Hyundai Electronics Co HLM-1400 User Manual 66432

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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize43.4kB (542555 bits)
Date Submitted1999-10-26 00:00:00
Date Available1998-09-01 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-25 00:39:28
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-25 00:39:36
Document Title66432.pdf
Document Author: jsoscia

REPORT \0 2 HEIfRF79806001 FCC 1D ‘ CKLHUPMOO DATE 2 JUN. 12, 1998
.; 52 E 35.5
m , P... 5. x; “W:
Federal Communications Commission
Radio Frequency Interference Statement
lrl'aming: "Change at" madifieatiam 110i m'presxli/ improved by the party
Note :
responsible for compliance with the FCC is Rules (The I’C’C
"Grantee? caulil (Will the guarantee”
This equipment hay been tested and foam! to comply with the
[im' a“ fur a claxs 13 digital device, pumumt In part 15 of the
FCC Rules: These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interferenre when generates uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifrmt installed and
used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio mmmunimtianx
Operation of this equipment in residential area is likely to
cause harmful interference in which case the user will be
required to correct the interference at his own exnense.
This is a Class B praduct, In a domestic environment this product may
cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take
adequate measure-st
J.r,l\ «l;y,1\,‘\“\! “114," /‘x
, Viki
DelaxScan“ mum
[I 15 H ) 771W HI IfL/JC’I‘RU/VICS IA\'I)l (S'TRI/L'S CO" 1,77).
Almi-Vi Bubu/J'Juh [than—S (yang/fill)”
Ala/mu under our mic rusymnylbi/[Au [hut lhu [Wm/ad:
Kind ufequipmenl : COLOR LCD MONITOR
Yype-IJesignatfon : [IL/111400
(n 1111111) {In} def/(111111011 mid/m” [x [n L'flllfilr‘ImU/ with {he follnu‘inyAft/mlardfix‘)
or “(her nnrmua/iflu (Incumunl (x1
Safety : ENGWH): 1992 + A], A2. A?
EMC : EN55 (22/1994, EN50 (1821 ”9.92
[EC 8012/1991, [EC 80 17311984, 115C 3014/1998 1
' ‘uz'IiUu 7321/15/30
fnlluu‘fz f/wflr‘lll’AHNY"1111/70Lou‘ l'n
f/If/(in‘i/If/LY ' and [he MW ' Hired/nu (SW/IL?
Accredited tax"! [abumtory :
TUV I’mducl Service GMBH
0480339 Mum/ten GERMANY
fZJl/mviny t/u’ nmmkinnx n/lhcl (7 Din't'fine &‘1/.'i’ih'//;'Iz' L'.
Accredited test laboratory :
TUV Rheihmd
Am Gmuen Stein
51105 Kain
Korea Nun /2fl, 1.998 HONG KI, KIM
Nana an lyiwture Ufauzhorized 1101x0711
IA How [a gut the mm? e}Ur};/inc’lifll'if/l monitor 2
‘ [Mr/lures“
- (icnera/ Hu/L’lg/ mwuulirmx
- JIu/nlunmu‘c
L’, Ins/allurimz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5
2—1. Put/ring List
2—2. (antral (luxfnfilfun
2-3. (fmmudiny with m‘lemal equip/71m?
2-4, I'll/w) inpul terminal
"3. AIfz'rm'mzlmilerli'aiums‘ ~- 8
i. [hatermanayenwnt ------------------------------------ f)
5. Preset Mm]? chart ——————————————————————————————————— 10
6. (Jr: screenconfmls & LED indicator , 2
Z Specité‘altimzs ------------------------------------------ 18
w. H\ ww Mm 4P—
Mum“ wxwm'wm Haw:
' 5% DeluxScan” mum
i. How in ye! i110 maxi enioyment will: mmzilm‘
Thix i.\ u 14.1"mlor LC!) mmflturant/ul: [IL/111400) to tlix'pluyxiynalx li'um
penmnal m‘ mirm mmpuiurx.
This manual has“ been prepared to uxxlist you in hacnminy familiar u‘iih
yum new (lisp/cw nzmzitur.
o it’ll/um»
. 14. l "l'iuu'uhlu _\'(1 “1024 X 768} luv/alum LC!) lVIlM/Ll/L’
. I izlimilctl Color Display
. NI’JISlllixpluy l’uu‘m' .W£ll?((£/UI71UII( Signal/raw
. USU/0:1 Screen Dix/flay) ( onimlx. Hui/i Language US!) Menu
. Sal/M1 limctiim
, implement the l)I)(' 1/21; fwllurm‘
Thix' monitor inf/mics /)/)(' 1/21? [emu/cs,
/)/)(,‘ l/Zlfllfixnluy Data (T/umnul l/ZM) iv a t‘mnmuniculiun channel {mar
which the mmzilm’ uulmnulirally informs [he has! xys'ln'm affix
umziliilili ,
I)I)C 1/21? wax u fln'murll/ unmnnez‘lcd sit/nu! pins in lhu [5—771'71 WH
7‘le Ayala”? will 710rfi1rn7 "/’luy&#luy" failure if both monitor and lmxt
systems‘ support /)/)L' 1/2]; m'uloml.
Some z'umpuler systems are flat compatible with the BBC
If your monitor is displaying a wrong rewlulion, please
dwelt your computer system including 41 BBC wmpalible
video card and contart HYUNDAI Service Center,
‘]‘\LU\‘\~M\\JVV¥\ ‘M'M
' General Safety precautions
Thix t'Wzmitur has been enytneered and manufactured ta unsure your safety,
and you can prevent yuur A'a/ety from xeriaus eier'trfm/ xhnck and other
Izuzunls hy keeping in mint! the tat/luring attentimm
Ha not piaa' hearty. we! or matmetit'
ml the nmmtar at the leItl'L’t‘ yard.
.r\7e1‘er farm“ the rentilatiml apeninyx
with any material and never taut/1
tlwm with !77L‘ttl/lft' at inflammable
Amid operating the monitor in the
place extremely healed, humid or
affected by tluxt.
temperature 35 “C
Humidity :.'10~Ht)IEH
Be sure tn turn the monitor 0/7
before plugging the power card into
the SUE/(Bi Uf]11)tlf(’Y.\'/)u7('&
Make sure that the power cord and
the other ("only are wrung/y and
rightly anmedud,
Overloaded AC outlets and extension
mrds are dangerous. So are frayed
power yards and broken plugs. They
may result in a shark or fire hazard.
Cut! your xeruice terhnician for
«WW 4 i
I)“ 11le me [be sharp tun! well as
pin or pend! [a mum! [he scratch
on [he LC!) surface.
I)“ no! me the 501er xm'h 11x
benzene (u dean {he mmu’z‘nr,
It 14'1'1/ damage [0 LC!) surfila’.
Do nut 0pr {he man/tin: 77mm are nu
user 'UY1’f('ULIh/U mmpmwnfx hull/e.
Then 5 (Imwemm hit/h l’n/tug/ex [n side,
even when power is 0/7: If the display
mnm’lur dam not operate pruper/y.
remove [he power run! from [he zmll
(tulle), and muted your Lieu/w: Any with
any electrical equipment, (11721355 uxer
am! zmpmft'sxional muinlezmnfe are able
In muse sex/bus electricul shack and
other hazards:
, 7 my fIIlI 'I 1
2. Installation
3? l. Parr/ring Us!
u u\
‘HnH‘mH‘ M'Mu
w DelaxScan” Lumo
‘).. ‘7
( ‘u‘nlml {Ivscripfizm
- Front View
|‘1)\\'III€ LIIH
PUWEK I\{\( 13
‘HMH‘ Au, 4“'\\ I‘UN'M
2-3. L‘rmncamg with external equipment
0 Cuutiuns
Hy sum [0 {um off My pnu'w' aft/our ("um/water befure ("an/letting {he
R , 2 1, 3 ‘
"711m input [ermr'na/
A 1.7/7f71 Daub umm’ctur f.» 11501! u.\ the [711ml signal Connector.
Pin and input signals ares/1mm in {he (uh/e [re/aux
l’mnumber Signumanm I’mnumhm' Smnulname Pin number Signalname
1 RED GR] V I}
N i J 7 77 ”Db—Return 7677
77 W cizxfimmnd x, 7 MrmiGmund 7
141 Law: Gmund ll Gmund 12 SDAHJIM
13 Hm- u 77 \—\‘\'m' 13 SCUDDC)
[i Micmmnlmllpr featurex
The mirrm'anlmllar automattt‘altt/ detectx the video lmard t'm'tutled fn your
ayxlem, when ynu turn on the mun/tar. the Mla’n mntrul/er tint (harks
the display mode mummy All/I'M, in the user setting area and the tilt'tnry
mwettlny area.
a Ilixplay mudes menmry
The min“(antral/er hr!» the memury (apathy to Stare 25 dif/erent
display mar/ea“ tru’ludtny timiny [urinals and display settings. 'l'hi.\
mummy t‘upat fly 1’.» dim/ad int/1 hm parts. (tnu ix the uxur settiny area.
the Other i\‘ the tut'tm'y muse/(my area.
- llxer setting area
The axer (”an add nanxtandard mudw‘. If you adjust dtlvpluy Image, the
image if .\'(It’L‘[t autumatiz’ully. Then the mivmt'tmtmller always detufts
and displays lhe last mode xtm‘ed [n the “XL/T xettlny area when the
monitor is turned rm.
The uxer xuttiny area maintains the last II) dix/Jlay modes set by the uxer
in its memory, When the uxer setting] area [x fut/(It! modes are
registered}, it'neu' numtundurd timtny is ray/R'tUred, the alt/wt timing
xettlnys will he deleted.
- Favtnry press-(tiny area
There are I5 display mudex stared in this urea. " UM: dlkpluy madex are
preset at the factory and include most Of the display madex Currently
umtlabletxee Timmy Chart oft/71's manual).
You can also retrieve the lactury preset mode by selet‘tiny the RECALL
o Autumatirsatte
The monitor automattmtly saves the setting value after certain timesfiv
8, I2, 20, 30sec) ufadjuxtinq OS!) menu.
4. Power rmmaye‘ment
'I'hi.v monitor equipped u'ilh I)I{\1S(I)11x711ay Power Jltanayemenl Signaling}
t'um’tifm which uullnmztlm/h/ luuds thu mimi/ur [U the state offloufier
saving that mnsumcs juxt Ll [ill/H lmu’er lam than 51111”. when the
(“amputer is" left unuttum/Utl.
Alt/mug!) the mum/m“ mm bu [0/2 in murwuxuwint/ rum/u fm' [mu/Ur par/mix,
u'u z‘ct‘wnmwul tha/ yuu turn it ntl'ul'tcr yum Hui/y u'm'A'.
0 Operation
The I )/ {US lum'lilm requires support [mm the L mum/[er fiyfl/Un’l n/"mu/
witu‘urc DIM/S linu [inn app/[a]. (urrun/h/ being used. It'thc Ana/Imunlhrr
muusv} is left unattended [hr (1 [Urtuin flw'iutt, the program nr xym‘em
will set the .\'1/rzz‘.31:qnu/s [0 MW}; modes. The [Mi/{S lbm'tirm hm“ thn’u
Thy rcz'umnu’mlml wit/nails. pmrer (‘umumph’m am] revuzrery times are
shown in the [able [NJ/11112
Sum S‘Ifi’m‘ ‘ \ iner Reuwery lTED
Hsync \'sync ‘ “den Lonsumplum Tune Indlcamr
On I’uisc M9: . Active IEUWatt Green
7 Standby, V; il’ukse‘ lihnk” Less (hm ”Nermtmfi
Pulse W 4 ,, loWaEt” preen/Ordnggtlsec}
Suspend Pulse ‘ No Blank Less than Alternating
Pulse mWMt Green/Orange(0.55ecl
off he Nu Blank Less than Orange
Pulae PuISl‘ SWan
5 1' ’rese1’ Mude (Thur!
0 Timing Charis
Suppurl nil/Ur) liming/s lhix mmzilur shall he (‘uptI/J/L) nl'iiifis‘plai/ fill/tuning
l'illL’l) timing (hurt.
We” ' _ y >,,,
‘v am Mm mm
sw L wow
0 Input liming limilx
H—xym‘pulfiu wit/[I7 1.0113" é Sym' I’ulsu ll'ii/lh s Slim”
law/111“ fizz/W will”? (Mimi é Syne I ‘ulx‘u Hill/II é lijmx
Mile ‘ )
[fl/7a Sam" pulse will/h ofinfiul liming ix Ullf ufrunye ofinpul
liming [fin/ls: munilur may be able to npemle abnormal
Begum In cheek llwsym‘ pulsu width ofimml liming.
0 Input level limits
Law [Ul'l’i : 04 If mm
1/1th Level : 2.4l' min
Note 1
Even if [he monilvr tie/eds lhe input liming ax a fut/01111 1
preset mode, lhe xize and posilion may nut be able in be sel
as desired. Check lhe input timings are under lhe‘
sfleL‘i/icalinns as you wanlv
I'Ur heller gut/lily n/"dlxplay image, user [he liming and pvlurily shown
in Me prexel mode lab/u above. Please see your Hillel) Curd userk guide in
ensure (umputihilily.
‘muw ‘,7\‘\\ \~\’\\ A
o Preset Mode Table
The timing Ahnu'n in NM fill/owing table will be lilrlm‘y nmwt fur display.
. r
{Ln/mm m: w xi’ m m w“ ”“l’fl” mu Kw vmrmu, m. m, m M
mm A; um 5m mm mm} min mm WT? me mm mm
«l 77‘
jun; sum Am 2mm flIN
MW“; «. 3,11” k.” m» i’m w
M; 14mm
m 71]? wfl new "14;
w i
h. g” m m w m w 1 w, l w M “w 4qu 51m Mn 7m m mm
[mm 1 1a erasm w; «am am we}? Tum Temw w: mm T‘nlw mm was
117m 1m; FM!” 1; H.
mum mm um um NM MN m,“ ”us: we“, MM um ‘»
mul’uJflr a; , W ‘m w ”1; mu: m,
mm; mm: um u.» Mm us” Mun
4 13mm 13mm mm 1526”
n w!‘ w
4me um ma mm mm;
mm m we
\\\\\\,\\\\‘ \\3\
«m i’mm n
The monitor is compatible with additional modes u'ilhin [he one of
Milou'iny spud/Zed fiequena/ ranges prrmizletl [ha] they are different at
[em] for 0170 oft/70 lbllrm'ing:
Hm‘lzontal frequency : 1 [kHz
l’eylical frequency: 1 2H:
(J. On SEWER (run/ml; & LEI) indicator
i ‘ (In Mir/he main I 'l)[(‘(’7’
l,l>'l) Imln'ulur
v /) (711mm t/w sub—mmm,
i 1 ; ELM/[ml 2/70 m/uc Muir/1 menu
1 i l" ” ' ."’l.|tlju.\'i (‘rmh'asl/h’rii/hl u‘iih [mp-up
‘ ‘ ' ' limb/e [lie each Sub menu
t I I lz'nuh/u [he OS!) Menu
13) [fa/urn [0 higher level m’muflu
0 Main menu & (unlm/ selevtizm
Pr “s“ (lzu MEN! ' m' 5 T [rug in um’sx {he main menu.
The rum/Minn and fi'ct/ucnqz/ L17‘('([i.\'/7[(1_l/Ut[ at the tap n/lhy munu hm".
when zzunxtandard xiqnui is deluded, [he ii'uqumql/ m" displayed also.
PM? [he color box on {he cont/vi [um yuu wish to udjm'l by the V Of A key
l’ruxx ihu xuled key {0 arrests {he ("mzirni
0 Exit menu
Press [he MI; 1 ' key it”; [imw' [0 exit.
0 Auto exit
The 05!) images are sump/neared automalica/ly after few seconds
inadiivily us your satiny UNIS!) display time.
- Aulu save
The mmzilor uutomuiit‘u/ly 5mm“ [he new xeltiny while OS!) is exit
u w“ w ‘ m‘w M
0 Normal mode
VI hen nit/w) Slit/V1!” is working with mn‘mu/ zlzlspluy (”um/Him. power LEI)
is [it Green.
a I)I’V\IS muzle
The L/;'/) I'm/imlux dUY'un'n/ 3mm.» when [his um’t opera/ex in (Ii/78mm!
174W'U7' mzv’ny mm/m,
o ( m1 of range
lI/wn lilMl/[fllb/fi Aft/nu! ix [lam-mt [he 0S!) L/f.¥[)[41]/L’l1(llll uf'lfang/c
- On-Sereen Display Settings
The lel/USlmL‘flt for xvrcwz settings" are [water] in the US!) and fun be
viewed in one affine languages.
0S!) t'euture um! mun Menu fimz'tinm are u Mime
. hljmt the hurtznntut past/inn oft/w screen IV [mug/e
Adjust the fiertiml renter oft/re xereen k image.
Adjuxt the width ni'lhe .~ ‘reenls‘ [mug/e.
Clockl’hase Adjust the noise ut'th eenk imqqe.
Brightnexv Adjust the tntenxtty at Streen.
Contrast Adjust the ("entrust (If the screen 5 image
Recall Reload the l'uftorg preset mode
Calur Control (two/(ex the Color (firmtml menu.
Preset Mode llispluy the factory preset timing,
Language Select the 5 kinds of language.
USD Adjust [mm/res" the OSD post/ion adjustment menu.
OS!) Time Select the 0.87) display fimlny.
BQ©®3 Debi-GENE
m D1
sz‘WAJT‘W‘ ‘1'4/1‘,
0 Getting Fine I‘idure
Step I. A! lint! Display, u /l1/I screen. such ax. Wmdfiu‘ffi backz/mwzr/ er "H"
charm/er shun/(l he urhiened by wing Ifdifur (eq: notepad).
Step 2. Adjux/ the M7043” to [he (071er off/w ”finial/(LPN), by m'mg the
[up and 170110"; (Imp/W mnh'ulx, 1 king lil’e.\'[[iml . Iz/jusl menu
my I ,
Step 3’. ldjux/ the 517013}? In [he ("an/er off/w /)i.vp[z(yll,(fl)), by mine {he nigh!
and left display mnlmb. I sing (TIM/f and l I-I’milirm all/ml menu
Fig 2.
file/7 4. Adjuxl the Clack-phase unli/ the “H" (‘lzunlcfyr llzfivplzn/x dear.
Stepi living [he Crmtruxl, link/fitness, and Color Contra] menu, set
the ruler In your preference.
my 3.
Step 6'. When you finish the adjuslment, you am sane ynur sellinys
by pressing an the menu until the US!) screen hex disappeared
g DeluxScan“ 1141400
0 Adjust Sequence.
Sta ;
55 in a: 3.82:
53mm 22
m £5 a 5 5 an 2.4 gm
, [TY ,
V (L , «53
w ‘ 7 w
m , Si 5554 mi an} 2 x5 5. 34
{, W Egg» $51 New
, e 0 5mm” jmwz , ESE Q8 3:
r}! , I 3335 3 m3 zit as $5 Ema
SE: §§m N
ken: m5 “Exam
% wEEi 15; .~
u JH ‘x\ H ~M
3:13:574 ES 559} $7.77: . 7
Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:25 00:39:28
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Author                          : jsoscia
Title                           : 66432.pdf
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:25 00:39:36-04:00
Page Count                      : 22
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