ICOM orporated 370601 UHF FM Repeater User Manual IC FR5000 FR6000 Instruction Manual

ICOM Incorporated UHF FM Repeater IC FR5000 FR6000 Instruction Manual

User Manual

INSTRUCTION MANUALVHF FM REPEATERiFR5200HiFR6200HUHF FM REPEATERThis  device complies with Part  15  of  the  FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
iIMPORTANTREAD  THIS  INSTRUCTION  MANUAL CAREFULLY before attempting to operate the re-peater.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL– This manual contains important safety and operating in-structions for the IC-FR5200H/IC-FR6200H vhf/uhf f m  r e p e at e r s .EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSWORD DEFINITIONRWARNING! Personal  injury,  fire  hazard  or  electric shock may occur.CAUTION Equipment damage may occur.NOTEIf disregarded, inconvenience only. No risk of personal injury, fire or electric shock.SUPPLIED ACCESSORIESThe following accessories are supplied.R WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE! NEVER at-tach an antenna or internal antenna connector during transmission. This may result in an electrical shock or burn.R WARNING HIGH VOLTAGE! NEVER install the antenna at any place that person touch the an-tenna easily during transmission. This may result in an electrical shock or burn.R WARNING! NEVER apply AC to the DC power connector on the repeater rear panel. This could cause a fire or damage the repeater.R WARNING! NEVER apply more than 16 V DC to the DC power connector on the repeater rear panel. This could cause a fire or damage the repeater.R WARNING!  NEVER  reverse the DC  power cable polarity when connecting to a power source. This could cause a fire or damage the repeater.CAUTION: NEVER let metal, wire or other objects touch any internal part or connectors on the rear panel of the repeater. This may result in an electric shock.CAUTION: NEVER expose the repeater to rain, snow or any liquids.DO NOT operate or place the repeater in areas with temperatures below –30°C (–22°F) or above +60°C (+140°F).  Be  aware that  temperatures  can  exceed 80°C (+176°F), resulting in permanent damage to the repeater if left there for extended periods.DO NOT place the repeater in excessively dusty en-vironments or in direct sunlight.DO NOT put anything on top of the repeater. This will obstruct heat dissipation.BE CAREFUL! The heatsink will become hot when operating the repeater continuously for long periods.BE CAREFUL! If a linear amplifier is connected, set the repeater’s RF output power to less than the linear amplifier’s maximum input level, otherwise, the linear amplifier will be damaged.Use Icom microphones only (optional). Other manu-facturer’s microphones have different pin assignments, and may damage the repeater.Place the repeater in a secure place to avoid inadver-tent use by children.For U.S.A. onlyCAUTION:  Changes  or  modifications  to  this  re-peater, not expressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority to operate this repeater under FCC regulations.PRECAUTIONSHandles For handles attachmentFor the connectorSpacers Hexagon wrenchScrewsScrews HolderConnectorFunction name stickers*1Rack KEY SEALUsed for labelling the program-mable function keys according to their assinged functions.*1Square fuse (FGB01 30A)
iiIcom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia and/or other countries.All  other  products  or  brands  are  registered  trademarks  or trademarks of their respective holders.FORWARDThank you for choosing this Icom repeater. The IC-FR5200H/IC-FR6200H  vhf/uhf f m  repeaters  are designed and built with Icom’s state of the art technol-ogy and craftsmanship. With proper care, this product should provide you with years of trouble-free opera-tion.We want to take a couple of moments of your time to thank you for making the IC-FR5200H/IC-FR6200H your repeater of choice, and hope you agree with Icom’s philosophy of “technology first.” Many hours of research and development went into the design of your IC-FR5200H/IC-FR6200H.D FEATURESm  Built-in 5-Tone, DTMF encoder & decoder   Multiple signaling systems are equipped as stan-dard. These systems are fully compatible with Icom F-series radios.m DTMF remote control capability   You can control the repeater from a remote location over the air or over a phone line with DTMF.m D-Sub 25 pin ACC port equipped   You can use the optional equipment via the D-sub 25 pin ACC port equipped on the repeater’s rear panel.m Other features  -  Wide frequency coverage  <VHF>  IC-FR5200H:  136 to 174 MHz  <UHF>  IC-FR6200H:   350 to 400 MHz, 400 to 470 MHz,  450 to 512 MHz, 450 to 520 MHz  - PC programmable  - 19 inch rack mount  -  Optional  Voice  Scrambler  Unit  (UT-109R/ UT-110R) for base operating modeTABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTANT ............................................................... iEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS ............................................ iSUPPLIED ACCESSORIES....................................... iPRECAUTIONS .......................................................... iFORWARD ................................................................ iiTABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................ iiSAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION ....................... iii1  PANEL DESCRIPTION ............................. 1–3 n Front panel ........................................................ 1  D Function display ............................................ 2 n Rear panel ......................................................... 2  D Accessory connector .................................... 32  INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS .... 4–6 n Unpacking ......................................................... 4 n Selecting a location ........................................... 4 n Antenna connection .......................................... 4 n Front panel connection ...................................... 5 n Rear panel connection ...................................... 5 n Power supply connection .................................. 6 n Mounting the repeater ....................................... 6  D Using the supplied handle ............................. 6 n Fuse replacement ............................................. 6  D Line fuse replacement ................................... 63  OPERATION ................................................. 7 n Receiving and transmitting ................................ 7  D Repeater operation ....................................... 7  D Base station operation .................................. 74  MAINTENANCE ............................................ 8 n Troubleshooting ................................................. 85  OPTIONS ...................................................... 96  INFORMATION ........................................... 10123456789101112131415161718192021
iiiSAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONWARNINGYour Icom radio generates RF electro-magnetic energy during transmit mode. This  radio  is designed  for  and  classi-fied as “Occupational Use Only,” mean-ing  it  must  be  used  only  during  the course  of  employment  by  individuals aware of the hazards, and the ways to minimize such hazards.This radio is NOT intended for use by the “General Population” in an uncon-trolled environment.•  For compliance with FCC and IC RF Exposure Re-quirements, the transmitter antenna installation shall comply with the following three conditions:  1.  The transmitter antenna gain shall not exceed 0 dBi.  2.  IC-FR5200H:     Transmit  only  when  people  are  at  least  the  rec-ommended minimum distance of 141 centimeters away  from  the  properly  installed  antenna.  This separation  distance  will  ensure  that  there  is  suf-ficient distance from a properly installed external-ly-mounted  antenna  to  satisfy  the  RF  exposure requirements in the applicable RF exposure com-pliance standards.  2.  IC-FR6200H:     Transmit  only  when  people  are  at  least  the  rec-ommended minimum distance of 122 centimeters away  from  the  properly  installed  antenna.  This separation  distance  will  ensure  that  there  is  suf-ficient distance from a properly installed external-ly-mounted  antenna  to  satisfy  the  RF  exposure requirements in the applicable RF exposure com-pliance standards.CAUTIONTo  ensure  that  your  exposure  to  RF electromagnetic  energy  is  within  the FCC and IC allowable limits for occu-pational use, always adhere to the fol-lowing guidelines:•  DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna attached, as this may damage the radio and may also cause you to exceed FCC and IC RF exposure limits. A  proper  antenna  is  the  antenna  supplied  with  this radio by the manufacturer or an antenna specifically authorized by the manufacturer for use with this ra-dio.Electromagnetic Interference/CompatibilityDuring  transmissions, your  Icom  radio  generates RF energy that can possibly cause interference with other devices or systems. To avoid such interference, turn off the radio in areas where signs are posted to do so. DO NOT operate the transmitter in areas that are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals, aircraft, and blasting sites.
iv123456789101112131415161718192021SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATIONAVERTISSEMENT Votre radio Icom produit une énergie électromagnétique de radiofréquen-ces (RF), en mode de transmission. Cette  radio  est  conçue  pour  un «usage professionnel seulement» et classée comme tel, ce  qui  signifie qu’elle doit être utilisée uniquement dans  le  cadre  d’un  travail par  des personnes conscientes des dangers et des mesures visant à minimiser ces dangers. Elle N’EST PAS conçue pour une «utilisation grand public», dans  un  environnement  non contrôlé.•  An de satisfaire aux exigences de la FCC et d’IC en matière d’exposition aux RF, il est nécessaire que l’antenne soit installée conformément aux trois condi-tions suivantes:  1.  Le gain de l’antenne du radio émetteur ne doit pas dépasser 0 dBi.  2.  IC-FR5200H:     Transmettre  que  lorsque  les  gens  sont  au  moins la  distance  minimale  recommandée  de  141  cen-timètres  de  l'antenne  est  correctement  installé. Cette distance  de  sécurité assurera que les per-sonnes  soient  placées  suffisamment  loin  d’une antenne correctement fixée à l’extérieur pour sat-isfaire aux exigences en matière d’exposition aux RF,  en  vertu  des  normes  de  conformité  applica-bles.  2.  IC-FR6200H:   Transmettre  que  lorsque  les  gens  sont  au  moins la  distance  minimale  recommandée  de  122  cen-timètres  de  l'antenne  est  correctement  installé. Cette  distance  de  sécurité  assurera  que  les  per-sonnes  soient  placées  suffisamment  loin  d’une antenne correctement fixée à l’extérieur pour satis-faire aux exigences en matière d’exposition aux RF, en vertu des normes de conformité applicables.MISE EN GARDE Afin de vous assurer que votre expo-sition à une énergie électromagnéti-que de RF se situe dans les limites permises par la FCC et d’IC pour une utilisation grand public, veuillez en tout temps respecter les directives suivantes:  •  NE PAS faire fonctionner la  radio  sans  qu’une antenne appropriée y soit fixée, car ceci risque d’endommager la radio et causer une exposition supérieure aux limites établies par la FCC et d’IC. L’antenne appropriée est celle qui est fournie avec cette radio par le fabricant ou une antenne spécia-lement autorisée par le fabricant pour être utilisée avec cette radio.Interférence électromagnétique et compatibilité En mode de transmission, votre radio Icom produit de l’énergie de RF qui peut provoquer des interférences avec d’autres appareils ou systèmes. Pour éviter de telles interférences, mettez la radio hors tension dans les secteurs où une signalisation l’exige. NE PAS faire fonctionner l’émetteur dans des secteurs sensibles au rayonnement électromagnétique tels que les hôpitaux, les aéronefs et les sites de dynamitage.
11PANEL DESCRIPTIONq INTERNAL SPEAKER   Monitors received signals.w VOLUME CONTROL [VOLUME] (p. 7)  Adjusts the audio output level.e SELECTOR DIAL [SELECT]   Rotate to adjust the squelch threshold level, select the operating channel. (Depending on the pre-programmed condition.)r POWER INDICATOR [POWER] ➥  Lights green at ‘A’ module's indicator while the repeater power is turned ON.  When a channel extension module is installed: ➥  Lights green at the selected module indicator (‘A’ or ‘B’) while the repeater power is turned ON. ➥  Lights orange at the un-selected module indica-tor (‘A’ or ‘B’) while the repeater power is turned ON.t TRANSMIT INDICATOR [TX]   Lights red while transmitting.y BUSY INDICATOR [BUSY]   Lights green while receiving a signal or when the noise squelch is open.  About [PWR], [TX] and [BUSY] indicators:  ‘A’ and ‘B’ modules indicators are available for these indications. ‘A’ module's indicator correspond to the original module, and ‘B’ module's indicator correspond to an extended module.u MICROPHONE CONNECTOR [MIC]   This 8-pin modular jack accepts the optional micro-phone.    KEEP the [MIC] connector cover attached to the repeater when the optional microphone is not used.iqq +8 V DC output (Max. 15 mA) w Output port for PC programming e NC r M PTT (Input port for TX control) t Microphone ground y Microphone input u Ground i Input port for PC programmingi POWER SWITCH [POWER] ➥  Push to turn the repeater power ON. ➥  Push and hold for 3 sec. to turn the repeater power OFF.  When a channel extension module is installed: ➥  While the repeater power is turned ON, push to select the desired module to operate the re-peater as the base station.    •  The power indicator of the selected module unit lights green.o DEALER-PROGRAMMABLE KEYSDesired functions can be programmed indepen-dently by your dealer.    Ask your dealer for details.  •  Because these keys are programmable, the functions of these keys are unique to each unit.P0P1P2P3P4qw ei uoFunctiondisplayytrn Front panel
21PANEL DESCRIPTIONq  ACCESSORY CONNECTOR [ACC]  Connects to the accessory connector.  • See page 3 for accessory connector information.w EXTERNAL SPEAKER CONNECTOR [SPEAKER]  Connect the optional SP-22 or SP-35/SP-35L.e RECEIVE ANTENNA CONNECTOR [RX]   Connects a receive antenna (impedance: 50 ø) and inputs receiving signals.r TRANSMIT ANTENNA CONNECTOR [TX]   Connects a transmit antenna (impedance: 50 ø) and outputs transmit signals.t LAN CONNECTOR [LAN]   For an Ethernet connection. Connect the controller to an Ethernet [LAN] port of a PC console through a Hub (or a router).   In trunking mode operation, the controller at one end of the chain must be connected. You can con-trol the controller and all others in the chain from the PC console.y BUS CONNECTORS [BUS-1]/[BUS-2]   For data communication between the control-lers in trunking mode operation, either [BUS-1] or [BUS-2] can be used. They enable the controllers to be “daisy-chained” together, and form a network that allows trunking and other data to pass among them. u FUSE See page 6 to replace a damaged fuse.i DC POWER CONNECTOR   Connects the supplied DC power cable from this connector to an external 13.6 V DC power supply.  See page 5 for the connection details.we rytThe optional channel extention modulecan be installed.Ask your dealer for details.The optional trunking/network controllercan be installed.Ask your dealer for details.qwe rty uiACCRX TXLANBUS-2BUS-1FUSEFUSEDC INPUTSPEAKERGND+–¬¬q SIGNAL STRENGTH INDICATOR  Indicates relative signal strength level.w LOW POWER INDICATOR  Appears when low output power is selected.e AUDIBLE INDICATOR   Appears when the channel is in the ‘audible’ (un-mute) condition.r COMPANDER INDICATOR  Appears when the compander function is activated.t SCRAMBLER/ENCRYPTION INDICATOR   Appears when the voice scrambler/encryption function is activated.y ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY   Shows a variety of text or code information.n Rear panelD Function displayICOM Inc.qwerty123456789101112131415161718192021
31PANEL DESCRIPTIOND Accessory connectorq!3!4 @5SpecificationDescriptionPin NamePin No.NCTXDRXDRTSCTSNCGNDMOD INDISC OUTEXT. D/AVCCEXT. A/DNCGNDEXT.I/O 15EXT.I/O 16EXT.I/O 17EXT.I/O 18EXT.I/O 19DATA INEXT.I/O 21AF OUTEXT.I/O 23EXT.I/O 24EXT.I/O 2512345678910111213141516171819202122232425No connectionOutput terminal for serial communication data.Input terminal for serial communication data.Output terminal for request-to-send data.Input terminal for clear-to-send data.No connectionSerial/digital signal groundModulator input from an external terminal unit.Output terminal for AF signals from the AF detector circuit. Output level is fixed, regardless of [AF] control.The desired function can be assigned.*(Default: Null)13.6 V DC outputCustomize A/D input (Not used)No connectionGroundThe desired function can be assigned.* (Default: Null)The desired function can be assigned.*(Default: P0 Monitor Output)The desired function can be assigned.*(Default: Busy Output)The desired function can be assigned.*(Default: Null)The desired function can be assigned.*(Default: EPTT Input)Input terminal for data.The desired function can be assigned.*(Default: Analog Audible Output)The AF detector Output.The desired function can be assigned.*(Default: Mic Mute Output)The desired function can be assigned.*(Default: Null)The desired function can be assigned.*(Default: Mic Hanger Output)———————Input level: 300 mV rmsOutput level: 300 mV rms—Output current: Less than 1 A———+5 V pull up, Active=L+5 V pull up, Active=L+5 V pull up, Active=L+5 V pull up, Active=L+5 V pull up, Active=L—+5 V pull up, Active=L—+5 V pull up, Active=L+5 V pull up, Active=L+5 V pull up, Active=L*  The desired function can be assigned using the optional CS-FR5000 c l o n i n g  s o f t w a r e . Ask your dealer for details.
24INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSn UnpackingAfter unpacking, immediately report any damage to the delivering carrier or dealer. Keep the shipping car-tons.For a description and a diagram of accessory equip-ment included with the repeater, see ‘SUPPLIED AC-CESSORIES’ on page i of this manual.n Selecting a locationSelect a location for the repeater that allows adequate air circulation, free from extreme heat, cold, or vibra-tions, and away from TV sets, TV antenna elements, radios and other electromagnetic sources.n Antenna connectionFor radio communications, the antenna is a critical component, along with output power and sensitivity.Select antenna(s), such as a well-matched 50 ø an-tenna, and feedline. 1.5:1 or better of Voltage Stand-ing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is recommended for desired band. Of course, the transmission line should be a coaxial cable.  CAUTION: Protect repeater from lightning by using a lightning arrestor.  NOTE: There are many publications that describe proper antennas and their installation. Check with your local dealer for more information and recom-mendations.123456789101112131415161718192021n Front panel connectionP0P1P2P3P4SM-26 DESKTOP MICROPHONE (optional)MICROPHONE CONNECTOR (Front panel view)HM-152 HAND MICROPHONE(optional)qiCAUTION:  DO  NOT  short  pin  1  to  ground  as  this  can damage the internal 8 V regulator. DC voltage is applied to  pin  1  for  microphone  operation.  Only  Icom  micro-phones are recommended.q +8 V DC output (Maximum15 mA)w Output port for PC programminge NCr M PTT (Input port for TX control)t Microphone groundy Microphone inputu Groundi Input port for PC programming
n Rear panel connection52INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSACCRX TXLAN BUS-2 BUS-1FUSEFUSEDC INPUTSPEAKERGND +–¬¬AC outletAC power cableDC power cable13.8 V (at least 20A)Black_Red+DC power supplyConnectorPC consoleto an Ethernet portHub[RX ANT](p. 4)EXTERNAL SPEAKERSP-35/SP-35LConnect a 4 ø external speaker.[TX ANT] (p. 4)ACC CONNECTOR (p. 3)Used  for  external equipment control.Up to 30 channel modules with controllers can be daisy-chained.RepeaterLANBUS-2 BUS-1 LANBUS-2 BUS-1LANBUS-2 BUS-1 LANBUS-2 BUS-1The illustration below describes one example of a connection for trunking mode operation.
62INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSn Power supply connectionMake sure the repeater’s power is turned OFF when connecting a DC power cable.  CAUTION: Voltages greater than 16 V DC will dam-age the repeater. Check the source voltage before connecting the power cable.n Mounting the repeaterD Using the supplied handleThe supplied handles are available for mounting the repeater into a 19 inch rack. The handles can be in-stalled to the repeater’s front panel.q  Attach the supplied handles to both sides of the re-peater’s front panel with the spacers, then tighten the screws as described below.w  The completed installation should look like as de-scribed below.123456789101112131415161718192021n Fuse replacementIf a fuse blows or the repeater stops functioning, try to find the source of the problem, and then replace the damaged fuse with a new rated one.CAUTION: DISCONNECT the DC power cable from the repeater. Otherwise, there is danger of electric shock and/or equipment damage.P0P1P2P3P4HandleSpacerScrewP0P1P2P3P4
n Receiving and transmittingD Repeater operationAsk your dealer for details of the repeater’s program-ming.➥When the power is turned ON, the [PWR] indicator lights green. (p. 1)➥The [TX] and [BUSY] indicators light simultane-ously while transmitting/receiving a signal.  • The [TX] indicator lights red.  • The [BUSY] indicator lights green.NOTE: A power amplifier protector is built-in to the repeater. The protector is activated when the re-peater temperature becomes extremely high due to the frequently access to the repeater to reduce the transmit output power level. The output power will return to the normal level when the repeater has cooled down.D Base station operationReceivingq  Push [POWER] to turn the power ON.w Set the audio and squelch levels. ➥  Rotate [SELECT]*1 fully counterclockwise in ad-vance. ➥  Rotate [VOLUME] to adjust  the  audio output level. ➥  Rotate [SELECT]*1 clockwise until the noise dis-appears.e  Push [CH Up]*2 or [CH Down]*2 to select the de-sired channel.  •  When receiving a signal, the [BUSY] indicator lights green and audio is emitted from the speaker.  •  Further adjustment of [VOLUME] to a comfortable lis-tening level may be necessary at this point.*1  When the [SQL Level Up/Down] key function is assigned to [SELECT].*2  When  the  [CH  Up]/[CH  Down]  key  functions  are  as-signed.Transmittingq  Take the microphone off hook.w Wait for the channel to become clear.e  Push and hold [PTT] to transmit, then speak into the microphone at your normal voice level.r Release [PTT] to receive.IMPORTANT: To maximize the audio quality of the transmitted signal:1. Pause briefly after pushing [PTT].2.  Hold the microphone 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inch) from your mouth, then speak into the microphone at a normal voice level.37OPERATION
48MAINTENANCEn TroubleshootingThe following chart is designed to help you correct problems which are not equipment malfunctions.If you are unable to locate the cause of a  problem or solve it through the use of this chart, contact your nearest Icom Dealer or Service Center.123456789101112131415161718192021PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF.Power does not come on when  [POWER] is pushed.• DC power cable is improperly connected.• Fuse is blown.• Re-connect the DC power cable correctly.•  Check for the cause, then replace the fuse with a spare one. pp. 5, 6p. 8No sound comes from the speaker.• Volume level is too low.• The squelch is closed.• The audio mute function is activated.•  A selective call or squelch function is acti-vated such as 5-tone call or tone squelch.• The front speaker is set to OFF.•  Rotate [VOLUME] clockwise to obtain a suit-able listening level.•  While in base  operating  mode, rotate  [SE-LECT]  to  counterclockwise  to  open  the squelch. (When the [SQL Level Up/Down] key function is assigned to [SELECT].)•  Push [MONI] (if assigned) to turn the audio mute function OFF.• Turn the appropriate function OFF.•  Turn the front speaker ON using the optional CS-FR5000  cloning software.  Ask  your dealer for details.p. 7p. 7–––Sensitivity is low and only  strong  signals are audible.•  Antenna feedline or the antenna connec-tor has a poor contact or is short-circuited.•  Check and re-connect (or replace if neces-sary), the antenna feedline or antenna con-nector.p. 5Received audio is un-clear or distorted.• Optional voice scrambler is turned OFF.• Scrambler code is not set correctly.• Turn the optional voice scrambler ON.• Reset the scrambler code.––Output  power  is  too low.• Output power is set to Low.•  Power amplifier protection circuit is acti-vated.•  Push [HIGH/LOW] (if assigned) to select the High power.•  Cool down the repeater or stop accessing to the repeater until it has cooled down.––No  contact  possible with another station.• The other station is using tone squelch.•  While  in  base  operating  mode,  the  re-peater is set to duplex.• Turn the tone squelch function ON.•  Set the repeater to simplex, when other trans-ceiver is set to simplex.––
59OPTIONS• SP-35/SP-35L e x t e r n a l  s p e a k e r sInput impedance : 4 øMaximum input power :  7 W • HM-152 h a n d  m i c r o p h o n e• SM-26 d e s k t o p  m i c r o p h o n e• UT-109R v o i c e  s c r a m b l e r  u n i tNon-rolling type (maximum 32 codes).• UT-110R v o i c e  s c r a m b l e r  u n i tRolling type (maximum 1020 codes).*  The scrambler systems of the UT-109R and UT-110R are not compatible with each other.Approved Icom optional equipment is designed for op-timal performance when used with an Icom repeater.Icom is not responsible for the destruction or damage to an Icom repeater in the event the Icom repeater is used with equipment that is not manufactured or ap-proved by Icom.Some options may not be available in some countries. Please ask your dealer for details.
610INFORMATION123456789101112131415161718192021• ABOUT VOICE CODING TECHNOLOGYThe AMBE+2™ voice coding Technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. This voice coding Tech-nology is licensed solely for use within this Communi-cations Equipment. The user of this Technology is ex-plicitly prohibited from attempting to extract, remove, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into a human-readable form. U.S. Patent Nos. #5,870,405, #5,826,222, #5,754,974, #5,701,390, #5,715,365, #5,649,050, #5,630,011, #5,581,656, #5,517,511, #5,491,772, #5,247,579, #5,226,084 and #5,195,166.• FOR CLASS A UNINTENTIONAL RADIATORS:This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant topart 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-tion manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
1-1-32 Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, JapanA-?????-??Printed in Japan © 2014 Icom Inc.Printed on recycle paper with soy ink.

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