ICOM orporated 289300 VHF Transceiver User Manual Manual

ICOM Incorporated VHF Transceiver Manual


INSTRUCTION MANUALThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operationis subject to the condition that this device does not causeharmful interference.iF3061T/SVHF TRANSCEIVER
PRECAUTIONSiRCAUTION! NEVER hold the transceiver so that theantenna is very close to, or touching exposed parts of thebody, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting. Thetransceiver will perform best if the microphone is 2 to 4 in. (5to 10 cm) away from the lips and the transceiver is vertical.RCAUTION! NEVER operate the transceiver with aheadset or other audio accessories at high volume levels. RCAUTION! NEVER short the terminals of the bat-tery pack.DO NOT push PTT when not actually desiring to transmit.AVOID using or placing the transceiver in direct sunlight orin areas with temperatures below +22°F (–30°C) or above+140°F (+60°C).The basic operations, transmission and reception of the trans-ceiver are guaranteed within the specified operating temper-ature range. However, the LCD display may not be operatecorrectly, or show an indication in the case of long hours ofoperation, or after being placed in extremely cold areas. WORD DEFINITIONRWARNING Personal injury, fire hazard or electric shockmay occur.CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.NOTE If disregarded, inconvenience only. No riskof personal injury, fire or electric shock.READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and com-pletely before using the transceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL— Thisinstruction manual contains important operating instructionsfor the IC-F3061T/S VHF TRANSCEIVER.IMPORTANTIcom, Icom Inc. and the  logo are registered trademarks of IcomIncorporated (Japan) in the United states, the United Kingdom, Germany,France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries.SmarTrunk II™ and SmarTrunk 3G™ are Trademark of SmarTrunk Systems,Inc.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS
iiDO NOT modify the transceiver for any reason.KEEP the transceiver from the heavy rain, and Neverimmerse it in the water. The transceiver construction is waterresistant, not waterproof.The use of non-Icom battery packs/chargers may impairtransceiver performance and invalidate the warranty.For U.S.A. onlyCAUTION: Changes or modifications to this transceiver, notexpressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority tooperate this transceiver under FCC regulations.
iiiIMPORTANT ........................................................................ iEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS ..................................................... iPRECAUTIONS ................................................................... iTABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................... iii1ACCESSORIES ......................................................... 1–3■Supplied accessories ................................................. 1■Accessory attachments .............................................. 12PANEL DESCRIPTION ............................................. 4–9■Front panel ................................................................. 4■Function display ......................................................... 6■Programmable function keys  ..................................... 73BASIC OPERATION .............................................. 10–11■Turning power ON .................................................... 10■Channel selection  .................................................... 10■Call procedure........................................................... 114LTR OPERATION .................................................. 12–13■Receiving a call ........................................................ 12■Transmitting a call .................................................... 135CONVENTIONAL OPERATION ............................ 14–17■Receiving and transmitting........................................ 14■User Set mode.......................................................... 16■Emergency transmission .......................................... 16■Scrambler function.................................................... 16■Stun function ............................................................ 17■Priority A channel selection  ...................................... 176BATTERY CHARGING .......................................... 18–21■Battery charging ....................................................... 18■Battery caution ......................................................... 18■Optional battery chargers ......................................... 196SWIVEL BELT CLIP .............................................. 22–23■MB-93 contents ........................................................ 22■To attach  .................................................................. 22■To detach  ................................................................. 236OPTIONS ............................................................... 24–257SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION .................... 26–27TABLE OF CONTENTS
11ACCESSORIES■Supplied accessoriesThe following accessories are supplied: Qty.qFlexible antenna ……………………………………………1wBattery pack …………………………………………………1eBelt clip ………………………………………………………1rConnector cover (with screw) …………………………1 set■Accessory attachmentsDFlexible antennaConnect the supplied flexible anten-na to the antenna connector.CAUTION!• NEVER HOLD by the antennawhen carrying the transceiver.• Transmitting without an antennamay damage the transceiver.qwer
21ACCESSORIESïBattery packTo attach the battery pack:Slide the battery pack in the direction of the arrow (q), thenlock it with the battery release button.• Slide the battery pack until the battery release button makes a ‘click’sound.To release the battery pack:Slide the battery release button in the direction of the arrow(w) as shown below. The battery pack is then released.NEVER release or attach the battery pack when the trans-ceiver is wet or soiled. This may result water or dust get-ting into the transceiver/battery pack and may result in thetransceiver being damaged.DBelt clipTo attach the belt clip:qRelease the battery pack if it is attached.wSlide the belt clip in the direction of the arrow until the beltclip is locked and makes a ‘click’ sound.To detach the belt clip:qRelease the battery pack if it is attached.wPinch the clip (q), and slide the belt clip in the direction ofthe arrow (w).qwqwBattery release button
31ACCESSORIESïJack coverAttach the jack cover when the optional speaker-microphoneis not used.To attach the connector cover:qInsert the connector cover into the multi-conector.wTighten the screw.To detach the connector cover:qUnscrew the screw using a phillips screwdriver.wDetach the connector cover for the speaker-microphoneconnector.qwqwMulti-connectorConnectorcover
42PANEL DESCRIPTION■Front panelqROTARY SELECTORRotate to select the pre-programmed memory channels orthe operating zone.(Depending on the pre-setting)wANTENNA CONNECTORConnects the supplied antenna.eEMERGENCY SWITCHPush and hold for a specified period to transmit an emer-gency call. *Desired function can be programmed by your dealer. rMONITOR SWITCH➥ Mute and release the CTCSS (DTCS) or 2-tone squelchmute. Open any squelch/deactivate any mute whilepushing this key. (LMR operation only)*Desired function can be programmed by your dealer.tPTT SWITCH [PTT]➥Push and hold to transmit; release to receive.➥Push to transmit the call during MSK operation, depend-ing on the setting.yUP/DOWN KEYS➥Push to select an operating channel.➥Push to select a TX code channel after pushing [TX CODE CH SELECT].➥Push to select a DTMF channel after pushing [DTMF].➥Push to select a scan group after pushing and holding[SCAN].*Desired functions can be programmed independently by yourdealer. wetryq!1!0o!2uiMicrophoneSpeaker
52PANEL DESCRIPTIONu10-KEYPAD (Depending on version)The keypad allows you to enter digits to:• Select memory channels• Select tone channels• Select DTMF codes (during transmit)• Set TX codes• Start up with the passwordiDEALER-PROGRAMMABLE KEYS [P0] to [P3]Desired functions can be programmed independently byyour dealer.oFUNCTION DISPLAYDisplays a variety of information such as an operatingchannel number/name, 2/5-tone code, DTMF numbers,selected function, etc.!0 MULTI-CONNECTORConnect an optional speaker-microphone.!1 BUSY/TRANSMIT INDICATOR➥ Lights green while receiving a signal, or when thesquelch is open.➥ Lights red while transmitting.!2 VOLUME CONTROL [VOL]Rotate to turn the power ON/OFF and adjusts the audiolevel.Connector coverNOTE: Attach the connec-tor cover when the optional speaker-microphone is not used. (See p. 3 for details)
62PANEL DESCRIPTION■Function displayqSIGNAL STRENGTH INDICATORIndicates relative signal strength level.wLOW POWER INDICATORAppears when low output power is selected.eAUDIBLE INDICATOR➥Appears when the channel is in the ‘audible’ (unmute)condition.➥Appears when the specified 2/5-tone is received.rCOMPANDER INDICATORAppears when the compander function is activated.tSCRAMBLER INDICATORAppears when the voice scrambler function is activated.yBELL INDICATOR➥Appears/blinks when the specific 2/5-tone/DTMFselectcall is received, according to the pre-programming.uCALL CODE MEMORY INDICATORAppears when the call code memory is selected.iBATTERY INDICATORAppears or blinks when the battery power decreases to aspecified level.oALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY➥Displays an operating channel number, channel name,Set mode contents, DTMF code, etc. ➥The indication mode can be selected from 1 line or 2lines. Ask your dealer for details.• In this instruction manual, the LCD illustration is describedusing the 2 lines indication mode.!0 KEY INDICATORIndicate the programmed function of the front panel keys([P0], [P1], [P2] and [P3]).q t iuyrewo!0
72PANEL DESCRIPTION■Programmable function keysThe following functions can be assigned to [EMERGENCY],[MONITOR], [UP], [DOWN], [P0], [P1], [P2] and [P3] pro-grammable function keys. Consult your Icom dealer or system operator for details con-cerning your transceivers programming.If the programmable function names are bracketed in the fol-lowing explanations, the specific key is used to activate thefunction depends on the programming.CH UP AND DOWN KEYS➥Push to select an operating channel.➥Push to select a transmit code channel after pushing [TXCode CH Select].➥Push to select a DTMF channel after pushing [DTMFAutodial].➥Push to select a scan group after pushing and holding[Scan A Start/Stop]/[Scan B Start/Stop].ZONE KEYPush this key, then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select thedesired zone.What is “zone”?— The desired channels are assignedinto a zone according to the intended use for grouping. Forexample, ‘Staff A’ and ‘Staff B’ are assigned into a“Business” zone, and ‘John’ and ‘Cindy’ are assigned into a“Private” zone.SCAN A KEY➥This key’s operation depends on the Power ON Scan set-ting.When the power ON scan function is turned OFF;Push to start and cancel scanning operation. In case oftransmission during scan, cancels scanning.When the power ON scan function is turned ON;Push to pause scanning. Scanning resumes after passinga specified time period. In case of transmission duringscan, pauses scanning. Scanning resumes after passinga specified time period specified.➥Push and hold this key for 1 sec. to indicate the scangroup, then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select thedesired group.SCAN B KEY➥Push to start and cancel scanning operation. In case oftransmission during scan, pauses scanning. Scanningresumes after passing a specified time period. ➥Push and hold this key for 1 sec. to indicate the scangroup, then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select thedesired group.
82PANEL DESCRIPTIONSCAN ADD/DEL (TAG) KEYPush to add or delete the selected channel to/from the scangroup.PRIO A/B KEYS➥Push to select Priority A or Priority B channel.➥Push and hold [Prio A (Rewrite)] to rewrite the Prio A chan-nel.MR-CH 1/2/3/4 KEYSPush to select an operating channel directly.MONI KEYMute and release the CTCSS (DTCS) or 2-tone squelchmute. Open any squelch/deactivate any mute while pushingthis key.LIGHT KEYPush to turn the transceiver’s backlight ON temporarily onlywhen the backlight function is turned OFF in user set mode. LOCK KEY➥Push and hold for 1 sec. to electronically lock all program-mable keys except the following:[Call] (incl. Call A and Call B), [Moni(Audi)] and[Emergency].➥Push and hold for 1 sec. again to turn the lock functionOFF.HIGH/LOW KEYPush to select the transmit output power temporarily or per-manently, depending on the pre-setting.•Ask your dealer for the output power level for each selection.C.TONE CH ENT KEYPush to select the continuous tone channel using [CH Up]/[CH Down] to change the tone frequency/code set-ting. The selected channel remains set as the continuoustone channel until another channel is designated as such.TALK AROUND KEYPush to turn the talk around function ON and OFF.•The talk around function equalizes the transmit frequency to thereceive frequency for transceiver-to-transceiver communication.WIDE/NARROW KEYPush to toggle the IF bandwidth between wide and narrow.DTMF AUTODIAL KEY➥Push to enter the DTMF channel selection mode. Thenselect the desired DTMF channel using [CH Up]/[CHDown].➥After selecting the desired DTMF channel, push this key totransmit the DTMF code.RE-DIAL KEYPush to transmit the last-transmitted DTMF code.
92PANEL DESCRIPTIONCALL KEYSPush to transmit a 2/5-tone/BIIS ID code.•Call transmission is necessary before you call another stationdepending on your signalling system.•[Call A] and/or [Call B] may be available when your system employsselective ‘Individual/Group’ calls. Ask your dealer which call isassigned to each key.EMERGENCY KEYPush and hold for a specified period to transmit an emer-gency call.• If you want to cancel the emergency call, push (or push and hold)the key again before transmitting the call.• The emergency call is transmitted one time only or repeatedly untilreceiving a control code depending on the pre-setting.SURVEILLANCE KEYPush to turn the surveillance function ON or OFF.When this function is turned ON, the beep is not emitted andthe LCD backlight does not light when a signal is received ora key is pushed, etc.TX CODE CHANNEL SELECT KEY➥Push to enter the ID code channel selection mode directly.Then set the desired channel using [CH Up]/[CH Down]. (p.13)TX CODE CHANNEL UP/DOWN KEYSPush to select a TX code channel directly.SCRAMBLER FUNCTIONPush to toggle the voice scrambler function ON and OFF.COMPANDER KEYPush to toggle the compander function ON and OFF. The compander function reduces noise components from thetransmitting audio to provide clear communication.USER SET MODE KEY➥Push and hold to enter user set mode.• During user set mode, push this key to select an item, andchange the value or condition using push [CH Up]/[CH Down].➥Push and hold this key again to exit user set mode.User set mode is also available via the ‘Power ON function.’Refer to p. 16 also.OPT OUT KEYSPush to control the output signal level of the optional ports inthe optional unit connector.OPT MOMENTARY KEYSPush and hold to control the output signal level of the option-al ports in the optional unit connector.
■Turning power ONPrior to using the transceiver for the first time, the batterypack must be fully charged for optimum life and operation.(p. 18)qRotate [VOL] to turn the power ON.wIf the transceiver is programmed for a start up password,input the digit codes as directed by your dealer.• 10-keypad can be used for password input depending on ver-sion:• The keys in the table below can be used for password input:• The transceiver detects numbers in the same block as identical.Therefore “01234” and “56789” are the same.eWhen the “PASSWORD” indication does not clear afterinputting 4 digits, the input code number may be incorrect.Turn the power off and start over in this case.■Channel selectionSeveral types of channel selections are available. Methodsmay differ according to your system set up.NON-ZONE TYPE:Push [CH Up] or [CH Down], or rotate [ROTARY SELEC-TOR]* to select the desired operating channel, in sequence;or, push one of [MR-CH 1] to [MR-CH 4] keys to select achannel directly.• Up to 16 pre-programmed channels can be selected via [ROTARYSELECTOR].*ZONE TYPE:Push [Zone], then push [CH Up] or [CH Down] or rotate[ROTARY SELECTOR]* to select the desired zone.AUTOMATIC SCAN TYPE:Channel setting is not necessary for this type. When turningpower ON, the transceiver automatically starts scanning.Scanning stops when receiving a call.*Depending on the pre-setting.KEYNUMBER 0549382716DOWN103BASIC OPERATION
113BASIC OPERATION■Call procedureWhen your system employs tone signaling (excluding CTCSSand DTCS), the call procedure may be necessary prior to voicetransmission. The tone signalling employed may be a selec-tive calling system which allows you to call specific station(s)only and prevent unwanted stations from contacting you.qSelect the desired TX code channel or 2/5-tone codeaccording to your System Operator’s instructions.• This may not be necessary depending on programming.wPush the call key (assigned to one of the dealer program-mable keys: [Up], [Down], [P0], [P1], [P2], [P3],[Emergency] and [Monitor]) or [PTT].eAfter transmitting a 2/5-tone code, the remainder of yourcommunication can be carried out in the normal fashion.Selective calling Non-selective calling
■Receiving a callDGroup callqPush [CH Up] or [CH Down], or rotate [ROTARY SELEC-TOR]to select the LTR system channel or talk group.wWhen a call is received;•‘BUSY’ indicator lights green, and the calling station name/IDappears.ePush and hold [PTT], then speak into the microphone ata normal voice level.rRelease [PTT] to return to receive.DSelective call (DTMF call)qPush [CH Up] or [CH Down], or rotate [ROTARY SELEC-TOR]to select the LTR system channel or talk group.wPush [Call] to mute the channel.•“”appears.eWhen receiving a call, the calling station name appearsand a beep is emitted. Then the mute is released.•“”disappears.124LTR OPERATION
134LTR OPERATIONDPhone callqPush [CH Up] or [CH Down], or rotate [ROTARY SELEC-TOR]to select the LTR system channel or talk group.wWhen a phone call is received (transceiver rings), pushand hold [PTT], then speak into the microphone at a nor-mal voice level.•“”blinks and calling station name/ID appears for 1 sec.eRelease [PTT] to return to receive.rPush [#] while pushing [PTT] to finish the communication.■Transmitting a callDGroup callqPush [CH Up] or [CH Down], or rotate [ROTARY SELEC-TOR]to select the LTR system channel or talk group.wWhile pushing and holding [PTT], speak into the micro-phone at a normal voice level after a beep is emitted.• If an error beep is emitted, release [PTT]. After a while, repeatstep w.• The beep can be turned OFF in User set mode.DSelective call (DTMF call)qPush [CH Up] or [CH Down], or rotate [ROTARY SELEC-TOR]to select the LTR system channel or talk group.wPush  [DTMF Autodial]— a DTMF encode channelappears.ePush [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired DTMFencode channel.rPush [PTT] to transmit the selected DTMF code in theselected DTMF channel.• Push [DTMF Autodial] to cancel the DTMF transmission.
145CONVENTIONAL OPERATION■Receiving and transmittingNOTE: Transmitting without an antenna may damage thetransceiver. See p. 1 for antenna attachment.Receiving:qRotate [VOL] to turn the power ON.wPush [CH Up] or [CH Down], or rotate [ROTARY SELEC-TOR]* to select the conventional system channel, insequence.*Depending on the pre-setting.eWhen receiving a call, adjust the audio output level to acomfortable listening level.Transmitting:Wait for the channel to become clear to avoid interference.qPush [Call] when initiating a call from your side.• Coded audio may be heard from the transceiver, then “”appears.• This operation may not be necessary depending on your signal-ing system. Ask your dealer for details.wWhile pushing and holding [PTT], speak into the micro-phone at a normal voice level.eRelease [PTT] to return to receive.IMPORTANT: To maximize the readability of your signal;1. Pause briefly after pushing [PTT].2. Hold the microphone 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) fromyour mouth, then speak into the microphone at a nor-mal voice level.DTransmitting notes• Transmit inhibit functionThe transceiver has several inhibit functions which restricttransmission under the following conditions:- The channel is in mute condition (‘Inaudible’ condition; “” does not appear.)- The channel is busy.- Un-matched (or matched) CTCSS is received.(Depending on the pre-setting.)- The selected channel is a ‘receive only’ channel.• Time-out timerAfter continuous transmission for the pre-programmed timeperiod, the time-out timer is activated, causing the transceiv-er to stop transmitting.• Penalty timerOnce the time-out timer is activated, transmission is furtherinhibited for a period determined by the penalty timer.
155CONVENTIONAL OPERATIONDTX code channel selectionIf the transceiver has [TX Code CH Select] assigned to it, theindication can be toggled between the operating channelnumber (or name) and TX code channel number (or name).When the TX code channel number (or name) is displayed,[CH Up] or [CH Down] selects the TX code channel.USING [TX CODE CH SELECT] KEY: qPush [TX Code CH Select]— a TX code channel number(or name) appears.wPush [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired TX codechannel.ePush [Call] (or [PTT] during MSK operation) to transmit theselected TX code.rPush [TX Code CH Select] again to return to the operat-ing channel number indication.USING [TX CODE CH UP]/[TX CODE CH DOWN] KEY:If the transceiver has a [TX Code CH Up] or [TX Code CHDown] key assignment, the programmed TX code channelcan be selected directly when pushed.DDTMF transmissionIf the transceiver has [DTMF Autodial] assigned to it, the auto-matic DTMF transmission function is available. Up to 8 DTMFchannels are available.TO SELECT A TX CODE:qPush [DTMF Autodial]— a DTMF channel appears.wPush [CH Up] or [CH Down] to select the desired DTMFchannel.ePush [DTMF Autodial] to transmit the DTMF code in theselected DTMF channel.
165CONVENTIONAL OPERATION■User set modeUser set mode is accessed at power ON and allows you toset seldom-changed settings. In this case you can “cus-tomize” the transceiver operation to suit your preferences andoperating style.Entering the user set mode:qWhile pushing and holding [P1] and [P2], rotate [VOL] toturn the power ON. Then, push and hold [P0] to enter userset mode. wPush [P0] several times to select the appropriate item.Then push [Up] or [Down] to set the desired level/condi-tion.• Available set mode functions are Backlight, LCD contrast,Beep, Beep Level, Ringer Level, SQL Level, AF Min Level,Mic Gain, VOX Gain, VOX Delay, Battery Voltage and SignalMoni.eRotate [VOL] to turn the power OFF to exit user set mode.NOTE: User set mode is also available via a programma-ble key. Please refer to p. 9 [User Set Mode] section.■Emergency transmissionWhen [Emergency Single] or [Emergency Repeat] is pushed,an emergency signal is automatically transmitted for the spec-ified time period.When [Emergency] is pushed, the DTMF emergency signalis transmitted on the priority channel.When [Emergency Single] or [Emergency Repeat] is pushedfor the specified time period, the DTMF emergency signal istransmitted once or repeatedly on the emergency channel.However, when no emergency channel is specified, the signalis transmitted on the previously selected channel.■Scrambler functionThe voice scrambler function provides private communicationbetween stations. The frequency inversion type is equippedto all versions, moreover, the optional Rolling or Non-rollingtype can be available.qPush [Scrambler] to turn the scrambler function ON.• “ ” appears.wPush [Scrambler] again to turn the scrambler functionOFF.• “ ” disappears.
175CONVENTIONAL OPERATION■Stun functionWhen the specified ID, set as a killer ID, is received, the stunfunction is activated.When the killer ID is received, the transceiver switches to thepassword required condition. Entering of the password via thekeypad is necessary to operate the transceiver again in thiscase.■Priority A channel selectionWhen one of the following operations is performed, the trans-ceiver selects the Priority A channel automatically.Priority A is selected when;•Clear down signal is received/transmitted-Set the ‘Move to PrioA CH’ item as ‘Clear down.’•Turning the power ONThe Priority A channel is selected each time the trans-ceiver power is turned ON.•Status callThe Priority A channel is selected when transmitting a sta-tus call.
186BATTERY CHARGING■Battery chargingPrior to using the transceiver for the first time, the batterypack must be fully charged for optimum life and operation.CAUTION: To  avoid damage to the transceiver, turn thepower OFF while charging.• Recommended temperature range for charging: +10°C to +40°C (+50°F to +104°F)• Use the specified chargers (BC-119N, BC-121N and BC-160). NEVER use another manufacture’s charger.• Use the specified AC adapter. NEVER use another manu-facture’s adapter.■Battery cautionRDANGER Charge the specified Icom batteries only.Only tested and approved for use with genuine Icom batter-ies. Fire and/or explosion may occur when a third party bat-tery pack or counterfeit product is charged.CAUTION! NEVER insert battery pack/transceiver (with thebattery pack attached) in a wet or soiled condition into thecharger. This may result in corrosion of the charger terminalsor damage to the charger. The charger is not waterproof andwater can easily get into it.NEVER incinerate used battery packs. Internal battery gasmay cause an explosion.NEVER immerse the battery pack in water. If the batterypack becomes wet, be sure to wipe it dry BEFORE attachingit to the transceiver.NEVER short the terminals of the battery pack. Also, currentmay flow into nearby metal objects, such as a necklace, etc.Therefore, be careful when carrying with, or placing nearmetal objects, carrying in handbags, etc.AVOID leaving the battery pack in a fully charged, or completelydischarged condition for long time. It causes shorter battery life.In case of leaving the battery pack unused for a long time, itmust be kept safely after discharge, or use the battery until thebattery indicator appears, then remove it from the transceiver.If your battery pack seems to have no capacity even afterbeing charged, fully charge the battery pack again. If the bat-teries still do not retain a charge (or very little), new batterypack must be purchased.Recommendation:Charge the supplied battery pack for a maximum ofup to 10 hours. Li-Ion batteries are different from Ni-Cd batteries in that it is not necessary to completelycharge and discharge them to prolong the battery life.Therefore, charging the battery in intervals, and notfor extended periods is recommended.
196BATTERY CHARGING■Optional battery chargersïRapid charging with the BC-160The optional BC-160 provides rapid charging of optional Li-Ion battery packs.• An AC adapter (may be supplied with BC-160 depending onversion) or the DC power cable (OPC-515L/CP-17L) is addi-tionally required.ïAD-106 installationqInstall the AD-106 desktop charger adapter into the holderspace of the BC-119N/BC-121N.wConnect the plugs of the BC-119N/BC-121N to the AD-106desktop charger adapter with the connector, then installthe adapter into the charger with the supplied screws.Screws supplied with the charger adapterAD-106ConnectorsPlugsqwAC adapter(Not supplied with  some versions.)Optional OPC-515L (for 13.8 V power source) or CP-17L (for 12 V cigarette lighter socket) can be used instead of the AC adapter.IC-F3061BP-232
206BATTERY CHARGINGïRapid charging with the BC-119N+AD-106The optional BC-119N provides rapid charging of batterypacks. The following items are additionally required.• AD-106 charger adapter• An AC adapter (may be supplied with BC-119N dependingon version) or the DC power cable (OPC-515L/CP-17L).ïRapid charging with the BC-121N+AD-106The optional BC-121N allows up to 6 battery packs to becharged simultaneously. The following items are additionallyrequired.• Six AD-106 charger adapters• An AC adapter (BC-124) or the DC power cable (OPC-656)IC-F3061BP-232AD-106 chargeradapters are installedin each slot.DC power cable (OPC-656)(Connect with the DC power supply;  13.8 V/at least 7 A)AC adapter(Purchased separately)AD-106 charger adapter is installed in BC-119N.AC adapter(Not supplied with some versions.)Optional OPC-515L (for 13.8 V power source) or CP-17L (for 12 V cigarette lighter socket) can be used instead of the AC adapter.IC-F3061BP-232
216BATTERY CHARGINGIMPORTANT!: Battery chargingEnsure the guide lobs on the battery pack are correctlyaligned with the guide rails inside the charger adapter.(This illustration is described with the BC-160.)Guide railLobs
227SWIVEL BELT CLIP■MB-93 contentsQty.qBelt clip ……………………………………………………… 1wBase clip …………………………………………………… 1■To attachqRelease the battery pack if it is attached. (p. 2)wSlide the base clip in the direction of the arrow until thebase clip is locked and makes a ‘click’ sound.eClip the belt clip to a part of your belt. And insert the trans-ceiver into the belt clip until the base clip inserted fully intothe groove.rOnce the transceiver is locked in place, it swivels as illus-trated below.Once the transceiver is locked in place,it will swivel 360 degrees.q w
237SWIVEL BELT CLIP■To detachqTurn the transceiver upside down in the direction of thearrow and pull out from the belt clip.wRelease the battery pack if it is attached. (p. 2)ePinch the clip (q), and slide the base clip in the directionof the arrow (w).CAUTION!HOLD THE TRANSCEIVER TIGHTLY, WHEN HANGINGOR DETACHING THE TRANSCEIVER FROM THE BELTCLIP.Otherwise the transceiver may not be attached to the hold-er or swivel properly if the transceiver is accidentallydropped and the base clip is scratched or damaged.qw
248OPTIONSDCHARGERS•BC-119N DESKTOP CHARGER+ AD-106 CHARGER ADAPTER+ BC-145 AC ADAPTERFor rapid charging of battery packs. An AC adapter is sup-plied with the charger depending on versions. Chargingtime: approx. 2 hours when BP-231 is attached.•BC-121N MULTI-CHARGER+ AD-106 CHARGER ADAPTER(6 pcs.)+ BC-124 AC ADAPTERFor rapid charging of up to 6 battery packs (six AD-106’s arerequired) simultaneously. An AC adapter should be pur-chased separately. Charging time: approx. 2 hours whenBP-231 is attached.•BC-160 DESKTOP CHARGER+ BC-145 AC ADAPTERFor rapid charging of battery packs. An AC adapter is sup-plied with the charger depending on versions. Chargingtime: approx. 2 hours when BP-231 is attached.DBELT CLIPS•MB-93 SWIVEL BELT CLIP•MB-94 BELT CLIPExclusive alligator-type belt clip. The same as supplied withthe transceiver.•MB-96N/96F LEATHER BELT HANGERDOPTIONAL UNITS•UT-119 DIGITAL MODULATOR/DEMODULATOR UNITProvides 6.25 kHz narrow bandwidth digital mode operation.• UT-109R /UT-110RSCRAMBLER UNITSNon-rolling type (UT-109R)/Rolling type (UT-110R) voicescrambler unit provides higher communication security.
258OPTIONSDDC CABLES•CP-17LCIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLEAllows charging of the battery pack through a 12 V cigarettelighter socket. (For BC-119N)•OPC-515L/OPC-656 DC POWER CABLESAllows charging of the battery pack using a 13.8 V powersource instead of the AC adapter.OPC-515L: For BC-119NOPC-656 : For BC-121NDOTHER OPTIONS•SP-13 EARPHONEProvides clear receive audio in noisy environment.•HM-131SC SPEAKER-MICROPHONECombination speaker-microphone that provides convenientoperation while hanging the transceiver from your belt.•HS-94/HS-95/HS-97 HEADSET+ VS-1SC VOX/PTT CASEHS-94: Ear-hook typeHS-95: Neck-arm typeHS-97: Throat microphoneVS-1SC: VOX/PTT switch box for hands-free operation, etc.Some options may not available in some countries. Please ask yourdealer for details.
269SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONYour Icom radio generates RF electromagneticenergy during transmit mode. This radio isdesigned for and classified as “Occupational UseOnly”, meaning it must be used only during thecourse of employment by individuals aware of thehazards, and the ways to minimize such hazards.This radio is NOT intended for use by the “General Population” inan uncontrolled environment.This radio has been tested and complies with the FCC RF expo-sure limits for “Occupational Use Only”. In addition, your Icomradio complies with the following Standards and Guidelines withregard to RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels and eval-uation of such levels for exposure to humans:• FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Supplement C,Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for HumanExposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.• American National Standards Institute (C95.1-1992), IEEEStandard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposureto Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300GHz.• American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992), IEEERecommended Practice for the Measurement of PotentiallyHazardous Electromagnetic Fields– RF and Microwave.• The following accessories are authorized for use with thisproduct. Use of accessories other than those specified mayresult in RF exposure levels exceeding the FCC require-ments for wireless RF exposure.; Belt Clip (MB-94),Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery Pack (BP-231) and Speaker-microphone (HM-131L).To ensure that your expose to RF electromag-netic energy is within the FCC allowable limitsfor occupational use, always adhere to the fol-lowing guidelines:• DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antennaattached, as this may damaged the radio and may alsocause you to exceed FCC RF exposure limits. A properantenna is the antenna supplied with this radio by the manu-facturer or antenna specifically authorized by the manufac-turer for use with this radio.• DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time(“50% duty cycle”). Transmitting more than 50% of the timecan cause FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to beexceeded. The radio is transmitting when the “ ” (TX indi-cator) lights. You can cause the radio to transmit by pressingthe “PTT” switch.• ALWAYS keep the antenna at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) awayfrom the body when transmitting and only use the Icom belt-clips listed on page 40 when attaching the radio to your belt,etc., to ensure FCC RF exposure compliance requirementsare not exceeded. To provide the recipients of your transmis-sion the best sound quality, hold the antenna at least 5 cm(2 inches) from your mouth, and slightly off to one side.The information listed above provides the user with the informa-tion needed to make him or her aware of RF exposure, and whatto do to assure that this radio operates with the FCC RF expo-sure limits of this radio.CAUTIONWARNING
279SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONElectromagnetic Interference/CompatibilityDuring transmissions, your Icom radio generates RF energy thatcan possibly cause interference with other devices or systems.To avoid such interference, turn off the radio in areas where signsare posted to do so. DO NOT operate the transmitter in areasthat are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals,aircraft, and blasting sites.Occupational/Controlled UseThe radio transmitter is used in situations in which persons areexposed as consequence of their employment provided thosepersons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and canexercise control over their exposure.
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, JapanA-6488H-1EXPrinted in Japan©2006 Icom Inc.

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