ICOM orporated 270600 VHF Marine Transceiver User Manual IC M402A SA draft

ICOM Incorporated VHF Marine Transceiver IC M402A SA draft


iNew2001FOREWORDThank you for purchasing this Icom product. The IC-M402A/M402SAVHF MARINE TRANSCEIVERSare designedand built with Icom’s state of the art technology and crafts-manship. With proper care, this product should provide youwith years of trouble-free operation.We want to take a couple of moments of your time to thankyou for making the IC-M402A/M402SA your radio of choice,and hope you agree with Icom’s philosophy of “technologyfirst.” Many hours of research and development went into thedesign of your IC-M402A/M402SA.DFEATURES❍Large 2-digit Ch with scrolling channel comment❍Easy to hear speaker❍Built-in DSC meets RTCM SC101 requirement❍Rugged waterproof construction❍Optional COMMANDMICTM (IC-M402A only)IMPORTANTREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completelybefore using the transceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL — This in-struction manual contains important operating instructions forthe IC-M402A/M402SA.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSWORD DEFINITIONRWARNING!CAUTIONNOTEPersonal injury, fire hazard or electric shockmay occur.Equipment damage may occur.Recommended for optimum use. No risk ofpersonal injury, fire or electric shock.CLEAN THE TRANSCEIVER AND MICROPHONE THOR-OUGHLY WITH FRESH WATER after exposure to waterincluding salt water, otherwise, the keys and switches maybecome inoperable due to salt crystallization.Icom, Icom Inc. and the  logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incor-porated (Japan) in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France,Spain, Russia and/or other countries.!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page i (1,1)
iiIN CASE OF EMERGENCYIf your vessel requires assistance, contact other vessels andthe Coast Guard by sending a distress call on Channel 16.Or, transmit your distress call using digital selective calling onChannel 70.NOTEA WARNING STICKER is supplied with the transceiver.To comply with FCC regulations, this sticker must be affixed insuch a location as to be readily seen from the operating con-trols of the radio as in the diagram below. Make sure the cho-sen location is clean and dry before applying the sticker. (p. ?)EXAMPLEUSING DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING (Ch 70)DISTRESS CALL PROCEDURE1. While lifting up the key cover, push and hold[DISTRESS] for 5 sec. until you hear 5 short beepschange to one long beep.2. Wait for an acknowledgment on Channel 70 from acoast station.• After the acknowledgment is received, Channel 16 isautomatically selected.3. Push and hold [PTT], then transmit the appropriateinformation as listed above.USING CHANNEL 16DISTRESS CALL PROCEDURE1. “MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY.”2. “THIS IS ...............” (name of vessel)3. Your call sign or other indication of the vessel (AND 9-digit DSC ID if you have one).4. “LOCATED AT ...............” (your position)5. The nature of the distress and assistance required.6. Any other information which might facilitate the rescue.New2001!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page ii (1,1)
iiiNew2001RADIO OPERATOR WARNINGIcom requires the radio operator to meet theFCC Requirements for Radio Frequency Expo-sure.An omnidirectional antenna with gain notgreater than 9 dBi must be mounted a minimumof 5 meters (measured from the lowest point ofthe antenna) vertically above the main deck andall possible personnel. This is the minimum safe separationdistance estimated to meet all RF exposure compliance re-quirements. This 5 meter distance is based on the FCC SafeMaximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) distance of 3 metersadded to the height of an adult (2 meters) and is appropriatefor all vessels.For watercraft without suitable structures, the antenna mustbe mounted so as to maintain a minimum of 1 meter verticallybetween the antenna, (measured from the lowest point of theantenna), to the heads of all persons AND all persons muststay outside of the 3 meter MPE radius.Do not transmit with radio and antenna when persons arewithin the MPE radius of the antenna, unless such persons(such as driver or radio operator) are shielded from antennafield by a grounded metallic barrier. The MPE Radius is theminimum distance from the antenna axis that person shouldmaintain in order to avoid RF exposure higher than the allow-able MPE level set by FCC.WARNINGFAILURE TO OBSERVE THESE LIMITS MAY ALLOWTHOSE WITHIN THE MPE RADIUS TO EXPERIENCE RFRADIATION ABSORPTION WHICH EXCEEDS THE FCCMAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) LIMIT.IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE RADIO OPERATORTO ENSURE THAT THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPO-SURE LIMITS ARE OBSERVED AT ALL TIMES DURINGRADIO TRANSMISSION. THE RADIO OPERATOR IS TOENSURE THAT NO BYSTANDERS COME WITHIN THERADIUS OF THE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURELIMITS.Determining MPE RadiusTHE MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) RA-DIUS HAS BEEN ESTIMATED TO BE A RADIUS OFABOUT 3M PER OET BULLETIN 65 OF THE FCC.THIS ESTIMATE IS MADE ASSUMING THE MAXIMUMPOWER OF THE RADIO AND ANTENNAS WITH A MAXI-MUM GAIN OF 9dBi ARE USED FOR A SHIP MOUNTEDSYSTEM.!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page iii (1,1)
ivNew2001FOREWORD ………………………… iIMPORTANT ………………………… iEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS …………… iIN CASE OF EMERGENCY ……… iiNOTE ………………………………… iiRADIO OPERATOR WARNING … iiiTABLE OF CONTENTS …………… ivPRECAUTION ……………………… v1 OPERATING RULES …………… 12 PANEL DESCRIPTION ……… 2–5■Front panel …………………… 2■Function display ……………… 4■Microphone …………………… 53 BASIC OPERATION ……… 6–10■Channel selection …………… 6■Receiving and transmitting … 8■Call channel programming…… 9■Channel comments ………… 10■Microphone lock function …… 10■Display backlighting ………… 104 DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH …… 11■Description …………………… 11■Operation …………………… 115 SCAN OPERATION ……… 12–13■Scan types …………………… 12■Setting tag channels ………… 13■Starting a scan ……………… 136 SET MODE ………………… 14–16■SET mode programming …… 14■SET mode items …………… 157 TROUBLESHOOTING………… 178 CHANNEL LIST ……………… 189 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS ……………………… 19■Specifications………………… 19■Options ……………………… 19TABLE OF CONTENTS!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page iv (1,1)
vNew2001PRECAUTIONRWARNING! NEVER connect the transceiver to an ACoutlet. This may pose a fire hazard or result in an electricshock.CAUTION: Changes or modifications to this device, not ex-pressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority tooperate this device under FCC regulations.NEVER connect the transceiver to a power source of morethan 16 V DC or use reverse polarity. This will ruin the trans-ceiver.NEVER cut the DC power cable between the DC plug andfuse holder. If an incorrect connection is made after cutting,the transceiver may be damaged.NEVER place the transceiver where normal operation of thevessel may be hindered or where it could cause bodily injury.KEEP the transceiver at least 3.3 ft (1 m) away from theship’s navigation compass.DO NOT use or place the transceiver in areas with temper-atures below –4°F (–20°C) or above +140°F (+60°C) or, inareas subject to direct sunlight, such as the dashboard.AVOID the use of chemical agents such as benzine or al-cohol when cleaning, as they may damage the transceiversurfaces.BE CAREFUL! The transceiver rear panel will becomehot when operating continuously for long periods.Place the transceiver in a secure place to avoid inadvertentuse by children.BE CAREFUL! The transceiver and optional HM-127*em-ploy waterproof construction, which corresponds to JIS wa-terproof specification, Grade 7 (1 m/30 min.). However, oncethe transceiver or microphone has been dropped, water-proofing cannot be guaranteed due to the fact that the casemay be cracked, or the waterproof seal damaged, etc.*IC-M402A only!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page v (1,1)
11OPERATING RULESDDPRIORITIES• Read all rules and regulations pertaining to priorities andkeep an up-to-date copy handy. Safety and distress callstake priority over all others.• You must monitor Channel 16 when you are not operatingon another channel.• False or fraudulent distress signals are prohibited and pun-ishable by law.DDPRIVACY• Information overheard but not intended for you cannot law-fully be used in any way.• Indecent or profane language is prohibited.DDRADIO LICENSES(1) SHIP STATION LICENSEYou must have a current radio station license before using thetransceiver. It is unlawful to operate a ship station which is notlicensed.Inquire through your dealer or the appropriate governmentagency for a Ship-Radiotelephone license application. Thisgovernment-issued license states the call sign which is yourcraft’s identification for radio purposes.(2) OPERATOR’S LICENSEA Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is the licensemost often held by small vessel radio operators when a radiois not required for safety purposes.The Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit must beposted or kept with the operator. Only a licensed radio opera-tor may operate a transceiver.However, non-licensed individuals may talk over a transceiverif a licensed operator starts, supervises, ends the call andmakes the necessary log entries.Keep a copy of the current government rules and regulationshandy.Radio license for boaters (U.S.A. only)The Telecommunications Act of 1996 permits recreationalboaters to have and use a VHF marine radio, EPIRB, andmarine radar without having an FCC ship station license.Boaters traveling on international voyages, having an HFsingle sideband radiotelephone or marine satellite termi-nal, or required to carry a marine radio under any otherregulation must still carry an FCC ship station license. Forfurther information, see the FCC Ship Radio Stations FactSheet.1!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 1 (1,1)
2PANEL DESCRIPTIONNew20012■Front panelqDISTRESS KEY [DISTRESS]Transmits Distress call when pushed for 5 sec. (p. ?)wPOWER/VOLUME CONTROL [VOL]Turns power ON and OFF and adjusts the audio level. (p. 8)eSQUELCH CONTROL [SQL]Sets the squelch threshold level. (p. 8)rSCAN KEY [SCAN•TAG]➥Starts and stops Normal or Priority scan.➥Sets or clears the displayed channel as a tag (scanned)channel when pushed for 1 sec.➥While pushing [HI/LO] on the microphone, push for 3sec. to clear or set all tag channels in the selected chan-nel group.tCHANNEL/WEATHER CHANNEL KEY [CH/WX•DUAL]➥Toggles between regular channels and weather chan-nel when pushed momentarily. (p. 7)➥Starts Dualwatch or Tri-watch when pushed for 1 sec. (p. 11)➥Stops Dualwatch or Tri-watch when either is activated.yCHANNEL 16/CALL CHANNEL KEY [16•9]➥Selects Channel 16 when pushed. (p. 6)➥Selects call channel when pushed for 1 sec. (p. 6)•“CALL” appears when call channel is selected.➥Push for 3 sec. to enter call channel programming con-dition when call channel is selected. (p. 9)➥While pushing [CH/WX•DUAL], push to enter the chan-nel comments programming condition. (p. 10)➥Enters Set mode when pushed while turning power ON.(p. 14)Speaker Function display wqeiuytr IC-M402A!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 2 (1,1)
32PANEL DESCRIPTIONNew2001uCHANNEL UP/DOWN KEYS [YY]/[ZZ]•[U/I/C]➥Selects the operating channels, Set mode settings, etc.(pgs. 6, 7, 14)➥While pushing [SCAN•TAG], push [Y]or [Z]to adjustthe brightness of the LCD and key backlight. (p. 10)➥Selects one of 3 regular channels in sequence whenboth keys are pushed. (p. 7)•International, U.S.A. and Canadian channels are available forregular channels.iDSC/INTERCOM KEY [DSC•IC]➥Selects the DSC menu when pushed. (p. ?)➥Activates an optional intercom function when pushed for1 sec. (p. ?, IC-M402A only)➥Shows current position and time from a GPS receiver,when pushed for 1 sec. (p. ?)2!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 3 (1,1)
42PANEL DESCRIPTIONNew2001■Function displayqCHANNEL NUMBER READOUT➥Indicates the selected operating channel number.• “” appears when a simplex channel is selected. “” appearswhen a receive only channel for a Canadian channel groupis selected. (p. 7)➥In Set mode, indicates the selected condition. (p. 14)wTRANSMIT INDICATOR (p. 8)Appears while transmitting.eBUSY INDICATOR (p. 8)Appears when receiving a signal or when the squelchopens.rTAG CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 13)Appears when a tag channel is selected.tCALL CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 6)Appears when the call channel is selected.yLOW POWER INDICATOR (p. 8)Appears when low power is selected.uDUPLEX INDICATOR (p. 7)Appears when a duplex channel is selected.iWEATHER CHANNEL INDICATOR (pgs. 7, 15)➥“WX” appears when a weather channel is selected.➥“WX ALT” appears when the Weather alert function isin use; blinks when an alert tone is received.oGPS INDICATOR➥Appears while valid position data is received.➥Blinks when invalid position data is received.➥Disappears when no GPS receiver is connected.!0 DSC INDICATORIndicates the DSC status.➥“DSC” appears when a DSC call is received. (p. ?)➥“POS REPLY” appears when a Position Request Replycall or Position Report Reply call is received. (p. ?)ewq!2rtyuio!0!1!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 4 (1,1)
52PANEL DESCRIPTIONNew2001!1 CHANNEL COMMENT INDICATOR➥Channel comment appears if programmed. (p. 10)➥“” scrolls when the battery voltage drops toapprox. 10 V DC or below.➥“” blinks during Dualwatch; “” blinks during Tri-watch. (p. 11)!2 CHANNEL GROUP INDICATOR (p. 7)Indicates whether a U.S.A. “U,” International “I” or Cana-dian “C” channel is in use.■MicrophoneqPTT SWITCH [PTT]Push and hold to transmit; release to receive. (p. 8)wCHANNEL UP/DOWN KEYS [YY]/[ZZ]Push either key to change the operating memory channel,Set mode settings, etc. (pgs. 6, 7, 14)eTRANSMIT POWER KEY [HI/LO]➥Toggles power high and lower when pushed. (p. 8)•Some channels are set to low power only.➥While pushing [HI/LO], turn power ON to toggle the mi-crophone lock function ON and OFF. (p. 10)Microphonewqe2!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 5 (1,1)
6BASIC OPERATIONNew20013■Channel selectionïïChannel 16Channel 16 is the distress and safety channel. It is used forestablishing initial contact with another station and for emer-gency communications. Channel 16 is monitored during bothDualwatch and Tri-watch. While standing by, you must moni-tor Channel 16.➥Push [16•9]momentarily to select Channel 16.➥Push [CH/WX•DUAL]to return to the condition before select-ing Channel 16, or push [Y]or [Z]to select operating chan-nel.ïïChannel 9 (Call channel)Each regular channel group has a separate leisure-use callchannel. The call channel is monitored during Tri-watch. Thecall channels can be programmed (p. 9) and are used to storeyour most often used channels in each channel group forquick recall.➥Push [16•9]for 1 sec. to select the call channel of the se-lected channel group.•“CALL” and call channel number appear.•Each channel group may have an independent call channel afterprogramming a call channel. (p. 9)➥Push [CH/WX•DUAL]to return to the condition before se-lecting call channel, or push [Y]or [Z]to select an oper-ating channel.Pushfor 1 sec.Push!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 6 (1,1)
73BASIC OPERATIONNew2001ïïU.S.A.,Canadian and international channelsThere are 57 U.S.A., 61 Canadian and 57 international chan-nels. These channel groups may be specified for the operat-ing area.qPush [CH/WX•DUAL]to select a regular channel.•If a weather channel appears, push [CH/WX•DUAL]again.wPush both [Y]and [Z]on the transceiver to change thechannel group, if necessary.•U.S.A., International and Canadian channels can be selected insequence.ePush [Y]or [Z]to select a channel.•“DUP” appears for duplex channels.•“ ” appears when a simplex channel is selected. “” appearswhen a receive only channel for a Canadian channel group isselected.ïïWeather channelsThere are 10 weather channels. These are used for monitor-ing broadcasts from NOAA (National Oceanographic and At-mospheric Administration.)The transceiver can detect a weather alert tone on the se-lected weather channel while receiving the channel, duringstandby on a regular channel or while scanning. (p. 15)qPush [CH/WX•DUAL]once or twice to select a weatherchannel.•“WX” appears when a weather channel is selected.• “WX ALT” appears when the Weather alert function is in use.(p. 15)wPush [Y]or [Z]to select a channel.Push once or twiceWhen Weather alert is OFF. When Weather alert is ON.Push and3!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 7 (1,1)
83BASIC OPERATIONNew2001■Receiving and transmittingCAUTION: Transmitting without an antenna may dam-age the transceiver.qRotate [VOL] to turn power ON.wSet the audio and squelch levels.➥Rotate [SQL] fully counterclockwise in advance.➥Rotate [VOL] to adjust the audio output level.➥Rotate [SQL] clockwise until the noise disappears.eTo change the channel group, push both [Y]and [Z]onthe transceiver. (p. 7)rPush [Y]or [Z]to select the desired channel. (p. 6)•When receiving a signal, “” appears and audio is emittedfrom the speaker.•Further adjustment of [VOL] may be necessary.tPush  [HI/LO] on the microphone to select the outputpower if necessary.•“LOW” appears when low power is selected.•Choose low power for short range communications, choose highpower for longer distance communications.•Some channels are for low power only.yPush and hold [PTT] to transmit, then speak into the mi-crophone (M).•“ ” appears.•Channel 70 cannot be used for transmission other than DSC.uRelease [PTT] to receive.Simplex channels, 3, 21, 23, 61, 64, 81, 82 and 83 CAN-NOT be lawfully used by the general public in U.S.A. wa-ters.IMPORTANT: To maximize the readability of your trans-mitted signal, pause a few sec. after pushing [PTT], holdthe microphone 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) from your mouthand speak into the microphone (M) at a normal voice level.urtMyqM: Microphonewre!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 8 (1,1)
93BASIC OPERATIONNew2001■Call channel programmingCall channel is used to select Channel 9 (default), however,you can program the call channel with your most often-usedchannels in each channel group for quick recall.qPush both [Y]and  [Z]on the transceiver one ormore times to select thedesired channel group(U.S.A., International orCanada) to be pro-grammed.wPush [16•9]for 1 sec. toselect the call channel ofthe selected channelgroup.•“CALL” and call channelnumber appear.ePush  [16•9]again for 3sec. (until a long beepchanges to 2 short beeps)to enter call channel pro-gramming condition.•Channel number startsblinking.rPush [Y]or [Z]to selectthe desired channel.tPush  [16•9]to programthe displayed channel asthe call channel.•Push  [CH/WX•DUAL]tocancel.•The channel number stopsblinking.3!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 9 (1,1)
103BASIC OPERATIONNew2001■Channel commentsMemory channels can be labeled with alphanumeric com-ments of up to 10 characters each.More than 6 characters comment scrolls automatically at thechannel comment indicator after the channel selection.Capital letters, small letters (except f, j, p, s, y, x, z), 0 to 9,some symbols (= ✱+ – . /) and space can be used.qSelect the desired channel.•Cancel Dualwatch, Tri-watch or Scan in advance.wWhile pushing [CH/WX•DUAL], push [16•9]to editthe channel comment.•A cursor and the first char-acter start blinking alter-nately.eSelect the desired charac-ter by pushing [Y]or [Z].• Push [SCAN•TAG]or [CH/WX•DUAL]to move the cursor forwardor backward, respectively.rRepeat step eto input all characters.tPush [16•9]to input and set the comment.•Push [DSC•IC]to cancel.•A cursor and the character stop blinking.yRepeat steps qto tto program other channel com-ments, if desired.■Microphone lock functionThe microphone lock function electrically locks [Y]/[Z]and[HI/LO] keys on the supplied microphone. This prevents ac-cidental channel changes and function access.➥While pushing [HI/LO] on the microphone, turn power ONto toggle the lock function ON and OFF.■Display backlightingThe function display and keys can be backlit for better visibil-ity under low light conditions.➥While pushing [SCAN•TAG], push [Y]or [Z]to adjust thebrightness of the LCD and key backlight.•The backlight is selectable in 3 levels and OFF.[HI/LO][Y]/[Z]!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 10 (1,1)
114DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH■DescriptionDualwatch monitors Channel 16 while you are receiving another channel; Tri-watch monitors Channel 16 and the callchannel while receiving another channel.■OperationqSelect Dualwatch or Tri-watch in Set mode. (p. 15)wSelect the desired operating channel.ePush [SCN•DUAL]for 1 sec. to start Dualwatch or Tri-watch.•“ ” blinks during Dualwatch; “” blinks during Tri-watch.•A beep tone sounds when a signal is received on Channel 16.rTo cancel Dualwatch/Tri-watch, push [SCN•DUAL]again.DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH SIMULATION•If a signal is received on Channel 16, Dualwatch/Tri-watchpauses on Channel 16 until the signal disappears.•If a signal is received on the call channel during Tri-watch,Tri-watch becomes Dualwatch until the signal disappears.•To transmit on the selected channel during Dualwatch/Tri-watch, push and hold [PTT].Dualwatch Tri-watchCall channel[Example]: Operating Tri-watch on INT Channel 25Tri-watch starts.Signal is received on call channel.Signal is received on Channel 16 takes priority.Tri-watch resumes after the signal disappears.Pushfor 1 sec.34!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 11 (1,1)
12SCAN OPERATIONNew20015■Scan typesScanning is an efficient way to locate signals quickly over awide frequency range. The transceiver has Priority scan andNormal scan.When the Weather alert function is in use, the selectedweather channel is checked while scanning. (p. 15)Set the tag channels (scanned channel) before scanning.Clear the tag channels which inconveniently stop scanning,such as those for digital communication use.Choose Priority or Normal scan in Set mode. (p. 15)PRIORITY SCANPriority scan searches through all tag channels in sequencewhile monitoring Channel 16. When a signal is detected onChannel 16, scan pauses until the signal disappears; whena signal is detected on a channel other than Channel 16,scan becomes Dualwatch until the signal disappears.CH 06CH 01CH 16CH 02CH 05 CH 04CH 03NORMAL SCANNormal scan, like Priority scan, searches through all tagchannels in sequence. However, unlike priority scan, Chan-nel 16 is not checked unless Channel 16 is set as a tagchannel.CH 01 CH 02CH 06CH 05 CH 04CH 03!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 12 (1,1)
135SCAN OPERATIONNew2001■Setting tag channelsFor more efficient scanning, add desired channels as tagchannels or clear the tag for unwanted channels. Channels are not tagged will be skipped during scanning. Tagchannels can be assigned to each channel group (USA, INT,CAN) independently.qSelect the desired channel group (USA, INT, CAN) bypushing both [Y]and [Z].wSelect the desired channel to set as a tag channel.ePush [SCAN•TAG]for 1 sec. to be set the displayed chan-nel as a tag channel.•“ ” appears in the display.rTo cancel the tag channel setting, push [SCAN•TAG]for 1sec.•“ ” disappears.✔Clearing (or setting) all tagged channelsWhile pushing [HI/LO] on the microphone, push [SCAN•TAG]for 3 sec. (until a long beep changes to 2 short beeps) to clearall tag channels in the channel group.• Repeat above procedure to set all tag channels.■Starting a scanSet scan type (Priority or Normal) and scan resume timer inadvance, using Set mode. (p. 15)qSet tag channels as described at left.wMake sure the squelch is closed to start a scan.eSelect the channel group (USA, CAN, INT) by pushingboth [Y]and [Z]on the transceiver, if desired.rPush [SCAN•TAG]to start Priority or Normal scan.•“ ” or “” appears at the channel comment indicator.•When a signal is detected, scan pauses until the signal disap-pears or resumes after pausing 5 sec. according to Set modesetting. (Channel 16 is still monitored during Priority scan.)•Push [Y]or [Z]to check the scanning tag channels, to changethe scanning direction or resume the scan manually.•“ ” blinks at the channel comment indicator and a beep tonesounds when a signal is received on Channel 16 during Priorityscan.tTo stop the scan, push [SCAN•TAG].Scan starts. When a signal is received.[Example]: Starting a normal scan.Push5!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 13 (1,1)
14SET MODENew20016■Set mode programmingSet mode is used to change the conditions of the trans-ceiver’s functions: scan type (Normal or Priority,) scan re-sume timer, Weather alert, Dual/Tri-watch, DSC watch, trans-ceiver’s beep tone, LCD contrast and Auto ACK.Available functions may differ depending on dealer setting.DSet mode operationqTurn power OFF.wWhile pushing [16•9], turn power ON to enter Set mode.• “” appears on channel comment indicator.eAfter the display appears, release [16•9].rPush [16•9]to select the desired item, if necessary.tPush [Y]or [Z]to select the desired condition of the item.yTurn power OFF, then ON again to exit Set mode.DSET MODE CONSTRUCTION  Beep tone  LCD contrastStarting item  Scan mode   Scan resume timer   Weather alert  Dual/tri watch  DSC watch  Auto acknowledgementScrollsPushScrolls!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 14 (1,1)
156SET MODENew2001■SET mode itemsDScan typeThe transceiver has 2 scan types: Normal scan and Priorityscan. Normal scan searches all tag channels in the selectedchannel group. Priority scan searches all tag channels in se-quence while monitoring Channel 16.DDScan resume timerThe scan resume timer can be selected as a pause (OFF) ortimer scan (ON). When OFF is selected, the scan pausesuntil the signal disappears. When ON is selected, the scanpauses 5 sec. and resumes even if a signal has been re-ceived on any other channel than Channel 16.DDWeather alertA NOAA broadcast station transmits a weather alert tone be-fore important weather information. When the weather alertfunction is turned ON, the transceiver detects the alert, thenthe “WX ALT” indicator blinks until the transceiver is operated.The previously selected (used) weather channel is checkedany time during standby or while scanning.•“WX ALT” appears instead of “WX” indication when the function isset ON.DDDual/Tri-watchThis item can be selected as Dualwatch or Tri-watch. (p. 11)Dualwatch (default) Tri-watchWeather alert OFF (default) Weather alert ONScan timer OFF (default) Scan timer ONNormal scan (default) Priority scan6!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 15 (1,1)
166SET MODENew2001DDDSC watchDSC watch monitors Channel 70 while you are receiving an-other channel.If a distress signal is received on Channel 70, the transceivermonitors Channel 16 and 70 alternately until the distress sig-nal disappears. If a signal is received on another channel,DSC watch pauses until the signal disappears.This function may not be available for some channelgroups depending on dealer setting.• “” scrolls at the channel comment indicator.DDBeep toneYou can select silent operation by turning beep tones OFF oryou can have confirmation beeps sound at the push of a keyby turning beep tones ON.DDLCD contrastThis item adjusts the contrast of the LCD in 4 levels.The LCD contrast can be adjustable in 4 levels. 1 is the low-est contrast, and 4 is the highest contrast.DDAutomatic acknowledgementThis item sets the Automatic acknowledgement function ONor OFF.When Position Request or Position Report call is received,transceiver automatically transmits Position Request Reply orPosition Report Reply, respectively.• “” scrolls at the channel comment indicator.Auto acknowledgementOFF (default)Auto acknowledgementONLCD contrast level 3(default)LCD contrast level 1Beep tone ON (default) Beep tone OFFDSC watch OFF (default) DSC watch ON!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 16 (1,1)
177TROUBLESHOOTING67PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.No sound from speaker. •Squelch level is too high.•Volume level is too low.•Speaker has been exposed to water.p. 8p. 8—•Set squelch to the threshold point.•Set [VOL] to a suitable level.•Drain water from the speaker.The transceiver doesnot turn ON.•Bad connection to the power supply. p. ?•Check the connection to the transceiver.Transmitting is impossi-ble, or high power cannot be selected.•Some channels are for low power or re-ceive only.•The output power is set to low.pgs. 6,7, 18p. 8•Change channels.•Push [HI/LO] on the microphone to selecthigh power.Scan does not start. •“TAG” channel is not programmed. •Set the desired channels as “TAG” channels. p. 13No beeps. •Beep tones are turned OFF.•The squelch is open.•Turn the beep tone ON in Set mode.•Set squelch to the threshold point.p. 16p. 8Distress call cannot betransmitted.•MMSI (DSC self ID) code is not pro-grammed.•Program the MMSI (DSC self ID) code. p. ?!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 17 (1,1)
18CHANNEL LISTNew20018Channel numberUSA CANTransmitReceive01 156.050 160.65001A 156.050 156.05002 156.100 160.70003 156.150 160.75003A 156.150 156.150156.200 160.80004A 156.200 156.200156.250 160.85005A 05A 156.250 156.25006 06 156.300 156.300156.350 160.95007A 07A 156.350 156.35008 08 156.400 156.40009 09 156.450 156.45010 10 156.500 156.50011 11 156.550 156.55012 12 156.600 156.60013*213*1156.650 156.65014 14 156.700 156.70015*215*1156.750 156.75016 16 156.800 156.80017*117*1156.850 156.850156.900 161.50018A 18A 156.900 156.900Frequency (MHz)INT010203040506070809101112131415*1161718Channel number Frequency (MHz)USA CANTransmitReceive19A 19A 156.950 156.95020 20*1157.000 161.60021 157.050 161.65021A 21A 157.050 157.050157.100 161.70022A 22A 157.100 157.10023 157.150 161.75023A 157.150 157.15024 24 157.200 161.80025 25 157.250 161.85026 26 157.300 161.90027 27 157.350 161.95028 28 157.400 162.00060 156.025 160.625156.075 160.67561A 61A 156.075 156.075156.125 160.72562A 156.125 156.125156.175 160.77563A 156.175 156.17564 156.225 160.825INT202122232425262728606162636420A 157.000 157.000Channel number66AFrequency (MHz)66A*1USA CANTransmitReceive64A 64A 156.225 160.82565A 65A 156.275 156.275156.325 160.92567*267 156.375 156.37568 68 156.425 156.42569 69 156.475 156.47570*370*3156.525 156.52571 71 156.575 156.57572 72 156.625 156.62573 73 156.675 156.67574 74 156.725 156.72577*177*1156.875 156.875156.925 161.52578A 78A 156.925 156.925156.975 161.57579A 79A 156.975 156.975157.025 161.62580A 80A 157.025 157.025157.075 161.67581A 81A 157.075 157.075157.125 161.72582A 82A 157.125 157.125INT65A6667686970*371727374777879808182156.325 156.32566AChannel number84AFrequency (MHz)USA CANTransmitReceive83A 83A 157.175 157.17584 84 157.225 161.82585 85 157.275 161.87585A 157.275 157.27586 86 157.325 161.92586A 157.325 157.32587 87 157.375 161.97587A 157.375 157.37588 88 157.425 162.02588A 157.425 157.425INT8485868788157.225 157.225WX channel4Frequency (MHz)Transmit Receive1 RX only 162.5502 RX only 162.4003 RX only 162.4755 RX only 162.4506 RX only 162.5007 RX only 162.5258 RX only 161.6509 RX only 161.77510 RX only 163.275RX only 162.425*1Low power only.*3DSC operation only 156.950 161.5501921b Rx only 161.65025b Rx only 161.850156.275 160.8756528b Rx only 162.00083 157.175 161.7758383b Rx only 161.775*2Momentary high power.NOTE: Simplex channels, 3, 21, 23, 61, 64, 81, 82 and 83 CANNOTbe lawfully used by the general public in U.S.A. waters.!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 18 (1,1)
199SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS■SpecificationsïïGeneral•Frequency coverage :Transmit 156.025–157.425 MHzReceive 156.050–163.275 MHz•Mode : FM (16K0G3E)DSC(16K0G2B)•Channel spacing : 25 kHz•Current drain (at 13.8 V) : TX high 5.5 A max.Max. audio 1.5 A max.•Power supply requirement : 13.8 V DC•Frequency stability : ±10 ppm (–20°C to +60°C; –4°F to +140°F)•Dimensions : 153(W) ×67(H) ×141.6(D) mm(Projections not included) 6 1⁄32(W) ×2 5⁄8(H)×5 9⁄16(D) in•Weight : Approx. 900 g ; 2 lbïïTransmitter•Output power : 25 W and 1 W•Modulation system : Variable reactance frequencymodulation•Max. frequency deviation : ±5.0 kHz•Spurious emissions : Less than –70 dBïïReceiver•Receive system : Double conversion superheterodyne•Sensitivity (12 dB SINAD) : 0.22µV (typical)•Squelch sensitivity : 0.22µV•Intermodulation rejection ratio : More than 70 dB•Spurious response rejection ratio: More than 70 dB•Adjacent channel selectivity : More than 70 dB•Audio output power : 4.5W (typical) at 10% distortion with a 4 ΩloadAll stated specifications are subject to change without notice orobligation.■Options•MB-69 FLUSH MOUNT KITFor mounting the transceiver to a panel.•SP-5 EXTERNAL SPEAKERA large, external speaker for superior audio output.•SP-10 EXTERNAL SPEAKERA compact, external speaker. Features easy installation.•HM-127* REMOTE-CONTROL MICROPHONEExternal microphone-type controller. Provides optional inter-com operation. 6 m (20 feet) microphone cable and mount-ing base included. Black and white colours are available.*IC-M402A only•OPC-999* MICROPHONE EXTENSION CABLE6 m (20 feet) microphone extension cable for optional HM-127. Up to 2 OPC-999 can be connected. (18 m; 60 feet max-imum)*IC-M402A only89!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 19 (1,1)
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, JapanA-6322H-1USPrinted in Japan©2003 Icom Inc.New2001!IC-M402A_SA_draft.qxd  03.10.20 11:41 AM  Page 20 (1,1)

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