ICOM orporated 262200 Mobile VHF Transceiver User Manual IC F111 F121 F211 F221

ICOM Incorporated Mobile VHF Transceiver IC F111 F121 F211 F221


INSTRUCTION MANUALiF111VHF TRANSCEIVERUHF TRANSCEIVERiF121iF211iF221IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page a (1,1)
iIMPORTANTEXPLICIT DEFINITIONSRWARNING! NEVER connect the transceiver to anAC outlet. This may pose a fire hazard or result in an electricshock.CAUTION! NEVER touch the transceiver (especiallythe heat sink) when transmitting continuously for long peri-ods. It will become hot.NEVER connect the transceiver to a power source of morethan 16 V DC such as a 24 V battery. This connection will ruinthe transceiver.NEVER cut the DC power cable between the DC plug andfuse holder. If an incorrect connection is made after cutting,the transceiver might be damaged.NEVER place the transceiver where normal operation ofthe vehicle may be hindered or where it could cause bodilyinjury.NEVER allow children to touch the transceiver.NEVER expose the transceiver to rain, snow or any liquids.PRECAUTIONWORD DEFINITIONRWARNING Personal injury, fire hazard or electric shockmay occur.CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.NOTE If disregarded, inconvenience only. No riskof personal injury, fire or electric shock.READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and com-pletely before using the transceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL— Thisinstruction manual contains important operating instructionsfor the IC-F111/F121 VHF TRANSCEIVER and IC-F211/F221UHF TRANSCEIVER.Icom, Icom Inc. and the  logo are registered trademarks ofIcom Incorporated (Japan) in the United states, the UnitedKingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries.SmarTrunk II™ is a trademark of the SmarTrunk Systems, Inc.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page i (1,1)
iiUSE the supplied microphone only. Other microphoneshave different pin assignments and may damage the trans-ceiver.DO NOT use or place the transceiver in areas with tem-peratures below –22°F (–30°C) or above +140°F (+66°C), orin areas subject to direct sunlight, such as the dashboard.AVOID operating the transceiver without running the vehi-cle’s engine. The vehicle’s battery will quickly run out if thetransceiver transmits while the vehicle’s engine OFF.AVOID placing the transceiver in excessively dusty envi-ronments.AVOID placing the transceiver against walls. This willobstruct heat dissipation.AVOID the use of chemical agents such as benzine or alco-hol when cleaning, as they damage the transceiver surfaces.For U.S.A. onlyCAUTION: Changes or modifications to this transceiver, not ex-pressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority to operatethis transceiver under FCC regulations.TABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTANT .................................................................................... iEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS ................................................................. iPRECAUTION .................................................................................. iTABLE OF CONTENTS  .................................................................. ii1 PANEL DESCRIPTION  ........................................................... 1–6■Front panel ............................................................................... 1■Function display  ....................................................................... 2■Programmable function keys .................................................... 32 OPERATION .......................................................................... 7–10■Turning power ON .................................................................... 7■Channel selection ..................................................................... 7■Receiving and transmitting ....................................................... 8DTransmitting notes ................................................................. 8DTX code channel selection  .................................................... 9DTX code number selection  .................................................... 9DDTMF transmission  ............................................................... 9DScrambler function  ................................................................ 9DUser set mode ..................................................................... 103 OPTIONAL SmarTrunk IITM OPERATION .......................... 11–12■SmarTrunk IITM and conventional modes  ............................... 11■SmarTrunk IITM operation ....................................................... 114 CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCE  ................................ 13–17■Rear panel and connection  .................................................... 13■Supplied Accessories  ............................................................. 14■Mounting the transceiver......................................................... 15■Optional UT-105, UT-108 or UT-111 installation ..................... 15■Optional UT-109 or UT-110 installation  .................................. 16■Optional OPC-617 installation................................................. 16■Antenna................................................................................... 17■Fuse replacement  .................................................................. 17■Cleaning ................................................................................. 175 OPTIONS ................................................................................... 186 SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION  ........................................ 19IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page ii (1,1)
11PANEL DESCRIPTIONytrqwe■Front panelqAF VOLUME CONTROL KNOBRotate the knob to adjust the audio output level.• Minimum audio level is pre-programmed.wFUNCTION DISPLAYDisplays a variety of information, such as an operatingchannel number/name, 5-tone code, DTMF numbers andaudible condition, etc.NOTE: The above functions depend on pre-programming.eUP/DOWN [ ]/[ ] KEYS➥Push to select the operating channel.➥Can be programmed for one of several functions by yourdealer. (Same as [P0] to [P3] keys)rPOWER SWITCH [POWER]Push to turn the power ON and OFF.• The following functions are available at power ON as options:- Automatic scan start- Password prompt- Set modeIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 1 (1,1)
21PANEL DESCRIPTIONtDEALER-PROGRAMMABLE KEYS [P0] to [P3]Desired functions can be programmed independently byyour dealer.yMICROPHONE CONNECTORConnect the supplied microphone or optional DTMF micro-phone for SmarTrunk IITM operation here.NEVER connect non-specified microphones. The pinassignments may be different and the transceiver maybe damaged.DDMICROPHONEThe supplied microphone has a PTT switch and a hangerhook.• The following functions are available when the microphone is on oroff hook:- Automatic scan start when on hook.- Automatic priority channel selection when off hook.- Sets to ‘Inaudible’ condition (mute condition) when on hook.- Sets to ‘Audible’ condition (unmute condition) when off hook.■Function displayqTRANSMIT INDICATORAppears while transmitting.wBUSY INDICATORAppears while the channel is busy.eSIGNAL STRENGTH METERIndicates relative receive signal strength level.rLOW POWER INDICATORAppears when low output power is selected.tAUDIBLE INDICATORAppears when the channel is in the ‘Audible’ condition(unmute condition).ySCRAMBLER INDICATORAppears when the scrambler function is activated. (OptionalUT-109 (#02)/UT-110 (#02) SCRAMBLER UNIT is required.)qwertyuiIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 2 (1,1)
31PANEL DESCRIPTIONu2/5TONE INDICATORAppears when the specified 2/5-tone call is received.iALPHANUMERIC DISPLAYDisplays the CH number, 5-tone indication, DTMF num-bers, Audible indication, etc.NOTE: When the alphanumeric display blinks and trans-mitting becomes impossible, check that the DC batteryvoltage has not dropped below 8 V or that the antenna isnot tuned properly or the antenna connection is faulty.■Programmable function keysThe following functions can be assigned to [P0], [P1], [P2],[P3], [ ] and [] programmable function keys.Consult your Icom dealer for details concerning your trans-ceiver’s programming.In the following explanations, programmable function namesare bracketed. The specific switch used to activate the func-tion depends on programming.¡¡CH UP AND DOWN KEYS➥Select an operating channel.➥Select a transmit code channel after pushingthe [TX CH] key.➥Select a DTMF channel after pushing the[DTMF] key.➥Select a scan group after pushing and holdingthe [SCAN] key.¡¡BANK KEYSelect and determine a bank number.• When the optional UT-105 is installed, push one ormore times to select a channel bank for conventionalchannels or SmarTrunk II TM channels.CH UPCH DNBANKIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 3 (1,1)
41PANEL DESCRIPTION¡¡SCAN START/STOP KEYPush this key to start scanning; and push againto stop.NOTE: Place the microphone on hook to startscanning.Take the microphone off hook to stop scanning.¡¡SCAN TAG KEYAdds or deletes the selected channel to the scangroup.¡¡PRIORITY CHANNEL KEYSPush these keys to select priority A or priority Bchannel, respectively.¡¡OPERATING CHANNEL KEYSSelect an operating channel directly.PRI APRI BCH1CH2CH3CH4TAG¡¡MONITOR KEYActivates one of (or two of) the following functionson each channel independently:• Push and hold the key to unmute the channel (audiois emitted; ‘Audible’ condition).• Push the key to toggle between the mute and unmuteconditions (toggles between ‘Audible’ and ‘Inaudible’).• Push the key to mute the channel (sets to ‘Inaudible’only).• Push the key to unmute the channel (sets to ‘Audible’only).• Push the key after communication is finished to send a‘reset code’.NOTE: The unmute condition (‘Audible’ condi-tion) may automatically return to the mute con-dition (‘Inaudible’ condition) after a specifiedperiod depending on the pre-setting.¡¡LOCK KEYPush this key for 1 sec. to lock all programmablekeys except the following:• [CALL](incl.  [CAL A] and  [CAL B]),  [MONI]and[EMER]keys.MONISCAN ASCAN BLOCKIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 4 (1,1)
51PANEL DESCRIPTION¡¡OUTPUT POWER SELECTION KEYSSelect the transmit output power temporarily, orpermanently, depending on the pre-setting.• Contact your dealer for the output power level for eachselection.¡¡TALK AROUND KEYTurns the talk around function ON and OFF.• The talk around function equalizes the transmit fre-quency to the receive frequency for mobile-to-mobilecommunication.¡¡WIDE/NARROW KEYPush this key to toggle the bandwidth betweenwide or narrow.¡¡DTMF AUTODIAL KEYPush this key to display the text of the DTMFchannel number and set the desired channelnumber via the []/[]key. Then, push thiskey again to transmit a specified DTMF code.TAW/N¡¡CALL KEYTransmit a 2-tone, 5-tone code.• Call transmission is necessary before you call anotherstation depending on your signaling system.• The [CAL A] and/or [CAL B] keys may be availablewhen your system employs selective ‘Individual/Group’calls. Contact your dealer about which call is assignedto each key.¡¡EMERGENCY KEYPush and hold the key to transmit an emergency call.• If you want to cancel the emergency call, push andhold (or push) the key again before transmitting thecall.• Depending on the pre-setting, the emergency call istransmitted one time only, or repeatedly, until receivinga control code.¡¡HOOK SCANWhen the Hook Scan function is turned ON, pushthis key to stop scanning temporarily. Push thiskey again to re-start scanning.¡¡TX CODE KEYSelect a transmit 5-tone code (station code) chan-nel.EMERHOOKH/LCALLCAL ACAL BDTMFTX CHIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 5 (1,1)
61PANEL DESCRIPTION¡¡SCRAMBLER KEY➥Push and hold to turn the voice scrambler func-tion ON.➥Push this key to turn the voice scrambler func-tion OFF.NOTE:• The optional UT-109 (#02) or UT-110 (#02)VOICE SCRAMBLER UNIT is required.– UT-109: Non-rolling type. 32 codes are available.– UT-110: Rolling type. Provides higher communi-cation security. 1020 (4 groups ×255) codes areavailable.• This transceiver requires version #02 ofthese units. Do not install version #01, asthey are not compatible.• Some PC board modifications are requiredwhen installing UT-109 or UT-110. Pleaserefer to ‘Optional UT-109 or UT-110 installa-tion’. (p.16)• Please contact your dealer for details.SCRM¡¡USER SET MODE KEYChanges the contents of the items in the User Setmode. Please refer to p. 10.• Push and hold this key for 1 sec. to enter set mode.Push this key again momentarily to select the desireditem. Push []/[]to set the desired level/condi-tion.Push and hold this key again to exit set mode.• User set mode also available via the ‘Power ON func-tion’.SETIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 6 (1,1)
72OPERATION■Turning power ONqPush [ ] to turn the power ON.wIf the transceiver is programmed for a start up passcode,input the digit codes as directed by your dealer.• The keys in the table below can be used for password input:• The transceiver detects numbers in the same block as identical.Therefore “01234” and “56789” are same.eWhen the “PASSWORD” indication does not clear afterinputting 4 digits, the input code number is incorrect. In thiscase, turn the power off and start over.■Channel selectionSeveral types of channel selection are available. The meth-ods may differ according to your system setup.NON-BANK TYPE:Push []/[]to select the desired operating channel insequence; or, push one of the [CH 1] to [CH 4] keys to selecta channel directly.BANK-TYPE: Push [BANK] to select the desired bank number or name.AUTOMATIC SCAN TYPE:Channel setting is not necessary for this type. When turningthe power ON, the transceiver automatically starts scanning.Scanning stops when receiving a call or when taking themicrophone off hook.KEYNUMBER 0123456789IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 7 (1,1)
82OPERATION■Receiving and transmittingRECEIVING:qPush [ ] to turn the power ON.wPush []and []to select a channel.eWhen receiving a call, adjust the audio output level to acomfortable listening level.TRANSMITTING:rTake the microphone off hook.• 2-tone, 5-tone mute may be released. (The ‘audible’ condition isselected and “ ” appears.)• A priority channel may be selected automatically.tWait for the channel to become clear.• The channel is busy when “ ” appears.yPush the [CALL] key when initiating a call from your side.• Coded audio may be heard from the transceiver, then “ ”appears.• This operation may not be necessary depending on your signal-ing system. Contact your dealer.uWhile pushing and holding [PTT], speak into the micro-phone at your normal voice level.iRelease [PTT] to receive.IMPORTANT!: To maximize the readability of your signal;➥Pause briefly after pushing [PTT].➥Hold the microphone 2 to 5 cm from your mouth, thenspeak into the microphone at a normal voice level.DTransmitting notes• Transmit inhibit functionThe transceiver has several inhibit functions which restricttransmission under the following conditions:- The channel is in mute condition (‘Inaudible’ condition; “ ” doesnot appear).- Channel is busy.- A matched/un-matched CTCSS code is received.- The selected channel is a ‘receive only’ channel.• Time-out timerAfter continuous transmission for a pre-programmed period,the time-out timer is activated causing the transceiver to stoptransmitting and automatically select receive.• Penalty timerOnce the time-out timer is activated, transmission is furtherinhibited for a period determined by the penalty timer.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 8 (1,1)
92OPERATIONDTX code channel selectionIf the transceiver has a [TX CH] key, the display can be tog-gled between the operating channel number (or name) andTX code channel number (or name). When the TX codechannel number (or name) is displayed, the []/[]keysselect the TX code channel.To select a TX channel:qPush [TX CH]—a TX code channel appears.wPush []/[]to select the desired TX code channel.ePush [CALL] to transmit the selected TX code.rPush [TX CH] again to return to the channel display.DTX code number selectionIf the transceiver has a [TX CH] key, TX code contents can bechanged within the allowable digits.To select a TX code:qPush [TX CH]—a TX code number appears and the firstdigit blinks.wPush []/[]to select the desired number of the blink-ing digit.ePush [TX CH] to enter the selected number and the nextdigit will start blinking automatically.rRepeat step wand eto input all allowed digits.tPush [CALL] to transmit the selected TX code.DDTMF transmissionIf the transceiver has a [DTMF] key, the automatic DTMFtransmission function is available. Up to 7 DTMF channelsmay be available.To transmit a DTMF code:qPush [DTMF]—a DTMF code channel appears.wPush []/[]to select the desired DTMF channel.ePush and hold [DTMF] to transmit the DTMF code on theselected DTMF channel.DScrambler functionThe UT-109 (#02) or UT-110 (#02) optional voice scramblerunit provides high performance private communicationbetween stations with the same scrambler codes.To turn the scrambler function ON and OFF:qPush and hold [SCRM] to turn the scrambler function ON.wPush [SCRM] to turn the function OFF.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 9 (1,1)
102OPERATIONDUser set modeUser set mode is accessed at power ON and allows you toset seldom-changed settings. In this case you can “cus-tomize” transceiver operation to suit your preferences andoperating style.Entering the user set mode:qWhile pushing and holding []and [], push [POWER]to enter user set mode ON, allowing you to set seldom-changed settings.wPush and hold [P0] to select the appropriate item. Then,push []or []to set the desired level/mode.- Available set mode functions;• Backlight  : OFF, Dim, Auto or ON• Beep : OFF or ON• SQL Level : 0 to 255• AF Min level : 0 to 255ePush [POWER] (or push and hold [P0]) again to exit setmode.User set mode is also available via a programmable key.Please refer to p. 6 [SET] section.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 10 (1,1)
113OPTIONAL SmarTrunk II™OPERATION■SmarTrunk II™and conventional modesThis transceiver is capable of SmarTrunk II™ functions.The optional UT-105 allows communication in conventionalchannels or SmarTrunk II™ channels. Select a channel bankfor SmarTrunk II™ before trunking operation.• Push [BANK]several times to select a channel bank for con-ventional channels or SmarTrunk II™ channels.- Scanning starts when a channel bank for SmarTrunk II™ opera-tion is selected.- Contact your dealer for channel bank details.NOTE: Optional HM-100TN DTMF MICROPHONE isrequired. Contact your dealer for details.■SmarTrunk II™operationThese features are enabled by a dealer and may not be avail-able in your system. Contact your dealer for details.DPlacing a telephone callEnter the phone number followed by [1], [M].• A high-pitched beep indicates that the number is accepted.• When the called party answers, push the [PTT] switch to talk, andrelease it to listen.DCalling another local system subscriberEnter the subscriber number followed by [3], [M].• A high-pitched beep indicates that the number is accepted.• You hear ringing, then two short beeps when the subscriberanswers.• If the other subscriber is on another call or out of range, you hear afast busy signal and the call terminates automatically.DReceiving a callWhen you hear ringing, push [M] to answer.• For a group call, you hear a short ring followed by two short beeps.You do not have to answer a group call to hear it over the air.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 11 (1,1)
123OPTIONAL SmarTrunk II™ OPERATIONDTerminating a callAfter completing a call, push [#] to disconnect (hang up).IMPORTANT!: If one person in the conversation termi-nates a call, all participants will be cut off.DLast number re-dialPush [M] 2 times to automatically re-dial the last called num-ber.• A high-pitched beep indicates that the number is accepted.DMemory speed-diallingTo automatically dial a commonly used number from memory:• Push [M] followed by the memory location (0–9).DTurbo SpeeDialTo automatically dial a commonly used number with onepush:• Push one of the turbo SpeeDial keys ([A], [B], [C] or [D]).DProgramming memory speed dialqPush and hold [M] until you hear a high-pitched beep.wEnter the memory location (0–9, A, B, C, D), the telephoneor subscriber number, then [1], [M] (or [3], [M] if for anothersystem subscriber).• A high-pitched beep indicates successful programming.• Memories [A]–[D] are used for the Turbo SpeeDial.DSystem busy indicationIf all channels are busy, three low beeps sound after you initi-ate a call. Try the call again later.DPTT dispatch operationqPush [PTT] once (without dialling) to initiate a dispatch call.wBegin talking after you hear three beeps (one short, high-pitched, two very-short, low-pitched).eReceiving a dispatch call is indicated by the same three-beep sequence.• It is not necessary to push [M] to answer a dispatch call.DEmergency callPush [0], [M] to initiate an emergency call.• Contact your dealer for details.DClear channel alertingIf all channels are busy, the transceiver automatically beginssearching for an open channel and beeps every ten seconds.When two short beeps (low-pitched, then high-pitched) areheard, a channel is available. Push [M] two times immediate-ly to re-dial the last number.NOTE: For additional operating instructions, contact yourdealer.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 12 (1,1)
134CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCEOptional cable    (OPC-617)AntennaNEVER connect toa 24 V battery.+red:black:12VBatterySolderCrimpNOTE: Use the terminals as shown below for the cable connections.R CAUTION! NEVER re-move the fuse-holder from the DC power cable.ertwTo the antenna connectorq Optional speaker            (SP-22)■Rear panel and connectionIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 13 (1,1)
144CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCEqANTENNA CONNECTORConnects to an antenna. Contact your dealer about an-tenna selection and placement.wMICROPHONE HANGERConnect the supplied microphone hanger to the vehicle’sground for microphone on/off hook functions. (See p. 2)eDC POWER RECEPTACLEConnects to a 12 V DC battery. Pay attention to polarities.NEVER connect to a 24 V battery. This could damage thetransceiver.rOPTIONAL CABLE (OPC-617)Connect an external modem unit, dimmer control, etc.tEXTERNAL SPEAKER JACKConnect a 4–8 Ωexternal speaker, if desired.■Supplied AccessoriesqMicrophone   ...................... 1wMicrophone hanger and screw set  ..................... 1 seteMicrophone hanger cable  . 1rDC power cable (OPC-1132)............................................1tFunction name stickers*(KEY STICKER) ....................1yMounting bracket  .............. 1uBracket bolts  ..................... 4iMounting screws (M5×12) . 4oSelf-tapping screws (M5×20)........................................... 4!0 Flat washers ...................... 4!1 Spring washers  ................. 4!2 Nuts ................................... 4*Function name stickersThere are no names on the programmable function keys since thefunctions can be freely assigned to these keys.Attach the supplied function name stickers above the appropriatekeys for easy recognition of that key’s assigned function.qw eryuio!0 !1 !2tKEY-STICKERICOMIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 14 (1,1)
154CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCE■Mounting the transceiverThe universal mounting bracket supplied with your transceiv-er allows overhead mounting.•Mount the transceiver securely with the 4 supplied screwsto a thick surface which can support more than 1.5 kg.Flat washerSpring washerWhen usingself-tapping screws■Optional UT-105, UT-108 orUT-111 installationInstall the optional UT-105, UT-108 or UT-111 unit as follows:qTurn the power OFF, then disconnect the DC power cable.wUnscrew the 4 cover screws, then remove the bottomcover.eInstall the unit as shown in the diagram below.rReplace the bottom cover and screws, then re-connect theDC power cable.UT-105/UT-108/UT-111Front panelIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 15 (1,1)
164CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCE■Optional UT-109 or UT-110installationqTurn the power OFF, then disconnect the DC power cable.wUnscrew the 4 cover screws, then remove the bottomcover.eCut the pattern on the PCB at the TX mic circuit (MIC) andRX AF circuit (DISC) as shown below.rInstall the scrambler unit as described in the installation ofoptional UT-105, UT-108 or UT-111 as on the page at left.tReplace the bottom cover and screws.NOTE: Be sure to re-solder theabove disconnected pointswhen you remove the scramblerunits. Otherwise no TX modula-tion or AF output is available.MICDISCFront panelqDimmer cont. IN or     IGSW cont. INwAF OUTeDet. AF OUT rMod. INtPTT control IN oryHorn drive cont. OUTuAF GNDiDet. AF GNDoMod. GNDOPTIONAL CABLE PIN ASSIGNMENT  t r e w q  o i u yFTSW control INOPC-617Cut off the bushing as in the illustra-tion, when you install the optional OPC-617.■Optional OPC-617 installationInstall the OPC-617 as shown below.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 16 (1,1)
174CONNECTION AND MAINTENANCE■AntennaA key element in the performance of any communication sys-tem is an antenna. Contact your dealer about antennas andthe best places to mount them.■Fuse replacementA fuse is installed in the supplied DC power cable. If a fuseblows or the transceiver stops functioning, track down thesource of the problem if possible, and replace the damagedfuse with a new rated one.❑Fuse rating: 20 A■CleaningIf the transceiver becomes dusty or dirty, wipe it clean with asoft, dry cloth.AVOID the use of solvents such as benzene oralcohol, as they may damage the transceiver sur-faces.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 17 (1,1)
185OPTIONSSP-22 EXTERNAL SPEAKERCompact and easy-to-install.Input impedance : 4 ΩMax. input power : 5 WHM-100TNDTMF microphone.SM-25Desktop microphone.UT-105 SmarTrunk IITM Logic BoardProvides SmarTrunk IITM capabilities.UT-108 DTMF DECODER UNITProvides pager and code squelch capabilities.UT-109/UT-110 (#02) VOICE SCRAMBLER UNIT• UT-109 : Non-rolling type (max. 32 codes)• UT-110 : Rolling type (max. 1020 codes)UT-111 TRUNKING BOARDProvides trunking operation.OPC-617 ACC CABLEAllows you to connect to an external terminal.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 18 (1,1)
196SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONYour Icom radio generates RF electromagneticenergy during transmit mode. This radio isdesigned for and classified as “OccupationalUse Only”, meaning it must be used only duringthe course of employment by individuals awareof the hazards, and the ways to minimize suchhazards. This radio is NOT intended for use by the “GeneralPopulation” in an uncontrolled environment.• For compliance with FCC and Industry Canada RF ExposureRequirements, the transmitter antenna installation shall comply withthe following two conditions:1. The transmitter antenna gain shall not exceed 0 dBi.2. IC-F121:The antenna is required to be located outside of a vehicle andkept at a distance of 65 centimeters or more between the trans-mitting antenna of this device and any persons during operation.For small vehicle as worst case, the antenna shall be located onthe roof top at any place on the centre line along the vehicle inorder to achieve 65 centimeters separation distance. In order toensure this distance is met, the installation of the antenna mustbe mounted at least 65 centimeters away from the nearest edgeof the vehicle in order to protect against exposure to bystanders.3. IC-F221:The antenna is required to be located outside of a vehicle andkept at a distance of 52 centimeters or more between the trans-mitting antenna of this device and any persons during operation.For small vehicle as worst case, the antenna shall be located onthe roof top at any place on the centre line along the vehicle inorder to achieve 52 centimeters separation distance. In order toensure this distance is met, the installation of the antenna mustbe mounted at least 52 centimeters away from the nearest edgeof the vehicle in order to protect against exposure to bystanders.To ensure that your exposure to RF electromag-netic energy is within the FCC allowable limitsfor occupational use, always adhere to the fol-lowing guidelines:•DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna attached, asthis may damage the radio and may also cause you to exceed FCCRF exposure limits. A proper antenna is the antenna supplied withthis radio by the manufacturer or an antenna specifically authorizedby the manufacturer for use with this radio.•DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (“50%duty cycle”). Transmitting more than 50% of the time can cause FCCRF exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded. The radiois transmitting when the “TX indicator” lights red. You can cause theradio to transmit by pressing the “PTT” switch.Electromagnetic Interference/CompatibilityDuring transmissions, your Icom radio generates RF energy that canpossibly cause interference with other devices or systems. To avoidsuch interference, turn off the radio in areas where signs are postedto do so. DO NOT operate the transmitter in areas that are sensitiveto electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals, aircraft, and blastingsites.WARNINGCAUTIONIC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page 19 (1,1)
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Count on us!1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003 JapanA-6235H-1EXPrinted in Japan© 2002 Icom Inc.IC-F111_F121_F211_F221.qxd  02.12.26 6:17 PM  Page Z (1,1)

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