ICP F9MAC0601714A1 User Manual GAS FURNACE Manuals And Guides 1307183L

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iiiiiii;i!i_iiiiThese instructions must be read and understood completely before attempting installation.Safety Labeling and Signal WordsDANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTEThe signal words DANGER, WARNING,CAUTION, and NOTE are used to identify levels ofhazard seriousness. The signal word DANGER isonly used on product labels to signify an immediatehazard. The signal words WARNING, CAUTION,and NOTE will be used on product labels andthroughout this manual and other manual that mayapply to the product.DANGER - Immediate hazards which will result insevere personal injury or death.Signal Words in ManualsThe signal word WARNING is used throughoutthis manual in the following manner:The signal word CAUTION is used throughoutthis manual in the following manner:WARNING - Hazards or unsafe practices whichcould result in severe personal injury or death.CAUTION - Hazards or unsafe practices whichmay result in minor personal injury or product orproperty damage.NOTE - Used to highlight suggestions which willresult in enhanced installation, reliability, oroperation.Signal Words on Product LabelingSignal words are used in combination withcolors and/or pictures or product labels.z_ Safety-alert symbolWhen you see this symbol on the unit and ininstructions or manuals, be alert to thepotential for personal injury.TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY CONSIDERATIONS .............................. 3INTRODUCTION ......................................... 4CODES AND STANDARDS ................................ 4ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD) ...................... 5DIMENSIONS ........................................... 6LOCATION .............................................. 7LOCATION RELATIVE TO COOLING EQUIPMENT ........... 8AIR FOR COMBUSTION AND VENTILATION ................ 8CONDENSATE TRAP .................................... 11INSTALLATION .......................................... 18UPFLOW INSTALLATION ................................. 18DOWNFLOW INSTALLATION .............................. 19HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION ............................. 21FILTER ARRANGEMENT ................................. 23AIR DUCTS ............................................. 26GAS PIPING ............................................. 27ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ............................. 28J-BOX INSTALLATION ................................... 29VENTING ............................................... 33SPECIAL VENTING REQUIREMENTSFOR INSTALLATIONS IN CANADA ........................ 33DIRECT VENT /2-PIPE SYSTEM .......................... 35VENTILATED COMBUSTION AIR SYSTEMS ................ 35TERMINATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THEPROVINCES OF ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN ......... 37MAXIMUM EQUIVALENT VENT LENTH ..................... 50MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE EXPOSED VENT LENGTHS ........ 53MAXIMUM LENGTH OF UNINSULATED AND INSULATED .... 53IS0 9001Use of the AHRI Certified TM Mark indicates amanufacturer's participation in the program,For verification of certification for individualproducts, go to www,ahridirectory.org .INSTALLER: Affix these instructions on or adjacent to thefurnace.CONSUMER: Retain these instructions for futurereference.Portions of the text and tables are reprinted from NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1-2009_, with permission of National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269 and American Gas Association, Washington, DC20001. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA or ANSI, on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety,PrintedinU.S.A. 440 01 4201 03 July2012
Required Notice for Massachusetts Installations(a)ImportantThe Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires compliance with regulation 248 CMR as follows:5.08: Modifications to NFPA-54, Chapter 102) Revise 10.8.3 by adding the following additional requirements:For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in every dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for residentialpurposes, including those owned or operated by the Commonwealth and where the side wall exhaust vent termination is less than seven (7) feetabove finished grade in the area of the venting, including but not limited to decks and porches, the following requirements shall be satisfied:1, INSTALLATION OF CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. At the time of installation of the side wall horizontal vented gas fueled equipment, theinstalling plumber or gasfitter shall observe that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm and battery back-up is installed on the floorlevel where the gas equipment is to be installed. In addition, the installing plumber or gasfitter shall observe that a battery operated or hard wiredcarbon monoxide detector with an alarm is installed on each additional level of the dwelling, building or structure served by the side wallhorizontal vented gas fueled equipment. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to secure the services of qualified license professionalsfor the installation of hard wired carbon monoxide detectors.a. In the event that the side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment is installed in a crawl space or an attic, the hard wired carbonmonoxide detector with alarm and battery back-up may be installed on the next adjacent floor level.b. In the event that the requirements of this subdivision can not be met at the time of completion of installation, the owner shall have a period ofthirty (30) days to comply with the above requirement; provided, however, that during said thirty (30) day period, a battery operated carbonmonoxide detector with an alarm shall be installed.2. APPROVED CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. Each carbon monoxide detector as required in accordance with the above provisions shallcomply with NFPA 720 and be ANSI/UL 2034 listed and IAS certified.3. SIGNAGE. A metal or plastic identification plate shall be permanently mounted to the exterior of the building at a minimum height of eight (8) feetabove grade directly in line with the exhaust vent terminal for the horizontally vented gas fueled heating appliance or equipment. The sign shallread, in print size no less than one-half (1/2) inch in size, "GAS VENT DIRECTLY BELOW. KEEP CLEAR OF ALL OBSTRUCTIONS".4. INSPECTION. The state of local gas inspector of the side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment shall not approve the installation unless,upon inspection, the inspector observes carbon monoxide detectors and signage installed in accordance with the provisions of 248 CMR5.08(2)(a) 1 through 4.(b) EXEMPTIONS: The following equipment is exempt from 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a) 1 through 4:(c)(d)(e)1. The equipment listed in Chapter 10 entitled "Equipment Not Required To Be Vented" in the most current edition of NFPA 54 as adopted by theBoard; and2. Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in a room or structure separate from the dwelling, building orstructure used in whole or in part for residential purposes.MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS - GAS EQUIPMENT VENTING SYSTEM PROVIDED. When the manufacturer of Product Approved side wallhorizontally vented gas equipment provides a venting system design or venting system components with the equipment, the instructions provided bythe manufacturer for installation of the equipment and the venting system shall include:1. Detailed instructions for the installation of the venting system design or the venting system components; and2. A complete parts list for the venting system design or venting system.MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS - GAS EQUIPMENT VENTING SYSTEM NOT PROVIDED. When the manufacturer of a Product Approved sidewall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment does not provide the parts for venting the flue gases, but identifies "special venting systems", thefollowing requirements shall be satisfied by the manufacturer:1. The referenced "special venting system" instructions shall be included with the appliance or equipment installation instructions; and2. The "special venting systems" shall be Product Approved by the Board, and the instructions for that system shall include a parts list and detailedinstallation instructions.A copy of all installation instructions for all Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment, all venting instructions, all parts listsfor venting instructions, and/or all venting design instructions shall remain with the appliance or equipment at the completion of the installation.For questions regarding these requirements, please contact the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and GasFitters, 239 Causeway Street, Boston, MA 02114. 617-727-99522Specifications are subject to change without notice. 440 01 4201 0,3

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