IDT Technology BTHR918-01 User Manual
IDT Technology Limited
User Manual
fi— zz—nue-w'ss 18532 FROM IDT 7/F BK C M TD 27458386 F.82 July 31, 1999 CABLE FREE WEATHER STATION MODEL: WMR918 USER'S MANUAL SEQ 1 [ON 1 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your purchasing the WMR918 Cable Free Weather Station. An all- purpose easy-to-use system, the WMR918 lets you monitor the following weather elements: - Air temperature 0 Relative humidity - Barometric pressure . Wind speed and direction ' Rainfall The WMR918 is also equipped with: RF calendar clock with daily alarm Weather forecast within __ to _lan (20- to 30-mile) radius a Weather alarms . Memory for maximum and minimum readings Simple. touch-screen operation STANDARD PACKAGE The original WMR918 comes complete with the following: Main unit Anemometer Theme-hygrometer Rain guage Baro-thermo-hygro sensor The following sensor is also optional for your own purpose - Thermo-hygro sensor - Thermo sensor Contact an authorized dealer for these optional items The anemometer, thermo-hygrometer and min guage are powered by separate solar transmitters. The WMR918 can support up to six different remote instruments and an optional data logger. Contact an authorized dealer for optional items 1112 zz—ouo—1999 19:31 +952 2354 3882 99.4 ' ., 15 02. l? BZ-HUG—lggg 18:38 FRDN IDT 7/F BK C 35223543882 TD 27458356 7 GZ-RUE—iSSS 18132 +852 2364 3882 557 July 31, 1999 RF DATA LOGGER (OPTIONAL) You can obtain a DL918 RF Data Logger to receive data from individual sensors. it can be used as a standalone device to store data up'm one month or be connected to a computer via RSZBZC connection. SECTION 2 INSTALLATION The WMR918 operates at 433MB; No wire installation is required among units. The WMR918 has an effective range of 100 meters. Position the units within the range and be sure the transmission path is clear ofintert‘erenoe and obstacles. Note the anemometer. therom—hygometer and rain guage should be installed outdoors and in locations that best measure the weather elements the instruments are designed for. (Illustration: an artist's perception] THE AN EMOMETER The anemometer measures wind speed and direction It should be placed outdoors. To install it‘ 1. Mount the anemometer and its solar msmitter safely in place. Be sure the anemometer faces south. [Illustration] 2. Align the marks on the shafi of the wind vane. [Illustration] The wind speed and direction window on the main unit should read 180 if the main unit is installed. You can also insert 2 alkaline UM3 or AA—sized batteries into the solar tansrnitter for backup purpose. TEE THERMO-HYGROMETER The thermo-hygrometer measures outdoor temperature and humidity, It should be placed outdoors. To install it, mount the thermo—hygrometer and its solar transmitter safely in place. [Illustration] You can also insert 2 alkaline UM3 or AA—sized batteries into the solar tansmitter for backup purpose. 2/12 a. F.83 ' Pie: ZZ-QUG-l‘SBB 18:38 FROM lDT 7/F BK C 65223643582 TU 27458356 P.B4 July 31, l999 THE RAIN GUAGE The rain guage measures the rate of rainfall. It should be placed outdoors. To install it, mount the ruln guage and its solar transmitter safely in place. [Illustration] You can also insert 2 alkaline UMZ or AA-slzed batteries into the solar tansmitter for backup purpose. In BARO—THERMO-HYGRO SENSOR pressure, temperature and The baro-thermo-hygm sensor mow the atmospheric humidity. It should be placed indoors. The sensor uses 4 UM4 or AAA-sized batteries. To install it, 1 Insert alkaline batteries accordingly. [Illustration] 2. Mount the unit where you want to monitor the readings. [lllustration] THEMAINUNIT The main unit gives you all the readings and controls. It should be placed indoors. The main unit uses eight UM! or AA-sized batteries. To install it, 1. Position the main unit and other units within effective range (100 meters). 2. Insert alkaline batteries. [Illustration] 3. Mount the main unit safely in place. 4. Press the RESET button on the main unit to initiate operation, The main unit will start searching for signals for about a minute, Upon successful reception the readings will be displayed. The main unit will update the readings at 30- second intervals. The main unit has a power jack and R5232 connector for you to connect an optional power adapter and hook up to a computer, These optional units are not required for the normal operation of the system. LOW BATTERY WARNING There are low—battery indicators for the main unit. rain guage, baro—thermo-hygrometer, thermo-hygro sensor and thermo sensor. Replace the batteries immediately when the respective indicator lights up. 3/12 B2—9UG—1999 18:32 +852 2364 3982 557 ' ' ’ ' ' ' REA fl ; , BZ-RUE-lS‘BS 18: 32 BZ-QUG— 1 999 1B: 31 FRUI”! lDT 7/F BK C _EABBE!2 TD 274SB3B6 July 3 l, 1999 SEC’HQN 3 OPERATION THE MAIN UNIT [lllustrationt clowup of display] L els 0 WEATHER FORECAST AND BAROMETRIC READING WINDOW e INDOOR TEMPERATURE WINDOW o INDOOR HUMUJITY WINDOW 0 INDOOR/OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE WENDOW - INDOOR/OUTDOOR HUMIDITY WINDOW - RAINFALL WINDOW - RF CALENDAR CLOCK AND DAILY ALARM WNDOW - WlND SPEED AND DmECTION WINDOW 0 CHANNEL BUTTON o MEMORY BUTTON - ALARM BUTTON - SET BUTTON - UNIT BUTTON - ALARM ON/OFF BUTTON 0 UP BUTTON G DOWN BUTTON - RESET BUTTON THE CALENDAR CLOCK The calendar clock is radio-controlled. lt automatically synchronizes its current time and date when it is brought within an approximate lSOOkm radius of the radio signal generated from Frankfurt, Germany (DCF77). You can also set the calendar clock annually. To do so, 1. Press the RF calendar clock and alarm window. 2. Press and hold SET. 3. Use UP and DOWN to enter the desired value. 4. Press SET. 5. Repeat from Step 3 to finish all the settings for the clock, calendar, display formats. alarm clock and display language of the day-of-thef-week, You can choose English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. 6 Press SET to confirm. 4/12 +852 2364 3982 997. .<.. .s ,. F.85 B2—RUG—1999 18:31 FRDM IDT 7/F BK C 852mm TD 27455386 To change hetWeen the clock and the calendar, l. Press the RF calendar clock and alarm window. 2. Press UP or DOWN. THE DAILY ALARM Once set‘ the alarm clock will be activated auwmatically and the alarm indicator will it The alarm is still active light up. When an alarm goes off. press any human to stop and will go off again the next day To deactivate the function, l. Press the RF calendar clock and alarm window 2. Press ALARM ON/OFF. The alarm indicator will disappear. ABOUT RADIO RECEPTION Whenever the WMRBIB is brought within range of the radio signal. its radio-control mechanism will override all manual settings The radio reception indicator will blink, A complete reception generally takes two to lo minutes, depending on the strength of the radio signal. The indicator will stop blinking when the reception is complete. The strength of reception for the last full hour will be shown: [lllustrationz STRONG, WEAK, N0 SIGNAL. RECEIVING] To disable the radio reception function, 1. Press the RF clock. calendar and alarm window. 2 Press and hold DOWN to turn offthc radio reception indicator. To enable the firnction again, 1. Press the RF clock, calendar and alarm window. 2. Press and hold UP to turn on the radio reception indicator. WEATHER FORECAST The weather forecast is automatically displayed in the weather forecast and barometric reading window. There are four readings for the forecast: sunny, slightly cloudy, cloudy and rainy. [Illustration] 5/12 BZ-QUG-iSSB 18:33 +85223643382 997 " “" " '" ' ' RES ZZ—RUG—IBSB 18131 FROM IDT 7/F BK C m TD 27458356 F’.Z7 July 31. 1999 INDOOR BAROME’I'RIC READING The atmospheric pressure reading is displayed in the weather forecast and barometric reading window. The pressure reading can be displayed in ml). hPa, ian or mmHg. To select the display unit, l. Press the weather forecast and barometric reading window. 2, Press UNIT. 3. Press UP or DOWN for the desired unit. 4. Press UN” to confirm. The pressure history for the past 24 hours is displayed in a six—column bar chart. To display the pressure reading for a particular hour within the past 24 hours, 1. Press the weather forecast and barometric reading window. 2. Press MEMORY. 3. Press UP or DOWN for the desired hour. To set the sea-level pressure, 1. Press the weather forecast and barometric reading window, 2. Press and hold SET, 3. Press UP or DOWN for the desired setting. 4. Press SET to confirm. INDOOR TEMPERATU RE mperature, taken by the indoor baro-thermo-hygro sensor, is The current indoor to be displayed in degree Centigrnde displayed on the indoor temperature window. It can (C) or Fahrenheit (F). To select the display unit, Press the indoor temperature window. Press UN'IT. Press UP or DOWN for the desired unit. Press UNIT to confirm. PPNT‘ 6/12 VBZ—RUG-1999 18:33 +852 2364 3892 997 “ """ ‘ ' " ' [3.27 ZZ—RUE—lSBS 18131 FROM lDT 7/F BK C 52364“ TD 27455326 To display the maximum and minimum recorded temperatures, 1. Press the indoor temperature window, 2. Press MEMORY. 3. Press UP or DOWN To clear the memory, 1, Press the indoor temperature windows 2. Press and hold MEMORY. INDOOR HUMIDITY The current indoor relative humidity. displayed on the indoor hygrometer window To disp humidity in record, 1‘ Press the indoor humidity window. 2. Press MEMORY. 3. Press UP or DOWN. To clear the memory, 1s Press the indoor humidity window 2. Press and hold MEMORY‘ INDOOR/OUTDOOR TEMPERATURE The temperature readings taken by the outdoort and thermo-hydgro sensors are displayed on thei As this window can display up to four difi'erem sets of data, channel you want to read To do so, l, Press the indoor/outdoor temperature window. 2. Press CHANNEL to go from the to those taken by separate sensors (Channel l. 2 or 3). 7/12 BZ-fiUG-1999 18:33 +852 2364 3892 997 July 31. 1999 taken by the indoor baro-thermo-hygro sensor, is lay the maximum and minimum specify the instmment or outdoor reading taken by the lhermo—hygromerer REE hermo-hygrometer and separate thermo Moor/outdoor temperature window. zz—flua—isss 18:32 FRDN IDT 7/F BK c _E:l3882 TD 27458385 P .29 July 31, 1999 The temperatures can be displayed in degree Centigmle (C) or Fahrenheit (F). To select the display unit, Press the indoor/outdoor temperature window. Press CHANNEL for the desired instrument or chatmel. Press UNIT. Press UP or DOWN for the desired unit. 5. Press UNIT to confirm. bfe’Nr— To display the maximum and minimum recorded temperatures. 1. Press the indoor/outdoor temperature window. 2. Press CHANNEL for the desired instrument or channel. 3. Press MEMORY. 4. Press U? or DOWN. To clear the memory, l. Press the indoor temperature window. 2. Press CHANNEL for the desired instrument or channel. 3. Press and hold MEMORY. INDOOR/OUTDOOR HUMIDITY The relative humidity readings taken by the outdoor thermo—hygrometer and separate therma-hydgro sensors are displayed on the indoor/outdoor humidity window, As this window can display up to four different sets of data, specify the instmment or channel you want to read. To do so, 1. Press the indoor/outdoor humidity window. 2. Press CHANNEL to go from the outdoor reading taken by the therrno-hygrometer to those taken by separate sensors (Channel 1. 2 or 3). To display the maximum and minimum recorded humidity, 1. Press the indoor/outdoor humidity windows 2. Press CHANNEL for the desired instrument or channel. 3. Press NiEMORY. 4. Press UP or DOWN. To clear the memory, 1. Press the indoor humidity windo . 2. Press CHANNEL for the desired instrument or channel. 3. Press and hold NEMORY. 8/12 BZ—flUG—1999 1833 +852 2364 3882 997. P BB ZZ—QUG—1995 18532 FRDM IDT 7/F BK C 35m TU 27458356 F 12 July 31, 1999 RAINFALL The rainfall can be displayed in mmlhr or inlhr. To select the display unit, 1. Press the rainfall window. 2. Press UNIT, 3. Press UP or DOWN for the desired setting 4. Press UNIT to confirm. Generally the total rainfall from the last cleared date will be displayed. To display the previous day‘s rainfall, 1, Press the rainfall window. 2. Press DOWN. To clear the total rainfall, 1. Press the rainfall window. 2. Press and hold MEMORY. WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION The wind speed and direction are displayed in the wind speed and direction window. The wind speed can be displayed in m/s, kph, mph or knots. To select the display unit. 1. Press the wind speed and direction window. 2. Press UNIT. 3. Press UP or DOWN for the desired unit. 4. Press U'Nl’l‘ to confirm. To display the maximum speed for gust wind in record 1. Press the wind speed and direction window. 2. Press MEMORY. To clear the record, 1. Press the wind speed and direction window. 2. Press and hold MEMORY. As for the wind direction, it is displayed in a digital compass with hearing readouts. 9/12 B2—QUG—1999 18133 +852 2354 3882 992 P 18 'fi—— BZ'QUE-lBSS 18:32 FROM IDT 7/F BK C 852mm TD 27458325 P 11 July 31, 1999 WEATHER ALARMS Weather alarms are used to alert you to certain weather conditiOns. Once activated, the alarm will go off when a certain reading is met. You can set alarms for: Indoor and outdoor high temperatures Indoor and outdoor low temperamres Indoor and outdoor dew point approaching indoor and outdoor high humidity Indoor and outdoor low humidity High rainfall Pressure drop Gust wind Wind chill To set a weather alarm, Press the window containing the weather element you want to set. Press ALARM. The current alarm setting will be displayed. Press and hold SETA Press UP or DOWN for the desired setting Press SET. 9:5.“NE‘ The weather alarm is activated once set. When a weather alarm goes off, press any button to stop the alarm. The alarm is still active until deactivate the function. To do so, 1, Press the window containing the weather element you want to set, 1 Press ALARM 3. Press ALARM ON/OFF to deactivate the function. To turn on the fiinction again, simply follow the same procedure and press ALARM ONIOFF. To setTo activate/deactivate ALARM SET, ALARM ON/OFF DlSCON’N’ECTED SXGNALS It‘without obvious reason the display for the main unit goes blank, press and hold CHANNEL to enforce an immediate search. 10/12 aE-HUG-lSQS 18134 +852 2364 3832 P.“ ——— ZZ—QUE-lg‘flg 18332 FROM IDT 7/F BK C MW TCI 27458326 F‘.12 July 31. 1999 If that Fails, check: 0 The remote rain collector is still in place. - The batteries of the main unit and rain collector are still good, Replace them if necessary. - The transmission is within range and path is clear of obstacles and interference, Shorten the distance if necessary. Then press and hold CHANNEL again. THE RESET BUTTON This button is only used when the system is operating in an unfavorable way or malfunctioning. Use a blunt stylus to hold down the button. The main unit will start searching for signals again. PRECA UTIONS - Read the users manual thoroughly. - Do not subject the units to extreme force. shock dust, temperature or weather conditions. . Do not tamper with the units' internal components. a Do not mix fresh and old batteries, or batteries of different specifications. NOTE ON COMPLIANCE This product complies to standards and specifications of BZT, FCC and article number 334 ofPTT. Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment, N OTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class 5 digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio fi'equency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate lthe receiving antenna 0 increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. ll/lZ zz-ouG-isss 18:34 +852 2364 3932 997. R12 7 ———— BZ—fluE—iSSS 18:33 FROM IDT 7/F BK C mm TD 27455326 F' 13 i JulySI, 1999 - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is needed. ~ Consult the dealer of an experienced radio/TV technician for help. 12/12 TDTQL P. 13 BZ—flUG—lSSS 18:34 +852 2354 3982 997. F'.13
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