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Sterling B2B Integrator

Performance Management
Version 5.2


Sterling B2B Integrator

Performance Management
Version 5.2


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 247.

This edition applies to Version 5 Release 2 of Sterling B2B Integrator and to all subsequent releases and
modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2015.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.

Performance Management . . . . . ..


Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . ..
System Components . . . . . . . . . ..
Performance Tuning Methodology . . . . ..
Performance Recommendations Checklists . . ..
Sterling B2B Integrator: General Recommendations
Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
IBM Sterling File Gateway: Specific
Recommendations Checklist . . . . . . ..
EBICS Banking Server: Specific
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . ..
Database Management. . . . . . . . . ..
Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Server Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Storage and File Systems . . . . . . . ..
Database management for Sterling B2B Integrator 16
Oracle Database Configuration and Monitoring
IBM DB2 for LUW Configuration and Monitoring 35
Microsoft SQL Server Configuration and
Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Java Virtual Machine . . . . . . . . . ..
Garbage Collection Statistics . . . . . . ..
JVM Verbose Garbage Collection . . . . ..
IBM JVM Garbage Collection Example . . ..
Introduction to HotSpot JVM Performance and
Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Introduction to the IBM JVM Performance and
Tuning Guidelines . . . . . . . . . ..
Monitoring Operations . . . . . . . . ..
Managing System Logs . . . . . . . ..
Auditing . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Monitoring a Business Process Thread . . ..
Monitoring Messages . . . . . . . . ..
Reviewing System Information . . . . . ..
Monitoring Node Status . . . . . . . ..
Monitoring Deprecated Resources . . . ..
Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator . . . ..

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2015

Hard Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator . . ..
Performance Tuning . . . . . . . . . ..
Performance Tuning Utility . . . . . . ..
Manual Performance Tuning . . . . . ..
Performance Statistics . . . . . . . . ..
Turning On and Turning Off Performance
Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Reporting Performance Statistics . . . . ..
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . ..
Database Maintenance Check . . . . . ..
Full Database Issues and Resolution . . . ..
Database Connection Issues . . . . . ..
Database Down Check . . . . . . . ..
Tracking JDBC Connections . . . . . ..
Types of Cache Memory . . . . . . . ..
Symptoms and Causes of Inefficient Cache
Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Resolving Inefficient Cache Usage . . . ..
Correcting Dropped Data Problems . . . ..
Correcting Out-Of-Memory Errors . . . ..
Understanding Business Process . . . . ..
Symptoms and Causes of Poor Business Process
Execution Time . . . . . . . . . . ..
Resolving Halted, Halting, Waiting, or
Interrupted Business Processes . . . . ..
Slow System: Symptoms, Causes, and
Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Performing a Thread Dump . . . . . ..
Scenario-Based Troubleshooting Tips and
Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Performance and Tuning Worksheet . . . . ..
workflowLauncher: Running a Business Process
from a Command Line . . . . . . . . ..


Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..




Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

Performance Management
You can manage the performance of Sterling B2B Integrator according to your

Typically, performance in general, and optimal performance in particular, are
associated with the following criteria: latency, throughput, scalability, and load.
v Latency – The amount of time taken to generate a response to a request (speed).
v Throughput – The amount of data transferred during a specified period
v Scalability – The ability of the system to adapt to increasing workload
(additional hardware).
v Load – The ability of the system to continue performing at optimal level even
when the load on the system increases.
Sterling B2B Integrator performance can be tuned to meet various processing
requirements, including higher processing speed and ability to sustain high
volumes. The amount of resources given to the interactive and batch components
of a mixed workload determines the trade-off between responsiveness (speed) and
throughput (work completed in a certain amount of time).
When using Sterling B2B Integrator, if you face any performance issues, perform
the applicable task or tasks from the following list:
v Change performance parameters in the properties files or through the
performance tuning utility. For more information about changing performance
parameters, refer to “Performance Tuning Utility” on page 120.
v Add additional hardware.
v Tune your business processes to run more efficiently on Sterling B2B Integrator.
v Monitor and archive the database to free up resources.
v Create Sterling B2B Integrator cluster for load balancing and scaling.

Before You Begin Performance Tuning
Before you carry out performance tuning actions, you must consider capacity
planning issues. The “Performance and Tuning Worksheet” on page 241 provides
information about how to determine your capacity requirements. This worksheet,
and other capacity planning tools, also help you adjust your current workload,
regardless of your future requirements.
Following is a list of some capacity issues that impact performance and tuning:
v Daily volume requirements, including the average size and number of
transactions to be processed.
v Additional processing requirements, for example, translation, and
straight-through processing.
v Types of pay loads, including EDIFACT, XML, and other formats.
v Translation requirements, for example, translation from EDIFACT to XML.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2015


v Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integration requirements, for example,
integration with SAP® or PeopleSoft®.
v Number of processors that are available and can be dedicated to Sterling B2B
v Memory available to meet your processing requirements.
v Disk space available.
v Hard disk Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) level. RAID arrays
use two or more drives in combination for fault tolerance and performance. The
recommended RAID level for Sterling B2B Integrator is Level 5.
v Database size requirements.
Note: When conducting a performance tuning activity, keep the information
provided in this topic at hand for easy reference and future planning.

Intended Audience
This document is intended for, but not limited to:
v Technical Architects
v Performance Engineers
v Configuration Engineers
v Application Administrators
v Database Administrators
v System Administrators

System Components
Performance management activities affect all aspects of the system, including
computer nodes, network, disks, database, and so on.
One person or role may be responsible for one, several, or all the components.
Some of the roles include:
v Hardware Engineer
v System Administrator
v Network Engineer - Local Area or Wide Area
v Application Server Administrator
v Database Administrator
v Capacity Planning Engineer
v Performance Analyst
v IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator Administrator
Performance management documentation includes the following information:
v Background information about the different performance and tuning issues
when running Sterling B2B IntegratorSterling B2B Integrator.
v Step-by-step information that helps you:
– Optimize the performance.
– Diagnose and resolve performance issues, if any, to suit your environment.
You can work through most performance and tuning issues using the following
v Properties file settings, which you can access through the properties directory in
your installation directory.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

v The Sterling B2B Integrator user interface. Use the Operations option in the
Administration menu to access the following tools:
– JDBC Monitor (Operations > JDBC Monitor)
– JVM Monitor (Operations > System > Performance > JVM Monitor)
– Message Monitor (Operations > Message Monitor)
– Performance Statistics Report (Operations > System > Performance >
– Performance Tuning Wizard (Operations > System > Performance > Tuning)
– System Troubleshooting (Operations > System > Troubleshooter)
– Thread Monitor (Operations > Thread Monitor)
Based on the diversity of the roles and the responsibilities associated with them,
the Sterling B2B Integrator Performance Management Guide is divided into the
following sections:
v Overview - Provides performance tuning overview, audience information,
performance concepts overview, performance tuning methodologies, and tuning
issues that may arise when running Sterling B2B Integrator.
v Performance recommendations checklist - Provides general, planning, and
implementation (single node and cluster) checklists. This topic caters to
hardware engineers, system administrators, network engineers, capacity
planners, and Sterling B2B Integrator administrators.
v Database management system - Discusses key recommendations for Oracle®,
IBM DB2®, Microsoft SQL Server™, and MySQL databases. This topic caters to
database administrators.
v Java™ Virtual Machines - Explains configuration, recommendations, and so on.
This topic caters to application server administrators.
v Monitoring operations, performance tuning, and performance statistics Discusses monitoring operations, performance tuning (utility and manual), and
management of performance statistics.
v Monitoring operations - Provides information about system logs, auditing,
business process threads, messages, system information, and cluster node status.
v Performance tuning - Explains performance tuning using the performance tuning
wizard, and manual performance tuning recommendations such as scheduling
policies, cache contents, persistence levels, property files, and system recovery.
v Performance statistics - Provides information about managing, enabling and
disabling, and reporting performance statistics.
v Troubleshooting - Provides information about resolving full database issues, Java
Database Connectivity (JDBC™) connections, cache issues, memory issues, slow
system issues, and improving business process execution time.
v Performance and tuning worksheet - Helps you to take an inventory of the
different parts of your Sterling B2B Integrator installation that affects
v workFlow Launcher - Explains how to run business processes from the
command line.
Note: It is recommended that the performance analyst, capacity planner, and
Sterling B2B Integrator administrators read all the topics.

Performance Management


Performance Tuning Methodology
For effective performance tuning, you must first identify the performance issues
and determine the corrective actions. Following is a methodology that helps you
focus your efforts and reduce redundant tasks.
Use the following methodology to identify and resolve performance issues in
Sterling B2B Integrator:
1. Fill out the Requirements Planning Worksheet to determine the hardware
requirements for a given processing volume and speed.









Note: If you purchased IBM Consulting Services, you would have received a
report containing information about your hardware requirements based on
your business needs.
Verify that your hardware and memory specifications match the hardware and
memory recommendations provided during the performance planning phase.
Verify that you have installed the requisite patches on your system, which will
help you fix your performance issues from the IBM Customer Center Web site
Verify that you have the supported Java Virtual Machine (JVM™) on the
computer running Sterling B2B Integrator, and on the DMZ computer if you
are running perimeter servers. Both the JVM versions must match each other
and your Sterling B2B Integrator version requirements. The build date and
lower release numbers must also match.
Verify that you are running the supported version of your operating system.
Verify that you are running the supported versions of the JDBC drivers.
Verify that you have created your business processes using the most current
adapters and services, well-structured XPath statements, and the lowest
persistence by step and business process.
Tune Sterling B2B Integrator using the Performance Tuning Utility and the
information that you provided in the Requirements Planning Worksheet (refer
to the topic Performance and Tuning Worksheet). The Performance Tuning
Utility enables you to tune the cache, memory, and other system components,
but not the business processes.
For more information about this utility, refer to “Performance Tuning Utility”
on page 120.
Navigate to Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. In the Statistics
page, select the Enable Performance Statistics option. The Performance
Statistics reports provide information about the time taken to perform
business processes and execute activities, database connections and
persistence, and business process queue performance. You can use this
information to tune your system according to your volume and speed
For more information about performance statistics, refer to the topic Manage
Performance Statistics.
Review your history of incoming and outgoing documents and enter this
information in charts, showing daily, weekly, and monthly processing trends.
Use these charts to determine your peak volume processing levels based on
your processing pattern history.
Conduct initial performance testing by running your business processes with
sample data that is the same size as the data that will be processed in
production. In addition, run your business processes with data that

Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management



approximates your anticipated peak processing volume. This helps you tune
your system as close to your production environment as possible.
Review the Performance Statistics Report for processing speeds, volumes, and
database connections.
Review the other reports, such as the Database Usage Report and the Cache
Usage Report, for information about the areas that can be tuned.
Retune Sterling B2B Integrator using the Performance Tuning Utility, based on
the information you gathered from your initial performance testing.
Continue this process until your processing time and volume requirements are
Create a new Performance Statistics Report called Benchmarksdd/mm/yy.
Conduct the same test that you conducted in step 11.
Review the Benchmarksdd/mm/yy Performance Statistics Report. If the statistics
in this report are not similar to your previous statistics, repeat steps 11 - 14.
Compare your monthly or weekly Performance Statistics Reports with this
Benchmark report to verify that your system is processing business processes
efficiently and that your resources are being used efficiently. Using this
methodology as a proactive measure may reduce downtime and processing

Performance Recommendations Checklists
Performance Recommendations Checklists provide guidelines to plan for the
required elements, and enhance the performance of Sterling B2B Integrator and
related components.

Sterling B2B Integrator: General Recommendations Checklist
The general recommendations checklist provides a list of guidelines to plan for the
required elements, and to enhance the performance of Sterling B2B Integrator.
In the following table, the Test and Production columns indicate whether the
recommendations are Recommended (R), Critical (C), or Not Applicable (NA) in
the test and production environments.
Note: It is recommended to setup a Sterling B2B Integrator test environment with
a sample set of data to verify the recommendations provided in this checklist.




OS version and OS
kernel parameters



You should ensure that you install
Sterling B2B Integrator on certified
OS versions and levels.
Refer to the System Requirements
documentation of the corresponding
OS versions.

Network speed



You should ensure that your
network cards are operating at the
highest speeds. The network
interface and the network switch can
negotiate to lower speed. When that
happens, performance degrades even
under normal processing periods.

Performance Management






AIX page space



The AIX default page space
allocation policy does not reserve
swap space when processes allocate
memory. This can lead to excessive
swap space, which forces AIX to kill
processes when it runs out of swap
You should ensure that you either
have sufficient swap space, or set the
following environment policy

Monitor CPU Utilization NA


You should monitor CPU utilization
to ensure that there is no CPU

Monitor Swap Usage



If not enough space is left on the
swap device (or paging file), the
operating system may prevent
another process from starting, or in
some cases, be forced to kill the
running processes.

Monitor Paging



The JVMs and database management
systems rely on large memory
buffers or heaps, and are sensitive to
paging. Performance can noticeably
degrade if enough memory is not
available to keep the JVM heap in
You can monitor paging levels using
standard operating system or
third-party measurement tools, such
v UNIX/Linux – SAR
v Windows – System Monitor

Monitor Heap
Garbage Collection


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management



Monitoring heap GC performance is
critical for performance and
availability. For example, if the
amount of heap that is free after a
GC is continually increasing, and
approaching the maximum heap
size, the JVM can experience
OutOfMemory exceptions.





EDI Encoder Service



As of Sterling B2B Integrator 5.2, the
EDI Encoder Service and EDI
Envelope Service notify the user of
an incorrect value or mismatch in
the Mode parameter by writing
information on how to correct the
problem in the status report of the
business process step. This can cause
a performance degradation in some
very heavy usage scenarios by
adding additional load on the
database. It is recommended that all
business processes that use the EDI
Encoder Service and/or EDI
Envelope Service be reviewed to
make certain they are using the
correct Mode parameter, and that the
values match in the business process.

EDI Envelope Service

v EDI Encoder Service should be set
as Mode. For example: IMMEDIATE
v EDI Envelope Service should be
set as MODE. For example: IMMEDIATE
Server node sizing



You should ensure that you have
sufficient computing capacity to
process peak transaction volumes.
Refer to System Requirements
documentation to get an estimate of
the processor, memory, and other
You can also engage IBM
Professional Services to conduct a
capacity plan study of your system.
This study involves measuring your
system, and using the measurements
to forecast resource requirements at
anticipated peak processing periods.

Database disk sizing



You should ensure that you have
sufficient disk space for the database
The size of the database disk
subsystem may vary from a few
gigabytes to several terabytes. The
size depends on the processing
volume, its complexity, and the
length of time you want to keep the
data active in the database.


Performance Management






JVM version



You must ensure that you install
Sterling B2B Integrator on certified
JVM versions and levels.
Run the –version command in the
command prompt to ensure that you
have installed the correct version.

Verbose GC statistics



You can enable verbose GC statistics
collection. Understanding the health
of GCs for each JVM is critical for




The JVM heap must be resident in
the memory. The performance can
noticeably degrade if the operating
system has to page portions of the
heap out to disk.




OutOfMemory exceptions can cause
unpredictable behavior. You should
ensure that you have allocated
sufficient physical memory to
Sterling B2B Integrator based on
your processing requirements.

JVM VM mode



For HotSpot JVM, the server mode is
applicable for long-running

Heap size



Correct heap size configuration is
critical for both performance and
availability. If the heap size is too
big, the GC pauses can be long.
Similarly, if the heap size is too
small, it can lead to OutOfMemory
exceptions. You should ensure that
heap size is not set larger than
physical memory to avoid thrashing.
Sterling B2B Integrator supports both
32-bit and 64-bit JVMs. You should
allocate more heap space when you
are running a 64-bit JVM.

Monitor and regulate



Sterling B2B Integrator comes with a
default set of indexes. In some cases,
the indexes may not apply to your
operational environment.
You should regularly monitor the
resource cost of frequently used
queries to check if additional indexes
are required. Similarly, you can also
monitor the database to delete
indexes if they are not required.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management





Cursor sharing



If you are using Oracle database,
cursor sharing enables dynamic SQL
to be reusable, thereby reducing the
contention on the shared pool.
You should ensure that you set

Parameters governing
DB2 locking strategy



DB2_SKIPINSERTED to reduce lock

Parameters governing
DB2 memory



Set parameters to manage various
memory structures such as

Volatile table



Mark tables that change significantly,
as volatile.

IBM Sterling File Gateway: Specific Recommendations
IBM Sterling File Gateway is installed on an instance of Sterling B2B Integrator,
and shares many of the resources with the latter, including:
v Communication Adapters
v Business Processes
v Security Services
v Perimeter Services
v Encryption
v Decryption
v Account Management
You should, therefore, tune your Sterling B2B Integrator installation first, and then
perform the Sterling File Gateway-specific tuning and troubleshooting tasks. Be
aware that the changes you make to Sterling File Gateway can also affect the
performance of Sterling B2B Integrator.
Note: Do not edit the properties files. Make all the changes in the file. For example, to change the
pgpCmdline2svcname property, enter the following line in the file:

In this line, replace CUSTOM with the name of your Command Line 2 adapter. For
more information about the file, refer to the
property files documentation in the online documentation library.
The following table describes some of the key parameters that must be configured
to optimize Sterling File Gateway performance.
In the following table, the Test and Production columns indicate whether the
recommendations are Recommended (R), Critical (C), or Not Applicable (NA) in
the test and production environments.
Performance Management




Increase the value of Sterling File R




Number of Sterling File Gateway services that can
be run concurrently. The services are split into
two groups, and each group has this value as the
limit. Therefore, the total number of services that
can run concurrently is equal to the value for this
property multiplied by two. Set this to a value
that is higher than the sum of business process
threads in queues 4 and 6 (where Sterling File
Gateway services run).
Default value: 8 (Maximum: 64)

If you are processing very large
files, increase the probe values to
avoid timeout conditions.


Timeouts and sleep intervals that control the
period for which Sterling File Gateway waits for
each of the sub-business process it invokes. The
timeouts and sleep intervals control the timeouts
when a business process is executed
synchronously during routing. The types of
business processes that run during routing are
consumer identification and PGP processing.
Setting the values for these properties also enables
one set of relatively quick probes, followed by a
second set of slower probes. The first set will be
reactive, but consumes more processor capacity.
The second set will be activated for
longer-running processes and will consume less
processor capacity.
First, probe 120 times, with 100 milliseconds
between each probe, for a total of 12 seconds.
Default value:
v bpCompletionProbes.1=120
v bpCompletionSleepMsec.1=100
Then, probe 600 times with 2000 milliseconds
between each probe, for a total of 1200 seconds
(20 minutes).
Default value:
v bpCompletionProbes.2=600
v bpCompletionSleepMsec.2=2000

If you have a high volume of
PGP traffic, you can improve
your performance by specifying a
group for the file gateway.


The name of the Command Line 2 adapter to be
used for PGP packaging and unpackaging. You
can override this property in the file if a custom
Command Line 2 adapter is used for PGP
operations. You can also specify an adapter group
name to balance the outbound PGP sessions load
across multiple adapter instances.
Default value: pgpCmdline2svcname=

If you have very large files that
will be processed by PGP,
increase the value of the file



Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management


Timeout value, in milliseconds, for PGP package
and unpackage operations invoked by Sterling
File Gateway.
Default value: 240000 milliseconds (4 minutes)

If you have high volumes of FTP
traffic, you can improve your
performance by specifying a






The FTP Client Adapter instance or service group
that the FileGatewayDeliverFTP business process
will use. You can override this property in the file to use a
custom FTP Client Adapter instance to contact
trading partners. You can also specify an adapter
group name to balance the outbound FTP sessions
load across multiple adapter instances.
Default value: ftpClientAdapterName=

Decrease the value of evaluation



You can enable either
MailboxEvaluateAllAutomaticRules or
AutomaticRulesSubMin verifies the presence of
routable messages once every 10 seconds, and can
be edited for other intervals of less than one
minute by modifying the MailboxEvaluateAll
AutomaticRulesSubMin business process.

Suppress Duplicate Messages



Prevents duplicate messages from using system

Increase the number of steps a
business process must complete
prior to returning to the queue.



Number of steps involved in the completion of a
business process before the business process
returns to the queue. Higher values will accelerate
individual business process execution, while
lower values will provide smoother multitasking
capabilities. Interactive use favors a lower number
of steps, while batch processing favors a higher
number of steps. The value of
noapp.AE_ExecuteCycle.# can be different for
each queue. .# indicates the queue number.
When a business process has one service to begin
a protocol session and another service to use the
protocol session, a very low AE_ExecuteCycle
may lead many business processes to be in the
queue, with only the first service running. This
may result in many protocol sessions
accumulating in an open state, and session limits
being met sooner than is necessary.

Increase the time period that a
business process can use a
thread, before releasing it to be
used for another business



Maximum time period, in milliseconds, for which
a business process can use a thread before
releasing it for use by another business process.
This value will override the value set for
AE_ExecuteCycle. Tuning the value for this
property ensures that a series of unusually slow
steps will not tie up a thread completely. This
value can be different for each queue. .# indicates
the queue number. A value that is too low may
result in the accumulation of more sessions than
are recommended.

Performance Management






Increase the number of
concurrent threads.



Total number of concurrent threads that Sterling
File Gateway is allowed to use. This number may
be verified against the licensed number of
threads. This value is the total number of threads
available to a workflow engine to execute
business process steps. Other, non-workflow
engine threads do not come under the purview of
this limit. For example, the threads set in
fgRouteConcurrentSessionLimit do not come
under the purview of this limit.

Set storage type.



File System is more efficient.
Default value: database

The following table shows the properties that control the above parameters:


Increase the value of Sterling File Gateway.


If you are processing very large files, increase the probe
values to avoid timeout conditions.

v filegateway.bpCompletionProbes.2

If you have a high volume of PGP traffic, you can
improve your performance by specifying a group for the
file gateway.


If you have very large files that will be processed by
PGP, increase the value of the file gateway.


If you have high volumes of FTP traffic, you can
improve your performance by specifying a group.
Decrease the value of evaluation frequency.

v filegateway.bpCompletionSleepMsec.2


v MailboxEvaluateAllAutomaticRules
v MailboxEvaluateAllAutomaticRulesSubMin

Suppress Duplicate Messages


Increase the number of steps a business process must
complete prior to returning to the queue.


Increase the time period that a business process can use
a thread, before releasing it to be used for another
business process.


Increase the number of concurrent threads.


Set storage type.


EBICS Banking Server: Specific Recommendations
The EBICS Banking Server is installed on an instance of Sterling B2B Integrator,
and shares many of the resources with the latter.
You should, therefore, tune your Sterling B2B Integrator installation first, and then
perform the EBICS Banking Server-specific tuning. Be aware that the changes you
make to the EBICS Banking Server can also affect the performance of Sterling B2B


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

The following table describes some of the key parameters that must be configured
to optimize the EBICS Banking Server's performance:


Allocation of
additional threads to
the HTTP Server

You can allocate additional threads to the HTTP Server adapter
when the rate of concurrent requests to the EBICS Banking Server
is moderately high. Complete the following steps to allocate
additional threads to the HTTP Server adapter:
1. Modify the numOfmaxThread parameter in the file by setting numOfmaxThread to four
times the number of processor cores on the system the HTTP
Server Adapter is running on. For more information about
calculating the settings to tune the performance of your system,
refer to the topic “View and Restore Performance Configuration
Settings” on page 121.
2. Run the (setupfiles.cmd for Windows) script to
apply the changes.

Reduction of the disk
I/O amount

In order to reduce the amount of disk I/O on the system, change
the persistence of the following EBICS business processes to Error
v handleEBICSRequest
v EBICSOrderAuthorisationProcessing
v EBICSOrderProcessing

Storage size

The database space required to store the files processed by the
EBICS Banking Server is approximately 2.5 times the size of the
transacted files. For more information about managing databases in
Sterling B2B Integrator, refer to “Database management for Sterling
B2B Integrator” on page 16.

Purge documents

The document lifespan in an EBICS transaction is set to ten years.
As a result, the business processes associated with the documents
remain in the live system databases, and may occupy a large
memory and slow down the performance of the system.
The Index Business Process service scans the live systems, and
flags the records that have reached their purge eligibility date and
time. To reset the document lifespan, schedule the Index Business
Process to run every ten minutes. The Index Business Process
resets the lifespan after you delete the messages from the mailbox.
For more information about implementing and configuring the
Index Business Process service and scheduled purge, refer to Index
Business Process Service and Purge Service documentation
respectively in the online documentation library.

Database Management
For optimal performance in Sterling B2B Integrator, you must properly plan,
configure and manage your database.

This section provides information about the tasks elements that have to be
completed prior to the implementation phase. The key planning tasks include, but
are not limited to:

Performance Management


v Selecting a certified database management server software and version. Refer to
the Sterling B2B Integrator System Requirements for a list of supported database
v Determining the size and configuration of the database server node
v Determining the size and configuration of the database disk subsystem
v Determining the disk technology

Monitoring Disk Space
At the operating system level, it is important to monitor disk space utilization, as
this is one of the most common causes of database freeze up. On various
UNIX/Linux-based platforms, run the df command as a line command or in a
shell script. Various third-party tools are also available.

Server Sizing
At appropriate times in the project lifecycle, you can request a Server Sizing study
from your IBM Professional Services Project Manager or a IBM Sales Executive.
This study starts with the Sterling B2B Integrator Server Sizing Questionnaire. IBM
Performance Engineering creates a sizing document that provides information
about the estimated processor, memory, and network requirements for the
standard/baseline Sterling B2B Integrator. On your part, you must consider
additional requirements such as other workloads on the same node (for example,
additional third-party software, customization, performance monitors, and so on).

Storage and File Systems
This section covers the following topics:
v Capacity Requirements
v Use of Native File Systems
v Monitoring Disk Space

Capacity Requirements
Your disk capacity requirement is a very important input to the disk configuration
planning process. This involves many considerations to ensure survivability,
manageability, scalability, and performance.
The following table provides information about the tasks that you must perform to
ensure that the required behavior is achieved.



v Configure disks with the ability to survive single or multiple disk failures (for
example, RAID-1, RAID-5, or RAID-10).
v Configure the disk array with multiple I/O paths to the server to survive I/O path
v Configure disks to be accessible from multiple server nodes to tolerate single-node



If you have limited-time windows to back up the database, select techniques such as
array snapshots or SAN-based (storage area network) mirroring that allow logical

Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management



Scalability and Performance

v Configure the disk array with many small disks instead of a few large disks to
increase the number of I/O paths.
v Configure the disk array with large NVRAM cache to improve read and write
v Configure the disks with stripping (for example, RAID-0 or RAID-10).
v In some circumstances, you may also want to consider using solid-state disks.

Capacity Requirements: An Example
Let us consider the following example to understand the concept of capacity
requirements better. Assume you require 900 GB of storage and you have disk
arrays or SANs that are made up of 93 GB disks. Let us further assume that the
database is implemented over ninety 10 GB data files.
The following table summarizes the choices for the common disk organizations
and the trade-offs involved.





Num Disks

Poor. Subject to throughput Poor. Single-disk failure
of individual disks
creates outage and requires
database recovery

Poor. High disk utilization



Excellent. Striping n disks
provides read/write
throughput at n times a
single disk.

Poor. Single-disk failure
creates outage and requires
database recovery.

Excellent. Expect
near-uniform disk
utilization within a logical
unit. Potential LUN
utilization skew.



Poor. Similar performance
to that of JBOD.

Better. Can survive
multiple disk failures,
assuming that these occur
in different mirrored sets.

Poor. High disk utilization



Excellent for read (similar
Better. Able to survive a
Excellent. Low disk
to RAID-0). Potentially
single-disk failure. Multiple utilization skew. Possible
poor for write performance. disk failures create an
LUN utilization skew.
outage and require
database recovery.



Excellent for read (similar
to RAID-0). Potentially
poor for write performance
as parity calculations need
to happen. The
performance of RAID-6 and
RAID-5 is about the same
and dependent on the

Better. Can survive a
double-disk failure. This
gives it an edge over
RAID-5. A failure of more
than two disks creates an

Excellent. Low disk
utilization skew. Possible
LUN utilization skew.



Excellent read/write

Can tolerate up to two disk Excellent. Low disk
failures as long as both
utilization skew.
failures are not in the same
Possible LUN utilization
mirrored set.


Performance Management






Num Disks


Excellent read/write

Can tolerate up to n disk
failures as long as two
failures do not occur in the
same mirrored set.

Excellent. Low disk
utilization skew.


Possible LUN utilization

Use of Native File Systems
Using file systems for storage can simplify administration tasks, although
potentially at some loss of some performance over using raw disks. It is
recommended that you consult with your storage administrator and storage
Operating System

Native File System












Database management for Sterling B2B Integrator
Sterling B2B Integrator uses a database server as a repository for transactional,
reference, and history data that it generates and uses.
Refer to the system requirements for a list of supported database configurations.
This topic covers the following concepts:
v JDBC Connection Pool Overview
v Configuring Parameters for a Database Pool
v Schema Objects

JDBC connection pool overview
Sterling B2B Integrator uses internal connection pooling to minimize delays in the
creation of new connections to the database server. When a connection is
requested, an existing connection is used whenever possible. Internal connection
pooling improves performance by removing the need to go to the driver and
creating and delete a new connection each time one is needed.
Internal connection pooling mechanism implements a connection pool in every
JVM started for the product. In a cluster with multiple nodes, the number of
connections the database must establish is the total of all connections for all the
connection pools.
For example, if you have four JVM instances and each connection pool averages
around 30 connections, your database server must establish 120 database


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

With this implementation, the database reports any idle connections to the system,
which is the expected behavior. JDBC properties can be tuned in the file to delete idle connections and minimize usage.
Note: Override the JDBC properties in the file. Do
not modify the file directly. For more information about the file, see the properties file documentation.

Implementation of connection pooling
Each database pool is created with an initial number of connections, as defined by
the initsize property in the file. As more connections are
required, Sterling B2B Integrator requests additional connections up to the
maximum number defined by the maxsize property. When Sterling B2B Integrator
finishes with a connection, the connection is returned to the pool of connections for
later use.
If Sterling B2B Integrator requires connections beyond the maximum size limit for
each database pool, and every pool is in use, Sterling B2B Integrator can request
new connections up to the value defined by the buffer_size property. Connections
in this “buffer range” (that is, beyond the number of connections that are defined
by the maxsize property) are created as needed, and deleted when the calling
process is completed. To detect this condition, search for warning messages such as
connections exceeded in the noapp.log file. Performance drops if Sterling B2B
Integrator runs in this range for a long time.
The buffer_max value is a hard maximum. When the number of connections that
are defined by buffer_max (maxsize + buffersize) is reached, additional requests
for connections are denied. An error is written to the logs that indicates that the
pool is exhausted and the attempt to create a new connection failed.

Each JVM can create connections for each of the pools that are defined in the file and configured in the file.
Each pool grabs the initial number of connections (initsize) configured.
Because a pool requires additional connections beyond the initial size, it creates
new connections up to the maxsize limit for that pool. Connections that are created
with fewer than the maxsize are returned to that pool for reuse, thus improving
If a pool is using all the connections up to the maxsize limit, it creates a new
connection as needed within the buffer size limit. Connections beyond maxsize and
below the buffersize are not reused. Each connection is created when needed, and
deleted when no longer needed by the calling process. This method is expensive
and harms performance if Sterling B2B Integrator runs for continued amounts of
time in this state.
When the number of connections (maxsize + buffersize) is reached, new requests
for connections are refused.
You can now manage JDBC pools dynamically. For more information about
dynamically managing JDBC pools, see “Dynamically Manage JDBC Pools” on
page 20.

Performance Management


Configuring parameters for a database pool
The following table describes the primary parameters of a database pool and the
recommended value for each parameter:

Description and recommended value


When a JVM is created and connection pool objects are instantiated
for each of the pools, a call is made to the JDBC driver for each
pool and an initial number of connections are created for each
pool. Connections that are created from the initsize are part of
the connections that exist in the pool for reuse, as needed.
Since various JVMs can load the initial number of connections, but
might not really need them, it is recommended that you do not set
the initsize to a large value.
Default value: 0 or 1
Recommended value: 1


Maximum size of the connection pool that pertains to a database
pool. After a connection is created up to this value, it is not
deleted. It remains idle until needed.


Maximum number of connections that can be created. Connections
that are created beyond the maxsize value are created and deleted
as needed.
After all the connections are used (maxsize + buffersize), and a
new request for a connection comes in, the new request is denied,
and an error is written stating that a connection cannot be created
and that the connection pool is exhausted.


This parameter is not used in Sterling B2B Integrator.

Frequently asked questions
v Q: How many connections will I need?
A: You can start with the recommended settings provided by the tuning wizard
and then monitor the noapp.log file to ensure that you are not close to the
maximum size of the connection pool (maxsize). Monitor the usage over a
period of time and observe if the usage is increasing. If the usage limits exceed
25% of the settings that are recommended by the tuning wizard and the demand
for connections is increasing, contact the IBM Professional Services onsite
consultant or IBM Customer Support.
v Q: Why are connections shown as being idle?
A: Getting a new connection from the database is expensive. Connections are
held in a pool to be available when the system needs them, which means that
connections are often shown as being idle. This method is a performance
trade-off that enables connections to be available when needed.
v Q: Can I kill idle connections?
A: Configure the pool to keep fewer connections, and release connections after a
specified amount of time.

Schema objects
This topic covers the following concepts:
v Placement of Schema Table Objects


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

v Placement of Indexes
v Sterling B2B Integrator Database Tables
Placement of Schema Table Objects
The Sterling B2B Integrator installation guide provides directions about how to
create the database, including the necessary changes to some critical parameters.
The DDL statements allow you to create a simple schema that is suitable for
general use. You need to review, and possibly modify, these statements before
Placement of Indexes
The DDL statements create a minimal set of indexes for general use. You might
need to create more indexes to suit your business needs. Contact IBM Professional
Services or IBM Customer Support to create more indexes. You should also
maintain a list of the indexes added and ensure that they are present after you
upgrade Sterling B2B Integrator and monitor its usage. These indexes may or may
not be added to the Sterling B2B Integrator and is specific to your operating
You might want to create more table spaces for storing indexes in addition to those
table spaces for the base tables. Table spaces should have multiple data files for
I/O load balancing.
Important: Indexes can also be separated out into different storage areas. This
action should be done in coordination with your database administrator. However,
if you are moving tables to different storage areas, do so only in coordination with
IBM Professional Services to prevent upgrade issue in the future.

Database tables that can substantially grow
The following table lists some of the tables that are defined in Sterling B2B
Integrator experience substantial input, output, and rapid growth.
Table name

Table function


These tables hold the binary payload of documents that
are used for processing within Sterling B2B Integrator.


Contain document metadata that is used for searchability
and enablement of various document processing tasks.


Contains step status and business process flow


Holds lifespan information that pertains to all business
processes and document storage in the system.

These tables are candidates for moving to a table space or segment that is separate
from the rest of the database.
Important: Move these tables only in coordination with IBM Professional services.
When patches or upgrades that need to re-create a table are installed, the
installation attempts to create them in the default table space.

Performance Management


Controlling entries in the CORRELATION_SET table
You can control when correlation entries for different activities of Sterling B2B
Integrator are written to the CORRELATION_SET table. Reducing the number of
records in the CORRELATION_SET table improves the performance of Sterling B2B
The file includes properties that enable or disable
correlation entries for the following activities. The properties are in parentheses.
v Mailbox (makeCorrelationForMailbox)
v FTP (makeCorrelationForFTP)
v SFTP (makeCorrelationForSFTP)
v System tracking extension (makeTrackingExtensions)
The default value for each property is true, which means that correlation entries
are written to the CORRELATION_SET table.
Attention: If makeTrackingExtensions=false, then no mailbox correlation entries
are created, even if makeCorrelationForMailbox=true.
The file is in the install_dir\install\properties

Dynamically Manage JDBC Pools
Sterling B2B Integrator now has the ability to dynamically add, modify, remove
JDBC Pools and manage JDBC pools with effective dates for passwords.
Adding JDBC Pools:
About this task
This procedure shows how to add JDBC pools using the file.
1. In the file, specify the database server name, port
number, database/catalog name, user ID, and password. To encrypt your
database password, use the or encrypt_string.cmd utility in
the bin directory. Then place the encrypted password, prefixed by an
encryption indicator, in the file.
2. To update Sterling B2B Integrator with this new pool information, restart the
Modifying a Database Pool in
1. In the install_dir/install/properties directory, locate the file.
2. Open the file in a text editor.
3. Modify the properties you want to change in the customer pools list of
Note: You can modify any properties for user added pools. For system pools,
you cannot change the database type (for example, Oracle to MSSQL), but you
can change the database type for customer pools.
4. Save the file.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

5. After modifying the pool properties in, go to
JDBC monitor page and click the Refresh JDBC Pools button, or run the
REFRESHJDBC OPS command from the install root directory: ./bin/
Removing Pool from
1. In the install_dir/install/properties directory, locate the file.
2. In the file, delete the pool you want to remove.
Note: Verify that all the pool properties are removed for the pool you want to
delete, including, jdbc.properties_*_ext,, files and
3. Save the file.
4. After removing the pool properties in, go to
JDBC monitor page and click the Refresh JDBC Pools button, or run the
REFRESHJDBC OPS command from the install root directory: ./bin/
Controlling User and Password Credentials with Effective Dates: You can now
change database passwords on a scheduled basis in Sterling B2B Integrator. When
you add or modify a pool, you now can control user and password credentials
with effective dates. Multiple user and password credentials are associated with a
pool. A date/time entry indicates to Sterling B2B Integrator when to start using
that credential for new connections. This applies primarily to external pools,
although Sterling B2B Integrator database pools will also work.
You can use the following variables for the date format:
v 15:00:00 3/16/09
v 3/16/09 15:00:00
v 3/16/2009 15:00:00
v Sat, 12 Aug 1995 13:30:00 GMT
v Sat, 12 Aug 1995 13:30:00 GMT+0430
Note: Other formats may be used as long as they follow the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) standard date syntax. For additional information, see
Pool Property


newDBPool.password.1 =

You can specify alphabets and combination of alphabets and
numbers for the password. You can use numbers for
newDBPool.password.1 or newDBPool.password.2 as well as
following examples:
v newDBPool.password.a=password_a
v newDBPool.effective.a=1/01/2005 09:35:00
v newDBPool.password.b=password_b
v newDBPool.effective.b=02/01/2009 09:35:00
v newDBPool.password.c=password_c
v newDBPool.effective.c=06/18/2009 11:07:00

Performance Management


newDBPool.effective.1 =

You can specify alphabets and combination of alphabets and
numbers for the password. You can use numbers for
newDBPool.password.1 or newDBPool.password.2 as well as
following examples:
v newDBPool.password.a=password_a
v newDBPool.effective.a=1/01/2005 09:35:00
v newDBPool.password.b=password_b
v newDBPool.effective.b=02/01/2009 09:35:00
v newDBPool.password.c=password_c
v newDBPool.effective.c=06/18/2009 11:07:00

System Logs and Error Logs: System Logs
When applicable, the following items are logged in system logs:
v Logging the switch from one credential to the next, as well as the initialization
of the pool dates and user IDs being used (not the passwords).
v Logging if the connection is expired when it returns to the pool.
v Logging if two passwords have the same effective dates. In this case, the system
randomly selects a password and log that two passwords had the same effective
dates. Additional logs on passwords and effective dates may be added.
v Logging when pool properties are changed. If you changed the pool related
property like maxSize, or lifespan the following message appears in the system
log: "for pool name *****  is changed".
Error Logs
The following list provides descriptions of the different types of errors that can be
v Failed to add the pool 
v Failed to delete the pool 
v Failed to modify the pool 
v Failed to create the connections from the pool 

Oracle Database Configuration and Monitoring
This topic provides information about configuring and monitoring Oracle database.
It also provides information about concepts such as init parameter configuration,
rolling back or undoing changes to the database, database storage, and monitoring
with Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) reports.

Oracle init parameter configuration checklist
The Oracle init parameters have mandatory and recommended settings for Sterling
B2B Integrator performance with an Oracle database.
Mandatory Oracle init parameters:
The Oracle init parameters have mandatory settings for Sterling B2B Integrator
performance with an Oracle database.



Mandatory value



Character set


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

Recommended Oracle init parameters:
The Oracle init parameters have recommended settings for Sterling B2B Integrator
performance with an Oracle database.

Recommended value


Must be greater than the number of connections that are
required by Sterling B2B Integrator (sum of transactional or
local and NoTrans pools in the file), and
operational management tools.

v sga_max_size

1 GB to n GB, depending on the amount of physical
memory on your database server. If the server is running
only this database, up to 80% of physical memory.

v sga_target
v pga_aggregate_target

To size SGA (Shared Global Area) pools automatically, see
“SGA pool sizing” on page 25.





2000 or higher if prepared statement caching is to be used.

Oracle init parameter descriptions:
The Oracle init parameters have mandatory and recommended settings for the
performance of Sterling B2B Integrator with an Oracle database.


Number of processes

Maximum number of processes that the Oracle server can create.
Each inbound connection from a client requires an available
process on the Oracle serverand internal processes that run in the
Oracle server itself.
This setting needs to be set high enough to accommodate the
expected peak connections from Sterling B2B Integrator as well as
additional processes for internal server processes plus the possible
usage of buffer connections from the Sterling B2B Integrator pools.
Note that the expected peak connections from Sterling B2B
Integrator are per node, and this number should be multiplied by
the number of nodes in a cluster.
Important: Exceeding the allocated processes can destabilize the
entire Oracle server and cause unpredictable issues.
Normally, the Sterling B2B Integrator logs a report if this has
occurred, by logging an “ORA-00020 maximum number of
processes exceeded” error.

Performance Management





Number of cursors that the Oracle server can create. Each process
that is servicing a connection will normally spawn two or more
cursors, plus additional cursors that are needed for internal server
As with the processes, this needs to be set high enough to
accommodate the expected peak connections, multiplied by two,
plus an allocation for possible buffer connections. This should also
be multiplied by the number of nodes in the cluster.
A simple rule of thumb is to set this to four times the number of
processes, four times the number of nodes of Sterling B2B
Integrator, plus an additional 10%.
If the number of cursors is exceeded, Sterling B2B Integrator logs
“ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded.”

Character Set

Controls the storage of character data in the Oracle database. The
UTF8 set most closely matches the default character set for Java
and will prevent any conversion of character data.
AL32UTF8 is the preferred setting for Oracle database.


Controls whether SQL sent from a client is reparsed each time, or
if the server can reuse (“share”) the complied plan.
Sterling B2B Integrator requires the setting to be “exact” for both
performance and data integrity.


Maximum size of the memory allocated to the System Global Area
(SGA). This controls the maximum memory that can be allocated
to the system area of the Oracle instance. The size of the SGA
should never exceed the size of the actual memory (RAM) installed
on the server.
A rule of thumb is that the SGA maximum size should be allotted
as much memory as possible, but should not exceed 80% of the
total memory of the server.


Target value that Oracle uses for automatic allocation of SGA pool
Recommended setting is equal to the sga_max_size. The exception
is for extremely large databases, where this may need to be
adjusted manually.


Specifies the target aggregate Program Global Area memory
available to all server processes attached to the Oracle instance.
These are normally internal Oracle processes, and are not used by
clients connecting to the instance.
Recommended setting is a non-zero value. This allows the Oracle
instance to size the SQL working areas automatically as needed.


Controls whether database statistics for particular times are logged
by Oracle. This information may be useful to monitor system or
application performance.
Setting timed_statistics to TRUE may incur a slight overall load
increase on the Oracle instance. However, the information it creates
is valuable for diagnosing issues with performance of the instance.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management




Controls the mode that the optimizer uses to select the proper
execution path for fulfilling query results, among other functions.
Setting this to an incorrect mode can dramatically affect the overall
performance of the server.
Recommended setting for Sterling B2B Integrator: all_rows

SGA pool sizing:
As an alternative to manually sizing the main SGA pools in an Oracle database,
IBM recommends that you use Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM).
This feature controls pool size dynamically at run time, readjusting the sizes of the
main pools (db_cache_size, shared_pool_size, large_pool_size, java_pool_size)
based on existing workloads.
Set the following values to enable Oracle ASMM:
v Use an spfile for the init.ora values
v Set sga_target to a non-zero value
v Set statistics_level to TYPICAL (the default) or ALL
v Set shared_pool_size to a non-zero value

Rolling Back or Undoing Changes in Oracle Database
Oracle database supports AUTO UNDO management. Its use is recommended to
avoid manual monitoring of UNDO segments. Set the
UNDO_MANAGEMENT=AUTO parameter in init.ora. Your database
administrator needs to determine the UNDO_RETENTION setting.
Ensure that the file system where UNDOTBS1 tablespace is located has enough
space to use the AUTOGROW setting. As a starting point, size the undo tablespace
at 20% of the total database size.

Redo Logs
Redo logs are critical for database and instance recovery. Correct redo log
configuration is also critical for performance. We have seen best performance while
implementing redo logs on ASM. The following is recommended:
v Consider implementing redo logs on dedicated disk devices, preferably RAID 10.
v Consider implementing redo log group log files on alternating disks.

Redo File Size
Your choice of redo file size depends on your trade-off between performance and
availability, specifically the time required to recover the Oracle instance in the
event of a failure. For performance, some installations opt to create large redo logs
in order to reduce the frequency of log switches. However, this means potentially
more transactions in the redo logs that must be replayed during recovery.
The general rule for sizing redo log files is to consider the time it takes to switch
log files. Generally, do not switch logs more than once every 20 to 30 minutes.
Issue the following query to see how often the redo log files are changing:
Performance Management


select * from v$loghist order by first_time desc
Following is an example of the output:
1 97 7132082 10/20/2008 11:47:53 PM 7155874
1 96 7086715 10/20/2008 11:32:04 PM 7132082
1 95 7043684 10/20/2008 11:15:07 PM 7086715
1 94 6998984 10/20/2008 11:00:57 PM 7043684
1 93 6950799 10/20/2008 10:48:03 PM 6998984
In this example, the logs are switched every 15 minutes.

Rollback Transaction Errors
If Sterling B2B Integrator is running with Oracle and is under load, the snap shot
too old SQL error may be found in the wf.log file. The SQL error can be resolved
with the following:
v Tune the Oracle database by increasing undo_retention and redo table space.
v If the SQL error is from WFReportService (from the stack trace in wf.log),
change the useNewStateAndStatusLogic property in and to false. This will prevent the snap shot too old SQL error, but
it might cause the Recover process to run longer.

Database Storage
This topic provides information about database storage.

It is recommended that you use Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) to
manage database storage. The benefits of using ASM include:
v Improved I/O performance and scalability
v Simplified database administration
v Automatic I/O tuning
v Reduction in number of objects to manage
For more information, consult these sources:
v ASM documents available on the Oracle Web site.
v Storage vendor best practice papers about how to configure ASM for their
storage products.

Raw Disks
For performance-critical systems, importing only raw devices into ASM is
recommended. For high-volume processing environments, ensure that ASM is
configured with disk devices from high-performance disk storage arrays. Some
characteristics that you should look for include large NVRAM caches in order to
buffer the disk reads and writes, and for efficient RAID implementation.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

Configure ASM with External Redundancy to ensure that redundancy is provided
by your storage array.
Raw devices (raw partitions or raw volumes) can be used directly under Oracle on
UNIX-based or Linux-based systems and can help performance. However, raw
disks have the following potential disadvantages:
v Raw devices may not solve problems with file size writing limits.
To display current UNIX file size limits, run the following command:
ulimit -a
v It may not be possible to move files to other disk drives if you are using raw
devices. If a particular disk drive has intense I/O activity, and performance will
benefit from the movement of an Oracle data file to another drive, it is likely
that no acceptably-sized partition or volume exists on a drive with less I/O
v Raw devices are more difficult to administer than data files stored on a file
system or in an Automatic Storage Management disk group.
When deciding whether to use raw devices, consider the following issues:
v Raw disk partition availability
Use raw partitions for Oracle files only if you have at least as many raw disk
partitions as Oracle data files. If disk space is a consideration, and the raw disk
partitions are already created, match the data file size to the partition size as
closely as possible to avoid wasting space.
You must also consider the performance implications of using all the disk space
on a few disks as opposed to using less space on more disks.
v Logical volume manager
Logical volume managers manage disk space at a logical level and hide some of
the complexity of raw devices. With logical volumes, you can create logical disks
based on raw partition availability.
The logical volume manager controls fixed-disk resources by:
– Mapping data between logical and physical storage
– Enabling data to span multiple disks and to be discontiguous, replicated, and
dynamically expanded
For RAC, you can use logical volumes for drives associated with a single
system, as well as those that can be shared with more than one system of a
cluster. Shared drives enables all the files associated with a RAC database to be
placed on these shared logical volumes.
v Dynamic performance tuning
To optimize disk performance, you can move files from disk drives with high
activity to disk drives with low activity. Most hardware vendors who provide
the logical disk facility also provide a graphical user interface (GUI) that you can
use for tuning.
Refer to your operating system documentation on how to use raw devices with
your OS.

Tablespaces (Single or Multiple)
Prior to production, you should plan the overall storage strategy. The DDLs to
create temporary tablespaces and data tablespaces are left to the discretion of the
customer. General recommendations include:

Performance Management


v Implement these tablespaces as locally managed tablespaces (LMTs) by
specifying extent management as local when creating the tablespace.
v Implement tablespaces with Automatic Space Management by specifying
segment space management as auto.
v With LMTs, you may want to consider creating tablespaces that store small
reference tables with the autoallocate extent allocation model.
v Consider putting large tables into their own tablespace and using the uniform
extent allocation model. Use the default extent size 1 MB.
v Create your temporary tablespace as a temporary data file (temp files). Temp
files are used to store intermediate results, such as from large sort operation.
Changes to temp files are not recorded in the redo logs.

I/O Sub-System Response Time
Sterling B2B Integrator is an On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) application.
As an OLTP application, database response time to the I/O sub-system needs to be
in the single digit range even during the peak periods. The database response time
to the I/O sub-system should be less than:
v 5 ms for logs. 1ms or better is recommended.
v 10 ms or better for data. 5ms is recommended.

Monitoring with the AWR Report
Important: The information in an Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) report
needs to be considered in relation to Sterling B2B Integrator performance. This
information is not meaningful in isolation. You should monitor AWR over a period
of time to establish your steady state performance baseline. You should monitor
AWR even if Sterling B2B Integrator is performing to your satisfaction; doing so
could uncover issues before they become noticeable.
The AWR is used to collect performance statistics, including:
v Wait events used to identify performance problems
v Time model statistics indicating the amount of DB time associated with a process
v Active Session History (ASH) statistics from the V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY
v Selected system and session statistics from the V$SYSSTAT and V$SESSTAT
v Object usage statistics
v Resource-intensive SQL statements
The repository is a source of information for several other Oracle database features,
v Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor
v SQL Tuning Advisor
v Undo Advisor
v Segment Advisor
By default, AWR snapshots of the relevant data are taken every hour and retained
for seven days. It is recommended to set shorter intervals, for example, 30 minutes,
because at longer intervals, the issues are less noticeable. Default values for these
settings can be altered with statements such as:


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

retention => 43200, -- Minutes (= 30 Days).
Current value retained if NULL.
interval => 30); -- Minutes. Current value retained if NULL.
A typical Sterling B2B Integrator deployment contains characteristics of both
interactive and batch data processing systems, including a high volume of small
transactions that rapidly update the database and periodic long-running
transactions that touch many records.
The key areas to inspect in an AWR report are:
v Top SQL (by CPU or I/O)
v Top wait events
v Buffer cache hit ratio (refer to the topic "Instance Efficiency Percentages")
v I/O contention (hot spots) on disks (refer to the topic " Tablespace IO Stats and
File IO Stats")

Instance Efficiency Percentages
When viewing the Instance Efficiency Percentages area, focus on Buffer Hit % and
Buffer Nowait % as shown in the following figure. These are the key performance
indicators on the Oracle database server. The goal is to keep these values at 95% or
greater, which can typically increase efficiency by increasing buffer cache available
to the DB server.
Note: When Sterling B2B Integrator performs internal maintenance, these values
may be affected.

The following figure shows the buffer pool statistics.

Performance Management


Tablespace IO Stats and File IO Stats
Review the IO Stats area to obtain information about hotspots or drive contention.
Analysis of information such as Buffer Wait and Average Buffer Waits can help you
determine whether you are getting the best performance from your drives, and
identify potential bottlenecks. Separation of objects into their own unique
tablespaces can contribute to performance tuning of specific areas.
Wait Events
The AWR report for Sterling B2B Integrator shows typical wait events as displayed
in the following figure. To see if the wait events are problematic, compare it to a
baseline in your environment. The following figures are an example of what you
can see normally for Sterling B2B Integrator.

The SQL statements that should be inspected are SQL ordered by Gets and SQL
ordered by Reads as shown in the following figure. Again, compare these with the
baseline of the system to determine if any SQL statement is behaving oddly. If yes,
refer to the query plans to determine if the query plan is appropriate.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

Occasionally, you may observe full table scans on some tables. It is not a cause for
concern unless the overall system performance is slow or business level SLAs are
not met.

Index and Table Statistics
Database optimizers rely on relatively up-to-date table and index statistics to
generate optimal access plans.
Oracle does not require statistics to be absolutely correct or current, just relatively
correct and representative. You should refresh statistics periodically (several times
in a day or at least one time every day). You can refresh statistics by using the
default job that is provided in Oracle or by creating the custom jobs. Ensure that
you update statistics when there is a significant change in data (20% or more).
Oracle database gathers statistics automatically during its maintenance window (10
p.m. to 2 a.m. on week nights and all day on weekends) for tables with sufficient
changes. Oracle bypasses statistics generation for tables that did not change
To manually refresh statistics, use the DBMS_STATS package. This sample
invocation refreshes the statistics for the entire database:

where  = Sterling B2B Integrator schema owner.
One way to determine the update frequency for statistics is when the data for one
customer changes by approximately 20%. The update frequency is governed by the
document's lifespan.
Speak with the Sterling B2B Integrator Administrator to find out more about
document lifespans. Generally, updating statistics one time every 24 hours is

Index Rebuilds
Index rebuilds are also recommended for the Sterling B2B Integrator schema when
the data in the tables changes by approximately 20%. However, the rebuild must
be validated by looking at the system performance as a whole. Online index
rebuilds, which cause minimal impact to the system, is possible.
Performance Management


The Sterling B2B Integrator system administrator must work with the DBA to
identify the indexes that must be rebuilt. You must always rebuild indexes at
schema level.
Sterling B2B Integrator is a high-volume OLTP application, and rarely, there might
be times when you might need to shrink the tables or rebuild indexes. Oracle
documentation provides details about the following tasks:
v Shrinking database segments online
schema003.htm#ADMIN10161 (Oracle Database 11g Release 1)
schema003.htm#ADMIN10161 (Oracle Database 11g Release 2)
(Oracle Database 12c Release 1)
v Rebuilding an existing index
indexes004.htm#ADMIN11734 (Oracle Database 11g Release 1)
indexes004.htm#insertedID2 (Oracle Database 11g Release 2)
– (Oracle
Database 12c Release 1)

Enable BLOB Caching
By default, Oracle database configures itself with the BLOB caching disabled when
you choose Oracle as your database during Sterling B2B Integrator installation.
You can significantly improve performance by enabling the cache on the BLOB
data object,. Run the following commands while connected to the database:
For regular tuning and best practices pertaining to Oracle, refer to the
corresponding Oracle documentation.

Using Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) for High
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) ensures high availability by supporting the
deployment of a database across multiple machines, thereby reducing the
downtime due to hardware failures or outages, planned or unexpected.
The following diagram shows how all transactions should be sent to one Oracle
RAC node at a time. If that database node goes down, all Sterling B2B Integrator
nodes reconnect to the second available database node. This scenario requires that
load balancing is turned off, and provides better overall system performance.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

The following table lists the features and benefits of Oracle RAC when used with
Sterling B2B Integrator:


Load balancing

Oracle RAC supports initial connection time load balancing and runtime
connection load balancing. However, running Sterling B2B Integrator
with load balancing turned on is likely to result in performance issues.
On the client side (jdbc url), you should set the parameter LOAD_BALANCE
to OFF. On the server side, turn off load balancing on the database

SCAN (Single
Client Access

Available in Oracle RAC 11g R2, SCAN allows you to set up RAC
failover without specifying nodes. Using traditional RAC in Sterling B2B
Integrator, you configure the JDBC URL to name an initial node and a
failover node. With SCAN, you configure the JDBC URL so that SCAN
selects the initial node and fails over to the other available node.
A benefit to using SCAN over traditional RAC is that you do not need
to update the URL when a node name changes. There is, however, a
potential performance degradation as SCAN searches for an available

Performance Management




High availability

Oracle RAC supports high availability by eliminating the dependence
on a single server, where the chances of database downtime are more
due to hardware failure.
v Initial connection time failover
In initial connection time failover, the database node availability is
determined while establishing the connection. The connection is
established with the available database node. However, if a database
node goes down while a transaction is in progress, the transaction
will fail and throw a SQLException error, and a new connection will
be established with the available node.
Initial connection time failover can be configured on the JDBC
multi-instance URL on the client side by setting this parameter:
Sterling B2B Integrator supports two-node Oracle RAC setup.
To establish initial time connection failover in Sterling B2B Integrator,
perform the following tasks:
1. Configure the following properties in ASI node and in file in containers. You can set
values for these properties (in milliseconds) that are suitable for
your operating environment.
Setting a value too low would result in genuine SQL queries
getting terminated before they have a chance to be processed and
return the dataset. A value too high means that the application
threads are holding connections which are waiting on a query
timeout for that duration and are not available for other tasks.
This could result in lower throughput. An optimum setting
depends on the customer's environment.
2. From the install_dir/install/bin (install_dir\install\bin for
Windows) directory, run (UNIX or Linux) or
(Windows) setupfiles.cmd.
3. Restart the ASI and container JVMs to apply the changes.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management



High availability

v Runtime connection failover
When one Oracle RAC node goes down, the active connections from
the node that went down will failover to the active node. When the
node that went down is up and running again, the connections are
not redistributed. You can redistribute the connection pools by setting
lifespan parameter to a value greater than 0, which ensures that
connection pools are terminated after the lifespan value is met and
load balancing occurs when new connections are established.
However, configuring a low value lifespan may lead to connections
being terminated quickly thereby losing the benefit of connection
To override all the Oracle pools lifespan to a value greater than 0, set
the following value in the file:

Visibility Event

You can increase the number of visibility queues and event input queue
capacity in to ensure that adapters are
To increase the default queue size and the thread counts, perform the
following tasks:
1. Set the following values in the ASI node and in file in containers:
2. From the install_dir/install/bin (install_dir\install\bin for Windows)
directory, run (UNIX or Linux) or (Windows)
3. Restart the ASI and container JVMs to apply the changes.

Fast Connection
Failover (FCF)

Sterling B2B Integratordoes not support Fast Connection Failover (FCF).

Failover (TAF)

Sterling B2B Integratordoes not support Transparent Application
Failover (TAF).

IBM DB2 for LUW Configuration and Monitoring
This topic provides information about configuring and monitoring IBM DB2® for
LUW (Linux, UNIX, and Windows). It describes the recommended registry
variables and DBM CFG parameters. It also provides details about the storage
subsystem, log configuration, database monitoring, and index and table statistics.

Mandatory settings for IBM DB2 registry variables
Mandatory IBM DB2 registry values are critical for IBM DB2 performance with
Sterling B2B Integrator.

Performance Management



Mandatory value


Allows index-range queries or table-scan queries to skip
records that are in an uncommitted delete state. This
reduces the amount of lock contention from Read Share
and Next Key Share locks from range queries in tables
with a high frequency of deletes.
When enabled, DB2_SKIPDELETED allows, where
possible, table or index access scans to defer or avoid
row locking until a data record is known to satisfy
predicate evaluation. This allows predicate evaluation
to occur on uncommitted data.
This variable is applicable only to statements using
either Cursor Stability or Read Stability isolation levels.
For index scans, the index must be a type-2 index.
Deleted rows are skipped unconditionally on table scan
access while deleted keys are not skipped for type-2
index scans unless DB2_SKIPDELETED is also set.
Recommended value: ON


Allows SELECTs with Cursor Stability or Read Stability
isolation levels to skip uncommitted inserted rows. This
reduces record lock contention on tables with heavy
insert rates.

Recommended settings for IBM DB2 registry variables
IBM DB2 registry values include recommended settings for IBM DB2 performance
with Sterling B2B Integrator.

Recommended value




Enabling this variable can reduce the amount of
unnecessary lock contention from Read Share and Next
Key Share. By default, DB2 requests share locks on the
index or record before verifying if the record satisfies
the query predicate. Queries that scan a set of records
in tables with high frequency of inserts or updates can
unnecessarily block records that do not belong to its
result set.
performs an uncommitted read on the record to
perform the predicate verification. If the record satisfies
the predicate, DB2 requests a share lock on that record.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management


Recommended value


Changes the way in which DB2 calculates I/O
parallelism to the tablespace. By default, DB2 sets I/O
parallelism to a tablespace equal to the number of
containers in that tablespace. For example, if the
tablespace has four containers, prefetches to that
tablespace are performed as four extent-sized prefetch
Set the DB2_PARALLEL_IO variable if you have
implemented containers on stripped devices (for
example, RAID-5, RAID-10, or RAID-01). If you set
DB2 assumes that containers are implemented on a
RAID 5 (6+1) configuration: six data disks plus one
parity disk.
In this example, prefetches to the four-container
tablespace mentioned above are performed in 24
extent-sized prefetch requests.
To assess the effectiveness of your prefetch parallel I/O
settings, monitor the unread_prefetch_pages and
prefetch_wait_time monitor element with the
snapshot_database monitor. The unread_prefetch_pages
monitor element tracks the number of prefetch pages
that were evicted from the buffer pool before it was
used. A continually growing number indicates that the
prefetch requests are too large, either because the
prefetch size is larger than the pages needed or the
prefetch activities are bringing in too many pages for
the capacity of the buffer pool. In either case, you may
want to consider reducing the prefetch size.
If you have high prefetch_wait_time values, the
application might be waiting for pages.


Set this on IBM AIX 5.3 only if you observe a memory
leak during connect authentication within DB2's
authentication daemons (db2ckpwd processes) as a
result of calling the AIX loginsuccess() API.
Symptoms may include excessive memory usage, an
instance crash due to a trap in the db2ckpwd process,
or general authentication failures. Verify by monitoring
the SZ and RSS values for db2ckpwd processes. Use the
ps aux | grep db2ckpwd command and look at the fifth
and sixth columns of output.
DB2 workaround exists for this problem. Set the
following registry variable, and recycle this instance:
Also see IBM APAR IY78341.



Performance Management


Recommended Settings for DBM CFG Parameters
Let DB2 automatically manage the following parameters for DB2 9.x by accepting
the default values:
Enabling the following monitor switches is recommended in production:



Mandatory or

Recommended Value

























Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management


Mandatory or



Recommended Value
Limits the number of database
manager agents (both coordinator
or subagents) that can run
concurrently. Pick a high enough
number so that the combined
connection requirements from the
application servers, agents,
monitoring tools, and so on do not
exceed the MAXAGENTS limit
during peak processing periods. If
you do, you must restart the DB2
instance to increase this limit.
Recommend value: Must be greater
than the number of connections
needed by Sterling B2B Integrator
(that is, the sum of transactional
(local) plus NoTrans pools in file) plus the
connections needed by operational
management tools.
With the use of connection pooling
in the NoApp Server, the number
of database connections is less than
the number of users who are
logged in. Depending on your
anticipated peak workload traffic,
this parameter may range from a
small number such as 25 to a large
number in the thousands.
Monitor the number of concurrent
connections in production
(especially during peak periods) to
ensure that it does not reach the
maximum. When the
MAXAGENTS limit is reached,
DB2 refuses to establish new
connection requests.

Estimation Guidelines for Number of Connections
You can roughly estimate the number of concurrent user connections required for
Sterling B2B Integrator with this formula:
Concurrent (DB2) connections = A + B + C + D



Maximum number of UI-based connections


Maximum NoApp Server connection pool max size times the
number of NoApp Server instances (as in a cluster)

Performance Management





Any additional connections that are opened by customized code or
user exits that do not go through the NoApp Server connection
pools. This connection requirement is specific to your


Number of connections required by the containers.

Benchmarking your system to validate assumptions and estimates prior to a
production implementation is strongly recommended. During the test, monitor the
connection pool usage levels in each of the application server instances, the
number of agents to run to meet your processing and service levels, and the actual
DB2 database connections established.

Mandatory settings for DB CFG parameters
For optimal performance, certain parameters and values are mandatory for DB2

Mandatory value

Database Code Set


Recommended settings for DB CFG parameters
For optimal performance, follow the recommended settings for DB2 9.x.
The parameters and values described in the following table are recommended:

Recommended value


Enables the DB2 self-tuning memory manager (STMM) to automatically and
dynamically set memory allocations to memory consumers such as buffer
pools, lock lists, package cache, and sort heap.
Recommended value: ON


Allows DB2 to adjust the amount of database memory depending on load,
memory pressures, and other factors.
Recommended values:
AUTOMATIC (for Windows and AIX)
COMPUTED (for Linux, HP-UX, and Solaris)


Allows STMM to dynamically manage memory allocations.
Recommended value: AUTOMATIC


Allows STMM to dynamically manage memory allocations.
Recommended values:
If AUTOMATIC is not supported: 100


Allows STMM to dynamically manage memory allocations.


Recommended value: AUTOMATIC



Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management


Recommended value


Recommended value: AUTOMATIC


Recommended value: AUTOMATIC


Recommended value: AUTOMATIC


Recommended value: AUTOMATIC


Recommended value: AUTOMATIC


Recommended value: AUTOMATIC


Note: APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ is deprecated in DB2 9.5.


Amount required depends on the amount of memory available and the
traffic volume.
Recommended value: AUTOMATIC
Note: The default DBHEAP value is inadequate.


Refer to the topic Log Configuration.
Recommended value: 65536 if configuring 20 transaction logs of 256 MB
(65536 4 K pages)


Number of primary transaction logs. Refer to the topic Log Configuration.
Recommended value: 40 or more


Number of secondary transaction logs. These are allocated by DB2 when it
cannot reuse any of the primary logs due to active transactions. Refer to the
topic Log Configuration.
Recommended value: 12


Refer to the topic Log Configuration.
Recommended value: LOGPRIMARY - Safety buffer


Sets the default degree of parallelism for intrapartition parallelism. In
general, online transactional applications such as Sterling B2B Integrator
typically experience a high volume of short queries that do not benefit from
parallel queries.
Recommended value: 1 – Disable intrapartition parallelism


Recommended value: STATEMENT

Performance Management


Recommended Settings for DB2 9.7
The following table lists the recommended settings specific to DB2 9.7:


Currently Committed The DB2 database used the default Cursor
Stability (CS) isolation level in all versions
until DB2 9.7. If an application changed a
row and another application tried to read
that row before the first application
committed the changes, the second
application waited until the commit.
You can now set the currently committed
semantics of the CS level, which informs
DB2 that when the second application tries
to read a locked row, it will get an image of
what the row looked like before committing
the change.
In the enhanced currently committed
semantics, only committed data is returned,
as it used to be earlier. However, now read
operation does not wait for the write
operation to release the row locks. Instead,
the read operation returns the data prior to
the start of the write operation.
The currently committed semantics is
turned on by default in the new DB 9.7
database. The new database configuration
parameter, cur_commit is used to override
this behavior.
Currently committed semantics requires
more log space for write operations. In
addition, extra space is required for logging
the first update of a data row during a
transaction, which can have an insignificant
or measurable impact on the total log space


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

Recommended value:




The following list provides limitations that
apply to the currently committed semantics:
v The target table in sections that is used
for data update or delete operation does
not use currently committed semantics.
v An uncommitted modification to a row
forces the currently committed read
operation to access appropriate log
records and determine the currently
committed version of the row. Although
log records that are no longer present in
the log buffer can be physically read,
currently committed semantics does not
support the retrieval of log files from the
log archive.
v The following scans does not use
currently committed semantics:


Catalog table scans


Referential integrity constraint
enforcement scans


VARGRAPHIC column reference scans


Range-clustered table (RCT) scans


Spatial or extended index scans

DB2 uses less server resources while
processing queries that have parameters
instead of queries that have literal values in
them. DB2 will compile an SQL statement
once and will cache it. It presents the same
query execution plan from the cache the
next time for the same query thereby
utilizing fewer resources to
compile/prepare the same statement.

You can enable
concentrator by
running the following
SQL statement:
db2 update db cfg
for  using
stmt_conc literals

However, it becomes a difficult task when
SQL statements use literal values instead of
parameters matching incoming statements
to what is already present in the statement.
To prevail over this situation, statement
concentrator modifies dynamic SQL
statements at the database server so that
similar, but not identical, SQL statements
can share the same access plan.

Performance Management





Inline LOBs

Sterling B2B Integrator extensively uses
large objects (LOBs). These LOBs are
usually a few kilobytes in size.

Enable LOB inlining
through the INLINE
LENGTH option on
statement or the

The LOB data access performance can be
improved by placing the LOB data within
the rows on data pages instead of the LOB
storage object.
Typically, LOBs are stored in a separate
storage object that is outside the base table.
LOBs can be stored in the formatted rows
of the base table if they are sufficiently
sized. Depending on the page size, the
maximum length of a LOB that can qualify
for in table in-lining is 32660 bytes. Such
LOBs are commonly known as inline LOBs.
Earlier, the processing of such LOBs created
bottlenecks for application. However, now
LOBs improve the performance of queries
that access the LOB data as there is no
additional I/Os required for fetching,
inserting, or updating the data.
LBO inlining is enabled for all LOB
columns in the new or existing tables for
DB2 9.7 and for all existing LOB columns in
an upgrade.

Recommended Settings for DB2 for Linux on System z ( or
IBM recommends special settings for DB2 when using Sterling B2B Integrator or later on the Linux operating system on System z.
When you are running Sterling B2B Integrator or later using the DB2
database on the Linux operating system on System z (or zLinux), IBM recommends
the following settings:
v SCSI over FCP (fiber channel protocol) disks for data and transaction logs.
v RAID 5 for data logs and RAID 10 or solid state drives (SSDs) for transaction
logs. All volumes should be striped across as many disks as possible. With this
setup, DB2 can be configured to use direct input and output.
An alternative setup is the use of separate extended count key data (ECKD) disks
with PAV (parallel access volumes) or HyperPAV for data and transaction logs. The
PAV and HyperPAV features are available on the IBM DS8000 series of IBM SANs.
This setup tries to overcome the limitations of the typical ECKD disk setup. All
ECKD volumes should be striped.

Storage Subsystem
Prior to production, plan the overall storage strategy. The DDLs to create
temporary tablespaces and data tablespaces are left to the discretion of the
customer. This topic discusses some general recommendations.
The Sterling B2B Integrator installation creates tables and indexes. The tables use
different page sizes: 4K, 8K, and 16K. You should have a tablespace to


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

accommodate tables with these page sizes. DB2 automatically places tables and
indexes in the available tablespaces using its internal logic.

SMS Tablespaces in DB2
In an SMS (System Managed Space) table space, the operating system's file system
manager allocates and manages the space where the table is stored. The storage
model typically consists of many files, representing table objects, stored in the file
system space. The user decides on the location of the files, DB2 controls their
names, and the file system is responsible for managing them. By controlling the
amount of data written to each file, the database manager distributes the data
evenly across the table space containers. By default, the initial table spaces created
at database creation time are SMS.
SMS table spaces are defined using the MANAGED BY SYSTEM option in the
CREATE DATABASE command, or in the CREATE TABLESPACE statement.
Consider two key factors when you design your SMS table spaces:
v Containers for the table space. You must specify the number of containers that
you want to use for your table space. It is crucial to identify all the containers
you want to use, because you cannot add or delete containers after an SMS table
space is created.
v In a partitioned database environment, when a new partition is added to the
database partition group for an SMS table space, the ALTER TABLESPACE
statement can be used to add containers for the new partition.
Each container used for an SMS table space identifies an absolute or relative
directory name. Each of these directories can be located on a different file system
(or physical disk). Estimate the maximum size of the table space with:
Number of containers * maximum file system size supported by the operating
This formula assumes that there is a distinct file system mapped to each
container, and that each file system has the maximum amount of space available.
In practice, this may not be the case, and the maximum table space size may be
much smaller. There are also SQL limits on the size of database objects, which
may affect the maximum size of a table space.
v Extent size for the table space
The extent size can only be specified when the table space is created. Because it
cannot be changed later, it is important to select an appropriate value for the
extent size. If you do not specify the extent size when creating a table space, the
database manager will create the table space using the default extent size as
defined by the dft_extent_sz database configuration parameter. This
configuration parameter is initially set based on the information provided when
the database is created. If the dft_extent_sz parameter is not specified in the
CREATE DATABASE command, the default extent size is set to 32.

DMS Tablespaces in IBM DB2
In a DMS (Database Managed Space) table space, the database manager controls
the storage space. The storage model consists of a limited number of devices or
files whose space is managed by DB2. The database administrator decides which
devices and files to use, and DB2 manages the space on those devices and files.
The table space is essentially an implementation of a special-purpose file system
designed to meet the needs of the database manager.

Performance Management


A DMS table space containing user-defined tables and data can be defined as:
v A regular table space to store any table data, and optionally, index data
v A large table space to store long field or LOB data, or index data
When designing your DMS table spaces and containers, you should consider the
v The database manager uses striping to ensure an even distribution of data across
all containers.
v The maximum size of regular table spaces is 64 GB for 4 KB pages, 128 GB for 8
KB pages, 256 GB for 16 KB pages, and 512 GB for 32 KB pages. The maximum
size of large table spaces is 2 TB.
Unlike SMS table spaces, the containers that make up a DMS table space do not
have to be the same size. However, the use of unequal container sizes is not
usually recommended because it results in uneven striping across the containers,
and results in suboptimal performance. If any container is full, DMS table spaces
use the available free space from other containers.
v Because space is preallocated, it must be available before the table space can be
created. When using device containers, the device must also exist with enough
space for the definition of the container. Each device can have only one
container defined on it.
To avoid wasted space, the size of the device and the size of the container
should be equivalent. If, for example, the device is allocated with 5000 pages,
and the device container is defined to allocate 3000 pages, 2000 pages on the
device will not be usable.
By default, one extent in every container is reserved for overhead. Only full
extents are used. For optimal space management, use the following formula to
determine an appropriate size when allocating a container:
extent_size * (n + 1)
In this formula:
– extent_size is the size of each extent in the table space
– n is the number of extents that you want to store in the container
v Device containers must use logical volumes with a "character-special interface,"
and not physical volumes.
You can use files instead of devices with DMS table spaces. No operational
difference exists between a file and a device; however, a file can be less efficient
because of the run-time overheads associated with the file system. Files are
useful when devices are not directly supported, a device is not available,
maximum performance is not required, or you do not want to set up devices.
If your workload involves LOBs or LONG VARCHAR data, you can derive
performance benefits from file system caching.

Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
Automatic storage grows the size of your database across disk and file systems. It
removes the need to manage storage containers manually by taking advantage of
the performance and flexibility of database managed storage. In DB2 9.x, automatic
storage is enabled by default.
A database needs to be enabled for automatic storage when it is created. DB2 9.5
and DB2 9.7 enable automatic storage by default when you create new databases.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

You cannot enable automatic storage for a database if it was not created to
accommodate for it. Similarly, you cannot disable automatic storage for a database
that was originally created to use it.
With automatic storage, you no longer need to worry about tasks such as creating
additional table spaces for capacity, adding containers, and monitoring container
growth. When you want to restore a database backup, on a different system (using
different directory or path structures), you can redefine the storage paths, such that
the new paths are used instead of the ones stored in the backup.
The following examples illustrate automatic storage usage on UNIX and Linux
When a database is created, you can specify the storage pool for use by the
database. If no storage paths are specified, the default database path (dftdbpath) is
CREATE DATABASE test on /data/path1, /data/path2
You can add additional storage paths to the pool:
ALTER DATABASE ADD STORAGE /data/path3, /data/path4
Earlier, when you created tablespaces, you had to specify containers for them. You
can now specify that they automatically use the database storage pool:
You can also define policies for storage growth and limits:
Note: For performance and simplicity, Automatic Storage Management is
recommended. If this is not possible, define SYSCATSPACE and SYSTOOLSPACE,
temporary tablespaces as SMS, and other tablespaces holding application data as

I/O Sub-System Response Time
Sterling B2B Integrator is an On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) application.
As an OLTP application, database response time to the I/O sub-system needs to be
in the single digit range even during the peak periods. The database response time
to the I/O sub-system should be less than:
v 5 ms for logs. 1ms or better is recommended.
v 10 ms or better for data. 5ms is recommended.

Log Configuration
This topic provides information about the following logs:
Performance Management



At a minimum, configure 20 transaction logs (LOGPRIMARY=20) of 256 MB
(LOGFILSIZ=65536 4K-pages) for Sterling B2B Integrator.
As an additional precaution, configure at least 12 secondary transaction logs
(LOGSECOND=12). DB2 allocates secondary logs when it cannot reuse any of the
primary logs due to active transactions.
Track the following monitor elements to assess the effectiveness of these settings,
and adjust as needed:
v total_log_used and tot_log_used_top to see how much of the logs are used
v Which workloads are consuming or holding the transaction logs when
LOGPRIMARY approaches the total primary log capacity. If needed, raise the
setting for LOGPRIMARY.
v sec_log_used_top and sec_logs_allocated to see if secondary transaction logs are
used. Investigate how often logging spills over to the secondary logs and what
workloads are running during the spill. If needed, increase LOGPRIMARY to
prevent log spills.

This parameter limits the number of logs a transaction can span, which prevents
situations where DB2 cannot switch transaction logs because all the transaction
logs are active. For example:
v Someone may have updated a record in IBM Sterling Control Center, but may
have forgotten to commit the change.
v Updates to one or more database records might not get committed due to a
software bug.
Set NUM_LOG_SPAN to a minimum of 12 so that valid long-running transactions
are not prematurely forced, and a maximum of LOGPRIMARY minus a safety
buffer. For example, if LOGPRIMARY=20 and you decide upon a safety buffer of 4,
the maximum NUM_LOG_SPAN=16.

DB2 Monitoring
DB2 includes many facilities for tracing system activity at just about any level of
detail. This section covers the following topics:
v Snapshot Monitors
v Snapshot Monitor Commands
v DB2 Event Monitors
v Use an Event Monitor to Diagnose and Flush Deadlocks
v DB2 Performance Expert

Snapshot Monitors
Information about snapshot monitors is available by searching at
Snapshot monitors collect information about the state of a DB2 instance and any
databases it controls at a specific point in time. Snapshots are useful for
determining the status of a database system. When taken at regular intervals, they


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

can provide information that lets you observe trends and identify potential
problem areas. Snapshot monitoring is performed by executing the GET SNAPSHOT
command from the DB2 Command-Line Processor (CLP).

Snapshot Monitor Commands
To use snapshot monitors, turn on the monitor switches and view data. The
following table describes the command and syntax for specific tasks:

Command and Syntax

Turn on monitor

Options are:
lock on
sort on
statement on
table on
timestamp on
uow on
Note: Monitor switches can also be controlled in the database
manager configuration.

Check status of
monitor switches


View snapshot data

Switches must be turned on to view data.
bufferpools on database_name
locks on database_name
dynamic sql on database_name
tables on database_name
applications on database_name
tablespaces on database_name
database on database_name

DB2 Event Monitors
Information about snapshot monitors is available by searching at
Event monitors are used to monitor events in an area over time, such as by
producing event records at the start and end of multiple events. These records are
useful for resource planning, trend analysis, and so on.

Performance Management


The most common uses for event monitors are for connections, locks, and
statements. Output can be written to files, named pipes (useful if writing programs
to retrieve monitor data), or to tables.
Event monitor output can be either blocked or nonblocked. Blocked output ensures
against data loss, but should generally be avoided for systems that produce a large
volume of records and for statement event monitors to avoid crashes.
You can limit the granularity of an event monitor to a single user or application.
Connection events can be used to track system usage on a user basis or application
basis. This data allows you to identify poorly performing programs, the heaviest
users, and usage trends. Daily review facilitates discussions with users about the
activity or about adjusting the DB2 physical design.

Use an Event Monitor to Diagnose and Flush Deadlocks
Sterling B2B Integrator, along with the necessary DB2 registry variables, is
designed to minimize the occurrence of deadlocks. However, deadlocks may still
occur in some situations, including the following:
v Custom BP code may obtain records in a different order.
v DB2 may choose an access plan that retrieves records in a different order.
The following table describes the actions to be performed for specific tasks:

What to Do

Set an event monitor
to help diagnose

Run this command:
db2 -v create event monitor $MON for deadlocks with details
write to file $OUTDIR buffersize 64 nonblocked
db2 -v set event monitor $MON state = 1
MON – Monitor name (for example, DLMON)
OUTDIR – directory to store deadlock information

Determine that a
View data in the db2diag.log or in the Sterling B2B Integrator logs
deadlock has occurred
Release a deadlock by Run the following command:
flushing buffers
db2 flush event monitor $MON
db2evmon -path $OUTDIR
The flush ensures that the deadlock records in the buffers are
written out. The db2evmon command formats the deadlock

Optim™ Performance Manager Extended Edition
Optim Performance Manager is a performance analysis and tuning tool for
managing a mix of DB2 systems. It can be used to identify, diagnose, solve, and
prevent performance problems.


Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management

For more information about the Optim Performance Manager Extended Edition,
refer to:

DB2 Index and Table Statistics
DB2 uses catalog statistics to determine the most efficient access plan for a query.
Out-of-date or incomplete statistics for a table or an index may slowdown query
Manual statistics management can be time-consuming. Automatic statistics
collection can run the RUNSTATS utility in the background to collect and maintain
the statistics you require.
To configure your database for automatic statistics collection, set each of the
following parameters to ON:

Volatile Tables
In some cases, the content of the WORKFLOW_CONTEXT, TRANS_DATA, and
other tables can fluctuate significantly during the day. The resulting statistics,
which represent a table at a single point in time, can be misleading. In such
situations, mark the table as volatile with the following command:
alter table  volatile cardinality
For information about regular tuning and best practices for DB2, refer to the
corresponding IBM documentation.

Update Table Statistics Manually
In rare cases you may need to update statistics for a table manually. Run the
following command for the table in the Sterling B2B Integrator schema:
db2 runstats on table 
on key columns with distribution on key columns and sampled detailed indexes all allow read access Microsoft SQL Server Configuration and Monitoring This section provides information about configuring and monitoring Microsoft® SQL Server® 2005, Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008, and Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012. It describes the recommended instance-specific settings, database-specific settings, maintenance plan, and system monitoring. It also provides information about Address Windowing Extensions (AWE), storage subsystem, dynamic management views, and index and table statistics. Mandatory settings for Microsoft SQL Server The default collation of Microsoft SQL Server must match the collation for the Sterling B2B Integrator database to prevent collation conversions. Performance Management 51 The tempdb database that is used by Microsoft SQL Server must be created with the same collation as the default collation of Microsoft SQL Server. The Microsoft SQL Server uses the tempdb database for results that are too large to fit in memory. If the collations of the tempdb database and the Sterling B2B Integrator database differ, the database engine must convert from the Sterling B2B Integrator collation to the tempdb collation, and then back again before it sends the results to the Sterling B2B Integrator server. These conversions might lead to severe performance issues. The collation that is required for the Sterling B2B Integrator database is a collation that most closely matches the character set used by Java. By using this collation, you can avoid character data conversions before the data is stored in the database tables. Use the mandatory parameter that is described in the following table when you configure the collation setting: Parameter Value Database Collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_Bin Additionally, you must perform these tasks: v Allow Microsoft SQL Server to manage memory dynamically (default). v Disable any antivirus software that is running on the Microsoft SQL Server data, transaction log, and binary files directory. Recommended instance-specific settings for Microsoft SQL Server The use of the Microsoft SQL Server database with Sterling B2B Integrator includes some recommended instance-specific settings for the database. Parameter Value Max server memory (MB) 500 MB to x MB depending on the amount of physical memory available on your database server. if the server is running only this SQL Server instance; x can be up-to 80% of the physical memory (RAM). Min server memory (MB) 0 Recommended database-specific settings for Microsoft SQL Server The use of the Microsoft SQL Server database with Sterling B2B Integrator includes some recommended database-specific settings. 52 Parameter Value Notes® IsAutoCreateStatistics True This parameter can be set to False if you have a maintenance plan. IsAutoUpdateStatistics True This parameter can be set to False if you have a maintenance plan. Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Notes® Parameter Value Page_verify_option Checksum (Microsoft SQL Server default) READ_COMMITTED_ SNAPSHOT On Microsoft SQL Server Memory with Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) You can use the Microsoft SQL Server memory (with AWE) when running Microsoft SQL Server (32 bit) on Windows Server (32 bit). This is helpful when your server has more than 4 GB of RAM and you want Microsoft SQL Server to be able to use that. For using Microsoft SQL Server with AWE, use the recommended values for Min and Max server memory for instance level settings. For more information on Enabling AWE Memory for Microsoft SQL Server Memory, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site: v (Microsoft SQL Server 2005) v (Microsoft SQL Server 2008) This feature was removed in Microsoft SQL Server 2012. For more information, see Row Versioning-Based Isolation Level (READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT) for Microsoft SQL Server This feature is available in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later versions, This feature can help in the following ways: v Resolve concurrency issues such as excessive blocking v Reduce deadlocks The following T-SQL statement enables the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT for a database: ALTER DATABASE SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON; This snapshot option increases the number of I/Os as well as the size of tempdb. It is important to have tempdb on fast disks as well as to have it sized according to your workload. For more information about Using and Understanding Snapshot Isolation and Row Versioning, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: Recommended Settings for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and 2012 Recommended settings for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 are provided. These are shown in the following table: Performance Management 53 Feature Description Activity Monitor During troubleshooting, a database administrator (DBA) executes several scripts or verifies number of sources to collect general information about the processes being executed and to find out the source of the problem. Microsoft SQL Server consolidates this information in detail graphically by running the recently executed processes. For more information about Activity Monitor, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site: v %28v=sql.105%29.aspx (Microsoft SQL Server 2008) v %28v=sql.110%29.aspx (Microsoft SQL Server 2012) 54 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Feature Description Data Compression The following list describes the two type of data compression supported by Microsoft SQL Server: v Row compression Row compression compresses the individual columns of a table. Row compression results in lower overhead on the application and utilizes more space. v Page compression Page compression compresses the data pages using row, prefix, and dictionary compression. Page compression affects application throughput and processor utilization, but requires less space. Page compression is a superset of row compression, which implies that an object or a partition of an object that is compressed using page compression is compressed at the row level too. The amount of compression achieved is dependent on the data types and the data contained in the database. Compression, row or page, can be applied to a table or an index in an online mode without interrupting the availability of Sterling B2B Integrator. The hybrid approach, where only the largest tables that are few in number, are compressed, results in best performance in saving significant disk space and resulting in minimal negative impact on performance. Disk space requirements should be considered before implementing compression. Compressing the smallest objects first minimizes the additional disk space requirements. Run the following SQL query to determine how compressing an object may affect its size: sp_estimate_data_compression_savings The following Sterling B2B Integrator tables may be the most likely candidates for compression: v DATA_TABLE v TRANS_DATA v CORRELATION_SET v WORKFLOW_CONTEXT v ARCHIVE_INFO For more information about implementing row and page compression, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site: v %28v=sql.105%29.aspx (Row compression) v %28v=sql.105%29.aspx (Page compression) v %28v=sql.110%29.aspx (Data compression) Performance Management 55 Feature Description Hot Add CPU and Hot Add Memory Hot Add CPU enables you to add CPUs dynamically to the servers without shutting down the server or limiting client connections. Hot Add Memory enables you to add physical memory dynamically without restarting the server. For more information about dynamically adding CPU and physical memory, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: v (Hot Add CPU) v (Hot Add Memory) Note: The above pages are for Microsoft SQL Server 2008. However, Hot Add CPU and Hot Add Memory are also supported in Microsoft SQL Server 2012. For more information, see the High Availability section at bb630282%28v=sql.110%29.aspx. Extended Events The extended events infrastructure enables administrators to investigate and address complex problems such as excessive CPU usage, deadlocks, application timeouts, and so on. Extended events can be correlated with Windows events to obtain more information of the problem. For more information about extended events, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site: v (Microsoft SQL Server 2008) v %28v=sql.110%29.aspx (Microsoft SQL Server 2012) Storage Subsystem Prior to production, you should plan the overall storage strategy. You must have DDLs to create and place tempdb and the user database for Sterling B2B Integrator. A typical subsystem configuration would be: v OS and SQL Server binaries on a RAID 1 disk set v SQL Server data files on one or more RAID 5 disk sets v SQL Server transaction logs on a RAID 10 disk set Consider and ensure the following when planning a storage subsystem: v Place SQL Server binaries on a separate set of physical disks other than the database data and log files. v Place the log files on physical disk arrays other than those with the data files. This is important because logging is more write-intensive, and the disk arrays containing the SQL Server log files require sufficient disk I/O to ensure that performance is not impacted. v Set a reasonable size for your database. Estimate how big your database will be. This should be done as part of presales exercise working with IBM Professional Services. v Set a reasonable size for the transaction log. The transaction log's size should be 20–25 per cent of the database size. 56 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v v v v v Leave the Autogrow feature on for the data files and the log files. This helps the SQL Server to automatically increase allocated resources when necessary. Set a reasonable size for the Autogrow increment. Setting the database to automatically grow results in some performance degradation. Therefore you should set a reasonable size for the Autogrow increment to prevent the database from growing automatically often. Set the maximum size for the data files and log files in order to prevent the disk drives from running out of space. If you have several physical disk arrays, try to create at least as many files as there are physical disk arrays so that you have one file per disk array. This improves performance because when a table is accessed sequentially, a separate thread is created for each file on each disk array in order to read the table's data in parallel. Place the heavily accessed tables in one file group and place the tables' indexes in a different file group on a different physical disk arrays. This improves performance, because separate threads will be created to access the tables and indexes. For more information about Sterling B2B Integrator tables, refer to the "Schema Objects" and "Sterling B2B Integrator Database Tables" sections in the topic “Database management for Sterling B2B Integrator” on page 16. I/O Sub-System Response Time Sterling B2B Integrator is an On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) application. As an OLTP application, database response time to the I/O sub-system needs to be in the single digit range even during the peak periods. The database response time to the I/O sub-system should be less than: v 5 ms for logs. 1ms or better is recommended. v 10 ms or better for data. 5ms is recommended. Monitoring Microsoft SQL Server Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is a tool kit for configuring, managing, and administering all components of Microsoft SQL Server. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio combines the features of Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, and Analysis Manager. For more information about Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: Monitoring Microsoft SQL Server Using SQL Server Profiler SQL Server Profiler is a graphical tool used to monitor an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. This tool is a good troubleshooting tool, but should not be enabled for day-to-day operations because there is an inherent overhead in capturing this data daily. The data about each event can be captured to a file or a table for analysis at a later date. The SQL Server Profiler can be used to: v Monitor the performance of an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine v Identify procedures and queries that are executing slowly v Replay traces of one or more users Performance Management 57 v v v v v Perform query analysis Troubleshoot problems Audit and review activity Correlate performance counters Configure trace problems For more information about Using the SQL Server Profiler, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: https:// Enable the following events in SQL Server Profiler to capture deadlock-related information: v Deadlock graph v Lock: Deadlock v Lock: Deadlock Chain v RPC:Completed v SP:StmtCompleted v SQL:BatchCompleted v SQL:BatchStarting For more information about Analyzing Deadlocks with SQL Server Profiler, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: For more information about Troubleshooting Deadlocks in Microsoft SQL Server, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: Microsoft SQL Dynamic Management Views The Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provide DBA information about the current state of the SQL Server machine. These values help an administrator diagnose problems and tune the server for optimal performance. For more information about dynamic management views and functions, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: Microsoft SQL System Monitor The performance monitor (Perfmon) or system monitor is a utility used to track a range of processes and provide a real-time graphical display of the results. It can also be used to measure SQL Server performance. You can view SQL Server objects, performance counters, and the behavior of other objects, such as processors, memory, cache, threads, and processes. For more information about Monitoring Resource Usage (System Monitor), refer to the Microsoft TechNet Web site, which can be accessed from: ms191246(SQL.90).aspx. Microsoft SQL Server Maintenance Plan A maintenance plan is a set of measures (workflows) taken to ensure that a database is properly maintained and routine backups are scheduled and handled. 58 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Microsoft SQL Server maintenance plans can be configured by a wizard in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, which can help alleviate some of the burden involved in creating the plan. In Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine, maintenance plans create an Integration Services package, which is run by an SQL Server Agent job. The goal of a maintenance plan is to: v Back up the Sterling B2B Integrator database regularly using either the simple model or the full recovery model v Update the statistics on all Sterling B2B Integrator tables and associated indexes v Rebuild or reorganize indexes on Sterling B2B Integrator tables v Run database consistency checks For more information about MS SQL Maintenance Plans, see the Microsoft Developer Network Web site: ms187658%28v=sql.105%29.aspx You can use either the simple recovery model or the full recovery model with the database. If you are unsure about which model to use, use the full recovery model. Consider the simple recovery model if you are agreeable to the following: v Point of failure recovery is not necessary. If the database is lost or damaged, you are willing to lose all the updates between a failure and the previous backup. v You are willing to risk the loss of some data in the log. v You do not want to back up and restore the transaction log, preferring to rely exclusively on full and differential backups. v You are willing to perform a differential database backup every day and a full database backup over the weekends (during low activity period). For more information about Backup Under the Simple Recovery Model, see the Microsoft Developer Network Web site: library/ms191164%28v=sql.105%29.aspx or library/ms186289%28v=sql.105%29.aspx Consider the full recovery model if you are agreeable to the following: v You want to recover all the data. v You want to recover to the point of failure. v You want to be able to restore individual pages. v You are willing to incur the cost of additional disk space for transaction log backups. v Performance of transaction log backups every 30-45 minutes. For more information about Backup Under the Full Recovery Model, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: For more information about Transaction Log Backups, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: https:// %28v=sql.105%29 . Note: The Microsoft Developer Network Web site links provided access pages for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. To view pages for other versions, such as Microsoft SQL Server 2012, use the Other Versions feature on the viewed page. Performance Management 59 Microsoft SQL Server Index, Table Statistics, and Index Rebuilds Your maintenance plan should include updating of statistics and rebuilding or reorganizing indexes. If you have a maintenance plan for updating statistics, set IsAutoCreateStatistics and IsAutoUpdateStatistics, at the database level, to False. This helps control when the maintenance plan runs, which should be at low load periods. If you have not included this in your maintenance plan, then set IsAutoCreateStatistics and IsAutoUpdateStatistics, at the database level to True. Following is an example of a T-SQL statement for updating the statistics on a table, including the statistics pertaining to all the indexes on the table: UPDATE STATISTICS
When the data in the tables have changed by approximately 20 per cent, index rebuilds are recommended for the Sterling B2B Integrator database. This must be validated by looking at system performance as a whole. Online index rebuilds, which cause minimal impact to the system, are possible. To find out more about document life-spans, and when the data in the tables change by approximately 20 per cent, speak to the Sterling B2B Integrator system administrator. You can rebuild indexes either online or offline. Online indexes can be rebuilt, with the following exceptions: v Clustered indexes if the underlying table contains LOB data types v Nonclustered indexes that are defined with LOB data type columns. Nonclustered indexes can be rebuilt online if the table contains LOB data types, but none of these columns are used in the index definition as either key or nonkey columns. For ease of maintenance, it is easier to either build all the indexes offline because offline rebuilding does not have the restrictions listed previously, or reorganize the index. Following is an example of a T-SQL statement for rebuilding indexes offline: ALTER INDEX ALL ON
REBUILD Following is an example of a T-SQL statement for reorganizing indexes offline: ALTER INDEX ALL ON
REORGANIZE For more information about Reorganizing and Rebuilding Indexes, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: For more information about Alter index (Transact-SQL), refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: http:// Windows Defragmentation You must run Windows defragmentation on disks with SQL Server data files and transaction logs once a month. 60 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management This helps reduce the fragmentation in the SQL Server files at the file system level. You can create a schedule for this using Windows Task Scheduler. For more information about the Disk Defragmenter Tools and Settings, refer to the Microsoft TechNet Web site, which can be accessed from: http:// Microsoft SQL Server Tips Additional tips are provided pertaining to Microsoft SQL Server in the context of Sterling B2B Integrator. v When using Sterling B2B Integrator with Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Integrated authentication is not supported. v Ensure that network components such as routers, firewalls, and so on, do not drop the idle connections between Sterling B2B Integrator and Microsoft SQL Server where they are on separate physical servers. Sterling B2B Integrator uses JDBC connection pool, and idle connections are typical. v It is recommended that you run Microsoft SQL Server and Sterling B2B Integrator on separate physical servers because this helps improve performance, ease of maintenance, and recoverability. v It is important to understand the difference between simple blocking and deadlocks: – Blocking is an unavoidable characteristic of Microsoft SQL Server because it uses lock-based concurrency. Blocking occurs when one session holds a lock on a specific resource, and a second session attempts to acquire a conflicting lock type on the same resource. Typically, the time frame for which the first session locks the resource is small. When it releases the lock, the second session is free to acquire its own lock and continue processing. This is the normal behavior of Microsoft SQL Server with Sterling B2B Integrator, and is generally not a cause for concern. It is a cause for concern only when sessions are getting blocked for a long time. – Deadlocks are much worse than simple blocking. A deadlock typically occurs when a session locks the resources that another session has to modify, and the second session locks the resources that the first session intends to modify. Microsoft SQL Server has a built-in algorithm for resolving deadlocks. It will select one of the deadlock participants and roll back its transaction. This session becomes the deadlock victim. Microsoft SQL Server has two trace flags that can be set to capture deadlock-related information. The flags are Trace Flag 1204 and Trace Flag 1222. These trace flags can be used as an alternative to using SQL Server Profiler. For more information about trace flags, see For more information about Detecting and Ending Deadlocks in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008, refer to the Microsoft Developer Network Web site, which can be accessed from: In Microsoft SQL Server 2012, the System Health session detects deadlocks. See %29.aspx for more information. Java Virtual Machine Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a platform-independent programming language that converts Java bytecode into machine language and executes it. Performance Management 61 When you compile a Java source, you get an intermediate Java file called the Java class. The class file is made up of bytecodes representing abstract instruction codes. These codes are not directly executable by any computer processor. To run a Java program, you start a JVM and pass the class file to the JVM. The JVM provides many services, including loading the class file and interpreting (executing) the byte codes. The JVM is the core technology that provides the runtime environment in which a Java application runs. Each Java program or application runs in its own JVM. For example, if you configured an application server cluster with ten managed server instances that are controlled by one administrative instance, your configuration runs 11 JVM processes. Since JVM is the underlying processing engine, it is critical that the JVMs are optimally configured and are running efficiently. Incorrect JVM settings may lead to poor application performance or JVM outages. Run the following command to find out the JVM version installed in your system: $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version Note: If your environment handles large concurrent communications traffic, it is recommended to increase the value of the gmm.maxAllocation property in the file, along with increasing the maximum heap size of your JVM. In such a scenario, set gmm.maxAllocation to a value greater than 384 MB. For more information about the gmm.maxAllocation property, refer to the inline comments in the file. Garbage Collection Statistics Garbage Collection (GC) statistics provide heap-related information such as: v What are the sizes of the different heaps? v How full is each section of heap? v How fast is the heap getting full? v What is the overall overhead of GC to clean the non-live objects? Collecting and analyzing GC statistics help size the different sections of a heap correctly. It is recommended that you continuously collect garbage collection statistics for all the JVMs, even in production. The collection overhead is minor compared to the benefit. With these statistics, you can tell if: v The JVM has or is about to run into a memory leak v Garbage collection is efficient v Your JVM heap settings are optimal JVM Verbose Garbage Collection JVM Verbose garbage collection (GC) statistics are critical and must always be enabled in production environments. These statistics can be used to understand the behavior of the JVM heap management and the efficiency of the JVM. IBM JVM Garbage Collection Example Following is an example of the GC output for JVM: 62 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management In this example, = –XX:NewSize controls the minimum young generation size in a heap, and the –Xmn sets the size of the young generation heap. It is recommended to use the following formula to compute XX:NewSize and -Xmn values when the minimum heap size and maximum heap sizes are modified. Refer to “Edit Performance Configuration Settings” on page 123 for the default values for the: v Initial new heap size for the server JVM (INIT_AGE) v Initial new heap size for the container JVM (INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v Maximum new heap size for the server JVM (MAX_AGE) v Maximum new heap size for the container JVM (MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v -XX:NewSize = (0.33333* value of –Xms) v -Xmn = (0.33333 * value of -Xmx) -XX:MaxPermSize Refer to “Edit Performance Configuration Settings” on page 123 for the default values for the: Stores all the class code and v Maximum permanent generation heap size for the class-like data. The value of the server JVM (MAX_PERM_SIZE) parameter should be large enough v Maximum permanent generation heap size for the to fit all the classes that are container JVM (MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) concurrently loaded. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine the actual value of this parameter because generally, this region is smaller and expands slowly, and the utilization is commonly observed at 99-100 percent of its current capacity. If you have not configured this region correctly, the JVM might fail with the Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error. 68 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Parameter / Description Default Value -Xss Refer to “Edit Performance Configuration Settings” on page 123 for the default values for the: Determines the stack size for each thread in the JVM. v Maximum Java stack size for any thread for the server JVM (STATIC_STACK) Every thread in a JVM gets a stack, and this value determines the number of threads you can start in a JVM. If this value is too large, you might run into an OOM. Each time a method is invoked, a stack frame is created and pushed into the thread stack. At a minimum, a stack frame contains a method's local variables and arguments. If a thread's actual stack size reaches beyond this limit, you will get a java.lang.StackOverflowError exception. v Maximum Java stack size for any thread for the container JVM (STATIC_STACK_CONTAINER) -XX:CompileThreshold For both 32-bit/64-bit noapp and container JVMs: Determines the number of method invocations and branches before compiling. v Windows = -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 v Solaris = -XX:CompileThreshold=1000 Setting a low value for this parameter will trigger the compilations of hot methods sooner. -Xnocatch For both noapp and container JVMs: Disables the Java catch-all signal handler. This option is used to get clean, native code stack traces. HP-UX = -Xnocatch Display HotSpot Statistics for HP JVM To display HotSpot Statistics for the HP JVM, enable one of the following options: v -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps –Xloggc: -verbose: This displays the following: 11.010: [GC [PSYoungGen: 196608K->20360K(229376K)] 196608K>20360K(753664K), 0.0514144 secs] 13.987: [GC [PSYoungGen: 216968K->32746K(229376K)] 216968K->48812K(753664K), 0.1052434 secs] v -Xverbosegc [:help] | [0 | 1] [:file = [stdout | stderr | ]] This displays the following: Display HotSpot Statistics for Sun JVM To display HotSpot Statistics for the Sun JVM, enable the following option: -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamp –Xloggc: Performance Management 69 This displays the following: 0.000: [GC 0.001: [DefNew: 32192K->511K(33152K), 0.0383176 secs] 32192K->511K(101440K), 0.0385223 secs] 1.109: [GC 1.110: [DefNew: 32703K->198K(33152K), 0.0344874 secs] 32703K->697K(101440K), 0.0346844 secs] Refer to the corresponding Sun documentation, which can be accessed from the following Web site: HotSpot JVM Heap Monitoring You may want to monitor the following items in a healthy heap: v During steady state, you should mostly see minor Garbage Collections (GC) and an occasional full GC caused by allocation failures. v The sum of the GC times should not exceed 3 percent of the measurement interval. For example, in a 1-hour measurement interval, the time taken for all the GCs should not be more than 108 seconds. v The JVM will choose to perform a full GC when it realizes that the live objects in the Eden and Survivor spaces cannot fit in the old generation. The JVM then tries to free up the space in the old generation by performing a full GC. The full GC pauses the application. The amount of pause time depends on the GC algorithm you are using (Sterling B2B Integrator uses the default JVM GC algorithm, that is, Parallel GC algorithm on 1.6 JDK on server class machines), and the size of the heap. The JVM will choose to perform a full GC when it realizes that the live objects in the Eden and Survivor spaces will not fit into the old generation. In an attempt to free up the space in the old generation, the JVM will perform a full GC, which pauses the application. The amount of pause time depends on: – Type of GC algorithm currently in use. Sterling B2B Integrator uses the default JVM GC algorithm, that is, Parallel GC algorithm, on 1.6 JDK on server class machines. – Size of the heap. Too many full GCs have a negative effect on performance. If you observe many full GCs, try to determine if your old generation is sized too small to hold all the live objects collected from the Survivor and Eden spaces. Alternatively, there may be too many live objects that do not fit into the configured heap size. If it is the latter, increase the overall heap size. v If you are monitoring the heap and notice an increase in the number of live objects, and see that the GC is not able to clear these objects from the heap, you might run into an Out-Of-Memory (OOM) condition, and there may be a possible memory leak. In such a situation, take a heap dump at various intervals and analyze the dump for the leak suspect. HotSpot JVM Thread Monitoring Monitoring JVM threads will help you locate thread deadlocks if there are blocked threads in a Java code or in SQL. It also helps you to understand which part of the code the threads are blocked in a hung application or running application. Following is an example of a thread dump: "Thread-817" daemon prio=10 tid=0x00b9c800 nid=0x667 in Object.wait() [0xa4d8f000..0xa4d8faf0] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) - waiting on <0xf678a600> (a EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.LinkedNode) at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.SynchronousChannel.poll( - locked <0xf678a600> (a EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.LinkedNode) at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor.getTask( 70 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$ at "Low Memory Detector" daemon prio=10 tid=0x001e64e8 nid=0x19 runnable [0x00000000..0x00000000] "CompilerThread1" daemon prio=10 tid=0x001e5388 nid=0x18 waiting on condition [0x00000000..0xb72fed2c] "CompilerThread0" daemon prio=10 tid=0x001e4510 nid=0x17 waiting on condition [0x00000000..0xb73febac] "AdapterThread" daemon prio=10 tid=0x001e3698 nid=0x16 waiting on condition [0x00000000..0x00000000] "Signal Dispatcher" daemon prio=10 tid=0x001e2928 nid=0x15 waiting on condition [0x00000000..0x00000000] "Finalizer" daemon prio=10 tid=0x001d6078 nid=0x14 in Object.wait() [0xfdf6f000..0xfdf6fa70] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove( - locked <0xc9e89940> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock) at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove( at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$ "Reference Handler" daemon prio=10 tid=0x001d5b20 nid=0x13 in Object.wait() [0xfe04f000..0xfe04f8f0] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) at java.lang.Object.wait( at java.lang.ref.Reference$ - locked <0xc9e90860> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock) "VM Thread" prio=10 tid=0x001d3a40 nid=0x12 runnable "GC task thread#0 (ParallelGC)" prio=10 tid=0x000d8608 nid=0x2 runnable The output consists of a header and a stack trace for each thread. Each thread is separated by an empty line. The Java threads (threads that are capable of executing Java language code) are printed first. These are followed by information on VM internal threads. The header line contains the following information about the thread: v Thread Name indicates if the thread is a daemon thread v Thread Priority (Prio) v Thread ID (TID) is the address of a thread structure in memory v ID of the native thread (NID) v Thread State indicates what the thread was doing at the time of the thread dump v Address range gives an estimate of the valid stack region for the thread The following table lists the possible thread states that can be printed: Thread State Definition NEW The thread has not yet started. RUNNABLE The thread is executing in the JVM. BLOCKED The thread is blocked, waiting for a monitor lock. WAITING The thread is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform a particular action. TIMED_WAITING The thread is waiting for another thread to perform an action for up to a specified waiting time. TERMINATED The thread has exited. Note: The thread header is followed by the thread stack. Performing a Thread Dump About this task To perform a thread dump in UNIX (Solaris and HP-UX): Performance Management 71 Procedure 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > JVM Monitor. 2. In the JVM MONITOR page, under Thread Dump, next to Take Thread Dump, click Go!. The Thread Dump pop-up window is displayed. 3. To see the latest Dumps in the View Dumps list, click Go! in the Thread Dump pop-up window. 4. Close the Thread Dump pop-up window. 5. Under View Dumps, select the Name of the thread dump file and click Go! to view it. The Download Dumps pop-up window is displayed. 6. Click the Dumps download link. 7. Open or save the file. 8. Close the Download Dumps pop-up window. What to do next For Windows, if you have started Sterling B2B Integrator as a Windows service, use the stacktrace tool to take a thread dump. Follow the same procedure to perform a thread dump for container JVMs. For more information, refer to the following Web site: main/stacktrace. You can use VisualVM in remote mode to take a thread dump on Windows when you start Sterling B2B Integrator noapp or container in service mode. Refer to the corresponding VisualVM documentation for information about remote monitoring of JVM, which is available in the following Web site: HotSpot Thread Dump Analysis Tools Following is a list of tools that can be used to analyze thread dumps: v Thread Dump Analyzer (TDA): (Refer to Note: In order to use TDA, you must strip off any starting “< “ symbols in the thread dump if you are using Sterling B2B Integrator UI to take thread dumps. v You can also use VisualVM for live monitoring of threads in JVM. (Refer to HotSpot JVM DeadLock Detection In addition to the thread stacks, the Ctrl+Break handler executes a deadlock detection algorithm. If any deadlocks are detected, it prints additional information after the thread dump on each deadlocked thread. Found one Java-level deadlock: ============================= "Thread2": waiting to lock monitor 0x000af330 (object 0xf819a938, a java.lang.String), which is held by "Thread1" "Thread1": waiting to lock monitor 0x000af398 (object 0xf819a970, a java.lang.String), which is held by "Thread2" Java stack information for the threads listed above: =================================================== "Thread2": 72 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management at Deadlock$ - waiting to lock <0xf819a938> (a java.lang.String) - locked <0xf819a970> (a java.lang.String) "Thread1": at Deadlock$ - waiting to lock <0xf819a970> (a java.lang.String) - locked <0xf819a938> (a java.lang.String) Found 1 deadlock. If the Java VM flag -XX:+PrintConcurrentLocks is set, Ctrl+Break will also print the list of concurrent locks owned by each thread. HotSpot JVM Blocked Thread Detection Look for threads that are blocked. Threads might be waiting on SQL or might be serialized on a synchronized block. If you see threads that are blocked they are waiting on another thread to complete, it means that you are serializing on some part of code. HotSpot JVM Troubleshooting Tips Java.lang.OutOfMemory errors occur when either the Java heap or the native heap run out of space. These exceptions may indicate that the number of live objects in the JVM require more memory than what is available (which can be adjusted by tuning the heap), or that there is a memory leak (which may indicate a problem with an application component, the JVM, or the OS). There are many variants of this error, with each variant having its own cause and resolution. Generally, java.lang.OutOfMemory (OOM) indicates that insufficient space has been allocated for a requested object in the heap, or in a particular area of the heap, even after a garbage collection is attempted. An OutOfMemory exception does not always indicate a memory leak. It could indicate that the heap parameters are not configured properly for an application or that the bug is complex, with you having to troubleshoot different layers of native code. When an OOM error is from the native code, it is difficult to tell whether it is from Java heap exhaustion or native heap exhaustion because of low space. The first step in diagnosing an OOM is identifying whether the Java heap is full or the native heap is full. Exception in thread “main” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError This error condition might be due to a simple configuration issue. It might be that the –Xms value configured for this type of application is throwing the error. This error generally occurs when object allocation fails even after a Garbage Collection (GC). This error condition may be because of a memory leak, in which case, the object references are held by the application even if they are no longer needed. Over a period of time, this unintentional object growth increases and causes this OOM. This type of OOM error can also be seen in applications in which excessive finalizer calls are made. In such applications, where the finalizer call is made, the GCs cannot reclaim the object space. Instead, they are queued for finalization to occur, which might happen some time later. In a Sun implementation, the finalizer call is made by a separate daemon thread. If there are excessive finalize calls, the finalization thread cannot keep up with the load, and eventually, the heap might become full and an OOM might occur. For example, applications that create high-priority threads that cause the finalization to increase at a rate that is faster Performance Management 73 than the rate the finalization thread can process, may generate this error. Exception in thread “main” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space This error is seen when permanent generation is full. Permanent generation is the area in which the class and method objects are stored. For an application that loads a large number of classes, the value of –XX:MaxPermSize should be sized accordingly. Permanent generation also gets used when the java.lang.String intern() method is invoked on an object of class java.lang.String. Exhaustion of the permanent generation area may occur if an application interns a large number of strings. Generally, java.lang.String maintains the string pool, and when an interned method is called on a string, it first verifies that an equal string is already present in the pool. If an equal string exists, java.lang.String returns the canonical representation of the string, which points to the same class instance; otherwise, java.lang.String adds the string to the pool. Exception in thread “main” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit This error occurs when the application requests the JVM to allocate an array that is larger than the heap size. For example, if the application requests an allocation of 512 MB array and your heap size is only 256 MB, this error will be seen. This error may occur because of a low –Xms value, or a bug in the application in which it is trying to create a huge array. Exception in thread “main” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: request bytes for . Out of swap space? Although the error is an OOM condition, the underlying cause is that the JVM failed to allocate the requested size from the native heap, and the native heap is close to exhaustion. The in the error message is the size that failed to allocate. The is the name of the source module reporting failure. In a few cases, the actual reason is printed. In order to troubleshoot this error, use the OS utilities to find the actual cause. One possible cause is that the OS has been configured with insufficient swap space. Another possible cause is that other processes in the machine are consuming all the memory, or possibly a native leak, in which the application or the library code is continuously allocating memory, and the OS is not releasing it. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: (Native method): If you see this OOM, it means that the native method encountered an allocation failure. The main difference between this error and the Exception in thread “main” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: request bytes for . Out of swap space? error is that the allocation failure in this case occurred in the JNInative method rather than the JVM code. In order to troubleshoot this error, use the OS utilities to find the actual cause. 74 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management A Crash, Instead of an OutOfMemoryError In rare cases, you may have a JVM crash instead of OOM because of the allocation from the native heap failing because the native code that does not check for errors returns memory allocation functions. For example, this may occur if the native code malloc returns NULL (no memory available), and if the native code is not checking for that error, and references the invalid memory location. If the diagnosis of this failure results in native code not checking for errors because of memory allocation failures, the reasons for memory allocation failures should be examined. The failures may be due to reasons such as insufficient swap space, some other processes consuming all the memory, or a native leak. Hung Processes or Looping Processes Generally, the most common reasons for a hang to occur are deadlocks in application code, API code, library code, or a bug in the HotSpot VM. However, in a few cases, the hang might be because of a JVM consuming all the available CPU cycles, most likely because of a bug, which in turn causes one or more threads to go into an infinite loop. If a hang is seen, determine whether the JVM is idle or consuming all the CPU cycles. You can use the OS utilities to determine the CPU utilization. If you conclude that the hang process is using the entire CPU, the hang might be because of a looping thread. On the other hand, if the process is idle, it is most likely because of deadlock. On Solaris, for example, prstat -L -p can be used to report the statistics for all the LWPs in the target process. This will identify the threads that are consuming a lot of CPU cycles. Diagnosing a Looping Process If your observations on CPU utilization indicate that the process is looping, take a thread dump, and from the thread dump and stack trace, you should be able to gather information about where and why the thread is looping. In the thread dump, look for the runnable threads. You will in all probability find the threads that are looping. In order to be certain about the threads that are looping, take multiple thread dumps to see if the thread remains busy. Diagnosing a Hung Process If you have determined that a process is hanging, and not looping, the cause is likely to be an application (thread) deadlock. Take a thread dump and analyze it to find the deadlocked threads. When you take a thread dump on a HotSpot JVM, the deadlock detection algorithm is also executed and the deadlock information in the thread dump printed. Following is an example of some deadlock output from a document. For more information, refer to the Java Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Guide. Found one Java-level deadlock: ============================= "AWT-EventQueue-0": waiting to lock monitor 0x000ffbf8 (object 0xf0c30560, a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock), which is held by "main" "main": Performance Management 75 waiting to lock monitor 0x000ffe38 (object 0xf0c41ec8, a java.util.Vector), which is held by "AWT-EventQueue-0" Java stack information for the threads listed above: =================================================== "AWT-EventQueue-0": at java.awt.Container.removeNotify( - waiting to lock <0xf0c30560> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock) at java.awt.Window$ at java.awt.Window.doDispose( at java.awt.Dialog.doDispose( at java.awt.Window.dispose( at java.awt.Window.disposeImpl( at java.awt.Window$ - locked <0xf0c41ec8> (a java.util.Vector) at java.awt.Window.doDispose( at java.awt.Window.dispose( at javax.swing.SwingUtilities$SharedOwnerFrame.dispose( at javax.swing.SwingUtilities$SharedOwnerFrame.windowClosed( 2) at java.awt.Window.processWindowEvent( at javax.swing.JDialog.processWindowEvent( at java.awt.Window.processEvent( 102 at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy( 14) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy( ) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents( at "main": at java.awt.Window.getOwnedWindows( - waiting to lock <0xf0c41ec8> (a java.util.Vector) at javax.swing.SwingUtilities$SharedOwnerFrame.installListeners( :1697) at javax.swing.SwingUtilities$SharedOwnerFrame.addNotify( at java.awt.Dialog.addNotify( - locked <0xf0c30560> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock) at java.awt.Dialog.conditionalShow( - locked <0xf0c30560> (a java.awt.Component$AWTTreeLock) at at at java.awt.Component.setVisible( at test01.main( Found 1 deadlock. Note: In J2SE 6.0, the deadlock detection algorithm works only with the locks that are obtained using the synchronized keyword. This means that deadlocks that arise through the use of the java.util.concurrency package are not detected. In the deadlock output, you can see that the thread main is the locking object <0xf0c30560>, and is waiting to enter <0xf0c41ec8>, which is locked by the thread “AWT-EventQueue-0”. However, the thread “AWT-EventQueue-0” is also waiting to enter <0xf0c30560>, which is in turn locked by “main”. 76 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Stack Overflow This error generally occurs when the stack space is exhausted in a JVM. Generally, this occurs because of: v A deeply nested application v An infinite loop within an application v A problem in the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiled code Not all instances of this error should be considered as programming errors. In the context of some applications, you may require a greater value for the stack size (-Xss), for example, applications having intensive graphics might require more stack size. The stack overflow error can be either from the native code or because of an infinite loop in the Java program. To determine if the error is in the native code, review the stack trace. In most cases, the information you get will be difficult to interpret. However, if the error is due to an infinite loop, you can see the stack trace of the error. Verify whether there are any recursive method calls, and whether they are deep. If it does not appear to be an infinite loop, try increasing either the Java stack or the native stack to resolve the issue. Taking Heap Dumps and Profiling JVM Using Hprof A JVM's HPROF can be used get information about CPU usage and heap allocation statistics, and to monitor contention profiles. You can also get complete heap dumps and the states of all the monitors and threads in the JVM. In Sterling B2B Integrator, HPROF can be invoked by adding the following option as a JVM parameter by using the Sterling B2B Integrator tuning wizard and adding the below option to the JVM argument suffix option for both noapp and container. For more details, please refer to “Edit Performance Configuration Settings” on page 123. Run the command (UNX/Linux) or the setupfiles.cmd command (Windows) and restart ASI and container JVMs. -agentlib:hprof[=options] Or -Xrunhprof[:options] For more information about how to use HPROF on Sun JVM, refer to the following Web site: For more information about how to use HPROF HP JVM, refer to the following Web site: c02697864.pdf On HP JVM, you can also use –Xeprof to collect profiling data for performance tuning. For information about –Xeprof, refer to the following Web site: Performance Management 77 c02697864.pdf In order to analyze the data using -agentlib:hprof and –Xeprof, you can use HPJmeter. For more information about this tool, refer to the following Web site: Introduction to the IBM® JVM Performance and Tuning Guidelines The IBM® Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) contains a number of private and proprietary technologies that distinguish it from other implementations of JVM. For instance, the IBM JVM uses mixed-mode interpretation (MMI). When the MMI detects that bytecodes have been interpreted multiple times, it invokes a just-in-time (JIT) compiler to compile those bytecodes to native instructions. Due to the significant performance benefits, the JIT and MMI are enabled by default. The JVM performance degrades considerably when JIT is disabled. For more information about the JIT compiler and MMI, refer to the IBM JDK 6.0: Java Diagnostics Guide. Refer to the Sterling B2B Integrator System Requirements documentation for the supported operating system and JVM combination. This topic describes the processes involved in tuning, monitoring, and performing basic troubleshooting when deploying the Sterling B2B Integrator using the IBM JVM. For information about using the tuning wizard to set the IBM JVM parameters, see “Edit Performance Configuration Settings” on page 123. Before You Begin Tuning Your IBM® JVM Using the Performance Tuning Utility, Sterling B2B Integrator calculates the recommended settings based on the number of cores and the amount of physical memory that is being made available to Sterling B2B Integrator. The resulting performance properties are stored in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. The formulae used to calculate these setting can be found in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. The calculated values should be used as a guideline. Further tuning may be necessary to attain a well-tuned system. If you are still unable to attain a well-tuned system, you may want to engage IBM Professional Services. Contact your Sales Representative for more information about this. IBM® JVM Default Parameters for Sterling B2B Integrator The follow table provides the IBM® JVM parameters and the default values you should use when configuring the system. Note: For information about using the tuning wizard to set the IBM JVM parameters, see “Edit Performance Configuration Settings” on page 123. 78 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Parameter Description -Xmns v Controls the initial size of the new area to the specified value when using -Xgcpolicy:gencon. v Corresponds to the JVM short-lived memory (min) value It is recommended to use the following formula to compute –Xmns value when the minimum heap size is modified. -Xmns = (0.33333 * value of -Xms) -Xmnx v Controls the maximum size of the new area to the specified value when using -Xgcpolicy:gencon v Corresponds to the JVM short-lived memory (max) value It is recommended to use the following formula to compute –Xmnx value when the maximum heap size is modified. -Xmnx = (0.33333 * value of -Xmx) -Xjit:count v Controls the compilation threshold of the JIT compiler v Value given to count causes the Java method to be compiled after n runs For 64-bit noapp JVM and 64-bit container JVM: v Default Value for Linux: 1000 v Default Value For AIX: 1000 -Xgcpolicy:gencon Controls the behavior of the Garbage Collector. They make trade-offs between the throughput of the application and the overall system, and the pause times that are caused by garbage collection. By specifying the gencon value, the GC policy requests the combined use of concurrent and generational GC to help minimize the time that is spent in any garbage collection pause. IBM® JVM Troubleshooting Tips This topic describes the various issues that may arise when using the IBM® JVM and the troubleshooting tip pertaining to each of these errors. OutOfMemoryError Exceptions and Memory Leaks OutOfMemoryError exceptions occur when either the Java heap or the native heap run out of space. These exceptions indicate that there is either a memory leak or that the number of live objects in the JVM require more memory than is available. The first step to troubleshooting an OutOfMemoryError exception is to determine whether the error is caused because of lack of space in either the Java heap or the native heap. When the OutOfMemoryError is caused because of lack of space in the native heap, an error message is displayed with an explanation about the allocation failure. If an error is not present, the exception is likely to have occurred because of lack of space in the Java heap. In the latter scenario monitor the Java heap by using the Verbose GC output. The Java heap is consumed when the Garbage Collector is unable to compact or free the objects being referenced. Objects that are no longer referenced by other objects, or are referenced from the thread stacks, can be freed by performing the garbage collection task. As the number of referenced objects increases, garbage collection will take place more frequently. With each garbage collection instance, Performance Management 79 less memory will be freed. If this trend continues, the Garbage Collector will not be able to free enough objects to allocate new objects. When this happens, the heap will be near 100% utilized and the JVM will fail with an OutOfMemoryError exception. Increasing the size of the Java heap may resolve an OutOfMemoryError exception. However, if the exception is due to a memory leak, increasing the heap size will not resolve this issue. In this case, further troubleshooting, including analyzing the contents of the heap using heap dump analysis or a tool such as JProbe® or OptimizeIt™ is necessary. Refer to the IBM 6.0: Java Diagnostics Guide for more information about heap dump analysis. The Application Hangs The application hangs when either a deadlock occurs or a loop is encountered. A potential deadlock scenario is one in which multiple threads in the JVM are blocked and are waiting on the same object resource. Another situation that may result in a deadlock is when there is a missed notification between threads because of a timing error. Similarly, a loop may be encountered if there is a missed flag, which in turn may terminate the loop. A loop can also be encountered if the wrong limit has been set for the loop iterator. In either of these cases, the thread will fail to exit in a timely manner. The recommended approach is to trigger a thread dump and interpret it. The thread dump provides all the information pertaining to the object resources in the JVM. A thread dump can be triggered to take a snapshot of all the information related to the JVM and a Java application at a particular point during execution. The information that is captured includes the OS level, hardware architecture, threads, stacks, locks, monitors, and memory. By default, thread dumps are enabled. A thread dump is triggered when the JVM is terminated unexpectedly, an OutOfMemoryError is encountered, or when a user sends specific signals to the JVM. Sterling B2B Integrator also enables users to trigger a thread dump through the Sterling B2B Integrator UI. Trigger Thread Dump To trigger a thread dump for the ASI JVM: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > JVM monitor. 2. In the JVM MONITOR page, under Thread Dump, next to Take Thread Dump, click Go!. The Thread Dump Taken page is displayed. It may take some time to generate the thread dump. During this time you may not be able to access other pages. If heap dumps are enabled, the delay will be longer before the process is completed. 3. Click Go! in the Thread Dump pop-up window to have the thread dumps populated on the JVM MONITOR page. 4. Close the Thread Dump Taken pop-up window. 5. To view the dump, in the JVM MONITOR page, under View Dumps, select the dump file, and click Go!. 6. In the Dumps download pop-up window, click the Download link to download the file to the local machine. 80 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management The thread dump can also be found on the host machine in the install_dir/noapp/bin directory. After the download is complete, close the Dumps download pop-up window. To trigger a thread dump for the container JVM: 1. Change your working directory to install_dir. 2. In the command line, enter ps -ef | grep . This lists the container Java process id. 3. Enter kill -3 . The thread dump is placed in the install_dir/noapp/bin directory for your analysis. Because thread dumps are created in a text format, they do not require any software to make them human readable. A thread dump is broken into sections. Following is a brief description of each thread dump tag: Thread Dump Tag Description TITLE Basic information about the event that caused the thread dump, along with the timestamp and the generated name. GPINFO Contains general information about the operating system. General Protection Fault (GPF) information is included in this section if the failure was caused by a GPF. ENVINFO Contains the JRE level and details about the environment and command-line arguments that were used to launch the JVM process. MEMINFO Contains information about the Memory Manager, and free space, current size of the heap and the garbage collection history data. LOCKS Contains information about the locks and monitors being held by each Java object. THREADS Contains a complete list of threads that have not been stopped. CLASSES Contains the class loader summaries, including the class loaders and their relationships. For more information about interpreting thread dump, refer to the IBM JDK 6.0: Java Diagnostics Guide. Heapdumps Heapdumps are useful for troubleshooting memory-related issues since they contain all the live objects used by the Java application. With this information, the objects that are using large amounts of memory can be identified. The contents of a heapdump can also help a user understand why objects cannot be freed by the Garbage Collector. By default, a heapdump is generated in a compressed binary format know as Portable Heap Dump (PHD). Several tools are available to help analyze the dump. IBM recommends the use of the Memory Dump Diagnostic for Java (MDD4J) when performing the heapdump analysis. This tool can be downloaded from IBM Support Assistant ( Performance Management 81 Heapdumps are generated when the Java heap is exhausted by default. They can also be configured so that they are generated when a user sends a specific signal to the JVM. To enable a heapdump, refer to the documentation on JVM parameters for the server in “Edit Performance Configuration Settings” on page 123. For more information about heapdumps, refer to the IBM JDK 6.0: Java Diagnostics Guide. Monitoring Operations The Operations functions enable you to monitor the operational status of Sterling B2B Integrator, its components and services, current threads and system logging, and to troubleshoot system problems. Managing System Logs Sterling B2B Integrator comprises multiple components, including software applications such as archive tools, Web servers, and database servers. To monitor the activities of each component, Sterling B2B Integrator generates log files based on the system's monitoring activity. These log files are one of the tools that enable you to monitor the way the system operates. Each operations server on a host has its own operations log file. Log files are created in the logs directory of the installation directory. To prevent the system log files from taking up excessive storage space and main memory, Sterling B2B Integrator generates a log file only when a component runs. This in turn improves the performance of Sterling B2B Integrator. Each open log file is closed once every 24 hours (usually at midnight), and a new file is created. When moving into or out of Daylight Savings Time (DST), you must stop and restart both Sterling B2B Integrator and its database to ensure that log files are created with the correct timestamp. Log files are allowed to grow only up to a maximum size. If a log file reaches its maximum size, it is closed and another file is created. There is a limit to the number of log files that can exist simultaneously. If this limit is exceeded, the old logs files are automatically deleted. If the Sterling B2B Integrator Dashboard interface links to a deleted log file (which will display a blank page), click the link to a newer log file. Note: If you are working in a clustered environment, the log information that is displayed is determined by the node you select from the Select Node list. Naming Conventions This section provides information about the naming conventions to be used in Sterling B2B Integrator. Use the following naming convention for a directory: v UNIX - install_dir/logs/directory v Windows - install-dir\logs\directory In this convention: v install_dir or install-dir refers to the name of the installation directory. 82 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v logs refers to the primary log directory. v directory refers to the subdirectory created when you start Sterling B2B Integrator. All the old log files are moved to this subdirectory for archiving. The naming convention to be used for the old log directory is logs_mmddyy_hhmmss. Use the following naming convention for a log file: name.log.Dyyyymmdd.Thhmmss_# In this convention: v name identifies the type of the log file. v log refers to the file name extension, which indicates the file type. v Dyyyymmdd refers to the date in the year, month, and day format. The D at the beginning refers to Date. v Thhmmss refers to the time in hours, minutes, and seconds format. The T at the beginning refers to Time. v _# is the increment of the log file. If you attempt to write a log file that already exists, _# is appended to the log file name, allowing you to write a new file and save the integrity of the existing file. For example, if mylog.D20041101.T092022 exists, and you try to save a new log file with the same name, the new file becomes mylog.D20041101.T092022_2, where _2 indicates that it is the second log in a sequence using the same file name. Note: The date and time components in a naming convention may or may not be present, depending on the type of the log. For example, the noapp.log does not include date and time information, but ui.log.Dyyyymmdd.Thhmmss includes date and time information. Each time Sterling B2B Integrator is started, the log files created since the last time it was started are archived in a time-stamped subdirectory. New log files, those created subsequent to the most recent execution of Sterling B2B Integrator, are written to the install_dir/logs directory. Viewing Log File Contents Users of Sterling B2B Integrator can view the contents of both current log files and old log files. Note: v If you are working in a clustered environment, the log information that is displayed is determined by the node you select from the Select Node list. v The Sterling B2B Integrator interface displays only the last 2500 lines of a current log file. To view the entire log, you must have read permission for the file system on which Sterling B2B Integrator is installed. Open the log file in read-only mode using a text editor. To view the current log file contents in Sterling B2B Integrator: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Logs. 2. Click the appropriate log file. To view the old log file contents in Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management 83 1. In the install_dir/logs/log directory, locate the old log file that you want to view. 2. Open the log file in read-only mode using a text editor. Analyzing Log File Contents The contents of a log file provide information about system activities and problems. The format used for entries written to a log file is [YYYY-MM-DD] loglevel ‘message code' Scope.Subsystem.Name ‘information string' [2008-04-22 09:02:43.404] ERROR 000310160001 UTIL.FRAME_POOL.ERR_Pool [Pool] Could not create the initial objects for the pool gentranTPPool [2008-04-22 09:02:43.405] ERROR 000000000000 GLOBAL_SCOPE [1208869363405] The driver manager could not obtain a database connection. In this convention: v YYYY-MM-DD refers to the date in year, month, day format. v refers to the time in hour, minutes, seconds, and hundredths of a second format. v loglevel indicates how much information is logged and the relative importance of the message. A subsystem may log only a subset of these messages (as defined in the subsystem.loglevel property of, discarding those that have a severity that is lower (less severe) than the current log level set for that subsystem. Log Level Description FATAL Collects fatal and critical error information. ERRORDTL Collects only error conditions, with a detailed description of the error. ERROR Collects only error conditions such as exceptions and error messages (including errors from the user interface). WARN Collects non-fatal configuration messages. SQLDEBUG Collects SQL statements that are being executed. INFO Collects basic operational information. TIMER Collects timing information. COMMTRACE Collects communication trace information. DEBUG Collects basic debugging statements including system state and code paths. VERBOSE Collects extra debugging statements (like XML information) that describe and explain what is happening in the system. ALL Collects information about all the conditions. v message code describes the activity or problem, using the following format: – The first four digits specify the scope (like Workflow, Ops, Util). – The next digit specifies the log severity level (default conventions use 1 for error or exception, 2 for debug messages, 3 for warnings, and 4 for information or all messages. – The next three digits specify the subsystem (like Workflow Queue or Workflow Engine). – The last four digits specify the error number. v Scope.Subsystem.Name is a text description of the affected part of Sterling B2B Integrator (such as WORKFLOW, OPS, or UTIL), the Sterling B2B Integrator 84 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management subsystem (such as FRAME_POOL, NOAPP, or SERVER), and what occurred (such as ERR_Pool or INFO_NamingException1). v information string is a brief description of the activity that occurred. Following is an example of this format: [2006-05-30 11:06:55.661] ALL 000440020297 SERVICES.SERVICES_CONTROLLER.INFO_sdi_getName startup: loading HTTP_SEND_ADAPTER This indicates that at 11:06:55.661 a.m. on May 30, 2006, Sterling B2B Integrator was started, and attempted to load the HTTP Send adapter (HTTP_SEND_ADAPTER). The message also provides information about: v Scope (Services) v The affected part of Sterling B2B Integrator (Services Controller) v What occurred (INFO_sdi_getName) v Error code (0297) Changing Log Settings Sterling B2B Integrator enables you to change the log settings globally and locally. Changing Log Settings Globally You can change log settings globally using the file, which prevents customized property file changes from being overridden by updates or patches. You can change global settings in the file. For more information about the file, refer to Sterling B2B Integrator Property Files documentation. Note: The customer override property file is not a part of the initial Sterling B2B Integrator installation. It must be created and named To change the property file settings using the file, perform the following tasks: 1. In the install_dir/properties directory, either create or locate the file. 2. Open the file using a text editor. 3. Specify the settings for the global log properties described in the following table. These properties are displayed in the following format: logService.Property=Value v logService identifies the file in the file. v Property is the global property of the file that you want to set. See the following table for a list of properties. v Value is the property setting of the file. Property Description newloggers Specifies whether to allow new log files to be created when the maximum log file size setting has been exceeded. Valid values: v true – Allow new logs to be created (Default) v false – Do not allow new logs to be created Example: logService.newloggers=true Performance Management 85 Property Description defaultlog Specifies the name of the default log. Default is systemlogger. Example: logService.defaultlog=logtype logtype.maxnumlogs Specifies the maximum number of logs to retain before deleting the old logs. Default is 10. Examples: logService.defaultlog.maxnumlogs=15 sets the maximum number of a log type specified as the default log (systemlogger, by default) to 15. logService.uilogger.maxnumlogs=20 sets the maximum number of UI type logs to 20. The following table provides the log type name for each log file name defined by default in the file and extension files. If you have changed the file name, use the original file name to find the log type name. 86 File Name of Log Log Type (As Shown on the System Logs Screen) (For the file) alerterlogger.log alerterlogger archive.log archivelogger Authentication.log AuthenticationLogger cdinterop.log cdinteroplogger cdinterop_cdjava.log cdinteropcdjavalogger ceuinterop.log ceulogger common3splogger.log common3splogger delete.log deletelogger ebXML.log ebXMLlogger EDIINT.log EDIINTLogger event.log event ftp.log ftplogger ftpclient.log psftpclientlogger http.log httplogger httpclient.log httpclientlogger jetty.log jettylogger lifecycle.log lifecycleLogger mailbox.log mailboxlogger mgmtdash.log neo noapp.log noapplogger ocsp.log ocsplogger oftp.log oftplogger ops_exe.log opslogger Perimeter.log PSLogger pipeline.log pipelinelogger Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management File Name of Log Log Type (As Shown on the System Logs Screen) (For the file) report.log reportlogger resourcemonitor.log resourcemonitorlogger mif.log rnlogger sap.log saplogger schedule.log schedulelogger Security.log SecurityLogger servicesctl.log sclogger sftpclient.log sftpclientlogger sftpserver.log sftpserverlogger si_exe.log silogger sql.log sqllogger system.log systemlogger system.log purgelogger test.log testlogger tracking.log tracking txtrace.log txtracelogger ui.log uilogger ui_performance.log ui_perf_logger webdav.log webdavlogger WebSphereMQSuite.log wsmqSuiteLogger webx.log webxlogger wf.log wflogger wfexception.log wfexception_logger wfstatistics.log wfstatistics 4. Save and close the file. 5. Stop the Sterling B2B Integrator and restart it to use the new values. Changing Log Settings for an Individual Log Type For each log, you can specify the following information: v Location of the log file v The number of lines pertaining to the log file to be saved v The amount of details to log Note: If you are working in a clustered environment, the information that is displayed is determined by the node you select from the Select Node list. To 1. 2. 3. change the log settings for an individual log type: From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Logs. Click the icon next to the log type whose log settings you want to change. In the Log Settings page, specify the settings for the options described in the following table: Performance Management 87 Option Description Location Specifies the absolute path for the log file. Rollover Interval If newloggers is set to false, the rollover interval specifies the point at which the oldest lines in the log file are deleted as new lines are created. If newloggers is set to true (default), the rollover interval is the maximum number of lines allowed in the log file before a new file is created. Select one of the following rollover interval values: v 50000 lines v 100000 lines v 150000 lines v 200000 lines Note: Here, the term “lines” refers to logical lines (entries) and not physical lines. For example, following is a “line”: [2005-07-11 08:12:07.679] ALL 000440020297 SERVICES.SERVICES_CONTROLLER.INFO_sdi_getName startup: loading HTTP_SEND_ADAPTER FtpConfig.logConfiguration() client configuration: ftpListenPort=[10021] localDataPortCollection=[null] localControlPortCollection=[null] minThreadPoolSize=[3] maxThreadPoolSize=[6] systemCertificateId=[null] caCertificatesIds=[null] passphrase=[******] cipher=[Strong] sslOption=[SSL_NONE] sslAllowed=[false] sslRequired=[false] sslImplicit=[false] cccAllowed=[false] cccRequired=[false] clusterNodeName=[Node1] perimeterServerName=[local] nonTerminationCharsToTotalCharsRatio=[0.9] Logging Level Specifies the amount of details to log. Select one of the following values: v On – Set the logging level to ALL, which includes debugging (creates larger files) v Off – Set the logging level to ERROR (Default), which only logs errors (creates smaller files) Note: Setting the logging level to ALL may generate an excessive amount of debugging information. You should lower the logging level after you have retrieved the debugging information you require. 4. Click Save. Changing Log File Location Sterling B2B Integrator enables you to modify the location of the log files. Perform the following tasks: 1. Modify the LOG_DIR setting in sandbox.cfg. 2. Run the script to apply the changes. 88 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management However, the following log files created by the Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard interface are not moved to the changed location indicated in sandbox.cfg: v jetspeed.log v jetspeedservices.log v torque.log v turbine.log v access.log To modify the location of these log files, run the script. This script rebuilds and redeploys the Web ARchive (WAR) files of the dashboard interface. The locations of the log files created by the service configuration are hard coded in the configuration. As a result, the location of the einvoicing.log files cannot be changed by modifying the setting in sandbox.cfg. To modify the location of these log files, you must modify the settings at the service configuration level. Log File Types The log files in Sterling B2B Integrator can be classified under various types. The following table lists these types along with a description of the same. Note: If you are working in a clustered environment, the log information that is displayed is determined by the node you select from the Select Node list. Log Type Log Name Description Operations Security opsSecurity.log Used by the security components. Indicates problems with startup, passwords, and passphrases. Operations Server ops.log Used by the operations server. opsServer.log Receives all the log messages the operations servers generate during startup. Central Operations Server IBM Sterling Gentran:Server® for UNIX Data Adapter Logs activities of the Sterling Gentran:Server for UNIX adapter. You cannot turn logging on or off for Sterling Gentran:Server for UNIX data adapter. Note: The Sterling Gentran:Server for UNIX logs are displayed only if you have Sterling B2B Integrator configured for Sterling Gentran:Server for UNIX. Application Logs Adapter Server servicesctl.log AFT Routing aftrouting.log Used by the service controller component. Performance Management 89 Log Type Log Name Description Alerter alerterlogger.log Logs notification failures and Alert own errors in the Alert Service. When debug is turned on, the alerter log type also logs all the alert information, such as defined alerter and filter information. Archive archive.log Used by the archive components. Business Process Exceptions wfexception.log Tracks the exceptions that occur while a business process is running. Business Process Execution wf.log Captures information that is specific to running a business process. Business Process Policy Statistics wfstatistics.log Contains workflow policy statistics generated by the workflow scheduling policy. Although the actual content depends on the scheduling policy in place, the business process policy statistics log type basically contains XML timestamps followed by XML records. IBM Sterling Connect:Direct® Secure Perimeter Adapter cdsp.log Sterling Connect:Direct Server Adapter Protocol Layer cdinterop_cdjava.log Used by the Sterling Connect:Direct Server adapter. Sterling Connect:Direct Server and Requester Adapter and Services cdinterop.log Used by the Sterling Connect:Direct Server and Requester Adapter and related services IBM Sterling Connect:Enterprise® Server Adapter and Services ceuinterop.log Used by the Sterling Connect:Enterprise Server adapter. Crypto crypto.log CSP2 FTP Adapter cspftp.log CSP2 Http Adapter csphttp.log Dashboard mgmtdash.log Used by the Dashboard component. Delete Resources delete.log Logs information about resources that have been deleted from Sterling B2B Integrator. Document Tracking tracking.log Logs document tracking activities. ebXML Business Process Execution ebXML.log Logs ebXML business process execution activities. EDI Log edi.log EDIINT EDIINT.log AS1 and AS2 Embedded Engine 90 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management embeddedEngine.log Used by the EDIINT components. Log Type Log Name Description Event Framework event.log Logs event framework activities for events completed in Sterling B2B Integrator. FTP Client Adapter and Services ftpclient.log Used by the FTP Client Adapter and related services. FTP Server ftp.log Used by the FTP server components. Sterling Gentran:Server for UNIX Lifecycle lifecycle.log Used by the Sterling Gentran:Server for UNIX Lifecycle components when loading lifecycle records. Sterling Gentran:Server system.log for UNIX Lifecycle Purge Service Used by the Sterling Gentran:Server for UNIX Lifecycle purge components when purging lifecycle records. HTTP Client Adapter and Services httpclient.log Used by the HTTP Client Adapter and related services. HTTP Server Adapter http.log Used by the HTTP Server Adapter. Integrator Administration ui.log Used by the Sterling B2B Integrator interface. Jetty HTTP Server jetty.log Used by the Jetty HTTP Server. JMX Agent jmx.log Log.ResourceMonitorLog resourcemonitor.log Used by the Resource Monitor. Mailboxing Subsystem mailbox.log Used by the mailbox components in Sterling B2B Integrator. OCSP ocsp.log Used by the Online Certificate Status Protocol. Odette FTP Adapter Administration OdetteFTP.log OFTP Administration oftp.log Logs OFTP administration activities. Perimeter Services Perimeter.log Used by the perimeter server components in Sterling B2B Integrator. Pipeline pipeline.log Used by the pipeline components. Platform platform.log Report report.log Reporting Services bizIntel.log Resource Monitor resourcemonitor.log RosettaNet Business Process Execution rnif.log Used by the RosettaNet™ components. SAP Adapter Administration sap.log Used by the SAP components. SAP XI Adapter Administration sapxi.log Schedule schedule.log Schedule Monitor schedulemonitor.log Security security.log Used by the reporting components. ® Logs scheduling activities. Used by the security components. Indicates problems with startup and component licensing. Performance Management 91 Log Type Log Name Description SFTP Client Adapter and sftpclient.log Services Used by the SFTP Client adapter and related services. SFTP Common Log common3splogger.log Logs SFTP security errors. SFTP Server Adapter sftpserver.log Used by the SFTP Server adapter. SQL Manager sql.log Logs queries sent to the database by the SQL Query service. IBM Sterling Secure Proxy secureproxy.log System system.log Used as a general logging service, typically the default system log. noapp.log Used on an application server-independent system as a general activity log. System Output/Error Redirect noapp.log Used to provide additional system log information. Translation Log tx.log Translation Trace Output txtrace.log Used as a logging service that helps with map debugging. This log contains debugging messages that show how the translator traversed the maps definition and matched each block of data against the map. User Authentication Authentication.log Logs user authentication attempts and activities. Visibility visibility.log Web Extension webx.log Web Services Security wssec.log WebDAV Server webdav.log WebSphereMQ Suite WebSphereMQSuite.log Used by the WebSphereMQ Suite Async Receiver adapter and related services. Windows Service GI si_exe.log Log file created by the Sterling B2B Integrator Windows service. Windows Service Ops log ops_exe.log Log file created by the Opserver Windows service. WorkFlow Deadline bpdeadline.log WS-Reliability Routing wsrm.log Used by the Web Extensions components in Sterling B2B Integrator. The following table describes the log files pertaining to the Sterling B2B Integrator Windows service: 92 Log Name Description ScheduleBackup.log Temporary file that is created when Sterling B2B Integrator Windows service stops. Backuplogs.log Temporary file that is created when Sterling B2B Integrator Windows service stops. Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Log Name Description ScheduleStopOps.log Temporary log file that can be ignored. The following table describes the log files pertaining to the DMZ perimeter server: Log Name Description PSLogger.Dyyyymmdd.Thhmmss Logs perimeter server information for the DMZ perimeter server. StartupPS.log Logs startup activities for the DMZ perimeter server. Auditing In Sterling B2B Integrator, you can find information about the creation, modification, and deletion of a Sterling B2B Integrator resource, using the AUDIT_ADMIN table. Resources include business processes, certificates (CA, trusted, system), maps, and schemas. You can access the AUDIT_ADMIN table through a simple database query. The AUDIT_ADMIN table contains the following information: v The date and time of a resource operation. v The resource that was created, modified, or deleted. v The resource operation (creation, modification, or deletion). v The User ID of the user who performed the operation. The AUDIT_ADMIN table also contains information about when a user obtains or releases a lock on a resource using the Lock Manager, if the type of modification cannot be determined in the Lock Manager. You can generate reports (by Resource Type or User ID) from the AUDIT_ADMIN table. Use the following procedure to generate an Admin-Audit Report: 1. In the Administration Menu, select Operations > Reports. 2. In the Search section of the screen that is displayed, select the Admin Audit type. 3. Click source manager icon adjacent to the report you want to generate: v AdminAuditByObjectType (by Resource Type) v AdminAuditByPrincipal (by User ID) 4. In the Report Source Manager page that is displayed, click the execute icon. The Admin-Audit Report is displayed. The Admin-Audit Report (whether by Report Type or User ID), includes the following columns. The AUDIT_ADMIN table field name is displayed within parentheses after the column name. v Action Type (ACTION_TYPE) Example: Modified v Action Value (ACTION_VALUE) Example: Message Purge v Principal (PRINCIPAL) Example: UserID Performance Management 93 v Resource Name (OBJECT_NAME) Example: Message Maintenance v Resource Type (OBJECT_TYPE) Example: User News v Time (TIME) Example: 07/15/2008 12:48:54 PM The AUDIT_ADMIN table also includes the ARCHIVE_DATE field, which is the earliest date on which the data can be purged. The audit process tracks the following resources: v Accounts v Application Configurations v Business Processes v Digital Certificates v Communities v ebXML Specifications v Extended Rule Libraries v Maps v Mail Boxes v PGP Profiles v Proxy policies v Proxy Setmaps v Perimeter Servers v Report Configurations v Schedules v XML Schemas v Security Tokens v Service Configurations v SSH Resources v SWIFTNet Routing Rules v Trading Partner Data v Web Resources v Web Services v WSDL v Web Templates v XSLTs Monitoring a Business Process Thread A thread is a basic unit of program execution. Threads perform the actual work in a process. A process can have several threads working concurrently, for example, transferring a file to one node using FTP, and to another node using HTTP. The Activity Engine is that part of a business process workflow engine (WFE) that calls the business process service, takes the results from the service, and immediately starts the next business process service cycle. You can monitor the threads related to business processes in Sterling B2B Integrator using the Thread Monitor. The Thread Monitor lists all the threads that 94 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management are currently running in the Activity Engine. This information is useful for troubleshooting business processes that have either stopped or are hanging. You can also stop a thread from the Thread Monitor. Note: Whenever possible, stop business processes using the options provided in the Business Process Monitor. These options allow you to maintain the state and the status information. Monitoring a Thread To monitor threads, from the Administration menu, select Operations > Thread Monitor. Sterling B2B Integrator displays the following information for each thread: v The state of the thread. v The ID of the thread. (Click the ID number for more information about the thread.) v The type of the thread: – Business Process – Click the ID number in the ID column to display the Business Process Detail page. – RMI (Remote Management Interface) – Click the ID number in the ID column to display the Business Process Detail page. – Harness – Click the ID number in the ID column to display the Business Process Detail page. – Schedule – Click the ID number in the ID column to display the Schedule settings. v The processing priority assigned to the thread v The date and time at which the thread was registered Note: You can also view thread details from the System Troubleshooting screen (Operations > System > Troubleshooter). Interrupting a Thread Important: Before using the Thread Monitor to interrupt a thread, contact IBM Customer Support for assistance. Else, unexpected processing results may occur, which may in turn affect other processes. It is recommended that you interrupt the business processes from the Business Process Monitor. To interrupt a thread, click the Interrupt icon adjacent that thread. This instructs the thread to immediately interrupt processing without waiting for any steps to complete or exit with an error. In most cases, the thread will be interrupted immediately, but the display in the Thread Monitor will not be changed immediately. The thread will be marked as interrupted later. Note: In some situations, it may not be possible to interrupt a thread, and your attempt may not succeed. Interrupting a thread does not stop the service the thread is using. The service is still available for Sterling B2B Integrator to use in other business processes. Stopping a Thread Important: Before using the Thread Monitor to interrupt a thread, contact IBM Customer Support for assistance. Else, unexpected processing results may occur, Performance Management 95 which may in turn affect other processes. It is recommended that you interrupt the business processes from the Business Process Monitor. To stop a thread, click Stop icon adjacent to the thread that is to be stopped. This instructs the thread to immediately stop processing without waiting for any steps to complete or exit with an error. In most cases, the thread will stop immediately. However, this will not immediately change the display in the Thread Monitor. The thread will eventually be marked as interrupted. Note: In some cases, it is not possible to stop a thread, and your attempt will be unsuccessful. Stopping a thread does not stop the service that is performing that thread. The service is still available for Sterling B2B Integrator to use in other business processes. Setting the Refresh Option for the Thread Monitor By default, the Thread Monitor is set to automatically refresh every 15 seconds. To turn this option off, clear the Automatically refresh every 15 seconds check box. Monitoring Messages In Sterling B2B Integrator, business processes use messages to communicate with each other. Certain business processes create Produce and Consume messages. While the Produce business processes produce messages that are to be consumed, the Consume business processes wait for messages from the Produce business processes. Sometimes the handoff from the Produce business processes to the Consume business processes does not occur. Either the produced message has no waiting Consume process, or the waiting Consume process waits without success for the Produce message. Use the Message Monitor to track unsuccessful message handoffs within Sterling B2B Integrator. It is recommended that you keep the following considerations in mind when monitoring messages within Sterling B2B Integrator: v The Message Monitor pages of the Sterling B2B Integrator interface display only those messages associated with a failed Produce or Consume activity. Messages that are successfully produced or consumed are not monitored. v Messages are tied closely to business processes. You can search for messages by business process name, type of business process (Produce or Consume), and date and time on which the associated business process step invokes the Produce or Consume activity. However, messages also have identities that are separate from business processes. Messages have names, and their names can be used as search input. v Sometimes Produce and Consume business processes have to choose between messages having the same name. Let us for example consider that two Produce processes run at different times; both produce a message named OutMsg1. Thus, there are two messages named OutMsg1 in Sterling B2B Integrator, but with different start date/times. When a Consume process detects the two messages, it consumes the OutMsg1 with the later start date/time. The situation also works in reverse. Two Consume processes request an identically named message (InMsg1). When a Produce process produces InMsg1, it produces InMsg1 for the Consume process with the earlier start date/time. 96 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v Unsuccessful messages remain in Sterling B2B Integrator until an appropriate Produce or Consume business process step completes the message handoff and uses the message. Note: Unsuccessful messages never expire or time out. Searching for a Message To search for a message in Sterling B2B Integrator: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > Message Monitor. 2. In the Message Monitor screen that is displayed, select one of the following search criteria and click Go! v Message Name – Displays messages whose names contain the specified character or string. v Start Date: and End Date: – Displays messages for which the related business process step invokes either the Produce or Consume activity at the specified start date and time. The start date and time that are displayed by default depends on whether Sterling B2B Integrator has outstanding unsuccessful messages. – If there are no unsuccessful messages in Sterling B2B Integrator, the Start Date: field displays the current system date and time minus one minute, and the End Date: field displays the current system date and time plus one minute. – If there are unsuccessful messages in Sterling B2B Integrator, the Start Date: field displays the date and time of the unsuccessful message with the earliest start date and time, minus one minute, and the End Date: field displays the date and time of the unsuccessful message with the latest start date and time, plus one minute. v Alphabetically or by message type (ALL, Producer, or Consumer) – Displays those messages initiated by business processes that: – Have names starting with a particular letter or number selected from the Alphabetically list. Default is ALL (all business processes). – Are either Produce or Consume processes, or both (ALL). 3. Review the information pertaining to the listed messages. This information is displayed in the following columns: v Type – Type of business process associated with the message, either Produce or Consume. v ID – ID of the business process associated with the message. Click an ID in this column to display the Business Process Details page of the business process. v Process Name – Name of the associated Produce business process or Consume business process. Click a process name in this column to display the BPML of the business process. v Message Name – Name of the unconsumed message. v Start Time – Start date and time of the associated step within the business process. Reviewing System Information Use the System Troubleshooting page (Operations > System > Troubleshooter) to review system information and troubleshoot system issues in Sterling B2B Integrator. Performance Management 97 From the System Troubleshooting page, you can perform the following tasks: v View system information on different nodes from any node in a clustered environment. v Refresh system status. v Stop Sterling B2B Integrator. v View database usage statistics. v v v v v v v v Note: If IBM DB2 is your database, the database usage statistics are always displayed as unavailable in the System Troubleshooting page. View business process queue and usage statistics. Terminate a business process. View system classpath information. View system JNDI tree information. View environment statistics, including cache and memory used. View adapter information. View perimeter server information. View when the archive, index, and purge tasks were completed. The System Troubleshooting page provides quick access to system information. It provides links to key areas of system information instead of loading all of the system information at once. The system information for each area will be displayed in a pop-up window, which reduces the loading time of the System Troubleshooting page. The following table provides a general description of each area. The subsequent sections provide further details about each area. Area Information Stop the System Stops the whole Sterling B2B Integrator cluster using the softstop script. After that, you still need to call the hardstop script to stop the whole system. Compare with the Soft Stop command. Select Node The Select Node list is displayed only if you are working in a clustered environment. Your selection determines which node's information is displayed in the rest of the System Troubleshooting page. The select node list enables you to select a node in a clustered environment, which in turn decides the node whose information is to be displayed in the System Troubleshooting page. For example, if you have two nodes in a cluster (Node 1 and Node 2) and you want to view the System Troubleshooting page for Node 2, select Node 2 from the list and the System Troubleshooting page for Node 2 displays. If you want to view Node 1 information, select Node 1 from the list and the System Troubleshooting information for Node 1 displays. 98 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Area Information Host Information The Host Information displays the following information: v Start time v Uptime v Host v Location v State v Memory available v Active threads Sterling Gentran:Server This area is displayed only if you have configured your system for Sterling Gentran:Server Data Manager support. The Sterling Gentran:Server area displays the following information: v Host v Location v State v Controllers v Adapters Classpath Displays the Sterling B2B Integrator classpath. JNDI Tree Displays the JNDI tree in Sterling B2B Integrator. Soft Stop Stops a node of Sterling B2B Integrator using the softstop script interactively through the UI. Compare with the Stop the System command. Database Usage Displays the database space usage, database services (business process eligibility for archive, index, and purge), and environment pool usage. Note: For Oracle, the database usage indicator calculates free space used based on Oracle extents. The name of this area changes along with the database that you are running. For example, oraclePool is for an Oracle database. Business Process Queue Usage Displays business process queue usage statistics such as cache disk usage, cache memory usage, queue statistics, and cache statistics. Business Process Usage Displays count of business processes by its state. Cache Usage Displays size and hit rate for object caches. Threads Displays active processes at a thread level. Clean-Up Processes Monitor Displays the time since the archive, index, purge, and recovery tasks were completed. Controllers The state and name of each controller or server in the Sterling B2B Integrator installation. Performance Management 99 Area Information Adapters Displays list of all the adapters in the system and their status. Note: Click an adapter name to view details about its status in the Service Settings page. Perimeter Server Status The information in this area is displayed only after you have added a perimeter server to Sterling B2B Integrator. The Perimeter Servers area displays the following information: v Cluster node name (in a clustered environment only) v Whether the perimeter server is on or off v State, either enabled or disabled v Name of the perimeter server v Last activity Stopping Sterling B2B Integrator from the System Troubleshooting Page You can stop Sterling B2B Integrator using the System Troubleshooting page, using either a soft stop (which allows all the business processes to complete) or a hard stop (which stops the system and all the processing immediately). After a soft stop, you must still perform a hard stop to stop the system. For more information about the soft stop process, refer to “Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator” on page 110. Important: Using the Soft Stop option stops only the Sterling B2B Integrator interface immediately, while all the business processes that are in progress run until complete. After all the current business processes are completed, you will need to perform a hard stop to fully stop Sterling B2B Integrator. To stop the system and all the processing immediately, use the Stop the System option. All processes that have not been completed will stop and have to be restarted. To stop Sterling B2B Integrator using the System Troubleshooting page: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, in the System Status area, click Soft Stop (for an interactive soft stop) or Stop the System (for an immediate soft stop). Important: A soft stop does not stop all JVMs and system processing. To fully stop the system, you must perform a hard stop after the soft stop is complete. For instructions, see “Hard Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator” on page 120. Viewing the Host Information Host Information displays the current operational status of the processing environment for your installation of Sterling B2B Integrator. The System Troubleshooting page displays separate information for each installation. Note: If you are working in a clustered installation of Sterling B2B Integrator, the information that displays is determined by the node you select from the Select Node list. To view Host Information: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 100 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, click Host Information. The following information is provided for each installation: v The cluster node name, if you are working in a clustered installation of Sterling B2B Integrator. v v v v v Note: The cluster node list displays only if you are working in a cluster. After you set up your cluster, the select cluster node list displays. Host - The name of the host on which a specific installation resides. Location - The location or path of the installation. State - The running state of the installation, either Active (available for processing) or Inactive. Memory in use - The amount of memory used by Sterling B2B Integrator. Active threads - The number of concurrent threads that are active. Viewing the System Classpath You can view the system classpath for debugging purposes and to verify whether third-party libraries are available in the classpath. To view the system classpath: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, in the System Status area, click Classpath. Information about the System Class Path and the Dynamic Class Loader is displayed. Viewing the System JNDI Tree You can view the system JNDI tree for debugging purposes and to verify whether the expected resources, for example, adapters or pool names, are in the JNDI tree. To view the system JNDI tree: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, in the System Status area, click JNDI Tree. The system JNDI tree displays the JNDI name and class name pairs. Viewing a Node JNDI Tree in a Clustered Environment You can view a specific node's JNDI tree for debugging purposes and to verify whether the expected resources, for example, adapters or pool names, are in the JNDI tree. This option is available only in a clustered environment. To view a node's JNDI tree in a clustered environment: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, in the System Status area, click node#, where # is the number of the node you want to view information about. The node's JNDI tree displays JNDI name, class name pairs, and the node name. Performance Management 101 Viewing the Database Usage Statistics Database usage statistics show how your database is performing, including database insert information, database capacity, and environment pool usage. Sterling B2B Integrator uses pools to store database connections. To change pool settings, you must manually edit the configuration files and restart the system. Note: Database usage statistics are not available for DB2. To view database usage statistics: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, in the System Status area, click Database Usage. Note: If you have the displayGraphics property, which is located in the install_dir/properties/ file, set to true, the Database Usage page is displayed in graphic format. Otherwise, the Database Usage page is displayed in text format. The default is true for Linux®, Sun™, HP, and Microsoft Windows® operating systems. The default is false for IBM AIX® and IBM iSeries® operating systems. The Database Usage report is displayed with the following information for each unit test of the database: v Average time taken to perform a given number of database inserts in a unit test v Number of inserts performed to the database in a unit test Note: You can change the value of the dbAccessLoopCnt property in the install_dir/properties/ file. After making the changes, in the install_dir/bin directory, run the setupfiles script. v Size of the inserts performed to the database in the unit test. Note: You can change the value of the dbAccessDataSize property in the install_dir/properties/ file. After making the changes, in the install_dir/bin directory, run the setupfiles script. v Size of the database and the amount of the database used (in megabytes): – Green – Normal range – Yellow – Warning range – Red – Critical range v Number of business processes that are waiting to be archived, indexed, or purged v Size (in megabytes) of the following pools and the number of requests that had to wait for the following pools: – gentranTPPool – databaseArchivePool – databasePool – databasePool_local – databasePool_NoTrans – databasePool_Select – databaseUIPool 102 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Note: The database part of the pool names changes depending on the database you are using, for example, if the database is Oracle, you will see oraclePool. Viewing the Business Process Queue Usage The Business Process Queue Usage page enables you to diagnose problems with your business process queues. To view Business Process Queue Usage: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, click Business Process Usage. The page provides the following queue information: v The amount of memory available for cache and the amount consumed. v The amount of disk space available for cache and the amount consumed. v The average wait time based on priority. v The average business process execution cycle time based on priority. The average business process execution cycle time may include the execution times of several steps. It captures the average time that business processes are active on threads before being rescheduled. v The number of business processes in priority queues. v The number of business processes that ran without being cached and the number that are currently in cache. Cache location is also specified so that you can determine the number of business processes that were found in the soft reference cache, in the disk cache, and in the memory cache. v Number of business processes within the data size ranges that have been processed. Viewing the Business Process Usage The Business Process Usage page enables you to review the state of a business process and the process count. If a link is enabled in the Process Count area, you can select it to view affected business processes and manage them. To view Business Process Usage: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, click Business Process Usage. The page provides the information about the following business process states and the process count: v ASYNC_QUEUED v Active v Halted v Halting v Waiting v Waiting_On_IO v Interrupted_Man v Interrupted_Auto Performance Management 103 Viewing Cache Usage Information Sterling B2B Integrator uses caches to hold information that is frequently requested by the system. For each cache, the Cache Usage report displays statistics pertaining to the count, number of requests, and number of successful hits. To change cache settings, refer to the information provided in “Performance Tuning Utility” on page 120. You can view the cache usage information to monitor the use of various cache types. To view cache usage: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the Application Status area of the System Troubleshooting page, click Cache Usage. The Cache Usage report displays the following information for each cache type: v Cache name – Name of the cache v Count – Number of objects in the cache v Requests – Number of times an object was requested from the cache, irrespective of whether it was found or not. v Hits – Number of times an object was requested from the cache, and was found successfully. Viewing Threads The Threads pop-up window displays active processes at a thread level. To view threads in Sterling B2B Integrator: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the Application Status area of the System Troubleshooting page, click Threads. The Threads report is displayed. Viewing the Clean-Up Processes Monitor Details You can view details about the time that has lapsed since the completion of different cleanup processes, including archiving, purging, and indexing. This helps you view, at a single location, information about whether these processes are running and completing. To view the Clean-Up Process Monitor details: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, in the System Status area, click Clean-Up Processes Monitor. The Clean-Up Processes Monitor Details window displays the status, workflow (or cleanup process) name, the date and time at which the workflow was last run, and the workflow ID. The Status column has the following values: v Red – More than four times the scheduled interval has elapsed without a successful launch by the scheduler. v Yellow – More than three times the scheduled interval has elapsed without a successful launch by the scheduler. v Green – Less than three times the scheduled interval has elapsed since a successful launch by the scheduler. 104 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v Gray – Either the process has never completed any scheduled instance or has never been scheduled. Note: Red or Yellow status may mean that the process is not able to complete the data cleanup tasks. If this condition continues even after you have taken steps to resolve the errors, contact IBM Customer Support. Refreshing a Controller You can refresh the controllers that are running in your environment using the System Troubleshooting page. To refresh a controller: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, click Controllers. The Controllers pop-up windows appears and displays the state of the controller and name of the controller. 3. Click Refresh icons (arrows) next to the Controller you want to refresh. The controller is refreshed. Viewing Adapter Information You can view the adapters by its state that are currently active or stopped, to verify accuracy or to plan changes as needed. To 1. 2. 3. view adapter settings: From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. In the Troubleshooting page, click Adapters. In the Adapters page, click the name of the adapter that you want to view. Enabling an Adapter You can enable a disabled adapter using the System Troubleshooting page. To 1. 2. 3. enable an adapter: From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. In the Troubleshooting page, click Adapters. In the Adapters page, next to the adapter that you want to enable, in the On/Off column, select the check box. Disabling an Adapter You can disable an enabled adapter using the System Troubleshooting page. To 1. 2. 3. disable an adapter: From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. In the Troubleshooting page, click Adapters. In the Adapters page, next to the adapter that you want to disable, in the On/Off column, select the check box. Performance Management 105 Viewing the Perimeter Server Status The Perimeter Servers area of the System Troubleshooting page displays the following information about each of your perimeter servers: v Name of the cluster node with which the perimeter server is associated v State of the perimeter server, Enabled or Disabled v Name of the perimeter server v Date and time of the last activity the perimeter server performed Notes: v If you are working in a clustered environment, the information that is displayed is determined by the node you select from the Select Node list. v If you are not using a perimeter server, the perimeter server name is displayed as local, and the server state is Enabled. Enabling a Perimeter Server You can enable a disabled perimeter server using the System Troubleshooting page. To enable a perimeter server: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the Perimeter Servers area of the System Troubleshooting page, under the On/Off column, select the check box adjacent to the perimeter server you wan to enable. Disabling a Perimeter Server You can disable an enabled perimeter server using the System Troubleshooting page. To disable a perimeter server: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the Perimeter Servers area of the System Troubleshooting page, under the On/Off column, select the check box adjacent to the perimeter server you want to disable. Monitoring Node Status If you are working in a clustered environment, information is available about all the nodes in the cluster. To view node status information: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Cluster > Node Status. The Node Status page displays the information described in the following table: 106 Heading Description Name Displays the names of the nodes. URL Displays the uniform resource locator of node. Troubleshooter Provides a link to the System Troubleshooter. Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Heading Description Token Node Indicates whether this is a token node. v True – Indicates that this is the token node. v False – Indicates that this is not the token node. Creation Time Displays the date and time on which a node was created. Status Displays the status of a node. v Active – Indicates that a node is working and is available for processing. v Node went down – Indicates that a node is not working and is not available for processing. v Node completely down – Indicates that all the services of a node have been stopped completely. v Starting Ops – Indicates that a node is starting up, but is not available for processing. Notes: v If it is indicated that a node has gone down, in the install_dir/bin directory of the node, run the (for UNIX) or the hardstop.cmd (for Windows) script, and then run the (for UNIX) or the startWindowsService.cmd (for Windows) script. This stops all processing, and restarts the node. v Rerun the script of a node when its status is Node completely down. You can monitor the status of the restarted node in the other nodes of the cluster too. 2. To view more details about a node, click the name of the node in the Node Status page. This displays a details page containing the information described in the following table: Heading Description Node Name Displays the name of the node. URL Displays the uniform resource locator of node. Token Indicates whether this is a token node. v True – Indicates that this is the token node. v False – Indicates that this is not the token node. Creation Time Displays the date and time on which a node was created. Performance Management 107 Heading Description Status Displays the status of a node. v Active – Indicates that a node is working and is available for processing. v Node went down – Indicates that a node is not working and is not available for processing. v Node completely down – Indicates that all the services of a node have been stopped completely. v Starting Ops – Indicates that a node is starting up, but is not available for processing. Notes: v If it is indicated that a node has gone down, in the install_dir/bin directory of the node, run the (for UNIX) or the hardstop.cmd (for Windows) script, and then run the (for UNIX) or the startWindowsService.cmd (for Windows) script. This stops all processing, and restarts the node. v Rerun the script of a node when its status is Node completely down. You can monitor the status of the restarted node in the other nodes of the cluster too. Location Displays the directory path on which the node is installed. Role States the role of the node. Operation Controller Host Displays the name of the server acting as the Operation Controller Host. Operation Controller Port Displays the port number of the Operation Controller. Sterling B2B Integrator Version Displays the version of Sterling B2B Integrator that is installed in the node. JVM Version Displays the version number for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM™). JVM Vendor Shows the vendor who provided the JVM™. The information described in the following rows is displayed only if queueWatcher=true in the install_dir/properties/noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file. Multicast Info Provides information about the communication mechanism across nodes. This is used to provide load factor and status information about a node to all the other nodes in a cluster. Clustering uses the JGroups communication toolkit, which supports the following communication protocols, which can be configured during deployment: v UDP (User Datagram Protocol) (IP multicast) v TCP Engine Queue Content Provides a link to the Engine Queue Content page for the node and queue. This page contains details about active threads, and the items in the queue that are waiting for a thread. Use the drop-down menu to select the queue you want to review Distribution Size Provides a link to the Distribution Size page. This page contains the following information: v Scheduling policy details v Soft reference cache details v Queue details (for each queue) 108 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Monitoring Deprecated Resources Sterling B2B Integrator includes a tool that helps you monitor resources that will be deprecated in future releases. The deprecated resources include services, adaptors, business processes, and maps. Following are the reasons for the deprecation: v An existing resource has been replaced by an improved version of the same resource. v An existing resource has become obsolete because of changes in the behavior of Sterling B2B Integrator. Note: Resources that have been identified for deprecation will continue to be supported by Sterling B2B Integrator. Manage the deprecated resources as follows: 1. Identify the deprecated resources using the Sterling B2B Integrator Resource Deprecation Report. 2. Remove and replace the deprecated resources. Identifying Deprecated Resources To 1. 2. 3. identify the deprecated resources, perform the following tasks: From the Administration menu, select Operations > Reports. In the Reports screen, under the Lists section, select the alphabet D. Click Go!. The Reports page displays all the reports starting with the alphabet D. 4. For the Deprecation Report, click the source manager icon. 5. Select the format in which you want the report output, for example, PDF, HTML, or XLS. 6. Click the execute icon. The Sterling B2B Integrator Resource Deprecation Report is displayed, containing the columns described in the following table: Column Heading Description Resource Name The name of the resource that will be deprecated. Examples: Resource Type v B2B_FTP_CLIENT_ADAPTER v DeenvelopeGSType v Reconcile997Type The type of resource that will be deprecated. Example: service_instance Date Deprecated The date on which the resource will be deprecated. Example: 2/20/13 8:00 AM Notes Information about how the deprecated resource will be replaced. Examples: v Replaced by FTP Client Adapter v Use the DeenvelopeEDIFACT service v Use the DeenvelopeX12 service Performance Management 109 Note: Simply viewing a business process is not sufficient to identify the resources that are being used in deprecated business resources. Some predefined business processes determine the resources to be used, only at runtime. For example, some EDI enveloping and deenveloping business processes determine which map to use at runtime based on header information. Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator A soft stop of Sterling B2B Integrator allows existing processes the opportunity to complete or be saved for resumption after restart. This can save you time by eliminating the need to manually resume processes after a restart. You can run a soft stop from either the UI or from the command line. A soft stop provides the ability to interactively step through the shutdown process. It allows the following to happen during a shutdown: v The transfer of running business processes to other cluster nodes or to the database for recovery. v The ability to control the completion of queued business processes. v The ability to show the status of adapter activity and open sessions. The individual steps of a shutdown are as follows. The soft stop allows you to control the execution of the individual steps required for graceful shutdown. 1. A node is marked unavailable so that it does not accept jobs from other nodes. 2. The unavailable node information is broadcast to other cluster nodes so that each node knows which nodes are in the process of shutting down. 3. Adapters are signaled information about the shutdown so that they can stop accepting new requests. 4. The resource monitor is shut down. 5. The scheduler is shut down. For clustered installations, schedules are moved to another live cluster node. 6. All new live business processes are blocked from their queues and are re-directed to other live cluster nodes or are saved to the database with a status of HALTED_SOFTSTOP for autorecovery. 7. The business process drain policy and completion policy are used to redistribute business processes to other live cluster nodes or save them to the database with a status of HALTED_SOFTSTOP for autorecovery if there is no other live node or if it is a standalone installation. v The completion policy determines if you finish the whole business process; the execution cycle of the business process; or the step of the business process. v The drain policy determines what you need to do with the business processes in the business process queue (drain all business processes; drain not started business processes; drain not started business processes that have no open servers session against adapters; or drain no business processes). 8. The business processes remaining on the queue are allowed to complete. 9. The system waits for all business processes to be completed. 10. The user can watch the adapter activity/sessions and manually control when to shut down adapters. Some adapters will not stop immediately. These adapters will defer shutdown to allow existing transfers to complete. The status of these adapters can be seen via the ! icon in the adapter list. 110 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Note: You can also shut down adapters using the graceful adapter shutdown tool. For more information, see Graceful Adapter Shutdown. 11. The JVM is exited. Note: When you run the interactive soft stop process, it should continue until the JVM is exited. You should not try to undo any of the soft stop actions to bring back the system. Important: The soft stop only stops the noapp and ops JVMs. To stop the remaining Sterling B2B Integrator JVMs and stop the system processing, you must manually run a hard stop after the soft stop is complete. 12. After a cluster node restarts, processes that are saved in the database as HALTED_SOFTSTOP are started/resumed automatically. Completing a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the System Troubleshooter You can perform a soft stop from the system troubleshooter in the UI. About this task To perform this procedure from the command line, see “Completing a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the Command Line” on page 115. Important: A soft stop of Sterling B2B Integrator using the system troubleshooter is not subject to timeout values and the soft stop will run as long as necessary for all current process to finish processing. To complete a soft stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the system troubleshooter: Procedure 1. Log in to the system troubleshooter (Operations > System > Troubleshooter). 2. If running a cluster, select a node to shut down at the Select Node field. If you need to shut down the container node along with the ASI node, you must first shut down the container node and then the ASI node, because shutting down the ASI node first will disable the soft stop UI for the container node. In a clustered installation, you also can soft stop the container node by going to the Troubleshooter UI of the other live ASI node in the cluster and soft stopping the container node from there. 3. Click Soft Stop. The soft stop page opens in a new popup window. Performance Management 111 4. On the soft stop page, perform the following actions in the lettered sequence. When you run the interactive soft stop process, it should continue until the JVM is stopped. You should not try to undo any of the soft stop actions to bring back the system. 112 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management a. Mark Node Unavailable In cluster installations, this is used to prevent business processes from coming from other nodes to the node that is marked unavailable. b. Notify Adapters This is used to notify all adapters that the server is shutting down so that adapters will stop taking new external requests. Note: This does not stop the adapters, which happens at the Stop All Adapters step later in this process. For the container node, you will see the adapter session status with two lists: v A list of the business processes with a client adapter in session. v A list of the running and queued business processes invoked by server adapters. For the ASI node, the list of business processes with a client adapter session will show after you click the button Execute BPs On Queues. If a business process is a sub business process of the business process with a client adapter session, it will not inherit the client adapter session information from its parent, so it will not show up in the list. It is recommended that you use in-line invoking to invoke a sync BP. The Transport Sessions section lists the business processes with active transport sessions. Those business processes are invoked by the adapters on the node that is being shut down. When the business process finishes, it will disappear from the list. c. Stop Resource Monitor This is used to stop the resource monitor. d. Stop Scheduler This is used to stop the scheduler in both clustered and standalone installations. In a clustered installation, this is used to move schedules to another live cluster node. A table lists the active schedules for the node. e. Block Queues This is used to stop the execution of business processes on a queue and not let nodes send any new business processes to it. When you block a queue, if the business process completion policy is Finish Current Step, the executing business process will exit after it finishes the current step. If the policy is Finish Current Execution Cycle, the executing business process will exit after it finishes the current execution cycle. If the policy is Finish Business Process (the default value), the executing business process will not exit until it finishes. Note: The Finish Current Step option does not stop a business process that is in the middle of an open communication session. Instead, the softstop waits until the session is terminated. Following termination, the business process will be marked HALTED_SOFTSTOP or move to another available node. Performance Management 113 For example, a business process starts a Sterling Connect:Direct Begin Session service, and then a sleep service is active for 5 minutes. During that time, a softstop is triggered with the Finish Current Step completion policy. The BP will not be marked HALTED_SOFTSTOP or move to another node until the Sterling Connect:Direct End Session service is executed. This allows BP sessions to complete successfully without interruption. f. Drain Queues This is used to distribute the business processes in the queue to other live nodes (cluster installations only) or save them to the database for recovery (cluster and noncluster installations). If the drain policy is Drain ALL BPs, then both started and unstarted business processes are distributed or saved. If it is Drain Not Started BPs (the default value), then just unstarted business processes are distributed or saved. If it is Drain No BPs, then no business processes are distributed or saved. If it is Drain Not Started BPs and No Open Session BPs, then the business processes that are unstarted and with no open server session are distributed or saved. Processes that are distributed to other queues use the same queue number. Note: If the business process completion policy in the Block Queues step is Finish Business Process (the default value), then the specified drain policy will be honored. If the business process completion policy is Finish Current Step or Finish Current Execution Cycle, then the drain policy will be Drain ALL BPs. The following graphic shows an example of the results of selecting the Drain Not Started BPs option. g. Execute BPs On Queues This is used to allow the business processes on the queue to complete. The following graphic shows an example of this action. v The BPs Execution Summary section shows the business process activity for all queues. v In the BPs In Execution section, you can do the following: – Click Show Service/Adapter Activity Status to show all service/adapter activity information. You can access the same information from the Administration UI by clicking Business Process > Monitor > Current Activities. – Click Show business process Execution Thread Status to show all threads executing business processes. You can access the same information from the Administration UI by clicking Operations > Thread Monitor. If there are business processes executing that you no longer want to wait for, they can be terminated via the Show business process Execution Thread Status link, using the Stop or Interrupt buttons. 114 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v The BPs In Queue section gives detailed information about business process activity. If there are business processes remaining in the queue that you no longer want to wait for, they can be drained by clicking the Force Drain BPs link that appears in the BPs In Queue section when business processes are in the queue. v The Client Sessions section lists business processes that have an open client session with adapters. You need to wait for those business processes to complete before you proceed to the next step to stop all adapters. h. Stop All Adapters This is used to shut down all adapters until you reach a timeout (in seconds) that is specified in the shutdown.timeout_for_adapters property in the property file. If the timeout value is zero, the adapters will not shut down gracefully. Note: You can also shut down adapters using the graceful adapter shutdown tool. For more information, see Graceful Adapter Shutdown. i. Stop JVM This is used to stop the Java Virtual Machine of a node in both clustered and standalone installations. Important: The soft stop only stops the noapp and ops JVMs. To stop the remaining Sterling B2B Integrator JVMs and stop the system processing, you must manually run a hard stop after the soft stop is complete. What to do next Important: A soft stop does not stop all JVMs and system processing. To fully stop the system, you must perform a hard stop after the soft stop is complete. For instructions, see “Hard Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator” on page 120. Completing a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the Command Line Use the softstop command to stop Sterling B2B Integrator gracefully. Unfinished jobs will be distributed to other nodes or saved to the database to automatically resume after startup. Performance Management 115 About this task For individual steps of the graceful soft stop, refer to the documentation on the opscmd command. Important: The individual steps of a soft stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the command line are subject to timeout values, stored in the shutdown.* properties of the property file. Procedure 1. In the installation directory of Sterling B2B Integrator, navigate to the bin subdirectory. 2. Run the (UNIX) or softstop.cmd (Windows) command with the following options: Note: The default values for many of these options are stored in the shutdown.* properties of the property file. v node_name The cluster node name, like node1 or node2. v all Shuts down the whole cluster. v allLocalNodes Shuts down all of the local nodes of an application instance, including container nodes. Note: If you shut down all of the nodes and the ActiveMQ process is still running, you need to run to kill it. This applies to shutting down the whole cluster. v [-tq timeout_for_queues] Timeout value in seconds for all business processes on the queue to finish. v [-ta timeout_for_adapters] Timeout value for stopping all adapters. Note: You can also shut down adapters using the graceful adapter shutdown tool. For more information, see Graceful Adapter Shutdown. v [-dp bp_drain_policy] – 1 - Distribute all business processes on the queue to other nodes or save them to the database. – 2 - Distribute all not-started business processes on the queue to other nodes or save them to the database. – 3 - Let all the business processes on the queue be processed until a timeout for the shutdown. – 4 - Distribute all business processes on the queue, that have not started and have no open sessions against adapters, to other nodes or save them to the database. v [-cp bp_completion_policy] If bp_completion_policy is 1 or 2, then bp_drain_policy is set to 1. – 1 - Complete the current business process step. – 2 - Complete the current business process execution cycle. 116 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management – 3 - Complete the current business process. What to do next Important: A soft stop does not stop all JVMs and system processing. To fully stop the system, you must perform a hard stop after the soft stop is complete. For instructions, see “Hard Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator” on page 120. Soft Stop opscmd Commands You can use opscmd commands to run commands from the command line for each step of the soft stop process. The following opscmd commands allow you to run commands from the command line for each step of the soft stop process. The chart shows the UNIX command. For Windows, use the opscmd.cmd command with the same parameters. Action Command Marking a node unavailable -cMarkNodeUnavailable -pname=node_name Marking a node available -cMarkNodeAvailable -pname=node_name Block a queue or all queues -cBlockQueue -pname=node_name -pid={queue_id | all} [ -pbpCompletionPolicy={1 | 2 | 3} ] queue_id can be 1-9 or (for all queues). Unblock a queue or all queues -cUnblockQueue -pname=node_name -pid={queue_id | all} Drain a queue or all queues -cDrainQueue -pname=node_name -pid={queue_id | all} [-pbpDrainPolicy={1 | 2 | 3 | 4}] Note: If the business process completion policy is the default value of Finish Business Process (pbpCompletionPolicy=1), then the specified drain policy will be honored. If the business process completion policy is Finish Current Step (pbpCompletionPolicy=2) or Finish Current Execution Cycle (pbpCompletionPolicy=3), then the drain policy will be Drain ALL BPs. Note: This is an asynchronous command. Use the cGetDrainQueueStatus command to see the status of the queue draining. See the status of the queue draining -cGetDrainQueueStatus -pname=node_name -pid={queue_id | all} Move Schedules to another node and stop the scheduler -cStopScheduler -pname=node_name [-pFailoverNodeName=node_name] Note: If the failover node is not specified, the system will automatically pick one for you, if possible. Signal adapters for softstop -cPrepareStopAllAdapters -pname=node_name Stop all adapters Note: You can also shut down adapters using the graceful adapter shutdown tool. For more information, see Graceful Adapter Shutdown. -cStopAllAdapters -pname=node_name [-pTimeoutForAdapters=time_out_in_seconds] Performance Management 117 Action Command List all active adapters. -cListActiveAdapters -pname=node_name If the adapter type is stateless, this command will list only one instance of the adapter, even though it may have many configurations for each node. If the adapter type is stateless, only one instance (configuration) is applicable for each service type. If the adapter type is stateful, then all the active instances are listed for this command for each adapter. Stop resource monitor -cStopResourceMonitor -pname=node_name List all active business processes invoked by server adapters that have not sent the business process result back yet -cGETTRANSPORTSESSIONBPS [-pname=node_name] -pid={queue_id | all} -padapterNodeName=adapter_node_name List all business processes that have not closed sessions with client adapters on the node that is being shut down. -cGETCLIENTSESSIONBPS [-pname=node_name] -padapterNodeName=adapter_node_name Execute business processes on a queue or on all queues. -cExecuteBPsOnQueue -pname=node_name -pid={queue_id | all} [-ptimeoutForQueues=timeout_out_in_seconds] Note: This is an asynchronous command. Use the cGetExecuteBPsOnQueueStatus command to see the status of BP execution. See the status of the business process queues execution. -cGetExecuteBPsOnQueueStatus -pname=node_name -pid={queue_id | all} Stop the JVM of a node -cSTOPJVM -pname=node_name Shut down a node or a whole cluster -cSHUTDOWN [-pname=node_name] [-pBPCompletionPolicy={1 | 2 | 3}] [-pBPDrainPolicy={1 | 2 | 3 | 4}] [-pTimeoutForQueues=time_out_in_seconds] [-pTimeoutForAdapters=time_out_in_seconds] Note: If a node is not specified, the whole cluster is shut down. Note: If the optional parameter BPCompletionPolicy, BPDrainPolicy, TimeoutForQueues, or TimeoutForAdapters is not specified, the default property value will be used from the file. Where adapter_node_name is the name of the node that is being shut down. If -pname is not specified, all ASI nodes will be scanned. The list of business processes returned by this command have a client session with the adapters on the node. Where adapter_node_name is the name of the node that is being shut down. If -pname is not specified, all ASI nodes will be scanned. Important: A soft stop does not stop all JVMs and system processing. To fully stop the system, you must perform a hard stop after the soft stop is complete. For instructions, see “Hard Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator” on page 120. Graceful Adapter Shutdown Sterling B2B Integrator supports clean adapter shutdown. That is, when stop adapter is issued, the system allows the adapter to clean up its own session before it gets removed from the system. Only a few stateful adapters support this feature, for example, swiftAdapter. 118 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management The progress of shutting down the adapter can be viewed via UI pages. The progress information is available in the following pages: v In the System Troubleshooting page: – Soft Stop link > Stop All Adapters section – Adapters link – Clicking on the adapter name v In the Services Configuration page: – List and Search results – Clicking on the adapter name Graceful Adapter Shutdown through the User Interface The following steps can be performed in both the service configuration and adapters pages. v To get to the adapter page, click Operations > System > Troubleshooter > Adapters. v To get to the service configuration page, click Deployment > Services > Configuration, and then search for the adapter. List the running stateful adapters by clicking the Adapter link. 1. Shut down an adapter by de-selecting the checkbox under the Enable column. The following message appears in the Advanced State column: Stopping 2. Click on the icon in the Advanced State column. A popup window appears with two sections: v System Audit Information This shows the status changes along with a timestamp of the whole shutdown process. v Adapter Advanced State Information When the adapter finishes its current session, and shutdown is completed, the following message appears: Adapter adapter_name is currently unavailable Graceful Adapter Shutdown through the Command Line 1. Navigate to the bin subdirectory of your installation directory. 2. Shut down the adapter by running the command: -cSTOPADAPTER -nnode1 -pid=adapter_name 3. Check on the status of the shutdown by running the command: -cGETADAPTERADVSTATE -nnode1 -pid=adapter_name Run this command until the status message changes from Adapter is preparing to shutdown to Adapter adapter_name is currently unavailable. 4. Confirm that the adapter has been shut down by running the command: -cGETADAPTERADVSTATE -nnode1 -pid=adapter_name The following message should appear: Adapter adapter_name is currently unavailable The adapter session is finished and shutdown is complete. Performance Management 119 Hard Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator A hard stop of Sterling B2B Integrator immediately stops the system without waiting for business processes to finish. About this task Hard stops may result in loss of data in unfinished processes. To perform a hard stop: Procedure 1. Navigate to /install_dir/install/bin. 2. Enter ./ (UNIX) or hardstop.cmd (Windows). 3. Enter your passphrase. Performance Tuning Sterling B2B Integrator provides a utility to help with performance tuning. You can also perform manual performance tuning. Performance Tuning Utility The performance tuning utility provided with Sterling B2B Integrator helps calculate the tuning parameter values and configure Sterling B2B Integrator for you. Using the Performance Tuning utility, you can tune and configure Sterling B2B Integrator according to your business requirements. You can change the queue settings, memory allocations, JVM settings, and pool settings. However, note that you cannot use the utility to tune your business processes. For more information about tuning business processes, refer to the Business Process Modeling Guide. In the future, if you apply patches to Sterling B2B Integrator, it will not overwrite the performance tuning changes made by the Performance Tuning utility. Note: The suggested performance configuration settings are based on standard calculations. You should test the performance configuration settings in a test environment with appropriate load and then apply the settings in the production environment. There are performance trade-offs that may occur based on your performance configuration settings. However, you can decide to increase or decrease the values based on your specific requirements. Following is a list of such scenarios that may occur, but not limited to: v If you increase memory for server nodes and container nodes, the system will allocate maximum memory for the JVMs thereby reducing the amount of memory allocated to other applications. It may even lead to JVMs holding excess amount of memory, which could have been used by other applications. v If you increase cache settings, it may increase the speed of disk read operations, but might affect other resources waiting for memory. v If you increase the values in queue settings, business processes may be executed swiftly, but it might affect the read or write operations to the database 120 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v If you increase the threads, the number of business processes that can run concurrently may increase, but it might lead to performance degradation as it might consume excess memory. This section provides information about viewing, restoring, and editing performance configuration settings through performance tuning utility. View and Restore Performance Configuration Settings You can view current performance configuration settings to verify if a particular performance configuration setting is correct and restore previous performance configuration settings. View Performance Configuration Settings You can view the current performance configuration settings to verify if they are correct. The Performance Tuning page displays all settings that are currently set and suggested changes. The suggested changes displayed in this page are also displayed if you are tuning the performance using the performance tuning utility. For more information about using the performance tuning utility, refer to the topic “Edit Performance Configuration Settings” on page 123. To view your performance configuration settings: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > Tuning. 2. In the Performance Tuning page, under View, next to View Performance Configuration, click Go!. 3. In the Performance Settings page, review the performance configuration settings, which include information on: v 1) System v 2) JVM Parameters for Server v 3) JVM Parameters Container Nodes v 4) BP Queue v 5) Cache v 6) Purge Settings v 7) Database Connection Pool v 8) Queue Settings v 9) Memory 4. Click Return to return to the Performance Tuning page. Restore Performance Configuration Settings You can manually restore performance configuration settings to return Sterling B2B Integrator to the previous performance state. In the Restore Tuning page, the properties that will change if you restore the previous performance configuration settings are displayed in blue color text and bold format. The User ID, along with the user name, and the time when the last performance configuration settings were last edited are displayed under the Restore tab in Performance Tuning page. Performance Management 121 You can restore your performance configuration settings only once. If you try restoring the performance settings more than once, there will be no changes in the settings. You can restore the performance configuration settings under the following conditions, but not limited to: v Previous performance setting was more efficient than the current setting. v When you are testing performance by setting optimum values, restoring to the previous setting is convenient. v Testing under varying load conditions to benchmark performance configuration settings. To restore your performance configuration settings: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > Tuning. 2. In the Performance Tuning page, under Restore, next to View/Restore Previous Configuration, click Go!. 3. On clicking Go, the Performance Tuning UI lock-enabled message is displayed: Performance Tuning UI lock enabled. Lock will be released only by clicking on Cancel or Finish in the wizard. Click OK. If the lock is not released or if you close the page without clicking Cancel or Finish, you must use the Lock Manager function to release the lock. 4. In the Restore Tuning Configuration page that is displayed, the properties that will change if you restore the previous performance configuration settings are displayed in blue color text and bold format. Review the performance configuration settings and perform one of the following tasks: v To abandon restoring the previous performance configuration settings, click Cancel. v To restore the previous performance configuration settings, click Finish. The Restore Tuning Properties page appears after the restoration is complete. The following message appears: The system update completed successfully. If you restore the previous configuration settings, click Return to return to the Performance Tuning page. 5. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 6. From the System Troubleshooting page, click Soft Stop. This runs the softstop script, allowing all active business processes to complete on a node before stopping the system. The script is run through a series of interactive steps in the UI. For more information about the softstop process, refer to “Completing a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the System Troubleshooter” on page 111. 7. From the install_dir/bin directory, run one of the following commands: v (UNIX or Linux) v (Windows) setupfiles.cmd The performance configuration changes populate the initial setup files that are used during startup. 8. From the install_dir/bin directory, start Sterling B2B Integrator by running one of the following commands: v (UNIX or Linux) v (Windows) startWindowsService.cmd Sterling B2B Integrator starts and the previous performance configuration settings are applied. The properties in the file will have the same values as the corresponding properties in the 122 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management file. In addition, the file will have these properties: v jdbcService.[database]UIPool.buffersize v jdbcService.[database]UIPool.initsize v jdbcService.[database]UIPool.maxsize v jdbcService.[database]Pool_NoTrans.buffersize v jdbcService.[database]Pool_NoTrans.initsize v jdbcService.[database]Pool_NoTrans.maxsize v jdbcService.[database]Pool_local.buffersize v jdbcService.[database]Pool_local.initsize v jdbcService.[database]Pool_local.maxsize v jdbcService.[database]ArchivePool.buffersize v jdbcService.[database]ArchivePool.initsize v jdbcService.[database]ArchivePool.maxsize v jdbcService.[database]Pool_Select.buffersize v jdbcService.[database]Pool_Select.initsize v jdbcService.[database]Pool_Select.maxsize v jdbcService.[database]Pool.buffersize v jdbcService.[database]Pool.initsize v jdbcService.[database]Pool.maxsize Edit Performance Configuration Settings You can edit performance configuration settings using a tuning utility. To reach the level of performance you require, you may have to allocate the following items in higher or lower quantity to specific components of Sterling B2B Integrator: v System memory v JVM parameters for server v JVM parameters for container nodes v BP Queue v Cache v Purge settings v Database connection pools v Queue settings You can use the Performance Tuning Utility to edit the performance configuration using the settings calculated by the system. Alternatively, if you have specific requirements, you can edit the existing performance configuration without using the settings calculated by the system. The settings modified using the performance tuning utility are stored in the file, which updates other properties files with the modified values. However, if you change the settings in other properties files, they are not updated in the file. If you are manually changing the performance configuration settings, ensure that you make the changes only in the file. Performance Management 123 If you are running in a cluster environment, you should apply performance configuration settings for each node separately by running the performance tuning utility in all the nodes. After editing the file, you need to do the following to pick up the new property values: 1. In the file, change the TUNING_PROPS_UPDATED property to TRUE. 2. Run the or setupfiles.cmd command. 3. Run the or startWindowsService.cmd command. To edit your performance configuration: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > Tuning. 2. In the Performance Tuning page, under Edit, next to Edit Performance Configuration, click Go!. 3. On clicking Go!, the Performance Tuning UI lock-enabled message is displayed: Performance Tuning UI lock enabled. Lock will be released only by clicking on Cancel or Finish in the wizard. 4. Click OK. If the lock is not released or if you close the page without clicking Cancel or Finish, you must use the Lock Manager function to release the lock. 5. In the System page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the current settings. v If yes, click Next. v If no, enter information in the following fields and click Next. Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Physical memory (MB) allocated to Platform Not applicable Amount of memory allocated for use in processing operations. It is recommended that you use a minimum value of 512-1024 MB for this field, based on your system. Although there is no minimum value for this field, a value lower than the recommended setting could harm performance. Property: MEMORY 124 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Number of Server Nodes Not applicable The number of server nodes installed. CAUTION: This cannot be changed from the default value of 1, regardless of the number of nodes in the installation. Note: The Number of Server Nodes field is not displayed in iSeries environment. Property: NUM_ASI_NODES Number of Container Nodes Not applicable The number of container nodes installed. Ensure that you enter the correct number of container nodes installed. If you change the number of container nodes, the performance tuning utility will not install additional container nodes. The performance tuning utility will suggest changes to the number of nodes entered in this field instead of the actual number of nodes installed, which if accepted will lead to unnecessary resource allocation. If you add a container to the system after the initial installation, you will have to ensure that the proper amount of memory has been allocated to the container nodes, using the Physical Memory Allocated to Container (MB) field on the JVM Parameters for Container Nodes page. Note: Number of Container Nodes field is not displayed in iSeries environment. Property: NUM_CONTAINER_NODE Allocate memory for BI Listeners Default value: False Select True from the drop-down list if you want to allocate memory for BI listeners from the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator. By default, 256 MB memory is allocated for BI listeners. If you select False from the drop-down list, the memory for BI listeners will not be allocated from the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator which may lead to improper memory management. Property: IS_DEDUCT_MEM_BI Performance Management 125 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Allocate memory for Active MQ Default value: False Select True from the drop-down list if you want to allocate memory for Active MQ messaging service from the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator. By default, 512 MB memory is allocated for the Active MQ messaging service. If you select False from the drop-down list, the memory for Active MQ messaging service will not be allocated from the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator, which may lead to improper memory management. Property: IS_DEDUCT_MEM_ACTIVEMQ Allocate memory for SAP Adapter Default value: False Select True from the drop-down list if you want to allocate memory for the SAP Adapter from the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator. By default, 256 MB memory is allocated for the SAP Adapter. If you select False from the drop-down list, memory for the SAP Adapter will not be allocated from the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator, which may lead to improper memory management. Property: IS_DEDUCT_MEM_SAPADAPTER Allocate memory for Command Line Adapter Select True from the drop-down list if you want to allocate memory for Command Line Adapter from the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator. By default, 128 MB memory is allocated for the Command Line Adapter. If you select False from the drop-down list, the memory for Command Line Adapter will not be allocated from the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator, which may lead to improper memory management. Property: IS_DEDUCT_MEM_CLADAPTER 126 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Default value: False Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Memory will be allocated for Ops Server Not applicable The memory will be automatically allocated to the ops server. You cannot edit the memory allocated to the ops server. By default, 128 MB memory is allocated for the ops server. Property: MEMORY_OPS Click Next. 6. In the JVM Parameters for Server page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the current settings or the suggested settings. Note: Click Fill Current displayed in all pages to retain the current settings. v If yes, click Fill Suggested. v If no, enter information in the following fields: Performance Management 127 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Physical Memory Allocated to Server (MB) Default value (MB): 1536 Amount of physical memory allocated to each server node. Note: Ensure that the physical memory allocated to server nodes, container nodes, and maximum permanent generation size for both server nodes and container nodes should not exceed the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator. A minimum of 1536 MB is allocated to each server node out of the total physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator. Property: MEMORY_ASI However, if there is additional physical memory available after allocating minimum memory to all the server nodes and the container nodes, the memory is split between server nodes and container nodes. By default, the server nodes are allocated with three-fourths out of the available memory and the container nodes are allocated with one-fourths out of the available memory. The additional memory is calculated using the following formula: ((((Physical memory allocated to Platform (Number of server nodes * Minimum memory allocated to the server nodes)) (Number of server nodes * Maximum permanent generation size allocated to server nodes)) - (Number of container nodes * Maximum permanent generation size allocated to container nodes)) – Memory allocated to the ops server) For example, let us consider that two server nodes and one container node is present. After allocating memory to the two server nodes and one container node, 200 MB additional memory is available, each server node is allocated 75 MB memory and the container node is allocated 50 MB memory. You can also change the additional memory allocation ratio. The additional memory allocation ratio is calculated using the following formula: (((Additional memory available - Physical memory allocated to container nodes) * 0.75)/Number of server nodes) 128 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Initial Heap Size (MB) Controls the initial size of a Java heap allocated to each server JVM. If this is tuned correctly, it can reduce the overhead associated with garbage collection by improving the server response time and throughput. If you see a large number of minor garbage collections, the default value set to this parameter might be too low. Try increasing it. Based on your operating system and architecture, the parameters are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: (HP-UX.INIT_HEAP) v HP-UX 64-bit: (HP-UX-64.INIT_HEAP) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.INIT_HEAP) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX-64.INIT_HEAP) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.INIT_HEAP) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS-64.INIT_HEAP) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.INIT_HEAP) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux-64.INIT_HEAP) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.INIT_HEAP) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows64.INIT_HEAP) v IBM iSeries OS/400®: (OS400.INIT_HEAP) v IBM OS/390®: (OS390.INIT_HEAP) Property: [operating system].INIT_HEAP (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Based on your operating system and architecture, the formulae are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 3068 MB, it allocates 3068 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. If the memory allocated is greater than 512 MB, but lesser than 3068 MB, it allocates the memory allocated to each server node. v HP-UX 64-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 3068, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 512, 512, MEMORY_ASI)) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (0.5 * Physical memory allocated to server node) v IBM AIX 64-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 3328, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 1024, 512, round(0.5 * MEMORY_ASI))) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 3900 MB, it allocates 3900 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. If the memory allocated is greater than 512 MB, but lesser than 3900 MB, it allocates the memory allocated to each server node. v Sun Solaris 64-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 3900, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 512, 512, MEMORY_ASI)) Performance Management 129 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) v Linux 32-bi: (0.5 * Physical memory allocated to server node) v Linux 64-bit: =if (MEMORY_ASI >= 2036, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 1024, 512, round(0.5 * MEMORY_ASI))) v Windows 32-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 1536, 768, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 1024, 512, round(0.5 * MEMORY_ASI))) v Windows 64-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 1536, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 1024, 512, round(0.5 * MEMORY_ASI))) v IBM iSeries OS/400: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 2048 MB, it allocates 2048 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. If the memory allocated is greater than 512 MB, but lesser than 2048 MB, it allocates the memory allocated to each server node. v IBM OS/390: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 2048 MB, it allocates 2048 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. If the memory allocated is greater than 512 MB, but lesser than 2048 MB, it allocates the memory allocated to each server node. 130 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Maximum Heap Size (MB) Controls the maximum size of a Java heap allocated to each server JVM. If this parameter is tuned correctly, it can: v Reduce the overhead associated with the garbage collection and the risk of encountering an Out-Of-Memory (OOM) condition v Improve the server response time and throughput If you see a large number of garbage collections, try increasing the value. Based on the Operation System (OS), and whether it is a 32-bit JVM or 64-bit JVM, and the available memory, the maximum value that you can go up to will change. Based on your operating system and architecture, the parameters are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: (HP-UX.MAX_HEAP) v HP-UX 64-bit: (HP-UX-64.MAX_HEAP) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.MAX_HEAP) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX-64.MAX_HEAP) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.MAX_HEAP) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS64.MAX_HEAP) (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Based on your operating system and architecture, the formulae are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 3068 MB, it allocates 3068 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. If the memory allocated is greater than 512 MB, but lesser than 3068 MB, it allocates the memory allocated to each server node. v HP-UX 64-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 3068, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 512, 512, MEMORY_ASI)) v IBM AIX 32-bit: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 3328 MB, it allocates 3328 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. If the memory allocated is greater than 512 MB, but lesser than 3328 MB, it allocates the memory allocated to each server node. v IBM AIX 64-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 3328, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 512, 512, MEMORY_ASI)) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.MAX_HEAP) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux-64.MAX_HEAP) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.MAX_HEAP) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows64.MAX_HEAP) v IBM iSeries OS/400: (OS400.MAX_HEAP) v IBM OS/390: (OS390.MAX_HEAP) Property: [operating system].MAX_HEAP Performance Management 131 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 3900 MB, it allocates 3900 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. v Sun Solaris 64-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 3900, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 512, 512, can set a maximum heap limit of 4 GB for MEMORY_ASI)) v Linux 32-bit: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 2036 MB, it allocates 2036 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. If the memory allocated is greater than 512 MB, but lesser than 2036 MB, it allocates the memory allocated to each server node. v Linux 64-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 2036, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 512, 512, MEMORY_ASI)) v Windows 32-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 1280, 1280, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 512, 512, MEMORY_ASI)) v Windows 64-bit: if (MEMORY_ASI >= 1536, MEMORY_ASI, if (MEMORY_ASI <= 512, 512, MEMORY_ASI)) v IBM iSeries OS/400: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 2048 MB, it allocates 2048 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. If the memory allocated is greater than 512 MB, but lesser than 2048 MB, it allocates the memory allocated to each server node. v IBM OS/390: If memory allocated to the server node is greater than or equal to 2048 MB, it allocates 2048 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates 512 MB. If the memory allocated is greater than 512 MB, but lesser than 2048 MB, it allocates the memory allocated to each server node. 132 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Initial Size of New (Nursery) Heap (MB) (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) (0.33333 * Initial size of heap memory allocated to the server node) Controls the initial size of the new heap area allocated to each server JVM. AIX 64-bit: AIX-64.INIT_AGE=256 It is used with the throughput/parallel collector instead of the JVM built-in tuning the parameter provides. Based on your operating system and architecture, the parameters are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: (HP-UX.INIT_AGE) v HP-UX 64-bit: (HP-UX-64.INIT_AGE) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.INIT_AGE) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX-64.INIT_AGE) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.INIT_AGE) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS-64.INIT_AGE) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.INIT_AGE) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux-64.INIT_AGE) Linux 64-bit: Linux-64.INIT_AGE=256 Windows 32-bit: Windows.INIT_AGE=round(0.33333 * Windows.INIT_HEAP) HP 64-bit: HP-UX64.INIT_AGE=round(0.33333 * HP-UX-64.INIT_HEAP) Sun 64--bit: SunOS64.INIT_AGE=round(0.33333 * SunOS-64.INIT_HEAP) Windows 64-bit: Windows64.INIT_AGE=round(0.33333 * Windows-64.INIT_HEAP) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.INIT_AGE) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows-64.INIT_AGE) v IBM iSeries OS/400: (OS400.INIT_AGE) v IBM OS/390: (OS390.INIT_AGE) Property: [operating system].INIT_AGE Performance Management 133 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Maximum Size of New (Nursery) Heap (MB) (0.5 * Maximum size of heap memory allocated to the server node) Controls the maximum size of the new heap AIX 64-bit: AIX-64.MAX_AGE=512 area allocated to each server JVM. Linux 64-bit: Linux-64.MAX_AGE=512 Based on your operating system and architecture, the parameters are provided in Windows 32-bit: Windows.MAX_AGE=round(0.33333 * the following list: Windows.MAX_HEAP) v HP-UX 32-bit: (HP-UX.MAX_AGE) v HP-UX 64-bit: (HP-UX-64.MAX_AGE) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.MAX_AGE) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX-64.MAX_AGE) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.MAX_AGE) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS-64.MAX_AGE) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.MAX_AGE) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux-64.MAX_AGE) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.MAX_AGE) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows-64.MAX_AGE) v IBM iSeries OS/400: (OS400.MAX_AGE) v IBM OS/390: (OS390.MAX_AGE) Property: [operating system].MAX_AGE 134 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management HP 64-bit: HP-UX64.MAX_AGE=round(0.33333 * HP-UX-64.MAX_HEAP) Sun 64-bit: SunOS64.MAX_AGE=round(0.33333 * SunOS-64.MAX_HEAP) Windows 64-bit: Windows64.MAX_AGE=round(0.33333 * Windows-64.MAX_HEAP) Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Maximum Permanent Generation Size (MB) Controls the maximum size of the permanent generation heap allocated to the server JVM. It stores all the class code and class-like data. The value of the parameter should be large enough to fit all the classes that are concurrently loaded. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine the actual value of this parameter because generally, this region is smaller and expands slowly, and the utilization is commonly observed at 99-100 percent of its current capacity. If you have not configured this region correctly, the JVM might fail with the error. (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Based on your operating system and architecture, Sterling B2B Integrator allocates the following values (in MB): v HP-UX (32-bit and 64-bit): 512 v IBM AIX (32-bit and 64-bit): 384 v Sun Solaris (32-bit and 64-bit): 384 v Linux (32-bit and 64-bit): 384 v Windows 32-bit: 256 v Windows 64-bit: 384 v IBM iSeries OS/400: 384 v IBM OS/390: 384 Based on your operating system and architecture, the parameters are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: (HP-UX.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v HP-UX 64-bit: (HP-UX64.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX64.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS64.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux-64.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows64.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v IBM iSeries OS/400: (OS400.MAX_PERM_SIZE) v IBM OS/390: (OS390.MAX_PERM_SIZE) Property: [operating system].MAX_PERM_SIZE Performance Management 135 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Thread Stack Size (KB) Controls the maximum Java stack size for any thread. (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Based on your operating system and architecture (in KB): v HP-UX 32-bit: 384 v HP-UX 64-bit: 512 Property: v IBM AIX (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 [operating system].STATIC_STACK v Sun Solaris (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 v Linux (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 v IBM iSeries OS/400 (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 v IBM OS/390 (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 v Windows (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 Enable Heap Dump on Out of Memory Select True from the drop-down list if you want to generate a heapdump when the server JVM encounters an out of memory error. Heapdumps are useful for troubleshooting memory-related issues since they contain all the live objects used by the Java application. With this information, the objects that are using large amounts of memory can be identified. The contents of a heapdump can also help a user understand why objects cannot be freed by the Garbage Collector. By default, the dump file is generated from where the JVM was started (the install_dir/bin directory). If you select False from the drop-down list, heapdumps are not generated when the server JVM encounters an out of memory error. Property: ENABLE_HEAP_DUMP_OOB 136 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Default value: True Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Enable Heap Dump on Sigquit/Ctrl-break Default value: True Note: This field is not supported in the 1.6 version of the Sun JDK. It will display if you are using the IBM JDK.Select True from the drop-down list if you want to request a heapdump for the server JVM using Sigquit command or pressing Ctrl+Break for server JVM. By default, the dump file is generated from where the JVM was started (the install_dir/bin directory). If you select False from the drop-down list, heapdumps are not generated if you run Sigquit command or press Ctrl+Break. Property: ENABLE_HEAP_DUMP_SGTQCRTLBRK Enable VerboseGC Default value: False Select True from the drop-down list if you want to generate verbose garbage collection data for server JVM. JVM Verbose garbage collection (GC) statistics are critical. It is recommended to enable verbose garbage collection when you are debugging your instance. These statistics can be used to understand the behavior of the JVM heap management and the efficiency of the JVM. If you select False from the drop-down list, verbose garbage collection will be disabled. Property: ENABLE_VERBOSE_GC JVM Arguments Prefix Default value: BLANK Determines the arguments set as JVM parameters before other JVM flags are set for server JVM. Ensure that you enter correct values in this field. Else, the server JVM might fail to start. For example, -XX:SurvivorRatio parameter optimizes the object creation and object preservation ratio. Property: JVM_ARGS_PREFIX Performance Management 137 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) JVM Arguments Suffix Default value: BLANK Determines the arguments set as JVM parameters after other JVM flags are set for server JVM. Ensure that you enter correct values in this field. Else, the server JVM might fail to start. For example, -Xnoclassgc parameter disables dynamic class unloading. Property: JVM_ARGS_SUFFIX Click Next. 7. In the JVM Parameters for Container Nodes page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the current settings or the suggested settings. v If yes, click Fill Suggested. v If no, enter information in the following fields: 138 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Physical Memory Allocated to Container (MB) Amount of physical memory allocated to each container node. Ensure that the physical memory allocated to server nodes, container nodes, and maximum permanent generation size for both server nodes and container nodes should not exceed the physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator. If you add a container to the system after the initial installation, you will have to ensure that the proper amount of memory has been allocated to the container nodes, using this field. Property: MEMORY_CONTAINER (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Default value (MB): 512 A minimum of 512 MB is allocated to each container node out of the total physical memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator. However, if there is additional physical memory available after allocating minimum memory to all the server nodes and the container nodes, the memory is split between server nodes and container nodes. By default, the server nodes are allocated with three-fourths out of the available memory and the container nodes are allocated with one-fourths out of the available memory. The additional memory is calculated using the following formula: ((((Physical memory allocated to Platform (Number of server nodes * Minimum memory allocated to the server nodes)) (Number of server nodes * Maximum permanent generation size allocated to server nodes)) - (Number of container nodes * Maximum permanent generation size allocated to container nodes)) – Memory allocated to the ops server) For example, let us consider that two server nodes and one container node is present. After allocating memory to the two server nodes and one container node, 200 MB additional memory is available, each server node is allocated 75 MB memory and the container node is allocated 50 MB memory. You can also change the additional memory allocation ratio. The additional memory allocation ratio is calculated using the following formula: (((Additional memory available - Physical memory allocated to container nodes) * 0.25)/Number of container nodes) Performance Management 139 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Initial Heap Size (MB) Controls the initial size of a Java heap allocated to the container JVM. Based on your operating system and architecture, the parameters are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: (HPUX.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v HP-UX 64-bit: (HP-UX64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v IBM iSeries OS/400: (OS400.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v IBM OS/390: (OS390.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) Property: [operating system].INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER 140 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Based on your operating system and architecture, the formulae are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 3068 MB, it allocates 3068 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to container node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. v HP-UX 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 3068, 3068, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) v IBM AIX 32-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 3068, MEMORY_CONTAINER, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) v IBM AIX 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 3328, MEMORY_CONTAINER, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 3900, 3900, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 1536, MEMORY_CONTAINER, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 1024, 1024, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) v Linux 32-bit: (0.5 * Physical memory allocated to container node) v Linux 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 2036, MEMORY_CONTAINER, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) v Windows 32-bit: (0.5 * Physical memory allocated to container node) v Windows 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 1536, 768, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER, round(0.5 * MEMORY_CONTAINER))) v IBM iSeries OS/400: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 2048 MB, it allocates 2048 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to container node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. v IBM OS/390: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 2048 MB, it allocates 2048 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to container node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. Performance Management 141 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Maximum Heap Size (MB) Controls the maximum size of a Java heap allocated to the container JVM. Based on your operating system and architecture, the parameters are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: (HPUX.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v HP-UX 64-bit: (HP-UX64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v IBM iSeries OS/400: (OS400.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v IBM OS/390: (OS390.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) Property: [operating system].MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER 142 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Based on your operating system and architecture, the formulae are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 3068 MB, it allocates 3068 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to container node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. v HP-UX 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 3068, MEMORY_CONTAINER, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) v IBM AIX 32-bit: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 3328 MB, it allocates 3328 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. v IBM AIX 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 3328, MEMORY_CONTAINER, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 3900 MB, it allocates 3900 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to container node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. v Sun Solaris 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 3900, MEMORY_CONTAINER, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) v Linux 32-bit: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 2036 MB, it allocates 2036 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to container node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. v Linux 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 2036, MEMORY_CONTAINER, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) v Windows 32-bit: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 1536 MB, it allocates 1536 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to container node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. v Windows 64-bit: if (MEMORY_CONTAINER >= 1536, MEMORY_CONTAINER, if (MEMORY_CONTAINER <= 512, 512, MEMORY_CONTAINER)) v IBM iSeries OS/400: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 2048 MB, it allocates 2048 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to container node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. v IBM OS/390: If memory allocated to the container node is greater than or equal to 2048 MB, it allocates 2048 MB. Else, if the memory allocated to container node is lesser than or equal to 512 MB, it allocates the memory assigned to the container node. Performance Management 143 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Initial Size of New (Nursery) Heap (MB) (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) (0.33333 * Initial size of heap memory allocated to the container node) Controls the initial size of the new heap area v HP 32-bit: HPallocated to the container JVM. UX.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * HPBased on your operating system and UX.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) architecture, the parameters are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: (HPUX.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v HP-UX64-bit: (HP-UX64.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX-64.IN IT_AGE_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS64.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux64.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.IN IT_AGE_CONTAINER) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows64.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v IBM iSeries OS/400: (OS400.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) v IBM OS/ 390(OS390.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER) Property: [operating system].INIT_AGE_CONTAINER v HP 64-bit: HP-UX64.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * HP-UX64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v AIX 32-bit: AIX.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * AIX.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v AIX 64-bit: AIX64.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * AIX64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Sun 32-bit: SunOS.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * SunOS.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Sun 64-bit: SunOS64.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * SunOS64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Linux 32-bit: Linux.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * Linux.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Linux 64-bit: Linux64.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * Linux64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Windows 32-bit: Windows.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * Windows.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Windows 64-bit: Windows64.INIT_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * Windows64.INIT_HEAP_CONTAINER) 144 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Maximum Size of New (Nursery) Heap (MB) (0.5 * Maximum size of heap memory allocated to the container node) Controls the maximum size of the new heap area allocated to the container JVM. Based on your operating system and architecture the parameters are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: (HPUX.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v HP-UX 64-bit: (HP-UX64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v IBM iSeries OS/400: (OS400.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v IBM OS/390: (OS390.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER) v HP 32-bit: HPUX.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * HPUX.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v HP 64-bit: HP-UX64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * HP-UX64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v AIX 32-bit: AIX.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333* AIX.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v AIX 64-bit: AIX64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333* AIX64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Sun 32-bit: SunOS.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * SunOS.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Sun 64-bit: SunOS64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * SunOS64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Linux 32-bit: Linux.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * Linux.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Linux 64-bit: Linux64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * Linux64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) v Windows 32-bit: Windows.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * [operating system].MAX_AGE_CONTAINER Windows.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) Property: v Windows 64-bit: Windows64.MAX_AGE_CONTAINER= round(0.33333 * Windows64.MAX_HEAP_CONTAINER) Performance Management 145 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Maximum Permanent Generation Size (MB) Controls the maximum size of the permanent generation heap (stores all the class code and class-like data) allocated to the container JVM. Based on your operating system and architecture, the parameters are provided in the following list: v HP-UX 32-bit: (HPUX.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Based on your operating system and architecture, Sterling B2B Integrator allocates the following values (in MB): v HP-UX (32-bit and 64-bit): 192 v IBM AIX (32-bit and 64-bit): 128 v Sun Solaris (32-bit and 64-bit): 128 v Linux (32-bit and 64-bit): 128 v Windows (32-bit and 64-bit): 128 v IBM iSeries OS/400: 128 v IBM OS/390: 128 v HP-UX 64-bit: (HP-UX64.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 32-bit: (AIX.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) v IBM AIX 64-bit: (AIX64.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 32-bit: (SunOS.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) v Sun Solaris 64-bit: (SunOS64.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) v Linux 32-bit: (Linux.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) v Linux 64-bit: (Linux64.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) v Windows 32-bit: (Windows.MAX_PERM_SIZE_ CONTAINER) v Windows 64-bit: (Windows64.MAX_PERM_SIZE_ CONTAINER) v IBM iSeries OS/400: (OS400.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) v IBM OS/390: (OS390.MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER) Property: [operating system].MAX_PERM_SIZE_CONTAINER Thread Stack Size (KB) Controls the maximum Java stack size for any thread. Based on your operating system and architecture (in KB): v HP-UX (32-bit and 64-bit): 384 v IBM AIX (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 Property: v Sun Solaris (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 [operating system].STATIC_STACK_CONTAINER v Linux (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 v IBM iSeries OS/400 (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 v IBM OS/390 (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 v Windows (32-bit and 64-bit): 256 146 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Enable Heap Dump on Out of Memory Default value: True Select True from the drop-down list if you want to generate a heapdump when the container JVM encounters an out of memory error. Heapdumps are useful for troubleshooting memory-related issues since they contain all the live objects used by the Java application. With this information, the objects that are using large amounts of memory can be identified. The contents of a heapdump can also help a user understand why objects cannot be freed by the Garbage Collector. By default, the dump file is generated from where the JVM was started (the install_dir/bin directory). If you select False from the drop-down list, heapdumps are not generated when the container JVM encounters an out of memory error. Property: ENABLE_HEAP_DUMP_OOB_CONTAINER Enable Heap Dump on Sigquit/Ctrl-break Default value: True Note: This field is not supported in the 1.6 version of the Sun JDK. It will display if you are using the IBM JDK.Select True from the drop-down list if you want to request a heapdump for the container JVM using Sigquit command or pressing Ctrl+Break for container JVM. By default, the dump file is generated from where the JVM was started (the install_dir/bin directory). If you select False from the drop-down list, heapdumps are not generated if you run Sigquit command or press Ctrl+Break . Property: ENABLE_HEAP_DUMP_ SGTQCRTLBRK_CONTAINER Performance Management 147 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Enable VerboseGC Default value: False Select True from the drop-down list if you want to generate verbose garbage collection data for container JVM. JVM Verbose garbage collection (GC) statistics are critical. It is recommended to enable verbose garbage collection when you are debugging your instance. These statistics can be used to understand the behavior of the JVM heap management and the efficiency of the JVM. If you select False from the drop-down list, verbose garbage collection will be disabled. Property: ENABLE_VERBOSE_GC_CONTAINER JVM Arguments Prefix Default value: BLANK Determines the arguments set as JVM parameters before other JVM flags are set for container JVM. Ensure that you enter correct values in this field. Else, the container JVM might fail to start. For example, -Xalwaysclassgc parameter enables dynamic class unloading on every instance of garbage collection. Property: JVM_ARGS_PREFIX_CONTAINER JVM Arguments Suffix Default value: BLANK Determines the arguments set as JVM parameters after other JVM flags are set for container JVM. Ensure that you enter correct values in this field. Else, the container JVM might fail to start. For example, -Xlp parameter enables large page support. Property: JVM_ARGS_SUFFIX_CONTAINER Click Next. 8. In the BP Queue page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the current settings or the suggested settings. 148 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v If yes, click Fill Suggested. v If no, enter information in the following fields: Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Number of Processor Cores Not Applicable Number of processor cores in the system, where each core is an independent processing engine. Property: PROCESSORS Desired Global Threads JMS_LISTNERS = (PROCESSORS * 4) Number of active business processes that can run concurrently. This field changes the JMS_LISTNERS property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. Typically, you require higher values with more CPUs, and lower values with fewer CPUs. Too many threads cause thrashing, in which the hard disk is used a lot for virtual memory, and performance slows down. Property: JMS_LISTNERS In memory cache size (MB) for small contexts NOAPP.JMS_PAGING_HIGH = 100 Amount of memory allocated to the business process queue. After Sterling B2B Integrator reaches this limit, it writes all the messages, except active messages, to disk. This field changes the JMS_PAGING_HIGH property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. Increasing this value too much reduces the amount of memory available for the other components of Sterling B2B Integrator, such as caches and general processing. Property: NOAPP.JMS_PAGING_HIGH Performance Management 149 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Disk cache size (MB) Maximum Maximum amount of disk space used to store the business process context when it is being moved from memory. This limit ensures that Sterling B2B Integrator does not consume all the available disk space. This field changes the JMS_PAGING_MAX property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) NOAPP.JMS_PAGING_MAX = round(2 * Maximum Java heap size allocated to the server JVM) Property: NOAPP.JMS_PAGING_MAX Memory Cache Threshold (MB) Default value: 16384 Amount of threshold memory size for caching a context in the in-memory cache versus the disk cache. The distribution of context sizes tends to look vaguely like an “M” with one cluster of small contexts and another cluster of larger contexts. If this value is set large, the value for memory cache size should also be large. A moderate multiple of the disk block size seems to work very well in many cases. Property: BP_SIZE Use Shadow Cache Select True from the drop-down list if you want to enable shadow cache. It is used to retain business process objects in the memory as long as JVM permits. When the thread is available for the business process to run, the object is retrieved from the memory instead of the disk. Use Shadow Cache plays an important role during load balancing in a cluster environment. It uses soft reference for caching workflow context objects. If you select False from the drop-down list, shadow cache will be disabled and space will not be allocated to retain business process objects in the memory. Property: USE_SHADOW_CACHE 150 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Default value: True Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Shadow Cache Size (MB) Maximum Default value: 1 Amount of soft reference in memory to retain business process objects in the memory as long as JVM permits. When the thread is available for the business process to run, the object is retrieved from the memory instead of the disk. You can set maximum shadow cache size, but it is used only if you enable shadow cache. Property: MAX_SHADOW_CACHE_SIZE Distribution Cache Maximum Default value: 5000 Determines the maximum number of business processes in queue on node2. If the number of business processes on node2 queue exceeds this number, node1 will not transfer any more business processes to node2. Property: DISTRIBUTION_CACHE_MAX Distribution Cache Minimum Determines the number of business processes that must be in queue before this node will make any processes eligible for distribution. DISTRIBUTION_CACHE_MIN = (PROCESSORS * 4) Property: DISTRIBUTION_CACHE_MIN Performance Management 151 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Broadcast Interval (ms) Default value: 6000 Determines how often (in milleseconds) a multicast message is sent out by a node about the current state of the node. The multicast message provides load factor and current status information about a node to all other nodes in the cluster. Clustering uses the JGroups communication toolkit, which supports the following communication protocols, which can be configured during deployment: v UDP (User Datagram Protocol) (IP multicast) v TCP Property: MULTICAST_INTERVAL Switch Interval (ms) Determines the time interval (in milliseconds) that a business process must be queued after distribution to a node before the business process is eligible for distribution to another node again. This is for load balancing in a cluster environment. Property: SWITCH_INTERVAL 152 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Default value: 180000 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Workflow in transit list timeout (ms) Default value: 20000 Allows the business process to transfer from one node to another without the Recover process interrupting the business process. In a cluster, when a business process is switched to another node due to a heavy load, the workflow id will be "seen" by the Recover process as still in the queue on this node for the amount of time (in milliseconds) specified by this parameter. This allows the business process to finish transfering to the other node without the Recover process interrupting the business process. Increase this value if the Recover process is interrupting business processes during a heavy load in a clustered environment. This may make the UI list the business process as 'in queue' but the business process can actually be running. This will not interfere with the running result. It may only delay displaying the business process state on the UI. Setting this value to 0 will prevent this functionality from being used and will keep an extra thread that performs part of this functionality from being started. Property: WF_IN_TRANSIT_TIMEOUT_LIST Click Next. 9. In the Cache page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the current settings or the suggested settings. v If yes, click Fill Suggested. v If no, enter information in the following fields: Performance Management 153 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Translation Maps The number of translation maps that can exist in the cache. This field changes the MAP_CACHE property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. Note: Increasing the cache size for items that are not used frequently may degrade performance. Increase the cache size for items that are used frequently to improve performance. (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) If memory allocated to the server node is lesser than or equal to 768 MB, 10 translation maps can exist in the cache. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 1024 MB but greater than 768 MB, 50 translation maps can exist in the cache. If the memory allocated to the server node is greater than 1024 MB, then 100 translation maps can exist in the cache. Property: MAP_CACHE Envelopes The number of envelopes that can exist in the cache. This field changes the ENVELOPE_CACHE property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. Note: Increasing the cache size for items that are not used frequently may degrade performance. Increase the cache sizes for items that are used frequently in order to improve performance. If memory allocated to the server node is lesser than or equal to 768 MB, 50 envelopes can exist in the cache. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 1024 MB but greater than 768 MB, 250 envelopes can exist in the cache. If the memory allocated to the server node is greater than 1024 MB, then 500 envelopes can exist in the cache. Property: ENVELOPE_CACHE Other EDI The number of EDI objects that can exist in the cache. This field changes the EDI_CACHE property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. Note: Increasing the cache size for items that are not used frequently may degrade performance. Increase the cache sizes for items that are used frequently to improve performance. Property: EDI_CACHE 154 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management If memory allocated to the server node is lesser than or equal to 768 MB, 25 EDI objects can exist in the cache. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 1024 MB but greater than 768 MB, 50 EDI objects can exist in the cache. If the memory allocated to the server node is greater than 1024 MB, then 100 EDI objects can exist in the cache. Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Workflow Definition The number of workflow definition objects that can exist in the cache. This field changes the WFD_CACHE property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. Property: WFD_CACHE User Cache The number of user definition objects that can exist in the cache. This field changes the USER_CACHE property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. Property: USER_CACHE Group Cache The number of user group definition objects that can exist in the cache. This field changes the GROUP_CACHE property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. Property: GROUP_CACHE Permission Cache The number of permission definition objects that can exist in the cache. Permission cache controls the number of cache protectors and stores information on user permissions. This field changes the PERM_CACHE property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) If memory allocated to the server node is lesser than or equal to 768 MB, 50 workflow definition objects can exist in the cache. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 1024 MB but greater than 768 MB, 100 workflow definition objects can exist in the cache. If the memory allocated to the server node is greater than 1024 MB, then 120 workflow definition objects can exist in the cache. If memory allocated to the server node is lesser than or equal to 768 MB, 50 user definition objects can exist in the cache. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 1024 MB but greater than 768 MB, 100 user definition objects can exist in the cache. If the memory allocated to the server node is greater than 1024 MB, then 120 user definition objects can exist in the cache. If memory allocated to the server node is lesser than or equal to 768 MB, 50 user group definition objects can exist in the cache. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 1024 MB but greater than 768 MB, 100 user group definition objects can exist in the cache. If the memory allocated to the server node is greater than 1024 MB, then 120 user group definition objects can exist in the cache. If memory allocated to the server node is lesser than or equal to 768 MB, 1000 permission definition objects can exist in the cache. Else, if the memory allocated to server node is lesser than or equal to 1024 MB but greater than 768 MB, 2000 permission definition objects can exist in the cache. If the memory allocated to the server node is greater than 1024 MB, then 2400 permission definition objects can exist in the cache. Property: PERM_CACHE Click Next. 10. In the Purge Settings page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the current settings or the suggested settings. v If yes, click Fill Suggested. v If no, enter information in the following fields: Performance Management 155 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Number Of Purge Deadlock Retries Default value: 30 Controls the number of repeated attempts to start the purge process before aborting. Property: PURGE.DEADLOCK_RETRIES Maximum Purge Threads Default value: 1 Controls the maximum number of threads that can be allocated to the purge process. Property: PURGE.MAX_PURGE_THREADS Purge Documents on Disk Default value: True Select True from the drop-down list to purge the documents on file system disk space, along with database disk space. It is recommended to purge documents on the disk, else the disk space may get filled up. For more information about purging, refer to Purge Service documentation. If you select False from the drop-down list, the documents are purged only in the database disk space. Property: PURGE.PURGE_DOCS_ON_DISK Click Next. 11. In the Database Connection Pool page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the current settings or the suggested settings. Note: Sterling B2B Integrator restart is not required if you modify settings in this page. v If yes, click Fill Suggested. v If no, enter information in the following fields and click Next. Transactional pool connections are used by the workflow engine to manage database operations during a workflow step. Commands issued to a transactional connection are not committed to the database until the end of the workflow step, allowing rollback if the workflow step fails. Non-transactional pool connections are used when rollback is not required. 156 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management The pool size must be large enough to process business processes without waiting for a connection. In addition, if you have many File System adapters, you may have to increase the value of this property to improve performance. Database connection pool values are initially displayed by obtaining the values from file and file. When you set the connection pool properties, such as initial connections, maximum connections, and buffer size, the performance tuning utility updates file, which will be created if it does not exist. Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Default Document Storage Determines the storage type for document objects constructed without a storageType property. Valid values in the New field at the top of the table: (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) jdbcService.defaultDocumentStorageType = DB v FS - Stores the document data on the local file system v DB - (Default) Stores the document data in the database Property: jdbcService.defaultDocumentStorageType Performance Management 157 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Connection Pool Name Not applicable Determines the database connection pool name. A database connection pool is created to manage multiple connections where each connection connects to the same database. You can create custom connection pools apart from those present in Sterling B2B Integrator. If you create your own custom connection pools, you should add the connection pool name in language properties file. The following connection pool types can be created: v UI v Archive v Default v Select v Non-transactional - Number of connections that are reserved and available for general data requests (for example, retrieving data) when Sterling B2B Integrator starts. If Sterling B2B Integrator uses all the connections concurrently, it creates a new connection until it reaches the maximum number of connections. When Sterling B2B Integrator reaches the value specified in this field, it must wait for a connection to be returned to the pool before processing the data request. When a connection is no longer in use, the connection is returned to the available connection pool and can be reused. v Local 158 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Depending on the database, replace the db with the database name. For example, if you Determines the initial number of connections are using Oracle as your database, enter to be reserved in the database connection oracle. Default values are provided in the pool. following list: Initial Connections Based on the connection pool, the parameters are provided in the following list: v Local: jdbcService.dbPool_local.initsize = 1 v Local: (jdbcService.dbPool_local.initsize) v Non-transactional: jdbcService.dbPool_NoTrans.initsize = 1 v Select: (jdbcService.dbPool_Select.initsize) v Non-transactional: (jdbcService.dbPool_NoTrans.initsize) v Default: (jdbcService.dbPool.initsize) v Archive: jdbcService.dbArchivePool.initsize) v Select: jdbcService.dbPool_Select.initsize = 0 v Default: jdbcService.dbPool.initsize = 1 v Archive: jdbcService.dbArchivePool.initsize =1 v UI: jdbcService.dbUIPool.initsize = 4 v UI: (jdbcService.dbUIPool.initsize) Maximum Connections Determines the maximum number of connections to be reserved in the database connection pool. Based on the connection pool, the parameters are provided in the following list: v Local: (jdbcService.dbPool_local.maxsize) v Select: (jdbcService.dbPool_Select.maxsize) v Non-transactional: (jdbcService.dbPool_NoTrans.maxsize) v Default: (jdbcService.dbPool.maxsize) v Archive: (jdbcService.dbArchivePool.maxsize) Depending on the database, replace the db with the database name. For example, if you are using Oracle as your database, enter oracle. Default values are provided in the following list: v Local: jdbcService.dbPool_local.maxsize = 30 v Select: jdbcService.dbPool_Select.maxsize = 20 v Non-transactional: jdbcService.dbPool_NoTrans.maxsize = 30 v Default: jdbcService.dbPool.maxsize = 30 v Archive: jdbcService.dbArchivePool.maxsize = 20 v UI: jdbcService.dbUIPool.maxsize = 20 v UI: (jdbcService.dbUIPool.maxsize) Performance Management 159 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Buffer Size Determines the number of additional connections reserved by the database connection pool. These additional connections are released when there is an unexpected demand for more connections. The buffer connections are created in addition to the maximum connections reserved. Based on the connection pool, the parameters are provided in the following list: v Local: (jdbcService.dbPool_local.buffersize = 500) v Select: (jdbcService.dbPool_Select.buffersize = 500) (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Depending on the database, replace the db with the database name. For example, if you are using Oracle as your database, enter oracle. Default values are provided in the following list: v Local: jdbcService.dbPool_local.buffersize = 500 v Select: jdbcService.dbPool_Select.buffersize = 500 v Non-transactional: jdbcService.dbPool_NoTrans.buffersize = 500 v Default: jdbcService.dbPool.buffersize = 500 v Archive: jdbcService.dbArchivePool.buffersize = 500 v UI: jdbcService.dbUIPool.buffersize = 500 v Non-transactional: (jdbcService.dbPool_NoTrans.buffersize = 500) v Default: (jdbcService.dbPool.buffersize = 500) v Archive: (jdbcService.dbArchivePool.buffersize = 500) v UI: (jdbcService.dbUIPool.buffersize = 500) Click Next. If you have purchased additional adapters, you may have to increase the database pools to reduce the chances of a business process or adapter having to wait for a database connection. 12. In the Queue Settings page that is displayed, decide whether you want to use the current settings or the suggested settings. Note: Sterling B2B Integrator restart is not required if you modify settings in this page. v If yes, click Fill Suggested. v If no, enter information in the fields in the following columns: Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) Queue Name Not applicable Name of the queue. Nine queues (Queue 1 to Queue 9) enable flexible management of your workload. 160 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Initial Steps in the first Execution Cycle (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) The default values for each queue are provided in the following list: Number of steps executed before returning a v Queue 1: business process to the queue on its first NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_1 = execution cycle. This field changes the ASYNC_BP ASYNC_BP property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. v Queue 2: The parameters for each queue are provided as follows: v Queue [queue number]: (NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_[queue number]) Property: NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_[queue number] NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_2 = ASYNC_BP v Queue 3: NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_3 = ASYNC_BP v Queue 4: NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_4 = ASYNC_BP v Queue 5: NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_5 = ASYNC_BP v Queue 6: NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_6 = ASYNC_BP v Queue 7: NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_7 = ASYNC_BP v Queue 8: NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_8 = 10 v Queue 9: NOAPP.INITIAL_CYCLES_9 = ASYNC_BP Performance Management 161 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Number of Steps in the Execution Cycle Number of business process steps that are run before returning to the queue. This field changes the BP_STEPS property in the file in the install_dir/properties directory. (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) The default values for each queue are provided in the following list: v Queue 1: NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_1 = 1000 v Queue 2: NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_2 = 100 If your business processes contain loops, you v Queue 3: may have to increase this property to NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_3 improve performance. If you find that you v Queue 4: have to increase this number, you must NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_4 streamline your business processes to v Queue 5: remove unnecessary loops. NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_5 If you set this value too low, your business v Queue 6: processes may not be able to complete NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_6 processing before they are returned to the queue, allowing another business process to v Queue 7: complete some or all of its processing. This NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_7 slows processing time and causes v Queue 8: bottlenecks in Sterling B2B Integrator. NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_8 The parameters for each queue are provided v Queue 9: as follows: NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_9 v Queue [queue number]: (NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_[queue number]) Property: NOAPP.EXEC_CYCLE_[queue number] 162 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management = 100 = BP_STEPS = BP_STEPS = 10 =5 =2 = 50 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Minimum Threads (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) The default values for each queue are provided in the following list: Minimum number of threads available for v Queue 1: the queue. The threads will be honored even NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_1 = if they are higher than MaxThreads (global maximum queue threads). The minimum v Queue 2: number of threads cannot be higher than the NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_2 = maximum number. The fairness calculation v Queue 3: does not apply for minimum threads. NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_3 = The parameters for each queue are provided v Queue 4: as follows: NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_4 = v Queue [queue number]: v Queue 5: (NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_[queue NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_5 = number]) v Queue 6: Property: NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_6 = NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_[queue number] 0 0 0 1 1 JMS_LISTNERS v Queue 7: NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_7 = (2 * JMS_LISTNERS) v Queue 8: NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_8 = (2 * JMS_LISTNERS) v Queue 9: NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_9 = 2 Performance Management 163 Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Maximum Threads Maximum number of threads available for the queue. (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) The default values for each queue are provided in the following list: v Queue 1: NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_1 = 1 The parameters for each queue are provided v Queue 2: as follows: NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_2 = (round( v Queue [queue number]: JMS_LISTNERS / 4) + 1) (NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_[queue v Queue 3: number]) NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_3 = (round( JMS_LISTNERS / 2) + 1) Property: v Queue 4: NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_[queue number] NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_4 = JMS_LISTNERS v Queue 5: NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_5 = (2 * JMS_LISTNERS) v Queue 6: NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_6 = JMS_LISTNERS v Queue 7: NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_7 = (2 * JMS_LISTNERS) v Queue 8: NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_8 = (2 * JMS_LISTNERS) v Queue 9: NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_9 = 4 164 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Tuning Formula or Default Value Field / Description Resource Allocation Amount of resources to allocate to a specific queue for fair share scheduling. For example, if you have only two queues configured, queue 1 for a few small business processes, and queue 2 for many large business processes, you can set the amount of resources available for each queue by a percentage. You can set queue 1 with a resource allocation of 10 and queue 2 with a resource allocation of 90. This ensures that queue 2 has more resources for processing, which in turn improves processing time and ensures efficient use of system resources. This value can be different for each queue. Note: Set the resource allocations according to the percentage of use for each queue and the importance of processing completed on each queue. If you have higher priority items on one queue, increase the resource allocation to that queue in order to increase processing capability. Apply a lower percentage of resources to lower priority queues or less used queues in order to keep resources free for higher priority processing. (Default value is provided if there is no tuning formula) The default values for each queue are provided in the following list: v Queue 1: NOAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_1 = 10 v Queue 2: NOAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_2 = 20 v Queue 3: NOAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_3 = 40 v Queue 4: NOAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_4 = 50 v Queue 5: NOAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_5 = 50 v Queue 6: NOAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_6 = 60 v Queue 7: NOAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_7 = 90 The parameters for each queue are provided v Queue 8: as follows: N OAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_8 = v Queue [queue number]: 120 (NOAPP.RESOURCE_ v Queue 9: ALLOCATION_[queue number]) NOAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_9 = 50 Property: NOAPP.RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_[queue number] Click Next. 13. In the Confirm page that is displayed, click View all settings to review the changes you made to the performance configuration. The All Settings pop-up window is displayed. Click Close to close the All Settings pop-up window. The Confirm page displays both the properties modified, properties that require restart and properties that do not require restart. 14. In the Confirm page, perform one of the following tasks: v To change your performance configurations, click Back. v To abandon the performance configurations you carried out, click Cancel. v To save the performance configurations you carried out, click Finish. 15. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. Performance Management 165 16. From the System Troubleshooting page, click Soft Stop. This runs the softstop script, allowing all active business processes to complete on a node before stopping the system. The script is run through a series of interactive steps in the UI. For more information about the softstop process, refer to “Completing a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the System Troubleshooter” on page 111. 17. In the file, change the TUNING_PROPS_UPDATED property to TRUE. 18. From the install_dir/bin directory, run one of the following commands: v (UNIX or Linux) v (Windows) setupfiles.cmd The performance configuration changes populate the initial setup files that are used during startup. 19. From the install_dir/bin directory, start Sterling B2B Integrator by running one of the following commands: v (UNIX or Linux) v (Windows) startWindowsService.cmd Sterling B2B Integrator starts and the updated performance configuration settings are applied. Manual Performance Tuning You may find that you have to tune some application server-independent (ASI) properties that are not tuned into the Performance Tuning Utility. You can manually tune these properties in the install_dir/properties/ file and related extension (*.ext) files in Sterling B2B Integrator. This topic provides information about tuning your ASI environment, scheduling policies, tuning queues, and changing persistence levels. It also provides information about concepts such as customizing property files, changing system logging, enabling trusted domains for schemas, managing system recovery, and optimizing system performance for Sterling e-Invoicing. Note: For large volume operations pertaining to FTP, Mail Box, Advanced File Transfer, and IBM Sterling File Gateway, set the number of open file descriptors to at least 4096, using the command ulimit -n 4096. Tuning Your ASI Environment You can tune your application server-independent (ASI) system using the properties found in the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file, or in the file (for the persistence_level property). Properties that you may have to tune include: SchedulingPolicyName Set of rules that Sterling B2B Integrator uses to make decisions about how to manage the workload. Valid values are: v BasicSchedulingPolicy v FairShareSchedulingPolicy Note: For more information about scheduling policy, refer to the topic “Scheduling Policy” on page 172. 166 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management MemCacheSize Size, in megabytes, of the in-memory cache used for small objects. This cache can speed up execution by eliminating the necessity for data to be retrieved from the database or disk. DiskCacheSize Maximum size of the disk cache, so that your cache does not increase beyond your available disk space. DiskCachePath Directory to use for caching objects. MemCacheThreshold Threshold size, in bytes, for caching a context in the in-memory cache versus the disk cache. In general, the distribution of context sizes tends to look vaguely like an “M”, with one cluster of small contexts and another cluster of larger contexts. If this value is large, the value of MemCacheSize should also be large. A moderate multiple of the disk block size seems to work well in many cases. MaxThreads Total number of concurrent threads that Sterling B2B Integrator is allowed to use. Verify this number against the licensed number of threads. AE_ExecuteCycle.# Number of steps for a business process to complete prior to returning to the queue. Higher values will accelerate individual business process execution, while lower values enable smoother multitasking. Interactive use favors a lower number of steps while batch processing favors a higher number of steps. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. AE_ExecuteCycleTime.# Maximum time period, in milliseconds, for which a business process can use a thread for, before releasing it for use by another business process. This value will override the value set for the AE_ExecuteCycle. This is intended to ensure that a series of unusually slow steps do not tie up a thread completely. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. QueueDepth.# Maximum number of business processes that can be in a queue at a given time. Generally, this value should be left at the default value of 10,000, unless you anticipate having more that 10,000 business processes in the queue at the same time. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. MaxPoolSize.# Maximum number of threads executed for a specific queue. The MaxThreads value overrides this value if this value is set higher than the MaxThreads value. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. Note: Setting all the queues' MaxPoolSize parameters to the maximum threads available does not mean that you will have faster processing. Depending on your system resources, setting the MaxPoolSize value too high may cause the Performance Management 167 queues to back up and degrade performance. A good place to start is 4 times the number of your CPUs. Interactive use tends to favor more threads, while batch or document processing tends to favor fewer threads. CacheThreshold.# Number of business processes that must be in the queue before any business process is cached. In addition, this value is the minimum number of business processes in the queue before any rescheduling occurs. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. In general, setting this value high improves performance by keeping more business process contexts in memory when they are placed in the queue. To estimate the amount of memory that will be consumed, multiply this value by the average size of your business process contexts. You can obtain the average context size using the Sterling B2B Integrator System Troubleshooter. For more information about reviewing system, refer to the topic Reviewing System Information. There is a tradeoff between performance and memory consumption. Setting this value too high can result in one of the following: v Leave Sterling B2B Integrator with insufficient memory in some circumstances v Cause some business processes to remain in the queue for too long without being examined for rescheduling Note that in most cases, even if this value is set low, business process contexts will usually be recovered from one of the in-memory caches and not from the disk. MinPoolSize.# Minimum number of threads reserved for a specific queue. The sum total of the queues' MinPoolSize values must be equal to or less than the MaxThreads value. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. JavaPriority.# Java priority of the threads running business processes. This enables you to set some queues to run more slowly to reduce the issues associated with heavily used computers being unresponsive to the user interface. This value can be different for each queue. Not all JVMs handle this the same way, with some not respecting it at all (particularly, the IBM AIX® JVM). .# indicates the queue number. EnableDeadlines.# Enables or disables deadline support for a particular queue. Having deadlines enabled controls both notifications and the execution order in the queue. If enabled, business processes with deadlines are executed before those without deadlines. Valid values are: v false – Disables deadline support for a queue. v true – Enables deadline support for a queue. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. 168 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Rescheduling.# Enables or disables rescheduling support for a queue. Valid values are: v false – Business processes are not rescheduled in a queue. v true – Business processes are rescheduled in a queue. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. ReschedulingInterval.# Time interval, in milliseconds, to wait before the rescheduler passes through the queue to reschedule business processes. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. MaxWaitTime.# Maximum time, in milliseconds, for which a business process can be in the queue without it being reviewed for rescheduling. If a business process is rescheduled, the business process is moved forward in the queue. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. Example: MaxWaitTime.8=60000 sets the maximum wait time for queue number 8 as 60 seconds. ResourceAllocation.# Amount of resources to allocate to a specific queue for fair share scheduling. For example, if you have only two queues configured, queue 1 for a few small business processes, and queue 2 for many large business processes, you can set the amount of resources available for each queue by a percentage. You can set queue 1 with a resource allocation of 10 and queue 2 with a resource allocation of 90. This ensures that queue 2 has more resources for processing, which in turn improves processing time and ensures efficient use of system resources. This value can be different for each queue. Note: Set the resource allocations according to the percentage of use for each queue and the importance of processing completed on each queue. If you have higher priority items on one queue, increase the resource allocation to that queue in order to increase processing capability. Apply a lower percentage of resources to lower priority queues or less used queues in order to keep resources free for higher priority processing. .# indicates the queue number. InitialCycles.# Number of cycles to be executed the first time a business process gets to execute. Normally, this value should be 5 or less. This is intended to facilitate business processes (particularly Web services) for which normal processing is quite short, but for which there is longer processing in special cases. It also allows a mix of short and long business processes in a queue, favoring the shorter ones. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. StealThreads.# Enables or disables the ability to steal threads from other queues. Valid values: Performance Management 169 v true – Enables the ability to steal threads. v false – Disables the ability to steal threads. Queues that are configured to steal threads from other queues (StealThreads property set to true) steal only from queues that have the AllowStealing property set to true. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. AllowStealing.# Enables or disables the ability of other queues to steal threads from this queue. Valid values: v true – Allows other queues to steal threads. v false – Does not allow other queues to steal threads. Queues that are configured to steal threads from other queues (StealThreads property set to true) only steal from queues that have the AllowStealing property set to true. This value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. persistence_level Persistence (storage to the database) level for Sterling B2B Integrator. Set the persistence_level value to PERSISTENCE_NONE during day-to-day processing. Valid values are: v PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT v PERSISTENCE_FULL – From user interface tracking, every step will be persisted in full, which includes all the documents, status report (if any), and instance data. v PERSISTENCE_MINIMAL/PERSISTENCE_STEP_STATUS – From user interface tracking, every step will be persisted, but the document, status report (if any), and instance data will not be persisted in some of the steps (for example, assign and sleepservice). Most of the services that create documents will be persisted in full. v PERSISTENCE_NONE/PERSISTENCE_BP_START_STOP – From user interface tracking, the first step and last step will be persisted in full. Some of the services will not be persisted (for example, assign and sleepservice). Services that are defined as full will be persisted in full. Documents created through a stream and stored in the file system will be persisted. Note: If you have configured a business process with INVOKE_MODE set to SYNC, which in turn invokes business processes with INVOKE_MODE set to INLINE and the persistence_level set to BP Start Stop Engine May Override, the business processes may fail. To counter the business process failure, follow one of these workarounds: – Change the INVOKE_MODE of the second business process from INLINE to SYNC. – Add a dummy statement after the statement as shown: INLINE 170 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Called_BP_withError.kj v v v v v – Change the PERSISTENCE_LEVEL of the second business process from NONE (BP Start Stop - Engine May Override) to FULL. PERSISTENCE_OVERRIDE_MINIMAL/ PERSISTENCE_STEP_STATUS_ONLY – The first step will be persisted in full. The last step will be persisted minimally. Documents created through a stream and stored in the file system will be persisted. PERSISTENCE_OVERRIDE_NONE – From user interface tracking, the first step will be persisted in full and the last step will be persisted minimally. Some of the services will not be persisted (for example, assign and sleepservice). Services that are defined as full will not be persisted. Documents created through a stream and stored in the file system will be persisted. PERSISTENCE_OVERRIDE_NONE_KEEP_ERRORS/ PERSISTENCE_BP_START_STOP_ONLY – The first step will be persisted in full and the last step will be persisted minimally. Documents created through a stream and stored in the file system will be persisted. PERSISTENCE_WF_NONE (can only be used with workflow definition in sync mode) – From user interface tracking, nothing will be persisted. The business process runs in the caller's thread. If it is running in the Sterling B2B Integrator engine, and if the service is creating documents in the document stream, or if FS is document storage, the document will be persisted. If it is running in an embedded engine, document stream and file system document storage is not allowed. PERSISTENCE_WF_ERROR_ONLY – From user interface tracking, nothing will be persisted. Unless the service is performing document stream|FS as document storage, only the first step will be persisted, or, when the business process generates errors, the first step (initial workflow context) and the error step will be persisted. The error step will be persisted as minimal in order to avoid the problem of resuming. If there is an onfault in the business process and the business process generates errors, the first step (initial workflow context), error step, and last step from the onfault will be persisted. If the onfault block runs fine, or if the onfault block generates errors too, the error step in onfault will be persisted minimally instead of the last step in onfault. If a step is persisted, the first step's initial workflow context is always persisted in full. Note: This property is set in the file. If the persistence level property is a comment in the noapp.properties_gis_ext file (#persistence_level=value), the persistence level is the default value of full (PERSISTENCE_FULL). Performance Management 171 Scheduling Policy About this task Sterling B2B Integrator uses scheduling policies to manage workload. A scheduling policy is a set of rules that Sterling B2B Integrator uses to determine how workload is managed. Workload management decisions include, but are not limited to: v The number of threads to run at a given time. v The order in which to run the business processes. v The number of steps a business process should run before releasing the thread for use by other business processes. v The caching requirements when a business process is returned to the queue. v The workload distribution, if you are working in a clustered environment. Scheduling policy choices include: v Basic Scheduling Policy – Recommended for consistent workloads that do not have data processing peaks or change in data or processing types. v Fair Share Scheduling Policy – Recommended for mixed workloads that include both batch and online processing, and in environments that have data processing peaks (Default). For more information about this policy, refer to the topic Queues in an Application Server Independent Environment. Changing a Scheduling Policy To change a scheduling policy in Sterling B2B Integrator: Procedure 1. Open the install_dir/properties/noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file using a text editor. 2. Locate the following code: # SCHEDULING POLICY CONFIGURATION 3. Under # SCHEDULING POLICY CONFIGURATION, locate the following property: SchedulingPolicyName= 4. Adjacent to the SchedulingPolicyName parameter, enter one of the following code samples, depending on your choice of either basic or fair-share scheduling policy. Next to the SchedulingPolicyName parameter, enter: v Basic scheduling policy: com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.workflow.queue.BasicSchedulingPolicy v Fair-share scheduling policy: com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.workflow.queue.FairShareSchedulingPolicy 5. Save the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file. Changing either the name or the location of the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file may prevent your changes from taking effect. Queues in an Application Server Independent Environment Sterling B2B Integrator uses fair-share scheduling, which is in-memory queuing and caching, to enable you to set a global thread limit and allocate resources on a queue-by-queue basis. This enables flexible management of your workload. The global thread limit is the maximum number of business processes that can run simultaneously in Sterling B2B Integrator. You can change the thread limit and queue the resource allocations in the install_dir/properties/ noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file. The thread limit is set in the MaxThreads property. For more information about the MaxThreads property, refer to “Tuning Queues” on page 173. 172 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management You can set both a maximum and minimum thread number for each queue you use. Sterling B2B Integrator includes nine queues (Q1 to Q9). When you check in a business process, you must assign a queue to process the business process. Each queue can use its minimum thread number always, but can never exceed its maximum thread number. The sum of the minimum numbers should be less than the MaxThreads limit. The following example procedure explains the fair-share scheduling process: 1. Open the install_dir/noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file using a text editor. 2. Set the global number of threads as 16 by entering 16 as the new MaxThreads value. 3. Determine that queue Q1 is for small items and set the MinPoolSize.1 value to 10 and the MaxPoolSize.1 value to 16. This means that this queue always has 10 threads available for use, but if no other queues are using threads, this queue can use all 16 threads. 4. Determine that according to the number of small items requiring processing, queue Q1 requires a resource allocation of 70% of the total resources, and you enter 70 as the new ResourceAllocation.1 value. 5. Determine that queue Q8 is for batch processing and set the MinPoolSize.8 value to 1 and the MaxPoolSize.8 value to 4. 6. Determine that according to the number of batch items requiring processing, queue Q8 requires a resource allocation of 30% of the total resources, and you enter 30 as the new ResourceAllocation.8 value. 7. During processing, different conditions arise, as shown in the following examples: v If there is no batch processing for queue Q8, but a lot of processing for queue Q1, queue Q1 uses all the 16 threads to complete processing faster. v If there is some batch processing for queue Q8, but also some processing for queue Q1, queue Q1 uses up to 12 threads to complete processing faster, while queue Q8 uses up to 4 threads to complete processing faster. These numbers are according to the percentages applied to the MaxThreads value of 16. In the case of queue Q1 with 70% of resource allocations, it is 16 *0.70 = 11.2. In the case of queue Q8 with 30% of resource allocations, it is 16 * 0.30 = 4.8 rounded to 5, but because MaxPoolSize.8 is set to 4, only 4 threads can be used by queue Q8, enabling the 12th thread to be used by queue Q1. v If there is no processing for queue Q1, but a lot of processing for queue Q8, queue Q8 uses all 4 threads to complete processing faster, because the MaxPoolSize.8 for queue Q8 is 4. Tuning Queues: You can tune the queues in Sterling B2B Integrator. About this task To tune queues in Sterling B2B Integrator: Procedure 1. Open the install_dir/noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file using a text editor. Performance Management 173 2. Under # POLICY CONFIGURATION - ALL Policies, locate the MaxThreads property and change the value to the value you determine is best for your level of processing. Note: Setting the MaxThreads value higher does not guarantee that you will have faster processing. Depending on your system resources, setting the MaxThreads value too high may degrade performance. Set MaxThreads according to your processing volumes in relation to your number of CPUs. 3. Under # QUEUE CONFIGURATION, Queue # - ALL Policies, where # indicates the queue number, locate the properties described in the following table and change the values for each as appropriate. Complete this step for each queue that you are using. For each property, # indicates the queue number, for example, AE_ExecuteCycle.3 is the AE_ExecuteCycle property for the third queue. Also, property values can be different for each queue. 174 Property Description AE_ExecuteCycle.# Number of steps for a business process to complete prior to returning to the queue. Higher values will accelerate individual business process execution, while lower values enables smoother multitasking. Interactive use favors a lower number of steps, while batch processing favors a higher number of steps. AE_ExecuteCycleTime.# Maximum time period, in milliseconds, that a business process can use a thread, for releasing it for use by another business process. This value will override the value set for AE_ExecuteCycle. This is intended to ensure that a series of unusually slow steps do not tie up a thread completely. QueueDepth.# Maximum number of business processes that can be in a queue at a given time. Generally, this value should be left at the default value of 10,000, unless you anticipate having more that 10,000 business processes in a queue at the same time. MaxPoolSize.# Maximum number of threads executed for a specific queue. The MaxThreads value overrides the MaxPoolSize value if the MaxPoolSize value is set higher than the MaxThreads value. Note: Setting all the queues' MaxPoolSize parameters to the maximum threads available does not mean you will have faster processing. Depending on your system resources, setting the MaxPoolSize value too high may cause the queues to back up and degrade performance. A good place to start is 4 times the number of your CPUs. Interactive use tends to favor more threads, while batch or document processing tends to favor less threads. Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Property Description CacheThreshold.# Number of business processes that must be in the queue before any business processes are cached. In addition, this value is the minimum number of business processes in the queue before any rescheduling occurs. In general, setting this value high improves performance by keeping more business process contexts in memory when they are placed in the queue. To estimate the amount of memory that will be consumed, multiply this value by the average size of your business process contexts. You can obtain the average context size by using the Sterling B2B Integrator System Troubleshooter. For more information, refer to the topic Reviewing System Information. There is a trade-off between performance and memory consumption. Setting this value too high can lead to the following: v Leave Sterling B2B Integrator with insufficient memory in some circumstances v Cause some business processes to remain in the queue for too long without being examined for rescheduling. Note that in most cases, even if this value is set low, business process contexts will usually be recovered from one of the in-memory caches and not from the disk. The performance impact is usually seen when the context is placed in the queue. MinPoolSize.# Minimum number of threads reserved for a specific queue. The sum total of all the queues' MinPoolSize values must be equal to or less than the MaxThreads value. The MinPoolSize value can be different for each queue. .# indicates the queue number. Note: Setting the MinPoolSize parameter too low may cause queues to back up and degrade performance. JavaPriority.# Java priority of the threads that are running business processes. This enables you to set some queues to run more slowly in order to reduce the issues associated with heavily used computers being unresponsive to the user interface. Not all JVMs handle this the same way, with some not respecting it at all (particularly, the IBM AIX® JVM). EnableDeadlines.# Enables or disables deadline support for a queue. Having the deadlines enabled controls both the notifications and the execution order in the queue. If enabled, business processes with deadlines are executed before those without deadlines. Valid values are: v false – Disables deadline support for a queue. v true – Enables deadline support for a queue. Rescheduling.# Enables or disables rescheduling support for a queue. Valid values are: v false – Business processes are not rescheduled in a queue. v true – Business processes are rescheduled in a queue. ReschedulingInterval.# Time interval, in milliseconds, to wait before the rescheduler passes through the queue to reschedule business processes. Performance Management 175 Property Description MaxWaitTime.# Maximum time for which a business process can be in the queue without being rescheduled. If a business process is rescheduled, the business process is moved forward in the queue. 4. In the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file, under the # QUEUE CONFIGURATION, Queue # - FairShareSchedulingPolicy, where # indicates the queue number, locate the properties described in the following table and change the value for each as appropriate. Complete this step for each queue you are using. For each property, # indicates the queue number, for example, ResourceAllocation.3 is the ResourceAllocation property for the third queue. Also, property values can be different for each queue. Property Description ResourceAllocation.# Amount of resources to be allocated to a specific queue for fair share scheduling. This ensures that the queue has more resources for processing, which improves processing time and ensures the efficient use of system resources. Note: Set the resource allocations according to the percentage of use for each queue and the importance of processing completed on each queue. If you have higher priority items on one queue, increase the resource allocation to that queue in order to increase processing capability. Apply lower percentages of resources to lower priority queues or less used queues in order to keep resources free for higher priority processing. InitialCycles.# Number of cycles to be executed the first time a business process gets to execute. Normally, this value should be 5 or less. This is intended to facilitate business processes (particularly Web services) for which normal processing is quite short, but for which there is longer processing in special cases. It also allows a mix of short and long business processes in a queue, favoring the shorter ones. StealThreads.# Enables or disables the ability to steal threads from other queues. This will only steal unused threads from that queue.Valid values: v true – Enables the ability to steal threads v false – Disables the ability to steal threads Queues that are configured to steal threads from other queues (StealThreads property set to true) steal from only queues that have the AllowStealing property set to true. AllowStealing.# Enables or disables the ability of other queues to steal threads from this queue. Only unused allocated threads can be stolen. Valid values: v true – Allows other queues to steal threads v false – Does not allow other queues to steal threads Queues that are configured to steal threads from other queues (StealThreads property set to true) steal from only queues that have the AllowStealing property set to true. 5. Save the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file under the same name in the install_dir/properties directory. 176 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Important: Saving the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file under a different name or in a different location will prevent the changes from being applied to Sterling B2B Integrator. 6. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator. 7. In the install_dir/bin directory, apply these changes by running one of the following commands: v (For UNIX or Linux) v (For Windows) setupfiles.cmd 8. Start Sterling B2B Integrator. The changes are applied to Sterling B2B Integrator, and override the changes made in the install_dir/properties/ file. Monitoring Queues using Queue Watcher Queue Watcher monitors various components in Sterling B2B Integrator as well as manages queue configuration settings. Accessing Queue Watcher: About this task To access Queue Watcher, do the following: Procedure 1. Open your web browser to http://host:port/queueWatch, where host:port is the IP address and port number where Sterling B2B Integrator resides on your system. A login page appears. Note: Any user with Administrator privileges can login to the Queue Watcher application, provided he has all the necessary permissions or is a part of the Sterling B2B Integrator Administrator group. 2. Type your username and password. The Queue Watcher displays the following information: Performance Management 177 Heading Description View Active Threads for All Queues Displays a list of all active queue threads. When selected, you can review the following information: QueueName – Displays the queue name. Min – Minimum number of threads available for the queue. The threads will be honored even if they are higher than MaxThreads (global maximum queue threads). The minimum number of threads cannot be higher than the maximum number. The fairness calculation does not apply for minimum threads. Used – Number of business processes currently running on a thread. Calc – Fairshare thread calculation for the queue. Fairshare is based on concurrent activities on all queues and is dynamically updated. Pool – Number of threads in a queue's pool. Threads timeout if they are not used. Max – Maximum number of threads used by the queue. Calc determines the maximum concurrent threads that is dynamically calculated. Queue Depth – Number of business processes waiting for a thread in the queue. List of Working Threads – List of business processes currently running on a thread. Pause All Queues Use this option to stop queues. Stopping individual queues is not possible. Restart All Queues Use this option to restart queues. Restarting individual queues is not possible. DBResources will use this command if the database becomes unavailable. View Default Queue Configuration Parms Displays the parameters set for all of the queues. View Active Queue Configuration Parms Displays the current queue configuration. View list of Workflow IDs that recover would see in the queue Displays the workflow ID when it is run or moved to another node in the cluster. Valid values are: Executed Moved to another (cluster ) node 178 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Heading Description View Context Cache Entries Displays the context cache entries. Note: If entries show up as invalid they are still correct and do not indicate an error. Soft Reference Cache Slots in use - Workflow Context (wfc) is saved into this queue (hashtable) and can be recovered from it. This is the fastest back queue. If required, the garbage collector can acquire more heap space from this queue. The workflow contexts are not serialized on this queue. In Memory Cache Bytes in use - This memory cache holds the workflow contexts with a size lesser than the configured threshold if it is has space. The workflow contexts are serialized on this queue. Disk Cache Bytes in use - This cache holds workflow contexts larger than the defined threshold. The workflow contexts are serialized on this queue. Wait Queue Displays the workflow IDs when the Wait Service is being processed. The Wait Service will only appear if the wait interval is less than 30. Queue_1 – Queue_9 Displays running and waiting (for available thread) business processes. View Heap Memory Level Displays heap usage in the system. Business processes can run if heap space and CPU resources are available. View Memory Generation Displays JVM information specific to garbage collection and memory generation. View System Information Displays system level information from the JVM. View VM Status Displays Java Virtual Machine status. View Manager Properties Displays the list of properties from the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file. View Queue Threads Displays a list of all queue threads. View All Threads Displays a list of all active threads. View Stateful Adapters Displays a list of stateful adapters running in the system. Stateful Adapters are adapters with an adapterType of STATEFUL, for example, the HTTP adapter. View Stateless Adapters Displays a list of stateless adapters running in the system. Stateless adapters are adapters with an adapterType of STATELESS, for example, the File System Adapter. View Disabled Adapters Displays a list of adapters that are currently marked as disabled (not running). View DB Pool Information Displays usage information for the configured DB pools. View Cluster Multicast Data Displays load data broadcast from the nodes when running in a cluster. Config Queue Configure the queue parameters to tune performance. The parameters are not persisted and are reset when Sterling B2B Integrator restarts. Note: The Config Queue, Reset Queue, and Step Monitor fields can only be used one at a time. To submit the data entered, you must click enter. Performance Management 179 Heading Description Reset Queue Resets the queue to default values. The parameters are not persisted and are reset when Sterling B2B Integrator restarts. Note: The Config Queue, Reset Queue, and Step Monitor fields can only be used one at a time. To submit the data entered, you must click enter on your keyboard. Step Monitor Displays the list of business processes and workflow contexts in the queue. Note: The Config Queue, Reset Queue, and Step Monitor fields can only be used one at a time. To submit the data entered, you must click enter on your keyboard. View Properties Displays a list of all available property file names. Select a property from the list, then click Send. View Common Properties Displays a list of the named common property files. Select a property from the list, then click Send. Enabling Queue Watcher: About this task Queue Watcher allows you to enable the monitoring and management functionality from Sterling B2B Integrator without having to restart the system for it to take affect. To enable Queue Watcher without restarting Sterling B2B Integrator: Procedure 1. Access the Queue Watcher tool. See Accessing Queue Watcher for additional information. 2. Click Enable Queue Watcher. The page refreshes and displays the Queue Watcher page. Disabling Queue Watcher: Queue Watcher allows you to disable the monitoring and management functionality from Sterling B2B Integrator without having to restart the system for it to take affect. About this task To disable Queue Watcher without restarting Sterling B2B Integrator: Procedure 1. Access the Queue Watcher tool. For more information about accessing Queue Watcher, refer to the topic “Accessing Queue Watcher” on page 177. 2. Click Disable Queue Watcher. The Queue Watcher tool is disabled. Compress Cache Contents About this task You can compress cache contents from queues before the cache is written to disk. Compressing this information increases performance, requiring fewer bytes to be written to and retrieved from storage. If the cache contents are compressed when they are written to disk, the contents are decompressed after the information is read back from the disk. 180 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management To compress the cache contents before the cache is written to disk: Procedure 1. Open the install_dir/properties/ file using a text editor. 2. In the file, locate the compressObj property and change the value to true. The default value is false. 3. Save the file under the same name in the install_dir/properties directory. Important: Saving the file under a different name or in a different location will prevent the changes from being applied to Sterling B2B Integrator. 4. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator. 5. In the install_dir/bin directory, run one of the following commands: v (For UNIX or Linux) v (For Windows) setupfiles.cmd 6. Start Sterling B2B Integrator. The changes are applied to Sterling B2B Integrator and the cache contents are compressed before being written to disk and decompressed after being read from the disk. Set the Document Body Serialization Threshold Property When the size of the documents increase, there is a significant increase in the use of resources for serialization and deserialization of the business process context. About this task When you install Sterling B2B Integrator, the default value is documentInlineSerializationThreshold = 102400 bytes. If the business process requires the use of the document body at almost every step, the number of database reads may use more resources than serialization or deserialization. In such a scenario, set the value higher. If, however, the documents are large and used infrequently, set the value lower. To increase performance, in the install_dir/properties/ file, perform the following actions: Procedure 1. In the install_dir/properties/ file, add the following line: stream_threshold_bytes = &tune.noapp.documentInlineSerializationThreshold; 2. Set the value of the tune.noapp.documentInlineSerializationThreshold property in the install_dir/properties/ file according to your document size. 3. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 4. In the System Troubleshooting page, click Soft Stop. This stops Sterling B2B Integrator. For more information about the softstop process, refer to “Completing a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the System Troubleshooter” on page 111 5. From the install_dir/bin directory, run one of the following commands: v (For UNIX or Linux) v (For Windows) setupfiles.cmd Performance Management 181 The performance configuration changes populate the initial setup files that are used during startup. 6. From the install_dir/bin directory, start Sterling B2B Integrator by running one of the following commands: v (UNIX or Linux) v (Windows) startWindowsService.cmd Sterling B2B Integrator starts, and the updated performance configuration settings are applied. Allocate JNDI Contexts About this task Several components of Sterling B2B Integrator use Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) to locate objects. You may find that you have to change the allocation of JNDI contexts in Sterling B2B Integrator to enhance performance. In Sterling B2B Integrator, the default value is 50. To change the JNDI allocation: Procedure 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, click Soft Stop. This runs the softstop script, allowing all active business processes to complete on a node before stopping the system. The script is run through a series of interactive steps in the UI. For more information about the softstop process, refer to “Completing a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the System Troubleshooter” on page 111 3. In the install_dir/properties directory, open the file using a text editor. 4. Locate the tune.noapp.jdni.contextpoolsize property, and change the value to the level you require. 5. In the install_dir/bin directory, run one of the following commands: v (For UNIX or Linux) v (For Windows) setupfiles.cmd The changes populate the initial setup files that are used during startup. 6. In the install_dir/bin directory, start Sterling B2B Integrator by running one of the following commands depending on your operating system: v (For UNIX or Linux) v (For Windows) startWindowsService.cmd Sterling B2B Integrator starts, and the updated performance configuration settings are applied. Changing Persistence Levels Persistence level is the level of detail written to the database even as the business process runs. Sterling B2B Integrator can persist either all the data or only a small amount of data for each activity that is processed. The default value for Sterling B2B Integrator is Full persistence. You may find that you have to change the persistence level to a lower level in order to enhance performance. 182 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management When you design your business processes, review your persistence requirements and set persistence levels appropriately to reduce the chances of your database filling up and slowing both your processing and your system. You may have some business processes for which you have to persist all the steps and data, and other business processes for which you do not have to persist any of the steps or data. There are three levels at which you can set persistence: v Global – Change the value of the persistence_level property in the install_dir/properties/ file. The default value is SYSTEM DEFAULT. You cannot set the value to PERSISTENCE_WF_NONE or PERSISTENCE_ERROR_ONLY. Note: It is more efficient to set persistence levels at either the business process level or the activity level. v Business Process – Change the persistence level during the check-in process. The business process persistence level overrides the global persistence level. v Activity Level – Change the persistence level in the service or adapter. The activity persistence level overrides the business process persistence level and the global persistence level. However, changing the persistence level at the Activity level is rarely necessary. Changing Persistence at the Global Level To edit the global persistence levels: 1. Open the install_dir/properties/ file using a text editor. 2. In the property file, locate the persistence_level property, and change the value to the persistence level you want. Note: If the persistence level property is a comment in the file (#persistence_level=value), the persistence level is the default value of full (PERSISTENCE_FULL). v PERSISTENCE_FULL – Saves a complete copy the of process data along each step of the process. v PERSISTENCE_MINIMAL – Saves all the steps in a business process and selected copies of process data. v PERSISTENCE_NONE – Saves the first and last steps of a business process and any steps with an override persistence level. Note: Use PERSISTENCE_NONE for day-to-day processing. 3. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator. 4. In the install_dir/bin directory, run one the following commands: v (For UNIX or Linux) v (For Windows) setupfiles.cmd 5. Start Sterling B2B Integrator. Changing Persistence at the Business Process Level To edit the persistence at the business process level: 1. From the Administration menu, select Business Processes > Manager. Performance Management 183 2. Enter either the entire business process name for which you want to edit the persistence level or a part of the business process name in the Search box and click Go!. 3. Click source manager adjacent to the business process you want to edit. 4. Click edit adjacent to the corresponding business process in order to lock the business process and access the Graphical Process Modeler. 5. In the BPML Specification page that is displayed, enter a new description that will help you identify this version of the business process. 6. Click Next. 7. In the Process Levels page, indicate the level of persistence you want to assign for the business process: v Full - Retains all the data for this business process, including associated documents, activities, and all the process data. Note: This choice uses the maximum amount of system resources compared to other persistence settings. v Step Status (Engine May Override) - Retains the process data and documents for services configured to always persist data for a business process. Sterling B2B Integrator may persist the additional data that is requested by the process engine or service parameters. This setting is recommended for most processes because it helps optimize performance and provides a level of process recovery that is suitable for most business requirements. v BP Start Stop (Engine May Override) - Retains additional data as requested by the process engine or service parameters. v System Default - Assumes that Sterling B2B Integrator is already configured to retain data. v Step Status Only - Every step in the business process runs with minimal persistence, even if a service or adapter is preconfigured for full persistence. Sterling B2B Integrator does not persist additional data. Select this setting if you want to persist only the status information for each step, you are certain that your process will execute successfully without persisted data, and your recovery requirements do not depend on the step data being saved. v BP Start Stop Only - Retains only error information. Select this setting when you are certain that your process will execute successfully without persisted data, and when your recovery requirements do not depend on the process step data being saved. v Zero - Does not retain any data. v Error Only - Retains process information only when an error occurs. If nothing is wrong and streamed document data is not used, nothing is retained. v BP Start Stop Only(No Errors) - Retains information only on business process start and stop steps only. The first step of the business process is persisted in full and the last step is persisted in minimal. However, when the business process encounters an error and stops, the error step is not persisted and the business process stays in the ACTIVE state. v Override None No IC - Does not retain any details while the business process is running or in the current process, and will not retain any details after the business process is run. 8. Click Next. 184 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management 9. 10. 11. 12. In the Deadline Settings page that is displayed, click Next. In the Life Span page that is displayed , click Next. In the Default Version page that is displayed , click Next. In the Confirm page that is displayed , click Finish. Note: When the workflow has the storage set to file system or document tracking is enabled, regardless of the persistence level setting of the workflow, the documents processed by the workflow will be saved in the storage internally. The payload in the file system can be purged later or the document can be tracked by the end user using the Current Documents search page. It is invisible to the end user directly. Because the documents are saved to storage, it will have an impact on the performance. Changing System Logging Sterling B2B Integrator writes various types of messages to the log files on disk. The default is to log only the errors. For more information about system logs, refer to the topic Managing System Logs. If your system logging level is set to ALL, you may find that you do not require all the logging messages that are collected because of resource limitations. If your system logging level is set to ERROR, you may find that you require additional messages from more detailed logging. For information about how to change system logging levels, refer to the topic Managing System Logs. Enable Trusted Domains for Schemas About this task Sterling B2B Integrator has document type definitions (DTDs) and schemas in a repository for XML components. When a DTD or schema is required, Sterling B2B Integrator searches the database for the appropriate file. If Sterling B2B Integrator cannot find the appropriate file, you can configure the install_dir/properties/ noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file to have Sterling B2B Integrator go to trusted Web sites and download the appropriate DTD or schema. To configure Sterling B2B Integrator to go to trusted Web sites for the DTD and schema data: Procedure 1. In the install_dir/properties directory, locate the file. 2. Locate the schemaResolver.trustedDomain.# property and type the URL for the Web site. For example, the first trusted domain could be schemaResolver.trustedDomain.1 = The second trusted domain could be schemaResolver.trustedDomain.2=URL, and so on. Sterling B2B Integrator will search through these Web sites to find the appropriate DTD or schema. 3. Save the file under the same name and in the same location. 4. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator. 5. In the install_dir/bin directory, run one the following commands: v (For UNIX or Linux) Performance Management 185 v (For Windows) setupfiles.cmd 6. Start Sterling B2B Integrator. The changes are applied and you can now download the DTD and schema data from the trusted Web sites. Enable the Console Listener About this task You can enable the Console Listener to append the events identified in the Events Viewer to the noapp.log file, during processing. If you do not enable the Console Listener, the events are not appended to the noapp.log file, and consequently, are not captured in one location for future use. You will then have to view each component log file individually to see the events that are logged. To enable the Console Listener: Procedure 1. In the install_dir/properties directory, locate the file. 2. Locate the following line: #Listener.Class.1=com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock. event.listeners.console.ConsoleListener 3. Delete the # symbol in the first line to make the line active. 4. Save the file under the same name and in the same location. 5. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator. 6. In the install_dir/bin directory, run one the following commands: v (For UNIX or Linux) v (For Windows) setupfiles.cmd 7. Start Sterling B2B Integrator. The changes are applied and you can now view the events as they are appended to the noapp.log file during processing. Enabling the JMX Event Listener You can enable the JMX (Java Management Extensions) Event Listener to capture Sterling B2B Integrator events and perform the necessary notification and handling based on your custom JMX event handling requirements. About this task You can plug in standard JMX tools to monitor Sterling B2B Integrator. If you have an existing infrastructure for your enterprise applications to perform JMX-based management and event monitoring, you can establish a uniform way to handle event notifications from Sterling B2B Integrator, along with your other applications, through your JMX framework, using the JMX console and tools. To enable the JMX Event Listener: Procedure 1. In the install_dir/properties directory, open the file. 2. Set the jmx.start and jmx.eventListener.start properties to true. 3. In the install_dir/properties directory, open the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file. 186 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management 4. Set the startup.class.ifcresources property to com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.jmx.event.SPEventJMXAgentStartup by editing the existing line. If the startup.class.ifcresources property does not exist, create a new line to set the startup.class.ifcresources4 property to com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.jmx.event.SPEventJMXAgentStartup. Remember: To prevent errors, do not set the startup.class.ifcresources4 more then once. Setting the startup.class.ifcresources property starts the JMX Agent when Sterling B2B Integrator starts. 5. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator to pick up these changes. 6. Configure a business process to send events. 7. In the Sterling B2B Integrator JMX Console, you can view platform events by using a URL of this form: service:jmx:rmi://HOST:JMXPORT/jndi/rmi:// HOST:JMXRMIPORT/events. This shows the most recent event that was received. Using external JMX tools that support remote JMX connectivity, it is also possible to connect remotely to the Event Listener JMX agent. The JMX agent will be started with a remote connector listening on the jmx.rmi.port as specified in the file. The URL for remote connection will take the form /jndi/rmi://[HOST]:[jmx.rmi.port]/events. Use this URL to connect to the JMX agent and receive all the system-wide events. It is possible to listen to select events, rather than all of them. By adding a (comma-separated) list of event schema IDs to the jmx.eventListener.forward property, the JMX agent will restrict JMX notifications to only those events specified in the list. Enhance EDI Performance About this task You can boost EDI performance in Sterling B2B Integrator by adjusting the tracking level in the file. The tracking level setting affects the following EDI functionalities: v EDI Correlation Search v EDI Document Tracking v EDI Reporting To modify the tracking level: Procedure 1. In the install_dir/properties directory, locate the file. 2. Locate the following line: TRACKING_LEVEL=setting 3. Change the value of the setting to achieve the required EDI performance and functionality, as shown in the following table: Setting Description none Provides the largest EDI performance boost with the least tracking and search functionality. EDI Correlation Search, EDI Document Tracking, and EDI Reporting are nonfunctional. Performance Management 187 Setting Description basic Provides an EDI performance boost while also providing search functionality. EDI Correlation Search is functional. EDI Document Tracking is nonfunctional. EDI Reporting is partially functional; you can use the EDI Outbound Acknowledgment report type. full Default setting. Provides the lowest EDI performance with the highest search and tracking functionality. EDI Correlation Search, EDI Document Tracking, and EDI Reporting are fully functional. 4. Save the file under the same name and in the same location. 5. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator. 6. In the install_dir/bin directory, run one of the following commands: v (For UNIX or Linux) v (For Windows) setupfiles.cmd 7. Start Sterling B2B Integrator. The changes are applied to the file, and the new settings will determine the default EDI performance and functionality of your business processes. The default EDI performance settings that are set in the file can be overridden for certain EDI services by using a TRACKING_LEVEL parameter. This allows you to obtain maximum EDI performance in some business processes, and maximum search and tracking functionality in others. Refer to Sterling B2B Integrator Services and Adapters documentation for more information about EDI services. Note: Document tracking is turned off by default in the system-defined EDI business processes. If you define an EDI business process and turn Document Tracking on, TRACKING_LEVEL settings in both the file and the EDI service parameter are overridden. Customizing Property Files The property files in Sterling B2B Integrator help you set up, customize, and diagnose problems pertaining to the installation and operation of Sterling B2B Integrator. You can maintain your customized property file settings with a customer override property file ( that overrides the default property settings in the property files. The customer override property file is not changed during the installation of Sterling B2B Integrator upgrades or patches. To prevent your customized settings from being overwritten, use the customer override property file whenever possible rather than directly editing the Sterling B2B Integrator property files or the associated .in files. For information about how to use the customer override property file to change property files, refer to the Sterling B2B Integrator Property Files documentation. CAUTION: Property files directly affect the operation of Sterling B2B Integrator. Contact IBM Customer Support before changing any properties. The following tasks use the file: v Changing Advanced File Transfer Settings v Change the SoftStop Time Limit 188 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Managing System Recovery About this task Sterling B2B Integrator is designed to automatically reset itself to a previous, stable state following a system crash. After the reset is complete, the system is up and operational. After a system crash, restore the server on which Sterling B2B Integrator is installed to a stable state, and then restart Sterling B2B Integrator. After it is restarted, the system invokes the Recovery business process to search for and requeue any unprocessed transactions. If the database goes down, Sterling B2B Integrator stops pulling jobs from queues. The system recovers these jobs when the database becomes available. Sterling B2B Integrator uses multithread operation to restart or resume business processes following a system crash. Unfinished business processes, up to a preconfigured number, are stored in a pool. Each of the preconfigured number of threads receive a batch of business processes to restart or resume. The size of the batch is also preconfigured. When a thread finishes restarting or resuming a batch of business processes, it requests another batch from the pool. This cycle continues until the pool is empty. By default, the system uses 10 threads, each of which resumes or restarts 10 business processes, and then requests and processes another 10, up to a total of 1000 business processes for all threads. You can configure the system settings to adjust recovery performance according to your business requirements. To configure the system recovery process settings, perform the following actions: Procedure 1. In the install_dir/properties directory, locate (or create, if necessary) the file. 2. Open the file using a text editor. 3. Add override statements as required, using the following format for each new line: These statements will override the property settings in the file. The applicable properties are described in the following table: Property Description maxAutorecoveryCount Maximum number of business processes that will be resumed or restarted by the Recovery business process each time it runs. Default is 1000. This defines the maximum size of the pool used to hold the business processes that have to be resumed or restarted. Each time a thread requests a batch of business processes to restart or resume, the pool size is reduced by the size of the batch (specified by the batchSize property). Performance Management 189 Property Description numberOfThreads Number of threads that will be used simultaneously to restart or resume business processes. Default is 10. Each thread will start or resume a batch of business processes. The size of the batch is specified by the batchSize property. When the thread is finished with the batch, it will request another batch from the pool. This process will continue until the pool of business processes that have to be restarted or resumed is empty. If you frequently have very large numbers of business processes running at the same time, a larger numberOfThreads value will enhance recovery performance. Note: Increasing the number of threads will speed up the recovery process, but will use more system resources. Decreasing the number of threads will free up system resources, but will slow the recovery process. Adjust this value based on your business requirements. batchSize Maximum number of business processes that will be resumed or restarted by each thread before it requests more business processes from the pool. Default is 10. Note: Increasing the batch size will speed up the recovery process, but will use more system resources. Decreasing the batch size will free up system resources, but will slow the recovery process. Adjust this value based on your business requirements. Let us for example, assume that you want to change the number of threads from the default value of 10 to 20 and the batch size from 10 to 5. To do so, add the following lines to the file: bprecovery.numberOfThreads=20 bprecovery.batchSize=5 4. Save and close the file. 5. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator and restart it to use the new values. For assistance in determining the proper settings for your business requirements, contact IBM Customer Support. Changing the Soft Stop Time Limit You can set the time limit used when completing a soft stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the command line. About this task This may be needed to give the business processes that are running adequate time to finish. You should perform a soft stop by doing the following: 1. Click Operations > System > Troubleshooter. 2. In the System Troubleshooting page, click Soft Stop. For more information about the soft stop process, refer to “Completing a Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator from the Command Line” on page 115. 190 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management To override the default soft stop time limit: Procedure 1. In the install_dir/properties directory, locate (or create, if necessary) the file. 2. Open the file using a text editor. 3. Add the following lines: v noapp.shutdown.timeout_for_bps=new_value v noapp.shutdown.timeout_for_adapters=new_value Note: These lines override the shutdown.timeout_for_bps and shutdown.timeout_for_adapters properties in the file. In these lines, new_value refers to the new time limit, in seconds, for a soft stop of Sterling B2B Integrator. For example, assume that you want to set the soft stop time limit for adapters to 600 seconds (10 minutes). To do so, add the following line to the file: noapp.shutdown.timeout_for_adapters=600 4. Save and close the file. 5. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator and restart it to use the new values. Changing Advanced File Transfer Settings About this task Advanced File Transfer (AFT) Visibility performance can be tuned by overriding three properties in the file. The following settings can be adjusted: v The looping interval of the AFT Worker thread (persistent_batching_interval) The AFT Worker thread stores the AFT events in the database. It consumes all the current events in an input event queue, and then sleeps for the duration of the specified batching interval. This allows events to build up so that they can be more efficiently batched into the database. You can improve AFT visibility performance by adjusting the batching interval. The batching interval controls how much latency is programmed into the backend in order to batch up the events. v The capacity of the AFT database listener event queue (event_input_queue_capacity) Note: For large volume operations of FTP, Mailbox, Advanced File Transfer, and Sterling File Gateway, the number of open file descriptors should be set to at least 4096, using the command ulimit -n 4096. You can specify the size of the event input queue. By default, the AFT backend will store up to 2048 AFT events while waiting for the AFT Database worker thread to return and process them. If the thread does not return before Sterling B2B Integrator fills up the event queue, the event queue will block client threads until space is available in the queue. The clients cannot continue with their tasks, such as copying a file, until the AFT Database worker thread empties the queue. If the AFT Database worker thread returns and the event queue is filled to capacity, a message will be written to the visibility log file as shown in the following example: Performance Management 191 DmiVisEventWarehouse.Worker - ALERT ISSUED AFT Warehouse input BoundedQueue has reached capacity! Client threads are now blocking! The AFT Warehouse will temporarily suspend the sleep interval and work full time to handle this spike in event activity. At this point, the Worker thread will suspend sleep operations and service the event queue. The Worker thread will also monitor the number of events it is retrieving from the input queue. When the queue is no longer filled to capacity, the Worker thread will resume normal sleep intervals after the current events are processed and write a message into the visibility log file as shown in the following example: DmiVisEventWarehouse.Worker - ALERT RESCINDED AFT Warehouse input BoundedQueue is operating below capacity! The normal batch sleep interval is now re-established. By adjusting the size of the event queue, you can improve the AFT Visibility performance. v The amount of AFT coverage to enable visibility_coverage. You can improve performance by adjusting the amount of AFT Visibility coverage that is enabled. You can specify settings ranging from None, which disables AFT Visibility, to All, which enables all the AFT Visibility components. Specifying the proper settings according to your requirements allows you to disable unnecessary components and improve performance, while preserving core file transfer and data flow capabilities. To specify AFT Visibility settings, perform the following steps: Procedure 1. Navigate to the install_dir/properties directory and locate (or create, if necessary) the file. For more information about customizing property files, refer to the topic Customizing Property Files. 2. Open the file using a text editor. 3. Add the property settings that you want to use in the following format, using the information provided in the following table as reference: dmivisibility.PROPERTY_NAME=PROPERTY_VALUE Here, PROPERTY_NAME is the name of the property. PROPERTY_VALUE is the value you want to assign to the property. For example, assume that you want to change the persistent batching interval from the default value of 2000 to a value of 3000. To do so, add the following line to the file: dmivisibility.persistent_batching_interval=3000 192 Property Description persistent_batching_interval Specifies the time interval, in milliseconds, between batching AFT events to the database. Default is 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds). Example: dmivisibility.persistent_batching_interval=2000 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Property Description event_input_queue_capacity Specifies the capacity of the bounded queue (AFT database listener event queue) through which all the AFT events must pass en route the database. Default is 2048. Example: dmivisibility.event_input_queue_capacity=2048 Notes: v If the value of this property is set too high, it may negatively impact system performance because of excessive memory usage. This property should be tuned with the persistent_batching_interval property for optimum results. v For large volume operations of FTP, Mailbox, Advanced File Transfer, and Sterling File Gateway, the number of open file descriptors should be set to at least 4096, using the command ulimit -n 4096. visibility_coverage Specifies which AFT Visibility components are enabled. Valid values are: v All – Enables all the AFT Visibility components. This includes CommBase, Authentication, Authorization, NonFileXfer, and AdminAudit. v CommBase – Enables the basic level of visibility coverage that includes Communication Sessions, File Transfers, and Process File Events. AFT Routing events and records are also included in this setting. v Authentication – Enables Authentication events and records. v Authorization – Enables Authorization events and records. v NonFileXfer – Enables Non File Transfer events and records (such as FTP CWD). v CommAll – Enables CommBase, Authorization, Authentication, and NonFileXfer. v AdminAudit – Enables Administrative Audit trail events and records. v None – Disables AFT Visibility. Example: dmivisibility.visibility_coverage=All Visibility coverage property settings can be also combined using commas as delimiters, for example: dmivisibility.visibility_coverage= CommBase,Authentication,AdminAudit 4. Save and close the file. 5. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator and restart it to use the new values. Optimize System Performance for Sterling e-Invoicing Sterling e-Invoicing is installed on an instance of Sterling B2B Integrator, and shares many of the resources with the latter. You should, therefore, tune your Sterling B2B Integrator installation first, and then perform the Sterling e-Invoicing-specific tuning task. However, be aware that the changes you make to Sterling e-Invoicing can also affect the performance of Sterling B2B Integrator. Performance Management 193 Note: Do not edit the property files directly. Make the changes in the file. To optimize the performance of Sterling e-Invoicing: 1. From the Administration menu, select Business Processes > Manager. 2. Enter TrustWeaverEInvoicing in the Search box and click Go! 3. Click source manager adjacent to the business process you want to edit. 4. Click edit adjacent to the corresponding business process in order to lock that business process. 5. In the BPML Specification page that is displayed, enter a new description that will help you identify this version of the business process. 6. Click Next. 7. In the Process Levels page that is displayed, select a single workflow queue to dedicate solely to the TrustWeaverEInvoicing process, for example, queue 5. 8. Click Next. 9. In the Deadline Settings page that is displayed, click Next. 10. In the Life Span page that is displayed, click Next. 11. In the Default Version page that is displayed, select the version being edited and click Next. 12. In the Confirm page that is displayed, click Finish. 13. Stop Sterling B2B Integrator. 14. Modify the file so that the selected queue's minimum and maximum pool sizes are equal to the number of simultaneous connections allowed to TrustWeaver. For example, if you are using queue 5, and are using up to 10 simultaneous connections to TrustWeaver, you must set the following properties in the property file: v NOAPP.MAX_POOL_SIZE_5=10 v NOAPP.MIN_POOL_SIZE_5=10 15. After you edit the property file, run (setupfiles.cmd for Windows). 16. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator to apply the change. The Order of Segments in Maps and Data The benefit of correctly constructed maps is faster processing of input data. A correctly constructed map contains segments on the input (left) side of the map in the same order in which those segments occur in the input data. In order to locate a matching segment identifier, a search is conducted in the map for each input record in the data stream, starting with the last segment entry plus one. The search is sequential, and wraps to the beginning of the map if the target segment is not found when the search reaches the end of the map. If the target segment identifier is not found even after the entire map has been searched, an error is generated, and the processing continues with the next record in the data stream. You can minimize the processing time by organizing the map segments in the same order as that of the input document segments. The following scenario demonstrates a situation where an entire map is searched to match each input segment stream. The following table lists the order of the identifiers in the map: 194 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Segment Identifier 00001 00002 00003 00004 The following table lists the order of the input data segments in the document: Segment Identifier 00004 00003 00002 00001 Let us assume that a translator searches three records in the map before finding the fourth map record matching the first segment in the input data stream. Similarly, to process the second segment in the input data stream, the translator begins the search after the fourth segment, wraps to the beginning of the file, and searches three more segments, before finding the correct match. The same search sequence is followed until all the segments are processed in the input stream. If map segments are missing in an input document, it results in lower throughput. Purge Performance Recommendations This topic provides information about purge performance recommendations. Purge process removes data from the live database tables. The following table provides information about purge performance recommendations: Recommendation Comments Purge business processes The Schedule_IndexBusinessProcessService runs every 10 minutes. By default, it is configured to index 5,000 business processes every time it runs, which translates to 720,000 business processes in a 24-hours time span. If your system is handling a high volume of business processes, you can increase the number of business processes indexed per cycle. You can modify the Schedule_IndexBusinessProcessService business process by modifying variable as shown in the following example: 500000 Performance Management 195 Recommendation Comments Batch purge The Schedule_PurgeService scans the ARCHIVE_INFO database table to purge data in the system. By default, it purges 2,000 rows of data in batches to limit the database transaction size. You can set the batch size in the jdbc_purge.propeties file that can be located in install_dir/install/properties (install_dir\install\ properties for Windows) directory. Modify the batch size by changing the variable as shown in the following example: query.purge_archiveInfoRowLimit.database_name Note: Replace the database_name with the database you are using along with Sterling B2B Integrator, for example, mssql. If you modify the value to increase the batch purge rate, ensure that you configure your database with sufficient log space to handle large transactions. Document lifespan By default, lifespan for information persisted by a business process is two days. The Schedule_PurgeService purges data in competition with business activity on a system with predictable processing periods. You can defer document lifespan by increasing the business process lifespan. For example, consider that the system is processing information from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., you can increase the document lifespan by 12 hours, the purge activity will occur between 8 p.m. on the same day and 5 a.m. on the next day. You can modify the business process lifespan by logging in as a Sterling B2B Integrator administrator. Navigate to Operations > Archive Manager > Configure Archive Settings and perform the changes. Database compression The Schedule_IndexBusinessProcessService and the Schedule_PurgeService runs complex queries which results in signification disk I/O on the database server. You can compress the database tables provided in the following list to achieve significant reduction (up to 50% in some cases) in disk usage: v CORRELATION_SET v WORKFLOW_CONTEXT v TRANS_DATA v DOCUMENT v ARCHIVE_INFO Optimizing and Controlling the System Threads This topic provides information about optimizing and controlling the system threads. It also provides information about threads created, their source, and procedures to control them. Optimizing System Threads Out of memory situations are very difficult to diagnose. Sterling B2B Integrator creates around 300 threads that can be grouped under system threads, adapter threads, common JVM threads, third party software threads, and several other threads that occur only once for different purposes. 196 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management The following table lists the threads created in Sterling B2B Integrator and their source. Thread created by Thread name Count ActiveMQ ActiveMQ transport 80 ActiveMQ Session Task 11 SessionScavenger 47 ConduitStreamListener 16 SocketListener 10 JGroup Various Jgroup Handlers 22 JetSpeed RunnableThread 10 Perimeter PS Dispatcher Various Adapters 13 Business process queues ReschedulingThread 10 B2B B2B http Servlet Thread 3 FIFOTaskListener 10 QueueThread:queue 11 RMI 7 Timer 7 From various components 30 Jetty System Others Total 287 Controlling the Threads: Several threads created by Sterling B2B Integrator for various purposes may not be required always and they can be controlled wherever required. This will enhance the Sterling B2B Integrator performance considerably. Following are the concepts described in this topic: v ActiveMQ Threads v Jetty Threads v JGroup Threads v JetSpeed Threads v Adapter Threads v Business Process Queue Threads v FIFOTaskListener and Queue Threads v RMI Threads v Timer Threads ActiveMQ Threads ActiveMQ threads can be controlled by running ActiveMQ broker in a separate JVM. No additional setup or configuration is necessary to run ActiveMQ in a separate JVM. The Sterling B2B Integrator build installation process configures the system to use it out of the box for both cluster ActiveMQ and non-cluster ActiveMQ. However, if you plan to use clustering, you may choose a different configuration by editing the activemqconfig.xml file. Before editing this file, read the Performance Management 197 readme_cluster.txt file. It contains information about how to use the options in the activemqconfig.xml file. Both files are located in the install_dir/install/activemq/ conf folder. Mandatory Startup for ActiveMQ The startActivemqMandatory parameter in the install_dir/install/properties/ file controls the remaining processes and starts them if ActiveMQ fails to start. The default value for this parameter is false. To change this, you can create an extension file (for example, or file) and specify the following entry: startActivemqMandatory=true|false Where: true = If activemq fails to start, the rest of processes will not be started. false = If activemq fails to start, continue to start the rest of the processes. Standalone ActiveMQ Commands You can start and stop standalone ActiveMQ server by running the following commands. To start the standalone ActiveMQ server, ensure that ActiveMQ dynamic configuration file ( and ActiveMQ configuration XML file (activemqconfig.xml) are present in the install_dir/install/activemq/conf directory. Run the following command from install_dir/install/bin directory: v For UNIX, run v For Windows, run startActiveMQWindowsService.cmd To stop the standalone ActiveMQ server, run the following command from install_dir/install/bin directory: v For UNIX, run v For Windows, run stopActiveMQWindowsService.cmd Note: You can also start or stop ActiveMQ service from Windows Service Manager. Using an External ActiveMQ Environment ActiveMQ is bundled along with Sterling B2B Integrator. However, you can use a different ActiveMQ environment by modifying certain files. Note: It is recommended that users who are familiar with ActiveMQ environment perform this task. To use an external ActiveMQ environment in UNIX: 1. Shut down Sterling B2B Integrator. 2. Change ACTIVEMQ_PORT in sandbox.cfg and point to your own ActiveMQ environment. 3. Remove from install/bin/ 4. Remove from install/bin/ 198 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management 5. Change remote.protocol_config=client connection in the install/ file to your ActiveMQ environment. 6. Run install/bin/ 7. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator. To use an external ActiveMQ environment in Windows: 1. Shut down Sterling B2B Integrator. 2. Change ACTIVEMQ_PORT in sandbox.cfg and point to your own ActiveMQ environment. 3. Remove "net start "%ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME%" >NUL" from install/bin/startWindowsService.cmd. 4. Remove "net stop /y "%ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME%"" from install/bin/ stopWindowsService.cmd. 5. Change remote.protocol_config=client connection in the install/ file to your ActiveMQ environment. 6. Run install/bin/setupfiles.cmd. 7. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator. Sterling B2B Integrator Changing the Cluster Setting for Bundled ActiveMQ The configuration file for the bundled ActiveMQ is install/activemq/conf/ activemqconfig.xml. You can manually change the broker setting to fit your business requirements. You can also extend this file with activemqconfig_clumpname_ext.xml to configure your own beans. Sterling B2B Integrator Note: Read install/activemq/conf/readme_cluster.txt file before making any changes. Jetty Threads Sterling B2B Integrator uses Jetty version 4.2.24. Jetty version 4.2.24 when compared to latest versions like Jetty version 6.1.8 offers limited control on the number of threads created. However, you can control the numbers of threads created by Jetty listeners. Further, the large numbers of SessionScavenger and ConduitStreamListener threads are not controlled by listener thread parameters. They are created for web applications and HTTP Servlet adapters. You can control the number of threads created by Jetty Listeners by modifying the following configuration parameters in the noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext file: # specify the minimum number of threads for Socket Listeners for Jetty jetty_min_threads = 5 # specify the maximum number of threads for Socket Listeners for Jetty jetty_max_threads = 100 Note: You cannot modify the jetty_min_threads value. However, you can modify the jetty_max_threads value in the available range from 5 - 100. Performance Management 199 JGroup Threads JGroup is a reliable multicast communication toolkit and is used in Sterling B2B Integrator cluster environment. You cannot control the number of threads created by JGroup. JetSpeed Threads Jetspeed is the portal engine used in Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard interface. The file controls the number of threads created by JetSpeed. You can control the number of threads created by JetSpeed by modifying the following configuration parameters in install/noapp/deploy/dashboard/webapp/ WEB-INF/conf/ file. #Specify the initial number of threads to create services.ThreadPool.init.count=5 #Specify the maximum number of threads to create services.ThreadPool.max.count=20 #Specify the minimum number of threads to keep as spare until you hit the maximum services.ThreadPool.minspare.count=5 Note: You cannot modify the services.ThreadPool.init.count value. However, you can modify the services.ThreadPool.max.count value in the available range from 5 - 20. After modifying, you should remove the install/noapp/deploy/dashboard/ webapp/WEB-INF/conf/ from install/noapp/deploy/ dashboard.war file to make your change take effect. Adapter Threads Several Jetty and Timer threads are created by adapters. You can disable the adapters that are not required to run your business processes thereby controlling the number of threads created by the adapters. The following adapters can be disabled to reduce the number of threads created: Note: Disabling an adapter in the following list can reduce at least one or two threads in most cases. v FIFO Routing v FIFO Error Queue Listener v HTTP Communications Adapter v B2B HTTP Communications Adapter v SFTP Client Adapter v FTP Client Adapter v Map Test Http Server v ebXML Http Server Adapter v MBI Http Server Adapter v SOA Http Server Adapter v SOA SSL Http Server Adapter v RN Http Server Adapter v Http Server Adapter 200 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v SWIFTNet Http Server Adapter Business Process Queue Threads Sterling B2B Integrator creates nine regular business process queues and one internal queue called wait queue for wait service. You cannot control the number of threads created for business processes. FIFOTaskListener and Queue Threads The FIFORouting adapter creates and controls ten queues for FIFO processing. Each FIFO queue creates a FIFO task listener and every task listener creates a consumer at startup. You can configure the number of queues to reduce the number of threads. Additionally, you can disable the FIFORouting adapter if you are not using it thereby turning off all the queues created by the adapter. You can control the number of threads by modifying the following configuration. The number of queues configured depends on the system load. #In,additional queues can be added by adding, for example: #fifo.workflow.taskqueue.11=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.11 #fifo.workflow.taskqueue.12=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.11 #Note, queues cannot be reduced in but the names can be changed and must be unique workflow.taskqueue.1=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.1 workflow.taskqueue.2=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.2 workflow.taskqueue.3=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.3 workflow.taskqueue.4=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.4 workflow.taskqueue.5=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.5 workflow.taskqueue.6=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.6 workflow.taskqueue.7=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.7 workflow.taskqueue.8=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.8 workflow.taskqueue.9=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.9 workflow.taskqueue.10=FIFO.GIS.QUEUE.10 RMI Threads The RMI threads are system generated threads for JNDI. You cannot control the number of RMI threads. Timer Threads The timer threads are created when Sterling B2B Integrator starts. It is not recommended to control these threads as they are necessary for Sterling B2B Integrator to run smoothly. The following timer threads are created when Sterling B2B Integrator starts: v Check Sterling B2B Integrator component licenses and generate messages for users when one or more licenses is about to expire. v Roll the log service files. v Gather YCP statistics used by the entity framework. v Monitor resources and detect database connections or database connection leaks. v Schedule business processes. v JNDI service timer. v ActiveMQ timer. Performance Management 201 WebSphere MQ Parameters Your processing volumes and the number of WebSphere MQ queue consumers and producers that you expect to start might require you to change the channel and log parameters in the qm.ini or mqs.ini file. Channel Each started thread that reads from or writes to the WebSphere MQ queues requires a channel. If you start 20 JVMs with 5 threads each, you will need at least 100 channels (the default value). You may also have to increase the number of channels if you have workloads that open and close the JMS/MQ connections rapidly. If you experience messages indicating that the maximum number of channels has been reached, do the following: v Check to see if there is a connection or channel leak. Run the following command to see how many active channels are used. YOUR_QM_NAME should be replaced with your real Queue Manager name. echo "dis chs(*)" | runmqsc YOUR_QM_NAME | grep RUNNING | wc -l v You may have to run each workload at peak production loads in your test environment to diagnose channel leaks. v If you suspect that channels are not getting reclaimed fast enough or if your TCP/IP connection is not reliable, you should set the following parameters. The KeepAlive parameter tells the queue manager to check the existence of the client. If the client is not there, the queue manager will reclaim the channel. The MaxChannels parameter defaults to 100. In production settings, that parameter could grow to a much higher number like 300 or 500. TCP: KeepAlive=YES Channels: MaxChannels=300 MaxActiveChannels=100 Log Files WebSphere MQ uses log files to maintain message integrity in the event of a queue manager restart or a media failure. The number of log files depends on your configuration, the size of the messages, the logging type, and the message volumes. You should performance test your application at or above peak production loads to see if the default WebSphere MQ log settings are sufficient. If you are using CIRCULAR logging, the following may be reasonable starting values: Log: LogPrimaryFiles=4 LogSecondaryFiles=1 LogFilePages=65536 LogType=CIRCULAR LogBufferPages=0 If you use LINEAR logging (for example, to survive media failure), you will have to set LogPrimaryFiles higher. 202 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Placement of WebSphere MQ Log and Data Files If your system has to be able to process a high message rate, you should consider placing your WebSphere MQ log and data files on a fast SAN, preferably configured with a large NVRAM and RAID-10. A single internal disk should have sufficient capacity to allow up to 150K to 200K messages per second. Files on a RAID-10 LUN should be able to get up to around 1.5M to 2.0M messages per hour. Beyond that message rate, you may want to consider implementing multiple queue managers with separate data and log files. Performance Statistics The Performance Statistics Report is the key to managing your Sterling B2B Integrator performance. Before you can generate or view a performance statistics report, you must turn on performance statistics. For more information about how to turn it on, refer to the topic Turning On and Turning Off Performance Statistics. You can turn on and turn off performance statistics as many times as you want to. When performance statistics is turned off, the statistics are simply discarded, and when performance statistics is turned on, the current report resumes the process of collecting statistics. If you do not generate a report before you turn on performance statistics, the default report is generated automatically, and collects the performance statistics. Run the Performance Statistics Report to obtain benchmarks directly after you perform each of these tasks: v Install Sterling B2B Integrator. v Tune Sterling B2B Integrator using the information provided in the topic “Manual Performance Tuning” on page 166. v Complete manual tuning, if any, to the install_dir/properties/ file and related extension files (*.ext). v Make improvements to your business processes, if necessary, including changing the persistence levels. After you receive your initial benchmark Performance Statistics Report, generate a new report every few weeks or at least once a month to have a snapshot of the way your Sterling B2B Integrator is performing in relation to your benchmarks. If you note variances between your benchmarks and your current report, you can use the information in the report to troubleshoot and resolve issues before they cause performance delays. The most current report is always at the top of the View Report list. After you close a report, no further data can be added to the report. Every time you generate a new report, the new report becomes the current report. Viewing a Performance Statistics Report To view a Performance Statistics Report: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. 2. In the Performance Statistics Report Manager page, under View Report, select a name from the list, and click Go!. Performance Management 203 Reading a Performance Statistics Report Performance Statistics Report provides you with information that can help you maintain your Sterling B2B Integrator system, and reduce performance issues before they become problems. Performance Statistics Report helps you identify and analyze bottlenecks in your business processes and the time taken for the completion of each activity. The report displays business process statistics and system statistics since the time the report was generated first. If a new report is generated, it does not contain historical statistics, only the statistics collected after it was generated the previous time. Performance Statistics Report consists of the following sections: v Business Process Statistics v Internal System Statistics Business Process Statistics The following figure displays the Business Process Statistics section of a Performance Statistics Report: The following table describes the columns in the Business Process Statistics section: Note: Business process statistics are more varied than what is described in the Description column of the following table. Statistic Name Description Business Process Statistics 204 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Statistic Name Description Name Name of a business process, followed by numbered rows pertaining in the individual activities in the business process. The number of each row indicates the corresponding step in the business process. For example, in the preceding figure, the business process CIIDeenveloper includes two activities: v --> 1 DeenveloperCII v --> 2 DecisionEngineService Min (ms) Minimum time (in milliseconds) it took for a business process or activity to complete. If there are multiple invocations, this is the lowest minimum time taken for all the invocations. For example, in the figure preceding this table, it can be seen that the CIIDeenvelope business process took 19183 ms to complete, while the Deenveloping step (1 DeenveloperCII) took a minimum time of 18474 ms. Both these are the lowest statistics; there were two invocations of the business process. Use this statistic to track business processes or activities that begin to slow down. If you notice this statistic increasing over your benchmark value, it may be indicative of a performance issue. If you see an occasional variance for a business process or activity, it does not necessarily indicate a performance issue. If, however, you notice a continuous variance between production statistics and your benchmarks, you probably have a real issue that should be addressed. For more information about slow systems, refer to the topic A Slow System: Symptoms, Causes, and Resolution. For more information about improving business process execution time, refer to the topic Symptoms and Causes of Poor Business Process Execution Time. Max (ms) Maximum time (in milliseconds) it took for a business process or activity took to complete. If there are multiple invocations, this is the highest maximum time taken for all the invocations. For example, in the figure preceding this table, it can be seen that the CIIDeenvelope business process took 19275 ms to complete, while the Deenveloping step (1 DeenveloperCII) took a maximum time of 18672 ms. Both these are the highest statistics; there were two invocations of the business process. Use this statistic to track business processes or activities that begin to slow down during processing. If you notice this statistic increasing over your benchmark value, it may be indicative of a performance issue. If you see an occasional variance for a business or activity, it does not indicate a performance issue. If, however, you notice a continuous variance between production statistics and your benchmarks, you must resolve the issue. For more information about slow systems, refer to the topic A Slow System: Symptoms, Causes, and Resolution. For more information about improving business process execution time, refer to the topic Symptoms and Causes of Poor Business Process Execution Time. Performance Management 205 Statistic Name Description Average (ms) Average processing time taken for a business process or service to be completed. For example, in the figure preceding this table, it can be seen that the CIIDeenvelope business process took an average of 19229.0 ms to complete, while the Deenveloping step (1 DeenveloperCII) took an average time of 18573.0 ms. Both these are the average statistics; there were two invocations of the business process. Use this statistic to track the overall averages of business processes or activities that begin to slow down during processing. If you notice this statistic increasing over your benchmark value, it may be indicative of a performance issue. If you see an occasional variance for a business or activity, it does not necessarily indicate a performance issue. If, however, you notice a continuous variance between production statistics and your benchmarks, you probably have a real issue that should be addressed. For more information about slow systems, refer to the topic A Slow System: Symptoms, Causes, and Resolution. For more information about improving business process execution time, refer to the topic Symptoms and Causes of Poor Business Process Execution Time. Invocations Number of times the business process or service was invoked since the report was generated first. The number of invocations should be the same for both the business process and each activity in the business process, unless you have a business process that loops several times. In such a situation, you can set the number of invocations lower than the number of activities in the business process. For example, in the figure preceding this table, it can be seen that the CIIDeenvelope business process had two invocations, and the Deenveloping step (1 DeenveloperCII) had two invocations. Use this statistic to determine if the number of business processes expected are running, and if all the activities in the business processes are running. If you see a variance between the business process invocation number and the activity number, this may indicate that a business process has an error, and is in a waiting, interrupted, or halted state. You can also use this statistic to determine the processing load on your system during different processing periods, such as peak and nonpeak processing hours. 206 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Statistic Name Description Total (ms) Total time for (in milliseconds) a business process or service has taken to process since the time you last generated the report. This is the sum of total time taken for the completion of all the business processes. For example, in the figure preceding this table, it can be seen that the CIIDeenvelope business process took 38458 ms to process since the report was last generated and the Deenveloping step (1 DeenveloperCII) took a total of 37146 ms. Use this statistic to see if the total processing time for a business process or activity is increasing substantially over the number of invocations. If this number does increase over the number of invocations, it indicates that the processing time is longer. If the processing time is longer than your benchmark, you must resolve the issue. Note: Because statistics are accumulated from the beginning of monitoring until its end, you might have to turn monitoring on and off and collect the statistics at regular intervals. This allows you to monitor performance at certain times during processing. A change in the total work a business process performs during the intervals might indicate a problem, but only if the demand for that business process is constant throughout the measurement period. For more information about improving business process execution time, refer to the topic Understanding Business Process. Pre-Service (ms) Total time taken by the business process engine to complete activities before a business process or service is run. For example, in the figure preceding this table, it can be seen that the DeenvelopeCII activity took 37146 ms for preservice activities. Every time an activity is run, Sterling B2B Integrator must complete system service invocations before running the activity. Use this statistic to see if the system services are taking a long time to run before a business process is run. If you see a variance between the report time and the benchmark time, this may indicate that there is a database, operating system, or some other system issue that must be resolved. For more information about operating system issues, refer to your vendor's documentation. For more information about slow systems, refer to the topic A Slow System: Symptoms, Causes, and Resolution. Performance Management 207 Statistic Name Description Post-Service (ms) Total time taken by the business process engine to complete activities after the business process or service is run. For example, in the figure preceding this table, it can be seen that the DecisionEngineService activity took 100 ms for postservice activities. Every time an activity runs, Sterling B2B Integrator completes some persistence of information to the database. This persistence takes time to complete, and the postservice time includes this persistence time. Use this statistic to see if the system services are taking a long time to run after a business process is run. If you see a variance between the report time and the benchmark time, this may indicate that there is a database, operating system, or some other system issue that must be resolved. For more information about operating system issues, refer to your vendor's documentation. For more information about slow systems, refer to the topic A Slow System: Symptoms, Causes, and Resolution. Internal System Statistics The Internal System Statistics section of the Performance Statistics Report includes a lot of information that you can use to monitor your Sterling B2B Integrator system and ensure that it meets the benchmarks that you have established. The following figure displays the Internal System Statistics section of a Performance Statistics Report: The following table describes the columns in the Internal System Statistics section: Statistic Name Description Internal System Statistics Name Name of the system activity, including the following: v Persist a Business Process Step to the Database v Persist a Document to the Database v Assign from an XPath Statement v Acquire a Database Connection v Execute an XPath Statement v Put a Business Process on the Queue 208 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Statistic Name Description Min (ms) Minimum time (in milliseconds) the system activity took to complete. If there are multiple invocations, this is the lowest time for all the invocations. For example, in the figure preceding this table, the Persist a Document to the Database activity took 9 ms to complete. This is the shortest time of the nine invocations of the activity. Max (ms) Maximum time (in milliseconds) the system activity took to complete. If there are multiple invocations, this is the highest time for all the invocations. For example, in the figure preceding this table, the Persist a Document to the Database activity took 212 ms to complete. This is the longest time of the nine invocations of the activity. Average (ms) Average processing time taken for the system activity to complete. This is the average time for all invocations. For example, in the figure preceding this table, the Persist a Document to the Database activity took an average of 111 ms to complete. This is the average processing time taken by the nine invocations of the activity. Invocations Number of times the system activity was invoked since you last generated the report. For example, in the figure preceding this table, the Persist a Document to the Database activity was invoked nine times. Total (ms) Total time (in milliseconds) the system activity has taken to process since the report generation began. This is the sum total time of all the system activity completion times. For example, in the figure preceding this table, the Persist a Document to the Database activity took a total of 1003 ms to complete. The following table describes each internal system activity, and how to use the statistics to reduce the chances of a performance issue occurring: Performance Management 209 Statistic Name Description Persist a Document to The length of time and the number of times a document was the Database persisted to the database. For more information about persistence, refer to the topic Changing Persistence Levels. For example, in the figure preceding this table, Persist a Document to the Database had the following statistics: v Min (ms) – 9 v Max (ms) – 212 v Average (ms) – 111.0 v Invocations – 9 v Total (ms) – 1003 The Persist a Document to the Database statistic is helpful in determining database issues and slow processing issues. When you compare this information with your benchmarks, verify if you notice the following: v The Min (ms), Max (ms), and Average (ms) times are increasing. This indicates that the database is becoming full, or that you have a connection leak. v The number of invocations are increasing. This indicates that your persistence level is set too high. v The number of invocations is small and the Min (ms) and Max (ms) times are increasing. This indicates that you are persisting large documents to the database, which can be moved to the disk to save database space. 210 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Statistic Name Description Persist a Business Process Step to the Database The length of time and the number of times a business process step was persisted to the database. For more information about persistence, refer to the topic Changing Persistence Levels. For example, in the figure preceding this table, Persist a Business Process Step to the Database had the following statistics: v Min (ms) – 5 v Max (ms) – 391 v Average (ms) – 59.0 v Invocations – 163 v Total (ms) – 9735 The Persist a Business Process Step to the Database statistic is helpful in determining database issues and slow processing issues. When you compare this information with your benchmarks, verify if you notice the following: v The Min (ms), Max (ms), and Average (ms) times are increasing. This indicates that either the database is becoming full, or you have a connection leak. v The number of invocations are increasing. This indicates that your persistence level is set too high. For more information about slow systems, refer to the topic Changing Persistence Levels. v The number of invocations is small and the Min (ms) and Max (ms) times are increasing. This indicates that you are persisting large documents to the database, which can be moved to the disk to save database space. Assign from an XPath The length of time and the number of times an assign activity was Statement completed from an XPath statement in a business process. For example, in the figure preceding this table, Assign from an XPath Statement had the following statistics: v Min (ms) – 2 v Max (ms) – 43 v Average (ms) – 10.0 v Invocations – 29 v Total (ms) – 310 The Assign from an XPath Statement statistic is helpful in determining if you have well-structured XPath statements in your business processes. When you compare this information with your benchmarks, verify if you notice the following: v The Min (ms), Max (ms), and Average (ms) times are increasing. This indicates that the XPath statement is not written efficiently, and may slow down your process time. Write XPath statements using relative paths. For example, write PurchaseOrder/text instead of /ProcessData/PurchaseOrder/text(). In addition, do not use // at the beginning of an XPath statement, because this causes the entire process data to be traversed. Performance Management 211 Statistic Name Description Execute an XPath Statement The length of time and the number of times an XPath statement ran in a business process. For example, in the figure preceding this table, Assign from an XPath Statement had the following statistics: v Min (ms) – 1 v Max (ms) – 43 v Average (ms) – 5.0 v Invocations – 111 v Total (ms) – 598 This statistic is helpful in determining if you have well-structured XPath statements in your business processes. When you compare this information with your benchmarks, verify if you notice the following: v The Min (ms), Max (ms), and Average (ms) times are increasing. This indicates that the XPath statement is not written efficiently, and may slow down your process time. Write XPath statements using relative paths. For example, write PurchaseOrder/text instead of /ProcessData/PurchaseOrder/text(). In addition, do not use // at the beginning of an XPath statement, because this causes the entire process data to be traversed. Acquire a Database Connection The length of time and the number of times a database connection was made. For example, in the figure preceding this table, Acquire a Database Connection had the following statistics: v Min (ms) – 1 v Max (ms) – 4990 v Average (ms) – 3.0 v Invocations – 16102 v Total (ms) – 57722 The Acquire a Database Connection statistic is helpful in determining whether you have database issues, resource leaks, or whether you have to increase the number of database pools. When you compare this information with your benchmarks, verify if you notice the following: v The Min (ms), Max (ms), and Average (ms) times are increasing. This indicates that the database is quite active if it is used by other applications outside of Sterling B2B Integrator. v The number of invocations are increasing. This indicates that your persistence level is set too high, causing too much data to be stored in the database, or your cache levels are not tuned correctly, causing the data to be stored and retrieved from the database instead of from the cache. v The number of invocations are low and not increasing. This indicates that either you have a resource leak that is not releasing previously used database connections to be used by other threads, or you do not have enough database pools set in the Performance Tuning Utility. 212 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Statistic Name Description Put a Business Process The length of time and the number of times a business process was on the Queue placed in a queue. For example, in the figure preceding this table, Put a Business Process on the Queue had the following statistics: v Min (ms) – 1 v Max (ms) – 49 v Average (ms) – 3.0 v Invocations – 38 v Total (ms) – 146 The Put a Business Process on the Queue statistic is helpful in determining if you are using a queue instead of your cache during processing. When you compare this information with your benchmarks, verify if you notice increasing invocation times. If yes, it indicates that you are not using your cache efficiently. Turning On and Turning Off Performance Statistics You may find that you want to have performance statistics turned on during specific time periods and turned off during other time periods. For example, you may want to turn on the performance statistics when you are testing or running your weekly or monthly report in order to compare your benchmarks, and turn off performance statistics during the day-to-day operations in order to save your system resources for processing. Turning On Performance Statistics You can turn on performance statistics in Sterling B2B Integrator. Procedure 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. 2. In the Performance Statistic Report Manager page, under On/Off, select the check box adjacent Enable Performance Statistics. Performance statistics are turned on, and are ready to be captured in a report. Turning Off Performance Statistics You can turn off performance statistics. Procedure 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. 2. In the Performance Statistic Report Manager page, under On/Off, clear the check box adjacent Disable Performance Statistics. Performance statistics are turned off. Reporting Performance Statistics Reporting performance statistics includes the following tasks: v Creating a New Performance Statistics Report v Deleting a Performance Statistics Report Performance Management 213 Creating Performance Statistics After enabling performance statistics, create a Performance Statistics report to view the statistics. About this task To create a Performance Statistics report: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. 2. In the Performance Statistic Report Manager page, under Create New Report, enter a name for the new report in the Name box, and click Go!. The new report is created and the name is displayed in the list under View Report. This displays the latest report at the top and the oldest report at the bottom. Deleting a Performance Statistics Report You may have to delete a Performance Statistics Reports to free up storage or to simply remove old reports from Sterling B2B Integrator. About this task Procedure 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. 2. In the Performance Statistic Report Manager page, under Delete Reports, next to Delete All Inactive Reports, click Go!. All the reports, except the latest report, are deleted. Troubleshooting Tools, tips and guidance are provided to help you troubleshoot problems in Sterling B2B Integrator. Database Maintenance Check Sterling B2B Integrator performs a scheduled maintenance check on the database every Monday at 4:00 a.m. This is the default setting and is configurable. This maintenance check is performed by the DB Monitor service and its associated Schedule_DBMonitorService business process. The system verifies if any of the following conditions have occurred: v Database is more than 80 percent full. v Database has grown more than 30 percent since the last maintenance check. v Database has to be indexed. If any of these conditions are found, the system sends an event notification. By default, it sends an e-mail to the system administrator. If you are notified that the database has to be indexed, contact your database administrator or use the db_optimization_tool script to rebuild the indexes and optimize the database. 214 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Important: The reports and tools described in this section are not a replacement for standard database tools and maintenance scripts, and should be used only if your DBA is not involved with regular maintenance on the Sterling B2B Integrator database. View the Database Statistics Report To view information about business processes in the database: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > Reports. 2. In the Reports page, under Search, enter DBStats in the Name box and click Go!. Note: The DBStats report can also be found under List. However, it cannot be found using the Type "list" under Search. 3. Click source manager. 4. Select the appropriate report format from the drop-down list and click execute. Database Statistics Report The Database Statistics Report provides statistical information about business processes in the database. You should review the Database Statistics Report if you experience full database or failed database connection problems, or if you receive automated notification that the database's health needs to be checked. The Database Statistics Report is divided into the following sections: Report Section Description and Fields Business Process Runs in Active System Lists all the business process definitions that have had at least one instance executed. Fields are: v Business Process Name – Name of the business process instance. v Number of Runs – Number of times the instance has run. v Number of Persisted Steps – Number of steps persisted per business process definition. v Average Number of Persisted Steps – Average number of steps persisted. Business Process Runs in Active System - Last 24 Hours Lists all the business process definitions that have had at least one instance executed in the last 24 hours. Business Process Runs in Active System - Interval of Last 48 to 24 Hours Lists all the business process definitions that have had at least one instance executed during the previous day (24-48 hours before the current time). Performance Management 215 Report Section Description and Fields Number of BPs by Removal Method Shows the number of business processes flagged to be archived, purged, or indexed. It contains the following fields: v Archive Flag – Shows the number of business processes in each category: – To Be Archived – Business processes flagged to be archived – To Be Purged – Business processes flagged to be purged – Archived, to be Purged – Business processes that have been archived and are flagged to be purged – To Be Indexed – Business processes flagged to be indexed v Count - Total number of business processes with the stated Archive flag Number of Eligible BPs by Removal Method Number of eligible business processes that are flagged to be archived, purged, or indexed. The Number of BPs by Removal Method To Be Indexed count minus the Number of Eligible BPs by Removal Method To Be Indexed count provides the number of business processes that, for whatever reason, are not eligible for indexing. These business processes will not be purged until they become eligible for indexing. Archive Dates by Removal Method Shows the date range of business processes that are flagged to be archived, purged, or indexed. Fields are: v Archive Flag – Shows one of the following conditions: – To Be Archived – Business processes flagged to be archived – To Be Purged – Business processes flagged to be purged – Archived, to be Purged – Business processes that have been archived, and are flagged to be purged v Min – Date and time of the first expired business process v Max – Date and time of the last expired business process Table Row Counts Shows the number of rows for each table in the active system. Fields are: v Table Name – Name of the table v Count – Number of rows in the table 216 Table Row Counts - Last 24 Hours Shows the number of rows for each table in the active system during the last 24 hours. Table Row Counts - Interval of Last 48 to 24 Hours Shows the number of rows for each table in the active system during the previous day (24 to 48 hours prior to the current time). Table Row Counts - Index Shows the number of rows that have not been indexed for each table in the active system. Table Row Counts - Archive The Table Row Counts - Archive section shows the number of rows eligible for archiving for each table in the active system. Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Report Section Description and Fields Table Row Counts - Purge The Table Row Counts - Purge section shows the number of rows eligible for purging for each table in the active system. Number of Rows with No Matching Records in Archive Info Shows the number of rows in a table that are orphaned (have no matching records in the archive data). It contains the following fields: v Table Name – Name of the table v Orphaned Record Count – Number of orphaned rows No Matching Workflow ID (Null) The section shows the number of records in TRANS_DATA with NULL workflow IDs or -1 workflow IDs. It contains the following fields: v Number of BPs with No Matching Records in Data Table, and Count – Total number of workflows with -1 Workflow IDs in the data table v No Workflow ID Assigned, and Count – Number of business processes that have a null workflow ID. Optimize the Database with the db_optimization_tool Script Sterling B2B Integrator provides a database optimization script that allows you to optimize your database by performing tasks such as analyzing tables and rebuilding indexes. Note: The db_optimization_tool script does not work for DB2. To run the database optimization script, run the following from the command line: v For UNIX, run install_dir/bin/ options v For Windows, run install_dir\bin\db_optimization_tool.cmd options Option Description -l View a list of all index rebuild or analyze database SQL statements. Must be used with -i or -a, or both. Uses the current date and time as the cutoff for expired data, unless the -t option is used. Either -l or -r is required. -r Run all index rebuild or analyze database SQL statements. Must be used with -i or -a. Uses the current date and time as the cutoff for expired data, unless the -t option is used. Either -l or -r is required. Note: The database optimization scripts can do a lot of database updates to rebuild the indexes and analyze the database tables. This could lead to deadlocks if done while Sterling B2B Integrator is running. If you want to run these scripts while Sterling B2B Integrator is running, you should run them during non-peak times. You can also avoid deadlocks by running these scripts while Sterling B2B Integrator is not running, as long as the database is running. -i Use a list of the table indexes that need to be rebuilt (optimized). Must be used with -l or -r. Either -i or -a is required. -a Use a list of the tables to analyze. Must be used with -l or -r. Either -i or -a is required. Performance Management 217 Option Description -t Date and time cutoff to look for expired data. Format: yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.SSS. Default is current date. This date and time will be used as the starting point to check for expired tables. If the table has expired since the last time it was rebuilt, that table is added to a list for rebuild or index analyzing. Must be used with -l or -r. Optional. -o Specifies a file name to save output messages to. Provide a full path to the file. If not used, output will be displayed only on the screen. Must be used with -l or -r. Optional. -d Check all tables. If not used, the check will only be done on tables that were recorded on the database after the last rebuilds. Must be used with -l or -r. Optional. -p Print the stack trace if there is an exception. If used with the -o option, the stack trace will print to a file. Otherwise, it is displayed on the screen. Must be used with -l or -r. Optional. -h or -? View the help screen. Command Examples To view a list of table indexes that have to be rebuilt, and to save the output to a file named myList, go to the install_dir/bin directory and run the following command: -l -i -o myList To rebuild the indexes for all the tables, run the following command: -r -i -d Full Database Issues and Resolution For a variety of reasons, you may find that your Sterling B2B Integrator database has become full. This may cause performance issues that appear to be related to memory or other resource usage. If your database is set to auto extend, the database may attain 99 percent capacity before extending automatically. In this situation, the 99 percent capacity does not indicate a performance issue. After you run Sterling B2B Integrator for some time and you take out from the database approximately the same amount of data that you put into the database, the database size becomes consistent. If other applications are using the same database that Sterling B2B Integrator uses, verify that the other applications are also experiencing slow database returns before making any database adjustments. If the other applications are not experiencing database issues, the performance issue may be related to a cause other than the database. 218 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Symptoms and Causes of a Full Database The symptoms of a full database may include: v Database does not accept new data. v Database Usage Report shows that your database usage is increasing to capacity. v Sterling B2B Integrator interface is slow. v Business process execution times are slow. Determining the cause of a full or filling database requires you to review your business processes and your archival and purging practices. Causes of a full or filling database may include: v The database is not sized properly. Determine if the current database size exceeds the expected size determined with your IBM Sales Representative at the time of sales. (Customers must have this information in the form of a sizing sheet.) v Persistence levels set to high globally in your business processes or for each activity in a business process, causing too much data to be persisted to the database. v Indexing business process is not working properly, causing no data to be flagged for archival or purging and no data being removed from the database. The indexing business process runs every 10 minutes. v Backup business process is not working properly, causing no data to be removed from the database and archived to another location. The archive business process checks for the archive flag and then the date on which the archive is to be completed. When the archive date is reached, the archive business process archives the record. v Purging business process is not working properly, causing no data to be purged from the database. The purge business process checks for the purge flag and then the date on which the purge is to be completed. When the purge date is reached, the purge business process purges the record from the database. v Large or old files that can be archived elsewhere are being stored in the database, causing the database to fill up. v Size of the database is not optimized for your processing requirements, causing the database to fill up prematurely. v Data retention period is set too high, causing data to be kept in the database longer than necessary. v Schedule_BPRecovery business process is either not running or failing, causing business processes to remain in the database in an interrupted state. v IndexBusinessProcess business process is either not running or failing, causing no business processes to be flagged for archival or purging. v AssociateDocsToBP business process is either not running or failing, causing expired documents to not be associated for being purged from the system. To determine the cause of a full database: v Monitor the Database Usage Report in Sterling B2B Integrator to determine the levels of database usage. If the usage level increases to the high end of its capacity, you may need to take corrective action, unless you have your database set to auto extend (increase in capacity when a specified level is reached). For more information about auto-extending your database, refer to the documentation pertaining to your database. Performance Management 219 v Review the archive.log and database-specific log by navigating to Operations > System > Logs for information about archiving and purging activities and errors. Resolve Full Database Issues Try the following approaches to resolve full database issues. Approach Details Change persistence levels For information about how to change persistence levels, refer to the topic Changing Persistence Levels. Complete indexing activities If your index business process is scheduled, but not running, no data is flagged for archival or purging, and your database may fill up. Review the index business process and verify that the schedule is defined and turned on in the business process, and that business processes are being indexed. To verify that the index business process is running, review the archive.log file for data that was purged or archived. This log file will state whether each data purge or data archive was successful. If the archive.log file shows no data being archived or purged, your index business process may not be running, causing your database to fill up. If the index business process is running and failing, contact IBM Professional Services for assistance. Complete archiving activities If your archival business process is scheduled, but is not running, your database can fill up because data is not being archived and moved off the database tables to another storage location. Review the archival business processes and verify that the schedule is defined and turned on in the business process, and that business processes are archived after a reasonable amount of time. To verify that the archival business process is running, review the archive.log file for data that was purged or archived. This log file will state whether each data purge or data archive was successful. If the archive.log file shows no data being archived or purged, your archival business process may not be running, causing your database to fill up. If the archival business process is running and failing, contact IBM Professional Services for assistance. Complete purging activities If your purging business process is scheduled, but is not running, your database can fill up because data is not being removed from the database tables. Review the purging business processes and verify that the schedule is defined and turned on in the business process, and that business processes are purged after a reasonable amount of time. To verify that the purging business process is running, review the archive.log file for data that was purged or archived. This log file will state whether each data purge or data archive was successful. If the archive.log file shows no data being archived or purged, your purging business process may not be running, causing your database to fill up. If the PurgeService business process is running and failing, contact IBM Professional Services for assistance. 220 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Approach Details Complete Associate Docs to BP activities If an associate document to BP business process is scheduled but not running, your database can fill up because expired document data will not be associated to be removed. Review the business processes and verify that the schedule is defined and turned on in the business processes, and that business processes are purged after a reasonable amount of time. Reduce the amount of large or old data stored in the database If old data and large files are using database resources and causing your database to fill up, archive those files to another file system instead of to database tables. Optimizing the Size of Your Database As your business and processing needs change, you may find that your initial database size requirements are different from your requirements. If your database is filling and your volume is increasing: v Increase the size of your database to reflect your processing needs. v Compress your database, if your database has this feature, in order to save more data to the same size database. For more information about compressing your database, refer to your database documentation. Optimizing the Data Retention Period You may be retaining information in the database for longer periods of time than necessary. Set the data retention period in the database to lower levels as appropriate. For more information about setting data retention periods in your database, refer to your database documentation. BPRecovery Business Process is Not Running or is Failing If your BPRecovery business process is either not running or is failing: 1. Contact IBM Professional Services for assistance with the BPRecovery business process 2. Run the corrected BPRecovery. 3. Restart, resume, or terminate interrupted business processes. You can perform a mass termination of business processes if many are in an interrupted state. Document Persistence Sterling B2B Integrator offers two options for persisting documents: a database option and a file system option. When dealing with database sizing, it is important to understand these differences and ensure that you have chosen the correct option for your environment. v Database option – The payload of each document in the system is stored in the DATA_TABLE or TRANS_DATA tables. When documents (payloads) become large, it leads to inefficient use of database disk space and results in greatly increased network traffic. v File system persistence option – This option was created to store the payload of documents out on disk. For documents with file system persistence, the DATA_TABLE/TRANS_DATA tables are still utilized. The difference is that the Performance Management 221 content of the BLOB data is not the payload, but a serialized Java HashMap that contains the file name of the payload. This is used to tie the file with the document. Use of the database or the system for persisting the document payload is specified in the file with the defaultDocumentStorageType property. This setting is the system default and can be inherited or overridden at the WFD (workflow definition) level. The location of document payloads is also configurable in the file with the document_dir property. Database Connection Issues You may find that your business process throughput slows down in Sterling B2B Integrator during data bursts (sudden increase in data volumes) or connection or cursor leaks (unreleased database connections). These can also result in an increased number of failed pool requests. Symptoms and Causes of Failed Database Connection Requests The symptoms of an increasing number of failed pool requests may include: v Slow business process throughput (volume being processed in a specific time period). v Increasing number of failed pool requests as seen in the Database Usage Report by navigating to Operations > System > Troubleshooter. This report shows the number of pool requests and failed requests. Determining the cause of an increasing number of failed pool requests necessitates you to investigate many areas of the system and the way in which you are implementing Sterling B2B Integrator. The causes of an increasing number of failed pool requests may include: v Increased data volume, causing more business processes to compete for the connections. v Data bursts – High rates of data in short transmission periods. v Connection or cursor leaks – Database connections that are opened for a business process and then kept open by that business process instead of being released back to Sterling B2B Integrator for use by other business processes. This leads to fewer available connections to the database. v Improperly tuned performance properties – Fewer database pools configured than is required by your processing volumes. For more information, refer to “View and Restore Performance Configuration Settings” on page 121. To determine the cause of failed database connection requests: v Monitor the Database Usage report. v Monitor database tools specific to your database. For more information about this, refer to your database documentation. Monitor the Database Usage Report This report shows the number of failed requests for each pool type. You can use this information to determine which pool settings to change in the Performance Tuning Utility. 1. From the Administration menu, navigate to Operations > System > Troubleshooter as shown in the following figure. 222 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management 2. The System Troubleshooting page is displayed as shown in the following figure. Click Database Usage. The Database Usage Report (details) is displayed, as shown in the following figure. Performance Management 223 Resolve Database Connection Issues by Increasing the Database Pool Size You can change the size of the database pools to allow more connections to the database and resolve the following issues: v Increased volume levels v Data bursts v Connection or cursor leaks To increase the size of specific database pools in Sterling B2B Integrator, navigate to Operations > System > Performance > Tuning. For more information about increasing the database pool size, refer to “Performance Tuning Utility” on page 120. Database Down Check Sterling B2B Integrator performs a scheduled check on the database connection every 120 seconds to verify that it has not gone down. These checks are performed by the DB Resource Monitor and are logged in the resource_monitor.log file. 224 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management If the check finds that the database has gone down, the system administrator is sent an e-mail notification stating that the database is unreachable. The date and time of the check is also provided as shown in the following example: Database Unreachable The database was unreachable at 2005.07.19 14:29:36 EDT. E-mails will be sent at increasing intervals of 1, 5, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes until Sterling B2B Integrator is shut down or the database can be reached. Event Information: eventType: ResourceMonitor.DBResourceMonitor.ExceptionSQLException.3 ExceptionLevel: Exceptional timestamp: 1121797776902 datetime: 2005.07.19 14:29:36 EDT Status: SQL Exception host: myhost node: node1 subject: Database Server Unreachable (Node- node1 Host- myhost) Additional e-mail notifications are sent at increasing intervals of 1, 5, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes unless Sterling B2B Integrator is shut down or the database can be reached. If the database can be reached, the system administrator is sent an e-mail notification that the database connection was successful as shown in the following example: Database Connection Successful Database was reachable at 2005.07.19 14:34:47 EDT. Event Information: eventType: ResourceMonitor.DBResourceMonitor.SUCCESS.1 ExceptionLevel: Exceptional timestamp: 1121798087408 datetime: 2005.07.19 14:34:47 EDT Status: Success host: myhost node: node1 subject: Database Connection Successful (Node- node1 Host- myhost) Configure DB Resource Monitor The DB Resource Monitor can be configured to perform the database down check at intervals other than the default interval of every two minutes. To change the interval, perform the following tasks: 1. In the install_dir/properties directory, locate (or create, if necessary) the file. 2. Open the file using a text editor. 3. Add the following override statement. This statement will set the value of the DBResourceMonitor.delay property of the file. resourceMonitor.DBResourceMonitor.delay=new_interval The value for new_interval is the interval, in milliseconds, at which you want the database down check to run. For example, the default value of 120000 runs the check every 120 seconds, or once every two minutes. If you want to configure the check to run every 10 minutes (as opposed to the default), you should set the new_interval value to 600000 (600000 milliseconds = 600 seconds = 10 minutes). To do so, add the following line to the file: resourceMonitor.DBResourceMonitor.delay=600000 4. Save and close the file. 5. Stop and restart Sterling B2B Integrator to use the new values. Performance Management 225 For assistance in determining the proper settings to suit your business needs, contact IBM Customer Support. Tracking JDBC Connections Sterling B2B Integrator provides the capability to track your JDBC connections. This is useful when troubleshooting high connection usage or running out of connections at the database. These problems may be caused by connection leaks that occur when a component requests a connection from the pool and does not return it. When enabled, JDBC tracking will track all the active JDBC connections. If JDBC tracking is enabled, you can view or save a JDBC report to help you troubleshoot database connection problems. You can view the report to perform troubleshooting by yourself, or save the report and send it to IBM Customer Support to aid in resolving the problem. The JDBC report provides current database stack dump information at the time the JDBC report is viewed or saved. Enable or Disable JDBC Tracking JDBC tracking that is enabled through the JDBC Monitor will be reset to Disabled if Sterling B2B Integrator is restarted. This feature helps prevent degraded performance if JDBC Tracking is accidentally left Enabled after you have finished the troubleshooting activity. You should always disable JDBC Tracking when you have finished the troubleshooting activity. To enable or disable JDBC tracking: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > JDBC Monitor. 2. To change the enable/disable state, select one of the following in the On/Off box: v If JDBC tracking is disabled, click (Enable) to enable JDBC tracking. v If JDBC tracking is enabled, click (Disable) to disable JDBC tracking. If you want to enable JDBC tracking for extended troubleshooting so that it remains enabled even if Sterling B2B Integrator is restarted, you can use the internal use tracking parameter. To 1. 2. 3. 4. control JDBC tracking with the use tracking parameter: Stop Sterling B2B Integrator. In the install_dir/properties directory, locate the file. Open the file using a text editor. In the file, locate the use tracking parameter. v To enable JDBC tracking, set the databasePool.useTracking property to true. v To disable JDBC tracking, set the databasePool.useTracking property to false. 5. Save the file. 6. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator to apply the change. Note: Always disable JDBC tracking when you have completed the troubleshooting activity in order to improve performance. View or Save a JDBC Report To view or save a JDBC report: 1. From the Administration menu, select Operations > JDBC Monitor. 226 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management 2. In the View box, next to View JDBC Report, click one of the following: v To view a JDBC Tracking Report, click the View icon. Click F5 to refresh the report, as needed. v To save a JDBC Tracking Report, click (Download). Types of Cache Memory Sterling B2B Integrator utilizes the memory cache types described in the following table to execute processes: Memory Types Description Soft reference cache When objects are removed from the memory cache in order to keep the memory cache size constant, they are moved to a soft reference cache, which can grow or shrink based on the available memory. If the JVM has to reclaim memory space, it takes it from the soft reference cache. Memory cache Uses the amount of memory necessary to hold the objects in memory at all times. You can configure this in the file. Disk cache Objects can be read more quickly from the disk than from the database. When objects are no longer in the soft reference cache because they have been garbage collected, the disk cache provides a faster access mechanism than object retrieval from the database. You can configure this in the file. A soft cache is an in-memory cache. The difference between a soft cache and a traditional cache is that the memory used to cache the objects is reclaimed as soon as memory becomes constrained. When the system is low on memory, the cached objects are automatically removed from memory. This is possible because the objects themselves are backed by persistent data in the database or disk and can be reread from there. This behavior is similar to an operating system disk cache. The disk cache retains recently read files or sections of files in memory in order to speed up subsequent access to that data. However, if the system requires memory for applications to run, the cache size is reduced proportionally. You can see this in Windows by watching the size of the disk cache fall when you open a large file. Sterling B2B Integrator follows this practice with soft caches. Most soft caches in Sterling B2B Integrator are implemented by Java Soft References. JVM short-lived min/max memory values are used for generational garbage collection. For more information about generational garbage collection, refer to the following Web sites: v v Based on the amount of memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator and the number of CPUs, the Sterling B2B Integrator tuning wizard will allocate disk cache and in-memory cache. In-memory cache is a combination of the soft reference cache and memory cache displayed on the cache usage screen. Performance Management 227 Symptoms and Causes of Inefficient Cache Usage The symptoms of inefficient use of cache include: v Slow-running business processes v Longer completion time for business processes v Reduced number of cache hits, as reported in the Cache Usage Report, with a corresponding increase in the number of requests. Determining the reasons behind the inefficient use of cache may require you to investigate many areas of your system and the way you are implementing Sterling B2B Integrator. The reasons for inefficient use of cache may include: v Improperly tuned performance properties v High cache usage for less frequently used large objects v Low cache usage for frequently used small objects To determine the reason behind the inefficient use of cache, review the Cache Usage Report that is displayed in the System Troubleshooting (Operations > System > Troubleshooter) page for the number of counts, requests, and hits for each cache in Sterling B2B Integrator. An increase in the number of requests and a decrease in the number of hits indicates that you have to increase the cache size for the affected cache. Each request that is not met with a hit requires a call to the database for data, which slows down the processing time and uses more resources, which could be used by other components of Sterling B2B Integrator. For example, if the SchemaCache on the Cache Usage report has 5 counts, 5 requests, and 0 hits, it indicates that the schema cache may be too small for the number of requests from the cache or too small for the size of the documents used. Zero hits means that the business processes requesting the schema from the cache did not find the requested data and called the database to receive the schema data, which in turn slowed the processing time. Resolving Inefficient Cache Usage Following are the different ways in which inefficient use of cache can be resolved, depending on the identified cause: v Improperly Tuned Cache Performance Properties v High Cache Allocation for Less Frequently Used Large Objects v Low Cache Allocation for More Frequently Used Small Objects For more information about changing the cache values in the Performance Tuning Utility, refer to the topic Viewing or Editing Performance Configuration Settings. For more information about changing the cache values manually using the file, refer to the topic Manual Performance Tuning. Improperly Tuned Cache Performance Properties If you review the Cache Usage Report and notice that the number of requests are increasing and the number of hits are decreasing for the same cache, increase the cache values using the Performance Tuning Utility, or manually increase the values in the install_dir/properties/ file. 228 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Following are the possible consequences of increasing the cache size: v Increasing the size too much does not make the system any more effective than reading from the disk. Depending on your system and your configuration, you may have to adjust the cache settings to attain peak performance without losing the benefit of cache over disk. v Increasing the cache sizes for items that are not used frequently may degrade performance because more resources are allocated to the caches, but are not being used. High Cache Allocation for Less Frequently Used Large Objects If you review the Cache Usage Report and notice that the number of requests to the cache are low, you can reduce the size of the cache values using the Performance Tuning Utility, or manually decrease the values in the install_dir/properties/ file. The low request number indicates that the objects in the cache are not used frequently with your business processes. Review the value for the cache property and reduce the cache size if the cache size is large. Decreasing the cache size too much may cause a reduced number of hits to the caches, which results in a call to the database for data, and increases the processing time. Depending on your system and your configuration, you may have to adjust the cache settings to attain peak performance without losing the benefit of cache over disk. Low Cache Allocation for More Frequently Used Small Objects If you review the Cache Usage Report and notice that the number of requests to the cache are high and the number of hits to the cache are low, you can increase the size of the cache values using the Performance Tuning Utility, or manually increase the values in the install_dir/properties/ file. The high request number indicates that the objects in the cache are being used frequently with your business processes. Review the values for the cache properties and increase the cache size if the cache size is small. This is especially important for the smaller objects that are used frequently and are static in value. Cache retrieval is faster than disk or database retrieval. Increasing the cache sizes too much may cause a reduced number of hits to the caches for larger objects. This results in a call to the database for data, and increases the processing time. Depending on your system and your configuration, you may have to adjust the cache settings to attain peak performance without losing the benefit of cache over disk. Correcting Dropped Data Problems Proper requirements planning and performance tuning usually prevent most memory-related issues from occurring. However, because it is not possible to anticipate every situation, you may occasionally experience a memory problem. Some of the more common issues are covered in this section. Whenever you adjust memory allocations after initial performance tuning, you must increase the memory amount by the smallest increment to resolve the issue. Because Sterling B2B Integrator interacts extensively with other systems, sometimes, problems with dropped data occur because of the configuration settings of the other systems. Performance Management 229 For example, when Sterling B2B Integrator is under sufficient load and requires business processes to be placed in queue, the HTTPSyncSend adapter attempts to respond with a Message Disposition Notification (MDN). If this is not completed in a timely manner, the client that initiated the session may release the connection because of a timeout. If this occurs, the HTTPSyncSend operation appears to complete successfully by handing off to perimeter servers, but there is a possibility of the data being dropped. In this example, the timeout settings in the client can be adjusted to resolve the problem. Alternatively, the amount of memory available to Sterling B2B Integrator can be increased to allow the operation to be pulled from the queue and completed before the timeout occurs. To increase the amount of memory available to Sterling B2B Integrator, use the Performance Tuning wizard (Operations > System > Performance > Tuning) and change the value in the Physical memory (MB) allocated to SI box to a higher value. For more information about allocating physical memory to Sterling B2B Integrator, refer to the topic Viewing or Editing Performance Configuration Settings. Correcting Out-Of-Memory Errors Occasionally, a specific operation may require more memory than the current configuration allocates to Sterling B2B Integrator. For example, with the default settings, attempting to view a large code list (over 100,000 entries) may result in an Out-Of-Memory error. This type of error is typically written to the noapp.log file. To increase the amount of memory available to Sterling B2B Integrator, use the Performance Tuning wizard (Operations > System > Performance > Tuning) and change the value in the Physical memory (MB) allocated to SI box to a higher value. For more information about how to increase the memory available to Sterling B2B Integrator, refer to the topic Viewing or Editing Performance Configuration Settings. Understanding Business Process You may find that business process execution times are longer than expected, which might be the result of an increase in volume or improperly written business processes. This indicates that either the performance does not match your requirements and corrective action is required, or that you have business processes containing errors and require manual attention. The following concepts are explained under this topic: v Symptoms and Causes of Poor Business Process Execution Time v Resolving Halted, Halting, Waiting, or Interrupted Business Processes Symptoms and Causes of Poor Business Process Execution Time There are many symptoms and causes of poor business process execution time. Symptoms of increasing business process execution time include: v Performance Statistics Report showing the Min (ms), Max (ms), and Average (ms) time increasing for business processes, activities, and internal system activities. To access this report, navigate to Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. 230 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v Increasing business process execution time in the wf.log in the install_dir/logs directory. Determining the cause of increasing business process execution time may require you to investigate many areas of the system and the way in which you are implementing Sterling B2B Integrator. Typically, the cause of increasing business process execution time is because of: v The database is full or is receiving too many requests v Improperly designed business processes Improperly designed business processes may involve the following issues: v Business process persistence levels are set too high, which causes too much data to be stored to the database. For more information about persistence levels, refer to the topic Changing Persistence Levels. v Unnecessary service invocations, which use resources that can otherwise be used by other Sterling B2B Integrator business processes or components. v Improperly tuned cache properties, which cause the business process to query the database or disk for information that can be provided in a queue. For more information about caches, refer to the topic Resolving Inefficient Cache Usage. v A full database or database maintenance issues, which cause longer query times and increased execution times. If you find that all your business processes are experiencing an increase in execution time, you may also find that your database is full or is receiving many requests, causing the entire processing to slow down. v Unnecessary loops, which cause the use of resources that can otherwise be used by other Sterling B2B Integrator business processes or components. v Improperly written XPath statements, which use resources that can otherwise be used by other Sterling B2B Integrator business processes or components. Use relative paths when writing XPath statements, for example, write PurchaseOrder/text instead of /ProcessData/PurchaseOrder/text(). In addition, do not use // at the beginning of an XPath statement because this causes the entire process data to be searched, and slows down the search time significantly. v Running services in modes other than the literal mode, which is significantly faster than the other modes available. v Using older services and adapters instead of newer and more efficient ones, which may combine the functionality of more than one older service or adapter into one service. Note: Adapters and services that are retiring are placed on the Retiring stencil in the Graphical Process Modeler. Although adapters and services on the Retiring stencil are available for use, if you are designing new business processes, use the newer adapters and services in your business processes. Determining the Causes of Poor Business Process Execution Time To determine the cause of increasing business process execution time: Performance Management 231 v Review the wf.log file in the install_dir/logs file for time and date stamp information showing increases in execution time, and errors in each business process. v Review the Performance Statistics Report by navigating to Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. This report shows the number of invocations and processing time for each business process and system activity. v Review business processes that show increasing execution time for improper design, mode, or XPath statements, for example, using a Command Line adapter to retrieve data instead of a File System adapter. The Command Line adapter uses more resources than the File System adapter, which can accomplish the same goal in some situations. Or, in some situations, you can create an XPath statement in an Assign service, which will replace the need for both the Command Line adapter and the File System adapter. Also, use relative paths in XPath statements. For example, write PurchaseOrder/text instead of /ProcessData/PurchaseOrder/text(). In addition, do not use // at the beginning of an XPath statement because this causes the entire process data to be traversed. Resolving Halted, Halting, Waiting, or Interrupted Business Processes A business process in a Halting, Halted, Interrupted_Man, or Interrupted_Auto state requires immediate attention because the business process has stopped processing. Business processes remain in a halted or interrupted state until some action is taken on the business process. Business processes that fail receive a state of Halted, which enables you to take manual corrective action without the business process being archived or purged. When you notice a halted or interrupted business process, you have two options: v Terminate the business process. v Restart the business process. When you notice a business process in a waiting state, you have three options: v Allow the business process to remain in the waiting state if it is waiting on one of the following: – Resources – A service or activity that is disabled, but will be enabled v Terminate the business process. v Restart the business process. The following sections show how to diagnose and resolve issues with halting, halted, waiting, or interrupted business processes: v Symptoms of Halting, Halted, Waiting, or Interrupted Business Processes v Causes of Halting, Halted, Waiting, or Interrupted Business Processes Symptoms of Halting, Halted, Waiting, or Interrupted Business Processes Symptoms of an increasing number of business processes in a halting, halted, waiting, or interrupted state may include: v Slow system performance For more information on resolving a slow system, refer to the topic “Slow System: Symptoms, Causes, and Resolution” on page 234. 232 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v The database is getting full or having performance issues. For more information on resolving a database issues, refer to the topic “Full Database Issues and Resolution” on page 218. v Business processes complete with errors, which places them in a halted state. v Business Process Usage report shows an increasing number of business processes in a halted, halting, waiting, or interrupted state. Causes of Halting, Halted, Waiting, or Interrupted Business Processes Causes of an increasing number of business processes in a halting, halted, waiting, or interrupted state may include: v System, business process, or activity schedules are disabled. For example, if a business process requires an output from, or access to, a different service or business process that is scheduled to work, but the schedule is not turned on, this places the business process in a halted or waiting state. v System errors. For example, Java, JVM, out of memory errors, or operating system errors may cause a business process to halt or be interrupted. Check your business process logs for causes of the halted or interrupted business processes. If the logs show JVM errors, Java errors, or operating system errors, review your operating system documentation for resolutions. v Improperly designed business processes. For example, – Using the Wait service in a business process for time periods of less than one minute, instead of using the Sleep service. This can cause a business process to be placed into a waiting state instead of an active state, until the Wait service completes. – Using Produce and Consume services instead of the Invoke Subprocess service to invoke subprocesses. Using Produce and Consume services places a business process into a waiting state, waiting for the Produce service to create the document and for the Consume service to use the document. v Sterling B2B Integrator stops running. For example, your site experiences a power outage and you must restart Sterling B2B Integrator after power is restored. Your business processes at the time of the power outage may be in halted, interrupted, or waiting states after the recovery operations run, depending on the activities being completed at the time of the outage. To determine the cause of an increasing number of business processes in a halting, halted, waiting, or interrupted state: v Review the Business Process Usage report on the Operations > System > Troubleshooting page. This report shows the number of business processes in the different states. You can click the number next to the state to view detailed information about the process, which may help troubleshoot any problems. v Review applicable system and business process schedules to verify that they are turned on. For example, if you notice many business processes are halting and each of these business processes is dependent on the schedule of another business process or service, this indicates that the scheduled business process or service may not be turned on. v Review the Performance Statistics report for information related to the business process execution times. Increasing execution times for key business processes or activities may indicate that a business process is not efficiently designed, or that a resource leak may have occurred. For more information about the Performance Statistics report, refer to the topic“Turning On and Turning Off Performance Statistics” on page 213. Performance Management 233 v Review appropriate log files in the Operations > System > Logs page. The following log files may provide troubleshooting information: – archive.log – Provides information about successful and unsuccessful archiving and purging activities. – wf.log – Provides information about business process states, errors, and processing. – Adapter and service logs – Provide information on specific adapter or service activities and errors. – system.log – Provides information about the general system. – noapp.log – Provides information about ASI (application server-independent) activity. Review business processes to verify that they are effectively designed to meet your business needs. Slow System: Symptoms, Causes, and Resolution You may find that your Sterling B2B Integrator is working slowly because of a variety of reasons. An increase in volume or improperly designed business process may cause slower than expected performance. The symptoms of a slow system include: v Slow transaction processing v Unusually long delay in starting a business process v Unusually large number of business processes waiting in the queues v Slow user interface log in v Slow business process searches v Slow system services, such as indexing and purging v Slow user interface performance Potential Causes of a Slow System A slow system can be caused by many areas of your system and the in which way you are implementing Sterling B2B Integrator. Potential causes of a slow system include: v Improperly designed business processes. v Various system services being turned off. For more information about turning off system services, refer to the topic "Disabled Service". v Improperly tuned performance properties. For more information about tuning performance properties, refer to the topic "Improperly Tuned Performance Properties". Determining the Cause of a Slow System To determine the cause of a slow system, complete some, if not all, the following tasks, depending on your situation: v Review your operating system and database performance if other applications are using these resources. If other applications using the same resources are slow, it indicates that the performance issue is not specific to Sterling B2B Integrator. Review your operating system or database applications for performance issues. 234 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management v Review the log files for errors and processing information. If your system is slow, good places to start troubleshooting are the system.log and the noapp.log in the install_dir/logs directory. For more information about logs and system information, refer to the topic Managing System Logs and Reviewing System Information. v Review the Sterling B2B Integrator Internal System Statistics Report by navigating to Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. This report shows the number of invocations and the processing time taken for each business process and system activity. You can use this information to identify activities that are slowing down and impacting performance. For more information, refer to the topic Manage Performance Statistics. v Perform a thread dump to identify business process bottlenecks in Sterling B2B Integrator. For more information about thread dumps, refer to the topic Conducting a Thread Dump. Resolving a Slow System A system may have slowed down because of the following reasons: v Improperly Designed Business Processes v Disabled Service v Improperly Tuned Performance Properties Improperly Designed Business Processes Improperly designed business processes can cause performance issues with Sterling B2B Integrator. These issues can be averted or resolved by implementing well-designed business processes. Disabled Service If a service that Sterling B2B Integrator uses for processing is disabled, the following issues may arise: v Business processes may start to fail or wait until the service becomes available. v Indexing, archiving, or purging activities may not occur, causing the database to fill up. Both these issues cause your system to run slowly. For example, if the index service is disabled, the data in the database cannot be flagged for archiving or purging. If the index service is disabled, archiving and purging activities may run, but no data is archived or purged. This results in the database storing too much information and slowing your system. To resolve this issue, start the disabled service. Improperly Tuned Performance Properties Sterling B2B Integrator may run slowly if you have not tuned the system performance using the Performance Tuning Utility or have manually tuned the system performance in the install_dir/properties/ file. Performance Management 235 To resolve this, you may have to make changes to the appropriate performance tuning properties either manually or using the Performance Tuning Utility. For more information about performance tuning, refer to “Performance Tuning Utility” on page 120 or Manual Performance Tuning. Performing a Thread Dump A thread dump is a snapshot of every thread that is running in Sterling B2B Integrator at the time the thread dump is generated. You can perform a thread dump to determine bottlenecks in Sterling B2B Integrator. Typically, problem threads are in a state of waiting. Threads with a state of runnable or R indicate a healthy thread. For information about the different states of a thread dump, refer to the topic "Reading a Thread Dump." The subsequent sections describe command-line methods for working with thread dumps. You can also work with thread dumps from the user interface by accessing the JVM Monitor page that is available by navigating to Operations > System > Performance > JVM Monitor. Note: The JVM Monitor page is available only for Linux, IBM AIX, Sun Solaris, and HP-UX platforms. The heap dump option is available only on Linux and AIX platforms. The JVM Monitor page enables you to: v Perform a thread dump. v Download and delete the dumps that are conducted from the system. v Enable GC (garbage collector) output. Enabling causes the GC output to be written into the noapp.log. v (Linux and AIX only) Enable or disable heap dumps. Enabling causes a heap dump to be generated along with thread dumps. Tip: For the Command Line Adapter 2 (Version and interim fix or later), when you use Operations > System > JVM Monitor > Take Thread Dump, the default Command Line Adapter 2 must match the CLA2_PORT in the sandbox.cfg to take thread dumps from the User Interface. You can also use the command line to take a thread dump with the shell script. Performing a Thread Dump in UNIX (HP-UX or Sun Solaris) To 1. 2. 3. perform a thread dump in UNIX (HP-UX or Sun Solaris): Access the computer on which Sterling B2B Integrator is installed. Change your working directory to install_dir. In the command line, enter cat This lists the parent thread process ID. 4. Enter ps -ef | grep This returns all the child process IDs associated with the parent process ID. 5. Enter kill -QUIT (You must include both the parent PID and the child PID.) 6. The thread dump is placed in the noapp.log file in the install_dir/logs directory. 236 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Performing a Thread Dump in UNIX (IBM AIX) To 1. 2. 3. perform a thread dump in IBM AIX: Access the computer on which Sterling B2B Integrator is installed. Change your working directory to install_dir directory. In the command line, enter cat This lists the parent thread process ID. 4. Enter ps -ef | grep This returns all the child process IDs associated with the parent process ID. 5. Enter kill -QUIT (You must include both the parent PID and the child PID.) The thread dump is placed in the javacore*.txt file in the install_dir/noapp/bin directory. Performing a Thread Dump in Linux To 1. 2. 3. perform a thread dump in Linux: Access the computer on which Sterling B2B Integrator is installed. Change your working directory to install_dir directory. In the command line, enter kill -QUIT (You must include both the parent PID and the child PID.) The thread dump is completed. Depending on your JVM, the thread dump is placed in one of the following locations: v noapp.log in the install_dir/logs directory v javacore*.txt Performing a Thread Dump in Windows To 1. 2. 3. perform a thread dump in Windows: Navigate to install_dir\bin directory. Run hardstop.cmd command to stop Sterling B2B Integrator. Run the start_si_console.cmd command from the install_dir\bin directory. It will run Sterling B2B Integrator in console mode. Running the start_si_console.cmd command does not start Sterling B2B Integrator services. It will run Sterling B2B Integrator services in a series of command prompt windows, which cannot be closed while it is running. You can track the progress by watching si_exe.log as running this command takes longer time for Sterling B2B Integrator to start. 4. Perform a thread dump using the following steps: v Go to the start_noapp_console.cmd command prompt window. v Press Ctrl + Break. v Open the noapp_exe.log file in the install_dir\logs directory and scroll to the bottom. v Verify that the thread information is present in the log file. Performing a Thread Dump in IBM iSeries® To perform a thread dump in iSeries: 1. Access the computer on which Sterling B2B Integrator is installed. Performance Management 237 2. In the iSeries command line, enter WRKACTJOB. 3. Locate the two QP0ZSPWP jobs that are running in Sterling B2B Integrator and note the name of the user associated with these jobs. 4. Press F11 twice to locate the job numbers. 5. In the iSeries command line, enter DMPJVM and press F4. 6. In the Dump Java Virtual Machine (DMPJVM) panel, enter QP0ZSPWP as the job name and user as the user prompt and jobnumber as the number prompt. 7. Press Enter. The thread dump is completed. 8. Repeat step 6 for the second job number. 9. In the command line, enter WRKSPLF and locate the two QDMPJVM spooled files. These files are the output from your thread dump. Reading a Thread Dump A thread dump contains the following components: v List of all the threads running in a virtual machine. v List of all the created monitors, including the current owner and number of threads waiting for that monitor to be released. v List of all the special monitors used internally in the virtual machine. Each thread has an associated state. The following states may be associated with a thread: v Other than IBM JVMs: – runnable – Running or executable thread. – object.wait () – Thread is waiting on a condition variable. v For IBM JVM: – R – Running or executable thread. – S – Suspended thread. – CW – Thread is waiting on a condition variable. – MW – Thread is waiting on a monitor lock. – MS – Thread is suspended waiting on a monitor lock. An MS state indicates a virtual machine error. The following example shows a thread in a runnable state and a thread in a waiting state: "RMI TCP Accept-0" daemon prio=5 tid=0x015931f0 nid=0x1a runnable [bbbff000..bbb ffc28] at Method) at - locked <0xcc709620> (a at at at at "RMI RenewClean-[, com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.util.frame.jndi.AddrClientFactory@c837cd]" daemon prio=5 tid=0x00b5f6f8 nid=0x13 in Object.wait() [bc97f000..bc97fc28] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) - waiting on <0xcc709728> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock) at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove( 238 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management - locked <0xcc709728> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock) at sun.rmi.transport.DGCClient$EndpointEntry$RenewCleanThread. run( at Scenario-Based Troubleshooting Tips and Techniques This topic contains a list of scenario-based troubleshooting tips and techniques. This list is not exhaustive and does not cover all scenarios. Situation Explanation/Resolution During Oracle RAC failover, DMI visibility takes time to recover under high volume test when default queue sizes and thread counts are used. You can increase the number of visibility queues and event input queue capacity in to ensure that adapters are responsive. To increase the default queue size and the thread counts, perform the following tasks: 1. In the file, set the following values: v dmivisibility.number_visibility_threads=6 v dmivisibility.event_input_queue_capacity=3072 2. From the install_dir/bin directory, run one of the following commands: v (UNIX or Linux) v (Windows) setupfiles.cmd 3. Restart Sterling B2B Integrator. Performance Management 239 Situation Explanation/Resolution While running Oracle 11g in non-RAC or RAC environment, you might encounter index hot spots, which may cause performance degradation. It is recommended that you create the following indexes in a global partition to improve system performance: Note: If you have not deployed Sterling File Gateway in your environment, you can ignore the indexes starting with the name FG. v PERF_IDX_1 : WORKFLOW_CONTEXT (BASIC_STATUS, START_TIME, WORKFLOW_ID, WFD_ID) v PERF_IDX_2 : WORKFLOW_CONTEXT (START_TIME, WORKFLOW_ID, STEP_ID, ACTIVITYINFO_ID, WFD_ID) v PERF_IDX_3 : WORKFLOW_CONTEXT (WFD_ID, START_TIME, WORKFLOW_ID, STEP_ID, ACTIVITYINFO_ID) v SCI_IDX_125 : WORKFLOW_CONTEXT (WFD_ID, WFD_VERSION) v SCI_IDX_195 : WORKFLOW_CONTEXT (END_TIME, WFD_ID, WFD_VERSION, STEP_ID) v SCI_IDX_3 : WORKFLOW_CONTEXT (WORKFLOW_ID) v PERF_IDX_4 : WORKFLOW_CONTEXT (WORKFLOW_ID, START_TIME, STEP_ID, ACTIVITYINFO_ID, WFD_ID) v SCI_IDX_120 : WORKFLOW_CONTEXT (WORKFLOW_ID, BASIC_STATUS, NEXT_AI_ID, ACTIVITYINFO_ID, ARCHIVE_FLAG) v SCI_IDX_109 : WORKFLOW_CONTEXT" (WORKFLOW_ID, BRANCH_ID)PERF_IDX_5 : EVENT (EXPIRES_AT) v SCI_IDX_56_2 : TRANS_DATA (WF_ID) v SCI_IDX_DMI17 : ACT_SESSION (CON_END_TIME, PROTOCOL, SESSION_ID, ADAPTER_NAME) v FG_RTE_MODTS_IDX : FG_ROUTE_EVENT (MODIFYTS) v FG_TEA_EVTKEY_IDX : FG_EVENTATTR (EVENT_KEY) v FG_RE_DF_IDX : FG_ROUTE_EVENT (DATA_FLOW_ID) Note: If there are any changes in a patch for the partitioned indexes, the patch installation will drop the index and create a non-partitioned index, treating it as a normal index. You should analyze the indexdrop SQL's and recreate the partitioned indexes again if they have changed. The following example explains the procedure to drop an index and create the same in a global partition: 1. To drop index PERF_IDX_1, run the following sql command: drop index PERF_IDX_1 ; 2. Create the PERF_IDX_1 in global partitions by running the following command: create index PERF_IDX_1 on WORKFLOW_CONTEXT (BASIC_STATUS,START_TIME,WORKFLOW_ID,WFD_ID) global partition by hash (BASIC_STATUS,START_TIME,WORKFLOW_ID,WFD_ID) partitions 16 store in (SI); 240 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Situation Explanation/Resolution In some cases, perimeter services may fail with the following error. The error will be recorded in the perimeter services log (perimeter.log). You can improve the situation by reducing high timeout values in communications adapters and by increasing the delayed event queue size (delayed.event.queue.size) in file. The default value of the delayed.event.queue.size property is 30000. You can increase the value based on your requirement. Performance and Tuning Worksheet The Performance and Tuning Worksheet can assist you in tuning Sterling B2B Integrator for optimal performance. It helps you take an inventory of the different parts of your installation that affect performance. Note: This worksheet is optional. It does not replace the Sterling B2B Integrator System Requirements documentation that you used to install Sterling B2B Integrator. Use the Performance and Tuning Worksheet to help you determine your hardware requirements according to your processing volumes, operating system, hardware vendor, and number of CPUs you are running. Request Description How many processing days are there in a month? Enter the number of processing days in a month. Use 30 days as an average. This gives 5 days of maintenance time throughout the year. How many processing hours are there in a day? Enter the number of hours you allow for processing all the data. Your Answer How many translations are required for Enter the largest number of translations each transaction? you will have if multiple translations are required for a business process. For example, is data mapped to a common format, and is the common format used to interface with all the external systems? Is content-based routing required? If content-based routing is required in your business processes, you require maps, XML encoder, BPML choice, assigns, adapters that are used for routing, and possibly other components. Does the content of a transaction have to be verified? This requires translating data into XML. The data will then have to be put in process data and verified using XPath. Performance Management 241 Request Description What percentage of the content of the transaction should be verified? Typically, only a small part of a transaction has to be verified. However, if most of a transaction requires verification, you may have significant resources depending on the verification path. How many rules have to be applied to verify the content? This is used to calculate the Service Latency. How many content elements have to be Enter the number of elements that have verified? to be verified. What is the future system growth rate? Current daily volume addition in the future. The default for the current volume is 1. For example, 2 means 100% growth or doubling the system requirements. What is the business process persistence level that is required? Enter the level of persistence (storage to the database) you require for your business process. Choices include: v Full – Saves a complete copy of process data along each step of the process. v Minimal – Saves all the steps in a business process and selected copies of process data. v None – Saves the first and the last step of a business process, steps with an override persistence level, and selected steps in business process data. What is the average business process size (KB)? Unless you are very experienced and understand business process context, enter 3.5. Who is the hardware vendor hosting Sterling B2B Integrator? Enter the hardware vendor's name, for example, IBM, Sun, HP, or Dell. What is the speed of CPUs in the host? Enter the speed in MHz, for example, 450, 1900 (1.9 GHz). What is the number of CPUs in the host? Enter the number of CPUs installed or the number you plan to install. What is the amount of main memory in the host (RAM)? Enter the amount of memory in MB, for example, 500 MB, 2048 MB. What is the operating system that you are using to host Sterling B2B Integrator? Enter the host operating system, for example, Solaris, Windows Server® 2008, AIX, or Linux. What is the operating system release and version number? For example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Release 5, or Windows Server® 2008 Server Standard Edition R2. 242 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Your Answer Request Description What are the JVM version numbers? For example, IBM JDK 1.6.0 SR8 (64 bit) build pxa6460sr8-20100409_01(SR8). Your Answer Your JVM version must match the requirements for your version of Sterling B2B Integrator. The build date and lower release numbers must also match. What are the Sterling B2B Integrator version and patch numbers? Enter the version and patch number for your copy of Sterling B2B Integrator. Who is your relational database vendor? Enter the name of the relational database vendor Sterling B2B Integrator uses, for example, MySQL, Oracle, or DB2. What is the relational database version and patch number? Enter the version number and patch number of the relational database. What are the other business applications that have to be integrated with? Enter the vendor name of the other business applications that you use in your business, for example, SAP or PeopleSoft. This helps determine which adapters and services you require to complete processing. What are the other business Enter the version number and patch applications' version number and patch number of the other business number? applications. What data format do you use to exchange data with the other business applications? Enter the different data formats that you use to exchange data with the other business applications, for example, XML or IDOC. This helps determine the amount of translation processing that may be needed to increase system resource requirements. What type of inbound transactions do you have? Enter the types of inbound transactions that Sterling B2B Integrator will process. What is the average size of each inbound transaction type? Enter the average size of your inbound transactions that Sterling B2B Integrator will process. Base your planning on the larger transactions at peak times for better performance. How many of each inbound transaction Enter the number of each inbound type do you receive daily? transaction type received by you daily. This helps determine the processing volumes. What is the sum total size of each inbound transaction type? Enter the sum total of each inbound transaction type. This helps in determining the processing volumes. What is the average number of files in each inbound transaction by type? Enter the average number of files in each inbound transaction type. This helps determine the processing volumes. What types of outbound transactions do you have? Enter the types of outbound transactions that Sterling B2B Integrator will process. Performance Management 243 Request Description What is the average size of each outbound transaction type? Enter the average size of each of your outbound transactions that Sterling B2B Integrator will process. Base your planning on the larger transactions during peak periods for better performance. How many of each outbound transaction type do you receive daily? Enter the number of each outbound transaction type received by you daily. This helps in determining the processing volumes. Your Answer What is the sum total of each outbound Enter the sum total of each outbound transaction type? transaction type. This helps in determining the processing volumes. What is the average number of files in each outbound transaction by type? Enter the average number of files in each outbound transaction type. This helps determine processing volumes. workflowLauncher: Running a Business Process from a Command Line About this task Sterling B2B Integrator provides a utility called workflowLauncher that allows you to launch a business process from a command line. The utility launches a business process and provides the status when it has completed, or when a timeout has occurred (whichever comes first). To launch a business process from a command line: Procedure 1. Change to the install_dir/bin directory. 2. Run one of the following commands: v (For UNIX) - ./ -n BPname [option(s)] v (For Windows) - workflowLauncher.cmd -n BPname [option(s)] BPname is the name of the business process you want to launch. The available options are listed in the following table: Option Description -n BPname Specifies the name of the business process definition to launch. Mandatory. Example: -n testBP An error will be generated if the business process name is not provided. -s 244 Specifies Silent mode. Optional. In Silent mode, less information about the business process is output to the standard output. Default is Verbose mode. Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Option Description -u username Specifies the user name from which to include the userToken. Optional. Example: -u username This parameter is used to specify the user token of the business process. -d directory Specifies the output directory. Optional. Example: -d absolutePath/directory Used in conjunction with the -t parameter when you generate step XML trace files. This is used to set the directory output of the trace files. -t Turns on step XML trace generation. Optional. Used in conjunction with the -d parameter when you want to generate XML trace files. By default, the trace file name will be prefixed with the business process ID. To turn this feature off, use the -o parameter. -o Used to prevent prefixing the trace file name with the business process ID when generating step XML trace files. Optional. -v versionNumber Specifies a specific version of the business process definition to launch. Optional. Example: -v business_process_version_number The version number is not the user description string. It is the internal running number (a positive integer) that is automatically incremented each time you check in a new version of the same business process (as described using the Graphical Process Modeler and/or XML). If there is only one version, the version number will be 1. An error will be generated if the version number is not found. You can view the version number by resting your mouse on, or clicking the information icon for the business process in the Change History section of the Sterling B2B Integrator Business Process Source Manager. -f inputFile Specifies a file to use as the primary document when launching the business process. Optional. Example: -f path/filename Only one file is allowed. An absolute path or a relative path to the file may be used. To specify the encoding of the file, use the -e parameter. An error will be generated if the file is not found. -e encoding Specifies the encoding of the primary document. Optional. Example: -e encodingName Used in conjunction with the -f parameter. To see what encoding names are supported, see the file in the install_dir/properties directory. The full listing is shown in the file. Performance Management 245 Option Description -w count Specifies the number of times to sleep. Default is 10. Example: -w count Used in conjunction with the -i parameter to define the total timeout value. For an example showing the total timeout value, see the -i parameter. -i time Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, to sleep. Default is 3000 (3 seconds). Example: -i time Used in conjunction with the -w parameter to define the total timeout value. For example, the default value for -i time is 3000 milliseconds and the default value for -w count is 10. Therefore, the default timeout value is 30,000 milliseconds (3000 milliseconds x 10), or 30 seconds. -x Specifies not to return an exit code. Optional. By default, the utility returns an exit code. -h | -? Displays the Help screen. Exit Codes The workflowLauncher utility returns the following exit codes: 246 Exit Code Description 0 The business process completed with success status. 1 The business process completed with error status. 99 The workflowLauncher utility reached timeout while waiting for status from the business process. Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. 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Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 250 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management Index A cdinterop.log 90 cdsp.log 90 ceuinterop.log 90 checklist Sterling File Gateway 9 Sterling Integrator 5 Clean-Up Processes Monitor 104 cluster environment and JNDI 101 cluster node status 3 common3splogger.log 92 compressing cache contents 180 configuring DB resource monitor 225 DB2 35 Microsoft SQL Server 51 Oracle 22 console listener enabling 186 Consume business process 96 controllers 99 creating performance statistics report 214 crypto.log 90 cspftp.log 90 csphttp.log 90 active threads 101 activities monitoring 94 stopping 95 AE_ExecuteCycle 174 AE_ExecuteCycleTime 174 aftrouting.log 89 alerterlogger.log 90 AllowStealing 176 analyzing log files 84 archive.log 90 ASI 173 performance tuning 166 queue tuning 173 queues 172 ASI queue 173 ASM 46 audit.log 93, 94 auditing 93 Authentication.log 92 B Backuplogs.log 92 Basic Scheduling policy 172 bizIntel.log 91 BLOB 32 bpdeadline.log 92 business process resolving 232 halted 232 halting 232 interrupted 232 waiting 232 business process execution time causes 231 improving 230 symptoms increasing 230 business process threads 3 D C cache 3 determining cause of inefficiency disk 227 inefficient 228 memory 227 soft 227 symptoms of inefficiency 228 cache contents compressing 180 cache usage 104 CacheThreshold 175 capacity requirements 14 example 15 causes slow system 234 cdinterop_cdjava.log 90 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2015 228 database buffer pool statistics 29 connection issues 222 failed requests 222 resolve 224 db_optimization_tool 217 down 224 full database causes 219 issues 218 resolution 220 symptoms 219 instance efficiency 29 JDBC connections 226 maintenance 214 monitoring disk space 14 optimizing 217 planning 13 statistics report 215 storage 26 ASM 26 raw disks 26 tablespaces 27 DB2 configuring 35 connections 39 event monitors 49 indexes 51 logs 47 LOGFILSIZ 48 LOGPRIMARY 48 LOGSECOND 48 NUM_LOG_SPAN 48 DB2 (continued) monitoring 35, 48 snapshots 48 parameters 38 performance manager 50 storage 44 tablespaces 45 volatile tables 51 deadlock 50, 53, 61, 72 defrag 61 delete.log 90 deprecated resources identifying 109 monitoring 109 descriptors file 191, 193 file descriptors 166 determining cause inefficient cache 228 slow system 234 directory naming convention 82 disabling perimeter server 106 document persistence 221 DTDs repositories 185 trusted domains 185 E ebXML.log 90 EDI 187 edi.log 90 EDIINT.log 90 embeddedEngine.log 90 EnableDeadlines 175 enabling console listener 186 perimeter server 106 187 event.log 91 F Fair Share Scheduling policy file descriptors 191, 193 file system 14 native 16 ftp.log 91 ftpclient.log 91 172 G garbage collection example 62 HotSpot 64 tools 65 62 251 H L N heap 70 HotSpot JVM garbage collection GCViewer 65 HPjmeter 66 Java Garbage Collector visualgc 66 http.log 91 httpclient.log 91 latency 1 lifecycle.log 91 186 load 1 log file changing location 88 naming convention 83 types 89 logs 3 analyzing 84 changing system 185 DB2 47 naming conventions 82 overview 82 redo 25 types 89 viewing contents 83 naming conventions 82 noapp.log 92, 186 noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext 173, 176 185 node monitoring status 106 66 I improving business process execution time 230 indexes DB2 51 Microsoft SQL Server 60 Oracle 31 rebuild 31, 60 inefficient cache resolving inefficiency 228 InitialCycles 176 installation path 101 interrupting threads 95 J JavaPriority 175 JBOD 15 JDBC monitor 3 JDBC tracking disable 226 enable 226 181, 226 jetty.log 91 JMX event listener 186 jmx.log 91 JNDI 101 contexts 182 JNDI and cluster environment JVM 62 garbage collection example 62 HotSpot 64 HotSpot tools 65 statistics 62 heap dumps 77 heap memory 64 HotSpot 63, 69, 70, 72 blocked thread 73 deadlock 72 tuning 63 Hprof 77 IBM 78 parameters 78 tuning 78 profiling 77 version 62 JVM monitor 3 252 101 M mailbox.log 91 manageability 14 managing performance statistics 203 system logs 82 MaxPoolSize 173, 174 MaxThreads 174 MaxWaitTime 176 memory in use 101 Message monitor 3 messages 3 monitoring 96 mgmtdash.log 90 Microsoft SQL Server autogrow 57 configuring 51 dynamic management views 58 indexes 60 rebuild 60 maintenance plan 59 Management Studio 57 monitoring 51, 57 performance monitor 58 SQL Server Profiler 57 storage 56 system monitor 58 table statistics 60 tips 61 MinPoolSize 173, 175 modifying log levels 85 monitoring activities 94 AWR report 28 database usage report 222 DB2 35, 48 deprecated resources 109 disk space 14 HotSpot JVM heap 70 HotSpot JVM thread 70 messages 96 Microsoft SQL Server 51, 57 node status 106 Oracle 22 threads 94, 95 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management O ocsp.log 91 OdetteFTP.log 91 oftp.log 91 open file descriptors 166, 191, 193 ops_exe.log 92 ops.log 89 opsSecurity.log 89 opsServer.log 89 Oracle BLOB caching 32 configuring 22 indexes 31 rebuild 31 monitoring 22 table statistics 31 undo changes 25 P performance concepts 1 performance statistics creating report 214 managing 203 turning on/off 213 Performance statistics report 3 performance tuning 182 ASI 166 document body serialization threshold 181 JNDI contexts 182 manual 166 methodology 4 prerequisites 1 queues 173 Sterling e-Invoicing 193 system logging 185 worksheet 241 Performance tuning wizard 3 performance. 14 perimeter server area on troubleshooting page disabling 106 enabling 106 Perimeter.log 91 persistence level 183 pipeline.log 91 planning worksheet performance and tuning worksheet 241 platform.log 91 Produce business process 96 PSLogger 93 106 Q QueueDepth queues ASI 172 174 R RAID 15 redo file size 25 logs 25 report.log 91 requirements planning worksheet rescheduling 175 ReschedulingInterval 175 resolutions cache 228 slow system 235 ResourceAllocation 176 resourcemonitor.log 91 rnif.log 91 rollback transaction errors 26 182 4 S sap.log 91 sapxi.log 91 scalability 1, 14 schedule.log 91 ScheduleBackup.log 92 schedulemonitor.log 91 ScheduleStopOps.log 93 scheduling policies 3 scheduling policy changing 172 overview 172 SchedulingPolicyName 172 schemas repositories 185 trusted domains 185 searching messages 97 secureproxy.log 92 security.log 91 segment order data 194 segment order maps 194 server sizing 14 servers 99 servicesctl.log 89 setupfiles.cmd 181, 182, 186, 188 181, 182, 185, 186, 188 sftpclient.log 92 sftpserver.log 92 si_exe.log 92 slow system causes 234 determining cause 234 resolutions 235 resolving 229, 234 symptoms 234 soft stop 110 sql.log 92 start time 99 starting system logs 85 StartupPS.log 93 startWindowsService.cmd 182 state 101 status viewing system logs 82 StealThreads 176 stopping activities 95 system logs 85 stopping threads 95 storage DB2 44 Microsoft SQL Server 56 survivability 14 symptoms cache 228 slow system 234 system classpath 101 system information 3 system logs 3 managing 82 modifying log level 85 starting 85 stopping 85 turning on and off 85 system recovery 3 System troubleshooting 3 system troubleshooting page 98 system.log 91, 92 txtrace.log U ui.log 91 uptime 99 V viewing JDBC report 226 log files 83 server status 82 service status 82 threads 95 visibility.log 92 W wait events 30 webdav.log 92 WebSphereMQSuite.log 92 webx.log 92 wf.log 90 wfexception.log 90 wfstatistics.log 90 workflowLauncher 244 file 181 worksheet 241 wsrm.log 92 wssec.log 92 T T-SQL 60 tablespaces DB2 45 DMS 45 SMS 45 thread 70 blocked 73 thread dump example 70 IBM iSeries 237 Linux 237 performing 71 reading 238 tools 72 UNIX (HP-UX or Sun Solaris) UNIX (IBM AIX) 237 Windows 237 Thread monitor 3 Thread Monitor 94 threads 3 interrupting 95 monitoring 94, 95 stopping 95 viewing 95 throughput 1 tracking.log 90 trusted domains DTDs 185 schemas 185 tuning 173 HotSpot JVM 63, 66 IBM JVM 78 177, 182 tx.log 92 92 236 Index 253 254 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management IBM® Product Number: Printed in USA
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