Hytera Communications Z1PF5 TETRA Terminal User Manual

Hytera Communications Corporation Ltd. TETRA Terminal Users Manual

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Users Manual

12PrefaceThanks for your favor in our product. To derive optimum performance from the product, please read this  manual,  the  corresponding  TETRA  Terminal  Series  Feature  Book  and  the  Safety  Information Booklet carefully before use. This manual is applicable to the following model: Z1p TETRA Portable Terminal
13TermIndividual Call A half-duplex or full-duplex call initiated  by  an  individual  user to another individual user.Group Call A  half-duplex  call  initiated  by an individual user to a group. Half-duplexHalf-duplex  communication  is also called “two-way alternate communication”.  It  indicates the communication  is provided in both directions, but only one direction at a time, that is, only one party is allowed to transmit or receive at a time. Full-duplex Full-duplex  communication is  also  call ed  “fu ll-du plex synchronous communication”. It indicates the  communication is  allowed  in  both  directions simultaneously,  that  is,  both p a r t i e s  c a n  tr a n s m i t  a n d receive at the same time. Direct Mode Operation (DMO) DM O  su pp or ts  half-duplex o p erati o n  a n d  a l l o w s  t he ter mi nal s  to  co mmu ni cat e directly with each other, without u s i n g  a  T E T R A  n e t w o r k infrastructure.  Thus  functions that  require  network  access, such as telephone  call,  will be unavailable. Trunked Mode Operation (TMO)TMO  s up ports  e ither  h alf-duplex  or  full-duplex  operation a n d  a l l o w s  t h e  t e r m i n a l s to  c om municate  w it h  ea ch other  via  the TETRA network infrastructure.  Thus  functions that require network access are available.  To  operate  in  TMO mode,  the  terminal must  be granted  authorization  by  your service provider, and must stay within the network coverage. DisclaimerHytera  Communications  Co.,  Ltd.  (the  Company) e n d e a v o r s   t o   a c h i e v e   t h e   a c c u r a c y  a n d completeness  of  this  manual,  but  no  warranty  of accuracy  or  reliability  is  given. All  the  specifications and designs are subject to change without notice due to  continuous  technology  development.  No  part  of this  manual  may  be  copied,  modified,  translated,  or distributed in any manner without the express written permission of us.We  do  not  guarantee,  for  any  particular  purpose, the  accuracy,  validity,  timeliness,  legitimacy  or comple teness  of  t he  Th ird  Party  p roducts  and contents involved in this manual.If  you  have  any  suggestions  or  would  like  to  learn more details, please  visit our  website at: http://www.hytera.com.
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Document ID2597580
Application IDubFy5WxTMl+SFDzFnmOdUA==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize202.64kB (2532967 bits)
Date Submitted2015-04-27 00:00:00
Date Available2015-04-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-10-06 21:01:11
Producing SoftwareGPL Ghostscript 9.18
Document Lastmod2017-10-06 21:01:11
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorAdobe InDesign CS5 (7.0.2)

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