ICOM orporated MR-570R MR-570R User Manual manual
ICOM Incorporated MR-570R manual
MARINE RADAR MR—57OR Icom Inc. MR-SWK Page lZ-l MR»57(lR/’ Page 12-2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS MODEL NAME DISPLAY UNIT ANTENNA UNIT sxA24sa EX-2473 (57 inch LCD) EX-2474 (Radome type) SU PPLIED ACCESSORIES ~EX-2473 (57 inch LCD display unit) Qty; 0) NMEA connector (Ns1oo7 7p). A2 @ Spare fuse (FGB 10A) . u (3: Spare luse (FGB 5A: forever 24 V power suppty) @ DC power cable (OPCSZB). (5; NMEA connector cover... @} SelHapping screws (5 x 30). 6) Spring washers (M5) . (23) Flat washers (M5) “5; Mountlng spacer.. @ Mounting rubbers uasab - EX-2474 (Radome antenna unit) 6) System cable (UPC-1075 10 m). (7: installation bolts (M10 x 50) N @ lnstallauon bolts (Mto x 25) (3) lnslallatlon nuts (M10) (5; Flat washers (M10) . © Spring washersle) ?com and Icom Inc. are reglstered trademarkes of loom Incorporated (Japan) in Ihe Umled States and/or other cou ntnes NIX-570K" Page IL} IMPORTANT READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and com- pletely before attempting to operate the marine radar. SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL. This manual contains important salety and operating ll’l- structions for the MR-570R. PRECAUTIONS ANEVER let metal, wire or other objects touch any internal part of the radar. ANEVER place the radar within the reach oi chiIA dren ANEVER expose the display unit to rain. salt water or any other quurds. NEVER connect the radar to AC or more than 42 V DC. This WIII damage the radar, AVOlD placing the display unit in excessively dusty en- vironments or in direct sunlight. AVOID plating the display unit near heating equipment or in direct sunlight or where hot or cold air blows diA rectly onto it AVOID using the scanner unit in areas where the tem- perature is below —25'C (—13‘F) or above +70‘C (+158‘F). AVOID using the display unit in areas where the temperature is below —15'C (+5?) or above +55‘C (+131'F). AVOID using strong solvents such as benzene or al- cohol lor cleaning the radar, as they may damage the surfaces, FOREWORD Thank you for purchasing ICOM's MR-570R MARINE RADAR. The radar is deSigned especially lor fishing boals It has powerful lransmissioh power, a 5.7 inch LCD dIS~ play and many other advanced features. It you have any questions regarding the operation of the radar. contacl your nearest authorized Icom lhc dealer. EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS The lollowing explicit definitions apply to this instruc- tion manual. WORD DEFINITION AWARNING Personal injury, lire hazard or elec» lrical shock may Occur. ACAUTION Equipment damage may occur, If disregarded, inconvenience only. NOTE personal injury, fire hazard or elec» trioal shock will occur, 1. Select ihe'screen , to 12 NM 2. Set the [GAiNr‘ 3 Set the [SeAr to the m . ,4 Set the [RAI i 1" to the minimum 5. Turn the [IR]? to OFF ' 6 Turn the [ES]’to OFF ‘See the [ADJ] menu On p, 6. tli MR-TUR! Page 12-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SYSTEM COMPONENTS, SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES IMPORTANT PRECAUTIO FOREWORD . EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS ,. 1 CAUTION u DANGER! HIGH VOLTAGE RADIATION HAZARD t 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION lFront panel lScreen . 3 MENU .. IBRILL MENU . IADJ (Adjust menu) IFUNCTION MENU IEF'A..., IINT, SETTING 4 BASIC OPERATION lChecking the instai atlon lrumlng power ON/OFF lBasic operation IRAIN funciion. ISEA function IOFF CENTER function IIR function IECHO STRETCH function lZOOMtunction a ITRAILS function . IPower save function IShip speed indication . lPosution indication . lWay poinl indication . .. 15 ILong pulse lunction lBeartng setting 5 DISTANCE AND DIRECTION MEASUREMENTS lDlstance measurement . lBearing and Distance measurement , IAdvanced measurement . 6 ALARM FUNCTION IAIarrn zone setting lZone alarm setting 7 EPA (Electronic Plotting Aid) IEPA lElectronic Plotitng Aid) v IEPA menu setting . IEPA operation . lCorrect the target . lCiear the target . v lPionlng marks .. lCourse and speed vector lPIOtS n v . 8 BASIC RADAR THEORY 16—18 23— 25 lSlde- lobe echoes , 23 llndirect echoes . 23 lMuItlple echoes . 24 lMlnlmum range. lBlind and Shadow seizlors lTargel resolutlon.,.. . 9 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS lConnecling the units l Power source requirement lGround connection stalling the EXvZB 3 disp ay unlt lMourlting the EX~2374 scanner unlt v lWiring the system cable 10 SERVICE MAN MENU lService marl menu ISF'D adjustment IHDG adjustment MING adjustment IMBS adjustment a IRANGE selection . lTuning adjustment ,, lAuio gain adjustmen 11 ERROR MESSAGE I Error message list ., 12 MAINTENANCE lPeriodic maintenance , . lScanner unit maintenance lDisplay unit maintenance lOptlons ,,,,,,,,,, 13 SPECIFICATIONS 14 EXTERNAL DATA LIST . 15 TEMPLATE. lTempIate for the display unit ~ EX-2473 (LCD Display). lTempIete tor the scanner unit ' RADOME unit“ MR~570Rf Page IZ-S CAUTION 1 DANGER! HIGH VOLTAGE - NEVER OPEN THE UNIT This product contains high voltage that could be FATAL. This product has no user-servicable parts inside, All repairs and adjustments MUST be made by a qualified electronics technician at your Marine Navigation Dealer. r HIGH VOLTAGE High voltages of up to 3,500 volts are used in this equipment. Although prudent measures for safety have been adopted, sufficient care must be taken in the operation, maintenance and adjustment of the equipment. Electric shock of 1,000 volts or more may cause electrocution and death: even an electric shock of only 100 volts may be fatal. - PREVENTION OF ELECTRIC SHOCK (FOR QUALIFIED ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ONLY) To prevent such accidents, turn OFF the power source and do not reach inside the unit until you have: 6) Discharged the capacitors by disconnecting the power cable from the power source for 5 min.; C2) Checked that no electric charges remain inside the device. Also, it is satest to wear dry insulated rubber gloves, NEVER use both hands simultaneously; keep one hand in your pocket. RADIATION HAZARD ~ Radiation emitted from the scanner unit can be harmful. particularly to the eyes. To avoid harm- ful radiation, ensure the radar power is in the OFF position before beginning work on the scan- ner unit. I Front panel 0 POWER swrrcu [POWER] (p. 10) Turns power ON and OFF. ~The standby screen appears for 90 sec. while warman up the magnetron. - The initlal screen appears wllh a beep for 90 sec, atter the power has been turned on O EBL1 (VRMt) SWITCH [EBLI (VRM1)] (pgs. 16—18) Push to dlsplay the electronic bearing Itne 1 (EBLt) and the variable range marker 1 (VRM1) on the crass line cursor position fmm own ship ~EBL1 bearing and VRM1 distahoe are displayed, in Ihe bottom window tWhen EBLl and VRMt are drsplayeu. the beglnnlng oI EBLZ appears at own ship or the lnlersectlon pomt oI EBLI and VRMl 9 ALARM SWITCH [ALM] (p, 19) Push [ALMl to toggle the alarm function ON and OFF. Push and hold [ALM] tor 0 5 sec (0 enter the alarm area setting condition. rpush r A yr v yr < yr > 1 key to move the cross cursor to the zone startrng potnt, then push rALMr tor 0.5 sec The Starting rrng ol the zone ls created Then push rA yr v y r< yr > ] to IIX the lmlsh point. the deslled alarm zone will automatlcatly Iorm, PANEL DESCRIPTION Mil—570K Page IZ-fi Control panel eéé a eéeéaé o MAN OVERBOARD [mos] Push to mark the man overboard point on the screen. In the case 01 when a crew member falls overboard, push {MOB} to display the MOB marker (Z ) on the screen. ' MOB readout shows the bearing, distance and esth mated turns to the MOS point wtth current speed ' Push and hold [MOBIIOI D 5 see. to cancel the Iunctanc ~ Positron and bearing data are necessary. ~ Externat data rs required for screen display inrorrrratron. tp.38]. 9 RANGE UPI DOWN SWITCH r+r -] (p. 16) Push (+1 to increase the screen range. Push H to decrease the screen range 6 UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT KEY [UP][DDWN][RIGHT][LEFT] Set the cross line cursor, atarm area, EPA target etc. according to the Swttch pushed. Use the rA yrv] key to select menu Item and r< ]/[ > ] key to set the ttem, Using the [A H < yr > ]or[v H < yr > 1 key combina— tion allows you to move the cross line cursor to the upper (or lower) left or right. 0 ADJUST MEMU [ADJ] tp. 6) Push [ADJ] to shows the adjust menu on the dis- play. ~Adruslable ltems. TUNE. GAIN, SEA, RAIN, IR, ES PULSE length MR-570Rx‘ Page 12-7 9 TRANSMIT/SAVE SWITCH [TX (SAVEH (p. 11) Push to toggle between the TX mode and the standby mode. Push and hold for 05 sec. to turn the power save Iunction ON, The radar for TX interval Scan is fixed at 10 revolutions, (p. 14) ~Seiect the save time in FUNCTION menu. 9 DISPLAY BRILLIANCE SWITCH [BRILL] (p. 6) Push [BRILL] to turn the brilliance adjust menu ON or OFF. ‘The brilliance and contrast of the symbol, character and illumination can be adjusted in the [BRILL] and [comm ot the [BRILL] menu independently. ~PDsitive or Negative selection is available in [DISP] menu 'Pushing and holding {BRILL} for 1 sec, to turn the con- trast and brilliance la the detautt setting. ® HEADING LINE OFF FUNCTION [HL OFF] (9. 11) Push (ADJ) and [MENU] simultaneously to turn oft the all indication except PPI (Plan Position indica- tor) screen temporarily. 0 MENU swn'crt [MENU] (pgs. 7-9) Push [MENU] to toggle the FUNCTION and EPA menu. Push [A ]/[v] keys to select the items and push [ < ]/[ > 1 keys to change the setting. -Enter the “INT SETTING" Irom the ‘EPA” menu. tEnter the “SERVICE MAN" menu lrom the “INT SETv TING MENU". ®200M FUNCTION (zoom (p. 13) Push [MOB] and [TRAtLS] simultaneously to toggle the ZOOM function ON and OFF. ZOOM function expands the target to 2 times normal, - Move the cursor to the target, then tum the tunction ON. 'The screen zooms around the middle Ottne cursor and own ship. 'Thl5 function is not available on We 3h and 32 NMor above ranges. ® TRAILS SWITCH [TRAILS] (p. 14) Push to toggle the trail function ON and OFF. This is usetul for watching other ships tracks, approx rela- (We speed etc. ‘Tratl Time can be set in FUNCTION menu w OFF CENTER FUNCTION [OFF CENT] (p. 12) Push [ALM] and [MODE] simultaneously to turn the OFF CENTER function ON or OFF. ~Tliis funbllon Is no! available at 32 NM or above range PANEL DESCRIPTION 2 © MODE swn'cn [MODE] Push to select one at Head-up (H UP), Courseup (C UP), North»up (N UP) or True motion (TM) screens, ~The North-up, Course-up and TM screens requires an ‘Externaldata'tp 38), 'TM screen is not available at 32 NM or above range. IE PARALLEL INDEX LINE FUNCTION [PI] Push [EBL1] and (EBLZI simultaneously to turn the parallel index line ON. Push [EBL1] or [EBLZ] to turn the line OFF. -Pusn I < y[ > i Keys to mate the lines, and push [A Vt v1 keys to adjust the line spaces 0 EBLZ (VRMZ) swncn [EBLZ (vrtmn (pgs. 16—18) Push to display the electronic bearing line 2 (EBLZ) and the variable range marker 2 (VRMZ) While EBLI and VRM1 are displayed on the screen. ~ Push tEBLZ/VRMZ] to toggle the center at VRMZ as rol- tows Own ship —) Intersection DI the EBU and VRMI ') OFF, «9 EPA SWITCH lEPA] (pgsZO—ZZ) Push to enter the EPA position data. Push the [EPA] for 05 sec. to toggle the EPA dis- play and navigation display. ~Push [A m v]/I < ]/[ > ] key to move the cross cursoron the echo which you Want to plot on the screen Detore turning the tunction on. ~ Select "EPA" function ON in the "EPA" menu, set the ap- propriate VECT, No. DISP, ALARM, CPA LIMIT and TCPA LIMIT setting, ' External data is required tor screen display lnIormetion. (p38). MR7570Ri Page 12-8 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION I Screen 9 TUNING LEVEL INDICATOR Shows the receiver tuning level a» SCREEN RANGE READOUT (p 16) Shows the maximum mnge ofthe displayed screen. 'The range indicated is nautical miles (NM) 0 FIXED RING RANGE READOUT (p. 16) Shows the inlerval range of the fixed ring, 'Ti’llS readoul aupears when lne “RING" oi lhe FUNC- TION menu is turned ON. ea HEADING LINE (p. 11) Heading line indicates the ships bow. ea ALARM ZONE (p 19) Shows the alarm zone. -Appears when the alarm IunCllOn is m use. ~ External data is required lorscieen display inlcrmallon, (D 38) ® OWN SHIP VECTOR INDICATOR Shows the vector of your own ship. Q WAVPOINT MARKER (p. 75) Shows the waypolnt received from navigation equlpment ~Tnis marker appears when the ‘WPT‘ oilhe FUNCTION menu l$ turned ON ' External dale IS required Ior Screen display lnformalion, (p 35) NOTE: DATA display area may differ de- pending on DATA DISP selection on FUNCTION menu. 65 EBL1NRM1,EBL2/VRM2 READOUTS (p95. 16- 13) Shows the bearing of the displayed Electronic Bear» ing Lines (EBL) and lhe distance 01 the displayed Variable Range Markers (VRM). ~Naiilieai miles (NM) and kilometres (KM) can be se» lecled in me INT.SElTlNG menu as the distance unit, 0 HEADING INDICATOR Shows lhe heading bearing readout. - The HDG readoul indicates the bow of the ship's bearing in a Clockwise direclion from north. . External uaia is required lor screen display inlormalion. (P 38), ® MODE INDICATOR Head-up, Course-up (CUP), Nonnup (NUP) and True Mollon (TM) screens are available ~ Exlernal dala is required tor screen display inlormalion, (9-38) ® CROSS LINE CURSOR Used lol measuring the bearing and dislanee, set- tlng the alarm zone, selectlng the EPA largets, elc. - Push {A m v 1/1 < 1/[ > 1 several limes to move me our- sin, MRv570R/ Pagl 12-9 ® EEL1/2 (pgs. 16—18) Used tor bearing measurement When a target is selected, the ESL readout Q shows the bearing. GD VRM1I2 (pgs. 16-18) Used for distance measurement. When a target is selected, the VRMZ readout ® shows the distance. ®Moa SYMBOL Push [MOB] for to mark the [MOB] marker on the screen. Q FIXED RANGE RINGS (p. 16) Shows the distance in fixed intervals. -These rmgs appear when the “RING" or the FUNCTION is turned ON I DATA DISPLAY Data readout may differ depending on “DATA DISP" setting ofthe function menur -When “OFF" is selected: Q ALARM INDICATOR (p, 19) Appears when the alarm function is in use. 9 TRAtLS INDICATOR (p. 14) Shows the trail time. -Echo remains with gradation during the trait time period on the screen, (Except for the trail time; e) ~Progresstng time counter starts to count the time until the ttmer reaches the trail time 69 VECTOR tNDICATOR (pgs, 20-22) Shows the EPA and OWN vector type, ~Tv' True vector ' RV. Relative vector - External data is required tor screen display inlormallun (D 38)» GD SHIP SPEED READOUT (p. 15) Shows the ship speed ~SDG. When GPS tsselecled in the WT SE'I'ilNG menu - STW. When LOG is selected in the INT SE‘thNG menu ~ External data IS required tor screen display information. (p38), PANEL DESCRIPTION 2 -When "CURS" or “SHIP" is selected; rt stir, (HRS I OBS/Wk 4 Z 0§§NH : 0‘02 (CURS readout) rv 505 903» xvsaszm tzs°33.2095 (smP readout) m POSITIONICURSOR READOUT (p, 15) Shows your own ship or cursor latitude and longl» tude readout when external NMEA data Wlth 0183 tormat is connected. ~Select ‘CURS' or "SHIP In the FUNCTION menu - External data (p. 35) required. - When “WPT"Is selected: TV 505 135'29.0GDE WPT 34 '42 OOON (EWAYPOINT READOUTS (p. 15) Shows the bearing and distance to the waypoint re» celved rrorn navigation equipment ~This readout appears when the “WPT” or the FUNC‘ TION menu is selected. ~ External data is required for screen display information (P 38). ®TIME INDICATOR Shows the estimated time to the waypoint with cure rent speed. - External data IS required for screen display tnlormati’on. (9.38). IMOB $06 0105 M A 4 zesiin i 0:04 mmoe READOUTS Shows the bearing and distance to the MOB (Mart Over Board) event marker ~Push and hold [MOB] for 0.5 see to cancel the readout and the symbol, ‘When IMOB] tunction is activated, [MOB] readout is prior to displayed except [EBLNRM] readouts. ~ External data IS required tor screen display information (D 38) MR-SWR." Page 12- ill =3 MENU I BRILL MENU DISP. H NEGA Push [BRILL] to turn the {BRILL} menu ON or OFF. IBRILL. (Brilliance) ~ Push [ < yl>1lo select the [BRlLL], then push [A M v ] to change the setting. ICONTR. (Contrast) - Push [< 1/[ > 1 to select the [coma]. then push [A it v] to change the setting. IDISP. (Display type) . Push [< M > I to select the [DISP]. then push [A M v] to setect the “Positive display" or Negative display". NOTE: Pushing and holding [BRILL] for 1 see. to tum the brilliance and contrast setting to the default setting. I ADJ(Adjust menu) Push [ADJ] to turn the ADJ. menu ON or OFF. - Push l < M > 1 to select the item and push [up] or [DOWN] to change the setting [TUNE], [GAIN], [SEA] control ~While selecting each item, pushing and holding [ADJ] for 0.5 sec. to tum the “AUTO function“ ON and OFF. ITUNE ~“AUTO TUNE" appears for approx 5 sec. instead of the screen display, when first transmitting alter turning the power on. The unit also re-lurles in some cases. -When activate the manual tuning slider. push [A ill v} to adjust desired tuning level I GAIN CONTROL [GAlN] (p. 11) Adjusts the receiver amplifier gain -|ncreased gain may tncrease screen noise. ISEA CLUTTER CONTROL [SEA] (p. 12) ~ This function serves to eliminate echoes from the waves at close range. ~Reduces the receiver gain for close objects within a radius of 8 miles to eliminate sea clutter. ~ Under normal conditions set the SEA to a minimum or AUTO. ' Use this central with caution when the sea is rough, IRAIN CLUTI'ER CONTROL [RAlN] (p. 12) This function eliminates reflection echoes from rain, snow, tog, etc. lIR (p. 13) -OFF : Turn the Interference Reduction function OFF. ~ON .Turn the interference Reduction lunction ON. IECHO STRETCH [ES] (p. L?) AOFF : Turn the echo stretch function OFF ~ON ‘Turn the echo stretch function ON. IPULSE ~LP Select the long pulse LP indicator appears on the screen ‘SP, Select the short pulse MRvS70Rr Page I2~II I FUNCTION MENU FUNCTION - ON D,RANGE rim. PT/SB DATA DISF curs SHIP NPT L/L DISP on up? on own VECT on TRAIL TIME SAVE TIl‘IE ESL/PI NA zone ALARM OUT TR R, ‘l UE Sample; 'DATA DISPLAY: OFF TRAIL indicator\M TR Trail inlerval - 0 ‘ 05 ~ DATA DISPLAY: CURS (Cursor) cuns M 2 cash 0. 09 ~DATA DISPLAY: SHIP (Position) _% Push zaflzsszm 13933 2095 ~DATA DISPLAY: WPT (Way Point) leT 002 3} SIGZBNI'I 0:14 ' L/L DISP OFF MENU 3 Push [MENU] to tum the [FUNCTION] menu ON. - Push [A yiv] to select the Item and push l < yr > 1 to change the setting IRING ~OFF :Turn the fixed range ring display OFF. -ON .Turn the fixed range ring display ON. ID.RANGE Select the dynamic range 01 the PPl (Plan Position In- dlcator). «NAR. .' Narrow dynamic range. Even week reflec» tions displayed strongly like as strong re- Ilectlcns. ~ MID : Mid dynamic range. ~WIDE :Wlde dynamic range. You can distingwish between week reflections and strong reflec- ttons easily. Easy to overlooked a quiet week reflection. IZONE ALARM ~|N zAlarm is emitted when the target comes into the zone. 'OUT iAIarm is emitted when the targel goes out of the zone. IEBL/PI (except HDG and CSE) (p. 17] ~TRUE' , True or magnetic direction. ‘ 360°R : Relative direction ~PT/SB : Bow direction I DATA DISP’ (See left) ~0FF : No information displays on the screen. ~CURS : DiSpIay the cursor position. ~ SHIP : Display your own ship's position. rWPT , Display the Way Point. IUL DISP’ (See Iel‘t down) OOFF Display the bearing, distance and time on the screen. -ON Display the Latitude and Longitude on the screen. [CURS], [WPT] AND [MOB] IWPT' -OFF For not displaying the way point mark on the SCREEN. ~0N :To dlsplay the way point mark on the screen, IOWN VECT“ ~OFF .For not displaying the own ship vector. ~ ON .To display your own ship's vector ITRAIL TIME '15$,3OS,1M,3M,6M,15M.30M or 00. Select the plot interval and vector time W” 002 311 [M [fiL‘L ISAVE TIME ‘ ‘ ‘1M,6M, 15M or 30M ' Select the stand by time dur- ~LIL DISP ON lng save mode. » . ~ ' The radar rorTx interval scan is fixed at 10 revolutions. wPT 34 42 OOON 135'29.000E 'NOTE: External data ts required ior screen dtsplay inlorv matron (p38), MR~57URr Page 12-12 3 MENU I EPA(EIectronic Plotting Aid) EPA MENU ON VECT REL N0.DISP OFF -ALL ALARM on CPA LIMIT LONM TCPA LIMIT lOMIN INT. SETTING Push {MENU} several limes lo turn the [EPA] menu ON or OFF. ~ Push [A 1/[v} lo seleol me new and push [< m > 1 lo change the selling IEPA ~OFF “Turn the EPA function OFF -ON :Turn the EPA funcllcn ON. I VECT ~TRUE ‘Selecl the true vector mode. ~REL :Selecl lhe relative vector mode, INODISP ~OFF zFor not displaying any mark number. OSeI : Display the selected mark number only. -ALL . Display all mark numbers. IALARM (CPA/TCPA) -OFF .Turn the alarm funclion OFF 'ON “Turn the alarm function ON. ICPA' LIMIT -0‘1 to 50.0 NM'Sel the CPA (Closest Point of Ap- proach) Iimil wllh [ < m > ]key. ITCPA‘ LIM|T ‘1 to 60 MIN. :Set the TCPA (flme to CPA) limit “me With [ < ]/[ > ] keyl ‘CF'AITCF'A: Closest Pom! ol Approach and Tlme to Closv es! Poinl or Approach hmu is defined by the observer to gwen warning when a rargel or targets are close lo wnhln muse nmns lrom your own shlp. I INT. SETTlNG -F'ush [>1 to open the wt. SETTING menu. (see righl) MRvS'IORf' Page 12- i} I INT. SETTING nn , SETTING DIST UNIT BRG MAG VER ERG INPUT SPD INPUT TX INH START TX INH ANGLE SERVICE HAN OFF MI- KM MAG MANU. o.o°E N+1 AUX Loc 0. 0. MENU 3 Push {MENU} several times to turn the EPA menu ON. - Push [v] to select the [INTSETTING] and push [> 3 to open the [INT SETTING] menu. IBEEP 'OFF :Turn the beep tone OFF”. ~ON :Turn the beep tone ON. ' Except alarm functton. IDIST UNIT ~NM :Display the distance unit as NM. ~KM : Display the dtstance unit as KM. I BRG Select the displayed bearing type. no relation wnn the bearing data format (NMEA, N+1 orAUx). ‘TRUE :Select the true bearing ~ MAG Select the magnetic bearing. I MAG VAR ~AUTO’ Revise magnetic venation automatically. ‘NOTE: NMEA data is required. NEVER select “AUTO" without NMEA data. incorrecI vanabon data may entered, (p. 38) - MANUAL zRevise magnetic variation manually. ~ Push [ > ] to select lMANUAL],then push [v]. Set the revise value with [< 14 >) Push [v] or {MENU} key to abort the menu. IERG INPUT ~NMEA tNMEA0183 bearing data (ormat. -N+1 .N+1 data format. ~AUX “Other format. ISPD INPUT -GPS ‘ Use the GPS NMEA speed data. ~ LOG :Use the speed sensor data. ITX INH START 43 to 359° zPusn [<1/[>] key to enter the start point of the TX inhibtt area. ITX INH ANGLE ~0 to 90“ ;Pusn l< m > I key to enter the TX inhlbut area. I SERVICE MAN ~ Push [ > ] to open the SERVICE MAN menu NOTE: This menu extsts Ior service or maintenance purposes only. (0 BASIC OPERATION I Checking the installation Before turning the power ON, be sure all the connec- tions are complete. The checklist at right may be help- ful ior necessary confirmation, etron I Turning power ONIOFF NDG 301 u see 17 m ICOM , Firmware / revrsion number MRv57UKr" Page lZ-i4 Checklist (I: The 4 baits securing the scanner unit must be firmly _ tightened. ® Cabling must be secureiy attached to a mast or mounting material, and must not inteflere with the rigging. (3) Be sure waterproofing procedures are completed ‘ on the system cable <4} The power connections to the battery must be oi the correct polarity. ® Be sure that the plugs at the rear oi the display unit have been connected correctiy and securely. (See p. 251m details.) (D Push [POWER] to turn the power ON -The mural screen appears and warming up time is counted down on the screen. ~The magnetron inside the scanner unit warms up tor 90 sec ~ The firmwares revision number appears. ~[POWER] does not runciion ror 2 sec after the power is lumen OFF Q7 When the countdown is completed, the Standby screen appears. (3) Push [TX] to start scanning and select the Plan Pov sition indicator (PPI) screenr 'Targets and heading marker appear. 'The screen appears approx 5 sec alter turning the power on, when "AUTO' is selected in the “TUNE" oi the FUNCTION menu @ Push [POWER] to turn the power OFF NOTE: Push [BRILL] for 1 see. to turn the [BRILL] setting to deiault, when the “Brilliance" or “Contrast" was miss adjusted MR-S7URr Page l2»15 I Basic operation CA 0 When setting the] EA] wmrol to MAX posi- tion oiose targets are blanked ., , ~ Heading Line marker The heading marker is a line that shows your ship's bow direction. (This marker will appear ln the center at the screen when the Head-up screen H UP is see Iected.) The heading marker can be hidden when the desired target is located under the heading marker. ~Pusn and hold [ADJ] and [MENU] simultaneously to the the heading marker ~ Fixed range rings The fixed range rings can be used for rough distance measurement (p 14) Push [MENU] to open the FUNCTION menu then push [v i to select RING, Push [ > 1 to turn the ring ON BASIC OPERATION 4 6; Turn the power on. @ Push [TX] after the countdown disappears from the screen. ~See “Turning power ONIOFF' on page at left. (3) Push [s] or [—1 key one or more times to select the display range. vThe screen range readout shows the maximum range at the screen. @ Push [ADJ] then adjust the [GAINF to be on the threshold to on max. screen range. ~tncreases the gain ‘lncreased gain may increase screen noise. 6) Select [SEA]‘. then set the [SEAP to minimum. (9 Push [MODE] to select one of HUF' (Head-up), CUP (Courseup). NUP (Northeup) or True motion TM screens, C UP, N UP or TM can be selected only when bear- ing, position or speed data are connected. (See p. 26 tor details] ‘Select each item then push [ADJ] for 0.5 sets. to use auto setting mode. . Brilliance adjustment The intensity oi the screen can be adjusted. When you require continuous operation, but not constant viewtng, a lower setting can lncrease the life of the back light. NOTE: High intensity will shorten the life or the back light ~ Key illumination The backllghting ol the keys can be adjusted tor cone vsnient operation (p. 6]) key to move the Cursor where you want to shilt the center of the screen - Max offsetting is up to 5670 or the screen. (LPush [ALM] and [MODE] simultaneously to shift the screen. ®Pusn [ALM] and [MODE] Simultaneously again to return to the normal screen. Normal screen thn OFF CENTER on Mil-570K" Page 1247 BASIC OPERATION 4 I IR function Radar interference may appear when another ship’s radar is operating on lhe same frequency band in clase proximity/r The IR function can eliminate this lype of inlerferencel (p, 6) (1; Push [ADJ] to call up “ADJUST" menu. (2 Push [< 14> 1 until the “lR" section becomes high~ lighted 0 Push [A 1/[ v ] lo selecl IR function ON or OFF Radar interference wah IR iurlciion on I ECHO STRETCH function The blips can be magnified eleclronically for easier viewing of small largets. (pl 6) ' Push {ADJ} to open me ADJUST menu, Push [< m > 1 to select “STRETCH". Push [A y[ v] to turn the function ON or OFF. 1‘ NOTE: Turn OFF-"films funfiw d ring nnmlopera» Normal screen Wlih STRETCH on I ZOOM function The ZOOM funclion expands the larger (0 lwo limes nurmal size. ~Thls function is available up to a 24 NM range or shorter except '/a and in NM CL Push (A ]/[v ]/[ < ]/[ > ] to mcve lhe cursor lo lhe de- srred larger (2; Push [M08] and [TRAILS] simultaneously to toggle the the “ZOOM" function ON and OFF, Normal screen wnn zoom runcucm on 13 14 4 BASIC OPERATION l TRAILS function The trails function memorizes echoes continuously or at constant intervals. This is useful tor watching other ships' tracks, approx. relative speed, etc . . Al. TRAI n t r l. I owe o \'tYK Trail interval * 0' 08 counter Trail time l Power save function The power save function conserves the boat's battery power by pausing the transmission. The standby (pausing) times are selectable (“rotation number is fixed on 10 relations). For example, when 1 min. is selected, the scanner ro- tates 10 revolutions, then stops tor 1 min, and then re- peats this sequence while the power save lunctiori is activated. MR—S'WR' Page 12—18 ~Setllng the trail interval time G} Push [MENU] to call up the FUNCTION menu. -Push [v] several times until the “TRAIL riME" section becomes highlighted. (2; Push[< 1/1 > 1 to select trail interval lime. ' 15 sec“ 30 see 1 min., 3 min , 6 min, 15 min, 30 min and no (continuousl are availaole. (3) Push [MENU] several times to exit the menu. - Using the TRAILS function (D Push [TRAILS] to turn the trail function ON. ~"TRAiLS" and trail interval tlrne appears In the lower of the screen i“? All displayed echoes at the plotted lime are memo- rized and displayed with a graouated intensity to- gether with the current echoes. ~ Echos are displayed with minimum intensity when "so" is selected. 5) Push [TRAILS] to cancel the trail function and erase the plotted echoes. "TRAILS" and trail interval time disappears, ~ Setting the scanning standby time Cl) Push [MENU] to call up the “FUNCTlON” menu. Q) Push [DOWN] until the “SAVE TIME" section be- comes highlighted. @ Push [ < 1/1) 1 to select standby time 1 416, 15, and 30 mm. are available. @ Push [MENU] twice to exit the menu display. ~ Using the “POWER SAVE“ function 0} Push and hold [TX (SAVE)] for D 5 sec. to tum the power save lunction ON ~Trie save indicator appears in the top of the screen (2) Alter the scanning rotations are finished‘ transmis— sion and rotation are suspended until the selected standby time elapses. 'Tne display shows the last scanned echoes until the scanning restarts - “SAVE" appears on the top or the screen Er After the selected standby time elapses, transmis» , sion and rotation restart, é; Push D'X (SAVEH to cancel the power save iunc» tion, “the save indicator turns OFF. Scan and standby alternates NOTE: When you use the power save function to gethar with the alarm function. the LCD'dispIay is turned OFF until an object enters the programmed alarm zone, therefore, more power saving is p0ssi~ Die, (p. 00) MR»S70R/ Pugs |’- 19 I Ship speed indication When the ship speed data with NMEA 0183 lormat is applied, the radar can display the ship speed. Knots (KT) or kilometres/hour (KM/h) are automatically se- lected in the normal screen (p 00) by selecting nautie cal miles (NM) or kilometres (KM) respectively. 6; Push [MENU] to call up the [lNTSETTtNG] menu. Q) Push [DOWN] until “DIST UNIT" section becomes highlighted. 3) Push [< 1/[ > 1 to turn the ship speed indication to NM or KM. G) Push [MENU] to extt the menu display. I Position indication when latitude/longitude date with NMEA 0183 format is applied. the radar can display the latitude and Iongi~ tude of your ships or cursor position in the bottom or the display. (To display the "CURSOR" oosnion, bear- ing data is necessary.) (P. 38) (1) Push [MENU] twice to call up the "FUNCTION" menu. (2, Push [v 1 until "DATA DISP' section becomes high- lighted @Push t< 1/1 >l to select SHIP (ship position) or CURS (cursor position). (4, Push [MENU] several times to exit the menu. I Waypoint indication When Waypolnt data received from navigation equip- ment with NMEA 0183 format Is applied, the radar can display the waypoint. To display the waypoint marker, bearing data is necessary. (p 38) {D Push [MENU] twtce to call up the “FUNCTION" menu. 1? Push [v] until the “DATA DlSP" section becomes highlighted. “3“ Push t < yr > 1 to select WPT (Waypoint) ush [MENU] twice to exit the menu display. BASlC OPERATION 4 I Long pulse function To magnify the blips for easier viewmg at small targets, the long pulse and echo stretch to. 11) functions are available. When the long pulse is used in the “it to 2 NM range, this function magnifies target echoes to the backward direction of the target. ‘Pulse selection (D Push [ADJ] to call up the adjust menu. (p. 00) (2) Push [< ]/[ > ] until the “PULSE" section becomes highlighted. 3) Push [A it v 1 to select the long pulse 3} Push [ADJ] to exit the menu. I Bearing setting The radar bearing interface accepts NMEA, NM or AUX data format and the bearing can use a magnetic or true north type. When a true nonh type bearing is used, the variation from magnetic north, etc , can be adjusted on 0.1" steps. ' Setting the bearing type HQ Push [MENU] tWice to call up “EPA" menu. L5; Push [v1 several times and push [ > 1 to call up the [lNT. SETTING] menu. <3, Push [v] until the “ERG" section becomes high lighted. (4: Push [ < M > ] to select magnetic or true north type. ~All displayed bearing readouts show the selected bean ing type. ~ Setting the magnetic variation an Push [v1 untll the “MAG VAR“ sections becomes highlighted. (E Push t < m > [to select an “AUTO” cr “MANU.” vari- atlon. Q: When a “MANU.” variation is selected, push [DOWN], then push [< V] > ] to set the bearing vart— ation. 3/ Push [MENU] to exit the menu display or push [v] once to proceed to the bearing input settlng. “NOTE: NMEA data IS requtred tar auto variation. NEVER seled "AUTO" variation Without NMEA data. incorrect varia- tion data may entered (p as) 15 16 MRA57OR’ Page 12-20 5 DISTANCE AND DIRECTION MEASUREMENTS I Distance measurement Two measurement procedures are available with this radar. Operating them separately OFJOIHIIY ls possible. The distance unil, nautical miles (NM) or kilomelres (KM) is se|ecled in the “INIT.SETTING” menu (p. 9}. ~ Using the fixed rings 253m ang range _. readout TYPE DESCRIPTION Displays fixed rings. Suitable tor rough estimalluns ircm your own ship to any target. RING Displays a varlable range marker.SUIl- able for accuvaIe measurements from your own ship in a target. VRM1 When the VRM1 and EBLl selects 3 Ian get, the center of VRMZ appears at the intersecttofl paint Suitable tor accurate measuremenls from hrgel to targel VRMZ (t: Push [MENU] to call up the “FUNCTION" menu, (2) The “RING‘ section becomes highlighted. (3; Push l > 1 to select “RING" function ON then display the fixed ringv vThe interval range appears on the right oi the screen range readout. ~Ttte rlng range is fixed depending on the screen range. (See below.) (4; Push [MENU] several times to exit the menu (3) To clear the fixed rings, push [< H0 select OFF in slepfi) above. Rarigetnm We '14 in 3/4 l is 2 3 4 5 e l 12 16 24 32 36 NorE:Whentnescreen ' ' , is shilleu. the numberol Ringlrirrt) vlu 1/5 'la ‘14 w V2 ‘/7 1 t z z 4 4 s e 12 ungsmeyemer Numlyer' 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 I 3 4 3 4 3 ~ Using the variable range marker 6) Push [A m v]I[ < M > 1 several times to move the cross hne cursor on the target Q: Push EBL1 (VRM1)] to display EBL1 and VRM1. f? Push EBL1 (VRM1)] again In cancel EBL1 and VRML MR»570R/ Page 12-21 DISTANCE AND DIRECTION MEASUREMENTS 5 l Bearing and Distance measurement This radar has 2 Electronic Bearing Lines (EBL) to indicate the target direction irom your ship or a target. ~ Using the EBL and VRM-1 ' Using the variable range marker (E Push [A 1/[v]/[ < 14>] several times to move the cross line cursor on {he targei. ©Push [EBL1 (VRM1)] to display the EBL1 and VRM1. -The Exam and VRM1 readouts mdicale the large! bear- mg and distance. 55“ 'The EBL readouis indicate the target bearing; VRN1\ 0 to 360°R Relative dureclion, when ‘360’R‘ is selected in me ESL/Pl oi me “FUNCTION" menu. an2 — (see 0. 00) PIS 0 to 180°' Bow direclloni when ‘PTISB‘ 45 selected Em in the EBL/PI or me "FUNCTION“ menu. (see p. 00) o (0 360°T': True or magnehc bearing, when selecling ‘TRUE' m the ESL/PI oi the “FUNCTION“ menu. (see p 00) - Searing data is required (0. as) (J) Push [A y[v]/[ < 1/[ > 1 several times lo move the cross line cursor on (he anoiher target, @ Push [EBL2 (wen/12); to display the EBL2 and VRM2, ~The EBLZ and VRMZ readouls indicate (he target bear- mg and distance. @ Push [EBL2 (VRM2)] once more io display the EBLZ EBL2 and VRM2 irom mlersecuon point arthe vRM1 and EELL When (he [EBL2 (VRM2)] is pushed agaln, (he cenler of VRM2 appears 3! me mierseciion paint oi the EBL1 and VRMi. / Push [EBL2 (VRM2)] n) clear the EBLZ and VRMZ indication. ‘Push [EBLi (VRMin to clear EBLZ/VRMZ and EBLWRM1 ai the same nmev M M M JAL (1) Push [EBLi (VRM1)] to ciear EBL1 and VRMiv (Mn A M M.» 17 18 MR-570Ri Page 12—22 5 DISTANCE AND DlRECTION MEASUREMENTS I Advanced measurements Using both Electronic Bearing Lines (ESL) and both Variable Range Markers (VRM). the iotiowtng advanced mea- surements can be made: - Measuring the distance and direction between 2 targets ' Measuring the relative speed and course of a target v, i my." 9 a «w 5) Push [A Mv 1/[ < 1/[ > 1 to move the cross line cursor on the desired target @ Push (EBLt (VRM1)] to display the EBL1 and VRM1. (1)- Push [A ]/{v m < y[ > 1 to move the cross line cursor on the next target. (33 Push [EBL2 (VRM2)] to display the EBL2 and VRMZ. @ Push [EBL2 (VRM2)] once more to display the EBLZ and VRMZ. -The inteisection oi the EBL1 and VRM1 becomes the center at the EEL2 and VRMZ C5: The VRMZ readout shows the distance between the two targets. The EBLZ readout shows the direction from one target to the other. (D Push [TRAILS] (p. 12) ON; then Wait untii the trail time count up reaches to the TRAIL TIME. C2; Set VRM1 and EBL1 to a previously plotted target as described above. @ Set VRMZ and EBLZ to the current matted position of the same target as described as above. Q} The VRMZ readout is a measure of target move— ment which can be convened into relative target speed. -For exampiet when a 6 min. tratl lime is Selecteo, mum ptying the distance by ten gives the ielative average Speed of the target. ~|f your ship is stationary during the piotting time, the convened speed and direction become absolute. ~The converted speed uml is knnls or kilometres/hour when the Selecled unit in the "FUNCT‘ON" menu is nauticai mites (NM) or kliometres (KM) respectiveiy 15, The EBLz readout shows the course direction of the target MRA570R’ Page 1243 ALARM FUNCTION 6 The unit has an alarm function to protect your ship from collisions. If other ships or islands. etc. come into the pre~ programmed alarm zone, the function alerts you with an alarm. You can set the desired range and bearing for an alarm zone. While the alarm function is activated, the power save function turns the LCD OFF until an alarm is given to conserve power. I Alarm zone setting ~ Setting and using the alarm function Frg.i Push (MN/[ANN] . W: appears mm, M M 4.1L th,2 mun M in“; AL I Zone alarm setting Target lothershlo etc) Alarm sounds when the Iargst comes rntd the zone Flg.3 6} Push [+]/[—] to select the desired range. (2) Push [A ]l[v yr < 1/[ > i to set the cursor to the start- ing point of the alarm zone, Q) Push and hold [ALM] for 0.5 sec to enter the alarm zone setting. -The starting zone appears on the screen. mg. 1) Q) Push [< 1/[ > 1 to adjust an angle and push [A 1/[VJ to set the distance of the alarm zone. ~The selected alarm zone appears. @ Push [ALM] to fix the alarm zone and activate the alarm function '"'AL appears on the bottom or the screen. -The selected alarm zone remains ii} If a target comes into or goes out of the alarm zone. an alarm beep is emitted. ~Push [ALM] to cancel me alarm signal and iunciion (i) To deactivate the alarm function, push [ALM]. “AL” and alarm zone disappear from the screen. ® To activate the alarm function again With the same programmed zone, push [ALM]. ”AL” and preprogrammed alarm zone appears. ~ Using the function with power saver To activate the power save function, push and hold [ix (SAVE)] for 0.5 sec. while the alarm function is tumed ON. ~The LCD display turns OFF, When a target comes into the alarm zone, an alarm sig» nal is emitted. the LCD display turns ON and the power save function IS cancelled Zone alarm beep is emitted when the target comes into the zone, or the target goes out of the zone i , Push [MENU] to call up the FUNCTION menu. i/ Push [v] until the “ZONE ALARM“ section be comes highlighted. Z3» Push l < 1/1 > ]to select W or our 'IN ‘Alarm sounds when the target comes into the zone (see Fig. 3) ~OUT Alarm sounds when the target goes out or the zone. 19 - MR-570R/ Page 1244 - 7 EPA (Electronic Plotting Aid) I EPA (Electronic Plotting Aid) The EPA (Electronic Plotting Aid) for manual plotting is interlaced for small ships fitted with a gyrocompass, speed and distance measuring equipment, EPA (Electronic Planing AidJ’ will in urderto improve the standard of collision avoidance at sea, reduce the workload oi the crew by enabling them to obtain lhtormatlon about plotted targets, as well as they could by manually plotting a single target themselves. Max. 10 targels can be plotted on the screen. ~P|ot positions shall be identified by an approved symbol mark (p. 22) and associated plot number. -The vector origin will move across the screen at a rate and direction defined by the calculated true or relative course and speed. ~The vector will be displayed on the target ~ External data is required for screen display intermation. (p38). . EPA menu setting (3. Push [MENU] several times to turn the EPA menu ON, Set the EPA menu items before using the EPA funcA Q; push [LEFT] to tum the EPA function ON tion. (3. Push [v] to select “VECT'; push l < 14> 1 to select the vector type. eTRUE (True vector). The predicted true motion or a target as the result or your own ship's direction and speed input E PA M E NU ~ REL (Relative vector): ON The pledlcled movement ot a target relative to your own VECT TRUE REL ship» « .. No > D1 5 P OF F AL L lg, Push {DOWN} to select the No. DISP to select the target identification number type which appears at ALARM 0” the right side or the mark. Push [ < yr > no select the CPA LIMIT 1.0NM appropriate type. TCPA LIMIT lOMIN 'OFF' No numberappears -SEL. Number appears by the selected mark only ~ALL‘ All numbers appear by the marks. 5 Push [DOWN] to select “ALARM”; push [< m > 1 lo INT ~ SETTING turn the alarm iuncllon ON or OFF. - EPA alarm is emitted when both CPA and TCPA reaches the limit @ Push [v] to select the “CPA‘ LIMIT“; push [ < 1/[>] to set the CPA limit distance. til Push (vi to select the “TCPA‘ LiMITi push l < 14 > 1 to set the TCPA limit time. ‘CPAITCPA‘ Closest Point oi Approach and Time to Closest Point oi Approach limit is defined by the ob» server to a given warning when a target or targets are close to Within those limits from your own ship. rgi Push [MENU] to eXlt the EPA menu. 20 MR-570R/ Page 1235 I EPA operation Set menu CLR ALL CLR L—b 0'45 [CPA [TQPA toenrincahon No 1 Hearing Course Distance Sveed N0. 1 BR 7 . 3' £55 248.5”: sen 13~§KT 0'45 PA 2.004 NM TCPA 4 5 Clnsest Point or Time to closest Approach Point of Approach Vector time I Correct the target -Correct the uncalculalsd target You can correct the uncaloulated target by pushing the [EPA] until the progressing time reaches 30 sec. J) Push [A ]I[V]l[ ( ]/[ > ] to move the cursor on the proper target. til Push [EPA] to display the EPA information screen. 3] Push [A w v] to select the destred target number, ~ “CORR" becomes highlighieu G) Push [EPA] to correct the target position i Progressing counter restarts again -Push [ > ] to select “CLR" to clear the current mark tPush [ > ] Mice to select “ALL CLR“ to clear all marks. 5 Push and hold EPA] tor 05 sec to exlt the EPA menu. vector appears 30 sec 30sec 30 sec. TCalculating start Set the vector Reset the vector ‘Correctable zone EPA 7 Select the target which you want to plot on the display, 6) Push [A y[v]/[ < 1/[ > ]to move the cursor on the de- sired target. (27 Push [EPA] to display the EPA inlarmation screen. ”SET" menu appears below the screen ' “SET' becomes highlighted. @ Push [EPA] to select the target tor plotting. ~Dotled square symbol appears on the cursor, 'Targel identificatlon number, bearing and distance read- out appears in the mlormation screen. -T‘tmer starts to count the progressing time. @ Push [A ]l[ v m < m > 1 to move the cursoron the de sired target. @ Push [EPA] to display the “SET" menu, after the progressing time of 30 sec, has passed. 6} Push [A ]l[v] to select the appropriate target num- ber. . "SET” becomes highlighted. (77 Push [EPA] to register the target. tTarget course toss) and speed (SPD) appears on the data screen, ~CPA and TCPA ot the target appears on the data screen. - The vector appears on the target. ® Push [EPA] for 0.5 5512. to exit the EPA menu. ~Targel vector remains on the screen. ~ The warning intermation blinks at the Center at the di5~ play and a warning beep is emitted when the plot is not updated tor 10 min. ~The plot will be cleared it the time between consecutive plots exceeds 15 min ~Automaticatty applied “target tdenlity numbers” can not be re~used until. the maximum number or plotted targets has been used first, ' Reset the calculated target When the target turns. reduces speed. increases speed or stops after calculating, the vector will not shows the actual predicted position. tn such case you must reset the vector and position or the target. other- wise the EPA alert may not function properly 51“ Push [A ]/[V ]l[ < ]/[ > 1 to move the cursor on the proper target (2) Push [EPA] to display the EPA information screen i: Push [A m v l to select the desired target number. ~ "SET“ becomes highlighted @ Push [EPA] to correct the target vector and position. ~Progresstng counter restarts again -Push l > 1 to select “CLR’ to clear the current mark ~Push 1 > 1 twice to select "ALL CLR" to clear all marks 6} Push and hold [EPA] [or 0.5 sec. to exit the EPA menu 21 22 Mia-571ml Page 12—26 7 EPA I Clear the target You can clear lhe unnecessary largel vector. Selecl ‘CLR' m ‘ALL CLR' Setmenu (No 1 L333 332 3; QIfiT z QAJNM LQiE—ZL—LSPD 18. 6KT ! CPA 2 4004 NMLTCPA 4 25 Select me large! Number I Plotting marks There are 5 kinds of plolling marks. : Selected, uncalculaled mark : Selected calculated mark : Normal, uncalculaled mark : Normal, calculated mark. :CPA/TCF'A alarm mark. The target is close lo wilhin a minimum range and time. : Alarm emit indicalor. Push [EPA] to can- cel the alarm. I Course and speed vector Target's predicted posrton \ Vector\ iv veclor lime Current pesmon l a y a 3 Push {EPA} lo display me EPA inlormalion screen. (2) Push [A 1/[ v 1 to selecl (he desired target number (3) Push [ > ] lo select “CLR” to clear (he current mark. ~ Push [ > ] twice lo select “ALL CLR“ to clear all marks. Q} Push and hold [EPA] lor 05 sec. (0 exit lire EPA menul NOTEzAulomalically applied largel idenlily numbers’ can not be re-used unlil me maximum number 0! plotted largels has been used first The veclor indioales lhe largets predicted, true or rel» alive course and speed ~Veclof time may change depending on lhe TRAIL TIME selllng (see FUNCTION menu, p. 7) -The lip of the vector shows (he larget's predlcled posillon after a Cenaln time which has been selected in me “TRAIL TIME" Plot displays past position oi targets every 1 min, as 4 dols. 0 Targel goes straight, o Targel lurns nglil 9 Target reduces speed 0 Target increases speed Radar uses a form of electromagnetic radiation, which like light, can be reflected Because of this property, some objects may cause false echoes on the screen where in tact no targets actually exist. I Side-lobe echoes Radiation can escape on each side otthe beam inside the lobes. Ifa target reflects this radiation, it will be dis- played on the screen as an echo, Maln beam Side lobes I Indirect echoes Indirect echoes may be returned from elther a passing ship, or retumed from a reflecting surface, such as a mast on your own shlp. Target Scanner Mast or slmllaV obstrunmll Target Own ship allege _> , Ari echo ls reflected at this point MRvS’IOR/ Page 12-27 These echoes may appear if a large vessel. bridge, or tank is in proximity. Operators should be lamiliar with the effects of these phenomena, In some cases, echoes can be reduced, BASIC RADAR THEORY Side-lobe echoes usually occur at short ranges and as a result of large (strongly reflective) targets. They can be reduced with proper adjustment of the [SEA] con‘ trol. See [9.10 tor the [SEA] control. False echoes An indirect echo tram a reflecting surlace will appear on a different bearing lrom the direct (true) echo, but the distance will be approximately the same tor both. True echo False echo “l’rue echo 23 24 MR~57DR,’ Page i248 8 BASIC RADAR THEORY l Multiple echoes Multiple echoes may appear when a short»range and strong echo is received tram a ship, bridge. or break- water. Own ship Another Ship I Minimum range Detection at short range is very important. Minimum range is determined primarily by transmitter pulse length, vertical beam width and height of the scanner unit. The shorter the transmission time the quicker the return echoes can be received and their distance mea- sured. Multiple echoes will appear beyond the target's true echo point on the same bearing of a large target. They can be reduced with proper adjustment of the [SEA] control, See p 10 tor the [SEA] control. False echoes True echo The ability to see targets very close to the ship is de» creased if the antenna is mounted too high off the water‘ because the bottom of the vertical beam of the scanner cuts off nearby targets Vertical beam width \\ Pulse length Pulse starting point vi.— This target can noi be recognized with radar. / The target in this area can not be recognized MR-S’URT‘ Page 12-29 l Blind and Shadow sectors Blind or Shadow sectors may exist because of ob~ structions such as masts, derricks or slacks An ob- struction may throw either a complete or partial shadow as shown in the diagram below, lfa target is in a shadow sector, target echoes may not appear on the screen. Shadow sector Mast or similar obstruction\~ l Target resolution Target resolution is determined by the horizontal beam width and transmit pulse width, Sometimes it ts difficult to detect two targets which are separated by short dIS- tances or which are in the same direction. - Distance resolution When two targets are separated by more than the pulse width. they appear as two echoes. When two targets are not separated by more than the pulse width. they appear as 1 echo. Target 1 Target 2 TranSrrul Echoes Dutse Target v 2 Transmit Echo Dulse Target 1 2 v. Target 2 BASIC RADAR THEORY B When tall and massive targets such as a large island are located at close range also shadowed without pro- ductng any echoes.This phenomenon is called blind sector. It is very important to know the bearings and wtdths at all shadow sectors caused by your own ship's obstructions. Blind sector - Direction resolution When two targets are separated by more than the horizontal beam width, they appear as two echoes. When two targets are not separated by more than the horizontal beam width, they appear as one echo. Target 1 i. r’ Target 2 Anlenria Target 1 Anlenna 25 26 AIR-570W Page 124.30 9 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS I Connecting the units NMEA1 Bearing data input NMEA1 connectlon {D N c Aux mput (—l, CLOCK or N71 (-> data input (flNC // w \ rAUX input (A): CLOCK , fi‘ \\\\ W or Nv1 (fl data mput /t// (3) NMEA1 inpu‘tt)‘/ V \@NMEA1 lnput(—)' or AUX mpul 1»), DATA or Aux input H- DATA l Power source requirement - Dc power source DC lgul ©®§ Gngnd CAUTION: Incorrect cable connectron may damage the radar. I Ground connection Battery 12 lo 32 V DC NMEA 0183 data mpul Speed sensor input NMEAZ con nection 57 GND (Speed sensor) 6) DATA output (fl {67 Speed sensor mpui Q Q/ , “Asp Regulated 12 v output. (20 mA Max ) x4: NMEA 2 input H' \/[/ \\\\3 ”W7 ‘fl DATA oulput t—l /v\ ta) NMEA z mput “ye/V ‘NMEA input impedance: 500 Q The radar is designed for connection to any power source iI the voltage is 10,2—42 V DC, so that a 12, 24, or 32 V DC battery can be used wnthout a DC»DC con- vener, or any unternal modifications. ~ DC power cable connection Connect the supplied DC power cable as shown in the diagram. To prevent electrical shocks and other problems, ground the dlsplay unit through the [GND] terminal on the unit‘s rear panetFor best results, connect a heavy gauge wire or strap to the nearest grounding point on the boat. The dls- tance between the [GND] terminal and the ground point should be as short as possible, MR-S'V'OK" Page 1201 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS 9 I Installing the EX-2373 display unit - Location Select a place for tnstallation which meets the lollowing important conditions (U The display unit should be placed near the wheel in the cabin so that an operator may easily view the radar screen while lacing the bow. (I) To minimize interference, KEEP the unit AT LEAST THE COMPASS SAFE DISTANCE stated in the se- rial No. seal on the rear panel away from the com- pass and navigation receiver. Q Select a position where there is no danger olsalt or fresh water spray or immersion. (3) Select a location where lt is easy to perform main- tenance or adjustment alter installation. (57 Select a location which can support the weight 0! the display unit. (6) DO NOT selecl areas subject to extreme heat. cold, vibrations or direct sunlight. - Dimensions 'F'lotrusions no! included 186 m. We 2:6 mm. aw - Mounting The stand supplied with the display unit allows ”dash~ board“ or "overhead" mounting, t’j‘ Hold the stand ol the display unit up to the selected location and mark pilot holes for the 4 installation holes using the template. ~The template is provide on p. 43, ‘ Drill 4 holes of 3.6 to 4.0 mm (5/32 in) in diameter. . Secure the stand with the seIHaoping screws, spnng washerstlat washers, flat washers spacers and mounting rubbers. (see below Fig.) 65 Mount the display unit onto lhe stand and secure it with two mounting screws. 6; Push the tilting lever down and adjust the angle at the unit as appropriate. then return the lever to the original position. (Mi 125 mm. «mm- 103 mm.4" 37 min. max ‘ tr ills mm. 7‘ 2:5 mm. aw 27 28 MRS’JORf Page 12-32 9 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS l Mounting the EX-2474 scanner unit - Location The scanner unit is designed to be weatherproof and completely watenight. Select a place for installation which meets the following important conditions. 0} The scanner unit must be near the boat’s center line and have a good view in every direction. Be sure there are no objects in the surrounding area which will intercept the scanning beam. (2? KEEP the scanner unit away lrom any smoke» stacks. Smoke can damage the unit. 6, When the boat is equipped with a radio directional imder (RDF) system. keep the scanner unit at least 2 m (6.6 ft) away from any RDF antenna. ~Radiallun irorn the scanner unit can aflecl the measure- ment data of RDF equipment. Q The unit should be placed as high as possible on the boat to Obtain best performance with maximum range iii} if you install two or more radar in one boat, install one above. and one below. @ The mounting surlace must be parallel with the boat‘s waterline. @ Ii the height is insufficient to install the scanner unit, build a special frame for installation. Ship‘s now dl’ecllen or 23 2g/ 3 - Mounting 6) Drill four holes oi 12 mm (112 in) in diameter using the template. -The template is provided on p. 45. 12; it the mounting suriace or platlorm is metal, apply sealing compound around the holes to prevent cor- rosion and to waterprool the unit. Q) Fix the scanner unit to the selected position with bolts of 10 mm (3/8 in) in diameter, with flat and spring washers The supplied bolts are two lengths: 25 mm (1 in) or 50 mm (2 in). CAUTION: SECURE the tour bolls tightly. Ship's bow direction ‘ 455l1‘3/,5) 15a 5 is “my Unit. mm (in) MR-S70R.’ Page 12-33 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS 9 l Wiring the EX-2474 system cable (D, Loosen the tour bolts using the hex head wrench on the bottom of the scanner unit, and open lhe unit, {I} Loosen the nut on the scanner unit and pass the system cable through the nul and sealing lube @ Loosen the six screws on the IF unit Then pull and remove the cover. @ Insert the lF cable (black and white) connector to the IF unit connector J34 (‘1‘ Be sure to follow the following diagram carefully) (5? Replace the lF unit cover to the proper posrtion, then lighten the nine screws @ Connect the shielding wire to the ground plate With the screw as shown in the diagram, C7) Clamp the system cable With the ferrite core al- tached near the sealing connector, Be sure to clamp it lightly. ~ Scanner unit disassembly Face the 4 mark m lhe direcllon ml the ship‘s bow ship's bow direction system cable Scanner uml disassembly ® Connect the power cable (black and red) end to the power unit connector 1'2; Be sure to follow the fol- lowing diagram careiully), £57 Tighten the sealing-nut, then replace the radome cover over lhe scanner unit, Do NOT slretch the system cable too mucn‘ other- wise miss contact of the connector may occur. @ Tighten the (our bolts on the bottom of the scanner unit. ~ The four projections around the circumference oi the radome cover show the positions of the bolt receptacles, -Connect the system cable l , '2v Power connector 1 , r \ Shielding wlre Femie core Seaimg tube Nul 29 30 9 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS TH|S PAGE IS INTENDED TO BLAN MR~570R/ Page 1244 MRAS70R/ Page 12-35 - SERVICE MAN MENU 10 - . service man menu To open the “SERVICE MAN” menu. [fPush [MENU] several times to show the “EPA" menu. @Push [v] to select “INT. SETTING”, then push [v] to show the "INT. SETTING" menu. @Push [V] to select “SERVICE MAN", then push [ >] to open the "SERVlCE MAN" menu. 24000 OUTPUT VOLT. 30.2 HDG ADJ. 0,0" NV 349 Tll‘IING ADJ. E ngxggk 0 g ISPDADJ. ”BS SET El ‘ rEnter the pulse rate of the speed sensor. TUNE PRESET El M6 0.0 TUNE SET El TX TIME “9° ADJ- . . . T METER SET 1 ZH -Adjuststhe electronic headlng llne adjustment. ' ' ITIMING ADJ. 'Corrects the dlslance. IMBS SET ~Adjusts the M85. ITUNE PRESET ~Pre~adjusl the objects tor clarity on lhe screen above the 6 NM range. I TUN E SET ~ Adjusts the object more clearly. I'EMETER SET ~Adjusts the tunlng level indication to the max. level. IMBS SET -Adjusls the MRS. ITIMING ADJ. -Correcls the (instance. I HDG ADJ. -Ad1usts the electronic headlng line adjustment. IRANGE : Choose the selectable screen range. I Other readouts -OUTPUT VOLTAGE: Shows the voltage level for the scanner unit from the display umt. ~Hv (High voltage). Shows the voltage level in the hlgh»voltage uml m the scanner unit ~ MONITOR" Shows the voltage level tor checking the receiver uhll operation. ~ HEATER. Shows the healer current. - MGtshows the current level for the Magnetron, 'TX TIME: Shows the total transmitted lime 31 hiRv570R/ Page 12 66 1OSERV|CE MAN MENU I SPD adjustment ll‘vF‘ush [MENU]. [v 1/[ > ] several llmes to display the “SERVICE MAN" menu. l(ZE‘F'ush [v] until the “SPD ADJ," seclion becomes highlighted. 6) Push [ < ]/[ > ] lo enter lhe pulse rate (pulse numbers per one mile) ol the speed sensor unit. @Push [MENU] to relurn w the normal screen I HDG adjustment If lhe heading marker line differs from lhe exact bow direclion. correct the heading marker line as follows. Thls function may be helpful when the scanner has not been mounled exactly in the direclion ol lhe bow. R Angle m alumnae Q) Line up the new of the heal Wllh an idenlifiable lar~ gel. (2, Push [TX] to dismay lhe large! on the screen. Q} Push [MENU], [v 1/[ > 1 several limes lo display the “SERVICE MAN" menu, @Push [DOWN] unlll the “HDG ADJ” section be- lusrlsa syn Am. 240W uuwul van. w 2 comes nighlighled. mm,“ m _2 mm "13 (ff/Push | < 1/[>]lo adjust, unlil the targel malches lhe ms 35; 2. mm D 5; heading marker. (lhe difference can be read out on rwr PRESEY il m. a u lhe menu screen) ® Push [MENU] to return lo the normal screen. Push [< y{ > 1 3 F \\ 30497 m l [N SPD ADJ 160m OWN" V0” in Z 5 1’ W 349 ”MING AU] __1 MONIVQR 47 nas m El HEATER 0 ss TUNE PRESET girl W3 00 “mi Bil _:l N T'NE “1mm 5 mu m H E! E Mmswks Page in? l TIMING adjustment The system cable length aflects the sweep timlng. when the cable Ienglh adjuslment is not correct. a straight target is shown as a curved echo. Thus. cable length adjustment is necessary. Proper adjustment I MBS adjustment Improper, pulling inward SERVICE MAN MENU 10 (i) Position your boat near a straight target such as breakwalerl wharf, etc, (2) Push H several limes to select '/a or Vi NM range (3) Push [TX] to display the target on the screen. (4) Push [MENU], [v yl > ] several times lo oisplay the "SERVICE MAN" menu (5) Push [v] until the “TIMING ADJ." section becomes highlighted. ©Push [< yr > 1 to adjust Ihe echo unlil ii becomes slraighl. (see below) (2) Push [MENU] to return to the normal screen. Improper, pushing outward NOTE: While pushing and holding [MOB] and [TRAILS], push {POWER} to activate the ‘Tuning ad- Justmenl' setting. (DPush H several limes to select the 1/4 NM range or shorter Push [MENU], [v]![ > ] several times lo display lhe “SERVICE MAN" menu. @F'ush [v] until the “MES" section becomes higha lighted. “QJPush [< y[ > ] to adiust so that the echo of near by objects are discemed with maximum delinltion. @Push [MENU] to return lhe normal screen. 33 34 MR-57OR/ Page 13-38 10 SERVlCE MAN MENU l RANGE selection ENGLISH 24000 OUTPUT VOLT. 20,2 HDG ADJ. 0.0“ NV 349 TIMING ADJ. El MONITOR 47 MRS SET l:l HEATER 0.53 TUNE PRESET E: "G 0.0 TUNE SET —: TX TIME ritrrrrsrr E 1le E- I“. "4 NM range will be skipped. l Tuning adjustment Tuning level indicator Tuning level 3049} .\\ EllGLlSlt SPD Nu. 24000 OUTPUT v0tr 30 2 N06 ADJ o n" w 349 YllllllG All], in neutron 47 HEAYER 0.53 _. H6 0 0 will SH —: 7x ”NE 1 m I Auto gain adjustment r'lJPush [MENU]. [v]l[ >] to display the “SERVICE MAN" menu, r‘sz'ush [v] until the “-)" appears on the screen. ©Pusn [A]/[V] to choose the selectable screen ranges With [+1 or H keys on the display. QEPush [< ] to skip from the range selection, or push [ > ]lo cancel skipping. ®Push [MENU] lo retum to the normal screen. Selectable ranges: Vs, Va, ’/2, 1In, 1, 1.5, 2, 3. 4, 6, 8. 12, 16, 24, 32, 36 (NM) NOTE: While pushing and holdlng [MOB] and [TRAILS]. push [POWER] to activate the ‘Tuning ad» juslment' setting. 5) Push [MENU], [DOWN] and [RIGHT] to display the “SERVlCE MAN" menu. @Push [+1 several times to select the 6 NM range or longer. i Push [ < l/[ > 1 to adjust a “TUNE SET” lo the center position. QTPush (A up 1 to select ”TUNE PRESET". 13) Push [ < V] > ] to adjust a comparalively weak echo for maximum delinitlon. ©Push I v ] 10 select the ‘TMETER SET". ®Push [ < 1/[ > ] to adjust a tuning level to show that it Is at peak level. (see left) (EF‘ush [MENU] to return to the normal screen. 430 NOT change the screen range beiore returning to the normal screen. NOTEtwhen returning to the normal screen. the tun~ ing level indicator aulomatically adjusts to 85% of the lull scale. NOTE: While pushing and holding [MOB] and [TRAILS], push [POWER] lo activate the ‘Auto garn' setting. j/Push [+1 several limes to select the maximum range. Then push [TX]. @Push [ADJ] for 0 5 see. to turn the Adjust setting to manual control ti Push [A 1/[v] lo adjust the gain to the point where noise just begins to appear on the screen. GLPush [ADJ] tor 25 see. to complete the adjustment. - Beep tone “Pi pl" emits. MRA57DR/ Page 1239 l Error message list ERROR MESSAGE 1 1 Message Condition BRG lNPUT FAIL“ 'The Azimuth signal is interrupted, An alarm tone is emilted Wilhin 5 sec. and the display reverts to H UP mode in approx. 1 min, TRIG SlGNAL FAIL” ' lithe TRIGGER signal ls interrupted tor more than 15 see, an alarm tone is emitted, SHM SIGNAL FAIL'2 . N the SHM Signal is interrupted for more than 15 see, an alarm tone is emitted. VIDEO SIGNAL FAIL’2 ~ If the VlDEO slgnal IS tntermpted lor more than 15 see, an alarm tone is emitted POSN INPUT FAIL" , ll the position signal is interrupted for more than 15 see, an alarm tone is emitted. N0, XX TARGET IS NOT UPDATED“3 ~ The plot will be dropped it the time between consecutive plots ex- ceeds 15 min. CHECK SCANNER CONNECTION" ~The antenna cable may not be connected properly. CHECK “SERVICEMAN MENU“ DATA"2 -Turn the power ctr and consult your dealer or service man, as soon as possible, " Push any key to cancel the error message and beep tone. Turn the power OFF, then check the external data cable connection ‘ZAn electricity lailure may occur, turn the power OFF, then consult your dealer or service man. ‘3 Push any key to cancel the error message and beep tone. “Turn the power OFF, then check the system cable connections. 35 36 12 MAINTENANCE MR-S70R’ Page lz-to Continued. reliable operation at the radar depends on how you care for your equipment. The simple maintenance tips that tollow can help you save time and money, and avoid premature equipment failures. l Periodic maintenance WARNtNG BE su’ [penanzi‘indanyrnaln nan power VOVFFjbefore' I Scanner unit maintenance WA N ‘G: B! SUREth poll/er I Display unit maintenance WzARNING BE SURE the power is orr before working on the radar. l Options ~OPC-1076 SYSTEM CABLE (17 Keep the equipment as clean as possible. 'Use a $0" cloth IO lemme dlrt, dust and water. (2) Check all hardware for loose screws, bolts. etc (33 Check cables and terminal connections. ~Cleaning @Wipe the surface of the scanner with a clean soft cloth. ~Do NOT use strong solvents such as benzene or alco- hol. ti) Check that there is no drift or caked salt, -A heavy deposit at dirt or caked salt on the painted sur~ lace ol the upper scanner unit Will cause a conslderable drop in radar pertormance. L3) Check for cracks or deterioration of the rubber packing and replace it if necessary. -Mouming Check the mounting bolts of the scanner unit and tighten it necessary. r Cleanlng Dirt on the LCD Wlll. in time, leave a film ot contami» nates which tend to dim the picture. 5; Wipe the surface of the display unit with a clean soft cloth -no nor use strong solvents such as benzene or am» hol. @ If the picture is still dim, clean the LCD screen. Allows you to install the display unit and scanner up to 15 m (49 7/32 it) apart. '0PC-1077 SYSTEM CABLE Allows you to install the display unit and scanner up to 20 m (65 5/3 it) apart. ' UPC-1078 SYSTEM CABLE Allows you to install the display unit and scanner up to 30 m (98 7/te ft) apan. MR-STORJ Page12-4) - SPECIFICATIONS 13 - General . Minimum range : 25 m; 82 ft (when measurement range is ‘/e NM) ~ Maximum range : 36 NM (when measurement range is 35 NM) . Measurement range “la, ‘lA. 1lz, 3/4, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, G, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 36, (NM) ~ Preheat time : 90 sec. ~ Connection length between display and antenna : 10 m; 3213lte ft, (standard), 15 in; 497/32 it (optional), 20 m: 655/5 ft (optional), 30 rn; 987/ie(eptlonal) Scanner unit 0 EX—2474 - Type : 2 leet Slotted Wavegwde Array, enclosed in a radome. - Rotation speed (typical) : 24 rpm, 36 rpm, 48 rpm (typ.) - Beam width (typical) : Horizontal beam 4‘ (typ ) Vertical beam 22' (typ.) - Side lobe (typical) :—18 dB - Polarization : Horizontal . Transmission frequency :9410 MHZ 330 MHZ PON ~ Peak output power :4 kW ' Pulse width :80 nS/2880 HZ, 80 nS/2160 HZ, 250 "5/2760 HZ, 350 nS/2160 Hz, 900 nS/720 Hz. -Mixer and Local Oscillator : Microwave Integrated Circuit -Transmittlng Tube : Magnetron MAF142tB ~ Modulator FET switching - Duplexer 1 Cimulator . intermediate lrequency Automatic/manual selectable - 1F 60 MHZ ' lF Band wldth 10 MHZ, 3 MHZ - Dimensions ‘ 607 (D) x 243 (H) mm ~Usable temperature range 4—25'C — +70'C; —13‘F ~158‘F ' Relative Humidity less than 95% at 35"C (+95'F) ~ Weight : 9 kg; 1927/32 It) (without cable) Display unit ' LCD display , 57-inch MONO LCD display ~ Pixels 1320 x 240 dot . “1pm ‘NMEA 0183 lorrnat (for navigation receiver) ; N¢1 format (flux gate compass sensor), AUX ~ Power supply requirement : 102 ~ 42 v DC - Power consumption (at wind velocdy zero) Approx, 47 W ' Ufiable temperature range ’—1 50 ~ +5517; +5F - 131 F ~ Relative humidity ' Less than 95% at 35C (495?) . Dimensions ~ 186 (W) x 20304) x 103(D) mm; 7 5/15tH)X s (W) x 4 l/is (D) inch ~ Weight , 2 kg: 4 13Izzltzl All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation 37 - 1 4 EXTERNAL DATA LIST The following enemal bearing, speed, posillon and way point dam is (are) required , when you win use me AIR-570K” Page 12-42 radar functions. EXTERNAL DATA um NMEAi'Z NMEAZ‘z “HOT" wow sew, cm ~vre WPu “BWC” LOG Nu, AUX summon DISPLAY BEARWG SPEED POSI‘HON WAV Pomr HEAD UP HU COURSE up cu Requued NORTH UP NU Requvred TRUE monon as" w Required “RMCZ «so/x" 01"GLL' va TM Required LOG SPEED DISPLAV 0G" 303 'RMC“ or ”VTG" TW" STW we HEADQNG BEARING HDG Requiyea WAV Pom pr Requlred "we”. ’GGA" or “GLL” “WF'L” or “ch OWN VECTOR oe" Refimred mm” or "we" TW" Required we MOB MOB Reqwea mm: ‘GGN or “GLL” EPA 0G“ EPA Requlred ‘RMC' or we“ Tw" EPA Raquvred LOG VRM/PINVPT/MOB estimated lime as“ ‘RMC" or we" at amval TW" LOG MAGNETIC VAN/WON (AUTO) “RMC” or me- " 06: Over ground. TW; Through the water ‘2 NMEA1 and NMEA2 connectors. See p 26. -“HDT"‘ "HDM", “RMC”, “GGA”, “GLL”, “VTG”, "WPL" and “BWC” are SENTENCES of the NMEA01B3v 38 MR»57UR‘Page12»43 - TEMPLATE 15 - ° EX-2473 TEMPLATE "gt/9 9 wau 09L 91 mm; 3 19/32" 39 40 MR»570R/ Page 12-44 / V MRAS’FOK Iage12~45 °EX-2474 / Radome antenna / template / \m* / \ Radius is 6 mm (Wm). I Ship bow direction , I \ MR-smm Page i246 TEMPLATE 15 1505 mm (515/16 in) 905 mm (39/16 in) 905 mm (39/|6 in) / 41 Count on us! A—BOMHJEX Printed m Japan 2001 Icom Inc Icom Inc. 17132 Karmmmami, Hrrano-ku. Osaka 547-0003 Jaoan
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