IDT Technology RP107 Bicycle Computer (Transmitter) User Manual
IDT Technology Limited Bicycle Computer (Transmitter)
User Manual
Oregon Sclemlfic‘“ OUYBREAKER Sports Watch (RX1D7 series) MW TABLE OF CON N lnlnoouellon . Kay leelum OUTEREAKER watch clleel bell (R510? I RPlD? only) , Eeyore eolnomeel anluv only) . PC Kl (RPwi only) ch o-wley symbols llowlne OUTBREAKER wants M... Haw me 1Ihmler,|helmeme(sfand hammefisr Wk . a A molll-syslem leellly v mun Moos . Pl: sonwae Kn (Rpm only) Gating enema fun- on me weld. (mslmme one only) 7 Ballade: Swllul oelween Mooen Swnlcn bemun Mooe 0mm: Change eellmg values . use me Hl-GLO hackllghl Key lock . Handing me onoouol | safer» Pllsh'lflmemJfilr-pmfiflJ/fl mammmmwe l we; mememelmnleoe : smw- homthhMM-ma dean-m 4 UBHVMEV thMNfiO-memimhfl namembfl 5 FIM‘JSET hebmxmammmwm "an. CWIEU Temp-mum olsplay Am sake “of! YOUR Moo. cmulollmn m)m¢.(ns1w RP107enly) ' Sal clock and messuremenl umu Aeoeee ellnlelenoonons , . v H sel omenlalmooe and rmlulwn . ll Sol sea- -lsvel pressure . vlew sea-level oressllre sel alulude elen v Reoell allllude data Smith between vlew oollooe Weomer rowel . . TOUR msmory Mlivale TOUR Mode Rem meme-s m TOUR Mods Pam mun Mode v Deaolnyale 100k Moos Clea all TOUR memollee Wewmy lne steel ball Tmlnmg Zones . sel uppe! and lawn heart mle lllruls lor Training Zone 5 Adnrale me naming Zone alarm v . I 19 erk hean rake durmq Iiilrllng . . , 19 BIKE Mod- (RPW? only sel up ler BIKE Mooe .. sneol Alleoll me equlomenl lo lha blcyda . mzo Slepz Euler wheel analmlenenca . . v 21 Access lne BlKE Made upllans . . vlom speed eno cadence lnlomlel-on .. . 22 Pc KII (er07 only) 22 we Modem 23 Sewn lol PC mm 23 Use me “mere. Pc Mode aplluns . Dvwnload oele.. . . smelly. uee eno range Muallc and euldaor aellylnes s-lely me one Safely precaullens. Care mslruclmns Trmmlnhooling n Sveclliulionl Warning! Aooillenel Resume-s mm on compllaue rc KIHRPH" 01an INTRODUCTlON Thank you inf selecllng me Ovsgon Solenufie OUTBREAKER Spun: Welcn as your filnm prmxl ol ehoiee Your new some watch is oeeigweo lo awe you many yeae el relleble semee and looooee me lollowino halum; ~ Clock. ulenoer. “mam" eno (mat fimclloru - Baromeler mlh local and sea pressure meow; - Wenmel loreoasl and lemoeralule leeomw - Allmelef readmg: up lo moon feel 19 one melere) ~ Head rale monnor am given pun nle wading! during exemse (Rslmnaplm only) - Blcycle eooessolymolekmeeomoe lilting only) . PC dockmg elallon am wnwam lo cownloeo leeoinos omo your compulel (Rpm only) he OUTBREAKERRXH)? sponsvmlah salummpmes lne moel advanced eno paleluad ammo-lion leolmlogy. dmllnguishing between bemmelrie and alliluda omeure changes, and yvlng you mole rellenl- resume (mower lurecans. ale). ll Is e preaslen oewoe oeelonoo lo mom-ml your any or weekly malaise pmg'am as well as prwida yuu mlh sec-male and easy to nee were). vol-noon Tms manual oomalne lmponam solely and care lnlomlellnn, arm pmwdes elep-ny-eleo lmuoollom fix mmg llne prooool, Read me manual molougnly. ano keeoil m eule pleoe ‘n case yw neeo lo Ialaueluw IL lRPlol lcn nlsmlll um smpszllsall cmsmsem allemllr l mmsclzswsllllnyvm 5 rlmssrws l ulssrasu 1 slw lllnaskmpslkslm mm YR mum mu —7 Ihnlh my all Wm Mow amend-yawn“ muvsnm l DOCKVNGSVAHCN 2 mm! mlllficllou Palms NIP wufimummmamma NR Ho: ulmy MW Mmem J noummc cups l uulu-m RS—ZIZC coMPquR mummwz mm autumn-mm vols Twmmsrli/lgm sEl WMn-flimm senwnls CMOM llllll Sn wwmralollemnenm. nigh-unfit mumwmhiim Zone Then-renttnemn mmmxm n srousatarnfireorerertal-ne (“minim-humane shorts hwnrufinleaorn rs 19mm shone Hamlwtotafl wanlrtehrmsttaheneqtz-zthm (MWWMWVMII srw stopwatch mnbl Wye-st M TMImllflwm)at hemwlwlml TEw T-roenhreisorothmhtoeennnnmwl Alll Mme-wmmsmm NR Hmuhmfiqfiyedmbmnuml‘nm Melt Ilevnnvylmd (or-rut molly) nor stoneware-hm mll Small-mm AVG shun may need m shr- out horn Mm mesons min-hr srrnnmtaleneetlhotmloomnll wmmmuyouneet. mmmrormy GETTING STARTED BATTERIES All beltertes are lnflhmd anti dready lnilalled. Reler to lhe sneonoenohs page lar banrery woes (-r 27) you; To avoto the nossnnrny or permanently oarnegrno the watch. we stronory reoormtend that you lake your wnlch lo a but MZIIH oneweIgr to it“. me mlch haltefy rapiaoed. To loed new omen-e lrr Inc watch: | wenoneenmuonromeepin 2 mmmmm-mlpnmw- one a lnmheoatuylrynnto-o Nmflmwhly My: use i- one: hilarymn mime-reseohepoanryrnyamgenn t amummwmanmm mmumuow. s Mmumanlhnmiesnmdm wwfiwmwammtml Sm vamhfleq Cox Mammoth-morn shoes mlnneolactuly ShmfiMaM-flflr rl-anrnlelpern-uel "mm meet 1 tlrartretertetmmt o- whom Int-5) mmnnmmewysemeo tree/u 9m heathen 7M Mm us) Mmmymamm‘uflm [mmml mammal-tam PmnWtr-mmml smmnmonemwwm m 1Mm~mytlndhmuRMode Elm Wet-isles ml lleeoyhowaltn-nenore M Mmmhmhoerumo mmnmhm‘r mmnmolmmy Lomloymlnpuomete, to To lend new haturlee in the chest null lem ano Rpm only) no elk. mount: m The Che-I tun wil stop eanonuo srghals rl rts battery I: low End tnntnrnsron homneehest heIImzy eleo he the result ot ooor content wnh the ekrn, eurmunnrno Inleflamncey or olaerno lhe reoeryer watch loo tar away a that m binary m the mmi manly 3 new the honey when ijllm no one To load new harm - in the olcycle I.nsors(RP1Il7 only): m The seneors wtll stop sehorno signals lo the watch rt liter batteries are lvwv mg Repteee the heuenee whenever the HIGLO hackttth o'ms orelooe M109. or when you see the low uelrery rcon HOW THE OUTEREAKER WORK The OUTEREAKER sports wareh mrhes equlppen wrth a barometer lrneesunng altlluoe. berernetrre pressure, ano wealhermndttlons).awealnerlorecasldtsplayalhermomeIan aheanmremonrrorlrzslumptoronlylehoeoreyoeoornputer to oreoley rntomt when eyelrno (R710? only) HOW THE ALTIMETER, THERMOMETEK AND BAROMETER WORK The peter-too naroeompensarronleohoologyueeornlhrsweloh alIaws rr to oennonreh between haramelru: pressure change and aIuwdre pressure change Thrs means rr can oeleet hammelrlc prasule llecalzed weather coho-trons; as mstlnel Imm changes In aItlmda pressure, ano glves more accurate reaorngs than most avemge devtaes (whlcrt trenuentry rely on manual daadllmnon nelore rnrlratrno a new toreoasl) A MULfl-SYSTEM FAclLtTv The ororlnot re oeeroneo tor use ounno nrahy krnos olaetwrly It uh dreolay and store a range at rntornretron ol rnleresl lo the usual ano more semus spans or exeroree enthusran The watch includes the lollowrno Mooee- CLOCK, ALTIMETER. CARDIO IHean Rate) (Psmmntm waJr BIKE (RP107 only). no PC laoekrno slaton ano CDROM ere optlunal tor the two: and R5107, ano are mlfiwphfidj ll ls equlpped wtlh a mumeystern lwlrry that allow; you to oonunne tnlmmatlon oocororno to yourprelerencuy such asalnluoeano lrnte. alrrtuoe aho heart rate, or oke speed and alltlufle. etc You may also tu The waloh wfll show Cxxx. Rxxx or skxx whenever erther the orke mount, cadence or soeeo sensor bananas are low m Reolaoe all the oahenes at the same Itme e rt ls dangerous to nnk mo and new oauenes ME Ueeo oenenes can be harmlul to the ennrenrhent ano shnulo not oe Ihmwn uul wnh househokl rubblsh Contact your localwasle nrsooselauthorloylerrneuuenons on how Iodtspose or used beltenes Protect the envlmnment by Iakmg ekhausteo haltenee lo arnhorrzeo orsoosat etetrone SWITCH BETWEEN MODES Press the none eutton to swrtoh between the Modes CLOCK. ALfl-BARD‘ CARDIO ler m/RPtm onlyl ems (RP1 07 ohty). and PC A berehows nettle the appropnala Mode ten the outer rlng ot the LCD dlsplay) when rt I5 seIected SWITCH BETWEEN MODE oPTtoNs Press SELECT» to swrtoh between the ophons wllnln e Mode CHANGE SETTING VALUES Press and hntoFuuc/SETrnrzsemnos to entersettrng mode Then press sT/SPr»orsELEcTrete changelhe szue Press FUND/SET to swltch belweeh nptlons. and to oonnnn the changes when you am done use Ihe SIDVWBIEVI or "Mr lwunldmm) halny m mmhmallfln wllh other hummus, and both wll mum to run I" the ooekorouno whrle you use other Features oflhe wateh 7he haarlnle monitor ano altimeter features at the QUTBREAKER waldtlndudu cusmmtzsd lsfllflgt Maltrlwm ano mmtmum heen rate Iimlls can be set 607 use dunno enemas,andmeammetercanbesetmregslerasmm gand desmnmflg IlmIll. In bom uees I shod beep salttfie; ellha! HmIt has been exoaeded The wald‘ alwhlsawckmahwar. eno pressure reaoino appereurs. ill or which neeo to be set mums la lbs aim d-le Ind when. TOUR MODE The watch teatures a TOUR Mode rn wlicn you ear. mean all data Imm a shore llip, or woman, ano then oowntoad the rntormnuon onto your Pt: tor storage and vrewrng. The walch call roan 99 difleultl srnou tours. llips orworkouts Em Thedoehnostotronnno cu-RoMarereoueeotapmnal tor the RA107 and Rstm, hut hot suppIiad] to otmttoeo tnlormanan 1mm TOUR Motley PC SOFTWARE KIT (RP1I‘I7 ONLV) Aoooktno slaw" rs pmmdud wnh the watoh tormnheotrng lo a oomputer, 11009 with a CDsRDM for rnelalmg the may soltware onto yourmfuwler, Von oar-r also use the safiwm to dlarvge some at the watch settings. M The R2910 PC Kll cut be ornohmo separatety for the RA107 eno RSID7. USE THE HI‘GLD BACKLIGHT Press llohukey to turn on the Hl-GLO baorltoht on 601 true eeconne, ohoe the light re any press any key to treeo rt on low runner five seoonos. In eroer la un onwerrhe Iightwtll network when the battery rs Iow lt Ims hnooens. change the battery as soon as oessiole. KEY LOCK The watch also has a key Iockiuruclnn lo slap lhe outlons nun bemg eocoeorelty oreeeed dunng an acliwty. Yo aonale rt Slmply press and non fight/key untrl a small key loon eooezrs lrtthe nglrthano oumeroflhe saeeanehmron keys are now uretees To nreohvale them, press mo hoto light/trey eoarn unut the key roon orswneere. The etenh wrll strllgoolrwhrle the Keytook is whateor Presslng any key whrle Ill Key look thI new the atenn HANDLING THE PRODUCT The watch rs oeetoneo to wmuland a wroe r-nQe of spam aelwrhee, ano oomes complete wnh e strong wnetoeno, When homo (Rm av omyl, make sure lhewmn re nrrnly 0011an lo the hrke mtmrll, anooonnoctall otoyoteeanprnehloarefullyand securely See the am: Meoe eeonon (—) 20) re. rnstruelrerrs ‘ CLOCK MODE The arrre. dale lrncludlrrg the day ofrrre weak] and Inns alarm can be sel wrule me watch re rn CLOCK Mode Follow me lnslmnllme below lo M! or acnvala me rune, dare, zone nrrre, meme orimperral slandards, alarm lrme elopwaloll and “men ZPMLMMRINNSHHIZM TWle a. “W gen Mhhmumun mum ruralmm-ypesaunadaulmolalm m- rar- W,M.dqlmml'rllmnlblwav lusmrcvrymareraluisllealnml ard hammmns w uN’z Vdu fauna! change meee sell-nos while rn TOUR e. ll you allernpl la do so. TRIP wlII show on me dlsplay. Reler lo me mun Mode seolon (a 14). ~ Maxrmum l mrnrmum alumde elen (wand; an alarm when ewesded) - Maxim! ascending, maximum deacendrng speeds - Currenl verl'rrzl speed ~ Rale ofallrurde snange m allrmde rs srmrn iI rvra ways. as a numerrcvalue lmimung your ourrenl alulude. and as a oaronarl rnruulrnq changes m allllude aaln values wlII change as you move souul. ln ALTI-EARO Mode, lrre currem allrmde ls always dspleyedrnlargerlonlunevsrysereen exoeplueseapressure. seurrrp screen ACCEsSING THE ALTMETER OPTIONS Press new to access lrre ALTI-BARO mode. men press SELECT” lo IWD mrougrr rrre oplrnns 11 SET THE ALARM mm- mm | ' wasurmcw- meme 2 has SELECT” 3 Imlls ln more llllllulhtahlm sell-391m 1 Plus “I!” [alarms udsaralalelne alarrn Asllalhdmlwllpwlallmelalsldemlhe uhm m man i e wmlzd l Prmrdlcllrullclssllarzreronrelaselve awn-ammuni usemxSBICT/swsfl Silrnmsmmmgzllzm lllsaarrrrul ummmmmwnnm STOFWATCH TMSWMMWWMHCLOCKALTLBARQ ammo, and BIKE modes From any ol mesa modes. press sELEcTh lo drsplay lne slolwralcnfrnan. ~ PrasssT/SPFWSBEH, vause.lndsloplha slowlalur. ~ wun me elopwerolr slapped press and lrold FullelsET lo resel. e Yul can svlllcrr lo ell-er modes whlle lunnlng lne slopwelcn ln me uackrydund, SEI‘ CURRENT ALTITUDE AND RESOLUTION who" you firsl uselrre walon,‘ ls rrrrpananl lo eel lrre ourrenl ollrmdo and local sea~level pressure so your ascendlng and desoerrdrng allilude an as accurMer measured, You ean llnd lru mutant all'rlude by comparlno your posillon lo a lepoorapnlcal map. andlnen enleanglne value m lne wawh. m ll is necessary lo reael me ellrruda alrer oelrrg m a pressunzed enarnner (men as an arrplerrs) For inslrucrlone on seruno lhe sea-level pressure, reler lo lne nexl seollon urrnrcl-ne l Pn-arrl roll mllctssllur 2 seconds ulrle m ALT rrrule. 2 Us. samn ru svrsPl lo marge we value The ldvswidarrgrrrr urrllueansnsoaseddn terse-dollywullmluem andlne noes-e nemlnlydlsaecudrnarselllngrrlacmcrq—r l Press mlclssl o and lo me weanuuur ssl. tar; weal lllsrl m SYISPL m dang» me name llerewlnmslnsuoeramlulromre mud llmllorllarrrens 1 ma nlllclstllomlnr node up: You can also set me ourrenlallrlude and alarm llmrls vllllr me help ol lne PC eonnere (see PC semen; llaplrn only] m "lesealevel preeeurereadrnovnllcnanoerllne alllmde iE adiusleflv ru TIMER Tue Tlmer works rn creole ALTIsBARO‘ CARDIO, and BlKE modes From any ol lllese Modes. press SELEcm In drspley lne slopwalsn Press ruuclsn lo resel lne srdpwalar, lnen - Pressandnolrlsuuasalarzseoonds. Tne drsplay wrll change lo TMR ~ Press sTlsPl- or SELECT/0 ro mange a value ~ Press rullclssr lo svnrcn oerween values and eocspl changes , Press SY/SPl- lo arm or slop lne Ilmer ~ wun lne Ilmel slowed. press and hold Fullclszno resel BEE vou an swllch lo olrrer Modes wrrrle mnnlng me llmer in «re oaelrground mm rerurn lo s'rw Mode, you musl resel all lne llrner values lo o the lrmer aulomalrcalry ewrrolres lo STW Mode when rl reacrres n ur SET THE SEA-LEVEL PRESSURE Sea level pressure can arrange relalrve lo loaaoon To acnreve acorrare alrlluda readmgs, sel lne sea-level pressure value oelore every mp. Check me newspaper. local news slalroa. lrarl rnarlrer. or wearnerrorecasrlor local resumes, and always selers lne readrng neanssl ro your presenr raaarlorr lr-lruruaru l wnwull-Bmc lumps: SELECYNM ms sol (sea urea-r) mull a srrovrr z Presserdnalll NDICISEI lurlro mus. rnrl vs- sascllr or sum 10 mange lrra vale ms rare wll manger/l murmur l we or Nlmjlpemmnnlllzmmummnmww Hg The alulude reedrng wlII change accord-no lo me sea level pressure adruslrnenr VIEW THE SEA-LEVEL PRESSURE To new a graplhlcal rmaoe of me ourreru “a level pressure rerldlng‘ press FUNC/SET wllh me SEA screen shown lrr ALTl-BARO Mode Press agaln lo relunr lo normal drsplay TEMPERATURE DISPLAY The Temperarure can oed-splalledrn cch. euleARopmnlo, and 3le Modes From anyelllleaemodes.presssELEc‘mlodisplay lne Temperalure The Temperauue slums vr sllllsrcelslus or Fahrenheit depend-nu on me measuremenl unl you selecl wnon selling lne CLOCK lsee CLOCK Made). Your wrlal lemperelure may allecl llre readrrrg, parllcularly dunnp errero'se. Tells on ma waleh and leave ll ler ls mlnulel re gel llre moal accurate read-no The DUTBREAKER spans maul Include: a oarornelorlmldrslrngursnosoerwoonpresure caused by allrlude oruangee and preserae causedoywealneroondrlrone Tlrislmmlogy reduces drserepanaesrn rudngsmdmakel lrreellirnelermor. lwlrrnlemannnslavefage deuce: The walch can slore and recall lrre lollorlino values: - eunenl amlude lupdaled every 2 seconds) ~ szlmum lrn mum illllum allelned during your a urr-r - Tmal aecurnulared maximum lmlnrmum aluludes amvred durldg your Inp lo SEr ALTITUDE ALERT The walluh can be M loremsmberanalllmflelirml (eilnevurl or down‘ hullwlbolh unulhnemy]. "VIE alalm ls Myrna-1,3 serres oloeepsrar Ssewnd rolervus) wll soundarrd lrre mode aar wrll hllnk, wrren you oreaon lrre llmll To errd me am. press any billion To sel lrre alert llrrrils and acllvaleor deacllvale lrre alell: l mmmmmmmmn mwm'fl‘wwdmbflmfl z. Pres-druunnlclsmurmm a llwrr-ynlnmdmomdleso-rlo nmommrmmmmwl be ' mmmiflsnm 5 Maren-weesllsmyw-rwmu lemMIM suing lAdr-rl-l [Al memorandum |2 RECALLING ALTITUDE DATA TheouTaREARERellowsyoulolraclllnerollowlnglnlonnallon as you exerclse ~ Max! mlrl alllluoe aualned -- shows lhe lughesl or lowesl polnl you have reached so rar ln relauon To your wa|cn's parrnanenr alldude sarong ~ Max/mnalhludeaowmulared-represenrslneonaldlslance you have mended or descended; Ihal ls. every lnclule ri added Iogememr‘accumula'ad‘, and likewiseeyerydeellne ls added and hmmmlitefl‘, lo glve a local . Volllcal speed — haw lasl you are currenlly dlmhlng - Mall ascendlng speed - lasresl speed you have dlrnoed ‘ Max descending speed—Iaslsslsrleed ywnayedeecenflsd The lollowlng illusllauon shows lheee pamls‘ These display screens are shown lll a loop. and lhe lrflnfmallofl in each screen ls l" displayed lnr 30 seconds lemudlnd IneALTISPD vefllcal speed screen. whlpn is ml 511 a lnledul) elwhlch panllhawaloh rerums lo ALT Mode. in cleanng lhe memory allowsyormsranoyeragalnon a new "ipy though all "IE m'mllnn'mmyourwflenllnp wlloelosl The walch can ward and slore up lo es dlllerenl lnpe, prowdlroa lhere ls sfxwgh remnn'np memory. berauh samylirlg llme lor readrngs rn TOUR Mode ls every 5 sends, To lncrease lhe gap belween sampllnge, and mus lnerease lhe memory capacity. you an adlusl llue sedlng iraough lhe Pc sollware, ACTIVATE TOUR MODE: F0! best result perhrm muse slepelmmedlalelybeloreyouoegln your on i. Simullaheously press FUNC/ SET and MODE The TOUR END ween WIM display. 2. Press and hold rune/SET lor rwo eecnlldi The TOUR numoer (TL T2. ere) wlll show al lhe perm ollhedlsplay Vooarelwwreoordlng mrormarlon The pernenlege (m al lhe lop lndleales lhe lolal used memory 3. To slop lhe TOUR, presaand hold PchlsETlorz seconds ENleII show al lhe oohomollhedrsplay TneTourdala wlll be stopped 4 To pegn anolherTOuR. press and hold FUNmsET lor 2 seconds The new TOUR nurloermee.) wlll alww al rne More 0! he drsplay. You are recording lrnomsallon again 5 PM! alone he relurn lo lhe CLOCK mspley. 3915 Used wareh memory h gryen as a percentage, II ls reoorrenended lhal you download lnrorrnarion lo your PC and clear all TOUR memories when lhia figure approaches 100% When he used menoly hlls rams rlwlll no longerrecord, and my more readings wlll ml be recorded 13 15 SWITCfl BETWEEN VIEW OPTIONS Whlla ln ALT/TIME Mode. press FuNcrsET lo swlldl oerweeh me ylewopuone max/mm ehllude. lolal ammgldwermrlgafllllmsyam speed, Inlhetvesdmsplayryouwn ylew ounenl speed laeoelldlng or desoendlng), maxrmum esoendlng speed, and maximum desoendrng speed. Press SELEcmorsTlsPl-loloop lrlrwgh lhevalues loreach pollen, To cleera yaluehom lhe memory, press and hold FUNC/SET lor 2 seconds WEATHER FORECAST Tllelaulldn parorneler helpslolorecasuhe wealherlorlhe nexl 12.24 hours. The reading la based on Dammelllc pressure changes and has an eheouye range pl 30 in so kllomelsrs (la —31 mllesl The palenled oarompensallorl lechnolegy lh lhe OUTEREAKER weron allows II lo drherenllala herween pressure challgn due lo allnude, and inose due lo wealher changes To ayoid lnaoourale loleeusls, lhe waleh will raver all-rude read gs when you are salt/Elly escendmg or desoenmog. The means lhe wealher lcon will disappear aher elgnhipamvehul movemenls.Tedlsplayanaceuraleloreeasl. simply remain el anyfixud ahllude ror roughly 5 nullulee Vou may wlsh lo sel lhe lean nlanually ror lhese reasons r The speed in lhe change or loan Talemsl depends on lhe ul RECORD MARKERS IN TOUR MODE The markerfimdlon is used Inmak a parrlcularposlllon dunng e TOUR, To placea market. pan and hold sELEcTre when (he TOUR Mode is in use m The marker will only be shown in lhe Pr: dala, once ll has been downloaded from lhe wzlch PAUSE TOUR MODE: i. ll you are nel almzdy rn TOUR Mode. sunullanaously press EchrsET and nonE The TOUR number wlll display The peroenlaoe (56) al lhe lop rrldl. cales lhe roral used memory 2. Press FUNCISET, REsT shows or lhe pollprn orlhe dlsplay. a Press sTIsPl- Io [um lhe reel on (pausedl or oil (recording) DEACTWATE TOUR MODE: For real reeulls. perform lhese sleps immedlarely aller you end your hlp l. simullaneously press FUNCISET and uouE The TOUR numer wrll dlsplay. The peloenlage w.) or lhe lop more-res lhe loral used memory speed or oarornelrrc change and in some cases may lake longer lup lo zehrsy lhan deslred , Sehlng lhe lcon can speed uplhe adluslmenlfor lhe wealher lorecasl - II le necessary lo eel lhe lean aller exposure lo anlhmal envuonmenls, such as an fllrplane min. whleh may cause lneolreol readlngs The lorecael wlll he displafid al lne lop or lhe waleh as one or lnese lour lsons a area 00 9,0 The omenl Dammelnc pressure readlng lm hPe or lHNQl dependlng on lhe measuremenl am! you ser ln CLOCK Model shows an lhe bonom or he dlsplay To sel llle wealher icon manually. lollow mesa lnslruollons 1, Wm men'rlmu Mme—l press 5515th mm lOthuws ll ml bvlwl d redeplay z Pressedrddnlrlaserlernmus“— l Pesssmcrhosrrsmodorg-lrelmn TOUR MODE TherearemowaysoruslnglhelnemoryonlheOuTaREAKER. FirsL lhe waloh eompulerwll record rnlormelrdn as you lain. ror display only Thls means you can chew lhe lnlormenorl dunng or ella your exefusle, bul lhere will he no reoord once you clear lhe memory in preparalhn ror your nexl lralnlng eyeln To record and slore lhls lnlormalron (lor up lo 99 diherenl lhpn, devendinfl on lhe elze oreaeh record - see below) you musl acuvele me TOUR Mode and view the rounds lhrough lhe PC sollware mfg The lnlonrlallon horn a TOUR um ollly oe viewed lhrough lhe Pc aehware TOUR MEMORY Tdurmode nllowsyou lorecord and slole dala dsplayaden lhe waleh. which can lhen be downloaded onre your Pc. Up lo 99 TOuRs eon oe moorded and slored lo lhe Pc sonwam Oependlng on llle nodel you purehase, lhe mrormauon you choose lo reoordlsee below). andlhe lime usedlryTouRsyw have already slomd on lhe watch. lhe availaolememmy lenglh may vary The average memory euarage especilies ln real- llme, (haklllga dalesampleeyery 5secorrdsl. assumngdelaull sell-hoe (see Socorro-lions: Tour Mode) and no TOUR! have been saved lor each model mas rollows: llml available RAW 595 mm (id hours) m When iullcllorlmg normally lhe walal aulomallcally updarea lhe loracasl eyery ls mlnules ul 2 Press and hold rune/sETlor lwo seconds This ENDS lhe TOUR recordrng session 3 Press MODE lo rerum lo lhe CLOCK drsolay CLEAR ALL TOUR MEMORIES For beer resulls, perlorm lhese sleps aheryou downluad TOUR informal-on la lhe PC sofiware Ellhcr: l Dewnlaad lhe lnronnallon lo you PC (lhe TOUR will oe aulornahoally deared Or; 1 neaellyale lhe TOUR Mode. wllh lhe END semenshownpresslhe Pullman-moo. CLR allows al lhe sollom or lhe dsplay. 2 Press and held FIJNBl sET unlll dons shows al lhe bonnm pl lhe alsplay a Press FUNcrsET again lo display ow. and conllnn all dala has been cleamd 4 Press MODE lo relurn lo lhe CLOCK drSDlay Em rna nuxlrrlum and rumour. values lerlhe vanous sub- modes {he , max heat! ram, 0! max allllwe, elf.) W1" remain filler all data has been ClGSlfldy 14 id 503 mm 8.5 hours error CARDIO (HEART RATE) MODE (RS ONLY) The OUTBREAKER waleh a eon-oped wlln a comma Mode and hcan rare chesl bell, whldl ingarner allow you to rllerlsule ywrheanrale(fium25-240beus pernumnalwrulaexeroelhg Vou car Eek your man rale while ln lhe ALTHsARO, CARDIO, or BIKE Modes, and wllh the following lealurea: smpwalrh, Tuner, Temperamre, and Alllmeme display There are flue soleons in lhe CARDIO Mode Including lhe HEART RATEICLOCK/HR marl (smug) screen They are: ' HEART RATE/CLOCKIHR man (slamngi sales". - HEARTRATEIHRaIaImmIOM soeen, ' HEART RATEISTW (slopr walonlscleen, ~ HEART RATE/TEMP (lem- peflnlel screen. ~ HEARTRATErALTllellul-enul ween To move llerween mem, slrnply muss SELECT». WEARING THE cI-lEsT BELT You musl wear lhe enesl nell lo measure your hearl mle. mg Thls ouTBREAKER walch la speoally deslgned lo WW wan lne ales! bell wnh whlcn ll was sold II ls rrpl reoonvnenoeu you use any olherehssr bell will] lrlls welen, as lhe lransrneslon may no work I. wullemn-awewdsulmuusrale ullleulelnell-lmwonpelllaalnra mmmyalllamahotasmm no 2 mmmnetmorarlamnullelppe olel so lne heal lee nor-or ‘s ‘n we moummmmne pad-11m 3. Miafihdhmmwmlamfl lnnlnaol'n llpr: The nersrnlsslon lrom me oell ls dependent on gooo oonlara Mlh lne sllln eno proxlrnlrylo lne reeelver walon, Malls sure lne nansrnrllrng seellon ollne oell ls agalnel lne slun. rol nloollall oy arse nan, ano close enough no lhe reoenrer waloll lnwuxlmalely so when) lo senu a clear srgnal. sneal 01 gel can help lo lrnprove lne slgnal. one remembfl iI ls nol lrelanlaneoua II no slgnaI ls reeelueo mneoulely. wan for a Iew seoonos for me slgna lo gel lhrough m An old pallery may woollen Ihe Iransmifiim ano reoepllon power Replace lne nanery ll lne oerlorrnenoe ls progresslvely worse a Press SELECT/s or sllsPl. lo change lne upper nean rale mm. 7. Repeal slam 5 —6 lo set lne lonerllearl ralsl llrrlll. a. Press FUNCISEY when hnlaned. m ”em role range ls nelween (upper 26-240 horn) and (lower 25sz bpm) ACTIVATE THE TRAINING ZONE ALARM once mvaleo. lne Tralmng Zone Alalm win eounll whenever you exczefl lne upperor lower heall rule Ilrlllls for lne saleoleo Tralnlrrg Zone. 1 Florll lne CARDIO Moos. press SELECT/e no small lo lne AL (Alarm) men 2. Press ano hold FuNclsET lonwo seconds a Press sELECTlo or smw— lo ssIect lne oeslleo Tralnlrlg zone. 4 Press FuNc/ssr 5 Press STIsPI- lo mm In: alarm on oron. TRACK HEART RATE DURING TRAINING resell-p IMOUTBREAKERwamh so lhal ll an lreoll your nearl rele aerivlly ounng lralnlng, rlrsloo lne Iouowlng: I PuI on lne onesl nell lreler lo lne Wear-no lhe cnesl beII‘ seam) z PrmsMODEloucesuhe CARDIO 17 19 Once you nave good pol-Incl wlln lne enesl nell, v wlll hegm lo llash. This means lne slgnal s lne-no senl am: your heerl rale will soon appeal In plaoe olme large l). Your lleell rele wlll oe dreplayeo as lne largeer in every screen ollhls Meue. and can also be displayed In a smaller lonl. below lhe llrre. whHe III BIKE Moos. llyou remove mameslnell. or me walch la rnoveo loo Iorawey from ll. lne signal will be bmken m me cARnlo Moos will slop lunelronlng aller no Slgrlal ls reeelveo for s or more nunules m When you are meawmlg yaur roan late. kesv lne WMD‘I awaylrornslgnal genelenng souroes, sucn as We. PCs, and earaogln-s. ae lhsse may impalr llre readmg TRAINING ZONES rne OUTBREAKER walch ls eoulppellwimaspeolalrralnlngZone leelure lnel allows you lo ple-seleel lne erlhal hearl rare range (so-2m nears per nllnurel lor your aellvsy. For example, me amounl olexerllon required lor a slroll in lne parll rs omeleru horn lhe erneurn olexemon reoulreo lor welgnl lllllng lohullfl nlueole mess. Wllll lhe Tralnlng Zone lealure, you can eel and ulen nlonnor lne upper no lower ueen rale Ilmlls (Trelnlng Zone) mal uesl mppofl your lralrung eenvny ano ooala. Mode and cheek lo nlalle sure lhe walch rs reoelvlrlg your nears rale signals. a. saleol me Tralnlng Zane lnel ls mosl appwprlale lur your aollvlry lreler to previous senior.) 4 mlvaleloe slopurelen or Tuner ln CARDID Mooe lrelerlo lne slopwaloh / Tlmer seolron) 5 sell up lne TOUR Moos ll you wanl lo snore a long-lelm record at your nean rala nlslery lhal spans several Lrarnlng eessrons or aolrvrlles (ruler lo Ihe TOUR Moos seclloll) Once you mm - e lnese sl yoo are reaoy an n- axercismq Aller you finsh, resel lne Slopwalch or Tuner lo zero. lnerl press nine/SET lo have lne lolllwnng memes lrlspleyeo In sseeorlo ll-helvals. - Tune arul oale ln Ml or M2. M99 (all ourrerll oala le oe sloreounoer M 1. white plewous nalo IS sloreo unoer M2 and so on urlul M99). ~ Avemge hearl rale ourlrrg exefclse ano Tolal exercise llme ~ Upper Trelnlng zone mm and lune apenl anove llrnll ~ lower 1relnlng Zone IImII ano llme spenl oelow IlmII ~ Tonal llrne spenlexereislng wllhln lne neanrale IlmlIs m II you have more lhen one eel 1M|~M99l ol lramlng means, press sesame or snslvl. In loop lnrough Ihe relaxes. ul Thncaloulallonfoldelermlnlng your upperanoluwerheanrale lunlls n as Inflows sol lnlalunllun Imlnli urpemllll llul Wm lull llwe llsrug role-ll llllllrlurpulanru mm naooleIeMo/smyalmleoofly.mnlm mumummm‘ hahllgpsmdim. ML’uhm-MMMMWIWM nlanallsllalmnlasuolillhlvllsuipmyur raw Onoe youka your rnaxrrnunr lyearl range. you can sel lhe 5 rralnlng zaneeloesmneu nelewl wlIh lhe Pl: sofiwale lreler lo Ihe unnne help) wlln lne OUTEREAKER waleh yml can orreely sel your upperano luwerllnulslor Tralnlrrg Zone 5, ano can sel an alarm Io souno whenever you exceed lhe llmlls lor lne seleoleu Tralnlno Zane. Warnlng: The been rale lllnlls lor Tralrllng Zones 1 — 4 are oeseo on lne profile lor a 20-year-old young man ll you do noI rneel lha prollle. we HIGHLV RECOMMEND lnelyou erlner sel lne llmlls lor Trelnlng zones l - 4 uslng lne Pl: sollware. or Inflow lne slaps oelow lo set lne llrruls lor lralrllng Zone 5 lne reeornrnerueu Tmlnlng Zane: are as follows lone IINRW ncsrrllllion narll l a -mulllly- lslounlersnymnesgopsloluanl umbodwmllflmsxumshlskmlw Mist) Wlww'nelsansmpaemmwmmw mmmhlm ' nhroarrronl-uolosflamuumnm maelmrnlalcek Mmuienmmsumasbyll Mummmwmxma 3 7fl-m lmbiflum-Inwusmmlunduflnmimm willnhM/swnmaupm.mnmulales amannsnmna-auloahnopulpoulrlu 15 BIKE MODE (RP; ) The OUTBREAKER spans walon comes complete wllh a oleyueoornpulerlanoeooeseonealwlllehleoarosarroorsplays lne lollowillg lnlomlallorl- ~ Speeo. o- 155 lunrnauror 0-155 lnlle/nour, oepenolng on lhs measuremenl unll you seleel lreler lo the Clash Moos seolronl ~ Average speeu (Max.255km/hr or lso nlllelnrl ~ Maxrmum speed [Max assknunr or I58 nluelnr, - Cadence 0 - 255 rpm (pedal revolunons per rnrnulel . nlalanpe naveleo (Max 999 9 km orszo rnlleel . Tolal orlanpe naveIIed(Max 99.999 9m nr620_000 rrules) - TnIaI llrne spenl cycling The BIKE Moue cnmwlses ploneenng leonnulegy lnal uses mo wrreless sensors lnsleao 01 one The hlgh lreouency or seen sensor lglaz MHz) ellnnnales posslole lnlerlerenoe neonrenlhecaoenoeanoslgnalsensorsensurrrgyou accurale venolrnanoe measlxemenls. SET UP FOR BIKE MODE Tn sel up lne BIKE Moos you rnuslllrsl do Iwo Ihmgs l Anaon lne measurlrrg egurpnlenl le your olrnvele speeo sensor llronl wheell. moence sensor lpeoall Iwnmaqnels lllonl wheel arul peoall. eno ollle mounl lnanole parl Relar lo lne nexl sscuon lur lrelruollone. 2.5pecrlyyourvmeelolrolmlerenoe Seebelcwlunnswdlcns 20 my; Hgnellllual aeuvlllesnreyelevaleyplernaxlnmhean rare. Vou e-n ovemoe lha zone prelerem by aapsllng lne value lhrougll lne PC (fll zones), or ny manually son-sung Zone 5. SET UPPER AND LD’WER HEART RATE LIMITS FOR TRAINING ZONE 5 1. PrasnMDDEIoawesi IheCARDIO (bean ralel Mode. 2. Press sneer/nominal lollleAl. lAlarnll selling 3 Press and hold FIJNCISEI' lor two seoxlosjnezooenunloerwnlllash al lne oolnonrollhe spleen. The upper lime lhown aoove me me ln larger ronl. and the lowerlmlls oelow (Yuu rnay eolusl lne veluefor uppererrll llmr rare firms ln Zones I- 4 lay uslng lne Pc solrware. omelwrsa presung sr/sw-wrll sunply aslrvale oroeeollvale lhe plem alarm). 4 Press SELECT” or 51191430 wild! I0 2009 5. 5 press FuNCISEl agaln Io olsplay lhe SET screen STEP 1: ATTACH THE EQUIPMENT 70 THE BlcchE Max lot; on mm Tn ettaeh the eoutoment- 1 Attach the btke mount to the tighl or telt hendleoer uslnd moher drto. nut end not orovtded Ttohten unttt the one mount ts ttxed tnto oteoe, uslng the ruoher grto tor a firmer contact 2 Attach the cedenoe sensor to e statlanary point rust mm the pedal. ustng the mooer grip tor ettrrner correct There shwlflbemaxlmum set-tones tttltlemt hetweenthesensor and the htte mwnljnd leesthenaodeorees yertrestsngte. 3 Attach the udetvu magnet to a pedal so Hui tt ts dtreolry ellgned wtth the sensor wnh less than 0 2 tnchos t5mm) oetween. 4. Attach the speed sensortoetlhertegotthetront Ms. using the rubber orto tor a turner oonleot. There should he maxlmum 39 tnohes ltuornm) oehween the sensor end the 39 tnehes ottte mount. end tees then no degree: veflical angle st Anson the speed magnet on e spoke M the front wheel so that II less then a z lnehes (5mm) from the sensor a Check and adjuslfls neceeesry, then snto the ends all the ottos so that no euroess remains. 7 fit the watch tnto the bike mount 3 Press MODE on the watoh to switch to BIKE Mode 9. Press STISPI- to ectryere etmal reoeotton. TM dtsotey then changes to 0 once a xucussful stgnal ts to the the htkeaehondtsteooeta meltesureelgnatsarelzetng sent to the wstoh suooessttrtty lt You are now ready to hegin your Inn, F‘C MODE SET UP FOR PC MODE ‘to use the teetures otthe PC Mode. you wttt need the PC Ktt tlndudea PC docklttg stettortt mnnecler oeote, and the mstsltehon soMare cn-Rohtl. and a pc orleotog computer. um AttthreernodetisA/RP/Rs 107)suppofl|hePE Mode However, he PC K1! tor the M107 and the str ts sold seoeratsty. 1 Camdmrcnohremloyooowurnr for mummmsourrwmtlhettremomo. tneultesottwmuernltemtlmtlntt‘muse wit) memumtwmmwh mflnuflmmmx Olulilembtrlsusumowmsoaficm morgue-yondeuop ltd-themmtwdod-tgsotmhtmsum oortsdpoetrotttestatorttrdtweetmnwnd troupeoldmrteuyswtwcwdr mmmwwmmmm utelenmdsmedmnmtntteuamn rcttode. tu mg no walal can walk won one e not. sensots mwmn the dtsptay shows a tow cattery lcon e:- tsee ‘Banery’ sectton) replace the oettery tor the mnesoondtnguntl STEP 2 ENYER WHEEL CIRCUMFERENCE tteu must set the httte's wheel otrcumlerence on the watch so tt can eoouratety calculate your speed and detenoe tl you do not know the bike's wheel ctrourrtterence, yen can ehedt the menutacturefespeolhoottonsormeastee rt oy ntettttng the wheel where tt touches the wound, and then rotottne the wheel once telly elong the ground. Meuure the ditlerenoe between the two meme m Most wheels have the- spwficallorts wrttten on them To soetity thts trtlomtatten on the watch t Press none to swttch to me 5th Mode 2. Press and hold Functssr tor 2 seconds 3 Fran 8550174 or s‘r/srl- to atenge the uroumterenoe (cm or inches, dependtng on the measurement am! you selected in CLOCK Mode) Av Press rune/sir to save your changes we VwcanalsousemePCsonwatelorlnlsepsrallnMsee PC section) 21 lu USING ms SOFTWARE Dnttbla-clck on the Oregon Sctentlfic lcon Onoe the sottware opens ottelt on Help tor tntonnetton shoot the Autumn you PC MODE OPTlONS You can pertorrn the tottowmg tasks hy uslng the CD~RDM nottwsre suoptled. Amheullltlwmficllmt them mhltmmsmme” -De.zrrdenstsetorcere,ort nor-ta sum) ttrtte ad m/tl ahm la wen sat-ts, l dtttyuenrt and sdecntem moor-t ~ Wmlseaktet meet-e - Asho- one - Wnthnmtl ‘ Wat-1 mart-art relt Ems lot rtenng zone 1 ~ 5 , wrest eroattettretlootwrr 40th uods den ncudno end domed norms ~thoceaeetteloontmttttconttl ~Sertoitgnte1tseesdeuuot udder-attendances mow-mutual, mtv’umawew, [the‘hflhsdzlahheen mnwdoldowred' wn-comtuonnuu' lln WeMDMfl ACCESSING THE MODE OPTIONS Frees none to aooess the BIKE Mode. then orerssELEct/olo loop through the ootrot-ts soeedt stop- walnhfllrner.7arwetalurefillthede, and Heart Rate For trtstnloltons on how to use the Slopwalch or nmer In BIKE Mode voter to oo 9 - to VIEWING SPEED AND CADENCE INFORMATION Press not): toswttch to the BIKE Mode tn the Speed dtsptavt you can ytew current speed ldelautt wow; and the totlewtng metnos tom memory. total ttrrte eoent cyottng. total dtstence traveled, totet tout? dtslenoe Iraveted (TOUR Mode only see touneeceonh everege speedmaxtmum speed anoeadenoe toedet reyetultone per mrnulet Press ruttclsst to loop through the values tor eeoh eotton to clear e yelue Item .| eoectno memory. oress and hold FUNCISET for z semms tu Egg Tn send all selecled setttngs and preterenoes to the watch select ‘Transler oonngunttton' tn the 'ccmmurttcaltt7n" suomentt (PC sottwere). DOWNLOAD DATA Follow these orooedures to download date 1 AllefmslaltlngmeCDRDM Mlckme OUTEREAKERtwn on your Pt: tn the men rnenu, eetect ‘Cammuntcitlcn’ Connect the oeelung stalron to your PC. Press 'Made‘ unttl you reach PC Mode Ftl the OUTEREAKER watch tn the doettng stettan, making sure the otns ere matched and sealed st Close the oovergentty and seleot “Connect“ tn the “Commu- nlcatton“ suomenu 71 You wtll see an arrow marlt on the watch, and -downloed tn oroontes- on your PC a Selecl wasted no Date' tn the -Comrnunteetton“ Sub-menut then totlow the on screen trtstruotona 9 Select “Fanttnt' to prooees the data arrangement to Download ls how oorrtolete select deetred gmphtcnl report. when» PC KlT the RP“)? Orawn eoenhhc OUTBREAKER sports watch to eoutooed wtth a PC KII thettncludee a PC flooring Stettot-t end an DM tordownle dtng tnlonnelton to s personal eomouter Full tnstrucuonetorustngthe sotnrereereorortded in tlteenltne ttelp and can be ytewed onoe you here tnsteltod the CD-ROM. m ThePctdttortheRAtoleswvsertesourBREAKER watch e sold sspaawiyt oomaot the reletler or our weosrte twwwotegcmsotenoftooomt tor more tntonruhon mu! the R291!) PC Kll. The PC Ktl ensctee you to store and reutl most of the tntonnetton thettsootteoted oy the OUTBREAKERWIINL The snow: you to tree up the watch memory tor reoordtng more tntonnetton,whttepreeerytng duhetntng rewdethatmmeet tmpenani mynut Fot exemote. with the PC tutyoucen eoeotty whtoh tntonnetton you want to reoord tn TOUR Mods By ltnttttng what 15 reooroed, you can treeo longer reoords Thls canoeueehrlttyouwtshtontonttoryoteoenermence dunng en extended pertod sttoh ese twoday htlre. where ontyheutrste end eluutde are ot concern, or a dey ol eydtng, where only speed and distenoe ere inpott-nt to you an detelts ol the weleh'e memory capaclly ere elven tn the mud MEMORY seatten Vou can also usame PC Nook-up Ktttocetvatuee onthewetch through the PC A toll ltst ot unflnns ts mun at the end ot thts seotton. um The ttardwero/sottwere requirements torthe PC K1! are ttsted at the back ol tttts menuot 22 EFFECTIVE USE AND RANGE The Mich and heanmlg daskben have a maximum trauma» ston range or shout w tnches (76 oenttmeletst. ll the signal e west take the lotowtne steps: ‘ Sharla" the dletanee human me n.“ tale chest belt ind watch - Reedtust the million 04 the hurt rete chest bell ‘ cnecttthehattertes.ltlheysretoworetnauetedehmoethe oettery urtmedtetety You can wear the reoetverwateh on yeurwnst or my ma take or exemtse mechtne es shown below: AquA‘nc AND OUTDOOR AcnvthEs The watch temtermtmntuotosomam the eheetbettand other accessortes (bile mount/speed and rzdence sensors) are spiasnr ootuo to to meters. out should not be worn tor underwater achymee, as the heart rate trenmreslon camml work prooerty under water. Reter to the note below tor gutdettnos. ‘ E. I7 __ serene mono anal-or Ml nrnrrepp mm mm deer-ere we: mourn walnuts unread-r one .n- n. OK no no 14 serum ox m M no no run-a ox or 0.1 all no When uswg mamwhfolmldw sports adivlllesjburvs Ina lollowrng grndellrres: ~ Dc nol press me bullpm urlderwaler ol wrm wel fingers - Rmse wrln welar and mid soap aller use - Do nol use me walur in nolweler Tlps lpr keapmg yum watch fil, Keep your watch wnler reilslanl! Avoid chemicals (gasoline. mbnnu. paflums. alcohol. hall sprays, elc) Rlnlla Illa! uses Realms BIDDMJIE to near Have your wale" servroed ny an appmved sewice oenlel once yearly aim mmlwnfl 3mm. Weal—r» lama irisrplsl WWW—a loosen may cleans-emu Iadllslornlaaulrrnar Nubile Madal- mourn Wow/seem £13 wand l naneere Mm “3m U) Mm WM Nearer Mmkghm we balmy W “MM wmmkm Mom-my mpyrnerrolw "va rerun-dames names lhlmlylll mMumMo-iln mere mm more manually erased unnnlnerelalledorracorared 27 25 SAFETY AND CARE INSTR IONS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Plane observe rnese safely precauluns Wren usmg lnrs product, - Donolconsulrlrre welen whlle movlng arengagrng lnadlve spods Dorng so may result m a collrsron lnal causes personelmlury. ~ nonplsmrecllne pmducnoexoesswelurce,shock.duslor lenlnsraluresv . Do npl lamperwrln lne nrodncl'a rnlernal componenls - Do nol mix lrean and old ballerlesl or ballenes crl drllerenl specrfrealrprrs - Dd llol use "us warm as a sucslrlule lor prolessronal measuring devices used rn skydlvmg, hang glldmg. par-gliding, gyroeopnar prlolrng and rlymg small arrcrell ~ Do nol use lnrs wawlr as a suoslrlule lor lndnsmal preclsrprl rrrsrrurrrenle. - Fallow lne mmr-veuslanoe guldelnas carefully baffle use ln walerlm Elleclm Use and Range secuonl . Kseplhe produclawawmvn heal sources such as radlalors. slaves, healers and omer lseelgeneralrng pvoducls. CARE INSTRUC'HONS To enaure you reoerve lbs msxmum oenern rrorn uarng lms prpdua. please oeaerye lrrelollowmg uuldsllnes - Cleenrng - clean mm a damp cloln Do nol use lrdrm cleanmg agenls‘ benzene, lnrnnee praeroeols - Repa - no nol alrernpl lo reperr lrre pmduclcl many are clrcullry by ywsen Oonlael lne relarler or a gnalrlred repalrmen rl lne pruducl regurres serurcrng Only use replacemenl parls llral are recommended by (he rparlulaclurer . no nolscralcrr nerd omens agamsllrre LCD dlspey as lnrs may cause damage TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ms seplren mdudes a lrsl 01 lreguenlly asked gueslrons lor pmhlums you may encounler wlm lrre OUTEREAKER spons SPECIFICATIONS Ell-(mm l-lcurlomral 12/24 hr nelelemlel DD MMW or MM an w AW) calendar 2000-2099 Alarms 1 darly llrrmlnl 3 svenl (hr'mln on am W) cnrerrpmelarmmer 99.59 59 llrr rmn seer Hear! rare range 25 240 heals per nnnule lop-n) Resmnun 1 bpfn Amraq w l hpm Trarnrng zonee 5 HR ale-l range 25 cm ppm lupperl 25 259 bpm flower) Alen memory a need rale alarms YOURmemwy melRSVDVRPllHunlyi Range 14 Di 5 no av F lemme Gun Ll Rewllmon uznrra l '«c Aoenracy an 21 F! l Alum Range 1m in en» la,“ Moo 9 0-er rnerers r Resolullprr a or loll ll or ml Amy enzolllluurl, Verde-l speed a .l 15 "lien 40 r. em (ascending or deecendrngl walen, ll your waler ls nol operalmg as you (hlnk ll sneuld, week here bevere arrenglng lpr serylclng cream— medr «ppm Powewllplllnl adrenal» Rcmmmen mm— sassnea ale muted lrsel me balms roundly mm W) dorulmwndlrylndln Prusny/mlwz rp-nprn rrorndslll-ynonrd lllry om mm) mum) lei-re flmilws bdrndsel Sadnemmiywl) lswmng prong Cannolpemagallnen lomlolerrrrperarr-g Van-rel speed resolulrurr Mix ell-lude crrarrge lolal alnlude change Net‘s mm Local pressure range Sea level pressure range Resoluuorr fiwuracy sargrapn x-rawlulnn Bar graph y-resolulsun 3 1055: ll Wise! 3 llrser (1 mm; .;, WAT/luau ll m. so mu ml l alnrrn sun v 1 100 hF'a (a as 32 as lan) 900 110mm lzfi 55 52 as lan) 1 rrl=a lo 0: lan) ml~ rlPa (v/r d 1 mHg) l rrour 1 era la 029531anj 25 mum OUTBREAKER RA m7 Record lrme 595 mm 5 seoond samphngsv Alnlnde/ Balmlerl lemperalure DUYEREAKER Rs l m Record lrrrle 505 mm 5 second sempllrrgs Hean Ralel Allllude/ aarnrnelec I rerrrperalure OWBREAKER Rle Remm lrme» 559 mln 5 second sampllngs‘ Dlslanoe / Cadence 1 Speed / Heart Rale/ Allllude / sammeler/ Ternperalure 25 [mammals "annuals-walla“- Noam aerrrr sellerslslerrerslernl armour-d lav-ended mew) mam-Mae Narnrulaomd MMOflEsem-l] Pusan oer-marb- moderaymnen marge lewd” mrdedlslam wrreel speed range wnael speed reselulron cadence range Cadence resolulren Max Inp dlslame Max lorel lrlp drsrance wneel ummleremar Operalron Slarege Relallve rlunudrry Mm Walcrr clrrer mssorie: Emu Walsh Chesl bell Blke mounl Cadence sensor Speed sensor l5ll mrlerrrr [255 mm) 1 nrrlernr ll km‘nv) o. 155 revalulrnns per mrnule lrvm) 1 mm 620 mrles (9959 km) 52.000 rnrles 199 999 9 km] 35m llsrrr lmob JflUDNm) 9.04an ml 915mm 1m: 140°F(-|0°C .60“Cy aA“F.(5€“Flr2U“C. 70°C] “mews nulacluallng keyslo |65M50 m) splash prool 1 x cnzoaz av lrlnrurn ballsry 1 x cazaaz av lrrrrnrm pallery 2 X CRZGSZ 3Vlllhium battery 2 x LR“ l 5 v alkaline ballery 2 x um 15 v alkallne oallcry u.r m WARNINGS roensr-e you uuywrpmducl correclryandsalery, readlnere Wannnge and Ina enure usermenuel oelore usrng llre producl lne warnlngs given here proylde lrnparlenl salery mlan-nanon end snauld he cbserved al all llrnes ‘ no nos allsnrpl lo reps-r Ihe producl you-sell. conlacl lne rererler or our cuslorrrer servloe deparunenl ll ll requrres semcmg - Take preceuuorrs when nandllng ell balmy lypes They an cause rnlures. bums, or property damage as a resull or 00an mm oondualng rnalsuals. near. corms-we malen‘als or explasrves Remve me oanedee Define slorlng me producfior long pcrlods or lune. ~ The croducl rs a precleron lnslrumern Neverauemol lo lake lnre deyrce apart There ls a seooue danger ol powerful sienna shocks. ~ no run, under any cecumslanoes. luucn me exposed else» Immc amll’y ollne deuce as users l: a dar-rgeroleleerlc shock should ll oeccrna exposed s Take specral care when nandlng a demeged LCD asphyl as me lrourd oryslals 12" o. harmful so your heahh. ~ no nor use orrlorn use device, lnmdlng me renmre unw, rn lpcarlone rnal nuyadvelsely allecl lne produos sum as, snuw, men, and magneuc fields. ~ no nol use lnrs dell/u: in alrcrene pr nosplrals no use of mere lreoueocy Drowns can cause mallurmrons ln lne oonlrol dayroes or olner eoulprnenl 29 ~ no nos suoyecl lne ureducl la lmpacl er shoal ~ chads all mayor luncuons wnen lne deyrce IS unused ler a long penod ol llme Thls rs Io ensure lls lull operallon Malnlen a regular lnlernel leslrng and eleanrng ol your deuce ~ wnen dspeslng ol llns produsl, do so ln accordance wnn your lcaal wasle dlspoeal regulalrare ESOURCES Vlsll our weusu (wwworegonslclenlmc ccrnl lo learn more aucur your OUTEREAKER spans wawh and olner oregon selenllllcfl- produols such as dlgllal asmeras. hand-held an ganlzermlsrrrl clocks,arrdweelnerslellons 1neueosrle also includes conleel rnlarr-narron loreu cuslomer serulce depen- merrl. in case you need Io reach us 0 2m: Onaoon Scsenlllle All ngnls reserved (6 0359 (D NOTE ON COMFUANCE Thls deuce compllee wun Pan ls cl lne FCC Rules. operallon rs supreel lo use lollowrng rwa condlllone.l1llnls deyrce may not muse nannlul rnlerrereoce. and (2) Thls deyrce musl accepl any lnlenelence recelyed, lndudlng rnlerlerence lnal may cause nudes-red opelallcns Warnlng: cnanges or nsodrllcaliens lo lllls urnl nor expressly aDvaed by Ihe pally responslole Iar compllance could yold lne user‘s aulncrny lo operals llre egurprnenr. [QC— NOTE: We edurprnenl has been resled and leund lo comply walls are llrnrls lora Class B drgllal deylce, pursuanne Pan15 ol lne FCC Rules These lrnnls are deemed lo Drovlde reasonable prelecllon agarnsl llarrnlul lnlerlerence ln a resrderurnl rnslellellon. ms edulcrnenl generales. uses and can radlale redlo lreguency energy and. ll nol lnslelled and used ln accordance wllh me rnelruclonsl may cause narmlul Imedemnce lo ladle oomunrcalons However. lnere re no guaranlee rnalrmederence wlll nol occur rna pamwlar mslallallun, lllhls equlplrlenl mascause nannlul rnrerrelence lo rsdlo cr leleylslcn receptlonl wrllcn can he delennlned by rurnrng lne eoulornenl oll and on. llle user e enmiged lolry In omcl lne lnlenerenee oy one or more ol Ihe lollowrng measures: l:l Reollelll orrelocele lne reccnrng anrenna n lncrease lne supamllon beMeell lne eourpnrenl and recelyer l:l connecllhe edulpmenl inlo an oullelorr a cilwlldmelull from rhul lo wnscls me recerver re oonnecled. l:l consullme deulesolan cxpsrrerrced radlpm/ lacnrucian lor help company Nllm : Oregon sa‘enlmc. Inc Address : 19361 SW 95m Place, Tualamn, Oregon 97052. USA Telephone Number: sea-ems Wsusne address www.oregunsl:£ellllfiown Company Name; IDT Tecnmlagy Lrnlued Adams; : Block C, we, Kaiser Eslale, Plum 1, 41 Man Vue slreel. Hung-urn, Kowloon. l-leng Kong. lelepnens Nurnos : (352) mum Wreslu address zwww rdlnkcom Name andrnedel numberotmapmduct: Oregon Suewfic" OuTEREAKER scone Wasen (Rx l or series) CAUTION The com/em of mu manual ls mlecl lo cnanoe wllhwl lunmr noncs, me no prlnllng imlallcn. lne drew-vs sham rn lnls manual may dlller norn are actual display. The conlenls ollnis manual may nol he reproduced wrlmul Ihe uemrlsslorl of lne mmldadurer,
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