Hyundai Electronics Co HD-MIC1900 User Manual cover

Hyundai Electronics Industries Co Ltd cover

Users Manual

USER’S MANUALfor HD-BSC 960 and HD-MIC 19001999. 3Copyright  1999 Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be used orreproduced in any means without the prior written permission ofthe copyright holders.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIALTable of ContentsChapter 1.  System Overview1.1  Purpose of this document1.2  Features of Hyundai CDMA System1.3  Overview  Chapter 2.  BSC Basics  2.1  System Overview and Specification2.1.1  Overview2.1.2  Specifications and Characteristics2.2  H/W Structure and Function2.2.1  Overview2.2.2  Structure of Subsystem2.3  S/W Structure and Function2.3.1  Overview2.3.2  StructureChapter 3.  BSM Operation & Administration3.1  BSM Operation  3.1.1  Overview3.1.2  Main Display Structure3.1.3  Main Button3.1.4  Command Buttons3.1.5  Service Button3.1.6  Operations of “Alarm” window3.2  System Status Management  3.2.1  System Status Test3.2.2  System Diagnosis3.2.3  Statistics3.3  Data Management   3.3.1  Access Channel Parameter3.3.2  Access Parameter
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    1-1Chapter 1  System Overview1.1  Purpose of this documentThis chapter contains description of Hyundai Micro-BTS PCS System that is operating on800MHz and 1.9GHz frequency band, repectively.1.2  Features of Hyundai CDMA SystemThere are two sub-systems in Hyundai CDMA system ; Micro-BTS and BSC. BSCinterfaces with switching equipment and has roles of vocoding and call processing. Micro-BTS is functionally located between MS (Mobile Station) and BSC. Hyundai Micro-BTShas channel resource unit and radio frequency RF unit similar to the conventional 3-SectorBTS. Contrary to conventional 3-Sector BTS, Hyundai Micro-BTS is small in size, easilycan be installed and maintained, and is very cheap in cost.1.3  OverviewHyundai Micro-BTS system can support 2FA/3Sector using 2 racks, but Micro-BTS systemis composed of 1FA/3sector system for the FCC authorization. Thus this manual willdescribe all of the specifications based on 1FA/3sector system.The system configuration is shown in Figure 1.1. In this configuration, there are 1 BSC and3 Micro-BTS systems. Each Micro-BTS system is separately located in 3 sites. Micro-BTScan use 2 types of antenna subsystem, RRU (Remote RF Unit) and AAU (Active AntennaUnit). RRU is connected to Micro-BTS main system through AIU (Antenna Interface Unit)and AAU through AIDU (Active Internal Distribution Unit). In case of trunk line, we haveseveral solutions, T1 and E1. We use T1 trunk line in USA. It means that we do not useHLEA but HLTA as trunk card.BSM manages and maintains Micro-BTS and BSC. It communicates with each system bytransmitting and receiving packets through LCIN. Its features include performancemanagement, configuration management, fault management, etc..
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                                                             1-2RRU-B1DEC, 8, 1998System Configuration for Test_Bed1x T1 leased line1x T1 leased line 1x T1 leased lineGPS AntennaMBTR1RFUAIU-B1RPUGPS AntennaMBTR1RFUAIU-B1RPUGPS AntennaMBTR1RFURPUAIU-B1MBTR : Micro-BTS RackDU : Digital UnitBMP : BTS Main ProcessorTFU : Time & Frequency UnitRFU : Radio Frequency UnitRPU : Rectifier Power UnitAIU : Antenna Interface UnitRRU : Remote RF UnitGPS : Global Positioning SystemMSC : Mobile Switching CenterBSC : Base Station ControllerBSM : Base Station ManagerBSMGPS AntennaMSC(Switch)MSC RACKFANUFANUBSC-GPSCCPTSBLCINFANUACPGCINBSC_COMRDU BMP TFUDU BMP TFU DU BMP TFUACPCSBRRU-B1 RRU-B1Figure 1.1 Configuration of system for field trial
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3.3.3  Information of Micro-BTS Configuration3.3.4  Base Station CDMA Environment3.3.5  Base Station CDMA Information3.3.6  Base Station Channel List Message3.3.7  Extended System Parameter Information3.3.8  Forward Link Power Information3.3.9  Paging Channel Parameter3.3.10  Psync Channel Parameter3.3.11  RFC Parameter3.3.12  Forward Link Power Control Data3.3.13  Reverse Link Power Control Data3.3.14  Base Station Cell Information3.3.15  Corresponding Sector Information of Micro-BTS3.3.16  Sync Channel Message3.3.17  System Parameter3.3.18  System Parameter Message3.3.19  Traffic Channel Parameter3.4  Call Processing System  3.4.1  Overview3.4.2  Call Processing Flow3.4.3  Call Trace3.4.4  Call Release Reason and StateChapter 4.  BSC References  4.1  Rack Configuration4.2  DIP Switch & Strap4.2.1  Summary4.2.2  Purpose4.2.3  Address Setting in Common4.2.4  MCDA (Main Control & Duplication board Assembly-A1)4.2.5  CIFA-A1 (Cin Interface Function board Assembly-A1)4.2.6  HICA-A2 (High capacity Ipc Control board Assembly-A2)4.2.7  HRNA-A2 (High capacity Routing Node Assembly-A2)
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4.2.8  HNTA-A2 (High capacity ipc Node & T1 interface Assembly-A2)4.2.9  TFSA-A1 (Time & Frequency Split Assembly-A1)4.2.10  TSGA-A1 (Time & frequency Splitting Generation Assembly-A1)4.2.11  TFDA-A1 (Time & Frequency Distribution Assembly-A1)4.2.12  VSIA-C1 (Vocoder Selector Interface Assembly-C1)4.2.13  VSOA-A1 (Vocoder Selector Operation Assembly-A1)4.2.14  CHBB-A1 (Cin Hipc Back Board-A1)4.2.15  CCBB-A1 (CCp Back wiring Board-A1)4.2.16  ACPA-A1 (Alarm Control Processor Assembly-A1)4.2.17  SDBB-A1 (CKd Split & Distributed Back Board-A1)4.2.18  TSBB-A1 (TSb Back Board-A1)4.2.19  BABB-A1 (Bsc Alarm Back Board-A1)4.2.20  HSBB-A1 (HIPC Small BackBoard-A1)4.3  LED Descriptions4.4  Command List4.5  AcronymChapter 5.  Micro-BTS Basics  5.1  System Overview and Specification5.1.1  Overview5.1.2  Functions5.1.3  System Specification5.2  Micro-BTS Structure and Configuration5.2.1  Micro-BTS Structure5.2.2  Micro-BTS Block Configuration5.3  H/W Structure and Function  5.3.1  BMP5.3.2  DU5.3.3  TFU5.3.4 RFU5.3.5 Antenna Subsystem (AIU-RRU, AIDU-AAU)5.3.6 BTU5.3.7  RPU
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL5.4  S/W Structure and Function5.4.1  Overview5.4.2  Basic Functions5.5  AbbreviationsChapter 6.  Micro-BTS References  6.1  Rack Configuration6.1.1  MBTR I (1.9GHz)6.1.2  MBTR I (800MHz)6.2  DIP Switch and Strap6.2.1  Summary6.2.2  Purpose6.2.3  Address Setting in Common6.2.4  BMPA-B16.2.5  CDCA-B16.2.6  BICA-B16.2.7  HLTA-B16.3  LED Descriptions6.3.1  BMP6.3.2  DU6.3.3  TFU6.3.4  RPU6.4  Alarm Source List6.5  Abbreviations
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-1Chapter 2  BSC Basics2.1  System Overview and Specification2.1.1  OverviewBSC is located between MSC and BTS. It carries out a wire/wireless link control function,handoff function and transcoding function. And it is made up of a LCIN, GCIN, TSB, CCP,CSB, CKD, BSC-GPS, and BSM block. [Refer to Fig.2.1].BTS0BTS1BTS59LCINCCP CSBTSBACP CKDBTS BSC MSCBSM Others BSCT1T1T1T1T1IPC IPC IPC IPCIPCIPCIPCGCINIPCBSC-GPSFigure 2.1 Configuration of BSCEach block does following functions.• BSM is a system used to operate the entire BSC and BTS, to manage their resources,status and configuration, and to execute the user interface, and maintenance. It consistsof a SUN Sparc Workstation and the various types of input/output devices for enhancinguser's convenience.• LCIN is a network that provides the communication paths of packet-type data betweensubsystems. LCIN routes and transmits packet data within BSC and it has trunk interfacefunction between BSC and BTS.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-2• GCIN is a network that provides the communication paths of packet-type data betweenLCINs. GCIN also provides the communication path between BSM and other processor.• CCP is a processor system that carries out the call processing and soft-handoffprocessing function for entire BSC, allocates wireless resource of BSC, and controlsoverload of vocoders and the main processor of BSC.• CSB converts the IPC protocol of CCP into the No.7 protocol to access to MSC throughthe trunk of TSB block.• BSC-GPS is a system for providing the reference time used in the CDMA system. CKDconverts the clocks received from BSC-GPS and then, distributes synchronizationsignals required for the system.• ACP collects the various types of alarm status in BSC and then, reports them to BSM inorder to carry out system O & M efficiently.• TSB is connected to MSC with T1 trunk. TSB converts the PCM voice signal of 64Kbpsreceived through this with the QCELP algorithm and it sends the converted signal to thechannel unit of BTS. In addition, it carries out the reverse function of the above.Moreover, after being linked to the BTS, it executes a handoff function and power controlfunction on radio link.2.1.2 Specifications and Characteristics2.1.2.1  Specifications of BSC(1) Capacities • Number of controlled BTS : 60BTS/BSC • Number of voice channel : 960 CH/BSC • Number of BSC which are inter-accessible : 12BSC/MSC • Maximum capable subscribers : 30,000 subscribers/BSC (Br 1%, 0.03Erlang)(2) Link protocol
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-3 • BSC-MSC LinkT1 for TrafficSS No.7 for signaling & control (ITU-T STD) • BTS-BSC LinkUn-channelized T1(3) Power • DC - 48 V • Integration of storage battery is possible.(4) Specification of LCIN • Up to 112 T1 Trunk to BTS • Function of Remote Loop-back • Function of transmit/receive of Remote alarm(5) Specification of CCP & CSB • Use 32bit Main Processor • Interface function with LCIN • Interface to MSC(6) Specification of TSB • Interface to MSC with T1 • Accepts 48 Transcoding channel per TSB • 12 Vocoder Channels/Channel Card(7) Specification of GCIN • 4 links to a LCIN • Up to 12 LCIN connection capability • RS-422 links for LCIN links, BSM and other processors(8) Specification of BSM • Main Frame : Use commercial workstation • Main Processor : SPARC Processor processing rate more than 80MIPS • Main Memory : more than 64Mbyte • Hard Disk : more than 2Gbyte • Tape Drive : more than 150Mbyte • Parallel Port : Connect with High Speed Printer • HDLC Card : support the rate more than 2.048Mbps and functions of X.25               connection
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-4 • Audio I/O Port : supply alarm function • Software : Motif/X11, Informix DBMS2.1.2.2  Characteristics(1) Distributed control structure and duplication of main part(2) Using the link that is capable of high reliability and high speed data transmit(3) Increasing the trunk efficiency by packet transmit(4) Real-time processing of system by real-time OS
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-52.2  H/W Structure and Function2.2.1  OverviewHardware structure of BSC is shown in Fig.2.2 and traffic and data communication isaccomplished in connection with BTS, CCP, CSB, TSB, BSC-GPS & ACP and BSM withplacing LCIN and GCIN as a Packet Router. For interconnection between BSC, extensionof system is possible using private Router (HRNA-A2). Therefore, structure is designedthat soft handoff is possible between BTSs controlled by different BSCsBSMT1T1T1BSC-GPSHICA HRNAHRNAHRNAHICAHRNAHRNAHRNAHRNA HRNAHRNAHRNAHRNALCINACPMCDA CIFACCPMCDACIFACSBCKD0 1 31VSOAVSOAVSOAVSIASYSTEM BUSST-BUSTSBGCINIPC IPCIPCIPCIPCTo/From MSCTo/FromBTS0~BTS59T1IPCFigure 2.2 H/W Structure of BSC
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-62.2.2  Structure of Subsystem2.2.2.1  LCIN (Local CDMA Interconnection Network)LCIN receives Packet Data transmitted by each subsystem connected to BSC and routesthe Packet Data to destination address that are added in overhead of Packet.(1) Functions of LCIN• CDMA Traffic Information Routing between BTS and TSB• Information Routing between BTS, CCP.• Internal information Routing among TSB, CCP, CSB, TFGA-A1 and ACP(2) H/W Structure of LCINAfter LCIN converts Packet Data which are inputted by each subsystem in BSC to16-bit parallel data, analyzes Packet Address and converts them again to Serial datavia internal Routing and routes them to corresponding subsystem. LCIN consists ofHICA-A2, HRNA-A2, HNTA-A2 and backboard CHBB-A1 card.1) HICA-A2 (High-performance IPC Control Board Assembly-A2)HICA-A2 performs network management functions of LCIN that is made up ofnodes providing communication path between processor of BSC and BTS.For management of communication network, LCIN have control and maintenancechannel (M-BUS) responsible for fault processing and node status monitoring andcommunication channel (U-Link) with other processor.  HICA-A2 generates BUSarbitration control signal between nodes of D-BUS and exchanges common bus fordata of each node. HICA-A2 performs each PBA’s status management andmaintenance of LCIN block, and status management and maintenance of Link.2) HRNA-A2 (High performance IPC Routing Node Assembly-A2)HRNA-A2 have 8 Nodes. It is a PBA having the function of node that is basic unit ofIPC (Inter Processor Communication) in LCIN. HRNA-A2 is an interface board bywhich each subsystem can be accessed to LCIN. After converting the packet datathat are inputted through RS-422 parallel interface, it outputs the converted data onpacket bus (D-BUS) of LCIN according to the routing control signal of HICA-A2.HRNA-A2 performs that extracts 3 bytes destination address of Packet Data that isloaded on D-Bus and accepts the packet only if the compared result of destinationaddress of Packet Data with node address of itself are equal, then converts it toserial type and transmits it to each subsystem.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-7HRNA-A2 performs the functions that receives control command from HICA-A2 andreports the status of HRNA-A2 using dualized serial control bus (M-BUS).HRNA-A2 has the functions that detects various fault per node and D-BUS faultoccurs in operation, and reports detected faults to HICA-A2 through M-BUS.HRNA-A2 performs fault recovery functions by initializing fault detected node andswitching of D-BUS.3) HNTA-A2 (High Performance IPC Node & T1 trunk interface Board Assembly-A2)HNTA-A2 is used for linking T1 trunk in LCIN. BSC and BTS are accessed eachother through Digital Trunk and HNTA-A2 performs link functions of T1 Trunk Line.HNTA-A2 performs functions of Node and link of Trunks simultaneously, and have 8node and 8 T1 digital trunk interface.HNTA-A2 performs the functions that receives control command from HICA-A2through M-BUS and exchanges packet between node through D-BUS.HNTA-A2 performs the functions that tries to recover by fault detection of D-BUSand monitors and reports the status of Trunk.(3) Structure Diagram of LCIN• LCIN consists of Routing functions based on BSC unit.• LCIN consists of BTS link interface functions using T1 Trunk Line.The following Fig.2.3 describes structure diagram of LCINHICA-A2HICA-A2 HRNA-A2HRNA-A2T1Data Bus (D-Bus)Data Bus (D-Bus)Maintenance Bus (M-Bus)Maintenance Bus (M-Bus)U-LinkU-LinkHNTA-A2HNTA-A2BSC Blocks & UnitsBSC Blocks & UnitsBTSBTSu-linkFigure 2.3 Structure Diagram of LCIN
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-8(4) Address SystemLCIN uses 3 byte address system enough to process traffic resources in BS (BTS &BSC).  TSB (Transcoding & Selector Bank)(1) Functions of TSB• CCP by MSC allocates resources when call setup• provides information about code transition by mobile and registration in the process ofcall processing• removes vocoder when call releases• corresponding Card to Channel Element of BTS• performs vocoder functions of voice• performs functions of Rate Adaptation of Data and Coder/Decoder• performs function of Selection for Soft-Handoff• performs Power Control functions (Forward Power Control & Open Loop PowerControl)(2) Hardware structure of TSB• TSB consists of VSIA-C1 connected to LCIN and VSOA-A1 mounted with vocoder• has 92 Transcoding Channel per TSB 1Unit (T1)• VSIA-C1 performs functions that receives serial Packet data inputted from LCIN,converts to parallel data, transmits to VSOA-A1 mounted with vocoder, receives datavocoded in VSOA-A1 and converted to PCM type through ST-BUS, makes datamultiplex and transmits to MSC.• VSOA-A1 is mounted with 12 vocoder performs functions that converts QCELP PacketData to PCM Voice Code and PCM Voice Code to QCELP Packet Data.(3) Structure Diagram of TSBThe following Fig.2.4 describes structure diagram of TSB
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-9ROUTERI/F MCUAM29240DSPModuleDSPModuleDSPModuleDSPModuleROUTERI/F MCUAM29240DSPModuleDSPModuleDSPModuleDSPModuleROUTERI/FCPUMC68360T1HDLCMSC ALMLCIN CKD2 T1ST-BUSST-BUSST-BUSRS-422 VSIA-C1VSOA-A1Figure 2.4 Structure Diagram of TSB2.2.2.3  CCP (Call Control Processor)(1) Functions of CCP• performs all of call processing related control functions of BSC• exchanges CDMA related information among BTS, TSB and MSC• controls Soft-Handoff and Hard-Handoff• supports Paging• controls overload and manages TSB(2) Hardware structure of CCP, CSBCCP consists of main processor MCDA and CIFA responsible for inter-processorcommunication with HRNA in LCIN.When using No.7 Signaling mode, CCP system is connected to CSB block throughCIFA-A1 via LCIN block and CSB block transfers this message to MSC through Trunkafter converting this message appropriate for No.7 Protocol.   1) MCDA (Main Control Duplication Assembly)MCDA communicates with CIFA-A1 using MPS-bus. It is responsible forcommunication with dualized block. If Power of MCDA is ON, Booter operates, and
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-10MCDA determines whether active or standby of itself through S channel of MFP inresult of negotiation with other MCDA and requests loading. If MCDA operatesnormally after OS Loading, MCDA controls call processing and manages Selector.2) CIFA-A1 (CIN Interface Board Assembly)CIFA-A1 is an interface board responsible for communication with external and hasfunctions of MPS-bus link and direct DATA communication with CIN block.For connection with LCIN, CIFA-A1 transmits and receives control information usingAddress Decoding & Zero insertion/deletion, CRC generation and check functionthrough HDLC Protocol.3) Structure Diagram of CCP, CSBThe following Fig.2.5 describes structure of CCPLCINVSIA-C1CIFA-A1MCDAMSCFigure 2.5 Structure of CCP2.2.2.5  BSC-GPS/CKD (Clock Distributor)(1) Functions of BSC-GPS/CKD• BSC-GPS block is located in CMNR of BSC (Base Station Controller). When 1PPS and10MHz from GBSU-A1 (GPS) are inputted to TFSA-A1, then it converts and distributesthem into clock necessary in BSC, and provides them through TFDA-A1 to TSB andLCIN. Number of providing clocks is 16 in minimum and 32 clocks in maximum.• Distributed Clock : 4.096MHz, 2.048MHz, 1.544MHz, FP (8KHz), FOI (8KHz), 50Hz,1Hz(2) Hardware structure of BSC-GPS/CKDBSC-GPS/CKD consists of GPS Receiver, TFSA-A1 that receives clock, Clock
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-11generator (TFGA-A1) and Clock distributor (TFDA-A1).The structure Diagram of CKD is shown in Figure 2.7.GPSRECEIVER-A TFSA-A1 TFGA-A1BSMTFDATSB or CIN16CLK PORTHDLCRS-422TODClocksRS-422Figure 2.7 Structure Diagram of CKD
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-  ACP (Alarm Control Processor)(1) Structure and Functions of ACPACP block is located in BSC (Base Station Controller) and has functions of collectingalarm sources of each subsystem by H/W and reporting to BSM by S/W. This block ismounted one per one BSC and one ACP block is mounted on a ACPA-A1 board andcan monitor 26 alarm ports in maximum. Each alarm port is connected to eachsubsystem of BSC more than one and monitors OFF-FAIL of important board andpower module.If system extends and number of alarm port is increased, additional ACP blocks can bemounted.(2) Structure Diagram of ACP   The following Fig.2.8 describes structure diagram of ACPACPA-A1 BSMLCINCCP LCIN CKD TSBAlarm InformationIPC-HDLC                   Figure 2.8 Structure Diagram of ACP2.2.2.7  GCIN (Global CDMA Interconnection Network)GCIN receives Packet Data transmitted by each subsystem connected to GCIN . GCINalso receives Packet Data transmitted from a LCIN to other LCIN. GCIN routes the PacketData to destination address which are added in overhead of Packet.(1) Functions of GCIN• CDMA Traffic Information Routing between LCINs• Information Routing between LCINs and BSM.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-13• Internal information Routing among TFSA-A1, HICA-A2 , BSM. (2) H/W Structure of GCIN GCIN converts Packet Data which are inputted by each link from LCIN or subsystemsin GCIN to 16-bit parallel data, GCIN analyzes Packet Address and converts themagain to Serial data via internal Routing and routes them to corresponding subsystemor links. GCIN consists of HICA-A2, HRNA-A2, and backboard HSBB-A1 card.  1) HICA-A2 (High-performance IPC Control Board Assembly-A2) HICA-A2 performs network management functions of GCIN which is made up ofnodes providing communication path between processor of BSC and BTS. For management of communication network, GCIN has control and maintenancechannel (M-BUS) responsible for fault processing and node status monitoring andcommunication channel (U-Link) with other processor. HICA-A2 generates BUSarbitration control signal between nodes of D-BUS, common bus for data exchangeof each node. HICA-A2 performs each PBA’s status management and maintenanceof LCIN block, and status management and maintenance of Link. 2) HRNA-A2 (High performance IPC Routing Node Assembly-A2) HRNA-A2 has 8 Nodes. It is a PBA having the function of node which is basic unit ofIPC (Inter Processor Communication) in GCIN. HRNA-A2 is an interface board bywhich each subsystem can be accessed to GCIN. After converting the packet datawhich are inputted through RS-422 parallel interface, it outputs the converted dataon packet bus (D-BUS) of GCIN according to the routing control signal of HICA-A2. HRNA-A2 performs that extracts 3 bytes destination address of Packet Data whichare loaded on D-Bus and accepts the packet only if the compared results ofdestination address of Packet Data with node address of itself are equal, thenconverts it to serial type and transmits it to each subsystem. HRNA-A2 performs the functions that receives control command from HICA-A2 andreports the status of HRNA-A2 using dualized serial control bus (M-BUS). HRNA-A2 have the functions that detects various fault per node and D-BUS faultoccurs in operation, and reports detected faults to HICA-A2 through M-BUS. HRNA-A2 performs fault recovery functions by initializing fault detected node andswitching of D-BUS.  (3) Structure Diagram of GCIN• GCIN consists of Routing functions between LCINs.• GCIN consists of Routing functions between subsystems in GCIN.The following Fig.2.9 describes structure diagram of GCIN
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-14HICA-A2HICA-A2 HRNA-A2HRNA-A2T1/E1Data Bus (D-Bus)Data Bus (D-Bus)Maintenance Bus (M-Bus)Maintenance Bus (M-Bus)U-LinkU-LinkHNTA-A2/HNTA-A2/HNEA-A2HNEA-A2BSC Blocks & UnitsBSC Blocks & UnitsBTSBTSu-linkFigure 2.9 Structure Diagram of GCIN(4) Address SystemGCIN uses 3 byte address system enough to process traffic resources in BS (BTS &BSC).
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-152.3  S/W Structure and Function2.3.1  OverviewSoftware of CCP and TSB consists of an operation and maintenance Software and acontrol and resource management Software of each subsystem.Software of BSM can largely be divided into an operation function and a general function.The operation function consists of a software taking charge of system loading, systemstructure management and performance management and a software taking charge ofmaintenance function that detects, isolates and recovers abnormally-running device.The general function consists of software taking charge of data communication function,data management function, and manager link function.2.3.2  Structure2.3.2.1  CCP Software(1) CCOX (Call Control eXecution)• Origination and Termination call processing processed by the unit of Process CCOXregisters and manages their call by the unit of Process and releases Process by CallRelease function.• Origination call processing, in case of receiving Call Request of Handset from BS,allocates selector and ensures traffic channel by using resource allocation functionand requests Call Setup to MSC. If the approval from MSC is identified, Call Setup ofOrigination call processing is completed• Termination call processing, in case of receiving Paging Request from MSC, allocatesselector and ensures traffic channel by using resource allocation function andcompletes Call Setup of termination call processing• Origination and Termination Call Release are performed in case of requesting CallRelease by telephone network subscriber or Handset, and cause Call Path andwireless channel and inform it of data processing function• also, performs designated path CALL SETUP and CALL TRACE function
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-16(2) CDAX (CCP Database Access eXecution)• It is a library that supplies various functions able to read, write and access the   operation information in CCP and the PLD saving configuration information.(3) CRAX (CCP Resource Allocation eXecution)• initialization of configuration information of CCP• statistics library supply• available call resource library supply(4) CMMX (CCP Measurement Manager eXecution)This block has a function for measurement and statistics processing.• statistics data collection & measurement• statistics data report• linking with call processing S/W & library call• statistics count decision  (event collection /accumulation/totalization)(5) CDIAX (CCP DIAgnosis eXecution)It consists of diagnostic function and performance drop prevention function bydiagnosis in initialization and system operation• diagnosis for process, Device, path• automatic diagnosis for vocoder and link(6) CSHX (CCP Status Handling eXecution)It consists of functions for state management of system• processor state checking• management of vocoder and link state• information supply for available resource(7) CRMX (CCP Resource Management eXecution))It consists of functions for resource configuration management• configuration control of resource• resource data processing by MMC• common data (BCP&CCP Common Data) loading and data display(8) CPLX (CCP Process Loader eXecution)It consists of initial Loading and Loading function in operation.• Start and Restart of initial system
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-17• Start and Restart of process• Stand-by Loading• initialization (data initialization, process initialization and state identification)  Software Structure of CCPThe following Fig.2.10 describes S/W structure of CCPCCOX CRMXCDAXCSHXCDIAXCMMXCPLXCRAXPLDFigure 2.10 S/W Structure of CCP2.3.2.3  TSB S/W StructureTSB S/W (from now on, SVPX) is the S/W block driven over VSOA board, since twoProcessors exist in one board, each Processor process six channels. SVPX processestraffics and signals coming from Mobile, CE and CCP. SVPX consists of following Tasks.[Refer to Fig.2.11]
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-18VocoderCall proc TaskLayer2 Task29K DriverMain TaskCCP msgroutineRx Int ServerHandoff TaskTx Int ServerPower ControlTaskVoiceSignalBTS(CE)CCPFigure 2.11 TSB S/W Structure(1) 29K DriverAs initial Task after SVPX is loaded , it initializes processor and plays an interface rolebetween AP and Devices. Other tasks are processed over this Driver(2) Main TaskIf main task takes over control from Driver,  it initializes Queue and Vocoder state andgenerates task and initializes it.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-19(3) Rx Interrupt ServerTraffic Frame transmits and receives one frame every 20msec per call. Some ofreverse frame coming from Mobile every 20msec contain a vocoded voice data and aCAI  (Common Air Interface) message for call processing. The Voice data is transmitted into Vocoder, the CAI message is transmitted intoCallproc Task, and control message coming from CE is also transmitted into CallprocTask.Rx Interrupt server estimates frame quality by Quality Metric value and transmits thatinto Reverse Power Control, practices Rx Frame Selection in case of handoff.(4) Tx Interrupt ServerIt makes Forward Frame every 20ms and also transmits that. In case of handoff, itmulticasts to maximum three BTSs.(5) Layer2 TaskIt processes ACK_SEQ, MSG_SEQ and ACK_REQ field of respective message toaccomplish reliable message exchange between Mobile, CE and BS.It processes Ack of a receiving message and retransmits a transmitting message incase  of necessity(6) Callproc TaskIt performs appropriate call processing according to signal from Mobile, CE and CCP.(7) Handoff TaskIn case of processing control message related to Handoff, it is according to handoffdecision of CCP. And it performs corresponding handoff type. Handoff type is largelydivided into SOFTER H/O, SOFT H/O and HARD H/O.(8) Power Control TaskAccording to PMRM (Power Measurement Report Message) or Erasure Indicator Bitcoming from Mobile, it performs Forward Power Control indicating Forward TrafficChannel Gain adjustment into CE every 20ms and indicates Reverse Traffic Poweradjustment of Mobile through CE every 1.25ms, after checking FER of Reverse TrafficFrame2.3.2.4 BSM Software
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-20(1) CDMX (Configuration Data Manager eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA CDMX block manages some data such as operation parameter requested toperform Inherent function of BTS and BSC subsystems and hardware placementinformation. Also, the CDMX receives a command through manager link in BSM tosupply coherence of data alternation and adaptation and processes that. And theCDMX saves the processed result in database and reports it to manager.The CDMX consists of a CDM_interface unit which makes corresponding functionwork by analyzing the message received from UIM (User Interface Manager), aPLD_access unit for PLD access and a Data_send unit for data transmission intosubsystem. After classifying the received message, The CDMX process thecommand and sends the processing result to UIM2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.12 describes CDMX block flowchart.a. informs BIM that CDM is in normal state.b. sends the processing results received from UIM for mamager's command fordata processing.c. In case of Data Change Request, send data to the CRM and receive result.d. receives a PLD Change Request Message from the APPe. sends processing result to the APP.BIM UMH BSM APPsCDMCRM UIMPLDacebd
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-21Figure 2.12 CDMX block flowchart
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-22(2) SLX (System Loader Execution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionDuring initialization of CCP and ACP subsystem, a SLX loads application blocksperformed in CDMA system into CCP and ACP. The SLX renew database tomanage loading history according to location information and state of system loadedin case of performing loading of each subsystem.Function related to CCP out of Subsystem Restart and Block Switch function byMMC is processed by CPL. Function related to BCP, SIP and SVP is performed byinter-working with CPL, Booter of BCP, SIP, SVP, and PL. It supplies a loadinghistory by MMC for manager.Also, The SLX removes specific block out of application  blocks performed in eachsubsystem or adds application block to specific subsystem.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.13 describes SLX block flowchart.CDM UIM FLMSLCBOOT ACP BOOTCPLFigure 2.13 SLX Block Flowchart(3) SMMX (Statistics Measurement Manager eXecution)1) Block summary and working functionA SMMX block requests BSC system to measure performance data. The SMMXprocesses statistics of the measured data, saves it and outputs it. Also, the SMMXoutputs statistics report output according to user’s request by using a periodically
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-23receiving performance data in BSC system. The SMMX can stop and start themeasurement on system.Software unit of SMM block consists of Command Processing Part, Signal MessageFormat Processing Part, Screen Output Format Part, and Database ProcessingPart. Command Processing Part processes command inputted by manager. SignalMessage Format Processing Part formats the signal message which will betransmitted. Signal Message Unformatting Processing Part unformats the signalmessage. Screen Output Format Part outputs a statistical data on the BSMmessage output window. Database Processing Part manages the statisticaldatabase.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.14 describes SMMX block flowchart.SMM blockMessage QueueBIM blockMessage QueueMessage QueueDCIblock UIM blockStatistics  DatabaseMemory MapFigure 2.14 SMMX Block Flowchart
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-24(4) FLMX (FauLt Management eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA FLMX block has functions which process a fault and alarm message caused atBTS and BSC system. The received fault message of the FLMX block is related tothe Fault detected by test and maintenance function of BTS and BSC system. If thestate of fault is serious (i.e. fault classified into alarm), the FLMX informs manager ofthat by driving a message and an audible and visible alarm after decidingcorresponding alarm grade. If the FLMX receives a command from manager, theFLMX  initializes the database that has the current state information of alarm. Alsothe FLMX initializes a database for visible alarm which appears at the terminal anda database for audible alarm.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.15 describes FLMX block flowchart.a. receipt of manager’s command from UIM block and report of result.b. report Alarm and Fault processing result to OFH block .c. send signal to STM block.d. receipt of GPS state alarm from the SCM blocke. receipt of H/W alarm from ACP blockf. receipt of alarm from CINg. receipt of LCIN S/W alarm from CCPh. receipt of BTS S/W alarm from BMP
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-25FLMUIM OFHSCMBMPGCINACPCCPa bc deg fhSTMBSMBSMBSCBSC Micro-BTSMicro-BTSFigure 2.15 FLMX Block Flowchart(5) TSMX (TeSt Manager eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA TSMX block tests for the fault diagnosis of BTS and  BSC system. The TSMXconsists of a unit which analyzes command of manager, a  unit which packs to sendthe analyzed message to corresponding subsystem, a unit which analyzes aexecution result transmitted from subsystem and a unit for accessing database.Also, the TSMX consists of a Temporary Processor executed by manager’s requestand a Permanent Processor which performs data management and processing of areceiving message.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.16 describes TSMX block flowchart.a. Test Request for DEVICEb. Response for DEVICE Test Requestc. Test Request for BTS LINK and Channel Elementd. Response for BTS LINK and Channel Element Test Requeste. Test Request for Vocoderf. Response for Vocoder Test Requestg. Request for virtual call test and BTS output adjustment
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-26h. Virtual test and BTS output adjustment resulti. Virtual Call Set up Request and BTS output adjustment Requestj. Virtual Call Set up and BTS output adjustment resultk. BTS output adjustment Requestl. BTS output adjustment resultm. antenna test, remote call test and test terminal operation information outputRequestn. antenna test, remote call test result and test terminal operation informationTSMXBCOX BTCATMNXCDIAXCCOXBDIAXa bcdefghij lkmnFigure 2.16 TSMX block flowchart(6) STMX (Status Management eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA STMX block displays the things (which result from  monitoring state of mainprocessors in BSC system and searching each processor  and device state and callresource state of BSC and BTS system, in case of  manager’s demand) onmanager’s screen .The STMX also manages and maintains BTS and BSC  system or state of devicewith interworking with the structure management and the  fault managementfunction.There are some functions in STMX, a monitoring function of BSC main processor
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-27state, a processor and  device state search function of BTS and BSC by manager’srequest, a overload  Control function and a call resource state search function ofGUI (Graphic User Interface) screen.The function monitoring Processor state is to monitor action state of thesesubsystem by polling CCP, ACP, HICA, TSGA processor periodically. Theprocessor and device state search function of BTS and BSC by manager’s requesthas a responsibility for request and output for device state which each subsystem ismanaging now.The overload control function is to output overload state of CCP and BCP andchange overload critical value of CCP and BCP.The call resource state search function of GUI screen is ,when manager is on callresource state screen, to reflect it on screen by searching current accurate callresource state periodically.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.17 describes STMX block flow chart.Figure 2.17 STMX Block Flowcharta Monitoring and Request of ACP Processor Stateb Report of ACP Processor Statec Monitoring of CCP Processor State, State Request of processor and devices,Overload Control and Report of Stated Monitoring of CCP Processor State, State Report of processor and devices,Report of Overhead Statee Monitoring and Request of TSGA Processor State , Request of TFDA Statef Report of TSGA Processor State , Report of TFDA Stateg Monitoring of GCIN/LCIN Processor State, Request of GCIN/LCIN/BINProcessor and Node State and Request of Active Side Switchh Report of GCIN/LCIN Processor State, Report of GCIN/LCIN/BIN Processorand Node State, Report of Active Side Switch
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-28i Request of TFSA and GPS Processor Statej Report of TFSA and GPS Processor Statek Request of SACA Processor Statel Report of SACA Processor Statem Request of BTS Processor and device State and Request of Overload Controland Staten Report of BTS Processor and device State and Report of Overload State(6) DCIX (Data Communication Interface eXecution) A DCIX block supplies a path for transmitting/receiving a management informationbetween application blocks in BSM and other subsystems in BTS and BSC system,and communicates with other system by HDLC. Communication with other system is accomplished through RS-422 at the speed of2.048Mbps. and a data link uses point-to-multipoint method. The DCI block is generated by BIM block, initializes a necessary data for setting up adata link between other subsystems and must be in a standby state to set up the datalink with other subsystem . Application block in BSM (in case of establishing data link) or DCI block  (in case ofreceiving message from other subsystem) must perform procedure which processesthis message. (7) DBHX (DataBase Handler eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA DBHX block establishes, initializes and manages a database which applicationblock in BSM need.The DBHX block consists of a DBD (DataBase Definition) software unit and    aDBM (DataBase Management) software unit.The DBD function is to generate a database through setting up relation betweeneach entities to remove overlap properties of data which each application blockneeds.The DBM supplies a function which ,in case of using a database of a application inBSM, processes the data efficiently and exactly.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-292) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.18 describes DBHX block flow chart.DBH blockBIM blockMessage QueueUIM blockBSM DATABASEMemory MapFigure 2.18 DBHX Block Flowchart(9) UIMX (User Interface Manager eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA UIMX block performs all functions related to window such as creation and removalof window and event processing, and supplies a function which outputs a systemstate and information as to alarm and statistics with simply and logicallyrecognizable graphic typeAlso, the UIMX processes events caused from manager and displays a informationsupplied from each application block on manager’s terminal screen with text orgraphic. Also, the UIMX block supplies a command input type about GUI (graphicuser interface) such as menu and dialogue box .After formatting a voluntary message received from system (i.e. fault and alarmmessage, state, statistics report and test result) , the UIMX block displays that onthe system display window.2) Block flowchartThe following Fig.2.19 describes UIMX block flowchart.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-30UIMBIMMessageQueueCOHAPPforkreadforkwritewritepipe (r/w)Figure 2.19 UIMX Block Flowchart(10) COHX (COmmand Handling eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA COHX block performs a syntax and meaning analysis function of input commandand a execution control function. The Syntax analysis checks the accuracy of thegrammar of a inputted command and the Meaning analysis checks the meaning ofcommand and the range of parameter.If format error occurs on analysis procedure, Command Analysis block supplies thelocation of error, the kind of error and the information for error correction.On the other hand, if analysis result of command prove to be out of error, thecommand drives application function to perform the command, receives executionresult from application function and displays it on display window by transmitting itinto UIM block.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.20 describes COHX block flowchart.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-31CDDfileCOHCOH Application Blocks(FLM, SL, STM,TSM, CDM, SMM)CDDfileinput commandoutput commandforkpipeforkpipeFigure 2.20 COHX Block Flowchart(11) BIMX (BSM Initialization and Maintenance eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA BIMX block is first initiated at the BSM software. Also, the BIMX block is initiatedin  case of booting of BSM system or by manager. In case of initialization of BSM,BIM initializes all necessary internal data of BSM, executes a permanent processblock and initializes a necessary IPC function for data communication betweenblocks in BSM.If all block is run, BIM monitors the action state of permanent process. while, If theaction of these process is stopped abnormally, BIM takes an appropriate recoveryprocedure and reports this fact to manager.2) Block Flowchart The following Fig.2.21 describes BIMX block flowchart.a. SCM drive and state management by BIMb. DCI drive and state management by BIMc. BSM application- part drive and state management by BIMd. UIM drive and state management by BIMe. LJH drive and state management by BIMf. UIM drive and state management by BIMg. UMH drive and state management by BIM
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-32B         I       MSCMDCIBSM Ap-partSL,CDMSMM, STMTSM, FLMetc.LJHUIMUMHFigure 2.21 BIMX Block Flowchart(12) UMHX (Unsolicited Message Handler eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionIn case of receiving a initial message from BTS or BSC system, a UMHX blockgenerates a corresponding application block for processing the message and let itperform the requested application function.After adding a corresponding permanent process ID to the received message, theUMHX makes the corresponding process the message by transmitting it into amessage Queue. The UIM block is driven as a permanent processor by BIM block.After reporting current state to BIM block, if UIM receives processors of STM, SMM,TSM, FLM and SL block from BIM block, before receiving a system output messagecorresponding to STM, SMM, TSM, FLM and SL block, after UMH block preparesfor receiving the system output message of other subsystem, when a correspondingmessage is delivered, the UMH block analyzes Signal_id and performs a functionwhich generates a corresponding block in BSM.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.22 describes UMHX block flowchart.a. BIM reports UMH drive and drive state to the BIMb. receipt of unidentified initial messagec. Temporary processor generation and message transmission and management
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-33d. permanent processor id management and corresponding message transmissione. transmit UMH state information into the UIMB         I       MDCIPermanentProcessor(SL, SMM,STM, TSM,FLM)TemporaryprocessorSL, CDMUIMUMHacedbFigure 2.22 UMHX Block Flowchart(13) LJHX (Long-term Job Handler eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA LJHX block performs a application function by generating a application blockwhich requires a long time requested by manager and manages the state of this.The LJH block is driven as a permanent processor by BIM block. And after reportingcurrent state to BIM block, the LJH block prepares for generating a processor whichrequires the long time requested by manager.If the LJHX block receives a processor performed for long time by manager’srequest, the LJHX performs a function which generates a corresponding block inBSM by analyzing the corresponding command2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.23 describes LJHX block flowchart.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-34BIMMessageQueueJH blockMessageQueueMessageQueueMessageQueueManager requestblockUIM blockFigure 2.23 LJHX Block Flowchart(14) SCMX (System Clock Manager eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA SCMX block receives periodically TOD (Time Of Day) from GPS, sets up BSMtime and reports that to application block which requires TOD. The SCM block isdriven as a permanent processor by BIM block .After reporting current state to BIM block, the SCM block prepares for receivingTODClock from GPS every two seconds. In case that the receiving Clock is out of error,the SCM block compares it with current BSM System Clock.If range of error is within 3 second, the SCM block don’t reset the BSM SystemClock, and If range of error is over 3 second, the SCM block resets the BSM SystemClock.2) Block Flowchart The following Fig.2.24 describes SCMX block flowchart.a. BIM control SCM drive and drive stateb. receive TOD Clock from GPSc. transmit SCM state information into the FLMX
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-35BIMGPS SCMFLMXabcFigure 2.24 SCMX Block Flowchart
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL2-362.3.2.5  BSM Software StructureThe following Fig.2.25 describes BSM system s/w block structureFigure 2.25 BSM System S/W Block Structure
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-1Chapter 3  BSM Operation & Administration3.1  BSM Operation3.1.1 OverviewThis chapter describes the operations and functions of BSM (Base Station Manager) whichtakes a part of system operation, administration, and maintenance of the subsystems ofBSC (Base Station Controller) in the mobile communication systems.BSM provides GUI (Graphic User Interface) for OAM (Operation, Administration, andMaintenance) which is status monitoring, performance measurement, statistics processing,configuration management, alarm handling and so on. So, operators can use andunderstand easily.Figure 3.1 represents the initial display window of BSM when you start the BSM system upin the workstation with the command, “bimx” without logging in it.Figure 3.1 BSM Initial Display
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-23.1.2  Main Display StructureWhen you log in BSM with the specific user ID and password, the window such as Figure3.2 is displayed.Figure 3.2 BSM Main Display3.1.3  Main Button3.1.3.1  Operation by “Login” Button
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-3You can use the command for the CDMA System and service for the User by using login.Figure 3.3 represents the login dialog box in BSM.(1) Login Procedure1) If you choose the "Login" Button in the main display window, "Login Dialog"window is displayed.2) You input the Login name and Password in the "Login Dialog" window and thenpress the "OK" Button.3) When the wrong spell is inputted or the login name or password is mistyped, thelogin name or password, you can modify it using "Back space" key or "DEL" key.Figure 3.3 BSM Login Window
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-  Operation by "History" Button(1) If you choose the "History" button such as Figure 3.4 in the BSM Tile window, "HistoryTool" window is displayed like Figure 3.5.    Figure 3.4 HISTORY Button    Figure 3.5 History Tool    (2) In the "History Tool" window, "File Handling" item functions "Display", "Print", and"Delete" of the history file. The user of being good at UNIX system uses "VI Editor"item to do them. First, if you press the "File Handling" button, "File Selection Dialog"window such as Figure 3.6 displays.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-5   Figure 3.6 File Selection Dialog (3) If you choose a certain date of date list in the "Directories" field of "File SelectionDialog" window and then press the "Filter" button, "CHD" and "MHD" directoriesdisplay in the "Directories" field (Because both directories are operated in the samemanner, here deals with only the "CHD" directory). (4) If you choose "CHD" directory and then press "Filter" button, a lot of files display in the"Files" field, which is stored to command list by the elapsed time. (5) If you choose a file of the list in the “Files” field of “File Selection Dialog” and press“OK” button, the following window such as Figure 3.7 is represented. This list is sortedto time.  Note – You can also use this shortcut: double-click the file name in the dialog box.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-6   Figure 3.7 Result of “File Handling” (6) Figure 3.7 shows the function of searching words. If you enter the word that you wantto search in the “Search : “ Text Field and push the Arrow Button () (or enter theRETURN Key). Then the screen moves the location of the word to the first locationyou want to search. It is possible to use the Down Arrow button or Return Key if youwant another locations of the word, The Up Arrow Button is used for searching theword to upper field. (7) If you choose the "Close” button, the window such as Figure 3.7 is closed. (8) If you choose "VI editor" button in the History Tool of Figure 3.5, "File SelectionDialog" window such as Figure 3.6 displays and you can select the specific file in
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-7order to open it. After the procedures such as (3), (4), and (5) are processed, vi editorwindow is created.Figure 3.8 Result of “Vi Editor”• VI Basic CommandsIn the descriptions, CR stands for carriage return and ESC stands for the escape key.:q!CR quit/textCR search for text(ex)  /M5015 DISPLAY <enter>^U ^D   scroll up or down^L clear and redraw window
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-  Operation by System ButtonPressing this button presented to Figure 3.9 enables the operator to control user relatedinformation, command structures, peripheral devices of BSM. When you log in to the BSM,you are limited the control authorization according to user’s level or grade.Figure 3.9 System ButtonTo Start BSM System Manager :• Click the System button in the BSM main window and User Information Dialog ofFig.3.10 is displayed.   Figure 3.10 User Information Dialog • Type the User ID and the Password in the corresponding field and then press “OK”button3.  Operations by Super-user (root)If you type “root” and its password in the User Information Dialog of Fig. 3.10 , the windowsuch as Figure 3.11 is displayed.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-9Figure 3.11 System Control Window3.  User MenuThe only super-user can manage all grades of registered users. That is, the super-usercan add, register, modify, and delete user.• ADD submenu :  Super-user uses this menu to register a new user. The default grade ofuser created newly is level 2. Figure 3.12 presents the input window in order to create oradd a new user in BSM.• Delete submenu :  This menu is used to delete the registered user. If you input a specificuser ID to the window such as Figure 3.13, you can delete it.• Modify submenu :  This menu is used to change the contents of the registered user. Ifyou select “Modify” menu, the input window is displayed and you can modify the user IDin this window. If you input the modifying user Id and click “OK” button, the outputwindow is represented. This output window indicates the information of “User ID”,“Password”, “Class” and “Name”. You can edit each fields and you can modify the userinformation by pressing ”OK” button. The window of modifying the user information ispresented in Figure 3.14. Figure 3.14 represents the example of changing the usergrade of authorization for the command. That is, this figure presents changing theauthorization level of “test” user.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-10  Figure 3.12 User Add   Figure 3.13 User Delete          Figure 3.14 Modify a user
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-11  Figure 3.15 List up the user information    Figure 3.16 Change user’s password • Display submenu :  This button is used to output or display all the registered users.Figure 3.15 presents the output window of the user information.• Passwd submenu : This is used to modify the password of current log-on user in BSM.In other words, this menu modifies root’s password. Figure 3.16 presents the window,which changes the password of specific user.• Close submenu : Termination of system function3.  Operations by Command menuThis menu is used to create or edit a CDD(Command Data Description) file and check thecontents of CDD file that currently registered in the system.• File submenu : This menu is used to manipulate the CDD file. It consists of thesesubmenus: New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Print, Delete, and Quit
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-12• Check submenu :This menu is used to check all the CDD file and then displays its resultin the corresponding window.  Operations by Window menuThis menu is used to arrange several windows.• Tiling submenu : It arranges and adjusts the unsettled windows.  “Device” menuThis menu is used to control the peripheral devices connected to the BSM workstation.There are three submenus in this menu as follows:• Printer submenu : This menu is set to the kind of printer, and decides the setting of theprinter mode, On/Off.• Speaker submenu : This menu is set to audio device mode, On/Off.• Modem submenu : Not implemented
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-133.1.4 Command ButtonsBSM system provides dozens of commands for CDMA system. These buttons arepresented in Figure 3.17.Figure 3.17 BSM Main ScreenFigure 3.18 Command Panel3.1.4.1 Operation of Alarm Command
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-14(1) If you select “Alarm” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, “Alarm CommandDialog” window is represented. In this window, if you select the command button toprocess, BSM displays the window that you are able to input parameters for thecorresponding command.Figure 3.19 Alarm Command Dialog(2) If the window displays, which operators can input the related parameters to the systemfor the corresponding command in Figure 3.19, you may enter the values ofparameters and then press “Run” button.   Figure 3.20 Parameter Input Window : Example of CHG-ALM-BCP(3) In the command window, the corresponding message for the parsed command is
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-15represented and BSM executes it.(4) If you need to help for the corresponding command, you can click “Help” button andrefer to help message. Operations by Loading CommandIf you select “Loading” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, “Loading CommandDialog” window is represented.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.21  Loading Command Dialog3.1.4.3 Operation by Status CommandIf you select “Status” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the Status CommandDialog window is represented as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.22 Status Command Dialog - CCP
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-16Figure 3.23 Status Command Dialog - BCPFigure 3.24 Status Command Dialog – CINFigure 3.25 Status Command Dialog – CCP-BCP
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-17        Figure 3.26 Status Command Dialog – ACP-CKDFigure 3.27 Status Command Dialog – OTHERS3.1.4.4 Operations to Diagnosis CommandIf you select “Diagnosis” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the DiagnosisCommand Dialog displays as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-18Figure 3.28 Diagnosis Command Dialog3.1.4.5 Operations by Configuration CommandIf you select “Config” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the ConfigurationCommand Dialog is represented as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.29 Configuration Command Dialog
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3- Operations by Statistics CommandIf you select “Statistics” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the StatisticsCommand Dialog is represented as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.30 Statistics Command Dialog3.1.4.7 Operations by No.7 CommandIf you select “No.7” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the No.7 CommandDialog is represented as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.31 No.7 Command Dialog
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-203.1.5 Service ButtonThere are five service buttons in the Service Panel of Figure 3.32. These buttons help tothe operators managing the systems efficiently or easily.Figure 3.32 BSM Main Screen3.1.5.1 Change the user grade of commandThe function of this button in the Service Panel of Figure 3.33 is to output the command listby user grade or authorization and change the grade or authorization of the specificcommand. This function is used by the only super-user(root). There are three authorizationgrades: Super-user, First class user who is able to verify and change the parameters of
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-21system, and Second class user who is able to use basic function and confirm the status ofsystem. Command list is arranged by alphabet order.Figure 3.33 Service Panel – Change Command Class• Pressing the button in the Service Panel of Figure 3.33 displays the screen to changethe command class.Figure 3.34. Change Command Class Window• In the command list of the Change Command Class Window of Fig. 3.34, all thecommands are listed in alphabetical order and the number in the parentheses meansthe class. Double click an item to change the class.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-22Figure 3.35 Double Click Command to Change Class• Clicking the pop-down button of the Change Command Class Window shows as follows.Click one of these classes and press Apply button, then the changed class is applied tothe command list.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-23          Figure 3.36. Change the Class of ACT-BDTU to Class 1 • If you want to turn it back to the original class, press Reset button.• Pressing Quit button ends the function. BatchThis service button in Figure 3.37 is able to write, edit, and execute the batch file. This fileis composed of a series of BSM commands.Figure 3.37 Service Panel - Batch• If you press “Batch” button in the Service Panel, BSM displays such as Figure 3.38.• The File menu in the Batch File Editor of Figure 3.38 has several commands as below:a) New    - New batch file.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-24b) Open   - Open and read an existing batch file.c) Save  - Save the batch file written by operator.d) SaveAs  - Save the batch file to another file name.e) Delete   - Delete the batch file.f) Run  - execute Batch in the editor window.g) Vi   - run Vi editorh) Print   - Print the contents of file.i) Quit     - Quit Batch File Editor.Figure 3.38 Batch File EditorExample of Batch file :
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3- Statistics Data ViewerFigure 3.39 Service Panel – Statistics Data Viewer• If you press the button “Statistics Data Viewer” in Service Panel, you can see thewindow such as Figure 3.40. The function of this window is that the binary statistic dataoccured for 10 minute , 1 hour or 1 day is converted to the text type data.Figure 3.40 Statistics Data Viewer• For example, if you press “00-10” button in the window of the Figure 3.40, the statistictext data for 10 minutes ( 00 - 10 minutes ) is displayed in the following window. ScrollBar is used for moving the screen or searching any words.• Usage of the word searching function : If you enter the word that you want to search inthe “Search : “ Text Field and push the Arrow Button () (or enter the RETURN Key).Then the screen moves the location of the word to the first location of word or string thatyou want to search. It is possible to use the Down Arrow button or Return Key if you
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-26want another locations of the word, The Up Arrow Button is used for searching the wordto the upper field.Figure 3.41 Statistics Data Viewer : 00- History SearchFigure 3.42 Service Panel – History Search• The “History Search” of the Service Panel provides the fuction of “History search”,shown in Figure 3.42. It is possible to search the types of date, time, kind, and code for
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-27command and message history in BSM. Search Message HistoryFigure 3.43 Search Message History• Message History Search Initial Screen is shown in Figure 3.43. The default values forDATE and TIME are current values for one hours. If You don’t set the TYPE and CODE,all messages are displayed for the setting values.• TYPE can be selected several items at one time. Also, CODE can be inputted severalvalues by using comma(,), Among messages of selected type, the messages related toinputted CODE are displayed• For example, in case Figure 3.44, messages related to CODE number 4207, 4209, and4001 among alarm, fault, and status messages occured from 17:14 to 18:14 in09/12/1998 would be searched and displayed.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-28Figure 3.44 Example of Search Message History• If “OK” button is clicked, the window like Figure 3.45 would be poped up at center ofscreen.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-29Figure 3.45 Result of Search Message History3. Search Command History• “Command history search initial window” is showned in Figure 3.46. Operation can berefferd to “message history search”.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-30Figure 3.46 Search Command History3.1.5.5 HelpFigure 3.47 Service Panel – Help of Commands• Press “Help” in the Service Panel of Figure 3.47, and “Help Selection Dialog” window ofFigure 3.48 is represented.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-31Figure 3.48 Help Selection Dialog• Select one command in the command list and press “OK” button(or Double-click onecommand), and the help message for the command appears:Figure 3.49 Help Message
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-323.1.6 Operations of “Alarm” windowAlarm window displays the fault status of each subsystem in the system. It uses severalcolors to report the status of system to the operator efficiently and effectively in the windowwith text message. So, you can understand easily in overall of system. Types of Alarm DisplaysThe fault that operators take action rapidly must create the alarms. There are three typesof alarms as follows:(1) Audible alarm – outputs the voice and sound alarms through the speaker.(2) Visible alarm – outputs the colorful alarm display through the monitor.(3) Alarm message – outputs the text alarm messages in the output window.  Grades of Alarms(1) Normal alarm This represents a normal status of subsystem and BSM displays this status with greencolor.(2) Critical alarm This grade of alarm is critical to the system. So, this alarm is required to takeemergency actions for the fault status with no regard to the occurrence time of fault.BSM displays these alarms with red color.(3) Major alarm This grade of alarm has an effect on services of system. It represents the fault statusor malfunction of main circuits. These faults are reported to operator immediately andenable him to diagnose the functions of system or to recover the errors. The priority ofthis alarm is not prior to that of critical alarm. So, this alarm effects on theperformance of the system directly or steadily (Orange).(4) Minor alarm This grade of alarm has a little effect on services of the system or subscribers. That is,this alarm hardly effects on the functions of call processing. The priority of this alarm
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-33is lowest (Yellow).(5) Not Configured / Not EquipThis grade of alarm is not equipped to devices or cards (Gray).  The method of alarm detectionIf the system reports the alarms to the operator and BSM, BSM displays the alarm statusto the corresponding location in BSM using colors according to the grade of alarm.  Main window of subsystemsMain window is composed of four parts: BSC, GCIN, GPS and BTS. If you want to knowthe status of corresponding subsystems, you move the mouse to the button ofcorresponding subsystem and click it.Figure 3.50 Main window of subsystems
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-343. Main window of BTSIf you intend to know the status of BTS, you may click the button of corresponding BTS ID.Then, the following window of Figure 3.51 and Figure 3.52 displays and represents all thestatuses of BTS in detail. The board equipped in the system displays green color. If one ofthem produces alarms, BSM displays its status with red, orange, and yellow coloraccording to the grade of alarm.You can move to the previous display window by pressing “Return” button or “Space bar”key.Figure 3.51 Main window of BTSFigure 3.52 Main window of Micro-BTS3. Main window of CDUIf you press a “CDU” button in the window of Figure 3.51, the window of Figure 3.53
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-35displays. If you press “Return’ key or “Space bar” key, you can be back to the previouswindow.Figure 3.53 The window of CDU3. Main window of ENVIf you press a “Environment” button in the window of Figure 3.51, the window of Figure3.54 displays. If you press “Return’ key or “Space bar” key, you can be back to theprevious window.Figure 3.54 The window of BTS ENV3. Main window of BSC
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-36Figure 3.55 The window of BSC3. Main window of TSBIf you press a TSB button in Figure 3.55, the following window of  Figure 3.56 isrepresented.Figure 3.56 The window of TSB3. Main of GPSWhen you press the “GPS” button of Figure 3.50, the following window of Figure 3.57 isrepresented.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-37Figure 3.57 The window of GPS3. Main of GCINWhen you press the “GCIN” button of Figure 3.50, the following window of Figure 3.58 isrepresented.Figure 3.58 The window of GCIN3.1.6.5   Command Handling WindowCommand Handling window of Figure 3.59 outputs the contents of inputted command forthe text-typed command or the command using GUI. And, it displays its results.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-38Figure 3.59 BSM Main Screen3. Command Re-execution MethodThis provides the simple method of executing the previously executed command. Re-execution of the recently entered 20 commands is available.(1) h  CommandEntering h (or H) in the Command window and pressing Enter key displays the list ofrecently entered 20 commands.[ BSMcmd : 40 ] h
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-3921 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=0;22 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=1;23 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=2;24 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=3;25 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=4;26 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=5;27 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=6;28 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=7;29 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=8;30 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=9;31 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=10;32 DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=11;33 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=0;34 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=1;35 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=2;36 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=3;37 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=4;38 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=5;39 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=6;40 h  [ BSMcmd : 41 ]Table Error! No sequence specified.. Example of h Command Result (2) Command Re-execution 1) ! + (Command Number)2) ! + (Command Initial String)3) !!  You can re-execute the previously entered command by the above 3 methods. The next table follows the Example of h Command Result of Table 1.  35 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=2;36 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=3;37 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=4;38 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=5;39 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=6;40 H
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-40  [ BSMcmd : 41 ] !35Table Error! No sequence specified.. ! + Command Number
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-41 35 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=2;36 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=3;37 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=4;38 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=5;39 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=6;40 H  [ BSMcmd : 41 ] DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=2;Table Error! No sequence specified.. Result• Input (in italic) as shown in the Table 2 is replaced by the command corresponding tothe number as in the Table 3. Pressing Enter key at this state executes the commandimmediately. If you want to modify the command, edit with the mouse, Delete orBackspace key and press Enter key.  35 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=2;36 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=3;37 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=4;38 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=5;39 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=6;40 h  [ BSMcmd : 41 ] !DITable Error! No sequence specified.. ! + String 35 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=2;36 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=3;37 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=4;38 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=5;39 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=6;40 H  [ BSMcmd : 41 ] DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=6;Table Error! No sequence specified.. Result• Input (in italic) as shown in the Table 4 is replaced by the latest command that begins
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-42with the string as in the Table 5. Pressing Enter key at this state executes the commandimmediately. If you want to modify the command, edit with the mouse, Delete orBackspace key and press Enter key.  35 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=2;36 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=3;37 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=4;38 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=5;39 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=6;40 h  [ BSMcmd : 41 ] DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=0;  1998-04-18 11:40:34 Fri M1004 DISPLAY ALARM STATUS    CCP 0 NO ALARM STATUS        DISPLAY BCP ALARM COUNT       BCP_ID    CRI    MAJ   MIN  [ BSMcmd : 42 ] !!Table Error! No sequence specified.. !! Command 38 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=5;39 DIS-ALM-STS:BTS=6;40 H  [ BSMcmd : 41 ] DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=0;  1998-04-18 11:40:34 Fri M1004 DISPLAY ALARM STATUS    CCP 0 NO ALARM STATUS        DISPLAY BCP ALARM COUNT       BCP_ID    CRI    MAJ   MIN  [ BSMcmd : 42 ] DIS-ALM-STS:BSC=0;Table Error! No sequence specified.. Result • Input (in italic) as shown in the Table 6 is replaced by the previously executed command
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-43as in the Table 7. Pressing Enter key at this state executes the command immediately. Ifyou want to modify the command, edit with the mouse, Delete or Backspace key andpress Enter key. Help Command  in the Command Handling Window(1) (Command + ‘?’)• In command window, if you want to print the command help, you must input “command+ ‘?’” or “command + ‘?’+’;’”.[ BSMcmd : 1 ] CHG-SECT-INFO?  or  CHG-SECT-INFO?;1998-07-02 09:37:34 Thu• CHG-SECT-INFO HELP MESSAGE• Change Sector Information.CHG-SECT-INFO : {BSC=bsc, BCP=bcp}, SECT = sect {[Param]} ;     {BTS=bts                 }bsc BSC id  (0-11)bcp BCP id  (0-31)bts BTS id  (0-383)sect     Sector id   (ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA)Param :PILOT Pilot OffsetTXFA Tx Fine AdjustTXCA Tx Coarse AdjustRXFA Rx Fine AdjustRXCA Rx Coarse AdjustRTDTHR Common Round Trip Delay ThreshCYCIDX Max Slot Cycle IndexPREV CAI  RevisionPMREV CAI Minimum Revision(2) ?XXX (‘?’ + string)
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-44• If you attatched ‘?’ at any string, you can see all commands involving the string.  [ BSMcmd : 1 ] ?SECT1 CHG-SECT-INFO2 DIS-SECT-INFO  [ BSMcmd : 2 ] ?CE3 CHG-CE-CONF4 CHG-CE-TYPE5 CHG-SCEL-INFO6 DIS-CE-STS7 DIS-PN-CELL8 DIS-SCEL-INFO9 DIS-TCE-STS10 STRT-STAT-CE11 TST-CE  [ BSMcmd : 3 ] ?-CE-12 CHG-CE-CONF13 CHG-CE-TYPE14 DIS-CE-STS [ BSMcmd : 3 ] ?1         ACT-LINK2         ACT-LSET3         ACT-OVLD-THR4         ADD-LDNG-BLK5         ADD-NEBR6         ALW-ALM-MSG . . .    248          TST-SVE    249          UINH-LINK     All commands are displayed.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-443.2  System Status Management3.2.1  System Status TestBSC system may always audit and monitor processor status, alarm status, channel andlink status whether the call is normal. If the status is abnormal or system has a certainfault, BSC system may take an action and then maintain the active status of system.  Alarm Test(1) Alarm Monitoring1) If the BSC system is an abnormal status or makes a certain fault, system may bealerting the alarms. So, it must maintain the audible or visible alarm status in order tooutput and create an alarm.2) If you inhibited the audible or visible alarm, you must be always aware of notoutputting those alarms when the system is an abnormal status or a fault.3) In reporting alarms to the system, it outputs the content of alarm and it checks thecorresponding block automatically. So, it solves the problems to the reported alarm.4) You input a command of outputting alarm status and verify whether the alarm isoccurred.(2) Alarm Test1) You enable the system to output the alarm messages created until now.  C1004  DIS-ALM-STS:[BSC=aa[,BCP=bb],BTS=cc]; aa :  BSC  ID bb :  BCP  ID cc :  BTS  ID  You make sure of the number of alarm messages in the corresponding block.2) You are able to output the alarm message information and then confirm the
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-45corresponding alarms.  C1006  DIS-ALM-INFO:AN=aa; aa  :  Alarm  Number  ( 0000  -  9999 )  In the output messages, you confirm the contents of alarms and check thecorresponding block. You have to take an action for the corresponding block inorder to solve the alarm status.3) You verify to the inhibited output messages of a lot of alarm messages.  C1007  DIS-INH-ALM;  In this case, alarm code is not included in the output message.4) You can change the alarm message generation mode. So, you can confirm to thealarm messages occurred.C1000  ALW-ALM-MSG:AN=aa;aa  :  Alarm Code Number  ( 0000  -  9999 )You verify whether the alarm of inhibited output is not included on checking thecorresponding devices.  Fault Test(1) Fault Audit1) You always verify whether the fault is occurred according to the correspondingsystem devices.2) You must audit if the status of channel or link is blocked. So, you manage theseresources and then maintain them to the normal states for efficient call processing.3) You check or audit the output alarm messages and verify if the corresponding
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-46devices are faults or abnormal.(2) Fault Test for the listed items1) You make sure whether the channel or link is blocked.  C3306  DIS-OOS-STS:BSC=aa,[BCP=bb,]DEV=cc,TYPE=dd; aa  :  BSC  ID bb  :  BCP  ID cc  :  DEVICE  TYPE  ( SVE/MLNK/BLNK/TCE ) dd  :  Type  ( MBLK/FBLK/TBLK ) 2) You verify which fault message is inhibited.  C1008  DIS-INH-FLT;  The code of inhibiting message dose not report to the system. 3) When you want to print the inhibited fault message, you must release the messagesthat cannot print or report to the system. Therefore, you have to allow the messagesto print.C1002  ALW-FLT-MSG:FN=aa;aa  :  Fault  CodeNumber  ( 0000  -  9999 )  Test for control of processor status(1) The status audit of processor1) You always verify whether the status of processors is normal.2) You change the status of stand-by processor to active processor and verify if thestatus of this processor is normal or abnormal.3) If the status of processor is abnormal, you have to repair it rapidly.4) For the processor is the main part of system, you have to maintain that one or more
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-47than processor is normal at least.(2) Status test of processor1) You verify if the status of CCP in the system is normal.  C3001  DIS-CCP-STS:[BSC=aa]; aa  :  BSC  ID  If you don’t input the corresponding BSC ID, you can verify the statues of allCCPs.2) After you check and verify the status of processors, you switch over the status ofprocessor.  C2012  SWT-PRC:BSC=aa,PROC=CCP; aa  :  BSC  ID  You check the output message and verify if CCP is switched over in that message.After the processor is switched over, you verify if its status is normal. If the systemdoes not have a standby processor, that is, it has only one processor, this commandis unable to be executed. 3) You verify the status of SIP in the system.  C3002  DIS-SIP-STS:BSC=aa; aa  :  BSC  ID 4) You check the status of SVP in the system.  C3003  DIS-SVP-STS:BSC=aa,[SIP=bb]; aa  :  BSC  ID bb  :  SIP  ID 5) You verify the status of ACP in the system.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-48  C3401  DIS-BSC-ACP:[BSC=aa]; aa  :  BSC  ID 6) You verify whether the processors of BTS are normal or abnormal.  C3101 DIS-BTS-PRC:BSC=aa,BCP=bb[,BTS=cc]; aa  :  BSC  ID bb  :  BCP  ID cc  :  BTS  ID 7) You check whether the status of cards or boards in BTS is normal.C3102 DIS-BTS-CARD:BSC=aa,BCP=bb[,BTS=cc],CARD=dd,MIC_CARD=ee;aa  :  BSC  IDbb  :  BCP  IDcc  :  BTS  IDdd  :  SRC,TCC,TCU,TFC,BIC,GPS,AMPee  :  UP,DOWN,SYNU,BIC,STFU,RFRU3.2.1.4  Status test for links and channels(1) Status audit of links and channels1) You verify if the statuses of links and channels are normal.2) When the links of BTS is blocked, you note that the call is cut off.3) When the links and channels are blocked, you use TST command to check thestates of them.(2) Status test of links1) You check whether the status of MSC-links is normal.  C3005  DIS-MLNK-STS:BSC=aa; aa  :  BSC  ID 2) You verify the status of BTS-links.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-49C3007  DIS-BLNK-STS:[BSC=aa,BCP=bb];[BTS=c]aa  :  BSC  IDbb  :  BCP  IDcc  :  BTS  ID(3) Status test of channel1) You check the status of vocoder.  C3004  DIS-SVE-STS:BSC=aa,SIP=bb[,SVP=cc]; aa  :  BSC  ID bb  :  SIP  ID cc  :  SVP  ID 2) You verify the status of CE.C3106  DIS-CE-STS:BSC=aa,BCP=bb[,BTS=cc],DU=dd;aa  :  BSC  IDbb  :  BCP  IDcc  :  BTS  IDdd  :  DU  ID3.2.2  System DiagnosisDiagnosis is the testing of resources that are closely related to call processing in operatingthe system and its results is reported to the operators. If its results are abnormal, youexclude this resource for the service of call process. If the resource of call process isrecoverable, you enable this resource to use the call services or to add the resource poolof system immediately.  Diagnosis of vocoder(1) Diagnostic method
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-50There are four diagnostic methods of vocoder: Polling, Code compare, physical test,and algorithm test.1) Polling You use this method to initialize the SVE(DSP) which is requested to diagnose. Asa result of its response, you can verify or check the status of vocoder.2) Code CompareThis diagnostic method uses the result that the system compares the original DSPcode in VSOA-A1’s DRAM to the code in DSP’s SRAM. If the system starts to diagnose the vocoders, it compares the code of vocoderrequested which is the code of SRAM in the DSP module with that of normalvocoder which is the code of DRAM in VSOA-A1. If the result of comparing the codes is identical, system may initialize thevocoder. If the system receives acknowledgment from vocoder, system regardsthis vocoder as normal. Otherwise, system decides that the status of vocoderitself is abnormal. If the result of comparing the codes is not same, system loads the normal codeto the DSP’s SRAM and replaces the code of SRAM. Then, system comparesthe codes again. If the result of comparing the codes also is not same, systemdecides the SRAM-related error. If the result of comparing as above is same, system sends the initializationmessage to the vocoder again and then waits for its response. If the system receives the response for the message of initialization, thisresponse represents that the abnormal vocoder changes to the normal oneagain. Otherwise, system decides that the status of vocoder is abnormal.3) Physical Test (Will be implemented)It tests the state of the internal ALU and RAM of DSP.4) Algorithm Test (Will be implemented)
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-51As it cmopares the the test tone in DSP with the encoding and decoding data usingthe vocoder algorithm pointed by the operator, you can check the state of thevocoder algorithm5) All Test (Will be implemented)It stops disgnosting in the step if it detecs the error diagnosting the vocoder as thefollowing sequence ; Code compare  Physical test  Algorithm test.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-52
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-53(2) Diagnostic Test1) You can use the following command to verify the status of vocoder.  C3004  DIS-SVE-STS:BSC=a,SIP=b[,SVP=c]; a : BSC  Id b : SIP  Id c : SVP  Id 2) Next, you test the vocoder using the following command.C4017  TST-SVE:BSC=a,SIP=b[,SVP=c,SVE=d],LEVEL=e,ALGORITHM=f;a : BSC  Idb : SIP   Idc : SVP  Idd : SVE  Ide : Test Level  (POLL_TST/CODE_CMP/PHYSICAL_TST/ALGORITHM_TST/ALL)f : Vocoder algorithm (QCELP_8K/QCELP_13K/EVRC)(3) Inter-working with call processing1) For vocoder is related with call processing directly, you can confirm enough todiagnose the status of it.2) In case of maintaining call, system decides on the normal state of vocoder. Systemneed not to diagnose, and reports the “BUSY” state to the operators.3) If the vocoder is idle, system changes its state to test block (T_BLK) in order not touse this resource not to set a call on diagnosing. And then, system enters todiagnose.4) After the diagnosis end up, system changes the state to idle and is able to use orset a call service.(4) Analysis for result of diagnosis1) As a result of polling, vocoder sends VOC_OK/VOC_NOK to the system. If thesystem is not able to receive the response normally, it decides on the abnormalstate of vocoder.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-542) The response of comparing to code of memory is composed to three messages:VOC_OK, VOC_NOK, and RAM_ERROR. If the code is normal or system does notreceive the response, system decides that DSP chip is abnormal or makes aproblem. If the vocoders do not load normally to DSP chip, system decides that theproblem results from the error of SRAM or DSP chip.3)(note 1) The vocoder reports the result of Physical test to VOC_OK|ALU_ERR|DSP_RAM_ERR|RAM/ALU_ERR. ALU_ERR is the error in the arithmetic or register andDSP_RAM_ERR is the error in RAM of DSP. RAM/ALU_ERR is the error4) The vocoder reports the result of Algorithm test to VOC_OK|FREG_ERR|GAIN_ERR|FREQ/GAIN_ERR. FREQ_ERR is the error for the frequency deviationexceeding the reference value after the generated signal encoding and decoding.GAIN_ERR is the error for the energy deviation exceeding the reference value afterthe generated signal encoding and decoding. FREQ/GAIN_ERR is the error foroccurring both FREQ_ERR and GAIN_ERR.5) The result of All test is reported all the case for 2) ~ 4).6) If the error except the result of the seccsion 1) ~ 4), for example, NRSP_SVE|VOC_BUSY|ALRDY_TEST|VOC_NEQ|NRSP_SVP, is reported, it is the result ofthe abnormal diagnostic test. NRSP_SVE is the no responce of the vocoder andVOC_BUSY is the case that the vocoder does not carry out the diagnostic order.ALRDY_TEST is the case that the vocoder is executing other diagnostic commandand VOC_NEQ is the case that the vocoder is not equipped yet. NRSP_SVP is thecase that it can’t execute the order because of SVP no response.  Diagnosis of HRNA(1) Diagnostic methodThe diagnosis of HRNA’s Node is executed by HICA. There are two methods ofdiagnoses – Polling and Self Test – but both methods are concurrently executed.1) Polling                                               (note 1) 3) ~ 6) will be implemented ASAP.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-55 HICA sends polling messages to each of nodes which interfaces with processors.As a response of several polling messages, HICA reports the status of nodes tothe system.2) Self TestWithout having response to polling, HICA enters to the self test and systemverifies the minimum status of node. This test can be only used to setting to alarmmask in case of not connecting to the processors. Self Test is the test which is aloop-back test for the Tx and Rx of node.(2) Diagnostic test1) You can verify the status of HRNA using the following command.  C3204  DIS-GCIN-NODE; C3205  DIS-LCIN-NODE:BSC=a; C3206  DIS-BIN-NODE:{BSC=a,BCP=b}; {BTS=c} a : BSC  Id b : BCP  Id c : BTS  Id 2) You can use the following command to test and diagnose the node of HRNA.C4016  TST-HRNA:DEV=a,{BSC=b,BCP=c,}HRNA=e,NODE=f;{BTS=d,}a : Test HRNA Type  (GCIN/LCIN/BIN)b : BSC  Idc : BCP  Idd : BTS  Ide : HRNA  Idf : HRNA NODE(3) Analysis for the result of diagnosis1) For the diagnosis of node is composed of one network unlike another test, this testis impossible to test, after excluding the call services.2) The diagnostic result of node represents OK or NOK. This result is meaningful for
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-56the only node that connects to the corresponding device, because this is capable ofself-test.  Diagnosis of BTS-link(1) Diagnostic methodThe diagnosis of B-link is executed by HICA. There are three type of tests : node test,local loop-back test and remote loop-back test. This test is able to execute all testsconcurrently at once and you can verify the overall status of B-link by executingconcurrently.1) Test method of node This is a loop-back test for the node of HNTA.2) Method of local loop-back test You enable this loop-back test in the T1 FRAMER of HNTA which controls to themechanical links to check the data returned from HICA.3) Method of remote loop-back testThis is executed by HICA, which is a part of LCIN and exchanges messages orsends/receives the data. First, HICA connects to the Rx and Tx of HNTA’s T1FRAMER in peer BIN and then starts to the loop-back mode test. After diagnosing,HICA changes diagnostic mode to the original test mode.(2) Diagnostic test1) You use the following command to verify the status of BTS-link.  C3007  DIS-BLNK-STS:{BSC=a,BCP=b}; {BTS=c} a : BSC  Id b : BCP  Id c : BTS  Id
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-572) You test for the BTS-links using the following command.C4013  TST-BLNK:{BSC=b,BCP=c,}LINK=c,LEVEL=d,CNT=e,TERM=f;{BTS=g}a : BSC  Idb : BCP  Idc : Link  Idd : Test Level(NODE_TST  :  BIN, LCIN HNTA Node Test)(LOC_LOOP  :  BIN HICA <--> BIN HNTA, LCIN HICA <--> LCIN HNTA)(RMT_LOOP  :  LCIN HICA <--> BIN HNTA)e : TEST COUNT (Number of Test : if LEVEL is set to NODE_TST/LOC_LOOP, executes)f : TEST Time(Minute : in case of level being a RMT_LOOP)g : BTS  Id(3) Interworking of call processing1) If the diagnosis of BTS-link is executed, all the signals lose themselves.2) Before diagnosing, you consider sufficiently a possibility that several callsmultiplexed connect to the BTS-links.3) Once the diagnostic command is executed, HICA notifies the T_BLOCK State ofBTS links to both BCP and CCP in order to inhibit them from transmitting all ofcontrol signals. HICA continues to audit if the B-link is used for setting several calls.As soon as the B-link is fully idle, HICA enters to diagnose the B-links.4) After finishing the diagnosis, HICA releases T_BLOCK of BTS-links and then isabout to normal status of BTS-link.5) When the system is normal and two or more than BTS-links are operating or usefulfor call services at least, system only diagnoses them normally.6) If the system uses only one BTS-link for call services and the system diagnoses thislink, it results in canceling diagnosis. On behalf of this test, HICA diagnoses onehundred times of polling test for the corresponding link.(4) Analysis for the diagnostic result1) System counts the number of successful tests – HNTA Node’s test and Local loop-back test.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-582) The results of remote loop back test represent the number of sending test packets,successful packets and time-out packets during the test. Also, they represent thenumber of packet loss returned. Additionally, HICA verifies bit error (Framealignment signal error), slip error and bipolar error. Parts of these messages can bereported in executing the loop-back test actually or finishing the test.  Diagnosis of BTS’s Channel Element(1) Diagnostic methodThere is a polling test for diagnosis of channel element in BTS.(2) Diagnostic test1) You can verify the status of channel element in BTS using the following command.  C3106  DIS-CE-STS:{BSC=a,BCP=b}, DU=d; {BTS=c} a : BSC  Id b : BCP  Id c : BTS  Id d : Digital Unit Id 2) You can use the following command to test the status of channel element in BTS.C4015  TST-CE:{BSC=a,BCP=b,}DUID=d,CDCA=e,SUBNODE=f,LEVEL=g,CNT=h;{BTS=c}a : BSC  Idb : BCP  Idc : BTS  Idd : Digital Unit Ide : Channel Card Idf : Subnode Idg : Test Levelh : Polling Count(3) Analysis for the diagnostic results
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-59The number of response for polling is reported to the system.  Others(1) Reserved diagnosis Reserved diagnosis is a function of MMC + Timer. That is, for MMC is executedimmediately, to diagnose on the busy hour itself is overloaded to the system. Therefore,diagnosis is in middle of night. So, all the MMC commands are able to reserve. For theinformation of reserved diagnosis is stored to PLD, system can get reserved diagnosticinformation regardless of power on/off. Reserved diagnosis is executed according tothe information of PLD. (2) Periodic Diagnosis Periodic diagnosis is a function of MMC + Periodic Timer. That is, this is executed ongiven time every day. This corresponds to B-link, CE, and SVE. For all information arestored to the PLD, system can get the periodic diagnostic information from PLDregardless of power on/off. The functions of periodic diagnosis are as follows:allowance or disallowance for periodic test and change of test time.(3) Automatic diagnosisIf the operator allows for this diagnosis by corresponding devices (BLNK or SVE), thisdiagnosis always happens automatically regardless of operator’s will. Automaticdiagnosis is the audit on all the devices in the status management block – CSHX andBSHX. When the status is changed from normal to abnormal or from abnormal tonormal, this diagnosis is executed immediately. If the devices are recoverable bydiagnosis, system repairs and recovers them automatically.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-603.2.3  Statistics3.2.3.1  OverviewSystem can gather the statistic data according to the operator’s request or period andreports them to the system. Therefore, the main goal of measurement and statistics is touse the statistic data to re-design the system in the future or to set or install the systembased on these data. There are four grades or modules of measurement and statistics:collection of raw data, data manipulation, storing to the data, and transmitting.  Configuration and Operation(1) Operation1) This operation starts to the collection of data by the command of the statistics startcommand of BSM. It collects the data every 10 minutes and then reports to theBSM. If it receives the start measurement from BSM, it orders the call processingblock to start the library calls. After it also receives the request for the measurementor response from the other processors, it sends the response signal to the BSM.BSM receives the data from call processing blocks through the libraries of CMMXand BMMX. CCOX is a block of call processing and it enables CMMX to fetch thedata from the corresponding library buffer whenever producing events.2) The start-up flow of measurement and statistics is as follows:
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-61BSM requests for themeasurementsRequest for the timers of BSM itselfSend the request for data to the other processors Read the values of libraries.After gathering the data and processing them,store to the buffer After fetching the value of library andprocessing it, store to the buffer.After storing the data to the buffer, childprocess reports the result ofmeasurement when BSM requests forreporting the data.Figure 3.61  Start-up flow of measurement and statistics(2) Configuration of measurement and statistics1) Statistics of Traffics2) Statistics of Hand-offs3) Statistics of Channel elements4) Statistics of Vocoders5) Statistics of Processors6) Statistics of Performances7) Statistics of CAI8) Statistics of RFs9) Statistics of BTS-links10) Statistics of Faults11) Statistics of Alarms
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-6212) Statistics of Paging13) Statistics of RF’s performance in BTS.14) Statistics of Location registrations15) Statistics of No.  Test for measurement and statistics(1) Resevation for statistics data.1) You use the following command to cancel the reservation for the data of statistics.  M6201 STOP-STAT-JOB:BSC=aa,JOB=bb,MPRD=cc; aa : BSC ID bb : JOB Number cc : Measurement Periodic Time 2) If you entered the command, you can see the follows;- In case of SuccessM6201 STOP STATISTICS JOBSACCEPTEDRESULT = OK  COMPLETED- In case of FailureM6201 STOP STATISTICS JOBSNOT ACCEPTEDRESULT = NOKREASON = DATABASE NOT OPEN – cannot open the Database fileor INPUT ERROR – input erroror JOBS NOT FOUND – no report job reservedor MPRD NOT FOUND – no Measurement Period inputtedor JOB_ID ERROR – JOB ID erroror MATCHING JOB NOT FOUND – no report JOB respond to input valueCOMPLETED
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-633) You use the following command to cancel the reservation for the data of statisticsM6001 DIS-STAT-JOB:bsc=bsc;bsc : BSC ID4) If you entered the command, you can see the follows;- In case of SuccessM6001 DISPLAY STATISTICS JOBSBSC = bsc_idSUB_ID  JOB_NO   STAT_ITEM    START_TIME    MPRD  MTIM  ITER   aa      bb          cc            dd          ee    ff    gg...RESULT = OKCOMPLETEDaa :  SUB IDbb :  JOB Registration Numbercc :  JOB Statistics Itemdd :  Measurement Start Timeee :  Measurement Periodff :  Measurement Timesgg :  Execution Times- In case of FailureM6001 DISPLAY STATISTICS JOBSNOT ACCEPTEDRESULT = NOKREASON = Fail Reasons*COMPLETEDREASON = BSC NOT EQUIPPED – The entered BSC is not equipped.or NO JOBS PLANNED – There is not reserved ststistics JOB.or BSC_ID NOT ENTERED – Input Error for not entered BSC.(2) Statistics of trafficThere are three types of the measurement and statistics of traffic according toorigination call, termination call, and both of all.1) You use the following command to start up the traffic command.C6102 STRT-STAT-TRAF:[BSC=a,[BCP=b,]]ITEM=c,MPRD=d,MTIM=e;           a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)            b : BCP ID (0 ~ 5)            c : Statistics of Traffic ITEM (ORG|TER|ALL)            d : Measurement Periodical Time (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-64            e: Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.• Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,and 00 .2) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  M6102 STATISTICS ON CALL TRAFFIC      ITEM = TRAF_ORG      DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM      BSC_ID = aa      BTS   FA  SEC   ATTEMPT  CAL_PROC    SEIZURE     ALERT     ANSWER  AVG_HOLD  TRAF_USG     BCP_OVLD  CCP_OVLD  TCE_UNAV   TC_FULL   WC_UNAV  PWR_UNAV  C_ASN_FL     VOC_ERR  VOC_BUSY  VOC_UNAV  T_SYN_TO  M_ACQ_FL   SO_REJCT  S_SI_LNK                       S_BAD_FR  S_NO_FRM    S_TFC_FL    S_DB_FL  T_BCP_TO   B_CCP_TO  P_TSB_TO                       C_TSB_TO   C_PCX_TO   CTRL_TO  RSC_CONG  TRK_BUSY    SIG_ERR  NO_ANSWR                         S_T_REL      LR_TO  UNAV_USR  UNAV_NUM  USR_BUSY   NO_RESP  REL_CALL                      S_PWR_DN    BLINK_FL    BSC_FLT    PCX_FLT   PCX_REL  REL_TRAF  PWR_DOWN                       SI_LNKFL  TFC_DOWN   BAD_FRM   DELAY_ms     A_TRAF_%  A_SUCC_%       bb    c    d            x            x            x           x          x           x            x                               x            x            x           x          x           x            x                               x            x            x           x          x           x            x                               x            x            x           x          x           x            x                               x            x            x           x          x           x            x                               x            x            x           x          x           x            x                               x            x            x           x          x           x            x                               x            x            x           x       ...      RESULT = OK    COMPLETED     M6102 STATISTICS ON CALL TRAFFIC      ITEM = TRAF_TER      DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM      BSC_ID = aa      BTS   FA  SEC  ATTEMPT  CAL_PROC   SEIZURE      ALERT    ANSWER  AVG_HOLD  TRAF_USG                     BCP_OVLD  CCP_OVLD  TCE_UNAV   TC_FULL   WC_UNAV  PWR_UNAV  C_ASN_FL                      VOC_ERR  VOC_BUSY  VOC_UNAV  T_SYN_TO  M_ACQ_FL   SO_REJCT   S_SI_LNK
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-65                     S_BAD_FR   S_NO_FRM   S_TFC_FL    S_DB_FL  T_BCP_TO   B_CCP_TO   P_TSB_TO                      C_TSB_TO  C_PCX_TO   CTRL_TO  RSC_CONG  TRK_BUSY    SIG_ERR  NO_ANSWR                     S_PWR_DN   BLINK_FL   BSC_FLT     PCX_FLT   PCX_REL  REL_TRAF  PWR_DOWN                      SI_LNKFL  TFC_DOWN  BAD_FRM   DELAY_ms      A_TRAF_%  A_SUCC_%       bb    c    d           x            x           x           x           x           x            x                              x            x           x           x           x           x            x                              x            x           x           x           x           x            x                              x            x           x           x           x           x            x                              x            x           x           x           x           x            x                              x            x           x           x           x           x            x                              x            x           x           x       ...      RESULT = OK    COMPLETED              aa    :   BSC ID            bb    :   BCP ID            c     :   FA ID              d     :   SECTOR ID 3) Analysis on the parameters of output messageThe following parameters of statistics of traffic are related with origination calls.Items ContentsATTEMPT The number of attempting the originated calls using access channelin MS.Ÿ On receiving the message of Msg_Mob_Orig_Bc, this parameteris countedSEIZURE The number of successful link between mobile station and vocoderŸ On receiving the message of Msg_Conect_sc, this parameter iscounted.CAL_PROC The number of processing normal origination call in PCXŸ When mobile station is requested to the origination call set-up toPCX and receives the ACK, this parameter is counted.ALERT The number of ring transmitted for the response of terminated call.Ÿ When the message of Alert is received, this parameter iscounted.ANSWER The number of normal call for the response of termination call
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-66TRAF_USG The rate of possessing channel of origination call (The count form ofcertification : In case of the statistics of hourly time, the result is thefollowing. (ATT_HOLD*ATTEMPT)/3600)AVG_HOLD he total possession time of channelNORM_REL On maintaining a call, this parameter represents to being released bythe part of origination (Release a call of M/M or M/L calls from theorigination)PCX_REL On maintaining a call, this parameter represents to being released bythe part of termination (Release a call of M/M or M/L calls from thepart of MS or Land)PWR_DOWN The number of released calls by the power down of MS in normalcallsBAD_FRM The number of released call by the data burst error due to the badradio environment in a call.SI_LNKFL The number of cut-off calls due to the SI link fail in a callTFC_DOWN The number of cut-off calls by TFC down during a callSET_REL The number of released calls by the user of origination part beforeanswering for a call during the call set-up (The number of cancelingcalls)P_TSB_TO The number of released calls for not arriving to the control messagein time from MS during a callM_ACQ_FL In case of TCE failing to obtain the set-up data of communicationchannels from mobile station, a call is releasedT_SYNC_TO In setting up TC link between TCE and TSB, this parameterrepresents that Time Sync message does not arrive in the vocoder.T_BCP_TO When the control signal of the origination call between TCE and BCPis not arrived in vocoder on time, this parameter is counted for thenumber of abnormal released call.B_CCP_TO When the control signal of the origination call between BCP andCCP is not arrived in vocoder on time, this parameter is counted forthe number of abnormal released call.SO_REJCT Release the call for not processing the service option of MS.VOC_ERR The fail of origination call for the error of vocoder initialization.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-67TCE_UNAV If the resources of TCE are not able to assign them to the call or theyremain the reserved channels for hand-offs on receiving themessage of MobOrg, this parameter is used.WC_UNAV The number of the failure of origination call which is unable to assignWalsh Code channel for TC. That is, this is a bad channel of CDMA.PWR_UNAV If there is no TC total power assigned for BTS, which is overloadedto the BTS, this parameter is counted.S_SI_LNK The number of released call for SI_LINK_FAIL on setting up a callS_BAD_FR In case of producing a lot of bad data or losing much voice data forproducing a lot of bad data or voice data loss by the badenvironment of radio, this parameter is used to count for the numberof released calls.DB_SL_FL The failure of origination call due to “DB Selection Fail” on a callsetup.S_NO_FRM The number of released calls due to “NO FRAME” on a call setupS_TFC_FL The failure of origination call due to “TFC Down” on a call setup.VOC_UNAV If the system cannot assign the available resources to the call, thisparameter is used on receiving the normal originated call setupmessages from BCP.BCP_OVLD The failure of the originated call due to being overloaded on theprocessor of BCPCCP_OVLD The failure of originated call due to being overloaded on theprocessor of CCP.C_TSB_TO After the CCP sends the indication message of setting up TC link toTSB, if the CCP does not receive any response messages from TSB,this parameter is used.BSC_FLT The failure of originated call due to the other faults of BSC.C_PCX_TO This parameter is used not to receive the message of makingprogress the call for the request of call setup from the PCX within 5seconds. Also, it is used not to receive the messages of terminatedring from PCX within 20 seconds.NO_ANSWR This parameter indicates that the “Connect” message is not arrivedin vocoder in one minute, after receiving the “Alert” message.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-68BLINK_FL This parameter indicates that the call setup fails due to beingoverloaded on CCP-BCP link, B-link and switching over the link.USR_BUSY This parameter indicates the busy state of subscriber of terminatedcall.NO_RESP The number of released calls for the no response of first and secondpaging on the part of termination.LR_TO The number of released calls because the response of VLR or HLRis not arrived in time on setting up a originated call.UNAV_USR The number of released calls because the originated subscribers hasno authorization on setting up a originated call(No registration or theinhibition of originated call)UNAV_NUM The number of released calls because the terminated call is not ableto connect to the termination as a result of translating the number oftermination on a call setup.RSC_CONG The number of released calls due to being overloaded on the switchof PCX on a originated call setupTRK_BUSY The number of released calls due to being lack of the trunks of PCXin setting up a originated call.SIG_ERR The number of released call due to being a signaling error of R2 orNo7 in setting up a originated call.PCX_FLT This parameter is indicates the failure of originated call due to theother faults of PCX. After CCP sends the message of “setup_cx” toPCX, CCP receives the message of “Connection refused” due to noregistration, alarm, or failure of DB.DELAY_ms The average delay time from call attempt to serviceA_TRAF_% Call originated traffic rateA_SUCC_% Call originated success rateThese parameters are related to the statistics of termination call’s traffic.Items ContentsATTEMPT This parameter indicates MS uses the access channel to attempt theterminated call. It is counted on responding to paging.SEIZURE The number of setting TC link up between MS and vocoder
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-69CAL_PROC The number of the normal terminated call on PCX.ALERT The number of transmitting to RBT of the subscriber of termination.ANSWER The number of responding the calls from the terminated subscribers.TRAF_USG The rate of the channel possession of the terminated callsAVG_HOLD The interval time(second) of the channel possession of theterminated calls.NORM_REL In case of releasing a call from termination on it.PCX_REL In case of releasing a call from origination on it.PWR_DOWN The number of calls released by the power down of MS in the normalcall.BAD_FRM The number of released call when detecting on the bad frame in theTSB on a call.SI_LNKFL The number of cut-off calls due to the error of  “SI Link Fail” on a callTFC_DOWN The number of cut-off calls by the error of “TFC Down” in a call.P_TSB_TO If the control message is not arrived in time from MS on setting up acall, this parameter is used.M_ACQ_FL When MS sends the message of setting the traffic channel to TCE, incase of not obtaining the TCE, the call is canceled.T_SYNC_TO When the TC link between TCE and TSB is set up, this parameterindicates that “Time Sync Message” is not arrived in time.T_BCP_TO The number of calls released in the terminated call setup for thecontrol messages between TCE and BCP is not arrived on timeB_CCP_TO The number of calls released in the terminated call setup for thecontrol messages between BCP and CCP is not arrived on timeSO_REJCT The number of calls released due to being unable to process theservice options of MS.VOC_ERR The number of failures for the terminated calls due to the failure ofvocoder initialization in setting up a call.TCE_UNAV In case of no resources of TCE on receiving the message of “Pageresponse” or in case of remaining the only reserved channel forhandoff, this parameter indicates not to assign the resources for acall.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-70WC_UNAV The failure of terminated call due to being unable to assign Walshcode channelPWR_UNAV The failure of terminated call for lack of assigned power of BTSS_SI_LNK The number of calls released because of SI_LINK_FAIL on a callsetupS_BAD_FR In case of producing a lot of bad data or losing much voice data bythe bad environment of radio, this parameter is used to count for thenumber of calls released or the number of SI link failures in a callsetup.DB_SL_FL The failure of originated call due to the failure of DB selection in a callsetupS_NO_FRM The number of calls released due to “No Frame” in setting a call up.S_TFC_FL The failure of originated call due to “TFC down” in setting a call upVOC_UNAV The failure of terminated call for lack of the resources of vocoderBCP_OVLD The failure of terminated call due to overloaded on BCP.CCP_OVLD The failure of terminated call due to overloaded on CCP.C_TSB_TO After the CCP sends the indication message of setting up TC link toTSB, if the CCP does not receive any response messages from TSB,this parameter is used.BSC_FLT The failure of originated call due to the other faults of BSCC_PCX_TO If the message of making progress a call, Call Conf, is not receivedfrom PCX for the response of paging within 5 seconds, thisparameter is used.NO_ANSWR The number of failures due to no response from terminatedsubscribers in the terminated call setup.BLINK_FL The deadlock or cut-off of B-linksRSC_CONG Failure of terminated call for lack of the resources of switches andtrunksSIG_ERR The number of calls released due to the error of R2 and No.7 insetting up the terminated callPCX_FLT Failure of Originated call due to the other faults of PCXDELAY_ms The average delay time from call attempt to serviceA_TRAF_% Call originated traffic rate
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-71A_SUCC_% Call originated success rate(3) Statistics of Hand-offThere are three types of measurement and statistics : softer, soft, and Hard hand-off.Hard hand-off has three types : Intra-HHO, Inter-HHO, and Intra-Cell.1) You use the following command to start the statistics of hand-off.C6103 STRT-STAT-HDOF:[BSC=a,[BCP=b,]]ITEM=c,MPRD=d,MTIM=e;a : BSC Id (0 ~ 6)b : BCP Id (0 ~ 5)c : Statistic item of Handoff (HHO|SHO|RHO|ALL)d : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)e : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.Ÿ Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,and 00 .2) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  -  In case of Softer Handoff M6103 STATISTICS ON HANDOFF    ITEM = HO_SOFTER    DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM    BSC_ID = aa    BTS_ID  FR_SEC  TO_SEC   ATT_ADD   ATT_DRP   SUC_ADD   SUC_DRP                           CC_UNAV   SYS_FLT  HCM_FAIL  CALL_DRP  A_SUCC_%          bb       c        c         x          x          x          x                              x          x          x          x               x       ...       RESULT = OK       COMPLETED     aa : BSC ID     bb : BTS ID     c  : SECTOR ID
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-72  - In case of Soft Handoff M6103 STATISTICS ON HANDOFF ITEM = HO_SOFT DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa FR_BTS  TO_BSC  TO_BTS   ATT_ADD   ATT_DRP   SUC_ADD   SUC_DRP   TC_UNAV                         WC_UNAV   FO_UNAV   SYS_FLT  HCM_FAIL  CALL_DRP A_SUCC_%       bb       aa       bb          x           x           x           x           x                                     x           x           x           x           x   x      ...     RESULT = OK       COMPLETED     aa : BSC ID     bb : BTS ID  - In case of HARD HANDOF M6103 STATISTICS ON HANDOFF ITEM = HO_HARDMSC DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa   FR_BTS  TO_MSC  TO_BSC  TO_BTS   ATTEMPT   FREQ_HO   FRAM_HO   BOTH_HO  NO_CHNGE                                             TC_UNAV   CC_UNAV    FO_UNAV    SYS_FAIL   HCM_FAIL                                       CALL_DRP A_SUCC_%      bb        cc        aa       bb           x            x            x            x           x                                                x            x            x            x           x        x ... RESULT = OK COMPLETED  M6103 STATISTICS ON HANDOFF ITEM = HO_HARD DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa      FR_BTS  TO_BSC  TO_BTS   ATTEMPT   SUCCESS   TC_UNAV   CC_UNAV                             FO_UNAV   SYS_FLT   HCM_FAIL  CALL_DRP  A_SUCC_%    bb       aa       bb         x          x           x            x                                 x          x           x            x ...
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-73 RESULT = OK   COMPLETED  aa : BSC ID bb : BTS ID cc : MSC ID 3) Analysis on output parametersThere are tens of parameters of statistics of softer handoff as follows:Items ContentsFROM_SEC The source sector of softer handoffTO_SEC The target sector of softer handoffATT_ADD The number of Softer ADDATT_DROP The number of Softer DROPSUC_ADD The number of success in Softer ADD handoffSUC_DROP The number of success in Softer DROP handoffCC_UNAV The number of handoff failures when the Walsh code channel is notused.SYS_FAIL The number of handoff failures in the faults of systemHCM_FAIL The number of released call because of not receiving HCM in thehandoffCALL_DROP The number of Softer Drops of PS’ call in the handoffThe following parameters are related to statistics of soft handoff.Items ContentsFROM_BTS The source number of BTSTO_BTS The target number of BTSATT_ADD The number of receiving PSMMs in soft add handoffATT_DROP The number of receiving PSMMs in soft drop handoffSUC_ADD The number of receiving HCMs in soft add handoff after sendingHDMs to MS
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-74SUC_DROP The number of receiving HCMs in soft drop handoff after sendingHDMs to MSTC_UNAV The number of failures due to being unable to use TCsWC_UNAV The number of failures due to being unable to use Walsh codechannelsSYS_FAIL The number of handoff failures in the faults of system.FO_UNAV The number of failures due to being unable to use or assign frameoffsetHCM_FAIL The number of released calls due to not receiving HCMCALL_DROP The number of calls dropped by the MS in being handoffA_SUCC_% Call originated success rateThe following parameters are related to statistics of hard handoff.Items ContentsFROM_BTS The source number of BTSTO_BTS The target number of BTSATTEMPT The number of decisions on Inter Cell by frequency HHOSUC_FO The number of Handoff by changing Frame OffsetSUC_FA The number of Handoff by changing FrequencySUC_BOTH The number of successful Handoffs by changing Frequency or FrameOffsetSUC_NO_CHG The number of successful Handoffs by not changing Frequency orFrame Offset (Only Handoff between PCXs)TC_UNAV The number of failures due to being unable to use TCCC_UNAV The number of failures due to being unable to use the Walsh codechannelSYS_FAIL The number of handoff failures in the faults of system.FO_UNAV The number of failures due to being unable to use the frame offsetHCM_FAIL The number of released calls due to not receiving HCMCALL_DROP The number of calls dropped by the MS in being handoffA_SUCC_% Call originated success rate(4) Statistics of Channel Elements
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-75This statistics are measured by sector of BTS.1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of the channelelements.C6104 STRT-STAT-CE:[BSC=a,[BCP=b,]]MPRD=c,MTIM=d;a  :  BSC  ID ( 0  -  6 )b  :  BCP  ID ( 0  -  5 )c  :  Channel Element Statistic ITEM ( ACE/PCE/TCE/ALL)d  :  Measurement Periodical Time ( MIN10/HALF/HOUR )e  :  Measurement Times ( 1  -  50 )System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.• Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,and 00.2) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  M6104 STATISTICS ON CHANNEL ELEMENT ITEM = CE_ACCESS DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa BTS   FA  AC_EQUIP  AC_MX_LD  AC_M_CNT  AC_LD_RT   bb     c           x           x            x           x  ... RESULT = OK COMPLETED  M6104 STATISTICS ON CHANNEL ELEMENT ITEM = CE_PAGE DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa BTS   FA  PC_EQUIP  PC_MX_LD  PC_M_CNT  PC_LD_RT  bb     c           x           x           x           x  ...
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-76 RESULT = OK COMPLETED  M6104 STATISTICS ON CHANNEL ELEMENT ITEM = CE_TRAFFIC DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa BTS   FA  SEC  TRAF_ATT  TRAF_ASN  TRAF_USG   TRAF_BSY  TRAF_FLT                 HDOF_ATT  HDOF_ASN  HDOF_USG  HDOF_BSY  HDOF_FLT  A_USE_%  bb     c    d           x            x           x           x           x        xx.x                          x            x           x           x           x ... RESULT = OK COMPLETED     aa : BSC ID   bb : BTS ID   c  : FA ID   d  : SECTOR ID 3) Analysis on the output parametersThere are several parameters of statistics of traffic channels as follows:Items ContentsTRAF_ATT The number of attempts of traffic channels per hourTRAF_SUC The number of successful assignment of traffic channels per hourTRAF_HOLD The average time(SEC) of possession of traffic channel on trafficHDOF_ATT The number of attempts of traffic channels on the handoff per hourHDOF_SUC The number of successful assignment of traffic channels on handoffper hourHDOF_HOLD The average time(SEC) of possession of traffic channel on handoffTRAF_BSY The number of failures per hour due to being busy on traffic channelsTRAF_FLT The number of failures per hour in the faults on traffic channelsHDOF_BSY The number of handoff failures per hour due to being busy on trafficchannelsHDOF_FLT The number of handoff failures per hour in the faults on trafficchannelsA_USE_% The average usage ratio (%) of traffic channels per hourThere are several parameters of statistics of paging channels
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-77Items ContentsAC_EQUIP The number of access channels equippedAC_MX_LD The maximum number of messages to be processed in the accesschannelsAC_M_CNT The number of messages actually processedAC_LD_RT The number of messages per unit time (second)There are four output parameters of statistics of paging channels as follows:Items ContentsPC_EQUIP The number of paging channels equippedPC_MX_LD The maximum number of messages to be processed in the pagingchannelsPC_M_CNT The number of messages actually processedPC_LD_RT The number of messages per unit time (second)(5) Statistics of vocoders1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of vocodersC6105 STRT-BTS-VOC:[BSC=a,[SIP=b,]]MPRD=c,MTIM=d;a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)b : SIP ID (0 ~ 31)c : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)   d : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.Ÿ Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,and 00.2) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-78 M6105 STATISTICS ON VOCODER ITEM = VOC DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa SIP_ID  SVP_ID    TX_A_B_R    RX_A_B_R    DURATION    LOAD_DSP   TOTAL_FRM                               FRM_B_ERR  FRM_DELAY  FRM_ERR_%   BIT_ERR_%  FRM_DLY_%              bb      cc            x             x            x             x            x                                    x             x            x             x            x              ...             RESULT = OK               COMPLETED                 aa   : BSC ID                 bb   : SIP ID                 cc   : SVP ID 3) Analysis on the output parametersThere are some parameters of statistic of vocoder (Tx/Rx) as follow:Items ContentsTX_BIT_RATE The average bit rate for sended frame (12.5 - 100%)RX_BIT_RATE The average bit rate for received frame (12.5 - 100%)AVG_LOAD_DSP The average load per a DSP (0 - 100%) : (AVG_DUR_TIME*100)/600AVG_DUR_TIME The average call state time (sec) : TOT_FRAME/(MAX_SVE_PER_SVP*50)FRAME_DELAY The number of frame that don’t receive from TCE each 20msFRM_B_BER The number of frame received from TCE having CRC or other errorsTOT_FRAME Total frame countAVG_FRM_ERR The average error frame to received frame (0 - 100%) :(FRM_B_ERR+FRM_DELAY)*100/TOT_FRAMEAVG_BIT_ERR The average error bit to received error frame (0 - 100%) :(FRM_B_ERR*100/(FRM_B_ERR+FRM_DELAY)FRM_DLY_RATE The average delay to received error frame (0 - 100%) :(FRM_B_ERR*100/(FRM_B_ERR+FRM_DELAY)(6) Statistics of Processors1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of processors.C6108 STRT-STAT-PRC : [BSC=a,][BCP=b,|SIP=c,|CSB=d,|SRC=e]ITEM=f,MPRD=g,MTIM=h;
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-79a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)b : BCP ID (0 ~ 5)c : SIP ID (0 ~ 31)d : CSB ID(0 ~11)e : SRC ID(0 ~ 31)f : Processor Statistics Item (CCP|BCP|SIP|CSB|SRC|ALL)g : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)h : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.Ÿ Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,and 00.2) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour. - In case of CCP M6108 STATISTICS ON PROCESSOR LOAD ITEM = PRC_CCP DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa IDLE   IN_IPCC  IN_IPCQ  MEM_USE x.xx       x        x           x RESULT = OK COMPLETED  - In case of BCP M6108 STATISTICS ON PROCESSOR LOAD ITEM = PRC_BCP DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa BCP_ID     IDLE    IIPCC    IIPCQ    OIPCC    OIPCQ   bb       x.xx       x        x         x         x ... RESULT = OK COMPLETED
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-80  - In case of SIP M6108 STATISTICS ON PROCESSOR LOAD ITEM = PRC_SIP DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa SIP_ID     IDLE    IIPCC    IIPCQ    OIPCC    OIPCQ Cc      x.xx        x        x          x         x ... RESULT = OK COMPLETED aa : BSC ID bb : BCP ID cc : SIP ID - In case of BCPM6108 STATISTICS ON PROCESSOR LOADITEM = PRC_CSBDATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MMBSC_ID = aaIDLE    IIPCC    IIPCQ    OIPCC    OIPCQx.xx       x        x         x        x...RESULT = OKCOMPLETEDaa : BSC ID - In case of SRCM6108 STATISTICS ON PROCESSOR LOADITEM = PRC_SRCDATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MMBSC_ID = aaCELL    FA_ID    IDLE    IIPCC    IIPCQ    OIPCC    OIPCQ  bb      cc      x.xx       x        x         x        x...RESULT = OKCOMPLETED
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-81aa : BSC IDbb : CELL IDcc : FA ID3) Analysis on the output parametersThere are several output parameters of statistics of processors as follow:Items ContentsIDLE The average load of processorsIIPCC Input IPC Count (the number of Rx IPCc)OIPCC Output IPC Count (the number of Tx IPCs)IIPCQ Input IPC Quantity (the quantity of Rx IPC)OIPCQ Output IPC Quantity ( the quantity of Tx IPC)IN_IPCC The number of incoming IPCs in the CCP (only CCP)IN_IPCQ The quantity of incoming IPCs in the CCP (only CCP)MEM_USG CCP Processor Memory Usage Rate (only CCP)(6) Statistics of the performance of BTS1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of the performance ofBTS.C6111 STRT-STAT-PERF : [BSC=a,[BCP=b,]]MPRD=c,MTIM=d;          a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6) b : BCP ID (0 ~ 5) c : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR) d : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.Ÿ Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,and 00.2) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-82Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  M6111 STATISTICS ON BTS PERFORMANCE ITEM = PERF DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa BTS_ID  O_LT100  O_LT200  O_LT300  O_LT400  O_LT500  O_LT600   O_LT700  O_GT700           T_LT400   T_LT500  T_LT600  T_LT700  T_LT800  T_LT900   T_LT1000  T_GT1000           bb          x          x         x         x        x         x          x         x                       x          x         x         x        x         x          x         x          ...         RESULT = OK           COMPLETED            aa : BSC ID            bb : BCP ID 3) Analysis on the output parametersThe following parameters are related to statistics of the performance of BTS.Items ContentsO_LT_100 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of originated call setup is less than100msO_LT_200 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of originated call setup is greater than100ms and less than200msO_LT_300 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of originated call setup is greater than200ms and less than300msO_LT_400 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of originated call setup is greater than300ms and less than400msO_LT_500 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of originated call setup is greater than 400ms and less than500ms
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-83O_LT_600 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of originated call setup is greater than 500ms and less than600msO_LT_700 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of originated call setup is greater than 600ms and less than 700msO_GT_700 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of originated call setup is greater than700msT_LT_400 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of terminated call setup is less than 400msT_LT_500 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of terminated call setup is greater than 400ms and less than500msT_LT_600 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of terminated call setup is greater than 500ms and less than600msT_LT_700 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of terminated call setup is greater than 600ms and less than700msT_LT_800 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of terminated call setup is greater than 700ms and less than800msT_LT_900 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of terminated call setup is greater than 800ms and less than900msT_LT_1000 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of terminated call setup is greater than 900ms and less than1000msT_GT_1000 From the view of BTS, this parameter indicates that the completiontime of terminated call setup is greater than 1000ms(7) Statistics of CAI signaling1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of CAI signaling.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-84C6118 STRT-STAT-CAI : [BSC=a,[BCP=b,]]MPRD=c,MTIM=d;       a : BSC ID (0 ~ 11)b : BCP ID (0 ~ 31)c : Report Item (BCP|TSB|ALL)d : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)e : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.Ÿ Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,and 002) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  M6118 STATISTICS ON CAI SIGNALLING ITEM = CAI DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa BTS_ID  SEC_ID  PC_EQUIP  PC_PAGING   P C_ORDER  PC_CH_ASGN  PC_DAT_BST  PC_SER_RDR                        AC_EQUIP AC_MOB_ORG  AC_REGIST AC_MOB_ORD  AC_PAG_RSP  AC_DAT_BST         bb      cc              x             x           x             x              x             x                                 x             x           x             x             x             x ... RESULT = OK COMPLETEDM6118 STATISTICS ON CAI SIGNALLINGITEM = TSB_CAIDATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MMBSC_ID = aaCELL  SEC_ID  FA_ID  RCV_ORDER   RCV_PSMM   RCV_PMRM   RCV_DTMF   RCV_SVC_CON   RCV_HDOF                        SND_ORDER   SND_ALRT   SND_NBOR   SND_HDOF   SND_SVC_CON  bb      cc     dd         x           x           x            x              xx                             x           x           x            x              x...
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-85RESULT = OKCOMPLETEDaa : BSC IDbb : CELL IDcc : SECTOR ID dd : FA_ID 3) Analysis on the output parameters-. The following parameters are related to statistics of CAI (Common Air Interface)signaling.Items ContentsPC_TOTAL The number of messages of all of the paging channels to be sentPC_PAGING The number of messages of “General page Message” to be sentPC_ORDER The number of messages of order to be sentPC_CH_ASGN The number of messages of “Channel Assign” to be sentPC_DAT_BST The number of data burst messages transmitted to the pagingchannel.PC_SER_RDR The number of the message of service redirection message usingpaging channel.AC_TOTAL The number of the message transmitted to all of access channelsAC_MOB_ORG The number of the messages of origin transmitted to the accesschannelAC_REGIST The number of the transmitted messages of registration using accesschannelAC_MOB_ORD The number of the transmitted messages of orders using the accesschannelAC_PAG_RSP The number of the transmitted messages of paging response usingthe access channelAC_DAT_BST The number of the data burst message transmitted to the accesschannel-. The following parameters are related to statistics of TSB CAI signaling.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-86Items ContentsRCV_ORDER MS ACK Order, Release Order, Continous DTMF Order, etc.RCV_PSMM MS sends the messages measured Pilot to BS (ex., Pilot strength)RCV_PMRM MS sends the messages taken a statistics of forward link frame errorto BSRCV_DTMF MS sends the messages taken information when touchs the keypad toBSRCV_SVC_CON The response of “Service Connect Message”. Start its service.RCV_HDOF The complete report message updated for “Handoff Direction”SND_ORDER BS Ack Order, Release Order, Pilot Mesurement Request Order, etc.SND_ALRT Tone Off, Long Tone, RingBackTone On, etc.SND_NBOR Update the information of MS neighbor Pilot when MS does “Handoff”SND_HDOF Handoff Update Pilot Information messageSND_SVC_CON Allow the requested service (option)(8) Statistics of RFs1) You can start to the statistics of RF using the following command.C6107 STRT-STAT-RF:[BSC=a,[BCPS=b,]]MPRD=c,MTIM=d;       a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)       b : BCP ID (0 ~ 5)       c : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)       d : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.• Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and002) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.     M6107 STATISTICS ON BTS CHANNEL QUALITY      ITEM = RF
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-87      DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM      BSC_ID = aa      BTS_ID  SEC_ID  AFWD_GAIN  ARVS_GAIN  OVF_FG_CNT               bb       c             x            x              x             ...           RESULT = OK           COMPLETED         aa : BSC ID         bb : BCP ID           c  : SECTOR ID 3) Analysis on the output parametersThe following parameters are related to statistics of radio frequency quality.Items ContentsAFWD_GAIN The average value of Tx gain of the forward channel for the forwardpower controlARVS_GAIN The average value of threshold of reverse channel for the reversepower controlOVF_FG_CNT The number of the arrived message of PMRM in spite of exceedingthe threshold of Max Tx Gain already for the forward power control.(9) Statistics of B-link1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of B linkC6106 STRT-STAT-LINK:[BSC=a,[BCP=b,]]MPRD=c,MTIM=d;       a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)       b : BCP ID (0 ~ 5)       c : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)       d : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.Ÿ Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and002) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-88Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour. M6106 STATISTICS ON BTS LINKITEM = BLINKDATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MMBSC_ID = aaCELL LNK_I TYPE   R_TOT_C  R_ERR_C  R_S_F_C  R_SLP_C  R_CRC_C  R_USE_R  R_FER_RR_BER_R                     T_TOT_C  T_ERR_C  T_S_F_C  T_SLP_C  T_CRC_C  T_USE_R  T_FER_RT_BER_R  bb    cc    dd        x        x         x         x          x        x          xx                         x        x         x         x          x        xx         xRESULT = OKCOMPLETEDaa   : BSC IDbb   : CELL IDcc   : LINK ID dd   : LINK TYPE (E1/T1) 3) Analysis of the output parametersThe following parameters are related to statistics of BSC-BTS links (Tx/Rx).Items ContentsTYPE Type of links (E1/T1)USE_R The average rate of the usage of linksA_FER Average Frame Error Rate( = (Error Frame Count / Total Frame Count) * 100 )FER_R The ratio of HDLC error of the Frame errorBET_R Bit Error Rate (10-3 - 10-9)TOT_C Total Frame Count
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-89ERR_C Error Frame CountSLP_C Slip CountCRC_C CRC Count(10) Statistics of Faults1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of faults. C6109 STRT-STAT-FLT : [BSC=a,[BCP=b,]                               ITEM=c,MPRD=d,MTIM=e ;        a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)        b : BCP ID (0 ~ 5)        c : Fault Statistics Item        d : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)        e : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.Ÿ Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and002) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  - In case of BSC      M6109 STATISTICS ON FAULT        ITEM = FLT (BSC)      DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM        BSC_ID = aa         CODE   PWR   PBA   PRO    CE    OS   LNK   PLL   CLK   CBL   OOS   ENV         Fxxxx     x      x      x       x      x      x     x      x     x      x      x        ...        TOTAL = x        RESULT = OK      COMPLETED
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-90  - In case of BTS      M6109 STATISTICS ON FAULT        ITEM = FLT (BTS)      DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM        BSC_ID = aa        BTS   CODE   PWR   PBA   PRO   CE    OS   LNK   PLL   CLK   CBL   OOS   ENV           bb   Fxxxx     x     x      x      x     x      x     x      x      x      x      x        ...        TOTAL = x        RESULT = OK      COMPLETED       aa   : BSC ID       bb   : BCP ID 3) Analysis on the output parametersThe following parameters are related to statistics of faults.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-91Items ContentsPWR The number of the occurrences of faults related to the powerPBA The number of the occurrences of faults related to the PBA boardsPRO The number of the occurrences of faults related to processorsCE The number of the occurrences of faults related to channel elementsOS The number of the occurrences of faults related to OSLNK The number of the occurrences of faults related to the linksPLL The number of the occurrences of faults related to PLLsCLK The number of the occurrences of faults related to clocksCBL The number of the occurrences of faults related to cablesOOS The number of the occurrences of faults related to out-of-servicesENV The number of the occurrences of faults related to the environment(11) Statistics of Alarms1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of alarms.C6110 STRT-STAT-ALM : [BSC=a,[BCP=b,]]ITEM=c,MPRD=d,MTIM=e ;        a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)        b : BCP ID (0 ~ 5)        c : Alarm Statistics Item        d : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)        e : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.Ÿ Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,and 00.2) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-92 - In case of BSC M6110 STATISTICS ON ALARM        ITEM = ALM (BSC)      DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM       BSC_ID = aa         CODE   PWR   PBA   PRO    CE    OS   LNK   PLL   CLK   CBL   OOS   ENV        Axxxx     x       x      x       x     x      x      x     x      x      x      x        ...        TOTAL = x                    ALM_TYPE      TOTAL  CRITICAL     MAJOR     MINOR        H/W ALARM         x         x         x         x        S/W ALARM         x         x         x         x        RESULT = OK      COMPLETED  - In case of BTS M6110 STATISTICS ON ALARM ITEM = ALM (BTS)      DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM        BSC_ID = aa        BTS   CODE   PWR   PBA   PRO   CE    OS   LNK   PLL   CLK   CBL   OOS   ENV           bb   Axxxx     x      x      x      x      x     x      x      x      x      x      x        ...        TOTAL = x         ALM_TYPE      TOTAL  CRITICAL   MAJOR   MINOR        H/W ALARM x         x         x         x        S/W ALARM x         x         x         x        RESULT = OK      COMPLETED      aa : BSC ID      bb : BCP ID 3) Analysis on the output parametersThe following parameters are related to statistics of alarms.Items ContentsPWR The number of the occurrences of alarms related to the powerPBA The number of the occurrences of alarms related to the PBA boards
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-93PRO The number of the occurrences of alarms related to the processorCE The number of the occurrences of alarms related to the channelelementsOS The number of the occurrences of alarms related to OSLNK The number of the occurrences of alarms related to the linksPLL The number of the occurrences of alarms related to PLLCLK The number of the occurrences of alarms related to the clocksCBL The number of the occurrences of alarms related to the cablesOOS The number of the occurrences of alarms related to the out-of-serviceENV The number of the occurrences of alarms related to the environment(12) Statistics of Paging1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of paging.C6112 STRT-STAT-PAG : [BSC=a,[BCP=b,]]MPRD=c,MTIM=d;        a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)        b : BCP ID (0 ~ 5)        d : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)        e : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.• Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and002) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  M6112 STATISTICS ON PAGING ITEM = PAG DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa BTS_ID   ATT_1ST  ATT_2ND   RESPONSE  NO_RESP          bb       x         x            x          x
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-94 ... RESULT = OK COMPLETED          aa : BSC ID     bb : BCP ID 3) Analysis on the output parametersThe following parameters are related to statistics of paging.Items ContentsATT_1st The number of attempts of the first pagingATT_2nd The number of attempts of the second pagingRESPONSE The number of PS’s response for pagingNO_RESP The number of no responses for paging(13) Statistics of the Fault of RF in BTS1) Using the following command, you can start to the statistics of the Fault of RF inBTS.C6120 STRT-STAT-RFF : [BSC=a,[BCP=b,]]MPRD=c,MTIM=d;       a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)b : BCP ID (0 ~ 5)c : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)       e : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.Ÿ Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,and 00.2) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  M6120 STATISTICS ON RF PERFORMANCE    ITEM = RF_FAULT
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-95    DATE = yy:mm:dd HH:MM ~ HH:MM    BSC_ID = aa    BTS   FA  SEC     HPA     LNA  UP_BRD  UP_PLL  DN_BRD  DN_PLL    AGC      bb     d    c         x        x         x         x        x        x        x    ...    RESULT = OK COMPLETED aa  : BSC ID bb  : BCP ID c   : SECTOR ID d   : FA ID 3) Analysis on the output parametersThe following parameters are related to Statistics of the performance of RF in BTS.Items ContentsHPA The abnormal state of HPALNA The abnormal state of LNA(Low Noise Amplifier)UP_BRD The abnormal state of board of Up ConverterUP_PLL The abnormal state of PLL of Up ConverterDN_BRD The abnormal state of board of Down ConverterDN_PLL The abnormal state of PLL of Down converterAGC When the value of AGC(Automatic Gain Control) does not satisfy therange values, from –45 to –100 dBm, BSM gets the range valuesfrom RFC and then sends the measurement to BCP.(14) Statistics of Location Registration1) You can use the following command to start to the statistics of location registration.C6113 STRT-STAT-LR : [BSC=a,]MPRD=b,MTIM=c;       a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)b : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)c : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-96• Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and002) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the given periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned,these data displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  M6113 STATISTICS ON LOCATION REGISTRATION    ITEM = LR    DATE = yy:mm:dd HH:MM ~ HH:MM    BSC_ID = aa     P_U_ATT  P_U_SUC  P_U_FAIL  P_D_ATT  P_D_SUC  P_D_FAIL  TMR_ATT  TMR_SUC  TMR_FAIL     P_C_ATT  P_C_SUC  P_C_FAIL  ORD_ATT  ORD_SUC ORD_FAIL  Z_B_ATT   Z_B_SUC   Z_B_FAIL                x         x         x          x         x          x          x          x           x                x         x         x          x         x          x          x          x           x    ...    RESULT = OK COMPLETED aa : BSC ID 3) Analysis on the output parametersThe following parameters are related to statistics of location registration.Items ContentsP_U_ATT The number of attempt to location registration by the power down ofMSP_U_SUC The number of success of location registration by the power on of MSP_U_FAIL The number of failure of location registration by the power on of MSP_D_ATT The number of attempt to location registration by the power down ofMSP_D_SUC The number of success of location registration by the power down ofMSP_D_FAIL The number of failure of location registration by the power down of MSTMR_ATT The number of attempt to location registration by the periodic timerTMR_SUC The number of success of location registration by the periodic timer
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-97TMR_FAIL The number of failure of location registration by the periodic timerP_C_ATT The number of attempt to the location registration by the change ofparameters (SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX, SCM, and MOB_TERM)P_C_SUC The number of success of the location registration by the change ofparameters (SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX, SCM, and MOB_TERM)P_C_FAIL The number of failure of the location registration by the change ofparameters (SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX, SCM, and MOB_TERM)ORD_ATT The number of attempt to location registration by the command ofrequesting for it.ORD_SUC The number of success of location registration by the command ofrequesting for it.ORD_FAIL The number of failure of location registration by the command ofrequesting for it.Z_B_ATT The number of attempt to the location registration by the change ofzoneZ_B_SUC The number of success of location registration due to the change ofzone.Z_B_FAIL The number of failure of location registration due to the change ofzone(15) Statistics of No.71) You use the following command to start to the statistics of No.7.C6121 STRT-STAT-MTP:[BSC=a,]ITEM=b,MPRD=c,MTIM=d;      a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)   b : Item (PERF|AVL|UTL|ALL)   c : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)   d : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)          C6122 STRT-STAT-SCCP:[BSC=a,]ITEM=b,MPRD=c,MTIM=d;           a : BSC ID (0 ~ 6)           b : Item (PERF|AVL|UTL|ALL)           c : Measurement Period (MIN10|HALF|HOUR)           d : Measurement Times (1 ~ 50)
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-98System displays the “ACCEPTED” message.• Gathering the data of statistics starts the absolute time on 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and00.2) As soon as the operators request statistics, the data of statistics are accumulated.Whenever the periodic time (relative time 10, 30 and 60 minutes) is returned, thesedata displays the following message within 10 minutes every hour.  M6121 STATISTICS ON NO7 LINK ITEM = LINK_PERF DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM BSC_ID = aa LINK      IN_SVC    FL_ALL   FL_ABNM    FL_ACK     FL_ERR   FL_CONG  FL_ALIGN          NSU_ERR  NEG_ACK    COO_TX    COO_RX    CBD_TX    CBD_RX  bb             x           x          x           x           x           x           x                 x           x          x           x           x           x  ...  RESULT = OK  COMPLETED       M6121 STATISTICS ON NO7 LINK        ITEM = LINK_AVAIL        DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM        BSC_ID = aa      LINK  LOC_BUSY  LNK_UNAV  LNK_I_TX  LNK_I_RX  LNK_U_TX  LNK_U_RX             bb           x            x          x           x          x           x          ...        RESULT = OK      COMPLETED       M6121 STATISTICS ON NO7 LINK        ITEM = LINK_UTIL        DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM        BSC_ID = aa       LINK  SIFOCTTX  SIFOCTRX   RETRANS    MSU_TX    MSU_RX  CONG_DRP  LINK_CONG                 SIOOCTTX  SIOOCTRX             bb           x           x          x           x           x            x            x                          x           x  ...        RESULT = OK      COMPLETED
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-99         aa : BSC ID        bb : Link ID  M6122 STATISTICS ON NO7 SCCP        ITEM = SCCP_PERF        DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM        BSC_ID = aa        NET_FAIL  SSN_FAIL   STX_ERR   UNKNOWN  NET_CONG   UNEQUIP  SSN_CONG                   x          x          x             x            x          x           x        RESULT = OK      COMPLETED       M6122 STATISTICS ON NO7 SCCP        ITEM = SCCP_AVAIL        DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM        BSC_ID = aa        RESULT = NOK        REASON = DATA UNDEFINED      COMPLETED      M6122 STATISTICS ON NO7 SCCP        ITEM = SCCP_UTIL        DATE = YY-MM-DD HH:MM ~ HH:MM        BSC_ID = aa        MSG_HAND   MSG_LOC  MSG_TXC0  MSG_RXC0                     x           x           x           x        RESULT = OK      COMPLETED        aa : BSC ID 3) Analysis on output parametersThe following parameters are related to statistics of signaling link performance.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-100Items ContentsIN_SVC Start of in-serviceFL_ALL All reasons for a signaling link failureFL_ABNM Abnormal FIBR/BSNR link failureFL_ACK Delay of acknowledgement link failureFL_ERR Excessive error rate link failureFL_CONG Excessive congestion link failureFL_ALIGN Alignment link failureNSU_ERR Number of signal units in errorNEG_ACK Number of negative acknowledgementsCOO_TX Changeover, order transmittedCOO_RX Changeover, order receivedCBD_TX Change back, declaration transmittedCBD_RX Change back, declaration received The following parameters are related to statistics of signaling link availability.Items ContentsLOC_BUSY Duration of local-busyLNK_UNAV Duration of link unavailabilityLNK_I_TX Link inhibit transmittedLNK_I_RX Link inhibit receivedLNK_U_TX Link uninhibit transmittedLNK_U_RX Link uninhibit receivedThe following parameters are related to statistics of signaling link utility.Items ContentsSIFOCTTX Number of SIF octets transmittedSIFOCTRX Number of SIF octets received
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-101RETRANS Number of octets retransmittedMSU_TX Number of MSU transmittedMSU_RX Number of MSU receivedCONG_DRP MSUs dropped due to link congestionLNK_CONG Duration of link congestionSIOOCTTX Number of SIO octets transmittedSIOOCTRX Number of SIO octets receivedThe following parameters are related to statistics of SCCP performance.Items ContentsNET_FAIL Network failure (point code unavailable)SSN_FAIL Subsystem failureSTX_ERR Syntax ErrorUNKNOWN Reason UnknownNET_CONG Network CongestionUNEQUIP Unequipped userSSN_CONG Subsystem Congestion• Statistics Item of SCCP Availability – Not decidedThere is no consistent with S/W item of Trillium of the parameters described inQ.752. This item corresponds to the item of availability( Note: for SOR and SOG,this item exists the parameter but HEI’s system does not use it).
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                  3-102The following parameters are related to statistics of SCCP utility.Items ContentsMSG_HAND Total messages handledMSG_LOC Total messages intended for local subsystemMSG_TXC0 Total messages sent, class 0MSG_RXC0 Total messages received, class 0• In overloading, the function of measurement and statistics can be limited.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1033.3  Data ManagementThe Data is changed according to configuration or environment of BTS and BSC.Therefore, it is necessary to adjust as an appropriate value.3.3.1  Access Channel Parameter[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-AC-PARA:BTS=0,SECT=ALPHA,FA=0,PC=0;M5016 DISPLAY ACCESS CHANNEL PARAMETER   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand SECTOR_ID               : ALPHA CDMA_CH_INDEX : 0 PC_ID                      : 0 NUM_DEMODS : 4 PREAMBLE_INTG_PERIOD  : 3  PREAMBLE_WIN_LENGTH : 1280 PREAMBLE_PN_OFFSET  : 160 MULTIPATH_INTG_PERIOD : 6 MULTIPATH_WIN_LENGTH: 128 MULTIPATH_GAIN : 1 NOLOCK_THRESH        : 63 LOCK_THRESH            : 65 COMBINE_THRESH : 70ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 It is the Sector id number per BTS, and it sets on thebasis of 3 sectors.In case of the omni sector, SECTOR_ID is 0.CDMA_CH_INDEX Refer to 3.3.4 It is the CDMA series channel number per BTS, andconsists of CDMA frequency at BTS.Now, it accommodates the eight frequencies.PC_ID 0 ~ 6 It is a paging channel discrimination number, and itaccommodates 7 paging numbers per one sub-cell.NUM_DEMODS 1 ~ 4 The number of demodulator ASIC per channel.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-104ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPREAMBLE_INTG_PERIOD2 ~ 4 When BTS searches preamble of Access probe ofAccess channel BTS gets the correlation of mobilestation signal and generated signal by PN generator.And its period is Walsh symbol(8preamble_intg_period ).PREAMBLE_WIN_LENGTH0 ~ 3071 By size of preamble search window, BTS adapt thebiggest PN offset out of correlation result ofPreamble_win_length/4.PREAMBLE_PN_OFFSET0 ~ 3071 Initial value of PN offset, when Access channelsearches preamble of Access probe.MULTIPATH_INTG_PERIOD2 ~ 6 It is given as an 8-correlation integration period,when Access channel searches multi-pathcomponent of data part for access probe for Accesschannel.MULTIPATH_WIN_LENGTH1 ~240 The size of the multi-path component search windowfor access probe.MULTIPATH_GAIN0 ~ 255 This parameter is used when PN offset is allocatedto finger. Here, PN offset has maximum energy outof multi-path component.NOLOCK_THRESH0 ~ 65535 This is a threshold that should be run over as muchas to_nolock_cnt times for changing fingers from thestate of locking to the state of unlocking.This threshold is integer value between 0 to 65535.LOCK_THRESH 0 ~ 65535 This is a threshold that should be run over as muchas to_lock_cnt times for changing fingers from thestate of unlocking to the state of locking.This threshold is integer value between 0 to 65535.COMBINE_THRESH0 ~ 65535 If accumulated and filtered Energy that is finger ofcurrent lock state exceeds this value, output energyof the finger is used to symbol combine process.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1053.3.2  Access Parameter[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-ACC-MSG:BTS=0,SECT=BETA,FA=0,PC=0;M5019 DISPLAY ACCESS PARAMETER MESSAGE   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   SECTOR_ID        : BETA CDMA_CH_INDEX   : 0   PC_ID              : 0 NORMINAL_PWR          : 0   INITIAL_PWR       : 0 PWR_STEP              : 6   NUM_STEP         : 6 MAX_CAP_SIZE           : 0   PREAMBLE_SIZE   : 3 PSIST_0_9          : 0   PSIST_10           : 0 PSIST_11               : 0   PSIST_12           : 0 PSIST_13               : 0   PSIST_14           : 0 PSIST_15               : 0   MSG_PSIST        : 0 REG_PSIST         : 0   PROBE_PN_RANDOM : 0 ACC_TIMEOUT    : 5   PROBE_BACKOFF   : 1 BACKOFF          : 1   MAX_REQ_SEQ     : 2 MAX_RSP_SEQ           : 2   AUTH              : NO RAND                  : 0   NOR_PWR_EXT     : 0ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 Sector IDCDMA_CH_INDEX Refer to 3.3.4 CDMA channel index of BTSPC_ID 0 ~ 6 Paging channel IDNORMINAL_PWR -128 ~ 127 Nominal transmission power offset valueINITIAL_PWR -128 ~ 127 The initial power offset valuePWR_STEP 0 ~ 7 Power increment valueNUM_STEP 0 ~ 15 It has num_step+1 probes within an access probesequence.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-106ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONMAX_CAP_SIZE 0 ~ 7 This parameter value is equal to[ Maximum frames of access channel messagecapsule in access channel slot - 1 ].PREAMBLE_SIZE 0 ~15 This parameter value is equal to[ Maximum frames of access channel preamble inaccess channel slot - 1 ].PSIST_0_9 0 ~ 63 This value is between 0 and 63 as persistence foroverload classes 0 ~ 9 ( commercial mobile system).PSIST_10 0 ~ 7 This value is between 0 and 7 as persistence foroverload classes 10 ( Emergency Use ).PSIST_11 0 ~ 7 This value is between 0 and 7 as persistence foroverload classes 11 ( Reserved ).PSIST_12 0 ~ 7 This value is between 0 and 7 as persistence foroverload classes 12 ( Reserved ).PSIST_13 0 ~ 7 This value is between 0 and 7 as persistence foroverload classes 13 ( Reserved ).PSIST_14 0 ~ 7 This value is between 0 and 7 as persistence foroverload classes 14 ( Reserved ).PSIST_15 0 ~ 7 This value is between 0 and 7 as persistence foroverload classes 15 ( Reserved ).MSG_PSIST 0 ~ 7 This value is between 0 and 7 as persistence formessage transmission.REG_PSIST 0 ~ 7 This value is between 0 and 7 as persistence forregistration.PROBE_PN_RANDOM0 ~ 9 When mobile station sends access probe to basestation, this is a random parameter for sending toaccess probe with random delay at access slot.ACC_TIMEOUT 2 ~ 63 After sending access probe, mobile station awaitsacknowledgment from base station duringacc_timeout.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-107ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPROBE_BACKOFF0 ~ 15 This is a backoff range between access probetransmission. ( After awaiting this period, mobilestation sends access probe sequence again. )BACKOFF 0 ~ 15 This is a backoff range between access probesequence.MAX_REQ_SEQ 1 ~ 15 Maximum value of access probe sequence aboutaccess channel request.MAX_RSP_SEQ 1 ~ 15 Maximum value of access probe sequence aboutaccess channel response.AUTH 0 ~ 1 Authentication mode00 : does not authentication process01 : does authentication process with randRAND 0 ~ 1 Random challenge numberIf AUTH is ‘00’, this parameter is omitted. If AUTH is“01”, this parameter have random number of 32 bit.NOR_PWR_EXT 0 ~ 1 Extended normal transmission power3.3.3  Information of BTS Configuration[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-BTS-CONF:BTS=0;M5000 DISPLAY BTS CONFIGURATION   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   BTS_ID           : 0 BTS_NAME         : Grand   EQP_STS          : EQP         BLK_STS          : UBLK   BTS_TYPE         : SECTOR    BASE_CLASS      : PCS   SID              : 2222 NID             : 4   NUM_CDMA_CH     : 2 NUM_SECTOR      : 3   REG_ZONE         : 3 LTM_OFF         : 18   DAY_LT           : SAVING PRAT             : 0(9600BPS)   NGHBOR_MAX_AGE : 0 PILOT_INCREMENT  : 2
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-108   PREF_MSID_TYPE   : 3            TMSI_ZONE        : 0   MCC              : 971         IMSI_11_12       : 0   BAND_CLASS       : 1            GRANTED_MODE     : 1   EXPECTED_SID     : 0            EXPECTED_NID     : 0   TMSI_EXP_TIME    : 0            BASE_LAT         : 0   BASE_LOGN        : 0ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONBTS_ID 0 ~ 511 BTS IDBTS_NAME xxxxxxxx BTS nameEQP_STS 0 ~ 1 Set up equips state of BTS.0 : N_EQUIP,   1: EQUIPBLK_STS 0 ~ 4 Set up Block State of BTS.0 : M_UBLK    1 : M_BLK     2 : T_BLK3 : F_BLK      4 : FT_BLKBTS_TYPE 0 ~ 4 Set up configuration BTS.0 : Sector BTS   2 : OD_SECTOR1 : Omni BTS    3 : OD_OMNI4 : OD_MINI     5 : U_SECTOR   6 : U_OMNIBASE_CLASS 0 ~ 1 BTS Class0 : CDMA System       1: PCS SystemSID 0 ~ 32767 System ID numberNID 0 ~ 65535 Network ID NumberNUM_CDMA_CH 0 ~ 7 Number of frequency channel using in BTSNUM_SECTOR 1 ~ 3 Number of sector using in BTSREG_ZONE 0 ~ 127 Registration Zone Number of BTS( NID Group numbers )LTM_OFF -24 ~ 24 Local Time Offset from UTC. ( Unit : 30 minutes )DAY_LT 0 ~ 1 0 = standard time1 = Daylight saving time flag
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-109ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPRAT 0 ~ 4 Paging channel data rate ( But, only 0 or 1 value areallowed )0 : 9600bps    1 : 4800bps2 : 2400bps    3 : 1200bpsNGHBOR_MAX_AGE0 ~ 1 Maximum neighbor set configuration for maintenance.PILOT_INCREMENT0 ~ 15 Increment value of Pilot PN Sequence Offset IndexPREF_MSID_TYPE0 ~ 7 Suggesting MSID type at Base Station 010 : IMSI 011 : IMSI and ESN 110 : TMSI and IMSI 111 : TMSI, IMSI and ESNTMSI_ZONE 0TMSI Zone numberMCC 0 ~ 999 National code of mobileIMSI_11_12 0 ~ 99 The 11th, 12th digit value of IMSIBAND_CLASS 0 ~ 1 Band Class0 : 800MHz Cellular Band,  1 : 1.8 ~ 2.0 GHz Band
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-110ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONGRANTED_MODE0 ~ 2 Permission Mode  0 : The initial Service Configuration of Mobile Stationis made up of Multiple Option1, and Rate Set1.       Service of MS before receiving is receive the firstService Connect Message.  1 : The initial Service Configuration of MobileStation is made up of default Multiple Optionand transmission rate required by MS. Serviceof MS is determined the first Service ConnectMessage.  2 : The initial Service Configuration of Mobile Stationis made up of default Multiple Option andtransmission rate required by MS. Service ofMS is not determined before receiving the firstService Connect Message.EXPECTED_SID 0 ~ 1 Expected SID - System value when Mobile Station isredefined as a new system.EXPECTED_NID 0 ~ 1 Expected NID - System value when Mobile Station isredefined as a new system.TMSI_EXP_TIME 0 ~ 255 TMSI maintenance timeBASE_LAT -1296000~ 1296000The latitude of Base StationBASE_LOGN -2592000~ 2592000The longitude of Base Station
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1113.3.4  Base Station CDMA Environment[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-FA-PARA:BTS=0;M5012  DISPLAY CDMA CHANNEL INDEX LIST   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : GrandCDMA_CH_INDEX   CDMA_CH_ID    CDMA_CH_KIND     HANDOFF_TCE_RESERVE(%)        0              0            COMMON                     0        1              1            COMMON                     0ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONCDMA_CH_INDEX 0 ~ (MAX_CDMA_CH_IDX -1) Maximum allowablefrequency IndexCDMA_CH_ID 0 ~ (MAX_CDMA_CH_IDX -1) Maximum allowablefrequency IDCDMA_CH_KIND 0 ~ 2 0:NO_SVC 1:COMMON2:UNIQUEHANDOFF_TCE_RESERVE 0 ~ 100 Reserve allowable rate( Percent )3.3.5  Base Station CDMA Information[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-CDMA-INFO;M5002 DISPLAY CDMA CHANNEL ID LIST  CDMA_CH_ID  CDMA_CH_NUM           0            350           1            250           2         65535           3         65535           4         65535           5         65535           6         65535
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-112ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONCDMA_CH_ID Refer to 3.3.4 The maximum allowable frequency IDCDMA_CH_NUM 1 ~ 1023 CDMA Channel Number corresponding to transmitfrequency.3.3.6  Base Station Channel List Message[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-CHLIST-MSG:BTS=0,SECT=BETA;M5090 DISPLAY CDMA CHANNEL LIST MESSAGE   BTS : 0(Grand) SECTOR : BETA   PILOT_PN         : 120   CDMA_FREQ        : 350   CDMA_FREQ        : 250ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPILOT_PN 0 ~ 511 MS classified various signals from base station or sectorby offsets with basic PN code.CDMA_FREQ 1 ~ 1023 CDMA Channel Number corresponding to transmitfrequency.3.3.7  Extended System Parameter Information[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-EXTSYS-MSG:BTS=0,SECT=ALPHA,FA=0;M5089 DISPLAY EXTENDED SYSTEM PARAMETER MESSAGE   BTS : 0(Grand) SECTOR : ALPHACDMA_CH_INDEX : 0   PILOT_PN         : 100   PREF_MSID_TYPE  : 3   MCC              : 971   IMSI_11_12       : 0   TMSI_ZONE      : 0     BCAST_INDEX      : 0
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-113ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPILOT_PN 0 ~ 511 MS classified various signals from base station orsector by offsets with basic PN codes.PREF_MSID_TYPE 2 ~ 7 Preferred Access Channel Mobile Station IdentifierType.MCC 0 ~ 999 National code of mobileIMSI_11_12 0 ~ 99 The 11th, 12th digit value of IMSITMSI_ZONE 0TMSI Zone numberBCAST_INDEX 0 orotherBroadcast slot cycle index ( 0 : disable, other : enable )3.3.8  Forward Link Power Information[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-FWDP-INFO:BTS=0,SECT=ALPHA,FA=0;M5013 DISPLAY FORWARD POWER DATA   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   SECTOR_ID              : ALPHA     CDMA_CH_INDEX     : 0   FWD_GAIN_RPT          : DISABLE   POWER_BANK          : 8128   SHUFFLE_THRESHOLD   : 0         SHUFFLE_OFFSET    : 0   SHRINK_THRESHOLD     : 0     UNSHRINK_THRESHOLD : 0   SHRINK_OFFSET           : 0     REACTION_TIME           : 800   GAIN_HI_RPT_THRESHOLD: 5    GAIN_LO_RPT_THRESHOLD : 5   REPORT_INTERVAL         : 0     HO_PWR_RESERV          : 0   LIMIT_CELL_DEC_PERCENT : 80ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 Sector IDCDMA_CH_INDEX Refer to 3.3.4 CDMA channel index of Base Station
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-114ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONFWD_GAIN_RPT 0 ~ 1 If this parameter value is 1 and gain of traffic channelelement isn’t 0 and when there are occurrences or nooccurrences of traffic channel element to cellcontroller,  the base station sends forward link powercontrol message to mobile station by report_interval.If this parameter value is 0, the base station does notsend forward link power control message to mobilestation and cell controller does not perform the role offorward link power control, like shrink, shuffle, etc. 0 : DISABLE     1 : ENABLEPOWER_BANK 0 ~ 232-1 Total transmitting power of CDMA channel, which thisrecord belongs.( The summation of square of each channel gain )SHUFFLE_THRESHOLD0 ~ 232-1 Power shuffle thresholdThis value is compared with extra power of sector.So, if the current extra power in power bank is lessthan this value, cell controller performs shuffle.SHUFFLE_OFFSET0 ~ 80 Default shuffle down indexWhen this value is received at forward power shufflebroadcast message, traffic channel element changespower by -3+default_shfl/8.SHRINK_THRESHOLD-231 ~ 232-1 Cell shrink threshold.If currently remained power in power bank is lessthan this value, cell controller reduces pilot gain byshrink_decr and sends pilot gain to pilot, syncchannel element  through forward power broadcastmessage.ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTION
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-115UNSHRINK_THRESHOLD-231 ~ 232-1 Cell unshrink threshold.If currently remained power in power bank is morethan this value and the current pilot gain is less thanpilot gain which set initially, increases pilot gain bycertain value.SHRINK_OFFSET 0 ~ 127 Reducing quantity of pilot gain when cell executeshrink function.REACTION_TIME 0 ~ 65535 After performing shrink or shuffle operation, shrink orshuffle function can be performed after this time.GAIN_HI_RPT_THRESHOLD0 ~ 127 High gain thresholdTraffic channels element the condition of sendingforward link power control report message to cellcontroller.GAIN_LO_RPT_THRESHOLD0 ~ 127 Low gain thresholdTraffic channels element the condition of sendingforward link power control report message to cellcontroller.REPORT_INTERVAL0 ~ 255 Traffic channel element should report current gain ofitself to cell controller again at least within thisinterval reporting gain of itself before, althoughcurrent gain is not more than high threshold or notless than low threshold.HO_PWR_RESERV0 ~ 65535 Power value which will be used for reserved, whichwill be used for reserved besides power for basic callwhen handoff.LIMIT_CELL_DEC_PERCENT0 ~100 Limit value of the pilot gain difference when shrinksor unshrinks.3.3.9  Paging Channel Parameter
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-116[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-PC-PARA:BTS=0,SECT=ALPHA,FA=0,PC=0;M5018 DISPLAY PAGING CHANNEL PARAMETER   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   SECTOR_ID   : ALPHA CDMA_CH_INDEX   : 0   PC_ID           : 0 PC_GAIN          : 65ITEMS RANGE DESCRITIONSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 Sector IDCDMA_CH_INDEX Refer to 3.3.4 CDMA channel index of BTSPC_ID 0 ~ 6 Paging channel discrimination number.One sub-cell has maximum 7 paging numbers.PC_GAIN 0 ~ 127 Paging channel gain value3.3.10  Psync Channel Parameter[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-PSC-PARA:BTS=0,SECT=ALPHA,FA=0;M5017 DISPLAY PILOT/SYNC CHANNEL PARAMETER   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   SECTOR_ID : ALPHA CDMA_CH_INDEX : 0   PILOT_GAIN : 108 SYNC_GAIN : 34ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 Sector IDCDMA_CH_INDEX Refer to 3.3.4 CDMA channel index of BTSPILOT_GAIN 0 ~ 127 Pilot channel gain valueSYNC_GAIN 0 ~ 127 Sync channel gain value3.3.11  RFC Parameter
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-117[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-RFC-PARA:BTS=0,SECT=BETA,FA=0;M5020 DISPLAY RADIO FREQUENCY CARD DATA   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   SECTOR_ID : BETA CDMA_CH_INDEX   : 0   RX_A_ATTEN        : 0 RX_B_ATTEN         : 0   TX_ATTEN : 0 FUNC_SWITCH        : 0   NOISE_COUNT        : 10 F_DECAY            : 128   F_UPDATE_RATE      : 100 RX_A_LOSS          : 41   RX_B_LOSS          : 41 K_SLOPE            : 1   K_DELTA: 3 TX_GAIN_DELTA     : 1   GEN_UPD_RATE : 200 PWR_TX_TIME        : 1   DELTA_TX_ATTEN : 1 RCV_CALL_BLK_THR : 1   RCV_CALL_UBLK_THR  : 1ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 Sector ID.CDMA_CH_INDEX Refer to 3.3.4 CDMA channel index of BTSRX_A_ATTEN 0 ~ 127 Attenuation of noise ( Reverse OUN ) added toreceiver A paths in 0.5dB steps from 0 to 63.5dB.Initial values of Rx A attenuator.RX_B_ATTEN 0 ~ 127 Attenuation of noise (Reverse OUN) added toreceiver B paths in 0.5dB steps from 0 to 63.5dB.Initial value of Rx B attenuator.TX_ATTEN 0 ~ 127 Transmission loss.So it is not used because there is no OUNS. Butthis is used as the meaning of attenuation level ofreceived signal for transmit path.ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTION
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-118FUNC_SWITCH 0 ~ 1 Set up Cell breathing in response to changes ofreceived power changes.NOISE_COUNT 10 Repeat number of noise insertion attenuation whichactivates cell partly or fully as a cell received noiseestimate variable.F_DECAY 128 Attenuation constant value of total received powerfilter as reverse link received power estimationparameter.F_UPDATE_RATE 100 Compensation ratio value of total received powerfilter as reverse link received power estimationparameter.RX_A_LOSS 41 As this is the reverse received power assumptionparameter, it is a relatively received pathattenuation value for received path A.RX_B_LOSS 41 As this is the reverse received power assumptionparameter, it is a relatively received pathattenuation value for received path B.K_SLOPE 1Cell breathing related variable, slope value ofbreathing mode.K_DELTA 3Cell breathing related variable, deviation value ofbreathing modeTX_GAIN_DELTA 1Cell breathing related variable, deviation value ofMaximum Transmission Gain.GEN_UPD_RATE 200 Compensation ratio of total received power filter asreverse link received power estimation parameter.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-119ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPWR_TX_TIME 1As this is the reverse link received power estimationparameter, it is the total received power filtercompensation ratio value.DELTA_TX_ATTEN 1NoneRCV_CALL_BLK_THR1NoneRCV_CALL_UBLK_THR1None3.3.12  Forward Link Power Control Data(1) Rate Set 1 (9600bps)If it does not receive “Power Measurement Report Message” from MS in the initial valuefor the definite time, it reduces the value to minimum as the definded down step. Afterreceiving the message from MS, it increases the gain as the definded up step referring tothe message.ITEMS RANGE DEFAULT DESCRIPTIONFPC_MODE 0/1 0The fixed(0) or variable(1) flag forthe minimun value of powercontrolFER_THRESHOLD 1 ~ 10 6The threshold value (%) todetermine small_up or big_upreferring to the forward link FERtaken by PMRM.SMALL_UP_DELTA1 ~ 10 5The power control rising step forthe forward link FER belowfer_threshold.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-120BIG_UP_DELTA1 ~ 10 10 The power control up step for theforward link FER abovefer_threshold.DOWN_TIME 500~4000 1600 Down timer value (ms)DOWN_DELTA1 ~ 10 1Down step after down timer isexpired.NORMINAL_GAIN 34~108 50 The initial value for the forwardlink control.MAX_TX_GAIN 50~108 80 The maximum value for theforward link control.FLOOR_ONE_WAY 34~50 40 The minimum value (1cell)FLOOR_TWO_WAY 34~108 66 The minimum value (2cell)FLOOR_THREE_WAY 34~108 73 The minimum value (3cell)SIGNAL_DELTA_GAIN 64~128 96 The parameter for getting thesignal message power controlvalue : The signal message powercontrol value = The present powercontrol value Xsignal_delta_gain/64PCSC_DELTA_GAIN_1 64~128 64 In case of 1 active BTS, theparemeter for the power controlvalue of reverse link power controlbit. : pcsc_gain = The presentpower control value Xpcsc_delta_gain_1/64PCSC_DELTA_GAIN_2 64~128 96 In case of 2 active BTS, theparemeter for the power controlvalue of reverse link power controlbit. : pcsc_gain = The presentpower control value Xpcsc_delta_gain_2/64
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-121PCSC_DELTA_GAIN_3 64~128 112 In case of 3 active BTS, theparemeter for the power controlvalue of reverse link power controlbit. : pcsc_gain = The presentpower control value Xpcsc_delta_gain_3/64(2) Rate set 2 (14400bps)It is shown the quality of the forward frame using the erasure indicator bit of rate set 2 inreal time, so we can control the forward link power, speedly and accurately.ITEMS RANGE DEFAULT DESCRIPTIONFPC_MODE 0/1 0The fixed(0) or variable(1) flag forthe minimun value of powercontrolFER_TOTAL_FRAMES 0 ~50 4Total frames to obtain the forwardlink power control FER.SMALL_UP_THRESHOLD10~100 30 The forward link FER threshold(%) for small upMIDDLE_UP_THRESHOLD10~100 60 The forward link FER threshold(%) for middle upFULL_UP_THRESHOLD10~100 70 The forward link FER threshold(%) for full upSMALL_UP_DELTA1 ~ 10 2The power control rising step forsmall upMIDDLE_UP_DELTA1~10 3The power control rising step formiddle upBIG_UP_DELTA1 ~ 10 5The power control rising step forbig upFULL_UP_DELTA1~10 2The power control rising step forfull upDOWN_TIME 500~4000 1600 Down timer value (ms)
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-122DOWN_DELTA1 ~ 10 1Down step after down timer isexpired.NORMINAL_GAIN 34~108 50 The initial value for the forwardlink control.MAX_TX_GAIN 50~108 80 The maximum value for theforward link control.FLOOR_ONE_WAY 34~50 40 The minimum value (1cell)FLOOR_TWO_WAY 34~108 66 The minimum value (2cell)FLOOR_THREE_WAY 34~108 73 The minimum value (3cell)SIGNAL_DELTA_GAIN 64~128 96 The parameter for getting thesignal message power controlvalue : The signal message powercontrol value = The present powercontrol value Xsignal_delta_gain/64PCSC_DELTA_GAIN_1 64~128 64 In case of 1 active BTS, theparemeter for the power controlvalue of reverse link power controlbit. : pcsc_gain = The presentpower control value Xpcsc_delta_gain_1/64PCSC_DELTA_GAIN_2 64~128 96 In case of 2 active BTS, theparemeter for the power controlvalue of reverse link power controlbit. : pcsc_gain = The presentpower control value Xpcsc_delta_gain_2/64
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-123PCSC_DELTA_GAIN_3 64~128 112 In case of 3 active BTS, theparemeter for the power controlvalue of reverse link power controlbit. : pcsc_gain = The presentpower control value Xpcsc_delta_gain_3/643.3.13  Reverse Link Power Control Data[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-RPC-INFO:BTS=0,SECT=GAMMA,FA=0;M5033 DISPLAY REVERSE POWER CONTROL DATA BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   BTS_ID : 0   SECTOR_ID  : GAMMA   CDMA_CH_ID : 0   PWRCTL_NORMINAL : 26704 PWRCTL_MAX : 36408   PWRCTL_MIN : 15128 PWRCTL_UP_FULL : 3072   PWRCTL_UP_ERASURE : 248 PWRCTL_UP_ERASURE_LITTLE : 50   PWRCTL_DOWN : 32 PWRCTL_VAR_DOWN : 4   PWRCTL_FULL_WAIT : 1 PWRCTL_FULL_RUN_RESET : -2   PWRCTL_ERASURE_RUN_LIM : 5ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONBTS_ID 0 ~ 511 Base Station IDSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 Sector IDCDMA_CH_ID Refer to 3.3.4 Base Station CDMA channel index
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-124ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPWRCTL_NORMINAL 26704 As this is the reverse link power control criticalvalue, power control critical value begins fromthis value in the beginning of call setup.PWRCTL_MAX 36408 As this is the reverse link power controlmaximum value, this value is set in case thatcritical value is more than this value.PWRCTL_MIN 15128 As this is the reverse link power control minimumvalue, this value is set in case that critical valueis less than this value.PWRCTL_UP_FULL 3072 As this is the power control increment value outof Full/Half rate, use this to increase of the powerduring the full rate run.PWRCTL_UP_ERASURE248 As this is the power control increment value outof Eight/Quarter rate, use this to increase  thepower when the number of consecutive erasureframes is more than pwrctl_erasure_run_limvalue during the erasure run.PWRCTL_UP_ERASURE_LITTLE50 As this is the power control increment value outof Eight/Quarter rate, use this to decrease thepower when the number of consecutive erasureframes is less than pwrctl_erasure_run_limduring the erasure run.PWRCTL_DOWN 32 As this is the power control decrement value outof Full/Half rate, use this to decrease of thepower during the full rate run.PWRCTL_VAR_DOWN4The power control critical decrement value duringthe Quarter/Eighth rate Conversation State.PWRCTL_FULL_WAIT1The number of waiting frames after appicationsof PWRCTL_UP_PWR
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-125ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPWRCTL_FULL_RUN_RESET-2 The minimum number of consecutive full/halfframes to to enter a full rate rate run.PWRCTL_ERASURE_RUN_LIM5Determine the increment amount of power by thisvalue, during the erasure run.3.3.14  Base Station Cell Information[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-SCEL-INFO:BTS=0,SECT=ALPHA,FA=0;M5004 DISPLAY SUBCELL CONFIGURATION BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   BTS_ID           : 0   SECTOR_ID        : ALPHA   CDMA_CH_ID       : 0   SERVICE_ON_OFF      : ON EQUIP_STATUS       : EQP   COMMON_PILOT_EQUIP  : NEQP T_ADD                 : 28   T_DROP              : 32 T_COMP              : 5   T_TDROP             : 2     SRCH_WIN_A        : 6   SRCH_WIN_N           : 7     SRCH_WIN_R       : 8   PWR_REPT_THRESH : 3 PWR_REPT_FRAME  : 7   PWR_THRESH_ENABLE : ENABLE PWR_PERIOD_ENABLE : ENABLE   PWR_REPT_DELAY     : 5ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONBTS_ID 0 ~ 511 Base Station IDSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 Sector IDCDMA_CH_ID Refer to 3.3.4 CDMA channel IDSERVICE_ON_OFF 0 ~ 1 Service On/Off of corresponding to Subcell.( 0 : off,   1 : On )
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-126ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONEQUIP_STATUS 0 ~ 1 Setting Equip state.0 : N_EQUIP,  1 : EQUIPCOMMON_PILOT_EQUIP0 ~ 1 Setting Equip state of common pilot at BaseStation or not.T_ADD 0 ~ 63 Pilot detection threshold.The Mobile Station compares this value with acertain pilot. If a certain pilot value is larger thanthis value, a cell of having it becomes cell of thecandidate set. And a cell of having it sends pilotstrength measurement message to active cell.T_DROP 0 ~ 63 Pilot drop threshold.The mobile station compares this value withcurrent candidate or active pilot. If its value is lessthan this value, the mobile station operates thehandoff drop timer.T_COMP 0 ~ 15 Active set versus Candidate set comparisonthreshold.If the strength of a Candidate Set pilot exceeds thestrength of an Active Set pilot by t_comp*0.5, themobile station send base station to pilot strengthmeasurement message to base station.T_TDROP 0 ~ 15 Drop timer value.If pilot of Active set is less than t_drop, andexceeds the time, the mobile station sends pilotstrength measurement message to base station.SRCH_WIN_A 0 ~ 127 This is the search window size when searchingpilot of the base station, which are defined asactive set.SRCH_WIN_N 0 ~ 127 This is the search window size when searchingpilot of the base station, which are classified as aNeighbor set.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-127ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONSRCH_WIN_R 0 ~ 127 This is the search window size when searchingpilot of the base station, which are classified as aremaining set.PWR_REPT_THRESH0 ~ 31 If the bad frame numbers of forward frame exceedthis value, the mobile station sends PowerMeasurement Report Message to base station.PWR_REPT_FRAME0 ~ 31 If pwr_period_enable is ‘1’, mobile station sendsPower Measurement Report Message periodicallyto base station.PWR_THRESH_ENABLE0 ~ 1 If the power in mobile station exceedpwr_rept_thresh, mobile station sets PowerMeasurement Report Message to whether to sendor not to base station.0 : DISABLE, 1: ENABLEPWR_PERIOD_ENABLE0 ~ 1 This parameter is to set Power MeasurementReport Message whether to send or not to basestation from mobile station.0: DISABLE, 1 : ENABLEPWR_REPT_DELAY 0 ~ 31 This is the period that the mobile station do notcount received frame or bad frame after the mobilestation sends Power Measurement ReportMessage to base station.3.3.15  Corresponding Sector Information of BTS[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-SECT-INFO:BTS=0,SECT=BETA;M5001 DISPLAY SECTOR CONFIGURATION   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   BTS_ID                : 0 SECTOR_ID : BETA   EQP_STS              : EQP BLK_STS       : UBLK
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-128   PILOT_OFFSET        : 120  TX_FINE_ADJ           : 153   TX_COARSE_ADJ        : 0   RX_FINE_ADJ           : 4096   RX_COARSE_ADJ : 15 COMMON_RTD_THRESH   : 0   MAX_SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX : 1     P_REV                 : 1   P_MIN_REV             : 1ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONBTS_ID 0 ~ 511 Base Station IDSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 Sector IdentificationAlpha = 0, Beta = 1, Gamma = 2EQP_STS 0 ~ 1 Setting up Equip state0 : N_EQUIP, 1 : EQUIPBLK_STS 0 ~ 4 Setting up Block state0 : M_UBLK, 1 : M_BLK, 2 : T_BLK3 : T_UBLK, 4 : F_BLKTX_FINE_ADJ 0 ~ 65535 Transmitted timing advanced fine adjust. ( Forward linkhardware delay time )This value adjusts to be synchronized of sending signalfrom Tx antenna and system time.TX_COARSE_ADJ0 ~ 255 Transmitted timing advanced coarse adjust. ( Forwardlink hardware delay time )This value is used for frame staggering besides PNstate loading timing adjustment or frame timingadjustment .
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-129ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONRX_FINE_ADJ 0~ 65535 Receiver timing advanced fine adjust. ( Reverse linkhardware delay time )The frame boundary which is outputted fromDemodulator ASIC are delay more than system timebecause of signalling processing time such as symbolcombining.Therefore, the deinterleaver of modulator ASIC whichprocesses this output process signals on the basis offrame boundary equal to this output.This parameter is set to compensate delayed time.RX_COARSE_ADJ0 ~ 255 Receive timing advanced coarse adjust. ( Reverse linkhardware delay time )This value is used for frame staggering besidesdeinterleaver frame timing adjustment and framestaggering.COMMON_RTD_THRESH0 ~ ffffffff Threshold value of Round Trip Delay.MAX_SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX0 ~ 9 Maximum value of Slot Cycle Index.P_REV 0 ~ 7 Protocol Revision LevelP_MIN_REV 0 ~ 7 Protocol Minimum Revision Level3.3.16  Sync Channel Message[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-SYNC-MSG:BTS=0,SECT=BETA,FA=0;M5087 DISPLAY SYNC CHANNEL MESSAGE   BTS : 0(Grand) SECTOR : BETA CDMA_CH_INDEX : 0   P_REV       : 1             MIN_P_REV   : 1   SID         : 2222          NID         : 4
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-130   PILOT_PN    : 120          LTM_OFF     : 18   DAYLT       : SAVING      PRAT        : 0(9600BPS)   CDMA_FREQ  : 350ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONP_REV 0 ~ 7 Protocol Revision LevelP_MIN_REV 0 ~ 7 Protocol Minimum Revision LevelSID 0 ~ 32767 System ID NumberNID 0 ~ 65535 Network ID NumberPILOT_PN 0 ~ 511 Pilot PN offset of BTSLTM_OFF -24 ~ 24 Local time offset from UTCDAYLT 0 ~ 1 0 = standard time, 1 = Daylight saving time flagPRAT 0 ~ 4 Paging channel data rate ( Actually 0 or 1 allowed. )0 : 9600bps, 1 : 4800bps, 2 : 2400bps, 3 : 1200bpsCDMA_FREQ 1 ~ 1023 CDMA Channel Number corresponding totransmission frequency.3.3.17  System Parameter[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-SYS-PARA:BTS=0,SECT=GAMMA,FA=0;M5006 DISPLAY SYSTEM PARAMETER   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand   BTS_ID               : 0   SECTOR_ID : GAMMA   CDMA_CH_ID : 0   TOTAL_ZONES       : 3 ZONE_TIMER          : 3   HOME_REG          : 1 FOR_NID_REG        : 1   FOR_SID_REG        : 1 POWER_UP_REG        : 1   POWER_DOWN_REG  : 1 PARAMER_REG        : 1   REG_PERIOD         : 02 MIN REG_DISTANCE     : 0   RESCAN              : 0 MULT_SIDS         : 0
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-131   MULT_NIDS          : 0 EXT_SYS_PARAMETER  : 1   EXT_NGHBR_LIST   : 1 GLOBAL_REDIRECT    : 0   BCAST_INDEX        : 0 REDIRECT_ACCOLC     : 0ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONBTS_ID 0 ~ 511 Base Station IDSECTOR_ID 0 ~ 2 Sector IDCDMA_CH_ID Refer to 3.3.4 Maximum permission Channel IDTOTAL_ZONES 0 ~ 7 Number of registration zones to be retained bymobile station.ZONE_TIMER 0 ~ 7 This is the length of the zone registration timer to beused by mobile stations.It is an integer number between 0 and 7.HOME_REG 0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether mobile stations,which are not roaming and haveMOB_TERM_HOME equals to ‘1’, are to be enabledfor autonomous registration.FOR_NID_REG 0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether mobile stations ,which is foreign NID roamers and hasMOB_TERM_FOR_NID equal to ‘1’, is to be enabledfor autonomous registration.FOR_SID_REG 0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether mobile stations,which  is foreign SID roamers and hasMOB_TERM_FOR_SID equal to ‘1’, is to be enabledfor autonomous registration.POWER_UP_REG 0 ~ 1 Power-up registration indicatorThis is a parameter that mobile stations enabled forautonomous registration are to register immediatelyafter powering on and receiving the systemoverhead messages.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-132ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPOWER_DOWN_REG0 ~ 1 Power-down registration indicatorThis is a parameter that mobile stations enabled forautonomous registration are to register immediatelybefore powering down.PARAMER_REG 0 ~ 1 Parameter change registration indicatorREG_PERIOD 0, 29 ~ 85 Registration periodIf mobile station is not to perform timer-basedregistration, the base station shall set this field to ‘0’.REG_DISTANCE 0 ~ 1 If mobile station performs distance-basedregistration, the base station shall set this field to theminimum distance which the mobile station shouldre-register.RESCAN 0 ~ 1 Rescan IndicatorMULT_SIDS 0 ~ 1 Multiple System Ids Storage IndicatorMULT_NIDS 0 ~ 1 Multiple Network Ids Storage IndicatorEXT_SYS_PARAMETER0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether the base stationsend Extended System Parameter Message tomobile station.0 : No,   1 : YesEXT_NGHBR_LIST 0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether the base stationsend Extended Neighbor List Message to mobilestation.0 : No,   1 : YesGLOBAL_REDIRECT0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether the base stationsend mobile station to Global Service RedirectionMessage.0 : No,  1 : YesBCAST_INDEX 0 ~ 1 Broadcast Slot Cycle Index.0 : Disable,   others : value
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-133ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONREDIRECT_ACCOLC0 ~ 1 Redirected access overload classThis field is composed of subfield between ACCESSOVERLOAD CLASS 0 ( 1 Bit ) and ACCESSOVERLOAD CLASS  System Parameter Message[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-SYSPARA-MSG:BTS=0,SECT=BETA,FA=0;M5088 DISPLAY SYSTEM PARAMETER MESSAGE   BTS : 0(Grand) SECTOR : BETA CDMA_CH_INDEX : 0   PILOT_PN           : 120      SID                   : 2222   NID : 4        REG_ZONE             : 3   TOTAL_ZONE    : 3        ZONE_TIMER           : 3   MULT_SIDS      : 0        MULT_NIDS             : 0   BASE_ID : 0        BASE_CLASS           : 1   PAGE_CHAN : 1        MAX_SLOT_CYC_IDX    : 1   HOME_REG        : 1        FOR_SID_REG         : 1   FOR_NID_REG       : 1        POWER_UP_REG       : 1   POWER_DOWN_REG  : 1        PARAMETER_REG      : 1   REG_PRD           : 44       BASE_LAT              : 0   BASE_LOGN        : 0        REG_DIST              : 0   SRCH_WIN_A      : 6        SRCH_WIN_N          : 7   SRCH_WIN_R : 8        NGHBR_MAX_AGE      : 0   PWR_REP_THRESH  : 3        PWR_REP_FRAMES     : 7   PWR_THRESH_ENABLE : ENABLE PWR_PERIOD_ENABLE : ENABLE   PWR_REP_DELAY   : 5        RESCAN                : 0   T_ADD           : 28       T_DROP               : 32   T_COMP           : 5       T_TDROP               : 2   EXT_SYS_PARAM   : 1 EXT_NGHBR_LIST      : 1   GLOBAL_REDIRECT : 0
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-134ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPILOT_PN 0 ~ 511 Pilot PN sequence offset index of BTSSID 0 ~ 32767 System ID numberNID 0 ~ 65535 Network ID numberREG_ZONE 0 ~ 127 Registration Zone Number of base stationTOTAL_ZONE 0 ~ 7 Maximum number of registration zones formobile station to be retainedZONE_TIMER 0 ~ 7 This is the length of the zone registration timerto be used by mobile stations.It is an integer number between 0 and 7.MULT_SIDS 0 ~ 1 Multiple System IDs Storage IndicatorMULT_NIDS 0 ~ 1 Multiple Network IDs Storage IndicatorBASE_ID 0 ~ 511 Base Station IDBASE_CLASS 0 ~ 1 Band Class 0 : 800MHz Cellular Band 1 : 1.8 ~ 2.0 GHz BandPAGE_CHAN 1 ~ 7 Paging channel numberMAX_SLOT_CYC_IDX 0 ~ 9 Maximum slot cycle indexHOME_REG 0 ~ 1 Home registration indicator.This parameter determines whether mobilestations, which is not roaming and hasMOB_TERM_HOME value of ‘1’, is to beenabled for autonomous registration.FOR_NID_REG 0 ~ 1 NID roamer registration indicator.This parameter determines whether mobilestations that are foreign NID roamers and haveMOB_TERM_FOR_NID value of ‘1’, are to beenabled for autonomous registration.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-135ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONFOR_SID_REG 0 ~ 1 SID roamer registration indicatorThis parameter determines whether mobilestations that are foreign SID roamers and haveMOB_TERM_FOR_SID value of ‘1’, are to beenabled for autonomous registration.POWER_UP_REG 0 ~ 1 Power-up registration indicatorThis is a parameter that mobile stations enabledfor autonomous registration are to registerimmediately after powering on and receiving thesystem overhead messages.POWER_DOWN_REG 0 ~ 1 Power-down registration indicatorThis is a parameter that mobile stations enabledfor autonomous registration are to registerimmediately before powering down.PARAMETER_REG 0 ~ 1 Parameter change registration indicatorREG_PRD 0, 29 ~ 85 Registration periodIf mobile station is not to perform timer-basedregistration, the base station shall set this field to‘0’.BASE_LAT  0 ~4194304Base station latitudeBASE_LOGN  0 ~8388608Base station longitudeREG_DIST 0If mobile station performs distance-basedregistration, the base station shall set this field tothe minimum distance which the mobile stationis to re-register.SRCH_WIN_A 0 ~ 127 This is the search window size to be used bymobile stations for the active set in case ofsearching for the base station pilot.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-136ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONSRCH_WIN_N 0 ~ 127 This is the search window size to be used bymobile stations for the neighbor set in case ofsearching for the base station pilot.SRCH_WIN_R 0 ~ 127 This is the search window size to be used bymobile stations for the remaining set in case ofsearching for the base station pilot.NGHBR_MAX_AGE 0 ~ 7 Set this field to the maximum AGE value whichmobile stations drop members from theNeighbor Set.PWR_REP_THRESH 0 ~ 31 Set this field to the number of bad frames to bereceived in a measurement period before mobilestations are to generate a Power MeasurementReport Message.PWR_REP_FRAMES 0 ~ 31 Set this field to the value such that the numbergiven by [ 2(PWR_REP_FRAMES) X 5 ] frames is thenumber of frames over which mobile stations areto count frame errors.If the pwr_period_enable is ‘1’, the mobilestation sends power measurement reportmessage to base station, each receiving acalculated frames.PWR_THRESH_ENABLE0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether mobilestation sends power measurement message tobase station, when mobile station powerexceeds  pwr_rep_thresh parameter value.0 : DISABLE1 : ENABLE
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-137ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPWR_PERIOD_ENABLE0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether mobilestation sends Power Measurement ReportMessage to base station, periodically.0 : DISABLE1 : ENABLEPWR_REP_DELAY 0 ~ 31 The period that mobile stations wait following aPower Measurement Report Message beforerestarting frame counting for power controlpurposes.RESCAN 0 ~ 1 This flag determine whether mobile stations areto re-initialize and re-acquire.T_ADD 0 ~ 63 Pilot detection thresholdThe mobile station compares this value with acertain pilot. If a certain pilot value is more thanthis value, a cell of having it becomes cell of thecandidate set. And a cell of having it sends  PilotStrength Measurement Message to active cell.T_DROP 0 ~ 63 Pilot drop thresholdThe mobile station compares this value withcurrent candidate or active pilot. If its value isless than this value, the mobile station operatesthe handoff drop timer.T_COMP 0 ~ 15 Active set versus Candidate set comparisonthresholdIf the strength of a candidate set pilot exceedsthe strength of an active set pilot by t_comp*0.5,the mobile station sends base station to PilotStrength Measurement Message.ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTION
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-138T_TDROP 0 ~ 15 Drop timer value.While t_tdrop timer exceed, if the strength of anactive set pilot has not become greater thant_drop, the mobile station sends pilot strengthmeasurement message to base station.EXT_SYS_PARAM 0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether the basestation sends Extended System ParameterMessage to mobile station. 0 : No 1 : YesEXT_NGHBR_LIST 0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether the basestation sends Extended Neighbor List Messageto mobile station. 0 : No 1 : YesGLOBAL_REDIRECT 0 ~ 1 This parameter determines whether the basestation sends Global Service RedirectionMessage to mobile station. 0 : No 1 : Yes3.3.19  Traffic Channel Parameter[ BSMcmd : xx ] DIS-TC-PARA:BTS=0,FA=0;M5015 DISPLAY TRAFFIC CHANNEL PARAMETER   BSC : 0    BCP : 0    BTS : 0     NAME : Grand        CDMA_CH_INDEX    : 0   NUM_DMDS               : 4   COMBINE_THRESH_SET1 : 70  COMBINE_THRESH_SET2  : 70   LOCK_THRESH_SET1 : 2729 LOCK_THRESH_SET2 : 2739   NOLOCK_THRESH_SET1: 2729 NOLOCK_THRESH_SET2 : 2729PCTL_OUTER_LOOP_ENABLE : 1 PCTL_THRESH_MAX_SET1  : 7683PCTL_THRESH_MAX_SET2 : 7683 PCTL_THRESH_MIN_SET1 : 200
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-139PCTL_THRESH_MIN_SET2 : 200 PCTL_THRESH_NOM_SET1 : 4000PCTL_THRESH_NOM_SET2 : 4000 ACQ_WIN_LENGTH    : 256ACQ_WIN_PRD       : 6    DEMOD_WIN_LENGTH : 384DEMOD_INT_PERIOD  : 6    TC_GAIN _SET1 : 50TC_GAIN _SET2 : 50 QUALITY_THRE0     : 1QUALITY_THRE1    : 1 QUALITY_THRE2     : 3QUALITY_THRE3 : 3  FINGER_LOCK_INIT_ENERGY_SET1 : 2056FINGER_LOCK_INIT_ENERGY_SET2 : 2056ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONCDMA_CH_INDEX Refer to 3.3.4 CDMA channel number of BTSNUM_DMDS 1 ~ 4 The number of Demod ASICsCOMBINE_THRESH_SET10 ~ 65535 If the accumulated and filtered energy of fingerwhen finger is assigned as lock exceeds thisvalue, use output energy of this finger to symbolcombine process. Used in rate set 1.COMBINE_THRESH_SET20 ~ 65535 If the accumulated and filtered energy of fingerwhen finger is assigned as lock exceeds thisvalue, use output energy of this finger to symbolcombine process. Used in rate set 2.LOCK_THRESH_SET1 0 ~ 65535 It is the threshold integer number counted byto_nolock_cnt in 0 - 65535 so that the finger inlock is to be out-of-lock. Used in rate set 1LOCK_THRESH_SET2 0 ~ 65535 It is the threshold integer number counted byto_nolock_cnt in 0 - 65535 so that the finger inlock is to be out-of-lock. Used in rate set 2NOLOCK_THRESH_SET10 ~ 65535 It is the threshold integer number counted byto_lock_cnt in 0 - 65535 so that the finger in out-of-lock is to be in-lock. Used in rate set 1ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTION
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-140NOLOCK_THRESH_SET10 ~ 65535 It is the threshold integer number counted byto_lock_cnt in 0 - 65535 so that the finger in out-of-lock is to be in-lock. Used in rate set 1PCTL_OUTER_LOOP_ENABLE0 ~ 1 Whether reverse outer loop power control isenabled.The vocoder/selector sends traffic channelelement to power control threshold to trafficchannel element for reverse link outer looppower control, every 20msec.If this parameter value is ‘1’, the traffic channelelement uses the power control threshold givenby Vocoder/Selector through appropriateprocess.If this parameter value is ‘0’ the traffic channelelement uses nominal value instead.PCTL_THRESH_MAX_SET10 ~ 65535 Max. power control threshold used rate set1.Use this value when outer loop power control isenabled and the power control threshold givenby the vocoder/selector is more than this value.PCTL_THRESH_MAX_SET20 ~ 65535 Max. power control threshold used rate set2.Use this value when outer loop power control isenabled and the power control threshold givenby vocoder/selector is more than this value.PCTL_THRESH_MIN_SET10 ~ 65535 Min. power control threshold used rate set1.Use this value when outer loop power control isenabled and the power control threshold givenby the vocoder/selector is less than this value.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-141ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONPCTL_THRESH_MIN_SET20 ~ 65535 Min. power control threshold used rate set2.Use this value when outer loop power control isenabled and the power control threshold givenby vocoder/selector is less than this value.PCTL_THRESH_NOM_SET10 ~ 65535 Normal power control threshold used rate set1.Use this value when outer loop power control isenabled and no the power control thresholdgiven by vocoder/selector is more than thisvalue.PCTL_THRESH_NOM_SET20 ~ 65535 Normal power control threshold used rate set2.Use this value when outer loop power control isenabled and no the power control thresholdgiven by vocoder/selector is more than thisvalue.ACQ_WIN_LENGTH 0 ~ 4095 Acquisition search window length.An integer value between 0 and 4095 of windowlength which traffic channel should test whentraffic channel element is assigned to mobilestation from cell controller and acquisition.The traffic channel element searches the regionthat is acq_win_len / 2 on the basis of round tripdelay received by cell controller.ACQ_WIN_PRD 0 ~ 7 An integer value between 0 and 7 as theacquisition integration period.DEMOD_WIN_LENGTH 0 ~ 65535 Demodulator search window length
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-142DEMOD_INT_PERIOD 0 ~ 7 An integer value between 0 and 7 as thedemodulator integration period.ITEMS RANGE DESCRIPTIONTC_GAIN_SET1 0 ~ 127 Gain value of Traffic Channel (rate set 1)TC_GAIN_SET2 0 ~ 127 Gain value of Traffic Channel (rate set 2)QUALITY_THRE0 1Threshold of Quality Indicator ( Full Rate )QUALITY_THRE1 1Threshold of Quality Indicator ( Half Rate )QUALITY_THRE2 3Threshold of Quality Indicator ( Quarter Rate )QUALITY_THRE3 3Threshold of Quality Indicator ( Eight Rate )FINGER_LOCK_INIT_ENERGY_SET10 ~ 65535 The initial finger value when finger is assignedas lock. Used in rate set 1.FINGER_LOCK_INIT_ENERGY_SET20 ~ 65535 The initial finger value when finger is assignedas lock. Used in rate set 2. set1 : rate set 1 (9.6k, 4.8k, 2.4k, 1.2k)   set2 : rate set2 (14.4k, 7.2k, 3.6k, 1.8k)
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1433.4  Call Processing System3.4.1  OverviewThe call processing is the most important part of system. The call processing fault is verycritical and the related block needs to be always in normal state. It needs to takeemergency measure in the case of call fault.3.4.2  Call Processing Flow3.4.2.1  Call Processing BlockTSBTransmissionBCPTransmissionPCXTransmissionHandoff TypeDecisionNo.7 Signalling ConnectionVocoder Channel AssignmentWire&Wireless Section DecisionConversation StateCall & Resource ReleaseCCOX BlockVocoderAssignmentVocoderRelease Message TransmissionRequestMessageTransmissionRequestHandoffHandlingRequest Vocoder AssignmentRequest Vocoder AssignmentResponse Vocoder ReleaseRequest Vocoder ReleaseResponseFigure 3.62 Call Processing Block Diagram
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-144The explanation of the Call Processing Block is as follows. ( Refer to Figure 3.62 )(1) The CCOX, that is call processing block, receives the mobile oriented call from basestation. And, it allocates an available selector in basis of the received trunk informationfrom MSC. The CCOX establishes the traffic channel path between MSC and mobilestation after it setting the traffic channel up.(2) The CCOX receives the paging message from MSC and informs mobile station of it.The CCOX allocates an available selector in basis of the information that MSC sent.The CCOX establishes the traffic path between MSC and mobile station after it settingthe traffic channel up.(3) Call is to be in progress after call setup process. CCOX releases call where it receivescall release request from MS or MSC.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1453.4.2.2  Flow of Mobile Origination CallThe Flow of Mobile Origination Call is equal as follows. ( Refer to Figure 3.63 )PCXPS CCPTSBBCPCEOrignation Msgmsg_cm_svc_req_cxmsg_con_conf_xcmsg_call_proc_xcmsg_setup_cxmsg_mob_orig_ack_cbmsg_mob_orig_bcpc_mob_order_msgcc_cai_mob_org_msgBS_Ack_Ordermsg_asgn_req_xcSCCP RLSDSCCP RLCRelease OrderRelease Ordertc_release_ctl_msgcc_call_rel_msg  msg_release_cs msg_release_sc  msg_release_cx msg_rel_cmpl_xc msg_clr_cmd_xc msg_clr_cmpl_cxmsg_alert_xcmsg_connect_xcmsg_connect_csRing Back Tonemsg_connect_ack_cxConversation Statetc_mob_assign_msg msg_ch_assign_req_cbcc_call_status_msgCh. Assign Msgpc_chan_assign_msgNULL TrafficSig_dyn_sve_rsp_scmsg_vs_tc_cssig_dyn_sve_req_cscc_msg_tx_ota_msg msg_ch_assign_cmpl_bcTCh Preamble TIME SYNCTIME SYNCmsg_link_active_scvs_mob_acq_ctl_msgService Request Msg.Service Connect Msg.Service Connect Complete Msg.msg_asgn_cmpl_cxmsg_mob_con_sccc_call_status_msgBs_Ack_OrderNULL TrafficFigure 3.63 Flow of Mobile Origination Call
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1463.4.2.3  Flow of Mobile Termination CallThe Flow of Mobile Termination Call is equal as follows. ( Refer to Figure 3.64 )PCXPS CCPTSBBCPCEtc_mob_assign_msg msg_ch_assign_req_cbcc_call_status_msgCh. Assign Msgpc_chan_assign_msgNULL TrafficSig_dyn_sve_rsp_scmsg_vs_tc_cssig_dyn_sve_req_cscc_msg_tx_ota_msg msg_ch_assign_cmpl_bcTCh Preamble TIME SYNCTIME SYNCmsg_link_active_scvs_mob_acq_ctl_msgService Request Msg.Service Response Msg.Service Connect Msg.Service Connect Complete Msg.msg_asgn_cmpl_cxmsg_mob_con_sccc_call_status_msgBs_Ack_OrderNULL Trafficmsg_paging_xcmsg_page_mob_cbpc_page_mob_msgGeneral Page MsgPage Response Msg cc_cai_page_responsepc_mob_order_msg msg_page_rsp_bcmsg_page_rsp_ack_cbmsg_page_rsp_cxmsg_setup_xcmsg_asgn_req_xcmsg_call_conf_cxBS_Ack_OrderConversation Statemsg_alert_cxmsg_alert_csAlert With Info (Ring Tone On)Connect_Order msg_connect_sc_sc( msg_connect_cxmsg_connect_ack_xcBs_Ack_OrderRelease OrderRelease Ordertc_release_ctl_msgcc_call_rel_msg msg_release_cs msg_release_sc msg_rel_cmpl_cx msg_clr_cmd_xc msg_clr_cmpl_cxSCCP RLSDSCCP RLC msg_release_xcFigure 3.64 Flow of Mobile Termination Call
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1473.4.3  Call Trace3.4.3.1  Call Processing CommandBy typing some commands in CROS shell, several of information which are related to callcontrol can be displayed such as call flow, call statistics, and diagnostics.The general processing flow is as follows. ( Refer to Figure 3.65 )CROSBSM Terminal orCRT MonitorshellRS-232CCOXsig_call_display_req_init_oc(cd)sig_call_list_disp_oc(cl)sig_call_trace_req_oc(ct)printcl Commandct Commandcd CommandCCOX ChildProcessCCOX MainProcessCommandFigure 3.65 Flow of General Command ProcessingBy using console (FAST or rcu program operation on the BSM), user can order severalcommand to shell connected to CCP ( MCDA ) through RS-232C cable. The shellanalyzes the received command and sends the signal which is related with command toCCP. The CCOX Outmost process receives this signal and executes function requestedby this signal.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1483.  Call List CommandIt displays the origination call and termination call setup process, Handoff process,Registration process and statistics data, etc.Usage : cl xx   ( ‘xx’ is command option. )(1) cl 0It displays call id, IMSI, ESN and process id of call during servicing.(2) cl 1It displays call id, IMSI, ESN, and process id of call during servicing and tracing by calltrace command.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-149(3) cl 2It includes ‘cl 0’ and ‘cl 1’ function.(4) cl 3This is a Toggle Command. When it is ON, it displays call release in detail. It displaysIMSI, ESN, Process Id, Cause, Call State, Handoff State, and Call Id of released callfor the abnormal release when the specific call is released.The abnormal call release is a call release expecting normal release, power down andmobile release.(5) cl 4This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays all information. It executes allinserted print sentence.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-150(6) cl 5This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays data related to statistics.(7) cl 6It displays data that are collected about all errors by case.   • STATE : the number of occurrence that the call processing status out of theoriginated call, terminated call, Markov call and MSC hard Handoff callprocessing shall enter the undefined state on the ground of the FiniteState Machine.• MSG_ID : the number of occurrence that received the unexpected message at thespecific State.• VALUE : the number of occurrence that the data value get out of the definedscope.• DIFF : Not Used• SEND : the number of occurrence that fail when send BCP or TSB or MSC to thesignal or message.• ENCODE : the number of occurrence that the message type of source messagemismatch or a specific field value mismatch to be encoding.• DECODE : the number of occurrence that the message type of source messagemismatch or a specific field value mismatch to be decoding.• PROTOCOL : the number of occurrence that the value of specific field in theSignal or message do not define to standard in use as theinterface between BSC and MSC.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-151• PORT : Not Used• HO_TYPE : Not Used(8) cl 7It displays each release cause.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-152(9) cl 8This is a Toggle command. If the registration flow is ON, it displays message flowwhich is related with mobile registration.(10) cl 9It displays IMSI and Child Process ID on servicing call.(11) cl 10It displays the number of traffic call, setup call and Null call.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-153(12) cl aThis is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it collects a statistics data every 10 sec. If itis OFF, it stops a statistics data collection.(13) cl bIt displays a collected statistics data. It displays the statistics start time and end timeand the statistics items
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-154(14) cl cIt displays the statistics items which is related with the Softer Handoff. It displays thestatistics start time and end time and the statistics items(15) cl dIt displays the statistics items which is related with the Soft Handoff. It displays thestatistics start time and end time and the statistics items
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-155(16) cl eIt displays the statistics items which is related with the Hard Handoff. It displays thestatistics start time and end time and the statistics items(17) cl 14This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays this message length when theCCP send message to MSC.(18) cl 15 :It displays the call setup Time average of origination and termination call.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-156(19) cl 16This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Origination and TerminationCall Setup time at the unit of milli second.(20) cl 17It displays the time elapsed after loading the CCOX. It displays the CCOX start time,current time and the time elapsed at the unit of year, month, day, hour, minute, andsecond.(21) cl 18If it receives an invalid message at specific state, it displays this message information.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-157(22) cl 19It sets up Time Interval for counting of the number of signal received by CCOXoutmost Process by using consecutive two ‘cl’ commands.(23) cl 1aIt displays the number of signal received by CCOX Outmost Process during theinterval time established use of ‘c 19’ command.(24) cl 1bIt displays the Handoff Processing Time.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-158(25) cl 20It displays the cause of Connection Refuse Cause ( CREF ) and cause value incorresponding to the CREF.(26) cl 21It displays the cause of Connection Release Cause ( RLSD ) and cause value incorresponding to the RLSD.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-159(27) cl 40This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays Call List message by BTS.(28) cl 80This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it sets L-to-M to 8K.(29) cl 87This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it changes loopback mode to voice loopmode.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-160(30) cl 88This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it sets up loopback mode.(31) cl 99It displays the status of DSP chips in TSB. ( EQUIP, BUSY, BLOCK )(32) cl aaIt displays the ON/OFF status of Toggle commands.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-161(33) cl b0It displays the message use of Hard handoff each MSC with each ‘cl’ command.(34) cl b1This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Required Messageas the hex code.(35) cl b2This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Request Messageas the hex code.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-162(36) cl b3This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Assign(Target)Message as the hex code.(37) cl b4This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Request AckMessage as the hex code.(38) cl b5This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Failure Message asthe hex code.(39) cl b6This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Command Messageas the hex code.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-163(40) cl b7This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Required Rejectmessage as the hex code.(41) cl b8This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Assign (serving)Message as the hex code.(42) cl b9This is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff CommencedMessage as the hex code.(43) cl baThis is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Complete Messageas the hex code.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-164(44) cl bbThis is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Clear CommandMessage as the hex code.(45) cl bcThis is a Toggle command. When it is ON, it displays the Handoff Clear Complete (Serving ) Message as the hex code.(46) cl bfIt displays the Toggle ON/OFF status of each command form ‘cl b1’ to ‘cl bc’.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-165(47) cl daIt displays the tracing Signal Number and Message Number by using of ‘cl da’, ‘cl db’,and ‘ct’ command.(48) cl dbIt displays the Raw Data of Signal registered by ‘ct’ command as the hex code.(49) cl dcIt displays the Raw Data of message registered by ‘ct’ command as the hex code.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-166(50) cl ddIt stops the signal trace and message trace.(51) cl f0It diagnoses the NO.7 Signaling Connection status. It generates child process for thetesting of No.7.It can be decided the No.7 Link as the normal, if it receives the CREF Message, thatthe Cause is 0, by MSC as the test result.(52) cl ffIt displays the ‘cl’ command list.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1673.  Call Trace CommandThe Call Trace Command is used for tracing the specific MIN number. The Call Tracecommand is a function that toggles the call processing flow and Handoff flow of theselected MIN number.(1) a specific MIN number ON/OFF Command ( ‘xxxxxxx’ is MIN number. )<Usage> ct xxxxxxx on/off(2) call flow of specific MIN number Toggle Command ( ‘xxxxxxx’ is MIN number. )<Usage> call xxxxxxx(3) handoff flow of specific MIN number Toggle Command ( ‘xxxxxxx’ is MIN number. )<Usage> ho  xxxxxxx
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1683.  Call Display CommandIt displays the information which is related with the basic call information, resourceoccupancy state and handoff of call
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1693.4.4  Call Release Reason and StateIf the call is released in call processing, the CCP in the BSC sends Call fault Message withthe released call information to BSM. The call fault reason and state represent call releasereason and call processing state.  Arrangement according to Release Reason(1) MS/CE/BTS Release   1) REL_MOBILE_RELEASEIt occurs in case that END key of MS is pressed and released.2) REL_POWER_DOWNIt occurs in case that Power key of MS is pressed and released, or battery of MobileStation is run out.3) REL_SI_LINK_FAILIt occurs when the data do not exchange between TSB and CE.4) REL_MARKOV_RELNot Used5) REL_TIMEOUT_CCPIf the BCP doesn’t receive ACK message from CCP after the BCP request ACKmessage to CCP in the call establishment, it occurs. In case that the BCP doesn’treceive ACK message from CCP is as follows.• In case that the CCOX block is in abnormal operation.• In case that the BLINK between BTS and BSC is in abnormal operation.• In case of loss of message at the normal state.6) REL_TIMEOUT_PCIf the BCP doesn’t receive ACK message from PCE after the BCP send ChannelAssign message to PCE in the call establishment, it occurs.In case that the BCP doesn’t receive ACK message from PCE is as follows.• In case the PCE is abnormal.• In case the Router Node/Cable between BCP and PCE is out of order.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1707) REL_TIMEOUT_TCIf the BCP doesn’t receive ACK message from TCE after the BCP send TCE assignmessage to TCE in the call establishment, it occurs.In case that the BCP doesn’t receive ACK message from TCE is as follows.• In case the TCE is abnormal.• In case Router Node/Cable between BCP and TCE is out of order.8) REL_PRE_SERVICEIf Mobile Station requests call with ESN No. which is same as ESN No. in BCP DBdata of old ESN No., new call setup is released .• In case that the mobile station remains in call because of loss the air messageafter the mobile station releases.• In case that the mobile station requests new call without the mobile station releasein the call establishment.9) REL_NOT_SETUPDuring call processing in BCP, BCP swapping is not completed and call process isnot completed.10) REL_TEST_CALLIn case of normal release of Test call such as Markov or Loopback.11) REL_DOWN_ACT_TFCIn case of TFC swapping in base station, all calls are released.12) REL_TPTLThe Base station releases all calls when TPTL ( Transmit Power Tracking Loop ) isinvolved and the Base station stops call service until the TPTL operationcompletes.(2) TSB Release   1) REL_SIGNAL_MSG_TOUTIn case that the message does not exchange properly between mobile station andTSB. If the TSB doesn’t receive ACK message from mobile station after the TSBsends a specific message to mobile station, it occurs. If the TSB doesn’t receiveACK message from mobile station during minimum 4 seconds, it occurs. Becausethe TSB resends specific message 10 times a unit of 400 milli-seconds. In case, the
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-171Reverse Traffic Channel is decided out of order.   2) REL_CONTROL_MSG_TOUTIn case that the message isn’t exchanged between Base station Traffic ChannelElement and TSB. If the TSB doesn’t receive ACK message from the base stationtraffic channel element after the TSB sends a specific message to the base stationtraffic channel element, it occurs. If the TSB doesn’t receive ACK message from thebase station traffic channel element for minimum 600 mili-seconds, it occurs.Because the TSB resends to specific message 3 times a unit of 200 mili-seconds.Call can not be released during handoff.   3) REL_BAD_FRAMESIn case of receiving 250 bad frames from mobile station. The cause is as follows.• In case of releasing the call because of bad forward traffic channel.• In case of bad Reverse Traffic Channel.• In case of removing the battery of mobile station.   4) REL_MOB_NOT_ACQIf it doesn’t receive Mobile_Acquire message from base station traffic channelelement in 5 minutes of the call establishment, it occurs. Also, it occurs at specificTCE because of H/W problem.   5) REL_TIME_SYNC_TOUTIf it doesn’t receive Time Sync Packet from base station traffic channel element in 1second of the call establishment, it occurs. That is, in case that the TSB doesn’treceive ACK message to Time Sync Packet. Also, it is possible to occur by the Trunkproblem between the Base Station and the Base Station Controller or a specificVocoder.   6) REL_SO_REJECTEDIn case that the Service Option does not agree between mobile station and TSB. Incase that the mobile station release as the Service Option Reject. If the TSB sendsundefined Service Option Number to mobile station, it occurs.   7) REL_SOFT_DROPNot Used.   8) REL_INTRA_HARDNot Used   9) REL_INTER_HARD
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-172Not Used.   10) REL_FRAME_OFFSET_HARDNot Used.   11) REL_INTER_MSC_HARDNot Used.   12) REL_NO_MARKOV_SYNCIf mobile station and TSB do not exchange the valid Markov Frame in a constanttime out of Markov call setup, it occurs. At the current system, the call isn’t releasedas this cause.   13) REL_SO2_NO_SYNCIf mobile station and TSB do not exchange the valid Loopback Frame in a constanttime out of Service Option 2 Call Setup, it occurs. The Service Option 2 Syncmeans to start point of Loop back statistic.   14) REL_NO_FRAMESIf it doesn’t receive Traffic Frame from Traffic Channel Element for 2 seconds , itoccurs. It can be the trunk problem between base station and base stationcontroller or the base station traffic channel card is out of order.   15) REL_INVALID_VOCIDIf the TSB receives Vs_Tc_Cs Message from CCP with the appropriate channelbeing used, the TSB sends NOK message to CCP. By this time the CCP does notrelease the call and reallocate the resource. If this state is occurred again, the CCPclear the call.   16) REL_SERV_NEGO_MSG_TOUTIn case that the Service Negotiation Procedure doesn’t receive the ServiceResponse Message or Service Connect Complete Message from mobile stationwithin the defined time.(3) CCP / MSC Release   1) RCV_MSG_TIME_OUTIn case that the CCP doesn’t receive a specific message within the defined time, itoccurs. That is,• In case that the CCP doesn’t receive the Link_Active_Sc within 10 seconds after
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-173the CCP receives the Link_Active_Sc• In case that the CCP doesn’t receive the Mob_Connect_Sc within 10 seconds afterthe CCP receives the Link_Active_Sc• In case that the CCP doesn’t receive the Call_Proc_Xc within 10 seconds after theCCP sends Setup_Cx• In case that the CCP doesn’t receive the Alert_Xc within 60 seconds after the CCPreceives Call_Proc_Xc• In case that the CCP doesn’t receive the Connect_Sc within 40 seconds after theCCP sends Alert_info_Cs• In case that the CCP doesn’t receive the Connect_Xc within 40 seconds after theCCP sends Alert_info_Cs   2) REL_DB_SEL_FAILIn case that the Tuple status of the appropriate PLD is not 0xff, that is Not Equip,when handles each kind of data to read the PLD.3) REL_OVERLOADIt checks the overload of the Vocoder, TCE, CCP Processor, and BCP Processor inthe status block at the originated call, terminated call and Handoff attempt. If theyhave overload, it stops the call attempt. If the CCP Overload is, it change to BTSOverload.4) REL_VOC_SIP_UNAVAILIn case that it fails to allocate the Vocoder resource when all IA resources of TSBVocoder are Not Equip or Abnormal, or Block at the originated call, terminated calland Test Call setup.5) REL_VOC_SVP_UNAVAILIn case that it fails to allocate the Vocoder resource when all OA resources of TSBVocoder are Not Equip or Abnormal, or Block at the originated call, terminated calland Test Call setup.6) REL_VOC_SVE_UNAVAILIn case that it fails to allocate the Vocoder resource when all DSP resources of TSBVocoder are Not Equip or Abnormal, or Block at the originated call, terminated calland Test Call setup.7) REL_TRK_UNAVAILThe Trunk uses 24 channels T1 Trunks in case that it fails to allocate the Vocoder
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-174resource when all Trunk resources are Not Equip or Abnormal, or Block at theoriginated call, terminated call and Test Call setup.Actually, the status block reports IA status to Abnormal. So, the Release Reason isREL_VOC_SIP_UNVAIL.8) TSB_BOARD_RESETNot Used.9) REL_MX_PROTOCOL_ERRIn case that a defined field value is mismatch in advance or gets out of a scope outof message received by MSC.10) CPS_ALREADY_USEDNot Used.11) REL_TER_DGT_ERRIn case that Called Digits of a receiving part are under a number of 2 figures at theoriginated call attempt.12) NORMAL_RELIn case that the call is released normally by pressing the End Key of the oppositemobile station normally.13) USER_BUSYIn case that the opposite subscriber is on busy.14) USER_NO_ANSWERIn case that it doesn’t receive the Connect message within 1 minutes afterreceiving the Alert message.15) UNASSIGN_NUMNot Used16) POWER_DOWNIn case that the power is exhausted or power off by the opposite Party17) ABN_RELIn case of the Mlink fail, Handoff fail and Processor down, etc.18) CREFThe NOK toward to Setup Cx as the simpler form for the Connection Refuse.If the appropriate mobile station is not the mobile station registered or occurs theeach kind of alarm in the MSC, it occurs. If the given Trunk Channel for callprocessing at BSC is Block, it occurs.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-175   19) MSC_RESETIn case that MSC can not process the call any more because of reseting the MSCfor some reason or other.20) REL_TC_UNAVAILIn case that it can not allocate the TCE resource because there is no available TCEresources during the originated call and terminated call attempt.21) REL_CODE_CH_UNAVAILIn case of no available the Code Channel at the originated and terminated callattempt, the BCP prevents the call attempting to the CCP and sending CCP toReason message.22) REL_FRAME_OFFSET_UNAVIn case of no available the Frame Offset at the originated and terminated callattempt, the BCP prevents the call attempting to the CCP and sending CCP toReason message.23) REL_ALL_BLINK_UNAVIn case of unavailable for the Blink at the originated and terminated call attempt,the BCP prevents the call attempting to the CCP and sending CCP to Reasonmessage.24) REL_BTS_OVLD_STSIf the load of the CCP or BCP Processor occurs more than threshold or occurs theCCP Overload , it decides the BCP Overload.In this case, the BCP prevents the call attempting to the CCP and sending CCP toReason message.25) REL_HOFF_FAILHandoff Failure26) REL_SENDSIG_FAILIn case that the transmission of message is failed by the IPC block appearance orthe appropriate Destination Address mistake or killed status of the DestinationProcess when the CCP sends MSC, TSB, BCP to message.27) REL_FULL_ACT_CELLIn case that it can not be to add the PN pilot in the Active set because the basestation has 3 PN pilots in the Active set at the Handoff operation.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-17628) REL_HOFF_NBR_DATA_ERRIn case that the BTS_ID of Reference PN pilot is equal to the BTS_ID of PN pilot tobe add at the Soft Handoff operation.29) REL_MSG_DATA_ERRIn case that the BCP sends CCP to UNDEFINED_ALLOC_MODE after the BCP isreceived the undefined Alloc Mode at the Handoff operation.30) REL_TEST_CALL_NO_RSPIn case of no response toward to the Paging at the Markov or Loopback is equal toTest Call attempt.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-1773.4.4.2  Call StateThe Call State Flow of the Call Processing is as follows. ( Refer to Figure 3.66 )msg_mob_orig_cc TER_INIT_STATECOM_ ASSIGN_REQ_STATECOM_LINK_ACTIVE_STATECOM_MOB_CON_STATEORG_ ALERT_N_CONNECT_STATE TER_CONNECT_STATETRAFFIC_STATEREL_CONF_STATEREL_CLR_CMD_STATEREL_SCBC_CLR_STATENULL_STATEmsg_mob_orig_cc msg_page_response_ccmsg_page_rsp_ccmsg_setup_xcmsg_call_proc_xc_sig_cc_xcmsg_asgn_req_xcmsg_mob_connect_scmsg_clr_cmd_xcsig_rlsd_xcmsg_release_sc ormsg_release_bcmsg_release_sc  and/ormsg_release_bcmsg_clr_cmd_xcmsg_connect_scmsg_release_xcmsg_rel_cmpl_xcmsg_connect_xcmsg_alert_xcmsg_mob_connect_scmsg_link_active_scmsg_ch_asgn_cmpl_bcsig_dyn_sve_req_cssig_ dyn_sve_rsp_scNULL_STATEORG_CON_CONF_STATETER_SETUP_STATEORG_CALL_PROC_STATECOM_ASSIGN_CMPL_STATEREL_SCCP_RLSD_STATEORG_INIT_STATEFigure 3.66 Call State Flow
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-178(1) NULL_ STATEInitialization State : If the Origination Message is received at Initialization State, theCCP shall enter the ORG_INIT_STATE. Upon entering the ORG_INIT_STATE, theChild process is generated by Main process and the Main process send the OriginationMessage to the Child process.(2) ORG_INIT_STATEThe CCP shall enter the ORG_CON_CONF_STATE after the CCP store the receivedorigination information and send Acknowledge to BCP toward to the OriginationMessage and send the CM Service Request Message to MSC.(3) ORG_CON_CONF_STATEThe CCP sends the Authentication Request Message to BCP after it receives theAuthentication Request Message from MSC. If the CCP is received the AuthenticationChallenge Response from the mobile station by BCP, the CCP sends MSC to theAuthentication Response Message. The MSC sends to the Setup Message afterreceives the Authentication Response Message from CCP.(4) ORG_CALL_PROC_STATEIf the CCP receives the Call Proceeding Message from MSC, the CCP stores theAlerting Information and shall enter the ORG_CALL_PROC_STATE.(5) TER_INIT_STATEIf the CCP receives  the Paging Response Message from BCP, the CCP shall enter theTER_INIT_STATE after sending BCP to the Paging Response Ack and sends MSC tothe Paging Response Message.(6) TER_SETUP_STATEIf the CCP receives the Setup Message from MSC, the CCP shall enter theCOM_ASSIGN_REQ_STATE after storing the Alert information and send MSC to theCall Confirmation Message.(7) COM_ASSIGN_REQ_STATEIf the CCP receives the Assignment Request Message from MSC, the CCP shall enterthe COM_ASSIGN_CMPL_STATE after storing the Trunk information and ServiceOption information and send the Channel Assignment Request Message to BCP.(8) COM_ASSIGN_CMPL_STATEThe CCP stores the Channel Allocation information from BCP and send TSB to theDynamic SVE Request Message. If the CCP receives the Dynamic SVE Response
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-179Message from TSB toward to the Dynamic SVE Request Message, the CCP shall enterthe COM_LINK_ACTIVE_STATE after sending the Vs Tc Message to TSB.(9) COM_LINK_ACTIVE_STATEIf the CCP receives the message, that the message activated , from TSB, the CCPshall enter the COM_MOB_CON_STATE.(10) COM_MOB_CON_STATEThe CCP stores the Service Configuration conferred and send the AssignmentComplete Message to MSC.If it is the Origination Call , the CCP shall enter the ORG_ALERT_N_CONNECT_STATE. If it is not the Origination Call, the CCP waits the Transcoder ControlMessage to be receive from MSC. If the CCP receives the Transcoder ControlMessage from MSC, the CCP shall enter the TRAFFIC_STATE after the CCP storethe Transcoder Mode information and sends the Acknowledge Message to MSC andAlert Message and sends the Alert Info Message to TSB.(11) ORG_ALERT_N_CONNECT_STATEIf the CCP receives the Alerting Message from MSC, the CCP wait the ConnectMessage to be receive from MSC after send the Alert with Information Message toTSB. If the CCP receives the Alert with Information Message from MSC, the CCPshall enter the TRAFFIC_STATE after send Connect Acknowledge Message to MSCand send the Connect Message to TSB.(12) TER_CONNECT_STATEIf the CCP receives the Connect Message from TSB, the CCP sends the ConnectMessage to MSC and waits to the Connect Ack Message. If the CCP is received theConnect Ack Message, the CCP shall enter the TRAFFIC_STATE.(13) TRAFFIC_STATEA practical data is transferred. And if the CCP receives the Release Message fromTSB, the CCP shall enter the REL_CONF_STATE. If the CCP receives the ReleaseMessage from MSC, the CCP shall enter the REL_SCBC_CLR_STATE.(14) REL_CONF_STATEThe CCP receives the Release Complete Message from MSC, the CCP shall enterthe REL_CLR_CMD_STATE.(15) REL_SCBC_CLR_STATEIf the CCP receives the Release Message from TSB, the CCP shall enter the
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3-180REL_CLR_CMD_STATE.(16) REL_CLR_CMD_STATEIf the CCP receives the Clear Complete Message from MSC, the CCP sends theClear Complete Message to MSC and the CCP completes the call.If the CCP receives the RLSD Message from MSC, the CCP completes the call(17) REL_SCCP_RLSD_STATENot Used
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-1Chapter 4.  BSC References4.1  Rack ConfigurationFANFANCHBB-A1HSBB-A1GUBB-A1 BABB-A1TFSA-A1TSGA-A1TFDA-A1ACPA-A1HPU-MHICA-A2HRNA-A2HRNA-A2HN-A-A2HICA-A2HRNA-A2HPU-M2 10 20 30 40 50 582 10 20 30 40 50 582 10 20 30 40 50 58210 20 50 5940305810 20 30 40 5000GTFU-A110 20 50 5940300010 20 50 59403000CCBB-A1CIFA-A1MCDAHPU-NCCBB-A1CIFA-A1MCDAHPU-NSDBB-A1COMRCOMRTSBB-A1HPU-LVSIA-C1VSOA-A1VSOA-A1HRNA-A2HRNA-A2
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-24.2  DIP Switch & Strap4.2.1  SummaryThis section data provides setting method of STRAP/DIP SWITCH for system basedon strap drawing.4.2.2  PurposeThe purpose of this section is to provide correct usage and setting method to set ofDIP switch and jumper switch on Back Board and on PBA when set up and to notifycaution required during setting.4.2.3  Address setting in common• Pin number starts from left on Board as 1• Deletion of shunt means “1” and insertion of shunt means “0”• OFF state of DIP switch means “1” and ON state of DIP switch means “0” Place the switch as ON state (i.e., When Move Up or Right) means “0”ONOFFOFF State ("1")ONOFFON State ("0")State of Deletion ("1")State of Insertion ("0")
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-34.2.4  MCDA (Main Control & Duplication Board Assembly)  Mounting Drawing1 2121 2J2JP2JP3JP44.2.4.2  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.JP2Set CROUT(OS Running Time Out Period)1. 1.38 sec2. 2.76 sec2-ONJP3Set MFP Operation Clock1. 3.9MHz2. 3.039MHz2-ONJP4 JTAGJ2 2. GND 2-ON
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-44.2.5  CIFA-A1 (CIN Interface Function board Assembly-A1)  Mounting DrawingJP1 124 3JP10 1 24 3JP12 1 24 3JP1312JP111 510 6 CON11 92 10JP3 1 24 3JP21 612 7JP612JP5 1 243JP7 1 24 3JP81 510 6JP9124.2.5.2  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.JP1 VIACK DELAY TIME SELECTION1-4 : 50ns2-3 : 100ns1 - 4 : 50nsJP2 VME DPRAM ADDRESS COMPARE 3 - 105 - 86 - 7
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-5No. Description Normal Config.JP3 DMOD SELECTION1-4 : DMOD1 (STN/DIRECT)2-3 : DMOD0 (ACT/SBY)1 - 4 : DMOD1JP5 RX CLK INVERT SELECTION1-4 : INVERT2-3 : NON-INVERT1 - 4 : INVERTJP6 1 - 2 : RX CLK SELECTION NCJP7 TX CLK SELECTION1 - 4 : INVERT2 - 3 : NON INVERT1 - 4 : INVERTJP8 TX CLK TIME SELECTION1 - 10 : 20MHz2 - 9 : 10 MHz3 - 8 : 5 MHz4 - 7 : 2.5 MHz5 - 6 : 1.2 MHz4 - 7 : 2.5 MHzJP9 1 - 2: PVAILD ENABLE/DISABLE NCJP10 1 - 4 : DMA REQUEST A2 - 3 : DMA REQUEST B2 - 3JP11 1-10 : JTAG 1149.1 Boundary Scan Interface TRST2 - 9 : JTAG 1149.1 Boundary Scan Interface TDI3 - 8 : JTAG 1149.1 Boundary Scan Interface TDO4 - 7 : JTAG 1149.1 Boundary Scan Interface TMS5 - 6 : JTAG 1149.1 Boundary Scan Interface TCKAll StarpJP12 1 - 4 : INTR1 (ENDPKT)2 - 3 : INTR2 (SHIRQ)2 - 3 : INTR2JP13 1 - 2 : CPU RESET ENABLE/DISABLE NCCONN1 JTAG FOR FUSING MACH445 NC
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-64.2.6  HICA-A2 (High capacity IPC Control Board Assembly-A2)  Mounting DrawingJ1151064.2.6.2  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.J1 1-4, 7-10 : NO STRAP (XLINK LOADING FROMXCHECKER CABLE)5,6 : STRAP (XLINK LOADING FROM PROM)
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-74.2.7  HRNA-A2 (High performance Routing Node Assembly-A2)  Mounting Drawing1   122   113   104   95   86   71   122   113   104   95   86   7J6 J4NODE1 NODE21   122   113   104   95   86   71   122   113   104   95   86   7J7 J5NODE3 NODE41   122   113   104   95   86   71   122   113   104   95   86   7J8 J2NODE5 NODE61   122   113   104   95   86   71   122   113   104   95   86   7J9 J3NODE7 NODE8 81726354J11.25M10MHRNA-A2 Strapping Drawing
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.J1 Choose INODECLK1 - 8 : 10MHz 2 - 7 : 5MHz3 - 6 : 2.5MHz 4 - 5 : 1.25MHz1 - 8J2 – J9  1-12 : INTERFR 1 2-11 : INTERFR 0 3-10 : UCLKSEL (Open=URXC, Short=INODECLK) 4-9 : UBABO (Open=RXA Enable, Short= Disable) 5-8 : FLAG (OPEN=IDLE, SHORT=FLAG) 6-7 : EQUIP (OPEN=EQUIP, SHORT=NOT EQUIP)Node Setting• J2 – J9 : Node setting Method for GCIN,LCIN Operation( J2 : NODE 1, J5 : NODE 2, J3 : NODE 3 , J4 : NODE 4, J6: NODE 5 , J9: NODE6,J7: NODE 7 , J8: NODE 8 )• LCIN Node SettingSUB-SYSTEM FRAMEIntervalCLOCKMODEALARMMASKIDLE DATA (Up) JUMPER (Down)HICA-A2    30 byte   external     OFF      1CCP    30 byte   external     OFF    flagACP    30 byte   external     ON      1TSB     6 byte   external     OFF    flagDM    30 byte   external     ON      1CKD    30 byte   external     ON      1BSM    30 byte   external     OFF      1TFSA    30 byte   external     OFF      1LOG    30 byte   external     ON      1ENV    30 byte   external     ON      1CSB, CSL    30 byte   external     OFF    flag
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-  Reference Explanation(1) J1 : U-LINK Clock Speed Adjust ( When ON )      1 – 8 : 10 MHz      2 – 7 : 5 MHz      3 – 6 : 2.5 MHz      4 – 5 : 1.25 MHz(2) J2 – J9 : Inter frame of each NODE, U-Link clock select, U-Link alarm maskselection, Transmission flag selection, EQUIP selectionl J2 – J9 ( 1 – 12, 2 – 11 ) : Adjust data frame to maximum length which can bereceived according to FRSIZE0, 1 at U-Link ( ON : Low, OFF : High )FRSIZE1 ( 1 – 12 ) FRSIZE0 ( 2 - 11 ) Data LengthH H 512 ByteHL768 ByteLH1280 ByteL L 2304 Bytel J2 – J9 ( 3 – 10 ) : Choose U-Link transmission clock between U-Link receiveclock and internal clock ( ON : Use internal clock, OFF : Use U-Link receive clock )l 2 – J9 ( 4 – 9 ) : Choose U-Link receive alarm mask ( ON : alarm mask, OFF :NODE control by alarm )l J2 – J9 ( 5 – 8 ) : Choose inter frame transmission flag. ( ON : flag transmission,OFF : idle transmission )l J2 – J9 ( 6 – 7 ) : Choose Equipment of NODE. ( ON : NODE available, OFF :NODE not available )
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-104.2.8  HNTA-A2 (High performance IPC Node & T1 InterfaceAssembly-A2)  Mounting Drawing1~10 :  OFF = B8ZS, ON = AMI11029384756J12~9   :  OFF = SF framing3~8   :  ON = Use XC5210 SERIAL ROM(When cutting off of 3-8 connect lineof PCB)4~7   :  ON = XC5210 X-CHECKER CABLE5~6   : Use1~8   :  2128 PROGRAMCABLE1162 3 4 5J29~16 :  5210 X-CHECKERCABLE6 7 89101112131415* PIN 1,16 : VCC            ON  =  ESF framing116234J4131415512678 91011116234J3131415512678 91011TRUNK1TRUNK2TRUNK3TRUNK4TRUNK5TRUNK6TRUNK7TRUNK8J3,J4 : TRUNK CABLE LENGTH SETTING             (EACH TRUNK 2 JUMPER)ALL OFF     : 110 ftUPPER ON : 220 ftLOWER ON : 440 ftALL ON        : 660 ft4.2.8.2  Setting• J1 (Adjust for Operation MODE)  No.  Description Normal config. 1 ~ 10  Choose T1 Line Coding. OFF = B8ZS,  ON = AMI - 2 ~ 9  Choose Framing. OFF = SF (D3/D4) framing ON  = ESF Framing -
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-11 No.  Description  Normal Conifg. 3 ~ 8  Set ON when using Serial ROM at EPLD 5210Loading. Because 3~8 is shorted originally inPCB, jumper setting is not required when line isnot cut off. ON = Use XC5210 Serial ROM (Cutting off of 3 ~ 8 Connection Line of PCB) - 4 ~ 7  Set ON when using X-checker at EPLD 5210Loading. Because 3~8 are shorted originally, cutoff 3~8 on PCB and set jumper. ON = Use XC5210 X-CHECKER CABLE. - 5 ~ 6  - - • J2 (For EPLD Loading)  No.  Description Normal Config. 1 ~ 8  Connect Cable during programming EPLD 2128(U43). 2128 PROGRAM CABLE - 9 ~ 16  Connect Cable during Programs EPLD 5210 (U18) Loading. 5210 X-CHECKER CABLE - PIN 1, 16 : VCC
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-12• J4 (trunk 1~4 length setting)  No.  Description  Normal Config. 1~16 2~15 (TRUNK 1  LENGTH SETTING) ALL OFF : 110ft,  1~16 ON : 220ft 2~15 ON : 440ft,  ALL OFF : 660ft - 3~14 4~13 (TRUNK 2  LENGTH SETTING) ALL OFF : 110ft,  3~14 ON : 220ft 4~13 ON : 440ft,  ALL OFF : 660ft - 5~12 6~11 (TRUNK 3  LENGTH SETTING) ALL OFF : 110ft,  5~12 ON : 220ft 6~11 ON : 440ft,  ALL OFF : 660ft - 7~10 8~9 (TRUNK 4  LENGTH SETTING) ALL OFF : 110ft,  7~10 ON : 220ft 8~9 ON : 440ft,  ALL OFF : 660ft - • J3 (trunk 5~8 length setting)  No.  Description Normal Config. 1~16 2~15 (TRUNK 5  LENGTH SETTING) ALL OFF : 110ft,  1~16 ON : 220ft 2~15 ON : 440ft,  ALL OFF : 660ft - 3~14 4~13 (TRUNK 6  LENGTH SETTING) ALL OFF : 110ft,  3~14 ON : 220ft 4~13 ON : 440ft,  ALL OFF : 660ft - 5~12 6~11 (TRUNK 7  LENGTH SETTING) ALL OFF : 110ft,  5~12 ON : 220ft 6~11 ON : 440ft,  ALL OFF : 660ft - 7~10 8~9 (TRUNK 8  LENGTH SETTING) ALL OFF : 110ft,  7~10 ON : 220ft 8~9 ON : 440ft,  ALL OFF : 660ft -
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-134.2.9  TFSA-A1 (Time & Frequency Split Assembly-A1)  Mounting Drawing13579246810JP2123JP32468JP11357135J1246J21352464.2.9.2  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.JP1 Loop-back Test of SCC11-2 : HDLC-RX_DATA3-4 : HDLC-TX_DATA5-6 : HDLC-RX_CLK7-8 : HDLC-TX_CLK1-2 : HDLC-RX_DATA3-4 : HDLC-TX_DATA5-6 : HDLC-RX_CLK7-8 : HDLC-TX_CLKJP2 EPLD Fusing Connect1-2 : MACH FUSING J-TAG3-4 :MACH FUSING J-TAG5-6 : MACH FUSING J-TAG7-8 : MACH FUSING J-TAG9-10 : MACH FUSING J-TAGNC
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-14No. Description Normal Config.JP3 RAM Chip Selection1-2 : Test Setting2-3 : MACH RAM Chip Selection2-3 : MACH RAM ChipSelectionJ1 GPS 1PPS-INX Input Level Setting1-2 : 50ohm Pull-Down3-4 : 100ohm Pull-Down5-6 : 150ohm Pull-Down1-2 : 50ohm Pull-DownJ2 GPS 1PPS-INY Input Level Setting1-2 : 50ohm Pull-Down3-4 : 100ohm Pull-Down5-6 : 150ohm Pull-Down1-2 : 50ohm Pull-Down
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-154.2.10  TSGA-A1 (Time & frequency Splitting Generation Assembly-A1)  Mounting DrawingJP32468101214161820135791113151719JP424681013579JP24231JP14231J11   2  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.J1 Internal Oscillator Setting1-2 : Use Y1 internal Oscillator for     test2-3 : Use 10MHz from external2-3 : Use 10MHz from    externalJP1 1PPS input resistance Setting1-2 : 300_ohm3-4 : 10_ohm1-2 : 300_ohmJP2 1PPS input resistance Setting1-2 : 300_ohm3-4 : 10_ohm1-2 : 300_ohm
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-174.2.11  TFDA-A1 (Time & Frequency Distribution Assembly-A1)  Mounting DrawingJ124681012141618201357911131517194.2.11.2  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.J1 Signal Check2 : FOI SIGNAL4 : 2.048MHz SIGNAL6 : 4.096MHz SIGNAL8 : 50Hz SIGNAL10 : 1.544MHz SIGNALNC
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-184.2.12  VSIA-C1 (Vocoder Selector Interface Assembly-A1)  Mounting DrawingJP 161        48       5JP 51        48       5JP 2JP 71          510         612JP 91 24 3JP 81 24 3JP 171        48       5JP 181        48       5JP 191        48       5JP 201        48       5JP 2414                 81                  7JP 2314                 81                  7JP261 24 3JP251 24 343JP 31485JP 61 24 3JP 111          510         6JP 121        48       5JP131 24 3JP141 24 3JP151 24 3JP 101    2JP 211        48       5JP 221        48       5JP 41485JP 11          510         9TOP SIDETOP SIDE4.2.12.2  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.JP 1 JTAG PROGRAMMING PORTJP 2 SCC1 TX CLOCK 1-4 : NOT INVERTED                 2-3 : INVERTED1 -4JP 3 SCC1 TX CLOCK 1-8 : 8.15 MHz                 2-7 : 8 MHz                 3-6 : 4 MHz                 4-5 : 2 MHz3 - 6JP 4 MOD CLK SELECTION 2 - 73 - 6JP 5 MT8941 T1 SETUPJP 6 E8KO SELECTION 1 - 4
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-19No. Description Normal Config.JP 7 TEST PORT CONNECTORJP 8JP 9MT8980 LOOP SELECTION 1 - 23 - 4JP 10 SCC1 RX LOOP CLOCKJP 11 HDLC CLOCK SELECTION  1-10 : 16 MHz                           2-9 : 8.15 MHz                           3-8 : 8 MHz                           4-7 : 4 MHz                           5-6 : 2 MHz4 - 7JP 12 TSA CLOCK 1 - 82 - 73 - 64 - 5JP 13 FOI CLOCK SELECTION  1-4 : NOT INVERTED                         2-3 : INVERTED2 - 3JP 14JP 15ST-BUS CLOCK SELECTION 1 - 4JP 16 ROUTER CLOCK SELECTION  1-8 : 32 MHz                              2-7 : 16.384 MHz                              3-6 : 16 MHz                              4-5 : 8 MHz2 - 7JP 17 SCC1 RX CLOCK  1-4 : NOT INVERTED                  2-3 : INVERTED1 - 4JP 18 HDLC RX CLOCK  1-4 : NOT INVERTED                  2-3 : INVERTED1 - 4JP 19 HDLC RX CLOCK  1-4 : RXC                  2-3 : TXC1 - 4JP 20 HDLC TX CLOCK  1-4 : NOT INVERTED                  2-3 : INVERTED1 - 4
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-20No. Description Normal Config.JP 21 HDLC RX DATA   1-4 : RXD                  2-3 : TXD1 - 4JP 22 ROUTER MOVE 1 - 4JP 23 T1 EQUALIZER 0 SETTINGJP 24 T1 EQUALIZER 1 SETTINGJP 25JP 26TRANSFORMER POWER  1-4 : 5V                          2-3 : 12V2 - 3
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-214.2.13  VSOA-A1 (Vocoder Selector Operation Assembly-A1)  Mounting Drawing10         6 1          5JP 110         6 1          5JP 2 JP 5 JP 6 4    3 1    2 8         51         410         6 1          5JP 310         6 1          5JP  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.JP1 • JTAG PORT FOR A_AM29240EH  (U 68)• Use CABLE connection during CPU_A  TEST• Connect GND (SHORT) when normal  operation  1 - 10 : A_CTRST* - GND  2 - 9  : A_ CTDI  - GND  3 - 8  : A_CTDO  - GND  4 - 7  : A_CTMS  - GND  5 - 6  : A_CTCK  - GNDNORMAL : SHORTTEST   : OPEN (CABLE)
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-22No. Description Normal Config.JP2 • JTAG PORT FOR 12 DSPs• Use CABLE connection when DSPBOUNDARY SCAN• OPEN when normal operation 1 : TCKIN      10 : GND 2 : TMS         9 : GND 3 : TDI0         8 : VCC 4 : TDO0        7 : GND 5 : TCKEN      6 : GNDNORMAL : OPENTEST : OPEN (CABLE)JP3 • JTAG PORT FOR EPLD• Use CABLE connection when EPLDPROGRAMMING• OPEN when normal operation 1 : J_TCK      10 : GND 2 : J_TMS      9  : GND 3 : J_TDI0      8  : VCC 4 : J_TDO0     7  : GND 5 : J_TRST     6  : GNDNORMAL : OPENTEST : OPEN (CABLE)JP4 • JTAG PORT FOR B_AM29240EH(U70)• Use CABLE connection when CPU_BTEST• Connect GND (SHORT) when normaloperation. 1 - 10 : B_CTRST* - GND 2 - 9  : B_ CTDI  - GND 3 - 8  : B_CTDO  - GND 4 - 7  : B_CTMS  - GND 5 - 6  : B_CTCK  - GNDNORMAL : SHORTTEST : OPEN (CABLE)
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-23No. Description Normal Config.JP5 • AM29240EH UART CLOCK 1 - 4  : C4I* FROM CKD 2 - 3  : 8MHZ LOCAL CLOCKNORMAL : 1-4 OPEN          2-3 SHORTJP6 • CDMA REFERENCE CLOCK  (C4I*, FOI*) 1 - 8  : C4I* FROM VSIA-C1 2 - 7  : C4I* FROM CKD 3 - 6  : FOI* FROM VSIA-C1 4 - 5  : FOI* FROM CKDNORMAL : 1-8 SHORT          2-7 OPEN          3-6 SHORT          4-5 OPEN
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-24 4.2.14  CHBB-A1 (CIN HIPC Back Board-A1)  Mounting Drawing  J17J161 162 153 144 135 126 117 108 9J151 162 153 144 135 126 117 108 91 162 153 144 135 126 117 108 9J14  Setting  In LCIN A side, shunt J14 and In LCIN B side, open J14  No.  Description  Normal Config. J14  open : SIDE1 shunt : SIDE0  J15  Upper 4 Bit : GCIN ID Setting (#0~#3) Lower 4 Bit : LCIN ID Setting (#0~#11)  J16  Reserved (No Shunt)   J17  Reserved (No Shunt)
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-25  Setting for LCIN  Address setting for LCIN is done on CHBB-A1.  CHBB-A1 Settingl  J14 strap : Classification of dualized LCIN Side (ON: Side 0, OFF: Side 1)l  J15 strap : LCIN ID Lower 4-BIT Setting, GCIN ID Upper 4-BIT Settingl  J16, J17 strap : ReservedLCIN 0 LCIN 1 LCIN 2 LCIN 3 LCIN 4 LCIN 5 LCIN 6 LCIN 7 LCIN 8 LCIN 9 LCIN 10 LCIN 115-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-12 5-126-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-11 6-117-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-108-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-94.2.15  CCBB-A1 (CCP Back wiring Board-A1)  Mounting DrawingJA4 JA2JA1JA3
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.JA1/JA2 Strap for A side Address Setting of CCP-A1JA3/JA4 Strap for B side Address Setting of CCP-A1• JA1 - JA4 are currently used for CCP-A1 Address Setting.Currently, CCP-A1 (0) has Physical Address 0064, 8064 and CCP-A1 (1) has PhysicalAddress 0165, 8165.For example, Set Aside 0064, B side 8064 of CCP-A1 (0) as follows.JA2JA1JA3JA4CCP BSIDE CCP ASIDE00644608
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-274.2.16  ACPA-A1 (Alarm Control Processor Assembly-A1)  Mounting DrawingJP3JP2JP14.2.16.2  SettingWhen setting DS1232VCC Monitor, shunt JP1 in a normal operation is open.When setting IPC Loop-back, shunt JP2 in a normal operation is open.No. Description Normal Config.JP1 1-2: DS1232VCC Monitor EnableJP2 1-2 : IPC Loop-back ONJP3 NOT USED
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.JP1 10MHz,1PPS Mode SettingM : BSC 0 ShelfS : BSC 1,2,3,4,5 ShelfJP2 10MHz,1PPS Mode SettingM : BSC 0 ShelfS : BSC 1,2,3,4,5 ShelfJP3 10MHz,1PPS Mode SettingM : BSC 0 ShelfS : BSC 1,2,3,4,5 ShelfJP4 10MHz,1PPS Mode SettingM : BSC 0 ShelfS : BSC 1,2,3,4,5 ShelfJP5 TFSA 0 Side ID SettingID0-2A : GCIN ClassificationID3A : BSC ClassificationID4A : SIDE ClassificationJP6 TFSA 1 Side ID SettingID0-2B : GCIN ClassificationID3B : BSC ClassificationID4B : SIDE ClassificationJP7 TSGA 0 Side ID SettingIA0 : SIDE ClassificationIA1-3 : CIN ClassificationIA4-7 : BSC ClassificationIA8-10 : RESERVEDALL OFF-SET (OPEN) : “1”JP8 TSGA 1 Side ID SettingIB0 : SIDE ClassificationIB1-3 : CIN ClassificationIB4-7 : BSC ClassificationIB8-10 : RESERVEDALL SET : “0”
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-304.2.18  TSBB-A1 (TSB Back Board-A1)  Mounting DrawingCLKACLKBA_ADDRHA_ADDRLB_ADDRLB_ADDRHREAR SIDETSBB-A12468135724688181818113574.2.18.2  SettingIf Address of TSB0 is E000 (2byte address), set as follows. (If jumper is putting in, itmeans “0” and if jumper is pulling out, it means “1”)A_ADDRHA_ADDRH A_ADDRLA_ADDRLE000
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-314.2.19  BABB-A1 (BSC Alarm Back Board-A1)  Mounting DrawingSW2 SW1SW34.2.19.2  SettingWhen setting BSC ID “0”,  SW2 (8~5) is ON and when setting BSC ID “1”, SW2(8~5) is OFF. When setting GCIN ID “0”, SW1 (6~4) is ON and when setting GCINID “1”, SW1 (6~4) is OFF.No. Description Normal Config.SW3 NOT USEDSW2 8 ON:BSC ID-BIT 37 ON:BSC ID-BIT 26 ON:BSC ID-BIT 15 ON:BSC ID-BIT 04 : OFF-13 : OFF-12 : OFF-11 : OFF-1
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-32No. Description Normal Config.SW1 8 : OFF-17 : OFF-16 ON : GCIN ID BIT 25 ON : GCIN ID BIT 14 ON : GCIN ID BIT 03 : Reserved2 : Reserved1 ON : Side A1 OFF : Side B4.2.20  HSBB-A1 (HIPC Small Back Board-A1)  Mounting Drawing1 162 153 144 135 126 117 108 9J11 162 153 144 135 126 117 108 9J21 162 153 144 135 126 117 108 9J3
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-334.2.20.2  SettingNo. Description Normal Config.J1 Upper 4 Bit : GCIN ID Setting (#0~#3)J2 Reserved (No Shunt)J3 Reserved (No Shunt)GCIN0 GCIN1 GCIN2 GCIN31 16 1 16 1 16 1 162 15 2 15 2 15 2 153 14 3 14 3 14 3 144 13 4 13 4 13 4 13
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-344.3  LED DescriptionPBA Front Panel LED Normal Abnormal DescriptionCIFA-A1    ¡     RUN   ¡     FAIL   ¡     ACT¡     CHS¡     CHXRUN ON OFF Drives with Run signal of CPU and ON if normal operationFAIL OFF ON ON when in the state of unable to recover, or indicatingPBA FailACT ON OFF ON when Active, OFF when StandbyCHS OFF/ON ON when U-Link A channel enableCHX ON/ OFF ON when U-Link B channel enable
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-35MCDA    ¡     RUN   ¡     OVWR   ¡     FAIL¡     ACT¡     CONF¡     CMSG¡     HALTRUN ON OFF OFF when CPU Error (Change PBA)OVWR ON OFF ON state indicating of overwriting data from Active Side toStandby Side in connection with D-ChannelFAIL OFF ON Indicating PBA Fail (After Reset, abnormal state exists) or ONwhen in the state of local resource initial during ProcessorLoadingACT ON,OFF ON when Active, OFF when StandbyCONF OFF ON ON when C-CH Error occurs or Reset, default is OFFCMSG ON,OFF In the state of transmission of Message to C-CH. default is OFF.HALT OFF ON ON when CPU Halt due to critical error.(Reset with CPU Halt or PBA change if necessary)PBA Front Panel LED Normal Abnormal Description
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-36HICA-A2    ¡     ACT   ¡     RUN   ¡     FAIL   ¡     CLKFACT ON,OFF ON when operates as an Active (After Reset, abnormalstate exists, then Change PBA)RUN ON OFF ON when CPU normal operation, OFF when abnormalFAIL OFF ON Indicating PBA Fail (After Reset, abnormal state exists, thenChange PBA)CLKF OFF ON when reference clock of Link is abnormal
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-37HNTA-A2    ¡     RUN   ¡     FAIL   ¡    ROUTE¡     TEST   ¡     LER0   ¡     LER1   ¡     LER2¡     LER3   ¡     LER4   ¡     LER5   ¡     LER6¡     LER7RUN ON OFF ON (Green) when CPU operatesFAIL OFF ON ON (Red) when PBA function is abnormal,/ After Reset, Change PBA if Led is ONROUTE - - ON (Green) when Packet transmit/receive with TrunkTEST - - when performs PBA test function ON (Yellow)
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-38LER0 OFF ON Indicating abnormal status of 8 Trunks.: ON when Trunk is Cutting Off.(Check the connection status of connector and if ON continually,after checking Trunk status with instrument, PBA Change if ONcontinually)LER1 OFF ONLER2 OFF ONLER3 OFF ONLER4 OFF ONLER5 OFF ONLER6 OFF ONLER7 OFF ONPBA Front Panel LED Normal Abnormal Description
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-39HRNA-A2    ¡     RUN   ¡     FAIL   ¡    ROUTE¡TEST   ¡     ACT1   ¡     ACT2   ¡     ACT3¡     ACT4¡     ACT5¡     ACT6¡     ACT7¡     ACT8RUN ON OFF ON when CPU operates normallyFAIL OFF ON ON when Reset and HRNA-A2 failsROUTE - - ON when transmit packet frame using D-BUS and U-LINKTEST - - ON when PBA performs test function
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-40ACT1 - - ON when NODE 1 is ACTIVEACT2 - - ON when NODE 2 is ACTIVEACT3 - - ON when NODE 3 is ACTIVEACT4 - - ON when NODE 4 is ACTIVEACT5 - - ON when NODE 5 is ACTIVEACT6 - - ON when NODE 6 is ACTIVEACT7 - - ON when NODE 7 is ACTIVEACT8 - - ON when NODE 8 is ACTIVEPBA Front Panel LED Normal Abnormal DescriptionTFSA-A1      RUN     ACT     1PPS     10M     TODRUN ON OFF CPU Status
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-41ACT ON OFF ACTIVE Status1PPS Blink OFF 1PPS input status10M ON OFF 10MHz input statusTOD Blink OFF TOD input statusTSGA-A1      ACT     RUN     10M     1PPS     PLL         50HzACT Blink ON Blink when Active, Off when Standby, ON whenabnormal statusRUN ON OFF CPU Status10M Blink OFF 10MHz input status1PPS Blink OFF 1PPS input statusPLL ON OFF Internal PLL LOCKING Status50HZ ON OFF 50Hz  CLOCK Status
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-42TFDA-A1      ACT         PWRACT Blink ON Blink when Active, Off when Standby, ON whenabnormal statusPWR ON OFF POWER StatusPBA Front Panel LED Normal Abnormal DescriptionVSIA-C1   ¡    RUN  ¡    FAIL  ¡    HALT  ¡    CLKALM  ¡    ROUTE  ¡    LINKA  ¡    LINKBRUN ON (Green) ON if CPU is active and operates normally.FAIL OFF ON (Red) LED is controlled by S/W, OFF when started OS,ON when not started OS.HALT OFF ON (Red) ON when CPU halt and both fail of two links dueto significant error.CLKF OFF ON (Yellow) ON when clock is abnormal from CKD BlockROUTE ON (Green) ON when packet is moving.LINKA OFF Unused.LINKB OFF Unused
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-43ACPA-A1  ¡    RUN  ¡    FAIL  ¡    HALTRUNFAILHALTON (Green)OFFOFFON (Red)ON (Red)ON (Red)Board is in the state of operating.ON if not finished of Down LoadingON when system is in the state of abnormal.GTFU-A1   ¡    RUN  ¡    ACT¡   GPSALM¡   1PPSALM  ¡   FAULTRUNACTGPSALM1PPSALMFAULTONON(A)/OFF(S)OFFOFFOFFOFF-ONONONNormal Operational StatusProvide 10MHz,1PPS Output To SystemTracking GPS Satellite1PPS Exceed Over 800nsecSystem Fault ConditionPBA Front Panel LED Normal Abnormal Description
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-44VSOA-A1 ¡ ¡   50MHZ ¡ ¡  RUN A/B ¡ ¡  FAIL A/B ¡ ¡  DSP 0/6 ¡ ¡  DSP 1/7 ¡ ¡  DSP 2/8 ¡ ¡  DSP 3/9 ¡ ¡  DSP 4/10 ¡ ¡  DSP 5/1150MHZ ON (Green) OFF ON when clock is normal from CKD BLOCKRUN A/B ON (Green) OFF ON when A/B Side CPU operates normallyFAIL A/B OFF ON (Red) ON before Down Loading from CCP Block, OFF ifendedDSP 0/6 ON (Yellow)/OFF Blink DSP 0/6 ON When call setup, OFF when release,Blink when DSP is abnormal.DSP 1/7 ON (Green)/OFF Blink DSP 1/7 ON When call setup, OFF when release,Blink when DSP is abnormal.DSP 2/8 ON (Green)/OFF Blink DSP 2/8 ON When call setup, OFF when release,Blink when DSP is abnormal.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-45DSP 3/9 ON (Green)/OFF Blink DSP 3/9 ON When call setup, OFF when release,Blink when DSP is abnormal.DSP 4/10 ON (Green)/OFF Blink DSP 4/10 ON When call setup, OFF when release,Blink when DSP is abnormal.DSP 5/11 ON (Green)/OFF Blink DSP 5/11 ON When call setup, OFF when release,Blink when DSP is abnormal.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-464.4  COMMAND LISTCOD_ID Description Command ParameterC5668 Equip Activate of ACP  ACT-ACP  :BSC=a, ACP=b;C5610 Equip Activate of AMP  ACT-AMP  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c, FA=d;C5605 Equip Activate of BTS Link  ACT-BLNK  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, BCP=b, LINK=c;C5600 Equip Activate of BTS  ACT-BTS  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C5662 Equip Activate of BTU  ACT-BTU  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C5686 Equip Activate of CCC  ACT-CCC  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c, SLOT=d;C2014 CCP Old/New PKG ChangeActivate  ACT-CCP-SBY  :BSC=a;C5685 Equip Activate of ChannelElement  ACT-CE  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c, SLOT=d, SNODE=e;C5663 Equip Activate of GCINHRNA  ACT-GCIN  :HRNA=a;C5667 Equip Activate of BIN HNEA  ACT-HNEA-BIN  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},HNEA=c;C5666 Equip Activate of LCINHNEA  ACT-HNEA-LCIN  :BSC=a,HNEA=b;C5665 Equip Activate of BIN HRNA  ACT-HRNA-BIN  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},HRNA=c;C5664 Equip Activate of LCINHRNA  ACT-HRNA-LCIN  :BSC=a,HRNA=b;C9010 Equip Activate of LINK  ACT-LINK  :BSC=a,LINK=b;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-47COD_ID Description Command ParameterC9009 Equip Activate of Link Set  ACT-LSET  :BSC=a;C3003 Overload Threshold Activate  ACT-OVLD-THR  :{PRC=a, BSC=b}/{PRC=a,BSC=b,BCP=c}/{BTS=a}, ONOFF=d;C5637 Equip Activate of SIP  ACT-SIP  :BSC=a, SIP=b;C5639 Equip Activate of SVE  ACT-SVE  :BSC=a, SIP=b, SVP=c, SVE=d;C5638 SVP of Equip Activate  ACT-SVP  :BSC=a, SIP=b, SVP=c;C2007 Add Loading Block  ADD-LDNG-BLK  :{BSC=a}/{BSC=a, BLKTYPE=b}, HDTYPE=c, BLKNAME=d,VERSION=e;C5242 Add BTS NEBR  ADD-NEBR  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c, FA=d, NBRBTS=e, NBRSECT=f;C4501 Add Mobile MARKOVfunction  ADD-REG-MARK  :MIN=a,SCM=b,BTS=c,RATE=d;C1000 Allow alarm message output  ALW-ALM-MSG  :AN=a;C1020 Allow reflection of alarmstatus  ALW-ALM-STSC1001 Allow audio alarm output  ALW-AUD-ALM  [ :GRD=a];C6404 Allow daily statistics  ALW-DRPT-MSG  :BSC=a;C1002 Allow fault message output  ALW-FLT-MSG  :FN=a;C6403 Allow hourly statistics  ALW-HRPT-MSG  :BSC=a;C6405 Allow monthly statistics  ALW-MRPT-MSG  :BSC=a;C4401 Allow periodic diagnostic  ALW-PED-TST  :DEV=a,{BSC=b, BCP=c}/{BTS=b}/{BSC=b, SIP=c};COD_ID Description Command Parameter
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-48C3503 Allow status message output  ALW-STS-MSG  :CODE=a;C4301 Allow device test  ALW-TST  :DEV=a, MODE=b {,BSC=c};C9018 Correct of alarm status  AUDIT-ALARMC5410 Block AMP  BLK-AMP  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c, FA=d;C5405 Block BTS Link  BLK-BLNK  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, LINK=c;C5400 Block BTS  BLK-BTS  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C5486 Block CCC  BLK-CCC  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c, SLOT=d;C5485 Block Channel Element  BLK-CE  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c, SLOT=d, SNODE=e;C5437 Block SIP  BLK-SIP  :BSC=a, SIP=b;C5439 Block SVE  BLK-SVE  :BSC=a, SIP=b, SVP=c, SVE=d;C5438 Block SVP  BLK-SVP  :BSC=a, SIP=b, SVP=c;C5116 Change Access ChannelParameter value  CHG-AC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];C5119 Change Access Channelmessage  CHG-ACC-MSG  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];C1023 Change BCP Alarm  CHG-ALM-BCP :{BSC=a[,BCP=b]},REG=c,BIT=d,ALM_CODE=e,DEV=f,SECT=g,CDMA=h,EQUIP=i;C3113 Change BCP Device Control  CHG-BCP-CTRL :CTRL=a{,BSC=b,BCP=c}/{,BTS=b},BLNKCTRL=d,CEDYNCTRL=e,CDMACHDYNCTRL=f,FAILTIME=g;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-49COD_ID Description Command ParameterC4704 Change HICA BER  CHG-BER-HICA  :LINKTYPE=a,BERTHR=b,SYNCTHR=c,SLIPTHR=d,CRCBPLRTHR=e;C4703 Change BER Diagnostic  CHG-BER-TST  :{BSC=a,BCP=b}/{BTS=a},AUTOFLAG=c,TERM=d,THRESHOLD=e;C5105 Change BLINKConfiguration  CHG-BLNK-CONF  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, LINK=c[,USRPOFF];C3509 Change BLINK ErrorParameter  CHG-BLNK-ERR  :TYPE=a, {BSC=b,BCP=c}/{BTS=b}, WINSIZE=d, FREERATE=e;C5134 Change BSC ConfigurationInformation  CHG-BSC-CONF  :BSC=a [, PARAM];C5100 Change BTS ConfigurationInformation  CHG-BTS-CONF  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a} [,Param];C5112 Change CDMA ChannelConfiguration  CHG-CDMA-CONF  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c [,Param];C5102 Change CDMA Information  CHG-CDMA-INFO  :FA=a, CHNUM=b;C5114 Change Channel ElementType  CHG-CE-TYPE  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c, SLOT=d, SNODE=e, TYPE=f [,Param];C5132 Change Forward Link PowerControl Data Set1  CHG-FPC1-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];C5144 Change Forward Link PowerControl Data Set2  CHG-FPC2-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];COD_ID Description Command Parameter
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-50C5113 Change Forward Link PowerData Value  CHG-FWDP-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];C5142 Change NEBR Priority  CHG-NEBR-PRI  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c, FA=d, INDEX=e [,Param];C9015 Change OPC Information  CHG-OPC  :BSC=a [, OPC=b][, MAXLNK=c];C3304 Change Overload ThresholdValue  CHG-OVLD-THR  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DEV=c, CRI=d, MAJ=e, MIN=f, ONSET=g;C5118 Change Paging ChannelParameter  CHG-PC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [, PC=e], PCGAIN=f;C4403 Change Period TEST  CHG-PED-TST  :DEV=a, {BSC=b, BCP=c}/{BTS=b},DEVID=d,STIM=e,ETIM=f,CNT=g;C5117 Change Pilot/Sync ChannelParameter  CHG-PSC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];C4503 Change Mobile MARKOVRegister  CHG-REG-MARK  :MIN=a,SCM=b,BTS=c,RATE=d;C5120 Change RF Control CardInformation  CHG-RFC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];C5133 Change Reverse Link PowerControl Data Value  CHG-RPC-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];C5104 Change Sub Cell Data Value  CHG-SCEL-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];C5101 Change Sector InformationData Value  CHG-SECT-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c [,Param];C5106 Change System DATA  CHG-SYS-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d [,Param];COD_ID Description Command Parameter
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-51C5115 Change Traffic ChannelParameter  CHG-TC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c [,Param];C4303 Change Automatic TestInformation  CHG-TST  :DEV=a, BSC=b, TERM=c, CNT=d;C1018 Check BSC Alarm  CHK-BSC-ALM  :BSC=a;C1017 Check BTS Alarm  CHK-BTS-ALM  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C1003 Clear Audio Alarm  CLR-AUD-ALMC5731 Deactivate ACP  DACT-ACP  :BSC=a, ACP=b;C5710 Deactivate AMP  DACT-AMP  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},SECT=c,FA=d;C5705 Deactivate BTS Link  DACT-BLNK  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, LINK=c;C5700 Deactivate BTS  DACT-BTS  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C5762 Deactivate BTU  DACT-BTU  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C5786 Deactivate CCC  DACT-CCC  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c, SLOT=d;C5785 Deactivate Channel Element  DACT-CE  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c, SLOT=d, SNODE=e;C5763 Deactivate GCIN HRNA  DACT-GCIN  :HRNA=a;C5767 Deactivate BIN HNEA  DAC-HNEA-BIN  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},HNEA=c;C5766 Deactivate LCIN HNEA  DACT-HNEA-LCIN  :BSC=a,HNEA=b;C5765 Deactivate BIN HRNA  DACT-HRNA-BIN  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},HRNA=c;COD_ID Description Command ParameterC5764 Deactivate LCIN HRNA  DACT-HRNA-LCIN  :BSC=a, HRNA=b;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-52C9012 Deactivate Link  DACT-LINK  :BSC=a, LINK=b;C5735 Deactivate Link Set  DACT-LSET  :BSC=a;C5737 Deactivate SIP  DACT-SIP  :BSC=a, SIP=b;C5739 Deactivate SVE  DACT-SVE  :BSC=a, SIP=b, SVP=c, SVE=d;C5738 Deactivate SVP  DACT-SVP  :BSC=a, SIP=b, SVP=c;C9003 Define DPC  DEF-DPC  :BSC=a, DPC=b;C9005 Define Link  DEF-LINK  :BSC=a, LINK=b, ACTIND=c, TSTSLC=d;C9004 Define Link Set  DEF-LSET  :BSC=a, LSHAR=b, ACTIND=c;C9016 Define SCCP  DEF-SCCP  :BSC=a, SYSID=b, SSN=c;C9006 Delete DPC  DEL-DPC  :BSC=a;C2008 Delete Loading Block  DEL-LDNG-BLK  :BSC=a [, BLKTYPE=b], BLKNAME=c;C9008 Delete Link  DEL-LINK  :BSC=a, LINK=b;C9007 Delete Link Set  DEL-LSET  :BSC=a;C4502 Delete Mobile MARKOVRegister  DEL-REG-MARK  :MIN=a;C9017 Delete SCCP  DEL-SCCP  :BSC=a;COD_ID Description Command ParameterC5016 Confirm Access ChannelParameter  DIS-AC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d, PC=e;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-53C5019 Output ACC Message  DIS-ACC-MSG  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d;C5068 Output ACP ConfigurationInformation  DIS-ACP-CONF  :BSC=a;C4508 Output Active MARKOV Call  DIS-ACT-MARKC1014 Output ACP Alarm  DIS-ALM-ACP  [ :BSC=a [, ACP=b [, SRC=c]]];C1022 Output BCP Alarm  DIS-ALM-BCP  :{BSC=a [, BCP=b]}/{BTS=c};C1006 Output Alarm Information  DIS-ALM-INFO N :AN=a;C1004 Output Current Alarm Status  DIS-ALM-STS  {[ :BSC=a [, BCP=b]]}/{[BTS=a]}[,DETAIL=c];C5010 Output AMP ConfigurationInformation  DIS-AMP-CONF  {BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c;C1005 Output Audio Alarm  DIS-AUD-ALMC4512 Output BCP Call Number  DIS-BCP-CALL  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},FA=c;C3109 Output BCP Device CTRL  DIS-BCP-CTRL  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C4702 Output BER Information  DIS-BER-INFO  :PROC=a,BSC=b;C3208 Output BIN HNEA Status  DIS-BIN-HLEA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C3206 Output BIN Node Status  DIS-BIN-NODE  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C3203 Output BIN Processor Status  DIS-BIN-PRC  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};COD_ID Description Command ParameterC2004 Output Block Loading HistoryFunction  DIS-BLLD-HIS  :{BSC=a, PROC=b [,{ACP=c}/{SIP =c, SVP=d}/{BCP=c}]}/{BTS=a,PROC=b [, DU=c [,CCC=d]]}, BLKNAME=e;C5005 Output BLINK Configuration  DIS-BLNK-CONF  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-54C3508 Output BLINK Error Parameter  DIS-BLNK-ERR  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C3004 Output BLINK Status  DIS-BLNK-STS  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C3401 Output BSC ACP Information  DIS-BSC-ACP  :BSC=a;C5034 Output BSC ConfigurationInformation  DIS-BSC-CONFC5081 BSC Information Output  DIS-BSC-INFOC3102 BTS Card Status Output  DIS-BTS-CARD  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, CARD=c;C5000 Confirm BTS ConfigurationInformation  DIS-BTS-CONF  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C5082 Confirm & Output BTSOperation Information  DIS-BTS-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C3101 Output BCP Processor Status  DIS-BTS-PRC  :{BSC=a [, BCP=b]}/{BTS=a};C3402 Output  BTS SACA Status  DIS-BTS-SACA  :{BSC=a [, BCP=b]}/{BTS=a};C5062 Output BTU Configuration  DIS-BTU-CONF  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C3307 Output Call Number  DIS-CALL-STS  :PROC=a, {BSC=b, BCP=c}/{BTS=b};COD_ID Description Command ParameterC3103 Output CC Status  DIS-CC-STS  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C3001 Output CCP Status  DIS-CCP-STS  [ :BSC=a];C2017 Output CCP Version  DIS-CCP-VER  :BSC=bsc, SIDE=b;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-55C5012 Confirm CDMA ConfigurationInformation  DIS-CDMA-CONF  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C5002 Confirm CDMA ChannelInformation  DIS-CDMA-INFOC3108 Output CDMA ChannelInformation  DIS-CDMACH-LIST  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C3106 Output CE Status  DIS-CE-STS  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},DU=c;C5090 Output CDMA Channel ListMessage  DIS-CHLIST-MSG  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},SECT=c;C0001 Output Command History  DIS-CMD-HIS  :DATE=a, STIME=b, ETIME=c, TYPE=d, CODE=e;C9000 Output CSB ConfigurationInformation  DIS-CSB-INFO  [ :BSC=a];C9019 Output CSB Status  DIS-CSB-STS  [ :BSC=a];C4509 Output Deactivated MARKOVCall  DIS-DACT-MARKC6017 Output statistic data CollectionStatus  DIS-DATA-COLLCOD_ID Description Command ParameterC5014 Output DU ConfigurationInformation  DIS-DU-CONF  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SHELF=c [, SLOT=d];C5089 Output Extended SystemParameter  DIS-EXTSYS-MSG  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c, FA=d;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-56C1021 Output Fault Information  DIS-FLT-INFO  :FN=a;C5032 Confirm BTS Forward LinkPower Control Value  DIS-FPC1-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d;C5044 Confirm BTS Forward LinkPower Control Value  DIS-FPC2-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d;C5013 Confirm Subcell Forward LinkPower Value  DIS-FWDP-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d;C5063 Output GCIN Configuration  DIS-GCIN-CONFC3204 Output GCIN Node Status  DIS-GCIN-NODEC3201 Output GCIN ProcessorStatus  DIS-GCIN-PRCC3403 Output GPS Status  DIS-GPS-STSC3209 Output GW Node Status  DIS-GW-NODE  :NODETYPE=a,{BSC=b, BCP=c}/{BTS=b}C5067 Output BIN HNEA Status  DIS-HNEA-BIN  {BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};C5066 Output LCIN HNEA Status  DIS-HNEA-LCIN  :BSC=a;C5065 Output BIN HRNA Status  DIS-HRNA-BIN  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};COD_ID Description Command ParameterC5064 Output LCIN HRNA Status  DIS-HRNA-LCIN  :BSC=a;C1007 Supply Output-Inhibited alarminformation  DIS-INH-ALMC1008 Supply Output-inhibited FaultInformation  DIS-INH-FLT;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-57C6003 Output Output-inhibited FaultStatistics List  DIS-INH-MSGC3502 Output Output-inhibitedStatus Messages List  DIS-INH-STSC3207 Output LCIN HNEA NodeInformation  DIS-LCIN-HNEA  :BSC=a;C3205 Output LCIN Node Status  DIS-LCIN-NODE  :BSC=a;C3202 Output LCIN ProcessorStatus  DIS-LCIN-PRC  :BSC=a;C2003 Loading Table OutputFunction  DIS-LDNG-TBL  :BSC=a, PROC=b;C9001 Output Link Information  DIS-LINK-INFO  :BSC=a, LINK=b;C5036 Confirm MSC Link ChannelConfiguration Information  DIS-MCH-CONF  :BSC=a, LINK=b;C5035 Output MSC LinkConfiguration Information  DIS-MLNK-CONF  :BSC=a;COD_ID Description Command ParameterC3005 MSC Link Status Output  DIS-MLNK-STS  :BSC=a, LINK=b;C0002 Output Message History  DIS-MSG-HIS  :DATE=a, STIME=b, ETIME=c, TYPE=d, CODE=e;C5042 Confirm BTS Neighbor List  DIS-NEBR-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c, FA=d;C3306 Output Out Of Service Status  DIS-OOS-STS  :DEV=a, TYPE=b;C3301 Output CPU Overload Status  DIS-OVLD-STS  :PRC=a, {BSC=b [,BCP=c]}/{BTS=b};
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-58C3302 Output CPU Overload Limit  DIS-OVLD-THR  :PRC=a, {BSC=b [,BCP=c]}/{BTS=b};C5018 Confirm Paging ChannelParameter  DIS-PC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d, PC=e;C4003 Output periodic TestInformation  DIS-PED-INFO  :DEV=a, BSC=b;C5883 Output PLD Information  DIS-PLD-INFO  [ :BSC=a];C5031 Output PN Cell Information  DIS-PN-CELL  [ :PILOT=a];C2005 Processor Loading HistoryFunction  DIS-PRLD-HIS  :{BSC=a, PROC=b [, {ACP=c}/{SIP=c[,SVP=d]}/{BCP=c}]}/{BTS=a,PROC=b [,DU=c [,CCC=d]]};C5017 Confirm Pilot/Sync ChannelParameter  DIS-PSC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d;C4507 Confirm  Mobile MARKOVRegister  DIS-REG-MARKC5020 Output RFC ParameterFunction  DIS-RFC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d;COD_ID Description Command ParameterC5033 Confirm BTS Reverse LinkPower Control Value  DIS-RPC-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c, SECT=d;C4002 Output Reverse Link TestInformation  DIS-RSV-INFO  :DEV=a, BSC=b;C9002 Output SCCP Information  DIS-SCCP-INFO  [ :BSC=a];C5004 Confirm Subcell Data Value  DIS-SCEL-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c, FA=d;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-59C5001 Confirm Sector Information  DIS-SECT-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c;C5004 Confirm Subcell Data Value  DIS-SCEL-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, CFID=c, SECT=d;C5003 Confirm Subcell Key  DIS-SCEL-KEY  {BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},SECT=c,CFID=d;C5001 Confirm Sector Information  DIS-SECT-INFO  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c;C5037 Confirm & Output SIPConfiguration  DIS-SIP-CONF  :BSC=a;C3002 Output SIP Status  DIS-SIP-STS  :BSC=a [,SIP=b];C6000 Output List about statisticitem  DIS-STAT-ITEMC6001 Output Activated StatisticItem  DIS-STAT-JOB  [ :BSC=a];C3501 Confirm Status Information  DIS-STS-INFO  [ :CODE=a];C5039 Confirm & Output of SVEConfiguration in SVP  DIS-SVE-CONF  :BSC=a, SIP=b, SVP=c;COD_ID Description Command ParameterC3004 Output Vocoder Status  DIS-SVE-STS  :BSC=a, SIP=b [, SVP=c];C5038 Confirm & Output SVPConfiguration in SIP  DIS-SVP-CONF  :BSC=a, SIP=b;C3003 Output SVP Status  DIS-SVP-STS  :BSC=a [, SIP=b];C5087 Output Sync-ChannelMessage  DIS-SYNC-MSG  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}[, SECT=c][, FA=d];
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-60C5006 Confirm BTS SystemParameter  DIS-SYS-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}[, SECT=c][, FA=d];C5884 Confirm System Version  DIS-SYS-VER  :BSC=a;C5088 Output System parameterMessage  DIS-SYSPARA-MSG  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}[, SECT=c][, FA=d];C5015 Confirm Traffic ChannelParameter  DIS-TC-PARA  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, FA=c;C3105 Output TCE Status  DIS-TCE-STS  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c;C3404 Confirm TSGA Status  DIS-TSGA-STS  :BSC=a;C4001 Confirm Test Information  DIS-TST-INFO  :BSC=c;C2016 Run CCP New PKG  DRV-CCP-SBY  :BSC=a;C1009 Inhibit Alarm Message output  INH-ALM-MSG  :AN=a;C1019 Inhibit Alarm Status output  INH-ALM-STSC1010 Inhibit Audible Alarm  INH-AUD-ALM  [ :GRD=a];COD_ID Description Command ParameterC6304 Inhibit daily Statistics output  INH-DRPT-MSG  :BSC=a;C1011 Inhibit Fault Message output  INH-FLT-MSG  :FN=a;C6303 Inhibit hourly statistics output  INH-HRPT-MSG  :BSC=a;C9013 Inhibit use of LINK  INH-LINK  :BSC=a, LINK=b;C6305 Inhibit monthly statisticsoutput  INH-MRPT-MSG  :BSC=a;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-61C4402 Inhibit periodic diagnostic  INH-PED-TST  :DEV=a,{BSC=b, BCP=c}/{BTS=b}/{BSC=a, SIP=b};C3504 Inhibit Status MessageOutput  INH-STS-MSG  :CODE=a;C4302 Inhibit automatic test  INH-TST  :DEV=a,MODE=b,BSC=c;C2015 Return CCP Old Package  REV-CCP-SBY  :BSC=a;C5342 Remove NEBR  RMV-NEBR  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},SECT=c,FA=d,NBRPN=e;C2002 Loading Partial Block  RPL-LDNG-BLK  :{BSC=a [, BCP=b]/[, SIP=b]}/{BTS=c}, BLKTYPE=d, BLKNAME=e,VERSION=f;C2009 Restart BTS CARD  RST-BTS-CARD  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a} [, Param];C2011 Restart CCP  RST-CCP-PRC  :CCP=a;C2013 Start CCP Standby Loading  RST-CCP-SBY  :BSC=a, VERSION=b;C2001 Restart function of Processor  RST-LDNG-PRC  :{BSC=a,PROC=b[,{ACP=c}/{SIP=c ,SVP=d[,SVE=e]]/{BCP=f}]}}/{BTS=a, PROC=b} , SIDE=c, LEVEL=d;COD_ID Description Command ParameterC6217 Stop Collection of Statistics  STOP-DATA-COLL :BSC=a;C6201 Stop statistic job on going  STOP-STAT-JOB  :BSC=a, JOB=b, MPRD=c ;C4505 Stop TEST CALL  STOP-TEST-CALL MIN=a;C4202 Stop Diagnostic  STOP-TST  :DEV=a, {BSC=b, BCP=c}/{BTS=b},SIP=d;C6117 Start Statistic Collection  STRT-DATA-COLL  :BSC=a;C6110 Start Alarm Statistics  STRT-STAT-ALM  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], ITEM=c, MPRD=d, MTIM=e;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-62C6118 Start CAI Statistics  STRT-STAT-CAI  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], MPRD=c, MTIM=d;C6104 Start Channel ElementStatistic Item  STRT-STAT-CE  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], MPRD=c, MTIM=d;C6109 Start Fault Statistics  STRT-STAT-FLM  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], ITEM=c, MPRD=d, MTIM=e;C6103 Start Handoff Statistics item  STRT-STAT-HDOF  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], ITEM=c, MPRD=d, MTIM=e;C6106 Start Link statistics item  STRT-STAT-LINK  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], MPRD=c, MTIM=d ;C6113 Start LR Statistics item  STRT-STAT-LR  :BSC=a, MPRD=b, MTIM=c;C6121 Start No.7 MTP Statisticsitem  STRT-STAT-MTP  :BSC=a, ITEM=b, MPRD=c, MTIM=e;C6112 Start Paging statistics item  STRT-STAT-PAG  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], MPRD=c, MTIM=d ;C6111 Start BTS performancestatistics item  STRT-STAT-PERF  :BSC=a, BCP=b, MPRD=c, MTIM=d;COD_ID Description Command ParameterC6108 Start Processor statisticsitem STRT-STAT-PRC  :BSC=a [, BCP=b][, SIP=c], ITEM=d, MPRD=e,MTIM=f;C6107 Start RF Statistics item  STRT-STAT-RF  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], MPRD=c, MTIM=d;C6120 Start RF Fault Statisticsitem  STRT-STAT -RFF  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], MPRD=c, MTIM=d;C6122 Start NO.7 SCCP Statisticsitem  STRT-STAT-SCCP  :BSC=a [, BCP=b], MPRD=c, MTIM=d;C6102 Start Traffic Statistics item  STRT-STAT-TRAF :BSC=a [, BCP=b], ITEM = c, MPRD=d, MTIM=e;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-63C6105 Start Vocoder Statisticsitem  STRT-STAT-VOC  :BSC=b [, SIP=c], MPRD=e, MTIM=f;C4504 Allow Reserved Test  STRT-TEST-CALL  :MIN=a, CALLTYPE=b, DATATYPE=c;C4201 Start Reverse Device Test  STRT-TST  :DEV=a, {BSC=b, BCP=c}/{BTS=b}, DEVID=c, STIM=d, LEVEL=e, TERM=f,COUNT=g;C3210 Switch HICA Processor  SWI-HICA-PRC  :PROC=a {, BSC=b, BCP=c}/{BTS=c};C2012 Switch BTS RFC  SWT-PRC  :BSC=a,PROC=b,BCP=c,BTS=d,DU=e;C3410 Switch TFSA  SWT-TFSA  :SWITYPE=a,TFSAID=b,ONOFF=c;C4511 Start BCP CALL  TEST-BCP-CALL  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a},FLAG=c,SECT=d,FA=e,CALLNUM=f,GAIN=g;C4102 Test BTS Link  TST-BLNK  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, LINK=c, LEVEL=d, CNT=e, TERM=f;C4701 Test BLNK BER  TST-BLNK-BER  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, LINK=c,TERM=d;COD_ID Description Command ParameterC4104 Test each CE Device  TST-CE  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DUID=c, CDCA=d, SUNNODE=f, LEVEL=g,CNT=h;;C4105 Test HRNA  TST-HRNA  :DEV=a, {BSC=b, BCP=c}/{BTS=bts}, HRNA=d, NODE=e;C4103 Test each VocoderDevice  TST-SVE  :BSC=a, SIP=b, SVP=c, SVE=d, LEVEL=e;C5510 Unblock blocked AMP  UBLK-AMP  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, SECT=c, FA=d;C5505 Unblock blocked BLINK  UBLK-BLNK  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, LINK=c;C5500 Unblock blocked BTS  UBLK-BTS  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a};
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 4-64C5586 Unblock blocked CCC  UBLK-CCC  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c, SLOT=d;C5585 Unblock blocked CE  UBLK-CE  :{BSC=a, BCP=b}/{BTS=a}, DU=c, SLOT=d, SNODE=e;C5537 Unblock blocked SIP  UBLK-SIP  :BSC=a,SIP=b;C5539 Unblock blocked SVE  UBLK-SVE  :BSC=a,SIP=b,SVP=c,SVE=d;C5538 Unblock blocked SVP  UBLK-SVP  :BSC=a,SIP=b,SVP=c;C9014 Uninhibit LINK restriction  UINH-LINK  :BSC=a, LINK=b;
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4-654.5  AcronymACPA    Alarm Control Processor AssemblyBABB    BSC Alarm BackBoardCCBB    Call Control processor block Back BoardCCP    Call Control ProcessorCHBB   Cin High performance IPC Back BoardCIFA    Cin Interface Function board AssemblyCIN    CDMA Interconnection NetworkCKBB    CKd Back BoardCKD    ClocK DistributorCOMR    COMmon RackCSB    Common channel Signaling BlockGUBB    GPS Unit Back BoardHICA    High performance IPC Control board AssemblyHNTA    High performance IPC Node & T1 Trunk interface AssemblyHPU    High Power amplification UnitHRNA  High-performance IPC Routing Node AssemblyLCIN    Local CINMCDA    Main Control Duplication board AssemblyMSC    Mobile Switching CenterTFDA    Time & Frequency Distribution AssemblyTFSA    Time & Frequency Split AssemblyTSBB    Transcoding Selector bank Back BoardTSGA    Time & frequency Splitting Generation AssemblyVSIA    Vocoder Selector Interface AssemblyVSOA    Vocoder Selector Operation Assembly
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-1Chapter 5  Micro-BTS Basics5.1  System Overview and Specification5.1.1  OverviewThis document describes the Micro-BTS to be operated in CDMA system that is used800MHz and 1.9GHz frequency band. It is located between base station controller (BSC)and Mobile station (MS). Through RF interface, it executes the radio interface between MSand BTS and also executes the wire-line interface between BTS and BSC. It directlyinterfaces with BSC in packet mode.Connected and operated through T1, Micro-BTS configures the radio communicationchannel with MS smoothly in real time to execute (1) call handling function, (2) radioresources management function and (3) digital unit (DU) block call control processorfunction. They are modularized for each function according to the operation andmaintenance function to detect and recover faults generated in BTS5.1.2  Functions(1)  Radio resource management, Packet Routing, Fault Detection, Collection and reportof statistics information• Assignment and management for CDMA frequency, channel, frame off-set resource• Routing traffic and control information from BTS to BSC• Routing traffic and control information received from BSC to DU, BMP• Monitoring error in BTS and reporting it to BSM• Collecting call processing statistics information and reporting it to BSM• Reporting hardware alarm in BTS  (2) Call processing function• Normal call (originated / terminated call)
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-2• Softer handoff call• Soft handoff call• Hard handoff call  (3) System time information management between BTS and MS• Receiving GPS time information and management• Providing system time information to BTS and MS  (4) Power control for forward / reverse link  (5) Transmitting and Receiving of radio signal• Channel assignment : Pilot channel, Sync channel, Access channel, Paging channel,Traffic channel  (6) Alarm• CDCA : Deletion, Func_Fail• STFU : Deletion, Func_Fail• BICA : Deletion, Func_Fail• AIU : IDU-Fail(M&C Fail)• RFU : SYNU_Fail, UPCU_Fail or UCVU_Fail (800MHz), DNCU_Fail• RRU : IDU Fail, HPA Fail, LNA Fail, etc. (Reporting alarm information collected                                      in IDU to BMP via serial path)• RPU : RPU Fail, environmental alarm information, etc.         ( Reporting alarm information to BMP via RS-232 port )
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-3 5.1.3  System Specification  Specifications of Micro-BTS are as follows.  Item  Specifications  Remarks Transmitter Frequency  1.965 ~ 1.970GHz (and 800MHz band) Frequency Bandwidth Receiver Frequency  1.885 ~ 1.890GHz (and 800MHz band)  CDMA Channel number  (FA number) 1FA  FA number according tofrequency bandwidth Sector number  3 1FA/3Sec. or 3FA/OMNI Total Channel Elements  72  4 channel cards/cabinet Channel Element number/ Card  18  CSM Trunk number  1 T1 / 1 Cabinet   Output Power  RRU : 10W AAU : 8W   Table 5.1 Specifications of Micro-BTS
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-4 5.2  Micro-BTS Structure and Configuration  5.2.1  Micro-BTS Structure             Figure 5.1 Micro-BTS Block Diagram
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-5 5.2.2  Micro-BTS Block Configuration                        Figure 5.2 Micro-BTS Block Diagram
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-6 5.3  H/W Structure and Function  The devices consisting BTS are BMP, DU, TFU, XCVU, AIU-RRU(AIDU-ARM), and RPU.  5.3.1  BMP (BTS Main Processor)  BMP Block is the top controlling part which operates, and manages BTS overall. Itperforms overall call processing and its maintenance, and controls the sub-processor,TFU, DU, XCVU, RRU. BMP H/W consists of CPU(MPC860) and Packet Router, HLTAModule, Alarm collector, and it connects with BSC through HLTA-B1.(Refer to figure 5.3and figure 5.4)  BMPA-B1 HLTA-B1 BSCSTFUXCVU DU  Figure 5.3 External Connection Diagram of BMP
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-7                  Figure 5.4 Block Diagram of BMP  BMPA-B1 (BTS Main Processor Assembly-B1)  BMPA-B1 consists of CPU (MPC860) and Packet Router, Alarm collector, and it connectswith BSC through HLTA-B1. BMPA-B1 processes call setup, call release, recovery frommalfunctioning, and maintenance, it reports the related data to CCP of BSC, and it controlsevery unit in BTS by the command of CCP. As for capacity, it supports 1-FA (1-FA isconfigured up to 3-sector). 4 SCC and 2 SMC around MCP 860, CPU of BMPA, carries out node function forcommunication between the units and status management of Micro-BTS. BMPA collects control and status information of RRU via SCC4 which providescommunication channel with AIDU, and receives status and environmental alarminformation in RPU ( Rectifier Power Unit ) via SCC3. SCC1 is used as the communication path with BMPA-B1, which is equipped in 2ndcabinet. TOD from STFU is also provided via SMC1.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-8 Clocks for Micro-BTS, SYS_CLK, EVEN_SEC are provided from STFU -B1and distributedto each unit in Micro-BTS. BMPA-B1 has the self-diagnosis function for each module, transmission and receivingpower measurement function and TPTL function and also carries out the trunk interfacefunction for E1/T1, main processor function and arbitration master function among thechannel cards. And BMPA-B1 generates 19.8MHz clock in order to provide 4.95MHz clockwhich is necessary to carry out baseband IF QPSK. In addition, BMPA-B1 takes charge ofthe role of the backboard in which CDCA-B1, BICA-B1, HNTA-B1 can be equipped. One BMPA-B1 is designed to support 1FA/3Sector/1st cabinet. In case of expansion to2FA/3Sector, another BMPA-B1 in the second cabinet is required and each status of 2ndcabinet is reported to BMPA-B1 of first cabinet via SCC.  HLTA-B1 (High performance IPC Link T1 Board Assembly-B1)  HLTA-B1 contains 1 T1 trunk interface and 1 Modem interface, and if it has two mainfunctions. The first is to perform the function of trunk line interface to mutually connectBMPA-B1 with BSC through digital trunk. The second is to perform the function of Modemline interface to mutually connect BMPA-B1 with BSM of BSC through Telephone line.Modem is optional and is used as a sub-path for status monitoring of BTS only when trunkis abnormal. Trunk interface of HLTA-B1 is connected serially with two twisted pair trunk cables, and Itcan recover signals up to 36dB cable attenuation (long-haul). A user can controltransmitter pulse shape and receiver equalizer at various trunk cable lengths with the strapJP1. BMPA-B1 controls HLTA-B1 with extended CPU buses.  5.3.2  DU (Digital Unit)  DU is functionally located between XCVU and BMP, and consists of CDCA-B1 and BICA-B1. CDCA-B1 performs digital signal processing for CDMA modulation and demodulation.BICA-B1 is functionally located between CDCA-B1 and XCVU, and provides digitalinterface to CDCA-B1,  and 4.95MHz IF interface to XCVU. BMPA-B1 transmits andreceives packets of DU to/from HLTA-B1, and collects the conditions of DU. Power module
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-9provides power to these boards. The signal flow diagram in DU is as follows. ( Refer toFigure 5.5)  CDCA-B1 BMPA-B1BICA-B1Tx DATA STREAMTx DATA cntl STATUSRx DATA SAMPLECLK HDLCHDLCSTATUSCLK from STFUHDLCTo/from HLE(T)ACLKCNTLSTATUSTo/from XCVUDU  Figure 5.5 Signal flow diagram in DU  CDCA-B1 ( CDMA Digital channel Card Assembly-B1 )  CDCA-B1 is located in the digital unit, and its main function is the CDMA digital modulationand demodulation for processing calls from/to MS (Mobile Station). CDCA-B1 outputsCSM output to BICA-B1 for forward link, and receives 4-bit digital samples of each I and Qchannel from BICA-B1 for reverse link. CDCA-B1 interfaces BSC via BMPA-B1 and HLTA-B1 to exchange data for traffic and control information.• Main components of CDCA Processor : i960 Cell site modem : CSM Interface with BMPA : RS-485 Memory size : 2M Byte ( SRAM )
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-10 DPRAM HDLCPacketRouterDPRAMSCCSCCCPUBMPA-B1Trunk I/FHLTA-B1STFU-B1CDCA-B1 BICA-B1¥á,¥â,¥ã0~3EVEN_SECSYS_CLKAGCAlarmDATA,CLK(+,-)Status/ControlXCVUSYS_CLK,EVEN_SEC, 10MHzTODTX/RX DATA ¥á,¥â,¥ã(I,Q)XCVUT1Status/ControlEVEN_SECSYS_CLKBSC10MHz  Figure 5.6 DU and external interface diagram  BICA-B1 ( Base-band & IF Conversion Card Assembly-B1 )  BICA-B1 is located in the digital unit. For the reverse link, 6 IF signals are inputted fromXCVU. Those 6 IF signals are inserted to the corresponding BICA-B1, and IF signals arepassed to BPF’s (band pass filter) centered at IF frequency, and the received signal isautomatic-gain-controlled to produce a fixed level of received power. Mixers in BICA-B1uses 4.95 MHz (0&90 degrees) reference frequency to produce the baseband signals of inphase (I) and quadrature (Q) components. The I and Q baseband components aretransformed to 4-bit digital samples at a rate of 9.8304 MHz. And the I digital samples forone antenna are multiplexed with the I digital samples for the other antenna, and the Qdigital samples for one antenna are multiplexed with the Q digital samples for the otherantenna. So the multiplexed samples are inputted to CDCA-B1 at a rate of 19.6608MHz.The AGC values are reported to BMPA-B1. For the forward link, BICA-B1 accepts and digitally combines even and odd streams of I
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-11and Q from up to 4-CDCA-B1, and converts the combined digital signal to analog throughDAC (digital to analog conversion), modulates base-band (0~630 kHz) signal to a IF (4.95MHz) QPSK signal, and transmits the IF signal to the corresponding XCVU. One BICA-B1covers only one sector. BICA-B1 can report parity errors to the corresponding CDCA-B1.  5.3.3  TFU (Time & Frequency Unit )  The main purpose of TFU is to synchronize time and frequency between whole BTS’s andbetween all the units in a BTS. Following figure is a block diagram of TFU ( Refer to Figure5.7)  STFU-B1BMPA-B110MHz, 19.6608MHz, PP2S(Differential PECL)10MHz(Sinewave)GPSArresterSatellites SignalGPSAntennaSatellites SingalPCControl Signal(RS-232C)TOD(RS-232C)SYNU-B110MHz(Sinewave)  Figure 5.7 TFU-A1 Block Diagram
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-12  STFU-B1(Synchronized Time & Frequency Unit - B1)  The STFU-B1 is a GPS disciplined time and frequency generator. The instrument is acombination of a Stratum 1 level Primary Frequency Source and a Distribution System,which provides 10MHz, 19.6608MHz, 1PPS , PP2S and TOD(Time Of Day). The STFU-B1 communicate with BMPA-B1 to monitor and to transmit the TOD by meansof RS-232C serial communication.  5.3.4 RFU (Radio Frequency Unit)  RF part of Micro-BTS consists of XCVU and Ant Subsystem(AIU-RRU, AIDU-AAU). XCVU consists of SYNU, UPCU, DNCU, LODU and XVBB. SYNU (Synthesizer Unit)provides reference frequency to RFU. UPCU (Up Conversion Unit) carries out upconversion which converts IF signal to RF signal on forward link and DNCU (DownConversion Unit) carries out down conversion which converts RF signal to IF signal onreverse link. LODU takes charge of distribution of local signal and XVBB takes charge ofinterconnection of each module. RFU consists of AIU and RRU. AIU is connected to RRU with the cable and monitors thestatus and alarm of RRU, controls RRU. RRU is composed of High Power Amplifier onforward link, Low Noise Amplifier on reverse link and BPF (Band Pass Filter). Inaccordance with field application, type of the antenna (internal antenna or externalantenna), type of the amplifier, and the application of RRU is determined. There are two types of the each module in the manual, one is used for 800MHz and theother is used for 1.9GHz described by the suffix of “-B1”. The difference of both is only theoperation band, they play a same roles.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-13 From/To BMPA-B1UPCU DNCU( 0 ) DNCU( 1 ) LODU SYNUCONCON CON CONFrom/TOAIU(orIDU)From/TOBICA-B1FromSTFU-B1RPUConnectorConnectorConnectorRX Signal( 0, 1 )OverheadSignal4.95MHzCDMA SignalControl signal        Status SignalFault SignalXCVUXVBB-B1RX Signal( 0, 1 )OverheadSignalRF BandCDMA SignalAlarm Signal, Control Signal, PowerPower(DC 27V/  ¡¾15V /12V 10MHz(REF, Clock)PowerAlarm Signal, Control SignalRF-Local, IF-Local Signal Figure 5.8 XCVU block diagram XCVU(Transceiver Unit) DNCU (Down Conversion Unit)  DNCU carries out first down-conversion of input RF signal from RRU using RF-Localsignal of SYNU and carries out second frequency down-conversion to 4.95MHz by usingRXIF-Local signal of SYNU after characteristic improvement to CDMA band signal via theSAW filter. This 4.95MHz signal is transferred to digital signal processing part. DNCU is designed to get fixed output power that is not changed by acquisition of inputsignal by using AGC Loop. UPCU (Up Conversion Unit)
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-14 UPCU carries out first frequency up-conversion of 4.95MHz IF signal from digital signalpart using TXIF-Local signal of SYNU and carries out second frequency up-conversion torequired frequency band using RF-Local of SYNU after characteristic improvement toCDMA band signal using the SAW filter. Up-converted second signal is transferred toRRU. SYNU (Synthesizer Unit)  SYNU consists of RF-Local, TXIF-PLL, and RXIF-PLL and generates RF-Local signalwhose output frequency is changed in accordance with the assigned channel, TXIF-Localsignal, and RXIF-Local signal based on 10MHz sine wave of GPS receiver. The generatedRF-Local signal, TXIF-Local signal and RXIF-Local signal are transferred to DNCU,UPCU. LODU (Local Oscillator Distributor)  LODU distributes RF Local signal, TXIF-Local signal and RXIF-Local signal generated bySYNU to UPCU and DNCU and is equipped in XCVU as one module type. XVBB (Transceiver Back Board)  XVBB takes charge of distribution of alarm and control signal between DU and XCVU andprovides power from power module to AIU and XCVU. And XVBB also transfer alarm andcontrol signal of RF shelf.  5.3.5  Antenna Subsystem  There are two types of antenna subsystems in Micro-BTS; those can be selectively appliedto as operator’s requirement. Antenna subsystem consists of main module which islocated in antenna tower and interface module which connects with Micro-BTS. Applicable
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-15antenna subsystems are AAU-AIDU and RRU-AIU. AAU-B1, AIDU-B1, RRU-B1, and AIU-B1 is used for 1.9GHz frequency band.  RRU-B1 and AIU-B1  AIU-B1 (Antenna Interface Unit)  AIU-B1 of Micro-BTS is interface part with RRU-B1 and consists of 2 Way Splitter, Bias-Tand Bias-T & Duplexer.    Figure 5.9 RRU-B1 block diagram  AIU-B1 is equipped in the main unit of Micro-BTS and provides interface with RRU-B1. M& C module in AIU-B1 takes charge of status monitoring and controlling of each RRU-B1.AIU-B1 contains FSK Modem function that can communicate with RRU-B1 and reportsinformation about communication result via SCC in BMPA-B1. 2-Way Splitter has two paths used to provide Rx signal. In case of second cabinetexpansion, one path of 2-Way Splitter is connected to the first cabinet that accommodatesfirst carrier (FA) and the other path of 2-Way Splitter is connected to the second cabinetthat accommodates second carrier (FA). Bias-T that contains arrester function multiplexesRF signal and DC power, and protects from the lightening. Duplexer is used to multiplex RF signal, DC power and FSK modem signal for monitoringand controlling RRU. Duplexer also contains the arrester for the lightening protection. Monitor & Control Module takes charge of status monitoring and control for 1FA / 3Sector(three RRU-B1s) and contains FSK Modem for communication with RRU. Communicationwith BMP is completed via RS-232 protocol.  RRU (Remote RF Unit)  The RRU-B1 specifications of Micro-BTS are as the below table.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-16  Item  RRU  Remark Transmission Power  10W 1 Module Dimension (H x W x D)  400 x 350 x 150  1 Module Antenna  External Antenna   Function  Rx Diversity Support    Output power of RRU is 10Watts and it is lower than output power of Macro-BTS. The coaxial cable is used for interface between the Main Unit. RRU and 3 coaxial cableswhich are connected to each sector supporting Rx diversity. In using external Ant, two Ant. per sector are needed because the antenna of the RRU isduplex type. BMP in Main Unit can control all of status in RRU-B1 and it is useful for operation andmaintenance of Remote Module.  AAU-B1 and AIDU-B1 (1.9GHz)1  AAU-B1 (Active Antenna Unit)  AAU-B1 consists of integrated RF/antenna modules (ARM units) grouped in radiatingarrays  for transmit and receive. The whole RF/antenna array for the base station is tower-mounted and consisted of four ARM units and an array of four antenna groups. Each ARMis self contained and controllable by its internal micro-controller. AAU and AIDU is used for 800MHz frequency band and they play a same roles with AAU-B1 and AIDU-B1. (1) AAU-B1 Block Diagram                                            1 In 800MHz band, AAU and AIDU are used.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-17 BPFBPFBPFBPFBPFBPFBPFBPFRX_0 RX_1 TXCombinerCombiner ARM Antenna  Figure 5.10 AAU-B1 Block Diagram  (2) AAU-B1 Specification  1) Tx Channel Frequency Range : 1960 ~ 1990 MHz Gain : 52 dB (including the antenna gain : 13 dBi,                         each ARM Tx gain : 33 dB  4) EIRP : 22 dBW Polarization : Vertical Hor. Beamwidth : 85.6 El. Beamwidth : 14.08  2) Rx Channel Frequency Range : 1880 ~ 1910 MHz Gain : 49 dB (including the antenna gain : 13 dBi,      each ARM Tx gain : 30 dB  4)
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-18 Polarization : Dual slant linear Hor. Beamwidth : 87.4 El. Beamwidth : 14.25  AIDU-B1 (Active antenna InDoor Unit )  AIDU-B1 is a indoor control unit and interfaces the AAU-B1 with the BTS. It relays the Txand Rx signals, provides DC power to the ARM units, and communicates with AAU-B1 forthe monitoring and control purposes. The unit consists of 3 Bias-T blocks and controller. Each Bias-T block includes three Bias-T circuits one for Tx and the others for Rx. Tx Bias-T circuit multiplexes RF signals withDC voltage between the ARM units and AIDU-B1. It includes the 30dB gain amplifierpossible to control gain of 15dB. Rx Bias-T circuit multiplexes RF signal with low frequencysignaling between the ARM units and AIDU-B1. It includes the 15dB gain amplifierpossible to control gain of 15dB. The controller provides the following functions: (1) Communication with the ARM (2) Monitoring of the ARM units and radiating arrays status (3) Communication with BMPA-B1 (4) Saving of system configuration
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-19 5.3.6  BTU (Micro-BTS Test Unit)  The functions of BTU are measurement of transmission/receiving power level,measurement of VSWR and measurement of TPTL, etc. And these functions are carriedout in RRU. Status data and alarm signal in RRU is transferred to AIU via modem, and thecollected alarm signal in AIU is reported to BMP with RS-485 protocol and processed.  AIU RRU-B1Arrester& DuplexerHPADuplexer BPFModemProcessorM&CModemFrequencyBMPA-B1  Figure 5.11  BTU block diagram  The functions of BTU are as follows  (1) Measurement of transmission power level This function is carried out by measuring output voltage value for signal strength at thealarm output terminal of HPA Monitor in RRU.  Measured value is transferred from RRUto BMP in Main Unit via the modem and linear voltage value can be checked in BSM byuser.  (2) Measurement of receiving power level This function is carried out by measuring receiving signal level value while monitoring
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-20RSSI value in DNCU of XCVU. Measured value is transferred to BMP of Main Unit and can be checked in BSM by user.  (3) Measurement of VSWR User can recognize Fail or Normal by comparing signal strength value of reflectedpower at the alarm output terminal of HPA monitor in RRU. Measured value istransferred from RRU to BMP of Main Unit via the modem. User can check HPA statusin BSM.  (4) Measurement of TPTL ( Transmitter Power Tracking Loop ) This function is carried out by controlling transmission power gain at variable ATT infront of HPA in RRU. This function is operated by S/W and every status is reported to BMP. User can check status in BSM.  5.3.7  RPU  RPU-B1 is a power supply for Micro-BTS. It has various DC outputs needed for each unitsat MICRO-BTS. It has power status monitoring and report function. It has also batteryback-up function. RPU-B1 can be connected with external power supply (RPU-B2) when output capacityexpansion is needed. RPU-B2 is 27V single output AC/DC converter. When RPU-B2 isconnected to RPU-B1, they have load balance function. RPU-B1 has 3 switches – AC input ON/OFF, RPU-B2 input ON/OFF, and DC outputsON/OFF.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-21 5.4  S/W Structure and Function  5.4.1  Overview  Micro-BTS Software, which is designed for the purpose of maximum reliability andefficiency in order to provide operation & Maintenance function and smooth interfacesbetween BSC and MS, complies to the air interface specifications with MS. Micro-BTS Software has Call processing function and Operation & Maintenance function.  When the system allocates Overhead (Sync, Pilot, Access, Paging) channel and Trafficchannel, Call processing function provides the Algorithm which support inter-channelRedundancy concept using duplication and inter-channel common ownership. It shouldprovide effective Call flow with adjacent BSCs and support Variable packet size for Trafficpacket. Micro-BTS operation and Maintenance function performs generally Loading, Diagnostic,Alarm, Status, Resource management etc. And it supports the Software which improve thesystem reliability through removal of critical trouble factors. So the system uses theresource efficiently. As Micro-BTS Software should perform multiple call processing simultaneously, itexecutes on the Operating System which supports Real time Multi-Tasking function.Actual Operating System is applied to Micro-BTS Control Block and Traffic ChannelProcessing Block. The software which is used for Micro-BTS should improve BTS performance and providefacilities for the Operation and Maintenance.    Figure 5.12 Micro-BTS Software Structure  5.4.2 Basic Functions
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-22 Micro-BTS which is located between Base Station Controller (BSC) and MS, executes themanagement of wireless link during incoming/outgoing call processing. It is a network element performing various functions for wireless Call processing. Each sub-function in Micro-BTS software is described as the following features. Loading Function  Execution files and data files required by sub-blocks ( BCP, CCC ) of Micro-BTS toexecute their unique functions are managed by CCP of BSC.  Upon receiving the loadingrequest from Micro-BTS system, the CCP transmits the corresponding file to Micro-BTS inaccordance with the prescribed procedure to execute the initialization of the correspondingprocessor. (1) Processor Restart Function At the time of system installation or when it is impossible to maintain normal servicesdue to a critical fault in the processor, the processor can be restarted either by Hardwarerecovery method (processor reloading by power on/off , reset) of which procedurebegins with supply of primary power supply to the system or by on-demand processorrestart method which is executed in several steps when necessary.  (2) Restart by MMC Command At the time of Software version change or test, this loading method is used to recoverthe processor after processor is drop off by operator with MMC. Loading with MMCcommand is divided into Level 0 and Level 1. The operator can select the loading levelaccording to pertinent data. • BMP Level 0 Command : Processor restarts and requests CCP to receive the loading data. At this time, lowlevel CDCA also restarts and recovers after loading. • BMP Level 1 Command : Processor restarts from OS and receives loading block from the channel card. At thistime, low level CDCA also restarts and recovers after loading.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-23  At the time of Software version change or test of the call processing application block,CCC loading of loading functions is used to restore the system through reloading dataafter all processor is drop off. As RFU block consists of Main Unit and Remote Unit, theoperator can recover the card assembly by restarting it with MMC command at the timeof function failures in Main Unit and Remote RF block.  (3) Restart by H/W ( Power, Reset )• BMP : When it is impossible to maintain normal services due to a processor fault duringsystem installation, initialization or operation, it is possible to reload BMPA with poweron-off or reset. This reloading is made by first turning down all the processors in thesystem and then recovering them with reloading. When high level processor restartsto recover its normal state, all low level processors are recovered with reloading. • CCC : When it is impossible to maintain normal services due to a processor fault duringinitialization of call processing application block, it is possible to reload with poweron/off or reset. Replacing of Application Block • This is an on-line command function to be applied to a processor of the block in whicha fault occurs during system operation or for which a function is added. • If the block to be applied is running on a processor, the processor restarts to bereloaded from its high level processor. • If the block to be applied is only loaded on a processor but has to be downloaded,only the block is downloaded from its high level processor.  When it is required to add or delete a block during operation by needs of the operator, it is
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-24possible to load the specified block to the corresponding block by adding or deleting theblock with MMC command. Diagnostic Function  As Micro-BTS is outdoor type BTS, it is manufactured very firm. So Diagnostic function bySoftware is very important in a view of system reliability. Micro-BTS has various functions including Output Control function (TPTL), Loop Back Callfunction, and Diagnostic function of Channel Elements etc.. • BTS Output Control (Transmit Power Tracking Loop, TPTL Adjustment function) This function measures the final output of BTS for each sector and each FA in order totune it to the desired power level. It is used to adjust the radius of cells uniformly ineach sector. It measures and tunes power at the final output end, which allows tocorrect errors due to change in the system characteristics (by the influence oftemperature and the like). • Loop Back Call function Loop Back call allows the base station to measure the data Tx / Rx performance ofthe mobile station. The base station creates traffic packets and transmits them to themobile station, and the mobile station delays for calls and then forwards back thereceived packets to the base station. Then, the base station compares them with theoriginal packets to calculate the frame errors. • Channel Elements diagnostic function The Micro-BTS continuously requests as many polling messages as requested by theoperator, directly to the channel elements. It compares the number of accepted andrequested to understand the corresponding resource status. Alarm and Fault Control function  This is the function to collect all alarms generated in Micro-BTS and report them to BSM.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-25Types of faults and alarms detected in Micro-BTS are listed below. • Main PBA/Unit Function Failure Report• Processor Fault Report• Traffic Congestion and Overload Control Fault Report• Equipment OOS ( Out Of Service ) Alarm Report• Fan Fault Report• Temperature, Door Open, Noise Fault report• Rectifier Fault Report• Input Power Fault Report• System Clock Part Fault Report• System RF Part Fault report• Channel Element Fault report Status Management function  The Status management function of a Micro-BTS includes Overload Control Function,Overhead CE Status Control Function, Traffic CE Status Control Function, Traffic / ControlLink Status Control Function, Subcell Control Function, STFU Status Control Function,RFU Status Control Function, RRU Status Control Function, and Automatic BlockingFunction etc. • Overload control The Overload control is the function to prevent Micro-BTS resources from shifting intoabnormal status by interrupting call services in advance. The abnormal status meanstwo situations : in one case that the BMP is overloaded in its processing capacity andshifts into a state of being unable to provide call services ; and in the other case thathandoff of existing calls cannot be made and subsequently the call services areinterrupted as all the resources of TCE (Traffic Channel Element) are alreadyallocated to newly made calls. Overload control is to prevent in advance thesesituations from arising. • Overhead CE status control
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-26 Micro-BTS manages the status of overhead CEs (Pilot/Sync channel element, Pagingchannel element and Access channel element). It always monitors whether the currentoverhead CEs are normal or not, and informs the BSM when a fault occurs in anoverhead CE. In the case where the overhead CE is duplicated, the standby overheadCE is activated to continue the call service. If it is not duplicated as active/standbyCEs, Micro-BTS makes the current traffic CE replace the faulty overhead CEs tocontinue the call service. • Traffic CE status control Micro-BTS has the function to monitor the status of CEs activated as traffic CEs and tomanage the status as common data. When a fault occurs in a traffic CE and interruptsthe call service, Traffic CE status control prevents calls from being allocated to thattraffic CE so that call service is not interrupted. It also executes the audit function tomonitor call service status of entire traffic CEs and maintain the accurate traffic CEstatus at all times. In order to prevent situations where call service to a certain trafficCE is not possible because the traffic CE is thought to be setting up a call though it isactually not in the call setup stage and normal call release becomes impossible owingto some unavoidable reasons. • Traffic / Control Link status control This is the function by which Micro-BTS manages the Traffic Link and Control Linkstatus as the common data so as to allow communication between Micro-BTS andBSC. It manages the channel status so that the Micro-BTS and BSC can interchangecall data and control signals. It always provides information of available links. • Subcell control When a MS to be serviced by the subcell is not provided with the call service, systemsends the fault information on the subcell to the MS so that it can be always providedwith the call service by using the call services of other subcells. • STFU status control STFU generates the time and clock required for Micro-BTS and provides peripheraldevices with the clock. It provides the TOD to BMP and the BMP broadcasts the
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-27received TOD information to each device which need TOD information. STFUmonitors a GPS status and then report them to BSM. • RFU status control RFU is the part which observe all status of Input / Output in Micro-BTS, and Micro-BTSmonitors the status of UPCU, DNCU, SYNU, AIU. When a fault is detected in any ofthem, it reports the fault occurrence to the BSM. • RRU status control This is the part which monitors all the status of RRU. It monitors the status of RRUthrough AIU in Main Unit. When a fault is detected, it reports the fault occurrence tothe BSM.• Micro-BTS Automatic blocking MS acquires the pilot transmitted from Micro-BTS to initialize the MS data andrequests the call services from the Micro-BTS to which it belongs. If this time, allcommunication channels connected to BSC are out of service, it is impossible tomake any call service. However, as all status are normal, Micro-BTS continuouslytransmits the pilot and MS initializes its data with this pilot and requests the callservice.  In this case, Micro-BTS should not transmit the pilot so that the MS may notrequest the call service with its pilot.  Micro-BTS automatic blocking is the function bywhich it controls the communication channel status and does not transmit its pilotwhen a fault is detected in the channel.  This function is also applied to the case whena fault occurs in BSC.  When Micro-BTS status is normal but BSC to which it belongshas a fault, MS cannot be provided with the call service and thus, the Micro-BTSshould not transmit its pilot to the MS. Resource Management Function  The resource management of a Micro-BTS includes Configuration information andOperation information Display function, Blocking function, Unblocking function, OperationInformation changing Function, Neighbor add/delete function, and FA extend/deletefunction.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-28 • Configuration Information and Operation Information Display Micro-BTS displays the current configuration and operation information to the operator.BSM sends the configuration and operation information about the correspondingMicro-BTS, and the Micro-BTS displays the information on the BMP monitor. • Blocking Function The Micro-BTS has the function to block the configuration information required for allprocessing using MMC command. When the configuration information is blocked, theMicro-BTS excludes the corresponding resources from the call allocation resourcesand does not allocate any call to the resource. Objects that may be blocked areCDCA, traffic channel elements, paging channel elements, access channel elementsand pilot/sync channel elements. When blocked, the corresponding resource isexcluded from the call allocation resources. It is a principle to block one resource withone command but it is also possible to set the range of blocking if necessary. • Unblocking Function When a resource required for call processing is blocked, the Micro-BTS can unblock theresource using MMC command. Objects that may be unblocked are CDCA, trafficchannel elements, paging channel elements, access channel elements and pilot /sync channel elements, as in blocking. Once unblocked, the resource which has beenexcluded from call allocation resources can be allocated as a call resource again. It isa principle to unblock one block with one command but it is also possible to set therange of unblocking if necessary. • Function to change Operation Information. Micro-BTS has the function by which the operator changes every data related to callprocessing and operation, and maintenance. The call processing related data includesthe parameters related to handoff, and the operation and maintenance related dataincludes parameters related to overload control. • Function to Add / Delete Neighbor The operator can delete or add the list of neighbors required for Micro-BTS to execute
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-29the handoff function. On the basis of this neighbor data, Micro-BTS executeshandoffs. • Function to Extend / Delete FA It is possible to extend or reduce FA on demand by the operator. All of theconfigurations corresponding to the extended FA are activated to be the objects of callprocessing and alarm processing, and such operation and maintenance functions asstatus control, loading and diagnostics, while the configurations corresponding to thedeleted FA are inactivated to be excluded from the objects of call processing andalarm processing, and such operation and maintenance functions as status control,loading and diagnostics. MS Call processing Function  The software function of Micro-BTS is designed to support subscriber requirement which isprocessed based on the request of terminal as well as to provide functions which areprocessed based on the Micro-BTS requirement. This function includes MS originating call function, MS terminating Call function, SofterHandoff function, Soft handoff function, Inter-FA Hard Handoff function, Frame Offset Hardhandoff function, Registration function, Order function, Feature Notification Servicefunction, Data Burst Service function, Authentication service processing function, callProcessing Simulation function, Overhead channel function, and Power ManagementProcessing function. • MS Originating Call Function When a MS requests Micro-BTS for an originating call, the Micro-BTS sets up a trafficchannel, specifies the resources allocated at the Micro-BTS to the MS to execute thecall processing function of the Micro-BTS and MS, and requests BSC to set up thecall. • MS Terminating Call Function
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-30 Micro-BTS sends a paging message to a MS to call the MS.  When the MS requests theMicro-BTS for a terminating call, the Micro-BTS sets up a traffic channel, specifies theresources allocated at the Micro-BTS to the MS to execute the call processingfunction of the Micro-BTS and MS, and requests BSC to set up the call. • Softer Handoff Function When a MS requests Micro-BTS for ‘softer add’, ‘softer drop’, or ‘softer swap’ function,the Micro-BTS resets the corresponding resource so that the MS can execute thehandoff function. • Soft Handoff Function When a BSC requests Micro-BTS for ‘soft add’, ‘soft drop’, or ‘soft swap’, the Micro-BTSallocates the corresponding resource so that the MS can set up/release thecorresponding traffic, and transmits the resource allocated at the time of handoff to theBSC. • Inter-FA Hard Handoff Function When a BSC requests for ‘soft add’, if the corresponding traffic resources are all busy,Micro-BTS sets up a traffic corresponding to another RF and transmit it to the BSC toproceed with the call processing. In the case of Micro-BTS in which a dummy pilot orcommon pilot is set up, BSC executes inter-FA handoff for the corresponding MS. • Frame Offset Hard Handoff Function When a BSC requests for ‘soft add’ and the corresponding frame offset resources are allbusy, Micro-BTS allocates other frame offset resources and transmits those frameoffset resources to the BSC so that the BSC can execute the frame offset hardhandoff. • Registration Function Upon registration request from MS, Micro-BTS transmits BS_Ack_Order to stoptransmission from the MS and transmits the registration message of MS ( power up,power down, timer base, zone base, parameter change, order, etc.) to BSC.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-31• Order Function Micro-BTS executes such functions for the corresponding MSs as ‘BS_Ack_Order’, thecommand to stop transmission from MS; ‘Lock Until Power Cycle Order’, thecommand to release MS call; ‘Release Order’, the registration commands;Registration Reject / Accept / Request Order. • Feature Notification Service Function Micro-BTS executes such function for the corresponding MSs as Display, Called PartyNumber, Calling Party Number, Signal and Message Waiting. • Data Burst Service Function Micro-BTS executes the function to transmit and receive Data Burst messages to andfrom the corresponding MSs. • Authentication Service Processing Function Micro-BTS specifies the settings required for MS to execute authentication, andexecutes Authentication Challenge and SSD Update functions by interworking withMSC so that the MS can execute authentication. • Call Processing Simulation Function Micro-BTS executes such simulation functions related to call processing as Markov call,Auto Markov call and RF test call, and paging performance test and accessperformance test. • Overhead Channel Function Micro-BTS implements Redundancy Algorithm on Pilot/Sync/Access Channel andPaging channel. Micro-BTS executes dynamic processing function so that theoverhead channel functions can be normally executed by setting another channel asan overhead channel when the original overhead channel has a fault and can notexecute its own functions. • Power Management Processing FunctionBy interworking with RFU(Radio Frequency Unit), Micro-BTS executes such functions
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-32as Breathing, Wilting and Blossoming to manage the cell radius of Micro-BTSdepending upon its performance and on demand by the operator.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-335.4.2.8 BMP Software StructureThe basic software of Micro-BTS is divided into Call processing function and Operationand Maintenance function. Micro-BTS is configured with BMP and DU by device.Primary Processor of the Micro-BTS is configured with Call processing function, Systemoperation and System maintenance function logically. Generally, System operationfunction executes loading, resource management, measurement and statistics, databaseaccess function for the management of configuration and resource which is needed forMicro-BTS operation.System maintenance function executes diagnostic function, Status monitoring function,Fault processing function, etc.Call processing function which is the main function of the Micro-BTS executes overheadcall processing and manages various handoff. Also it allocates traffic channels directly inMicro-BTS and release them.The basic sequence of call processing is followings.It manages each device and interfaces with a CCP in the BSC for the call processingprocedures so as to control MS originating call (MS→BTS→BSC→MSC) and MSterminating call (MSC→BSC→BTS→MS). This procedure is called by ‘BTS call control.When MS requests originating call to BTS, it sends call setup requirement to BCP onaccess channel. Then operations related to Originating call starts in BCP (MS→ACE→BCP).In case of MS terminating call, MSC receives request for terminating call.After MSC determines paging area, it sends paging message to BSC. Then CCP in theBSC transfers the paging message to BCP. Then BCP processes the operations related toterminating call.The software structure of BMP is followings.
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-34ResourceAllocationResourceManagementMeasurement& StasticStatusHandleDiagnosticCall ControlLoading H/W FaultManagementOSTODCCPCCCMicro-BTSOther SystemOSPLD DatabaseAccessBTS Main ProcessAlarmControlFigure 5.13 Software structure of BMP5.4.2.9 Software structure of DUThe traffic resource is determined by the Channel elements of Channel card. Thedetermined Traffic resource is important factor to determine the channel capacity of aMicro-BTS.For DU software structure, Operating System which supports Real time Multitasking, CSMDriver and Control Message processing are necessary. The Packet which is received fromPacket Router in Main Processor treats all messages and traffic data with call processingand Routing in Packet control task.In the CAI Overhead control task, Overhead channel is set up and Sync channel messageand Paging channel message are generated.Interrupt Handler treats traffic data using Tx / Rx interrupt of various Interrupt related toCSM.CSM Management receives configuration data and then initializes CSM.After it makes resource and measurement/statistics data and sends them to the BMP.In the forward link, the baseband interface executes common phase modulation /
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-35demodulation ( I, Q signal ), A/D conversion, IF signal processing function.In the reverse link, the baseband interface make AGC LOOP and keep input signal level ofChannel card uniformly.The basic software structure of DU is following.CSMControlBasebandInterfaceCSM ManagementCAI OverheadControlCAI Modem Driver InterruptHandlerPacketControl MainProcessor/BSCRadioFrequencyUnits/ CAIFoward / ReverseBaseband ControlOSLogical Digital UnitFigure 5.14 software structure of DU
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-365.5 AbbreviationsAGC Automatic Gain ControlAIU Antenna Interface UnitBICA Base band & IF Conversion Card AssemblyBMPA BTS Main Processor AssemblyBSC Base Station ControllerBSM Base Station ManagerBTS Base station Transceiver SubsystemCDCA CDMA Digital Channel card AssemblyCOUP CouplerCSM Cell Site ModemD/A Digital – Analog ConversionDNCU Down Conversion UnitDPRAM Dual Port RAMDU Digital UnitEAIU Extended AIUEMI Electro-Magnetic InterferenceFA Frequency AllocationFLASH Flash MemoryGPS Global Positioning SystemHDLC High-level Data Link ControllerIF Intermediate FrequencyLED Light Emitting DiodeLNA Low Noise AmplifierLPA Linear Power AmplifierLPF Low Pass FilterMMC Man-Machine CommunicationMS Mobile StationMTBF Mean Time Between FailurePCS Personal Communication SystemPS Personal Station
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                   5-37QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift KeyingRSSI Receive Signal Strength IndicatorRRU Remote RF UnitRF Radio FrequencySTFU Synchronized GPS Time & Frequency UnitSYNU Synthesizer UnitTBD To Be DeterminedTCE Traffic Channel ElementTOD Time Of DayTPTL Transmit Power Tracking LoopUPCU Up Conversion UnitXCVU Transceiver UnitXVBB Transceiver Back Board

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