Huawei B593s 22 User Guide(B593S 22, 01, EN)

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Welcome to the LTE CPE!

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Online Help

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2014. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written
consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
The product described in this manual may include copyrighted software of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd and
possible licensors. Customers shall not in any manner reproduce, distribute, modify, decompile, disassemble,
decrypt, extract, reverse engineer, lease, assign, or sublicense the said software, unless such restrictions are
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are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

Some features of the product and its accessories described herein rely on the software installed, capacities and
settings of local network, and may not be activated or may be limited by local network operators or network
service providers, thus the descriptions herein may not exactly match the product or its accessories you purchase.
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd reserves the right to change or modify any information or specifications contained
in this manual without prior notice or obligation.


Import and Export Regulations
Customers shall comply with all applicable export or import laws and regulations and will obtain all necessary
governmental permits and licenses in order to export, re-export or import the product mentioned in this manual
including the software and technical data therein.

Copyright Notice
To view more details about the copyright notice of this product, please visit URL: or contact:

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1 Getting Started............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Welcome to the CPE......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Computer Configuration Requirements ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Logging In to the Web Management Page ....................................................................................................... 1

2 Home................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Viewing the Internet Status ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Viewing the Internet Usage ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Viewing the Wi-Fi Status ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1.4 Viewing the LAN Usage ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.5 Viewing the Antenna Status .................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Product Information ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Viewing the Product Information ............................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Viewing the Device List .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Quick Setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Update .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.4.1 Updating on Local................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.2 Updating Online ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.3 Updating Using CWMP .......................................................................................................................... 6

3 Internet ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Network Connection ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1.1 Selecting a Network Mode ...................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Selecting a Connection Mode ................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.3 Selecting an APN Profile ........................................................................................................................ 8
3.1.4 Selecting PDP Type ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.5 Setting Data Roaming ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 APN Management ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3 PIN Management ............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.3.1 Viewing the Status of the USIM Card ..................................................................................................... 9
3.3.2 Enabling PIN Verification ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.3 Disabling PIN Verification .................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.4 Verifying the PIN .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.5 Changing the PIN .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.6 Setting Automatic Verification of the PIN ............................................................................................ 11
3.3.7 Verifying the PUK ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Setting the Internet MTU ............................................................................................................................... 11

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4 LAN ................................................................................................................................................ 12
4.1 Setting LAN Host Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Configuring the DHCP Server........................................................................................................................ 12
4.3 Bundled Address List ..................................................................................................................................... 13

5 Wi-Fi .............................................................................................................................................. 15
5.1 Wi-Fi Settings................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.1.1 Setting General Parameters ................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.2 Setting SSID Profile .............................................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Access Management ....................................................................................................................................... 17
5.2.1 Setting the Access Policy ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.2.2 Managing the Wi-Fi Access List ........................................................................................................... 17
5.3 WPS Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 18
5.4 Wi-Fi Multi-SSID Settings ............................................................................................................................. 19
5.5 Advanced Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 20
5.6 WDS ............................................................................................................................................................... 20

6 Security.......................................................................................................................................... 22
6.1 Setting Firewall Level .................................................................................................................................... 22
6.2 MAC Filtering ................................................................................................................................................ 22
6.2.1 Managing MAC Address Whitelist ....................................................................................................... 22
6.2.2 Managing MAC Address Blacklist ....................................................................................................... 23
6.3 URL Filtering ................................................................................................................................................. 23
6.3.1 Managing URL Whitelist ...................................................................................................................... 24
6.3.2 Managing URL Blacklist ...................................................................................................................... 24
6.4 IP Filtering...................................................................................................................................................... 25
6.4.1 Managing IP Address Whitelist ............................................................................................................. 25
6.4.2 Managing IP Blacklist ........................................................................................................................... 26
6.5 Setting Service Access Control ...................................................................................................................... 26
6.6 Setting ALG ................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.7 Setting Port Forwarding ................................................................................................................................. 27
6.8 Setting UPnP .................................................................................................................................................. 28
6.9 Setting DMZ................................................................................................................................................... 28

7 Services.......................................................................................................................................... 29
7.1 Setting DDNS................................................................................................................................................. 29
7.2 SMS Management .......................................................................................................................................... 29
7.2.1 Viewing SMS Messages ........................................................................................................................ 29
7.2.2 Sending SMS Messages ........................................................................................................................ 29
7.2.3 Saving SMS Messages .......................................................................................................................... 30
7.2.4 Forwarding SMS Messages .................................................................................................................. 30
7.2.5 Replying to SMS Messages .................................................................................................................. 30
7.2.6 Deleting SMS Messages ....................................................................................................................... 30

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7.3 Setting SMS ................................................................................................................................................... 31
7.4 Setting FTP Server ......................................................................................................................................... 31
7.5 Setting Samba Server ..................................................................................................................................... 31
7.6 Setting DLNA Server ..................................................................................................................................... 32
7.7 Configuring User Settings .............................................................................................................................. 32
7.8 Viewing USB Storage .................................................................................................................................... 33

8 VoIP ............................................................................................................................................... 34
8.1 Viewing VoIP Information .............................................................................................................................. 34
8.2 Configuring a SIP Server ............................................................................................................................... 34
8.3 Configuring a SIP Account............................................................................................................................. 35
8.4 Managing Speed Dial ..................................................................................................................................... 35
8.5 Setting Advanced SIP Parameters .................................................................................................................. 36
8.6 Setting Advanced Voice Parameters ............................................................................................................... 37
8.7 Setting Advanced Codec Parameters .............................................................................................................. 37

9 System ........................................................................................................................................... 39
9.1 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 39
9.1.1 Restart ................................................................................................................................................... 39
9.1.2 Reset...................................................................................................................................................... 39
9.1.3 Downloading a Configuration File........................................................................................................ 39
9.1.4 Uploading a Configuration File ............................................................................................................ 40
9.2 Changing the Password .................................................................................................................................. 40
9.3 Setting the Date and Time .............................................................................................................................. 40
9.4 Diagnosis ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
9.4.1 Ping ....................................................................................................................................................... 41
9.4.2 Traceroute ............................................................................................................................................. 41
9.4.3 System Check........................................................................................................................................ 41
9.4.4 Checking the Wireless Status ................................................................................................................ 42
9.5 Logs ................................................................................................................................................................ 42
9.6 System Notification ........................................................................................................................................ 42
9.7 Setting TR-069 ............................................................................................................................................... 43
9.8 Setting Antenna .............................................................................................................................................. 43

10 FAQs ............................................................................................................................................ 44
11 Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................. 45

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Online Help

1 Getting Started


Getting Started

1.1 Welcome to the CPE
In this document, the LTE (Long Term Evolution) CPE (customer premises equipment) will
be replaced by the CPE. Carefully read the following safety symbols to help you use your
CPE safely and correctly:
Additional information
Optional methods or shortcuts for an action
Potential problems or conventions that need to be specified

1.2 Computer Configuration Requirements
For optimum performance, make sure your computer meets the following requirements.



Pentium 500 MHz or higher


128 MB RAM or higher

Hard disk

50 MB available space

Operating system


Microsoft: Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7


Mac: Mac OS X 10.5 or higher

Display resolution

1024 x 768 pixels or higher



Internet Explorer 7.0 or later


Firefox 3.6 or later


Opera 10 or later


Safari 5 or later


Chrome 9 or later

1.3 Logging In to the Web Management Page
Use a browser to log in to the web management page to configure and manage the CPE.
The following procedure describes how to use a computer running Windows XP and Internet
Explorer 7.0 to log in to the web management page of the CPE.
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1 Getting Started

1. Connect the CPE properly.
2. Launch Internet Explorer, enter in the address bar, and press Enter.
3. Enter the user name and password, and click Log In.
You can log in to the web management page after the password is verified.
To protect your CPE from unauthorized access, change the password after your first
The CPE supports diagnostic function. If you encounter problems, please contact
customer service for the specific using method.
Please change the default WiFi password as soon as possible.
To ensure your data safety, it is recommended that you turn on the firewall, and
conserve your login, WiFi and FTP password carefully.

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2 Home



2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Viewing the Internet Status
To view the Internet connection status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the Internet Status area, view the Internet status, such as USIM card status, Network
mode, and IP address.

2.1.2 Viewing the Internet Usage
To view the network data usage, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the Internet Usage area, view the network data usage, including total traffic, uplink and
downlink traffic volumes, uplink and downlink rates, and time spent online.

2.1.3 Viewing the Wi-Fi Status
To view the Wi-Fi network connection status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the Wi-Fi Status area, view the following information.
View the Wi-Fi network connection status, including the SSID, IP Address, MAC Address,
Broadcast mode, and Wireless Encryption mode.
View the statistics of the Wi-Fi network, including the total traffic, packets, erroneous packets,
and discarded packets transmitted and received over the Wi-Fi network.

2.1.4 Viewing the LAN Usage
To view the local area network (LAN) connection status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the LAN Usage area, view the following information.

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2 Home

View the LAN status, such as IP address, MAC address, DHCP server.
View the statistics of the LAN, including the total traffic, packets, erroneous packets, and
discarded packets transmitted and received over the LAN.

2.1.5 Viewing the Antenna Status
To view the antenna status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Overview.
2. In the Antenna area, view the antenna status.

2.2 Product Information
2.2.1 Viewing the Product Information
To view the basic product information, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Product Information.
2. In the Product Information area, view the basic information about the CPE.
For example, the name, serial number (SN), international mobile equipment identity (IMEI).

2.2.2 Viewing the Device List
To view the device list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Product Information.
2. In the Device List area, view the information about the devices, such as Computer Name,
MAC Address, IP Address, and Lease Time.
Lease Time indicates the remaining lease duration of the dynamic DHCP server. If a static IP
address is bundled with the device, Lease Time and Computer Name are N/A and Unknown

2.3 Quick Setup
The setup wizard guides you to configure the most important settings of the CPE. After the
configurations are complete, the CPE can access the Internet.
To configure the CPE, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Quick Setup.

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2 Home

2. Click Next to view and set Internet connection parameters.
3. Click Next to view and set Wi-Fi-related parameters, including Wi-Fi, Country/Region,
Mode, Channel, SSID, and Hide SSID broadcast.
4. Click Next to view and set Wi-Fi security-related parameters, such as Security.
The displayed parameters vary depending on the Security setting. For example, if Security is
set to WPA-PSK&WPA2-PSK, then WPA-PSK and WPA encryption are displayed and
must be set.
5. Click Next to view the settings you just configured.
6. Click Submit for the settings to take effect.

2.4 Update
This function enables you to upgrade the software version of the CPE to the latest version. It
is recommended that you update the software because in the new version, certain bugs have
been fixed and the system stability is usually improved.

2.4.1 Updating on Local
To perform a local upgrade successfully, connect the CPE to your computer through Wi-Fi or
a network cable, save the upgrade file on the computer, and make sure the CPE is not
connected to anything other than a power adapter and the computer.
To perform a local upgrade, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Update.
2. In the Local Update area, click Browse.
In the displayed dialog box, select the target software version file.
3. Click Open.
The dialog box closes. The save path and name of the target software version file are
displayed in the Update file field.
4. Click Update.
During an upgrade, do not power off the CPE or disconnect it from the computer.
5. Click OK.
The software upgrade starts. After the upgrade, the CPE automatically restarts and runs the
new software version.

2.4.2 Updating Online
To perform an online upgrade successfully, make sure the CPE is connected to the Internet.
To perform an online upgrade, perform the following steps:
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1. Choose Home > Update.
2. Click Check to detect the latest version.
After updates are found, the CPE retains the server address and informs you if any
subsequent updates are found on the server.


Updates are found.

Go to step 3.

Updates are not found.

The upgrade ends.

3. Click Update to download the updates.
After downloading the updates, the CPE automatically upgrades and restarts.
A message is displayed, indicating that the upgrade is complete. Then, the login dialog box is
During an upgrade, do not disconnect the power supply or operate the CPE.

2.4.3 Updating Using CWMP
To update the CPE software using the CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP), perform
the following steps:
1. Choose Home > Update.
2. Click CWMP Update.

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3 Internet

3.1 Network Connection



3.1.1 Selecting a Network Mode
To select a network mode for the CPE, perform the following steps:
Insert a valid USIM card into the CPE.
Power on the CPE, and then log in to the web management page as the admin user.
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
2. Set Network mode to one of the following values:



The CPE automatically selects its working mode, with an order of preference
of 4G, 3G and 2G.


The CPE accesses 4G networks only.


The CPE accesses 3G networks only.


The CPE accesses 2G networks only.

3. Click Submit.

3.1.2 Selecting a Connection Mode
To select a network connection mode, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
2. Set Connection mode.


Always on

If the conditions permit, the CPE automatically connects to the Internet.
When roaming, accessing the network automatically may incur
additional charges.


The CPE disconnects from the Internet upon startup. You can connect or
disconnect the CPE to or from the Internet manually.

3. Click Submit.
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3 Internet

3.1.3 Selecting an APN Profile
You can select an APN profile for the CPE to access the Internet.
To set the APN profile, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
2. Select a profile from the Profile drop-down list.
3. Click Submit.

3.1.4 Selecting PDP Type
You can select a PDP (Packet Data Protocol) to set the dial-up type, perform the following
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
2. Set PDP type to one of the following values described in the following table:



Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) that is the foundation for current Internet
technologies. Because IP resources are limited, an IP address is shared by
different persons in different time periods, that is, an IP address is not
allocated to only one network subscriber. Thus, the real-name system
cannot be implemented over the IPv4-based networks.


IPv4-to-IPv6 transition technology that is used when IPv4 and IPv6 coexist.

3. Click Submit.

3.1.5 Setting Data Roaming
To turn roaming on or off, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > Network Connection.
2. Do as follows:

Select the Enable check box behind the Data Roaming to turn it on.


Clear the Enable check box behind the Data Roaming to turn it off.

3. Click Submit.

3.2 APN Management
To create an APN profile, perform the following steps:

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1. Choose Internet >APN Management.
2. Click Add.
3. Set Profile name, APN, User Name and Password.
4. Set Authentication to None, PAP, CHAP or Auto.
5. Click Submit.
To modify an APN profile, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet >APN Management.
2. Choose the APN profile item to be modified, and click Edit.
3. Modify Profile name, APN, User Name or Password.
4. Set Authentication to None, PAP, CHAP or Auto.
5. Click Submit.
To delete an APN profile, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet >APN Management.
2. Choose the APN profile item to be deleted, and click Delete.
3. Click OK.

3.3 PIN Management
To manage the PIN, You can perform the following operations on the PIN Management

Enable or disable the PIN verification


Verify the PIN


Chang the PIN


Set automatic verification of the PIN

3.3.1 Viewing the Status of the USIM Card
To view the status of the USIM card, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. View the status of the USIM card in the USIM card status field.

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3 Internet

3.3.2 Enabling PIN Verification
To enable PIN verification, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Set Pin verification to Enable.
3. Enter the PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the Enter PIN box.
4. Click Submit.

3.3.3 Disabling PIN Verification
To disable PIN verification, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Set Pin verification to Disable.
3. Enter the PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the Enter PIN box.
4. Click Submit.

3.3.4 Verifying the PIN
If PIN verification is enabled but the PIN is not verified, the verification is required.
To verify the PIN, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Enter the PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the PIN box.
3. Click Submit.

3.3.5 Changing the PIN
The PIN can be changed only when PIN verification is enabled and the PIN is verified.
To change the PIN, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Set Pin verification to Enable.
3. Set Change PIN to Enable.
4. Enter the current PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the PIN box.
5. Enter a new PIN (4 to 8 digits) in the New PIN box.
6. Repeat the new PIN in the Confirm PIN box.

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3 Internet

7. Click Submit.

3.3.6 Setting Automatic Verification of the PIN
You can enable or disable automatic verification of the PIN. If automatic verification is
enabled, the CPE automatically verifies the PIN after restarting. This function can be enabled
only when PIN verification is enabled and the PIN is verified.
To enable automatic verification of the PIN, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Set Pin verification to Enable.
3. Set Remember my PIN to Enable.
4. Click Submit.

3.3.7 Verifying the PUK
If PIN verification is enabled and the PIN fails to be verified for three consecutive times, the
PIN will be locked. In this case, you need to verify the PUK and change the PIN to unlock it.
To verify the PUK, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > PIN Management.
2. Enter the PUK in the PUK box.
3. Enter a new PIN in the New PIN box.
4. Repeat the new PIN in the Confirm PIN box.
5. Click Submit.

3.4 Setting the Internet MTU
A maximum transmission unit (MTU) is defined as the maximum packet size (in bytes) at a
communication protocol layer. It relates to communication ports, for example, network
interface cards and serial ports.
To set the MTU, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Internet > Internet MTU.
2. Set Internet MTU to a value in the range of 1280 to 1500.
3. Click Submit.

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A local area network (LAN) is a shared communication system to which multiple devices are
When correctly configured, devices on the LAN can use the CPE to share data.

4.1 Setting LAN Host Parameters
By default, the IP address is with a subnet mask of You can
change the host IP address to another individual IP address that is easy to remember. Make
sure that IP address is unique on your network. If you change the IP address of the CPE, you
need to access the web management page with the new IP address.
To change the IP address of the CPE, perform the following steps:
1. Choose LAN > DHCP Settings.
2. In the LAN Host Settings area, set IP address.
3. Set the DHCP server to Enable.
4. Click Submit.

4.2 Configuring the DHCP Server
DHCP enables individual clients to automatically obtain TCP/IP configuration when the
server powers on.
You can configure the CPE as a DHCP server or disable it when the CPE is working in the
routing mode.
When configured as a DHCP server, the CPE automatically provides the TCP/IP configuration
for the LAN clients that support DHCP client capabilities. If DHCP server services are
disabled, you must have another DHCP server on your LAN, or each client must be manually
To configure DHCP settings, perform the following steps:
1. Choose LAN > DHCP Settings.
2. Set the DHCP server to Enable.
3. Set Start IP address.
This IP address must be different from the IP address set on the LAN Host Settings

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area, but they must be on the same network segment.
4. Set End IP address.
This IP address must be different from the IP address set on the LAN Host Settings
area, but they must be on the same network segment.
5. Set Lease time.
Lease time can be set to 1 to 10,080 minutes. It is recommended to retain the
default value.
6. Click Submit.

4.3 Bundled Address List
You can bind an IP address to a device based on its MAC address. The device will receive the
same IP address each time it accesses the DHCP server. For example, you can bind an IP
address to an FTP server on the LAN.
After you change the settings, click Submit for the changes to take effect. The
DHCP server may need to restart.
To add an item to the setup list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose LAN > DHCP Settings.
2. Click Edit List.
3. Click Add.
4. Set the MAC address and IP Address.
5. Click Submit.
To modify an item in the setup list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose LAN > DHCP Settings.
2. Click Edit List.
3. Choose the item to be modified, and click Edit.
4. Set the MAC address and IP Address.
5. Click Submit.
To delete an item in the setup list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose LAN > DHCP Settings.

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2. Click Edit List.
3. Choose the item to be deleted, and click Delete.
4. Click OK.
To delete all items from the setup list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose LAN > DHCP Settings.
2. Click Edit List.
3. Click Delete All.
4. Click OK.

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5 Wi-Fi



5.1 Wi-Fi Settings
This function enables you to configure the Wi-Fi parameters.

5.1.1 Setting General Parameters
To configure the general Wi-Fi settings, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi Settings.
2. In the General Settings area, set Wi-Fi to Enable.
3. Set Mode to one of the values described in the following table:
Parameter Value



The Wi-Fi client can connect to the CPE in 802.11b or 802.11g


The Wi-Fi client can connect to the CPE in 802.11g mode.


The Wi-Fi client can connect to the CPE in 802.11b mode.


The Wi-Fi client can connect to the CPE in 802.11b, 802.11g, or
802.11n mode. If the client connects to the CPE in 802.11n mode,
the Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) encryption mode is

4. Click Submit.

5.1.2 Setting SSID Profile
After you configure the CPE on the SSID Profile page, the Wi-Fi client connects to the CPE
based on preset rules, improving access security.
To configure the CPE on the SSID Profile page, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi Settings.
2. Set SSID.
The SSID can contain 1 to 32 ASCII characters. It cannot be empty and the last
character cannot be a blank character. In addition, the SSID cannot contain the
following special characters: / ' = " \ &
The Wi-Fi client connects to the CPE using the found SSID.
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5 Wi-Fi

3. Set Maximum number of devices.
This parameter indicates the maximum number of Wi-Fi clients that connect to the
A maximum of 32 clients can connect to the CPE.
4. Set Hide SSID broadcast to Enable.
If the SSID is hidden, the client cannot detect the CPE's Wi-Fi information.
5. Set AP isolation to Enable.
The clients can connect to the CPE but cannot communicate with each other.
6. Set Security.
If Security is set to NONE(not recommended), Wi-Fi clients directly connect to
the CPE. This security level is low.
If Security is set to WEP, Wi-Fi clients connect to the CPE in web-based
encryption mode.
If Security is set to WPA-PSK, Wi-Fi clients connect to the CPE in WPA-PSK
encryption mode.
If Security is set to WPA2-PSK, Wi-Fi clients connect to the CPE in WPA2-PSK
encryption mode. This mode is recommended because it has a high security level.
If Security is set to WPA-PSK & WPA2-PSK, Wi-Fi clients connect to the CPE in
WPA-PSK&WPA2-PSK encryption mode.
7. Set the encryption mode.

Sets to





Shared authentication: The client
connects to the CPE in shared
authentication mode.


Open authentication: The client connects
to the CPE in open authentication mode.


Both: The client connects to the CPE in
shared or open authentication mode.


128bit: Only 13 ASCII characters or 26 hex
characters can be entered in the Key 1 to
Key 4 boxes.


64bit: Only 5 ASCII characters or 10 hex
characters can be entered in the Key 1 to
Key 4 boxes.

password length


password index

This value can be set to 1, 2, 3, or 4. After a key
index is selected, the corresponding key takes


Only 8 to 63 ASCII characters or 8 to 64 hex
characters can be entered.

WPA encryption

This value can be set to TKIP+AES, AES, or

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5 Wi-Fi


Sets to




Only 8 to 63 ASCII characters or 8 to 64 hex
characters can be entered.

WPA encryption

This value can be set to TKIP+AES, AES, or


Only 8 to 63 ASCII characters or 8 to 64 hex
characters can be entered.

WPA encryption

This value can be set to TKIP+AES, AES, or


8. Click Submit.

5.2 Access Management
5.2.1 Setting the Access Policy
This function enables you to set access restriction policies for each SSID to manage access to
the CPE.
To configure Wi-Fi MAC control settings, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Access Management.
2. In the Settings area, set SSID's MAC Access.
The MAC access of each SSID can be set to Disable, Blacklist or Whitelist.

If SSID's MAC Access is set to Disable, access restrictions do not take effect.


If SSID's MAC Access is set to Blacklist, only the devices that are not in the blacklist
can connect to the CPE.


If SSID's MAC Access is set to Whitelist, only the devices in the whitelist can connect
to the CPE.

3. Click Submit.

5.2.2 Managing the Wi-Fi Access List
This function enables you to set the SSID access policies based on MAC addresses.
To add an item to the Wi-Fi access list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Access Management.
2. Click Edit MAC List.
3. Click Add.
4. Set MAC address.

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5. Set one of the SSID to Enable to make the MAC address take effect for the SSID.
6. Click Submit.
To modify an item in the Wi-Fi access list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Access Management.
2. Click Edit MAC List.
3. Choose the item to be modified, and click Edit.
4. Set MAC address.
5. Set one of the SSID to Enable to make the MAC address take effect for the SSID.
6. Click Submit.
To delete an item from the Wi-Fi access list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Access Management.
2. Click Edit MAC List.
3. Choose the item to be deleted, and click Delete.
4. Click OK.
To delete all items from the Wi-Fi access list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Access Management.
2. Click Edit MAC List.
3. Click Delete All.
4. Click OK.

5.3 WPS Settings
Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) enables you to simply add a wireless client to the network
without needing to specifically configure the wireless settings, such as the SSID, security
mode and passphrase. You can use either the WPS button or PIN to add the wireless client.
To configure Wi-Fi WPS settings, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > WPS Settings.
2. Set WPS to Enable.
3. Set WPS Mode.
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If WPS Mode is set to PBC, the client can connect to the CPE after you press the
WPS button on the CPE and the client.
If WPS Mode is set to Route PIN, the client can connect to the CPE after you enter
the Router PIN on the client.
If WPS Mode is set to Client PIN, the client can connect to the CPE after you enter
the correct PIN and click Connect to Client.
4. Click Submit.

5.4 Wi-Fi Multi-SSID Settings
The SSID List page shows information about the SSIDs to be configured.
To configure an SSID, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi Multi-SSID.
2. Choose an SSID to be configured, and click Edit.
3. Set Status to Enable.
4. Set SSID.
The SSID can contain 1 to 32 ASCII characters. It cannot be empty and the last
character cannot be a blank character. In addition, the SSID cannot contain the
following special characters: / ' = " \ &
5. Set Maximum number of devices.
This parameter indicates the maximum number of Wi-Fi clients that connect to the
A maximum of 32 clients can connect to the CPE.
6. Set Hide SSID broadcast to Enable.
If the SSID is hidden, the client cannot detect the CPE's Wi-Fi information.
7. Set AP isolation to Enable.
The clients can connect to the CPE but cannot communicate with each other.
8. Set Security.
If Security is set to WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK or WPA-PSK & WPA2-PSK, you can set
WPA encryption and WPA-PSK.
WPA-PSK can contain 8 to 63 ASCII characters or 64 hex characters.
If Security is set to WEP, set Authentication mode, Password length and Current
password index, and configure the corresponding keys.
If Password length is set to 128-bit, the 128-bit encryption key must contain 13 ASCII
characters or 26 hex characters.

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If Password length is set to 64-bit, the 64-bit encryption key must contain 5 ASCII
characters or 10 hex characters.
9. Click Submit.

5.5 Advanced Settings
Advanced Settings affect Wi-Fi performance. The settings help you to obtain the maximum
rate through optimal access performance.
To configure the advanced settings, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > Advanced Settings.
2. Set Country/Region.
3. Set Channel.
Auto indicates that the channel with the best signal quality is selected.
The value 1 to 13 indicates the selected channel.
4. Set 802.11n bandwidth.
If this parameter is set to 20MHz, 802.11n supports only 20 MHz bandwidth.
If this parameter is set to 20/40MHz, 802.11n supports 20 MHz or 40 MHz
5. Set Transmit power.
If this parameter is set to 100%, the Wi-Fi client transmits at full power.
If this parameter is set to 80%, 60%, or 40%, the Wi-Fi client transmits signals at
low power. The Wi-Fi client located far away from the CPE may fail to access the
6. Set WMM to Enable.
Wi- Fi Multimedia (WMM) is a Wi-Fi Alliance interoperability certification based on the
IEEE 802.11e standard. It provides basic quality of service (QoS) features for IEEE 802.11
networks. WMM prioritizes traffic according to four access categories (AC): voice, video,
best effort, and background. However, WMM does not provide guaranteed throughput. WMM
applies to simple applications that require QoS, such as Voice over IP (VoIP) on Wi-Fi
7. Click Submit.

5.6 WDS
The CPE supports the wireless distribution system (WDS). All Wi-Fi devices in a WDS must
be configured to use the same radio channel, encryption mode, SSID, and encryption key. You

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can set the WDS encryption mode to NONE or WPA/WPA2. If you set the WDS encryption
mode to NONE, the Wi-Fi clients can use NONE or WEP encryption mode. If you set the
WDS encryption mode to WPA/WPA2-PSK, the Wi-Fi clients can use WPA/WPA2-PSK
encryption mode. After WDS is enabled, disable DHCP on CPEs that are not directly
connected to the WAN port.
If WDS is enabled, the WPS function will not take effect. If the channel is set to
Auto, go to the Advanced Settings page to set the channel.
To configure the WDS, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Wi-Fi > WDS.
2. Set WDS to Enable.
3. Click Scan.
4. From the search results, choose the SSID of the networking device.
5. Set Security.
WPA-PSK can contain 8 to 63 ASCII characters or 64 hex characters.
6. Click Submit.

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6.1 Setting Firewall Level
This page describes how to set the firewall level. If Firewall level is set to Custom, you can
modify the configuration.
To set the firewall level, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > Firewall Level.
2. Set Firewall level from the drop-down list.
3. Set DoS attack to Enable.
To block Denial of Service (DoS) attacks from the LAN and Internet.
4. Click Submit.
To set filtering functions of the firewall, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > Firewall Level.
2. Set Firewall level to Custom.
3. Set MAC filtering.
4. Set IP filtering.
5. Set URL filtering.
6. Click Submit.

6.2 MAC Filtering
This page enables you to configure the MAC address filtering rules.

6.2.1 Managing MAC Address Whitelist
To add a MAC address whitelist rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > MAC Filtering.
2. Set MAC filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Click Add Item.
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4. Set the MAC address.
5. Click Submit.
To modify a MAC address rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > MAC Filtering.
2. Set MAC filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Choose the rule to be modified, and click Edit.
4. Set MAC address.
5. Click Submit.
To delete a MAC address whitelist rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > MAC Filtering.
2. Set MAC filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Choose the rule to be deleted, and click Delete.
4. Click OK.
To delete all MAC address whitelist rules, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > MAC Filtering.
2. Set MAC filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Click Delete All.
4. Click OK.

6.2.2 Managing MAC Address Blacklist
Choose Security > MAC Filtering, and then set MAC filtering mode to Blacklist.
The other steps are the same as those for managing the MAC address whitelist. For details,
see section "Managing MAC Address Whitelist".

6.3 URL Filtering
Data is filtered by uniform resource locator (URL). This page enables you to configure URL
filtering rules.

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6.3.1 Managing URL Whitelist
To add a URL whitelist rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > URL Filtering.
2. Set URL filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Click Add Item.
4. Set URL.
5. Click Submit.
To modify a URL whitelist rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > URL Filtering.
2. Set URL filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Choose the rule to be modified, and click Edit.
4. On the displayed page, set URL.
5. Click Submit.
To delete a URL whitelist rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > URL Filtering.
2. Set URL filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Choose the rule to be deleted, and click Delete.
4. Click OK.
To delete all URL whitelist rules, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > URL Filtering.
2. Set URL filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Click Delete All.
4. Click OK.

6.3.2 Managing URL Blacklist
Choose Security > URL Filtering, and then set URL filtering mode to Blacklist.
The other steps are the same as those for managing the URL address whitelist. For details, see
section "Managing URL Whitelist".
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6.4 IP Filtering
Data is filtered by IP address. This page enables you to configure the IP address filtering rules.

6.4.1 Managing IP Address Whitelist
To add an IP address whitelist rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > IP Filtering.
2. Set IP filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Click Add Item.
4. Set Service.
5. Set Protocol.
6. In the Source IP Address Range box, enter the source IP address or IP address segment to be
7. In the Source port range box, enter the source port or port segment to be filtered.
8. In the Destination IP Address Range box, enter the destination IP address or IP address
segment to be filtered.
9. In the Destination port Range box, enter the destination port or port segment to be filtered.
10. Click Submit.
To modify an IP whitelist rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > IP Filtering.
2. Set IP filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Choose the rule to be modified, and click Edit.
4. Repeat steps 4 through 9 in the previous procedure.
5. Click Submit.
To delete an IP address whitelist rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > IP Filtering.
2. Set IP filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Choose the rule to be deleted, and click Delete.
4. Click OK.
To delete all IP whitelist rules, perform the following steps:

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1. Choose Security > IP Filtering.
2. Set IP filtering mode to Whitelist.
3. Click Delete All.
4. Click OK.

6.4.2 Managing IP Blacklist
Choose Security > IP Filtering, and then set IP filtering mode to Blacklist.
The other steps are the same as those for managing the IP address whitelist. For details, see
section "Managing IP Address Whitelist".

6.5 Setting Service Access Control
This function enables you to control the number of users connecting to the CPE.
The access control list shows the types of services that are controlled by the CPE. By default,
the access control rules are not in effect.
To set the access control list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > Service Access Control.
2. Choose the item to be configured, and click Edit.
3. Set IP address range.
If Access Source is set to LAN, the IP address must be on the same network
segment as the IP address set on the LAN Host Settings page.
If Access Source is set to Internet, the IP address must be on different network
segments from the IP address that is set on the LAN Host Settings page.
4. Set Status.
5. Click Submit.

6.6 Setting ALG
To enable ALG(Application Layer Gateway), perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > ALG.
2. Set SIP ALG to Enable.
3. Set SIP port.
It is recommended to retain the default port 5060. If you use another port, you
cannot use VoIP software.

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4. Click Submit.

6.7 Setting Port Forwarding
When network address translation (NAT) is enabled on the CPE, only the IP address on the
WAN side is open to the Internet. If a computer on the LAN is enabled to provide services for
the Internet (for example, work as an FTP server), port forwarding is required so that all
accesses to the external server port from the Internet are redirected to the server on the LAN.
To add a port forwarding rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > Port Forwarding.
2. Click Add Item.
3. Set Type.
4. Set Protocol.
5. (Optional) Set Remote host.
6. Set Remote port range.
The port number ranges from 1 to 65535.
7. Set Local host.
This IP address must be different from the IP address that is set on the LAN Host
Settings page, but they must be on the same network segment.
8. Set Local port.
The port number ranges from 1 to 65535.
9. Set Status to Enabled or Disabled.
10. Click Submit.
To modify a port forwarding rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > Port Forwarding.
2. Choose the item to be modified, and click Edit.
3. Repeat steps 3 through 9 in the previous procedure.
4. Click Submit.
To delete a port forwarding rule, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > Port Forwarding.

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2. Choose the item to be deleted, and click Delete.
3. Click OK.
To delete all port forwarding rules, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > Port Forwarding.
2. Click Delete All.
3. Click OK.

6.8 Setting UPnP
On this page, you can enable or disable the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)function.
To enable UPnP, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > UPnP.
2. Set UPnP to Enable.
3. Click Submit.

6.9 Setting DMZ
If the demilitarized zone (DMZ) is enabled, the packets sent from the WAN are directly sent
to a specified IP address on the LAN before being discarded by the firewall.
To set DMZ, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Security > DMZ.
2. Set DMZ to Enable.
3. Set Host address.
This IP address must be different from the IP address set on the LAN Host Settings
page, but they must be on the same network segment.
4. Click Submit.

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7 Services



7.1 Setting DDNS
Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS) service is used to map the user's dynamic IP address
to a fixed DNS service.
To configure DDNS settings, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > DDNS.
2. In Service provider, choose
3. Set DDNS to Enable.
4. Enter Domain name and Host name.
For example, if the domain name provided by your service provider is, enter as Domain name, and test as
Host name.
5. Enter User name and Password.
6. Click Submit.

7.2 SMS Management
7.2.1 Viewing SMS Messages
You can check the messages in your inbox, drafts, and outbox folders.
To view a message, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > SMS Messages.
2. Do as follows:

Click Inbox to view received messages.


Click Drafts to view draft messages.


Click Outbox to view sent messages.


7.2.2 Sending SMS Messages
To send a message, perform the following steps:

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1. Choose Services > SMS Messages.
2. In Phone number, enter the recipient's phone number.
If you want to send a message to multiple recipients, use semicolons (;) to separate the phone
3. In Content, edit a message.
4. Click Send.

7.2.3 Saving SMS Messages
To save a message, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > SMS Messages.
2. In Phone number, enter the recipients' phone numbers.
3. In Content, edit a message.
4. Click Save.

7.2.4 Forwarding SMS Messages
To forward a message, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > SMS Messages.
2. Choose the message to be forwarded, and click Forward.
3. In Phone number, enter the recipients' phone numbers.
4. Click Send.

7.2.5 Replying to SMS Messages
To reply to a message, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > SMS Messages.
2. Choose the message to be replied, and click Reply.
3. In Content, edit a message.
4. Click Send.

7.2.6 Deleting SMS Messages
To delete one or more SMS messages, perform the following steps:

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1. Choose Services > SMS Messages.
2. Do as follows:

Choose the message to be deleted, and click Delete.


To delete all messages on a page, click Delete Page.


7.3 Setting SMS
You can configure SMS settings, such as setting the SMS center number, enabling or
disabling an SMS report, and setting whether to save sent messages.
1. Choose Services > SMS Settings.
2. In the Service center address box, enter the SMS center number.
3. Set whether to enable SMS report.
4. Set whether to enable Save sent messages.
A message sent to multiple recipients cannot be saved.
5. Select the save time from the drop-down list.
6. Click Submit.

7.4 Setting FTP Server
The FTP server enables you to share data on your USB storage device.
To enable the FTP server, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > FTP server.
2. Set FTP to Enable.
3. Click Submit.

7.5 Setting Samba Server
Samba is a software package for sharing files and printers between computers running
Windows and computers running Unix on a Wi-Fi network.
To enable the Samba server, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > Samba server.
2. Set Samba to Enable.

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3. Click Submit.

7.6 Setting DLNA Server
Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) support enables you to access your music, photos
and videos anywhere, anytime.
To enable the DLNA server, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > DLNA server.
2. Set DLNA server to Enable.
3. Click Submit.

7.7 Configuring User Settings
You can add users to the user list to share the files and directories in the USB disk. Using the
configured account, users can access the FTP server through the FTP client.
The user list shows the added users and related information, for example, user names, shared
directories, and permissions. In addition, you can add, edit, or delete the users.
To add a user to the user list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > User Settings.
2. Click Add.
3. Set the parameters related to the user.
4. Click Submit.
To modify a user in the user list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > User Settings.
2. Choose the user to be modified, and click Edit.
3. Modify the parameter settings.
4. Click Submit.
To delete a user from the user list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > User Settings.
2. Choose the user to be deleted, and click Delete.

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3. Click OK.
To delete all users from the user list, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > User Settings.
2. Click Delete All.
3. Click OK.

7.8 Viewing USB Storage
The USB Storage page displays the USB storage space, for example, total storage space, used
space, and free space.
To view the USB storage space, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Services > USB Storage.
2. View the information about the USB storage space.

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8 VoIP



The CPE supports voice services based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and enables
voice service interworking between the Internet and Public Switched Telephone Networks

8.1 Viewing VoIP Information
To view the VoIP information, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > VoIP Information.
2. View the VoIP information, such as the SIP account and status of the SIP registration server.

8.2 Configuring a SIP Server
To set the SIP server parameters, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > SIP Server.
2. In the User Agent port box, enter the port of the SIP account provided by your service
3. In the Proxy server address box, enter the address of the proxy server provided by your
service provider, for example,
4. In the Proxy server port box, enter the port of the proxy server provided by your service
provider, for example, 5060.
The value ranges from 1 to 65535.
5. In the Registration server address box, enter the address of the registration server provided
by your service provider, for example,
6. In the Registration server port box, enter the port of the registration server provided by your
service provider, for example, 5060.
The value ranges from 1 to 65535.
7. In the SIP server domain name box, enter the domain name of the SIP server.
If you set Secondary server to Enable, you should set the previous parameters
8. Click Submit.

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8.3 Configuring a SIP Account
Before configuring SIP accounts, make sure that the registration server has been properly
To add a SIP account, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > SIP Account.
2. Click Add.
3. In the SIP Account box, enter the SIP account number provided by your service provider.
4. In the User name and Password boxes, enter the user name and password of the SIP account
provided by your service provider.
5. Click Submit.
To modify a SIP account, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > SIP Account.
2. Choose the item to be modified, and click Edit.
3. Repeat steps 3 and 4 in the previous procedure.
4. Click Submit.
To delete a SIP account, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > SIP Account.
2. Choose the item to be deleted, and click Delete.
3. Click OK.
To delete all SIP accounts, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > SIP Account.
2. Click Delete All.
3. Click OK.

8.4 Managing Speed Dial
Speed dial enables you to quickly dial a telephone number. Once you assign a speed dial
number to a telephone number, you can use the former to dial the latter. You can configure up
to 10 speed dial numbers.

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To add a speed dial number, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > Speed Dial.
2. Click Add.
3. In the Speed Dial Number box, enter an easily remembered number.
4. In the Actual Number box, enter the actual telephone number.
5. In the Description box, enter a description for the speed dial number.
6. Click Submit.
To modify a speed dial number, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > Speed Dial.
2. Choose the item to be modified, and click Edit.
3. Repeat steps 3 through 5 in the previous procedure.
4. Click Submit.
To delete a speed dial number, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > Speed Dial.
2. Choose the number to be deleted, and click Delete.
3. Click OK.
To delete all speed dial numbers, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > Speed Dial.
2. Click Delete All.
3. Click OK.

8.5 Setting Advanced SIP Parameters
On the Advanced SIP page, you can set advanced SIP parameters. It is recommended that
you retain the default settings.
To set the advanced SIP parameters, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > Advanced SIP.
2. Set the following parameters:

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Registration timeout (seconds): specifies the validity period for registration. The value
ranges from 60 to 65535.


Session timeout (seconds): specifies the validity period for a server session. The value
ranges from 100 to 3600.


Minimum session timeout (seconds): specifies the shortest validity period for a server
session. The value ranges from 90 to 1800. If you set both Minimum session timeout
(seconds) and Session timeout (seconds), the Minimum session timeout (seconds)
settings prevail.


Call waiting: specifies whether to enable call waiting.

3. Click Submit.

8.6 Setting Advanced Voice Parameters
On the Advanced Voice page, you can set advanced voice parameters. It is recommended that
you retain the default settings.
To set the advanced voice parameters, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > Advanced Voice.
2. Set the following parameters:

DTMF Method: specifies the Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) transmission mode.


Fax Option: specifies the Fax over IP mode.


Country/Region: specifies the country or region where the CPE is located.
If you change the Country/Region settings, you must restart the CPE for the
settings to take effect.


Outgoing List: Select the primary outgoing account from the drop-down list.


RTP Start Port: specifies the Real-time Transfer Protocol (RTP) port number. The
value is an even number ranging from 50000 to 65514.


Set other parameters, it is recommended that you retain the default settings.

3. Click Submit.

8.7 Setting Advanced Codec Parameters
On the Advanced Codec page, you can set advanced voice codec parameters. It is
recommended that you retain the default settings.
To set the advanced codec parameters, perform the following steps:
1. Choose VoIP > Advanced Codec.

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2. Set the following parameters:
It is recommended to retain the default value.

Primary codec type: specifies the primary voice codec type.


Secondary codec type: specifies the secondary voice codec type.


Third codec type: specifies the third voice codec type.


Fourth codec type: specifies the fourth voice codec type.


Fifth codec type: specifies the fifth voice codec type.


Sixth codec type: specifies the sixth voice codec type.

3. Click Submit.

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9 System



9.1 Maintenance
9.1.1 Restart
This function enables you to restart the CPE. Settings take effect only after the CPE restarts.
To restart the CPE, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Maintenance.
2. Click Restart.
3. Click OK.
The CPE then restarts.

9.1.2 Reset
This function enables you to restore the CPE to its default settings.
To restore the CPE, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Maintenance.
2. Click Reset.
3. Click OK.
The CPE is then restored to its default settings.

9.1.3 Downloading a Configuration File
You can download the existing configuration file to back it up. To do so:
1. Choose System > Maintenance.
2. Click Download on the Maintenance page.
In the displayed dialog box, select the save path and name of the configuration file to be
backed up.
3. Click Save.
The procedure for file downloading may vary with the browser you are using.
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9.1.4 Uploading a Configuration File
You can upload a backed up configuration file to restore the CPE. To do so:
1. Choose System > Maintenance.
2. Click Browse on the Maintenance page.
In the displayed dialog box, select the backed up configuration file.
3. Click Open.
The dialog box closes. In the box to the right of Configuration file, the save path and name
of the backed up configuration file are displayed.
4. Click Upload.
5. Click OK.
The CPE uploads the backed up configuration file. The CPE then automatically restarts.

9.2 Changing the Password
This function enables you to change the login password of the admin user. After the password
changes, enter the new password the next time you log in.
To change the password, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Change Password.
2. Enter the current password, set a new password, and confirm the new password.
New password and Confirm password must contain 8 to 15 ASCII characters.
3. Click Submit.

9.3 Setting the Date and Time
To synchronize the time with the network, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Date & Time.
2. From the Primary NTP server drop-down list, select a server as the primary server for time
3. From the Secondary NTP server drop-down list, select a server as the IP address of the
secondary server for time synchronization.
4. Set Time zone.
5. Select Daylight saving time.The CPE automatically provides the default DST time based on
the time zone.
6. Click Submit.

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Online Help

9 System


9.4 Diagnosis
If the CPE is not functioning correctly, you can use the diagnosis tools on the Diagnosis page
to preliminarily identify the problem so that actions can be taken to solve it.

9.4.1 Ping
If the CPE fails to access the Internet, run the ping command to preliminarily identify the
problem. To do so:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.
2. In the Method area, select Ping.
3. Enter the domain name in the Target IP or domain field, for example,
4. Set Packet size and Timeout.
5. Set Do not fragment to Enable.
6. Click Ping.
Wait until the ping command is executed. The execution results are displayed in the Results

9.4.2 Traceroute
If the CPE fails to access the Internet, run the Traceroute command to preliminarily identify
the problem. To do so:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.
2. In the Method area, select Traceroute.
3. Enter the domain name in the Target IP or domain field.
For example,
4. Set Maximum hops and Timeout.
5. Click Traceroute.
Wait until the traceroute command is executed. The execution results are displayed in the
Results box.

9.4.3 System Check
If the CPE malfunctions, you can use the System Check tool to preliminarily identify the
problem. To do so:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.
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9 System

2. In the Method area, select System check.
3. Click Check.
Wait until the system check is performed. The possible causes of the CPE problem are
displayed on the page.
4. Click Export to export the detailed information to the computer.
If necessary, send the detailed information to maintenance personnel.

9.4.4 Checking the Wireless Status
This page displays information about the wireless network status, such as the PLMN, service
To view the wireless status, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Diagnosis.
2. In the Method area, select Wireless status check.
The Wireless Status page is displayed.

9.5 Logs
Logs record user operations and key running events. To view logs:
1. Choose System > Logs.
2. Select the corresponding log level from the Log level drop-down list.
The number of logs in this level is displayed to the right of the drop-down list, and all logs are
displayed in the output box.
3. Select the operation mode.

Clear: Clear all logs in the CPE.


Export: Export all logs in the CPE to a file in the computer.


9.6 System Notification
This page enables you to configure the notification methods of key device status changes.
1. Choose System > System Notification.
2. Set Frequency from the drop-down list.
Set Web popup receiving IP. If Web popup receiving IP is left blank, notifications are
randomly sent to connected clients.

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Online Help

9 System

3. Set Send SMS notification to, and Forward SMS from.
After Send SMS notification to setting takes effect, message test, forwarding, and
notification settings can be configured.
4. Configure the notification settings for each Events.
5. Click Submit.

9.7 Setting TR-069
TR-069 is a standard for communication between CPEs and the auto-configuration server
(ACS). If your service provider uses the TR-069 automatic service provision function, the
ACS automatically provides the CPE parameters. If you set the ACS parameters on both the
CPE and ACS, the network parameters on the CPE are automatically set using the TR-069
function, and you do not need to set other parameters on the CPE.
To configure the CPE to implement the TR-069 function, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > TR-069 Settings.
2. To enable the CPE to send inform packets to the ACS at predefined intervals, set Periodic
inform to Enable.
3. If you set Periodic inform to Enable, set Periodic inform interval.
4. In the ACS URL box, enter the ACS URL address.
5. Enter ACS user name and ACS password for CPE authentication.
To use the CPE to access the ACS, you must provide a user name and password for
authentication. The user name and the password must be the same as those defined
on the ACS.
6. Click Submit.

9.8 Setting Antenna
To set the antenna type, perform the following steps:
1. Choose System > Antenna Settings.
2. Select the antenna type from the drop-down list.
3. Click Submit.

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Online Help

10 FAQs



The POWER indicator does not turn on.
 Make sure that the power cable is connected properly and the CPE is powered on.
 Make sure that the power adapter is compatible with the CPE.

Fails to Log in to the web management page.
 Make sure that the CPE is started.
 Verify that the CPE is correctly connected to the computer through Wi-Fi or a network cable.
If the problem persists, contact authorized local service suppliers.

The CPE fails to search for the wireless network.
 Check that the power adapter is connected properly.
 Check that the CPE is placed in an open area that is far away from obstructions, such as concrete or wooden
 Check that the CPE is placed far away from household electrical appliances that generate strong
electromagnetic field, such as microwave ovens, refrigerators, and satellite dishes.
If the problem persists, contact authorized local service suppliers.

The power adapter of the CPE is overheated.
 The CPE will be overheated after being used for a long time. Therefore, power off the CPE when you are not
using it.
 Check that the CPE is properly ventilated and shielded from direct sunlight.

The parameters are restored to default values.
 If the CPE powers off unexpectedly while being configured, the parameters may be restored to the default
 After configuring the parameters, download the configuration file to quickly restore the CPE to the desired

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Online Help

11 Acronyms and Abbreviations


Acronyms and Abbreviations


Access Control List


Advanced Encryption Standard


Application Layer Gateway


Access Point


Customer-Premises Equipment


CPE WAN Management Protocol


Dynamic Domain Name Server


Distributed Denial of Service


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol


Demilitarized Zone


Domain Name Server/Domain Name System




Daylight Saving Time


File Transfer Protocol


Global System for Mobile Communications


Graphical User Interface


Hypertext Transfer Protocol


Internet Control Message Protocol


International Mobile Station Equipment Identity


Internet Protocol


Internet Protocol Security


Internet Service Provider


Local Area Network


Long Term Evolution


Media Access Control


Maximum Transmission Unit


Network Address Translation


Network Time Protocol

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Online Help

11 Acronyms and Abbreviations


Push Button Configuration


Personal Identification Number


Privacy Key Management


Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet


Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol


Routing Information Protocol


Real Time Streaming Protocol


Quality of Service


Subscriber Identity Module


Session Initiation Protocol


Serial Number


Simple Network Time Protocol


Service Set Identifier


Secure Shell


Synchronous Idle


Temporal Integrity Protocol


Transport Layer Security


Tunneled Transport Layer Security


User Datagram Protocol


Universal Plug and Play


Uniform Resource Locator


Virtual Local Area Network


Voice over Internet Protocol


Wide Area Network


Wideband Code Division Multiple Access


Wired Equivalent Privacy


Wireless Local Area Network


Wi-Fi Protected Access


Wi-Fi Protected Access-Pre-Shared Key


Wi-Fi Protected Setup

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