse window and new fault
alarms are added to the list end in real time.
Follow the steps below to browse the current event alarms:
3) Start the NodeB alarm management system. Then the Event Alarm Browse
window opens up as shown in Figure 5-5. If the Event Alarm Browse window is
closed, select Browse -> Event Alarm Browse or click the shortcut icon
to open it again.
Figure 5-5 Event Alarm Browse window
Table 5-6 describes the fields in the Event Alarm Browse window.
Table 5-6 Field description of Event Alarm Browse window
Field Description
Alarm serial No. It is a number given to an alarm by the raised time.
Alarm name It is preset in the NodeB.
Alarm raised
time It shows the time when the alarm is generated.
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Alarm severity It is preset in the NodeB and changes with the fault code
Location info
It refers to the fault code of the alarm and the fault location in the
NodeB. Details include:
z The cabinet number
z The subrack number
z The slot number
z The link number
Alarm source
It shows the net element from which the alarm is reported. For the
NodeB alarm management system, the alarm source is the
NodeB itself.
Alarm ID
Event type
Alarm type
These items are preset in the NodeB.
4) Browse the active event alarms. The system adds new event alarms to the list
end in real time.
5.4.3 Querying Active Alarms
I. Introduction
Querying active alarms refers to querying current uncleared fault alarms of the NodeB
according to specified conditions.
All the active alarms will disappear after resetting the NodeB. In that case, those
alarms can only be queried by querying alarm log.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query active alarms:
1) In the NodeB alarm management system, select Query -> Query Active Alarm.
The Query Active Alarm dialog box opens up as shown in Figure 5-6.
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Figure 5-6 Query Active Alarm dialog box
Table 5-7 describes the fields in the Query Active Alarm dialog box.
Table 5-7 Field description of Query Active Alarm dialog box
Field Description
Serial No.
To specify a serial No. range
Default value: all serial Nos.
Return Numbers
To specify the number of records
Default value: 64
Maximum value: 1000
Module No. Unavailable
Slot No. To specify a slot
Cabinet No. To specify a cabinet
Subrack No. To specify a subrack
Board Location Unavailable
2) Set the query conditions in the dialog box.
3) Click OK to display the Active Alarm Query Result window for the query result.
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You can query active alarms by the MML command of LST ALMAF.
5.4.4 Querying Alarm Log
I. Introduction
Querying the alarm log refers to querying the alarm log records by query conditions.
The aim is to get knowledge to the NodeB alarms or collect alarm statistics.
When an alarm is generated, NodeB record the alarm in the alarm log. The alarm log
keeps the information of all the fault and event alarms.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query
1) In the NodeB alarm management system, select Query -> Query Alarm Log or
click the shortcut icon to display the Query Alarm Log dialog box, as
shown in Figure 5-7.
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Figure 5-7 Query Alarm Log dialog box
You can set general conditions for alarm query in Common option tab page. The
conditions may include
z Alarm type
z Alarm severity
z Date/Time
Table 5-8 describes the fields in the tab page.
Table 5-8 Field description of Common option tab page
Field Description
Alarm Type
To specify alarm types
Default value: Fault alarm not Cleared
Alarm Severity
To specify alarm severities
Default value: critical, major, minor, warning
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Field Description
To specify a time range to query alarms within that period
z If you specify start time without start date, the system takes
the seventh day before the current day as the start date.
z If you specify end time without end date, the system takes
the current date as the end date.
z If you specify start date without start time, the system takes
0:0:0 as the start time.
z If you specify end date without end time, the system takes
23:59:59 as the end time.
Return Numbers
To specify the number of records to returned
Default value: 64
Maximum value: 1000
You can set detailed conditions for alarm query in the Detailed option tab page as
shown in Figure 5-8. The conditions may include:
z Serial number
z Alarm ID
z Event type
Figure 5-8 Detailed option tab page
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Table 5-9 Field description of Detailed option tab page
Field Description
Serial No.
To specify a serial No. range
Default value: all serial Nos.
Alarm ID
To specify an alarm ID range
Default value: all alarm IDs
Module No. Unavailable
Event Type
To specify event types
Default value: all types
You can set location conditions for alarm query in the Physical option tab page as
shown in Figure 5-9. The conditions may include:
z Subrack No.
z Slot No.
z Board location
Figure 5-9 Physical option tab page
Table 5-10 describes the fields in the Physical option tab page.
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Table 5-10 Field description of Physical option tab page
Field Description
Subrack No. To specify a subrack
Slot No. To specify a slot
Board Location Unavailable
Cabinet No. To specify a cabinet
Board Type To specify a board type
2) Set query conditions in the dialog box.
3) Click OK. The Query Alarm Log window for the query result opens up.
5.4.5 Querying Alarm Details
I. Introduction
Querying the alarm details refers to querying the details of an alarm, including:
z Alarm serial No.
z Alarm name
z Alarm raised time
z Alarm severity
z Location information
z Alarm source
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the detailed alarms:
1) Double click an alarm record in the alarm browse window.
2) The Alarm Details dialog box opens up as shown in Figure 5-10.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 5 Alarm Management
Figure 5-10 Alarm Details dialog box
5.4.6 Realtime Printing Alarms
I. Introduction
Realtime printing alarms indicate that the system automatically prints the reported
alarm records according to the conditions.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to set the realtime print conditions in the NodeB alarm
management system:
1) Select System -> Realtime Print Setup. The Realtime Print Setup dialog box
opens up as shown as Figure 5-11.
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Figure 5-11 Realtime Print Setup dialog box
Table 5-11 describes the fields in the Realtime Print Setup dialog box.
Table 5-11 Field description of Realtime Print Setup dialog box
Field Description
Alarm severity To select a severity of alarms to print
Alarm type To select a report type of alarms to print
Event alarm To select an event type of alarms to print
Print to File
If you tick this box, you need to specify a file path. In this case,
the system prints the selected alarm records to a file.
If you do not tick it, the system prints the selected alarm records
in real time.
2) Set the conditions for saving alarm records in the dialog box.
3) Tick Print to File to display the Save as… dialog box.
4) Select an existing file or enter a file name to create a new file in the dialog box.
5) Click Save as…. You are presented with the Realtime Print Setup dialog box.
6) Click OK in the dialog box.
The system starts to print the reported alarm records.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 5 Alarm Management
5.5 Handling NodeB Alarms
5.5.1 Overview
Handling NodeB alarms refers to querying NodeB alarm handling suggestions and
shielded alarms.
5.5.2 Querying Alarm Handling Suggestions
I. Introduction
Querying alarm handling suggestions refers to querying alarm handling suggestions
for the relevant alarms, including:
z Alarm meaning
z Impacting on system
z System actions
z Alarm handling
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
There are two ways to query alarm handling suggestions.
Method One:
1) Select an alarm record in an alarm browse window.
2) Right click on that alarm to display the shortcut menu.
3) Select More in the menu to display the online help.
Method Two:
4) Double click an alarm record in an alarm browse window. The Alarm Details
dialog box opens up as shown in Figure 5-10.
5) Click More to display the online help.
5.5.3 Shielded Alarms
I. Introduction
A shielded alarm indicates that the NodeB neither saves this alarm nor reports it to the
alarm management system. In that case, you can not query the shielded alarm.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 5 Alarm Management
An unshielded alarm indicates that the NodeB saves this alarm and reports it to the
NodeB management system. In that case, you can query the unshielded alarm.
If you set shielding conditions, those conditions take effect when next alarm occurs.
Those uncleared alarms shall remain what they are.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to modify alarm configurations in the NodeB alarm
management system:
1) Select Management -> Alarm Configuration. The Query Alarm
Configuration dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 5-12.
Figure 5-12 Query Alarm Configuration dialog box
Table 5-12 describes the fields in the Query Alarm Configuration dialog box.
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Table 5-12 Field description of Query Alarm Configuration dialog box
Field Description
Alarm ID To specify an alarm ID range
Alarm Severity
To specify one or multiple alarm severities
Default value: all severities
Mask Flag
Options: Shielded, Unshielded and All
Default value: All
If an alarm is shielded, the NodeB neither saves it nor
reports it to the NodeB alarm management system. In this
case, you can not query this alarm.
If an alarm is not shielded, the NodeB saves the alarm and
reports it to the alarm management system. In this case, you
can query this alarm.
Report to Alarm Box Unavailable
Modification Flag
Value: Modified, Unmodified, All
Default value: All
If the alarm severity, report-to-alarm-box flag, and mask flag
of an alarm are modified, its modification flag is Modified.
For the NodeB, the alarm severity and report-to-alarm-box
flag can not be modified. Therefore, if the mask flag of an
alarm is modified, its modification flag is Modified.
Return Numbers
To specify the number of records returned
Default value: 64
Maximum value: 1000
2) Set query conditions in the dialog box.
3) Click OK to display the Alarm Configuration Query Result window for the
query result.
4) Select an alarm record to be modified in the window. You can select one record
only each time. Then click Modify to display the Modify Alarm Configuration
dialog box as shown in Figure 5-13.
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Figure 5-13 Modify Alarm Configuration dialog box
Table 5-13 describes the fields in the Modify Alarm Configuration dialog box.
Table 5-13 Field description of Modify Alarm Configuration dialog box
Field Description
Alarm Severity Unavailable
Shield Flag Options: Shielded and Unshielded
To Alarm Box Flag Unavailable
5) Modify Shield Flag in the dialog box.
6) Click OK to complete the modification.
Execute the MML command of SET ALMSHLD to modify the shield flag.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 Managing Files............................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Overview of File Management........................................................................................... 6-1
6.2.1 File Types................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2.2 Browsing Files......................................................................................................... 6-2
6.3 Uploading Files .................................................................................................................. 6-2
6.3.1 Uploading Operation Log ........................................................................................ 6-2
6.3.2 Uploading Equipment Archives............................................................................... 6-5
6.3.3 Uploading Main Board Log Files ............................................................................. 6-6
6.3.4 Uploading Board Log Files...................................................................................... 6-7
6.3.5 Uploading RTWP Routine Test Log........................................................................ 6-8
6.4 Browsing Files.................................................................................................................... 6-9
6.4.1 Browsing Files on FTP Server ................................................................................ 6-9
6.4.2 Browsing Operation Log on M2000 Server............................................................. 6-9
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 6 Managing Files
Chapter 6 Managing Files
6.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to manage the files, including
z Overview of File Management
z Uploading Files
z Browsing Files
6.2 Overview of File Management
6.2.1 File Types
Table 6-1 describes types of the NodeB LMT files.
Table 6-1 File types of NodeB LMT
File type Function Format Remarks
To record the NodeB
operation and
maintenance information
In *.txt
The operation log can be
uploaded to the FTP
To record information of
the boards on a NodeB,
such as the manufacturing
information and running
duration of the boards
In *.xml
The equipment archives
can be uploaded to the FTP
Board Log
To record all the logs on
the NMPT
In binary
The main board log file can
be uploaded to the FTP
Board Log
To record logs on other
In binary
z The board log files can
be uploaded to the FTP
z Board log files may vary
because some boards
have no slave CPUs
while some other
boards have no DSPs.
Test Log
To record and store
related RTWP information
in the routine test log after
the RTWP routine test is
In binary
The RTWP routine test log
can be uploaded to the FTP
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 6 Managing Files
6.2.2 Browsing Files
There are two ways to obtain and browse the files as follows:
z Browse files by logging into the FTP server after uploading the files to the server
z Browse the operation log through the M2000 server
6.3 Uploading Files
6.3.1 Uploading Operation Log
I. Introduction
Uploading the operation log refers to uploading the operation log to the FTP server.
This enables you to save and view the operation log.
II. Prerequisites
The prerequisites to upload the operation log are as follows:
z The FTP server works well and connects to the NodeB well within the same
z There is no firewall between the FTP server and the NodeB.
z The user name and password for the specified FTP Server are correct. Ensure
that you have the authority to read (when downloading) and write (when uploading)
data in the specified directory.
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to upload the operation log:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Software Management. Then double-click
the Other File Transfer subnode.
The Other File Transfer dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-1.
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Figure 6-1 Other File Transfer dialog box
Table 6-2 describes the fields in the Other File Transfer dialog box.
Table 6-2 Field description of Other File Transfer dialog box
Field Description
Transfer Type
If you select Upload (NodeB to FTP Server), you may upload
data files from the NodeB to the FTP Server. This enables you to
view, modify and save the file.
File Description
The files include
z Operation log
z Equipment archives
z Main Board Log Files
z Board Log Files
z RTWP Routine Test Log File
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Field Description
Destination File
or Directory
z The directory or file in the FTP server in which data files are
You may specify the directory or the name of a data file.
z If you select Upload (NodeB to FTP Server), it refers to the
destination file or directory.
z If you select Download (FTP Server to NodeB), it refers to
the source file.
FTP Setting
z To set the FTP server that saves data files to be uploaded or
z The FTP server in use shall be listed in the FTP Setting box.
z To set parameters for the FTP server, click Modify.
Upload Mode
z To decide whether to use the compressed mode
z This mode is available only when you select Upload (NodeB
to FTP Server).
2) Click Modify.
The FTP Settings dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-2.
Figure 6-2 FTP Settings dialog box
Table 6-3 describes the fields of the FTP Settings dialog box.
Table 6-3 Field description of FTP Settings dialog box
Field Description
Use Built-in
FTP Server
z The FTP server built in the LMT
z The built-in FTP server is started by default.
z To stop the FTP server, select System -> Stop FTP Server.
z To start the FTP server, select System -> Start FTP Server.
z Select System -> System Configuration. You can set the user
name and password for the built-in FTP server in the System
Configuration dialog box.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 6 Managing Files
Field Description
IP Address
z To set the IP address for the computer where this
FTP server is located
z The FTP server can be the one started from the
local computer installed with LMT or from another
User Name z To set the user name for logging into the FTP server
FTP Server
Password z To set the password for logging into the FTP server
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.
The FTP Settings dialog box is closed. You are presented with the Other File
Transfer dialog box.
5) Choose Upload (NodeB to FTP Server) in Transfer Type.
6) Choose Operation Log in File Description.
7) Complete other settings in the dialog box.
8) Click Start.
The system starts to upload the operation log.
Execute the MML command of ULD FILE to upload operation log.
6.3.2 Uploading Equipment Archives
I. Introduction
Uploading equipment archives refers to uploading the equipment archives to the FTP
This enables you to view and save the equipment archives.
II. Prerequisites
z The MML command of EXP DEVFILE must be executed to generate equipment
z Other prerequisites are the same to those for uploading the operation log. See
6.3.1 "Uploading Operation Log".
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 6 Managing Files
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to upload the equipment archives:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Software Management. Then double-click
the Other File Transfer subnode.
The Other File Transfer dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-1.
2) Click Modify.
The FTP Settings dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-2.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.
The FTP Settings dialog box is closed. You are presented with the Other File
Transfer dialog box.
5) Choose Upload (NodeB to FTP Server) in Transfer Type.
6) Choose Equipment Archives in File Description.
7) Complete other settings in the dialog box.
8) Click Start.
The system starts to upload the equipment archives.
Execute the MML command of ULD DEVFILE to upload the equipment archives.
6.3.3 Uploading Main Board Log Files
I. Introduction
Uploading the main board log files refers to uploading the main board log files to the
FTP server.
This enables you to view and save the files.
II. Prerequisites
z The prerequisites are the same to those for uploading the operation log. See 6.3.1
"Uploading Operation Log".
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to upload the main board log files:
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1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Software Management. Then double-click
the Other File Transfer subnode.
The Other File Transfer dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-1.
2) Click Modify.
The FTP Settings dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-2.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.
The FTP Settings dialog box is closed. You are presented with the Other File
Transfer dialog box.
5) Select Upload (NodeB to FTP Server) in Transfer Type.
6) Select Main Board Log Files in File Description.
7) Complete other settings in the dialog box.
8) Click Start.
The system starts to upload the main board log files.
Execute the MML command of ULD FILE to upload the main board log files.
6.3.4 Uploading Board Log Files
I. Introduction
Uploading the board log files refers to uploading the board log files to the FTP server.
This enables you to view and save the board log files.
II. Prerequisites
z The prerequisites are the same to those for uploading the operation log. See 6.3.1
"Uploading Operation Log".
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to upload the board log files:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Software Management. Then double-click
the Other File Transfer subnode.
The Other File Transfer dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-1.
2) Click Modify.
The FTP Settings dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-2.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 6 Managing Files
4) Click OK.
The FTP Settings dialog box is closed. You are presented with the Other File
Transfer dialog box.
5) Select Upload (NodeB to FTP Server) in Transfer Type.
6) Select Board Log Files in File Description.
7) Complete other settings in the dialog box.
8) Click Start.
The system starts to upload the board log files.
Execute the MML command of ULD FILE to upload the board log files.
6.3.5 Uploading RTWP Routine Test Log
I. Introduction
Uploading the RTWP routine test log refers to uploading the RTWP routine test log to
the FTP server.
This enables you to view and save the RTWP routine test log.
II. Prerequisites
z The prerequisites are the same to those for uploading the operation log. See 6.3.1
"Uploading Operation Log".
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to upload the board log files:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Software Management. Then double-click
the Other File Transfer subnode.
The Other File Transfer dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-1.
2) Click Modify.
The FTP Settings dialog box opens up, as shown in Figure 6-2.
3) Set parameters in the dialog box.
4) Click OK.
The FTP Settings dialog box is closed. You are presented with the Other File
Transfer dialog box.
5) Select Upload (NodeB to FTP Server) in Transfer Type.
6) Select RTWP Routine Test Log in File Description.
7) Complete other settings in the dialog box.
8) Click Start.
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The system starts to upload the RTWP routine test log.
6.4 Browsing Files
6.4.1 Browsing Files on FTP Server
I. Introduction
Browsing files refers to browsing the uploaded files by logging into the FTP server.
II. Prerequisite
The files have been uploaded to the FTP server.
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to browse the uploaded files on the FTP server:
1) Upload the files to the FTP server.
For details, see 6.3 "Uploading Files".
2) Browse the uploaded files by logging into the FTP server.
6.4.2 Browsing Operation Log on M2000 Server
I. Introduction
You can query the NodeB operation log on the M2000 server
II. Prerequisite
You have authority to query the NodeB operation log.
III. Procedure
For details, see iManager M2000 Mobile Element Management System Operation
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 7 Managing NodeB and Boards..................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2 Basic Equipment Panel Operation..................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.1 Introduction to Equipment Panel............................................................................. 7-1
7.2.2 Functions of Equipment Panel ................................................................................ 7-1
7.2.3 Interface of Equipment Panel.................................................................................. 7-2
7.2.4 Starting Equipment Panel ....................................................................................... 7-3
7.2.5 Showing or Hiding Board Indicators........................................................................ 7-4
7.2.6 Showing or Hiding Fault Bar ................................................................................... 7-4
7.3 NodeB-level Operation ...................................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.3.2 Querying NodeB Running Version .......................................................................... 7-5
7.3.3 Querying NodeB Software Version ......................................................................... 7-6
7.3.4 Modifying NodeB Time............................................................................................ 7-8
7.3.5 Modifying NodeB Password.................................................................................... 7-9
7.3.6 Resetting NodeB ................................................................................................... 7-10
7.4 Board-level Operation...................................................................................................... 7-11
7.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 7-11
7.4.2 Querying Board Status.......................................................................................... 7-12
7.4.3 Querying Active Alarms on Board......................................................................... 7-13
7.4.4 Querying Board Version........................................................................................ 7-14
7.4.5 Querying E1/T1 Status.......................................................................................... 7-15
7.4.6 Querying E1/T1 Work Mode.................................................................................. 7-16
7.4.7 Querying STM-1 Status......................................................................................... 7-18
7.4.8 Querying STM-1 Work Mode ................................................................................ 7-19
7.4.9 Blocking/Unblocking Board ................................................................................... 7-20
7.4.10 Resetting Board................................................................................................... 7-21
7.4.11 Adding/Removing Board ..................................................................................... 7-22
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Chapter 7 Managing NodeB and Boards
7.1 About This Chapter
This chapter describes how to manage the NodeB and the boards on the NodeB O&M
system, including
z Basic Equipment Panel Operation
z NodeB-level Operation
z Board-level Operation
The NodeB O&M system provides an equipment panel for users to make the
operations more visual and convenient. All the operations conducted through the
equipment panel can also be realized by MML commands.
7.2 Basic Equipment Panel Operation
7.2.1 Introduction to Equipment Panel
The NodeB provides multiple maintenance means. Besides the MML command, the
NodeB O&M system provides a GUI equipment panel. This makes the equipment
maintenance more visual and convenient.
7.2.2 Functions of Equipment Panel
Select a board and then right-click on it to display a shortcut menu on the equipment
panel. You can perform the following operations by selecting different menus:
z Querying board status
z Querying board version
z Resetting board
For detailed operations on boards, see section 7.4 "Board-level Operation".
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7.2.3 Interface of Equipment Panel
Figure 7-1 shows the interfaces of equipment panel. The panel automatically refreshes
to query the board status in real time.
Figure 7-1 Interface of equipment panel
II. Board Indicators
In Figure 7-1, there is an indicator on each board, indicating the present board status.
Figure 7-2 illustrates the meaning of board indicators.
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Figure 7-2 Meaning of board indicators
III. Fault Bar
The fault bar is used to display active alarms on the board in real time.
For example, the fault bar message 0-0-3-NULP-Fault indicates the NULP board in
slot No. 3, subrack No. 0 and cabinet No. 0 is faulty.
Symbol || is used to divide two alarms from each other. When all the alarms are
displayed, the fault bar starts rolling to display the alarms from the beginning.
7.2.4 Starting Equipment Panel
I. Introduction
The LMT provides a GUI equipment panel. This makes the equipment management
more visual and convenient.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to start the equipment panel:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node.
2) Double-click Master Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
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7.2.5 Showing or Hiding Board Indicators
I. Introduction
You can make preliminary decision of the board status by observing the color of each
board indicator.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
To show or hide the indicators as shown in Figure 7-2, follow either way below:
z Click on the upper right of the equipment panel,
z Press Ctrl + L.
7.2.6 Showing or Hiding Fault Bar
I. Introduction
The fault bar displays active alarms in real time.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to show or hide the fault bar:
1) To display the fault bar, click on the upper right of the equipment panel, or press
The system displays the fault bar by default.
There are three ways to close the fault bar as follows:
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z Click on the upper right of the equipment panel
z Press Ctrl + F
z Close it directly
2) To start the equipment panel, see 7.2.4 "Starting Equipment Panel". If there is an
active alarm on the device, it is displayed by rolling the fault bar.
7.3 NodeB-level Operation
7.3.1 Overview
Operations on the NodeB include:
z Querying NodeB Running Version
z Querying NodeB Software Version
z Modifying NodeB Time
z Modifying NodeB Password
z Resetting NodeB
7.3.2 Querying NodeB Running Version
I. Introduction
You can query the information of the NodeB running version.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the NodeB running version:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select the active NMPT of the master cabinet on the panel.
For the DBS3800, select MBBU on the panel.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 7 Managing NodeB and Boards
3) Right-click on the NMPT and select List NodeB Running Version on the shortcut
The system displays the Query Result pane as shown in Figure 7-3, listing the
NodeB version information.
Figure 7-3 Query Result pane
You can also query the NodeB running version by the MML command of LST VER.
7.3.3 Querying NodeB Software Version
I. Introduction
You can check whether the NodeB is upgraded by querying the NodeB software
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the NodeB software version:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select the active NMPT of the master cabinet on the panel.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 7 Managing NodeB and Boards
For the DBS3800, select the MBBU on the panel.
3) Right-click on the NMPT and select List NodeB Software Version on the shortcut
The system displays the Query Result pane as shown in Figure 7-4 and Figure
7-5, listing the NodeB software version information and NodeB BOOTROM
version information.
Figure 7-4 NodeB Software Version Information pane
Figure 7-5 NodeB BOOTROM Version Information pane
You can also query the NodeB running software version by the MML command of LST
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 7 Managing NodeB and Boards
7.3.4 Modifying NodeB Time
I. Introduction
The NodeB time is very important for alarm logs, operation logs and services records.
Modify the NodeB time with caution.
You can maintain NodeBs of different versions through the same LMT. But at the same
time, you can maintain only one NodeB on that LMT. The NodeB and the LMT must be
synchronized to avoid time inconsistency in alarm logs and operation logs.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
If the time difference between LMT and NodeB is greater than five minutes, the system
displays a Time Synchronization Check dialog box, listing the LMT time and NodeB
time and prompting whether to synchronize the LMT time with the NodeB time.
z If the NodeB time is precise, click Modify to synchronize the LMT time with the
NodeB time.
z If the NodeB time is not precise, click Cancel and log into the NodeB to modify the
NodeB time by the MML command of MOD TM.
z You may query the NodeB time by the MML command of DSP TM before the
modification to decide whether to modify the time.
z You may query the NodeB time by the MML command of DSP TM after the
modification to check whether the modification is valid.
z If the SNTP function is enabled, the NodeB time shall be synchronized with the
SNTP server time periodically. Even if NodeB time is modified, it will still be
synchronized in next synchronization. If the SNTP function is not enabled, the
modified NodeB time will remain valid.
z Relevant MML commands: SET SNTPCLTPARA (to set SNTP client parameters)
and LST SNTPCLTPARA (to list SNTP client parameters).
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 7 Managing NodeB and Boards
7.3.5 Modifying NodeB Password
I. Introduction
This function is to modify the password for logging into the NodeB. You can log into the
NodeB only when you enter the correct password.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
z The setting takes effect upon completion for users who log into the NodeB after the
modification. However, the new password does not affect your normal operation if
you have logged into the NodeB before the modification.
z Users who have authority to modify the NodeB password have to be either an
M2000 server user or an O&M system user. Alarm management users have no
authority to modify the NodeB password.
Follow the steps below to modify the NodeB password:
1) In the NodeB O&M system, select System -> Change Password to display the
Change Password dialog box as shown in Figure 7-6.
Figure 7-6 Change Password dialog box
2) Enter the old and new passwords.
3) Click OK to complete the password modification.
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7.3.6 Resetting NodeB
I. Introduction
Resetting the NodeB shall interrupt services on the NodeB.
You need to reset the NodeB upon a NodeB failure or after the configuration update.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to reset the NodeB:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select the active NMPT of the master cabinet on the panel.
For the DBS3800, select the MBBU on the panel.
3) Right-click on the NMPT and select Reset Board on the shortcut menu.
4) Click Yes in the dialog box to reset the board.
The system displays the result and automatically refreshes the status of board
indicators in accordance with the result.
You can also reset the NodeB by the MML command of RST SYS.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Chapter 7 Managing NodeB and Boards
7.4 Board-level Operation
7.4.1 Overview
Operations of board management vary from different types of boards. Table 7-1
describes the actions related to boards.
Table 7-1 Actions related to boards
NodeB type Board Action
Reset board (Except MAFU)
Display board status
Query active alarms
All boards
Display board version
Block/Unblock board
List NodeB software version (Valid for
active NMPT only)
List NodeB running version (Valid for
active NMPT only)
Display current clock status
For details, see section
12.3.3 "Displaying Current Clock
Display E1/T1 status
Display E1/T1 work mode
Display Iub optical port status (Valid for
NAOI only)
Display Iub optical port work mode
(valid for NAOI only)
Reset board
Display board status
Query active alarms
Display board version
All NodeBs
Block/Unblock board
List NodeB software version
List NodeB running version
Display current clock status
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NodeB type Board Action
Display E1/T1 status
Display E1/T1 work mode
7.4.2 Querying Board Status
I. Introduction
You can display the running status of a board to monitor the running status of a NodeB.
Table 7-2 describes the detailed board status.
Table 7-2 Board status description
Type Board status Description
Active/Standby status
z It indicates the board is active or standby.
z For a macro NodeB, it applies to the NMPT only.
Active The board is active.
Standby The board is standby.
None Not applicable
Availability status Physical availability of the board
Normal The board works normally.
Faulty There is an alarm on the board.
Uninstall The board is configured but not inserted.
configured The board is inserted but not configured.
Not consistent
The configured board is not consistent with the inserted
board in type.
Operation status Whether the board supports services establishment
Usable The board supports services establishment.
Unusable The board does not support services establishment.
Admin status
z Whether the board needs to support service
z For a macro NodeB, this status is only applicable to the
z For all the other boards, this status shall be set to Null.
Usable The board needs to support services establishment
Unusable The board does not need to support services
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Type Board status Description
None The board is not manageable.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the board status:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select a board on the equipment panel.
3) Right-click and select Display Board Status on the shortcut menu.
The system displays a dialog box, showing the running status of that board.
Follow either way below to query the board status:
z Execute the MML command of DSP BRD
z Check the board indicators
For details, see sections 7.2.3 II. "Board Indicators" and 7.2.5 "Showing or Hiding
Board Indicators".
7.4.3 Querying Active Alarms on Board
I. Introduction
Listing active alarms enables you to locate and remove the fault on a board in time.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to list active alarms:
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1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select a board on the panel.
3) Right-click on the board and select Query Active Alarms on the shortcut menu.
The system displays a dialog box, showing the uncleared fault alarms of that
You can also query the active alarms of a specified board by the MML command of LST
7.4.4 Querying Board Version
I. Introduction
You can check whether the board versions are consistent with the NodeB version by
querying the running versions of all the boards, including
z CPU number
z Board software version
z Board hardware version
z Board BOOTROM version
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the board version:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select a board on the panel.
3) Right-click on the board and select Display Board Version on the shortcut menu.
The system displays a dialog box showing the version information of that board.
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You can also query the version information of a specified board by the MML command
7.4.5 Querying E1/T1 Status
I. Introduction
You can check the status of all E1/T1 links of an NDTI/NAOI.
The result shows the current status of all E1/T1 links of the board.
z For NAOI, the links are E1/T1 links 0 to 3.
z For NDTI, the links are E1/T1 links 0 to 7.
For the DBS3800, you can check the status of E1/T1 links by checking the MBBU on
the equipment panel.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the status of E1/T1 links:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select an NDTI/NAOI on the equipment panel.
For the DBS3800, select the MBBU on the equipment panel.
3) Right-click on the board and select Display E1/T1 State on the shortcut menu.
The system displays the Display E1/T1 State dialog box as shown in Figure 7-7.
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Figure 7-7 Display E1/T1 State dialog box
4) Set parameter for Port No. in the dialog box and click OK.
The system displays a Query Result dialog box as shown in Figure 7-8, listing the
query result.
Figure 7-8 Query Result dialog box
You can also query the status of E1/T1 links by the MML command of DSP E1T1.
7.4.6 Querying E1/T1 Work Mode
I. Introduction
You can query the work mode of the E1/T1 links of an NDTI/NAOI.
The result shows the work mode of all E1/T1 links of the board.
z For NAOI, the links are E1/T1 links 0 to 3.
z For NDTI, the links are E1/T1 links 0 to 7.
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For the DBS3800, you can check the work mode of E1/T1 links through the MBBU on
the equipment panel.
II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the E1/T1 work mode:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select an NDTI/NAOI on the equipment panel.
For the DBS3800, select MBBU on the equipment panel.
3) Right-click on the board and select Display E1/T1 Work Mode on the shortcut
The system displays the Display E1/T1 Work Mode dialog box as shown in
Figure 7-9.
Figure 7-9 Display E1/T1 Work Mode dialog box
4) Set parameter for Port No. in the dialog box and click OK.
The system displays a Query Result dialog box as shown in Figure 7-10, listing the
query result.
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Figure 7-10 Query Result dialog box
You can query the E1/T1 work mode only when the NAOI/NDTI works well or in alarm
You can also query the E1/T1 work mode of a specified board by the MML command of
7.4.7 Querying STM-1 Status
I. Introduction
You can query the STM-1 status of an NAOI. The result shows the current status of Iub
optical interface links 0 and 1 of the NAOI.
This command is valid for macro NodeBs only.
II. Prerequisite
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III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the STM-1 status:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select an NAOI on the equipment panel.
3) Right-click on the NAOI and select Display STM-1 State on the shortcut menu.
The system displays the Display STM-1 State dialog box.
4) Set the parameter for STM1 No. in the dialog box and click OK.
The system displays a dialog box listing the query result.
You can query the Iub optical interface status only when the NAOI/NDTI works well or in
alarm status.
You can also query the Iub optical interface status of a specified board by the MML
command of DSP STM1.
7.4.8 Querying STM-1 Work Mode
I. Introduction
You can query the STM-1 work mode of an NAOI. The result shows the work mode of
Iub optical interface links 0 and 1 of the NAOI.
This command is valid for macro NodeBs only.
II. Prerequisite
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III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to query the Iub optical interface work mode:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select an NAOI on the equipment panel.
3) Right-click on the board and select Display STM-1 Work Mode on the shortcut
The system displays the Display STM-1 Work Mode dialog box.
4) Set the parameter for STM1 No. in the dialog box and click OK.
The system displays a dialog box listing the query result.
You can query the STM-1 work mode only when the NAOI/NDTI works well or in alarm
You can also query the STM-1 work mode of a designated board by the MML command
7.4.9 Blocking/Unblocking Board
I. Introduction
You may block or unblock an HULP/NULP, HDLP/NDLP, HBBI, MTRU, MTRU or MAFU
on a macro NodeB to locate faults without interrupting the system services.
If a board is blocked, the board is available but cannot process services. Services on
that board shall be cleared and those accessed afterwards shall be shifted to other
II. Prerequsite
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III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to block a board:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select a board on the equipment panel.
3) Right-click on the board and select Block Board on the shortcut menu. The
system displays a dialog box.
4) Click Yes in the dialog box.
The system displays the result and refreshes the board indicator.
z You can block an HULP/NULP, HDLP/NDLP, HBBI, MTRU, MTRU or MAFU only
when it is in normal or faulty state.
z You can unblock a board only when it is blocked.
z You can block or unblock the above boards repeatedly.
z The procedure of unblocking a board is similar to that of blocking a board. You can
unblock a board by right-clicking on a blocked board and then selecting Unblock
z You can also block a board by the MML command of BLK BRD.
z You can also unblock a board by the MML command of UBL BRD.
7.4.10 Resetting Board
I. Introduction
Resetting a board may interrupt the services on the board.
You can reset a board when it is faulty. The operation initializes and recovers the board.
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II. Prerequisite
III. Procedure
Follow the steps below to reset the board:
1) Choose Maintenance Navigator -> Rack Node. Then double-click Master
Cabinet subnode.
The system displays the equipment panel of the cabinet in the right pane.
2) Select a board on the equipment panel.
3) Right-click on the board and select Reset Board on the shortcut menu. The
system displays a dialog box.
4) Click Yes in the dialog box.
The system displays the result and refreshes the board indicator.
You can also reset a board by the MML command of RST BRD.
7.4.11 Adding/Removing Board
I. Introduction
The operation modifies the data configuration file of the NodeB.
You can add or remove a board. This action changes the NodeB capacity.
This command is valid for a macro NodeB only .
II. Prerequisite
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III. Procedure
You can add or remove a board by an MML command:
z Add a board by the MML command of ADD BRD.
z Remove a board by the MML command of RMV BRD.
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NodeB LMT User Guide Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 8 Tracing NodeB Iub Interface Signaling ..................................................................... 8-1
8.1 About This Chapter............................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.2.1 Principle of Tracing NodeB Iub Interface Signaling ................................................ 8-1
8.2.2 Introduction to NodeB Iub Interface Tracing ........................................................... 8-2
8.3 Creating NodeB Iub Interface Tracing Task ...................................................................... 8-2
8.4 Browsing NodeB Traced Message .................................................................................... 8-6
8.4.1 Browsing NodeB Traced Message Online .............................................................. 8-6
8.4.2 Setting Browsing Properties of NodeB Traced Message........................................ 8-8
8.4.3 Saving NodeB Traced Messages Automatically ..................................................... 8-9
8.4.4 Saving NodeB Traced Messages Manually ............................................................ 8-9
8.4.5 Browsing NodeB Traced Messages Offline .......................................................... 8-10
8.4.6 Filtering NodeB Traced Messages........................................................................ 8-12
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