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Redbooks Paper
Dino Quintero
Sven Meissner
Andrei Socoliuc

Hardware Management Console
(HMC) Case Configuration Study for
LPAR Management
This IBM® Redpaper provides Hardware Management Console (HMC)
configuration considerations and describes case studies about how to use the
HMC in a production environment. This document does not describe how to
install the HMC or how to set up LPARs. We assume you are familiar with the
HMC. Rather, the case studies presented in this Redpaper provide a framework
to implement some of the more useful HMC concepts. It provides examples to
give you ideas on how to exploit the capabilities of the HMC.
The topics discussed in this Redpaper are:
򐂰 Basic HMC considerations
򐂰 Partitioning considerations
򐂰 Takeover case study:
– Description of the scenario
– Setting up remote ssh connection to the HMC
– Using the HMC to perform CoD operations
– Examples of dynamic LPAR operations
– Using micropartitioning features
– Security considerations

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.


򐂰 Automation
򐂰 High availability considerations for HMCs

Introduction and overview
The Hardware Management Console (HMC) is a dedicated workstation that
allows you to configure and manage partitions. To perform maintenance
operations, a graphical user interface (GUI) is provided.
Functions performed by the HMC include:

Creating and maintaining a multiple partition environment
Displaying a virtual operating system session terminal for each partition
Displaying a virtual operator panel of contents for each partition
Detecting, reporting, and storing changes in hardware conditions
Powering managed systems on and off
Acting as a service focal point
Activating CoD
Note: POWER4™ systems use a serial line to communicate with the HMC.
This has changed with POWER5™. The POWER5 systems use a LAN
connection to communicate with the HMC. POWER4 and POWER5 systems
cannot be managed by the same HMC.

Although this Redpaper contains information relevant to POWER4 systems, our
focus is on the HMC configuration for POWER5 systems. The case studies are
illustrated with POWER5 systems only.

Basic HMC considerations
The Hardware Management Console (HMC) is based on the IBM eServer™
xSeries® hardware architecture running dedicated applications to provide
partition management for single or multiple servers called managed systems.
There are two types of HMCs depending on the CPU architecture of the
managed systems:
򐂰 HMC for POWER4 systems
򐂰 HMC for POWER5 systems
Table 1 shows the current list of the hardware models for HMCs supported in a
POWER4 or POWER5 environment. The HMCs are available as desktop or
rack-mountable systems.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Table 1 Types of HMCs

Supported managed

HMC code version

7315-CR3 (rack mount)


HMC 3.x, HMC 4.x, or
HMC 5.x

7315-C04 (desktop)


HMC 3.x, HMC 4.x, or
HMC 5.x

7310-CR3 (rack mount)


HMC 4.x or HMC 5.x

7310-C04 (desktop)


HMC 4.x or HMC 5.x


- Licensed Internal Code needed (FC0961) to upgrade these HMCs to manager POWER5 systems. A single

HMC cannot be used to manage a mixed environment of POWER4 and POWER5 systems.

The HMC 3.x code version is used for POWER4 managed systems and HMC 4.x
for POWER5 systems (iSeries™ and pSeries®). For managing POWER5
pSeries machines, HMC 4.2 code version or later is required.
Table 2 shows a detailed relationship between the POWER5 pSeries servers and
the supported HMCs.
Table 2 Supported HMCs for pSeries and OpenPower platforms
Managed system

HMC model supported

HMC required


7310-C04 or 7310-CR33



7310-C04 or 7310-CR33



7310-C04 or 7310-CR33



7310-C04 or 7310-CR33



7310-C04 or 7310-CR33



7310-C04 or 7310-CR33



7310-C04 or 7310-CR33



7310-C04 or 7310-CR33


OpenPower™ 720

7310-C04 or 7310-CR33


OpenPower 710

7310-C04 or 7310-CR33



- An HMC is not required if the system runs in full system partition. For a partitioned

environment an HMC is required.
2 - It is recommended to have two HMCs installed for high availability considerations.
3 - Previous HMC models with the latest HMC code level are also supported.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


The maximum number of HMCs supported by a single POWER5 managed
system is two. The number of LPARs managed by a single HMC has been
increased from earlier versions of the HMC to the current supported release as
shown in Table 3.
Table 3 HMC history
HMC code

No. of

No. of

No. of

Other information





iSeries Only





p5 520 550 570





OpenPower 720





p5 590 595





p5 575
HMC 7310-CR3/C04





48 for non 590/595





48 for non 590/595

HMC connections
During the installation of the HMC, you have to consider the number of network
adapters required. You can have up to three Ethernet adapters installed on an
HMC. There are several connections you have to consider when planning the
installation of the HMC:
򐂰 HMC to the FSP (Flexible Service Processor): It is an IP-based network used
for management functions of the POWER5 systems; for example, power
management and partition management.
Note: It is recommended to configure this connection as a private network.
POWER5 systems have two interfaces (T1 and T2) available for connections
to the HMC. It is recommended to use both of them for redundant
configuration, and high availability. Depending on your environment, you
have multiple options to configure the network between the HMC and FSP.
The default mechanism for allocation of the IP addresses for the FSP ports is
dynamic. The HMC can be configured as a DHCP server which allocates the
IP address at the time the managed system is powered on. Static IP address
allocation is also an option. You can configure the FSP ports with a static IP
address by using the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI)


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

menus. However not all POWER5 servers support this mechanism of
allocation. Currently p575, p590, and p595 servers support only DHCP.
Note: Either eth0 or eth1 can be a DHCP server on the HMC.
򐂰 HMC to partitions: HMC requires TCP/IP connection to communicate with the
partitions for functions such as dynamic LPAR and Service Focal Point.
򐂰 Service Agent (SA) connections: SA is the application running on the HMC for
reporting hardware failures to the IBM support center. It uses a modem for
dial-out connection or an available Internet connection. It can also be used to
transmit service and performance information to IBM and also for CoD
enablement and billing information.
򐂰 Remote connection to the HMC using Web-based System Manager (WebSM)
or ssh: For accessing the graphical interface, you can use the WebSM
Remote Client running on UNIX® (AIX® or Linux®) or Windows®. The
command line interface is also available by using the secure shell connection
to the HMC. It can be used by an external management system or a partition
to perform HMC operations remotely.
When planning for the HMC installation also consider that the distance between
the HMC and the managed system must be within 8m (26 ft) distance. The
distance complies with IBM maintenance rules.

Partitioning considerations
With POWER5 systems a greater flexibility was introduced in setting up the
resources of a partition by enabling the Advanced Power Virtualization functions
to provide:
򐂰 POWER™ Hypervisor: Supports partitioning and dynamic resource
movement across multiple operating system environments.
򐂰 Shared processor LPAR (micro-partitioning): Enables you to allocate less
than a full physical processor to a logical partition.
򐂰 Virtual LAN: Provides network Virtualization capabilities that allow you to
prioritize traffic on shared networks.
򐂰 Virtual I/O (VIO): Provides the ability to dedicate I/O adapters and devices to
a virtual server, thus allowing the on demand allocation and management of
I/O devices.
򐂰 Capacity on Demand (CoD): Allows system resources such as processors
and memory to be activated on an as-needed basis.
򐂰 Simultaneous multi-threading (SMT): Allows applications to increase overall
resource utilization by virtualizing multiple physical CPUs through the use of

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


multi-threading. SMT is a feature supported only in AIX 5.3 and Linux at an
appropriate level.
򐂰 Multiple operating system support: Logical partitioning allows a single server
to run multiple operating system images concurrently. On a POWER5 system
the following operating systems can be installed: AIX 5L™ Version 5.2 ML4 or
later, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Service Pack 2, Red Hat Enterprise
Linux ES 4 QU1, and i5/OS.

Additional memory allocation in a partitioned environment
Three memory regions are reserved for the physical memory allocation of a
򐂰 Hypervisor
򐂰 Translation control entry (TCE) tables
򐂰 Partition page tables
At the beginning of a partition size planning, you have to consider that the
allocated amount of memory in these three regions is not usable for the physical
memory allocation of the partition.

Hypervisor and TCE
All POWER5 systems require the use of the hypervisor. The hypervisor supports
many advanced functions including shared processors, Virtual I/O (VIO),
high-speed communications between partitions using Virtual LAN or concurrent
maintenance. There are many variables that dictate how much hypervisor
memory you will need. It is not a fixed amount of memory as with POWER4
Also the amount of IO drawers and the different ways to use IO, such as shared
environment, affect the amount of memory the hypervisor uses.
Note: The number of VIOs, the number of partitions, and the number of IO
drawers affect the hypervisor memory.

Partition page tables
Partition page tables are set aside in additional memory in the hypervisor to
handle the partition’s memory addressing. The amount of memory the partition
page table reserve depends on the maximum value of the partition, and must be
considered in your partition size planning.
Note: The bigger the maximum value of a partition, the bigger the amount of
memory not usable for the physical memory allocation of the partition.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

To calculate your desired and maximum memory values accurately, we
recommend that you use the LVT tool. This tool is available at:

Figure 1 shows an example of how you can use the LPAR validation tool to verify
a memory configuration. In Figure 1, there are 4 partitions (P1..P4) defined on a
p595 system with a total amount of 32 GB of memory.

Figure 1 Using LVT to validate the LPAR configuration

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


The memory allocated to the hypervisor is 1792 MB. When we change the
maximum memory parameter of partition P3 from 4096 MB to 32768 MB, the
memory allocated to the hypervisor increases to 2004 MB as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Memory used by hypervisor

Figure 3 is another example of using LVT when verifying a wrong memory
configuration. Note that the total amount of allocated memory is 30 GB, but the
maximum limits for the partitions require a larger hypervisor memory.

Figure 3 An example of a wrong memory configuration


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

With POWER5 systems, increased flexibility is provided for allocating CPU
resources by using micropartitioning features. The following parameters can be
set up on the HMC:
򐂰 Dedicated/shared mode, which allows a partition to allocate either a full CPU
or partial units. The minimum CPU allocation unit for a partition is 0.1.
򐂰 Minimum, desired, and maximum limits for the number of CPUs allocated to a
dedicated partition.
򐂰 Minimum, desired and maximum limits for processor units and virtual
processors, when using the shared processor pool.
򐂰 Capped/uncapped and weight (shared processor mode).
Table 4 summarizes the CPU partitioning parameters with their range values,
and indicates if a parameter can be changed dynamically.
Table 4 Partition parameters









Processing mode



Processors (dedicated


Processing Units (shared

Min-Max Processing units1


Virtual processors

Min-Max virtual




Max value is limited by the number of CPUs installed in the system,
including CoD.
2 - Between 1 and 64; the min and max allowed values are actually
determined by the min/max of processing units: at least 1 processor for
each 1.0 processing units and max value limited to 10*max processing
units or 64.

Min/Desired/Max values for CPU, processing units, and virtual processors can
be set only in the partition’s profile. Each time the partition is activated, it tries to
acquire the desired values. A partition cannot be activated if at least the
minimum values of the parameters cannot be satisfied.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Note: Take into consideration that changes in the profile will not get activated
unless you power off and start up your partition. Rebooting of the operating
system is not sufficient.

Capacity on Demand
The Capacity on Demand (CoD) for POWER5 systems offers multiple options,
򐂰 Permanent Capacity on Demand:
– Provides system upgrades by activating processors and/or memory.
– No special contracts and no monitoring are required.
– Purchase agreement is fulfilled using activation keys.
򐂰 On/Off Capacity on Demand:
– Enables the temporary use of a requested number of processors or
amount of memory.
– On a registered system, the customer selects the capacity and activates
the resource.
– Capacity can be turned ON and OFF by the customer; usage information
is reported to IBM.
– This option is post-pay. You are charged at activation.
򐂰 Reserve Capacity on Demand:
– Used for processors only.
– Prepaid debit temporary agreement, activated using license keys.
– Adds reserve processor capacity to the shared processor pool, used if the
base shared pool capacity is exceeded.
– Requires AIX 5L Version 5.3 and the Advanced POWER Virtualization

Trial Capacity on Demand:
– Tests the effects of additional processors and memory.
– Partial or total activation of installed processors and/or memory.
– Resources are available for a fixed time, and must be returned after trial
– No formal commitment required.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

HMC sample scenarios
The following examples illustrate POWER5 advance features.

Examples of using capped/uncapped, weight, dynamic LPAR and
CoD features
Our case study describes different possibilities to take advantage of the
micropartitioning features and CoD assuming a failover/fallback scenario based
on two independent servers. The scenario does not address a particular
clustering mechanism used between the two nodes. We describe the operation
by using both the WebSM GUI and the command line interface.
Figure 4 on page 12 shows the initial configuration. Node nils, a partion of a p550
system, is a production system with 2 CPUs and 7 GB memory. We will force
node nils to fail. Node julia, also a partion of a p550 system, is the standby
system for nils. The resources for julia are very small, just 0.2 processors and 1
GB memory.
In case of takeover, CoD On/Off will be activated. Two more CPUs and 8 GB
more memory will be available to add to a partion. You can use CoD On/Off for
our procedure because you have to pay for the actual days the CoD is active
only. You have to inform IBM about the amount of days you have made use of
CoD monthly. This can be done by the service agent automatically. For more
information, refer to “APPENDIX” on page 40.
Furthermore, the resources that will be available by activating CoD On/Off can
be assigned to dedicated and to shared partitions. After CoD activation, the CPU
and the memory resources will be assigned to julia so that julia will have the
same resources as nils had.
After nils is again up and running and ready to reacquire the application, julia will
reduce the resources as in the initial configuration and will deactivate CoD.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


P550 – 2 CPU - 8GB

P550 – 4 CPU – 8 GB

nils (production)
2 CPUs (dedicated)
7 GB

julia (standby)
0.2 CPU (shared)
1024 MB


Oli (production)
1 CPU (dedicated)
5120 MB
0.8 CPU (shared)
1024 MB



Figure 4 Initial configuration

Table 5 shows our configuration in detail. Our test system has only one 4-pack
DASD available. Therefore we installed a VIO server to have sufficient disks
available for our partitions.
Table 5 CPU and memory allocation table


Virtual processors


















It is recommended to dedicate a processor when optimal performance is
required for the VIO server. However, in this section we use a shared processor
to configure our VIO to make the best use of the resources on our test system as
shown in Table 6 on page 13.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Table 6 Memory allocation
Memory (MB)
Partition name
















Enabling ssh access to HMC
By default, the ssh server on the HMC is not enabled. The following steps
configure ssh access for node julia on HMC. The procedure will allow node julia
to run HMC commands without providing a password.
򐂰 Enabling the remote command execution on HMC.
In the management area of the HMC main panel, select HMC Management →
HMC Configuration. In the right panel select Enable or Disable Remote
Command Execution and select Enable the remote command execution
using the ssh facility (see Figure 5).

Figure 5 Enabling remote command execution on HMC

The HMC provides firewall capabilities for each Ethernet interface. You can
access the firewall menu using the graphical interface of the HMC. In the
“Navigation Area” of the HMC main panel, select HMC Management →

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


HMC Configuration. In the right panel select Customize Network Setting,
press the LAN Adapters tab, choose the interface used for remote access and
press Details. In the new window select the Firewall tab. Check that the ssh port
is allowed for access (see Figure 6).

Figure 6 Firewall settings for eth1 interface

򐂰 Install the ssh client on the AIX node:
The packages can be found on the AIX 5L Bonus Pack CD. To get the latest
release packages, access the following URL:

Openssl is required for installing the Openssh package. You can install it from
the AIX 5L Toolbox for Linux CD, or access the Web site:

After the installation, verify that the openssh filesets are installed by using the
lslpp command on the AIX node, as shown in Example 1.
Example 1 Check openssh filesets are installed
root@julia/.ssh>lslpp -L |grep ssh






Shell Commands
Shell Server
Shell License

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management




Open Secure Shell Messages -

򐂰 Log in the user account used for remote access to the HMC. Generate the
ssh keys using the ssh-keygen command. In Example 2, we used the root
user account and specified the RSA algorithm for encryption. The security
keys are saved in the /.ssh directory.
Example 2 ssh-keygen output
root@julia/>ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (//.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in //.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in //.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
72:fb:36:c7:35:4a:20:0d:57:7f:68:ce:d0:33:be:40 root@julia

򐂰 Distribute the public key in file to the HMC. In Example 3, we use
the mkauthkeys command to register the key for the hscroot account. The key
will be saved in the file authorized_keys2 on the $HOME/.ssh directory on the
Example 3 Distribute the public key to the HMC
root@julia/>cd /.ssh
root@julia/.ssh>ls -l
total 16
-rw------1 root
887 Mar 30 19:52 id_rsa
-rw-r--r-1 root
220 Mar 30 19:52
root@julia/.ssh>juliakey=`cat /.ssh/`
root@julia/.ssh>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 mkauthkeys -a \"$juliakey\"
The authenticity of host 'hmctot184 (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 00:2c:7b:ac:63:cd:7e:70:65:29:00:84:44:6f:d7:2e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?yes
Warning: Permanently added 'hmctot184,' (RSA) to the list of known
hscroot@hmctot184's password:
root@julia/.ssh>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshmc -V
"version= Version: 4
Release: 5.0
HMC Build level 20050519.1
MH00308: Required Maintenance Fix for V4R5.0 (04-25-2005)

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Now, we force node nils to fail and prepare to start the takeover scenario (see
Figure 7).

P550 – 2 CPU - 8GB

P550 – 4 CPU – 8 GB


nils (production)
2 CPUs (dedicated)
7 GB

julia (production)
2 CPU (shared)
7 GB


oli (production)
1 CPU (dedicated)
5120 MB
nicole_vio (VIO server)
0.8 CPU (shared)
1024 MB

CoD activation
DLPAR operations




1 - Failover to node julia
2 - Node julia remotely activates CoD and performs DLPAR operations via HMC

Figure 7 CoD and dynamic LPAR operations after takeover

Enabling On/Off CoD for processor and memory
Before activating the CPU and memory resources, you have to prepare the CoD
environment by getting an enablement code from IBM. For more information
about how to get an activation code, refer to the CoD Web site:

򐂰 Activating On/Off CoD using the graphical interface. From the Server
Management window, highlight the managed system. Click on Selected →
Manage on Demand Activations → Capacity on Demand (see Figure 8 on
page 17).


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Figure 8 Activating the On/Off CoD

򐂰 Activating On/Off CoD using the command line interface.
Example 4 shows how node julia activates 2 CPUs and 8 GB of RAM for 3 days
by running via ssh the command chcod on the HMC.
Example 4 Activating CoD using command line interface
root@julia/.ssh>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 "chcod
-r proc -q 2 -d 3"



-o a

-c onoff

root@julia/.ssh>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 "chcod -m p550_itso1 -o a -c onoff -r
mem -q 8192 -d 3"

򐂰 Perform the dynamic LPAR operations to increase the CPU units and
memory capacity of the target partition.
After enabling the CoD feature for CPU, the additional processors are
automatically added in the shared processor pool and can be assigned to any
shared or dedicated partition.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Note: If you use reserve CoD instead of ON/OFF CoD to temporarily activate
processors, you can assign the CPUs to shared partitions only.
In order for node julia to operate with the same resources as node nils had, we
have to add 1.8 processing units and 6.5 GB memory to this node.
򐂰 Allocation of processor units.
– Using the graphical user interface.
In the Server and Partition panel on HMC, right-click on partition julia and select
Dynamic Logical Partitioning → Processor Resources → Add. In the dialog
window, enter the desired values for additional processing units and virtual
processors as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 Performing dynamic LPAR operation for CPU

– Using the command line interface.
In Example 5, we run the command lshwres on the HMC to get the current
values of the cpu units and virtual processors used by node julia, before and after
increasing the processing units.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Example 5 Perform the CPU addition from the command line
root@julia/>lsdev -Cc processor
proc0 Available 00-00 Processor
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r proc -m p550_itso1 --level\ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_proc_units:curr_procs\ \
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 chhwres -m p550_itso1 -o a -p julia \ \
-r proc --procunits 1.8 --procs 1
root@julia/>lsdev -Cc processor
proc0 Available 00-00 Processor
proc2 Available 00-02 Processor
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r proc -m p550_itso1 --level \ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_proc_units:curr_procs\ \

򐂰 Adding the additional memory to the partition:
– Using the HMC graphical interface.
In the Server and Partition panel, right-click partition julia and select Dynamic
Logical Partitioning → Memory Resources → Add. In the dialog window,
enter the desired amount of memory to add as shown in Figure 10 on page 20.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Figure 10 Add memory to partition

– Using the command line.
Example 6 shows how to allocate 6 GB of memory to partition julia.
Example 6 Memory allocation using command line interface
root@julia/>lsattr -El mem0
goodsize 1024 Amount of usable physical memory in Mbytes False
1024 Total amount of physical memory in Mbytes False
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r mem -m p550_itso1 --level \ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_mem --header
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 chhwres -m p550_itso1 -o a -p julia \ \
>-r mem -q 6144 -w 15
root@julia/>lsattr -El mem0
goodsize 7168 Amount of usable physical memory in Mbytes False
7168 Total amount of physical memory in Mbytes False
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r mem -m p550_itso1 --level \ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_mem --header


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

At the time node nils is back and ready to reacquire the applications running on
node julia, we reduce the memory and CPU to the initial values and turn off CoD.
In order for node julia to operate with the initial resources, we have to remove 1.8
processing units and 6 GB memory from this partition.
1. Perform dynamic LPAR operations to decrease the CPU units and memory
capacity of the target partition.
The following steps are taken to decrease the CPU units and memory capacity of
the target partition.
򐂰 Perform the dynamic LPAR operation for CPU.
– Using the graphical interface on the HMC.
In the Server and Partition panel, right-click partition julia and select Dynamic
Logical Partitioning → Memory Resources → Add. In the dialog window,
enter the desired amount of memory to remove as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11 Removing memory from partition

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


– Using the command line interface.
Note: When allocating memory to a partition or moving it between partitions,
you can increase the time-out limit of the operation to prevent a failure
response before the operation completes. Use the Advance tab of the
dynamic LPAR memory menu (see Figure 10 on page 20) to increase the
time-out limit.
Example 7 shows how to deallocate via the command line 6 GB of memory from
node julia.
Example 7 Deallocating the memory using the command line interface (CLI)
root@julia/>lsattr -El mem0
goodsize 7168 Amount of usable physical memory in Mbytes False
7168 Total amount of physical memory in Mbytes False
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r mem -m p550_itso1 --level\ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_mem --header
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 chhwres -m p550_itso1 -o r -p julia \ \
> -r mem -q 6144 -w 15
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r mem -m p550_itso1 --level\ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_mem --header
root@julia/>lsattr -El mem0
goodsize 1024 Amount of usable physical memory in Mbytes False
1024 Total amount of physical memory in Mbytes False

򐂰 Deallocate the processing units from the partition.
– Using the graphical interface.
In the Server and Partition panel on HMC, right-click partition julia and select
Dynamic Logical Partitioning → Processor Resources → Remove. In the
dialog window, enter the desired values for processing units and virtual
processors as shown in Figure 12 on page 23.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Figure 12 Perform the deallocation for the CPU units

– Using the command line interface to remove 1.8 processing units from
node julia is shown in Example 8.
Example 8 Deallocating the CPU
root@julia/>lsdev -Cc processor
proc0 Available 00-00 Processor
proc2 Available 00-02 Processor
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r proc -m p550_itso1 --level\ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_proc_units:curr_procs\ \
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 chhwres -m p550_itso1 -o r -p julia \ \
>-r proc --procunits 1.8 --procs 1
root@julia/>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 lshwres -r proc -m p550_itso1 --level\ \
>lpar --filter "lpar_names=julia" -F lpar_name:curr_proc_units:curr_procs\ \
root@julia/>lsdev -Cc processor
proc2 Available 00-02 Processor

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


2. Deactivating the On/Off CoD for CPU and memory.
For an example of the graphical interface, refer to the menu presented in Figure 8
on page 17, and the section “Activating On/Off CoD using the command line
interface.” on page 17.
Example 9 shows how to use the command line interface to deactivate the
processor and memory CoD resources.
Example 9 Disabling all allocated CoD resources for CPU and memory
ssh hscroot@hmctot184 chcod
ssh hscroot@hmctot184



p550_itso1 -o d -c onoff -r mem

-m p550_itso1

-o d

-c onoff -r proc

Considerations for capped/uncapped partitions
There is an alternate way to set up a partition to acquire processing units by
allowing it to dynamically use the idle CPU units from the shared processor pool,
even if the processor units are entitled to a shared processor partition or not used
in a partition. The units belonging to the dedicated processors can be still used
by an uncapped partition if the flag “Allow idle processors to be shared” is set,
and the dedicated partition is shutdown.
In case there are more than one uncapped partitions, you can use the weight
parameter to determine the priority. This value is used proportionally. The higher
the weight, the higher the priority to acquire the processing units.

Example of using a single uncapped partition
In the above scenario, we changed the properties of partition julia from capped to
uncapped mode, so it can exceed the 0.2 entitled processor units. In this case,
there is no need to perform a CPU dynamic LPAR operation. The operation can
be performed dynamically.
To access the menus, from the Server Management menu of the HMC,
right-click on the partition name and select Dynamic Logical Partitioning →
Processor Resources →Add. Refer to Figure 13 on page 25.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Figure 13 Toggle the Capped/Uncapped option

You have to consider the number of virtual processors to be able to use all the
CPUs from the shared processor pool.
In our example, after the CoD operation, we have 3.0 available processing units
in the shared processor pool and 1 dedicated processor allocated to node oli.
The partition nicole_vio uses 0.8 processing units and is capped.
Partition julia uses 0.2 units and 1 virtual processor, and can use 1 physical CPU.
Adding 1 virtual CPU allows this partition to use a maximum of 2.0 processing
In Example 10, we produced heavy CPU load on partition julia while the other
partition using the shared processor pool is in an idle state. The physc parameter
shows the actual number of physical processing units used by partition julia.
Example 10 Output of topas -L
Logical Partition: julia
Tue Mar 31 16:20:46 1970
Shared SMT OFF
Online Memory:
Ent: 0.20
Mode: UnCapped
Online Logical CPUs: 2
Partition CPU Utilization
Online Virtual CPUs: 2
%usr %sys %wait %idle physc %entc %lbusy app
vcsw phint %hypv
0 2.0 999.70100.00 1.00
LCPU minpf majpf intr csw icsw runq lpa scalls usr sys _wt idl
pc lcsw
527 258 234
4 100
65 100
0 0 1.00
211 246 209
2 100
520 100
0 0 1.00

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Example of using two uncapped partitions and the weight
For the example of two uncapped partitions using the same shared processor
pool, we use the configuration described in Table 7.
Table 7 CPU allocation table
























We created a heavy CPU load on both uncapped partitions and verified their load
using the topas -L command.
Example 11 Output of topas -L from node oli
Logical Partition: oli
Tue Mar 31 17:37:56 1970
Shared SMT OFF
Online Memory:
Ent: 1.00
Mode: UnCapped
Online Logical CPUs: 4
Partition CPU Utilization
Online Virtual CPUs: 4
%usr %sys %wait %idle physc %entc %lbusy app
vcsw phint %hypv
0 1.5 148.75100.00 0.00
LCPU minpf majpf intr csw icsw runq lpa scalls usr sys _wt idl
pc lcsw
0 1536 795 733
6 100
33 100
0 0 0.37 2160
715 718 706
6 100
22 100
0 0 0.37 2139
751 738 700
6 100
6 100
0 0 0.37 2091
704 730 701
5 100
51 100
0 0 0.37 2136

Example 11 and Example 12 are the outputs of the topas -L command from
nodes oli and julia, including the same weight value.
Example 12 Output of topas -L from node julia
Logical Partition: julia
Tue Mar 31 17:38:31 1970
Shared SMT OFF
Online Memory:
Ent: 1.00
Mode: UnCapped
Online Logical CPUs: 4
Partition CPU Utilization
Online Virtual CPUs: 4
%usr %sys %wait %idle physc %entc %lbusy app
vcsw phint %hypv
0 1.5 149.45100.00 0.00
LCPU minpf majpf intr csw icsw runq lpa scalls usr sys _wt idl
pc lcsw
738 869 771
7 100
209 100
0 0 0.37 2184
0 1547 852 789
5 100 16995 99
0 0 0.37 2158


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management







6 100
6 100

15 100
27 100



0 0.37
0 0.37


We changed the weight for the partition oli to the maximum value 255 while
partition julia is set to 128.
The operation can be performed dynamically. For accessing the GUI menus,
from the Server Management menu of the HMC, right-click on the partition
name and select Dynamic Logical Partitioning → Processor Resources
→Add (as shown in Figure 14).

Figure 14 Dynamically changing the weight of the partition

When both partitions are heavy CPU loaded, the amount of processing units
allocated from the processor shared pool is proportional to the weight value of
the partitions.
Example 13 Output of topas -L on node oli
Logical Partition: oli
Tue Mar 31 17:49:50 1970
Shared SMT OFF
Online Memory:
Ent: 1.00
Mode: UnCapped
Online Logical CPUs: 4
Partition CPU Utilization
Online Virtual CPUs: 4
vcsw phint %hypv
%usr %sys %wait %idle physc %entc %lbusy app
0 1.7 165.87100.00 0.00 10644
0 0.0
LCPU minpf majpf intr csw icsw runq lpa scalls usr sys _wt idl
pc lcsw
0 1628 862 767
8 100
81 100
0 0 0.41 2652
717 720 708
8 100
14 100
0 0 0.42 2657

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management








8 100
8 100

19 100
2 100



0 0.42
0 0.41


In Example 13 and Example 14 the physc parameter has different values for the
two nodes.
Example 14 Output of topas -L on node julia
Logical Partition: julia
Tue Mar 31 17:49:57 1970
Shared SMT OFF
Online Memory:
Ent: 1.00
Mode: UnCapped
Online Logical CPUs: 4
Partition CPU Utilization
Online Virtual CPUs: 4
%usr %sys %wait %idle physc %entc %lbusy app
vcsw phint %hypv
0 1.3 132.73100.00 0.00
LCPU minpf majpf intr csw icsw runq lpa scalls usr sys _wt idl
pc lcsw
731 813 726
7 100
31 100
0 0 0.33 1683
0 1490 791 729
8 100
29 100
0 0 0.33 1634
765 765 704
8 100
18 100
0 0 0.33 1697
713 711 696
9 100
307 100
0 0 0.33 1687

Node oli and node julia have 1.0 processor units entitled and 100% CPU usage.
The shared processor pool has 3.0 units, so the idle capacity is 1.0 unit shared
by partitions julia and oli, proportionally to their weight. In our case, partition oli
adds 255/(255+128) from 1.0 processing units, while partition julia adds
128/(255+128) processing units.

Automating HMC tasks
In this section, we describe an example of using the HMC scheduler to perform a
dynamic LPAR operation. The example uses 2 partitions in shared mode on a
system with 4 CPUs and 8 GB of RAM. Our partitions’ configuration is described
in Table 8.
Table 8 CPU and memory allocation table




















Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Node oli has increased processing loads during the workday: 7 AM to 7 PM and
it is idle most of the time outside this interval. Partition julia has an increased
processing load during 10 PM to 5 AM and is idle the rest of the time. Since both
partitions are uncapped, we will reallocate only a piece of memory to partition
julia during the idle period of time of partition oli.
This example shows how to implement via the HMC scheduler the dynamic
LPAR operations for the memory. We implement two scheduled operations that
run every day:
򐂰 9 PM: Move 2 GB of memory from partition oli to partition julia.
򐂰 6 AM: Move 2 GB of memory back from partition julia to partition oli.
The following steps are performed from the HMC to configure the scheduled
dynamic LPAR operations:
1. On the HMC main configuration panel, select HMC Management → HMC
Configuration. Then, in the right panel select Schedule operations. In the
new window select the target node for the dynamic LPAR operation as shown
in Figure 15.

Figure 15 Selecting the target partition

2. In the Customize Scheduled Operations window, select Options → New.
The window in Figure 16 on page 30 is displayed for selecting the scheduled
operation. Select Dynamic Reconfiguration.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Figure 16 Selecting the scheduled operation

3. Next, in the Date and Time tab, select the time for the beginning of the
operation and a time window where the operation can be started as shown in
Figure 17.

Figure 17 Selecting the starting window of the scheduled operation

4. Click on the Repeat tab and select the days of the week for running the
scheduler. We selected each day of the week for an infinite period of time as
shown in Figure 18 on page 31.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Figure 18 Selecting the days of the week for the schedule

5. Click on the Options tab and specify the details of the dynamic LPAR
operation as shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19 Specifying the details of the dynamic LPAR operation

Click on the Save button to activate the scheduler.
Note: By default, the time-out period for the dynamic LPAR operation is 5
minutes. In our test case, the memory reallocation was performed for 2GB of
RAM. When performing this operation, higher values might require a larger
time to complete.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for creating the reverse operation, specifying julia
the target partition for the scheduled operation, and 06:00:00 AM for the start
window of the scheduler.
7. After setting up both operations, their status can be checked in the
Customize Scheduled Operations window for each of the nodes as shown
in Figure 20.

Figure 20 Current scheduled operations for node oli

8. For checking the completion of the scheduled operation, display the Console
Events Log, by selecting HMC Management → HMC Configuration →
View Console Events as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21 Verifying the completion of the scheduled operation


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Comparing profile values with current settings
If you perform a dynamic LPAR operation and you want to make this change
permanent, you have to do maintenance on the appropriate profile. Otherwise,
after the next shutdown and power on of the LPAR, the partition will have the old
properties and this might not be desired.
The script in Example 15 compares minimum, desired, and maximum values
regarding CPU and memory of a the profiles with the current settings. You can
use it to monitor these settings.
In Example 15, hmc1 and hmc2 are monitored. To use this script, you have to
change hmc1 and hmc2 with the names of your HMCs. The amount of HMCs is
variable as long as they are in quotation marks and comma separated.
Place this script on a partition that has ssh access with a special user to every
HMCs you want to monitor. In the example, we used the user hscroot. It is
necessary that you can get access without the need to type in the password. To
do so, please refer to “Enabling ssh access to HMC” on page 13.
Example 15 Monitoring sample script
$fmem = "curr_min_mem,curr_mem,curr_max_mem,lpar_name"; # define output fields
$fproc = "curr_min_procs,curr_procs,curr_max_procs,lpar_name";
$flds =
for $hmc ("hmc1", "hmc2") {
# for all my HMC to check
$syscfg = "ssh hscroot\@$hmc lssyscfg -r ";
# command to get
@ceclist = split(/\n/, `$syscfg sys -F name`);
# get names of CECs
for $cec (@ceclist) {
# for every cec in list
$hwres = "ssh hscroot\@$hmc lshwres -m $cec -r ";# cmd to get current value
@lparlist = split(/\n/, `$syscfg lpar -m $cec -F name`);# read lpars for
curr cec
for $lpar (@lparlist) {
# read the values for lpar
($p->{min_mem}, $p->{des_mem}, $p->{max_mem},
$p->{min_procs}, $p->{des_procs}, $p->{max_procs}) = split(/,/,
`$syscfg prof -m $cec --filter lpar_names=$lpar -F $flds`);
($a->{min_mem}, $a->{des_mem}, $a->{max_mem}) = split(/,/,
`$hwres mem --level lpar --filter lpar_names=$lpar -F $fmem`);
($a->{min_procs}, $a->{des_procs}, $a->{max_procs}) = split(/,/,
`$hwres proc --level lpar --filter lpar_names=$lpar -F $fproc`);
for $field (keys %$p) {
# output data and any
printf("\n%8s %8s %12s %12s: prof=%8d ", $hmc, $cec, $lpar, $field,
printf("curr=%8d", $a->{$field}) unless ($p->{$field} == $a->{$field});

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management



Here is a sample output from the script shown in Example 15 on page 33.
Example 16 Monitoring sample script output
julia:/home/romeo # ./compare_profile_current

















Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management






12288 curr=
2 curr=



In Example 16 on page 34, you can see that the LPAR blue6 has 2 GB memory
configured instead of the desired 4 GB or that LPAR blue4 works currently with
one processor instead of the desired 2 processors. LPAR vio2 is down, therefore
the current values are all set to 0.

High availability considerations for HMCs
The following sections describe high availability consideration for HMCs.
Working with redundant HMCs
The HMC is mandatory for all POWER5 systems working in a partitioned
environment, and therefore the HMC is a very important hardware component.
For some environments, it might be useful to work with redundant HMCs.
There is no special installation procedure or configuration needed to work with
two HMCs. They are installed in the usual manner. Both are active and ready to
take management tasks at any time.
The HMCs are automatically notified of any changes that occur in the managed
system. If there is a change on one HMC, a couple of seconds later, it is visible
on the second one automatically. Or if the managed system sends a state or an
operator panel value, for example, when a LPAR is starting, the different states
and LED codes will be visible on both HMCs at the same time.
There is a locking mechanism to prevent basic conflicts. For the amount of time it
takes to handle an operation, the HMC gets exclusive control over the interface
of the managed system. After this operation is completed, the lock will be
released and the interface is released for further commands.
Important: When using a service agent, enable it on one HMC only to prevent
duplicated service calls.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Working with two HMCs eases the planning of HMC downtimes for software
maintenance, as there is no downtime needed. While doing the HMC code
update on one HMC, the other one continues to manage the environment. This
situation allows one HMC to run at the new fix level, while the other HMC can
continue to run the previous one. You should take care to move both HMCs to
the same level to provide an identical user interface.

High availability HMCs in various network environments
Using DHCP-servers or working with a fixed IP-address for the CEC are
considerations going along with your network structure. Here are some examples
of how you can set up your network:
򐂰 Two HMCs on different private networks are shown in Figure 22.

DHCP Server

DHCP Server







P5 Managed



P5 Managed

Figure 22 HMCs connected to the SFP using 2 networks

Figure 22 describes two HMCs in different networks both running DHCP servers.
The CEC uses two LAN-adapters, one gets the IP-address from HMC1 and the
second one from HMC2.
If you use your HMC as a DHCP server for the CEC, be sure to have the HMC up
and running before powering on the CEC; otherwise the CEC will get its default
IP-address and will not work in your network.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Note: Either eth0 or eth1 can be a DHCP server on the HMC.
The managed system will be automatically visible on the HMCs. This is our
recommended way to do high availability with HMCs. It is supported by all
POWER5 systems.
򐂰 Two HMCs on the same network, using static IP addresses is shown in
Figure 23.





P5 Managed

P5 Managed

Fix IP-Address

Fix IP-Address

* p575, p590 and p595 do not support fix IP addresses

Figure 23 HMCs connected to the FSP using 1 network and static IP addresses

In Figure 23, all systems HMCs and CECs have their own fixed IP-address. So
you do not need to consider in which sequence they has to be started.
Important: For p5-575, p5-590, and p5-595 systems, fixed IP-addresses are
not supported. You have to use the DHCP server.
The fixed IP-address can be set by launching the ASMI menu. Please refer to
“APPENDIX” on page 40 to get more information on how to launch the ASMI

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


A new system is shipped with a default IP-addresses. You can change these
IP-addresses by connecting your laptop to either T1 or T2 of the CEC. Assign an
IP-address to your laptop’s interface that is in the same network as the
respective network adapter of your CEC. For T1, it is network
and for T2 Do not use the same IP-addresses as the CEC
already have assigned.
Note: For p510, p520, p550, and p570 at first startup, a default IP address is
configured on the FSP interfaces if an DHCP server is not available:
򐂰 eth0 (external T1):
򐂰 eth1 (external T2):
Run a browser on your laptop and type in the IP-address of the respective
network adapter of the CEC:

Log in to the ASMI menu using a username and a password. In the main ASMI
panel, select Network Services → Network Configuration. Using the menu
from Figure 24, you can configure the FSP Ethernet interfaces eth0 and eth1.

Figure 24 Configuring the FSP IP address using the ASMI menu


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

For more detailed information, refer to “Access to the ASMI menu” on page 40“.
On HMC1, the managed system becomes automatically visible. On HMC2, the
managed system must be added manually.
To add a managed system, select the Server Management bar and choose Add
Managed System(s) as shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25 Add managed systems window

For this configuration you have to consider a couple of things:
򐂰 If HMC1 with the DHCP server fails, the CEC and the HMC will work properly
as long they have their IP-addresses.
򐂰 If HMC2 has to be rebooted and HMC1 is still down, HMC2 has to be
configured as a DHCP server. Note that only one DHCP server is allowed in
one network. So in this unlikely case, when you want to start HMC1 again, it
has to be configured as a DHCP client.
If you want to avoid such problems, you can use fixed IP-addresses.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


The following sections contain additional information to be considered when
dealing with HMCs.

Access to the ASMI menu
Depending on your network connection to the FSP interfaces, you have several
possibilities to access the ASMI menu using an IP connection:
򐂰 Using a Web browser:
Connect a system to the FSP network, launch a browser, and access the
following URL:

This method is useful especially if you do not have an HMC attached to the
POWER5 system or for configuring static IP addresses at the installation
time. For example, you can use a laptop directly connected to the FSP port.
򐂰 From the HMC:
Assuming the HMC-to-FSP connection is properly set up and the managed
system is accessible by the HMC, use the HMC graphical interface to launch
the ASMI menu panel.
In the HMC main panel, select Service Application → Service Focal Point.
Click Service Utilities and highlight the managed system. In the Selected
pull down menu, click on Launch ASM Menu.
򐂰 Using WebSM:
This feature requires HMC Code Version 4.5 or later. To access the ASMI
menu using WebSM, follow the same steps as accessing the ASMI menu
from the HMC. You get a similar panel as shown in Figure 26 on page 41.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Figure 26 Accessing the ASMI menu using WebSM

For further information related to the access to the ASMI menus, refer to the
“ASMI Setup Guide” at:

Configuring a secure connection for WebSM
The following example describes how to set up a secure WebSM connection for
a Windows client and a cluster of two HMCs.
Note: Before configuring the WebSM client, ensure that your name resolution
works properly. The HMC hostname must be resolved by the PC client station.
If a DNS is not configured, then put the HMC hostname in the hosts file. For
Windows XP, the file is C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.
򐂰 Download the WebSM client code from the HMC. Open a browser and
access the following URLs:

Log in the HMC using the hscroot account. Run the InstallShield for your

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


򐂰 Access the secure WebSM download page and run the InstallShield program
for your platform:

Verify the WebSM installation by starting the WebSM client program and connect
to the HMC. The next steps describe how to configure the secure connection to
WebSM server.
The following steps need to be performed from the HMC console. The Security
Management panel is not available via WebSM:
򐂰 Choose one of the HMCs as the Certificate Authority. In the main menu of the
HMC, select System Manager Security. Select Certificate Authority, and
then Configure this system as a Web-based System Manager
Certification Authority. A panel will be displayed as shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27 Defining the certificate authority


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

For our example, we perform the following actions:
– Enter an organization name: ITSO.
– Verify the certificate expiration date is set to a future date.
– Click the OK button, and a password is requested at the end of the
process. The password is used each time you perform operations on the
Certification Authority Server.
򐂰 The next step is to generate the authentication keys for the WebSM clients
and servers:
– Private keys will be installed on the HMCs.
– Public keys will be installed on WebSM remote clients.
From the main panel HMC, select System Manager Security, select Certificate
Authority, and then in the right window, Generate Servers Private Key Ring
Files. Enter the password set in the previous step. A new menu is displayed for
defining options as shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28 Generate the private keys ring file

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


At this menu:
– Add both HMCs in the list of servers (the current HMC should already be
– Enter the organization name: ITSO.
– Verify that the certificate expiration date is set to a future date.
򐂰 Install the previous generated private key to the current HMC.
Select System Manager Security → Server Security → Install the private
key ring file for this server. Then select as input device the directory
/var/websm/security/tmp as shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29 Installing the local private key on the HMC

򐂰 Copy the private key ring file to removable media for installing it to the second
Select System Manager Security → Certificate Authority, and in the right
panel, select Copy Servers’ Private Key Ring Files to removable media.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Figure 30 Copying the private key ring file to removable media

Tip: To transfer the security keys from the HMC, you can use the floppy drive
or a flash memory. Plug the device in the USB port, before running the copy
procedure, and then, it will show up in the menu as shown in Figure 30.
򐂰 Copy the private key from removable media to the second HMC.
Insert the removable media in the second HMC. From the HMC menu select:
System Manager Security → Server Security. In the right window, select
Install the private key ring file for this server. A new window is displayed for
selecting the removable media containing the private key for the HMC (see
Figure 31 on page 46).

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Figure 31 Installing the private key ring file for the second HMC

򐂰 Copy the public key ring file to removable media for installing the key file on
the client PC. Select System Manager Security → Certificate Authority,
and in the right panel, select Copy this Certificate Authority Public Key
Ring File to removable media. A dialog panel is displayed (see Figure 32 on
page 47).


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Figure 32 Save the public key ring file to removable media

You will be provided with a second window to specify the format of the file to
be saved. Depending on the platform of the WebSM client, you can select
– HMC or AIX client: A tar archive is created on the selected media.
– PC Client: A regular file is created on the selected media. This option
requires a formatted media.
Note: Two files are saved on the media, containing the public key ring files:
SM.pubkr and
򐂰 Next, go back to the System Manager Security menu and select Server
Security. Select Configure this system as a Secure WEB based System
Manager Server as shown in Figure 33 on page 48.

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Figure 33 Select the security option for the authentication

Select one of the two options:
– Always use a secure connection: Only an SSL connection is allowed.
– Allow the user to choose secure or unsecure connections: A checkbox is
displayed at the time of connecting the WebSM client to the HMC, allowing
you to choose a secure (SSL) or an unsecure connection.
򐂰 Verify the status on the HMC to ensure that it is configured and the private
key ring is installed as shown in Figure 34.

Figure 34 Verify the system manager security status


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

򐂰 Next, go to each of your remote clients and copy the PUBLIC key ring file into
the “codebase” directory under WebSM. When you log in via WebSM, you will
get information if the SSL connection is available or not. Verify the checkbox
Enable secure communication” in Figure 35.

Figure 35 WebSM logon panel

Enabling NTP on the HMC
The pSeries and iSeries Hardware Management Console (HMC) supports
Network Time Protocol (NTP) which allows an administrator to synchronize time
across several systems. You can enable it from the command line as follows:
$ chhmc -c xntp -s enable
$ chhmc -c xntp -s add { -a ip-address | -h hostname }

The first line turns on the daemon, and the second specifies the IP address or
hostname of the server to which the HMC will synchronize its time.

Microcode upgrades
The method used to install a new firmware depends on the release level of
firmware which is currently installed on your server.The release of the firmware
can be determined from the firmaware’s filename: 01SFXXX_YYY_ZZZ, where
XXX is the release level.
The microcode update can be performed either by using the HMC or the target
system, when an HMC is not available. The policy for the microcode update can
be changed from the ASMI. For further details, refer to the ASMI Setup Guide at:

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Attention: Before updating the microcode of the system, we recommend to
carefully read the installation notes of the version you plan to install. For
further information, refer to the microcode download for eServer pSeries
systems page at:

The following procedure is an example of running a microcode update procedure
for a p550 system using the HMC.
In our example, we use a p550 system attached to the HMC. We select the FTP
server method for installing the microcode update from version 01SF220 to the
new version 01SF230. We downloaded the rpm and xml file from the microcode
download Web page and put them on the FTP server. Since we are upgrading to
a new release of firmware, the update is non-concurrent and a system power off
must be performed before starting the upgrade procedure.
At the beginning of the installation procedure, always check for the most updated
version of the HMC code. In our example, we used HMC 4.5. For the latest code
version of the HMC, refer to the Web page:

Steps performed to update the microcode of the p550 system are as follows:
1. Access License Internal Code Updates menus on HMC. In the Management
Area, select License Internal Code Maintenance → Licensed Internal
Code Updates (see Figure 36 on page 51). Select Upgrade Internal
Licensed Code to a new release.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

Figure 36 License Internal Code Updates menus on the HMC

Note: In our example, we choose to upgrade to a new release. When updating
the firmware level at the same release, choose Change Licensed Internal
Code for the same release.
2. Select the target system (see Figure 37) and click OK.

Figure 37 Select the target system

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


3. We downloaded the microcode image to an FTP server, so we specify as LIC
Repository FTP Site (Figure 38).

Figure 38 Specify the microcode location

4. In the details window, enter the IP address of the FTP server, username and
password for the access and the location of the microcode image (see
Figure 39). After connecting to the FTP server, a license acceptance window
is displayed. Confirm the license agreement and continue with the next step.

Figure 39 Specify the details for access to the FTP server

Important: Two files must be found at the indicated location:
򐂰 Microcode image file, in our example: 01SF230_126_120.rpm
򐂰 The XML file, in our example: 01SF230_126_120.xml


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

5. You are provided with a new window which displays the current and the target
release of the firmware (see Figure 40). Click OK to start the upgrade

Figure 40 Upgrade information

The update process might take 20-30 minutes. When the update operation ends,
the status completed is displayed in the status window, as shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41 Update microcode completed

Referenced Web sites
򐂰 Latest HMC code updates:

򐂰 Manual pages for the command line interface on HMC for POWER5 systems:

򐂰 A reference page for the command line interface on HMC for POWER4

򐂰 CoD site:

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


򐂰 Dual HMC cabling on the IBM 9119-595 and 9119-590 Servers:

򐂰 ASMI setup guide:


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

The team that wrote this Redpaper
This Redpaper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center.
Dino Quintero is a Consulting IT Specialist at ITSO in Poughkeepsie, New York.
Before joining ITSO, he worked as a Performance Analyst for the Enterprise
Systems Group and as a Disaster Recovery Architect for IBM Global Services.
His areas of expertise include disaster recovery and pSeries clustering solutions.
He is certified on pSeries system administration and pSeries clustering
technologies. He is also an IBM Senior Certified Professional on pSeries
technologies. Currently, he leads technical teams delivering Redbook solutions
on pSeries clustering technologies and delivering technical workshops
Sven Meissner is an IT specialist at Bayer Business Services GmbH in
Germany. He has more than 10 years of experience in AIX. His areas of
expertise include planning, installation and managing of AIX environments
including HMCs, CSM and HACMP™. Sven is an IBM Certified Technical Expert
- pSeries Administration and Support for AIX 5L v 5.2.
Andrei Socoliuc is a Software Support Engineer in IBM Global Services in
Romania. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Polytechnic
Institute in Bucharest, Romania. He has six years of experience in the pSeries
Clusters field. His areas of expertise include AIX, PSSP, HACMP, TSM, and
Linux. He has written extensive on pSeries Clusters managed by PSSP.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Octavian Lascu
International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center
Tomas Baublys
IBM Germany
Martin Kaemmerling
Bayer Business Services
Shujun Zhou, Brian Croswell
IBM Poughkeepsie
Andy Mclaughin, Bob Foster, Mark Dewalt
IBM Austin
Beth Norris
Motorola, Inc., Tempe, Arizona

Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management


Yvonne Lyon
International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center


Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management

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This document was created or updated on February 23, 2006.


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replace disk drive; replace disk; replace DASD; replace cable assembly; replace async adapter; remove tape drive; remove system; remove server; remove scsi adapter; remove RAM; remove raid enablement card; remove raid enablement adapter; remove raid enablement; remove raid disk controller; remove raid adapter; remove processor; remove power supply; remove memory module; remove memory; remove iscsi adapter; remove infiniband adapter; remove graphics adapter; remove fibre adapter; remove expansion unit; remove ethernet adapter; remove dvd; remove display; remove disk drive; remove disk; remove DASD; remove cable assembly; remove async adapter; Redbooks; PTX; pSeries; Predictive Failure Analysis; POWERserver; PowerPC Architecture; PowerPC 750; PowerPC; PowerExecutive; POWER6; POWER5+; POWER5; POWER4; POWER3; POWER2; Power Series; Power PC; Power Management; POWER Hypervisor; Power Architecture; POWER; Powderhorn; Parallel; p5 595; p5 590; p5 575; p5 570; p5 560Q; p5 550Q; p5 550; p5 520Q; 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IBM System p S-9115-1F6; IBM System p S-9115-1F4; IBM System p S-9110-1M6; IBM System p S-9110-1M5; IBM System p S-9110-1M4; IBM System p 9133-55A Server; IBM System p 9133-1EJ; IBM System p 9133-1EH; IBM System p 9133-1EF; IBM System p 9133-1ED; IBM System p 9133-1EB; IBM System p 9133-1E8; IBM System p 9133-1E6; IBM System p 9133-1E4; IBM System p 9133-1E2; IBM System p 9133-1E0; IBM System p 9131-52A Server; IBM System p 9131-1KD; IBM System p 9131-1KB; IBM System p 9131-1K8; IBM System p 9131-1K6; IBM System p 9131-1K4; IBM System p 9131-1K2; IBM System p 9131-1K0; IBM System p 9119-595H; IBM System p 9119-595G2; IBM System p 9119-595G1; IBM System p 9119-595G; IBM System p 9119-595F; IBM System p 9119-595E; IBM System p 9119-595D2; IBM System p 9119-595D1; IBM System p 9119-595D; IBM System p 9119-595C2; IBM System p 9119-595C1; IBM System p 9119-595C; IBM System p 9119-595B2; IBM System p 9119-595B1; IBM System p 9119-595B; IBM System p 9119-595A; IBM System p 9119-595 Server; IBM System p 9119-590D1; 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IBM IntelliStation 9114-240W; IBM IntelliStation 9114-140W; IBM IntelliStation 9114-100W; IBM IntelliStation 9112-265 Server; IBM IntelliStation 9111-290W+; IBM IntelliStation 9111-290W; IBM IntelliStation 9111-285 Workstation; IBM IntelliStation 9111-190W+; IBM IntelliStation 9111-190W; IBM IntelliStation 7047-250W; IBM IntelliStation 7047-185 Workstation; IBM IntelliStation 7047-150W; IBM Tape Drive; IBM Tape 911x-6279; IBM Tape 911x-6258; IBM Tape 911x-6120; IBM Tape 911x-5755; IBM Tape 911x-1997; IBM Tape 911x-1992; IBM Tape 911x-1991; IBM Tape 911x-1955; IBM Tape 911x-1892; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement Adapter; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5737; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5736; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5728; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5727; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5726; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5712; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5711; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5710; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5709; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5703; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1976; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1975; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1974; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1913; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1912; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1908; IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1907; IBM Power Supply; IBM Power 911x-7989; IBM Power 911x-7958; IBM Power 911x-7889; IBM Power 911x-7875; IBM Power 911x-6186; IBM Power 911x-5159; IBM Power 911x-5158; IBM Memory Upgrade; IBM Memory 911x-7896; IBM Memory 911x-7894; IBM Memory 911x-7893; IBM Memory 911x-7892; IBM Memory 911x-4498; IBM Memory 911x-4497; IBM Memory 911x-4492; IBM Memory 911x-4491; IBM Memory 911x-4490; IBM Memory 911x-4463; IBM Memory 911x-4462; IBM Memory 911x-4461; IBM Memory 911x-4460; IBM Memory 911x-4454; IBM Memory 911x-4452; IBM Memory 911x-4451; IBM Memory 911x-4450; IBM Memory 911x-4449; IBM Memory 911x-4447; IBM Memory 911x-4446; IBM Memory 911x-4445; IBM Memory 911x-4444; IBM Memory 911x-4443; IBM Memory 911x-1952; IBM Memory 911x-1951; IBM Memory 911x-1950; IBM Memory 911x-1949; IBM Memory 911x-1945; IBM Memory 911x-1942; IBM Memory 911x-1940; IBM Memory 911x-1938; IBM Memory 911x-1937; IBM Memory 911x-1936; IBM Memory 911x-1934; IBM Memory 911x-1932; IBM Memory 911x-1931; IBM Memory 911x-1930; IBM iSCSI 911x-5714; IBM iSCSI 911x-5713; IBM iSCSI 911x-1987; IBM iSCSI 911x-1986; IBM iSCSI; IBM InfiniBand Adapter; IBM InfiniBand 911x-7820; IBM InfiniBand 911x-1820; IBM InfiniBand 911x-1812; IBM InfiniBand 911x-1811; IBM InfiniBand 911x-1810; IBM InfiniBand 911x-1809; IBM Graphics Adapter; IBM Graphic 911x-2849; IBM Graphic 911x-2843; IBM Graphic 911x-2842; IBM Graphic 911x-1980; IBM Fibre Adapter; IBM Fibre 911x-6239; IBM Fibre 911x-6228; IBM Fibre 911x-5759; IBM Fibre 911x-5758; IBM Fibre 911x-5716; IBM Fibre 911x-1977; IBM Fibre 911x-1957; IBM Fibre 911x-1910; IBM Fibre 911x-1905; IBM Expansion Unit; IBM Expansion 911x-7863; IBM Expansion 911x-7862; IBM Expansion 911x-7861; IBM Expansion 911x-7818; IBM Expansion 911x-7164; IBM Expansion 911x-6594; IBM Expansion 911x-6593; IBM Expansion 911x-6592; IBM Expansion 911x-6574; IBM Expansion 911x-5795; IBM Expansion 911x-5794; IBM Expansion 911x-5791; IBM Expansion 911x-1800; IBM Ethernet Adapter; IBM Ethernet 911x-5740; IBM Ethernet 911x-5722; IBM Ethernet 911x-5721; IBM Ethernet 911x-5719; IBM Ethernet 911x-5718; IBM Ethernet 911x-5707; IBM Ethernet 911x-5706; IBM Ethernet 911x-5701; IBM Ethernet 911x-5700; IBM Ethernet 911x-4962; IBM Ethernet 911x-4961; IBM Ethernet 911x-4959; IBM Ethernet 911x-2975; IBM Ethernet 911x-2969; IBM Ethernet 911x-1990; IBM Ethernet 911x-1985; IBM Ethernet 911x-1984; IBM Ethernet 911x-1983; IBM Ethernet 911x-1982; IBM Ethernet 911x-1981; IBM Ethernet 911x-1979; IBM Ethernet 911x-1978; IBM Ethernet 911x-1959; IBM Ethernet 911x-1954; IBM DVD Device; IBM DVD 911x-5764; IBM DVD 911x-5763; IBM DVD 911x-5751; IBM DVD 911x-2640; IBM DVD 911x-2591; IBM DVD 911x-1994; IBM DVD 911x-1993; IBM DVD 911x-1903; IBM DVD 911x-1900; IBM Display 911x-3645; IBM Display 911x-3644; IBM Display 911x-3643; IBM Display 911x-3642; IBM Display 911x-3641; IBM Display 911x-3640; IBM Display 911x-3639; IBM Display 911x-3638; IBM Display 911x-3637; IBM Display 911x-3636; IBM Display; IBM Disk Drive; IBM Disk 911x-3581; IBM Disk 911x-3580; IBM Disk 911x-3579; IBM Disk 911x-3578; IBM Disk 911x-3281; IBM Disk 911x-3280; IBM Disk 911x-3279; IBM Disk 911x-3278; IBM Disk 911x-3277; IBM Disk 911x-3276; IBM Disk 911x-3275; IBM Disk 911x-3274; IBM Disk 911x-3273; IBM Disk 911x-3265; IBM Disk 911x-3264; IBM Disk 911x-3159; IBM Disk 911x-3158; IBM Disk 911x-3129; IBM Disk 911x-1973; IBM Disk 911x-1972; IBM Disk 911x-1971; IBM Disk 911x-1970; IBM Disk 911x-1969; IBM Disk 911x-1968; IBM Cable Assembly; IBM Cable 911x-8133; IBM Cable 911x-8132; IBM Cable 911x-8131; IBM Cable 911x-7802; IBM Cable 911x-7801; IBM Cable 911x-6123; IBM Cable 911x-6029; IBM Cable 911x-6008; IBM Cable 911x-6007; IBM Cable 911x-6006; IBM Cable 911x-6001; IBM Cable 911x-4278; IBM Cable 911x-4274; IBM Cable 911x-4273; IBM Cable 911x-4267; IBM Cable 911x-4263; IBM Cable 911x-4256; IBM Cable 911x-4242; IBM Cable 911x-3926; IBM Cable 911x-3925; IBM Cable 911x-3168; IBM Cable 911x-3156; IBM Cable 911x-3148; IBM Cable 911x-3147; IBM Cable 911x-3146; IBM Cable 911x-3125; IBM Cable 911x-3124; IBM Cable 911x-2936; IBM Cable 911x-2459; IBM Cable 911x-2456; IBM Cable 911x-2425; IBM Cable 911x-2118; IBM Cable 911x-2114; IBM Cable 911x-1839; IBM Cable 911x-1836; IBM Cable 911x-1835; IBM Async Adapter; IBM Async 911x-8137; IBM Async 911x-8136; IBM Async 911x-6312; IBM Async 911x-5723; IBM Async 911x-2947; IBM Async 911x-2944; IBM Async 911x-2943; IBM SCSI RAID 7311-5737; IBM SCSI RAID 7311-5736; IBM SCSI RAID 7311-5712; IBM SCSI RAID 7311-5703; IBM SCSI RAID 7040-5737; IBM SCSI RAID 7040-5736; IBM SCSI RAID 7040-5711; IBM SCSI RAID 7040-5710; IBM SCSI RAID; IBM Power 7031-6261; IBM Power; IBM iSCSI 7311-5714; IBM iSCSI 7311-5713; IBM iSCSI 7040-5714; IBM iSCSI 7040-5713; IBM iSCSI; IBM InfiniBand 7311-1820; IBM InfiniBand 7040-1820; IBM InfiniBand; IBM I/O Tower 7031-T24; IBM I/O Drawer 7311-D20; IBM I/O Drawer 7311-D11; IBM I/O Drawer 7311-D10; IBM I/O Drawer 7040-61D; IBM I/O Drawer 7031-D24; IBM Graphics 7311-2849; IBM Graphics 7040-2849; IBM Graphics; IBM Fibre 7311-6239; IBM Fibre 7311-6228; IBM Fibre 7311-5759; IBM Fibre 7311-5758; IBM Fibre 7311-5716; IBM Fibre 7040-6239; IBM Fibre 7040-6228; IBM Fibre 7040-5759; IBM Fibre 7040-5758; IBM Fibre 7040-5716; IBM Fibre; IBM Expansion 7031-5742; IBM Expansion 7031-5741; IBM Expansion; IBM Ethernet 7311-5740; IBM Ethernet 7311-5722; IBM Ethernet 7311-5721; IBM Ethernet 7311-5719; IBM Ethernet 7311-5718; IBM Ethernet 7311-5707; IBM Ethernet 7311-5706; IBM Ethernet 7311-5701; IBM Ethernet 7311-5700; IBM Ethernet 7311-4962; IBM Ethernet 7311-4961; IBM Ethernet 7040-5740; IBM Ethernet 7040-5722; IBM Ethernet 7040-5721; IBM Ethernet 7040-5719; IBM Ethernet 7040-5718; IBM Ethernet 7040-5707; IBM Ethernet 7040-5706; IBM Ethernet 7040-5701; IBM Ethernet 7040-5700; IBM Ethernet 7040-4962; IBM Ethernet 7040-4961; IBM Ethernet 7040-2975; IBM Ethernet 7040-2969; IBM Ethernet; IBM Disk 7311-3578; IBM Disk 7311-3279; IBM Disk 7311-3278; IBM Disk 7311-3277; IBM Disk 7311-3275; IBM Disk 7311-3274; IBM Disk 7311-3273; IBM Disk 7040-3578; IBM Disk 7040-3279; IBM Disk 7040-3278; IBM Disk 7040-3277; IBM Disk 7040-3275; IBM Disk 7040-3159; IBM Disk 7040-3158; IBM Disk 7031-3578; IBM Disk 7031-3279; IBM Disk 7031-3278; IBM Disk 7031-3277; IBM Disk 7031-3275; IBM Disk 7031-3274; IBM Disk; IBM Async 7311-5723; IBM Async 7040-5723; IBM Async; IBM I/O Drawer; IBM VX3 Tape Drive 7212-1114; IBM VX3 Tape Drive 7206-VX3; IBM VX2 Tape Drive 7212-1104; IBM VX2 Tape Drive 7206-VX2; IBM VX2 Autoloader 7212-312; IBM Ultrium LTO4 Tape Drive 3588-F4A; IBM Ultrium LTO4 Tape Drive 3580-S43; IBM Ultrium LTO4 Tape Drive 3580-L43; IBM Ultrium LTO4 Tape Drive 3576-8142; IBM Ultrium LTO4 Tape Drive 3576-8139; IBM Ultrium LTO4 Tape Drive 3573-8145; IBM Ultrium LTO4 Tape Drive 3573-8144; IBM Ultrium LTO4 Tape Drive 3573-8143; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3588-F3B; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3588-F3A; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3583-8035; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3583-8033; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3582-8036; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3582-8035; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3582-8034; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3582-8033; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3580-L33; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3580-H3L; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3576-8042; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3576-8038; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3576-8037; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3573-8044; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Tape Drive 3573-8043; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Autoloader 3581-L38; IBM Ultrium LTO3 Autoloader 3581-F38; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3583-8105; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3583-8104; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3583-8103; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3582-8205; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3582-8204; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3582-8203; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3582-8105; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3582-8104; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3582-8103; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3580-L23; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Tape Drive 3580-H23; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Half-High Tape Drive 7212-1109; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Autoloader 3581-L28; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Autoloader 3581-L23; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Autoloader 3581-H23; IBM Ultrium LTO2 Autoloader 3581-F28; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Tape Drive 3583-8004; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Tape Drive 3583-8003; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Tape Drive 3580-L13; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Tape Drive 3580-L11; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Tape Drive 3580-H13; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Tape Drive 3580-H11; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Autoloader 3581-L17; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Autoloader 3581-L13; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Autoloader 3581-H17; IBM Ultrium LTO1 Autoloader 3581-H13; IBM Ultrium LTO Library 3582-L23; IBM TS3500 Library 3584-L53; IBM TS3500 Library 3584-L23; IBM TS3500 Expansion 3584-D53; IBM TS3500 Expansion 3584-D23; IBM TS3310 Library 3576-L5B; IBM TS3310 Expansion 3576-E9U; IBM TS3200 Library 3573-L4U; IBM TS3100 Autoloader 3573-L2U; IBM Storage Device Enclosure 7212-103; IBM Storage Device Enclosure 7212-102; IBM SLR60 Tape Drive 7212-1107; IBM SLR60 Tape Drive 7207-330; IBM SLR5 Tape Drive 7207-122; IBM SLR100 Tape Drive 7212-1108; IBM SDLT320 Tape Drive 7205-550; IBM Mammoth2 Tape Drive 7208-345; IBM Mammoth1 Tape Drive 7208-342; IBM Mammoth1 Tape Drive 7208-341; IBM Library 3583-L72; IBM Library 3583-L36; IBM Library 3583-L18; IBM DVD RAM2 Drive 7212-1103; IBM DDS4 Tape Drive 7212-1100; IBM DDS4 Tape Drive 7206-220; IBM DDS4 Autoloader 7332-220; IBM DAT72 Tape Drive 7212-1105; IBM DAT72 Tape Drive 7206-336; IBM 8mm Tape Drive 7208-222; IBM 7332 Autoloader; IBM 7212 Autoloader; IBM 7208 Tape Drive; IBM 7207 Tape Drive; IBM 7206 Tape Drive; IBM 7205 Tape Drive; IBM 3588 Ultrium LTO Tape Drive; IBM 3584 Tape Library Frame; IBM 3583 Ultrium LTO Library; IBM 3582 Ultrium LTO Library; IBM 3581-7004; IBM 3581-7003; IBM 3581-3104; IBM 3581 Ultrium LTO Autoloader; IBM 3580 Ultrium LTO Tape Drive; IBM 3576-7003; IBM 3576-5900; IBM 3576-1900; IBM 3576-1682; IBM 3576-1640; IBM 3576 Ultrium LTO Library; IBM 3573-8106; IBM 3573-7002; IBM 3573-5900; IBM 3573-1682; IBM 3573 Ultrium LTO Autoloader Library; IBM TotalStorage Storage EXP700 EXP710 Expansion; IBM TotalStorage EXP400 Storage Expansion; IBM TotalStorage DS400; IBM TotalStorage DS300 iSCSI; IBM System Storage EXN1000 Expansion; IBM System Storage 2865 N Series; IBM System Storage 2864 N Series; IBM System Storage 2863 N Series; IBM Storage Tower 2104-TU3; IBM Storage Tower 2104-TS4; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4646; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4573; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4536; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4328; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4327; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4326; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4300; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4146; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4073; IBM Storage Drawer S-2104-4036; IBM Storage Drawer 2104-DU3; IBM Storage Drawer 2104-DS4; IBM Storage 2104-6572; IBM Storage 2104-6536; IBM Storage 2104-6246; IBM Storage 2104-6172; IBM Storage 2104-6136; IBM Storage 2104-4646; IBM Storage 2104-4573; IBM Storage 2104-4536; IBM Storage 2104-4300; IBM Storage 2104-4146; IBM Storage 2104-4073; IBM Storage 2104-4036; IBM Storage 2104-3499; IBM Storage 2104-3448; IBM Storage 2104-3430; IBM Storage 2104-3299; IBM Storage 2104-3248; IBM Storage 2104-3230; IBM Storage 2104-2642; IBM Storage 2104-2635; IBM NAS 500 Memory 5198-4490; IBM NAS 500 Memory 5198-4454; IBM NAS 500 Memory 5198-4452; IBM NAS 500 Fibre 5198-6240; IBM NAS 500 Fibre 5198-6239; IBM NAS 500 Ethernet 5198-5707; IBM NAS 500 Ethernet 5198-5706; IBM NAS 500 Ethernet 5198-5701; IBM NAS 500 Ethernet 5198-5700; IBM NAS 500 5198-001; IBM N5500 2865-A20; IBM N5500 2865-A10; IBM N5500 2865-1005; IBM N5500 2865-1004; IBM N5500 2865-1003; IBM N5200 2864-A20; IBM N5200 2864-A10; IBM N5200 2864-1005; IBM N5200 2864-1004; IBM N5200 2864-1003; IBM N3700 Disk 2863-4004; IBM N3700 Disk 2863-4003; IBM N3700 Disk 2863-4002; IBM N3700 Disk 2863-4001; IBM N3700 Disk 2863-4000; IBM N3700 2863-A20; IBM N3700 2863-A10; IBM N3700 2863-001; IBM N3700; IBM Midrange DS4400 FAStT700 FAStT900 Disk; IBM Midrange DS4300 FAStT600 Disk; IBM Midrange DS4100 FAStT100 Disk; IBM FAStT500 Storage Server; IBM FAStT500 3552-1RU; IBM FAStT EXP500 Expansion; IBM EXP700 Disk 1740-5214; IBM EXP700 Disk 1740-5213; IBM EXP700 Disk 1740-5212; IBM EXP700 Disk 1740-5211; IBM EXP700 Disk 1740-5208; IBM EXP700 Disk 1740-5207; IBM EXP700 Disk 1740-5206; IBM EXP700 Disk 1740-5205; IBM EXP700 1740-710; IBM EXP700 1740-1RU; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5213; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5212; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5211; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5207; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5206; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5205; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5011; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5006; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5005; IBM EXP500 Disk 3560-5004; IBM EXP500 3560-1RU; IBM EXP400 Disk 90p1382; IBM EXP400 Disk 90p1381; IBM EXP400 Disk 90p1380; IBM EXP400 Disk 90p1307; IBM EXP400 Disk 90p1306; IBM EXP400 Disk 90p1305; IBM EXP400 1733-1RU; IBM EXN1000 2861-001; IBM ESS Disk Array; IBM ESS Disk 2105-2144; IBM ESS Disk 2105-2143; IBM ESS Disk 2105-2142; IBM ESS Disk 2105-2125; IBM ESS Disk 2105-2124; IBM ESS Disk 2105-2123; IBM ESS Disk 2105-2122; IBM ESS Cache 2105-4020; IBM ESS Cache 2105-4016; IBM ESS Cache 2105-4015; IBM ESS Cache 2105-4014; IBM ESS Cache 2105-4006; IBM ESS Cache 2105-4005; IBM ESS Cache 2105-4004; IBM ESS 2105-800; IBM ESS 2105-750; IBM Enterprise NAS 500 Gateway; IBM DS8000 Disk Array; IBM DS8000 Disk 2107-2316; IBM DS8000 Disk 2107-2116; IBM DS8000 Disk 2107-2016; IBM DS8000 Cache 2107-4105; IBM DS8000 Cache 2107-4104; IBM DS8000 Cache 2107-4103; IBM DS8000 Cache 2107-4102; IBM DS8000 Cache 2107-4004; IBM DS8000 Cache 2107-4003; IBM DS8000 Cache 2107-4002; IBM DS8000 Cache 2107-4001; IBM DS8000 2107-9AE; IBM DS8000 2107-9A2; IBM DS8000 2107-92E; IBM DS8000 2107-922; IBM DS8000 2107-921; IBM DS6000 Disk Array; IBM DS6000 Disk 1750-2054; IBM DS6000 Disk 1750-2052; IBM DS6000 Disk 1750-2004; IBM DS6000 Disk 1750-2002; IBM DS6000 1750-EX1; IBM DS6000 1750-511; IBM DS4400 1742-90U; IBM DS4400 1742-1RU; IBM DS4300 Disk 1722-5214; IBM DS4300 Disk 1722-5213; IBM DS4300 Disk 1722-5212; IBM DS4300 Disk 1722-5211; IBM DS4300 Disk 1722-5208; IBM DS4300 Disk 1722-5207; IBM DS4300 Disk 1722-5206; IBM DS4300 Disk 1722-5205; IBM DS4300 1722-6LU; IBM DS4300 1722-60U; IBM DS4300 1722-60U; IBM DS4100 Disk 1724-4602; IBM DS4100 1724-100; IBM DS400 Disk 90p1382; IBM DS400 Disk 90p1381; IBM DS400 Disk 90p1380; IBM DS400 Disk 90p1307; IBM DS400 Disk 90p1306; IBM DS400 Disk 90p1305; IBM DS400 1700-2RD; IBM DS400 1700-1RS; IBM DS300 Disk 90p1382; IBM DS300 Disk 90p1381; IBM DS300 Disk 90p1380; IBM DS300 Disk 90p1307; IBM DS300 Disk 90p1306; IBM DS300 Disk 90p1305; IBM DS300 1701-2RD; IBM DS300 1701-1RS; IBM Disk 7204-646; IBM Disk 7204-573; IBM Disk 7204-536; IBM Disk 7204-518; IBM 7204 External Disk; IBM 2104 Storage Tower; IBM 2104 Storage Drawer; IBM UPS; IBM Rack Enclosure; IBM HMC Console; IBM Flat Panel Console; IBM 9910-P65; IBM 9910-P64; IBM 9910-P33; IBM 9910-P30; IBM 7316-TF3; IBM 7316-8880; IBM 7316-4269; IBM 7316-4268; IBM 7316-4242; IBM 7316-4202; IBM 7310-CR3; IBM 7310-7802; IBM 7310-7801; IBM 7310-5706; IBM 7310-4962; IBM 7310-4256; IBM 7310-4242; IBM 7310-3645; IBM 7310-3644; IBM 7310-3643; IBM 7310-3642; IBM 7310-3641; IBM 7310-3640; IBM 7310-3637; IBM 7310-2591; IBM 7014-T42; IBM 7014-T00; IBM 7014-S25; IBM 7014-S11
Company                         : GST, Inc.
Source Modified                 : D:20070902141659
Creator Tool                    : Acrobat PDFMaker 8.1 for Word
Modify Date                     : 2007:09:05 22:42:22-07:00
Create Date                     : 2007:09:02 07:17:24-07:00
Metadata Date                   : 2007:09:05 22:42:22-07:00
Document ID                     : uuid:357385be-7310-4c9f-9613-81220e7e9a2c
Instance ID                     : uuid:0391ea5e-c8f8-4212-8d61-d79c8bb8e0e7
Format                          : application/pdf
Creator                         : GST, Inc. -
Title                           : GST, Inc. - IBM System p, p5, pSeries, RS/6000, System i, i5, iSeries, AS/400, OpenPower and TotalStorage Experts.
Description                     : GST, Inc. - IBM System p, p5, pSeries, RS/6000, System i, i5, iSeries, AS/400, OpenPower and TotalStorage Experts.
Subject                         :,,, GST Inc, GST, David Breisacher, Breisacher, zSeries, z9, z/VSE, z/VM, z/OS, xSeries, Windows Server, Windows NT, Windows, WebSphere 1350, WebSphere, Virtualization Engine, UNIX, Universal Database DB2, Trackpoint, TotalStorage, Tivoli, System/38, System/36, System z, System x, System Storage, System p5, System p, System i5, System i, Sysplex, Sun Solaris, StorageTek, Solaris, Service Director, ServerProven, ServeRAID, SecureWay, Seascape, S/390, RSM, RS/6000, RPG/400, RISC System/6000, replace tape drive, replace system, replace server, replace scsi adapter, replace RAM, replace raid enablement card, replace raid enablement adapter, replace raid enablement, replace raid disk controller, replace raid adapter, replace processor, replace power supply, replace memory module, replace memory, replace iscsi adapter, replace infiniband adapter, replace graphics adapter, replace fibre adapter, replace expansion unit, replace ethernet adapter, replace dvd, replace display, replace disk drive, replace disk, replace DASD, replace cable assembly, replace async adapter, remove tape drive, remove system, remove server, remove scsi adapter, remove RAM, remove raid enablement card, remove raid enablement adapter, remove raid enablement, remove raid disk controller, remove raid adapter, remove processor, remove power supply, remove memory module, remove memory, remove iscsi adapter, remove infiniband adapter, remove graphics adapter, remove fibre adapter, remove expansion unit, remove ethernet adapter, remove dvd, remove display, remove disk drive, remove disk, remove DASD, remove cable assembly, remove async adapter, Redbooks, PTX, pSeries, Predictive Failure Analysis, POWERserver, PowerPC Architecture, PowerPC 750, PowerPC, PowerExecutive, POWER6, POWER5+, POWER5, POWER4, POWER3, POWER2, Power Series, Power PC, Power Management, POWER Hypervisor, Power Architecture, POWER, Powderhorn, Parallel, p5 595, p5 590, p5 575, p5 570, p5 560Q, p5 550Q, p5 550, p5 520Q, p5 520, p5 510Q, p5 510, p5 505, p5 185, OS/400, OS/390, Oracle, OpenPower 720, OpenPower 710, OpenPower, OLAP Server DB2, Object Content Architecture, NetView, Netfinity, MVS, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft, Micro-Partitioning, Micro Channel, Magstar, Lotus, LoadLeveler, Linux, JVM, JRE, JNI, JDBC, Java Ultra, Java Naming and Directory Interface, Java, J2EE, iSeries, IPC, IntelliStation POWER 285, IntelliStation POWER 185, IntelliStation 285, IntelliStation 185, IntelliStation, Intel, install tape drive, install system, install server, install scsi adapter, install RAM, install raid enablement card, install raid enablement adapter, install raid enablement, install raid disk controller, install raid adapter, install processor, install power supply, install memory module, install memory, install iscsi adapter, install infiniband adapter, install graphics adapter, install fibre adapter, install expansion unit, install ethernet adapter, install dvd, install display, install disk drive, install disk, install DASD, install cable assembly, install async adapter, iNotes, Informix, Infoprint Language Environment, Infoprint,, IBM Systems, IBM System p5 560Q, IBM System p5 550Q, IBM System p5 550, IBM System p5 520Q, IBM System p5 520, IBM System p5 510Q, IBM System p5 510, IBM System p5 505, IBM System p5 185, IBM System i5 520, IBM Redbooks, IBM p5 570, IBM eServer p5 595, IBM eServer p5 590, IBM eServer p5 575, IBM eServer p5 570, IBM eServer p5 550, IBM eServer p5 520, IBM eServer p5 510, IBM eServer OpenPower 720, IBM eServer OpenPower 710, IBM eServer OpenPower, IBM eServer i5 595, IBM eServer i5 570, IBM eServer i5 550, IBM eServer i5 520, IBM eServer Hardware, IBM, i5/OS, i5 595, i5 570, i5 550, i5 520, i386, Hypervisor, HiperSockets, HACMP, GPFS, General Parallel File System, GDPS, FlashCopy, FICON, Express Portfolio, Everyplace Geographically Dispersed, eServer, ESCON, Enterprise Storage Server, Electronic Service Agent, ECKD, e-business on demand, DS8000, DS6000, DS4000, Domino, Distributed Relational Database Architecture, DFSORT, DFSMSrmm, DFSMShsm, DFSMSdss, DFSMSdfp, DFSMS/MVS, DFSMS, DFS, developerWorks, DB2, DataPropagator, Cross-Site DB2, Cloudscape, ClearCase, CICS, Chipkill, Calibrated Vectored Cooling, C/400, Blue Gene, BladeCenter, BCOCA, Asset ID, AS/400e, AS/400, AnyNet, AIX 5L, AIX, AFS, AFP, AFCCU, Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking, Advanced Function Printing, Advanced Function Presentation, AD/Cycle, 9406-595, 9406-570, 9406-550, 9406-520, 9405-520, 9133-55A, 9131-52A, 9124-720, 9123-710, 9119-595, 9119-590, 9118-575, 9117-570, 9116-561, 9115-505, 9113-550, 9111-520, 9111-285, 9110-51A, 9110-510, 7047-185, 7037-A50, IBM System p S-9133-1EJ, IBM System p S-9133-1EF, IBM System p S-9133-1ED, IBM System p S-9133-1EB, IBM System p S-9131-1KD, IBM System p S-9131-1KB, IBM System p S-9131-1K0, IBM System p S-9117-570S, IBM System p S-9117-570R, IBM System p S-9117-570P, IBM System p S-9117-570N, IBM System p S-9117-570M, IBM System p S-9117-570A, IBM System p S-9115-1F7, IBM System p S-9115-1F6, IBM System p S-9115-1F4, IBM System p S-9110-1M6, IBM System p S-9110-1M5, IBM System p S-9110-1M4, IBM System p 9133-55A Server, IBM System p 9133-1EJ, IBM System p 9133-1EH, IBM System p 9133-1EF, IBM System p 9133-1ED, IBM System p 9133-1EB, IBM System p 9133-1E8, IBM System p 9133-1E6, IBM System p 9133-1E4, IBM System p 9133-1E2, IBM System p 9133-1E0, IBM System p 9131-52A Server, IBM System p 9131-1KD, IBM System p 9131-1KB, IBM System p 9131-1K8, IBM System p 9131-1K6, IBM System p 9131-1K4, IBM System p 9131-1K2, IBM System p 9131-1K0, IBM System p 9119-595H, IBM System p 9119-595G2, IBM System p 9119-595G1, IBM System p 9119-595G, IBM System p 9119-595F, IBM System p 9119-595E, IBM System p 9119-595D2, IBM System p 9119-595D1, IBM System p 9119-595D, IBM System p 9119-595C2, IBM System p 9119-595C1, IBM System p 9119-595C, IBM System p 9119-595B2, IBM System p 9119-595B1, IBM System p 9119-595B, IBM System p 9119-595A, IBM System p 9119-595 Server, IBM System p 9119-590D1, IBM System p 9119-590D, IBM System p 9119-590C1, IBM System p 9119-590C, IBM System p 9119-590B1, IBM System p 9119-590B, IBM System p 9119-590A1, IBM System p 9119-590A, IBM System p 9119-590 Server, IBM System p 9118-575 Server, IBM System p 9117-MMA Server, IBM System p 9117-570W4, IBM System p 9117-570W3, IBM System p 9117-570W2, IBM System p 9117-570W1, IBM System p 9117-570W, IBM System p 9117-570T4, IBM System p 9117-570T3, IBM System p 9117-570T2, IBM System p 9117-570T1, IBM System p 9117-570T, IBM System p 9117-570S, IBM System p 9117-570R, IBM System p 9117-570P, IBM System p 9117-570N, IBM System p 9117-570M, IBM System p 9117-570L, IBM System p 9117-570K, IBM System p 9117-570J, IBM System p 9117-570I, IBM System p 9117-570H, IBM System p 9117-570G, IBM System p 9117-570F, IBM System p 9117-570E, IBM System p 9117-570D, IBM System p 9117-570C, IBM System p 9117-570B, IBM System p 9117-570A, IBM System p 9117-570, IBM System p 9117-570 Server, IBM System p 9116-561 Server, IBM System p 9116-1A3, IBM System p 9116-1A2, IBM System p 9116-1A1, IBM System p 9115-505 Server, IBM System p 9115-1F7, IBM System p 9115-1F6, IBM System p 9115-1F5, IBM System p 9115-1F4, IBM System p 9115-1F3, IBM System p 9115-1F2, IBM System p 9115-1F1, IBM System p 9113-550E, IBM System p 9113-550D, IBM System p 9113-550C, IBM System p 9113-550B, IBM System p 9113-550A, IBM System p 9113-550 Server, IBM System p 9111-520B, IBM System p 9111-520A, IBM System p 9111-520, IBM System p 9111-520 Server, IBM System p 9110-51A Server, IBM System p 9110-510D, IBM System p 9110-510C, IBM System p 9110-510B, IBM System p 9110-510A, IBM System p 9110-510 Server, IBM System p 9110-1M6, IBM System p 9110-1M5, IBM System p 9110-1M4, IBM System p 9110-1M3, IBM System p 9110-1M2, IBM System p 9110-1M1, IBM System p 7037-A50 Server, IBM System p 7037-1D2, IBM System p 7037-1D1, IBM System i 9411-100 Server, IBM System i 9407-515 Server, IBM System i 9406-MMA Server, IBM System i 9406-595 Server, IBM System i 9406-570 Server, IBM System i 9406-550 Server, IBM System i 9406-525 Server, IBM System i 9406-520 Server, IBM System i 9406-270 Server, IBM System i 9405-520 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-T70 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-55H Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-558 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-557 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-556 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-555 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-550 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-50H Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-500 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-40A Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-409 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-408 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-407 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-406 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-3BA Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-3B9 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-3B8 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-3B7 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-3AA Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-3A9 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-3A8 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-3A7 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-30A Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-309 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-308 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-307 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-306 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-2AA Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-2A9 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-2A8 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-2A7 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-20A Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-209 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-208 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-207 Server, IBM RS/6000 9076-206 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-S7A Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-S70 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-R5U Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-R50 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-R4U Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-R40 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-R30 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-R24 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-R21 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-R20 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-R10 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-99F Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-99E Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-990 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-98B Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-980 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-97B Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-970 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-95E Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-951 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-950 Server, IBM RS/6000 7015-930 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-S7A Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-S70 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-J50 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-J40 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-J30 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-J01 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-59H Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-595 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-591 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-590 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-58H Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-581 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-580 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-57L Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-57F Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-571 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-570 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-560 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-55L Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-550 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-540 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-53H Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-53E Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-530 Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-52H Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-52E Server, IBM RS/6000 7013-520 Server, IBM pSeries S-7029-6C3-2, IBM pSeries S-7029-6C3-1, IBM pSeries S-7029-6C3, IBM pSeries 7046-B50 Server, IBM pSeries 7044-270 Server, IBM pSeries 7044-170 Server, IBM pSeries 7043-270 Server, IBM pSeries 7043-260 Server, IBM pSeries 7043-240 Server, IBM pSeries 7043-150 Server, IBM pSeries 7043-140 Server, IBM pSeries 7040-681 Server, IBM pSeries 7040-671 Server, IBM pSeries 7039-651 Server, IBM pSeries 7038-6M2 Server, IBM pSeries 7029-6E3 Server, IBM pSeries 7029-6C3 Server, IBM pSeries 7029-284C, IBM pSeries 7029-280C, IBM pSeries 7029-244C, IBM pSeries 7029-240C, IBM pSeries 7029-224C, IBM pSeries 7029-220C, IBM pSeries 7029-180C, IBM pSeries 7029-140C, IBM pSeries 7029-120C, IBM pSeries 7029-110C, IBM pSeries 7028-6E4 Server, IBM pSeries 7028-6E1 Server, IBM pSeries 7028-6C4 Server, IBM pSeries 7028-6C1 Server, IBM pSeries 7026-M80 Server, IBM pSeries 7026-H80 Server, IBM pSeries 7026-H70 Server, IBM pSeries 7026-H50 Server, IBM pSeries 7026-H10 Server, IBM pSeries 7026-B80 Server, IBM pSeries 7026-6M1 Server, IBM pSeries 7026-6H1 Server, IBM pSeries 7026-6H0 Server, IBM pSeries 7025-H70 Server, IBM pSeries 7025-F80 Server, IBM pSeries 7025-F50 Server, IBM pSeries 7025-F40 Server, IBM pSeries 7025-F30 Server, IBM pSeries 7025-6F1 Server, IBM pSeries 7025-6F0 Server, IBM pSeries 7017-S85 Server, IBM pSeries 7017-S80 Server, IBM pSeries 7017-S7A Server, IBM pSeries 7017-S70 Server, IBM OpenPower S-9124-720-4, IBM OpenPower S-9124-720-3, IBM OpenPower S-9124-720-2, IBM OpenPower S-9124-720-1, IBM OpenPower S-9124-720-0, IBM OpenPower S-9123-710-1, IBM OpenPower S-9123-710-0, IBM OpenPower S1-9124-720-4, IBM OpenPower S1-9124-720-3, IBM OpenPower S1-9124-720-2, IBM OpenPower S1-9124-720-1, IBM OpenPower S1-9124-720-0, IBM OpenPower S1-9123-710-1, IBM OpenPower S1-9123-710-0, IBM OpenPower 9124-720-4, IBM OpenPower 9124-720-3, IBM OpenPower 9124-720-2, IBM OpenPower 9124-720-1, IBM OpenPower 9124-720-0, IBM OpenPower 9124-720 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-710-1, IBM OpenPower 9123-710-0, IBM OpenPower 9123-710 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1C6 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1C5 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1C4 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1C3 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1C2 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1C1 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1B6 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1B5 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1B4 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1B3 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1B2 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1B1 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1A8 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1A7 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1A6 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1A5 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1A4 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1A3 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1A2 Server, IBM OpenPower 9123-1A1 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-SB3 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-SB2 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-SB1 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-S40 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-S30 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-S20 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-S10 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-890 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-870 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-840 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-830 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-825 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-820 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-810 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-800 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-740 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-730 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-720 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-650 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-640 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-620 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-600 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-250 Server, IBM iSeries 9406-170 Server, IBM IntelliStation S-9114-275, IBM IntelliStation 9114-275 Workstation, IBM IntelliStation 9114-240W, IBM IntelliStation 9114-140W, IBM IntelliStation 9114-100W, IBM IntelliStation 9112-265 Server, IBM IntelliStation 9111-290W+, IBM IntelliStation 9111-290W, IBM IntelliStation 9111-285 Workstation, IBM IntelliStation 9111-190W+, IBM IntelliStation 9111-190W, IBM IntelliStation 7047-250W, IBM IntelliStation 7047-185 Workstation, IBM IntelliStation 7047-150W, IBM Tape Drive, IBM Tape 911x-6279, IBM Tape 911x-6258, IBM Tape 911x-6120, IBM Tape 911x-5755, IBM Tape 911x-1997, IBM Tape 911x-1992, IBM Tape 911x-1991, IBM Tape 911x-1955, IBM Tape 911x-1892, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement Adapter, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5737, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5736, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5728, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5727, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5726, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5712, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5711, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5710, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5709, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-5703, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1976, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1975, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1974, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1913, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1912, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1908, IBM SCSI RAID Enablement 911x-1907, IBM Power Supply, IBM Power 911x-7989, IBM Power 911x-7958, IBM Power 911x-7889, IBM Power 911x-7875, IBM Power 911x-6186, IBM Power 911x-5159, IBM Power 911x-5158, IBM Memory Upgrade, IBM Memory 911x-7896, IBM Memory 911x-7894, IBM Memory 911x-7893, IBM Memory 911x-7892, IBM Memory 911x-4498, IBM Memory 911x-4497, IBM Memory 911x-4492, IBM Memory 911x-4491, IBM Memory 911x-4490, IBM Memory 911x-4463, IBM Memory 911x-4462, IBM Memory 911x-4461, IBM Memory 911x-4460, IBM Memory 911x-4454, IBM Memory 911x-4452, IBM Memory 911x-4451, IBM Memory 911x-4450, IBM Memory 911x-4449, IBM Memory 911x-4447, IBM Memory 911x-4446, IBM Memory 911x-4445, IBM Memory 911x-4444, IBM Memory 911x-4443, IBM Memory 911x-1952, IBM Memory 911x-1951, IBM Memory 911x-1950, IBM Memory 911x-1949, IBM Memory 911x-1945, IBM Memory 911x-1942, IBM Memory 911x-1940, IBM Memory 911x-1938, IBM Memory 911x-1937, IBM Memory 911x-1936, IBM Memory 911x-1934, IBM Memory 911x-1932, IBM Memory 911x-1931, IBM Memory 911x-1930, IBM iSCSI 911x-5714, IBM iSCSI 911x-5713, IBM iSCSI 911x-1987, IBM iSCSI 911x-1986, IBM iSCSI, IBM InfiniBand Adapter, IBM InfiniBand 911x-7820, IBM InfiniBand 911x-1820, IBM InfiniBand 911x-1812, IBM InfiniBand 911x-1811, IBM InfiniBand 911x-1810, IBM InfiniBand 911x-1809, IBM Graphics Adapter, IBM Graphic 911x-2849, IBM Graphic 911x-2843, IBM Graphic 911x-2842, IBM Graphic 911x-1980, IBM Fibre Adapter, IBM Fibre 911x-6239, IBM Fibre 911x-6228, IBM Fibre 911x-5759, IBM Fibre 911x-5758, IBM Fibre 911x-5716, IBM Fibre 911x-1977, IBM Fibre 911x-1957, IBM Fibre 911x-1910, IBM Fibre 911x-1905, IBM Expansion Unit, IBM Expansion 911x-7863, IBM Expansion 911x-7862, IBM Expansion 911x-7861, IBM Expansion 911x-7818, IBM Expansion 911x-7164, IBM Expansion 911x-6594, IBM Expansion 911x-6593, IBM Expansion 911x-6592, IBM Expansion 911x-6574, IBM Expansion 911x-5795, IBM Expansion 911x-5794, IBM Expansion 911x-5791, IBM Expansion 911x-1800, IBM Ethernet Adapter, IBM Ethernet 911x-5740, IBM Ethernet 911x-5722, IBM Ethernet 911x-5721, IBM Ethernet 911x-5719, IBM Ethernet 911x-5718, IBM Ethernet 911x-5707, IBM Ethernet 911x-5706, IBM Ethernet 911x-5701, IBM Ethernet 911x-5700, IBM Ethernet 911x-4962, IBM Ethernet 911x-4961, IBM Ethernet 911x-4959, IBM Ethernet 911x-2975, IBM Ethernet 911x-2969, IBM Ethernet 911x-1990, IBM Ethernet 911x-1985, IBM Ethernet 911x-1984, IBM Ethernet 911x-1983, IBM Ethernet 911x-1982, IBM Ethernet 911x-1981, IBM Ethernet 911x-1979, IBM Ethernet 911x-1978, IBM Ethernet 911x-1959, IBM Ethernet 911x-1954, IBM DVD Device, IBM DVD 911x-5764, IBM DVD 911x-5763, IBM DVD 911x-5751, IBM DVD 911x-2640, IBM DVD 911x-2591, IBM DVD 911x-1994, IBM DVD 911x-1993, IBM DVD 911x-1903, IBM DVD 911x-1900, IBM Display 911x-3645, IBM Display 911x-3644, IBM Display 911x-3643, IBM Display 911x-3642, IBM Display 911x-3641, IBM Display 911x-3640, IBM Display 911x-3639, IBM Display 911x-3638, IBM Display 911x-3637, IBM Display 911x-3636, IBM Display, IBM Disk Drive, IBM Disk 911x-3581, IBM Disk 911x-3580, IBM Disk 911x-3579, IBM Disk 911x-3578, IBM Disk 911x-3281, IBM Disk 911x-3280, IBM Disk 911x-3279, IBM Disk 911x-3278, IBM Disk 911x-3277, IBM Disk 911x-3276, IBM Disk 911x-3275, IBM Disk 911x-3274, IBM Disk 911x-3273, IBM Disk 911x-3265, IBM Disk 911x-3264, IBM Disk 911x-3159, IBM Disk 911x-3158, IBM Disk 911x-3129, IBM Disk 911x-1973, IBM Disk 911x-1972, IBM Disk 911x-1971, IBM Disk 911x-1970, IBM Disk 911x-1969, IBM Disk 911x-1968, IBM Cable Assembly, IBM Cable 911x-8133, IBM Cable 911x-8132, IBM Cable 911x-8131, IBM Cable 911x-7802, IBM Cable 911x-7801, IBM Cable 911x-6123, IBM Cable 911x-6029, IBM Cable 911x-6008, IBM Cable 911x-6007, IBM Cable 911x-6006, IBM Cable 911x-6001, IBM Cable 911x-4278, IBM Cable 911x-4274, IBM Cable 911x-4273, IBM Cable 911x-4267, IBM Cable 911x-4263, IBM Cable 911x-4256, IBM Cable 911x-4242, IBM Cable 911x-3926, IBM Cable 911x-3925, IBM Cable 911x-3168, IBM Cable 911x-3156, IBM Cable 911x-3148, IBM Cable 911x-3147, IBM Cable 911x-3146, IBM Cable 911x-3125, IBM Cable 911x-3124, IBM Cable 911x-2936, IBM Cable 911x-2459, IBM Cable 911x-2456, IBM Cable 911x-2425, IBM Cable 911x-2118, IBM Cable 911x-2114, IBM Cable 911x-1839, IBM Cable 911x-1836, IBM Cable 911x-1835, IBM Async Adapter, IBM Async 911x-8137, IBM Async 911x-8136, IBM Async 911x-6312, IBM Async 911x-5723, IBM Async 911x-2947, IBM Async 911x-2944, IBM Async 911x-2943, IBM SCSI RAID 7311-5737, IBM SCSI RAID 7311-5736, IBM SCSI RAID 7311-5712, IBM SCSI RAID 7311-5703, IBM SCSI RAID 7040-5737, IBM SCSI RAID 7040-5736, IBM SCSI RAID 7040-5711, IBM SCSI RAID 7040-5710, IBM SCSI RAID, IBM Power 7031-6261, IBM Power, IBM iSCSI 7311-5714, IBM iSCSI 7311-5713, IBM iSCSI 7040-5714, IBM iSCSI 7040-5713, IBM iSCSI, IBM InfiniBand 7311-1820, IBM InfiniBand 7040-1820, IBM InfiniBand, IBM I/O Tower 7031-T24, IBM I/O Drawer 7311-D20, IBM I/O Drawer 7311-D11, IBM I/O Drawer 7311-D10, IBM I/O Drawer 7040-61D, IBM I/O Drawer 7031-D24, IBM Graphics 7311-2849, IBM Graphics 7040-2849, IBM Graphics, IBM Fibre 7311-6239, IBM Fibre 7311-6228, IBM Fibre 7311-5759, IBM Fibre 7311-5758, IBM Fibre 7311-5716, IBM Fibre 7040-6239, IBM Fibre 7040-6228, IBM Fibre 7040-5759, IBM Fibre 7040-5758, IBM Fibre 7040-5716, IBM Fibre, IBM Expansion 7031-5742, IBM Expansion 7031-5741, IBM Expansion, IBM Ethernet 7311-5740, IBM Ethernet 7311-5722, IBM Ethernet 7311-5721, IBM Ethernet 7311-5719, IBM Ethernet 7311-5718, IBM Ethernet 7311-5707, IBM Ethernet 7311-5706, IBM Ethernet 7311-5701, IBM Ethernet 7311-5700, IBM Ethernet 7311-4962, IBM Ethernet 7311-4961, IBM Ethernet 7040-5740, IBM Ethernet 7040-5722, IBM Ethernet 7040-5721, IBM Ethernet 7040-5719, IBM Ethernet 7040-5718, IBM Ethernet 7040-5707, IBM Ethernet 7040-5706, IBM Ethernet 7040-5701, IBM Ethernet 7040-5700, IBM Ethernet 7040-4962, IBM Ethernet 7040-4961, IBM Ethernet 7040-2975, IBM Ethernet 7040-2969, IBM Ethernet, IBM Disk 7311-3578, IBM Disk 7311-3279, IBM Disk 7311-3278, IBM Disk 7311-3277, IBM Disk 7311-3275, IBM Disk 7311-3274, IBM Disk 7311-3273, IBM Disk 7040-3578, IBM Disk 7040-3279, IBM Disk 7040-3278, IBM Disk 7040-3277, IBM Disk 7040-3275, IBM Disk 7040-3159, IBM Disk 7040-3158, IBM Disk 7031-3578, IBM Disk 7031-3279, IBM Disk 7031-3278, IBM Disk 7031-3277, IBM Disk 7031-3275, IBM Disk 7031-3274, IBM Disk, IBM Async 7311-5723, IBM Async 7040-5723, IBM Async, IBM I/O Drawer, IBM VX3 Tape Drive 7212-1114, IBM VX3 Tape Drive 7206-VX3
Warning                         : [Minor] Extracted only 1000 dc:subject items. Ignore minor errors to extract all
Caption Writer                  : GST, Inc. - IBM System p, p5, pSeries, RS/6000, System i, i5, iSeries, AS/400, OpenPower and TotalStorage Experts.
Authors Position                : GST, Inc. -
Marked                          : False
Has XFA                         : No
Page Count                      : 58
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Language                        : EN-US
Author                          : GST, Inc. -
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