Humatics 200SGT-0702 UWB Signal Generator / Transmitter User Manual Q KEVENT 1 FCCCER 1 Front Matt

TDC Acquisition Holdings Inc. UWB Signal Generator / Transmitter Q KEVENT 1 FCCCER 1 Front Matt

TAG Manual

COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYUser Manualfor the Signal Generator/TagTime Domain CorporationCummings Research Park7057 Old Madison PikeHuntsville, AL  35806  USAhttp://www.timedomain.comTel:    256.922.9229         888.826.8378Fax:  256.922.0387P200-320-0030C-FCCJune 2002
2COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYCopyright© 2001-2002 Time Domain Corporation. All rights reserved.TrademarksTime Domain® and PulsON® are registered trademarks of Time Domain Corporation. Ethernet® is a registered trademark of Xerox Corpora-tion. Microsoft® and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Xilinx® is a registered trademark of Xilinx, Incorpo-rated. PulsON®  Technology Program™ and PulsON 200™ are trademarks of Time Domain Corporation. MultiLINX™ is a trademark ofXilinx, Incorporated. Any trademarks, trade names, service marks or service names owned or registered by any other company and used in thismanual are the property of its respective company.RightsRights to use this documentation are set forth in the  License Agreement accompanying the Signal Generator/Tag.Regulatory NoticeU.S. operation:•    This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may notcause harmful interference, and  (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.•   This device may only be operated indoors.  Operation outdoors is in violation of 47 U.S.C. 301and could subject the operator to seriouslegal penalties.•    FCC ID: NUF -200SGT-0702•Please consult with Time Domain Corp. if you have any questions, prior to use.Non-U.S. Operation:PulsON® technology has not been authorized for use or commercial exploitation under the regulations of any  non-U.S.government agency. Please confer with your government’s regulatory agency to obtain proper authorizations.Customer SupportWeb: http://www.pulsondevelopers.comE-mail: customer.service@timedomain.comTelephone: +1   256.428.6333Fax: +1    256.428.6622Nondisclosure ProvisionsThis manual contains Time Domain Corporation’s Confidential and Proprietary Information.  Members of the PulsON ™ DevelopersProgram and PulsON Technology Program are reminded of their obligations to protect TDC Confidential and Proprietary Information.II
COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYContentsNondisclosure Provisions ............................................................................................... 2Overview ............................................................................................................ 5Getting Started ................................................................................................... 7Unpacking & Initial Setup................................................................................................ 7Installing Signal Generator Software .............................................................................. 8System Checkout ............................................................................................................ 8Operating the Signal Generator/Tag ................................................................ 11Connecting the Host PC to the Signal Generator/Tag .................................................. 11Software Controls ......................................................................................................... 12Tag Information Section ........................................................................................... 12Real-Time Clock ...................................................................................................... 12Controlling the Type & Frequency of Transmissions .................................................... 13Transmission Modes ..................................................................................................... 13Test Modes .............................................................................................................. 13TAG Modes.............................................................................................................. 14Configuring  the Packet Repetition Cycle ..................................................................... 15Packet Format Display .................................................................................................. 16Packet Components ................................................................................................ 16Controlling Acquisition and Data Packet Components .................................................. 17Other readouts and controls .................................................................................... 17Scan Data Settings .................................................................................................. 18Mode Selection ........................................................................................................ 18Default Button .......................................................................................................... 18Acquisition Settings ................................................................................................. 18TX Data Controls ..................................................................................................... 19Master Reset Function ............................................................................................ 21Disconnecting from the Signal Generator/Tag ......................................................... 21Taking Measurements ...................................................................................... 23Benchtop Cabled .......................................................................................................... 23Recommended Test Instruments and Equivalents ................................................... 24Benchtop Wireless........................................................................................................ 26Wireless Propagation ................................................................................................... 27Evaluating Data ................................................................................................ 33Understanding Pulse Integration: A Demonstration ...................................................... 33Received Signal Voltage at Antenna Terminals ............................................................ 34Pathloss vs. Distance.................................................................................................... 34Advanced UWB Propagation Channel Analysis ........................................................... 35Channel Impulse Response Modeling ..................................................................... 35III
4COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYIV Delay Spread Calculation ........................................................................................ 36Propagation Channel Ray Tracing .......................................................................... 37Received Eb/No Calculation.................................................................................... 38Hardware Interface........................................................................................... 41Timer Trigger ........................................................................................................... 41Board Interface................................................................................................. 45Access .......................................................................................................................... 45Special RF Emissions Precautions .......................................................................... 46Digital Board ................................................................................................................. 46Connections to Digital Board ........................................................................................ 47RF Board ...................................................................................................................... 48
5Chapter 1: OverviewCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYOverviewPaired with with Evaluation Kit radios, the SG/T will have the capability to be used as a tag. In this applica-tion, the SG/T can  be configured as an element in a ranging and positioning system. It can be utilized as amobile radio transmitter sending low data rate transmissions to be captured and analyzed by the receivingradio.  Using special algorithms, Evaluation Kit radios can be configured to  determine the SG/T’s location.This use of the SG/T as a tracking tag will be described in an application note which accompanies the Evalua-tion Kit. In addition, the user will be able to attach a  sensor via the RS-232 port, and transmit user-definedsensor data to the Evaluation Kit radio.This equipment has been designed to be operated either alone, or withother Signal Generators for test scenarios. The Signal Generator/Tag(SG/T) is a hardware tool that sends out UWB signals for testing thesignal strength and distance the PulsON signal propagates in an environ-ment, and how well it coexists with other wireless devices.  The SG/T canbe used with laboratory equipment such as oscilloscopes and spectrumanalyzers, with a wired trigger switch, to perform a variety of test proce-dures.The Signal Generator/ Tag (SG/T) is a transmit-only radio, with twodistinct roles in the PulsON 200TM equipment family.  The SG/T can beused for evaluation and propagation testing, or as an early-versiontracking tag when used in conjunction with the Evaluation Kit radios.This application-specific development platform uses the PulsON 200Timer chip as its core technology, and provides a robust UWB signal anddata packet stream.The SG/T consists of a radio frequency (RF) board, a digital board, a housing, and an antenna assembly. TheRF board uses the same raw board as the PulsON 200 Evaluation Kit radio, but  the receiver components areeliminated for this application. The digital board contains the PulsON 200 Timer chip and a Field Program-mable Gate Array (FPGA) containing the logic for timer control, interface control, memory load, sleep mode,and data transformation.1 Other components of the Signal Generator/Tag assembly include the Broadspec™ Model P200 antenna assem-bly, a power supply, an additional antenna to be connected to a receiving oscilloscope or a spectrum analyzer,and a diskette containing application software.System capabilities will be incrementally provided through the PulsON Technology Program website.
6Chapter 1: OverviewCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYDetailed applications of the Signal Generator/Tag are listed in Chap. 4: Taking Measurements, and Chapter 5:Evaluating the Data.
Chapter 2: Getting Started 7COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY 2 Unpacking & Initial SetupIn the process of getting started, we suggest you check the shipping contents and load the PC software tointerface with the Signal Generator/Tag (SG/T) The items in Table 2.1 are supplied in your shipment.Qty. Name Part #1PulsON 200TM   Signal Generator/Tag 100-00111BroadspecTM Model P200 Antenna, tag 200-00521Broadspec Model P200 Antenna , receive-only 200-00531Power Supply, 90-264 VAC in/7.5 VDC Out 024-00031Power Cord 017-00291Software CD 150-00081User Manual CD P200-320-0030Table 2.1:  Supplied items in the Signal Generator/Tag kit1. Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, attach the Broadspec™ Model P200 antenna to the antenna bracket on therear of the unit.Ensure that the SMA cable connector nut is firmly tightened over the connection to avoid accidental disconnection. DoNOT overtighten. Seven to ten inch-pounds torque using an approved connector wrench (Huber & Suhner, part number74Z0-0-21 or equivalent) is recommended. The connector center pins on the SMA cables are fragile. If you meet resis-tance when connecting a cable to a port, either during insertion or when tightening the connector nut, do not force the connection.Abort this attempt and try again.  Damage to the SMA connecter caused by over-tightening is not covered by the warranty.3. Ensure that the Event/Cont toggle switch is set to Event.  In its default state as shipped by Time Domain,the Event/Cont toggle switch acts as an Off/On switch when the SG/T is disconnected from a PC.  In thisstate Event equals the Off function.  This is true only if no periodic event has been programmed from thePC.  Once a periodic event has been programmed by the user, selecting Event will start that sequence.2. Connect the antenna cable to the SMA port labeled Antenna Out. The antenna is omni-directional. Onceconnected, do not adjust the antenna orientation as it may overstress the attached cable through unnecessarybending. Use of another antenna element other than the one provided in the kit is a violation of FCC rulesgoverning the transmission of UWB signals.Getting Started
8 Chapter 2:  Getting StartedCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY5. Move the Event/Cont toggle switch to Cont. The LED labeled C lights, indicating your SG/T has power.When  LEDs A and B  illuminate, the pulser and timer are enabled (i.e. transmitting). In most cases thismeans it is transmitting on the manufacturer’s default mode or the mode selected by the user through thesoftware.  See the System Checkout section of this chapter for a definitive operational  test.System checkout requires that you connect  your unit to a PC running  the Signal Generator/Tag (SG/T)software. To install and run the SG/T software you will need a computer  running Microsoft® Windows NT®  orWindows 2000® . No tests on other versions of Windows have been conducted.1. Insert the supplied CD into your PC and access your CD drive.  Access the CD using the Run function.Install the SG/T software by double-clicking over the Setup.exe icon and following the installation direc-tions.2. Attach an RS-232 cable between your PC and the SG/T port labeled RS232.3. With power applied to the SG/T, double-click the SG/T icon on your PC Desktop. The SG/T interfaceappears.  For a more detailed description of the software operation, see Chapter 3:  Operating the SignalGenerator/Tag.4. If you see an ID number along with accompanying Firmware # and Firmware Date information appear inthe Tag Information section of the software control screen, the software is successfully communicating withthe SG/T unit.If the software fails to connect with SG/T unit,  check that the serial cable is the correct type and is connected.The correct cable is a standard nine-pin serial cable without crossover.  Check also that  the appropriate commsport is selected.  The comms port can be selected from the SG/T software, See Chap. 3: Operating the SignalGenerator/Tag.  If the software does not connect with the unit, contact Time Domain Customer Support.System CheckoutCheckout Using A Spectrum Analyzer4. Apply power to the unit using  the supplied power adapter.If the Signal Generator/Tag (SG/T)  unit has powered up successfully, then you are ready to perform a check-out of the system to make sure it is transmitting.  There are two methods of checking out the system:The simplest way to test the SG/T is using a spectrum analyzer capable of measuring from 900 MHz  up to 6GHz in frequency.  The test consists of measuring ambient spectrum with the SG/T off.  This reading will becompared  to the spectrum display with the SG/T broadcasting continuously with the antennas on the SG/T andthe analyzer held in close proximity.1.  Hook the BroadspecTM receive-only  antenna provided in the kit to the spectrum analyzer via a low-losscable with SMA connectors.The 200-0053 antenna has a standard SMA connector that will not fit on theAntenna Out connector on the SG/T.  Attempts to connect the unlike connectors may damage them.2. Position the equipment so that the flat faces  of the transmit antenna from the SG/T and the receive antennaattached to the spectrum analyzer can be placed within 2 cm. of each other.If the unit fails to show the lighted LED sequence above, contact Time Domain Customer Support.If your unit passes this simple test, you are ready to install the software on your PC and run the system check-out procedures. If you wish to operate your unit in the default mode, you may begin running the sample mea-surements found in Chapter 3: Taking Measurements.Installing Signal Generator Software
Chapter 2: Getting Started 9COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY6. With the SG/T powered down, or with the Event/Cont switch in the Event position (no LEDs lit or blink-ing),  measure the ambient spectrum using the receive-only antenna.   The spectrum should show a relativelyflat line of power around -65 dBm at 3.5 GHz. (Figure 2.1).Fig. 2.1:  Typical spectrum (centered at 3.5 GHz) without Signal Generator emissions7. Power up the SG/T and switch the Event/Cont. switch to Cont.  Hold the spectrum analyzer’s receive onlyantenna within 2 cm. of the SG/T antenna.  The two antennas should be held with flat faces parallel to eachother and with the same orientation.  With the spectrum analyzer on the same settings as before, you shouldnotice a distinct, hump-shaped rise in the spectral power profile centered around 3.5 GHz as shown in Figure2.2, or peaked at approximately -50dBm.If you have used the host PC to configure the SG/T, disconnect the serial communications cable prior to the test toeliminate the possibility of spurious emissions distorting measurements.5. Set a  marker  at  3.5 GHz.3. Set the display on the spectrum analyzer for a span of 2 to 6 GHz.  If your analyzer cannot display this greata span at once, make sure that it centers around 3.5 GHz.  Lower the attenuation to10 dB.4. Set the resolution bandwidth to 3 MHz.  The following discussion assumes a 3 MHz RBW.Fig. 2.2:  Spectrum profile with Signal Generator operating through antennas
10  Chapter 2:  Getting StartedCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY.If you see a similar profile difference described in this procedure, your SG/T is operating and ready for use.  Ifthe spectral response before and after powering on the SG/T remains flat or the same, then the SG/T is notsending a signal. If the unit fails checkout contact Time Domain Customer Support.sections, the DSO can test the unit in either cabled or antenna-to-antenna configuraton.Checkout Using A Digital Sampling Oscilloscope (DSO)This method involves hooking up a DSO in the method described in Chapter 4: Taking Measurements.  Therequired parts, equipment specifications and recommended equipment model numbers are identified in thatchapter.   The SG/T can be operated without hooking it to a host PC.  If the settings have not been changed bythe user, it will operate in a Time Shift Continuous mode. Using the settings described in the Chapter 4  test
11Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY 3 Operating the SignalGenerator/TagAt present, the SG/T ‘s transmissions are only intended for analysis by sampling lab instruments.   With therelease of the PulsON® Evaluation Kit radio, users will be able to send and receive data payloads and scanramps for use in ranging/positioning tasks.  Software upgrades will be available on the PulsON® TechnologyProgramSM  website.Connecting the Host PC to the Signal Generator/TagThe software should be loaded and communications tested in accord with the procedures in Chapter 2, GettingStarted.Always connect the host PC’s serial cable  to the SG/T before starting the host software. Always close the software and allow thePC to update the SG/T before disconnecting the serial cable from the SG/T.  The software automatically establish communications and uploads Tag Information, Real-Time Clock,Transmission mode and Configuration settings.    The software gives an error message if the cable connectionis not established and brings up the Communications dialog box (Fig. 3.1)  to allow you to select an alternatecom port. The serial port to the SG/T can be set in the Communications settings function accessed through  theEdit drop down menu in the main host software screen.Fig. 3.1:  Communication port control screenThe Signal Generator/Tag (SG/T) is set up for operation and controlled by software running on a host PCcomputer and communicating with the SG/T via a serial cable.  Once configured using the host software, theSG/T can operate without being attached to the host PC, in the configuration set and initialized prior to discon-necting.The software is designed to give the operator total control of the SG/T.  It will override any hardware settings(i.e. the Event/Cont. switch) while connected.  When the user disconnects or exits the software, the hardwaresettings will be in effect.
12     Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYFig. 3.2:  The main Signal Generator/Tag controller software screen with active control, packetinformation-only functions and communications messages identified.Tag Information SectionThe information in this section of the main software screen is updated from settings in the Signal Generator/Tag (Fig. 3.3 ).  The information is taken from the current firmware load and is read-only.Fig. 3.3:  Tag Information readout Fig. 3.4:  Real Time Clock readout and controlsReal Time ClockThe Real Time Clock (Fig. 3.4) display reads the date and time of  the internal clock in the Signal Generator/Tag.  The readout on the software panel does not update automatically.  Pressing the Refresh button  updatesthe host PC software  with the SG/T’s Real-Time Clock’s internal date and time.Software Controls   Controls & Info Tag information and selection of transmit modes  Data Packet Information Data structure section is a read-only display. Host PC & SG/TStatus Messagesmessage displayedControl functionssuspended when
13Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYFig. 3.5:  Setting the Real Time Clock from the TAG Clock screenTo set the SG/T’s internal Real- Time Clock,  select the TAG Clock option on the Edit drop down menu, orclick on  the Set button on the Real-Time Clock section of the main screen.  This will activate the TAG Clockscreen (Fig. 3.5).  Time zone,  time, date and day  information can be set by entering numbers and selectingfrom the drop down menus.  This information will be downloaded to set the Real Time Clock in the SG/T unitonly after the OK button is clicked.Controlling the Type & Frequency of TransmissionsThe SG/T  will operate as a stand-alone device that will transmit packets for capture and analysis by laboratoryinstruments.  There are two types of basic controls for the operator to set up these transmissions.   You canselect what type of transmission to make by selecting  one of nine different packet types called Modes.    Insome cases the content of the packets and aspects affecting how they are transmitted can be set by the user.Others of these packets are preconstructed  with content for specific purposes. You can also select how often a chosen packet is transmitted by using Configuration controls to select thetransmission period.  Your transmission period choices  range from a single transmission of one packet throughvariable periodic transmitting to continuously sending the same packet.Fig. 3.6:  The Transmission control panel used to select the transmission Mode.Transmission ModesTest ModesThe first five modes listed in the software, Time Shift Continuous, Acquisition, Minimum, Medium, and LongAcquisition Time Packet are representative modes for various transmission scenarios. In the software, thesefive modes are also referred to as “Test Modes.”  These modes are useful for propagation and spectral studies.Refer to the Test Measurements section of this manual for more information on taking these measurements.Note that these modes are not intended to be received and demodulated by a P200 Evaluation Kit radio.Those transmit modes and periods are selected by the Transmission section of the host Signal Generator GUI.(Fig. 3.6).
14     Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYAcquisitionThis packet component consists only of acquisition symbols and integrations.  No other information is includedin the packet.  It would be the header component of any packet transmitted.The type of signal used for a fused application of PLT and communications in a low multipath environmentwhere acquisition and lock can be acheived rapidly.  The pre-programmed data packet is 2000 bytes long andcannot be edited by the software operator.The type of signal for a fused application in a moderate multipath environment.  The pre-programmed datapayload  is 984 bytes long and cannot be edited by the software operator.Long Acquisition Time PacketThe type of signal for a fused application in a high multipath environment.  The pre-programmed data packet is984 bytes long and cannot be edited by the software operator.TAG ModesThe other four modes, TAG ID Only,  TAG ID + Data, TAG  ID + Scan Ramps, and TAG ID + Data + ScanRamps can be received and demodulated by a P200 Evaluation Kit radio.  They can be used to test spectralcharacteristics of various data packet types and test data transmissions appropriate to your application.Time Shift ContinuousThis signal is an unmodulated pulse train where the individual pulses are positioned within a 104 ns frameaccording to a pseudorandom code.The software allows you to adjust transmission parameters such as integration for various multipath environ-ments and to construct data packets using a special packet format dialog screen.Medium Acquisition Time PacketThese modes are selected from the Mode dropdown menu in the Transmission panel:TAG ID OnlyThis mode transmits the unique unit ID number, firmware #, firmware date plus the Real-Time Clock date andtime.  This information is also displayed in the TAG Information and Real-Time Clock sections of the SG/Tsoftware interface. TAG IDs are useful in scenarios where multiple tags are active.TAG ID + DataIn addition to the tag’s unique identifier,  a data payload of up to 2000 bytes can be included in the packettransmission.  This data payload can be constructed  or imported using the Packet Format dialog screen.TAG ID + Scan RampsThis mode is used specifically for angle-of-arrival (AOA) PLT applications.  The scan “ramps”  are symbolssent that allow a P200 Evaluation Kit radio to determine precisely the time of arrival of a signal from the SG/T.Sending multiple identical symbols allows the  radio to lock onto the signal with one correlator while anothercorrelator scans ahead of the lock point to determine the leading edge of the pulse.  This leading edge detectionis used to maximize  accuracy.  The number of scan ramps is variable and is set relative to the propagationenvironment in which the SG/T and receving radio are operating.TAG ID + Data + Scan RampsThis packet structure is typical of a “fused” application where preloaded data packets or data from a smartsensor would be transmitted in addition to the scan ramps that allow for location of that mobile tag source.Minimum Acquisition Time Packet
15Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYNote that these TAG  modes are active to allow studies of the spectral characteristics of transmissions.   Vari-ables that can affect the spectral characteristics of the various Modes:•    Acquisition pseudorandom coding [user selectable, not user programmable].•    Data  payload pseudorandom coding [user selectable, not user programmable].•    Number of integrations for acquisition•    Number of integrations for data payload, TAG Header, CRC and Scan Data•    Size of the data payload•    Number of Scan Data symbols•    Transmission period [ Continuous, Event (periodic) Single Shot ]•Single Shot:  The SG/T will send a single packet of whatever mode type is selected when the Start button isclicked.  It will then cease until activated again.  Although the Single Shot can be initiated by clicking on thebutton on the software screen or by pushing the button on the rear panel of the SG/T unit,  the Single Shotconfiguration works only when the SG/T is connected to the host PC signal generator software and theSingle Shot Configuration is selected. Configuring  the Packet Repetition CycleThe SG/T can be programmed  to transmit each of the transmission modes in the Transmission section Modesdrop down menu.  (These will be detailed in the next secion.)  The options for transmission periodicity areselected by radio buttons in the Configuration section as shown in Fig. 3.6. The choices are:•Continuous:   Once activated by the Start button the device will repeat the selected packet  until  the Stopbutton is clicked,  or until another configuration is selected on the software Transmission panel.•Event:   Selecting the Event radio button and then clicking on the Set button activates the screen fordefining the transmission period.   The minimum period is 1 second. The maximum period is 255 minutes (4hrs. 15 min.).To configure the repetition cycle of the signal, simply select the Event radio button, then click on the Setbutton.  The Event Period dialog screen pops up. (Fig. 3.7)   After selecting the Transmit Interval radiobutton, a period increment of either seconds or minutes can be selected from the drop-down menu. .The size ofthe interval  is typed into the first transmit interval field.  The period defined can be up to 255 integers long.Those integers can represent seconds or minutes.Fig. 3.7:  Setting the periodic transmission cycle on the Transmission Period screenSelecting the Disable radio button disables any value selected as the periodic transmission cycle.  Clicking onNext Tx button displays the time until the next timed event.Once the transmission period values are selected, click on the Apply button.  This returns you to the mainscreen.   The Start/Stop button in the Transmission section of the main screen turns the periodic event on andoff.
16     Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYThe Packet Format section of the Signal Generator/TAG software is a display of  structure and contents of thenine types of packets transmitted by the SG/T.  This is only a readout.  No changes in integration, number ofsymbols or data payload can be made from this screen (Fig. 3.8).Fig. 3.8:  The Packet Format  read-only  screenTag HeaderThe Tag Header contains the same information as displayed in the TAG Information and Real-Time Clocksections.  This ID and time information is necessary for PLT applications where knowing which tag is sendingand being able to time reference are at the heart of the task.CRCThe Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) is a portion of the packet used for determining bit error rate andevaluating data integrity for the Tag Header and TX Data.Packet ComponentsAcquisitionThe front end of every data packet, the acquisition section is used by the receiving radio to acquire and lockonto the transmission.  Its integration (repetition) value  must be the same or higher than the following packetsegments. This rule is enforced because achieving and maintaining signal lock is the critical part of the trans-mission link.HeaderThis section contains information on what sections are included in the packet and the size of each  followingpacket section.TX DataThis section displays the integration value and number of symbols in the data payload.  Some payloads arepreloaded with data as defaults.  This section is optional, depending on the Mode selected.Scan DataAn optional packet section,  Scan Data includes symbols used for detection of the pulse leading edge, a criticalfunction in the PLT application.Packet Format Display
17Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYControlling Acquisition and Data Packet ComponentsWhile operating the SG/T in one of the  TAG modes,  you can use the Host PC software to change the acquisi-tion headers, the data payload and scan data used in PLT applications.To activate the controls, the SG/T must be in one of the four TAG modes identified in the Transmission paneldropdown menu.   Those Modes are: TAG  ID Only, TAG  ID + Data,  TAG ID + Scan Ramps and TAG ID +Data + Scan Ramps.  From the Edit menu, select Packet Format.  Fig. 3.9  shows the Packet Format dialogscreen.Fig. 3.9:  The Packet Format screen with the major control and data entry sections identifiedOther readouts and controlsSize____BytesIndicates the size of the the payload section only.Packet Transmission TimeTotal transmit time for each complete packet (scientific notation).  Example 3.06E-02 = .0306 seconds.Acquisition ControlsTX Data ControlsData Entry & EditingPacket Data Contents    Integration    Integration    Code Length    (Display only)Scan Data (Ramps) ControlsDisplay FormatSelecting the desired radio button will alter the display of the data payloadformat between decimal, hexadecimal and ASCII formats. This samecontrol is also active for the Packet Format data-entry section.
18     Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYAcquisition SettingsMode SelectionIn addition to being able to select among the nine possible modes from the drop down on the main softwarescreen,  the transmission Mode can be selected from the Packet Format controls screen (Fig. 3.10).  TestModes cannot be selected from the Packet Format section.  In this screen you can change settings, load and editdata, but the main software screen will not reflect those changes until they have been programmed into the SG/T.  The choice of Mode will determine which controls are active on the Packet Format screen.  Choosing amode without a data component disables some of the TX Data controls.Default ButtonThis button shown in Fig. 3.10 will return all settings for each specific Mode --integration, symbols, datapayload, scan symbols --to the original default settings programmed by Time Domain.  All settings andchanges made by the user will be lost.Integration:Selectable from the drop down  between 16 and 4096  integrations.  In general,  higher integrations are used inhigher multipath and interference scenarios.  A rule enforced by the software assures that the integration valuefor acquisition is always equal to or more than the integration values for the other sections of the transmittedpacket (Fig. 3.10).# Symbols:This value increases or decreases the length of the acquisition portion at the head of each packet. It is editableby typing in values in the window.   Allowable symbol length ranges from 0-2047 in increments of 1.Code FileThere are 2 acquisition Code Files provided with the SG/T software.  Neither can be edited by the user. Bothhave a code length of 16, but each uses different pulse position combinations within the 104 ns window.Fig. 3.10:  The Acquisition section of the TX Data control screenScan Data SettingsScan Data values set the number of symbols sent under the TAG ID + Scan Ramps mode or the TAG ID +Data + Scan Ramps mode.   The scan ramps carry no information and are used solely to determine the leadingedge of individual pulses for PLT applications.  The values range from 0-65504 in increments of 32.They have been selected for their spectral characteristics and each is linked to a specific Mode selection.Although clicking on the Browse button brings up a window displaying the codefiles, it is recommended thatfor initial SG/T release,  you should not switch codefiles.Note that the values for Integration  and  # Symbols are inter-related.  Either or both can affect the ease of acquisition inchallenging multipath environments.  Depending on the physical and propagation environment,  raising the integrations and thenumber of symbols can improve acquisition performance.  Likewise,  altering one  value more than the other may also beappropriate in some instances.  This document  describes the tools  but does not cover that experimentation, which must be carried out inconjunction with a P200 Evaluation Kit radio.
19Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYPacket Transmission TimeIs the total length of time to transmit the particular packet specified by the choice of Mode.This time is variableand  is calculated by the software as a  function of TAG ID data size, packet type, data payload size andnumber of scan ramps.  The value can not be manually entered.Code FileThere are 3 data transmission Code Files provided with the SG/T software.  None can be edited by the user.They have been selected for their spectral characteristics and each is linked to a specific Mode selection.Although clicking on the Browse button brings up a window displaying the codefiles, it is recommended thatfor initial SG/T release,  you should not switch codefiles.TX Data ControlsThe TX Data section allows for manual entry  or importation of data into the packet structure. The tool canalso be used to edit existing data (Fig. 3.11).Fig. 3.11:  The data entry tool for constructing data packets.# Bytes to TransmitBefore any data entry can take place,  the total size of the data payload must be specified.  The size, in bytesmust be typed into the field displaying the value.  The maximum size for a data payload  is 2000 bytes.  Eachline in the display is 18 bytes.  If you enter  data less than 18 bytes, the software will add zeroes in the remain-ing fields to fill out the line.    If you attempt to load more data than specified in the # Bytes to Transmit, theload will not be executed. After entering the data size, click the Save button to effect the change.Data Payload DisplayThis field initially will display whatever data payload is specified for the Mode selected.  This can be a defaultpayload, or one previously programmed by the user.  The display will change if you manually enter data, editthe existing data in the display or load a new data file (Fig. 3.11).  The first column of each row specifies datafile size up to the start of data for that row.  The first row starts with zero, the second row with 18, and so onby increments of 18 bytes.Manual DataEntry FieldsIntegrationThe number of times the data packet is repeated.  Integration values for data transmissions range from aminimum of 1 to a maximum of 1024.  Compare this with the range of integrations for the Acquisition func-tion. Acquisition integration ranges from 16 to 4096 repetitions of the symbol set.
20     Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYManual Data Entry FieldsThe manual data entry fields are located below the data payload display.  Data cannot be entered unless theTAG ID + Data or TAG ID + Data + Scan Ramps mode is selected. Each individual entry field is 2 bytes andthe total line is 18 bytes.  Data is entered by typing into the fields.  The choice of Decimal, Hex, or ASCII radiobuttons in the Display Format field affects the form of the data entered. Clicking on the Save button entersdata in the entry fields into the data display.  Subsequent data entries display on sequential lines incrementing in18 bytes. Note that the data entered is not programmed into the SG/T until the OK button is pressed.Editing Existing DataExisting data payload files can be edited by specifying the Mode that contains that data payload, then clickingon and highlighting the line containing the data to be edited (Fig. 3.12).  The data from the highlighted line istransferred down to the data entry fields.  Changes are made by typing in the appropriate fields, then clickingon the Save button, which substitutes the edited data line for the selected line in the data display.Fig. 3.12:  Editing the contents of  an existing data payload file.SaveEnters manual data from the data entry fields into the payload data display. Also used to enter the  # Bytes toTransmit.ImportThe Import function allows you to bring data payload directly into the data display without manual entry.Fig. 3.13:  The Config folder contains the data for both codefiles and data payload
21Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYIf you remove power from the unit, the settings you currently have loaded will remain in non-volatile memoryand will be used when you re-apply power.   The SG/T will always power up with the last configuration andmode configured by the software.The software will always try to check SG/T status before it closes.  If the unit is not connected, it will generateerror  messages.  Therefore, the preferred procedure is to always close the software before powering down ordisconnecting the serial cable from the SG/T. Disconnecting the serial cable from the SG/T before closing thesoftware may cause you to lose the settings from the software.Disconnecting from the Signal Generator/TagThe Import button brings up an open file dialog box that allows you to select any file to import into the datapayload section.  The file format is binary and can be up to 2000 bytes long (Fig. 3.13).OK ButtonClicking this button  downloads the data into the SG/T.   A “Programming Tag...” message appears at thebottom of the dialog box and no further commands will be executed until the programming is complete.  Thesoftware then  closes the Packet Format window.Master Reset FunctionThe Master Reset function can be accessed through the Edit drop-down menu.  If the SG/T ever gets in a statewhere it is not functioning or its settings have been modified to the point where you aren’t clear what thesettings are or should be, using Master Reset will return the SG/T to its original factory settings for the TAGID Only mode.   Any Event transmissions currently programmed  or operating will be stopped when MasterReset is used (Fig. 3.14).Fig. 3.14:  The Master Reset function screen accessed from the Edit menu
22     Chapter 3: Operating the Signal Generator/TagCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY
23Chapter 4: Taking MeasurementsCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYElectrostatic discharge (ESD) on or near input connectors of any test equipment, including the Signal Generator/Tag, mayresult in damaged circuits inside the instrument. Before connecting a cable to an electrical input, momentarily short thecenter and outer conductors of the cable together. Personnel handling any element of the test setup should be properlygrounded or should touch the frame of the instrument before touching any connector. Refer to the test equipment guides providedby the vendors for specific ESD considerations.Benchtop CabledThis measurement test is designed to demonstrate Signal Generator/Tag (SG/T) performance as well as theconfigured setup using a coaxial cable and attenuation to replace the propagation channel, eliminating perfor-mance dependence on any interference that might be present.Before any element of the cabled test is switched on, ensure that it has been properly grounded. Interruption of theprotective conductor, inside or outside some test instruments, may result in injury.Fig. 4.2:  Cabled benchtop setupFig. 4.1:  Cabled benchtop schematic with components4   Signal Generator/Tag Antenna Out Timer Trigger Reverse Polarity SMA Connector (Example: PE9533) 20 dB Simple Channel Digital Storage Scope    Channel 1       (Example: HP54750A w/ HP54751A)   Trigger 20 dB 20 dB Trigger Cable (1 meter) Delay Line (Example: HP 54008A ) Taking Measurements
COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY24 Chapter 4: Taking MeasurementsAntennas are not used for this setup. Because the PulsON 200™ transmit antenna has a non-standard connector,the PE9533 SMA connector is needed to adapt the RF output of the Signal Generator/Tag so that it can beconnected to a standard SMA cable. The two 20 dB attenuators are required to attenuate the signal to a levelthat can be handled by the channel input of the digital sampling scope (DSO). Because the measurement setuprequires triggering of the DSO by the signal generator, the HP54008A delay line is required to delay the pulselong enough for the trigger to travel down the trigger cable, trigger the DSO, and provide the necessary setuptime required by the DSO.  A schematic and photo of this setup are shown in Fig. 4.1 and Fig. 4.2.The setup time required by the DSO is the time needed between the time it receives the trigger to the time it is ready toreceive a waveform. For the HP54750A, the setup time is 22 ns   If your DSO has a delay feature built into the device, thedelay line component can be eliminated from setup.In some cases, 20 dB attenuation can result in an unstable or  inadequate trigger. If this situation occurs, reduce the triggerattenuation.In order to be able to receive and capture the incoming pulses from the signal generator, the DSO must beconfigured properly. A description of the setup used by Time Domain’s Propagation team is found in Table 4.2These are the actual settings of the HP54750A that were used to make the measurements contained in thisdocument, and are provided to aid in your initial measurement setups.Because the trigger cable for this setup is relatively short, the 20 ns of delay provided by the HP54008A delayline is sufficient. As we will see with later setups, if a longer trigger cable is used, a longer delay in the signalpath must also be used. Note that a 20 dB attenuator is also placed in-line with the trigger cable to attenuate thesignal to a level that can be handled by the trigger input of the DSO.Table  4.1:  Required parts for cabled test setupQty. Name Part #1PulsON 200 signal Generator/Tag 100-00111Reverse  polarity SMA male-female connector Pasternak Enterprises PE9533112-inch long, 50-ohm cable w/SMA connectors Tensolite-QMI 1-3636-301-.3212124-inch long, 50-ohm cable w/SMA connectors Tensolite-QMI 1-3636-510-3224320 dB SMA connector attenuator, DC to 18 GHz M/A-COM 2082-6148-20120ns delay line HP54008A120 GHz bandwidth digitizing oscilloscope +  20 GHz plug-in HP54750A  + HP54751A11-meter long, 50-ohm cable w/ SMA connectors QMI64039Assortment of gender-changing & right angle SMA connectorsRecommended Test Instruments and EquivalentsTo conduct this test and all the tests in this chapter, you will need the items in Tables  4.1, 4.3 and 4.5.   TimeDomain conducted its tests with the equipment listed in the tables, but equivalents are acceptable.  The mainrequirements for digital sampling oscilloscopes [DSOs] is that they have a 20 GHz bandwidth and be able totrack a vertical rise time of  30 picoseconds. Two alternatives that meet the specification are:•    Agilent  86100B DSO  with an 834484A 2-channel 50 GHz module.•    TektronixTDS 8000 or CSA 8000  DSO with  80E03 20 GHz module.These citations are for  reference only. Time Domain has not  used this equipment to verify its suitability.  Notealso that connector  compatibility must be verified with the equipment vendor.
25Chapter 4: Taking MeasurementsCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYParameter Setting Parameter Setting Parameter Setting Parameter Setting Parameter Settingsweep: triggered scale: 200 ps/div averaging: off persistence: variable display: onsource: trigger 2 position: 24 ns persistencetime: 1 sec. scale: 400 mV/divexternal scale: 20 dB reference: left drawwaveform: high resolution offset:: 0 Vlevel: 500mV windowing: disabled bandwidth: 12.4. GHzslope: external scale: 43 dBhysteresis: normaltriggerbandwidth: DC -2.5 GHzTrigger      Time Base* Acquisition         Display Channel 1The Signal Generator/Tag has five pre-configured codes,accessible only through the software interface, for trans-mitting pulses. The pulse repetition frequency (prf) of allof the codes is 9.6MHz (i.e. a pulse transmitted nominallyevery 104 ns); however, the different codes use a combina-tion of time hopping and pulse flipping to improve spectralqualities. For reference, the received pulse is shown foreach of the code settings in the initial cabled setup. Theprofile on the scope for these five codes are shown inFig.4.3  through 4.7.Table 4.2:  Recommended initial scope settings for cabled benchtop testFig. 4.3:  Long Acquisition PacketFig. 4.4:  Time Shift Continuous (default) Fig. 4.5: AcquisitionFig. 4.6:  Minimum Acquisition Packet Fig. 4.7:  Medium Acquisition Packet*Time Base settings areapproximate.Adjustments may bemeeded for specific test hardwareconfigurations.
COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY26 Chapter 4: Taking MeasurementsBenchtop WirelessThe benchtop wireless measurement is designed to test initial wireless signal generator performance as well asthe configured test setup using a short, simple 12-inch line-of-sight (LOS) propagation channel. By testing thisbasic wireless configuration, you can gain an initial understanding of the UWB wireless channel.  The sche-matic for this setup and a photograph are shown in Fig. 4.8 and 4.9.Before any element of the wireless test is switched on, ensure that it has been properly grounded. Interruption of theprotective conductor, inside or outside some test instruments, may result in injury.Fig. 4.8:  Schematic of wireless benchtop setup with components.Fig. 4.9:  Bench wireless setupTo setup this configuration, you will need the items in Table 4.3. Specific part numbers listed were used byTime Domain and are given for reference purposes. You will need to use the same equipment or their equiva-lents.Qty. Name Part #  (or  equivalent)1PulsON 200 signal Generator/Tag 100-00111Broadspec Model P200 Antenna , receive-only 200-0053120 ns delay line E-Z Form EX141DL100124-inch long, 50-ohm cable w/ SMA connectors QMI64023120GHz bandwidth digital oscilloscope HP54750A + HP54751A120 dB SMA connecor attenuator, DC to 18 GHz M/A-COM 2082-6148-2011-meter long, 50 ohm cable w/  SMA connectors QMI64039Assortment of gender-changing  & right-angle SMA connectorsTable 4.3:  Parts list for benchtop wireless test Digital Storage Scope  Channel 1  (Example (HP54750A w/ HP54751A)  Trigger Trigger Cable (1 meter) 20 dB Signal Generator/Tag Timer Trigger Antenna Out 12” Delay Line (Example: HP 54008A)
27Chapter 4: Taking MeasurementsCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYThe additional antenna included with the unit is used as the receive-only antenna. The two 20 dB attenuators(required for the conducted setup) are not required here due to the loss in signal energy due to the physics of awireless link. Because the measurement setup requires triggering of the DSO by the signal generator, theHP54008A delay line is again required to delay the pulse long enough for the trigger to travel down the triggercable, trigger the DSO, and provide the necessary setup time required by the DSO. Because the trigger cablefor this setup is relatively short, the 20 ns of delay provided by the HP54008A delay line is sufficient.Note that a 20 dB attenuator is also placed in-line with the trigger cable to attenuate the signal to a level thatcan be handled by the trigger input of the DSO.Wireless PropagationThe two benchtop tests described earlier were designed to test both the signal generator performance and thebasic measurement setup. The next setup, outlined in Fig. 4.11 through 4.13, configures the Signal Generator/Tag allowing you to investigate a complex UWB propagation channel.Fig. 4.10:  Benchtop, Time Shift Continuous PulseTable 4.4:  Recommended initial scope settings for benchtop wireless testIn order to be able to receive and capture theincoming pulses from the signal generator, the DSOmust be configured properly. A description of thesetup used by the Time Domain Propagation teamfor this setup is found in Table 4.4.  These are theactual settings of the HP54750A that were used tomake the measurements contained in this document,and are provided to aid in your initial measurementsetups.  An example of a benchtop wirelesswaveform capture is given in Fig. 4.10.Before any element of the wireless test is switched on, ensure that it has been properly grounded. Interruption of theprotective conductor, inside or outside some test instruments, may result in injury.In some cases, 20 dB attenuation can result inan unstable or  inadequate trigger. If thissituation occurs, reduce the trigger attenuation.Parameter Setting Parameter Setting Parameter Setting Parameter Setting Parameter Settingsweep: triggered scale: 250 ps/div averaging: on persistence: variable display: onsource: trigger 2 position: 24.5  ns # of averages: 8persistencetime: 1 sec. scale: 400 mV/divexternal scale: 20 dB reference: left drawwaveform: high resolution offset:: 0 Vlevel: 500mV windowing: disabled bandwidth: 12.4 GHzslope: external scale: 45 dBhysteresis: normaltriggerbandwidth: DC -2.5 GHzTrigger      Time Base*    Acquisition   Display       Channel 1*Time Base settings areapproximate.Adjustments may bemeeded for specific test hardwareconfigurations.
COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY28 Chapter 4: Taking Measurements        Digital Storage Scope  Channel 1  (HP54750A) w/ (HP54751A)   Trigger Trigger Cable (50 feet) 20 dB Signal Generator/Tag Antenna Out Timer Trigger Up to 50 feet 2 GHz Filter Delay Line = 100 ns  LNA Fig.4.11:  Schematic of benchtop wireless propagation setup covering longer distances.Fig. 4.12:  Basic propagation test setup Fig. 4.13: Propagation 5-foot test setupTo setup this configuration, you will need the items in Table 4.5 . Specific part numbers listed were used byTime Domain and are given for reference purposes. You will need to use the same equipment or their equiva-lents.Qty. Name Part #  (or  equivalent)1PulsON 200 signal Generator/Tag 100-00111Broadspec Model P200 Antenna , receive-only 200-00531LNA (1-% GHz, -30 dB gain across band, 2.2 dB noise fig..) Miteq AFS3-00100400-22LN115V LNA  power supply HP E3620A1100 ns delay line E-Z Form EX141DL100124-inch long, 50-ohm cable w/ SMA connectors QMI6402312 GHz HP filter Micro-Tronics HPM12708120GHz bandwidth digital oscilloscope HP54750A + HP54751A120 dB SMA connecor attenuator, DC to 18 GHz M/A-COM 2082-6148-20150-foot RG223/U Type 50ohm cable w/ SMA maleconnectorsAssortment of gender-changing  & right-angle SMA connectorsTable 4.5:  Parts list for longer distance propagation studies
29Chapter 4: Taking MeasurementsCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYThe additional antenna included with the unit is the receive antenna. The two 20 dB attenuators (required forthe conducted setup) are not required here due to the loss in signal energy due to the physics of a wireless link.Because this setup is intended to investigate complex propagation channels, it will incorporate a low noiseamplifier (LNA) and a 2 GHz high pass (HP) filter to improve the sensitivity of the receiver setup. The chosenLNA should have 20-30 dB of gain and a relatively low noise figure (<4 dB) to control the high noise figure ofthe DSO. In addition, the 2 GHz HP filter will help filter out any ambient interference (e.g. 1.9 GHz PCS).Note that for the setup shown above, a delay line with 100 ns of delay is used in conjunction with a triggercable 50 feet in length.If additional measurement distance is required, longer trigger cables can be used; however, a delay line with additionaldelay will be required. A rule of thumb would be D(ns) = 1.5*Lcable + tDSO_setup. Where Lcable is the trigger cable length (infeet) and tDSO_setup is the DSO setup time in ns.The cable used for the trigger must be shielded to prevent radiation from the trigger pulse affecting the mea-surement of the transmitted pulse. The trigger cable must be a 50 ohm cable. Note that a 20 dB attenuator isalso placed in-line with the trigger cable to attenuate the signal to a level that can be handled by the triggerinput of the DSO.In order to be able to receive and capture the incoming pulses from the signal generator, the DSO must beconfigured properly. A description of the setup used by the TDC Propagation team for this setup is found inTable 4.6. These are the actual settings of the HP54750A that were used to make the measurements containedin this document, and are provided to aid in your initial measurement setupsParameter Setting Parameter Setting Parameter Setting Parameter Setting Parameter Settingsweep: triggered scale: 500 ps/div averaging: on persistence: variable display: onsource: trigger 2 position: 29  ns # of averages: 8persistencetime: 1 sec. scale: 20 mV/divexternal scale: 20 dB reference: left drawwaveform: connected dots offset:: 0 Vlevel: 500mV windowing: disabled bandwidth: 12.4 GHzslope: external scale: L cable  + 1.5 dBhysteresis: normaltriggerbandwidth: DC -2.5 GHzTable 4.6:  Recommended initial scope settings for a propagation test setupTrigger      Time Base* Acquisition Display Channel 1The excess length of trigger cable allows the antennas to be separated by a distance of almost 50 feet. Asmentioned previously, the received pulse must be delayed sufficiently to conform to the triggering setup time ofthe DSO. Since the trigger cable will delay the trigger pulse from reaching the trigger input, the received pulsemust also be delayed accordingly. The potential for having the transmitted pulse reach the receiver before thetrigger arises when making measurements at a short antenna range separation using a long trigger cable. In thisscenario, the pulse does not have far to go to reach the receiver, however, the trigger pulse still must travel allthe way through the trigger cable.*Time Base settings areapproximate.Adjustments may bemeeded for specific test hardwareconfigurations.
COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY30 Chapter 4: Taking MeasurementsThe waveforms in Fig. 4.14 and Fig. 4.15 were measured with the propagation setup at distances of one andtwo feet. Note in the measurement at one foot, the reflection off of the DSO can be seen in the received wave-form as a received pulse delayed in time by ~2 ns. Also notice that in comparing the two waveforms, themeasurement at two feet is both reduced in amplitude as well as delayed in time.The waveforms can be further compared by using thefunctionality of the oscilloscope to save the measure-ment made at one foot and display it compared to themeasurement at two feet on the same screen. (Fig.4.16).  The markers can then be used to look at therelative change in the two pulses. Because wedoubled the measurement distance from one foot totwo feet, we should expect that the voltage waveformbe reduced in amplitude by half and be delayed byapproximately one nanosecond. As can be seen fromthe figure at right, in moving from one to two feet, thewaveform decreased in amplitude from ~50.0 mV to25.2 mV and the main positive peak moved 1.1 ns intime.Although this type of propagation analysis behaves just as theory would predict for LOS free space propaga-tion, in a non-LOS propagation channel  there are objects or walls located between the transmitter and receiver.This type of analysis can be used to compute pathloss as a function of distance and exact time delays due tomaterial penetration for the UWB channel in a complex environment.An additional example of propagation analysis can be seen when comparing the two waveforms in Fig. 4.17and Fig.4.18. Both waveforms were measured at a distance of 25 feet from Time Domain’s Propagationlaboratory out into the hallway. The first waveform was measured with a LOS between the transmitter andreceiver. The second waveform, however, was measured with the large wood, double-doors closed. As you cansee, the peak voltage of the initial received pulse for the non-LOS case is attenuated compared to the LOS caseby about 2.7 dB. Thus, we can say that the attenuation of the doors for this signal is approximately 2.7 dB.Additionally, note that the multipath impulses following the initial received pulse also changed when the doorswere closed.Fig.4.14: Waveform at 1 foot separation Fig. 4.15:  Waveform  at 2  feet separationFig.4.16:  One foot vs. 2 foot compared
31Chapter 4: Taking MeasurementsCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYFig.4.17:  Line-of-sight waveform at 25 feet Fig.4.18:  Non line-of-sight waveform at 25 feet
33         Chapter 5:  Evaluating DataCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY 5 Understanding Pulse Integration: A DemonstrationIncreasing pulse integration generally improves the quality of the received signal, particularly over longerdistances and in more complex environments.  A simple demonstration using the SG/T and a DSO illustratesthis point.   In Fig. 5.1  two received signal samples are superimposed.   The samples were taken with differentlevels of averaging set in the DSO. The light blue, background trace was taken averaging  4 samples per point on the trace.  Notice the widerspread of the values and the fact that it is very hard to locate the leading edge of the pulse.   The magenta,foreground trace was processed averaging 256 samples per point.  The effect is dramatic.  The main pulse lobesand leading edge are easily located and in general the values show much less spread.  The demonstrationmeasurement was taken through one wall at 15 feet between SG/T and the receiving antenna.Changing the averaging value on the DSO is exactly analogous to altering the pulse integration value in aUWB receiver.Fig. 5.1:  Superimposed traces comparing 4 averaged samples vs. 256 samples per traceThe following are some suggested evaluations that can be done with the PulsON 200™ Signal Generator/Tag onmeasurements made with the wireless setups presented in Chapter 4.Evaluating Data
34 Chapter 5:  Evaluating DataCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYA quantity that may be of practical use to know for system implementation is the received peak signal voltagereferenced to the receive antenna terminals. This can be measured with either wireless setup. The wirelessbenchtop setup is recommended because there are less components. This can be done by accurately entering thesystem losses of the measurement setup into the External Scale parameter of the Channel input menu. Byentering these losses in the External Scale field, the DSO will account for them and the received waveformshown on the screen will effectively be referenced to the receive antenna terminals. The losses of the elementsof the receiver measurement chain can easily be found by using a network analyzer to measure the cascadedelements of the receive chain.=referencepeakrandompeakLVVP_2_210log*10By measuring the received peak voltage at several distances in a given environment, the pathloss as a functionof distance can be calculated.  This measurement should be made using the wireless propagation measurementsetup. The steps of this measurement are as follows:Pathloss measurements can be measured with the External Scale adjusted for attenuation in the Delay Line, orwith a zero value entered in the External Scale.  The loss ratio with distance will be the same in either case.•Using the wireless propagation measurement setup, make an initial measurement at a referencedistance (e.g. one foot or one meter)•Record the peak voltage of the received pulse•Move the signal generator to another location and measure the LOS distance from the signal generatorto the receiver.•Record the peak voltage of the received pulse at this location•By referencing the peak voltage measured at a random location to the peak voltage measured at thereference position, the excess path loss for a given distance can be measured. This can be expressed indecibels by the following formula:This calculation is extremely dependent on the offset entered into the channel External Scale. For accurate measurementof voltage at antenna terminals, losses in receiver chain must be accurately accounted for.Received Signal Voltage at Antenna TerminalsPathloss vs. Distance•For the simple, LOS propagation channel (e.g. within a room) the results of this measurement shouldbe easily predicted by theory; however, for a complex, non-LOS channel (e.g. wall penetration), thismeasurement technique can be used to quantify UWB propagation for that environment. By takingmultiple measurements at various distances, an average quantification of the propagation for thatenvironment can be obtained.
35         Chapter 5:  Evaluating DataCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYWhere hchannel(t) is the propagation CIR and htrans(t) is the impulse response of the transceiver. By making areference measurement with the system at a one meter LOS distance, the propagation channel can be consideredto approximate free space, thus hchannel(t)=1. The one meter measurement, represented bycontains all of the effects of the transceiver system convolved with the transmitted signal. Now, yRX(t) for anarbitrary propagation channel can be written in terms of the reference one meter signal convolved with thearbitrary channel impulse response.The resulting hchannel(t) is solely dependent on the propagation channel. For a measurement situation, thisprocess involves taking the FFT of a received waveform from an arbitrary measurement point and dividing itby the FFT of a measurement made at a 1-meter distance. The result is the propagation channel transferfunction; the CIR is obtained by taking the IFFT.Then, hchannel(t) is found by taking the inverse Fourier transform of Hchannel(f).()()()()ththtstytranschannelRX **=()()()thtstytransmeter *1=()()()thtytychannelmeterRX *1=( )()( )()()( )fYfHfYfYfYfHmeterchannelmetermeterRXchannel111==()()thfHchannelIFFTchannel  →Using the same type of measurement procedure laid out for the pathloss measurements (a reference measure-ment followed by additional random placement measurements), further analysis can be performed on the UWBpropagation  channel.Channel Impulse Response ModelingA frequency domain technique can be used to deconvolve the measurement system (i.e. the signal generator andthe receiver setup) from the UWB propagation channel impulse response (CIR). This can be done by using themeasurement made at the reference distance as a template waveform. If we model the transmitted signal of thesignal generator as s(t) and the received signal for an arbitrary measurement location as yRX(t), then the wire-less transmission of s(t) through an arbitrary propagation channel is given byAdvanced UWB Propagation Channel Analysis
36 Chapter 5:  Evaluating DataCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYDelay Spread CalculationSince the CIR resulting from this technique has had the effects of the measurement system removed, analysis ofthe CIR can be applied to any generic UWB system. The time dispersive nature of a CIR is used as a metric tocompare the CIR of different measured channels. The mean excess delay spread, rms delay spread, and excessdelay spread are statistical multipath channel parameters that can be determined from a power delay profile,where the power delay profile (PDP) is defined as P(t)=|hchannel(t)|2 [2]. The mean excess delay spread and rmsdelay spread most commonly quantify the time dispersive properties of multipath channels. The mean excessdelay spread is the first element of the PDP and is given byThe rms delay spread is the square root of the second central element of the PDP and is given bywhereBoth the mean excess delay and rms delay are measured from the first detectable signal peak in the CIR. Thesecalculations are not affected by the absolute power in P(t) but only the relative amplitudes of the multipathcomponents. The rms delay spread is a good measure of the multipath channel as it gives an indication of thepotential for intersymbol interference and has been shown to be correlated to indoor wireless system perfor-mance [1].  ()( )∑∑=kkkkktPttPτ( )22ττστ−=  ()( )∑∑=kkkkktPttP22τThe excess delay spread of the PDP is defined as the maximum delay relative to the first arriving peak at whicha multipath component is within a set power threshold of the strongest arriving multipath peak. According tothe equations above, each sample point with non-zero power is included in the rms delay spread calculation andrepresents a received signal component. This artificially extends the delay spread and causes errors in thecalculated channel parameters [3].To eliminate noise contributions from affecting these calculated spreads, a threshold is incorporated in thecomputation of the mean and rms delay spreads. Implementing this method, only the points of peak powerabove the threshold level are included in the computations. The statistical metrics defined can be graphicallyshown for an example CIR taken at a 30 feet LOS distance down a hallway (Fig. 5.2).Fig. 5.2:  Calculation of mean, excess and rms delay spreads
37         Chapter 5:  Evaluating DataCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY[1] H. Hashemi. “The Indoor Radio Propagation Channel,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 18, pp.943-968, July1993.[2] T.S. Rappaport. Wireless Communications: Principles and Practices. Prentice Hall, 1996.[3] W.G. Newhall. Wideband Propagation Measurement Results, Simulation Models, and Process Techniquesfor a Sliding Correlator Measurement System. Master’s Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and University,1997.In addition to the calculations presented above to quantitatively evaluate the propagation channel, we can alsoqualitatively investigate a received waveform by correlating the received multipath pulses in the waveform toactual propagation paths in the physical environment. For example, if the transmitter and receiver are set up at10 feet separation in close proximity to a wall, then the waveform at the receiver will be comprised of 2 distinctpulses that are separated in time based on the difference in path lengths that each pulse took in traveling fromthe transmitter to the receiver. ( Fig. 5.3)This phenomenon can be seen in the received waveform for the measurement taken at 1 foot for the wirelesspropagation setup. Note that the received waveform consists of the LOS pulse as well as an additional pulsethat is attenuated and delayed in time. The delayed, attenuated pulse has traveled from the transmitter, beenreflected off of the DSO, and then received at the antenna. Because the path length for this pulse is longer thanthat of the LOS pulse, it is delayed in time.In Fig. 5.2, the starred peaks represent the points that are used to calculate the mean excess and rms delayspreads. Note that while several of the peaks actually span more than 2 ns (and therefore contain more than onesample point), each peak is weighted only by the single point of highest power. By doing so, each peak in thecalculations is weighted equally. From the figure, it is seen that the calculation of the PDP statistics are ex-tremely dependent on the chosen threshold as it determines the points from h(t) that are included in the calcula-tionsPropagation Channel Ray TracingFig. 5.3:  Example of received waveform differences from multipathThe term “ray tracing” is commonly used for this type of analysis that investigates the multiple paths (i.e.multipath) by which a signal takes to arrive at a receiver. Because the PulsON 200® UWB system has ex-tremely fine time resolution, ray tracing analysis can be used to correlate time-delayed pulses in the receivedwaveform directly to spatial placement of physical objects in a given environment.
38 Chapter 5:  Evaluating DataCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYThe variance of the noise can be calculated from the received waveform by making the calculation over theportion of the waveform before the pulse arrives (i.e. where there is no signal present). This calculation can begraphically shown in Fig. 5.5.The received Eb/No calculated with the measurement setup can be used as an approximation for the received Eb/No that the PulsON 200 system will encounter in a given environment. The actual received Eb/No for thePulsON 200 will be better than measured here due to the interference rejection capabilities of the PulsON 200™receiver.For a given transmitter-receiver separation do, pulses that are delayed relative to the first arriving (LOS) pulsecan be tied to a range ellipse that corresponds to the delay in time. By knowing the speed of light, the rangeellipse for each time delay can be calculated ( Fig. 5.4).Fig. 5.4:  Calculating time delays and corresponding range elipsesReceived Eb/No CalculationIn addition to propagation metrics that investigate the received peak voltage, we can also use the wirelesspropagation measurement setup to calculate an approximation to a received Eb/No. The received Eb/No can beapproximately calculated by dividing the received peak voltage squared by two times the variance of the noiseand is given by222npeakobVNEσ≈
39         Chapter 5:  Evaluating DataCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYFig. 5.5:  Graphical representation of the Eb/N0 calculation
41Appendix A: Hardware InterfaceCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYHardware InterfaceFront PanelThe front panel of the SG/T is shown in Fig. A1.Timer TriggerThis SMA connector allows you to connect an external device suchas an oscilloscope for propagation and interference studies. Thesignal provided on this line is taken at the Timer output trigger toaid in signal sampling.The trigger pulse is 14.9 ns wide and peaks at 3.4 volts.Fig. A1:  Front PanelC (Power)When illuminated this LED indicates that the unit has sufficient operating power.A Power InThe Signal Generator/Tag requires 6-9 VDC, 2 amp power input. The center pole is positive, the outer connec-tor shield is negative ground.B (Real Time Clock)When illuminated (steady), this LED indicates the Real Time Clock (RTC) is enabled.  The RTC controlstransmission events. This is a quick way of seeing if the SG/T is transmitting.LEDsA (Pulser)When illuminated (steady), this LED indicates the pulser is enabled.  No transmission will occur unless thepulser is enabled.
42 Appendix A: Hardware InterfaceCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYRear PanelThe rear panel of the SG/T  with antenna attached is shown in Fig. A2.Antenna OutThis port connects to a UWB antenna through a coax cable.  Use caution when connecting antennas. The SG/Thas  reverse polarity SMA connector. The connector on the oscilloscope receive-only antenna (200-0053) is astandard SMA connector. Trying to connect a receive antenna to the Antenna Out port can damage bothconnector parts.Fire PulserThe button on the back of the unit works only when the SG/T unit is connected to the host PC software.  Theuser then has the option of activating the single shot pulse fromthe computer or remotely from the unit’s location.     Fig.  A2:  Rear PanelPin Signal Function1-2RD Transmit Data3TD Receive Data4-5GND Signal Ground6-7RTS Awakens Signal Generator/Tag8CTS Signals that tag is ready to accept data/commands9-RS-232The RS-232 port is a standard DB-9 serial port requiring a straight-through cable to connect to either a sensoror a PC. The port is configured for 19200 baud rate, 8 data bit, no parity, and 1 stop bit (8-N-1) as shown inTable A1.Event/Cont.This switch allows you to choose from an Event driven trans-mission of a preset time interval, or a continuously transmittingsignal. In its default state as shipped, the preset interval isdisabled. The switch  functions as on Off/On switch with Eventbeing OFF. and Cont. (continuous)  being ON. Once a periodicevent has been programmed by connecting a PC switching toEvent will not turn the unit off, but will run the programmedsequence. Any setting on the switch can be overridden by thesoftware controls while the host PC is attached.Table A1:  RS-232 connector pin functions
45Appendix B: Board InterfaceCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYBoard InterfaceB AccessTo remove the casing,  you will need to remove the front panel and casing using a Phillips-head screwdriverand a 5/16 or 8 mm wrench  (Fig. B1).1. Using a 5/16 or 8 mm wrench, remove the nut and washer from the Timer Trigger SMA connector locatedon the front panel.2. Using the Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the two screws located at the bottom of the front panel.3. Remove the front panel from the unit4. Using the Phillips-head screwdriver, remove the two screws located on each side of the gray casing (fourscrews total).5. Slide the casing forward until it is clear of the internal boards .  Removing the front panel and casing willdisturb special RF seals and gaskets detailed  in the following  section. They must be saved and reinstalledin the proper position when the unit is reassembled.Fig. B1:  Removing the cover from the SG/T unit
46 Appendix B: Board InterfaceCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYCN1: RF ModuleInterface TimerFPGAReal Time ClockFPGA  EEPROMScope Trigger OutputSerial FlashRS-232driverchipThe Digital board shown in Fig. B3 provides the pulse timing control, mode control options and interfaces forthe Signal Generator/Tag. The components on the board essentially consist of the:•PulsON™ 200 Timer chip•FPGA :  200 K gate•   Real Time Clock (RTC)•   External oscillator•   Serial Flash•   RS-232 interface chip and various power supplies.•   Electronic interface and standoff support for the RF Board mounted above the digital boardThe FPGA provides the logic necessary to convert acquisition and payload code structures and modulationschemes into individually placed pulses. The PulsON 200™ Timer chip provides a precise differential control tothe RF module to initiate Pulser activity. An RS-232 interface port is provided external to the unit for interfaceto a PC for configuration control or to a sensor. Internally there is a JTAG interface used for FPGA firmwareupgrades.Special RF Emissions PrecautionsIf you open the SG/T casing, you must use care to retain and not to damage special gaskets and seals installedto eliminate unintentional RF emissions.  Note their position so they can be replaced properly (Fig. B2).Digital BoardFig. B3:  Top side of the digital board with major electronic components.Fig. B2:  RF gaskets sealing (L to R)  DB9, SMA connectors (2) and front/rear faceplatescrews (4) , Power-In connector (1)
47Appendix B: Board InterfaceCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYFig. B4:  Bottom side of the digital board with major electronic componentsEEPROMThis port is a Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) port used to program the EEPROM. It is designed to connectwith a Xilinx® Parallel Cable III or MultiLINX™ cable running the Xilinx® JTAG Programmer or iMPACTsoftware. This port is found on the digital board inside the unit as shown on the graphic below. To gain accessto this port, you must open the casing using the instructions in this section. The wiring color codes follow theXilinx® Parallel Cable III specifications. Xilinx® JTAG Programmer and iMPACT are freeware and can bedownloaded from port is a Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) port used to program the FPGA. It is designed to connect with aXilinx® Parallel Cable III or MultiLINX™ cable running the Xilinx® JTAG Programmer or iMPACT software.This port is found on the digital board inside the unit as shown on the graphic above. To gain access to thisport, you must open the casing using the instructions at the beginning of this chapter. The wiring color codesfollow the Xilinx® Parallel Cable III specifications. Xilinx® JTAG Programmer and iMPACT are freeware andcan be downloaded from to Digital Board  EEPROM6=VCC (Red)5=GND (Black)4=TCL (Yelow)3=TDO (Purple)2=TDI (White)1=TMS (Green)FPGA6=VCC (Red)5=GND (Black)4=TCL (Yelow)3=TDO (Purple)2=TDI (White)1=TMS (Green)Figure  B4 shows the bottom side of the digital board with the connectors used for external access to the FPGAand the FPGA EEPROM.
48 Appendix B: Board InterfaceCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYSignal Name Connector Pin DescriptionAntenna J1 50-ohm coaxial SMA - Antenna  I/OV_Supply CN1 -1,2,3,4 Supply voltage to RF Board,  +7 VDC nom.Ground CN1 - 5,6,7,8,9,10 Reference for Vsupply, return path for Vsupply current12, 13, 14, 16, 17,18, 21, 22, 23, 24Serial _Clk+ 3.3.VCN1 - 25CN1 - 26Pins 25-30 are dedicated to an EEPROM to carry identification andcalibration data. The chip is intended to exist in electrical isolation from otherRF circuitry, hence the dedicated +3.3Vcc and Ground returns.Serial _ DI CN1 - 27PROM_GND CN1 - 28Serial_DO CN1 - 29RF_PROM_CS CN1 - 30Pulse _Trigger_+Pulse_Trigger_-CN1 - 19CN1 _ 20Timer chip +3.3V referenced 900 mVpp differential lines with 150-ohm OddMode Impedance.  Plus exceeding Minus will fire Impulse Generator in~5ns.Pulse_Polarity CN1 - 15 3.3V CMOS logic from Timer chip which determines + or - version ofoutput impulse.Pulser_Enable CN1 - 11 A positive 3.3V CMOS logic state will power enable the Impulse  Generatorcircuit.TR_ RX_Select CN1 - 7 A positive 3.3V CMOS logic state will connect the ANTENNA to theImpulse Generator.The RF module has two broadband coaxial interfaces and a 30-pin Samtec connector. The coaxial connectionJ1 to the exterior antenna is an end-launch reverse-polarity bulkhead SMA [Johnson Components 142-4701-801]. The RF module receives its power supply and signaling through CN1, a 30-pin male Samtec connector[TFM-115-32-S-D-A] having a 0.050 inch pitch on a 2x15 grid (Table B1).For reliable operation, it is necessary that the antenna cable SMA connectors be properly torqued to between 7and 10 inch-ounces at the RF module input and that the RF module be fully seated onto the 30-pin connectorand the MMBX connector piro to securing the RF module to the digital board.Interface DefinitionsTable B1:  RF Board interface connectors with pin-outs for CN1 interface with the digital boardRF BoardThe RF board is similar, except for the Bill of Materials, to the RF board on the PulsON 200™  Evaluation Kit. The followingdescription was extracted from the PulsON 200™ Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual and refers to the RF module in the Evaluation Kit.The RF board creates UWB transmit pulses centered on 3.7 GHz (Rev.B, Rev. C) and passes them to anexterior antenna. It sits on top of the digital board and connects to the digital board via the RF module interfaceconnector.
49Appendix B: Board InterfaceCOMPANY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYImpulse Generator (Pulser)The Impulse Generator creates precisely timed transmitted impulses on command from the Timer chip.Circuit DescriptionsPulse flippingcircuitImpulse generatorcircuitryJ1--SMA connector toantennaFig. B5:  Top side of the RF board showing major pulse generating sectionsThe impulse generator uses a Step Recovery Diode (SRD) to create a very fast output transition. In operation,this diode receives a pulsed forward-bias to place a charge in its junction followed by a quick extraction of thatcharge. This creates a large and fast L*dI/dt output swing when the diode goes to its high impedance state(snap in historic parlance).At the time when the diode snaps, the transition is temporally and spectrally shaped by an impulse formingnetwork. From there the impulse passes on to the Pulse Inverter. The Pulser_Enable signal line can be used toturn off the generator and place it into a sleep mode.Pulse Inverter (Flipper)The Pulse Inverter’s function is to create and select either of two mirror-image versions of the impulse input forpassing on to the T/R switch and antenna. It consists of a distributed implementation of an unbalanced-bal-anced transformer followed by a selector switch.The incoming impulse is initially ground referenced. After transitioning to a double slot-line structure, itpropagates as a balanced signal. When the impulse reaches the end of this slotline at the open-circuit termina-tion it couples to an orthogonal co-planar waveguide (CPW) line that divides the signal into two equal andopposite impulses traveling outward from this node.After counter-propagating on the CPW around this hole, a terminating broadband GaAs SP2T switch (U12) isused to select which of the plus or minus versions of the impulse is to be passed on to the antenna. ThePulse_Polarity signal line controls this selection.Polarity switch

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