Hyundai Electronics Co HD-MIC800 Base Station Transceiver Subsystem (Micro-BTS Syst User Manual FCC cover

Hyundai Electronics Industries Co Ltd Base Station Transceiver Subsystem (Micro-BTS Syst FCC cover

Users Manual Part 1

USER’S MANUALfor HD-BSC 960 and HD-MIC 8001999. 9Copyright   1999 Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be used orreproduced in any means without the prior written permission ofthe copyright holders.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIALTable of ContentsChapter 1.  System Overview1.1  Purpose of this document1.2  Features of Hyundai CDMA System1.3  Overview  Chapter 2.  BSC Basics  2.1  System Overview and Specification2.1.1  Overview2.1.2  Specifications and Characteristics2.2  H/W Structure and Function2.2.1  Overview2.2.2  Structure of Subsystem2.3  S/W Structure and Function2.3.1  Overview2.3.2  StructureChapter 3.  BSM Operation & Administration3.1  BSM Operation  3.1.1  Overview3.1.2  Main Display Structure3.1.3  Main Button3.1.4  Command Buttons3.1.5  Service Button3.1.6  Operations of “Alarm” window3.2  System Status Management  3.2.1  System Status Test3.2.2  System Diagnosis3.2.3  Statistics3.3  Data Management   3.3.1  Access Channel Parameter3.3.2  Access Parameter
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL3.3.3  Information of Micro-BTS Configuration3.3.4  Base Station CDMA Environment3.3.5  Base Station CDMA Information3.3.6  Base Station Channel List Message3.3.7  Extended System Parameter Information3.3.8  Forward Link Power Information3.3.9  Paging Channel Parameter3.3.10  Psync Channel Parameter3.3.11  RFC Parameter3.3.12  Forward Link Power Control Data3.3.13  Reverse Link Power Control Data3.3.14  Base Station Cell Information3.3.15  Corresponding Sector Information of Micro-BTS3.3.16  Sync Channel Message3.3.17  System Parameter3.3.18  System Parameter Message3.3.19  Traffic Channel Parameter3.4  Call Processing System  3.4.1  Overview3.4.2  Call Processing Flow3.4.3  Call Trace3.4.4  Call Release Reason and StateChapter 4.  BSC References  4.1  Rack Configuration4.2  DIP Switch & Strap4.2.1  Summary4.2.2  Purpose4.2.3  Address Setting in Common4.2.4  MCDA (Main Control & Duplication board Assembly-A1)4.2.5  CIFA-A1 (Cin Interface Function board Assembly-A1)4.2.6  HICA-A2 (High capacity Ipc Control board Assembly-A2)4.2.7  HRNA-A2 (High capacity Routing Node Assembly-A2)
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL4.2.8  HNTA-A2 (High capacity ipc Node & T1 interface Assembly-A2)4.2.9  TFSA-A1 (Time & Frequency Split Assembly-A1)4.2.10  TSGA-A1 (Time & frequency Splitting Generation Assembly-A1)4.2.11  TFDA-A1 (Time & Frequency Distribution Assembly-A1)4.2.12  VSIA-C1 (Vocoder Selector Interface Assembly-C1)4.2.13  VSOA-A1 (Vocoder Selector Operation Assembly-A1)4.2.14  CHBB-A1 (Cin Hipc Back Board-A1)4.2.15  CCBB-A1 (CCp Back wiring Board-A1)4.2.16  ACPA-A1 (Alarm Control Processor Assembly-A1)4.2.17  SDBB-A1 (CKd Split & Distributed Back Board-A1)4.2.18  TSBB-A1 (TSb Back Board-A1)4.2.19  BABB-A1 (Bsc Alarm Back Board-A1)4.2.20  HSBB-A1 (HIPC Small BackBoard-A1)4.3  LED Descriptions4.4  Command List4.5  AcronymChapter 5.  Micro-BTS Basics  5.1  System Overview and Specification5.1.1  Overview5.1.2  Functions5.1.3  System Specification5.2  Micro-BTS Structure and Configuration5.2.1  Micro-BTS Structure5.2.2  Micro-BTS Block Configuration5.3  H/W Structure and Function  5.3.1  BMP5.3.2  DU5.3.3  TFU5.3.4 RFU5.3.5 Antenna Subsystem (AIU-RRU, AIDU-AAU)5.3.6 BTU5.3.7  RPU
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL5.4  S/W Structure and Function5.4.1  Overview5.4.2  Basic Functions5.5  AbbreviationsChapter 6.  Micro-BTS References  6.1  Rack Configuration6.1.1  MBTR I (1.9GHz)6.1.2  MBTR I (800MHz)6.2  DIP Switch and Strap6.2.1  Summary6.2.2  Purpose6.2.3  Address Setting in Common6.2.4  BMPA-B26.2.5  CDCA-B16.2.6  BICA-B16.2.7  HLTA-B16.3  LED Descriptions6.3.1  BMP6.3.2  DU6.3.3  TFU6.3.4  RPU6.4  Alarm Source List6.5  Abbreviations
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    1-1Chapter 1  System Overview1.1  Purpose of this documentThis chapter contains description of Hyundai Micro-BTS PCS System that is operating on800MHz and 1.9GHz frequency band, repectively.1.2  Features of Hyundai CDMA SystemThere are two sub-systems in Hyundai CDMA system ; Micro-BTS and BSC. BSCinterfaces with switching equipment and has roles of vocoding and call processing. Micro-BTS is functionally located between MS (Mobile Station) and BSC. Hyundai Micro-BTShas channel resource unit and radio frequency RF unit similar to the conventional 3-SectorBTS. Contrary to conventional 3-Sector BTS, Hyundai Micro-BTS is small in size, easilycan be installed and maintained, and is very cheap in cost.1.3  OverviewHyundai Micro-BTS system can support 2FA/3Sector using 2 racks, but Micro-BTS systemis composed of 1FA/3sector system for the FCC authorization. Thus this manual willdescribe all of the specifications based on 1FA/3sector system.The system configuration is shown in Figure 1.1. In this configuration, there are 1 BSC and3 Micro-BTS systems. Each Micro-BTS system is separately located in 3 sites. Micro-BTScan use 2 types of antenna subsystem, RRU (Remote RF Unit) and AAU (Active AntennaUnit). RRU is connected to Micro-BTS main system through AIU (Antenna Interface Unit)and AAU through AIDU (Active Internal Distribution Unit). In case of trunk line, we haveseveral solutions, T1 and E1. We use T1 trunk line in USA. It means that we do not useHLEA but HLTA as trunk card.BSM manages and maintains Micro-BTS and BSC. It communicates with each system bytransmitting and receiving packets through LCIN. Its features include performancemanagement, configuration management, fault management, etc..
User’s Manual                         PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                                                             1-2RRU-B1DEC, 8, 1998System Configuration for Test_Bed1x T1 leased line1x T1 leased line 1x T1 leased lineGPS AntennaMBTR1RFUAIU-B1RPUGPS AntennaMBTR1RFUAIU-B1RPUGPS AntennaMBTR1RFURPUAIU-B1MBTR : Micro-BTS RackDU : Digital UnitBMP : BTS Main ProcessorTFU : Time & Frequency UnitRFU : Radio Frequency UnitRPU : Rectifier Power UnitAIU : Antenna Interface UnitRRU : Remote RF UnitGPS : Global Positioning SystemMSC : Mobile Switching CenterBSC : Base Station ControllerBSM : Base Station ManagerBSMGPS AntennaMSC(Switch)MSC RACKFANUFANUBSC-GPSCCPTSBLCINFANUACPGCINBSC_COMRDU BMP TFUDU BMP TFU DU BMP TFUACPCSBRRU-B1 RRU-B1Figure 1.1 Configuration of system for field trial
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-1Chapter 2  BSC Basics2.1  System Overview and Specification2.1.1  OverviewBSC is located between MSC and BTS. It carries out a wire/wireless link control function,handoff function and transcoding function. And it is made up of a LCIN, GCIN, TSB, CCP,CSB, CKD, BSC-GPS, and BSM block. [Refer to Fig.2.1].BTS0BTS1BTS59LCINCCP CSBTSBACP CKDBTS BSC MSCBSM Others BSCT1T1T1T1T1IPC IPC IPC IPCIPCIPCIPCGCIN IPCBSC-GPSFigure 2.1 Configuration of BSCEach block does following functions.• BSM is a system used to operate the entire BSC and BTS, to manage their resources,status and configuration, and to execute the user interface, and maintenance. It consistsof a SUN Sparc Workstation and the various types of input/output devices for enhancinguser's convenience.• LCIN is a network that provides the communication paths of packet-type data betweensubsystems. LCIN routes and transmits packet data within BSC and it has trunk interfacefunction between BSC and BTS.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-2• GCIN is a network that provides the communication paths of packet-type data betweenLCINs. GCIN also provides the communication path between BSM and other processor.• CCP is a processor system that carries out the call processing and soft-handoffprocessing function for entire BSC, allocates wireless resource of BSC, and controlsoverload of vocoders and the main processor of BSC.• CSB converts the IPC protocol of CCP into the No.7 protocol to access to MSC throughthe trunk of TSB block.• BSC-GPS is a system for providing the reference time used in the CDMA system. CKDconverts the clocks received from BSC-GPS and then, distributes synchronizationsignals required for the system.• ACP collects the various types of alarm status in BSC and then, reports them to BSM inorder to carry out system O & M efficiently.• TSB is connected to MSC with T1 trunk. TSB converts the PCM voice signal of 64Kbpsreceived through this with the QCELP algorithm and it sends the converted signal to thechannel unit of BTS. In addition, it carries out the reverse function of the above.Moreover, after being linked to the BTS, it executes a handoff function and power controlfunction on radio link.2.1.2 Specifications and Characteristics2.1.2.1  Specifications of BSC(1) Capacities • Number of controlled BTS : 60BTS/BSC • Number of voice channel : 960 CH/BSC • Number of BSC which are inter-accessible : 12BSC/MSC • Maximum capable subscribers : 30,000 subscribers/BSC (Br 1%, 0.03Erlang)(2) Link protocol
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-3 • BSC-MSC LinkT1 for TrafficSS No.7 for signaling & control (ITU-T STD) • BTS-BSC LinkUn-channelized T1(3) Power • DC - 48 V • Integration of storage battery is possible.(4) Specification of LCIN • Up to 112 T1 Trunk to BTS • Function of Remote Loop-back • Function of transmit/receive of Remote alarm(5) Specification of CCP & CSB • Use 32bit Main Processor • Interface function with LCIN • Interface to MSC(6) Specification of TSB • Interface to MSC with T1 • Accepts 48 Transcoding channel per TSB • 12 Vocoder Channels/Channel Card(7) Specification of GCIN • 4 links to a LCIN • Up to 12 LCIN connection capability • RS-422 links for LCIN links, BSM and other processors(8) Specification of BSM • Main Frame : Use commercial workstation • Main Processor : SPARC Processor processing rate more than 80MIPS • Main Memory : more than 64Mbyte • Hard Disk : more than 2Gbyte • Tape Drive : more than 150Mbyte • Parallel Port : Connect with High Speed Printer • HDLC Card : support the rate more than 2.048Mbps and functions of X.25               connection
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-4 • Audio I/O Port : supply alarm function • Software : Motif/X11, Informix DBMS2.1.2.2  Characteristics(1) Distributed control structure and duplication of main part(2) Using the link that is capable of high reliability and high speed data transmit(3) Increasing the trunk efficiency by packet transmit(4) Real-time processing of system by real-time OS
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-52.2  H/W Structure and Function2.2.1  OverviewHardware structure of BSC is shown in Fig.2.2 and traffic and data communication isaccomplished in connection with BTS, CCP, CSB, TSB, BSC-GPS & ACP and BSM withplacing LCIN and GCIN as a Packet Router. For interconnection between BSC, extensionof system is possible using private Router (HRNA-A2). Therefore, structure is designedthat soft handoff is possible between BTSs controlled by different BSCsBSMT1T1T1BSC-GPSHICA HRNAHRNAHRNAHICAHRNAHRNAHRNAHRNA HRNAHRNAHRNAHRNALCINACPMCDA CIFACCPMCDACIFACSBCKD0 1 31VSOAVSOAVSOAVSIASYSTEM BUSST-BUSTSBGCINIPC IPCIPCIPCIPCTo/From MSCTo/FromBTS0~BTS59T1IPCFigure 2.2 H/W Structure of BSC
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-62.2.2  Structure of Subsystem2.2.2.1  LCIN (Local CDMA Interconnection Network)LCIN receives Packet Data transmitted by each subsystem connected to BSC and routesthe Packet Data to destination address that are added in overhead of Packet.(1) Functions of LCIN• CDMA Traffic Information Routing between BTS and TSB• Information Routing between BTS, CCP.• Internal information Routing among TSB, CCP, CSB, TFGA-A1 and ACP(2) H/W Structure of LCINAfter LCIN converts Packet Data which are inputted by each subsystem in BSC to16-bit parallel data, analyzes Packet Address and converts them again to Serial datavia internal Routing and routes them to corresponding subsystem. LCIN consists ofHICA-A2, HRNA-A2, HNTA-A2 and backboard CHBB-A1 card.1) HICA-A2 (High-performance IPC Control Board Assembly-A2)HICA-A2 performs network management functions of LCIN that is made up ofnodes providing communication path between processor of BSC and BTS.For management of communication network, LCIN have control and maintenancechannel (M-BUS) responsible for fault processing and node status monitoring andcommunication channel (U-Link) with other processor.  HICA-A2 generates BUSarbitration control signal between nodes of D-BUS and exchanges common bus fordata of each node. HICA-A2 performs each PBA’s status management andmaintenance of LCIN block, and status management and maintenance of Link.2) HRNA-A2 (High performance IPC Routing Node Assembly-A2)HRNA-A2 have 8 Nodes. It is a PBA having the function of node that is basic unit ofIPC (Inter Processor Communication) in LCIN. HRNA-A2 is an interface board bywhich each subsystem can be accessed to LCIN. After converting the packet datathat are inputted through RS-422 parallel interface, it outputs the converted data onpacket bus (D-BUS) of LCIN according to the routing control signal of HICA-A2.HRNA-A2 performs that extracts 3 bytes destination address of Packet Data that isloaded on D-Bus and accepts the packet only if the compared result of destinationaddress of Packet Data with node address of itself are equal, then converts it toserial type and transmits it to each subsystem.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-7HRNA-A2 performs the functions that receives control command from HICA-A2 andreports the status of HRNA-A2 using dualized serial control bus (M-BUS).HRNA-A2 has the functions that detects various fault per node and D-BUS faultoccurs in operation, and reports detected faults to HICA-A2 through M-BUS.HRNA-A2 performs fault recovery functions by initializing fault detected node andswitching of D-BUS.3) HNTA-A2 (High Performance IPC Node & T1 trunk interface Board Assembly-A2)HNTA-A2 is used for linking T1 trunk in LCIN. BSC and BTS are accessed eachother through Digital Trunk and HNTA-A2 performs link functions of T1 Trunk Line.HNTA-A2 performs functions of Node and link of Trunks simultaneously, and have 8node and 8 T1 digital trunk interface.HNTA-A2 performs the functions that receives control command from HICA-A2through M-BUS and exchanges packet between node through D-BUS.HNTA-A2 performs the functions that tries to recover by fault detection of D-BUSand monitors and reports the status of Trunk.(3) Structure Diagram of LCIN• LCIN consists of Routing functions based on BSC unit.• LCIN consists of BTS link interface functions using T1 Trunk Line.The following Fig.2.3 describes structure diagram of LCINHICA-A2HICA-A2 HRNA-A2HRNA-A2T1Data Bus (D-Bus)Data Bus (D-Bus)Maintenance Bus (M-Bus)Maintenance Bus (M-Bus)U-LinkU-LinkHNTA-A2HNTA-A2BSC Blocks & UnitsBSC Blocks & UnitsBTSBTSu-linkFigure 2.3 Structure Diagram of LCIN
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-8(4) Address SystemLCIN uses 3 byte address system enough to process traffic resources in BS (BTS &BSC).  TSB (Transcoding & Selector Bank)(1) Functions of TSB• CCP by MSC allocates resources when call setup• provides information about code transition by mobile and registration in the process ofcall processing• removes vocoder when call releases• corresponding Card to Channel Element of BTS• performs vocoder functions of voice• performs functions of Rate Adaptation of Data and Coder/Decoder• performs function of Selection for Soft-Handoff• performs Power Control functions (Forward Power Control & Open Loop PowerControl)(2) Hardware structure of TSB• TSB consists of VSIA-C1 connected to LCIN and VSOA-A1 mounted with vocoder• has 92 Transcoding Channel per TSB 1Unit (T1)• VSIA-C1 performs functions that receives serial Packet data inputted from LCIN,converts to parallel data, transmits to VSOA-A1 mounted with vocoder, receives datavocoded in VSOA-A1 and converted to PCM type through ST-BUS, makes datamultiplex and transmits to MSC.• VSOA-A1 is mounted with 12 vocoder performs functions that converts QCELP PacketData to PCM Voice Code and PCM Voice Code to QCELP Packet Data.(3) Structure Diagram of TSBThe following Fig.2.4 describes structure diagram of TSB
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-9ROUTERI/F MCUAM29240DSPModuleDSPModuleDSPModuleDSPModuleROUTERI/F MCUAM29240DSPModuleDSPModuleDSPModuleDSPModuleROUTERI/FCPUMC68360T1HDLCMSC ALMLCIN CKD2 T1ST-BUSST-BUSST-BUSRS-422 VSIA-C1VSOA-A1Figure 2.4 Structure Diagram of TSB2.2.2.3  CCP (Call Control Processor)(1) Functions of CCP• performs all of call processing related control functions of BSC• exchanges CDMA related information among BTS, TSB and MSC• controls Soft-Handoff and Hard-Handoff• supports Paging• controls overload and manages TSB(2) Hardware structure of CCP, CSBCCP consists of main processor MCDA and CIFA responsible for inter-processorcommunication with HRNA in LCIN.When using No.7 Signaling mode, CCP system is connected to CSB block throughCIFA-A1 via LCIN block and CSB block transfers this message to MSC through Trunkafter converting this message appropriate for No.7 Protocol.   1) MCDA (Main Control Duplication Assembly)MCDA communicates with CIFA-A1 using MPS-bus. It is responsible forcommunication with dualized block. If Power of MCDA is ON, Booter operates, and
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-10MCDA determines whether active or standby of itself through S channel of MFP inresult of negotiation with other MCDA and requests loading. If MCDA operatesnormally after OS Loading, MCDA controls call processing and manages Selector.2) CIFA-A1 (CIN Interface Board Assembly)CIFA-A1 is an interface board responsible for communication with external and hasfunctions of MPS-bus link and direct DATA communication with CIN block.For connection with LCIN, CIFA-A1 transmits and receives control information usingAddress Decoding & Zero insertion/deletion, CRC generation and check functionthrough HDLC Protocol.3) Structure Diagram of CCP, CSBThe following Fig.2.5 describes structure of CCPLCINVSIA-C1CIFA-A1MCDAMSCFigure 2.5 Structure of CCP2.2.2.5  BSC-GPS/CKD (Clock Distributor)(1) Functions of BSC-GPS/CKD• BSC-GPS block is located in CMNR of BSC (Base Station Controller). When 1PPS and10MHz from GBSU-A1 (GPS) are inputted to TFSA-A1, then it converts and distributesthem into clock necessary in BSC, and provides them through TFDA-A1 to TSB andLCIN. Number of providing clocks is 16 in minimum and 32 clocks in maximum.• Distributed Clock : 4.096MHz, 2.048MHz, 1.544MHz, FP (8KHz), FOI (8KHz), 50Hz,1Hz(2) Hardware structure of BSC-GPS/CKDBSC-GPS/CKD consists of GPS Receiver, TFSA-A1 that receives clock, Clock
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-11generator (TFGA-A1) and Clock distributor (TFDA-A1).The structure Diagram of CKD is shown in Figure 2.7.GPSRECEIVER-A TFSA-A1 TFGA-A1BSMTFDATSB or CIN16CLK PORTHDLCRS-422TODClocksRS-422Figure 2.7 Structure Diagram of CKD
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-  ACP (Alarm Control Processor)(1) Structure and Functions of ACPACP block is located in BSC (Base Station Controller) and has functions of collectingalarm sources of each subsystem by H/W and reporting to BSM by S/W. This block ismounted one per one BSC and one ACP block is mounted on a ACPA-A1 board andcan monitor 26 alarm ports in maximum. Each alarm port is connected to eachsubsystem of BSC more than one and monitors OFF-FAIL of important board andpower module.If system extends and number of alarm port is increased, additional ACP blocks can bemounted.(2) Structure Diagram of ACP   The following Fig.2.8 describes structure diagram of ACPACPA-A1 BSMLCINCCP LCIN CKD TSBAlarm InformationIPC-HDLC                   Figure 2.8 Structure Diagram of ACP2.2.2.7  GCIN (Global CDMA Interconnection Network)GCIN receives Packet Data transmitted by each subsystem connected to GCIN . GCINalso receives Packet Data transmitted from a LCIN to other LCIN. GCIN routes the PacketData to destination address which are added in overhead of Packet.(1) Functions of GCIN• CDMA Traffic Information Routing between LCINs• Information Routing between LCINs and BSM.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-13• Internal information Routing among TFSA-A1, HICA-A2 , BSM. (2) H/W Structure of GCIN GCIN converts Packet Data which are inputted by each link from LCIN or subsystemsin GCIN to 16-bit parallel data, GCIN analyzes Packet Address and converts themagain to Serial data via internal Routing and routes them to corresponding subsystemor links. GCIN consists of HICA-A2, HRNA-A2, and backboard HSBB-A1 card.  1) HICA-A2 (High-performance IPC Control Board Assembly-A2) HICA-A2 performs network management functions of GCIN which is made up ofnodes providing communication path between processor of BSC and BTS. For management of communication network, GCIN has control and maintenancechannel (M-BUS) responsible for fault processing and node status monitoring andcommunication channel (U-Link) with other processor. HICA-A2 generates BUSarbitration control signal between nodes of D-BUS, common bus for data exchangeof each node. HICA-A2 performs each PBA’s status management and maintenanceof LCIN block, and status management and maintenance of Link. 2) HRNA-A2 (High performance IPC Routing Node Assembly-A2) HRNA-A2 has 8 Nodes. It is a PBA having the function of node which is basic unit ofIPC (Inter Processor Communication) in GCIN. HRNA-A2 is an interface board bywhich each subsystem can be accessed to GCIN. After converting the packet datawhich are inputted through RS-422 parallel interface, it outputs the converted dataon packet bus (D-BUS) of GCIN according to the routing control signal of HICA-A2. HRNA-A2 performs that extracts 3 bytes destination address of Packet Data whichare loaded on D-Bus and accepts the packet only if the compared results ofdestination address of Packet Data with node address of itself are equal, thenconverts it to serial type and transmits it to each subsystem. HRNA-A2 performs the functions that receives control command from HICA-A2 andreports the status of HRNA-A2 using dualized serial control bus (M-BUS). HRNA-A2 have the functions that detects various fault per node and D-BUS faultoccurs in operation, and reports detected faults to HICA-A2 through M-BUS. HRNA-A2 performs fault recovery functions by initializing fault detected node andswitching of D-BUS.  (3) Structure Diagram of GCIN• GCIN consists of Routing functions between LCINs.• GCIN consists of Routing functions between subsystems in GCIN.The following Fig.2.9 describes structure diagram of GCIN
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-14HICA-A2HICA-A2 HRNA-A2HRNA-A2 T1/E1Data Bus (D-Bus)Data Bus (D-Bus)Maintenance Bus (M-Bus)Maintenance Bus (M-Bus)U-LinkU-LinkHNTA-A2/HNTA-A2/HNEA-A2HNEA-A2BSC Blocks & UnitsBSC Blocks & UnitsBTSBTSu-linkFigure 2.9 Structure Diagram of GCIN(4) Address SystemGCIN uses 3 byte address system enough to process traffic resources in BS (BTS &BSC).
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-152.3  S/W Structure and Function2.3.1  OverviewSoftware of CCP and TSB consists of an operation and maintenance Software and acontrol and resource management Software of each subsystem.Software of BSM can largely be divided into an operation function and a general function.The operation function consists of a software taking charge of system loading, systemstructure management and performance management and a software taking charge ofmaintenance function that detects, isolates and recovers abnormally-running device.The general function consists of software taking charge of data communication function,data management function, and manager link function.2.3.2  Structure2.3.2.1  CCP Software(1) CCOX (Call Control eXecution)• Origination and Termination call processing processed by the unit of Process CCOXregisters and manages their call by the unit of Process and releases Process by CallRelease function.• Origination call processing, in case of receiving Call Request of Handset from BS,allocates selector and ensures traffic channel by using resource allocation functionand requests Call Setup to MSC. If the approval from MSC is identified, Call Setup ofOrigination call processing is completed• Termination call processing, in case of receiving Paging Request from MSC, allocatesselector and ensures traffic channel by using resource allocation function andcompletes Call Setup of termination call processing• Origination and Termination Call Release are performed in case of requesting CallRelease by telephone network subscriber or Handset, and cause Call Path andwireless channel and inform it of data processing function• also, performs designated path CALL SETUP and CALL TRACE function
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-16(2) CDAX (CCP Database Access eXecution)• It is a library that supplies various functions able to read, write and access the   operation information in CCP and the PLD saving configuration information.(3) CRAX (CCP Resource Allocation eXecution)• initialization of configuration information of CCP• statistics library supply• available call resource library supply(4) CMMX (CCP Measurement Manager eXecution)This block has a function for measurement and statistics processing.• statistics data collection & measurement• statistics data report• linking with call processing S/W & library call• statistics count decision  (event collection /accumulation/totalization)(5) CDIAX (CCP DIAgnosis eXecution)It consists of diagnostic function and performance drop prevention function bydiagnosis in initialization and system operation• diagnosis for process, Device, path• automatic diagnosis for vocoder and link(6) CSHX (CCP Status Handling eXecution)It consists of functions for state management of system• processor state checking• management of vocoder and link state• information supply for available resource(7) CRMX (CCP Resource Management eXecution))It consists of functions for resource configuration management• configuration control of resource• resource data processing by MMC• common data (BCP&CCP Common Data) loading and data display(8) CPLX (CCP Process Loader eXecution)It consists of initial Loading and Loading function in operation.• Start and Restart of initial system
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-17• Start and Restart of process• Stand-by Loading• initialization (data initialization, process initialization and state identification)  Software Structure of CCPThe following Fig.2.10 describes S/W structure of CCPCCOX CRMXCDAXCSHXCDIAXCMMXCPLXCRAXPLDFigure 2.10 S/W Structure of CCP2.3.2.3  TSB S/W StructureTSB S/W (from now on, SVPX) is the S/W block driven over VSOA board, since twoProcessors exist in one board, each Processor process six channels. SVPX processestraffics and signals coming from Mobile, CE and CCP. SVPX consists of following Tasks.[Refer to Fig.2.11]
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-18VocoderCall proc TaskLayer2 Task29K DriverMain TaskCCP msgroutineRx Int ServerHandoff TaskTx Int ServerPower ControlTaskVoiceSignalBTS(CE)CCPFigure 2.11 TSB S/W Structure(1) 29K DriverAs initial Task after SVPX is loaded , it initializes processor and plays an interface rolebetween AP and Devices. Other tasks are processed over this Driver(2) Main TaskIf main task takes over control from Driver,  it initializes Queue and Vocoder state andgenerates task and initializes it.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-19(3) Rx Interrupt ServerTraffic Frame transmits and receives one frame every 20msec per call. Some ofreverse frame coming from Mobile every 20msec contain a vocoded voice data and aCAI  (Common Air Interface) message for call processing. The Voice data is transmitted into Vocoder, the CAI message is transmitted intoCallproc Task, and control message coming from CE is also transmitted into CallprocTask.Rx Interrupt server estimates frame quality by Quality Metric value and transmits thatinto Reverse Power Control, practices Rx Frame Selection in case of handoff.(4) Tx Interrupt ServerIt makes Forward Frame every 20ms and also transmits that. In case of handoff, itmulticasts to maximum three BTSs.(5) Layer2 TaskIt processes ACK_SEQ, MSG_SEQ and ACK_REQ field of respective message toaccomplish reliable message exchange between Mobile, CE and BS.It processes Ack of a receiving message and retransmits a transmitting message incase  of necessity(6) Callproc TaskIt performs appropriate call processing according to signal from Mobile, CE and CCP.(7) Handoff TaskIn case of processing control message related to Handoff, it is according to handoffdecision of CCP. And it performs corresponding handoff type. Handoff type is largelydivided into SOFTER H/O, SOFT H/O and HARD H/O.(8) Power Control TaskAccording to PMRM (Power Measurement Report Message) or Erasure Indicator Bitcoming from Mobile, it performs Forward Power Control indicating Forward TrafficChannel Gain adjustment into CE every 20ms and indicates Reverse Traffic Poweradjustment of Mobile through CE every 1.25ms, after checking FER of Reverse TrafficFrame2.3.2.4 BSM Software
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-20(1) CDMX (Configuration Data Manager eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA CDMX block manages some data such as operation parameter requested toperform Inherent function of BTS and BSC subsystems and hardware placementinformation. Also, the CDMX receives a command through manager link in BSM tosupply coherence of data alternation and adaptation and processes that. And theCDMX saves the processed result in database and reports it to manager.The CDMX consists of a CDM_interface unit which makes corresponding functionwork by analyzing the message received from UIM (User Interface Manager), aPLD_access unit for PLD access and a Data_send unit for data transmission intosubsystem. After classifying the received message, The CDMX process thecommand and sends the processing result to UIM2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.12 describes CDMX block flowchart.a. informs BIM that CDM is in normal state.b. sends the processing results received from UIM for mamager's command fordata processing.c. In case of Data Change Request, send data to the CRM and receive result.d. receives a PLD Change Request Message from the APPe. sends processing result to the APP.BIM UMH BSM APPsCDMCRM UIMPLDacebd
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-21Figure 2.12 CDMX block flowchart
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-22(2) SLX (System Loader Execution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionDuring initialization of CCP and ACP subsystem, a SLX loads application blocksperformed in CDMA system into CCP and ACP. The SLX renew database tomanage loading history according to location information and state of system loadedin case of performing loading of each subsystem.Function related to CCP out of Subsystem Restart and Block Switch function byMMC is processed by CPL. Function related to BCP, SIP and SVP is performed byinter-working with CPL, Booter of BCP, SIP, SVP, and PL. It supplies a loadinghistory by MMC for manager.Also, The SLX removes specific block out of application  blocks performed in eachsubsystem or adds application block to specific subsystem.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.13 describes SLX block flowchart.CDM UIM FLMSLCBOOT ACP BOOTCPLFigure 2.13 SLX Block Flowchart(3) SMMX (Statistics Measurement Manager eXecution)1) Block summary and working functionA SMMX block requests BSC system to measure performance data. The SMMXprocesses statistics of the measured data, saves it and outputs it. Also, the SMMXoutputs statistics report output according to user’s request by using a periodically
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-23receiving performance data in BSC system. The SMMX can stop and start themeasurement on system.Software unit of SMM block consists of Command Processing Part, Signal MessageFormat Processing Part, Screen Output Format Part, and Database ProcessingPart. Command Processing Part processes command inputted by manager. SignalMessage Format Processing Part formats the signal message which will betransmitted. Signal Message Unformatting Processing Part unformats the signalmessage. Screen Output Format Part outputs a statistical data on the BSMmessage output window. Database Processing Part manages the statisticaldatabase.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.14 describes SMMX block flowchart.SMM blockMessage QueueBIM blockMessage QueueMessage QueueDCIblock UIM blockStatistics  DatabaseMemory MapFigure 2.14 SMMX Block Flowchart
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-24(4) FLMX (FauLt Management eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA FLMX block has functions which process a fault and alarm message caused atBTS and BSC system. The received fault message of the FLMX block is related tothe Fault detected by test and maintenance function of BTS and BSC system. If thestate of fault is serious (i.e. fault classified into alarm), the FLMX informs manager ofthat by driving a message and an audible and visible alarm after decidingcorresponding alarm grade. If the FLMX receives a command from manager, theFLMX  initializes the database that has the current state information of alarm. Alsothe FLMX initializes a database for visible alarm which appears at the terminal anda database for audible alarm.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.15 describes FLMX block flowchart.a. receipt of manager’s command from UIM block and report of result.b. report Alarm and Fault processing result to OFH block .c. send signal to STM block.d. receipt of GPS state alarm from the SCM blocke. receipt of H/W alarm from ACP blockf. receipt of alarm from CINg. receipt of LCIN S/W alarm from CCPh. receipt of BTS S/W alarm from BMP
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-25FLMUIM OFHSCMBMPGCINACPCCPa bc deg fhSTMBSMBSMBSCBSC Micro-BTSMicro-BTSFigure 2.15 FLMX Block Flowchart(5) TSMX (TeSt Manager eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA TSMX block tests for the fault diagnosis of BTS and  BSC system. The TSMXconsists of a unit which analyzes command of manager, a  unit which packs to sendthe analyzed message to corresponding subsystem, a unit which analyzes aexecution result transmitted from subsystem and a unit for accessing database.Also, the TSMX consists of a Temporary Processor executed by manager’s requestand a Permanent Processor which performs data management and processing of areceiving message.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.16 describes TSMX block flowchart.a. Test Request for DEVICEb. Response for DEVICE Test Requestc. Test Request for BTS LINK and Channel Elementd. Response for BTS LINK and Channel Element Test Requeste. Test Request for Vocoderf. Response for Vocoder Test Requestg. Request for virtual call test and BTS output adjustment
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-26h. Virtual test and BTS output adjustment resulti. Virtual Call Set up Request and BTS output adjustment Requestj. Virtual Call Set up and BTS output adjustment resultk. BTS output adjustment Requestl. BTS output adjustment resultm. antenna test, remote call test and test terminal operation information outputRequestn. antenna test, remote call test result and test terminal operation informationTSMXBCOX BTCATMNXCDIAXCCOXBDIAXa bcdefghij lkmnFigure 2.16 TSMX block flowchart(6) STMX (Status Management eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA STMX block displays the things (which result from  monitoring state of mainprocessors in BSC system and searching each processor  and device state and callresource state of BSC and BTS system, in case of  manager’s demand) onmanager’s screen .The STMX also manages and maintains BTS and BSC  system or state of devicewith interworking with the structure management and the  fault managementfunction.There are some functions in STMX, a monitoring function of BSC main processor
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-27state, a processor and  device state search function of BTS and BSC by manager’srequest, a overload  Control function and a call resource state search function ofGUI (Graphic User Interface) screen.The function monitoring Processor state is to monitor action state of thesesubsystem by polling CCP, ACP, HICA, TSGA processor periodically. Theprocessor and device state search function of BTS and BSC by manager’s requesthas a responsibility for request and output for device state which each subsystem ismanaging now.The overload control function is to output overload state of CCP and BCP andchange overload critical value of CCP and BCP.The call resource state search function of GUI screen is ,when manager is on callresource state screen, to reflect it on screen by searching current accurate callresource state periodically.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.17 describes STMX block flow chart.Figure 2.17 STMX Block Flowcharta Monitoring and Request of ACP Processor Stateb Report of ACP Processor Statec Monitoring of CCP Processor State, State Request of processor and devices,Overload Control and Report of Stated Monitoring of CCP Processor State, State Report of processor and devices,Report of Overhead Statee Monitoring and Request of TSGA Processor State , Request of TFDA Statef Report of TSGA Processor State , Report of TFDA Stateg Monitoring of GCIN/LCIN Processor State, Request of GCIN/LCIN/BINProcessor and Node State and Request of Active Side Switchh Report of GCIN/LCIN Processor State, Report of GCIN/LCIN/BIN Processorand Node State, Report of Active Side Switch
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-28i Request of TFSA and GPS Processor Statej Report of TFSA and GPS Processor Statek Request of SACA Processor Statel Report of SACA Processor Statem Request of BTS Processor and device State and Request of Overload Controland Staten Report of BTS Processor and device State and Report of Overload State(6) DCIX (Data Communication Interface eXecution) A DCIX block supplies a path for transmitting/receiving a management informationbetween application blocks in BSM and other subsystems in BTS and BSC system,and communicates with other system by HDLC. Communication with other system is accomplished through RS-422 at the speed of2.048Mbps. and a data link uses point-to-multipoint method. The DCI block is generated by BIM block, initializes a necessary data for setting up adata link between other subsystems and must be in a standby state to set up the datalink with other subsystem . Application block in BSM (in case of establishing data link) or DCI block  (in case ofreceiving message from other subsystem) must perform procedure which processesthis message. (7) DBHX (DataBase Handler eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA DBHX block establishes, initializes and manages a database which applicationblock in BSM need.The DBHX block consists of a DBD (DataBase Definition) software unit and    aDBM (DataBase Management) software unit.The DBD function is to generate a database through setting up relation betweeneach entities to remove overlap properties of data which each application blockneeds.The DBM supplies a function which ,in case of using a database of a application inBSM, processes the data efficiently and exactly.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-292) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.18 describes DBHX block flow chart.DBH blockBIM block Message Queue UIM blockBSM DATABASEMemory MapFigure 2.18 DBHX Block Flowchart(9) UIMX (User Interface Manager eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA UIMX block performs all functions related to window such as creation and removalof window and event processing, and supplies a function which outputs a systemstate and information as to alarm and statistics with simply and logicallyrecognizable graphic typeAlso, the UIMX processes events caused from manager and displays a informationsupplied from each application block on manager’s terminal screen with text orgraphic. Also, the UIMX block supplies a command input type about GUI (graphicuser interface) such as menu and dialogue box .After formatting a voluntary message received from system (i.e. fault and alarmmessage, state, statistics report and test result) , the UIMX block displays that onthe system display window.2) Block flowchartThe following Fig.2.19 describes UIMX block flowchart.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-30UIMBIMMessageQueueCOHAPPforkreadforkwritewritepipe (r/w)Figure 2.19 UIMX Block Flowchart(10) COHX (COmmand Handling eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA COHX block performs a syntax and meaning analysis function of input commandand a execution control function. The Syntax analysis checks the accuracy of thegrammar of a inputted command and the Meaning analysis checks the meaning ofcommand and the range of parameter.If format error occurs on analysis procedure, Command Analysis block supplies thelocation of error, the kind of error and the information for error correction.On the other hand, if analysis result of command prove to be out of error, thecommand drives application function to perform the command, receives executionresult from application function and displays it on display window by transmitting itinto UIM block.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.20 describes COHX block flowchart.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-31CDDfileCOHCOH Application Blocks(FLM, SL, STM,TSM, CDM, SMM)CDDfileinput commandoutput commandforkpipeforkpipeFigure 2.20 COHX Block Flowchart(11) BIMX (BSM Initialization and Maintenance eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA BIMX block is first initiated at the BSM software. Also, the BIMX block is initiatedin  case of booting of BSM system or by manager. In case of initialization of BSM,BIM initializes all necessary internal data of BSM, executes a permanent processblock and initializes a necessary IPC function for data communication betweenblocks in BSM.If all block is run, BIM monitors the action state of permanent process. while, If theaction of these process is stopped abnormally, BIM takes an appropriate recoveryprocedure and reports this fact to manager.2) Block Flowchart The following Fig.2.21 describes BIMX block flowchart.a. SCM drive and state management by BIMb. DCI drive and state management by BIMc. BSM application- part drive and state management by BIMd. UIM drive and state management by BIMe. LJH drive and state management by BIMf. UIM drive and state management by BIMg. UMH drive and state management by BIM
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-32B         I       MSCMDCIBSM Ap-partSL,CDMSMM, STMTSM, FLMetc.LJHUIMUMHFigure 2.21 BIMX Block Flowchart(12) UMHX (Unsolicited Message Handler eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionIn case of receiving a initial message from BTS or BSC system, a UMHX blockgenerates a corresponding application block for processing the message and let itperform the requested application function.After adding a corresponding permanent process ID to the received message, theUMHX makes the corresponding process the message by transmitting it into amessage Queue. The UIM block is driven as a permanent processor by BIM block.After reporting current state to BIM block, if UIM receives processors of STM, SMM,TSM, FLM and SL block from BIM block, before receiving a system output messagecorresponding to STM, SMM, TSM, FLM and SL block, after UMH block preparesfor receiving the system output message of other subsystem, when a correspondingmessage is delivered, the UMH block analyzes Signal_id and performs a functionwhich generates a corresponding block in BSM.2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.22 describes UMHX block flowchart.a. BIM reports UMH drive and drive state to the BIMb. receipt of unidentified initial messagec. Temporary processor generation and message transmission and management
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-33d. permanent processor id management and corresponding message transmissione. transmit UMH state information into the UIMB         I       MDCIPermanentProcessor(SL, SMM,STM, TSM,FLM)TemporaryprocessorSL, CDMUIMUMHacedbFigure 2.22 UMHX Block Flowchart(13) LJHX (Long-term Job Handler eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA LJHX block performs a application function by generating a application blockwhich requires a long time requested by manager and manages the state of this.The LJH block is driven as a permanent processor by BIM block. And after reportingcurrent state to BIM block, the LJH block prepares for generating a processor whichrequires the long time requested by manager.If the LJHX block receives a processor performed for long time by manager’srequest, the LJHX performs a function which generates a corresponding block inBSM by analyzing the corresponding command2) Block FlowchartThe following Fig.2.23 describes LJHX block flowchart.
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-34BIMMessageQueueJH blockMessageQueueMessageQueueMessageQueueManager requestblockUIM blockFigure 2.23 LJHX Block Flowchart(14) SCMX (System Clock Manager eXecution)1) Block Summary and Working FunctionA SCMX block receives periodically TOD (Time Of Day) from GPS, sets up BSMtime and reports that to application block which requires TOD. The SCM block isdriven as a permanent processor by BIM block .After reporting current state to BIM block, the SCM block prepares for receivingTODClock from GPS every two seconds. In case that the receiving Clock is out of error,the SCM block compares it with current BSM System Clock.If range of error is within 3 second, the SCM block don’t reset the BSM SystemClock, and If range of error is over 3 second, the SCM block resets the BSM SystemClock.2) Block Flowchart The following Fig.2.24 describes SCMX block flowchart.a. BIM control SCM drive and drive stateb. receive TOD Clock from GPSc. transmit SCM state information into the FLMX
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-35BIMGPS SCMFLMXabcFigure 2.24 SCMX Block Flowchart
User’s ManualPROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL 2-362.3.2.5  BSM Software StructureThe following Fig.2.25 describes BSM system s/w block structureFigure 2.25 BSM System S/W Block Structure
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-1Chapter 3  BSM Operation & Administration3.1  BSM Operation3.1.1 OverviewThis chapter describes the operations and functions of BSM (Base Station Manager) whichtakes a part of system operation, administration, and maintenance of the subsystems ofBSC (Base Station Controller) in the mobile communication systems.BSM provides GUI (Graphic User Interface) for OAM (Operation, Administration, andMaintenance) which is status monitoring, performance measurement, statistics processing,configuration management, alarm handling and so on. So, operators can use andunderstand easily.Figure 3.1 represents the initial display window of BSM when you start the BSM system upin the workstation with the command, “bimx” without logging in it.Figure 3.1 BSM Initial Display
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-23.1.2  Main Display StructureWhen you log in BSM with the specific user ID and password, the window such as Figure3.2 is displayed.Figure 3.2 BSM Main Display3.1.3  Main Button3.1.3.1  Operation by “Login” Button
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-3You can use the command for the CDMA System and service for the User by using login.Figure 3.3 represents the login dialog box in BSM.(1) Login Procedure1) If you choose the "Login" Button in the main display window, "Login Dialog"window is displayed.2) You input the Login name and Password in the "Login Dialog" window and thenpress the "OK" Button.3) When the wrong spell is inputted or the login name or password is mistyped, thelogin name or password, you can modify it using "Back space" key or "DEL" key.Figure 3.3 BSM Login Window
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-  Operation by "History" Button(1) If you choose the "History" button such as Figure 3.4 in the BSM Tile window, "HistoryTool" window is displayed like Figure 3.5.    Figure 3.4 HISTORY Button    Figure 3.5 History Tool    (2) In the "History Tool" window, "File Handling" item functions "Display", "Print", and"Delete" of the history file. The user of being good at UNIX system uses "VI Editor"item to do them. First, if you press the "File Handling" button, "File Selection Dialog"window such as Figure 3.6 displays.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-5   Figure 3.6 File Selection Dialog (3) If you choose a certain date of date list in the "Directories" field of "File SelectionDialog" window and then press the "Filter" button, "CHD" and "MHD" directoriesdisplay in the "Directories" field (Because both directories are operated in the samemanner, here deals with only the "CHD" directory). (4) If you choose "CHD" directory and then press "Filter" button, a lot of files display in the"Files" field, which is stored to command list by the elapsed time. (5) If you choose a file of the list in the “Files” field of “File Selection Dialog” and press“OK” button, the following window such as Figure 3.7 is represented. This list is sortedto time.  Note – You can also use this shortcut: double-click the file name in the dialog box.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-6   Figure 3.7 Result of “File Handling” (6) Figure 3.7 shows the function of searching words. If you enter the word that you wantto search in the “Search : “ Text Field and push the Arrow Button () (or enter theRETURN Key). Then the screen moves the location of the word to the first locationyou want to search. It is possible to use the Down Arrow button or Return Key if youwant another locations of the word, The Up Arrow Button is used for searching theword to upper field. (7) If you choose the "Close” button, the window such as Figure 3.7 is closed. (8) If you choose "VI editor" button in the History Tool of Figure 3.5, "File SelectionDialog" window such as Figure 3.6 displays and you can select the specific file in
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-7order to open it. After the procedures such as (3), (4), and (5) are processed, vi editorwindow is created.Figure 3.8 Result of “Vi Editor”• VI Basic CommandsIn the descriptions, CR stands for carriage return and ESC stands for the escape key.:q!CR quit/textCR search for text(ex)  /M5015 DISPLAY <enter>^U ^D   scroll up or down^L clear and redraw window
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-  Operation by System ButtonPressing this button presented to Figure 3.9 enables the operator to control user relatedinformation, command structures, peripheral devices of BSM. When you log in to the BSM,you are limited the control authorization according to user’s level or grade.Figure 3.9 System ButtonTo Start BSM System Manager :• Click the System button in the BSM main window and User Information Dialog ofFig.3.10 is displayed.   Figure 3.10 User Information Dialog • Type the User ID and the Password in the corresponding field and then press “OK”button3.  Operations by Super-user (root)If you type “root” and its password in the User Information Dialog of Fig. 3.10 , the windowsuch as Figure 3.11 is displayed.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-9Figure 3.11 System Control Window3.  User MenuThe only super-user can manage all grades of registered users. That is, the super-usercan add, register, modify, and delete user.• ADD submenu :  Super-user uses this menu to register a new user. The default grade ofuser created newly is level 2. Figure 3.12 presents the input window in order to create oradd a new user in BSM.• Delete submenu :  This menu is used to delete the registered user. If you input a specificuser ID to the window such as Figure 3.13, you can delete it.• Modify submenu :  This menu is used to change the contents of the registered user. Ifyou select “Modify” menu, the input window is displayed and you can modify the user IDin this window. If you input the modifying user Id and click “OK” button, the outputwindow is represented. This output window indicates the information of “User ID”,“Password”, “Class” and “Name”. You can edit each fields and you can modify the userinformation by pressing ”OK” button. The window of modifying the user information ispresented in Figure 3.14. Figure 3.14 represents the example of changing the usergrade of authorization for the command. That is, this figure presents changing theauthorization level of “test” user.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-10  Figure 3.12 User Add   Figure 3.13 User Delete          Figure 3.14 Modify a user
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-11  Figure 3.15 List up the user information    Figure 3.16 Change user’s password • Display submenu :  This button is used to output or display all the registered users.Figure 3.15 presents the output window of the user information.• Passwd submenu : This is used to modify the password of current log-on user in BSM.In other words, this menu modifies root’s password. Figure 3.16 presents the window,which changes the password of specific user.• Close submenu : Termination of system function3.  Operations by Command menuThis menu is used to create or edit a CDD(Command Data Description) file and check thecontents of CDD file that currently registered in the system.• File submenu : This menu is used to manipulate the CDD file. It consists of thesesubmenus: New, Open, Save, SaveAs, Print, Delete, and Quit
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-12• Check submenu :This menu is used to check all the CDD file and then displays its resultin the corresponding window.  Operations by Window menuThis menu is used to arrange several windows.• Tiling submenu : It arranges and adjusts the unsettled windows.  “Device” menuThis menu is used to control the peripheral devices connected to the BSM workstation.There are three submenus in this menu as follows:• Printer submenu : This menu is set to the kind of printer, and decides the setting of theprinter mode, On/Off.• Speaker submenu : This menu is set to audio device mode, On/Off.• Modem submenu : Not implemented
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-133.1.4 Command ButtonsBSM system provides dozens of commands for CDMA system. These buttons arepresented in Figure 3.17.Figure 3.17 BSM Main ScreenFigure 3.18 Command Panel3.1.4.1 Operation of Alarm Command
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-14(1) If you select “Alarm” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, “Alarm CommandDialog” window is represented. In this window, if you select the command button toprocess, BSM displays the window that you are able to input parameters for thecorresponding command.Figure 3.19 Alarm Command Dialog(2) If the window displays, which operators can input the related parameters to the systemfor the corresponding command in Figure 3.19, you may enter the values ofparameters and then press “Run” button.   Figure 3.20 Parameter Input Window : Example of CHG-ALM-BCP(3) In the command window, the corresponding message for the parsed command is
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-15represented and BSM executes it.(4) If you need to help for the corresponding command, you can click “Help” button andrefer to help message. Operations by Loading CommandIf you select “Loading” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, “Loading CommandDialog” window is represented.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.21  Loading Command Dialog3.1.4.3 Operation by Status CommandIf you select “Status” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the Status CommandDialog window is represented as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.22 Status Command Dialog - CCP
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-16Figure 3.23 Status Command Dialog - BCPFigure 3.24 Status Command Dialog – CINFigure 3.25 Status Command Dialog – CCP-BCP
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-17        Figure 3.26 Status Command Dialog – ACP-CKDFigure 3.27 Status Command Dialog – OTHERS3.1.4.4 Operations to Diagnosis CommandIf you select “Diagnosis” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the DiagnosisCommand Dialog displays as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-18Figure 3.28 Diagnosis Command Dialog3.1.4.5 Operations by Configuration CommandIf you select “Config” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the ConfigurationCommand Dialog is represented as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.29 Configuration Command Dialog
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3- Operations by Statistics CommandIf you select “Statistics” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the StatisticsCommand Dialog is represented as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.30 Statistics Command Dialog3.1.4.7 Operations by No.7 CommandIf you select “No.7” button in the Command Panel of Figure 3.18, the No.7 CommandDialog is represented as follows.Its function is same to that of the “Alarm” command.Figure 3.31 No.7 Command Dialog
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-203.1.5 Service ButtonThere are five service buttons in the Service Panel of Figure 3.32. These buttons help tothe operators managing the systems efficiently or easily.Figure 3.32 BSM Main Screen3.1.5.1 Change the user grade of commandThe function of this button in the Service Panel of Figure 3.33 is to output the command listby user grade or authorization and change the grade or authorization of the specificcommand. This function is used by the only super-user(root). There are three authorizationgrades: Super-user, First class user who is able to verify and change the parameters of
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-21system, and Second class user who is able to use basic function and confirm the status ofsystem. Command list is arranged by alphabet order.Figure 3.33 Service Panel – Change Command Class• Pressing the button in the Service Panel of Figure 3.33 displays the screen to changethe command class.Figure 3.34. Change Command Class Window• In the command list of the Change Command Class Window of Fig. 3.34, all thecommands are listed in alphabetical order and the number in the parentheses meansthe class. Double click an item to change the class.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-22Figure 3.35 Double Click Command to Change Class• Clicking the pop-down button of the Change Command Class Window shows as follows.Click one of these classes and press Apply button, then the changed class is applied tothe command list.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-23          Figure 3.36. Change the Class of ACT-BDTU to Class 1 • If you want to turn it back to the original class, press Reset button.• Pressing Quit button ends the function. BatchThis service button in Figure 3.37 is able to write, edit, and execute the batch file. This fileis composed of a series of BSM commands.Figure 3.37 Service Panel - Batch• If you press “Batch” button in the Service Panel, BSM displays such as Figure 3.38.• The File menu in the Batch File Editor of Figure 3.38 has several commands as below:a) New    - New batch file.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-24b) Open   - Open and read an existing batch file.c) Save  - Save the batch file written by operator.d) SaveAs  - Save the batch file to another file name.e) Delete   - Delete the batch file.f) Run  - execute Batch in the editor window.g) Vi   - run Vi editorh) Print   - Print the contents of file.i) Quit     - Quit Batch File Editor.Figure 3.38 Batch File EditorExample of Batch file :
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3- Statistics Data ViewerFigure 3.39 Service Panel – Statistics Data Viewer• If you press the button “Statistics Data Viewer” in Service Panel, you can see thewindow such as Figure 3.40. The function of this window is that the binary statistic dataoccured for 10 minute , 1 hour or 1 day is converted to the text type data.Figure 3.40 Statistics Data Viewer• For example, if you press “00-10” button in the window of the Figure 3.40, the statistictext data for 10 minutes ( 00 - 10 minutes ) is displayed in the following window. ScrollBar is used for moving the screen or searching any words.• Usage of the word searching function : If you enter the word that you want to search inthe “Search : “ Text Field and push the Arrow Button () (or enter the RETURN Key).Then the screen moves the location of the word to the first location of word or string thatyou want to search. It is possible to use the Down Arrow button or Return Key if you
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-26want another locations of the word, The Up Arrow Button is used for searching the wordto the upper field.Figure 3.41 Statistics Data Viewer : 00- History SearchFigure 3.42 Service Panel – History Search• The “History Search” of the Service Panel provides the fuction of “History search”,shown in Figure 3.42. It is possible to search the types of date, time, kind, and code for
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-27command and message history in BSM. Search Message HistoryFigure 3.43 Search Message History• Message History Search Initial Screen is shown in Figure 3.43. The default values forDATE and TIME are current values for one hours. If You don’t set the TYPE and CODE,all messages are displayed for the setting values.• TYPE can be selected several items at one time. Also, CODE can be inputted severalvalues by using comma(,), Among messages of selected type, the messages related toinputted CODE are displayed• For example, in case Figure 3.44, messages related to CODE number 4207, 4209, and4001 among alarm, fault, and status messages occured from 17:14 to 18:14 in09/12/1998 would be searched and displayed.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-28Figure 3.44 Example of Search Message History• If “OK” button is clicked, the window like Figure 3.45 would be poped up at center ofscreen.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-29Figure 3.45 Result of Search Message History3. Search Command History• “Command history search initial window” is showned in Figure 3.46. Operation can berefferd to “message history search”.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-30Figure 3.46 Search Command History3.1.5.5 HelpFigure 3.47 Service Panel – Help of Commands• Press “Help” in the Service Panel of Figure 3.47, and “Help Selection Dialog” window ofFigure 3.48 is represented.
User’s Manual                        PROPRIETARY & CONFIDENTIAL                    3-31Figure 3.48 Help Selection Dialog• Select one command in the command list and press “OK” button(or Double-click onecommand), and the help message for the command appears:Figure 3.49 Help Message

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