IDEA ELECTRONICS 16V-01 Bluetooth Headphones User Manual 1
IDEA ELECTRONICS INC Bluetooth Headphones 1
user manual
arénuur ELUETDOTH STEREO HEADPHONE MODEL: V202 USER GUIDE INCLUDED IN THE BOX (STANDARD! »1xroeausA V202 Headset -1x use [hargrng [ab/2 -1x 3.5mm Audra Cab/e -1x User MnnuaI 1x Warranty Card TECHNICAL SPECS Power supply Ta/knme‘ m hams Muxm Playbatk: 10 how; Standby Trrne: 400 now: Audra Drivers Impedance 32:] wrreless Eluemam A 0,upto1l7 meter; Blueraam Profiles: AZDP/AVRCP/HSP/ HFP/ cvc Frequenry zanz ~2a,aaawz Micrapnane Eur/run Mrtmphone Drnrrensr'ons & Weight 180x 150K 51 rnrn (LxWxH), 69.65! INTRODUCTION Thank you [or purzhaxrng zne rDeaUSA vzuz, a Eluetoom headsm wrm reehargeab/e but/(rm battery Enjoy rnusre wire/esst/mm your xmartphone, tab/er, laptop or other Blueroam an: enaa/ea aeyree anywhere you (house, FEA TURES Bluetoorh 4 o Fo/daa/e Headband 3 5mm rnusrc rrnarn funczran Featurmg Mu/(Ipamt Cannzcuon for parrrng Wan 2x deyrres Emmy power :mrus snawn an ros deurees W“ ”New w" 3.5mm Mmufimmon Button. AudIoJa(k (Turn an/Parrrng x mode/Play/Pause) LED rndrcamr m m WW9 up PRODUCT OVERVIEW vMu/ufunman Barran: rmn an/Pamng maae/ PIay/PauSE/Tum off/Answer tall/End (all Vqume up/Rereer Call >Va/urrre Down/Mute Call ’NEXI Track rPrevmu: Tmzk LED Indlwmr 'MIUO USES/OI erUopho/ve 3 5 mmAud/O/mk LED IndicatarStatus ' Power on: Blue LED/lame; 3 times r Power on: Red LEDI/ashes rwree ~Pailin r ed& Blue LEDf/axhe: alternate/y ~5mndby/ Cannecrea: BIue LED/rasnes 3 rrrnex every 5 menus e/nzarnrng Cat/I: B/ue LEDf/ushes canzrrruaus/y ‘an Battery: Red LEDf/ushzs 2 rrmes every 2 seconds -charging: (arrnrruaus red LED under margmg s/ue LED ome/u/Iy (hinged OPERATION Eluetnoth Pairing & Cannection (These headphones supportpain'ng up za 2 dzvizex} anngn newce r Emureyaur V202 neaaphanes are Iumed a// Longpress the mull/[unmon aunanfor 5 sewnas to turn on headpnonex ana enrer drsmvemb/e mode, The LED mdrmta/ er/j/axn blue and red arrernare/y. 2. SetyourE/uemath dawn to scan, andseleet ~iaeo V202”fmm the list ofdlsmvered derices. 3, Once accepteayour Eluemom deuice Will lnaicote when pairing rs complete (tfprampted enter "0000” and canflrm ta connect), The uznz headphones Will rodreate a suceess/ul eonneeuan wlzh sllashrng blue lrghts euerys setahds. Pairing a Second Device The V202 headphones support pal/mg wrth 2 deuites srmultoneously, tolling/ram any one ofthem. 4.1urh alfheadphorles haumgsuecessfully paired first devite. 5V Repeatpulrmgpmredure as shown in steps 1 , 4 apoue with the second dance. 5' Restartthe headphones, they wlI/aufomatlcUI/ycarlnzct to thephane ardeuiee last eonheeied shortpress bath the ~Valume up”am‘l ~Volume down"bu1mnsslmulmneoux/ym enaole arnultrpainteonnettiori. 7, From the lrst o/foumi deuites on your/list paired deulee, select the headphone ~raeo V202"to eannectwrth it. Button Operation -Puwer an: Press and hold multlfunctlwl buttanfur 2 seeonds. B/ue LED [lashesgtrmes Headphones turn one -eower of]: Press and hold multi/uhttian buttonfol s seeonds. Headpmzrles turn of/afterredttpfloshes twree. vl/alumeAd/ust: snortpress ‘Volume up‘ or ' Volume down‘buttons anepress equals oneuolurne leuelchange whenyolumereathes MAXor MW volume, on audlble "Trek" pramptsounds, -Play/eause: shartpress multlfunetlan button to pause musit Press agaln to play muslm r Previous: snortpress 'Preurous'putton to Sklp to previous track NOTE: This eaurpmenthas peen tested andfourld to comply wrth the limits for atlass B algrtal deurte, pursuant to port 15 afme rcc Rules. these lrmlts aredesrgnedto praurdereasanapleprotectron agolnstharrn/ul inter/erehee ln a resldenlla/lnsta/mtmm Thrseaurpmentgenerates uses andeon radlate radio/requeneyenergyand, i/riorinsralled arid usediri attordanee with the rnstruttions,rnay tause harm/ul lnterfeleme to radio tarnrnunltatlans However, there is no guarantee thntinterferente wll/ riot oteurln aparticularinstallatroh. l/thrs equlpmentaaes eause harmful interferenee to radro or teleulslan receptron, whieh can be determined by turnlng the equipment offarrd on, the user ls encouraged to try to correct the lnterference by one or more ofthefollowmg measures. , ReorlemarrE/atau the reeeiuirig ancenria , lntrease the separation between the equlprnent and retelver, - (‘0erth the eaurpment rnta an outlet on a trrtult dl/ferentfram that to which the receiver rs tannected , Consult the dealer or an experlencea rudlD/Wtechnlclanlor help thanges or modi/reatiaris noi expressly approued try the pariy responsible [or tornpli‘ante eauld uoid the user‘s authority to operate the equipment rhi‘s deuite eompli‘es With Part 15 afme rtt Rules. Operatlon ls sub/Ht to the fol/awlng two eandrtrons. (1) thls oer/ice may not cause harmful lrlterfelence, and (2) thls devlce must aceept anyinterferente recelved, lnclualng lnterferencz that may cause undesrrea Operation, ~Next: short press ’Next’button to skrp to next track, AAnswer call: short press mulu/uneuon button to answer tneoming calls, -thd call: shartpress multifunction button agaln to end tall. ~lzelect call: Press and hold Volume up‘ button/or2 setands ta Iejett an incomrng call ATmrtsfeI call: Ta transfer a call toyour mobile phone press and hold the ‘ViJ/ume up ‘bLlImn/arlszmnrl: Repeat to trans/er the ml/batkta the headphones, ~Call Mute Funttian: Press and hold Volume dawn‘ buttahforz setands and call will be muted, Repeat to tame! call mute. seartery capacity status: when eluetooth cannected, headphones batcerypawer status will appear or. the upper rlghl haha eorrier a/ari [OS fill/[(2. ~3.5mm ti'rie-ln Furlztion: tonheet3.5mm audro taplefram the headphone jarkl/l youraudra aeurce to llnEsm port ofyaurheadphwles. You tan aaiustyolumefromyourheadphonesoryouraudra deurce as necessary. Please note ta/Ifunctmn cannazbe usedin thrsmode. -Chargin ew headphones haue enough powelfarpalllng and dialing several tlmes. when atlowpower, please tharge rmmediatelyusirig the use ehargingtaplefar 2 5 hours The eantinuaus red LED Ilght under tharging wlll turn olue at full ch arge NOTE: the Il/Ellme ofths pottery Will pesrgni/itantly reduced rfyourdeurce isle/tuhehorged/oralongperrod We reeommend thoiyou reehargeyour deurte at least onte a month. V2021 lsuMeaz
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