Huawei Technologies HG232F 300Mbps Wireless Router User Manual users manual
Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd 300Mbps Wireless Router users manual
users manual

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Issue 02
Date 2012-11-12
Part Number 202547
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All
rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
The product described in this manual may include copyrighted software of Huawei
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reproduce, distribute, modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract, reverse
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Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the property of
their respective owners.
Some features of the product and its accessories described herein rely on the software
installed, capacities and settings of local network, and may not be activated or may be
limited by local network operators or network service providers. Thus the descriptions
herein may not exactly match the product or its accessories you purchase.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. reserves the right to change or modify any information or
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Customers shall comply with all applicable export or import laws and regulations and will
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import the product mentioned in this manual including the software and technical data

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
1 Warnings and Precautions .................................................................................. 1-1
2 Product Introduction ............................................................................................ 2-1
3 Hardware Installation .......................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Selecting a Position for the Router .............................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Installing the Hardware ............................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Connecting the Cables ................................................................................................. 3-2
3.3.1 Installing the Router on a Community Broadband Network ........................... 3-2
3.3.2 Installing the Router on an ADSL Broadband Network .................................. 3-3
3.3.3 Installing the Router on a CATV Broadband Network ................................... 3-4
3.4 Powering On the Router .............................................................................................. 3-5
4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters .................................................. 4-1
4.1 Logging In to the Web-based Configuration Utility .................................................... 4-1
4.2 Using the Setup Wizard ............................................................................................... 4-6
5 Configuration of WLAN Parameters ................................................................. 5-1
5.1 Setting Up a Wireless Connection Manually ............................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Procedure on Computers Running Windows 7 ............................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Procedure on Computers Running Windows XP ............................................ 5-2
5.2 Setting Up a Wireless Connection with the WPS Button ............................................ 5-4
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions .......................................................... 6-1
6.1 Configuring Multiple Computers to Access the Internet Simultaneously ................... 6-1
6.2 Enabling or Disabling the WLAN Function ................................................................ 6-2
6.3 Improving the Security of a WLAN ............................................................................ 6-3
6.3.1 Hiding the Name of a WLAN ......................................................................... 6-3
6.3.2 Changing the Name of a WLAN ..................................................................... 6-5
6.3.3 Using Secure Encryption ................................................................................. 6-5
6.3.4 Allowing Only Specified Computers to Be Connected to a WLAN ............... 6-7
6.4 Controlling the Internet Access Rights of Computers ................................................. 6-8
6.5 Prohibiting Computers from Accessing Specified Web Sites.................................... 6-12
6.6 Setting the Available Bandwidth of a Computer ....................................................... 6-13
6.7 Preventing Attacks on the Internet ............................................................................ 6-15

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6.8 Removing the Restriction Caused by the Binding of the Internet Access Account to the
MAC Address ................................................................................................................. 6-16
6.9 Allowing Internet Users to Access an Internal Resource Server ............................... 6-17
6.10 Expanding the Coverage of a WLAN ...................................................................... 6-20
7 Maintenance Guide .............................................................................................. 7-1
7.1 Changing the User Name and Password of the Web-based Configuration Utility ...... 7-1
7.2 Changing the Login IP Address of the Web-based Configuration Utility ................... 7-2
7.3 Backing Up or Importing a Configuration File ........................................................... 7-3
7.4 Restoring Default Settings ........................................................................................... 7-4
7.5 Upgrading Software .................................................................................................... 7-5
8 FAQs ........................................................................................................................ 8-1
9 Appendix ................................................................................................................ 9-4
9.1 Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 9-4
9.2 Interfaces and Buttons ................................................................................................. 9-6
9.3 Default Settings ........................................................................................................... 9-7
9.4 Technical Specifications .............................................................................................. 9-7

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
1 Warnings and Precautions
1 Warnings and Precautions
To use the device properly and safely, read these warnings and precautions carefully and
strictly observe them during operation. Unless otherwise specified, the term "device"
refers to the device and its accessories.
Basic Requirements
During storage, transportation, and operation of the device, keep it dry and prevent
it from colliding with other objects.
Do not dismantle the device. In case of any fault, contact an authorized service
center for assistance or repair.
Without authorization, no organization or individual can change the mechanical,
safety, or performance design of the device.
When using the device, observe all applicable laws and regulations and respect the
legal rights of other people.
Environmental Requirements for Using the Device
Before connecting and disconnecting cables, stop using the device, and then
disconnect it from the power supply. Ensure that your hands are dry during
Keep the device far from sources of heat and fire, such as a heater or a candle.
Keep the device far from electronic appliances that generate strong magnetic or
electric fields, such as a microwave oven or a refrigerator.
Place the device on a stable surface.
Place the device in a cool and well-ventilated indoor area. Do not expose the
device to direct sunlight.
Use the device in an area with a temperature ranging from 0°C to 40°C.
Do not block the openings on the device with any object. Reserve a minimum
space of 10 cm around the device for heat dissipation.
Do not place any object (such as a candle or a water container) on the device. If any
foreign object or liquid enters the device, stop using the device immediately, power
it off, remove all the cables connected to it, and then contact an authorized service
During thunderstorms, power off the device, and then remove all the cables
connected to it to prevent it from getting damaged due to lightning strikes.

1 Warnings and Precautions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Precautions for Using Wireless Devices
When using the device, ensure that the antenna of the device is at least 20 cm away
from all persons.
Do not use the device where using wireless devices is prohibited or may cause
interference or danger.
The radio waves generated by the device may interfere with the operation of
electronic medical devices. If you are using any electrical medical device, contact
its manufacturer for the restrictions on the use of the device.
Do not take the device into operating rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), or
coronary care units (CCUs).
Areas with Inflammables and Explosives
Do not use the device where inflammables or explosives are stored, for example, in
a gas station, oil depot, or chemical plant. Otherwise, explosions or fires may occur.
In addition, follow the instructions indicated in text or symbols.
Do not store or transport the device in the same box as inflammable liquids, gases,
or explosives.
Accessory Requirements
Use only the accessories supplied or authorized by the device manufacturer.
Otherwise, the performance of the device may get affected, the warranty for the
device or the laws and regulations related to telecommunications terminals may
become null and void, or an injury may occur.
Do not use the power adapter if its cable is damaged. Otherwise, electric shocks or
fires may occur.
Ensure that the power adapter meets the specifications indicated on the device
Ensure that the power adapter meets the requirements of Clause 2.5 in
IEC60950-1/EN60950-1 and it is tested and approved according to national or
local standards.
For pluggable device, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the device and shall
be easily accessible.
Safety of Children
Keep the device and its accessories out of the reach of children. Otherwise, they may
damage the device and its accessories by mistake, or they may swallow the small
components of the device, causing suffocation or other dangerous situations.
If the device is not used for a long time, power it off, and then remove all the cables
connected to it.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
1 Warnings and Precautions
If any exception occurs, for example, if the device emits any smoke or unusual
sound or smell, stop using the device immediately, power it off, remove all the
cables connected to it, and then contact an authorized service center.
Do not trample, pull, or overbend any cable. Otherwise, the cable may get
damaged, causing malfunction of the device.
Before cleaning the device, stop using it, power it off, and then remove all the
cables connected to it.
Use a clean, soft, and dry cloth to clean the device shell. Do not use any cleaning
agent or spray to clean the device shell.
Disposal and Recycling Information
This symbol on the device (and any included batteries) indicates that the device (and any
included batteries) should not be disposed of as normal household garbage. Do not
dispose of your device or batteries as unsorted municipal waste. The device (and any
batteries) should be handed over to a certified collection point for recycling or proper
disposal at the end of its life.
For more detailed information about the recycling of the device or batteries, contact your
local city office, the household waste disposal service, or the retail store where you
purchased this device.
The disposal of this device is subject to the Waste from Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) Directive of the European Union. The purpose for separating
WEEE and batteries from other waste is to minimize any environmental impact and
health hazard due to the presence of hazardous substances.
Reduction of Hazardous Substances
This device is compliant with the EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation (Regulation No 1907/2006/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council) and the EU Restriction of Hazardous
Substances (RoHS) Directive (Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council). For more information about the REACH compliance of the device, visit the
Web site You are recommended to visit the Web
site regularly for up-to-date information.
EU Regulatory Conformance
This device should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between
the antenna and all persons.
Български: С настоящето Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. декларира, че този уред
съответства на основните изисквания и другите разпоредби на Директива
Česky: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., tímto prohlašuje, že toto zařízení je ve shodě se
základními požadavky a dalšími souvisejícími opatřeními směrnice 1999/5/EC.
Dansk: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklærer hermed at denne enhed er i
overensstemmelse med de obligatoriske krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i direktiv

1 Warnings and Precautions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Nederlands: Hierbij verklaart Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dat dit apparaat in
overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van
richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
English: Hereby, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declares that this device is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
Eesti: Käesolevaga kinnitab Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., et see seade vastab
Direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõudmistele ja teistele asjakohastele määrustele.
Suomi: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vakuuttaa täten, että tämä laite on
yhdenmukainen direktiivin 1999/5/EY olennaisten vaatimusten ja direktiivin muiden
asiaankuuluvien lausumien kanssa.
Français (Européen) : Le fabricant déclare que ce produit est conforme aux exigences
essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.
Deutsch: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt die
erforderlichen Bestimmungen und andere relevante Verordnungen der Richtlinie
1999/5/EG einhält.
Ελληνικά: Δια της παρούσης η Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. δηλώνει ότι αυτή η
συσκευή συμμορφώνεται με τις βασικές απαιτήσεις και άλλες σχετικές διατάξεις της
οδηγίας 1999/5/Ε.Κ.
Magyar: Jelen nyilatkozaton keresztül a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. kijelenti, hogy
a készülék megfelel az EC/5/1999 Irányelv összes lényeges követelményének és
vonatkozó előírásának.
Gaeilge: Fograíonn Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd leis seo go bhfuil an fheiste seo i
gcomhlíonadh leis na fíor-riachtanais agus na forálacha eile maidir le Treoir 1999/5/AE.
Italiano: Col presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dichiara che questo
dispositivo è conforme ai requisiti essenziali e alle altre disposizioni applicabili della
Direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Latviski: Ar šo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. paziņo, ka šī ierīce atbilst Direktīvas
1999/5/EC pamatprasībām un piemērojamajiem nosacījumiem.
Lietuviškai: Šiuo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. praneša, kad šis įtaisas atitinka
Direktyvos 1999/5/EC pagrindinius reikalavimus ir taikomas sąlygas.
Malti: Hawnhekk, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. tiddikjara li dan it-tagħmir hu
konformi mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u provvedimenti rilevanti oħrajn ta’ Direttiva
Polski: Wymieniona w tym dokumencie firma Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. deklaruje,
że niniejsze urządzenie spełnia zasadnicze wymagania w zakresie zgodności oraz inne
odnośne postanowienia Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
Português (Europeu) : Deste modo, a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declara que este
dispositivo está em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões
relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Română: Prin prezenta Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declară că acest dispozitiv este
conform cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale directivei 1999/5/CE.
Slovenčina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. týmto vyhlasuje, že zariadenie je v súlade
so základnými požiadavkami a inými relevantnými predpismi Smernice 1999/5/ES.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
1 Warnings and Precautions
Slovenščina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. izjavlja, da je ta naprava v skladu z
bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi ustreznimi določbami Direktive 1999/5/ES.
Español (Europeo) : Con el presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
declara que este dispositivo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y con las demás
disposiciones correspondientes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Svenska: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. förklarar härmed att denna produkt
överensstämmer med de grundläggande kraven och andra relevanta föreskrifter i direktiv
For the declaration of conformity, visit the Web site
Notice: Observe the national local regulations in the location where the device is to be
used. This device may be restricted for use in some or all member states of the European
Union (EU).
Notice: This device can be operated in all European countries.
Norway: This subsection does not apply for the geographical area within a radius of 20
km from the centre of Ny-Ålesund.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This device should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between
the antenna and all persons.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Warning: Changes or modifications made to this device not expressly approved by
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. may void the FCC authorization to operate this device.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
2 Product Introduction
2 Product Introduction
The HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router (hereinafter referred to as the router) is a
network access device designed for home users and small or home office (SOHO) users.
On the network side, the router provides an Ethernet interface that is used to access the
Internet at a high speed. On the user side, the router provides the wireless local area
network (WLAN) function and four Ethernet interfaces through which you can connect
various home terminal devices, such as personal computers (computers) and Internet
Protocol (IP) set-top boxes (STBs), to the Internet.
It supports the following functions:
WLAN function
− Wireless data rate of 300Mbit/s by using 2T2R external antenna
− Compatibility with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n
− Establishment of a secure wireless connection by pressing the Wi-Fi Protected
Setup (WPS) button
− Easy and secure configuration and management of a WLAN
− 64-bit and 128-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption
− Security modes of Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA and WPA2) and hybrid
− Wireless Distribution System (WDS) through which a WLAN can be expanded
− Low radiation
− Certification by the Wi-Fi Alliance
Integration of the functions of wireless access points (APs), routers, four-port
switches, and firewalls
WLAN standards (IEEE 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n) and Ethernet standard
(IEEE 802.3u)
One 10/100 Mbit/s adaptive uplink Ethernet interface connected to a wide area
network (WAN) and four 10/100 Mbit/s adaptive downlink Ethernet interfaces
connected to a local area network (LAN)
Multiple networking applications, such as accessing a broadband network in
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) dial-up mode, obtaining an IP
address through the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and
configuring a static IP address
IP quality of service (QoS)

2 Product Introduction
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Traffic control through which you can manage the downloading rate of
peer-to-peer (P2P) software
Local and remote configuration through a Web-based configuration utility

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
3 Hardware Installation
3 Hardware Installation
3.1 Selecting a Position for the Router
As described in chapter 1 "Warnings and Precaution," place the router in a stable and
well-ventilated location and do not expose it to direct sunlight. For best results with the
router WLAN function, place the router as follows:
Place the router in an open space and ensure that there are no obstacles, such as
walls and columns, between your computer and the router. Otherwise, the
transmission of radio signals on the WLAN may be negatively impacted.
Ensure that the router and your computer are far from the electric appliances (such
as a microwave oven) that generate strong magnetic or electric fields.
3.2 Installing the Hardware
Adjust the antennas by referring to the direction of the arrows in the following figure.

3 Hardware Installation
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
When installing the base, ensure that the arrow on the base points in the same direction as
the front panel of the router.
3.3 Connecting the Cables
3.3.1 Installing the Router on a Community Broadband Network
In some communities, network service providers use Ethernet interfaces as Internet
interfaces. In such a network, you can access the Internet through your computer if a
network adapter is installed on the computer.
Figure 3-1 Shows the cable connections of a community broadband network after the
router is installed on the network

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
3 Hardware Installation
1. Power adapter of the router
2. Router
3. Desktop computer
4. Community broadband network interface on the wall (Ethernet interface)
3.3.2 Installing the Router on an ADSL Broadband Network
On the ADSL broadband network, the ADSL modem provides an Ethernet interface used
to connect a computer to the Internet.
Figure 3-2 Shows the cable connections of an ADSL broadband network after the router
is installed on the network
1. Power adapter of the router
2. Router
3. Power adapter of the ADSL modem
4. Desktop computer
5. ADSL modem
6. Telephone
7. Splitter
8. Telephone line interface on the wall

3 Hardware Installation
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
3.3.3 Installing the Router on a CATV Broadband Network
On CAT V broadband network, the cable modem provides an Ethernet interface used to
connect a computer to the Internet.
Figure 3-3 Shows the cable connections of a CATV broadband network after the router
is installed on the network
1. Power adapter of the router
2. Router
3. Desktop computer
4. Cable modem
5. Power adapter of the cable modem
6. CATV network interface on the wall

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
3 Hardware Installation
3.4 Powering On the Router
Press the On/Off button on the side panel to power the router on. When the Power
indicator light remains lit, you can consider that the router to be working properly.
To power the router off, press the On/Off button again, and then unplug the power adapter.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters
4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters
4.1 Logging In to the Web-based Configuration Utility
Most of the router parameters are pre-set before delivery to meet common home
application scenarios. To check the router's working status or configure certain advanced
network functions, use the web-based configuration utility.
To log in to the web-based configuration utility:
Step 1 Set the network connection of your computer to obtain an IP address automatically.
By default, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) function is enabled. The
router then assigns an IP address to your computer automatically.
The configuration procedure on the computer running the Windows 7 operating
system is as follows:
1. Choose start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing
Center > Change adapter settings.
2. Right-click Local Area Connection and choose Properties.
3. Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
4. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address
automatically, and click OK.
5. Go back to the former page, and click OK.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters
The configuration procedure on the computer running the Windows XP operating
system is as follows:
1. Choose start > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Network
2. Right-click Local Area Connection and choose Properties.
3. Double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
4. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address
automatically, and click OK.

4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
5. Go back to the former page, and click OK.
If you disable the DHCP function, please ensure that the IP address of the computer and that of
the router LAN interface are in the same network segment to enable the computer to access the
web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 Open a web browser on your computer and ensure that the browser does not use any
proxy servers.
Using Internet Explorer 8.0 as an example to ensure no proxy servers are used.
1. Start Internet Explorer. Choose Tools > Internet Options.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters
2. On the Connections tab of the Internet Options dialog box, click LAN Settings.
3. In the Proxy server area, ensure that Use a proxy server for your LAN is cleared.
If Use a proxy server for your LAN is selected, clear Use a proxy server for your
LAN, and then click OK.
Step 3 Enter in the address bar, and then press Enter.
Step 4 Enter the user name (admin by default) and password (admin by default) in the
Username and Password text boxes.

4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Step 5 Click Login.
The first time you log in to the web-based configuration utility, a wizard page used to
change the password is displayed. The wizard page will be displayed when you have not
modified the default password. If you don’t to change the password, click Skip to skip the
wizard and go immediately to the configuration wizard page.
You can also change the password by choosing Maintenance > Account, for details, see
chapter 7.1 "Changing the User Name and Password of the Web-based Configuration
To protect your router from unauthorized access, please change the default password.
Enter a new password and Re-enter the new password to confirm it, and then click
After the default password is changed, the login page is displayed. Enter admin for user
name and enter your new password to log in.
4.2 Using the Setup Wizard
After logging in to the web-based configuration utility, you can use the setup wizard
provided by the utility to quickly configure the router.
When you configure the router for the first time, you can view the setup wizard page
after logging in to the utility. To configure the router through the setup wizard:

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters
If you have configured the router before, the setup wizard page will not be displayed after
logging in to the web-based configuration utility. However, you can still click Setup
Wizard in the upper right corner to display the setup wizard page.
To skip the wizard and go immediately to the configuration page, click Here when the
following message displays: Click Here to enter the advanced configuration page.
Step 1 Log in to the Web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 Choose the network connection type and configure the network connection parameters.
Choose the connection type based on the application scenario. The following table
describes the connection types.
Table 4-1 Configuring the network connection parameters
Application Scenario Connection Type
The user name and password are provided by your service
The user name and password are provided by your service
provider. Set up a dial-up connection on one computer only.
Certain parameters, such as the static IP address and DNS
server address, are provided by your service provider.
Static IP
No parameters are provided by your service provider. The IP
address is automatically assigned by the service provider.
If you choose PPPoE or Static IP, enter the parameters provided by your service
provider, and click Next.
If you choose DHCP or Bridge, click Next without changing any configurations.

4 Configuration of Internet Access Parameters
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
If you choose PPPoE, Static IP, or DHCP, the computer automatically connects to the
Internet as long as the router is working properly.
If you choose Bridge, use the dial-up software on the computer to set up a dial-up
connection each time you access the Internet.
Step 3 Set WLAN parameters, and then click Next.
The default SSID and key are printed on the router's rear label. To protect your wireless
network from unauthorized access, change the SSID and key promptly.You can also
configure the WLAN SSID and key by choosing Basic > WLAN.
After you complete the preceding procedure, you can start surfing the Internet. You need
to perform the preceding procedure on a computer only once. The next time you power
your computer on, you can start surfing the Internet without any further configurations.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
5 Configuration of WLAN Parameters
5 Configuration of WLAN Parameters
If your computer has a wireless network adapter, you can use it to access the wireless
network set up by the router.
The method for installing the wireless adapter and its driver varies by vendor. For details,
see the installation guide provided by the vendor of your wireless adapter.
5.1 Setting Up a Wireless Connection Manually
To manually set up a wireless connection, use either of the following methods:
Use the tool provided by your network adapter.
For details, see the user guide of your network adapter.
Use the wireless configuration software provided by the operating system of your
This section takes Windows XP and Windows 7 as an example and describes how to set
up a wireless connection between your computer and the router manually.
5.1.1 Procedure on Computers Running Windows 7
Step 1 Choose Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing
Center > Change adapter settings. Right-click Local Area Connection, and choose

5 Configuration of WLAN Parameters
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Step 2 From the wireless network list, click the SSID set when you configured the router, and
click Connect.
Step 3 Enter the key set when you configured the router, and click OK.
Step 4 After the key is verified, Connected is displayed on the right of the network icon,
indicating that a wireless connection has been set up between the computer and router.
5.1.2 Procedure on Computers Running Windows XP
Step 1 Choose Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Network
Connections. Right-click Wireless Network Connection, and choose View Available
Wireless Networks.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
5 Configuration of WLAN Parameters
Step 2 From the wireless network list, click the SSID set when you configured the router, and
click Connect.
Step 3 Enter the key set when you configured the router, and click Connect.
Step 4 After the key is verified, Connected is displayed on the right of the network icon,
indicating that a wireless connection has been set up between the computer and router.

5 Configuration of WLAN Parameters
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
5.2 Setting Up a Wireless Connection with the WPS
The router supports the WPS function. If your network adapter also supports the WPS
function, you can use the WPS function to set up a wireless connection between your
computer and the router quickly. To set up such a wireless connection:
Step 1 Check whether the WLAN indicator light of the router is on. If the WLAN indicator light
is off, press the WLAN button on the side panel of the router to enable the WLAN
Step 2 Press and hold the WPS button for 2 or more seconds on the side panel of the router.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
5 Configuration of WLAN Parameters
The WPS indicator light of the router starts blinking. If the WPS indicator light does not
start blinking, the WPS function cannot be enabled. For solutions to other WPS issues,
see chapter 8 "FAQs."
Step 3 Enable the WPS negotiation function of the wireless network adapter on your computer
within 2 minutes, and then wait for a short while (typically 10 seconds, at most 120
For details, see the user guide provided by the vendor of your wireless adapter.
The router WPS indicator light stops blinking and remains lit, indicating that the router is
connected to your computer over the WLAN. This state lasts 300 seconds. The WPS
indicator light then turns off.
You need to set up a wireless connection only once. You can access the wireless network
anytime you want as long as the wireless network name and password are not changed.
When the router is working properly, your computer connects to the router automatically
after the computer's wireless function is enabled.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
6.1 Configuring Multiple Computers to Access the
Internet Simultaneously
Function Overview
The router provides four Ethernet ports and WLAN. Therefore, you can connect multiple
computers to the router over a wireless connection or through the Ethernet ports. The
computers can then access the Internet simultaneously through the routing function of
the router.
Configuration Example
If you have two desktop computers and one laptop with a wireless network adapter
installed, you can configure the desktop computers and laptop to access the Internet
simultaneously. In this example, the laptop is configured to access the Internet over a
wireless connection.
Most router configurations are completed before delivery. You only need to connect the
desktop computers and laptop to the router and set certain Internet access parameters:
Step 1 Connect the two desktop computers to the router by using network cables.
For details, see chapter 3 "Hardware Installation."
Step 2 Connect the laptop to the router wirelessly by configuring the laptop.
For details, see chapter 5 "Configuration of WLAN Parameters."
Step 3 Set the Internet access parameters of the router to connect the router to the Internet.
For details, see chapter 4 "Configuration of Internet Access Parameters."
Step 4 Configure network connections on the desktop computers and laptop so that these
computers can obtain their respective IP addresses automatically.
If the desktop computers and laptop cannot access the Internet after the preceding configuration,
the network service provider may have linked your Internet access account to the Media Access
Control (MAC) address of your previous network adapter. To remove the restriction, see
section 6.7 "Removing the Restriction Caused by the Binding of the Internet Access Account to
the MAC Address."

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6.2 Enabling or Disabling the WLAN Function
Function Overview
The router allows you to enable or disable the WLAN function.
Configuration Example
To enable or disable the WLAN function:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WLAN.
The WLAN configuration page is then displayed.
Step 3 Select Enable WLAN.
Select Enable WLAN to enable the WLAN function.
Clear Enable WLAN to disable the WLAN function.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
6.3 Improving the Security of a WLAN
WLAN signals are transmitted in the air and can be easily intercepted by unauthorized
parties. If the wireless signals are not encrypted, unauthorized parties may use your
WLAN or obtain data transmitted on the WLAN. To improve the security of data
transmitted on the WLAN, the router provides multiple security-related settings for the
WLAN function. You can change these settings as required to protect your WLAN from
unauthorized access.
6.3.1 Hiding the Name of a WLAN
Function Overview
The router allows you to hide the SSID. After this function is enabled, wireless signals
transmitted from the router do not carry the SSID, preventing unauthorized parties from
obtaining the SSID. In addition, computer users need to enter the valid SSID manually to
add the computer to the WLAN. Therefore, the security of the WLAN is improved.
The router also provides the multi-SSID function. You can configure multiple SSIDs and
enable one or multiple of them. You can also disable the SSIDs that are not required.
After an SSID is disabled, no wireless client can connect to the WLAN that is specified
by this SSID.
Configuration Example
To use and hide SSID1 and disable the other SSIDs (so that the WLAN cannot be found
by others), do as follows:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WLAN.
The WLAN configuration page is then displayed.
Step 3 Select SSID1 for SSID Index.
Step 4 Set SSID to Enable.
Step 5 Set Hide broadcast to Enable, and then click Submit.

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Step 6 Select SSID2 for SSID Index.
Step 7 Clear Enable for SSID, and then click Submit.
Step 8 Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 to disable other SSIDs.
If you no longer wish to hide the WLAN SSID, you can start broadcasting the SSID again
as follows: In Hide broadcast, clear Enable, and then click Submit.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
6.3.2 Changing the Name of a WLAN
Function Overview
When your router is delivered, the SSID is pre-set. You can find this pre-set SSID on the
rear panel label of your router. However, you can change the SSID of your router as
Configuration Example
If your current SSID index is SSID1 and you have used this SSID previously, you can
change this SSID to MyNewSSID by doing the following:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WLAN.
The WLAN configuration page is then displayed.
Step 3 Select SSID1 for SSID Index.
Step 4 In SSID, enter MyNewSSID.
Step 5 Click Submit.
6.3.3 Using Secure Encryption
Function Overview
To improve the security of a WLAN, it is important to select an optimum security mode
for the WLAN. After such a security mode is used, a wireless client should provide a

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
valid password when connecting to the WLAN, encrypting data that is being transmitted.
As a result, only authorized parties can use the WLAN and the data transmitted on the
WLAN is protected against unauthorized access.
The router supports WEP encryption and multiple security modes, such as WPA-PSK
and WPA2-PSK, meeting security requirements in diversified network environments.
The WPS function can be used only when the security mode is set to WPA-PSK,
Configuration Example
If you use the router at home and wish to select an optimum security mode, set the
parameters as follows:
Set the security mode to WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK.
Set the encryption mode to AES.
Set the password used for accessing the WLAN to MyPassword@2012.
To set the preceding parameters:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WLAN.
The WLAN configuration page is displayed.
Step 3 Select WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK for Security Mode.
Step 4 In WPA pre-shared key, enter MyPassword@2012.
Step 5 Select AES for WPA Encryption.
Step 6 Click Submit.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
After the password used to access a WLAN is changed, you need to enter the new password
when connecting a computer to the WLAN.
6.3.4 Allowing Only Specified Computers to Be Connected to a
Function Overview
After the SSID is hidden and an optimum security mode is used, your WLAN is in a
secure state. You can prevent certain computers from connecting to the WLAN or allow
only specified computers to be connected, preventing unauthorized users from accessing
the WLAN.
Through the wireless MAC filtering function of the router, the preceding functions can
be used after you enter the MAC addresses of the computers to be controlled.
The wireless MAC filtering function can be implemented in the following modes:
Blacklist: The computers whose MAC addresses are listed in the filtering list are
prevented from connecting to the WLAN.
Whitelist: The computers whose MAC addresses are listed in the filtering list are
allowed to be connected to the WLAN.
You can select either of the preceding modes for the wireless MAC filtering function.
The wireless MAC filtering function controls the option of whether to allow a computer to
be connected to the router through a WLAN. The MAC address filtering function described
in section 6.4 "Controlling the Internet Access Rights of " controls the option of whether to
allow a computer connected to the router to access the Internet.
Configuration Example
If you have a desktop computer and laptop at home, the default SSID of your WLAN is
MyNewSSID. The desktop computer is connected to the router through a network cable
while a wireless network adapter is installed on the laptop. To allow only the laptop to be
connected to the WLAN and prevent other unauthorized parties from accessing the
WLAN, you can use the whitelist mode of the wireless MAC filtering function. To create
a whitelist and allow only your laptop to be connected to the WLAN:
Step 1 View and record the MAC address of the laptop.
Using the Windows XP operating system as an example to view the MAC address of a
1. Choose Start > Run.
2. In Open, enter cmd. Then press Enter.

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
3. In the displayed command line window, enter ipconfig /all, and then press Enter.
Multiple lines of information are displayed. Find the line of information that is
similar to Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-11-09-11-04-DD. 00-11-09-11-04-DD is
the MAC address of the computer.
Step 2 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WLAN.
The WLAN configuration page is then displayed.
Step 4 Click WLAN Filtering.
Step 5 Select Enable.
Step 6 Select Whitelist.
Step 7 Click New.
Step 8 In Source MAC address, enter the MAC address of the laptop.
For example, the MAC address can be 00:11:09:11:04:DD.
The format of the MAC address entered in Source MAC address is different from that of
the MAC address displayed in the command line window of a Windows XP operating
system. The colons (:) replace the hyphens (-).
Step 9 Click Submit.
6.4 Controlling the Internet Access Rights of
Function Overview
You can prevent certain computers from accessing the Internet or allow only certain
computers to access the Internet. In addition, you can specify the period during which
computers are not allowed to access the Internet.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
Through the MAC address filtering function of the router, the preceding requirements
can be met after you enter the MAC addresses of the computers to be controlled.
The MAC address filtering function controls the option of whether to allow a computer
connected to the router to access the Internet. The wireless MAC filtering function controls
the option of whether to allow a computer to be connected to the router through a wireless
Configuration Example
If you buy a computer for a young child and wish to restrict the Internet access period of
the child for all periods except 19:00 to 20:00 each evening while preventing your own
computer from being restricted, you can use the blacklist mode of the MAC address
filtering function.
Suppose the MAC address of the computer of your child is 00:11:09:11:04:DD.
You need to create the following two filtering rules:
Rule 1: From 00:00 to 18:59 each day, restrict the computer whose MAC address is
00:11:09:11:04:DD from accessing the Internet. The name of this rule is rule1.
Rule 2: From 19:59 to 23:59 each day, restrict the computer whose MAC address is
00:11:09:11:04:DD from accessing the Internet. The name of this rule is rule2.
The configuration procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Advanced > SNTP.
The network time configuration page is then displayed.
Step 3 Select Enable auto synchronization with network time.
Step 4 Select a time service address for Time server 1.
For example, you can select
Step 5 Select your time zone for Time zone.
For example, if you are in China, you can select (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing,
Hong Kong, Urumqi.
Step 6 Click Submit.

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Step 7 In the navigation tree, choose Advanced > Filter
The filter page is then displayed.
Step 8 Click MAC Filter.
Step 9 Click New.
Step 10 Set the following parameters based on rule 1.
Rule name: rule1
Source MAC address: 00:11:09:11:04:DD
Time control: Enable
Start time: 00:00
End time: 18:59
Effective day: Select from Monday to Sunday.
Status: Reject
Step 11 Click Submit.

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6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
Step 12 Click New.
Step 13 Set the following parameters based on rule 2.
Rule name: rule2
Source MAC address: 00:11:09:11:04:DD
Time control: Enable
Start time: 19:59
End time: 23:59
Effective day: Select from Monday to Sunday.
Status: Reject
Step 14 Click Submit.

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
To delete a rule, select the desired rule from the rule list. In the Remove column, select the
rule, and then click Remove.
6.5 Prohibiting Computers from Accessing Specified
Web Sites
Function Overview
You can restrict computers from accessing specified web sites or restrict computers to
access only specified web sites.
Through the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) filtering function of the router, the
preceding requirements can be met after you enter the addresses of the web sites to be
Configuration Example
If the contents of the web site are not suitable for browsing and you wish
to prevent your family from browsing this web site, you can use the URL filtering
function to prohibit this web site from being accessed.
The configuration procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Advanced > Filter
The filter page is then displayed.
Step 3 Click URL Filter.
Step 4 Click New.
Step 5 In URL, enter
Step 6 Select Reject for Status.
Step 7 Click Submit.
To delete a rule, select the desired rule from the rule list. In the Remove column, select the
rule, and then click Remove.
6.6 Setting the Available Bandwidth of a Computer
Function Overview
The router provides traffic management function to control the bandwidth used by a
computer for accessing the Internet. Through different bandwidth control rules, the
router can implement the following bandwidth control functions:
Ensuring the bandwidth used by a specified computer for accessing the Internet is
not less than a specified bandwidth so that the computer can access the Internet at a
required rate
Restricting the bandwidth used by a specified computer for accessing the Internet to
a specified bandwidth so that this computer cannot use excessive bandwidth and the
Internet access rates of other computer s are not affected
You can configure a maximum of eight bandwidth control rules for eight computer s. The
eight computer s can be connected to the router through a wired Ethernet network or a

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Each computer can be configured with only one bandwidth control rule.
A bandwidth control rule distinguishes different computer s based on the IP addresses of
the computer s. It is recommended that you configure your computer to obtain an IP
address from the router automatically. After the IP address of your computer is obtained,
you can configure the bandwidth control rule based on this IP address. The router can
record the mapping between the MAC address and IP address of a computer and thus
ensure that the same IP address can be assigned to the same computer every time.
Configuration Example
For example, you use a computer for video communications with your friend over the
Internet and the name of your computer is NXF-HP. To ensure a fast data transmission
rate and smooth video quality, you can use the traffic control function of the router and
configure a bandwidth control rule for the computer named NXF-HP. The parameters of
the rule are as follows:
Mode: Assure Minimum Bandwidth
Download: 500 kbit/s
Upload: 500 kbit/s
The configuration procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Connect the computer named NXF-HP to the router through a wired network or a
Ensure that the computer can access the Internet.
Step 2 Log in to the Web-based configuration utility.
Step 3 In the navigation tree, choose Advanced > IP QoS.
Step 4 Click Enable P2P Traffic Management check box.
The configuration page for the traffic control function is displayed.
Step 5 Under LAN Host, click the computer icon indicated by NXF-HP.
Step 6 In the displayed dialog box, set the following parameters:
Mode: Assure Minimum Bandwidth
Download: 500 kbit/s
Upload: 500 kbit/s
Step 7 Click Apply.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
To restrict the available bandwidth of a computer, select Restrict Maximum Bandwidth
for Mode.
To configure more than four rules, you can perform adding, deleting, and editing
operations in the Bandwidth list in the lower area of the page.
6.7 Preventing Attacks on the Internet
Function Overview
The Internet is an open network that is connected to computers all over the world,
leaving computers on the Internet vulnerable to attacks at anytime. To help protect your
computer from these attacks, the router provides powerful firewall functions. By using a
firewall, a protective shelter is established between your home network and the Internet.
Configuration Example
If you have stringent requirements for network security, you can set the firewall level of
the router to High as follows:

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Advanced > Firewall.
The firewall page is then displayed.
Step 3 Select High for Firewall level.
Step 4 Click Submit.
6.8 Removing the Restriction Caused by the Binding of
the Internet Access Account to the MAC Address
Function Overview
Certain network service providers bind your Internet access account to the MAC address
of your computer's network adapter; only the computer with that MAC address can
connect to the Internet. When this is the case, the MAC address of the router cannot be
found in the network devices of a network service provider. As a result, the router cannot
connect to the Internet and the computers connected to the router also cannot access the
You can use the MAC address cloning function of the router to remove this restriction.
Through this function, the MAC address used during communication between the router
and the network devices of a network service provider becomes the MAC address that is
bound to the Internet access account. The router can then be connected to the Internet
Configuration Example
If you use computer 1 to access the Internet, your network service provider binds your
Internet access account to the MAC address of computer 1's network adapter. Now, if
multiple computers are added to your home and you need to use the router to access the
Internet, you can use the MAC address cloning function of the router to change the MAC
address of the router to that of computer 1's network adapter.
The configuration procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility on computer 1.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WAN.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
The WAN interface configuration page is then displayed.
Step 3 Set MAC Address Clone to Enable.
Step 4 Click Clone My PC's MAC.
Step 5 Click Submit.
6.9 Allowing Internet Users to Access an Internal
Resource Server
Function Overview
Without special settings, Internet users cannot access the web or FTP servers on a LAN.
By using the network address translation (NAT) function of the router, specified Internet
users are allowed to access the web and FTP servers on a LAN.
Furthermore, IP addresses used by most users to access the Internet are dynamically
assigned by network service providers, so many cannot use fixed IP addresses to access
the resources provided on servers. The router's Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS)
function allows Internet users to use fixed domain names to access the resources
provided on servers.
After the DDNS function is enabled, the router automatically submits the new IP address
obtained to the server of a DDNS provider. On the DDNS server, the IP address that
corresponds to the domain name is updated to the latest IP address. When a computer on
the Internet accesses the domain name, the DDNS server provides the latest IP address to
that computer.
Configuration Example
If you deploy a web server on a LAN and want Internet users to be able to access the web
site on the web server through a fixed domain name, the IP addresses of relevant devices
should be as follows:
The IP address of the router LAN interface is

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
The IP address of the web server is
You can use the port relay function of the NAT and DDNS function to implement the
preceding requirements.
Before the configuration, you need to complete the following actions:
Apply for the DDNS from a DDNS provider to obtain relevant parameters.
Apply for a domain name for the web site from the institution that manages web site
domain names.
After the preceding actions, set the parameters of the router as follows:
Configure a port mapping rule, and then map the IP address of the web server
( to the 80 port of the WAN interface.
Configure the DDNS. Ensure that the router can submit IP addresses to the DDNS
server automatically.
The configuration procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Advanced > NAT.
The NAT page is then displayed.
Step 3 Click Port Mapping.
Step 4 Click New.
Step 5 Select Application, and then select Security web server (HTTPS) for Application.
The port mapping function of the router provides parameter setting templates of multiple
applications. After a template is selected, the router sets relevant parameters automatically. You
can change the parameter settings as required. You can also set all the parameters manually based
on the requirements of other applications.
Step 6 Set the following parameters as planned.
External start port: 80
External end port: 80
Internal host:
Internal port: 80
Step 7 Click Submit.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
Step 8 In the navigation tree, choose Advanced > DDNS.
The DDNS configuration page is then displayed.
Step 9 Click New.
Step 10 Select Others for Service provider.
The DDNS function of the router provides parameter setting templates of multiple DDNS
providers. After a template is selected, the router sets relevant parameters automatically. You can
change the parameter settings as required. You can also set all the parameters again as required.
Step 11 Set the parameters provided by the DDNS provider.
Step 12 Click Submit.

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6.10 Expanding the Coverage of a WLAN
Function Overview
The router supports the WDS function. Through the WDS function, two routers can be
connected wirelessly, thus expanding the coverage of a WLAN.
Table 6-3 lists three WDS working modes, functions in each working mode, and relevant
setting requirements.
Table 6-1 WDS working modes
Function Setting Requirements
Bridge Two WLANs can be connected
wirelessly in this mode but
other wireless clients cannot be
connected to the router.
On each router, add the wireless
MAC address of the peer router to
the WDS MAC list.
It is used to expand the
coverage of a WLAN. The
router can set up a connection
with another wireless router or
wireless client.
On each router, add the wireless
MAC address of the peer router to
the WDS MAC list.
Lazy The function in this mode is the
same as that in repeater mode.
No WDS MAC list, however, is
required to be configured on the
router in lazy mode.
No WDS MAC list is required to be
configured on the router in lazy
mode. The MAC address of the
router in lazy mode, however, needs
to be added to the WDS MAC list of
the peer router.
When configuring the WDS function, you should comply with the following principles:
Both wireless routers should support the WDS function.
The WDS function should be enabled on both wireless routers.
On each router, add the wireless MAC address of the peer router to the WDS MAC
list. No WDS MAC list is required to be configured on the router in lazy mode but a
WDS MAC list should be configured on the peer router.
The settings of the following parameters on both wireless routers should be the same:
− Wireless channel
− Encryption mode
− Encryption password

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
The security modes set on the two wireless routers can be different but the encryption
modes should be the same.
The SSIDs of the two WLANs can be different but it is recommended that the two
WLANs use the same SSID. Thus, wireless terminals can use one SSID to connect to the
WLAN that is expanded.
If the repeater mode is used for expanding the coverage of a WLAN, note that:
− The IP addresses of the LAN interfaces of the two routers should be in the same
network segment. In addition, the IP addresses should be different.
− Enable the DHCP server function only on the wireless router that is used to
connect to uplink devices. Disable the DHCP function and enable the DHCP
relay function on other wireless routers.
Configuration Example
For example, you have router A in your spacious house. The signals of router A cannot
cover the area that is far from the router. In this case, you can add another router, that is,
router B. By configuring the WDS function on the two routers, you can expand the
coverage of a WLAN.
The parameters of the routers are planned as follows:
Router A:
Set the IP address of the LAN interface to (default value).
Set the subnet mask of the LAN interface to (default value).
Enable the DHCP server function (default value).
Select SSID1 for SSID (default value).
Set the name of SSID1 to mySSID.
Set the WLAN channel to 1.
The WLAN encryption settings are as follows:
− Set the security mode to WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK.
− Set the encryption mode to AES.
− Set the password used for accessing the WLAN to MyPassword@2012.
Enable the WDS function and set the WDS mode to Repeater.
Add the wireless MAC address of router B to the WDS MAC list.
Router B:
Set the IP address of the LAN interface to

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Set the subnet mask of the LAN interface to
Disable the DHCP server function.
Enable the DHCP relay function.
Select SSID1 for SSID (default value).
Set the name of SSID1 to my SSID that is the same as the setting on router A.
Set the WLAN channel to 1 that is the same as the setting on router A.
The WLAN encryption settings are as follows (the same as the settings on router A):
− Set the security mode to WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK.
− Set the encryption mode to AES.
− Set the password used for accessing the WLAN to MyPassword@2012.
Enable the WDS function and set the WDS mode to Repeater.
Add the wireless MAC address of router A to the WDS MAC list.
The configuration procedure is as follows:
The following procedure describes how to change the parameter settings as required. You can
retain the default settings of the parameters that do not need to be changed.
Step 1 Find and record the wireless MAC addresses of router A and router B.
The value of Wireless MAC is a character string that is similar to
00-11-09-11-04-DD, and can be obtained by using the wireless card client to scan the
corresponding SSID. Suppose the wireless MAC address of router A is
AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA and that of router B is BB:BB:BB:BB:BB:BB.
Step 2 Set the WLAN parameters of router A.
1. Log in to the Web-based configuration utility of router A.
2. In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WLAN.
The WLAN configuration page is displayed.
3. Set the following parameters.
− Channel: 1
− SSID Index: SSID1
− Security: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
− WPA Pre-Shared Key: MyPassword@2012
− WPA Encryption: AES
4. Click Submit.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
Step 3 Configure the WDS function of router A.
1. In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WLAN.
The WLAN configuration page is displayed.
2. Click WLAN WDS.
3. Select Enable.
4. Select Repeater for WDS MODE.
5. Click New.
6. Select mySSID for Select SSID.
7. In MAC Address, enter BB:BB:BB:BB:BB:BB.
This MAC address is the wireless MAC address of router B and is recorded in Step 1.
8. Click Submit.
Step 4 Set the WLAN parameters of router B.

6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
1. Log in to the Web-based configuration utility of router B.
2. In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WLAN.
The WLAN configuration page is displayed.
3. Set the following parameters.
− Channel: 1
− SSID Index: SSID1
− Enable SSID: Enable
− Security: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
− WPA Pre-Shared Key: MyPassword@2012
− WPA Encryption: AES
4. Click Submit.
Step 5 Configure the WDS function of router B.
1. In the navigation tree, choose Basic > WLAN.
The WLAN configuration page is displayed.
2. Click WLAN WDS.
3. Select Enable.
4. Select Repeater for WDS Mode.
5. Click New.
6. Select mySSID for Select SSID.
7. In MAC Address, enter AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA.
This MAC address is the wireless MAC address of router A and is recorded in Step 1.
8. Click Submit.
Step 6 Change the IP address of the LAN interface of router B.
1. In the navigation tree, choose Basic > LAN.
The DHCP page is displayed.
2. Under LAN Host Settings, enter in IP address.
3. Under LAN Host Settings, click Submit.
Step 7 Disable the DHCP server function of router B.
1. In the navigation tree, choose Basic > LAN.
The DHCP page is displayed.
2. Under DHCP Server, clear Enable.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
6 Configuring Frequently Used Functions
3. Under DHCP Server, click Submit.
Step 8 Enable the DHCP relay function of router B.
1. In the navigation tree, choose Basic > LAN.
The DHCP page is displayed.
2. Under DHCP Option Pool, select Computer in Device type.
3. Set DHCP relay to Enable.
4. Click Submit.
5. Repeat 2 to 4 to enable the DHCP relay function for each port in the LAN port
drop-down list box.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
7 Maintenance Guide
7 Maintenance Guide
7.1 Changing the User Name and Password of the
Web-based Configuration Utility
Function Overview
You can configure all the parameters of the router through the web-based configuration
utility. To prevent unauthorized parties from changing these parameters, the user name
and password are required to log in to the web-based configuration utility.
After logging in to the web-based configuration utility, you can change the user name
and password.
Configuration Example
To change the user name to MyWebUser and change the password to
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Maintenance > Account to display the account
management page.
Step 3 In New user name, enter the new user name MyWebUser.
Step 4 In Current password, enter the current password.
Step 5 In New password, enter the new password MyWebPassword. In Confirm password,
enter the new password MyWebPassword again.
Step 6 Click Submit.

7 Maintenance Guide
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
If you cannot remember the user name and password that you have set, you can restore them to
their default settings by pressing and holding the Reset button for 6 or more seconds. Once
complete, the login information of the web-based configuration utility is restored to default
settings. When the default settings are restored, your custom data is lost. Therefore, exercise
caution when using the Reset button.
7.2 Changing the Login IP Address of the Web-based
Configuration Utility
Function Overview
By accessing the IP address of the router LAN port (the subnet mask is, you can change this IP address according to your individual
requirements. If you change the IP address of the LAN interface, ensure that the IP
address of the computer and the IP address of the LAN interface of the router are in the
same network segment to enable the computer to access the web-based configuration
utility. Then enter the new IP address in the address bar to access the web-based
configuration utility.
Configuration Example
If the login IP address of the web-based configuration utility is and the
subnet mask is, change the IP address to (the subnet mask
remains the same) by doing the following:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Basic > LAN to display the LAN configuration page.
Step 3 Under the LAN Host Settings group box, enter the new IP address in the
IP address text box.
Step 4 Under LAN Host Settings, click Submit.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
7 Maintenance Guide
7.3 Backing Up or Importing a Configuration File
Function Overview
By using the parameter backup function, you can save a backup of the router
configuration file to a computer. If the router configuration file is modified by mistake,
you can import the backup file to the router.
Configuration Example
If you have modified multiple advanced parameters according to your individual
requirements and you need to modify the parameters again, you can back up the
configuration file of the router to avoid a network access failure due to misoperations. If
the modification of the parameters fails, you can quickly restore the router to the normal
state with the backup file.
To back up the configuration file, do as follows:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Maintenance > Device.
Step 3 Click Configuration File.
Step 4 Click Download Configuration File.
Step 5 In the displayed dialog box, set the name and storage location of the configuration file,
and then click OK.
To import the configuration file, do as follows:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Maintenance > Device.
Step 3 Click Configuration File.

7 Maintenance Guide
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Step 4 Click Browse.
Step 5 In the displayed dialog box, select the backup configuration file, and then click OK.
Step 6 Click Upload Configuration File.
7.4 Restoring Default Settings
Function Overview
By default, many parameters are already set when the router is manufactured. Those
parameters enable the router to work in most of network environments. In the following
cases, you can restore the router to the default settings: You cannot access the network
after you have changed the parameters or you have forgotten the login password of the
web-based configuration utility.
After you restore to default settings, your customized data is lost. Therefore, exercise caution
when using this function.
You can restore to default settings by using either of the following methods:
Pressing the Reset button
Using the web-based configuration utility
Configuration Example
If you have changed the login password of the web-based configuration utility and have
forgotten it, you can press the Reset button on the router to quickly restore it to its default

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
7 Maintenance Guide
When the router is powered on, press and hold the Reset button for 6 or more seconds,
and then release it. The router then automatically restarts and the default settings are
If your operations fail after multiple configurations and you need to cancel all the
preceding configurations, you can use the web-based configuration utility to restore to
the default settings. To restore to default settings through the web-based configuration
utility, do as follows:
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Maintenance > Device.
Step 3 Click Reset.
Step 4 Click Restore Default Settings.
Step 5 In the displayed confirmation dialog box, click OK.
7.5 Upgrading Software
Function Overview
By using the software upgrading function, you can upgrade the software of the router to
its latest version.
During the upgrade, do not power off the router; otherwise, the router may get damaged.
Configuration Example
You can download the latest software from the Huawei Device technical support web site:
To upgrade the software of the router:

7 Maintenance Guide
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Step 1 Log in to the web-based configuration utility.
Step 2 In the navigation tree, choose Maintenance > Device.
Step 3 Click Firmware Upgrade.
Step 4 Click Browse.
Step 5 In the displayed dialog box, select the upgrade file, and then click OK.
Step 6 Click Software Upgrade.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
8 FAQs
8 FAQs
Q 1: Can I use the router as a DHCP server?
Yes. The router incorporates the DHCP server software.
Q 2: How can I quickly restore the default settings of the router?
When the router is powered on, press and hold the Reset button for 6 or more seconds,
and then release it. The router then automatically restarts and the default settings are
Q 3: What can I do if I cannot access the router configuration page?
Step 1 Check the IP address of your computer and ensure that this IP address is in the same
network segment as the router LAN IP address.
Step 2 Ensure that your Web browser does not use a proxy server.
Step 3 Ensure that you have entered the valid user name and password used to access the router
configuration page.
If the problem persists, restore the default settings of the router.
Q 4: Does the WPS function have any special requirement on the wireless
encryption settings of the router?
The WPS function can be used only when the WLAN security mode is set to WPA-PSK
or WPA2-PSK. It is recommended that you set the security mode to
Q 5: If my computer fails to connect to a WLAN after I press and hold the
WPS button, what should I do?
Step 1 Ensure that only one computer is connecting to the router through the WPS function at
one time.
Step 2 On the router, ensure that the wireless network function and the WPS function
implemented through the PBC method are enabled.
Step 3 Ensure that the security mode of the WLAN is set to WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK. Note
that the WPS function of the router is forcibly disabled if the WEP encryption is used for
the WLAN.

8 FAQs
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
Step 4 Check the positions of the router and computer. Ensure that they are far from electric
appliances that generate strong magnetic or electric fields, such as microwave ovens,
refrigerators, and cordless telephones.
Step 5 Place the router and the computer in an open space. Although radio signals can pass
through obstacles, passing through too many obstacles, such as walls and columns may
negatively impact the transmission of WLAN radio signals.
Q 6: What can I do if I cannot access the Internet through a wireless
network adapter?
Step 1 Ensure that the power cables and telephone lines of the router are connected properly.
Step 2 Check whether the WLAN indicator light of the router is on.
If the WLAN indicator is off, the WLAN function of the router is disabled. If this is the
case, enable the WLAN function.
For details about how to enable the WLAN function, see section 6.2 "Enabling or
Disabling the WLAN Function."
Step 3 Look at the description of the wireless network adapter that is installed on the computer
and check whether the wireless network adapter supports the 802.11b and 802.11g
If the wireless network adapter does not support the 802.11b and 802.11g protocols,
replace it with a network adapter that does.
Step 4 Check whether the driver for the wireless network adapter is installed on the computer
If the driver is installed improperly, re-install it.
Step 5 Check whether the computer can receive signals from the WLAN.
Using a computer that runs Windows XP as an example, check whether the computer can
receive signals from a WLAN by doing the following:
1. In the Control Panel window, double-click Network Connections to display the
Network Connections window.
2. In the Network Connections window, right-click Wireless Network Connection
and choose View Available Wireless Network.
If the computer cannot detect a WLAN, place the computer close to the router and ensure
that no obstacles (such as cement or wooden walls) are present between the computer
and the router.
Step 6 Check whether the computer accesses the WLAN of the router successfully.
Check the list of wireless network connections and ensure that the router is connected to
the WLAN.
Step 7 Try to access different web sites to check whether the router can access other web sites.
If the router cannot access other web sites, restore to the default settings of the router. If
the problem persists, contact your network service provider.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
8 FAQs
Q 7: How do I improve the transmission quality of wireless signals?
Step 1 Check the positions of the router and computer. Ensure that they are far from electric
appliances that generate strong magnetic or electric fields, such as microwave ovens,
refrigerators, and cordless telephones.
Step 2 Place your router in an open space.
Although radio signals can pass through obstacles, passing through too many obstacles,
such as cement or wooden walls may negatively impact the transmission of WLAN radio
Step 3 Place your computer close to your router.
If your computer is far from your router, the transmission of radio signals may be
negatively impacted.
Step 4 Place your router and computer in a different direction.
Step 5 Adjust the direction of your router antennas.
Step 6 Avoid using your router to access a WLAN during thunderstorms.
Q 8: What can I do if the WLAN of the router is not encrypted and the
computer cannot access the WLAN?
Step 1 Delete the settings of wireless network connections from your computer.
Using a computer that runs Windows XP as an example, delete the settings of wireless
network connections by doing the following:
1. In the Control Panel window, double-click Network Connections to display the
Network Connections window.
2. In the Network Connections window, right-click Wireless Network Connection
and choose Properties.
3. In the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box, click the Wireless
Networks tab.
4. In the Preferred Networks group box, select the latest wireless network connection
saved on your computer, and then click Remove.
5. Delete all the other wireless network connections from the Preferred Networks
group box.
6. Click OK.
Step 2 Create a wireless network connection that is not encrypted.

9 Appendix
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
9 Appendix
9.1 Indicators
Indicator Color Status Description
Power Green On The router is powered on.
- Off The router is powered off.
Internet Green On The router is working in routing mode.
The WAN connection is set up and an IP address
has been obtained.
No data is being transmitted.
Green Blinking The router is working in routing mode.
The WAN connection is set up.
Data is being transmitted.
Red On The router is working in routing mode.
The WAN connection is set up and no IP address is
The router is working in routing mode, but no data
is being transmitted.
Red Blinking The router is working in bridge mode.
The WAN connection is set up.
Data is being transmitted.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
9 Appendix
Indicator Color Status Description
- Off The router is powered off or no WAN connection is
set up.
WLAN Green On The WLAN function is enabled, but no data is being
transmitted on the WLAN.
Green Blinking The WLAN function is enabled and data is being
transmitted on the WLAN.
- Off The WLAN function is disabled.
WPS Green On A wireless connection is set up between the router
and a wireless client through the WPS function.
This state lasts 300 seconds.
Green Blinking The router
is attempting to set up a wireless
connection with a wireless client (such as a computer
with a wireless network adapter installed) through
the WPS function.
This state lasts no more than 2 minutes.
- Off The WPS function is disabled.
LAN1 ~
Green On A connection is set up between the corresponding
LAN interface of the router and an Ethernet device
(such as a computer) through a network cable, but no
data is being transmitted.
Green Blinking A connection is set up between the corresponding
LAN interface of the router and an Ethernet device
(such as a computer) through a network cable and
data is being transmitted.
- Off No connection is set up between the corresponding
LAN interface of the router and an Ethernet device
(such as a computer).

9 Appendix
HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
9.2 Interfaces and Buttons
Number Interface or Button Description
1 Reset To restore the router to its default settings, power the
router on, press and hold the Reset button for 6 or
more seconds, and then release it.
When the default settings are restored, your custom data is
lost. Therefore, exercise caution when using the Reset
2 WPS Used to enable the WPS function.
3 WLAN Used to enable or disable the
wireless network
4 On/Off Used to power the router on or off.
5 Power Used to connect to the power adapter.
6 WAN Used to connect to Ethernet devices that provide
Internet access interfaces, such as network jacks on
walls, modems, and switches.
7~10 LAN1~ LAN4 Used to connect Ethernet devices, such as computers
and switches, to the router.

HG232f 300Mbps Wireless Router
User Guide
9 Appendix
9.3 Default Settings
Parameter Setting
IP address of the LAN interface
Subnet mask of the LAN interface
User name used to log
in to the
web-based configuration utility
Password used to log
in to the
web-based configuration utility
SSID used to access wireless network Check the label on the router's rear panel
WLAN key used
to access wireless
Check the label on the router's rear panel
DHCP server function Enable
WLAN function Enable
9.4 Technical Specifications
Item Specification
Ambient temperature for
0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)
Dimensions (without
antenna, H × W × D) About 103 mm × 136 mm × 60 mm
Weight < 200 g
Relative humidity for
5% to 95%, non-condensing
WLAN standards 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n (2.4 GHz)
Wireless transmission
802.11b Up to 11 Mbit/s
802.11g Up to 54 Mbit/s
802.11n (with
2T2R external
antenna used)
Up to 300.0 Mbit/s
Huawei Industrial Base
Bantian, Longgang
Shenzhen 518129
People's Republic of China