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Document ID | 1759 |
Application ID | yMLU0DyLRltDBVUm2vUIAg== |
Document Description | 8 |
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Document Type | User Manual |
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Filesize | 57.51kB (718828 bits) |
Date Submitted | 1998-05-13 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 1998-08-03 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 2001-07-17 18:59:42 |
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Document Lastmod | 2001-07-17 18:59:43 |
Document Title | 8 |
s ri>
txrfwtxi i. ‘rzli‘liiifri‘fii' , iii:
Thank you for your purchase of the ICOM UX-1 38 Wireless LAN Card
The UX—136 is a wireless LAN card for portable computers that operates in
the 2.4 GHz band and utilizes DS-Ss (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
technology to enable short-range, high-speed data transmission.
Eetore using your new wireless LAN card please read the totlowing
instructions carelully in order to obtain the highest possible performance
and long years of user
0 This product can be used with any portable computer that is equipped with a
Type 11 PCMCIA slot.
0 This product is designed With bunt-in Circuitry lorWireless LAN communication
and thus does not reqwre any cumbersome additional Wiring.
0 This product utilizes DSVSS technology, which provides lor superior data
stability and high resistance to noise, interference, and interception.
These operating instructions describe howto insert the UX»135 into the PCMClA
slot and how to install the utility sottware (included). Be sure to check the owner's
manual of your computer in advance to confirm that the spGCitications are
compatible withthe UX-tSG
0 LAN card. . , ..t 0 Operation manual
0 35 inch dlEk (LAN card utility software) ....... t 0 Warranty statement
' User registration card
Be sure to fill out and return the user registration card, Otherwise, support
Services will not be able to provide you assistance.
Windows 95 is a rcgistEred trademark ol Microsufl Corporation in the United Shiites and other countries
The screens Jstraled in tnzs manual were used With permrssiun iiom Microsnh Corporation Ali other
campany names and [viaduct names user: in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks
The toilowmg notation cc
« i» ...These marks a
These marks
indicate lhatth
< >,..t,iThese marks e
- Depending Unlhe version at
diherent Irurn the screens ur
The UX'136 is deSIgried
equipped With aType t] F
Reieriome iisi on page 1
o A portable computer It
is recommended.)
0 The tioppy disks or CE
0 The UXviSS Wireless
0 One 35 inch iioppy di:
1, Salety Precautions~
2. Using in a Windows
24 Checking iormr
272 Belore Usrng th
2-3 Installing the U
2-4 Troubleshoohm
2-5 About the Parai
26 Changing the F'
27 ldentilying Your
273 Checking the N
2-9 Troublesltcdtini
2710 Removing the t
241 Removing the L
3. Troubleshooting 7
3-1 What isthe LAD
32 Setting Up the r
373 Running the Fri
34. Uninstalling the
E \
Icom Inc.
go mnnuswum
ss LAN Card.
rs that operates in
Spread Specirum)
ead [he followmg
sible performance
Us equipped Wm-
LAN commumca‘u: n
3 Icr superior data
36 wmothe PCMCTA
c checkthe owner 5
e specifica’uans are
Graham manua}
rramy 51a1emem
er regislrahon care
Otherwise. support
mmma: ‘
Aw my
The mw‘mhg noxahtm convmuohs are used m Ihws manual
» The 5 marks ervdost— 1he names or ummes, apphcatlorvs and wmdows {screens} m
[ 1 These mavks enmosc— (an names, menu names, 1exfi boxes. and check boxes m
mmcmelhaimeseHems are ohsramh—rewa‘eu,
< > These. a'ks encmse me names of me Command buflonf. Irv dlang boxes
Vuw hm anus manum mayhe bhghfly
: ‘vme'v' Mm m a
The or e ‘5 ausghea iox use mm a puflabu, compuier mat TS mstafled wuh W'mdDWS 95 and
ecumpcd wnh a Typs n PCMCIA 5b! (commmmg m PCMCIA SIandard 2 o m IaIer)
ReIerto We hs‘. on page ea Ior nexahs vegmmhg wruch Lampulevs sunpoh me uxnas.
0 A paname comculer mtaued wun w, operatmg syslem aeschbed abave (16le a! memory
TS mogmmehaec >
o The Imppv U‘Sns Dr CDrHoM 0a: the operahhg sysfiem [IdeDWs 95)
o The UX—13E‘Mvdess LAN Cam and the LAN Cavd ummes nuppv msk
(he ;- 5 mch happy dlsHssa hackupmhe LAN Card ummes floppydxsk)
‘I. SaIer Pmcaulicns » > 7 1
2 Using in a WmdDwS 95 Environment—————~ 7/’)f 3
Check 3 Iothe PC Card Drwer , 3
BPI’JTE Usvng Inf; LAN Card,
lhszamh: he LAN Card Dmver .
TroubI wouungme ther 1hs:aHanon
About ms Parameters
Changmg the Paramele‘s
mer ymg Yuur Cumpute'
Che mhgthe Nemwk Conflerhon
a Txcumeshammg ms wanrk th~
0 Remsvmg the. LAN Card. .v . ..
II Heme gthe LAN Card Drww v“
Truubleshooung 7,
2 1 What TS me LAN Card Evaluamh Pm ram”.
Scmhg Up the F'vogram
F‘flflmrv e Fvogram . I,
Urn-n: ng the LAN Card Evamazmh Program
m m bx
1 Safety Precautions
For your safety, be sure to read the lollowing safety information.
. These precautians are intended to prevenl property damage and to insure the saiety
ol the user and others in the area. Please obey these precautions in order to use this
product solely and properiy.
O Gain full understanding oi the precautions listed under i WARNING and LCAUTIDN
oelore reading the rest at lhis manual.
. This manual includes precautions that apply not only to this product out also to the
computer systems with which this product is used.
o Keep this manual in a secure place so that these precautions can be reviewed at any
Q 7 Accidents that result lrom ignoring the precautions noted
below may result in death or serious inrury tor the user or
WARNLNG others tithe area.
- Or: not immerse this product in water or allow it It) get wet.
OlherWlse. lire, ctecinc shock, orlailure may result
. Do nottouch this product wtth wet hands while it is in use.
I Oli’lerwlse, electnc shock may result
a Do not inserl wire or other metal objects into this product.
athe rwrse, iirc. electric shock. oriatlure may result
. Do not attemptto disassemble this product or modtiy it In any way. Furthermore, do
not attemptto service this product on your own.
Otnewse,irre electric shock, orlarlure may result
- Discontinue use immediately it this product releases smoke, a strange odor. or
abnormal noise,
Oti’iet'WlSe. lire eteclrlcsrlock,or1allure mayresuli
Turn on the power lo the computer immediately and remove \i’lls product it there was
smoke. make Sun: ii has szspped Then, contaclyourlo, dealer or ourcustnmerservicc
& Accidents that result from ignoring the precautions noted
CAUTION below may result in personal injury or property damage.
0 Be carelul not to insert this product into the computer upside down.
OtherWise, iailuve may result
- Do not remove t : insert this product while Windows 95 is loading
Otherwise. iaiiurt— damage may result
0 Do not remove this product while the computer is still in use. (See cautiun statement
on page 2L)
Otherwrsc, iailurc. loss 0‘ data, or damage may result
- Do not step, sit, or place heavy objects on this product.
Otheninse iallure or damage may result
- Do not drop, twist, :
Otherwtse, intury orii
a Avoid humid or dus
Otherwise, fire, else“
0 Avoid direct sunligi
Avoid Iocafions witl
Otherwise, watprng,r
0 Do not use near tele
Otherwtse, this {limit
u no not place this on
Otherwise, the unit 111
0 Avoid locations will
than recommended
Otherwise ialiure ma'
- Do not use paint |hil
Otherwise, deteriora‘
cleaning, use a salt.
agent that has peen (
Be Sure to create a b
Fieler the operating ir
Conjunction wtth the t
l'g When installing soil
computer, be sure to
wii! hold the resuillng
ICOM Wlli nUl be he
including not not limit
- improper use
. USE after disassem
- Static electricity on
I Faiiuie or repair
a Natural disasters
o Turning the comput
. Removing this prod
- Turning oil or restar
other data storage i
- Turning oil or restar
Safety Precautions 1
ety information
o to insure the satety
ns in order to use this
ruduct but also to the
an be reviewed at any
e precautions noted
niury lor the user or
way. Furthermore, do
a strange odor. or‘
product I‘ there was ‘.
ourcus‘cm n he i
precautions noted
perty damage. l
hg. i
ee Caulan statement
Do not drop. twist. or apply strong impact to this product.
Ofl’le’WlSQ. iniury o'lallure may tesuli.
Avoid humid or dusty Iocalians and localinns wtth bad ventilation.
Oihe'wlse. lite electric shock. or (allure may result.
Avoid direct sunlight and locations that are close to the outlets of heaters or coolers.
Avoid locations with sudden temperature changes.
Othervnse. warping. dzscclorallor‘. ire. or tenure may result
Do not use near 1e|evismns or radios.
Othcwse. thts product may cause or sullerlrorn electrical intonerence
Do not place this product on an unstable or sloping surtace.
Otncwse, the unit may tall ortopoio resulting in lire, iniurt, orl lure.
Avoid locations with strong magnetic iields. static electricity. humidity levels higher
than recommended lorthe computer. or dew tormatiun.
Otherwise failure ma) result
Do not use paint thinner or benzene to clean this product.
Otne—vrisc. dcterlnfsflloh at me casing Dr rieeltrv' cl thr coating may result. For normal
clca'img use , 41 clatri. lt cxccssivoly air dampen m5 cloth with a neutral cleaning
ent tha' has oeen diluted with “Me.“
General Precautions
rtorihe LAN Card Utilities disk and use the back up (or norma‘
Be sure to acute 3 been
Reler the operating trislrticlions accompanying the curnputerano other peripherals used in
con- nction wtth UV UX— l 36 regarding the proper oueratiun 01 those items
Wnen iristaliino soltware or otherwrse making changes to the envtrorirnent of your
computer be sure to create a backup in: all critical oat stored in your computer Doing so
will nuld the resulting oamage to a mmlmum it something go s wrong.
lCOM vtill not be held responsible lor lost or uamaged oat under any circumstances.
including bu‘ not limited to daia that is lost or damn ed due to
- improper use
- Use aflel or; ssemuly or modlllcallon
Static el row or noise
Failure 0' repair
natural o‘tsaslers
'urriing int. computer o ck uh immediately alter lummg it on
fieflmvlflg tit-s produC: while sending o» recorvtrig data
Yurning of or restarting the comoutcr unite acceSSltlg the haru disk. an M0 a flopp)
ask. or
» cuza stclagr, deuce
- ”urr r; on or restarting the compute- while the
llcatloh soflwale is in operation
- 2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
2-1 Checking for the PC Card Driver
in order to instaii ihe wrreiess LAN card driver. 1he 32~Dli PC Card driver must be properly
Check for the
1. Click the ioiiawmg iCDi’iS in order as shown: [My Computer]. [Carmel Panel], and
2. Click the [Periormance] tab 50 {hat the wiridDw looks like Ihe one shown beiowv Make
sure “32-Di‘r' is displayed nexi io “PC Cards (PCMCIA]"
' i1“MS-DOS Compa‘ibie Made” 15 dispiaycd‘ msiaii the Windows 95 32431: PC Card
3. CIiCk m ciose 1m: Window
2-2 Before Usi
Befare uslng your my
described in the foiiuwn
2-3 Installing t
The Netpcmb ini file IO!
when the LAN card driv
use i:
1. Make sure the powe
2. Inserilh%W|relessi
wnh Ihe iCOM mark:
About card bus 5
Ii you are usmg ax
very compalible, ti
PGMCIA slot.
Narmally insen L
m lhl: manner. E
mm Ihai sums
persunai comm!
may require "721
be mselled mm
ice- marked smr
disk iamd duwm
3. When the computer
rrver must be proper»;
[Comm Pancry and
t SHUNH beicvr Make
W5 95 32mm PC Card
Using in a Windows 95 Environment 2
2-2 Before Using the LAN Card
Barnro usmg your LAN Card‘ msraH me LAN Card driver and Se! me parameters as
dascrrbed m the muorvmg sections
2—3 Installing the LAN Card Driver
The Netptmb m1 Ne located m lhe WlNQS (memory m the LAN Card ulflmes disk rs u5ed
Wham thc LAN card driver rs snslaHed.
use n rorme operahons discussed m lhls manual.
tAUTIDN: Be sure [0 cream a back-up disk (or the LAN Card uiimres disk and
\ __4
1. Make surc me poweno we computer 15 ofl.
CAUTION: If Wmdows 95 rs a‘ready runnmg close a” open apphcaflons beiore
2. lnscn tthueless LAN Card (hereafter veierred \o as LAN Card) mm (he PCMC‘A S101
wrlh the ICON markmg lacmgupward
Aboul card bus 51015:
H you are usmg a computerlhai has a card bus slot with whlch the LAN Card is noi
very comparrme. the aperanon of me LAN card will not be stable, Use a dedicared
Non-raw mam ux 13;
mtmnmzvmar ram
"0100 “same-
psvmm‘ (mum-s
mu/ raga, r me can m
2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
23 Installing the LAN Card Driver (continued) 6. The«selectomer
where lhe LAN Can
4. Open “19 «Device Driver Wizard” and mser‘l (he back-up dxsk mo Dnve A (hercafler
“floppy dzsk drlve' refers to Drive A]. H yuu have a Wmdows 95 CDHOM wnsen n mm ‘
the CDHOM drwe
Chck d>
m "whim-Val
4 'AMD~nm]> ‘ ;
nummku mnmflm new...
wivu-mww‘ M ,
lvmm-flummummwmwv ‘
‘~ “Wuwmwmm 1 .
0 mama-m 1m". (ham-ammun- I 7, The message ‘W:-
o , ., , .y ux-136PCMCIA.'.
5. The‘oHowm; «Device Driver leard» wmdow appears Chck
M-Mumw a
Using in a Windows 95 Environment 2
6. The «Select Olher Locations» wmdow appears. Set the location \o drive name “A.¥“,
nt’ Drwe A (hereaner when.» the LAN Card driver IS‘ and dwechry name “WINES.“ Chck .
CD—ROM men n m #1
7, The message “Windows tound we tollowlng updated dnvev ior (ms dewce. ICOM
LIX-136 PCMCIA ' appears. Cth.
”pennant-hm uranium-row-
4, <1}?
2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
2-3 |nstal|ing the LAN Card Driver (continued)
3. when the duver insiilflaflon begms, (he «Copying Files» Window appears.
Dependmg on me network Configurahcn or (he campurer, a requesflor me Wmdows 95
CDrROM may occur Conhnue (he se|up procedure accmdmg lo the messages that
appear or, the screen
Cau on
rf ermer or me ioHowmg messages appear on fine screen nerore or afler the drrver
aHatron [Step 5) begms. ronaw me |ns|ruct|on5 m m5 message
(33581. Durrng the USP! 2 rnsrau Moder, me torrowrng message appears ahev copymg
from (he CDVROM ”The file ‘pcmbrfirsys‘ on Wmduws 95 CD-HOM could nol be
found" Agam, speciry the location or me LAN card drrver as Owe name “AA”
and crvectory name “was." Thenr chck .
m mmawmvm as
gnaw mar-«um
r smM-awmmnuuu
‘ wrvru-w-wm,m-a
£mfitfifl, After your
compmer has resraned, proceed in me mstruchuns on the followmg page.
Down-(bunny: Wim’
Case 2 When a work has a‘ready been setup andTCP/‘F has already been set, me
uDHCP cuem» window appears Chck «Yes,» Aner your compurer has
resianedu proceed to Ihc lnslructlons on me (onowrng page,
mnncewmmfiumamw‘mmmummwfla Dammnmlw-Dnfl’mxgfl
ii?! _'fl°'J
r W¢fif
2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
2-4 Troubleshooting the Driver Installation 2-5 About the
a Wherrlhe drrvermezerreirenrerrs checklhelollowing The ux-rae is ready
Usc me luliowmg Window to check n me pcmcm comrollcr is cperulmg properly and parameters need in be
make sure lnerc arc rm resource conllrclsv lor the procedure.
Sci cllComro‘r Maria erlr ‘Svslemjndlhun clicklhe Dex/roe Mana er tab. Select
5‘ gl“ 1 I 9] Des edESSID
“Nelwork adapters». me figure Dclow shows how me uNelwork adapiers» enrry
should look wncrr me urwer is properly regrssered m the [Device Manager}. The Desrred ESS lD ne-
opcrelmg wrm‘m Ihe wlrr
Ssfl—ml m‘
wcw your nelwork dais
r a“. emu-manmmrrm-«r
» Yuma-wry»: ' Vflmhnfivmn
r w W M...
- rm; m.
i ll «ICOM UX-136 PCMCIA Adapler» is listed under «Other devices» rnslead Oi
uNelwork adapters», read “241 Dereung the LAN Card Driver“ (p 22x, and delete
acorn ux~135 PCMClA Adapter» Then, reinstall rhe dnver @
- r me . 3 Pen Address. was aulomahcally Sol (0 0250-0255 click “ICOM ux-135 The Nelwork Made me
PCMCIA Adapter», encmemne [Resourcesltab Manually change me connect wrm acable LA
l’O Purl Ad’erSS lo CE4G—024F
0 When a dailerenl wireless LAN Card has already been lnslallen, delcle lhe exislrng
Driver and install only ire drlvar lor the UXSl 36.
E— Dial»
: mulz
aux 135 musr be placed 51 no
i * flee
fly and
5», emw
tead ox
d delete
Using in a Windows 95 Environment 2
2-5 About the Parameters
The UXWSS is ready my use when M ts Shtpped tram the Iaclory, bui tne followrng
parameters need (a be changed under CEflétm encumstanees. See me tottewing section
tot tne ptaeeduve.
Desired ESS ID
The Destrec ESS to needs to be changed when he network instudes ntutttpte workgroups
oporattng wflhzn the “Wreless lransmtssmn range and you do not wan: other workgmups to
new your net». 2m data [See page 12)
The Network Mode needs lo be changed a network access potnt (AP) ts to be used to
connect wteh a cabte LAN,
New Vype PC
/ lneme\ [fl Network Q A
‘ pay /’]¢
we >
) A tusnanav, t
Ht Afnnss novnt M?) t
‘t metnet pm A
"J, “L” v , WEASE 2
Lx iwiizxi'iu w: mi 11 PM 1 H kl.” \
2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
2-6 Changing the Parameters 3. Clickihe[AdvancEc
1. Click the [Control Panei] icon and then the [Network] icon. The «Network» screen The "ICOM UX—136
appears as shown beiow
5 En,- n. Neodagkdi—wtx
mum in at mm mm.
wryx mm mm
4. Salad the desired ii
The box under [VaiL
Using the ioiiowing
property The valut
range oi 1 io 11.
2. Seieci “ICOM UXJSS PCMCIA Adapter» undcr (The ioliowing network components
are instaile‘d}. Then seleci 7
Prepeny name
Desired 555 1D up w
' Ass
Network Made
Pki Size
5. Ciick 10 end N
6 Hesian Windows 95
T; $—
he «Network» screen
network components
Using in a Windows 95 Environment 2
3. Click the [Advanced] tab
The HHDOM UX~136 PCMCIA AdaplEBr» wmduw appears as1ol|0ws.
muux aspen-nun mun-r nu
rm Funnels:
pr M
4. Sweet mo deswed irern (pvopeny name] ham Ihe ust under [Property].
The box under [Vahm] rnoioamo me parammer (semng value) or me selected propeny
Usmg me fonowmg \ab\e of parameters as a reverence, mpul the parameter (or each
pvopeny The value 01 PHrJaremerers oerauns lo 3 (ch) and can be se‘ wnmn lhe
range omen,
Property name Description
Sefling memou
or range
t Deia uu
‘ T a warm aHows you m assrgn a name to eanh
LAN group when mumme LAN groups are oum
r Type up In as
neared 5,58 m 1 u vulhm a wrrewess commumcatron range awpnanumerrc LG
r ' Assrgn me game name (5 me same gmup nharaclers
1 (91mm) Note that mrs entry |s case sensmve
1 ms nem auows you no set me connoerron y
‘ ‘ method amordm (D OUY LAN arm ulal n ‘ Salem Adhoc 07
‘ Naewurk Mode 9 y C g w Adhoc
Pecrevaeer cbnnecmn. Adhoc 1 nncrasrrucrure
‘ Cannechon m aecess pom! Inhaslrumure
‘ Thrs nem aHows you m set me maxrmum srze
(o 185) a! a ket rr a er hansmxsqon we“ °' We a
r a c r o o . r
w 4 D p r va1us rangrng (000
\ Nor ”any mrs Herr. does no\ requrre m be
\ ‘ changed hour the oeraun.
5. Chck to end Ihe network semngs.
6. Roman Wmdows 95
"om 200 m 1600
u (l) u.
2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
27 Identifying Your Computer
Once the driver installatron and parameter settings are complete, your computer must be
identified within the nelwnrk by speCilylng acompuier name and a workgroup name. An
example at the procedute I5 given below For tunher details, see “introducing Networks“ in
the introducing Microsoft Windows 95 manual.
I Connecting Computers Peer—to-Peer (Adhoc Mode)
Protocol is the common transmission language used between computers and between
the networks that comprise the internet Either NelBEUl or TCP/IP can be used with the
When the evaluation program 0! the LAN Card (located In the [UTlLS] tolder ol the LAN
Card UtilllIOS software) is used, iallow the procedure below to make Sure that TCP/lF is
Before proceeding with computer identification
[EPX’SPX—Compailble Plulucol] and [Net'rlEUi] are installed when the LAN Card software
IS installed and are provtdec by Windows 95 under [The toilowtng network components
are installed], in older to conirrm the installation oi these protocols select [Control Panel]
a Network] 4 [Configuration]. Follow the procedure below to add TCF’r’lP.
1. Select [Control Panel] ., [Network] and then click . The “Select Network
Component Type» Window appears.
2. Cltck “Protocol-t under [Click the type of network component you Want to install].
Then, click ,
The «Select Network Protocol» window appears.
at Click «Microsoft» under [Manulaciulers] and then click uNeiBEUIw or uTCP/lP»
under [Network Protocols]. NexL click .
The screen returns to the [Network] wrndow
4. Click to finish the protocol setting
5. Restart your computer,
; ile and printer sl
1. Select [Control Part
2. Turn on both [i want
to allow others to pri
ouv computer mus1 us
workgroup name; An
youucmg Nuwurks" m
mpufiers and bmwem
P can be used mm thi-
WLSZ (older 01 me LAN
ke sure mat TOP/P 15
ht LAN 2'an soflwa'e
ne‘wc'k camponenzs
anmrai Pam]
The n Selecl Network
1 you warm m msml‘:
tBEUl» or «TCF’IIP»
Using in a Windows 95 Environment 2
e and pr nler sharing
seem [Control Panel} ~ [Network] and click <>
Fiannhflkhwgmmluwfla ‘
t: Immuwewdmé’mmuflwwmum
@ _‘°"~?_!
T t
2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
2.7 ldentifying Your Computer (continued)
(The (allowing settings are necessary when TOP/I.“ protocol is to be used. >
Select {Conirol Panel] , > {Nelworkj and click uTCP/lP» under [The lollowrng components
are installed} Then click
The [lF' Address] tab or the «TCPIIP PropenieSn wlndow appears Selecl [Speclly an i?
address} and lnpuline ilP Address} and (he [Subnel Mask] numerically iv you do not know
.a: numcric values to use lor these items, coniac! your P or your network manager
v. r
Mariam. v -
For your iniurmation
IP addresses are made up 01 {our numbers each ranging from 0 lo 255 and separaled
by periods. Use a drflerenl IP address lor each compulerwilhinihe workgroup. Subnel
masks are also made up ollour numbers, each ranging from 0 lo 255 and separated by
periods, Use |he same subnei masklor each compulerwithin (he workgmup.
3. SelecHConlrolPan
Input the proper ii
Descrrpiron], Each
computer name bi
description of your
the workgroup nan
dislinclion is made l
4. Click . Click
Compuler now’7" Yu
col is to be used.
tollcwmg components
Sctecr [Spectty an IP
atty tryoudu not know
network manager
o 255 and separated
eworkgroup. Subnet
55 and separated by
Using in a Windows 95 Environment 2
3, Setect [Controt Panet] — r [Network] and then cttck the (Identrtlcatronl lab
Input the proper mturmatton tor [Computer namer [Workgrouplr and [Computer
Descriptren] Each computer that is conneated peerrto-peer must have a different
computer name but the same workgroup name. tt necessary, enter a srmple
descrrptron of your computer rnto [Computer Descrrptton}. The computer name and
the workgroup name can have up to 15 atphanumenc characters each, and no
drstrnctton IS made between uppercase and lowercase letters
u mekwmmhhsdyp‘
v myth-chm Mwnmt-m
\ wnimhmtmidwhmccwul
wan-m t ,
twm‘tfiflvhlwwul" . V ;
4. cm Chck in reply to the message “Do you want to restart your
computer now?” Yuur computer restarts.
2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
2-7 ldentifying Your Computer (continued) 7. Rrghlclickihcmlda
5A mmr your computer resmns‘ serecr [Centre] Paner] ~ [Netwrrrky Make sure that [Sham]
"Client lor Mlcrcsofl Networksnr “ICOM UX-136 PCMCIA Adapter», «NelBEUI», I
and «(File and printer sharing for Microsoft Networks» are a“ hsted under Whe
rorrovnngcamponenls arc— msmfled]
Cums MummNH-«wx
8. The properties arm
the senings for [5
necessary" modwy tl
54 in order to share a miner, open 1he wrnuow than comams the (older 0mm [My
_,\I’ h u
ork], Make sure tha1
daptern, uNeIBEUI».
an Ixsled under [The
the Iolder vrom [My
Using in a Windows 95 Environment 2
7. Phghl dvck me lulder y
8. The pvopemes o! the mm; are mapwayed. Turn on me [Shared As] human and chec
the semngs for [Share Name], [Comment], [Access Type; and [Password]
necessary modflythe scmngs Next‘ chck.
cu want to sham: and chck to display the shortcut menu Chck
2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
2—7 Identifying Your Computer (continued)
9, i'he iotlowrng screen appears The hand Indicates that tht: toldei [Pub] has been
1k to y—- ttw
eel ]
2-8 Checking the Network Connection
After you have completed the procedures to identily your computer as part oi the network]
checkto make sure you can access the toldeis at the other computers in the network,
Dotibie Click the [Network Neighborhood] lCDn on your desktop and dlsplay the window
shown below. Check to mate sure the [Entire Network] icon and the Icons ior both your
computer andthe other computers in the wontgroup are displayed it they are, the network
if. properly connected
' l' the icon of a computer that is not part at your woikgroup is displayed] doubte click the
Entire Network] Icon to disptay a list of the Computers in the network The list will not
include, however] computers whose Desired Ess ID (p,12)ts different troni the Deswed
555 ID of the workgroup to which your computer IS connected lt you do not WtSh others
to have access to your network date change the Destrerj Ess lD setting Dl your
When the [Network Neighborhood] orthe [Entire Network] icon is selected, ”rt may take
several minutes tor the icons at alt oi the computers in the workgroup or tor the entire
network list, respectively, to appear When there are missing icons or list items, close
and reopen the [Network Computer] window. It the missing items again tail to appear,
periorrn the procedure on the toltowing page or consult your network manager.
2—9 Troubleshc
When your computer
the tolluwing.
s yourcomputer usi
Pertorrn the iollowtni
to change it it neces:
Select [Control Pane
unoer rrhe ioiiowing
the [Bindings] tab an
the protocol you will i
ti you are using y0|
service software tori
Q Is your computer usi
6; is your computer us
Have you set the act
it you are using TOP,
It you are using an l
also support the Wire
@ To obtain details ab
network" under “Trot
may {Pub} ttac bten
as pa—t dine ns‘v.:'>,
crstntne HEW/07K
nu disptay the mono»
ne tCOflS (or both your
ttheyare the network
ayso doubie c tne
Work The list wti‘ rtCl
erent tram tne Dean-ea
you do not wtsh on
55 tD ssittng of your
selected it may take
roup or tor the entire
ns or its\ items, close
again tati to appaar,
ork manager
Using in a Windows 95 Environment 2
2-9 Troubleshooting the Network Connection
When your computer cannot recognize the other computers in the network check
the tottowing,
o is you‘ oonrputcrustng the sarng ptotocnt as the othcrcomputerstn yourworkgroup?
‘tailowtng operations to cneut; inc protocoi that IS used by we UX—tBG and
arm t
"rrangc it if necessary
V'Céntro‘r ?anci] t Network; and then seieci utCOM UX»136 PCMCiA Adapter»
alts-d] Cit: tes> and seiect
oebttx Tu'r. trn tnp check Dox next to
«tn; netwunt companents arc— trt
at and distriav ttt€ WUtdOV.‘ stto
ant“ amimmat
9 it you are using your computer as a Mtcvosolt Networks Client, have you installed
“Nice sottwara (or Mtctosofl NeinrK57
- is your Computer ustng tnp same Dcsrrsd ESS ID tp 12) as the other computers in your
i is your computer using the same workgroup nafl'rl as the other computers in your
o hat/s you sotthc access status tc'snare“ tortne computers in yourworkgroup and the
tr‘no trtorttgroups7
O I‘ B J are usingTCP/‘KP‘ are the [P addressesoi the commuters tn the netwotkcorrecfi
t flu are ustng an iF’ address tram a DHCP server or a DNS server, ttre server muzt
arse support the wrretoss network
0 To obtain detaits about other posstbio causes, setect “if you have trouble using the
rm" unocr “Troubleshooting“ m the Help Contents.
A our X44
2 Using in a Windows 95 Environment
2-10 Removing the LAN Card
There is a current procedure lcr removmg the LAN Card, II this procedure is no\
lolluwed, the system may run abnormally.
1. i: mere Is a [PC Card} icon in lhc lasklray on me bollom rigm of me screen double cllck
we iccn omervuse, click and men scleci [Ssiimgs] , - 1Con1roi Panel] Double
cllclilhe [PC Card] icon lmhe [Cunlrcl Panell
2. He the [Sacks-i Slams; shce‘i 01th we Card (Pcmcw, Pmpemes] window, seieci
me PC Card ycu wish lo vemevc and men click <5|op>,
“vacuum—m HE
5mm |sws¢wl
Q we r,
Kw.” mom
3. Do let remove me LAN Card unlilihe loilowmgmessage appears crime (“ween
as Ptum Admu sun 2
CAUTION: The packaging of the LAN Card absorbs heal lrom the inside oi the
computer. ThlS heal has no ill eflecl on the periormance oi the card, but it
can cause burns il (he card is removed belme the compuler cools Alter
clicking , lum oil the powerlo lhe computer and wait (or ‘lhe internal
(temperature 10 lall beiore removing ihe card‘
2—11 Removing
The LAN Card driver is
1 . Click and se
2. Seleci lhe [Device
under “Nelwork ad
3. Click an
your compuler now'
2-12 About the
The slams onhe LAN C
The green LED lights d-
LED llghls duflng data
both transmissmn and r
has stopped, the LAN C
Using in a Windows 95 Environment 2
2-11 Removing the LAN Card Driver
his procedure is nol The LAN Card driverifi rcmuvod according ioihe ioiiowmg pvocedure.
1. CiiCk and scieci [Seiiil’igs] ~ [Comroi Panel] a [Sysiem]
“9 We.“ d‘fj‘b‘E ”1°" 2. Seieci lhe [Device Manager} tab and then click ulCOM UX-136 FCMCIA Adapter»
C‘m'm' PM“ DOME under “Network adaplers».
cw;- bmunwlnmhemi Mm]
pcmes‘i wmdnvrn seiea:
3. CiiCK ~:Remuve> and (hen click in reply to the mess Age “Do you wani m restan
rs on me screen your computer now?” Vour eumpuier vesians.
m the inside oi the 2'12 Abou‘ the LED5
nee DI the Card. but il 7 he siaius oi the LAN Card can be Checked using the LEDS.
The green LED iighis durinfl. power on. during resiari‘ and during daia recepiionv The red
LED ngms dunng data iransmissicn‘ and the red and green LEDs iigm altevnalsiy when
bet!" iransmnssmn and rccepiion ave taking plan? in Adhoc Mode or when communication
———————d has sioppeu, me LAN Card errms a beacon Irequency and the LEDs flash 3! high speed
mpuler cools. After
waii hr the imemai
_ 3 Troubleshooting
3-1 What is the LAN Card Eva|uation Program? 2. crtck<5tanrx>tot
evaluatroh are drspr
dummy data, Ihe ret
Before closrng nu
lransmrssinn or the
top rrghl or fiber scree
The screen relurns‘
v hon (here ts troubra wrth the network (tor example when your compmer cannot
recogmze (he olher computers tn the network) the LAN Card Evaruatron Program can be
ustd (0 (tbsp. .ay mmrmahon about We cummumcalron status 04 the LAN Card. This
nr‘or matron can help you find me cause or troupie
3-2 Setting Up the Program
Before 59 g up the program
Maw sure (he czxrnouiers m mo workgroup for wttrch mp program wrrt be used have
7:2 r? rrrsiahed H romp ts. not rrrstalied‘ so? “more proocodtrrg wrth computer
tdemtfrcatrorr'urta r ocnhechhg Computers Pecralo eer or dick the close button on the lap rrght O! the
Screen [v
To run ma evaluatron program. crrck and contrnue on \o the operatrons 1
described on me lolrowmg pages
Lwtmbss mu summ- Slit“:
_ 1mm" 1
our computer cannot
anon Program can be
the LAN card Thrs
am mu be used haw;
90mg wm’r compuls;
«Selupexeu ham 1
rucnsns m me set' p
earned dunng program
on the top nghz or 1h:
e on w \he operalmr‘s
Troubleshooting 3
2. cm 1o beg|n1ransmlssmn or dummy data The resuus our each mm or (he
evaluahon are desplayed rn Ine «Transmit Data» wmdowv During transmrssion o( the
dummy data the red LED on top 01 {he LAN Card rs M
Bercre crusrng (he «Transmit Data» window, duck Io xermmme
lransmxssmn 01 the dummy dala. Then. chck or Click me close butlon on Ihe
top ngnt or me screen.
The screen returns to the “Wireless LAN Evaluation Software» Wrndow.
3 Troubleshooting
3-3 Runmng the Program (continued)
Clrck ant' open me «Receive Dale» window. Cllck lo begln
racewmg dummy dale senl lmm another computer usmg LAN Evaluation The resulls
lar each ilem ol the evaluation are displayed ll’l (he «Recelve Daia» Window Dunng
veceptlon of lhc dummy data lhs green LED on top Dune LAN Cam |s mv
Below closlng the «Receive Data» wmdow cllck (Stop Tx> lo lermlnate recepllon of
me dummy Gaza Then. Clle or Clle lho close Dunon on the rep nghl ml the
The screen rcm'ns a: {he qureless LAN Evalualion Schwaren wrndcw
l m 1mm!"
BadF’acksl aun‘J
“rum Pmcw‘i
lead/3m 1
P297. '
3-4 Uninstallin
Select [Control Panel]
Ihe is! 01 programs in
cllck m reply Io ll
k 1o begin
valualwon. The YOSUHS
Dela» window Dum;
Card 15 m.
lermwnatc- recepuon 0!
on “16 mp fight d m:—
)) mnacw
Troubleshooting 3
3-4 Uninslalling the LAN Card Evaluation Program
Sewecz [Control Panel] ‘ [Add’fiemove Programs] and then select LAN Evaluation lrom
me hst D! programs m the «InstalVUmnstall» wmdow. Chck and men
chck m reply to the message that appears on lhe screen
1mm MW: nah museum ymw
, Wmfulmnapoymulowwflyhifldd
I Specifications
I General
~Tiansmi1 method Spread Spectrum Direct Sequence type
'Hange Approx 50 m 200 m (depending on cundihon)
N b _
-Transmi§ speed i or 2 Mbps
- Poweisuppiy mau‘vemerfl -5 v DC 159; (negative ground}
aims-w: diam ITvariSmit 450 mA (typ)
Receive 240 mA (Syn)
Smnn by 130 mL. nypii
O‘C1o-55 ‘c 532 F t: +131‘F
(H) , mo», mm
~(H‘,\ , 2'iiu31m
'usable tampera‘urc Yange
‘DimEHUO'VS 122 5
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