ICOM orporated IC-M1V VHF-FM Marine Hand Held Transceiver User Manual IC M1V

ICOM Incorporated VHF-FM Marine Hand Held Transceiver IC M1V



INSTRUCTION MANUALThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is sub-ject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.iM1VVHF MARINE TRANSCEIVER
FOREWORDThank you for purchasing this Icom product. The IC-M1V VHFMARINE TRANSCEIVERis designed and built with Icom’s superi-or technology and craftsmanship. With proper care this prod-uct should provide you with years of trouble-free operation.IMPORTANTREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and completelybefore using the transceiver.SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL— Thisinstruction manual contains important operating instructionsfor the IC-M1V.EXPLICIT DEFINITIONSCAUTIONSRWARNING! NEVER connect the transceiver to an ACoutlet. This may pose a fire hazard or result in an electricshock.RWARNING! NEVER hold the transceiver so that theantenna is very close to, or touching exposed parts of thebody, especially the face or eyes, while transmitting. Thetransceiver will perform best if the microphone is 5 to 10 cm(2 to 4 in) away from the lips and the transceiver is vertical.NEVER connect the transceiver to a power source otherthan the BP-215. Such a connection will ruin the transceiver.NEVER charge battery packs except in the methodsdescribed in this manual.AVOID using or placing the transceiver in areas with tem-peratures below –20°C (–4°F) or above +60°C (+140°F).AVOID the use of chemical agents such as benzine or alco-hol when cleaning, as they may damage the transceiver sur-faces. After exposure to saltwater, clean the transceiver thor-oughly with fresh water to avoid corrosion.BE CAREFUL! The transceiver rear panel will becomehot when operating continuously for long periods.iWORD DEFINITIONRWARNING!CAUTIONNOTEPersonal injury, fire hazard or electric shockmay occur.Equipment damage may occur.It desired, inconvenience only. No risk ofpersonal injury, fire or electric shock.
BE CAREFUL! The IC-M1V employs waterproof con-struction, which corresponds to JIS waterproof specification,grade 7 (1 m/30 min.). However, once the transceiver hasbeen dropped, it is not guaranteed due to the transceiver maybe cracked, or waterproof seal damaged, etc.MAKE SURE the flexible antenna and battery pack aresecurely attached to the transceiver and that the antenna andbattery pack are dry before attachment. Exposing the insideof the transceiver to water will result in serious damage to thetransceiver.KEEP the transceiver at least 1 m (3.3 ft) away from theship’s navigation compass.KEEP the transceiver out of the reach of children.For U.S.A. onlyCAUTION: Changes or modifications to this device, not ex-pressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your authority tooperate this device under FCC regulations.IN CASE OF EMERGENCYIf your vessel requires assistance, contact other vessels andthe Coast Guard by sending a distress call on channel 16;ii❍USING CHANNEL 16DISTRESS CALL PROCEDURE1. “MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY.”2. “THIS IS ....................” (name of vessel)3. Your call sign or other indication of thevessel.4. “LOCATED AT ..........” (your position)5. The nature of the distress and assis-tance required.6. Any other information which might facil-itate the rescue.
iiiTABLE OF CONTENTSFOREWORD ....................................................................... iIMPORTANT ........................................................................ iEXPLICIT DEFINITIONS ..................................................... iCAUTIONS ...................................................................... i, iiIN CASE OF EMERGENCY ............................................... iiTABLE OF CONTENTS  .................................................... iii1 OPERATING RULES........................................................ 12 PANEL DESCRIPTION  ............................................... 2–5■ Front panel  .................................................................. 2■ Function display  .......................................................... 43 BASIC OPERATION .................................................... 4–9■ Channel selection ........................................................ 5■ Lock function  ............................................................... 6■ Adjusting the squelch level .......................................... 6■ Receiving and transmitting .......................................... 7■ Optional voice scrambler operation ............................. 8■ Call channel programming  .......................................... 9■ Automatic backlighting  ................................................ 94 DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH  ........................................... 10■ Description ................................................................ 10■ Operation .................................................................. 105 SCAN OPERATION ................................................. 11–12■ Scan types ................................................................. 11■ Setting tag channels .................................................. 12■ Starting a scan  .......................................................... 126 SET MODE  .............................................................. 13–14■ SET mode programming  ........................................... 13■ SET mode items ........................................................ 137 BATTERY CHARGING ............................................ 15–16■ Battery cautions  ........................................................ 15■ Battery charging  ........................................................ 158 UNPACKING AND ACCESSORY ATTACHMENT  ........ 179 TROUBLESHOOTING  .................................................. 1810 CHANNEL LIST ........................................................... 1911 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS  ............................. 20■ Specifications ............................................................ 20■ Options ...................................................................... 20
11OPERATING RULES×PRIORITIESqRead all rules and regulations pertaining to priorities ankeep an up-to-date copy handy. Safety and distress callstake priority over all others.wYou must monitor channel 16 when you are not operatingon another channel.eFalse or fraudulent distress signals are prohibited and pun-ishable by law.×PRIVACYqInformation overheard but not intended for you cannot law-fully be used in any way.wIndecent or profane language is prohibited.×RADIO LICENSES(1) SHIP STATION LICENSEYou must have a current radio station license before using thetransceiver. It is unlawful to operate a ship station which is notlicensed.Inquire through your dealer or the appropriate governmentagency for a Ship-Radiotelephone license application. Thisgovernment-issued license states the call sign which is yourcraft’s identification for radio purposes.(2) OPERATOR’S LICENSEA Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is the licensemost often held by small vessel radio operators when a radiois not required for safety purposes.The Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit must beposted or kept with the operator. Only a licensed radio opera-tor may operate a transceiver.However, non-licensed individuals may talk over a transceiverif a licensed operator starts, supervises, ends the call andmakes the necessary log entries.Keep a copy of the current government rules and regulationshandy.
■Panel description qANTENNA CONNECTORConnects the supplied antenna. (p. 00)wPTT SWITCH [PTT]Transmits during push and hold; receives during release.(p. 00)eMONITOR SWITCH [MONI]➥Opens the squelch and monitors the operating channelwhile being pushed.➥While turning power ON, enters the SET mode and pro-ceeds the SET mode contents when pushed. (p. 00)rBATTERY PACK RELEASE BUTTONTo remove the battery pack: Slides the battery release button upwards, then lift up thebattery pack.To attach the battery pack: Mate the notched ends of the transceiver and the batterypack, and click the battery pack into place.PANEL DESCRIPTION22
tCHANNEL UP/DOWN SWITCHES [YY]/[ZZ]➥Push either switch to change the operating channel. (p.00)➥Push either switch to change the setting during setmode. (p. 00)➥Checks tag channels or changes scanning direction dur-ing scan. (p. 00)yCHANNEL 16 SWITCH [16•9]➥Selects channel 16 when pushed. (p. 00)➥Selects the call channel when pushed for 2 sec. (p. 00)➥Enters call channel write mode when the call channel isselected and this switch is pushed for 5 sec. (p. 00)uVOLUME CONTROL [VOL]Turns power ON and adjusts the audio level. (p. 00)iSQUELCH CONTROL [SQL]Sets the squelch threshold level. (p. 00)oCHANNEL/WEATHER CHANNEL SWITCH[CH/WX•U/I/C]➥Selects and toggles the regular channels and weatherchannel when pushed momentarily. (pgs. 00, 00)➥Selects one of 3 regular channels in sequence whenpushed for 2 sec. (p. 00)• International, U.S.A. and Canadian channels are avail-able for regular channels.!0 DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH SWITCH [DW•TRI] (p. 00)➥Starts dualwatch when pushed momentarily.➥Starts tri-watch when pushed for 2 sec.➥Stops dualwatch/tri-watch when either is activated.➥Enters comment writing condition while pushing [MONI].(p. 00)!1 SCAN SWITCH [SCAN•TAG]➥Starts and stops normal or priority scan when tag chan-nels are programmed. (p. 12)➥Sets the displayed channel as a tag (scanned) channelor when pushed for 2 sec. (p. 12)➥Activates an optional voice scrambler function whilepushing [MONI]. (p. 8)➥Clears all tag channels in the selected regular channelwhen pushed and tuning power ON. (p. 12)!2 TRANSMIT POWER/LOCK SWITCH [H/L•LOCK]➥Toggles high and low power (1 W) when pushed. (p. 7)• Some channels are set to low power only.➥While pushing [MONI], push this key to select extra lowpower (500 mW). (p. 7)➥Toggles the lock function ON and OFF when pushed for2 sec. (p. 6)!3 SPEAKER-MICROPHONE CONNECTOR [SP MIC]Connects the optional speaker-microphone. (p. 00)PANEL DESCRIPTION32
■Function displayqBUSY INDICATOR (p. 00)Appears while receiving a signal or while the squelchopens.wTRANSMIT INDICATOR (p. 00)Appears while transmitting.eCHANNEL GROUP INDICATORS (p. 00)Appears “USA” when U.S.A.; “INT” when international;“CAN” when Canadian channel group is selected.rCHANNEL NUMBER READOUT•Indicates the selected operating channel number. (pgs. 5,6)•In SET mode, indicates the selected condition. (pgs. 13,14)tATIS INDICATORAppears while ATIS function is activated. (Uses Germanversion only)yCOMMENT INDICATOR•Indicates or scrolls operating channel comment. (pgs. 5,6)•In SET mode, indicates or scrolls the selected item. (pgs.13, 14)PANEL DESCRIPTION42!1qwertyuio!2!3!4!5!6CANUSAINTATISCALL LOWWX ALTDUALDUPTRITAG
52PANEL DESCRIPTIONuBATTERY INDICATORIndicates remaining battery power.iLOCK INDICATOR (p. 00)Appears while the lock function is activated.oSUB CHANNEL READOUT • Indicates channel 16 during priority scan. (p. 00)•Indicates channel 16 during dualwatch or tri-watch. (p.00)!0 DUPLEX INDICATORAppears when a duplex channel is selected.!1 SCRAMBLER INDICATORAppears when the optional voice scrambler is activated.(p. 00)!2 DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH INDICATORS (p. 00)• “DUAL” blinks during dualwatch.• “TRI” blinks during tri-watch.!3 WEATHER CHANNEL/WEATHER ALERT INDICATOR• “WX” appears when weather channel group is selected.•“ALT” appears while the weather alert function is acti-vated; blinks when alert tone is received. !4 LOW POWER INDICATOR (p. 00)• Appears when low power is selected. • Blinks when extra low power is selected. !5 CALL CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 00)Appears when a call channel is selected.!6 TAG CHANNEL INDICATOR (p. 00)Appears when a tag channel is selected.IndicationBattery level Enough Middle ChargingrequiredExhaustssoon
63SUPPLIED ACCESSORY AND ATTACHMENT×Supplied accessoriesThe following accessories are supplied: Qty.qFlexible antenna (FA-S57V) .................................1wBattery pack (BP-215) ..........................................1eBattery charger (AD-95) .......................................1rAC adapter* (BC-122A/E/V*)  ...............................1tHandstrap ............................................................1yBelt clip  ................................................................1uScrews for the belt clip (M3 ×4) ..........................2iScrews for the AD-95 (M3.5 ×30)........................ 2*Depending on version×Belt clip attachmentAttach the belt clip with the supplied screws. Convenientlyattaches to your belt.×Flexible antenna attachmentInsert the supplied antenna intothe antenna connector and screwdown the antenna as shown inthe diagram at right.CAUTION: Attach the suppliedantenna securely for water-proofing.CAUTION: Transmitting with-out an antenna may damagethe transceiver.×Handstrap attachmentSlide the handstrap through theloop on the side of the transceiveras illustrated at right.Facilitates carrying.NEVER use the supplied screws with-out the belt clip, otherwise, the screwholes may be damaged and the trans-ceiver might not be waterproof. Use thesupplied screws only when attachingthe belt clip.
74BASIC OPERATION■Channel selection×Channel 16Channel 16 is the distress channel. It is used for establishinginitial contact with another station and for emergency com-munications. Channel 16 is automatically monitored duringboth dualwatch and tri-watch. While standing-by you have tomonitor channel 16.Channel 16 is instantly re-called when [16] is pushed.×Channel 9 (Call channels)Channel 9 is the pleasure call channel. Each regular channelgroup has separate call channels. In addition, each call chan-nel is monitored during tri-watch. The call channels can beprogrammed (p. ??) and are used to store your most oftenused channels in each group for quick recall.➥Push [16¥9] for 2 sec. to select the call channel; of the se-lected channel group.• “CALL” indicator and call channel number appear. • Each channel group may have an independent call channel afterchanging a call channel.USACALLTAGA channel comment“ ” is scrolled.USATAG
84BASIC OPERATION×U.S.A., Canadian and international channelsThere are 57 international, 61 U.S.A. and 57 Canadian chan-nels. These channel groups may be specified for the operat-ing area.qPush [CH/WX] to select a regular channel.• If a weather channel appears, push [CH/WX] again.wPush [Y]/[Z] to select a channel.• “DUP” appears for duplex channels.eTo change the channel group, push [CH/WX•U/I/C] for2 sec.• U.S.A., Canadian and international channels can be selected insequence.×Weather channelsThere are 10 weather channels. Used for monitoring weatherchannels from the NOAA (National Oceanographic and At-mospheric Administration) broadcasts.The IC-M1V can detect a weather alert tone on the selectedweather channel while receiving the channel, during standbyon a regular channel or while scanning. See the “SET modeitems” on p. 14.➥Push [CH/WX] once or twice to select weather channels.Push for 1 sec. U.S.A. channelsCanadian channelsInternational channelsU/I/CU/I/CU/I/CCANDUPUSATAGINTCANUSAINTATISCALL LOWWX ALTDUALDUPTRITAGTXBUSYSCRMCANUSAINTATISCALL LOWWX ALTDUALDUPTRITAG
4BASIC OPERATION9■Receiving and transmittingCAUTION: Transmitting without an antenna may dam-age the transceiver.qRotate [VOL] clockwise to turn power ON, then set to the10 o’clock position.• Turn [SQL] clockwise to mute any audio noise if necessary. Referto the previous page for details.wPush [Y]/[Z] to select the desired channel.• When receiving a signal, “BUSY” appears and audio is emittedfrom the speaker.• Further adjustment of [VOL] may be necessary at this point.• Use the optional voice scrambler function for privacy. (p. 8)ePush [H/L] to select the output power if necessary.• “LOW” appears when low power is selected.•Choose low power to conserve battery power, choose highpower for longer distance communications.• Some channels are for low power only.• An extra low power, Low 2, is available for short distance com-munications. Push [H/L] while pushing [MONI] in such case.rPush and hold [PTT] to transmit, then speak into the mi-crophone.• “TX” appears.• Channel 70 cannot be used for transmission (for GMDSS use).tRelease [PTT] to receive.IMPORTANT: To maximize the readability of your trans-mitted signal (voice), pause a few sec. after pushing [PTT],hold the microphone 10 to 15 cm (4 to 6 inches) from yourmouth and speak at a normal voice level.The transceiver has power save function to conserve thebattery power and cannot be turned OFF. The power savefunction activates automatically when no signal is receivedfor 5 sec.
104BASIC OPERATION■Lock functionThis function electronically locks all keys and switches to pre-vent accidental frequency changes and function access.➥Push [H/L•LOCK] for 2 sec. to turn the lock function ONand OFF.• Only [PTT], [H/L] and [MONI] are functional.■Automatic backlightingThis function is convenient for nighttime operation. The auto-matic backlighting can be activated in SET mode. (p. 13)➥Push any key except for [PTT] to turn the backlighting ON.• The backlighting is automatically turned OFF 5 sec. after opera-tion.•Push [MONI] to turn the backlighting ON without changing theoperating condition.■Optional voice scrambleroperation×Activating the scramblerThe optional voice scrambler provides private communica-tions. In order to receive or send scrambled transmissionsyou must first activate the scrambler function. To activate thefunction, either an optional UT-98 or UT-122 is necessary. Askyour dealer for details.qSelect an operating channelexcept channel 16 or weatherchannels.wPush [SCN] while pushing andholding [MONI].• “SCRM” appears.eTo turn the scrambler functionOFF, repeat step w.• “SCRM” disappears.×Programming scramble codesThere are 128 codes (00 to 127) available with UT-98 or 32codes (00 to 31) available with UT-122 for programming. Inorder to understand one another, all transceivers in yourgroup must have the same scramble code, as well as thesame unit. See page ?? for scrambling code setting for de-tailsUSASCRMAppears when the voicescrambler function is in use.Appears when the lock function is in use.USA
114BASIC OPERATION■Call channel programmingThe call channel key is used to select channel 9, however,you can program your most often-used channels in eachchannel group for quick recall.qPush [CH/WX•U/I/C] for 2 sec. sev-eral times to select the desiredchannel group (USA, INT, CAN) tobe programmed.wPush [16•9] for 2 sec. to select thecall channel of the selected chan-nel group.•“CALL” and call channel number ap-pear.ePush [16•9] again for 5 sec. (untillong beep changes to 2 shortbeeps) to enter call channel pro-gramming condition.•Call channel number and channelgroup to be programmed flashes.rPush [Y]/[Z] to select the desiredchannel.tPush [16•9] to program the dis-played channel as the call channel.• The call channel number and channelgroup stop flashing.USATAGUSATAGUSACALLTAGUSACALLTAGUSATAG CALLUSATAGUSACALLTAG
■Scan typesScanning is an efficient way to locate signals quickly over awide frequency range. The transceiver has priority scan andnormal scan.In addition, weather alert and automatic scan start function isavailable for standby convenience. (p. 14)Set the tag channels (scanned channel) before scanning.Clear the tag channels which inconveniently stop scanning,such as digital communication use.Choose priority or normal scan in SET mode. (p. 14)NORMAL SCANNormal scan, like priority scan, searches through all tagchannels in sequence. However, unlike priority scan, chan-nel 16 is not checked unless channel 16 is set as a tagchannel.CH 01 CH 02WX*CH 05 CH 04CH 035SCAN OPERATIONS12*Previously selected weather channel whenweather alert function is ON.PRIORITY SCANPriority scan searches through all tag channels in se-quence while monitoring channel 16. When a signal is de-tected on channel 16, scan pauses until the signal disap-pears; when a signal is detected on a channel other thanchannel 16, scan becomes dualwatch until the signal dis-appears.WX*CH 01CH 16CH 02CH 05 CH 04CH 03
■Setting tag channelsFor more efficient scanning, add desired channels as tagchannels or clear tag channels for unwanted channels.Channels set as non-tag channels will be skipped duringscanning. Tag channels can be assigned to each channelgroup (USA, INT, CAN) independently.qSelect the desired channel group (USA, INT, CAN) by push-ing [CH/WX•U/I/C] for 2 sec., if desired.wSelect the desired channel to set as a tag channel.ePush [SCN•TAG] for 2 sec., to set the displayed channelas a tag channel.• “TAG” appears in the function display.rTo cancel the tag channel setting, push [SCN•TAG] for 2sec.• “TAG” disappears.• Clearing all tag channels in the selected channel group➥Turn power ON while pushing and holding [SCN•TAG] toclear all tag channels in the channel group.■Starting a scanSet scan type, weather alert function, scan resume timer andauto scan function in advance using SET mode. (p. 14)qSelect the desired channel group (USA, CAN, INT) bypushing [CH/WX•U/I/C] for 2 sec., if desired.•When the weather alert function is in use, select the desiredweather channel with [CH/WX] and the channel selector.wPush [SCN] to start priority or normal scan.• The comment indicator indicates “SCAN”.• The sub channel readout indicates “16” during priority scan.•When a signal is received, scan pauses until the signal disap-pears or resumes after pausing 5 sec. according to SET modesetting. (Channel 16 is still monitored during priority scan.)•Push [Y]/[Z] to check the scanning tag channels, to changethe scanning direction or resume the scan manually.eTo stop the scan, push [SCN].• “SCAN” disappears.•Pushing [PTT], [16•9], [CH/WX] or [DW•TRI] also stops the scan.5SCAN OPERATION13Scan starts. Scan pauses when receiving a signal and audio is emitted.Push Push to stop the scan.USATAGUSADUPTAGUSATAGBUSYTA GTA G[Example]: Starting a normal scan.
146DUAL WATCH/TRI-WATCH■DescriptionDualwatch monitors channel 16 while you are receiving an-other channel; tri-watch monitors channel 16 and the callchannel while receiving another channel.■OperationqSelect the desired operating channel.wPush [DW•TRI] momentarily to start dualwatch; push[DW•TRI] for 2 sec. to start tri-watch.• “DUAL” flashes during dualwatch; “TRI” flashes during tri-watch.• Beep tone sounds when a signal is received on channel 16.• Tri-watch becomes dualwatch when receiving a signal on the callchannel.eTo cancel dualwatch/tri-watch, push [DW•TRI] again.[Example]: Operating tri-watch on INT channel 07.DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH SIMULATION•If a signal is received on channel 16, dualwatch/tri-watch pauseson channel 16 until the signal disappears.•If a signal is received on the call channel during tri-watch, tri-watch becomes dualwatch until the signal disappears.•To transmit on the selected channel during dualwatch/tri-watch,push and hold [PTT].•If no signal is received, the transceiver enters the power savingcondition for 0.5 sec. after checking the operating channel everycycle.
CHANNEL COMMENT PROGRAMMING 715■About the channel commentThe IC-M1V has a capability to assign up to 10-characterschannel comment for each operating channel, includesweather channel. This provides easy recognition of channelusage, or station names, etc.When shipped from the factory, the IC-M1V is programmedwith default comment for each VHF marine channel (refer tothe CHANNEL LISTon pgs. ??, ??). These defaults can beoverwritten if desired.×Available characters■Channel comment programmingqPush [Y]/[Z] to select a channel toprogram.• Push [CH/WX•U/I/C] for 2 sec. to selecta channel group, if necessary.wWhile pushing [MONI], push [DW].•The 1st character of the currently pro-grammed comment flashes.ePush [Y]/[Z] to select a character.rPush [SCN] to move to the right;then push [Y]/[Z] to select a charac-ter.• Pushing [H/L], moves to lefttContinue until the desired charactershave been selected, then push [DW]to return to normal operation.(=)(3)(D)(N)(X)(h)(r)(+)(4)(E)(O)(Y)(i)(s)(–)(5)(F)(P)(Z)(j)(t)(=)(6)(G)(Q)(a)(k)(u)(/)(7)(H)(R)(b)(l)(v)(,)(8)(I)(S)(c)(m)(w)(space)(9)(J)(T)(d)(n)(x)(0)(A)(K)(U)(e)(o)(y)(1)(B)(L)(V)(f)(p)(z)(2)(C)(M)(W)(g)(q)INTINTINTINTINT
SET mode is used to change the condi-tions of 10 transceiver functions: beeptone function, weather alert function,scan type (normal/priority), scan resumetimer, auto scan function, auto watch,automatic backlighting, power saverfunction, self check function, voicescrambler type and scrambling code.When no optional voice scrambler unitis installed, voice scrambler type andscrambling code setting are not qTurn power OFF.wWhile pushing [MONI], turn powerON and continue pushing [MONI]until emits beep.•After beep emission, release [MONI].• Set mode item at comment indicator andcondition at channel number readout aredisplayed.rPush [MONI] to select the desireditem, if necessary.tPush [Y]/[Z] to select the desiredcondition of the item.yTo exit SET mode, push [16].• Turning power OFF, then ON again alsoexits SET mode.■SET mode items×Beep tone “BEEP”You can select silent operation by turn-ing beep tones OFF or you can haveconfirmation beeps sound at the pushof a switch by turning beep tones ON.The beep tone volume is linked with[VOL].8SET MODE16Automatic backlightingWeather alertPower saveScan resumetimerScan typeBeep toneScramblerunit selectionScramblingcodeSelf check functionAuto scanPush• SET mode constructionPushBeep ON(default)Beep OFFPush■SET mode programming
8SET MODE17×Weather alert function“WX ALERT”An NOAA broadcast station transmitsan weather alert tone before an impor-tant weather information. When theweather alert function is turned ON, thetransceiver detects the alert, thenflashes the “ALT” indicator until thetransceiver is operated. The previouslyselected (used) weather channel ischecked in any time during standby orwhile scanning.• “ALT” appears when the function is set ON.×Scan type selection“SCAN TYPE”The transceiver has 2 scan types: nor-mal scan and priority scan. Normalscan searches all tag channels in theselected channel group. Priority scansearches all tag channels in sequencewhile monitoring channel 16.×Scan resume timer“SCAN TIMER”The scan resume timer can be selectedas a pause (OFF) or timer scan (ON).When OFF is selected, the scanpauses until the signal disappears.When ON is selected, the scan pauses5 sec. and resumes even if a signal isbeing received on channels except forchannel 16.PushNormal scanselection(default)Priority scanselectionPush
188SET MODE×Auto scan function“AUTO SCAN”While in standby, this function automat-ically starts the desired scan (normal orpriority scan) 30 sec. after operation. •“SCAN” appears when the function isturned ON.The transceiver has a power savefunction but the power save functiondoes not function when the autoscan function is in use.×Automatic backlighting“BACKLIGHT”This function is convenient for nighttimeoperation. The automatic backlightingturns the backlighting ON when pushingany key except for [PTT].•The backlighting automatically turns OFF5 sec. after operation.•Push [MONI] to turn the backlighting ONwithout changing the operating condition.• The backlighting ON when entering SETmode, regardless of this setting.×Power save function“POWER SAVE”The power saver function reduces cur-rent drain by deactivating the receivercircuit for present intervals.The power save function does notfunction when the auto scan functionis in use.PushPower save ON (default)Power saveOFFPushScrolls the channel comment, “ ”.PushAutomaricbacklighting ON (default)Automaricbacklighting OFFPushScrolls the channel comment, “ ”.PushAuto scanON Auto scanOFF (default)PushScrolls the channel comment, “ ”.
198SET MODE×Self check function“SELF CHECK”The self check function checks trans-ceiver conditions by itself and informsyou in case of problem is found. Follow-ing contents are checked after powerON, then turning into operation modewhen no problem is found.• PLL lock (both transmit and receive)• Temperature• Connected battery voltage• Water intrusion×Scrambler unit selection“SCRAM UNIT”This item appears only when voicescrambler unit is installed.Selects installed voice scrambler unit,otherwise the voice scrambler functionnot performed properly.×Scrambler code“SCRAM CODE”There are 128 codes (00 to 127) avail-able with UT-98 or 32 codes (00 to 31)available with UT-122 for programming.In order to understand one another, alltransceivers in your group must havethe same unit* and scramble code.*Different scrambling system is used be-tween UT-98 and UT-122, therefore, thesame unit must be used in your group .PushSelf checkfunction ONSelf checkfunction OFF(default)PushScrolls the channel comment, “ ”.
9BATTERY CHARGING20■Battery cautionsNEVER incinerate used battery packs. Internal battery gasmay cause an explosion.NEVER immerse the battery pack in water. If the battery packbecomes wet, be sure to wipe it dry BEFORE attaching it tothe transceiver.NEVER short terminals of the battery pack. Also, current mayflow into nearby metal objects so be careful when placing bat-tery packs in handbags, etc.AVOID leave the battery pack with fully charged or completelydischarged condition for long time. It makes shorter batterylife. In case of leaving the battery pack for long time, must bein safekeeping after discharge or use the battery until the bat-tery indicator shows middle level, then release from the trans-ceiver.If your battery pack seems to have no capacity even afterbeing charged, completely discharge it by leaving the powerON overnight. Then, fully charge the battery pack again. If thebattery pack still does not retain a charge (or very little), anew battery pack must be purchased.■Battery chargingPrior to using the transceiver for the first time, the batterypack must be fully charged for optimum life and operation.CAUTION: To avoid damage to the transceiver, turn it OFFwhile charging.• Recommended temperature range for charging:+10°C to +40°C (+50°F to +104°F)•Use the supplied charger (AD-95) only. NEVER use othermanufactures’ charger.•An optional cable OPC-515L (for 13.8 V power source) orCP-17L (for 12 V cigarette lighter socket) can be used in-stead of the AC adapters of above chargers.CAUTION: DO NOT leave the battery pack in the chargermore than 1 hour after the charging indicator lights OFF. Itwill make shorter battery life, due to over charging.
×Attaching the AD-95 to a desktop×Attaching the AD-95 to a wall×Charging qConnect the AC adapter (BC-122) or optional cable (CP-17L or OPC-515L) as shown below.wInsert the battery pack only or with the transceiver into thecharger.• The charge indicator lights green.eCharge the battery pack for approx. 8 hours.9BATTERY CHARGER21Eyelet:USE  a rubberband to securethe transceiver,if desired.AVOID overcharging!The AD-95 is NOT atransceiver hanger. Takeout the battery within1 hour after charged.
2210 SPEAKER-MICROPHONE■Speaker-microphonedescriptionsIMPORTANT: KEEP the [SP MIC] jack cover attached(transceiver) when speaker-microphone is not in use.Water will not coming into the transceiver even the cover isnot attached, however, the terminals (pins) become rustywhen the connector has wet. NEVER immerse the connector in water. If the connector be-comes wet, be sure to dry BEFORE attaching it to the trans-ceiver.■AttachmentInsert the connector of the speaker-microphone into the[SP MIC] connector on the transceiver and rotates (screws)the connector cover as shown in the diagram below. NOTE: The microphone element is located at the top ofthe speaker-microphone. To maximize the readability ofyour transmitted signal (voice), hold the microphone ap-prox. 2.5 cm (1 inch) from your mouth, and speak at a nor-mal voice level.
11TROUBLESHOOTING23POSSIBLE CAUSE• The battery is exhausted.• Bad connection to the battery pack.• Squelch level is too deep.• [OFF/VOL] level is too low.•Some channels are for low power orreceive only.• The battery is exhausted.•The output power is set to low or extralow.• Lock function is activated.• “TAG” channel is not programmed.• Auto scan function is activated.• Beep tone is turned OFF.• Optional voice scrambler is turned OFF.• Scramble code is not set correctly.PROBLEMNo power comes ON.No sound comes fromthe speakerTransmitting is impossi-ble, or high power can-not be selected.The displayed channelcannot be changed.Scan does not start.Scan starts automati-cally.No beep sounds.Receive signal cannotbe understood.SOLUTION• Recharge the battery pack.• Check the connection to the transceiver.• Set squelch to the threshold point.• Set [OFF/VOL] to a suitable level.• Change channels.• Recharge the battery pack.• Push [H/L] to select high power.•Push [H/L•LOCK] for 2 sec. to cancel thefunction.•Set the desired channels as “TAG” chan-nels.•Cancel the auto scan function in SETmode.• Turn the beep tone ON in SET mode.• Turn the optional voice scrambler ON.• Reset the scramble code.REF.p. 15p. 2p. 6p. 7pgs.5, 7p. 15p. 7p. 6p. 12p. 14p. 13p. 8p. 8
Channel NumberFrequency (MHz) Channel commentUSAINT CAN Transmit Receive01 01 156.050 160.650 TELEPHONE01A 156.050 156.050 VTS02 02 156.100 160.700 TELEPHONE02A 156.100 156.10003 03 156.150 160.750 TELEPHONE03A 156.150 156.15004 156.200 160.800 INTL04A 04A 156.200 156.200 CCG05 156.250 160.850 INTL05A 05A 156.250 156.250 VTS06 06 06 156.300 156.300 SAFETY07 156.350 160.950 INTL07A 07A 156.350 156.350 COMMERCIAL08 08 08 156.400 156.400 COMMERCIAL09 09 09 156.450 156.450 CALLING10 10 10 156.500 156.500 COMMERCIAL11 11 11 156.550 156.550 VTS12 12 12 156.600 156.600 VTS13*113 13*1156.650 156.650 BRG/BRG14 14 14 156.700 156.700 VTS15*115*115*1156.750 156.750 COMMERCIAL16 16 16 156.800 156.800 CALLING17*117 17*1156.850 156.850 SAR18 156.900 161.500 INTL18A 18A 156.900 156.900 COMMERCIAL19 156.950 161.550 INTL2412 CHANNEL LIST*1Low power only. *2Receive only.Channel NumberFrequency (MHz) Channel commentUSA INT CAN Transmit Receive19A 19A 156.950 156.950 COMMERCIAL20 20 20*1157.000 161.600 PORT OPR20A 157.000 157.000 PORT OPR21 21 157.050 161.650 INTL21A 21A 157.050 157.050 CCG21b 157.050 157.050 CMBS22 157.100 161.700 INTL22A 22A 157.100 157.100 USCG23 23 157.150 161.750 INTL23A 157.150 157.150 USCG24 24 24 157.200 161.800 TELEPHONE25 25 25 157.250 161.850 TELEPHONE25b 157.250 161.850 CMBS26 26 26 157.300 161.900 TELEPHONE27 27 27 157.350 161.950 TELEPHONE28 28 28 157.400 162.000 TELEPHONE28b 157.400 162.000 CMBS60 60 156.025 160.625 TELEPHONE60A 156.025 156.02561 156.075 160.675 INTL61A 61A 156.075 156.075 CCG62 156.125 160.725 INTL62A 62A 156.125 156.125 CCG63 156.175 160.775 INTL63A 156.175 156.175 VTS64 64 156.225 160.825 TELEPHONE
2512CHANNEL LISTChannel NumberFrequency (MHz) Channel commentUSA INT CAN Transmit Receive83 83 157.175 161.775 CCG83A 83A 157.175 157.175 CCG83b 157.175 157.175 CMBS84 84 84 157.225 161.825 TELEPHONE84A 157.225 157.22585 85 85 157.275 161.875 TELEPHONE85A 157.275 157.27586 86 86 157.325 161.925 TELEPHONE86A 157.325 157.32587 87 87 157.375 161.975 TELEPHONE87A 157.375 157.37588 88 88 157.425 162.025 TELEPHONE88A 157.425 157.425 COMMERCIALWX channel Frequency (MHz) Channel commentTransmit ReceiveWX01 Rx only 162.550WX02 Rx only 162.400WX03 Rx only 162.475WX04 Rx only 162.425WX05 Rx only 162.450WX06 Rx only 162.500WX07 Rx only 162.525WX08 Rx only 161.650WX09 Rx only 161.775WX10 Rx only 163.275*1Low power only. *2Receive only.64A 64A 156.225 156.225 COMMERCIALChannel NumberFrequency (MHz) Channel commentUSA INT CAN Transmit Receive65 156.275 160.875 INTL65A 65A 65A 156.275 156.275 PORT OPR66 156.325 160.925 INTL66A 66A66A*1156.325 156.325 PORT OPR67*167 67 156.375 156.375 BRG/BRG68 68 68 156.425 156.425 SHIP–SHIP69 69 69 156.475 156.475 PLEASURE70*270*270*2156.525 156.525 DSC71 71 71 156.575 156.575 PLEASURE72 72 72 156.625 156.625 SHIP–SHIP73 73 73 156.675 156.675 PORT OPR74 74 74 156.725 156.725 PORT OPR75 75 75 Guard Guard76 76 76 Guard Guard77*177 77*1156.875 156.875 PORT OPR78 156.925 161.525 INTL78A 78A 156.925 156.925 SHIP–SHIP79 156.975 161.575 INTL79A 79A 156.975 156.975 SHIP–SHIP80 157.025 161.625 INTL80A 80A 157.025 157.025 SHIP–SHIP81 157.075 161.675 INTL81A 81A 157.075 157.075 CCG82 157.125 161.725 INTL82A 82A 157.125 157.125 CCGTELEPHONE :public correspondencePLEASURE :pleasure boat useSAFETY :safety communicationsPORT OPR :port operationsVTS :vessel traffic controlSHIP–SHIP :intership communicationsCMBS :continuous marine broad-cast systemCOMMERCIAL :commercial useUSCG :United States Coast GuardBRG/BRG :bridge to bridge communi-cationsINTL :outside of the US orCanadaSAR :search and rescueCCG :Canadian Coast GuardCHANNEL NAME KEY
2613 SPECIFICATIONS AND OPTIONS■Specifications• GENERAL• Frequency coverage : Transmit 156–157.5 MHzReceive 156–163 MHz• Mode : FM (16K0G3E)• Channel spacing : 25 kHz• Current drain (at 7.4 V) : TX 5 W 1.5 A max.Max.audio 200 mA max.Power saved ?? mA typ.• Power supply requirement : Icom battery pack, BP-215• Frequency stability  : ±10 ppm (–20°C to +60°C; –4°F to +140°F)• Dimensions (with BP-215) : 52.5(W) ×129(H) ×30(D) mm(Projection not included) 21⁄16(W) ×53⁄32(H) ×13⁄16(D) in• Weight (with BP-215) : 280g (9.9 oz)• TRANSMITTER• Output power : 5 W, 1 W and 0.5 W• Modulation system : Variable reactance frequency modulation• Max. frequency deviation  : ±5.0 kHz• Spurious emissions : Less than –65 dB• RECEIVER• Receive system : Double conversion superheterodyne• Sensitivity (12 dB SINAD) : Less than 0.35 µV • Squelch sensitivity : Adjustable up to 23 dB SINAD•Intermodulation rejection ratio: 70 dB typical•Spurious response rejection ratio: 70 dB typical• Adjacent channel selectivity : 70 dB typical• Audio output power : 350 mW typical at 10% distortionwith an 8 Ωload■Options• AD-95 BATTERY CHARGER + BC-122A/E AC ADAPTERUsed for regular charging of battery pack. The same as supplied withthe transceiver. Charging time: 8 hours• BP-215 BATTERY PACKLong life, Li-ion battery pack allowing 12–14 hrs.* operation. Thesame as supplied with the transceiver. 7.4 V/1600 mAh. *Tx:Rx:Stand-by=5:5:90• CP-17L CIGARETTE LIGHTER CABLEConnects to a ship’s or vehicle’s cigarette lighter socket (12 V) for usewith the AD-95.• FA-S57V FLEXIBLE ANTENNASame as supplied with the transceiver.• HM-125 SPEAKER-MICROPHONEFull-sized waterproof (JIS grade 7; 1m/30 min.) speaker-microphoneincluding alligator type clip to attach to your shirt or collar, etc.• OPC-515L DC POWER CABLEUsed for charging a battery pack via an AD-95 with external powersupply.• UT-98 VOICE SCRAMBLER UNITEnsures private communications. 128 scrambling codes are avail-able. The scrambling system is not compatible with UT-122. Notavailable in some countries. • UT-122 VOICE SCRAMBLER UNITEnsures private communications. 32 scrambling codes are available.The scrambling system is not compatible with UT-98. Not availablein some countries.All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligations.
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