ICOM orporated IC-F4G-2 UHF-FM Hand Held Transceiver User Manual IC F4TR A3

ICOM Incorporated UHF-FM Hand Held Transceiver IC F4TR A3



INSTRUCTION MANUALThis device complies with Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe condition that this device does notcause harmful interference.iF4TRUHF TRUNKED RADIOCount on us!6-9-16 Kamihigashi, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0002 JapanA-5632?-1USPrinted in Japan© 1999 Icom Inc.4SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS4-1 Specifications• GENERALFrequency coverage (MHz) : 400–430, 450–490, 480–512Mode : 16K0F3E (25 kHz)11K0F3E (12.5 kHz)Usable temperature range : –30˚C to +60˚C; –22°F to +140°FDimensions (proj not incl.) : 57(W)×140(H)×37 (D) mm; 21⁄4(W)×51⁄2(H)×115⁄32(D) inWeight (with BP-196) : 390 g; 13.8 oz• TRANSMITTEROutput power  : 4 W• RECEIVERSensitivity (12 dB SINAD) : 0.3 µVIntermodulation rejection ratio: 75 dB typ.Spurious response rejection : 70 dB typ.Adjacent channel selectivity : 70 dB typ. (25 kHz)65 dB typ. (12.5 kHz)Audio output power : 500 mW (at 5% distortion with an 8 Ωload)4-2 Options• HM-46/HM-54/HM-75A SPEAKER-MICROPHONESCombination speaker-microphone that provides convenient opera-tion while hanging the transceiver from your belt clip.• BC-119 DESKTOP CHARGER + AD-81 CHARGER ADAPTERUsed for rapid charging of battery packs. Charging time: 1.5 to 2hours. An AC adapter is supplied with the chargers (depending onversion). • BC-121 MULTI-CHARGER + AD-81 CHARGER ADAPTER + BC-124 AC ADAPTERRapidly charges of up to 6 battery packs (six AD-81’s are required)at once. Charging time: 1.5 to 2 hours. • BC-133 DESKTOP CHARGERRegularly charges battery pack with/without transceiver. The ACadapter, BC-122, is additionally required. Charging time: approx. 15hours• BC-110A/D/V WALL CHARGERUsed for charging via a domestic AC wall socket.•CP-12L CIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLEUsed for charging via a vehicle’s cigarette lighter socket (12 V).•OPC-254L DC POWER CABLEUsed for charging with an external power supply.•BP-194 BATTERY CASETakes eight (8) AA (R6) size batteries. External DC-jack on thetransceiver can be used to charge the Ni-Cd battery cells.•SP-13 EARPHONEProvides clear audio in noisy environments.All stated specifications are subject to change without notice orobligation.IMPORTANTREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completely beforeusing the transceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL. This manual containsimportant safety and operating instructions for the IC-F4TR.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSNEVER allow the antenna to come close to, or touch,exposed body parts, especially the face or eyes while trans-mitting.NEVER disassemble the transceiver. incorrect reassemblemay result in a fire hazard or electric shock.NEVER operate the transceiver near unshielded electricalblasting caps or in an explosive area.AVOID the use of chemical agents such as benzene or alco-hol when cleaning—use a water-dampened cloth only.For U.S.A. onlyCAUTION: changes or modifications to this transceiver, notexpressly approved by icom inc., could void your authority tooperate this transceiver under fcc regulations.TABLE OF CONTENTSIMPORTANTEXPLICIT DEFINITIONSTABLE OF CONTENTSSUPPLIED ACCESSORIES1 PANEL DESCRIPTION2 GETTING STARTED2-1 Accessory attachment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12-2 Turning POWER ON  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-23 BATTERY PACKS AND BATTERY CASE3-1 Caution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13-2 Battery case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-23-3 Battery charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-34 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS4-1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-14-2 Options  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2SUPPLIED ACCESSORIESqBattery pack (comes attached to the transceiver)wFlexible antennaeBelt clipr1922 A-REAR SHEET
3-1 CautionNEVER incinerate used battery packs or battery cells. Internalbattery gas may cause an explosion.NEVER immerse the battery pack or the battery case inwater. If the battery pack or case becomes wet, be sure towipe it dry BEFORE attaching it to the transceiver.NEVER short terminals of the battery pack or battery case.Also, current may flow into nearby metal objects so be carefulwhen placing battery packs in handbags, etc.If your battery pack seems to have no capacity even afterbeing charged, completely discharge it by leaving the powerON overnight. Then, fully charge the battery pack again. If thebattery pack still does not retain a charge (or very little), anew battery pack must be purchased.DRecycling information (U.S.A. only)The product that you have purchased contains a recharge-able battery. The battery is recyclable. At the end of its life,under various state and local laws, it may be ille-gal to dispose of this battery into the municipalwaste stream. Call 1-800-822-8837 for batteryrecycling options in your area or contact yourdealer.3-2 Battery caseWhen using the optional BP-194attached to the transceiver, in-stall 8 AA (R6) size Alkaline orNi-Cd batteries as illustrated asat right.When installing Ni-Cd batteries:• Make sure all cells are the same brand, type and capacity.• Never mix old and new batteries.Either of the above may cause a fire hazard or damage thetransceiver.When installing dry or alkaline cells:• Never connect DC power to the transceiver. Such a con-nection always charges the installed batteries and will dam-age the transceiver.DLOW BATTERY INDICATION- When  appears, battery capacity is becoming low andtransmitting is impossible.- When  flashes, battery capacity is nearly exhausted.3-3 Battery chargingPrior to using the transceiver for the first time, the batterypack must be fully charged for optimum life and operation.CAUTION: To avoid damage to the transceiver, turn it OFFwhile charging.• Recommended temperature range for charging: +10°C to+40°C (+50°F to +104°F)• Use the Icom’s charger (BC-119/BC-121 for rapid charging, BC-110, and BC-133 for regular charging) only. NEVER use anothermanufacturers’ chargers.• An optional cable OPC-254L (for 13.8 V power source) or CP-12L (for 12 V cigarette lighter socket) can be used in-stead ofthe AC adapters of the supplied charger.DDWith the BC-119 or BC-121The optional BC-119 and BC-121 provide rapid charging ofoptional Ni-Cd battery pack/s.The following are additionally required:• Only one AD-81 for the BC-119; six AD-81s for the BC-121.• An AC adapter (may be supplied with the BC-119 depending onversion; The optional AC adapter, BC-124, for the BC-121).When using the BC-119 in the vehicle: If the charge in-dicator flashes orange, the vehicle battery voltage is lowand charging may not be performed. Check the vehiclebattery voltage in this case. If the charge indicator flashesred, there may be a problem with the battery pack (orcharger). Re-insert the battery pack or contact your dealer.DDWith the BC-133The optional BC-133 provides regularcharging of optional Ni-Cd battery packwith/without transceiver.The following are additionally required:• The optional AC adapter, BC-122.DDWith the BC-110 or an optional cablesCAUTION: Only Ni-Cd batteries can be charged. NEVERconnect a wall charger when dry or Alkaline cells are in-stalled in the BP-194 BATTERY CASE— the transceiver and/orbattery case may be damaged.CAUTION: Even if the power source has enough capac-ity, the [CHARGE] jack can be used for charging purposesonly. You can not operate the transceiver without an inter-nal power source.Connect the optional BC-110, CP-12L or OPC-254L to the[CHARGE] jack on the transceiver as illustrated below. Becareful of battery overcharging as the connected battery ischarged simultaneously..• Approx. charging period: 15 hrs.• DO NOT turn power ON while connecting the BC-110A/D/V.Current capacity is insufficient.• AVOID over charging. The charging period should be lessthan 48 hours.qqANTENNA CONNECTORConnects the supplied antenna.wVOLUME CONTROL [VOL]Turns power ON and adjusts the audio level.ee[SP]/[MIC] JACKConnect optional speaker-microphone, or headset.rPTT SWITCH [PTT]Transmits during push; receives during release.ttACTIVITY LEDLights red while transmitting.yyFUNCTION DISPLAYDisplays the following information;• Operating channel number• Low-battery indication• DTMF code• Low-power indication• Skip channel indication• Audible indicationNOTE: Above functions depending on pre-setting.uCHANNEL UP/DOWN KEYS [Y]/[Z]Push either switch to change the operating channel.iDEALER PROGRAMMABLE KEYS[P0]/[P1]/[P2]/[P3]/[A]*/[B]*/[C]*/[D]*/[Ω]*/[–]Can each be programmed for one of several functions byyour Icom dealer or system operator.DProgrammable key reference.*10-keypad type only.ooKEYPADUsed to enter DTMF codes, the operating channel, etc.PANEL DESCRIPTION1[ – ] [Ω]*[P0] [A]*[P1] [B]*[P2] [C]*[P3] [D]*

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