ION Audio IHP21 Wireless Headphone System for TV User Manual Telesounds Quickstart Guide v1 1

ION Audio, LLC Wireless Headphone System for TV Telesounds Quickstart Guide v1 1



Download: ION Audio IHP21 Wireless Headphone System for TV User Manual Telesounds   Quickstart Guide   v1 1
Mirror Download []ION Audio IHP21 Wireless Headphone System for TV User Manual Telesounds   Quickstart Guide   v1 1
Document ID3831641
Application IDmGlA2K3UOryVugAc2LpNGw==
Document DescriptionUser_Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize238.78kB (2984776 bits)
Date Submitted2018-04-27 00:00:00
Date Available2018-04-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-04-17 09:00:03
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version
Document Lastmod2018-04-17 09:11:12
Document TitleTelesounds - Quickstart Guide - v1.1.cdr
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X7
Document Author: 陈 斌斌

Quickstcm Guide English (2 7 7 )
Guia de inicio répido Espofiol ( 8 7 13)
Appendix English ( 14 7 15)
Quickstart Guide (English)
Thank you tor purchasing the Telesounds. At ION. your entertainment is as impcnam to us as
N is lo you. That‘s why we design our pmduets with one thing in mmd in) make youi hie more
fun and more Convenienl.
Important Salaly Nofioas
Box Contents
Teiesounds Headphones
Cabies (1 at each):
wanton/8" (3.5 mm)
V8“-to-RCA (3.5 mm)
1/ "4071/ " (s 35 mm to 3.5 mm) Adaptei
Power Adapter
(2) Rechargeabie AAA sattenes
Quickstan Guide
Saiety st Warranty Manuai
For the latest iniormation about this product (documentation, technical speciiications, system
requtrements, compatibllily intermahon, etc ) and product registration, vtstt icnauuicccm
For additional product support. Visit
From Panel
1 Charging Dock. Place the headband at the headphones on
this dock (on top ol the transmitter) to charge them. Make
Sula lhat the transmlnel is connecled lo a power outlet and
that its Power switch is set to On.
2 Charge Light This light is green when the headphones
(placed on the charging station) are charging. it Will turn off
when the headphones are lully charged.
a. Power Light This light is blue when the transmitter is
powered on. it the lransmitter detects no audio signal tor aboul
5 minutes. the transmitter will enter a lowepower mode to save
energy. When it detects an audio signal again. it Will return to
its normal power level and the light will be blue again.
4 Optical/Coaxial Light: Thls light is red when the source
sWitoh on the rear panel is set to Optical or Coaxial (see
below). The light will llash when the transmitter detects an
issue with the incoming digital signal (see Troubleshooting it
this happens),
Rear Panel
5. Power Input: Using the included power adapter. connect this
power input to a power outlet.
5 Power Switch: Set this switch to On or on to power the
transrnitter on or oil. respectively.
7. Audio ln: Connect at least one ol these connectors to an
audio output on your TV.
. Right at Left: Use the included RCA-to-RCA cable to
connecl lhese to your TV: RCA stereo outputs.
. Coaxial: Use the included Coaxial cable to connect this
to your TV: coaxial output.
. Optical: Use the included optical cable to connect this
to your TV’s oplical outpul E0
8 Source Switch- Set this swnch to the type ol Audio in @0'
connection you want to use . u |
. Audio: Select this to use the RCA (Right ll. Len) inputs. .. $0
- Coaxial. Select this to use the coaxial input. (The a...”
Optical/Coaxial Light on the lront panel will light red.)
. Optical: Select this to use the Optical input. (rhe
Optical/Coaxial Light on the lront panel will light red)
9 An. it you connected the transmitter to a TV. receiver. DVD
player. or hi-li system. set this sWitch to -8 :15. ll you
connected it lo CD player. smartphone. lablet, or computer.
set it to 0 dB.
1. Power Button: Press and hold This ounon for about 2 seconds To power The headphones
on or ofl ifthe headphones deTeoT no audio signal ior about 5 minuies, They wili power on
auTomaTicain to save baTTery powev.
2 STaTus LighT. This iighi indioaTes The siaTus of ihe headphones
. Red. The headphones are powered on but noT oonneoTed wireiessiy To TheTransrniTTer.
. Flashing red. The headphones are iow on baTTery power. To charge Them, piace The
headband oi The headphones on The charging dock on Top oi The Transminer (make
sure That the Iransminer is connecxed lo a power cutie! and that its Power switch is
set To 0n). See Serup > Powering The Headphones To learn more,
. Green: The headphones are powered on and eonneoTed wireiessino The Transmmer
- OH‘ When the headphones are chargmg on the transmitter, the iigm wiil turn off
when They are iuiiy charged. When the headphones are not charging and powered
OH, We ilght wlli be off
—/# Use mess buttons to raise or iower the voiume of me headphones.
Audio Input (1/5" / 3.5 mm): ConneoT This input To The audio ompul oi anoTher devioe
(smanphone, TabieT, oornpuTer, etc) To use The headphones in a normaliy (“Wired”).
Items not listed under Intmducfion > Box Contents are sold separately.
The headphones are powered by 2 rechargeable AAA betterles, which must be charged by
the transmitter. Use the included batteries only.
With tully charged batteries. you can use the headphones tor approximately 10 hours. It takes
approximately 6 hours to tully charge them. It this is the first time you are using them,
charge them for the full 6 hours.
When the light on the headphones flashes red. the batteries are low on power. The headphones
will also “beep" to alert you.
To install the headphone batteries:
1. Please read the Introduction > Important Salety Notices
at the beginning of this manual belore installing or replacing
the batteries.
2. Carelully rotate and remove the right ear pad (shown here).
3. Install the 2 rechargeable AAA batteries (included) in the
battery compartment Make sure their polarities (+ and —)
are lacing the proper directions.
It Reattach the ear pad.
To charge the headphones:
1. After the batteries are installed, make sure the headphones are powered off. (ll they are
on. press and hold the power button on the headphones tor about 2 seconds. The light
next to the button will tum oft)
Place the headband of the headphones on charging dock on top of the transmitter. Make
sure that the transmitter is connected to a power outlet and that its Power swltch is set to
On. The headphones will start charging immediately.
While charging. the Charge light on the transmittefs front panel will turn green. When it
turns off, the headphones are lully charged.
Setting up the Transmitter 8t Headphones
General Noles'
ll this is the iirsl time you are usmg the headphones. charge them ior iull 5 hours belore
use. See Powering the Headphones above.
ll your sound source has buillrin speakers or it you are using external speakers with it.
you can use Telesourids in addlllon to those speakers
Important Notes «or TV Users:
Because there are so many diiierent TVs available. these instructions cannot explain how
to navlgaie your speciiic TV's menus or set its audio output. Please reier to your TV’s
manual to learn how to do this, it necessary.
Your TV may have an audio output setting in its menus that lets you choose between a
tixed output or a variable output. It this is the case. we recommend usmg the fixed output.
When using a lixed output. the TVs volume level cannot be changed by its volume
controls. you must use the —/+ buttons on the headphones lo adlust the volume.
When using a variable output. you can change the TVs volume level by using its
volume controls, but the sound in the headphones may be too quiet
To set up the transmitter with your TV (or other sound source).
1. Usmg the included power adapter. connect the transmltter‘s power input to a power outlet.
2 Connect one oi the transmitters Audio ln connectors to an audio output on your TV:
. To use the TVs RCA stereo outputs. use the RCArtosRCA cable to connect
them to the transmitters RCA (Right 3. Left) inputs
. To use the TVs optical (digital) output, use the optical cable to connect it to
the transmitters Optical input
. To use the TV's coaxial output. use the Cuaxlal cable to connect it to the
transmitters Coaxial input.
3 Set the source switch to the type ol connection you made in Step 2-
a ll you connecled to the lransmltter's RCA (nghl 8t Lefll Inputs, Select Audlo
- it you connected to the transmltier's Optical Input. select Optical The Opllcal/
Coaxial light on the lront at the transrmttev wlll tum red.
e ll you connected to the llansmltter's Coaxial input, select Coaxial. The Optical/
Coaxial light on the tram oi the transmluev wlll mm red.
When cohhecllng the transmlfler to a TV, recelver, DVD player, or hlrfl system, set the Ail.
switch on the rear panel to .3 us.
When connecting the transmitter to a CD player, smartphone. tablet, or computer, set the
Att. switch on the rear panel to 0 dB.
To set up the headphones with the transmitter:
t. Atter setting up the transmitter (see above). set the Power switch on the transmitter to On.
2 After installing the included batteries in the headphones and charging them (see Powering
the Headphones), press and hold the power button on the headphones for about 2
seconds. The light next to the button will turn red.
3. Wait a lew seconds tor the headphones and transmitter to connect wirelessly to the
transmitter. When properly connected the light on the headphones will be green.
To adjusl the volume on the headphones. use the + and — buttons on the headphones (when
they are powered on).
If you do not hear any sound in the headphones.
. Make sure the power adapter is property connected to both the power outlet and the
power input on the Iransmltler's rear panel. Also make sure the Power switch on the
transmitter’s rear panel is set to On The Power light on the lront panel should be blue.
. Make sure the headphones are powered on and lully charged The status light next
to the power button should be green See Setup > Powering the Headphones for
more inlormation.
. Make sure your sound source (TV. receiver DVD player. etc.) is powered on With its
volume at an audible level.
. Make sure the headphone volume is at an audible level. Use the — and s buttons to
ad)ust it.
It the sound in the headphones is distorted or “clipping":
. Make sure the headphone volume is not too high. Use the— and s buttons to adjust it.
- Make sure the headphones are Close enough to the transmitter. A‘so make sure
there is a dear tine of sight between the headphones and the transmitter.
. Make sure the volume ot your sound source (TV. receiver. DVD player. etc.) is at an
audible level,
. It you connected the transmitter to a TV. receiver. DVD player. or hlrfi system. make
sure the Att. swrtch on the transmllter‘s rear panel is set to -a da.
ll the Optical/Coaxial light is llashing (when the source switch is set to Optical):
. Make sure the included optical cable is securely connected to both the Optical input
on the transmitter's rear panel and the optical output of your sound source rrv,
receiver. etc).
Gracias por comprar e1 Te‘esounds. En ION, su enuexemrmemo es (an imponanle para
nosmms coma para usled. For 250 es que disefiamos nuestms pmducms con una 501a cosa
en mente—hacer que su v1da sea més dwemda y cémoda.
Avisos impommos sobre la seguridnd
Comenldo (I. la cal:
Aunculares Te1esounds Adaptador 1/4 a 1/8 pmg (6,35 a 315 mm)
Transrmsor Adamador de corneme
Cab1es(1 de cada t1pu)‘ (2) pi1as AAA vecargab1es
1/5 a 1/3 pu1g (3,5 mm) 6111:: de1mcio rép1do
RCA a RCA Manua‘ de seguvidad y gavarm'a
1/5 pulg. 3 RCA (3,5 mm)
Pava obtenev la mlormamén més vecieme acevca de esm products (documemamén.
espemncacmnes Iécmcas, requisites de slstema, mvormacuén de compaummad, am.) y
reg1stravlo, v15i|e
Para omener soporle adic1ona1de1 products), v1s11e
Panel trontal
Estacién de carga: Coloque la vlncha de los aurlculares en es“:
eslaelpn de earga len la pane superlor del vansmisnr) para eargarlos
Asegurese de que el lransmisor eslé conecladu a un (omaconienle y
que su inrerruprar de enoendido esre en On (encenalao),
Lux Charge: Se enclende de Verde cuandu los amlculares
(ubicados en esracrén de carga) se eslan cargandov Se apagaré
cuando los auvlculaves eslen camplelarnenle cargados
Luz Powerv Esla luz se enClende da azul cuando el lransmlsor
esla encendldo 5. el lransrnlspr na delecla senales de audlo
dulame apvoxlmadamente 5 minutes enlrara en un mode de
anorro ae energla. Una vez que vuelva a deteclav una serial de
audlo, regresara a su nrvel de energla normal y la luz se eneendera
de azul nuavamenle.
Luz OpficaI/Ooaxial La luz se enClende de roio cuando el
inrerrupmr de selecclan de luenle del panel lrasero se eolpea
an Optical o Coaxial (Vev a coMlnuaclén). La luz parpaaeara'
cuandu el transmlsav delecle Lm prablema eon la senal drgnal
entranle (consume Salutlén de problemas sr eslu oeuvre).
Panel trasero
Entrada de alimenkacién: U1lllce el adamadm de comenle
incluldo para conscrar la enlrada de corrienre a un romacornenle,
lnterruptor Power Coloque este lnterruptor en 0n n on para
encender o apagar el Iransmlsor respectlvameme,
Audio Ina Console al menos uno de eslos coneclores a una
sallda de audlo en su TV
. Right y Len: uullee el cable RCA a RCA lnclulda para
coneclar estos coneclores alas salldas RCA esléreo de su TV
~ coaxial Utlllce 9‘ cable coaxlal lncluldo pava coneclav esle
coneclov a la sallda coaxlal de su TV.
. cprieal- Ullllce el eaple apnea incluldo para coneclar esle
conecmr a la sallda éptlca de su TV
lnterruptor selector de entrada Coloque este mlerruptor en el
up!) de conexlén de Audio ln que desee unllzar:
. Audio' Selecclone esla opclén para uullzar las enrradas
RCA lRigm y La")
v Coaxial SelECClone esla opclén para ullllZar la enrrada
Coax al (La luz Oplicnl/Coaxial del panel lronral se
eneenuera de ram
. Opkical: Selecelpne esla opclén para mrlrzar la entrada
Optlcal. (La luz Optlcal/Coaxlal del panel flonlal se
encendera de rojo)
An: 5‘ conectd el lransmisor a m TV, reeepmr, reproducmr de
DVD p equlpo de alla lrdelldad, caloque esle lnlerruplor en -5
dB. Si eoneclé el (ransrmsov a un repvoduclor de cu (elémno
imeligemel lablera n compmaeora, cplpquelo en a as.
. E9
'- 99
1 Hanan de encendido: Mamenga pmsado esle bomn durame 2 segundos para encender
o apagav los auricu‘aves Si Ios aurwcu‘ares no dexectan ninguna sefia‘ de audio duvante
aproxxmadameme 5 minulos. 5e apagarén autcmémcameme para ahcnar pnas.
2 Lu! de estadu‘ Este \uZ IndICa el eslado d5 ‘05 auflcu‘ares‘
Ruio' Los aunculaves esta’n encendwdos pew no esta’n conec‘ados de fiorma
ma‘émbnca con e‘ transm‘sor.
Roio destellame: Las puas de los aunculares se estén agolando. Para Cargarlas,
coloque \a vmcha de ‘05 auncu‘ares en \a estac H de carga en la pane supenm del
uansmsor (asegnrese de (me e\ lvansmisov esté enchmado a un mmacameme y de
que su imerruplov de encen o esté en \a posicmn 0n). Consune Instalacia'n >
Encendida de Ins auriculares para aprender mas.
Verde: Los aur‘cu‘ares esKén encend‘dos y Coneclados de Vorma \na‘émbflca Con e‘
Apagada: Cuando \os auriculares se estan cargando an e\ transmsor, \a In: Se
apagaré cuando este’n completamente cargados Cuando \os auncu‘ares no se
es‘én cargando y estén apagados, \a nu eslaré apagada.
3 —/+ Umice eslos botones pava subwr o balar e‘ vo‘umen de ‘05 auncu‘ares.
4 Salida de audio (1/8 pu‘g. / 3,5 mm): Conecte esta enlrada a \a sahda de audlo de otro
disposilivo (telémno mlehgenle. Iablela. compmadora, em.) para umizav \cs auriculaves
de forma normal (“con cable'
stala n
Los mementos que no se enumeran en Immdueeia'n > Contenido de la caia se venden per
Enoendido de lo. auricularen
Lus auriculares son alimenlados par 2 pilas AAA recargablaa, las cuales deben ser cargadas
por el ‘ransmiscr. Use solamente Ias pilas incluidas.
Con la: pilas completameme cargadas, puede usar los aunculares durame aproximadamente
10 horas. Una carga complela demora aproximadameme 6 horas Si es la primera vez que
Ins mum, cargue‘as complemmeme durante e horase
Cuando la m: d ‘05 auriculares parpadea de color mic, las puas se estén agotando. Los
auriculares tamb n em‘lirén un sonidc para a‘ertario.
Cémo sialar Ias pilas de lo: auriculares:
1. Lea Intmduocién > Avisas importantes some Ia seguridad I" 9
al comienzo de este manual antes de instalar o reemplazar
las pnes.
2. Gire cuwdadosameme y retire la almohadwlla para el Dido
derecha (mostrada aqu).
a Instale \as dos pilas AAA recargables (incluidas) en el
eompanimiemo de pilas. AsegL'Irese de que sus polaridades
(4» y —) se encuemran en las direcciones corremas.
4V Vue‘va a Colocar la almohadilla para el Dido.
Cémo cargar Ins auriculares
1. Luego de instalar Ias ba‘erias, asegurese de que Ios auriculares estén apagados. [Si
estén encandidos, mantenga pulsado al eons" de eneendlda en los auricularss duranle
eproximedameme 2 segundas. La \uz junta al bolén se apegara.)
2. Coloque la vincha ds los auriculares en la estacién de carga en la parle superior del
lransmisor. Asegureee de que el lransmisor esté ccnectado a un lomacorriente y que su
inlerrupmr Power esté en 0n (encendido). Los auriculares eomenzaren a cargarse
Mienlras se cargan, la luz charge en el panel delanleru del transmiscr se encenderé de
vsrde. Cuando se apague, \as auriculares estarén completamenle eargaaoe
lnstalacién del iransmisor y los au ulares
Notas generales'
Si es la primeva vez que uilliza lus aunculares, cérguelos camplelamente durante e horas
anles de usavlos. Cansulte Encendidc de las auriculams mas amba.
Si su luenle de sonldo cuenta con aliavoces lnlegrados o si esta' utllizando allavoces
externos Con Ella, puede ullllzar el Telesounds ademés de dlChOs altavoces
Nmas imponantes para usuarios de TV
Dado que hay tantas TV dlieremes dispomples, estas mstrucciones no pueden expliear
cémo navegav por los menus especlllcos de su TV 0 conilgurar su sallda de audla.
Consults el manual de su TV para aprender a hacer esm‘ de ser necesano.
Su TV puede Ienev un ajusle Sallda de audio en sus memfils que le pevmlle selecclonar shire
una sallda fiia o Lina salida variable. Sl este es el case, le Tecomendamos millzar la salida i'lja.
Cuandu uiillce una salida liia, el nlvel de volumen de la TV no se podra mudlilcar
medlante sus contrplea de volumenl depera millzar los bolones —/+ presentea en los
auriculares para aluslarlo
Cuando utilise una sallda variable, podra modllicar el nivel de Volume" de la TV
utlllzando sus controles de volumen. pero el sonldo a los aurlculares podria ser
demasiado halo.
Cc'tmo conliguvav el transmisor con su TV (U 0173 luente de sonido):
1 Utilice El adaplador de corriente lncluldo pava conectav la entrada de corriente del
transmlsor a su tomacorrlente.
2 Conecte Lino de Ios cunectoves Audio In del tvansmisov a una salida de audlo en su TV.
- Para utlllzar las salidas RCA estéreo de su TV, uiillce el cable RCA a RCA
para conectarlas alas entradas RCA del transmlsor (Right y Left).
. Para utilizar la salida 6piica (digital) de la TV‘ u‘lllce el cable bptlco para
coneclarla a la entrada Optical del transmlsor.
- Para ulilizar la salida Coaxial de la TV‘ utlllce el cable Coaxial para conectarla
a la enlrada Coaxial del transmlsor
a Aluste el interrupter de meme segl’in el upp de conexlén que reallzé en el Pasp 2
. s. eonecté alas entrauas RCA del Iransmlsor (Right y Lem seleccione Audio.
. Sl conecté la entrada Optical, del transmisor selecclone Optical. La qu Optical/
Coaxial al freme del lransmlsor se snoendera’ as roio.
- Sl coneclé la entada Coaxlal, del Ivansmlsor selecclone Coaxlal La luZ Optlcal/
Coaxial del fienle del transwsm 5e encenderé de rnjo
Al eonectar el ivansmlsm a un TV, receptor, reproduclor de DVD 0 Equipo de alta ildelidad‘
coloque el lnlerruplorAn. en -3 dB.
Al conectar el transmlsor a un TV. receptor, reproduclor de DVD 0 equlpo de alta lldelidad.
coloque el lnterruptorm. en 0 dB.
Como Conligurar Ios auriculares con el (ransmisor:
1. Luego do conflgurar oI narrsrmsor (Ver més arrrpa), arusre oI \nterruplor Powor e\ transrmsor
en On.
2. Luego de msmlar las prlas incmldas on los auriculares y cargar‘as (consmte Encendido de
Ios auriculares), mamenga pu‘sado 9‘ bmén do encendida do IOS auncu‘ares durame
aproxrmadamomo 2 segundos. La la Junto a\ bmén so onoondora' do rojo.
3 Espere unos sogundos hasta que Ios auncu‘ares y el Uansrmsov so conecten
rrralarnbrrcamomo. Una voz conectados correctamenle. \a \uz en los aurrcuxares Se
oncondora’ do vorde.
Fara aiuslar el volumen on Ios auricularos, mrlroo \os batches + y — de ‘05 aunculares
(cuando esron encendidos).
Solu de problemas
S no puede escuchav e‘ sonido de ‘05 auncu‘ares.
. Asoguroso do que oI adapxador de comeme osxé conectado correctameme al
‘omacomeme y a \a entrada do corriomo en 9‘ pane‘ trasero doI transrmsor. Tamoro'n
asogureso de quo el imerruptor Powor en 9‘ pane‘ trasevo de‘ ‘ransmwsor 5e encuentre
on On. La Hz Power en el pane‘ de‘anlero doberr’a encenderse do co‘uv azul.
. Asoguroso do que los aunculares eslén onoondrdos y comp‘elamenle cargados. La qu
do eslado junta aI bmén do oncondrdo debe eslar oncondrda de color Verde. Consuke
lnslalacién > Encendida de Ins auriculares para oblener mas intermacrén.
. Aseglirese do que su memo do audro rrv, receptor, veproductor do DVD, etc) se
encuenlre encendida con su vommon a un mVe‘ audwb‘e.
. Asoguroso do one oI Volumen do ‘05 auncu‘ares so encuentve en un mVe‘ audib‘e
Use ‘05 bomnes — y + para ajustav e‘ Vo‘umen
5‘ el somdo Ios aunculares Se dws‘ors‘ona o “recona”:
. Asoguroso de quo e‘ Vo‘umen do ‘05 aurrcularos no sea domasrado aHo Use los
bownes — y + para arusrar e‘ vommon
. Asoguroso do que los auricmaros se encuemren Io sun iemomome cerca del
transrmsor. Tamblén aseguroso de que rraya Lma Hnea de visién diveda entre Ios
auncwares y 9‘ transmrsor.
. Asogurose do que 9‘ Vo‘umen de su fueme do audro (rV, receptor, reproductor de
DVD, etc.) Se encuentre a un mve‘ andrmo.
. Sr conectov e‘ transmrsor a un TV, veceplor, veproductor do DVD 0 oqurpo do ana
fidelidad, asogurese do oolooar el rnrorroprorm. en .3 dB
Sr Ia \uz Optical/Coaxial esla parpadeando (cuando e\ imorruplor de soloocion de luente
osra ajustado on Optical):
. Asognroso do que 2‘ came opuco incluldo esté coneclado nrrnomome (amo a la
entrada Optical de‘ pane‘ trasero de‘ transrmsor Como a \a sahda épmca do su
momo de somdo (TV, veceplov‘ em).
Appendlx (English)
Speellleatlpns are sublecf to change w-thout nullce
Wrreless receotron and range are allected by walls, oostructlcns, and movement Fm opllmai peflarmance‘
piace the product In the center ol the room so ll is unobstructed oy walls, lurnrture, eto Battery We may vary
based on temperature age and uolume usage ct product
‘ We recommend uslng the lncluded rechargeable patterles. You can use standard NIMH rechargeable
banerles‘ out they Wlll not charge when you place the headphones on the ehorglng dock Vou could also
use alkallne battenes, though these Wlll not charge erther. To order addrtlonal or replacement rechargeable
oattenes (ilke the lnciuded ones), contact loN Audlo's parts department at .onaudt com/supporl
Transmission Freauency 2 4 GHZ Dlgiiai UHF
Tyoe Frequencyshopplng system
(Gausslan irequencyrshifl keylng [GFSKD
Range 98 fl / 30 m
Connections 1 optlcal lnput
1 coaxlal lnput
1 RCA stereo output palr
1 power adapter input
Power 5 VDC, 550 mA, center-posltlve power adapter (lncluded)
Dimensions 3 8 X 3 7 x 9 4"
(wrdth x depth x helght) g a x g 4 x 233 cm
Weight 0 54 \b,
0 24 kg
Rumor (Headphones)
Frequency Respanse 20 Hz , 20 KHz (13 dB)
SNR 2 as dB
THD 5 0.3%
Distonion 5 0.5%
Channel Separation 2 75 dB
Driver 1 5" mo mm
Sound Pressure Level 105 dB
Outpm Impedance 24 £2 ($3.5)
Output Power 7 mW
Recepfion Frequency 2.4 GHz Digiiai UHF
Type Frequencyrhopping sysiern
(Gaussian lvequencyrshifl keying [GFSK‘D
Range as h. / an m
Connections (1) 1/ " (3.5 mm) audio input
PM” Type 2 rechargeabie NiMH 1.2 v AAA baneries
Recharge Time 5 hours
Life 10 hours 1mm fuli charge
Dimensions 8 7 X 3.3 X 7.7"
(widin x depm x heignq 220 X 35 X195 mm
Weight 0 60 lb.
0 27 kg
radem rks& censes
ION Audio is a Ivademavk oi iON Audio, LLC. regisiered in ihe us. and other counlvies. Aii aiher
product names. company names, (rademarks, or irade names are (hose oi (heir respective owners
Monua‘ Vers‘on 1.1

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