Huawei ME906s 158 United Arab Emirates TRA Certificate(expires 2018 06 06)

ME906s-158 United Arab Emirates TRA Certificate(expires 2018-06-06)


User Manual: Huawei

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Telecom Equipment Registration Certificate
  ةد
(ا دٕا)
Authorization Number : ER39682/15 : ةدا ر
م م ذ - ه  (يا ا )  يو :  حا ٕا
Name of Registered Dealer : HUAWEI TECH (UAE) FZ - LLC
Product Details زا 
Equipment Name : HUAWEI ME906s : زا ا
Model : ME906s-158 : زاا
Manufacturer : HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO, LTD : ا ا
Applied Standard and/or Network Interfaces and/or Radio Services Spectrum Usage for which this authorization applies.
Comments :
هٔا ةرا تا ما ا ا ل ،تا ع  تا   ا او ، ا و تا ن م و
ا ا  او ةدا طو و وا .
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, pursuant to its authority under the Federal Law by Decree No. 3 of 2003
– Telecom Law & the Executive Order of the Federal Law by Decree No. 3 of 2003 Regarding the Organization of the
Telecommunications Sector, herby authorizes the above product for the usage of specified subject to the conditions set
out overleaf, attached on the second page.
Date of Issue : 07-Jun-2015 : راٕا ر Date of Expiry : 06-Jun-2018 : ا ءا ر
Terms and Conditions ااو طوا
1. The authorized Dealer shall abide by the provisions of the Federal Decree by Law No.3 of 2003,
its Executive Order and its Regulatory Framework. .ا رٕاو ا و (2003)  (3) ر يدٕا ن ما ص  حا م
 صا
2. The Equipment shall comply with all specifications (standards, spectrum, software versions,
etc.) as authorized by the TRA. .(،تاددا ،ا ا) ا    حا تاا  ةٔا  وا ا نٔا 
ٔا ، اا تاراا
3. The authorized Dealer shall apply for the renewal of the certificate one month before its expiry.
In case, the authorized user fails to apply for renewal of the certificate, extra charges in addition
to the renewal fees may be applied when the certificate expires. The type approval certificate
cannot be renewed after 45 days of expiry.
قٕا  و ، ءا    ا دا ةد   ما  حا 
 ا مر  ٕا ٕا مر ض ٕا يد  ذ نٕ ا     حا
ءٕا ر  م 45   ةدا    ٔا  .ةدا ة ءا.
4. The authorized Dealer shall maintain an up-to date record of a list of the authorized Equipment’s
including the location of the stations, the manufacturer of the Equipment, model, serial number,
frequencies, output power, date of purchase, and date of the disposal of the Equipment. Upon
request, this list shall be submitted to the TRA in a format specified by the TRA.
،ا او ،عاو ، ا ا  ا ةٔ ص   ءٕا  حا 
ا ا ا ا   ،ا  ، ا رو ،ءاا رو ،ا ةو ،تادداو
ا   دا جذا .
5. The type approval certificate cannot be transferred to third party.   ٕا ا دا ةد  لزا لا   ئ  . 5.
6. At its sole discretion, the TRA reserves the right for its representatives to inspect, examine or
test the Equipment. No person shall deny representatives of the TRA from carrying out this
 ئ ز و ،ةا راو و      نٔا ،ر  ، 
 ءادٔاو ا  ا ء  ؤا  نٔا..
7. During the validity period of the certificate or at renewal, the TRA reserves the right to make any
modifications or changes to the certificate including these terms and conditions.   ةدا  ت ؤا تا ئا ءاٕا  ا ا ؤا ةدا  ة ل 
طوا و اا ه ذ.
8. No authorized user shall: : ا رٔا  ئ ما  ح ز  8.
Violate any copyright or intellectual property rights, which may exist in the content of the matters,
sent or received. زا  ا ؤا ا داا ى  ا  ا او ا ق  ف ئا.
Send false distress signals or any misleading messages.  رو تارٕا ئا ؤا از  تارٕا لرٕا.
Use the Equipment as specified in this certificate for purposes other than what has been
authorized.  ح    ىٔا  ةدا  دا زا ماا .
9. This certificate is issued for the specific model, type, and software and hardware versions of the
Equipment that was submitted for approval. راٕ  و عا ,جذا د ز دٕاو      ةدا ه  
ا  را ا.
10. The Authority may make variations, or amend or abolish the granted approvals at any time and
for any reasons, as it deems necessary, if the Authority announces that. رو ا ا بٕو و ئا    ا را ءٕا ؤا  ؤا   ّ
ا 
ذ  نا .
11. The Authority may perform any of the following in case any of the Authorized or concerned
persons in the type approval breaches the terms and restrictions that the Authorizations were
granted upon,:
: ردا دا ؤا طوا  ئ تا ةٔ او  حا ماا م ل و ,
ٔ  ذٕا ,ا 
Impose a financial fine against the violator. ا   ا ض.
Abolish the issued Certificate. ةدا ءٕا.
12. Without prejudice to any applicable criminal penalties, and in the condition where any person
who manufactures, uses or offers for sale, supplies or uses Telecommunication Equipment
which has not been approved by the Authority, or in case the Authorized or concerned persons
violate the technical specifications and standards issued by the Authority relevant to the
Telecommunications Equipment, the Authority may take any of the following actions:
: ر وا  وا ض وا لاوا   م و ،ا او  ت ٔ لٕا م 
او  حا ماٕ ا م   ؤا ،ا    ح  تا ةا ماا وا
 يا ذٕ ا  نٕ ،تا ةا ص ا  هردا ا او تاا
ٓا تاءاا
Serve a warning to the violator to modify or change the concerned Telecommunications
Equipment to be compatible with the applicable specifications. را تا ً   ا تا ز  وا   راا .
Serve a warning to the violator to handover or destroy all the concerned Telecommunications
Equipment. ا تا ةٔا  فٕا ؤا  م  راا .
Request from the relevant police authority to seize and detain all such Telecommunication
Equipment. ا ةٔا  ا ا ةٔا  ا.
Request from the customs authorities to keep in custody all such Telecommunication Equipment
which falls under its control;    ا ا تا ةا   ا كرا اود  ا.
Issue an order to the violator to promptly and immediately dismantle the concerned
Telecommunication Equipment from the Telecommunication Network, provided that the
Authority may seek the assistance of the relevant police authorities in this regard if necessary;
زو ،ر ةر و تا   ا تٕا ةا ر  ا  ا ا راٕا
 ا ٕا اذٕا ا ا  ا .
Any other procedure that commensurate with the nature of the violation after obtaining approval
from the Supreme Committee. ا ا ا  لا  ا    ا ءاٕا يا ذٕا.
13. Without prejudice to any applicable criminal penalties, where a person fails to submit
Telecommunication Apparatus for testing and assessment, or prevents any employee or
personnel or any other authorized person by the Authority from entering his premises, the
Authority may - after serving a warning take any of the following procedures:
: ؤا ر تا ةٔا  م  اذٕا  ز ، ا او ت ٔ لٕا م 
و - ٓ ٕا ل ا    ح  ئا ؤا م ؤا  ئا  ؤا ، ا
ٓا تاءاا  يا ذا -  راا 
Revoke the Authorization for the concerned Telecommunication Equipment; ا تا ز صا ا ءٕا.
Notify him to handover or to damage the concerned Telecommunication Equipment. ا تا ز فٕا ؤا  م هرٕا.
14. The Dealer, and by requesting the authorization from TRA, must commit to conform to the
following: :   ما    نٔا14.
Accept responsibility for any harm, injury or loss attributed to the possession or use of the
equipment. اا ؤا ةٔا ه ةز ءا  ٔا  تٕا ؤا  ؤا راٔا ٔا  .
Accept responsibility to discontinue importation and sale, and replace all the equipment already
on the market, in case of defects in the equipment resulting in unacceptable performance. ىٔا ةٔ ااو قاٔ د   و و ةٔا ه ر  ا  
ءادٔا يد   ةٔا ه  ب ر   .
Inform the Commission of any desired modifications to the authorized equipment before
importing to obtain Commission approval.  ا ا ٔ ر   حا ةٔا  دٕا  ت ٔا  ا غٕا.
Conform to any additional directions issued by the Commission until the procedure and standard
specifications associated with the new Type Approval Regime are in effect. ا بٔ ا تااو تاءاٕا ن  ٕا ا ر ٕا ت ٔ ا
ا .

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