
User Manual

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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2016-10-02 00:00:00
Date Available2016-10-02 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-12-15 17:05:56
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Document Lastmod2017-12-15 17:05:56
Document TitleMicrosoft Word - User Manual.doc
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: carol

Con t e n t s
Cont e nt s .................................................................. 1
About An dr oid .......................................................... 6
Applica t ions ............................................................. 6
Your phone .............................................................. 7
Ge t t ing st a r t e d ....................................... ................8
Touch scr e e n & k e ys ................................................ 9
Touch t ips ........................................................... 10
Zoom ing t ips ........................................................ 10
Rot at e t he screen ................................................. 11
Key t ips............................................................... 11
H om e scr e e n .......................................................... 1 2
Quick st art : Hom e screen ...................................... 12
Working wit h Menus .............................................. 13
Short cut .............................................................. 15
Widget ................................................................ 15
Arranging your Hom e screen .................................. 15
Changing t he background of your Hom e screen ......... 16
Applica t ion m e nu ................................................... 1 6
Applicat ion m enu .................................................. 17
Phone st a t us ba r a nd not ifica t ions......................... 1 7
Checking not ificat ions and ongoing act ivat es ............ 18
Toolkit s ............................................................... 18
D ia l pa d ................................................................. 1 9
Make a call .......................................................... 19
Opt ions available during a call ................................ 19
Te x t e nt r y .............................................................. 2 0
On- screen keyboard .............................................. 21
Ent er t ext ............................................................ 21
Ent er Various Charact ers ....................................... 21
Edit Text ............................................................. 22
Select Text .......................................................... 22
Cut / Copy/ Past e Text ............................................ 23
Com m unica t ion ...................................................... 2 3
Messaging ........................................................... 23
People ................................................................. 27
Phone ................................................................. 29
Em ail .................................................................. 29
M ult im e dia ............................................................. 3 1
Cam era ............................................................... 31
Music .................................................................. 33
FM radio .............................................................. 35
Gallery ................................................................ 36
Sound Recorder .................................................... 37
N ot e ....................................................................... 3 8
Calendar ............................................................. 39
Clock .................................................................. 39
Calculat or ............................................................ 40
Br ow se r ................................................................. 4 0
Con n e ct t o n e t w or k s a n d de vice s .......................... 4 1
Det erm ine t he net work you are using ...................... 42
Edit or creat e new access point s ............................. 42
Wi- Fi net works ..................................................... 42
Bluet oot h ............................................................ 43
Connect t o a com put er via USB............................... 44
Working wit h secure cert ificat es .............................. 44
I nst all secure cert ificat e from phone st orage ............. 45
Se t t ings ................................................................. 4 5
Acce ssin g Pa ssw or d ............................................... 4 8
PI N Code ............................................................. 48
PI N2 Code ........................................................... 49
PUK Code ............................................................ 49
PUK2 Code .......................................................... 49
N ot ice s ................................................................... 5 0
Pr e ca u t ion s ............................................................ 5 1
Fr e qu e nt ly Ask e d Qu e st ion s a n d Tr ou ble sh oot in g . 5 4
Sa fe t y I nfor m a t ion a n d N ot ice s ............................. 5 7
Using t he Mobile Phone and Charger ........................ 57
Using t he Mobile Phone.......................................... 57
Using t he Bat t ery .................................................. 59
Using t he Charger ................................................. 60
Requirem ent s for Mobile Phone ............................... 60
Requirem ent s for t he Bat t ery ................................. 61
Requirem ent s for t he Charger and AC Adapt er .......... 61
Cleaning and Maint enance ...................................... 61
Abou t An dr oid
An Android phone can perform m any of t he sam e funct ions
as a com put er. But you can also adj ust it t o bet t er suit your
needs, t o receive t he inform at ion you want , and have fun at
t he sam e t im e. You can add and delet e applicat ions, or
enhance t hem t o im prove funct ionalit y. At Android Market
you can download a range of applicat ions and gam es from a
const ant ly growing collect ion. You can also int egrat e
applicat ions on your Android phone wit h your personal dat a
and online account s. For exam ple, you can back up your
t rack of your appoint m ent s, and engage in as m uch social
net working as you like.
Applica t ion s
An applicat ion is a phone program t hat helps you perform a
t ask. For exam ple, t here are applicat ions t o m ake calls, t ake
phot os and download m ore applicat ions.
N ot e : The colors and specificat ions show n/ m ent ioned in t he user m anual m ay differ
from t he act ual product . I m ages show n are for represent at ion purpose only.
The cont ent of t he m anual is correct w hen it is released, but w e reserve t he right t o
m odify t he t echnical specificat ion w it hout addit ional not ificat ion.
Som e cont ent in t he m anual m ay be different from t he m obile phone, as t he
accessory soft w are, SI M card or service varies by providers.
You r ph on e
The im port ant keys & connect ors
Phone overview
Earphone Jack
Charge/ USB Port
Front Cam era Lens
Charge/ USB Port
Earphone Jack
For t aking phot os.
To connect charger or USB
dat a cable for dat a exchange.
To connect an earphone so
you can list en t o m usic/ radio.
Open a list of opt ions available
Menu Key
in t he current screen or
applicat ion.
Home Key
Home Key Go to Home screen;
Go back t o t he previous
Back Key
Close t he on- screen keypad, a
dialog box, an opt ions m enu,
or t he Not ificat ion panel.in t he
current screen or applicat ion.
To hear t he voice of t he ot her
side when calling.
Swit ch t he phone on and off;
Power/ Lock Key
Press and hold t o open phone
opt ions m enu.
be used as t orch
Back Cam era Lens
For t aking phot os.
To list en t o m usic, and ot her
I cons
sounds offered by your phone.
Descript ion
Locat ion
Signal st rengt h indicat or for SI M1
I cons Area
Signal st rengt h indicat or for SI M2
I cons Area
Alert Type is Silent
I cons Area
Alert Type is Vibrat ion
I cons Area
Unread SMS
I cons Area
Missed calls
I cons Area
Unread m ail
I cons Area
Alarm Enabled
I cons Area
Tou ch scr e e n & k e ys
A few essent ials
Touch t ips
Here are som e t ips on how t o navigat e around your phone.
Tou ch
To choose an icon or opt ion, t ouch it .
Tou ch & h old
Open special funct ions or addit ional opt ions. Try it : From Applica t ion
m e n u , t ouch M usic icon t o ent er Music library, t hen t ouch and hold an
art ist , a song, or an album , som e opt ions w ill be available t o you. For
exam ple: play, add t o playlist , delet e, et c.
To scroll t hrough a list or m ove slowly, drag across t he t ouch screen. Try
it : on t he Hom e screen, t ouch Con t a ct s icon t o ent er cont act s list , you
can drag cont act s list up or down t o scroll list .
To slide by m oving your finger up or dow n on t he t ouch screen quickly.
Scroll t hrough a list or m ove quickly, slide across t he t ouch screen ( drag
quickly and release) .
D ou ble - t ou ch
Touch quickly t wice t o zoom in/ out . For exam ple, double- t ouch a pict ure
in Gallery t o zoom in/ out .
Zoom ing t ips
When looking at m aps, webpages or phot os, place t wo fingers on t he
t ouch screen at once and pinch t hem t oget her t o zoom out or spread
t hem apart t o zoom in.
N ot e : Use t he zoom funct ion when you view phot os, m aps or
w hen you browsing t he w eb.
Rot at e t he screen
On som e screens, t he orient at ion of t he screen rot at es w it h t he phone as
you t urn it from upright t o it s slide and back again. You can t urn t his
feat ure on and off.
Key t ips
Pow e r / Lock k e y
When pow ering off st at us, press and hold t o t urn on t he
When powering on st at us, press and hold t o ent er phone
opt ions ( Power off, Reboot , Airplane m ode, and so on) ;
To save your bat t ery, prevent accident al t ouches or w hen you
want t o wipe sm udges off your t ouch screen, put t he t ouch
screen t o sleep by pressing Power/ Lock key;
To wake up t he t ouch screen, j ust press Power/ Lock key again,
and t hen drag t he lock icon t o t he right on t he screen t o unlock
according t o t he clue on t he screen.
Menu key
Opens a m enu w it h it em s relat ed t o t he current
screen/ applicat ion.
Touch and hold m enu key t o view t he applicat ions you have
used recent ly.
H om e k e y
Touch Hom e key t o close any m enu or app and ret urn t o t he
Hom e screen. I f you are viewing t he left or right Ext ended
Hom e screen, open t he cent ral Hom e screen.
Ba ck k e y
Touch Back key t o ret urn t o t he previous screen you w ere
working on.
Volum e k eys
Press Volum e keys t o change t he volum e. When playing m usic
or video files, press Volum e keys t o adj ust m edia volum e.
H om e scr e e n
Quick access t o t he t hings you need m ost
Quick st art : Hom e screen
Ph on e
M e ssa ging
La u n ch e r: M a in m e n u
Em a il
Pe ople
The Hom e screen gives you all your lat est inform at ion in one place. I t 's
what you see when you t urn on t he phone. I t is t he equivalent of t he
deskt op on a com put er. I t ’s your gat ew ay t o t he m ain feat ures in your
phone. You can cust om ize your Hom e screen w it h short cut s, w idget s,
folders, and wallpapers.
You need slide t he Hom e screen left or right t o view m ore cont ent in
ot her panels on t he Hom e screen. You can add short cut s, w idget s,
folders, et c. t o Hom e screen.
N ot e : Your Hom e screen m ight look a lit t le different .
Working wit h Menus
The phone provides you wit h Opt ions m enus and cont ext m enus.
Opt ion s m e n us
Opt ions m enus cont ain t ools t hat apply t o t he act ivit ies of t he
current screen or applicat ion, not t o any specific it em on t he
screen. You can open opt ions m enu by t ouching M e n u k ey .
Not all screens have opt ions m enus. I f you t ouch M e n u k ey on
a screen t hat has no opt ions m enu, not hing happens.
Con t e x t m e n us
Cont ext m enus cont ain t ools t hat apply t o specific it em on t he screen.
You can open a cont ext m enu by t ouching and holding an it em on t he
screen. Not all it em s have cont ext m enus. I f you t ouch and hold an it em
t hat has no cont ext m enu, not hing happens.
Opt ions m enu cont ain
it em s t hat apply t o t he
current screen or t o t he
Short cut
To a dd a sh or t cu t t o H om e scr e e n
1. From Hom e screen, t ouch La unche r icon.
2. You will see applicat ion m enu.
3. Touch and hold an applicat ion icon unt il it vibrat es, t hen back t o t he
Hom e screen, and drag it t o t he desired locat ion.
To r e m ove a sh or t cu t on H om e scr e e n
I f you w ant t o rem ove t he short cut , you can t ouch and hold t he short cut
icon on Hom e screen unt il it vibrat es, and t hen drag it t o Re m ove t ab.
A w idget is sm all applicat ion on t he Hom e screen t hat t ypically displays
inform at ion such as Analog clock, Music and you can use direct ly on your
Hom e screen. For exam ple, t he Music widget allow s you t o st art playing
audio files direct ly on Hom e screen. You can also add a w idget such as
Analog clock t hat shows t im e.
You can also dow nload addit ional widget s from t he library of Android
widget s.
To a dd a w idge t t o H om e scr e e n
1. From Hom e screen, t ouch m enu key.
2. Touch W idge t s t ab, you will see widget opt ions m enu.
3. Touch and hold a widget icon t o pick up t he widget , t hen back t o t he
Hom e screen.
To r e m ove a w idge t on H om e scr e e n
I f you w ant t o rem ove t he widget , you can t ouch and hold t he w idget
icon on Hom e screen, and t hen drag it t o Re m ove t ab.
Arranging your Hom e screen
To m ove a n it e m on H om e scr e e n
Touch and hold an it em on Hom e screen unt il it vibrat es, t hen drag it
w here you w ant .
To or ga nize you r a pps w it h folde r s
To m ake a new folder on your Hom e screen, st ack one app on t op of
anot her.
To n a m e folder on H om e scre e n
1. Touch t he apps st ack on Hom e screen t o open
2. Touch t he Un n a m ed Folder t o show t he nam e folder field.
3. Edit t he folder nam e.
To m ove a pplica t ion sh or t cut s on H om e scr e e n t o a folde r
Touch and hold t he it em on Hom e screen unt il it vibrat es, and t hen st ack
t he app on t op of ot hers.
To m ove a pplica t ion sh or t cut s in a folde r t o H om e scr e en
Touch and hold t he it em in a folder, and t hen drag t he it em out of t he
Changing t he background of your Hom e screen
Adapt t he Hom e screen t o your ow n st yle using w allpapers from Gallery.
Touch and hold t he Hom e screen t o select w allpapers from Gallery
Wallpapers. Then set it as w allpaper.
Tip: You can use cam era t o t ake a phot o, and t hen set it as
Applica t ion m e n u
enj oy applicat ions from t he Applicat ion m enu
Applicat ion m enu
The Applicat ion m enu, w hich you open from your Hom e screen, cont ains
t he applicat ions t hat com e inst alled w it h your phone.
The Applicat ion m enu ext ends beyond t he screen widt h, so you need t o
slide left and right t o view all cont ent .
To ope n t h e Applica t ion m en u
1. On Hom e screen, t ouch La un ch e r icon.
To br ow se t h e Applica t ion m e n u
Open t he Applicat ion m enu, t hen slide t he screen left or right .
Ph on e st a t u s ba r a n d n ot ifica t ion s
The st at us bar at t he t op of t he screen cont ains icons t hat t ell you about
m essages and phone st at us and show s w hat ’s going on in your phone. At
t he t op you get not ificat ions when t here is som et hing new or ongoing.
For exam ple, new m essage, m issed call, signal st rengt h, bat t ery st at us
and ot her inform at ion appear here.
Checking not ificat ions and ongoing act ivat es
You can drag dow n t he st at us bar t o open t he Not ificat ion panel and get
m ore inform at ion. For exam ple, view m issed calls from Not ificat ion
panel. You can also open running applicat ions, such as t he m usic player.
To ope n t h e N ot ifica t ion pa ne l
Drag t he st at us bar downwards.
To close t h e N ot ifica t ion pa ne l
Drag t he bot t om of t he Not ificat ion panel upwards.
To ope n a r u nn in g a pplica t ion fr om t h e N ot ifica t ion pa ne l
From t he Not ificat ion panel, t ouch t he icon for t he running applicat ion t o
open it .
Toolkit s
I n t he t oolkit s you can quickly st art t he com m on applicat ions such as
Bluet oot h, Wi- Fi and so on.
Decline in open t oolbox panel.
D ia l pa d
Make a call
Touch Ph on e icon on t he Hom e screen.
I n dialing screen, input num ber and t ouch dial icon t o dial t he input t ed
num ber.
Opt ions available during a call
During a call, t here are som e call opt ions available t o you. These call
opt ions can be seen only during a call. When a call is in progress, you can
put it on hold, init iat e a phone conference, m ut e your m icrophone et c.
Ke y pa d: Go t o t he k ey pa d.
Spe a k e r:
t urn
on/ off
t he
M u t e : Mut e your voice so t hat t he
ot her part y cannot hear you.
H old: To place a call on hold.
Add ca ll: Open dial pad t o dial t he
second call.
En d: To end a call.
Press V olu m e k e ys t o adj ust t he call volum e.
Te x t e n t r y
On- screen keyboard
Touch t he keys of t he on- screen QWERTY keyboard t o ent er t ext
convenient ly. You can open t his keyboard by t ouching a t ext field.
An dr oid k eyboa r d in pu t m e t h od
Touch t his icon t o select desired
cont act from phonebook.
Send m essage
Text field
Touch t o capit alize t he next let t er
you t ype.
Ent er t ext
Touch t he keys on t he keyboard t o t ype.
Use t he D e le t e k e y
t o erase charact ers t o t he left of t he
When you finished t yping, Touch Ba ck k e y t o close t he
Ent er Various Charact ers
Touch t he Sym bols k e y
t o sw it ch t o t he num bers and
sym bols keyboard.
on t he sym bols keyboard t o view addit ional
sym bols.
Edit Text
You can edit t he t ext you ent er in t ext fields and use m enu com m ands t o
cut , copy, and past e t ext , w it hin or across applicat ions. Som e
applicat ions do not support edit ing som e or all of t he t ext t hey display.
Ot hers m ay offer t heir ow n w ay t o select t ext you w ant t o w ork w it h.
Touch and hold t he t ext field t hat cont ains t he t ext t o select t he
w ord.
Cut or copy t he t ext .
Select Text
You can select t ext for cut t ing or copying.
The select ed t ext is highlight ed in blue.
Touch and hold t he port ion t hat
cont ains t ext .
Som e opt ions
open wit h icons.
Move t he cursor t o select t he
t ext .
Select all
Cut / Copy/ Past e Text
1. Touch Cu t icon or Copy icon in t he m enu t hat opens.
2. Touch and hold t he t ext field w here you want t o past e t he t ext .
3. Touch PASTE in t he m enu t hat opens. The t ext is insert ed at t he
You can past e t he t ext t hat you copied from one applicat ion int o a t ext
field in any applicat ion.
Com m u n ica t ion
I t ’s good t o t alk, t ext or em ail. . .
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g
You can com pose, send and receive t ext m essages from your phone, and
also can com pose, send and receive m ult im edia m essages, w hich
cont ain m edia files such as pict ures, videos and audios.
When you view your m essages, t hey appear as conversat ions, w hich
m eans t hat all m essages t o and from a part icular person are grouped
t oget her.
• Com pose n ew m e ssa ge
1. From
your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa ging icon or find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Touch .
3. To add recipient ( s) , t ouch
ALL contacts,
t hen find and m ark t he
cont act nam e. To add m ore t han one cont act , m ark t he cont act nam e for
t he desired recipient s. You can also ent er t he recipient ’s phone num ber
m anually.
4. Aft er you finish m arking cont act ( s) , t ouch OK.
5. Touch Ty pe t e x t m e ssa ge t o ent er your m essage t ext .
6. I f you want t o insert a m edia file, Click on t he m enu at t ach, and select
an at t achm ent .
7. To send t he m essage.
When edit ing m essage, t ouch M e n u k ey, som e
addit ional opt ions will be available t o you. For exam ple, add subj ect . You
can t ouch t he opt ions t o do act ions.
• D e le t e m e ssa ge t h r ea ds
1. From
your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa ging icon or find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Touch and hold t he m essage t hread.
3. Select t he conversat ions you want t o delet e.
4. Touch D e le t e in t he m enu t hat pops up.
You can also t ouch M e n u k e y and t ouch D ele t e a ll t h r ea ds t o delet e all
m essage t hreads from t he window.
• Forw a rd a m e ssa ge
1. From
your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa ging icon or find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Touch t he conversat ion cont aining t he m essage you want t o forward.
3. Touch and hold t he m essage you want t o forward.
4. Touch Forw a r d in t he m enu t hat opens.
5. Add recipient ( s) , t ouch
, t hen find and m ark t he cont act nam e. To
add m ore t han one cont act , m ark t he cont act nam e for t he desired
recipient s. You can also ent er t he recipient ’s phone num ber m anually.
6. To send t he m essage.
• Lock a m e ssa ge
You can lock a m essage.
1. From
your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa ging icon or find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Touch t he conversat ion cont aining t he m essage you want t o lock.
3. Touch and hold t he m essage you want t o lock.
4. Touch Lock in t he m enu t hat opens. A lock icon appears. Unlock a
m essage by t ouching and holding t he m essage and t hen t ouch Un lock .
• M e ssa ging se t t in gs
1. From
your Hom e screen, t ouch M e ssa ging icon or find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > M e ssa gin g.
2. Touch M e n u k e y , select Se t t in gs in t he m enu t hat opens.
3. You can change m essages set t ings, such as delet e old m essages as
m ult im edia m essage lim it s, request a delivery report for each m essage
you send.
Touch t o search
Favorit es t ab
Cont act t ab
Touch a cont act
t hum bnail t o access
t he quick cont act
m enu
Touch a cont act t o
view it s det ails
Touch t o add new
cont act
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Pe ople
The People applicat ion offers you t o st ore and m anage all your cont act s.
• Con t a ct scr ee n ove r vie w
• Add a con t a ct
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch Pe ople icon or find it : Applica t ion
m e n u > Pe ople .
2. Touch.
3. Select st orage pat h t o w hich you want t o add t his new cont act .
4. Ent er t he inform at ion for t he cont act .
5. Aft er you finish, t ouch D ON E.
• Se a r ch a con t a ct
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch Pe ople icon or find it : Applica t ion
m e n u > Pe ople .
2. Touch
3. I nput t he first charact er of t he nam e you are searching for in t he
cursor, and t hen all records m eet ing t he condit ions will be displayed.
Search result s w ill be different due t o different input cont ent .
• Addit iona l opt ion s
From cont act s list screen, t ouch M e n u k e y, som e
addit ional opt ions will be available t o you. For exam ple, im port / export ,
and share visible cont act s.
D e le t e con t a ct : You can m ark m uch m ore t han one cont act ,
and t hen delet e t hese m arked cont act s.
Con t a ct s t o displa y: To select w hat sort of cont act s t o display
in t he cont act s list .
I m por t / Ex port : Copy cont act s t o which you want t o im port .
Accou n t s: You can synchronize your phone cont act s wit h a
synchronizat ion account .
Se t t in gs: Set up t he cont act .
Sh a r e visible con t a ct s: You can share cont act s via Bluet oot h,
Em ail, and so on.
• Con t a ct gr ou ps
You can assign cont act s t o groups t o get quicker access t o t hem from t he
Cont act s applicat ion. I t allow s you t o creat e a new group such as VI P,
schoolm at e, friends, fam ily or co- w orker.
To cr e a t e a n e w grou p
1. Ent er t he group m enu from t he m enu.
2. I nput t he inform at ion of group, t hen t ouch D ON E.
To a ssign a con t a ct t o a gr ou p
1. Touch a group t o w hich you want t o assign cont act s.
2. Touch m or e select edit .
3. Touch Ty pe pe r son ’s n a m e t o input t he Search cont act s nam e, t hen
t he corresponding cont act ent ry will pop up, select t he desired cont act
ent ry.
4. Aft er you finish edit ing, t ouch D ON E.
• Fa vor it e s
You can set cont act s as favorit es so t hat you can get access t o t hem from
t he Cont act s applicat ion.
To se t a con t a ct a s fa vor it e
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch Pe ople icon or find it : Applica t ion
m e n u > Pe ople .
2. From cont act s list , t ouch a cont act w hich you want t o set as favorit e.
3. Touch
. I f you want t o cancel t he favorit e, t ouch
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ph on e
• Ca ll log
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ph on e > Ca ll log t a b
Touch different t abs such as All, Received, Dialed, and Missed calls on
upside screen of Call log int erface, and t hen you can view different call
Em ail
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il
The Em ail applicat ion in your phone offers you t o com pose, send and
receive em ails t hrough your regular em ail account .
You need creat e account first , and t hen creat e em ail t o send. You can
configure Em ail for m ost account s in j ust a few st eps.
• Se t u p a n em a il a ccou n t in you r ph on e
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. Ent er your em ail address and passw ord, t hen t ouch N e x t .
3. I f t he set t ings for t he em ail account cannot be dow nloaded
aut om at ically, com plet e t he set up m anually. I f necessary, cont act your
em ail service provider for det ailed set t ings.
4. When you are prom pt ed, ent er a nam e for your em ail account , so t hat
it is easily ident ifiable. The sam e nam e show s in t he em ails you send
from t his account .
5. Aft er you finish, t ouch N e x t .
• Cr e a t e a nd se n d a n e m a il
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. Touch .
3. Ent er recipient s’ addresses, and subj ect .
4. Com pose em ail. Touch M e nu k e y, you can at t ach a file, select t he
t ype of at t achm ent , and select t he file w hich you want t o at t ach from t he
list t hat appears.
5. I f you w ant t o add Cc/ Bcc, t ouch M e n u k ey , t hen t ouch Add Cc/ Bcc.
6. When you finish, t ouch
t o send t he em ail.
• Re ce ive em a ils
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. Touch m or e t o refresh, you can dow nload new em ails.
• Re a d you r em a ils
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. I n t he em ail inbox, scroll up or down, and t ouch t he em ail you want t o
• Re ply t o a n e m a il
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. I n t he em ail inbox, scroll up or dow n, and t ouch t he em ail t o w hich you
want t o reply.
3. Touch
t o reply, t ouch M or e t o select Re ply a ll.
4. Ent er your reply, t ouch
t o send t he em ail.
• Forw a rd a n e m a il
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. I n t he em ail inbox, scroll up or down, and t ouch t he em ail you want t o
3. Touch M or e, t o select Forw a r d.
4. Ent er recipient s’ addresses.
5. Touch
t o send t he em ail.
• Vie w a ll folde r s
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Em a il.
2. Touch inbox.
M u lt im e dia
List en it , w at ch it , capt ure it , Enj oy it !
Cam era
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ca m e r a
Take a phot o or record a video wit h t he cam era in your phone. You can
hold t he cam era horizont ally or vert ically. Share a phot o or a video wit h
your friends, or upload your phot os and videos t o a web service.
• Ca m e ra con t r ol ove r vie w
Take a phot o
Shoot ing m ode
Set t ings cam era
• Ta k e a ph ot o
Adj ust your pict ure size, color effect , and ot her set t ings if you
w ish.
Fram e your subj ect on screen. You can zoom in or out by
placing t wo fingers on t he t ouch screen and pinching t hem
t oget her t o zoom out or spreading t hem apart t o zoom in.
Touch t he shut t er icon on t he screen.
The pict ure you j ust t ook is displayed for a m om ent , and t hen is
displayed as a t hum bnail.
• Sh oot a video
Adj ust t he video qualit y, color effect , and ot her set t ings if you
w ish.
Point t he lens t o t he scene you want t o shoot
Touch t he cam corder icon t o st art .
Touch t he cam corder icon again t o st op shoot ing.
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > M u sic
The phone com es wit h a Music player t hat plays songs, list en t o audio
book and podcast s you have st ored. I t gives you a host of set t ing opt ions
t o m ake your list ening experience int erest ing.
You can easily t ransfer your favorit e m usic from your PC t o t he SD card
and experience a whole world of int erest ing and m elodious m usic.
When you copy m usic t o your SD card, t he Music player searches t he
card for m usic files and builds a cat alog of your m usic, based on
inform at ion about each file t hat is st ored in t he file it self.
• M u sic libr a ry
Ca t egor ie s
You can select a random
M u sic
pla y e r
Son g de t a ils
M u sic con t r ols
N ow pla yin g
Tot a l song t im e
You can ret urn t o t he m usic library screen from m usic player screen in
t he Music applicat ions by t ouching M e n u k ey and t ouch Library.
M u sic a n d se t t in gs con t r ols
Play/ Pause
Previous/ Next
Volum e adj ust
Press Volum e keys
Now playing
Repeat :
repeat all songs; t ouch
again t o repeat current
Touch M e n u k ey , som e addit ional opt ions such as Part y shuffle, Add t o
playlist , and Library will be available t o you.
FM radio
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > FM r a dio
he phone com es w it h an in- built FM Radio. You can
list en t o FM radio st at ions, and add t hem t o channel list . You have t o plug
in an earphone, as t he ant enna of t he FM radio. You can list en t o t he
radio eit her t hrough an earphone, or t hrough t he speaker in t he phone.
Radio on/ off but t on
2/ 3
To search around t he effect ive frequency
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ga lle r y
The Gallery offers you t o view phot os and play videos which are
downloaded as well as t hose t aken by t he phone cam era.
From Gallery, you can also share your phot os and videos wit h your
friends, via Messaging, Bluet oot h, or Em ail.
1. Touch an album t o open it and view it s cont ent s.
2. Touch a pict ure or a video in an album t o view it .
Share via various w ays
When viewing a pict ure, t ouch M e n u k e y, som e addit ional opt ions will
be available t o you, such as delet e, slideshow, edit , rot at e left , rot at e
right , crop, set pict ure as, and det ails.
• Sh a r e a n Albu m
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Ga lle r y.
2. Touch M e n u k e y , t ouch Se le ct a lbum in t he m enu t hat opens.
3. Select t he album s you want t o share.
4. Touch
5. I n t he m enu t hat opens, t ouch t he applicat ion t o use t o share t he
select ed album s. You can share via Em ail, Bluet oot h, Messaging and so
Sound Recorder
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Sou n d r e cor der
Record sound and play sound file.
To st art recording
Recording files list
Recording file pat h
Recording file form at
N ot e
st ay on t op of t hings
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ca le nda r
Your phone has a calendar for m anaging your t im e schedule. You can
use t he calendar t o keep t rack of im port ant event s. Aft er ent ering t he
calendar funct ion m enu, you can select year, m ont h and dat e.
• To se t t h e ca le n da r vie w
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Ca le nda r .
2. Touch
3. Select day, week, or m ont h in t he m enu t hat opens.
• To a dd a ca le n da r e ve n t
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Ca le nda r .
2. Touch M e n u k e y , t hen t ouch N e w e ve n t in t he m enu t hat opens.
3. Ent er t he nam e, locat ion, t im e, and descript ion for t he event .
4. Select a rem inder for t he event .
5. Aft er you finish, t ouch D ON E.
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Clock
The clock allow s you t o view t im e and dat e. You can
also add an alarm , set t he alarm and t urn it on. Then, t he alarm
can ring at a specific t im e you set .
• Add a n a la rm
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon, t hen find it :
Applica t ion m e n u > Clock .
2. Touch
3. Touch
4. You need set t im e, ringt one, repeat , and vibrat e. Then, t urn it on.
Then t he alarm can ring at a specific t im e you set .
Calculat or
Find it : Applica t ion m e n u > Ca lcu la t or
Keep your calculat ions on your finger t ips wit h t he calculat or. Using t his
applicat ion allow s you t o m ake calculat ions. The calculat or provides t he
basic arit hm et ic funct ions; addit ion, subt ract ion, m ult iplicat ion, and
division. You can also use an advanced panel.
• H ow t o u se t h e ca lcu la t or
1. From your Hom e screen, t ouch La u nch e r icon or find it : Applica t ion
m e n u > Ca lcu la t or .
2. Ent er t he first num ber using t he num eric keys.
3. Ent er t he operat ion for your calculat ion by t ouching t he Plu s, M in u s,
M u lt iplica t ion , or D ivision key.
4. Ent er t he next num ber.
5. To view t he result , t ouch t he “ = ” ( equ a ls) key.
Swipe t o t he left , you can open advanced panel t o do calculat ion.
, you can only erase one num eric before t he cursor.
Touch and hold
, you can erase all num eric before t he cursor.
Br ow se r
Use your web brow ser t o view and navigat e web pages, add pages as
bookm arks, and save pages for offline reading. You can open several
w indow s at t he sam e t im e and sw it ch am ong t hem easily.
• Ope n t h e w eb brow se r
From your Hom e screen, t ouch Br ow se r icon or find it : Applica t ion
m e n u > Br ow se r .
• Se a r ch a nd a ddr e ss ba r
Ent er a search w ord
t o search for a w eb
page, or ent er a web
page address t o load
a web page
View t he dow nload
t he
current web page
• M a na ge book m a r k s
Bookm arks let you access your favorit e and frequent ly visit ed web pages
quickly. You can add bookm arks direct ly from your phone browser.
To book m a r k a w eb pa ge
1. When you are viewing t he web page, t ouch M e n u k e y.
2. Touch Sa ve t o Book m a r k s.
3.Touch OK.
4. Then add bookm arks success.
Con n e ct t o n e t w or k s a n d de vice s
Your phone can connect t o a variet y of net w orks and devices, including
Wi- Fi, Bluet oot h, and devices such as headset s. You can also t ransfer
files t o/ from your PC t hrough t he dat a cable.
Det erm ine t he net work you are using
1. Touch La unche r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Set t in gs.
2. Touch M or e ... > M obile n e t w or k s > Access poin t na m es. The
nam e of t he wireless service provider you are current ly regist ered wit h is
select ed in t he list .
Edit or creat e new access point s
I f you and your wireless service provider det erm ine t hat you need t o
change t he set t ings of your current access point nam e ( APN) or t o creat e
a new one, you m ust obt ain t he APN and det ailed set t ings from your
1. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Set t in gs.
2. Touch M or e ... > M obile n e t w or k s > Access poin t na m es.
3. Touch an exist ing APN t o edit it , or t ouch M e nu k e y select N ew APN .
Ent er t he APN set t ings t hat you obt ained from your wireless service
4. When you finished, t ouch M e n u k e y and t hen Sa ve .
5. I f you creat ed a new APN, t ouch it in t he APNs screen t o st art using it .
Wi- Fi net works
Wi- Fi is a w ireless net w orking t echnology t hat can provide int ernet
access at dist ance of up t o 20 m et ers. To use Wi- Fi on your phone, you
access a w ireless access point , or “ hot spot ” . Som e hot spot s are open
and you can sim ply connect t o t hem . Ot hers are hidden or im plem ent
ot her securit y feat ures, so you m ust configure your phone so it can
connect t o t hem .
TI P: Turn off Wi- Fi w hen you are not using it , t o ext end t he life of your
bat t ery.
• Con n ect t o W i- Fi n e t w or k
1. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Set t in gs.
2. Touch W i- Fi.
3. Check Wi- Fi t o t urn it on. The phone scans for available Wi- Fi
net w orks and displays t he nam es of t hose it finds. Secured net works are
indicat ed wit h a Lock icon.
4. Touch a net work t o connect t o it
I f t he net w ork is secured, you are prom pt ed t o ent er a password or ot her
credent ials ( Ask your net w ork adm inist rat or for det ails)
• Re ce ive not ifica t ion s
By default , w hen Wi- Fi is on, you receive not ificat ions in t he st at us bar
when your phone det ect s an open Wi- Fi net w ork.
1. Turn on Wi- Fi, if it ’s not already on.
2. I n t he Wi- Fi list screen, t ouch M e n u k e y t o open Advanced opt ions,
check Net w ork not ificat ion. You can uncheck t his opt ion t o st op receiving
not ificat ions.
Bluet oot h
Bluet oot h is a short - range w ireless com m unicat ions t echnology t hat
devices can use t o exchange inform at ion over a dist ance of about 10
m et ers.
• Tu r n Blu e t oot h on / off
1. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Set t in gs.
2. Touch Blu e t oot h.
3. Check or uncheck Bluet oot h t o t urn it on or off.
• Pa ir w it h Blu e t oot h de vice s
You m ust pair your phone wit h a device before you can connect t o it .
Once you pair your phone wit h a device, t hey st ay paired unless you
unpair t hem .
1. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Set t in gs.
2. Touch Blu e t oot h.
3. I f Bluet oot h is not t urned on, check Bluet oot h t o t urn it on. Your phone
scans for and displays t he I Ds of all available Bluet oot h devices in range.
4. I f t he device you w ant t o pair wit h is not in t he list , t ouch SEARCH
5. Touch t he I D of t he desired device in t he list t o pair it .
Connect t o a com put er via USB
You can connect your phone t o a com put er w it h a USB cable t o t ransfer
m usic, pict ures, and ot her files bet ween your phone’s SD card and t he
com put er.
You cannot share your phone’s dat a connect ion and SD card via USB
cable at t he sam e t im e. I f you are using USB t et hering, you m ust t urn
t hat off first .
The connect ion t o USB int erfaces has t o be lim it ed t o USB 2.0 version or
higher. The connect ion t o so called power USB is prohibit ed.
Working wit h secure cert ificat es
I f your organizat ion’s VPN or Wi- Fi Net w ork relies on secure cert ificat es,
you m ust obt ain t he cert ificat es and st ore t hem in your phone’s secure
credent ial st orage, before you can configure access t o t hose VPN or
Wi- Fi net w orks on your phone.
I f your net w ork adm inist rat e inst ruct s you t o dow nload t he cert ificat es
from a websit e, you are prom pt ed t o set a password for t he credent ial
st orage w hen you dow nload t he cert ificat es.
I nst all secure cert ificat e from phone st orage
1. Copy t he cert ificat e from your com put er t o t he root of t he SD card.
2. Touch La u n ch e r icon, and from Applicat ion m enu, t ouch Set t in gs.
3. Touch Se cu r it y.
4. Touch I n st a ll fr om phon e st or a ge.
5. Touch t he file nam e of t he cert ificat e t o inst all. Only t he nam es of
cert ificat es t hat you have not already inst alled on your phone are
6. I f prom pt ed, ent er t he cert ificat e’s passw ord.
7. From Wi- Fi list , search and select t he cert ificat e.
Se t t in gs
The set t ings for various feat ures of t he phone
Get t o know t he set t ings in your phone so t hat you can personalize t hem
t o your ow n requirem ent s. Go t o Set t ings t o configure how your phone
looks, sounds, com m unicat ion, privacy, and operat ions in a variet y of
w ays:
Turn Wi- Fi on or off, scan available Wi- Fi
W i- Fi
net w orks, or add t he Wi- Fi net w ork.
Turn Bluet oot h on or off, search for
Blu e t oot h
available Bluet oot h devices, and m ake
your phone visible or invisible t o ot her
Bluet oot h devices.
Set preferences on how you use SI Ms
SI M ca r ds
insert ed in your phone.
Turn t he m obile dat a t raffic on or off, and
D a t a u sa ge
keep t rack of your dat a usage det ails over
a specified period of t im e.
m ode
configure set t ings for VPN and m obile
net w orks, enable your phone t o share it s
M or e ...
m obile dat a connect ion as a port able Wi- Fi
hot spot , or t hrough USB t et hering or
Bluet oot h t et hering, and share Window s
PC int ernet via USB cable.
Configure how your phone rings, vibrat es,
Au dio pr ofile s
or Silent you in ot her w ays w hen you
receive com m unicat ions,et c.
Let you set t he screen bright ness, select
D ispla y
t o sw it ch orient at ion w hen you rot at e your
ot her
set t ings.
Let you check out available space on your
St or a ge
phone’s int ernal st orage, and your SD
Ba t t e r y
Check bat t ery st at us and bat t ery level.
rem ove
inst alled
applicat ions.
Enable or disenable Access t o m y locat ion
Loca t ion
and Locat ion sources.
Prot ect your phone by set t ing up different
Se cu r it y
locks and passwords.
Let you select t he language for t he t ext on
La n gua ge & in pu t
t he
onscreen keyboard.
Ba ck u p & r e set
Manage your personal dat a and reset your
you add, and m anage support ed
Accou n t s
account s. Enable your phone synchronize
dat a w it h t he synchronizat ion account s
t hat you add.
preferences such
D a t a & t im e
form at and t im e zone.
Sch e du led pow e r on &
Schedule aut om at ic powering on/ off of t he
Enable your inst alled accessibilit y services
Acce ssibilit y
and adj ust relat ed set t ings.
View inform at ion about your phone, such
Abou t ph on e
as st at us, and legal inform at ion.
Acce ssin g Pa ssw or d
The cell phone and SI M card use several accessing passwords. These
passw ords help t o prevent t he cell phone from being em bezzled.
You can use t he funct ion opt ions in t he securit y set t ings of set t ings m enu
t o change accessing passw ord ( except for PUK and PUK2) .
PI N Code
PI N code ( Personal I dent ificat ion Num ber) can prevent t he SI M card
from being em bezzled. The PI N code is provided along wit h t he SI M card.
I f t he PI N code checking is act ivat ed, it is necessary t o input t he PI N
code when t he cell phone powers on every t im e.
I f a wrong PI N code has been input for 3 t im es st raight , it is needed t o
input t he PUK code, t hen input a new PI N code and input it again for
confirm at ion.
PI N2 Code
Som e SI M cards m ay provide PI N2 code, w hile PI N2 code needs t o be
used in som e funct ions like Call Cost . These funct ions can be used only if
t he SI M card support s t hem .
I f a wrong PI N2 code has been input for 3 t im es st raight , it is needed t o
input t he PUK2 code, t hen input a new PI N2 code and input it again for
confirm at ion.
PUK Code
PUK code ( Personal Unlock Key) is used t o change locked PI N code. PUK
code is provided along wit h t he SI M card. I f not provided, please cont act
your local service provider for PUK code.
I f wrong PUK code has been input for 10 t im es st raight , t he SI M card
cannot be used any m ore. Please cont act your service provider for a
new SI M card.
PUK code cannot be changed. I f t he PUK code is lost , please cont act
your service provider.
PUK2 Code
PUK2 code is provided along w it h som e SI M cards for changing locked
PI N2 code.
I f wrong PUK2 code has been input for 10 t im es st raight , t he SI M
card cannot be used any m ore. Please cont act your service provider
for a new SI M card.
The PUK2 code cannot be changed. I f it is lost , please cont act your
service provider.
N ot ice s
Loca t ion:
Adapt er shall be inst alled near t he equipm ent and shall be easily
W a r n in gs on Ba t t e r y:
( a) Please use appoint ed bat t ery in case of explosion risk.
( b) Please dispose of lifeless bat t ery under guidance.
Re qu ir em e n t s for t h e Ba t t e ry
When not in use, st ore t he bat t ery in a cool, well- vent ilat ed place wit h
I f you will not be using t he m obile phone for an ext ended period of t im e,
charge t he bat t ery on a regular basis t o avoid bat t ery breakdow n.
The phone bat t ery wears out fast . I f charging t he bat t ery does not
im prove it s perform ance, it is t im e t o replace t he bat t ery. Properly
dispose of t he bat t ery according t o local regulat ions. Do not t hrow it int o
a fire.
Ca u t ion :Risk of explosion if bat t ery is replaced by an incorrect t ype.
Dispose of used bat t eries according t o t he inst ruct ions.
Re qu ir e m e n t s for t h e Cha r ge r a n d AC Ada pt e r
Please confirm if t he environm ent t em perat ure is wit hin t he range of 0º C
~ 40º C w hile charging.
Please m ake sure t he t em perat ure for device will not be higher t han
40˚ C
The device could be used wit h a separat ion dist ance of 1.5cm t o t he
hum anbody.
All t he report s of t he applied st andards have t he Posit ive Opinion of
Not ified Body:
PHOENI X TESTLAB, Königswinkel 10 D- 32825 Blom berg, Germ any
I dent ificat ion m ark: 0700 ( Not ified Body) CE
Pr e ca u t ion s
Please carefully read and observe t he t erm s below:
Safe power on
Do not use your m obile phone where it is forbidden t o use or
you m ight cause a dist urbance or danger.
Safe t ransport at ion first
Please observe all relat ed local law s and regulat ions.
Do not use your m obile phone while driving.
Safe t ransport at ion should be considered first when driving.
Dist urbance
All m obile phone perform ances m ight be dist urbed.
Turn off w hen in t he hospit al
Please follow relat ed lim it at ions.
Please swit ch your m obile phone off w hen near a m edical
inst rum ent .
Turn off on an airplane
Please follow relat ed lim it at ions.
Do not use your m obile phone on an airplane.
Turn off w hen at a gasoline st at ion
Do not use your m obile phone at a filling st at ion or around
fuels or chem icals.
Turn off around exposure Area
Please observe relat ed lim it at ions and do not use your
m obile phone near an area where explosions can occur.
Proper use
As described in t his m anual, your m obile phone can be used
only in t he correct locat ion.
I f possible, please do not t ouch t he ant enna area of your
Use qualified aft er sales service
Only a qualified t echnician can inst all or repair your m obile
phone. Please cont act t he aut horized service cent er in case
of phone failure.
Accessories and bat t eries
Only use t he aut horized accessories and bat t eries and do not
connect t o incom pat ible m anufact urers or product s.
Wat erproof
Your m obile phone is not wat erproof. Please keep it away
from wat er.
Rem em ber t o m ake a backup or keep a writ t en record of all
im port ant inform at ion saved in your m obile phone.
Connect t o ot her devices
Please read t he user m anual of t he device t o get m ore
det ailed securit y inst ruct ions before connect ing t o ot her
devices and do not connect t o an incom pat ible product .
SOS em ergency calls
Make sure your m obile phone is sw it ched on and in a service
area. I n idle m ode, input t he SOS num ber, t hen t ouch t he
Dial Key. Advise w here you are and do not hang up wit hout
perm ission.
Fr e qu e n t ly Ask e d Qu e st ion s a n d
Tr ou ble sh oot in g
Fr e qu e n t ly
Ask e d
Ca u se a n d Solu t ion
Qu e st ion s
Press t he power on key for over 1 second.
Fail t o t urn on
Check if t he bat t ery is properly connect ed. Please
rem ove and inst all it again, ret ry t o t urn it on;
Check if bat t ery is appropriat ely charged.
Weak signal. Please t ry and m ove t o a locat ion w it h
net w ork
st rong signal and t ry connect ing t o t he net w ork again;
Please ensure t hat you are not beyond t he net w ork
coverage of service providers;
Please ensure you have a valid SI M card. Please cont act
your net w ork provider for furt her inform at ion;
Check if t he SI M card is inst alled correct ly
Handset lock passw ord. I f t he handset lock is act ivat ed,
you have t o input handset passw ord.
inform at ion
I n pu t PI N : I nput t ing PI N w hile t urning on each t im e is
w hile t urning
act ivat ed, you have t o input t he PI N code.
I n pu t PUK code : When you’ve input wrong PI N code
for 3 t im es will lock t he SI M card. You need t o input t he
PUK code provided by your net work provider.
Please check if t he sound volum e is t uned im properly
qualit y
of calling
I n an area wit h poor receiving condit ion, exam ple:
basem ent , t he signal m ight be weak. Try searching a
locat ion wit h st ronger signal recept ion and call again.
While using t he m obile phone in t he peak period of
com m unicat ion, like com m ut e t im e, you m ay be unable
t o call because of line congest ion.
The st andby durat ion is relat ive t o t he syst em set t ing of
net w ork. While t he m obile phone is in an area wit h poor
signal st rengt h and cannot receive t he signal, t he
St andby
handset will cont inuously search for a base st at ion. This
durat ion
short ened
recom m ended t hat you t urn off your m obile in area wit h
significant ly
bat t ery
no signal recept ion t o save bat t ery.
Need replacing t he bat t ery. Please change a new
bat t ery.
Dirt on t he m et al surface of an SI M card. Use clean clot h
t o w ipe t he m et al t ouch point on an SI M card.
The SI M card is not inst alled.
The SI M card is dam aged. Please cont act your net w ork
service provider.
Please check if you t ouch t he dial key aft er dialing.
Fail t o dial out
default ing.
Please check if t he SI M is valid.
Please check if t he call barring is set .
Please check if t he fixed dial funct ion is set .
cont act you
Fail t o charge
Please check if t he m obile phone is on and connect ed
w it h t he net w ork.
Please check if t he Call barring or call divert is act ivat ed.
Please check if t he SI M card is valid.
Poor cont act . Please check if t he plug is connect ed well.
Please confirm if t he environm ent t em perat ure is wit hin
t he range of 0º C ~ 40º C w hile charging.
The bat t ery or charger is dam aged. You need t o replace
it .
Wrong operat ion.
som e
The net work provider does not support t he funct ion, or
funct ions
you have not applied for it .
N ot e : I f t he inst ruct ion above cannot help you solve problem s, please
Mobile phone m odel and serial num ber,
Specific cont ent of warrant y,
Clear st at em ent of problem s,
Then cont act your local dealer or t he aut horized service cent er in your
Sa fe t y I n for m a t ion a n d N ot ice s
Using t he Mobile Phone and Charger
D a n ge r:
Only use aut horized bat t ery and charger. Using ot her brands m ay cause
bat t ery leakage, overheat ing, explosion or even fire.
Ca u t ion :
Keep t he phone away from dust , wat er and dam p areas. Dust , wat er or
ot her liquids m ay cause overheat ing, elect rical leakage, and/ or phone
The phone, bat t ery, charger and AC adapt er are not wat erproof. Keep
t hem away from rain and liquid.
W a r n in g:
Do not bum p, shake or t am per wit h t he phone or charger. This m ay
cause bat t ery leakage, overheat ing, explosion or even fire.
Do not place t he bat t ery, phone or charger near a m icrowave or
high- volt age device.
This m ay cause bat t ery leakage, overheat ing,
explosion or even fire; also prevent t he phone and AC adapt er from
overheat ing, sm oking or short circuit ing.
Do not use t he phone around volat ile oil. This m ay cause fire, breakdow n
or dam age.
To avoid any dam age or breakdown, do not disassem ble t he phone,
bat t ery, charger or int ernal com ponent s by yourself.
Loca t ion:
The socket- out let shall be inst alled near t he equipm ent and shall be
easily accessible.
Using t he Mobile Phone
W a r n in g:
Please confirm if t he environm ent t em perat ure is wit hin t he range of 0º C
~ 40º C w hile charging.
Do not use t he phone while you are driving. Pull over and st op your
aut om obile t o dial or list en t o a phone call.
Usage of m obile phones in aircraft s or hospit als is prohibit ed. Sw it ch t he
phone off t o prevent int erference wit h elect ronic m edical devices. Follow
any rules or regulat ions in such places.
Do not use t he phone at a gas st at ion, near fuel or near chem icals.
Do not use t he phone near elect ronic m edical devices such as hearing
aids, pacem akers and aut o- cont rol devices such as fire det ect ors and
aut om at ic doors.
I f you have t o use your m obile phone near an elect ronic m edical device
such as a pacem aker, please cont act your m anufact urer or dealer for
inform at ion about prevent ing int erference.
Ca u t ion :
Elect ronic syst em s in aut om obiles such as ant i- lock brakes, speed
cont rol, or fuel spraying syst em s, are usually not influenced by w ireless
devices. Manufact urers of t hese syst em s will t ell you w het her t hey are
provided wit h good screening funct ions. I f you suspect t hat an
aut om obile failure is caused by a w ireless wave, please cont act your
aut om obile dealer.
Avoid using your phone in crowded places.
Do not st ore your m obile phone near or w it h a credit card, disk or ot her
m agnet ic m at erials. This m ay effect inform at ion st ored on your phone.
Keep your phone away from pins. Pins can be absorbed by t he phone’s
receiver m agnet , w hich m ay cause harm .
I f you int end not t o use your m obile phone for a long period of t im e,
please rem ove t he bat t ery from t he phone. Leaving t he bat t ery inside
t he m obile phone for a long period of t im e m ay cause m oist ure t o t he
bat t ery, and it can dam age t he m obile phone or t he bat t ery.
Using t he Bat t ery
D a n ge r:
Do not dispose of t he bat t ery int o a fire. Doing so m ay cause bat t ery
explosion or even fire.
I f you have difficult ies inst alling t he bat t ery, do not force t he inst allat ion.
This m ay cause bat t ery leakage, overheat ing, explosion or even fire.
Keep m et al obj ect s away so t hey do not com e in cont act w it h t he bat t ery
or it s connect ors as it m ay cause t he bat t ery t o short circuit , overheat or
Do not weld t he polarit ies of t he bat t ery direct ly t oget her. This m ay
cause bat t ery leakage, overheat ing, explosion or even fire.
Bat t ery liquid is severely harm ful for your eyes. I f bat t ery liquid get s in
your eyes, do not rub t hem .
I nst ead, wash your eyes wit h wat er first
and t hen go direct ly t o a doct or for help.
Do not use or st ore your phone in high t em perat ure areas. This m ay
cause bat t ery leakage, overheat ing, explosion or even fire.
W a r n in g:
Replace t he bat t ery when t he norm al usage t im e begins t o decrease or if
you not ice t he bat t ery is overheat ed or has changed shape or color.
I f bat t ery liquid leaks ont o your skin or clot hes, im m ediat ely wash t he
affect ed part s wit h wat er.
I f t he bat t ery begins t o leak or em it s a st range odor, properly dispose of
t he bat t ery according t o local regulat ions. Do not t hrow it int o a fire.
Ca u t ion :
Do not leave t he product or it s bat t ery inside a vehicle. This m ay dam age
t he product , overheat t he bat t ery, or pose a risk t o t he vehicle.
W a r n in gs on Ba t t e r y:
( c)
Please use appoint ed bat t ery in case of explosion risk.
( d)
Please dispose of lifeless bat t ery under guidance.
Using t he Charger
D a n ge r:
Only use t he charger t hat cam e w it h t he phone. Using a different charger
m ay cause t he phone t o breakdown or explode.
I f t he charger short circuit s, a fire m ay occur.
Do not use a dam aged, worn or broken charger. This m ay cause a fire.
Clean dust away from t he power socket t o avoid t he possibilit y of a fire.
Do not st ore t he charger near any liquids. I f liquids spill ont o t he charger
it m ay cause it t o overheat or breakdow n.
I f liquid does spill ont o t he charger, im m ediat ely unplug t he power cable
t o prevent overheat ing, fire or anot her t ype of breakdown.
Do not use t he charger in places w it h high hum idit y like a bat hroom . This
m ay cause a fire or ot her breakdown.
Do not t ouch t he charger, power cable or socket wit h w et hands. This
m ay cause an elect ric shock.
Requirem ent s for Mobile Phone
Avoid using your m obile phone in ext rem ely high or low t em perat ures.
I t is recom m ended t hat you do not use your m obile phone near a
t elephone, TV set , radio or ot her radio frequency sensit ive devices.
Requirem ent s for t he Bat t ery
When not in use, st ore t he bat t ery in a cool, well- vent ilat ed place wit h
I f you will not be using t he m obile phone for an ext ended period of t im e,
charge t he bat t ery on a regular basis t o avoid bat t ery breakdow n.
The phone bat t ery wears out fast . I f charging t he bat t ery does not
im prove it s perform ance, it is t im e t o replace t he bat t ery. Properly
dispose of t he bat t ery according t o local regulat ions. Do not t hrow it int o
a fire.
Ca u t ion : Risk of explosion if bat t ery is replaced by an incorrect t ype.
Dispose of used bat t eries according t o t he inst ruct ions.
Requirem ent s for t he Charger and AC Adapt er
Please confirm if t he environm ent t em perat ure is wit hin t he range of 0º C
~ 40º C w hile charging.
Cleaning and Maint enance
The m obile phone, t he bat t ery and t he charger are not wat erproof. Do
not use t hem in places wit h high hum idit y like a bat hroom and also avoid
spilling any liquids on t hem .
Use a soft clot h t o clean t he m obile phone, t he bat t ery and t he charger.
Do not use alcohol, dilut ed liquid or benzene t o clean t he m obile phone.
I f dust get s in t he socket s t he phone can be dam aged, short- circuit or
even t he lose t he abilit y t o be re- charged. Be sure t o clean t he socket
FCC Warning
Specific Absorpt ion Rat e ( SAR) inform at ion SAR t est s are conduct ed
using st andard operat ing posit ions accept ed by t he FCC wit h t he phone
t ransm it t ing at it s highest cert ified power level in all t est ed frequency
bands, alt hough t he SAR is det erm ined at t he highest cert ified power
level, t he act ual SAR level of t he phone while operat ing can be well below
t he m axim um value, in general, t he closer you are t o a wireless base
st at ion ant enna, t he lower t he power out put .
Before a new m odel phone is a available for sale t o t he public, it m ust be
t est ed and cert ified t o t he FCC t hat it does not exceed t he exposure lim it
est ablished by t he FCC, Test s for each phone are perform ed in posit ions
and locat ions ( e.g. at t he ear and w orn on t he body) as required by t he
For body worn operat ion, t his m obile phone has been t est ed and m eet s
t he FCC RF exposure guidelines when used wit h an accessory designat ed
for t his product or w hen used wit h an accessory t hat cont ains no m et al
and t hat posit ions t he handset a m inim um of 1.0cm from t he body.
This device com plies wit h part 15 of t he FCC Rules. Operat ion is subj ect
t o t he following t w o condit ions: ( 1) This device m ay not cause harm ful
int erference, and ( 2) t his device m ust accept any int erference received,
including int erference t hat m ay cause undesired operat ion. Any Changes
or m odificat ions not expressly approved by t he part y responsible for
com pliance could void t he user ’s aut horit y t o operat e t he equipm ent .
Not e: This equipm ent has been t est ed and found t o com ply w it h t he
lim it s for a Class B digit al device, pursuant t o part 15 of t he FCC Rules.
These lim it s are designed t o provide reasonable prot ect ion against
harm ful int erference in a resident ial inst allat ion. This equipm ent
generat es uses and can radiat e radio frequency energy and, if not
inst alled and used in accordance wit h t he inst ruct ions, m ay cause
harm ful int erference t o radio com m unicat ions. However, t here is no
guarant ee t hat int erference will not occur in a part icular inst allat ion. I f
t his equipm ent does cause harm ful int erference t o radio or t elevision
recept ion, which can be det erm ined by t urning t he equipm ent off and on,
t he user is encouraged t o t ry t o correct t he int erference by one or m ore
of t he following m easures:
- - Reorient or relocat e t he receiving ant enna.
- - I ncrease t he separat ion bet ween t he equipm ent and receiver.
- - Connect t he equipm ent int o an out let on a circuit different from t hat t o
w hich t he receiver is connect ed.
- - Consult t he dealer or an experienced radio/ TV t echnician for help.

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