Ibm V03 Users Manual C2856

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Hardware AnnouncementOctober 22, 2002IBM 4247 Model V03 Printer Offers Durability andFast Draft Print Speed for Demanding ApplicationsOverviewA Fast and Reliable Printer for HarshConditionsThe IBM 4247 Model V03 is aprofessional industrial impact matrixprinter capable of printing at speedsof up to 1,100 characters per second(cps) in Fast Draft mode.The Model V03 is a rugged printerwith metal covers, and is designedfor harsh environments anddemanding applications. It iscompatible with previous IBM 4247models and offers user-installableinterface cards.The Model V03 can have either oneor two straight continuous-formspaper paths for outstandingpaper-feeding reliability. One paperpath is standard, and the secondpath is an optional feature.The printer features quiet operation,a full-size operator panel similar totoday′s Model 003, and a workloadof up to 64,000 pages per month.Print-quality choices are Fast Draftmode, Data Processing mode (DP),DP Text mode (DP Text), and NearLetter Quality mode (NLQ). Versatilepaper-handling capability providesprinting on up to 8-part forms.Typical applications includetransaction processing for invoices,office or internal businessdocuments, as well as barcodes,labels, and multipart forms.Support for a Range of ConnectivityOptions and Hardware EnvironmentsA parallel port for simplified hostattachment capability is standard.Optional attachments include:•Ethernet local area network (LAN)attachment through the internal10/100BASE-T Ethernet adapteror through Network Print Serversfor 10BASE2 Ethernet•Coax and twinax SNA CharacterSet (SCS)•Coax and twinax IntelligentPrinter Data Stream (IPDS)•Token-Ring Types 1 and 3 throughNetwork Print Servers•Ethernet IPDS LAN attachmentwith the I-Data RPQ 8B4314•Token-Ring IPDS LAN attachmentwith the I-Data RPQ 8B4313•Serial port for RS-232 or RS-422attachmentEnvironments supported by the4247-V03 include IBM zSeries, iSeries, and pSeries,IBM AS/400, RS/6000, S/370,and S/390, IBM PCs,IBM-compatible PCs, non-IBMsystems that support ASCII serialand parallel interfaces, and LANs.Planned Availability DateNovember 22, 2002At a GlanceThe new 4247 Model V03 offers:•Print speed of up to 1,100characters per second (cps) inFast Draft mode•Rugged design with metalcovers for demandingtransaction applications•A workload capacity of up to64,000 pages per month•Two front paper paths formaximum forms-feedingreliability•Internal Ethernet 10/100BASE-Tadapter•Easy-to-change attachmentcards•Full-size and full-function 2 lineby 40 character operatordisplay•Quiet operation (56.3 dBa in DPText mode)•Multiple data-streamemulations to provide easyreplacement of older printers•OCR support•Extensive barcode support For ordering, contact: Your IBM representative, an IBM Business Partner, or IBM Americas Call Centers at800-IBM-CALL Reference: YE001This announcement is provided for your information only. For additional information, contact your IBM representative,call 800-IBM-4YOU, or visit the IBM home page at: United States IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. 102-273
DescriptionThe IBM 4247 Model V03 Printer builds on the strengthsof previous models of the IBM 4247 family while providinga new Fast Draft mode with a faster print speed.Print SpeedPrint speeds (in characters per second) of the 4247-V03are up to:•1,100 cps at 10 characters per inch (cpi) in Fast Draftmode•800 cps in DP mode•480 cps in DP Text mode•240 cps in NLQ modeThe print speeds in lines per minute are up to:•500 lines per minute at 40 characters per line•300 lines per minute at 132 characters per lineHeavy-Duty, Reliable PrintingThe 4247-V03 is a professional industrial heavy-dutyprinter with metal covers and a workload capacity of upto 64,000 pages per month. The 18-wire print headprovides reliable printing on up to 8-part forms in DP, DPText, and NLQ print modes.Flexible Forms HandlingThe IBM 4247 Printer provides exceptional forms-handlingflexibility. The base printer includes onecontinuous-forms tractor path, and a secondcontinuous-forms front tractor paper path is optional. Norear tractor path is available.This dual front paper path capability can translate into asingle printer performing work that formerly required twoor more printers. Users can load different forms into eachtractor path and then enable the path that corresponds tothe desired print job.Print Quality ComparisonFast Draft is a new print quality for the IBM 4247 that isavailable only on the Model V03. The Data Processing(DP), Data Processing Text (DP Text), Near Letter Quality(NLQ), OCR-A, and OCR-B print qualities on the 4247-V03are equivalent in character size, shape, and resolution tothe print qualities available on the 4247 Model A00, 001,002, and 003 printers.The following table summarizes the print quality for FastDraft, DP, DP Text, and NLQ.VerticalHorizontal CellPrint Horizontal Vertical Cell Size  SizeQuality dpi dpi (Dots) (Dots)Fast 45 72 9 9 DraftDP 60 72 12 9DP Text 100 72 20 9NLQ 100 144 20 18Operator PanelThe 4247-V03 includes the same full-function, full-sizeoperator panel as today′s Model 003. It includes a 2 lineby 40 character display, making messages and menuseasy to understand.Printer Data-Stream EmulationsEmulation modes to easily replace many older printersinclude:•ASCII emulation for the IBM Proprinter III XL, IBM 2381Personal Printer, and Epson FX printers•Coax emulations for the IBM 3268, IBM 3287, IBM 4224,and IBM 4230•Twinax emulations for the IBM 4214, IBM 4224, andIBM 4230In addition, native IBM 4247 mode is selectable with eachattachment.Parallel AttachmentThe IBM 4247 Model V03 base printer includes a parallelport as standard. For the parallel port:•Printers emulated are Proprinter III XL, IBM 2381Personal Printer, and Epson FX80 — 1170.•Data streams supported are PPDS and Epson FX.Optional Twinax and Coax SCS AttachmentFeaturesThe optional Coax SCS Attachment:•Emulates the IBM 3268/3287, IBM 4224, and IBM 4230as well as providing native support for the IBM 4247•Supports 3270/DSC/DSE and SCS data streamsThe optional Twinax SCS Attachment:•Emulates the IBM 4214 and IBM 4230•Supports the PDS data streamEach attachment also supports native IBM 4247 mode.Optional Twinax and Coax IPDS AttachmentFeaturesWith the Coax IPDS Attachment (#4240, #4242) andTwinax IPDS Attachment (#4220, #4222), the 4247-V03 canbe driven by Advanced Function Presentation (AFP)applications supported by Print Services Facility (PSF)and GDDM.Optional Ethernet LAN Attachment CapabilityDirect LAN attachment to Ethernet 10/100BASE-T LANs isprovided via the Ethernet 10/100BASE-T LAN Attachmentfeatures (#4260, #4262).The Ethernet 10/100BASE-T LAN Attachment features useboth the parallel port and the optional attachment port ofthe printer. Therefore, when using these attachments, the4247-V03 supports only Ethernet 10/100BASE-T. IPDSsupport is not provided by these Ethernet LAN features.For IPDS Ethernet, the Ethernet IPDS RPQ 8B4314 mustbe used.102-273 -2-

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