Huawei Technologies K5005 LTE USB Rotator User Manual English

Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd LTE USB Rotator English


User Manual 2

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Document ID1450338
Application IDZ4X0be/69D9nVusxkWbcWg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize14.74kB (184272 bits)
Date Submitted2011-04-19 00:00:00
Date Available2011-07-19 00:00:00
Creation Date2011-04-07 15:23:02
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2011-04-07 15:23:37
Document TitleEnglish
Document CreatorAcrobat PDFMaker 7.0 for Word
Document Author: l69146

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2009. All rights
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
The product described in this manual may include copyrighted software of Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd and possible licensors. Customers shall not in any manner
reproduce, distribute, modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract, reverse
engineer, lease, assign, or sublicense the said software, unless such restrictions
are prohibited by applicable laws or such actions are approved by respective
copyright holders under licenses.
Trademarks and Permissions
, and
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd.
Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the
property of their respective owners.
Some features of the product and its accessories described herein rely on the
software installed, capacities and settings of local network, and may not be
activated or may be limited by local network operators or network service providers,
thus the descriptions herein may not exactly match the product or its accessories
you purchase.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd reserves the right to change or modify any
information or specifications contained in this manual without prior notice or
Import and Export Regulations
Customers shall comply with all applicable export or import laws and regulations
and will obtain all necessary governmental permits and licenses in order to export,
re-export or import the product mentioned in this manual including the software and
technical data therein.
Warnings and Precautions
This section contains important information pertaining to the operating instructions
of your device. It also contains information about how to use your device safely.
Read this information carefully before using the device.
Electronic Device
Do not use your device if using the device is prohibited. Do not use the device when
using the device causes danger or interference with electronic devices.
Medical Device
Follow rules and regulations set forth by hospitals and health care facilities. Do
not use your device when using the device is prohibited.
Some wireless devices may affect the performance of hearing aids or
pacemakers. For any such problems, consult your service provider.
If you are using an electronic medical device, consult the doctor or the device
manufacturer to confirm whether radio waves affect the operation of this device.
Potentially Explosive Atmosphere
Do not use your device in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, and
comply with all signs and instructions. Areas that may have potentially explosive
atmospheres include the areas where you would normally be advised to turn off
your vehicle engine. Triggering of sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or
a fire, resulting in bodily injuries or even deaths. Do not use your device at refueling
points such as service stations. Comply with restrictions on the use of radio
equipment in fuel depots, storage, and distribution areas, and chemical plants. In
addition, adhere to restrictions in areas where blasting operations are in progress.
Before using the device, watch out for areas that have potentially explosive
atmospheres that are often, but not always, clearly marked. Such locations include
areas below the deck on boats, chemical transfer or storage facilities, and areas
where the air contains chemicals or particles such as grain, dust, or metal powders.
Ask the manufacturers of vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas (such as propane
or butane) whether this device can be safely used in their vicinity.
Traffic Security
Observe local laws and regulations while using the device. To prevent accidents,
do not use your wireless device while driving.
RF signals may affect electronic systems of motor vehicles. For more information,
consult the vehicle manufacturer.
In a motor vehicle, do not place the device over the air bag or in the air bag
deployment area. Otherwise, the device may hurt you owing to the strong force
when the air bag inflates.
Do not use your device while flying in an aircraft and before boarding an aircraft.
Using wireless devices in an aircraft may cause danger to the operation of the
aircraft and disrupt the wireless telephone network. It may also be considered
Operating Environment
Do not use the device in dusty, damp, and dirty places or places with magnetic
fields. Otherwise, it may result in malfunction of the circuit.
On a stormy day with thunder, do not use your device when it is being charged, to
prevent any danger caused by lightning.
While using the device, observe the local laws and regulations, and respect
others' privacy and legal rights.
Safety of Children
Comply with all precautions with regard to children's safety. Letting the child play
with your device or its accessories, which may include parts that can be detached
from the device, may be dangerous, as it may present a choking hazard. Ensure
that small children are kept away from the device and accessories.
Use the accessories delivered only by the manufacturer. Using accessories of other
manufacturers or vendors with this device model may invalidate any approval or
warranty applicable to the device, result in the non-operation of the device, and
cause danger.
Cleaning and Maintenance
It is normal that your wireless device gets hot when you use or charge it. Before you
clean or maintain the wireless device, stop all applications and disconnect the
wireless device from your PC.
z Use your wireless device and accessories with care and in a clean environment.
Keep the wireless device away from a fire or a lit cigarette.
z Protect your wireless device and accessories from water and vapor, and keep
them dry.
z Do not drop, throw, or bend your wireless device.
z Clean your wireless device with a piece of damp and soft antistatic cloth. Do not
use any chemical detergent, powder, or other chemical agents (such as alcohol
and benzene) to clean the device.
z Keep the ambient temperature between -10℃ to +40℃ for using the device.
Certification Information (SAR)
Your wireless device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed
the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended by international guidelines.
These guidelines are developed by the independent scientific organization
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and
include safety margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless
of age and health.
The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate,
or SAR. The SAR limit for wireless devices is 2.0 watts/kilogram (W/kg) and the
highest SAR value for this device when tested complies with this limit.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice (United States): Before a
wireless device model is available for sale to the public, it must be tested and
certified by the FCC that it does not exceed the limit established by the
government-adopted requirement for safe exposure.
The SAR limit adopted by the USA and Canada is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one
gram of tissue. The highest SAR value reported to the FCC for this device type is
compliant with this limit.
Body Worn Operation
Important safety information regarding radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure is as
z To ensure compliance with RF exposure guidelines, the device must be used
with a minimum of 0.5cm distance from the body.
z Failure to observe these instructions could result in your RF exposure exceeding
the relevant guideline limits.
FCC Statement
* This device should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm
between the radiator and your body when you use the device via a USB cable.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules [and with RSS-210 of Industry
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1) This device may not cause harmful interference.and
2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications made to this device not expressly approved by Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd. may void the FCC authorization to operate this device.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
device generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this device does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by connecting or
disconnecting the device to a PC, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by adopting one or more of the following measures:
z Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
z Increase the distance between the device and the receiver.
z Connect the device to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
z Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or TV technician for help.
FCC Caution:
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate this device.
Disposal and Recycling Information
This symbol on the device (and any included batteries) indicates that they
should not be disposed of as normal household garbage. Do not dispose of your
device or batteries as unsorted municipal waste. The device (and any batteries)
should be handed over to a certified collection point for recycling or proper disposal
at the end of their life.
For more detailed information about the recycling of the device or batteries, contact
your local city office, the household waste disposal service, or the retail store where
you purchased this device.
The disposal of this device is subject to the Waste from Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) directive of the European Union. The reason for separating
WEEE and batteries from other waste is to minimize the potential environmental
impacts on human health of any hazardous substances that may be present.
Reduction of Hazardous Substances
This device is compliant with the EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation (Regulation No 1907/2006/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council) and the EU Restriction of Hazardous
Substances (RoHS) Directive (Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council). For more information about the REACH compliance of the
device, visit the Web site You are
recommended to visit the Web site regularly for up-to-date information.
EU Regulatory Conformance
Български: С настоящето Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. декларира, че този
уред съответства на основните изисквания и другите разпоредби на Директива
Česky: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., tímto prohlašuje, že toto zařízení je ve
shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími souvisejícími opatřeními směrnice
Dansk: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklærer hermed at denne enhed er i
overensstemmelse med de obligatoriske krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i
direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Nederlands: Hierbij verklaart Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dat dit apparaat in
overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen
van richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
English: Hereby, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declares that this device is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of
Directive 1999/5/EC.
Eesti: Käesolevaga kinnitab Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., et see seade vastab
Direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõudmistele ja teistele asjakohastele määrustele.
Suomi: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vakuuttaa täten, että tämä laite on
yhdenmukainen direktiivin 1999/5/EY olennaisten vaatimusten ja direktiivin muiden
asiaankuuluvien lausumien kanssa.
Français (Européen) : Le fabricant déclare que ce produit est conforme aux
exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive
Deutsch: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt die
erforderlichen Bestimmungen und andere relevante Verordnungen der Richtlinie
1999/5/EG einhält.
Ελληνικά: Δια της παρούσης η Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. δηλώνει ότι αυτή η
συσκευή συμμορφώνεται με τις βασικές απαιτήσεις και άλλες σχετικές διατάξεις της
οδηγίας 1999/5/Ε.Κ.
Magyar: Jelen nyilatkozaton keresztül a Huawei technologies Co., Ltd. kijelenti,
hogy a készülék megfelel az EC/5/1999 Irányelv összes lényeges követelményének
és vonatkozó előírásának.
Gaeilge: Fograíonn Huawei Tchnologies Co., Ltd leis seo go bhfuil an fheiste seo i
gcomhlíonadh leis na fíor-riachtanais agus na forálacha eile maidir le Treoir
Italiano: Col presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dichiara che
questo dispositivo è conforme ai requisiti essenziali e alle altre disposizioni
applicabili della Direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Latviski: Ar šo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. paziņo, ka šī ierīce atbilst Direktīvas
1999/5/EC pamatprasībām un piemērojamajiem nosacījumiem.
Lietuviškai: Šiuo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. praneša, kad šis įtaisas atitinka
Direktyvos 1999/5/EC pagrindinius reikalavimus ir taikomas sąlygas.
Malti: Hawnhekk, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. tiddikjara li dan it-tagħmir hu
konformi mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u provvedimenti rilevanti oħrajn ta’ Direttiva
Polski: Wymieniona w tym dokumencie firma Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
deklaruje, że niniejsze urządzenie spełnia zasadnicze wymagania w zakresie
zgodności oraz inne odnośne postanowienia Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
Português (Europeu) : Deste modo, a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declara que
este dispositivo está em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras
provisões relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Română: Prin prezenta Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declară că acest dispozitiv
este conform cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale directivei
Slovenčina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. týmto vyhlasuje, že zariadenie je
v súlade so základnými požiadavkami a inými relevantnými predpismi Smernice
Slovenščina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. izjavlja, da je ta naprava v skladu z
bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi ustreznimi določbami Direktive 1999/5/ES.
Español (Europeo) : Con el presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
declara que este dispositivo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y con las demás
disposiciones correspondientes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Svenska: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. förklarar härmed att denna produkt
överensstämmer med de grundläggande kraven och andra relevanta föreskrifter i
direktiv 1999/5/EG.
For the declaration of conformity, visit the Web site
Notice: Observe the national local regulations in the location where the device is to
be used. This device may be restricted for use in some or all countries of European
Version: V100R001_01 Part Number: 31220974

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