Iconnect 934 Concurrent Dual-Radios 2.4GHz+5GHz MIMO AP/CPE User Manual user guide

Iconnect Concurrent Dual-Radios 2.4GHz+5GHz MIMO AP/CPE user guide

Users Manual

Management GuideIEEE 802.11a/b/g/n Enterprise Access Point
Management Guide"1$Enterprise Access PointIEEE 802.11a/b/g/n Dual-Band Access Pointwith one 1000BASE-T (RJ-45) PortFW1.0.0.9E062013-CS-R01149100000240A
–  3  –How to Use This GuideThis guide includes detailed information on the access point (AP) software, including how to operate and use the management functions of the AP. To deploy this AP effectively and ensure trouble-free operation, you should first read the relevant sections in this guide so that you are familiar with all its software features.Who Should Read ThisGuide?This guide is for network administrators who are responsible for operating and maintaining network equipment. The guide assumes a basic working knowledge of LANs (Local Area Networks), the Internet Protocol (IP), and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). How This Guide isOrganizedThe organization of this guide is based on the AP’s main management interfaces. The web management interface and command line interface (CLI) are described in separate sections. An introduction and initial configuration information is also provided.The guide includes these sections:◆Section I “Getting Started” — Includes an introduction to AP management and initial configuration settings.◆Section II “Web Configuration” — Includes all management options available through the web interface.◆Section III “Command Line Interface” — Includes information on how to use the CLI and details on all CLI commands.◆Section IV “Appendices” — Includes information on troubleshooting AP management access.RelatedDocumentationThis guide focuses on AP software configuration, it does not cover hardware installation of the AP. For specific information on how to install the AP, see the following guide:Installation GuideFor all safety information and regulatory statements, see the following documents:Quick Start GuideSafety and Regulatory Information
How to Use This Guide–  4  –Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this guide to show information:Note: Emphasizes important information or calls your attention to related features or instructions.Caution: Alerts you to a potential hazard that could cause loss of data, or damage the system or equipment.Warning: Alerts you to a potential hazard that could cause personal injury.Revision History This section summarizes the changes in each revision of this guide.June 2013 RevisionThis is the first revision of this guide. It is valid for software release v1.0.x.x.Federal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipmentgenerates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingmeasures:1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio technician for help.FCC CautionTo assure continued compliance, (Example - use only shielded interface cables when connecting tocomputer or peripheral devices) any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the Followingtwo conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This Device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.“To  comply  with  FCC  RF  exposure  compliance  requirements,  this  grant  is  applicable  to  only Mobile  Configurations.  The  antennas  used  for  this  transmitter  must  be  installed  to  provide  a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”
–  5  –ContentsHow to Use This Guide  3Contents 5Figures 10Tables 12Section I Getting Started 151 Introduction 16Configuration Options  16Console Port Connection  17Console Login  17Network Connections  18Connecting to the Web Interface  18Home Page and Main Menu  19Common Web Page Buttons  202 Initial Configuration  22CLI Initial Configuration Steps  22Setting an IP Address  22Setting a Password  23Setting the Country Code  23Web Quick Start  24Step 1  24Step 2  26Step 3  27Step 4  29
Contents –  6  –Section II Web Configuration 303 System Settings  31Administration Settings  32IPv4 Address  33IPv6 Address  34System Time  35SNTP Server Settings  36Time Zone Setting  36Daylight Saving Settings  36VLAN Configuration  37System Logs  39Quick Start Wizard  40System Resource  41Bridge STP Configuration  42Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)  42Bridge Configuration  454 Administration Settings  46Remote Management Settings  47Access Limitation  495 Advanced Settings  51Local Bridge Filter  51Link Layer Discovery Protocol  52Access Control Lists  54Source Address Settings  54Destination Address Settings  55Ethernet Type  56Link Integrity  57Max Bandwidth Control  586 Wireless Settings  59Band Steering  59Radio Settings  60
Contents–  7  –Virtual Access Points (VAPs)  64VAP Basic Settings  66WDS-STA Mode  68Wireless Security Settings  68Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)  70VAP QoS Settings  72VAP Bandwidth Settings  74MAC Authentication and RADIUS  74Rogue AP Detection  78Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)  807 SNMP Settings  85SNMP Basic Settings  86SNMP Trap Settings  87View Access Control Model  88SNMPv3 Users  90SNMPv3 Targets  91SNMPv3 Notification Filters  928 Maintenance Settings  93Upgrading Firmware  93Running Configuration  95Resetting the Access Point  97Scheduled Reboot  989 Status Information  99AP Status  100AP System Configuration  100AP Wireless Configuration  102Station Status  103Station Statistics  104Event Logs  105WDS Status  106
Contents –  8  –Section III Command Line Interface  10910 Using the Command Line Interface  111Console Connection  111Telnet Connection  112Entering Commands  113Keywords and Arguments  113Minimum Abbreviation  113Command Completion  113Getting Help on Commands  113Showing Commands  113Negating the Effect of Commands  114Using Command History  114Understanding Command Modes  114Command Line Processing  11611 General Commands  11712 System Management Commands  12113 System Logging Commands  14314 System Clock Commands  14815 DHCP Relay Commands  15316 SNMP Commands  15517 Flash/File Commands  16818 RADIUS Client Commands  17119 802.1X Authentication Commands  17720 MAC Address Authentication  Commands  17921 Filtering Commands  18322 Spanning Tree Commands  189
Contents–  9  –23 WDS Bridge Commands  20124 Ethernet Interface Commands  20325 Wireless Interface Commands  21026 Wireless Security Commands  23927 Rogue AP Detection Commands  24928 Link Integrity Commands  25529 Link Layer Discovery Commands  25830 VLAN Commands  26231 WMM Commands  26632 QoS Commands  271Section IV Appendices 279A Troubleshooting 280Problems Accessing the Management Interface  280Using System Logs  280Index of CLI Commands  282Index 284
–  10  –FiguresFigure 1: Login Page 19Figure 2: The Home Page 19Figure 3: Set Configuration Changes 20Figure 4: Help Menu 21Figure 5: Quick Start - Step 1 25Figure 6: Quick Start - Step 2 26Figure 7: Quick Start - Step 3 27Figure 8: Quick Start - Step 4 29Figure 9: Administration 32Figure 10: IPv4 Configuration 33Figure 11: IPv6 Configuration 34Figure 12: SNTP Settings 36Figure 13: Setting the VLAN Identity 38Figure 14: System Log Settings 39Figure 15: System Resource 41Figure 16: Spanning Tree Protocol 43Figure 17: Bridge Configuration 45Figure 18: Remote Management 48Figure 19: Access Limitation 49Figure 20: Local Bridge Filter 51Figure 21: LLDP Settings 52Figure 22: Source ACLs 54Figure 23: Destination ACLs 55Figure 24: Ethernet Type Filter 56Figure 25: Link Integrity 57Figure 26: Max Bandwidth Control 58Figure 27: Band Steering 59Figure 28: Radio Settings 60Figure 29: VAP Settings 65
Figures–  11  –Figure 30: VAP Basic Settings 66Figure 31: WDS-STA Mode 68Figure 32: Configuring VAPs - Security Settings 68Figure 33: WEP Configuration 71Figure 34: QoS Settings 72Figure 35: QoS Template Setting 73Figure 36: Bandwidth Settings 74Figure 37: Local Authentication 75Figure 38: RADIUS Authentication 76Figure 39: RADIUS Settings 77Figure 40: Rogue AP Detection 79Figure 41: WMM Backoff Wait Times 82Figure 42: QoS 82Figure 43: SNMP Basic Settings 86Figure 44: SNMP Trap Settings 87Figure 45: SNMP VACM 88Figure 46: Configuring SNMPv3 Users 90Figure 47: SNMPv3 Targets 91Figure 48: SNMP Notification Filter 92Figure 49: Firmware 94Figure 50: Running Configuration File 95Figure 51: Resetting the Access Point 97Figure 52: Reboot Schedule — Fixed Time 98Figure 53: Reboot Schedule — Countdown Time 98Figure 54: AP System Configuration 100Figure 55: AP Wireless Configuration 102Figure 56: Station Status 103Figure 57: Station Statistics 104Figure 58: Event Logs 105Figure 59: WDS Status 106
–  12  –TablesTable 1: Logging Levels  40Table 2: WMM Access Categories  81Table 3: Command Modes  115Table 4: General Commands  117Table 5: System Management Commands  121Table 6: Country Codes  122Table 7: System Management Commands  143Table 8: Logging Levels  145Table 9: System Clock Commands  148Table 10: DHCP Relay Commands  153Table 11: SNMP Commands  155Table 12: Flash/File Commands  168Table 13: RADIUS Client Commands  171Table 14: 802.1x Authentication  177Table 15: MAC Address Authentication 179Table 16: Filtering Commands  183Table 17: Spanning Tree Commands  189Table 18: WDS Bridge Commands  201Table 19: Ethernet Interface Commands  203Table 20: Wireless Interface Commands  210Table 21: Wireless Security Commands  239Table 22: Rogue AP Detection Commands  249Table 23: Link Integrity Commands  255Table 24: Link Layer Discovery Commands  258Table 25: VLAN Commands  262Table 26: WMM Commands  266Table 27: AP Parameters  268Table 28: BSS Parameters  269Table 29: QoS Commands  271
Tables–  13  –Table 30: Troubleshooting Chart  280
Tables –  14  –
–  15  –Section IGetting StartedThis section provides an overview of the access point, and introduces some basic concepts about wireless networking. It also describes the basic settings required to access the management interface.This section includes these chapters:◆“Introduction” on page 16◆“Initial Configuration” on page 22
–  16  –1IntroductionThe access point (AP) runs software that includes a network management agent. The agent offers a variety of management options, including SNMP and a web-based interface. A PC may also be connected directly to the AP’s console port for configuration using a command line interface (CLI).Configuration OptionsThe AP’s HTTP web agent allows you to configure AP parameters, monitor wireless connections, and display statistics using a standard web browser such as Internet Explorer 6.x or above, and Mozilla Firefox 3.6.2/4/5. The AP’s web management interface can be accessed from any computer attached to the network.The CLI program can be accessed by a direct connection to the RS-232 serial console port on the AP, or remotely by a Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) connection over the network.The AP’s management agent also supports SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). This SNMP agent permits the AP to be managed from any computer in the network using network management software.The AP’s web interface, console interface, and SNMP agent allow you to perform management functions such as:◆Set management access user names and passwords◆Configure IP settings◆Configure SNMP parameters ◆Configure 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio settings◆Control access through wireless security settings◆Filter packets using Access Control Lists (ACLs)◆Upload and download system firmware or configuration files◆Display system information and statistics
Chapter 1  |  IntroductionConsole Port Connection–  17  –Console Port ConnectionThe AP provides an RS-232 serial console port that enables a connection to a PC or terminal for monitoring and configuring the AP. A null-modem console cable is provided with the AP. Attach a VT100-compatible terminal, or a PC running a terminal emulation program to the AP. You can use the console cable provided with this package, or use a null-modem cable that complies with the wiring assignments shown in the Installation Guide.To connect a terminal to the console port, complete the following steps: 1. Connect the console cable to the serial port on a terminal, or a PC running terminal emulation software, and tighten the captive retaining screws on the DB-9 connector.2. Connect the other end of the cable to the console port on the AP.3. Make sure the terminal emulation software is set as follows:■Select the appropriate serial port (COM port 1 or COM port 2). ■Set the baud rate to 115200 bps.■Set the data format to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. ■Set flow control to none. ■Set the emulation mode to VT100. ■When using HyperTerminal, select Terminal keys, not Windows keys. Note: Once you have set up the terminal correctly, the console login screen will be displayed. For a description of how to use the CLI, see “Using the Command Line Interface” on page 111. For a list of all the CLI commands, refer to “Index of CLI Commands” on page 282.Console Login Access to the CLI is controlled by user names and passwords. The AP has a default user name and password. To log into the CLI using the default user name and password, perform these steps:1. To initiate your console connection, press <Enter>. The “User Access Verification” procedure starts.
Chapter 1  |  IntroductionNetwork Connections–  18  –2. At the login prompt, enter “admin.”3. At the Password prompt, press <Enter>. There is no default password. 4. The session is opened and the CLI displays the “EC#” prompt indicating you have access to the CLI commands. Example(none) login: adminPassword:Jan  1 11:33:13 login[1918]: root login on 'ttyS0'EC#Network ConnectionsPrior to accessing the AP’s management agent through a network connection, you must first configure it with a valid IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway using a console connection, or the DHCP protocol.The AP has a static default management IPv4 address of and a subnet mask of Once the AP’s IP settings are configured for the network, you can access the AP’s management agent from anywhere within the attached network. The management agent can be accessed using Telnet from any computer attached to the network. The AP can also be managed by any computer using a web browser, or from a network computer using SNMP network management software.Connecting to the Web InterfaceThe AP offers a user-friendly web-based management interface for the configuration of all the unit’s features. Any PC directly attached to the unit can access the management interface using a web browser, such as Internet Explorer (version 6.x or above) or Firefox (version 2.x or above).You may want to make initial configuration changes by connecting a PC directly to the AP’s LAN port. The AP has a default management IP address of and a subnet mask of You must set your PC IP address to be on the same subnet as the AP (that is, the PC and AP addresses must both start 192.168.1.x).To access the AP’s web management interface, follow these steps:1. Use your web browser to connect to the management interface using the default IP address of
Chapter 1  |  IntroductionConnecting to the Web Interface–  19  –2. Log into the interface by entering the default username “admin” with no password, then click Login.Note: It is strongly recommended to change the default user name and password the first time you access the web interface. For information on changing user names and passwords, See “Administration Settings” on page 32.Figure 1:  Login PageHome Page and MainMenuAfter logging in to the web interface, the home page displays. The home page shows some basic settings for the AP, including Country Code and the management access password.Figure 2:  The Home PageThe web interface Main Menu menu provides access to all the configuration settings available for the AP.
Chapter 1  |  IntroductionConnecting to the Web Interface–  20  –To configure settings, click the relevant Main Menu item. Each Main Menu item is sumarized below with links to the relevant section in this guide where configuration parameters are described in detail:◆System — Configures Management IP, WAN, LAN and QoS settings. See “System Settings” on page 31.◆Administration — Configures HTTP, Telnet, and SSH access settings. See “Administration Settings” on page 46.◆Advanced — Confiures LLDP and Access Control Lists. See “Advanced Settings” on page 51.◆Wireless — Configures AP radio settings. See “Wireless Settings” on page 59.◆SNMP — Configures SNMP settings. See “SNMP Settings” on page 85.◆Maintentance — Enables firmware upgrades and resets the AP. See “Maintenance Settings” on page 93.◆Information — Displays current system settings. See “Status Information” on page 99.Common Web PageButtonsThe list below describes the common buttons found on most web management pages:◆Set – Applies the new parameters and saves them to temporary RAM memory. Also displays a screen to inform you when it has taken affect. Clicking ‘OK’ returns to the home page. The running configuration will not be saved upon a reboot unless you use the “Save Config” button.Figure 3:  Set Configuration Changes◆Cancel – Cancels the newly entered settings and restores the originals.◆Help – Displays the help window.
Chapter 1  |  IntroductionConnecting to the Web Interface–  21  –Figure 4:  Help Menu◆Logout – Ends the web management session. ◆Save Config – Saves the current configuration so that it is retained after a restart.
–  22  –2Initial ConfigurationThe AP’s initial configuration steps can be made through the CLI or web browser interface. If the AP is not configured with an IP address that is compatible with your network. You can first use the command line interface (CLI) as described below to configure a valid IP address. CLI Initial Configuration StepsFirst connect to the AP’s console port and log in to the CLI, as described in “Console Port Connection” on page 17. Then proceed with the required configuration.Setting an IP Address If the default IP address is not compatible with your network or a DHCP server is not available, the AP’s IP address must be configured manually using the CLI. Type “configure” to enter configuration mode, then type “interface ethernet” to access the Ethernet interface-configuration mode.#configure(config)#interface ethernet(config-if)#First type “no ip dhcp” to disable DHCP client mode. Then type “ip address ip-address netmask gateway,” where “ip-address” is the access point’s IP address, “netmask” is the network mask for the network, and “gateway” is the default gateway router. Check with your system administrator to obtain an IP address that is compatible with your network.(if-ethernet)#no ip dhcp(if-ethernet)#ip address configuring the access point’s IP parameters, you can access the management interface from anywhere within the attached network. The command line interface can also be accessed using Telnet from any computer attached to the network. Note: Command examples later in this manual show the console prompt as “AP”.
Chapter 2  |  Initial ConfigurationCLI Initial Configuration Steps–  23  –Setting a Password If you are logging in to the CLI for the fist time, you should define management access passwords for an administrator and guest (used for CLI and web management), record them, and then keep them in a safe place.Note: If you loose your management access passwords, you will need to use the Reset button on the AP to set the configuration back to factory default values.Passwords can consist of 5 to 32 alphanumeric characters and are case sensitive. To prevent unauthorized access to the AP, set the passwords as follows:Open the console interface to access the CLI prompt. Type “configure” and press <Enter>. Type “password admin null password,” where “null” is the default old password, and “password” is your new password. Press <Enter>. ExampleAP#configureAP(config)#password admin null tpschrisAP(config)#Setting the CountryCodeYou must set the country code of the AP to be sure that the radios operate according to permitted local regulations. That is, setting the country code restricts operation of the AP to the radio channels and transmit power levels permitted for wireless networks in the specified country. Caution: You must set the country code to the country of operation. Setting the country code ensures that the radios operate within the local regulations specified for wireless networks. Note: The country code selection is for non-US models only and is not available to all US models. Per FCC regulation, all Wi-Fi products marketed in the US must be fixed to US operation channels only.From the CLI prompt, type “country ?” to display the list of country codes. Select the code for your country, and enter the command again, following by your country code (for example., “tw” for Taiwan).ExampleAP#country ?  WORD Country code:       AL-ALBANIA, DZ-ALGERIA, AR-ARGENTINA, AM-ARMENIA, AU-AUSTRALIA,       AT-AUSTRIA, AZ-AZERBAIJAN,       BH-BAHRAIN, BY-BELARUS, BE-BELGIUM, BZ-BELIZE, BO-BOLIVIA,
Chapter 2  |  Initial ConfigurationWeb Quick Start–  25  –Figure 5:  Quick Start - Step 1The following items are displayed on the first page of the Quick Start wizard:Identification◆System Name — The name assigned to the access point. (Default: %VBM#BOE"1)Change Password◆Username/Guest Username — The name of the user is fixed as either “admin” or “guest” and is not configurable.◆Old Password — If the unit has been configured with a password already, enter that password, otherwise enter the default password “null.”◆New Password — The password for management access. (Length: 5-32 characters, case sensitive) ◆Confirm New Password — Enter the password again for verification.Country Code◆Country Code — Configures the access point’s country code from a drop down menu, which identifies the country of operation and sets the authorized radio channels.
Chapter 2  |  Initial ConfigurationWeb Quick Start–  26  –Caution: You must set the country code to the country of operation. Setting the country code restricts operation of the access point to the radio channels and transmit power levels permitted for wireless networks in the specified country.◆Cancel — Cancels the newly entered settings and restores the orignals.◆Next — Proceeds to the next page.Step 2 The second page of the Quick Start configures IP settings and DHCP client status.Figure 6:  Quick Start - Step 2The following items are displayed on this page:DHCP◆DHCP Status — Enables/disables DHCP on the access point. (Default: Disabled)◆IP Address — Specifies an IP address for the access point. Valid IP addresses consist of four decimal numbers, 0 to 255, separated by periods. (Default:◆Subnet Mask — Indicates the local subnet mask. Select the desired mask from the drop down menu. (Default:◆Default Gateway — The default gateway is the IP address of the router for the access point, which is used if the requested destination address is not on the local subnet. (Default: you have DNS, RADIUS, or other network servers located on another subnet, type the IP address of the default gateway router in the text field provided.
Chapter 2  |  Initial ConfigurationWeb Quick Start–  27  –◆Primary and Secondary DNS Address — The IP address of Domain Name Servers on the network. A DNS maps numerical IP addresses to domain names and can be used to identify network hosts by familiar names instead of the IP addresses. (The default Primary and Secondary DNS addresses are null values.)◆Management IP — The IPv4 address of the AP through which you can access management interfaces. ■Management IP Address — Specifies an IPv4 address for management of the access point. (Default:■Management Subnet Mask — Indicates the local subnet mask. (Default:◆Prev — Returns to the previous screen.◆Cancel — Cancels the newly entered settings and restores the orignals.◆Next — Proceeds to the final step in the Quick Start wizard.Step 3 The Step 3 page of the Quick Start configures basic radio and wireless security settings.Figure 7:  Quick Start - Step 3The following items are displayed on this page:Basic Setting◆SSID — The name of the basic service set provided by the primary VAP interface. Clients that want to connect to the network through the AP must set their SSID to the same as that of a VAP interface. (Default: %VBM#BOE"1_11BGN_0; Range: 1-32 characters)
Chapter 2  |  Initial ConfigurationWeb Quick Start–  28  –Security◆Association Mode — Defines the mode with which the VAP will associate with clients. (For more information on security modes, see “Wireless Security Settings” on page 68.)■Open System: The VAP is configured by default as an “open system,” which broadcasts a beacon signal including the configured SSID. Wireless clients with an SSID setting of “any” can read the SSID from the beacon and automatically set their SSID to allow immediate connection. ■WPA: WPA employs a combination of several technologies to provide an enhanced security solution for 802.11 wireless networks.■WPA-PSK: For enterprise deployment, WPA requires a RADIUS authentication server to be configured on the wired network. However, for small office networks that may not have the resources to configure and maintain a RADIUS server, WPA provides a simple operating mode that uses just a pre-shared password for network access. The Pre-Shared Key mode uses a common password for user authentication that is manually entered on the access point and all wireless clients. The PSK mode uses the same TKIP packet encryption and key management as WPA in the enterprise, providing a robust and manageable alternative for small networks.■WPA2: WPA was introduced as an interim solution for the vulnerability of WEP pending the ratification of the IEEE 802.11i wireless security standard. In effect, the WPA security features are a subset of the 802.11i standard. WPA2 includes the now ratified 802.11i standard, but also offers backward compatibility with WPA. Therefore, WPA2 includes the same 802.1X and PSK modes of operation and support for TKIP encryption. ■WPA2-PSK: Clients using WPA2 with a Pre-shared Key are accepted for authentication.■WPA-WPA2 Mixed: Clients using WPA or WPA2 are accepted for authentication.■WPA-WPA2-PSK-mixed: Clients using WPA or WPA2 with a Pre-shared Key are accepted for authentication.◆Encryption Method — Selects an encryption method for the global key used for multicast and broadcast traffic, which is supported by all wireless clients.■WEP: WEP is used as the multicast encryption cipher. You should select WEP only when both WPA and WEP clients are supported. ■TKIP: TKIP is used as the multicast encryption cipher.■AES-CCMP: AES-CCMP is used as the multicast encryption cipher. AES-CCMP is the standard encryption cipher required for WPA2.
Chapter 2  |  Initial ConfigurationWeb Quick Start–  29  –Authentication◆802.1X — The access point supports 802.1X authentication only for clients initiating the 802.1X authentication process (i.e., the access point does not initiate 802.1X authentication). For clients initiating 802.1X, only those successfully authenticated are allowed to access the network. For those clients not initiating 802.1X, access to the network is allowed after successful wireless association with the access point. The 802.1X mode allows access for clients not using WPA or WPA2 security.◆Pre-Authentication — When using WPA2 over 802.1X, pre-authentication can be enabled, which allows clients to roam to a new access point and be quickly associated without performing full 802.1X authentication. (Default: Disabled)◆802.1x Reauthentication Time — The time period after which a connected client must be re-authenticated. During the re-authentication process of verifying the client’s credentials on the RADIUS server, the client remains connected the network. Only if re-authentication fails is network access blocked. (Range: 0-65535 seconds; Default: 0 means disabled)Note: When 802.1X is enabled, be sure to configure RADIUS server details. For more information, see “Primary and Secondary RADIUS Server Setup” on page 76. Step 4 When you have clicked “Set” after Step 3, the AP saves the Quick Start configuration settings. Click “OK” to confirm that the Quick Start is complete.Figure 8:  Quick Start - Step 4
–  30  –Section IIWeb ConfigurationThis section provides details on configuring the access point using the web browser interface.This section includes these chapters:◆“System Settings” on page 31◆“Administration Settings” on page 46◆“Advanced Settings” on page 51◆“Wireless Settings” on page 59◆“SNMP Settings” on page 85◆“Maintenance Settings” on page 93◆“Status Information” on page 99
–  31  –3System SettingsThis chapter describes basic system settings on the access point. It includes the following sections:◆“Administration Settings” on page 32◆“IPv4 Address” on page 33◆“IPv6 Address” on page 34◆“System Time” on page 35◆“VLAN Configuration” on page 37◆“System Logs” on page 39◆“Quick Start Wizard” on page 40◆“System Resource” on page 41◆“Bridge STP Configuration” on page 42
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsAdministration Settings–  32  –Administration SettingsThe Administration Settings page configures some basic settings for the AP, such as the system identification name, the management access passwords, and the wireless operation Country Code.Figure 9:  AdministrationThe following items are displayed on this page:◆System Name — An alias for the AP, enabling the device to be uniquely identified on the network. (Default: %VBM#BOE"1; Range: 1-32 characters)◆Username/Guest Username — The name of the user is fixed as either “admin” or “guest” and is not configurable.◆Old Password — Type your current password.◆New Password — The password for management access. (Length: 5-32 characters, case sensitive) ◆Confirm New Password — Enter the password again for verification.◆Country Code — Configures the AP’s country code, which identifies the country of operation and sets the authorized radio channels.
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsIPv4 Address–  33  –Caution: You must set the country code to the country of operation. Setting the country code restricts operation of the AP to the radio channels and transmit power levels permitted for wireless networks in the specified country.IPv4 AddressConfiguring the AP with an IPv4 address expands your ability to manage the AP. A number of the AP’s features depend on IPv4 addressing to operate.You can use the web browser interface to access IPv4 addressing only if the access point already has an IPv4 address that is reachable through your network. By default, the AP will be not be automatically configured with IPv4 settings from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. The default IPv4 address for management access is, with a subnet mask Figure 10:  IPv4 ConfigurationThe following items are displayed on this page:◆DHCP Status — Enables/disables DHCP on the access point.◆IP Address — Specifies an IP address for the access point. Valid IP addresses consist of four decimal numbers, 0 to 255, separated by periods. (Default:◆Subnet Mask — Indicates the local subnet mask. (Default:◆Default Gateway — The default gateway is the IP address of the router for the access point, which is used if the requested destination address is not on the local subnet.
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsIPv6 Address–  34  –If you have management stations, DNS, RADIUS, or other network servers located on another subnet, type the IP address of the default gateway router in the text field provided. ◆Primary and Secondary DNS Address — The IP address of Domain Name Servers on the network. A DNS maps numerical IP addresses to domain names and can be used to identify network hosts by familiar names instead of the IP addresses. If you have one or more DNS servers located on the local network, type the IP addresses in the text fields provided.◆Management IP — The IPv4 address of the AP through which you can access management interfaces. ■Management IP Address — Specifies an IPv4 address for management of the access point. (Default:■Management Subnet Mask — Indicates the local subnet mask. (Default: AddressThis section describes how to configure an IPv6 interface for management access over the network. This AP supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and can be managed through either of these address types.By default, the AP will be not be automatically configured with IPv6 settings from a DHCPv6 server. The default IPv6 address is 2001:db8::1, subnet mask 64 and a default gateway of 2001:db8::2. Figure 11:  IPv6 Configuration
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsSystem Time–  35  –The following items are displayed on this page:◆DHCP Status — Enables/disables DHCPv6 on the access point.◆IP Address — Specifies an IPv6 address for management of the access point.  (Default: 2001:db8::1)◆Subnet Mask — Indicates the local subnet mask. (Default: 64)◆Default Gateway — The default gateway is the IPv6 address of the router for the access point, which is used if the requested destination address is not on the local subnet.If you have management stations, DNS, RADIUS, or other network servers located on another subnet, type the IPv6 address of the default gateway router in the text field provided. ◆Primary and Secondary DNS Address — The IPv6 address of Domain Name Servers on the network. A DNS maps numerical IPv6 addresses to domain names and can be used to identify network hosts by familiar names instead of the IPv6 addresses. If you have one or more DNS servers located on the local network, type the IPv6 addresses in the text fields provided.System TimeSimple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) allows the access point to set its internal clock based on periodic updates from a time server (SNTP or NTP). Maintaining an accurate time on the access point enables the system log to record meaningful dates and times for event entries. If the clock is not set, the access point will only record the time from the factory default set at the last bootup.The access point acts as an SNTP client, periodically sending time synchronization requests to specific time servers. You can configure up to two time server IP addresses. The access point will attempt to poll each server in the configured sequence.
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsSystem Time–  36  –Figure 12:  SNTP SettingsSNTP Server Settings Configures the access point to operate as an SNTP client. When enabled, at least one time server IP address must be specified.◆SNTP Status — Enables/disables SNTP. (Default: enabled)◆Primary Server — The IP address of an SNTP or NTP time server that the access point attempts to poll for a time update. ◆Secondary Server — The IP address of a secondary SNTP or NTP time server. The access point first attempts to update the time from the primary server; if this fails it attempts an update from the secondary server.Time Zone Setting SNTP uses Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT (sometimes referred to as Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC) based on the time at the Earth’s prime meridian, zero degrees longitude. To display a time corresponding to your local time, you must indicate the number of hours your time zone is located before (east) or after (west) GMT.◆Time Zone — Select from the scroll down list the locale you are situated most close to, for example for New York, select ‘(GMT-05) Eastern Time (US & Canada)’.Daylight SavingSettingsThe access point provides a way to automatically adjust the system clock for Daylight Savings Time changes. To use this feature you must define the month and date to begin and to end the change from standard time. During this period the system clock is set back by one hour.◆Daylight Saving Status — Enalbes/disables daylight savings time. (Default: disabled)When enabled, set the month, day, and week to start and stop the daylight savings time.
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsVLAN Configuration–  37  –VLAN ConfigurationVLANs (virtual local area networks) are turned off by default when first installing the access point. If turned on they will automatically tag any packets received by the LAN port before sending them on to the relevant VAP (virtual access point).The access point can employ VLAN tagging support to control access to network resources and increase security. VLANs separate traffic passing between the access point, associated clients, and the wired network. There can be a default VLAN for each VAP (Virtual Access Point) interface, and a management VLAN for the access point.Note the following points about the access point’s VLAN support:◆The management VLAN is for managing the access point through remote management tools, such as the web interface, SSH, SNMP, or Telnet. The access point only accepts management traffic that is tagged with the specified management VLAN ID.◆All wireless clients associated to the access point are assigned to a VLAN. Wireless clients are assigned to the default VLAN for the VAP interface with which they are associated. The access point only allows traffic tagged with default VLAN IDs to access clients associated on each VAP interface.◆When VLAN support is enabled on the access point, traffic passed to the wired network is tagged with the appropriate VLAN ID, either a VAP default VLAN ID, or the management VLAN ID. Traffic received from the wired network must also be tagged with one of these known VLAN IDs. Received traffic that has an unknown VLAN ID or no VLAN tag is dropped.◆When VLAN support is disabled, the access point does not tag traffic passed to the wired network and ignores the VLAN tags on any received frames.Note: Before enabling VLAN tagging on the access point, be sure to configure the attached network switch port to support tagged VLAN frames from the access point’s management VLAN ID and default VLAN IDs. Otherwise, connectivity to the access point will be lost when you enable the VLAN feature.
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsVLAN Configuration–  38  –Figure 13:  Setting the VLAN IdentityThe following items are displayed on this page:◆VLAN Classification — Enables VLAN packet tagging. (Default: disabled)◆Management VLAN ID — The VLAN ID that traffic must have to be able to manage the access point. (Range 1-4094; Default: 4093)◆Native VLAN ID —  The VLAN ID assigned to untagged packets received by the LAN port. (Range: 1-4094; Default: 1)
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsSystem Logs–  39  –System LogsThe access point can be configured to send event and error messages to a System Log Server. The system clock can also be synchronized with a time server, so that all the messages sent to the Syslog server are stamped with the correct time and date.Figure 14:  System Log SettingsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Syslog Status — Enables/disables the logging of error messages. (Default: enabled)◆Server 1~4 — Enables the sending of log messages to a Syslog server host. Up to four Syslog servers are supported on the access point. (Default: disabled)◆IP — The IP address or name of a Syslog server. (Server 1 Default:; Server 2 Default:; Server 3 Default:; Server 4 Default:◆UDP  Port — The UDP port used by a Syslog server. (Range: 514 or 11024-65535; Server 1~2 Default: 514; Server 3 Default: 6553; Server 4 Default: 5432)◆Logging Console — Enables the logging of error messages to the console. (Default: disabled)
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsQuick Start Wizard–  40  –◆Logging Level — Sets the minimum severity level for event logging. (Default: Debug)The system allows you to limit the messages that are logged by specifying a minimum severity level. The following table lists the error message levels from the most severe (Emergency) to least severe (Debug). The message levels that are logged include the specified minimum level up to the Emergency level. Quick Start WizardThe Quick Start menu item is described in the preceding chapter, see  “Web Quick Start” on page 24.Table 1: Logging LevelsError Level DescriptionEmergency System unusableAlerts Immediate action neededCritical Critical conditions (e.g., memory allocation, or free memory error - resource exhausted)Error  Error conditions (e.g., invalid input, default used)Warning Warning conditions (e.g., return false, unexpected return)Notice Normal but significant condition, such as cold start Informational Informational messages onlyDebug Debugging messages
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsSystem Resource–  41  –System ResourceThe System Resource page displays information on the AP’s current CPU and memory utilization. This page also allows you to set thresholds for the CPU and memory usage, where an SNMP trap can be sent as an alert.Figure 15:  System ResourceThe following items are displayed on this page:◆CPU Rising Threshold — A high CPU utilization percentage above which a “CPU Busy” SNMP trap message is sent (only sent once). (Range: 1-100 percent, 0 is disabled; Default: 0)◆CPU Falling Threshold — A low CPU utilization percentage below which a “CPU Free” SNMP trap message is sent once the Rising Threshold has been exceeded. (Range: 0 to less than the Rising Threshold; Default: 20)◆Memory Rising Threshold — A high memory utilization threshold in Kbytes above which a “Memory Overload” SNMP trap message is sent (only sent once). (Range: 1-113076 Kbytes, 0 is disabled; Default: 0)◆Memory Falling Threshold — A low memory utilization threshold in Kbytes below which a “Memory Free” SNMP trap message is sent once the Rising Threshold has been exceeded. (Range: 0 to less than the Rising Threshold; Default: 16000 Kbytes)◆Threshold Interval — The interval in seconds between each CPU utilization check. (Range: 1 to 86400 seconds, 0 is disabled; Default: 0)◆CPU Status — Displays detailed information on the current CPU utilization.
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsBridge STP Configuration–  42  –◆Memory Status — Displays detailed information on the current memory utilization.Bridge STP ConfigurationThe Bridge menu enables configuration of the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and the address table aging time.Spanning TreeProtocol (STP)The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) can be used to detect and disable network loops, and to provide backup links between switches, bridges or routers. This allows the wireless bridge to interact with other bridging devices (that is, an STP-compliant switch, bridge or router) in your network to ensure that only one route exists between any two stations on the network, and provide backup links which automatically take over when a primary link goes down.STP uses a distributed algorithm to select a bridging device (STP-compliant switch, bridge or router) that serves as the root of the spanning tree network. It selects a root port on each bridging device (except for the root device) which incurs the lowest path cost when forwarding a packet from that device to the root device. Then it selects a designated bridging device from each LAN which incurs the lowest path cost when forwarding a packet from that LAN to the root device. All ports connected to designated bridging devices are assigned as designated ports. After determining the lowest cost spanning tree, it enables all root ports and designated ports, and disables all other ports. Network packets are therefore only forwarded between root ports and designated ports, eliminating any possible network loops.Once a stable network topology has been established, all bridges listen for Hello BPDUs (Bridge Protocol Data Units) transmitted from the root bridge. If a bridge does not get a Hello BPDU after a predefined interval (Maximum Age), the bridge assumes that the link to the root bridge is down. This bridge will then initiate negotiations with other bridges to reconfigure the network to reestablish a valid network topology.
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsBridge STP Configuration–  43  –Figure 16:  Spanning Tree ProtocolBridgeSets STP bridge link parameters.The following items are displayed on the STP page:◆Spanning Tree Protcol — Enables/disables STP on the AP. (Default: Disabled)◆Priority — Used in selecting the root device, root port, and designated port. The device with the highest priority becomes the STP root device. However, if all devices have the same priority, the device with the lowest MAC address will then become the root device. (Note that lower numeric values indicate higher priority.)  (Default:32768; Range: 0-65535)◆Max Age — The maximum time (in seconds) a device can wait without receiving a configuration message before attempting to reconfigure. All device ports (except for designated ports) should receive configuration messages at regular intervals. Any port that ages out STP information (provided in the last configuration message) becomes the designated port for the attached LAN. If it is a root port, a new root port is selected from among the device ports attached
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsBridge STP Configuration–  44  –to the network. (Default: 20 seconds; Range: 6-40 seconds)Minimum: The higher of 6 or [2 x (Hello Time + 1)].Maximum: The lower of 40 or [2 x (Forward Delay - 1)]◆Hello Time — Interval (in seconds) at which the root device transmits a configuration message. (Default: 2 seconds; Range: 1-10 seconds)Minimum: 1Maximum: The lower of 10 or [(Max. Message Age / 2) -1]◆Forwarding Delay — The maximum time (in seconds) this device waits before changing states (i.e., discarding to learning to forwarding). This delay is required because every device must receive information about topology changes before it starts to forward frames. In addition, each port needs time to listen for conflicting information that would make it return to a discarding state; otherwise, temporary data loops might result. (Default: 15 seconds; Range: 1-30 seconds)Minimum: The higher of 1 or [(Max. Message Age / 2) + 1]Maximum: 30Ethernet InterfaceSets STP settings for the Ethernet port.◆Link Path Cost — This parameter is used by the STP to determine the best path between devices. Therefore, lower values should be assigned to ports attached to faster media, and higher values assigned to ports with slower media. (Path cost takes precedence over port priority.) (Default: 4; Range: 1-65535)◆Link Port Priority — Defines the priority used for this port in the Spanning Tree Protocol. If the path cost for all ports on a switch are the same, the port with the highest priority (i.e., lowest value) will be configured as an active link in the spanning tree. This makes a port with higher priority less likely to be blocked if the Spanning Tree Protocol is detecting network loops. Where more than one port is assigned the highest priority, the port with lowest numeric identifier will be enabled. (Default: 32; Range: 0-63)Wireless InterfaceSets STP settings for the radio interface.◆Index — Describes the VAP in question.◆Link Path Cost — This parameter is used by the STP to determine the best path between devices. Therefore, lower values should be assigned to ports attached to faster media, and higher values assigned to ports with slower media. (Path cost takes precedence over port priority.) (Default: 19;  Range: 1-65535.)
Chapter 3  |  System SettingsBridge STP Configuration–  45  –◆Link Port Priority — Defines the priority used for this port in the Spanning Tree Protocol. If the path cost for all ports on a switch are the same, the port with the highest priority (i.e., lowest value) will be configured as an active link in the spanning tree. This makes a port with higher priority less likely to be blocked if the Spanning Tree Protocol is detecting network loops. Where more than one port is assigned the highest priority, the port with lowest numeric identifier will be enabled. (Default: 32; Range: 0-63)Bridge Configuration Use the Bridge Configuration page to configure the aging time for the MAC address table. The AP stores the MAC addresses for all known devices. All the addresses learned by monitoring traffic are stored in a dynamic address table. This information is used to pass traffic directly between inbound and outbound interfaces. Figure 17:  Bridge ConfigurationThe following items are displayed on the STP page:◆mac aging time — The time after which a learned MAC address is discarded. (Range: 10-1000000 seconds; Default: 300 seconds)
–  46  –4Administration SettingsThis chapter describes management access settings on the access point. It includes the following sections:◆“Remote Management Settings” on page 47◆“Access Limitation” on page 49
Chapter 4  |  Administration SettingsRemote Management Settings–  47  –Remote Management SettingsThe Web, Telnet, and SNMP management interfaces are enabled and open to all IP addresses by default. To provide more security for management access to the access point, specific interfaces can be disabled and management restricted to a single IP address or a limited range of IP addresses.Once you specify an IP address or range of addresses, access to management interfaces is restricted to the specified addresses. If anyone tries to access a management interface from an unauthorized address, the access point will reject the connection.Telnet is a remote management tool that can be used to configure the access point from anywhere in the network. However, Telnet is not secure from hostile attacks. The Secure Shell (SSH) can act as a secure replacement for Telnet. The SSH protocol uses generated public keys to encrypt all data transfers passing between the access point and SSH-enabled management station clients and ensures that data traveling over the network arrives unaltered. Clients can then securely use the local user name and password for access authentication.Note that SSH client software needs to be installed on the management station to access the access point for management via the SSH protocol.Both HTTP and HTTPS service can be enabled independently. If you enable HTTPS, you must indicate this in the URL: https://device:port_number]When you start HTTPS, the connection is established in this way:◆The client authenticates the server using the server’s digital certificate.◆The client and server negotiate a set of security protocols to use for the connection.◆The client and server generate session keys for encrypting and decrypting data.◆The client and server establish a secure encrypted connection.◆A padlock icon should appear in the status bar for Internet Explorer.
Chapter 4  |  Administration SettingsRemote Management Settings–  48  –Figure 18:  Remote ManagementThe following items are displayed on Admin Interface page:◆Telnet Access — Enables/disables management access from Telnet interfaces. (Default: enabled)◆Telnet Access Port — Sets the specified Telnet port for communication. (Default: 23)◆SSH Server — Enables/disables management access from SSH Servers.  (Default: enabled)◆SSH Server Port — Sets the specified SSH Server port for communication. (Default: 22)◆HTTP Access — Enables/disables management access from any IP address. (Default: enabled)◆HTTP Timeout — Specifies the time after which the HTTP connection will be lost with a period of inactivity. (Default: 1800 seconds; Range: 1-1800 seconds; 0=disabled)◆HTTP Port — Specifies the HTTP port for IP connectivity. (Default: 80; Range 1024-65535)◆HTTPS Server — Enables/disables management access from a HTTPS server. (Default: enabled)
Chapter 4  |  Administration SettingsAccess Limitation–  49  –◆HTTPS Port — Specifies the HTTPS port for secure IP connectivity. (Default: 443; Range 1024-65535)◆SNMP Access — Enables management access through SNMP. For more information on SNMP access, see “” on page 50. (Default: enabled)Access LimitationThe Access Limitation page limits management access to the access point from specified IP addresses or wireless clients.Figure 19:  Access LimitationThe following items are displayed on the Access Limitation page:IP Management Control◆Any IP — Indicates that any IP address is allowed management access.◆Single IP — Specifies a single IP address that is allowed management access.◆Multiple IP — Specifies an address range as defined by the entered IP address and subnet mask. For example, IP address and subnet mask, defines all IP addresses from to◆IP Address — Specifies the IP address.◆Subnet Mask — Specifies the subnet mask in the form 255.255.255.x
Chapter 4  |  Administration SettingsAccess Limitation–  50  –Restrict Management◆Enable/Disable — Enables/disables management of the device by a wireless client. (Default: disabled)DHCP Filter◆Enable/Disable — Enables/disables the AP and wireless clients from obtaining an IP address from a DHCP server installed on wireless client. (Default: disabled)
–  51  –5Advanced SettingsThis chapter describes advanced settings on the access point. It includes the following sections:◆“Local Bridge Filter” on page 51◆“Link Layer Discovery Protocol” on page 52◆“Access Control Lists” on page 54◆“Link Integrity” on page 57◆“Max Bandwidth Control” on page 58Local Bridge FilterThe access point can employ network traffic frame filtering to control access to network resources and increase security. You can prevent communications between wireless clients and prevent access point management from wireless clients. Also, you can block specific Ethernet traffic from being forwarded by the access point.The Local Bridge Filter sets the global mode for wireless-to-wireless communications between clients associated to Virtual AP (VAP) interfaces on the access point. (Default: Disabled)Figure 20:  Local Bridge FilterThe following items are displayed on this page:
Chapter 5  |  Advanced SettingsLink Layer Discovery Protocol–  52  –◆Disabled — All clients can communicate with each other through the access point.◆Prevent Intra VAP client communication — When enabled, clients associated with a specific VAP interface cannot establish wireless communications with each other. Clients can communicate with clients associated to other VAP interfaces.◆Prevent Inter and Intra VAP client communication — When enabled, clients cannot establish wireless communications with any other client, either those associated to the same VAP interface or any other VAP interface.Link Layer Discovery ProtocolThis page allows you to configure the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP). LLDP allows devices in the local broadcast domain to share information about themselves. LLDP-capable devices periodically transmit information in messages called Type Length Value (TLV) fields to neighbor devices. Advertised information is represented in Type Length Value (TLV) format according to the IEEE 802.1ab standard, and can include details such as device identification, capabilities and configuration settings.This information can be used by SNMP applications to simplify troubleshooting, enhance network management, and maintain an accurate network topology.Figure 21:  LLDP SettingsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Disable/Enable — Disables/Enables LLDP on the access point.
Chapter 5  |  Advanced SettingsLink Layer Discovery Protocol–  53  –◆Message Transmission Hold Time — Configures the time-to-live (TTL) value sent in LLDP advertisements as shown in the formula below. (Range: 2-10; Default: 4)The time-to-live tells the receiving LLDP agent how long to retain all information pertaining to the sending LLDP agent if it does not transmit updates in a timely manner. TTL in seconds is based on the following rule: (Transmission Interval * Hold time) ≤ 65536. Therefore, the default TTL is 4*30 = 120 seconds.◆Message Transmission Interval (seconds) — Configures the periodic transmit interval for LLDP advertisements. (Range: 5-32768 seconds; Default: 30 seconds)This attribute must comply with the following rule: (Transmission Interval * Hold Time) ≤ 65536, and Transmission Interval >= (4 * Delay Interval)◆ReInitial Delay Time (seconds) — Configures the delay before attempting to re-initialize after LLDP ports are disabled or the link goes down. (Range: 1-10 seconds; Default: 2 seconds)When LLDP is re-initialized on a port, all information in the remote systems LLDP MIB associated with this port is deleted.◆Transmission Delay Value (seconds) — Configures a delay between the successive transmission of advertisements initiated by a change in local LLDP MIB variables. (Range: 1-8192 seconds; Default: 4 seconds)The transmit delay is used to prevent a series of successive LLDP transmissions during a short period of rapid changes in local LLDP MIB objects, and to increase the probability that multiple, rather than single changes, are reported in each transmission.This attribute must comply with the rule: (4 * Delay Interval) ≤ Transmission Interval
Chapter 5  |  Advanced SettingsAccess Control Lists–  54  –Access Control ListsAccess Control Lists allow you to configure a list of wireless client MAC addresses that are not authorized to access the network. A database of MAC addresses can be configured locally on the access point.Source AddressSettingsThe ACL Source Address Settings page enables traffic filtering based on the source MAC address in the data frame.Figure 22:  Source ACLsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆SA Status — Enables network traffic with specific source MAC addresses to be filtered (dropped) from the access point.◆MAC Address — Specifies a source MAC address to filter, in the form xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx, or xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.◆Action — Selecting “Add” adds a new MAC address to the filter list, selecting delete removes the specified MAC address.◆Number — Specifies the number associated with the MAC address.◆MAC Address — Displays the configured source MAC address.
Chapter 5  |  Advanced SettingsAccess Control Lists–  55  –Destination AddressSettingsThe ACL Destination Address Settings page enables traffic filtering based on the destination MAC address in the data frame.Figure 23:  Destination ACLsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆DA Status — Enables network traffic with specific destination MAC addresses to be filtered (dropped) from the access point.◆MAC Address — Specifies a destination MAC address to filter, in the form xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.◆Action — Selecting “Add” adds a new MAC address to the filter list, selecting delete deletes the specified MAC address.◆Number — Specifies the number of the MAC address in the filter table.◆MAC Address — Displays the configured destination MAC address.
Chapter 5  |  Advanced SettingsAccess Control Lists–  56  –Ethernet Type The Ethernet Type Filter controls checks on the Ethernet type of all incoming and outgoing Ethernet packets against the protocol filtering table. (Default: Disabled)Figure 24:  Ethernet Type FilterThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Disabled — Access point does not filter Ethernet protocol types.◆Enabled — Access point filters Ethernet protocol types based on the configuration of protocol types in the filter table. If the status of a protocol is set to “ON,” the protocol is filtered from the access point.◆Local Management — Describes the Ethernet filter type.◆ISO Designator — Describes the ISO Designator identifier.◆Filter Status — Turns the filter on or off.
Chapter 5  |  Advanced SettingsLink Integrity–  57  –Link IntegrityThe AP provides a link integrity feature that can be used to ensure that wireless clients are connected to resources on the wired network. The AP does this by periodically sending Ping messages to a host device in the wired Ethernet network. If the AP detects that the connection to the host has failed, it can disable the radio interfaces, forcing clients to find and associate with another AP. When the connection to the host is restored, the AP re-enables the radio interfaces.Figure 25:  Link IntegrityThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Link Integrity — Enables the feature. (Default: Disabled)◆Destination IP — The link host IP address on the wired network to which Ping messages are sent. (Default:◆Detect Interval — The interval time between each Ping sent to the host IP address.(Range: 10-86400 seconds; Default: 60 seconds)◆Response Timeout — The time to wait for a response to a Ping message. (Range: 1-10 seconds; Default: 2 seconds)◆Retry Count if no response — The number of consecutive failed Ping counts before the link is determined as lost. (Range: 1-99; Default: 5)◆Link Fail Action — When a link integrity test fails you can optionally disable either radio interface. Note that the shutdown action does not apply for a VAP interface set to WDS station mode. (Default: Disabled)
Chapter 5  |  Advanced SettingsMax Bandwidth Control–  58  –Max Bandwidth ControlClick the Max Bandwidth Control link on the Advance menu to configure rate limiting of traffic on the AP.Figure 26:  Max Bandwidth ControlThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Uplink Setting — Enables the rate limiting of traffic from the AP as it is passed to the wired network. You can set a maximum rate in kbytes per second. (Range: 100-12000 Kbytes per second; Default: Disabled, 12000 Kbytes per second)◆Downlink Setting — Enables the rate limiting of traffic from the wired network as it is passed to the AP. You can set a maximum rate in kbytes per second. (Range: 100-12000 Kbytes per second; Default: Disabled, 12000 Kbytes per second)
–  59  –6Wireless SettingsThis chapter describes wireless settings on the access point. It includes the following sections:◆“Band Steering” on page 59◆“Radio Settings” on page 60◆“Virtual Access Points (VAPs)” on page 64◆“Rogue AP Detection” on page 78◆“Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)” on page 80Band SteeringThe Band Steering feature redirects all dual-band clients to connect to the 5 GHz radio. This feature only functions when both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio SSIDs are identical.Figure 27:  Band SteeringThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Band Steering Status — Enables the Band Steering feature. (Default: Disabled)
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsRadio Settings–  60  –Radio SettingsThe IEEE 802.11n wireless interfaces include configuration options for radio signal characteristics and wireless security features.The AP can operate in several radio modes, mixed 802.11b/g/n (2.4 GHz), or mixed 802.11a/n (5 GHz). Note that the radios can operate at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz at the same time. The web interface identifies the radio configuration pages as:◆Radio 0 — the 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n radio interface◆Radio 1 — the 5 GHz 802.11a/n radio interfaceEach radio supports 16 virtual access point (VAP) interfaces, referred to as VAP 0 ~ VAP 15. Each VAP functions as a separate access point, and can be configured with its own Service Set Identification (SSID) and security settings. However, most radio signal parameters apply to all VAP interfaces. The configuration options are nearly identical, and are therefore both covered in this section of the manual. Traffic to specific VAPs can be segregated based on user groups or application traffic. The clients associate with each VAP in the same way as they would with separate physical access points. The AP supports up to a total of 127 wireless clients across all VAP interfaces per radio. Figure 28:  Radio Settings
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsRadio Settings–  61  –The following items are displayed on this page:◆High Throughput Mode — The access point provides a channel bandwidth of 20 MHz by default giving an 802.11g connection speed of 54 Mbps and a 802.11n connection speed of up to 108 Mbps, and ensures backward compliance for slower 802.11b devices. Setting the HT Channel Bandwidth to 40 MHz increases connection speed for 802.11n up to 300 Mbps. HT40plus indicates that the secondary channel is above the primary channel. HT40minus indicates that the secondary channel is below the primary channel.(Default: HT20; Range:HT20, HT40PLUS, HT40MINUS)◆Radio Channel — The radio channel that the access point uses to communicate with wireless clients. When multiple access points are deployed in the same area, set the channel on neighboring access points at least five channels apart to avoid interference with each other. For example, for 11g/n HT20 mode you can deploy up to three access points in the same area using channels 1, 6, 11. Note that wireless clients automatically set the channel to the same as that used by the access point to which it is linked. (The available channels are dependent on the Radio Mode, High Throughput Mode, and Country Code settings.)◆Auto Channel — Selecting Auto Select enables the access point to automatically select an unoccupied radio channel.◆Interference Channel Recover — Rescans all channels when interference is detected on the current channel, and then changes to a clear channel. (Default: Disabled)◆Wlandev Interference Detection — Enables the detection of nearby APs that are using the same channel. If the RSSI signal strength of a nearby AP is above the configured threshold value, the unit switches to another channel. (Default: Disabled)◆Wlandev Interference Detection RSSI —The RSSI signal strength threshold of a nearby AP above which the unit switches to another channel. (Range: 1-100; Default: 80)◆Wlandev Interference Detection Time —The time duration that a nearby AP with an RSSI above the set threshold is continuously detected before the unit restarts the scan process. (Range: 10-300 seconds; Default: 30 seconds)◆Antenna — Sets the antenna options for this AP to “system default.”◆Transmit Power — Adjusts the power of the radio signals transmitted from the access point. The higher the transmission power, the farther the transmission range. Power selection is not just a trade off between coverage area and maximum supported clients. You also have to ensure that high-power signals do not interfere with the operation of other radio devices in the service area. (Range - Percentage mode: min, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%; Default: 100%)(Range - dBm mode: 3-20 dBm; Default: 18 dBm)
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsRadio Settings–  62  –◆Maximum Association Clients — The total maximum number of clients that may associate with the radio. (Range: 1-127; Default: 100)◆Radio Mode — Defines the radio operation mode. ■Radio 0 (2.4 GHz Radio) — Default: 11n (g compatible); Options: 11n (b&g compatible), 11n (g compatible).■Radio 1 (5 GHz Radio) — Default: 11n; Options: 11n (a compatible), 11n.Note: Enabling the AP to communicate with 802.11b/g clients in both 802.11b/g/n Mixed and 802.11n modes also requires that HT Operation be set to HT20.◆Preamble Length — The radio preamble (sometimes called a header) is a section of data at the head of a packet that contains information that the wireless device and client devices need when sending and receiving packets. You can set the radio preamble to long or short. A short preamble improves throughput performance, whereas a long preamble is required when legacy wireless devices are part of your network.◆Beacon Interval — The rate at which beacon signals are transmitted from the access point. The beacon signals allow wireless clients to maintain contact with the access point. They may also carry power-management information. (Range: 40-3500 TUs; Default: 100 TUs)◆Data Beacon Rate (DTIM) — The rate at which stations in sleep mode must wake up to receive broadcast/multicast transmissions. Known also as the Delivery Traffic Indication Map (DTIM) interval, it indicates how often the MAC layer forwards broadcast/multicast traffic, which is necessary to wake up stations that are using Power Save mode. The default value of 2 indicates that the access point will save all broadcast/multicast frames for the Basic Service Set (BSS) and forward them after every second beacon. Using smaller DTIM intervals delivers broadcast/multicast frames in a more timely manner, causing stations in Power Save mode to wake up more often and drain power faster. Using higher DTIM values reduces the power used by stations in Power Save mode, but delays the transmission of broadcast/multicast frames. (Range: 1-255 beacons; Default: 1 beacon)◆RTS Threshold — Sets the packet size threshold at which a Request to Send (RTS) signal must be sent to a receiving station prior to the sending station starting communications. The access point sends RTS frames to a receiving station to negotiate the sending of a data frame. After receiving an RTS frame, the station sends a CTS (clear to send) frame to notify the sending station that it can start sending data.If the RTS threshold is set to 1, the access point always sends RTS signals. If set to 2346, the access point never sends RTS signals. If set to any other value, and
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsRadio Settings–  63  –the packet size equals or exceeds the RTS threshold, the RTS/CTS (Request to Send / Clear to Send) mechanism will be enabled.The access points contending for the medium may not be aware of each other. The RTS/CTS mechanism can solve this “Hidden Node Problem.” (Range: 1-2346 bytes: Default: 2346 bytes)◆Short Guard Interval — The 802.11n draft specifies two guard intervals: 400ns (short) and 800ns (long).  Support of the 400ns GI is optional for transmit and receive. The purpose of a guard interval is to introduce immunity to propagation delays, echoes, and reflections to which digital data is normally very sensitive. Enabling the Short Guard Interval sets it to 400ns. (Default: Disabled)◆Aggregate MAC Protocol Data Unit (A-MPDU) — Enables / disables the sending of this four frame packet header for statistical purposes. (Default: Enabled)◆A-MPDU Length Limit (1024-65535) — Defines the A-MPDU length. (Default: 65535 bytes; Range: 1024-65535 bytes)◆Aggregate MAC Service Data Unit (A-MSDU) — Enables / disables the sending of this four frame packet header for statistical purposes. (Default: Enabled)◆Disable HT20/HT40 Coexistance — Prevents 802.11n 20 MHz and 40 MHz channel bandwidths from operating together in the same network. (Default: Disabled)◆Antenna Selection — Sets the radio to use one or both antennas. (Options: Left, Right, Right+Left; Default: Right+Left)◆Minimum CCK Rate — (2.4 GHz radio only) The minimum CCK data rate at which the AP transmits packets on the wireless interface. (Options: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps; Default 1 Mbps)◆Minimum OFDM Rate — The minimum OFDM data rate at which the AP transmits packets on the wireless interface. (Range: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps; Default 6 Mbps)◆Minimum Single Stream Rate — The minimum 802.11n single stream data rate at which the AP transmits packets on the wireless interface. (Range: MCS0-MCS7; Default MCS0)◆Minimum Double Stream Rate — The minimum 802.11n double stream data rate at which the AP transmits packets on the wireless interface. (Range: MCS8-MCS15; Default MCS8)
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  64  –◆Long Distance Setting — When you have long-distance links in the wireless network, some timing parameters require an adjustment to maintain communications.Enter the approximate distance (in meters) of the client from the AP. Click on the “Show Reference Data” button to compute a set of recommended values for SlotTime, ACKTimeOut and CTSTimeOut. You can use the recommended values or enter your own values that work for your specific environment.◆Set Radio — Sets all entered parameters.Virtual Access Points (VAPs)The AP supports up to 16 virtual access point (VAP) interfaces per radio, numbered 0 to 15. Each VAP functions as a separate access point, and can be configured with its own Service Set Identification (SSID) and security settings. However, most radio signal parameters apply to all VAP interfaces. The VAPs function similar to a VLAN, with each VAP mapped to its own default VLAN ID. Traffic to specific VAPs can be segregated based on user groups or application traffic. All VAPs can support up to a total of 127 wireless clients, whereby the clients associate with each VAP the same way as they would with separate physical access points. Note: The radio channel settings for the access point are limited by local regulations, which determine the number of channels that are available. See “Operating Channels” on page 46 for additional information on the maximum number channels available.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  65  –Figure 29:  VAP SettingsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆VAP Number — The number associated with the VAP, 0-15.◆SSID — The name of the basic service set provided by a VAP interface. Clients that want to connect to the network through the access point must set their SSID to the same as that of an access point VAP interface. (Default: %VBM#BOE"1_11BGN_# (0 to 15) for 2.4 GHz, %VBM#BOE"1_11NA_# (0 to 15) for 5GHz; Range: 1-32 characters)◆Enable — Enables the specified VAP. (Default: Disabled)◆Status — Displays the mode of the VAP. The default is set to "AP," for normal access point services. ◆Edit Setting — Click to open the page to configure basic and security settings for the selected VAP.◆QoS Setting — Click to open the page to configure QoS settings for the selected VAP.◆Bandwidth Setting — Click to open the page to configure bandwidth control for the selected VAP.◆MAC_Auth & Radius — Click to open the page to configure MAC address authentication and RADIUS settings for the selected VAP.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  66  –VAP Basic Settings Sets the basic operating mode and other settings for the VAP. Each VAP can operate in one of three modes; normal AP mode, WDS-AP bridge AP mode, or WDS-STA bridge station mode. The default mode is AP for the VAP to support normal access point services.Note: For more information and examples for setting up WDS networks, see “WDS Setup Examples” on page 45.Note that the Basic Settings are the same for both AP and WDS-AP modes.Figure 30:  VAP Basic SettingsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Closed System — When enabled, the VAP does not include its SSID in beacon messages. Nor does it respond to probe requests from clients that do not include a fixed SSID. (Default: Disable)◆Mode — Selects the mode in which the VAP will function.■AP Mode: The VAP provides services to clients as a normal access point.■WDS-AP Mode: The VAP operates as an access point in WDS mode, which accepts connections from APs in WDS-STA mode.■WDS-STA Mode: The VAP operates as a client station in WDS mode, which connects to an access point VAP in WDS-AP mode. The user needs to specify the MAC address of the access point in WDS-AP mode to which it intends to connect.◆Maximum Association Clients — The total maximum number of clients that may associate with this VAP. The maximum is 127, which is the total associated clients for all VAP interfaces. (Range: 1 to 127; Default 16)
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  67  –◆WLAN Client Association Preemption — When enabled, the AP applies a priority order for associating clients when the maximum clients for the VAP has been reached. The priority order is 11n clients, 11a/g clients, then 11b clients. When the association pool for the VAP is full and the AP receives an association request from a high-priority (11n) client, the AP sends a disassociation to a lower priority client (11a/g or 11b) in order to be able to associate the high-priority client. If there are no lower-priority clients to disassociate, the AP will reject the association request. (Default: Disabled)◆Association Timeout Interval — The idle time interval (when no frames are sent) after which a client is disassociated from the VAP interface. (Range: 5-60 minutes; Default: 30 minutes)◆Authentication Timeout Interval — The time within which the client should finish authentication before authentication times out. (Range: 5-60 minutes; Default: 60 minutes)◆Default VLAN ID — The VLAN ID assigned to wireless clients associated to the VAP interface that are not assigned to a specific VLAN by RADIUS server configuration. (Default: 1)◆DHCP Relay Server — The IP address of the DHCP relay server. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) can dynamically allocate an IP address and other configuration information to network clients that broadcast a request. To receive the broadcast request, the DHCP server would normally have to be on the same subnet as the client. However, when the access point’s DHCP relay agent is enabled, received client requests can be forwarded directly by the access point to a known DHCP server on another subnet. Responses from the DHCP server are returned to the access point, which then broadcasts them back to clients. (Default: (disabled))◆SSID — The service set identifier for the VAP.◆Multicast Enhancement — When a wireless client joins a multicast group, this feature converts multicast packets to unicast packets to improve multicast video quality.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  68  –WDS-STA Mode Describes additional basic VAP settings when functioning in WDS-STA mode.Figure 31:  WDS-STA ModeThe following items are displayed in the VAP Basic Settings when WDS-AP mode is selected:◆WDS-AP (Parent) SSID — The SSID of the VAP on the connecting access point that is set to WDS-AP mode.◆WDS-AP (Parent) MAC — The MAC address of the VAP on the connecting access point that is set to WDS-AP mode.Wireless SecuritySettingsDescribes the wireless security settings for each VAP, including association mode, encryption, and authentication.Note: For VAPs set to WDS-AP or WDS-STA mode, the security options are limited to WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK only.Figure 32:  Configuring VAPs - Security SettingsThe following items are available for VAP security:◆Association Mode — Defines the mode with which the VAP will associate with clients.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  69  –■Open System: The VAP is configured by default as an “open system,” which broadcasts a beacon signal including the configured SSID. Wireless clients with an SSID setting of “any” can read the SSID from the beacon and automatically set their SSID to allow immediate connection. ■WPA: WPA employs a combination of several technologies to provide an enhanced security solution for 802.11 wireless networks.■WPA-PSK: For enterprise deployment, WPA requires a RADIUS authentication server to be configured on the wired network. However, for small office networks that may not have the resources to configure and maintain a RADIUS server, WPA provides a simple operating mode that uses just a pre-shared password for network access. The Pre-Shared Key mode uses a common password for user authentication that is manually entered on the access point and all wireless clients. The PSK mode uses the same TKIP packet encryption and key management as WPA in the enterprise, providing a robust and manageable alternative for small networks.■WPA2: WPA was introduced as an interim solution for the vulnerability of WEP pending the ratification of the IEEE 802.11i wireless security standard. In effect, the WPA security features are a subset of the 802.11i standard. WPA2 includes the now ratified 802.11i standard, but also offers backward compatibility with WPA. Therefore, WPA2 includes the same 802.1X and PSK modes of operation and support for TKIP encryption. ■WPA2-PSK: Clients using WPA2 with a Pre-shared Key are accepted for authentication.■WPA-WPA2 Mixed: Clients using WPA or WPA2 are accepted for authentication.■WPA-WPA2-PSK-mixed: Clients using WPA or WPA2 with a Pre-shared Key are accepted for authentication.◆Encryption Method — Selects an encryption method for the global key used for multicast and broadcast traffic, which is supported by all wireless clients.■WEP: WEP is used as the multicast encryption cipher. You should select WEP only when both WPA and WEP clients are supported. ■TKIP: TKIP is used as the multicast encryption cipher.■AES-CCMP: AES-CCMP is used as the multicast encryption cipher. AES-CCMP is the standard encryption cipher required for WPA2.◆802.1X — The access point supports 802.1X authentication only for clients initiating the 802.1X authentication process (i.e., the access point does not initiate 802.1X authentication). For clients initiating 802.1X, only those successfully authenticated are allowed to access the network. For those clients not initiating 802.1X, access to the network is allowed after successful wireless
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  70  –association with the access point. The 802.1X mode allows access for clients not using WPA or WPA2 security.◆Pre-Authentication — When using WPA2 over 802.1X, pre-authentication can be enabled, which allows clients to roam to a new access point and be quickly associated without performing full 802.1X authentication. (Default: Disabled)◆802.1x Reauthentication Time — The time period after which a connected client must be re-authenticated. During the re-authentication process of verifying the client’s credentials on the RADIUS server, the client remains connected the network. Only if re-authentication fails is network access blocked. (Range: 0-65535 seconds; Default: 0 means disabled)Wired EquivalentPrivacy (WEP)WEP provides a basic level of security, preventing unauthorized access to the network, and encrypting data transmitted between wireless clients and the VAP. WEP uses static shared keys (fixed-length hexadecimal or alphanumeric strings) that are manually distributed to all clients that want to use the network.WEP is the security protocol initially specified in the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless communications. Unfortunately, WEP has been found to be seriously flawed and cannot be recommended for a high level of network security. For more robust wireless security, the access point provides Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and WPA2 for improved data encryption and user authentication.Setting up shared keys enables the basic IEEE 802.11 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) on the access point to prevent unauthorized access to the network.If you choose to use WEP shared keys instead of an open system, be sure to define at least one static WEP key for user authentication and data encryption. Also, be sure that the WEP shared keys are the same for each client in the wireless network. All clients share the same keys, which are used for user authentication and data encryption. Up to four keys can be specified.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  71  –Figure 33:  WEP ConfigurationThe following items are on this page for WEP configuration:◆Default WEP Key Index – Selects the key number to use for encryption for the VAP interface. If the clients have all four WEP keys configured to the same values, you can change the encryption key to any of the settings without having to update the client keys. (Default: Key 1)◆Key Type – Select the preferred method of entering WEP encryption keys for the VAP, either hexadecimal digits (Hex) or alphanumeric characters (ASCII).◆Key Length – Select 64 Bit or 128 Bit key length. Note that the same size of encryption key must be supported on all wireless clients. (Default: 64 bit)◆Key – Enter up to four WEP encryption keys for the VAP.■Hex: Enter keys as 10 hexadecimal digits (0-9 and A-F) for 64 bit keys, or 26 hexadecimal digits for 128 bit keys.■ASCII: Enter keys as 5 alphanumeric characters for 64 bit keys, or 13 alphanumeric characters for 128 bit keys.Note: Key index, type, and length must match that configured on the clients.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  72  –VAP QoS Settings Click the QoS Setting link from the VAP Settings page to access the QoS priority mapping configuration for traffic on the VAP interface.Figure 34:  QoS SettingsThe following items are displayed in the VAP QoS Settings page:◆VAP to 802.1p Setting — You can modify the VLAN priority tags of traffic on the VAP interface with a specified priority value. Requires the default VLAN ID for the VAP to be any other value than 1. Note: The VAP-to-802.1p priority QoS feature cannot be enabled together with the 802.1d-to-802.1p or 802.1d-to-DSCP features.◆802.1d to 802.1p Setting — Enables the mapping of traffic priority from WMM 802.1d priorities to 802.1p VLAN tag priority values. The priorities are mapped according to the user-defined QoS Template map. Requires the default VLAN ID for the VAP to be any other value than 1.◆802.1d to DSCP Setting — Enables the mapping of traffic priority from WMM 802.1d priorities to IP DSCP priority values. The priorities are mapped according to the user-defined QoS Template map.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  73  –Both “802.1d to 802.1p” mapping and “802.1d to DSCP” mapping can be enabled simultaneously when the default VLAN ID for the VAP is any other value than 1. When only “802.1d to DSCP” mapping is enabled, the default VLAN ID for the VAP must be set to 1.◆QoS Template — Enables up to eight user-defined priority mapping tables to be configued. The tables are used to map the WMM 802.1d priorities to 802.1p/DSCP priorities.Click the “Edit” link in the list to define a template priority map.Figure 35:  QoS Template SettingThe following items are displayed in the QoS Template Setting page:◆QoS Template Name — A descriptive name that identifies the mappng template. All eight templates have a default name that can be edited by the user (maximum 32 characters).◆Vap/802.1d (Default User Priority) — The WMM 802.1d priority value in a tagged packet. ◆802.1p/DSCP (Retagged User Priority) — The 802.1p or IP DSCP priority value that replaces the WMM 802.1d value in tagged packets. (Range: 0-7)
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  74  –VAP BandwidthSettingsClick the Bandwidth Setting link from the VAP Settings page to configure rate limiting for traffic on the VAP interface.Figure 36:  Bandwidth SettingsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Bandwidth Control on Uplink Setting — Enables the rate limiting of traffic from the VAP interface as it is passed to the wired network. You can set a maximum rate in kbytes per second. (Range: 100-12000 Kbytes per second; Default: 100 Kbytes per second)◆Bandwidth Control on Downlink Setting — Enables the rate limiting of traffic from the wired network as it is passed to the VAP interface. You can set a maximum rate in kbytes per second. (Range: 100-12000 Kbytes per second; Default: 100 Kbytes per second)MAC Authenticationand RADIUSWireless clients can be authenticated for network access by checking their MAC address against the local database configured on the access point, or by using a database configured on a central RADIUS server. Alternatively, authentication can be implemented using the IEEE 802.1X network access control protocol.Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) is an authentication protocol that uses software running on a central server to control access to RADIUS-aware devices on the network. An authentication server contains a database of user credentials for each user that requires access to the network.Local MAC AuthenticationYou can configure a list of the MAC addresses for wireless clients that are authorized to access the network. This provides a basic level of authentication for wireless clients attempting to gain access to the network. A database of authorized MAC addresses can be stored locally on the access point or remotely on a central RADIUS server. (Default: Local MAC)The local MAC database provides a mechanism to take certain actions based on a wireless client’s MAC address. The MAC list can be configured to allow or deny network access to specific clients.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  75  –Figure 37:  Local AuthenticationThe following items are displayed on Authentication page:MAC Authentication — Selects between, disabled, Local MAC authentication and RADIUS authentication.◆Local MAC — The MAC address of the associating station is compared against the local database stored on the access point. The Local MAC Authentication section enables the local database to be set up.◆System Default — Specifies a default action for all unknown MAC addresses (that is, those not listed in the local MAC database).■Deny: Blocks access for all MAC addresses except those listed in the local database as “Allow.” ■Allow: Permits access for all MAC addresses except those listed in the local database as “Deny.”◆MAC Authentication Settings — Enters specified MAC addresses and permissions into the local MAC database.■MAC Address: Physical address of a client. Enter six pairs of hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens; for example, 00-90-D1-12-AB-89.■Permission: Select Allow to permit access or Deny to block access.■Add/Delete: Adds or deletes the specified MAC address and permission setting into or from the local database.◆MAC Authentication Table — Displays current entries in the local MAC database.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  76  –RADIUS MAC AuthenticationThe MAC address of the associating station is sent to a configured RADIUS server for authentication. When using a RADIUS authentication server for MAC address authentication, the server must first be configured on the RADIUS page.Figure 38:  RADIUS AuthenticationThe following items are displayed on Authentication page:MAC Authentication — Selects between, disabled, Local MAC authentication and RADIUS authentication.◆RADIUS MAC — The MAC address of the associating station is compared against the RADIUS server database. The RADIUS MAC Authentication section enables the RADIUS database to be set up.◆Session Timeout — The time period after which a connected client must be re-authenticated. During the re-authentication process of verifying the client’s credentials on the RADIUS server, the client remains connected the network. Only if re-authentication fails is network access blocked. (Default: 0 means disabled; Range: 30-65535 seconds)Primary and Secondary RADIUS Server SetupA primary RADIUS server must be specified for the access point to implement IEEE 802.1X network access control and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) wireless security. A secondary RADIUS server may also be specified as a backup should the primary server fail or become inaccessible.In addition, you can configure a RADIUS Accounting server to receive user-session accounting information from the access point. RADIUS Accounting can be used to provide valuable information on user activity in the network.This guide assumes that you have already configured RADIUS server(s) to support the access point. Configuration of RADIUS server software is beyond the scope of this guide, refer to the documentation provided with the RADIUS server software.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsVirtual Access Points (VAPs)–  77  –Figure 39:  RADIUS SettingsThe following items are displayed on the RADIUS Settings page:◆RADIUS Status — Enables/disables the primary RADIUS server.◆IP Address — Specifies the IP address or host name of the RADIUS server.◆Port (1024-65535) — The UDP port number used by the RADIUS server for authentication messages. (Range: 1024-65535; Default: 1812)◆Key — A shared text string used to encrypt messages between the access point and the RADIUS server. Be sure that the same text string is specified on the RADIUS server. Do not use blank spaces in the string. (Maximum length: 255 characters)RADIUS AccountingThe following items are displayed on the RADIUS Settings page:◆Account Status — Enables/disables RADIUS accounting.◆IP Address — Specifies the IP address or host name of the RADIUS accounting server.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsRogue AP Detection–  78  –◆Port (1024-65535) — The UDP port number used by the RADIUS accounting server for authentication messages. (Range: 1024-65535; Default: 1813)◆Key — A shared text string used to encrypt messages between the access point and the RADIUS accounting server. Be sure that the same text string is specified on the RADIUS server. Do not use blank spaces in the string. (Maximum length: 255 characters)◆Interim Update Timeout (60-86400) — The interval between transmitting accounting updates to the RADIUS server. (Range: 60-86400; Default: 300 seconds)Rogue AP DetectionA “rogue AP” is either an access point that is not authorized to participate in the wireless network, or an access point that does not have the correct security configuration. Rogue APs can allow unauthorized access to the network, or  fool client stations into mistakenly associating with them and thereby blocking access to network resources. The access point can be configured to periodically scan all radio channels and find other access points within range. A database of nearby access points is maintained where any rogue APs can be identified. Rogue access points can be identified by unknown BSSID (MAC address).
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsRogue AP Detection–  79  –Figure 40:  Rogue AP DetectionThe following items are displayed on this page:◆AP Scan Setting — Enables the periodic scanning for other nearby access points. (Default: Disable)◆Scan Interval — Sets the time between each rogue AP scan. (Range: 15 -65535 seconds; Default: 7200 seconds)◆Scan Duration — Sets the length of time for each rogue AP scan. A long scan duration time will detect more access points in the area, but causes more disruption to client access. (Range: 10 -150 milliseconds; Default: 150 milliseconds)◆First Scan Delay — Delays the start of rogue AP scanning after enabling the feature or booting the AP. (Range: 0 -65535 seconds; Default: 65535 seconds)◆Friendly AP — Allows you to enter the MAC address/Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) of known APs in the network. These MAC addresses will be filtered out of the list of detected APs during a scan.◆Friendly AP MAC Table — Displays the MAC addresses of known APs in the network.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsWi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)–  80  –◆Rogue AP Scan Result — Displays information of unknown APs detected within the range of the AP running the scan.◆Friendly Active AP Scan Result — Displays information of known APs detected within the range of the AP running the scan.  ◆Start Instant Scan — Starts an immediate rogue AP scan on the radio interface. (Default: Disable)Note: While the access point scans a channel for rogue APs, wireless clients will not be able to connect to the access point. Therefore, avoid frequent scanning or scans of a long duration unless there is a reason to believe that more intensive scanning is required to find a rogue AP.Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)Wireless networks offer an equal opportunity for all devices to transmit data from any type of application. Although this is acceptable for most applications, multimedia applications (with audio and video) are particularly sensitive to the delay and throughput variations that result from this “equal opportunity” wireless access method. For multimedia applications to run well over a wireless network, a Quality of Service (QoS) mechanism is required to prioritize traffic types and provide an “enhanced opportunity” wireless access method.The access point implements QoS using the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard. Using WMM, the access point is able to prioritize traffic and optimize performance when multiple applications compete for wireless network bandwidth at the same time. WMM employs techniques that are a subset of the IEEE 802.11e QoS standard and it enables the access point to interoperate with both WMM-enabled clients and other devices that may lack any WMM functionality.Access Categories — WMM defines four access categories (ACs): voice, video, best effort, and background. These categories correspond to traffic priority levels and are mapped to IEEE 802.1D priority tags (see “WMM Access Categories” on page 81). The direct mapping of the four ACs to 802.1D priorities is specifically intended to facilitate inter operability with other wired network QoS policies. While the four ACs are specified for specific types of traffic, WMM allows the priority levels to be configured to match any network-wide QoS policy. WMM also specifies a protocol that access points can use to communicate the configured traffic priority levels to QoS-enabled wireless clients.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsWi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)–  81  –WMM Operation — WMM uses traffic priority based on the four ACs; Voice, Video, Best Effort, and Background. The higher the AC priority, the higher the probability that data is transmitted. When the access point forwards traffic, WMM adds data packets to four independent transmit queues, one for each AC, depending on the 802.1D priority tag of the packet. Data packets without a priority tag are always added to the Best Effort AC queue. From the four queues, an internal “virtual” collision resolution mechanism first selects data with the highest priority to be granted a transmit opportunity. Then the same collision resolution mechanism is used externally to determine which device has access to the wireless medium. For each AC queue, the collision resolution mechanism is dependent on two timing parameters:◆AIFSN (Arbitration Inter-Frame Space Number), a number used to calculate the minimum time between data frames◆CW (Contention Window), a number used to calculate a random backoff timeAfter a collision detection, a backoff wait time is calculated. The total wait time is the sum of a minimum wait time (Arbitration Inter-Frame Space, or AIFS) determined from the AIFSN, and a random backoff time calculated from a value selected from zero to the CW. The CW value varies within a configurable range. It starts at CWMin and doubles after every collision up to a maximum value, CWMax. After a successful transmission, the CW value is reset to its CWMin value.Table 2: WMM Access CategoriesAccess CategoryWMM DesignationDescription 802.1D TagsAC_VO (AC3) Voice Highest priority, minimum delay. Time-sensitive data such as VoIP (Voice over IP) calls.7, 6AC_VI (AC2) Video High priority, minimum delay. Time-sensitive data such as streaming video. 5, 4AC_BE (AC0) Best Effort Normal priority, medium delay and throughput. Data only affected by long delays. Data from applications or devices that lack QoS capabilities.0, 3AC_BK (AC1) Background Lowest priority. Data with no delay or throughput requirements, such as bulk data transfers. 2, 1
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsWi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)–  82  –Figure 41:  WMM Backoff Wait TimesFor high-priority traffic, the AIFSN and CW values are smaller. The smaller values equate to less backoff and wait time, and therefore more transmit opportunities.Figure 42:  QoSAIFS Random BackoffAIFS Random BackoffCWMin CWMaxCWMin CWMaxTimeHigh PriorityLow PriorityMinimum Wait Time Random Wait TimeMinimum Wait Time Random Wait Time
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsWi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)–  83  –The following items are displayed on this page:◆WMM — Sets the WMM operational mode on the access point. When enabled, the parameters for each AC queue will be employed on the access point and QoS capabilities are advertised to WMM-enabled clients. (Default: Disabled)■Disable: WMM is disabled.■Enable: WMM must be supported on any device trying to associated with the access point. Devices that do not support this feature will not be allowed to associate with the access point.◆WMM Acknowledge Policy — By default, all wireless data transmissions require the sender to wait for an acknowledgement from the receiver. WMM allows the acknowledgement wait time to be turned off for each Access Category (AC) 0-3. Although this increases data throughput, it can also result in a high number of errors when traffic levels are heavy. (Default: Acknowledge)■Aknowledge — Applies the WMM policy.■No Aknowledge — Ignores the WMM policy.◆WMM BSS Parameters — These parameters apply to the wireless clients.◆WMM AP Parameters — These parameters apply to the access point.■logCWMin (Minimum Contention Window): The initial upper limit of the random backoff wait time before wireless medium access can be attempted. The initial wait time is a random value between zero and the CWMin value. Specify the CWMin value in the range 0-15 microseconds. Note that the CWMin value must be equal or less than the CWMax value.■logCWMax (Maximum Contention Window): The maximum upper limit of the random backoff wait time before wireless medium access can be attempted. The contention window is doubled after each detected collision up to the CWMax value. Specify the CWMax value in the range 0-15 microseconds. Note that the CWMax value must be greater or equal to the CWMin value. ■AIFSN (Arbitration Inter-Frame Space): The minimum amount of wait time before the next data transmission attempt. Specify the AIFS value in the range 0-15 microseconds. ■TXOP Limit (Transmit Opportunity Limit): The maximum time an AC transmit queue has access to the wireless medium. When an AC queue is granted a transmit opportunity, it can transmit data for a time up to the TxOpLimit. This data bursting greatly improves the efficiency for high data-rate traffic. Specify a value in the range 0-65535 microseconds.
Chapter 6  |  Wireless SettingsWi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)–  84  –■Admission Control: The admission control mode for the access category. When enabled, clients are blocked from using the access category. (Default: Disabled) ◆Set WMM — Applies the new parameters and saves them to RAM memory. Also prompts a screen to inform you when it has taken affect. Click “OK” to return to the home page. Changes will not be saved upon a reboot unless the running configuration file is saved.
–  85  –7SNMP SettingsThis chapter describes Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) settings on the access point. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a communication protocol designed specifically for managing devices on a network. Equipment commonly managed with SNMP includes switches, routers and host computers. Managed devices supporting SNMP contain software, which runs locally on the device and is referred to as an agent. A defined set of variables, known as managed objects, is maintained by the SNMP agent and used to manage the device. These objects are defined in a Management Information Base (MIB) that provides a standard presentation of the information controlled by the agent. SNMP defines both the format of the MIB specifications and the protocol used to access this information over the network.The access point includes an onboard agent that supports SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3 clients. This agent continuously monitors the status of the access point, as well as the traffic passing to and from wireless clients. A network management station can access this information using SNMP management software that is compliant with MIB II. To implement SNMP management, the access point must first have an IP address and subnet mask, configured either manually or dynamically. Access to the onboard agent using SNMP v1 and v2c is controlled by community strings. To communicate with the access point, the management station must first submit a valid community string for authentication.Access to the access point using SNMP v3 provides additional security features that cover message integrity, authentication, and encryption; as well as controlling notifications that are sent to specified user targets.This chapter includes the following sections:◆“SNMP Basic Settings” on page 86◆“SNMP Trap Settings” on page 87◆“View Access Control Model” on page 88◆“SNMPv3 Users” on page 90◆“SNMPv3 Targets” on page 91◆“SNMPv3 Notification Filters” on page 92
Chapter 7  |  SNMP SettingsSNMP Basic Settings–  86  –SNMP Basic SettingsThe access point  SNMP agent must be enabled to function (for versions 1, 2c, and 3 clients). Management access using SNMP v1 and v2c also requires community strings to be configured for authentication. Trap notifications can be enabled and sent to up to four management stations.Figure 43:  SNMP Basic SettingsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆SNMP — Enables or disables SNMP management access and also enables the access point to send SNMP traps (notifications). (Default: Disable)◆System Location — A text string that describes the system location. (Maximum length: 255 characters)◆System Contact — A text string that describes the system contact. (Maximum length: 255 characters)◆Read-Only Community — Defines the SNMP community access string that has read-only access. Authorized management stations are only able to retrieve MIB objects. (Maximum length: 23 characters, case sensitive; Default: public)◆Read-Write Community — Defines the SNMP community access string that has read/write access. Authorized management stations are able to both retrieve and modify MIB objects. (Maximum length: 23 characters, case sensitive; Default: private)
Chapter 7  |  SNMP SettingsSNMP Trap Settings–  87  –SNMP Trap SettingsTraps indicating status changes are issued by the AP to specified trap managers. You must specify trap managers so that key events are reported by the AP to your management station (using network management platforms). Figure 44:  SNMP Trap SettingsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Trap Destination — Specifies the recipient of SNMP notifications. Enter the IP address or the host name. (Host Name: 1 to 63 characters, case sensitive)◆Community — The community string sent with the notification operation. (Maximum length: 23 characters, case sensitive; Default: public)◆Action — Adds a new SNMP trap destination to the list.◆Trap Destination List — Lists the configured SNMP trap destinations.◆Trap Configuration — Enables or disables trap status.■sysSystemUp: The access point is up and running.■sysSystemDown: The access point is about to shutdown and reboot.
Chapter 7  |  SNMP SettingsView Access Control Model–  88  –◆Save Trap Config — Applies the new parameters and saves them to RAM memory. Also prompts a screen to inform you when it has taken affect. Clicking ‘OK’ returns to the home page. Changes will not be saved upon a reboot unless the running configuration file is saved.View Access Control ModelTo configure SNMPv3 management access to the AP, follow these steps:1. Specify read and write access views for the AP MIB tree.2. Configure SNMP user groups with the required security model (that is, SNMP v1, v2c, or v3) and security level (authentication and privacy).3. Assign SNMP users to groups, along with their specific authentication and privacy passwords.Figure 45:  SNMP VACMCreating ViewsSNMPv3 views are used to restrict user access to specified portions of the MIB tree. The are no predefined views by default.The following items are displayed on the VACM page.◆View Name – The name of the SNMP view. (Range: 1-32 characters)
Chapter 7  |  SNMP SettingsView Access Control Model–  89  –◆Type – Indicates if the object identifier of a branch within the MIB tree is included or excluded from the SNMP view.◆OID – Allows you to configure the object identifiers of branches within the MIB tree. Wild cards can be used to mask a specific portion of the OID string.◆Mask (option) – A hexadecimal value with each bit masking the corresponding ID in the MIB subtree. A “1” in the mask indicates an exact match and a “0” indicates a “wild card.” For example, a mask value of 0xFFBF provides a bit mask “1111 1111 1011 1111.” If applied to the subtree “,” the zero corresponds to the 10th subtree ID. When there are more subtree IDs than bits in the mask, the mask is padded with ones.◆View List – Shows the currently configured object identifiers of branches within the MIB tree that define the SNMP view.Creating GroupsAn SNMPv3 group sets the access policy for its assigned users, restricting them to specific read, write, and notify views. You can create new groups to map a set of SNMP users to SNMP views.◆Group Name – The name of the SNMP group. (Range: 1-32 characters)◆Security Level – The security level used for the group:■noAuthNoPriv – There is no authentication or encryption used in SNMP communications.■AuthNoPriv – SNMP communications use authentication, but the data is not encrypted.■AuthPriv – SNMP communications use both authentication and encryption.◆Read View – The configured view for read access. (Range: 1-32 characters)◆Write View – The configured view for write access. (Range: 1-32 characters)
Chapter 7  |  SNMP SettingsSNMPv3 Users–  90  –SNMPv3 UsersThe access point allows multiple SNMP v3 users to be configured. Each SNMPv3 user is defined by a unique name. Users must be configured with a specific security level and assigned to a group. The SNMPv3 group restricts users to a specific read, write, or notify view.Figure 46:  Configuring SNMPv3 UsersThe following items are displayed on this page:◆User Name — The SNMPv3 user name. (32 characters maximum)◆Group — The SNMPv3 group name.◆Auth Type — The authentication type used for the SNMP user; either MD5 or none. When MD5 is selected, enter a password in the corresponding Passphrase field.◆Auth Passphrase — The authentication password or key associated with the authentication and privacy settings. A minimum of eight plain text characters is required.◆Priv Type — The data encryption type used for the SNMP user; either DES or none. When DES is selected, enter a key in the corresponding Passphrase field.◆Priv Passphrase — The password or key associated with the authentication and privacy settings. A minimum of eight plain text characters is required.◆Action — Click the Add button to add a new user to the list. Click the edit button to change details of an existing user. Click the Del button to remove a user from the list.Note: Users must be assigned to groups that have the same security levels. For example, a user who has “Auth Type” and “Priv Type” configured to MD5 and DES respectively (that it, uses both authentication and data encryption) must be
Chapter 7  |  SNMP SettingsSNMPv3 Targets–  91  –assigned to the RWPriv group. If this same user were instead assigned to the read-only (RO) group, the user would not be able to access the database.SNMPv3 TargetsAn SNMP v3 notification Target ID is specified by the SNMP v3 user, IP address, and UDP port. A user-defined filter can also be assigned to specific targets to limit the notifications received to specific MIB objects. (Note that the filter must first be configured. See “SNMPv3 Notification Filters” on page 92.)To configure a new notification receiver target, define the parameters and select a filter, if required. Note that the SNMP v3 user name must first be defined (See “SNMPv3 Users” on page 90.)Figure 47:  SNMPv3 TargetsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Target ID — A user-defined name that identifies a receiver of notifications. (Maximum length: 32 characters)◆IP Address — Specifies the IP address of the receiving management station.◆UDP Port — The UDP port that is used on the receiving management station for notification messages.◆SNMP User — The defined SNMP v3 user that is to receive notification messages.◆Notification Filter — The name of a user-defined notification filter that is applied to the target.
Chapter 7  |  SNMP SettingsSNMPv3 Notification Filters–  92  –SNMPv3 Notification FiltersSNMP v3 users can be configured to receive notification messages from the access point. An SNMP Target ID is created that specifies the SNMP v3 user, IP address, and UDP port. A user-defined notification filter can be created so that specific notifications can be prevented from being sent to particular targets.Figure 48:  SNMP Notification FilterThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Filter ID — A user-defined name that identifies the filter. (Maximum length: 32 characters)◆Subtree — Specifies MIB subtree to be filtered. The MIB subtree must be defined in the form “.” and always start with a “.”.◆Type — Indicates if the filter is to “include” or “exclude” the MIB subtree objects from the filter. Note that MIB objects included in the filter are not sent to the receiving target and objects excluded are sent. By default all traps are sent, so you can first use an “include” filter entry for all trap objects. Then use “exclude” entries for the required trap objects to send to the target. Note that the filter entries are applied in the sequence that they are defined.◆Action — Adds the notification filter.
–  93  –8Maintenance SettingsMaintenance settings includes the following sections:◆“Upgrading Firmware” on page 93◆“Running Configuration” on page 95◆“Resetting the Access Point” on page 97◆“Scheduled Reboot” on page 98Upgrading FirmwareYou can upgrade new access point software from a local file on the management workstation, or from an FTP or TFTP server. New software may be provided periodically from your distributor.After upgrading new software, you must reboot the access point to implement the new code. Until a reboot occurs, the access point will continue to run the software it was using before the upgrade started. Also note that new software that is incompatible with the current configuration automatically restores the access point to the factory default settings when first activated after a reboot.
Chapter 8  |  Maintenance SettingsUpgrading Firmware–  94  –Figure 49:  FirmwareThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Firmware Version — Displays the software image version that is being used as the runtime image. The “Active” image is the current running software, and the “Backup” image is the second software file installed on the AP, but not running. ◆Next Boot Image — Specifies what version of software will be used as a runtime image upon bootup.◆Set Next Boot — Applies the runtime image setting.◆Local — Downloads an operation code image file from the web management station to the access point using HTTP. Use the Browse button to locate the image file locally on the management station and click Start Upgrade to proceed.■New Firmware File: Specifies the name of the code file on the server. The new firmware file name should not contain slashes (\ or /), the leading letter of the file name should not be a period (.), and the maximum length for file names is 32 characters for files on the access point. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”)◆Remote — Downloads an operation code image file from a specified remote FTP or TFTP server. After filling in the following fields, click Start Upgrade to proceed.
Chapter 8  |  Maintenance SettingsRunning Configuration–  95  –■New Firmware File: Specifies the name of the code file on the server. The new firmware file name should not contain slashes (\ or /), the leading letter of the file name should not be a period (.), and the maximum length for file names on the FTP/TFTP server is 255 characters or 32 characters for files on the access point. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”)■IP Address: IP address or host name of FTP or TFTP server.■Username: The user ID used for login on an FTP server.■Password: The password used for login on an FTP server.◆Start Upgrade — Commences the upgrade process.Running ConfigurationA copy of a previous running configuration may be uploaded to the access point as a saved file from a remote location, or the current configuration saved and stored for restoration purposes at a later point. A configuration file may be saved or downloaded to/from a specified remote FTP or TFTP server. Figure 50:  Running Configuration File
Chapter 8  |  Maintenance SettingsRunning Configuration–  96  –The following items are displayed on this page:◆File Backup/Restore — Downloads an operation code image file from a specified remote FTP or TFTP server. After filling in the following fields, click Start Export/Import to proceed.◆Export/Import — Select Export to upload a file to an FTP/TFTP server. Select Import to download a file from an FTP/TFTP server.◆Config file — Specifies the name of the configuration file. A path on the server can be specified using “/” in the name, providing the path already exists; for example, “myfolder/.” Other than to indicate a path, the file name must not contain any slashes (\ or /), the leading letter cannot be a period (.), and the maximum length for file names on the FTP/TFTP server is 255 characters. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”)◆IP Address — IP address or host name of FTP or TFTP server.◆Username — The user ID used for login on an FTP server.◆Password — The password used for login on an FTP server.◆Start Import/Export — Initiates the selected backup or restore.◆Restore Factory Setting — Click the Restore button to reset the configuration settings for the access point to the factory defaults and reboot the system. Note that all user configured information will be lost. You will have to re-enter the default user name and password to re-gain management access to this device.◆Restore Factory Setting with Keep IP — Click the Restore button to reset the AP’s configuration settings, except for the IP, to the factory defaults and reboot the system. Note that other than the IP settings, all user configured information will be lost. You will have to re-enter the default user name and password to re-gain management access to this device.◆Running Config To Startup Config — Click “Save” to save the running configuration to the startup file.
Chapter 8  |  Maintenance SettingsResetting the Access Point–  97  –Resetting the Access PointThe Reset page allows you to reset the access point and save the running configuration before the reboot.Figure 51:  Resetting the Access PointThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Save Runtime config before Reboot — Checking this option saves the current running configuration to the startup file.◆Reboot — Click the “Reboot” button to reset the configuration settings for the AP and reboot the system. Note that all unsaved user configured information will be lost. Note: If you have upgraded system software, then you must reboot the access point to implement the new operation code. New software that is incompatible with the current configuration automatically restores the access point to default values when first activated after a reboot.
Chapter 8  |  Maintenance SettingsScheduled Reboot–  98  –Scheduled RebootThe Reboot Schedule page allows you to set the AP to reboot on a specified time schedule. The time can be either by days and hours, or a simple countdown in minutes.Figure 52:  Reboot Schedule — Fixed TimeThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Status — Selects a fixed time interval or a countdown time, or disables the feature.◆Interval — Specifies the interval in days.  (Range: 1~7 days)◆Schedule Time — Specifies a time in hours and minutes. (Range: 0~23 hours,  0~59 minutes)Figure 53:  Reboot Schedule — Countdown TimeThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Status — Selects a fixed time interval or a countdown time, or disables the feature.◆Countdown Time — Specifies a time in minutes. (Default: 14400 minutes; Range: 1~14400 minutes)
–  99  –9Status InformationThe Information menu displays information on the current system configuration, the wireless interface, the station status and system logs.Status Information includes the following sections:◆“AP Status” on page 100◆“Station Status” on page 103◆“Station Statistics” on page 104◆“Event Logs” on page 105◆“WDS Status” on page 106
Chapter 9  |  Status InformationAP Status–  100  –AP StatusThe AP Status window displays basic system configuration settings, as well as the settings for the wireless interfaces.AP SystemConfigurationThe AP System Configuration table displays the basic system configuration settingsFigure 54:  AP System ConfigurationThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Serial Number — The serial number of the physical access point.◆System Up Time — Length of time the management agent has been up.◆Ethernet MAC Address — The physical layer address for the Ethernet port.◆Radio 0 MAC Address — The base physical layer address of the 2.4 GHz interface.◆Radio 1 MAC Address — The base physical layer address for the 5 GHz interface.
Chapter 9  |  Status InformationAP Status–  101  –◆System Name — Name assigned to this system.◆System Contact — Administrator responsible for the system.◆IP Address — IP address of the management interface for this device.◆IP Default Gateway — IP address of the gateway router between this device and management stations that exist on other network segments.◆HTTP Server Status — Shows if management access via HTTP is enabled.◆HTTP Port — Shows the TCP port used by the HTTP interface.◆HTTPS Server Status — Shows if management access via HTTPS is enabled.◆HTTPS Port — Shows the TCP port used by the HTTPS interface.◆SSH Server Status — Shows if management access via SSH is enabled.◆SSH Port — Shows the TCP port used for SSH access.◆Telnet Server Status — Shows if management access via Telnet is enabled.◆Telnet Port — Shows the TCP port used for Telnet access.◆Software Version — Shows the software version number.◆Boot Rom Version — Show the boot software version number.◆Hardware Version — Shows the unit’s hardware version number.◆Part Number — Shows the model number of the unit.◆Production Date — Shows the production date of the unit.
Chapter 9  |  Status InformationAP Status–  102  –AP WirelessConfigurationThe AP Wireless Configuration displays the VAP interface settings for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radios. Figure 55:  AP Wireless ConfigurationThe following items are displayed on this page for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio interfaces:◆VAP — Displays the VAP number. ◆SSID — The service set identifier for the VAP interface.◆Status — Displays the interface mode setting, either “ap”, “wds-ap”, or “wds-sta”. ◆Association Mode — Shows the basic security mode configured for the VAP.◆Encryption Method — Displays the encryption method used on the interface. ◆802.1X — Shows if IEEE 802.1X access control for wireless clients is enabled.◆MAC Address — Displays the MAC address of the VAP interface.
Chapter 9  |  Status InformationStation Status–  103  –Station StatusThe Station Status window shows the wireless clients currently associated with the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio interfaces.Figure 56:  Station StatusThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Total Station Number of this device — The total number of clients associated to the AP.◆Total Station Number of Radio 0 — The total number of clients associated to the 2.4 GHz radio.◆Total Station Number of Radio 1 — The total number of clients associated to the 5 GHz radio.◆Station Address — The MAC address of the wireless client.◆RSSI — The Receive Signal Strength Indicator for the wireless client.◆TxRate (Mbps) — The data tranmit rate to the wireless client.◆RxRate (Mbps) — The data receive rate from the wireless client.◆IP — The IP address assigned to the wireless client.◆Privacy — The data encryption method used by the wireless client.◆Authentication — The authentication method used by the wireless client.◆Connection Time — The time the wireless client has been associated.
Chapter 9  |  Status InformationStation Statistics–  104  –Station StatisticsThe Station Statistics window shows the statistic information for wireless clients currently associated with the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio interfaces.Figure 57:  Station StatisticsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Station Address — The MAC address of the wireless client.◆TxPkts — The number of transmitted packets from this client.◆TxBytes — The number of transmitted bytes from this client.◆RxPkts — The number of received packets from this client.◆RxBytes — The number of received bytes from this client.
Chapter 9  |  Status InformationEvent Logs–  105  –Event LogsThe Event Logs window shows the log messages generated by the access point and stored in memory.Figure 58:  Event LogsThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Display Event Log — Selects the log entries to display. Up to 20 log messages can be displayed at one time.Each log entry includes the time the log message was generated, the logging level associated with the message, and the text of the log message.
Chapter 9  |  Status InformationWDS Status–  106  –WDS StatusThe WDS Status window shows the WDS information for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio interfaces.Figure 59:  WDS StatusThe following items are displayed on this page:◆Auto Refresh Setting — Enables the automatic refresh of WDS status information. When enabled, you can also set the time interval between each status refresh.◆WDS-STA Status — The status of other APs in WDS-STA mode connected to the AP interfaces.■Station Address — The MAC address of the AP client.■RSSI — The Receive Signal Strength Indicator of the received signal sent from the peer WDS client.■Remote RSSI — The Receive Signal Strength Indicator of the AP signal received by the peer WDS-STA client.■TxRate (Mbps) — The data tranmit rate to the AP client.■RxRate (Mbps) — The data receive rate from the AP client.■IP — The IP address assigned to the AP client.■Privacy — The data encryption method used by the AP client.■Authentication — The authentication method used by the AP client.
Chapter 9  |  Status InformationWDS Status–  107  –◆WDS-AP Status —  The status of other APs in WDS-AP mode connected to AP interfaces.■Station Address — The MAC address of the WDS-enabled AP.■RSSI — The Receive Signal Strength Indicator of the received signal sent from the peer WDS AP.■Remote RSSI — The Receive Signal Strength Indicator of the AP signal received by the peer WDS-AP.
Chapter 9  |  Status InformationWDS Status–  108  –
–  109  –Section IIICommand Line InterfaceThis section provides a detailed description of the Command Line Interface, along with examples for all of the commands. This section includes these chapters:◆“Using the Command Line Interface” on page 111◆“General Commands” on page 117◆“System Management Commands” on page 121◆“System Logging Commands” on page 143◆“System Clock Commands” on page 148◆“DHCP Relay Commands” on page 153◆“SNMP Commands” on page 155◆“Flash/File Commands” on page 168◆“RADIUS Client Commands” on page 171◆“802.1X Authentication Commands” on page 177◆“MAC Address Authentication Commands” on page 179◆“Filtering Commands” on page 183◆“Spanning Tree Commands” on page 189◆“WDS Bridge Commands” on page 201◆“Ethernet Interface Commands” on page 203◆“Wireless Interface Commands” on page 210
–  110  –Section III  |  Command Line Interface◆“Wireless Security Commands” on page 239◆“Rogue AP Detection Commands” on page 249◆“Link Integrity Commands” on page 255◆“Link Layer Discovery Commands” on page 258◆“VLAN Commands” on page 262◆“WMM Commands” on page 266◆“QoS Commands” on page 271
–  111  –10 Using the Command Line InterfaceWhen accessing the management interface for the over a direct connection to the console port, or via a Telnet connection, the access point can be managed by entering command keywords and parameters at the prompt. Using the access point’s command-line interface (CLI) is very similar to entering commands on a UNIX system.Console ConnectionTo access the AP through the console port, first set up a console connection to the AP. See “Console Port Connection” on page 17 for more information.At the console prompt, enter the user name and password. (The default user name is “admin” with no default password.) After the password is entered, the CLI displays the “EC#” prompt. Example(none) login: adminPassword:Jan  1 11:33:13 login[1918]: root login on 'ttyS0'EC#Note: Command examples later in this chapter show the console prompt as “AP”.Enter the necessary commands to complete your desired tasks. When finished, exit the session with the “exit” command.
Chapter 10  |  Using the Command Line InterfaceTelnet Connection–  112  –Telnet ConnectionTelnet operates over the IP transport protocol. In this environment, your management station and any network device you want to manage over the network must have a valid IP address. If the access point does not acquire an IP address from a DHCP server, the default IP address used by the access point for management is access the AP through a Telnet session, you must first set the IP address for the AP, and set the default gateway if you are managing the AP from a different IP subnet. For example:AP#configureAP(config)#interface ethernetAP(if-ethernet)#ip address you configure the access point with an IP address, you can open a Telnet session by performing these steps.1. From the remote host, enter the Telnet command and the IP address of the device you want to access. 2. At the prompt, enter the user name and system password. The CLI will display the “AP#” prompt to show that you are using executive access mode (that is, Exec). (none) login: adminPassword:AP#3. Enter the necessary commands to complete your desired tasks. 4. When finished, exit the session with the “quit” or “exit” command. Note: You can open up to four sessions to the device through Telnet.
Chapter 10  |  Using the Command Line InterfaceEntering Commands–  113  –Entering CommandsThis section describes how to enter CLI commands.Keywords andArgumentsA CLI command is a series of keywords and arguments. Keywords identify a command, and arguments specify configuration parameters. For example, in the command “show interfaces ethernet,” show and interfaces are keywords, and ethernet is an argument that specifies the interface type.You can enter commands as follows:◆To enter a simple command, enter the command keyword. ◆To enter commands that require parameters, enter the required parameters after the command keyword. For example, to set a password for the administrator, enter:AP(config)#password admin tpschrisMinimumAbbreviationThe CLI will accept a minimum number of characters that uniquely identify a command. For example, the command “configure” can be entered as con. If an entry is ambiguous, the system will prompt for further input.CommandCompletionIf you terminate input with a Tab key, the CLI will print the remaining characters of a partial keyword up to the point of ambiguity. In the “configure” example, typing con followed by a tab will result in printing the command up to “configure.”Getting Help onCommandsYou can display a brief description of the help system by entering the help command. You can also display command syntax by following a command with the “?” character to list keywords or parameters.Showing Commands If you enter a “?” at the command prompt, the system will display the first level of keywords for the current configuration mode (Exec, Global Configuration, or Interface). You can also display a list of valid keywords for a specific command. For example, the command “show ?” displays a list of possible show commands:AP# show ?  APmanagement    Show management AP information.  band-steering   Show Band Steering Status.  bridge          Show bridge.  config          Show current configuration.  event-log       Show event log on console.  filters         Show filters.  firmware-image  Show firmware images version.
Chapter 10  |  Using the Command Line InterfaceEntering Commands–  114  –  interface       Show interface information.  line            TTY line information.  link-integrity  Show Link Integrity information.  lldp            Show lldp parameters.  logging         Show the logging buffers.  long-distance   Show the outdoor parameter information.  rogue-ap        Show Rogue AP information.  snmp            Show snmp configuration.  sntp            Show sntp configuration.  station         Show 802.11 station table.  system          Show system information.  version         Show system version.AP: showThe command “show interface ?” will display the following information:AP# show interface ?  ethernet  Show Ethernet interface  wireless  Show Wireless interfaceAP# show interfaceNegating the Effect ofCommandsFor many configuration commands you can enter the prefix keyword “no” to cancel the effect of a command or reset the configuration to the default value. For example, the logging command will log system messages to a host server. To disable logging, specify the no logging command. This guide describes the negation effect for all applicable commands.Using CommandHistoryThe CLI maintains a history of commands that have been entered. You can scroll back through the history of commands by pressing the up arrow key. Any command displayed in the history list can be executed again, or first modified and then executed. UnderstandingCommand ModesThe command set is divided into Exec and Configuration classes. Exec commands generally display information on system status or clear statistical counters. Configuration commands, on the other hand, modify interface parameters or enable certain functions. These classes are further divided into different modes. Available commands depend on the selected mode. You can always enter a question mark “?” at the prompt to display a list of the commands available for the
Chapter 10  |  Using the Command Line InterfaceEntering Commands–  115  –current mode. The command classes and associated modes are displayed in the following table:Exec CommandsWhen you open a new console session on an access point, the system enters Exec command mode. Only a limited number of the commands are available in this mode. You can access all other commands only from the configuration mode. To access Exec mode, open a new console session with the user name “admin.” The command prompt displays as “AP#” for Exec mode.(none) login: adminPassword: [system login password]AP#Configuration CommandsConfiguration commands are used to modify access point settings. These commands modify the running configuration and are saved in memory. The configuration commands are organized into four different modes:◆Global Configuration (GC) - These commands modify the system level configuration, and include commands such as system name and password. ◆Interface-Ethernet Configuration (IC-E) - These commands modify the Ethernet port configuration, and include command such as dns and ip.◆Interface-Wireless Configuration (IC-W) - These commands modify the wireless port configuration of global parameters for the radio, and include commands such as channel and beacon-interval.◆Interface-Wireless Virtual Access Point Configuration (IC-W-VAP) - These commands modify the wireless port configuration for each VAP, and include commands such as ssid and encryption.To enter the Global Configuration mode, enter the command configure in Exec mode. The system prompt will change to “AP(config)#” which gives you access privilege to all Global Configuration commands.Table 3: Command ModesClass ModeExec PrivilegedConfiguration GlobalInterface-ethernetInterface-wirelessInterface-wireless-vap
Chapter 10  |  Using the Command Line InterfaceEntering Commands–  116  –AP#configureAP(config)#To enter Interface mode, you must enter the “interface ethernet” while in Global Configuration mode. The system prompt will change to  “AP(if-ethernet)#,” or “AP(if-wireless 0)” indicating that you have access privileges to the associated commands. You can use the exit command to return to the Exec mode.AP(config)#interface ethernetAP(if-ethernet)#Command LineProcessingCommands are not case sensitive. You can abbreviate commands and parameters as long as they contain enough letters to differentiate them from any other currently available commands or parameters. You can use the Tab key to complete partial commands, or enter a partial command followed by the “?” character to display a list of possible matches.
–  117  –11 General CommandsThis chapter details general commands that apply to the CLI.configure This command activates Global Configuration mode. You must enter this mode to modify most of the settings on the access point. You must also enter Global Configuration mode prior to enabling the context modes for Interface Configuration. See “Using the Command Line Interface” on page 111.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode ExecExample AP#configureAP(config)#Related Commands endTable 4: General CommandsCommand Function Mode Pageconfigure  Activates global configuration mode  Exec 117end  Returns to previous configuration mode  GC, IC 118exit  Returns to the previous configuration mode, or exits the CLI  any 118cli-session-timeout Sets a timeout for CLI and Telnet sessions Exec 118ping  Sends ICMP echo request packets to another node on the network  Exec  119reset  Restarts the system  Exec 120show line Shows the configuration settings for the console port Exec 120
Chapter 11  |  General Commands–  118  –end This command returns to the previous configuration mode.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global Configuration, Interface ConfigurationExample This example shows how to return to the Configuration mode from the Interface Configuration mode:AP(if-ethernet)#endAP(config)#exit This command returns to the Exec mode or exits the configuration program.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode AnyExample This example shows how to return to the Exec mode from the Interface Configuration mode, and then quit the CLI session:AP(if-ethernet)#exitAP#exit(none) login:cli-session-timeout This command enables a timeout for console and Telnet sessions.Syntaxcli-session-timeout <enable | disable | value>enable - Enables the timeout.disable - Disables the timeout.value - Sets a time for the timeout (Range: 60~3600 seconds).Default Setting120 seconds
Chapter 11  |  General Commands–  119  –Command ModeExecExampleThe following example disables the CLI timeout.AP(config)# cli-session-timeout disableAP(config)#ping This command sends ICMP echo request packets to another node on the network.Syntax ping <host_name | ip_address> host_name - Alias of the host. ip_address - IP address of the host.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode ExecCommand Usage ◆Use the ping command to see if another site on the network can be reached. ◆The following are some results of the ping command: ■Normal response - The normal response occurs in one to ten seconds, depending on network traffic. ■Destination does not respond - If the host does not respond, a “timeout” appears in ten seconds. ■Destination unreachable - The gateway for this destination indicates that the destination is unreachable. ■Network or host unreachable - The gateway found no corresponding entry in the route table. Example AP#ping is aliveAP#
Chapter 11  |  General Commands–  120  –reset This command restarts the system or restores the factory default settings.Syntax reset <board | configuration | configuration-keep-ip> board - Reboots the system. configuration - Resets the configuration settings to the factory defaults, and then reboots the system.configuration-keep-ip - Resets the configuration settings to the factory defaults except for the IP address, and then reboots the system.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode ExecCommand Usage When the system is restarted, it will always run the Power-On Self-Test. Example This example shows how to reset the system:AP#reset boardPlease wait a moment...show line This command displays the console port’s configuration settings.Command Mode ExecExampleThe console port settings are fixed at the values shown below.AP#show lineConsole Line Information======================================================  databits   : 8  parity     : none  speed      : 115200  stop bits  : 1======================================================AP#
–  121  –12 System Management CommandsThese commands are used to configure the password, system logs, browser management options, clock settings, and a variety of other system information.Table 5: System Management CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagecountry Sets the access point country code Exec 122prompt Customizes the command line prompt  GC 123system name Specifies the host name for the access point GC 124system-resource Sets rising and falling CPU and memory thresholds GC 124password  Specifies the password for management access GC 125reboot-schedule Restarts the AP after a specified time GC 126apmgmtui ssh enable Enables the Secure Shell server GC 127apmgmtui ssh port Sets the Secure Shell port GC 127ip telnet-server enable Enables the Telnet server GC 128apmgmtip Specifies an IP address or range of addresses allowed access to management interfaces GC 131apmgmtui telnet-server Enables Telnet management access GC 128apmgmtui snmp Enables SNMP management access GC 131apmgmtui http port  Specifies the port to be used by the web browser interface  GC 128apmgmtui http server  Allows the access point to be monitored or configured from a browser  GC 129apmgmtui http session-timeout  Sets the web interface timeout GC 129apmgmtui https port Specifies the UDP port number used for a secure HTTP connection to the access point’s Web interface GC 130apmgmtui https server Enables the secure HTTP server on the access point  GC 130max-bandwidth-control uplink Enables uplink bandwidth control for the AP GC 132max-bandwidth-control downlink Enables downlink bandwidth control for the AP GC 133max-bandwidth-control make-effective Implements bandwidth control settings for the AP. GC 134
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  122  –country This command configures the access point’s country code, which identifies the country of operation and sets the authorized radio channels. Syntax country <country_code>country_code - A two character code that identifies the country of operation. See the following table for a full list of codes.show apmanagement Shows the AP management configuration Exec 134show max-bandwidth-control Displays the bandwidth control settings for the AP Exec 134show system  Displays system information Exec  135show system resource Displays CPU and memory usage information Exec 135show version  Displays version information for the system Exec  136show config Displays detailed configuration information for the system Exec  136Table 5: System Management Commands (Continued)Command Function Mode PageTable 6: Country CodesCountry Code Country Code Country Code Country CodeAlbania AL Dominican Republic DO Kuwait KW Romania ROAlgeria DZ Ecuador EC Latvia LV Russia RUArgentina AR Egypt EG Lebanon LB Saudi Arabia SAArmenia AM Estonia EE Liechtenstein LI Singapore SGAustralia AU Finland FI Lithuania LT Slovak Republic SKAustria AT France FR Macao MO Spain ESAzerbaijan AZ Georgia GE Macedonia MK Sweden SEBahrain BH Germany DE Malaysia MY Switzerland CHBelarus BY Greece GR Malta MT Syria SYBelgium BE Guatemala GT Mexico MX Taiwan TWHonduras HN Monaco MC Thailand THBelize BZ Hong Kong  HK Morocco MA Trinidad & Tobago TTBolivia BO Hungary HU Netherlands NL Tunisia TNBrazil BR Iceland IS New Zealand NZ Turkey TR
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  123  –Default Setting US - for units sold in the United States99 (no country set) - for units sold in other countriesCommand Mode ExecCommand Usage◆If you purchased an access point outside of the United States, the country code must be set before radio functions are enabled.◆The available Country Code settings can be displayed by using the country ? command.Example AP#country twAP#prompt This command customizes the CLI prompt. Use the no form to restore the default prompt.Brunei Darussalam BN India IN Norway NO Ukraine UABulgaria BG Indonesia ID Qatar QA United Arab Emirates AECanada CA Iran IR Oman OM United Kingdom GBChile CL Ireland IE Pakistan PK United States USChina CN Israel IL Panama PA Uruguay UYColombia CO Italy IT Peru PE Uzbekistan UZCosta Rica CR Japan JP Philippines PH Yemen YECroatia HR Jordan JO Poland PL Venezuela VECyprus CY Kazakhstan KZ Portugal PT Vietnam VNCzech Republic CZ North Korea KP Puerto Rico PR Zimbabwe ZWDenmark DK Korea Republic KR Slovenia SIElsalvador SV Luxembourg LU South Africa ZATable 6: Country Codes (Continued)Country Code Country Code Country Code Country Code
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  124  –Syntax prompt <string>no promptstring - Any alphanumeric string to use for the CLI prompt. (Maximum length: 32 characters)Default Setting ECCommand Mode Global ConfigurationExample AP(config)#prompt RD2RD2(config)#system name This command specifies or modifies the system name for this device. Syntax system name <name>name - The name of this host. (Maximum length: 32 characters)Default Setting %VBM#BOE"1Command Mode Global ConfigurationExample AP(config)#system name APAP(config)#system-resource This command sets CPU and memory rising and falling thresholds that monitor system resources. Syntax system-resource threshold <cpu-rising> <cpu-falling> <memory-rising> <memory-falling> <interval>threshold - Keyword that sets CPU and memory threshold values.
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  125  –cpu-rising - The CPU utilization rising threshold as a percentage. (Range: 1-100 percent, 0 is disabled)cpu-falling - The CPU utilization falling threshold as a percentage. (Range: 0 to less than the CPU rising threshold)memory-rising - The memory utilization rising threshold in Kbytes. (Range: 1-113076 Kbytes, 0 is disabled)memory-falling - The memory utilization falling threshold in Kbytes. (Range: 0 to less than the memory rising threshold)interval - The utilization check interval in seconds. (Range: 1 to 86400 seconds, 0 is disabled)Default Setting CPU Rising Threshold: 0 (disabled)CPU Falling Threshold: 20 percentMemory Rising Threshold: 0 (disabled)Memory Falling Threshold: 16000 KbytesThreshold Interval: 0 (disabled)Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage◆When the CPU rising threshold is exceeded, a “CPU Busy” SNMP trap message is sent (only sent once). When the CPU utilization then drops below the falling threshold, a “CPU Free” trap message is sent .◆When the memory rising threshold is exceeded, a “Memory Overload” SNMP trap message is sent (only sent once). When the memory utilization then drops below the falling threshold, a “Memory Free” trap message is sent .Example AP(config)# system-resource threshold 80 20 100000 16000 20AP(config)#password After initially logging onto the system, you should set the access passwords. Remember to record them in a safe place. Syntax password <admin | guest> <old-password> <new-password>admin - The keyword for the administrator password.guest - The keyword for the guest password
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  126  –old-password - The current password for management access. When there is no password set, enter the string “null”.(Length: 5-32 characters, case sensitive) new-password - The new password for management access.(Length: 5-32 characters, case sensitive) Default Setting None. There are no admin or guest passwords.Command Mode Global ConfigurationExample AP(config)#password admin null tpschrisAP(config)#reboot-schedule This command restarts the system after a scheduled time.Syntax reboot-schedule {fixed-time <day><hour><minutes> | countdown <minutes> | disable} fixed-time - Reboots after a specified time in days, hours, and minutes. countdown - Reboots after a specified coundown time in minutes.disable - Disables the reboot schedule. Default Setting DisabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage When the system is restarted, it will always run the Power-On Self-Test. Example This example shows how to set a scheduled reboot time:AP(config)# reboot-schedule fixed-time 1 2 3AP(config)#
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  127  –apmgmgtui sshenableThis command enables the Secure Shell server. Use the no form to disable the server.Syntax apmgmtui ssh enableno apmgmtui ssh-serverDefault Setting EnabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆The access point supports Secure Shell version 2.0 only.◆After boot up, the SSH server needs about two minutes to generate host encryption keys. The SSH server is disabled while the keys are being generated. The show system command displays the status of the SSH server.ExampleAP(config)# apmgmtui ssh enableAP(config)#apmgmtui ssh port This command sets the Secure Shell server port. Syntax apmgmtui ssh port <port-number>port-number - The UDP port used by the SSH server. (Range: 1-65535)Default Setting 22Command Mode Global ConfigurationExampleAP(config)# apmgmtui ssh port 1124AP(config)#
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  128  –apmgmtui telnet-server enableThis command enables the Telnet server. Use the no form to disable the server.Syntax apmgmtui telnet-server enableno apmgmtui telnet-serverDefault Setting Interface enabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationExampleAP(config)# apmgmtui telnet-server enableAP(config)#apmgmtui http port This command specifies the TCP port number used by the web browser interface. Use the no form to use the default port.Syntax apmgmtui http port <port-number>no apmgmtui http portport-number - The TCP port to be used by the browser interface. (Range: 80 or 1024-65535)Default Setting 80Command Mode Global ConfigurationExampleAP(config)# apmgmtui http port 769AP(config)Related Commandsapmgmtui http server
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  129  –apmgmtui http server This command allows this device to be monitored or configured from a web browser. Use the no form to disable this function.Syntax [no] apmgmtui http serverDefault Setting EnabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationExample AP(config)# apmgmtui http serverAP(config)#Related Commandsapmgmtui http portapmgmtui httpsession-timeoutThis command sets the web browser timeout limit.Syntax apmgmtui http session-timeout <seconds>seconds - The web session timeout. (Range: 0-1800 seconds, 0 means disabled)Default Setting 1800 secondsCommand Mode Global ConfigurationExample AP(config)# apmgmtui http session-timeout 0AP(config)#Related Commandsapmgmtui http server
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  130  –apmgmtui https port Use this command to specify the UDP port number used for HTTPS/SSL connection to the access point’s web interface. Use the no form to restore the default port.Syntax apmgmtui https port <port_number>no apmgmtui https portport_number – The UDP port used for HTTPS/SSL. (Range: 443, 1024-65535)Default Setting 443Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆You cannot configure the HTTP and HTTPS servers to use the same port.◆To avoid using common reserved TCP port numbers below 1024, the configurable range is restricted to 443 and between 1024 and 65535. ◆If you change the HTTPS port number, clients attempting to connect to the HTTPS server must specify the port number in the URL, in this format: https://device:port_numberExample AP(config)# apmgmtui https port 1234AP(config)#apmgmtui httpsserverUse this command to enable the secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS) over the Secure Socket Layer (SSL), providing secure access (that is, an encrypted connection) to the access point’s web interface. Use the no form to disable this function.Syntax [no] apmgmtui https serverDefault Setting EnabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆Both HTTP and HTTPS service can be enabled independently.
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  131  –◆If you enable HTTPS, you must indicate this in the URL: https://device:port_number]◆When you start HTTPS, the connection is established in this way:■The client authenticates the server using the server’s digital certificate.■The client and server negotiate a set of security protocols to use for the connection.■The client and server generate session keys for encrypting and decrypting data.■The client and server establish a secure encrypted connection.A padlock icon should appear in the status bar for Internet Explorer.Example AP(config)# apmgmtui https serverAP(config)#apmgmtui snmp This command enables and disables SNMP management access to the AP.Syntaxapmgmtui snmp [enable | disable]enable - Enables SNMP management access.disable - Disables SNMP management access.Default SettingEnabledCommand ModeGlobal ConfigurationExampleAP(config)# apmgmtui snmp enableAP(config)#apmgmtip This command specifies the client IP addresses that are allowed management access to the access point through various protocols.Note: Secure Web (HTTPS) connections are not affected by the UI Management or IP Management settings.
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  132  –Syntaxapmgmtip [multiple <ip-address> <subnet-mask> | single <ip-address> | any] multiple - Adds IP addresses within a specifiable range to the SNMP, web and Telnet groups.single - Adds an IP address to the SNMP, web and Telnet groups.any - Allows any IP address access through SNMP, web and Telnet groups.ip-address - Adds IP addresses to the SNMP, web and Telnet groups.subnet-mask - Specifies a range of IP addresses allowed management access.Default SettingAll addressesCommand ModeGlobal ConfigurationCommand Usage◆If anyone tries to access a management interface on the access point from an invalid address, the unit will reject the connection, enter an event message in the system log, and send a trap message to the trap manager.◆Management access applies to SNMP, HTTP (web), Telnet, and SSH connections. ExampleThis example restricts management access to the specified addresses.AP(config)#apmgmtip multiple uplinkThis command enables the uplink bandwidth control for the AP.Syntaxmax-bandwidth-control [no] uplink [rate ]no - Disables the uplink bandwidth control setting. rate - Sets the uplink rate in Kbytes per second.  (Range: 100-12000 Kbps)DefaultDisabledRate: 12000 Kbps
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  133  –Command ModeGlobal ConfigurationCommand Usage This command enables the rate limiting of traffic from the AP as it is passed to the wired network. You can set a maximum rate in Kbytes per second.ExampleAP(config)# max-bandwidth-control uplinkThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(config)#max-bandwidth-control downlinkThis command enables the downlink bandwidth control for the AP.Syntaxmax-bandwidth-control [no] downlink [rate ]no - Disables the downlink bandwidth control setting. rate - Sets the downlink rate in Kbytes per second.  (Range: 100-12000 Kbps)DefaultDisabledRate: 12000 KbpsCommand ModeGlobal ConfigurationCommand Usage This command enables the rate limiting of traffic from the wired network as it is passed to the AP. You can set a maximum rate in kbytes per secondExampleAP(config)# max-bandwidth-control downlinkThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(config)#
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  134  –max-bandwidth-control make-effectiveThis command implements the bandwidth control for the AP. Syntaxmax-bandwidth-control make-effective Command ModeGlobal ConfigurationExampleAP(config)# max-bandwidth-control make effectiveAP(config)#show apmanagement This command shows the AP management configuration, including the IP addresses of management stations allowed to access the AP, and the protocols that are open to management access.Command Mode ExecExampleAP#show apmanagement=================================AP Management IP Mode: staticTelnet UI: EnableWEB UI   : EnableSNMP UI  : Enable==================================AP#show max-bandwidth-controlThis command displays the bandwidth control settings for the AP. Command ModeGlobal ConfigurationExampleAP# show max-bandwidth-controlUplink Status:  EnableUplink Rate:  12000000Downlink Status:  DisableDownlink Rate:  12000000AP#
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  135  –show system This command displays basic system configuration settings.Command Mode ExecExampleAP#show systemSystem Information==============================================================Serial Number         : AC25123456System Up time        : 1 minSystem Name           : %VBM#BOE"1System Location       : where?System Contact        : who?System Country Code   : TW - TaiwanMAC Address           : 70:72:CF:00:11:70Radio 0 MAC Address   : 70:72:CF:00:11:70Radio 1 MAC Address   : 70:72:CF:00:11:80IP Address            : Mask           : Gateway       : IP         : Subnet     : Address          : 2001:db8::1IPv6 Subnet Mask      : 64IPv6 Gateway          : 2001:db8::2VLAN Status           : DisableManagement VLAN ID(AP): 4093Native VLAN ID(AP)    : 1DHCP Client           : staticHTTP Access           : EnableHTTP Port             : 80HTTP Timeout          : 1800HTTPs Access          : EnableHTTPs Port            : 443SSH Access            : EnableSSH Port              : 22Telnet Access         : EnableTelnet Port           : 23Slot Status           : Dual band(a/g)Boot Rom Version      : U-Boot 1.1.4 r1.7Software Version      : Version      : R01Part Number           : Production Date       : 2012/06/01User Name             : adminReboot scheduling     : disable==============================================================AP#show system resource This command displays CPU and memory usage information for the system.Command Mode Exec
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  136  –Example AP#show system resource=============== CPU =========================================user (%)             0.00nice (%)             0.00system (%)           7.92iowait (%)           0.00idle (%)             92.08=============== Memory ======================================free (kb)            95820used (kb)            17256used (%)             15.26cached (kb)          4900=============================================================AP#show version This command displays the software version for the system.Command Mode ExecExample AP#show versionBoot Rom Version      : r1.5_v0.8.0.3Software Version      : Version      : R01AP#show config This command displays detailed configuration information for the system.Command Mode ExecExample AP#show configSystem Information==============================================================Serial Number         : AC25123456System Up time        : 1 minSystem Name           : %VBM#BOE"1System Location       : where?System Contact        : who?System Country Code   : TW - TaiwanMAC Address           : 70:72:CF:00:11:70Radio 0 MAC Address   : 70:72:CF:00:11:70Radio 1 MAC Address   : 70:72:CF:00:11:80IP Address            : Mask           : Gateway       : IP         :
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  137  –Management Subnet     : Address          : 2001:db8::1IPv6 Subnet Mask      : 64IPv6 Gateway          : 2001:db8::2VLAN Status           : DisableManagement VLAN ID(AP): 4093Native VLAN ID(AP)    : 1DHCP Client           : staticHTTP Access           : EnableHTTP Port             : 80HTTP Timeout          : 1800HTTPs Access          : EnableHTTPs Port            : 443SSH Access            : EnableSSH Port              : 22Telnet Access         : EnableTelnet Port           : 23Slot Status           : Dual band(a/g)Boot Rom Version      : r1.5_v0.8.0.3Software Version      : Version      : R01Part Number           : Production Date       : 2012/06/01User Name             : adminReboot scheduling     : disable==============================================================SVP Information==============================================================SVP:    Enabled==============================================================SNTP Information===========================================================Service State        : ENABLEDSNTP (server 1) IP   : (server 2) IP   : Time         : Thu Jan  1 08:07:56 CST 1970Time Zone            : (GMT+08) Taiwan : TaipeiDaylight Saving      : DISABLEDDaylight Saving Time : From MAR, Fourth Week, Wednesday To NOV, Last Week, Sunday===========================================================SNMP Information==============================================Service State                 : EnableCommunity (ro)                : *******Community (rw)                : ********Location                      : where?Contact                       : who?==============================================Trap Destination List:==============================================There is no SNMP Trap Host.==============================================Trap Configuration:==========================================================================                  systemUp: Disabled                  systemDown: Disabled==========================================================================
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  138  –View List:==================================There is no view.==================================Group List:==================================There is no group.==================================User List:==================================There is no SNMPv3 User.==================================Target List:==================================There is no SNMP target.==================================Filter List:==================================There is no notification filter.==================================Bridge STP Information==================================Bridge MAC            : 70:72:CF:00:11:70Status                : Disabledpriority              : 32768Hello Time            : 2 secondsMaximum Age           : 20 secondsForward Delay         : 15 seconds==================================Bridge Aging Time Information==============================================================Aging time:  20==============================================================Logging Information=====================================================Syslog State                    : DISABLELogging Console State           : DISABLELogging Level                   : DebugServers1:, UDP Port: 514, State: DISABLE2:, UDP Port: 514, State: DISABLE3:, UDP Port: 514, State: DISABLE4:, UDP Port: 514, State: DISABLE=====================================================Protocol Filter Information=======================================================================Local Bridge         :DISABLEDaccess-limitation    :DISABLEDdhcp                 :DISABLEDEtherType Filter     :DISABLEDEnabled EtherType Filters-----------------------------------------------------------------------=======================================================================ACL Information
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  139  –==========================================Source Filter :DISABLEDSource MAC    :==========================================ACL Information==========================================Destination Filter :DISABLEDDestination MAC    :==========================================Console Line Information===========================================================  databits   : 8  parity     : none  speed      : 115200  stop bits  : 1===========================================================Ethernet Interface Information========================================IP Address          : Mask         : Gateway     : DNS         :Secondary DNS       :IPv6 Address        : 2001:db8::1IPv6 Subnet Mask    : 64IPv6 Gateway        : 2001:db8::2IPv6 Primary DNS    :IPv6 Secondary DNS  :Admin status        : UpOperational status  : Up========================================-------------------------------Basic Setting-------------------------------SSID                                    : %VBM#BOE_11BGN_0Wireless Network Mode                   : 11ngAuto Channel Select                     : DISABLEChannel                                 : 6High Throughput Mode                    : HT20Allowed Rates                           : 1,2,5.5,6,9,11,12,18,24,36,48,54,MCS0,MCS1,MCS2,MCS3,MCS4,MCS5,MCS6,MCS7,MCS8,MCS9,MCS10,MCS11,MCS12,MCS13,MCS14,MCS15Status                                  : ENABLEMAC Address                             : 70:72:CF:00:11:70VLAN-ID                                 : 1Dhcp-Relay Server Ip                    : Association Client Per Vap      : 16 ClientsMaximum Association Client Per Radio    : 127 Clients-----------------------------802.11 Parameters-----------------------------Transmit Power                          : 100%(Tx dBm)Preamble Length                         : Short-or-LongFragmentation Threshold                 : 2346RTS Threshold                           : 2346Beacon Interval                         : 100Authentication Timeout Interval         : 3 MinsAssociation Timeout Interval            : 5 MinsDTIM Interval                           : 1Short Guard Interval Status             : DisabledA-MPDU Status                           : EnabledA-MPDU Length Limit                     : 65535 Bytes
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  140  –A-MSDU Status                           : EnabledDisable HT20/H40 coexistence            : n---------------------------------Security----------------------------------Closed System                           : DISABLEWPA Function                            : OPEN-SYSTEM, WPA FUNCTION DISABLEWPA PSK Key Type                        : asciiWPA PSK Key                             : ********Default Transmit Key                    : 1Static WEP KeysKey 1                                   : *****Key 2                                   : *****Key 3                                   : *****Key 4                                   : *****Pre-Authentication                      : DISABLE----------------------------------802.1x-----------------------------------802.1x                                  : DISABLE802.1x Reauthentication Time Value      : 3600 seconds--------------------Bandwidth Control for Uplink/Downlink------------------Bandwidth Control for Uplink            : DISABLEBandwidth Control for Uplink rate       : 100 Kbyte/sBandwidth Control for Downlink          : DISABLEBandwidth Control for Downlink rate     : 100 Kbyte/s-------------------------------Qos Mapping-------------------------------Qos Mapping for vap to 802.1p           : DISABLEUser Priority for vap to 802.1p         : 0Qos Mapping for 802.1d to 802.1p        : DISABLETemplate Name for 802.1d to 802.1p      : default_up_mapping_1Template Priority for 802.1d to 802.1p  : 01234567Qos Mapping for 802.1d to DSCP          : DISABLETemplate Name for 802.1d to DSCP        : default_up_mapping_1Template Priority for 802.1d to DSCP    : 01234567-----------------------------Quality of Service----------------------------WMM Mode                                : ENABLEDWMM Acknowledge PolicyAC0(BE)                                 : AcknowledgeAC1(BK)                                 : AcknowledgeAC2(VI)                                 : AcknowledgeAC3(VO)                                 : AcknowledgeWMM AP Parameters:AC0(BE)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:   6  AIFSN:   3  TXOP Limit:   0AC1(BK)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:  10  AIFSN:   7  TXOP Limit:   0AC2(VI)  CwMin:   3  CwMax:   4  AIFSN:   1  TXOP Limit:3008AC3(VO)  CwMin:   2  CwMax:   3  AIFSN:   1  TXOP Limit:1504WMM BSS Parameters:AC0(BE)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:  10  AIFSN:   3  TXOP Limit:   0  ACM:DisabledAC1(BK)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:  10  AIFSN:   7  TXOP Limit:   0  ACM:DisabledAC2(VI)  CwMin:   3  CwMax:   4  AIFSN:   2  TXOP Limit:3008  ACM:DisabledAC3(VO)  CwMin:   2  CwMax:   3  AIFSN:   2  TXOP Limit:1504  ACM:Disabled-------------------------------Basic Setting-------------------------------SSID                                    : %VBM#BOE_11NA_0Wireless Network Mode                   : 11naAuto Channel Select                     : DISABLEChannel                                 : 56High Throughput Mode                    : HT20
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  141  –Allowed Rates                           : 1,2,5.5,6,9,11,12,18,24,36,48,54,MCS0,MCS1,MCS2,MCS3,MCS4,MCS5,MCS6,MCS7,MCS8,MCS9,MCS10,MCS11,MCS12,MCS13,MCS14,MCS15Status                                  : ENABLEMAC Address                             : 70:72:CF:00:11:80VLAN-ID                                 : 1Dhcp-Relay Server Ip                    : Association Client Per Vap      : 16 ClientsMaximum Association Client Per Radio    : 127 Clients-----------------------------802.11 Parameters-----------------------------Transmit Power                          : 100%(Tx dBm)Fragmentation Threshold                 : 2346RTS Threshold                           : 2346Beacon Interval                         : 100Authentication Timeout Interval         : 3 MinsAssociation Timeout Interval            : 5 MinsDTIM Interval                           : 1Short Guard Interval Status             : DisabledA-MPDU Status                           : EnabledA-MPDU Length Limit                     : 65535 BytesA-MSDU Status                           : EnabledDisable HT20/H40 coexistence            : n---------------------------------Security----------------------------------Closed System                           : DISABLEWPA Function                            : OPEN-SYSTEM, WPA FUNCTION DISABLEWPA PSK Key Type                        : asciiWPA PSK Key                             : ********Default Transmit Key                    : 1Static WEP KeysKey 1                                   : *****Key 2                                   : *****Key 3                                   : *****Key 4                                   : *****Pre-Authentication                      : DISABLE----------------------------------802.1x-----------------------------------802.1x                                  : DISABLE802.1x Reauthentication Time Value      : 3600 seconds-------------------Bandwidth Control for Uplink/Downlink-------------------Bandwidth Control for Uplink            : DISABLEBandwidth Control for Uplink rate       : 100 Kbyte/sBandwidth Control for Downlink          : DISABLEBandwidth Control for Downlink rate     : 100 Kbyte/s-------------------------------Qos Mapping-------------------------------Qos Mapping for vap to 802.1p           : DISABLEUser Priority for vap to 802.1p         : 0Qos Mapping for 802.1d to 802.1p        : DISABLETemplate Name for 802.1d to 802.1p      : default_up_mapping_1Template Priority for 802.1d to 802.1p  : 01234567Qos Mapping for 802.1d to DSCP          : DISABLETemplate Name for 802.1d to DSCP        : default_up_mapping_1Template Priority for 802.1d to DSCP    : 01234567-----------------------------Quality of Service----------------------------WMM Mode                                : ENABLEDWMM Acknowledge PolicyAC0(BE)                                 : Acknowledge
Chapter 12  |  System Management Commands–  142  –AC1(BK)                                 : AcknowledgeAC2(VI)                                 : AcknowledgeAC3(VO)                                 : AcknowledgeWMM AP Parameters:AC0(BE)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:   6  AIFSN:   3  TXOP Limit:   0AC1(BK)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:  10  AIFSN:   7  TXOP Limit:   0AC2(VI)  CwMin:   3  CwMax:   4  AIFSN:   1  TXOP Limit:3008AC3(VO)  CwMin:   2  CwMax:   3  AIFSN:   1  TXOP Limit:1504WMM BSS Parameters:AC0(BE)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:  10  AIFSN:   3  TXOP Limit:   0  ACM:DisabledAC1(BK)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:  10  AIFSN:   7  TXOP Limit:   0  ACM:DisabledAC2(VI)  CwMin:   3  CwMax:   4  AIFSN:   2  TXOP Limit:3008  ACM:DisabledAC3(VO)  CwMin:   2  CwMax:   3  AIFSN:   2  TXOP Limit:1504  ACM:DisabledLLDP Information===================================================================Status                                  :DisabledMessage Transmission Hold Time          :4Message Transmission Interval (seconds) :30Reinitial Delay Time (seconds)          :2Transmission Delay Value (seconds)      :2===================================================================Radius Accounting Information==============================================Status          : DISABLEDIP              : Secret   : ********Port            : 1813timeout-interim : 300==============================================Radius Primary Server Information==============================================Status : ENABLEDIP     :   : 1812Shared Secret : ********==============================================Radius Secondary Server Information==============================================Status : ENABLEDIP     :   : 1812Shared Secret : ***==============================================AP#
–  143  –13 System Logging CommandsThese commands are used to configure system logging on the access point.logging on This command controls logging of error messages; i.e., sending debug or error messages to memory. The no form disables the logging process.Syntax[no] logging onDefault SettingDisabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage The logging process controls error messages saved to memory. You can use the logging level command to control the type of error messages that are stored in memory. Example AP(config)#logging onAP(config)#Table 7: System Management CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagelogging on  Controls logging of error messages GC 143logging  host Adds a syslog server host IP address that will receive logging messages  GC 144logging console Initiates logging of error messages to the console GC 144logging level Defines the minimum severity level for event logging GC 145logging clear Clears all log entries in access point memory GC 145show logging  Displays the state of logging Exec 146show event-log Displays all log entries in access point memory Exec 146
Chapter 13  |  System Logging Commands–  144  –logging host This command specifies syslog servers host that will receive logging messages. Use the no form to remove syslog server host.Syntaxlogging host <1 | 2 | 3 | 4> <host_name | host_ip_address> [udp_port]no logging host <1 | 2 | 3 | 4>1 - First syslog server.2 - Second syslog server.3 - Third syslog server.4 - Fourth syslog server.host_name - The name of a syslog server. (Range: 1-20 characters)host_ip_address - The IP address of a syslog server.udp_port - The UDP port used by the syslog server.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global ConfigurationExample AP(config)#logging host 1 console This command initiates logging of error messages to the console. Use the no form to disable logging to the console.Syntax[no] logging consoleDefault Setting DisabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationExample AP(config)#logging consoleAP(config)#
Chapter 13  |  System Logging Commands–  145  –logging level This command sets the minimum severity level for event logging.Syntaxlogging level <Emergency | Alert | Critical | Error | Warning | Notice | Informational | Debug>Default Setting InformationalCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage Messages sent include the selected level down to Emergency level.Example AP(config)#logging level alertAP(config)#logging clear This command clears all log messages stored in the access point’s memory.Syntaxlogging clearCommand Mode Global ConfigurationTable 8: Logging LevelsLevel Argument DescriptionEmergency System unusableAlert Immediate action neededCritical Critical conditions (e.g., memory allocation, or free memory error - resource exhausted)Error Error conditions (e.g., invalid input, default used)Warning Warning conditions (e.g., return false, unexpected return)Notice Normal but significant condition, such as cold start Informational Informational messages onlyDebug Debugging messages
Chapter 13  |  System Logging Commands–  146  –Example AP(config)#logging clearAP(config)#show logging This command displays the logging configuration.Syntaxshow loggingCommand Mode ExecExampleAP#show loggingLogging Information=====================================================Syslog State                    : ENABLELogging Console State           : DISABLELogging Level                   : DebugServers1:, UDP Port: 514, State: DISABLE2:, UDP Port: 514, State: DISABLE3:, UDP Port: 65535, State: DISABLE4:, UDP Port: 5432, State: DISABLE=====================================================AP#show event-log This command displays log messages stored in the access point’s memory.Syntaxshow event-logCommand Mode ExecExampleAP#show event-logJan  1 05:45:50 (none) <6>user.info kernel: ar5416Reset Setting CFG 0x10aJan  1 05:45:50 (none) <6>user.info kernel: Howl Revision ID 0xb9Jan  1 05:45:50 (none) <6>user.info kernel: ar5416Reset Setting CFG 0x10aJan  1 05:45:50 (none) <6>user.info kernel: Howl Revision ID 0xb9Jan  1 05:45:50 (none) <6>user.info kernel: MBSSID Set bit 22 of AR_STA_ID 0xb8c1817bJan  1 05:45:50 (none) <6>user.info kernel: Force rf_pwd_icsyndiv to 2 on 2462 (1 0)
Chapter 13  |  System Logging Commands–  147  –AP#
–  148  –14 System Clock CommandsThese commands are used to configure SNTP and system clock settings on the access point.sntp-server ip This command sets the IP address of the servers to which SNTP time requests are issued. Use the this command with no arguments to clear all time servers from the current list.Syntaxsntp-server ip <1 | 2> <ip>1 - First time server.2 - Second time server.ip - IP address of an time server (NTP or SNTP). Default Setting Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage When SNTP client mode is enabled using the sntp-server enabled command, the sntp-server ip command specifies the time servers from which the access point polls for time updates. The access point will poll the time servers in the order specified until a response is received. Table 9: System Clock CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagesntp-server ip Specifies one or more time servers GC 148sntp-server enabled  Accepts time from the specified time servers GC 149sntp-server date-time Manually sets the system date and time GC 149sntp-server daylight-saving Sets the start and end dates for daylight savings time GC 150sntp-server timezone Sets the time zone for the access point’s internal clock GC 151show sntp Shows current SNTP configuration settings Exec  151
Chapter 14  |  System Clock Commands–  149  –Example AP(config)#sntp-server ip 1 Commandssntp-server enabledshow sntpsntp-server enabled This command enables SNTP client requests for time synchronization with NTP or SNTP time servers specified by the sntp-server ip command. Use the no form to disable SNTP client requests.Syntax[no] sntp-server enabledDefault Setting EnabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage The time acquired from time servers is used to record accurate dates and times for log events. Without SNTP, the access point only records the time starting from the factory default set at the last bootup (i.e., 00:14:00, January 1, 1970).Example AP(config)#sntp-server enabledAP(config)#Related Commandssntp-server ipshow sntpsntp-server date-time This command sets the system clock.Syntaxsntp-server <year> <month> <day> <hour> <minute>year - Sets the year. (Range: 1970-2100)month - Sets the month. (Range: 1-12)day - Sets the day. (Range: 1-31)
Chapter 14  |  System Clock Commands–  150  –hour - Sets the hour. (Range: 0-23)minute - Sets the minute. (Range: 0-59)Default Setting 00:14:00, January 1, 1970Command Mode Global ConfigurationExample This example sets the system clock to 12:10 April 27, 2009.AP(config)# sntp-server date-time 2009 4 27 12 10AP(config)#Related Commandssntp-server enabledsntp-server daylight-savingThis command sets the start and end dates for daylight savings time. Use the no form to disable daylight savings time.Syntaxsntp-server daylight-saving [date-week <start-month> <start-week> <start-day> <end-month> <end-week> <end-day>]no sntp-server daylight-saving date-week - The key word to set the date on which to start and end the daylight-saving time.start-month - Sets the start month. (Range: 1-12)start-week - Sets the start week. (Range: 1-5)start-day - Sets the start day. (Range: 0-6, where 0 is Sunday)end-month - Sets the end month. (Range: 1-12)end-week - Sets the end week. (Range: 1-5)end-day - Sets the end day. (Range: 0-6, where 0 is Sunday)Default Setting DisabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆The command sets the system clock back one hour during the specified period.
Chapter 14  |  System Clock Commands–  151  –◆Using the command without setting the start and end date enables the daylight-saving feature.Example This sets daylight savings time to be used from the Sunday in the fourth week of April, to the Sunday in the fourth week of October.AP(config)# sntp-server daylight-saving date-week 4 4 0 10 4 0AP(config)#sntp-server timezone This command sets the time zone for the access point’s internal clock.Syntaxsntp-server timezone <hours>hours - Number of hours before/after UTC. (Range: -12 to +12 hours)Default Setting +08 hours (Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei)Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage This command sets the local time zone relative to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, formerly Greenwich Mean Time or GMT), based on the earth’s prime meridian, zero degrees longitude. To display a time corresponding to your local time, you must indicate the number of hours and minutes your time zone is east (before) or west (after) of UTC.Example AP(config)#sntp-server timezone +8AP(config)#show sntp This command displays the current time and configuration settings for the SNTP client.Command ModeExecExample AP#show sntp
Chapter 14  |  System Clock Commands–  152  –SNTP Information===========================================================Service State        : ENABLEDSNTP (server 1) IP   : (server 2) IP   : Time         : Mon Apr 27 13:39:23 UTC 2009Time Zone            : (GMT+08) Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, TaipeiDaylight Saving      : DISABLEDDaylight Saving Time : From MAR, Fourth Week, Wednesday To NOV, Last Week, Sunday===========================================================AP#
–  153  –15 DHCP Relay CommandsDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) can dynamically allocate an IP address and other configuration information to network clients that broadcast a request. To receive the broadcast request, the DHCP server would normally have to be on the same subnet as the client. However, when the access point’s DHCP relay agent is enabled, received client requests can be forwarded directly by the access point to a known DHCP server on another subnet. Responses from the DHCP server are returned to the access point, which then broadcasts them back to clients.dhcp-relay server This command configures the DHCP server address and enables the DHCP relay agent.Syntaxdhcp-relay server <ip_address>ip_address - IP address of the DHCP server.Default Setting (disabled)Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆For the DHCP relay agent to function, the DHCP server IP address must be configured. The default IP address “” disables the DHCP relay agent.◆To view the DHCP relay status, use the show interface wireless command.Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# dhcp-relay server 0: VAP[0])#Table 10: DHCP Relay CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagedhcp-relay server Sets the DHCP server address and enables the DHCP relay agent IC-W-VAP 153
Chapter 15  |  DHCP Relay Commands–  154  –Related Commandsshow interface wireless
–  155  –16 SNMP CommandsControls access to this access point from management stations using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), as well as the hosts that will receive trap messages.Table 11: SNMP CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagesnmp-server community Sets up the community access string to permit access to SNMP commands  GC 156snmp-server contact  Sets the system contact string GC 156snmp-server location  Sets the system location string  GC 157snmp-server enable server  Enables SNMP service and traps GC 157snmp-server host  Specifies the recipient of an SNMP notification operation  GC 158snmp-server trap Enables specific SNMP notifications GC 159snmp-server vacm view Configures the VACM view GC 159snmp-server vacm group Configures the VACM group GC 160snmp-server user Sets the name of the SNMP v3 user GC 161snmp-server target Configures SNMP v3 notification targets GC 162snmp-server filter Configures SNMP v3 notification filters GC 163show snmp vacm group Displays the VACM group Exec 167show snmp vacm view Displays VACM views Exec 166show snmp users Displays SNMP v3 user settings Exec 164show snmp target Displays the SNMP v3 notification targets Exec 164show snmp filter Displays the SNMP v3 notification filters Exec 165show snmp Displays the status of SNMP communications Exec  165
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  156  –snmp-servercommunityThis command defines the community access string for the Simple Network Management Protocol. Use the no form to remove the specified community string.Syntaxsnmp-server community string [ro | rw]no snmp-server community stringstring - Community string that acts like a password and permits access to the SNMP protocol. (Maximum length: 23 characters, case sensitive)ro - Specifies read-only access. Authorized management stations are only able to retrieve MIB objects. rw - Specifies read/write access. Authorized management stations are able to both retrieve and modify MIB objects.Default Setting ◆public - Read-only access. Authorized management stations are only able to retrieve MIB objects.◆private - Read/write access. Authorized management stations are able to both retrieve and modify MIB objects.Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage If you enter a community string without the ro or rw option, the default is read only.Example AP(config)#snmp-server community alpha rwAP(config)#snmp-server contact This command sets the system contact string. Use the no form to remove the system contact information.Syntaxsnmp-server contact stringno snmp-server contactstring - String that describes the system contact. (Maximum length: 255 characters)Default Setting None
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  157  –Command Mode Global ConfigurationExample AP(config)#snmp-server contact PaulAP(config)#Related Commandssnmp-server locationsnmp-server location This command sets the system location string. Use the no form to remove the location string.Syntaxsnmp-server location <text>no snmp-server locationtext - String that describes the system location. (Maximum length: 255 characters)Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global ConfigurationExample AP(config)#snmp-server location WC-19AP(config)#Related Commandssnmp-server contactsnmp-server enableserverThis command enables SNMP management access and also enables this device to send SNMP traps (i.e., notifications). Use the no form to disable SNMP service and trap messages.Syntax [no] snmp-server enable serverDefault Setting Enabled
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  158  –Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆This command enables both authentication failure notifications and link-up-down notifications. ◆The snmp-server host command specifies the host device that will receive SNMP notifications. Example AP(config)#snmp-server enable serverAP(config)#Related Commandssnmp-server hostsnmp-server host This command specifies the recipient of an SNMP notification. Use the no form to remove the specified host.Syntaxsnmp-server host <host_ip_address> <community-string>no snmp-server hosthost_ip_address - IP of the host (the targeted recipient). community-string - Password-like community string sent with the notification operation. (Maximum length: 23 characters)Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆The snmp-server host command is used in conjunction with the snmp-server enable server command to enable SNMP notifications. You can configure up to four host IP addresses. A separate snmp-server host command must be entered for each host.◆Although you can set the community string using the snmp-server host command by itself, it is recommended that you define this string using the snmp-server community command prior to using the snmp-server host command.
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  159  –Example AP(config)#snmp-server host 1 batmanAP(config)#Related Commandssnmp-server enable serversnmp-server trap This command enables the access point to send specific SNMP traps (i.e., notifications). Use the no form to disable specific trap messages.Syntaxsnmp-server trap <trap>no snmp-server trap <trap>trap - One of the following SNMP trap messages:sysSystemDown - The access point is about to shutdown and reboot.sysSystemUp - The access point is up and running.Default Setting All traps enabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage This command is used in conjunction with the snmp-server host and snmp-server enable server commands to enable SNMP notifications.Example AP(config)#no snmp-server trap syssystemupAP(config)#snmp-server vacmviewThis command configures SNMP v3 views. Use the no form to delete an SNMP v3 view or remove a subtree from a filter.Syntaxsnmp-server vacm view <name> [included | excluded] <subtree> [mask <mask>]no snmp-server vacm view <name>  [included | excluded] <subtree>name - A user-defined name that identifies an SNMP v3 view. (Maximum length: 32 characters)
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  160  –include - Defines a filter type that includes objects in the MIB subtree.exclude - Defines a filter type that excludes objects in the MIB subtree.subtree - The part of the MIB subtree that is to be filtered.mask - An optional hexadecimal value bit mask to define objects in the MIB subtree.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆The access point allows multiple notification filters to be created. Each filter can be defined by up to 20 MIB subtree ID entries.◆Use the command more than once with the same filter ID to build a filter that includes or excludes multiple MIB objects. Note that the filter entries are applied in the sequence that they are defined.◆The MIB subtree must be defined in the form “.” and always start with a “.”.◆The mask is a hexadecimal value with each bit masking the corresponding ID in the MIB subtree. A “1” in the mask indicates an exact match and a “0” indicates a “wild card.” For example, a mask value of 0xFFBF provides a bit mask “1111 1111 1011 1111.” If applied to the subtree, the zero corresponds to the 10th subtree ID. When there are more subtree IDs than bits in the mask, the mask is padded with ones.Example AP(config)#snmp-server vacm view testview include .1AP(config)#snmp-server vacm view testview exclude . vacmgroupThis command configures SNMP v3 groups. Use the no form to delete an SNMP v3 group.Syntaxsnmp-server vacm group <name> {security-level <level>} <read-view> <write-view>no snmp-server vacm group <name>name - A user-defined name that identifies an SNMP v3 group. (Maximum length: 32 characters)
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  161  –level - The SNMPv3 security level of the group. One of the following:NoAuthNoPriv - A group using no authentication and no data encryption. Users in this group use no security, either authentication or encryption, in SNMP messages they send to the agent. AuthNoPriv - A group using authentication, but no data encryption. Users in this group send SNMP messages that use an MD5 key/password for authentication, but not a DES key/password for encryption.AuthPriv - A group using authentication and data encryption. Users in this group send SNMP messages that use an MD5 key/password for authentication and a DES key/password for encryption. read-view - The name of a defined SNMPv3 view for read access.write-view - The name of a defined SNMPv3 view for write access.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆The access point allows multiple groups to be created.◆A group sets the access policy for the assigned users.◆When authentication is selected, the MD5 algorithm is used as specified in the snmp-server user command.◆When privacy is selected, the DES algorithm is used for data encryption.Example AP(config)#snmp-server vacm group testgroup security-level authpriv rdview wrviewAP(config)#snmp-server user This command configures the SNMP v3 users that are allowed to manage the access point. Use the no form to delete an SNMP v3 user.Syntaxsnmp-server user <username> <groupname> {none | md5 <auth-passphrase>} {none | des <priv-passphrase>}no snmp-server user <username> <groupname>
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  162  –username - Name of the user connecting to the SNMP agent. (Range: 1-32 characters)groupname - Name of an SNMP group to which the user is assigned. (Range: 1-32 characters)none | md5 - Uses no authentication or MD5 authentication.auth-passphrase - Authentication password. Enter a minimum of eight characters for the user. (8 – 32 characters)none | des - Uses SNMPv3 with no privacy, or with DES56 encryption.priv-passphrase - Privacy password. Enter a minimum of eight characters for the user. (8 – 32 characters)Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆Multiple SNMPv3 users can be configured on the access point.◆Users must be assigned to groups that have the same security levels. If a user who has “AuthPriv” security (uses authentication and encryption) is assigned to a NoAuthNoPriv group, the user will not be able to access the database. An AuthPriv user must be assigned to the group with the AuthPriv security level.Example AP(config)#snmp-server user chris grname md5 passw1 des passw2AP(config)#snmp-server target This command configures SNMP v3 notification targets. Use the no form to delete an SNMP v3 target.Syntaxsnmp-server target <target-id> <ip-addr> <sec-name> <port-number> [notification-filter-id]no snmp-server target <target-id>target-id - A user-defined name that identifies a receiver of SNMP notifications. (Maximum length: 32 characters)ip-addr - Specifies the IP address of the management station to receive notifications.sec-name -  The defined SNMP v3 user name that is to receive notifications.
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  163  –port-number - The UDP port that is used on the receiving management station for notifications.notification-filter-id - The name if a defined notification filter.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆The access point supports multiple SNMP v3 target IDs.◆The SNMP v3 user name that is specified in the target must first be configured using the snmp-server user command.Example AP(config)#snmp-server target tarname chris 1234AP(config)#snmp-server filter This command configures SNMP v3 notification filters. Use the no form to delete an SNMP v3 filter or remove a subtree from a filter.Syntaxsnmp-server filter <filter-id> <include | exclude> <subtree> no snmp-server filter <filter-id> [subtree]filter-id - A user-defined name that identifies an SNMP v3 notification filter. (Maximum length: 32 characters)include - Defines a filter type that includes objects in the MIB subtree.exclude - Defines a filter type that excludes objects in the MIB subtree.subtree - The part of the MIB subtree that is to be filtered.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆The access point allows multiple notification filters to be created. Each filter can be defined by up to 20 MIB subtree ID entries.
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  164  –◆Use the command more than once with the same filter ID to build a filter that includes or excludes multiple MIB objects. Note that the filter entries are applied in the sequence that they are defined.◆The MIB subtree must be defined in the form “.” and always start with a “.”.Example AP(config)#snmp-server filter trapfilter include .1AP(config)#snmp-server filter trapfilter exclude . snmp users This command displays the SNMP v3 users and settings.Syntax show snmp usersCommand ModeExecExample AP# show snmp usersUser List:==================================UserName     : chrisGroupName    : testgroupAuthType     : NonePrivType     : NoneUserName     : davidGroupName    : group2AuthType     : MD5,   Passphrase: ****************PrivType     : DES,   Passphrase: ****************==================================AP#show snmp target This command displays the SNMP v3 notification target settings.Syntaxshow snmp targetCommand Mode Exec
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  165  –Example AP# show snmp targetTarget List:==================================Target ID  : christrapsIP Address : Name  : chrisUDP Port   : 4321Filter ID  : Not Defined==================================AP#show snmp filter This command displays the SNMP v3 notification filter settings.Syntaxshow snmp filter [filter-id] filter-id - A user-defined name that identifies an SNMP v3 notification filter. (Maximum length: 32 characters)Command Mode ExecExample AP# show snmp filterFilter List:==================================Filter: defaultfilter     Type: Included  Subtree: .1     Type: Excluded  Subtree: . testfilter     Type: Excluded  Subtree: . snmp This command displays the SNMP configuration settings.Command Mode Exec
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  166  –ExampleAP# show snmpSNMP Information==============================================Service State                 : EnableCommunity (ro)                : *******Community (rw)                : ********Location                      : where?Contact                       : who?==============================================Trap Destination List:==============================================Trap Destination:,  Community : *****==============================================Trap Configuration:==========================================================================                  systemUp: Disabled                  systemDown: Disabled==========================================================================AP#show snmp vacm view This command displays the configured SNMP v3 views.Syntaxshow snmp vacm view [view-name]view-name - The name of a user-defined SNMPv3 view. Command ModeExecExampleAP# sh snmp vacm viewView List:==================================View Name   : defaultview     Type   : included     OID         : .1     Mask        :View Name   : testview     Type   : included     OID         : .1     Mask        :     Type   : excluded     OID         : .     Mask        :==================================AP#
Chapter 16  |  SNMP Commands–  167  –show snmp vacmgroupThis command displays the configured SNMP v3 groups.Syntaxshow snmp vacm group [group-name]group-name - The name of a user-defined SNMPv3 group.Command ModeExecExampleAP# sh snmp vacm groupGroup List:==================================Group Name     : testgroupSecurity Level : NoAuthNoPrivRead-View      : defaultviewWrite-View     : defaultviewGroup Name     : group2Security Level : AuthPrivRead-View      : defaultviewWrite-View     : defaultview==================================AP#
–  168  –17 Flash/File CommandsThese commands are used to manage the system code or configuration files.dual-image This command specifies the image used to start up the system.Syntaxdual-image boot image [a | b]a - Selects image file A as the startup software.b - Selects image file B as the startup software.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode ExecCommand Usage ◆The access point supports two software image files (A and B), one of which is set as the boot image, or “Active” file, and the other acts as a “Backup” file. ◆You can upgrade new access point software from a local file on the management workstation, or from an FTP or TFTP server. The new software file replaces the image (A or B) that is not currently set as the boot image. ◆After upgrading new software, you must reboot the access point to implement the new code. Until a reboot occurs, the access point will continue to run the software it was using before the upgrade started. Also note that new software that is incompatible with the current configuration automatically restores the access point to the factory default settings when first activated after a reboot. Table 12: Flash/File CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagedual-image Specifies the file or image used to start up the system  GC 168copy  Copies a code image or configuration between flash memory and a FTP/TFTP server Exec 169show dual-image Displays the name of the current operation code file that booted the system Exec 170
Chapter 17  |  Flash/File Commands–  169  –ExampleAP# dual-image boot-image AChange image to AAP#copy This command copies a boot file, code image, or configuration file between the access point’s flash memory and a FTP/TFTP server. When you save the configuration settings to a file on a FTP/TFTP server, that file can later be downloaded to the access point to restore system operation. The success of the file transfer depends on the accessibility of the FTP/TFTP server and the quality of the network connection. Syntaxcopy {ftp [firmware | config] <file-name> <ip-address> <user-name> <password> | tftp [firmware | config] <file-name> <ip-address>} copy config {ftp <file-name> <ip-address> <user-name> <password> | tftp <file-name> <ip-address>} copy running startupftp - Keyword that allows you to copy to/from an FTP server.tftp - Keyword that allows you to copy to/from a TFTP server.firmware - Keyword that allows you to copy a software image file from an FTP/TFTP server to flash memory.config - Keyword that allows you to copy a configuration file to/from an FTP/TFTP server. running startup - Keywords that save the current running configuration to the startup configuration file in flash memory.file-name - The name of a file to copy.ip-address - The IP address of an FTP or TFTP server.user-name - The access user name for the FTP server.password - The access password for the FTP server.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode ExecCommand Usage ◆Only a configuration file can be uploaded to an FTP/TFTP server, but every type of file can be downloaded to the access point.
Chapter 17  |  Flash/File Commands–  170  –◆The destination file name should not contain slashes (\ or /), the leading letter of the file name should not be a period (.), and the maximum length for file names on the FTP/TFTP server is 255 characters or 32 characters for files on the access point. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “.”, “-”, “_”)◆Due to the size limit of the flash memory, the access point supports only two operation code files.Example The following example shows how to upload the configuration settings to a file on the TFTP server:AP# copy config tftp syscfg Config to tftp was successful!!AP#The following example shows how to download a configuration file: AP# copy tftp config syscfg  Restore Config from tftp was successful.AP#show dual-image This command displays the name of the current operation code file that booted the system and the file saved as a secondary image.Syntaxshow dual imageCommand Mode ExecExample AP#show dual-image   Image      Status    Version-----------------------------------------------   Image A   (Active)   Image B   (Backup)
–  171  –18 RADIUS Client CommandsRemote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS) is a logon authentication protocol that uses software running on a central server to control access for RADIUS-aware devices to the network. An authentication server contains a database of credentials, such as users names and passwords, for each wireless client that requires access to a VAP interface.radius-server enable This command enables the RADIUS server.Syntaxradius-server {primary | secondary} enable primary - Specifies the primary RADIUS server.secondary - Specifies the secondary RADIUS server.Default SettingEnabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Table 13: RADIUS Client CommandsCommand Function Mode Pageradius-server enable Enables the RADIUS server. IC-W-VAP 171radius-server address Specifies the RADIUS server  IC-W-VAP 172radius-server port  Sets the RADIUS server network port  IC-W-VAP 172radius-server shared-secret  Sets the RADIUS encryption key  IC-W-VAP 173radius-server accounting address Sets the RADIUS server accounting address IC-W-VAP 173radius-server accounting port Sets the RADIUS server accounting port IC-W-VAP 174radius-server accounting shared-secret Sets the RADIUS server accounting key IC-W-VAP 174radius-server accounting timeout-interim Sets the interval between transmitting accounting updates to the RADIUS server IC-W-VAP 175make-radius-effective Implements RADIUS command changes made in current CLI session. IC-W-VAP 175
Chapter 18  |  RADIUS Client Commands–  172  –Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# radius-server primary enableThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-radius-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#radius-server address This command specifies the primary and secondary RADIUS server address. Syntaxradius-server {primary | secondary} address <address>address - IP address of server.Default Setting Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# radius-server primary address setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-radius-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#radius-server port This command sets the RADIUS server network port. Syntaxradius-server {primary | secondary} port <port_number>port_number - RADIUS server UDP port used for authentication messages. (Range: 1024-65535)Default Setting 1812Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# radius-server primary port 1810This setting has not been effective !
Chapter 18  |  RADIUS Client Commands–  173  –If want to take effect, please execute make-radius-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#radius-server shared-secretThis command sets the RADIUS encryption key. Syntax radius-server {primary | secondary] shared-secret <key_string>key_string - Encryption key used to authenticate logon access for client. Do not use blank spaces in the string. (Maximum length: 20 characters)Default Setting DEFAULTCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# radius-server primary shared-secret greenThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-radius-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#radius-serveraccounting addressThis command sets the RADIUS Accounting server network IP address. Syntaxradius-server accounting address <address>address - IP address of the RADIUS Accounting serverDefault Setting Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage When the RADIUS Accounting server UDP address is specified, a RADIUS accounting session is automatically started for each user that is successfully authenticated to the access point.
Chapter 18  |  RADIUS Client Commands–  174  –Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# radius-server accounting address setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-radius-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#radius-serveraccounting portThis command sets the RADIUS Accounting port. Syntaxradius-server accounting port <port>port - The port used by the RADIUS Accounting server. (Range: 1024~65535)Default Setting 1813Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage When the RADIUS Accounting server UDP port is specified, a RADIUS accounting session is automatically started for each user that is successfully authenticated to the access point.Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# radius-server accounting port 1882This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-radius-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#radius-serveraccounting shared-secretThis command sets the RADIUS Accounting key. Syntaxradius-server accounting shared-secret <key>key - The RADIUS Accounting server keyphrase. Default Setting DEFAULT
Chapter 18  |  RADIUS Client Commands–  175  –Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# radius-server accounting shared-secret greenThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-radius-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#radius-serveraccountingtimeout-interimThis command sets the interval between transmitting accounting updates to the RADIUS server.Syntax radius-server accounting timeout-interim <number_of_seconds>}number_of_seconds - Number of seconds the access point waits between transmitting accounting updates. (Range: 60-86400)Default Setting 300Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage The access point sends periodic accounting updates after every interim period until the user logs off and a “stop” message is sent.Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# radius-server accounting timeout-interim 600This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-radius-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#make-radius-effective This command implements the RADIUS settings made in the current CLI session.Default SettingNoneCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)
Chapter 18  |  RADIUS Client Commands–  176  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# make-radius-effectiveIt will take several minutes !Please wait a while...AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
–  177  –19 802.1X Authentication CommandsThe access point supports IEEE 802.1X access control for wireless clients. This control feature prevents unauthorized access to the network by requiring an 802.1X client application to submit user credentials for authentication. Client authentication is then verified by a RADIUS server using EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol) before the access point grants client access to the network. The 802.1X EAP packets are also used to pass dynamic unicast session keys and static broadcast keys to wireless clients.802.1x enable This command configures 802.1X as enabled for wireless clients. Use the no form to disable 802.1X support.Syntax802.1x enableno 802.1xDefault SettingDisabledCommand ModeInface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage◆When 802.1X is disabled, the access point does not support 802.1X authentication for any station. After successful 802.11 association, each client is allowed to access the network.◆802.1X does not apply to the 1000BASE-T port.◆To display the current 802.1X status, use the show interface wireless command.Table 14: 802.1x AuthenticationCommand Function Mode Page802.1x enable Configures 802.1X as enabled or disabled IC-W-VAP 177802.1x reauthentication-time Sets the timeout after which a connected client must be re-authenticated IC-W-VAP 178
Chapter 19  |  802.1X Authentication Commands–  178  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# 802.1x enableThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#Related Commandsshow interface wireless802.1xreauthentication-timeThis command sets the time period after which a connected client must be re-authenticated. Syntax802.1x reauthentication-time <seconds>seconds - The number of seconds. (Range: 0-1440)Default600 secondsCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# 802.1x reauthentication-time 600This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
–  179  –20 MAC Address Authentication  CommandsUse these commands to define MAC authentication on a VAP interface. For local MAC authentication, first define the default filtering policy, then enter the MAC addresses to be filtered, indicating if they are allowed or denied. For RADIUS MAC authentication, the MAC addresses and filtering policy must be configured on the RADIUS server.mac-authenticationserverThis command sets address filtering to be performed with local or remote options. Use the no form to disable MAC address authentication.Syntaxmac-authentication server [local | remote]no mac-authentication serverlocal - Authenticate the MAC address of wireless clients with the local authentication database during 802.11 association.remote - Authenticate the MAC address of wireless clients with the RADIUS server during 802.1X authentication.DefaultDisabledCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Table 15: MAC Address AuthenticationCommand Function Mode Pagemac-authentication server Sets address filtering to be performed with local or remote options IC-W-VAP 179mac-authentication server local address default Sets local filtering to allow or deny listed addresses IC-W-VAP 180mac-authentication server local address entry Enters a MAC address in the local filter table IC-W-VAP 180mac-authentication server local address delete Removes a MAC address from the local filter table IC-W-VAP 181mac-authentication session-timeout Sets the interval at which associated clients will be re-authenticated with the RADIUS server authentication databaseIC-W-VAP 182
Chapter 20  |  MAC Address Authentication Commands–  180  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#mac-authentication server remoteAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#Related Commandsmac-authentication server local address entryradius-server addressmac-authenticationserver local addressdefaultThis command sets local filtering to allow or deny listed MAC addresses.Syntax mac-authentication server local address default <allowed | denied>allowed - Only MAC addresses entered as “denied” in the address filtering table are denied.denied - Only MAC addresses entered as “allowed” in the address filtering table are allowed.DefaultAllowedCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#mac-authentication server local address default deniedAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#Related Commandsmac-authentication server local address entrymac-authenticationserver local addressentryThis command enters a MAC address in the local filter table.Syntax mac-authentication server local address entry <allowed | denied> <mac-address> allowed - Entry is allowed access.denied - Entry is denied access.mac-address - Physical address of client. (Enter six pairs of hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens; e.g., 00-90-D1-12-AB- 89.)
Chapter 20  |  MAC Address Authentication Commands–  181  –DefaultNoneCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Mode◆The access point supports up to 1024 MAC addresses.◆An entry in the address table may be allowed or denied access depending on the global setting configured for the mac-authentication server local address default command.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#mac-authentication server local address entry allowed 00-70-50-cc-99-1a AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#Related Commandsmac-authentication server local address defaultmac-authenticationserver local addressdeleteThis command deletes a MAC address from the local filter table.Syntaxmac-authentication server local address delete <allowed | denied> <mac-address>allowed - Entry is allowed access.denied - Entry is denied access.mac-address - Physical address of client. (Enter six pairs of hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens; e.g., 00-90-D1-12-AB-89.)DefaultNoneCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#mac-authentication server local address delete allowed 00-70-50-cc-99-1b AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 20  |  MAC Address Authentication Commands–  182  –mac-authenticationsession-timeoutThis command sets the interval at which associated clients will be re-authenticated with the RADIUS server authentication database. Use the no form to disable reauthentication.Syntaxmac-authentication session-timeout <seconds>no mac-authentication session-timeoutseconds - Re-authentication interval. (Range: 30-65555)Default0 (disabled)Command ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#mac-authentication session-timeout 300AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
–  183  –21 Filtering CommandsThe commands described in this section are used to filter communications between wireless clients, control access to the management interface from wireless clients, and filter traffic using specific Ethernet protocol types. filter local-bridge This command disables communication between wireless clients. Use the no form to disable this filtering.Syntaxfilter local-bridge <all-VAP | intra-VAP>no filter local-bridgeall-VAP - When enabled, clients cannot establish wireless communications with any other client, either those associated to the same VAP interface or any other VAP interface.intra-VAP - When enabled, clients associated with a specific VAP interface cannot establish wireless communications with each other. Clients can communicate with clients associated to other VAP interfaces.DefaultDisabledTable 16: Filtering CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagefilter local-bridge Disables communication between wireless clients GC 183filter restrict-management Prevents wireless clients from accessing the management interface GC 184filter dhcp Prevents wireless clients from accessing a DHCP server GC 184filter acl-source-address Configures ACL filtering based on source MAC addresses GC 185filter acl-destination-address Configures ACL filtering based on destination MAC addresses GC 185filter ethernet-type enable Checks the Ethernet type for all incoming and outgoing Ethernet packets against the protocol filtering tableGC 186filter ethernet-type protocol  Sets a filter for a specific Ethernet type GC 186show filters Shows the filter configuration Exec 187
Chapter 21  |  Filtering Commands–  184  –Command ModeGlobal ConfigurationCommand UsageThis command can disable wireless-to-wireless communications between clients via the access point. However, it does not affect communications between wireless clients and the wired network.ExampleAP(config)#filter local-bridge all-vapAP(config)#filter restrict-managementThis command prevents wireless clients from accessing the management interface on the access point. Use the no form to disable this filtering.Syntax[no] filter restrict-managementDefaultDisabledCommand ModeGlobal ConfigurationExampleAP(config)#filter restrict-managementAP(config)#filter dhcp This command prevents the AP or wireless clients from obtaining an IP address from a DHCP server installed on wireless client. Syntaxfilter dhcp <enable | disable>enable - Prevent DHCP IP assignment from a wireless client.disable - Allow DHCP IP assignment from a wireless client.DefaultDisabledCommand ModeGlobal Configuration
Chapter 21  |  Filtering Commands–  185  –ExampleAP(config)#filter dhcp enableAP(config)#filter acl-source-addressThis command configures ACL filtering based on source MAC addresses in data frames.Syntaxfilter acl-source-address {enable | disable | add <mac-address> | delete <mac-address>}enable - Key word that enables ACL filtering on the access point.disable - Key word that disables ACL filtering on the access point.add - Key word that adds a MAC address to the filter table.delete - Key word that removes a MAC address from the filter tablemac-address - Specifies a MAC address in the form xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.DefaultDisabledCommand ModeGlobal ConfigurationCommand UsageYou can add up to 128 MAC addresses to the filtering table.ExampleAP(config)#filter acl-source-address add 00-12-34-56-78-9aAP(config)#filter acl-source-address enableAP(config)#filter acl-destination-addressThis command configures ACL filtering based on source MAC addresses in data frames.Syntaxfilter acl-destination-address {enable | disable | add <mac-address> | delete <mac-address>}enable - Key word that enables ACL filtering on the access point.disable - Key word that disables ACL filtering on the access point.add - Key word that adds a MAC address to the filter table.
Chapter 21  |  Filtering Commands–  186  –delete - Key word that removes a MAC address from the filter tablemac-address - Specifies a MAC address in the form xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.DefaultDisabledCommand ModeGlobal ConfigurationExampleAP(config)#filter acl-destination-address add 00-12-34-56-78-9aAP(config)#filter acl-destination-address enableAP(config)#filter ethernet-typeenabledThis command checks the Ethernet type on all incoming and outgoing Ethernet packets against the protocol filtering table. Use the no form to disable this feature.Syntax[no] filter ethernet-type enabledDefaultDisabledCommand ModeGlobal ConfigurationCommand UsageThis command is used in conjunction with the filter ethernet-type protocol command to determine which Ethernet protocol types are to be filtered.ExampleAP(config)#filter ethernet-type enabledAP(config)#Related Commandsfilter ethernet-type protocolfilter ethernet-typeprotocolThis command sets a filter for a specific Ethernet type. Use the no form to disable filtering for a specific Ethernet type.Syntax[no] filter ethernet-type protocol <protocol>
Chapter 21  |  Filtering Commands–  187  –protocol - An Ethernet protocol type. (Options: ARP, RARP, Berkeley-Trailer-Negotiation, LAN-Test, X25-Level-3, Banyan, CDP, DEC XNS, DEC-MOP-Dump-Load, DEC-MOP, DEC-LAT, Ethertalk, Appletalk-ARP, Novell-IPX(old), Novell-IPX(new), EAPOL, Telxon-TXP, Aironet-DDP, Enet-Config-Test, IP, IPv6, NetBEUI, PPPoE_Discovery, PPPoE_PPP_Session)DefaultNoneCommand ModeGlobal ConfigurationCommand UsageUse the filter ethernet-type enable command to enable filtering for Ethernet types specified in the filtering table, or the no filter ethernet-type enable command to disable all filtering based on the filtering table.ExampleAP(config)#filter ethernet-type protocol ARPAP(config)#Related Commandsfilter ethernet-type enabledshow filters This command shows the filter options and protocol entries in the filter table. Syntaxshow filters [acl-source-address | acl-destination-address]Command ModeExecExampleAP#show filtersProtocol Filter Information=======================================================================Local Bridge         :Traffic among all client STAs blockedAP Management        :DISABLEDEtherType Filter     :DISABLEDEnabled EtherType Filters-----------------------------------------------------------------------=======================================================================AP#
Chapter 21  |  Filtering Commands–  188  –
–  189  –22 Spanning Tree CommandsThe commands described in this section are used to set the MAC address table aging time and spanning tree parameters for both the Ethernet and wireless interfaces. Table 17: Spanning Tree CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagebridge stp service Enables the Spanning Tree feature GC 190bridge stp br-conf forwarding-delay Configures the spanning tree bridge forward time GC 190bridge stp br-conf hello-time Configures the spanning tree bridge hello time GC 191bridge stp br-conf max-age Configures the spanning tree bridge maximum age GC 191bridge stp br-conf priority Configures the spanning tree bridge priority GC 192bridge stp port-conf interface Enters STP interface configuration mode GC 192bridge-link path-cost Configures the spanning tree path cost for the Ethernet port IC-E 193bridge-link port-priority Configures the spanning tree priority for the Ethernet port IC-E 193vap Selects the VAP interface in STP interface configuration mode GC-STP 194path-cost Sets the path cost for a VAP interface in STP interface configuration mode GC-STP 194port-priority Sets the port priority for a VAP interface in STP interface configuration mode GC-STP 195bridge mac-aging Sets the MAC address aging time GC 195show bridge stp Displays the global spanning tree settings Exec 196show bridge br-conf Displays spanning tree settings for specified VLANs Exec 196show bridge port-conf Displays spanning tree settings for specified interfaces Exec 197show bridge status Displays STP bridge status for a specified VLAN or all VLANs Exec 198show bridge forward address Displays STP settings for forwarding MAC addesses on specified interfaces or VLANs Exec 199show bridge mac-aging Displays the current MAC address table aging time Exec 200
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  190  –bridge stp service This command enables the Spanning Tree Protocol. Use the no form to disable the Spanning Tree Protocol.Syntax [no] bridge stp serviceDefault Setting EnabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationExample This example globally enables the Spanning Tree Protocol.AP(config)bridge stp serviceAP(config)bridge stp br-confforwarding-delayUse this command to configure the spanning tree bridge forward time globally for the wireless bridge.Syntax bridge stp br-conf forwarding-delay <seconds>seconds - Time in seconds. (Range: 4 - 30 seconds)The minimum value is the higher of 4 or [(max-age / 2) + 1]. Default Setting 15 secondsCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage This command sets the maximum time (in seconds) the root device will wait before changing states (i.e., discarding to learning to forwarding). This delay is required because every device must receive information about topology changes before it starts to forward frames. In addition, each port needs time to listen for conflicting information that would make it return to the discarding state; otherwise, temporary data loops might result.ExampleAP(config)#bridge stp br-conf forwarding-delay 20AP(config)#
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  191  –bridge stp br-confhello-timeUse this command to configure the spanning tree bridge hello time globally for the wireless bridge.Syntax bridge stp br-conf hello-time <time>time - Time in seconds. (Range: 1-10 seconds). The maximum value is the lower of 10 or [(max-age / 2) -1]. Default Setting 2 secondsCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage This command sets the time interval (in seconds) at which the root device transmits a configuration message.Example AP(config)#bridge stp br-conf hello-time 5AP(config)#bridge stp br-confmax-ageUse this command to configure the spanning tree bridge maximum age globally for the wireless bridge.Syntax bridge stp br-conf max-age <seconds>seconds - Time in seconds. (Range: 6-40 seconds)The minimum value is the higher of 6 or [2 x (hello-time + 1)].The maximum value is the lower of 40 or [2 x (forward-time - 1)].Default Setting 20 secondsCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage This command sets the maximum time (in seconds) a device can wait without receiving a configuration message before attempting to reconfigure. All device ports (except for designated ports) should receive configuration messages at regular intervals. Any port that ages out STP information (provided in the last configuration message) becomes the designated port for the attached LAN. If it is a
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  192  –root port, a new root port is selected from among the device ports attached to the network.Example AP(config)#bridge stp max-age 40AP(config)#bridge stp br-confpriorityUse this command to configure the spanning tree priority globally for the wireless bridge.Syntax bridge stp br-conf priority <priority>priority - Priority of the bridge. (Range: 0 - 65535) Default Setting 32768Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage Bridge priority is used in selecting the root device, root port, and designated port. The device with the highest priority becomes the STP root device. However, if all devices have the same priority, the device with the lowest MAC address will then become the root device. Example AP(config)#bridge stp br-conf priority 40000AP(config)#bridge stp port-confinterfaceThis command enters STP interface configuration mode.Syntax bridge stp port-conf interface {ethernet | wireless <index>}index - The wireless interface index number. (Only “0” for this AP.) Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global Configuration
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  193  –Command Usage Use this command to enter STP interface configuration mode. In this mode STP settings for specific VAP interfaces can be configured. Example AP(config)# bridge stp port-conf interface wireless 0Enter Wireless configuration commands, one per line.AP(stp-if-wireless 0)# bridge-link path-cost Use this command to configure the spanning tree path cost for the Ethernet port.Syntax bridge-link path-cost <cost> cost - The path cost for the port. (Range: 1-65535)Default Setting 4Command Mode Interface Configuration (Ethernet)Command Usage ◆This command is used by the Spanning Tree Protocol to determine the best path between devices. Therefore, lower values should be assigned to ports attached to faster media, and higher values assigned to ports with slower media. ◆Path cost takes precedence over port priority.Example AP(if-wireless a)#bridge-link path-cost 1 50AP(if-wireless a)#bridge-link port-priorityUse this command to configure the priority for the Ethernet port. Syntax bridge-link port-priority <priority>priority - The priority for a port. (Range: 1-255)Default Setting 32
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  194  –Command Mode Interface Configuration (Ethernet)Command Usage ◆This command defines the priority for the use of a port in the Spanning Tree Protocol. If the path cost for all ports on a wireless bridge are the same, the port with the highest priority (that is, lowest value) will be configured as an active link in the spanning tree. ◆Where more than one port is assigned the highest priority, the port with lowest numeric identifier will be enabled.Example AP(if-wireless a)#bridge-link port-priority 1 64AP(if-wireless a)#Related Commandsbridge-link path-costvap (STP Interface) This command selects the VAP interface for configuring STP settings.Syntaxvap <vap-index>vap-index - The index number for the VAP interface. (Range: 0-7)Command ModeGlobal Configuration (STP interface)ExampleAP(stp-if-wireless 0)# vap 0AP(stp-if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# path-cost (STPInterface)This command sets the spanning tree path cost for the VAP interface.Syntaxpath-cost <cost>cost - The path cost for the VAP interface. (Range: 1-65535)Command ModeGlobal Configuration (STP interface)
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  195  –Command Usage◆This command is used by the Spanning Tree Protocol to determine the best path between devices. Therefore, lower values should be assigned to interfaces with faster media, and higher values assigned to interfaces with slower media.◆Path cost takes precedence over port priority.ExampleAP(stp-if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# path-cost 512AP(stp-if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#port-priority (STPInterface)This command sets the spanning tree path cost for the VAP interface.Syntaxport-priority <priority>priority - The priority for the VAP interface. (Range: 0-63)Command ModeGlobal Configuration (STP interface)Command Usage◆This command defines the priority for the use of an interface in the Spanning Tree Protocol. If the path cost for all interfaces on a bridge are the same, the interface with the highest priority (that is, lowest value) will be configured as an active link in the spanning tree.◆Where more than one interface is assigned the highest priority, the interface with lowest numeric identifier will be enabled.ExampleAP(stp-if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# port-priority 10AP(stp-if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#bridge mac-aging This command sets the MAC address table aging time.Syntaxbridge mac-aging <aging-time>aging-time - The time after which a learned MAC address is discarded. (Range: 10-1000000 seconds)Default300 seconds
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  196  –Command ModeGlobal ConfigurationCommand UsageThe AP stores the MAC addresses for all known devices. All the addresses learned by monitoring traffic are stored in a dynamic address table. This information is used to pass traffic directly between inbound and outbound interfaces. When the MAC address table “aging time” has expired, a learned MAC address is discarded from the table.ExampleAP(config)# bridge mac-aging 300AP(config)#show bridge stp This command displays the global spanning tree settings for the bridge.Syntaxshow bridge stpCommand ModeExecExampleAP#show bridge stpBridge STP Information==================================Bridge MAC            : 00:12:CF:A2:54:30Status                : Disabledpriority              : 32768Hello Time            : 2 secondsMaximum Age           : 20 secondsForward Delay         : 15 seconds==================================AP#show bridge br-conf This command displays spanning tree settings for a specified VLAN.Syntaxshow bridge br-conf <all | vlan-id>all - Keyword to show the STP configuration for all VLANs.vlan-id - Specifies a VLAN ID. (Range: 0-4095)Command ModeExec
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  197  –ExampleAP# show bridge br-conf allBR0 configuration========================================BRIDGE MAC        : 00:12:cf:a2:54:30Priority          : 32768Hello Time        : 2Maximum Age       : 20Forward Delay     : 0========================================AP#show bridge port-confinterfaceThis command displays spanning tree settings for specified interfaces.Syntaxshow bridge port-conf interface {all | ethernet | wireless index <all | vap vap-index>}all - Keyword to display STP settings for all interfaces.ethernet - Keyword to display STP settings for the Ethernet interface.wireless - Keyword to display STP settings for the Wireless interface.vap - Keyword to display STP settings for a specific VAP interface.Command ModeExecExampleAP#show bridge port-conf interface allETH0 configuration========================================Link Port Priority           : 32Link Path Cost               : 4========================================ATH0 configuration========================================Link Port Priority           : 32Link Path Cost               : 19========================================ATH1 configuration========================================Link Port Priority           : 32Link Path Cost               : 19========================================ATH2 configuration========================================Link Port Priority           : 32Link Path Cost               : 19========================================
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  198  –ATH3 configuration========================================Link Port Priority           : 32Link Path Cost               : 19========================================ATH4 configuration========================================Link Port Priority           : 32Link Path Cost               : 19========================================ATH5 configuration========================================Link Port Priority           : 32Link Path Cost               : 19========================================ATH6 configuration========================================Link Port Priority           : 32Link Path Cost               : 19========================================ATH7 configuration========================================Link Port Priority           : 32Link Path Cost               : 19========================================AP#show bridge status This command displays STP bridge status for a specified VLAN or all VLANs.Syntaxshow bridge status <all | vlan-id>all - Keyword to show the bridge status for all VLANs.vlan-id - Specifies a VLAN ID. (Range: 0-4095)Command ModeExecExampleAP# show bridge status allbr0 status=====================================================Bridge ID              : 8000.0012cfa25430Designated Root ID     : 8000.0012cfa25430Root Port              : 0ath0 --- port 0x2  Port ID              : 0x8002  Designated Root ID   : 8000.0012cfa25430
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  199  –  Designated Bridge ID : 8000.0012cfa25430  Root Port Path Cost  : 0  State                : FORWARDINGeth0 --- port 0x1  Port ID              : 0x8001  Designated Root ID   : 8000.0012cfa25430  Designated Bridge ID : 8000.0012cfa25430  Root Port Path Cost  : 0  State                : DISABLED=====================================================AP#show bridge forwardaddressThis command displays STP settings for forwarding MAC addesses on specified interfaces or VLANs.Syntaxshow bridge forward address {all | mac <mac-address> | <vlan-id>}show bridge forward address {ethernet | wireless <index> vap <vap-index>}all - Show settings for all forwarding MAC addresses.mac - Show settings for specific forwarding MAC addresses. MAC addresses are specified in the form xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx.ethernet - The Ethernet port interface.wireless - The wireless port interface.vap  - Wireless VAP interfaces. (Wireless Range: 0; VAP Range: 0-7)vlan-id - Show settings for forwarding addresses on specific VLANs. (Range: 0-4095)Command ModeExecExampleAP# show bridge forward-addr interface wireless 0 vap 0MAC ADDRESS              INTERFACE  VLAN   AGE=====================================================02:12:cf:a2:54:30             ath0     0     0=====================================================AP#
Chapter 22  |  Spanning Tree Commands–  200  –show bridge mac-agingThis command displays the MAC address table aging time.Syntaxshow bridge mac-agingCommand ModeExecExampleAP# show bridge mac-agingmac-aging time 300AP#
–  201  –23 WDS Bridge CommandsThe commands described in this section are used to set the operation mode for each access point interface and configure Wireless Distribution System (WDS) forwarding table settings. wds ap This command enables the bridge operation mode for the radio interface.Syntaxwds apDefault Setting DisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless) VAPExample AP(if-wireless 0 [VAP 0])#wds apAP(if-wireless 0 [VAP 0])#wds sta This command configures WDS station mode on a VAP interface.Syntaxwds sta ap-ssid <ssid> address <mac-address>ssid - Severice set identifier. Maximum: 32 characters.mac-address - The MAC address of the connecting VAP in WDS-AP mode.Table 18: WDS Bridge CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagewds ap Selects the bridge operation mode for a radio interface IC-W VAP 201wds sta Configures the MAC addresses of the parent bridge node IC-W VAP 201show wds wireless Configures MAC addresses of connected child bridge nodes Exec 202
Chapter 23  |  WDS Bridge Commands–  202  –Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless) VAPCommand Usage In WDS-STA mode, the VAP operates as a client station in WDS mode, which connects to an access point in WDS-AP mode. The user needs to specify the SSID and MAC address of the VAP to which it intends to connect.Example AP(if-wireless 0 [VAP 0])#wds sta ap-ssid red address 00-11-22-33-44-55AP(if-wireless 0 [VAP 0])#show wds wireless This command displays the current WDS settings for VAPs.Syntaxshow wds wireless <index> vap {all | <vap-index>}index -The wireless interface index number. (Option: 0)vap-index - The VAP index number. (Range: 0-7)Command Mode ExecExample AP# show wds wireless 0 vap 0WDS Status(wireless 0 vap 0)==========================================Status: upMode: STAAP SSID: redAP MAC: 00:11:22:33:44:55==========================================AP#
–  203  –24 Ethernet Interface CommandsThe commands described in this section configure connection parameters for the Ethernet port and wireless interface.interface ethernet This command enters Ethernet interface configuration mode.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global Configuration Example To specify the 1000BASE-T network interface, enter the following command:AP(config)#interface ethernet AP(if-ethernet)#Table 19: Ethernet Interface CommandsCommand Function Mode Pageinterface ethernet Enters Ethernet interface configuration mode GC 203dns Specifies the primary and secondary name servers IC-E 204ip address  Sets the IP address for the Ethernet interface IC-E 204ip dhcp Submits a DHCP request for an IP address IC-E 205ip management address Sets a static IP address for management access IC-E 206ipv6 address  Sets the IPv6 address for the Ethernet interface IC-E 206ipv6 dhcp Submits a DHCPv6 request for an IPv6 address IC-E 207shutdown Disables the Ethernet interface IC-E 208show interface ethernet Shows the status for the Ethernet interface Exec 209
Chapter 24  |  Ethernet Interface Commands–  204  –dns This command specifies the address for the primary or secondary domain name server to be used for name-to-address resolution. Syntaxdns {primary-server | secondary-server} <server-address>primary-server - Primary server used for name resolution.secondary-server - Secondary server used for name resolution.server-address - IP address of domain-name server.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage The primary and secondary name servers are queried in sequence. ExampleThis example specifies two domain-name servers.AP(if-ethernet)#dns primary-server secondary-server Commands show interface ethernetip address This command sets the IP address for the access point. Use the no form to restore the default IP address.Syntaxip address <ip-address> <netmask> <gateway>no ip addressip-address - IP address. netmask - Network mask for the associated IP subnet. This mask identifies the host address bits used for routing to specific subnets. gateway - IP address of the default gateway.Default Setting IP address:
Chapter 24  |  Ethernet Interface Commands–  205  –Command Mode Interface Configuration (Ethernet)Command Usage ◆DHCP is disabled by default. If DHCP is enabled, you must first disable the DHCP client with the no ip dhcp command before you manually configure a new IP address.◆You must assign an IP address to this device to gain management access over the network or to connect the access point to existing IP subnets. You can manually configure a specific IP address using this command, or direct the device to obtain an address from a DHCP server using the ip dhcp command. Valid IP addresses consist of four numbers, 0 to 255, separated by periods. Anything other than this format will not be accepted by the configuration program. ExampleAP(config)#interface ethernetEnter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line.AP(if-ethernet)#ip address Commandsip dhcpip dhcp This command enables the access point to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server. Use the no form to restore the default IP address.Syntax [no] ip dhcpDefault Setting DisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Ethernet)Command Usage ◆You must assign an IP address to this device to gain management access over the network or to connect the access point to existing IP subnets. You can manually configure a specific IP address using the ip address command, or direct the device to obtain an address from a DHCP server using this command. ◆When you use this command, the access point will begin broadcasting DHCP client requests. The current IP address will continue to be effective until a DHCP reply is received. Requests will be broadcast periodically by this device in an
Chapter 24  |  Ethernet Interface Commands–  206  –effort to learn its IP address. (DHCP values can include the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.) ExampleAP(config)#interface ethernetEnter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line.AP(if-ethernet)#ip dhcpAP(if-ethernet)#Related Commandsip addressip managementaddressThis command sets the IP address for management access to the AP. Syntaxip management address <ip-address> <netmask>ip-address - The IP address for management access.netmask - Network mask for the associated IP subnet.Default Setting IP address: Mode Interface Configuration (Ethernet)Command Usage The AP must have an IP address to gain management access over the network. The management IP is a static address that can be used to access the AP in the event that DHCP assignment fails.ExampleAP(config)#interface ethernetEnter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line.AP(if-ethernet)# ip management address address This command sets the IPv6 address for the access point. Use the no form to restore the default IPv6 address.Syntaxipv6 address <ipv6-address> <netmask> <gateway>no ipv6 address
Chapter 24  |  Ethernet Interface Commands–  207  –ipv6-address - IPv6 address. netmask - Network mask for the associated IPv6 subnet. This mask identifies the host address bits used for routing to specific subnets. gateway - IPv6 address of the default gateway.Default Setting IP address: 2001:db8::1Netmask: 64Gateway: 2001:db8::2Command Mode Interface Configuration (Ethernet)Command Usage ◆DHCPv6 is disabled by default. To manually configure a new IPv6 address, you must first disable the DHCPv6 client with the no ipv6 dhcp command.◆You must assign an IPv6 address to this device to gain management access over the network or to connect the access point to existing IPv6 subnets. You can manually configure a specific IPv6 address using this command, or direct the device to obtain an address from a DHCPv6 server using the ipv6 dhcp command. ExampleAP(config)#interface ethernetEnter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line.Enterprise AP(if-ethernet)#ipv6 address 2001:db8::10 64 2001:db8::19AP(if-ethernet)#Related Commandsipv6 dhcpipv6 dhcp This command enables the access point to obtain an IPv6 address from a DHCPv6 server. Use the no form to restore the default IPv6 address.Syntax [no] ipv6 dhcpDefault Setting DisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Ethernet)
Chapter 24  |  Ethernet Interface Commands–  208  –Command Usage ◆You must assign an IPv6 address to this device to gain management access over the network or to connect the access point to existing IPv6 subnets. You can manually configure a specific IPv6 address using the ipv6 address command, or direct the device to obtain an address from a DHCPv6 server using this command. ◆When you use this command, the access point will begin broadcasting DHCPv6 client requests. The current IPv6 address (i.e., default or manually configured address) will continue to be effective until a DHCPv6 reply is received. Requests will be broadcast periodically by this device in an effort to learn its IPv6 address. (DHCPv6 values can include the IPv6 address, subnet mask, and default gateway.) ExampleAP(config)#interface ethernetEnter Ethernet configuration commands, one per line.AP(if-ethernet)#ipv6 dhcpAP(if-ethernet)#Related Commandsipv6 addressshutdown (Ethernet) This command disables the Ethernet interface. To restart a disabled interface, use the no form.Syntax [no] shutdownDefault Setting Interface enabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Ethernet)Command Usage This command allows you to disable the Ethernet port due to abnormal behavior (e.g., excessive collisions), and reenable it after the problem has been resolved. You may also want to disable the Ethernet port for security reasons. Example The following example disables the Ethernet port.AP(if-ethernet)#shutdownAP(if-ethernet)#
Chapter 24  |  Ethernet Interface Commands–  209  –show interfaceethernetThis command displays the status for the Ethernet interface.Syntaxshow ethernet interfaceDefault Setting Ethernet interfaceCommand Mode ExecExample AP#show interface ethernetEthernet Interface Information========================================IP Address          : Mask         : Gateway     : DNS         :Secondary DNS       :Management IP       : Subnet   : Address        : 2001:db8::1IPv6 Subnet Mask    : 64IPv6 Gateway        : 2001:db8::2IPv6 Primary DNS    :IPv6 Secondary DNS  :Admin status        : UpOperational status  : Up========================================AP#
–  210  –25 Wireless Interface CommandsThe commands described in this section configure connection parameters for the wireless interfaces.Table 20: Wireless Interface CommandsCommand Function Mode Pageinterface wireless Enters wireless interface configuration mode  GC 212vap Provides access to the VAP interface configuration mode IC-W 212a-mpdu Sets the Aggregate MAC Protocol Data Unit (A-MPDU) IC-W 213a-msdu Sets the Aggregate MAC Service Data Unit (A-MSDU) IC-W 213channel Configures the radio channel  IC-W 214transmit-power Adjusts the power of the radio signals transmitted from the access point IC-W 215min-allowed-rate Selects minimum allowed transmit data rates IC-W 216disable-coexist Prevents 20 MHz and 40 MHz channels operating together IC-W 216make-rf-setting-effective Implements wireless command changes made in current CLI session IC-W 217preamble Sets the length of the 802.11g signal preamble IC-W 217short-guard-interval Enables the 802.11n short guard interval IC-W 218beacon-interval Configures the rate at which beacon signals are transmitted from the access point IC-W 218dtim-period Configures the rate at which stations in sleep mode must wake up to receive broadcast/multicast transmissionsIC-W 219rts-threshold Sets the packet size threshold at which an RTS must be sent to the receiving station prior to the sending station starting communicationsIC-W 220ssid Configures the service set identifier IC-W-VAP 221closed system Opens access to clients without a pre-configured SSID IC-W-VAP 221max-client Sets the maximum number of clients per radio IC-W 222max-association Sets the maximum number of clients per VAP IC-W-VAP 222client-assoc-preempt Implements a priority for associating clients IC-W-VAP 223
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  211  –assoc- timeout-interval Configures the idle time interval (when no frames are sent) after which a client is disassociated from the VAP interfaceIC-W-VAP 224auth- timeout-value Configures the time interval after which clients must be re-authenticated IC-W-VAP 224multicast-enhance Enhances multicast quality for wireless clients IC-W-VAP 225shutdown Disables the wireless interface IC-W-VAP 225interfere-chan-recover Rescans channels when interference is detected IC-W 226band-steering Redirects all dual-band clients to connect to the 5GHz radio GC 226wlandev-interfere-detection Enables the detection of interference from nearby APs IC-W 227antenna-chain Sets the internal antennas to use IC-W 227long-distance Enables long distance parameter settings IC-W 228long-distance reference-data Computes settings from a distance reference IC-W 229long-distance slottime Sets the slot time parameter IC-W 229long-distance acktimeout Sets the acknowledge timeout parameter IC-W 230long-distance ctstimeout Sets the CTS timeout parameter IC-W 230bandwidth-control downlink Enables downlink bandwidth control on a VAP interface IC-W-VAP 230bandwidth-control downlink rate Sets the downlink bandwidth rate for a VAP interface IC-W-VAP 231bandwidth-control uplink Enables uplink bandwidth control on a VAP interface IC-W-VAP 232bandwidth-control uplink rate Sets the uplink bandwidth rate for a VAP interface IC-W-VAP 232show interface wireless Shows the status for the wireless interface Exec 233show station Shows the wireless clients associated with the access point Exec 235show station statistics Shows traffic statistics for wireless clients associated with the access point Exec 236show band-steering Shows the status of the Band Steering feature Exec 237Table 20: Wireless Interface Commands (Continued)Command Function Mode Page
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  212  –interface wireless This command enters wireless interface configuration mode.Syntaxinterface wireless <index>index - The index of the wireless interface. (Range: 0 or 1, where “0” is the 2.4 GHz interface and “1” the 5 GHz interface)Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Global Configuration Example AP(config)# interface wireless 0Enter Wireless configuration commands, one per line.AP(if-wireless 0)#vap This command provides access to the VAP (Virtual Access Point) interface configuration mode.Syntaxvap <vap-index>vap-index - The number that identifies the VAP interface. (Options: 0-15)Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#vap 0AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  213  –a-mpdu This command enables and sets the Aggregate MAC Protocol Data Unit (A-MPDU).Syntaxa-mpdu {enable | disable | length | <length >}enable - Enable A-MPDU.disable - Disable A-MPDU.length - 1024-65535 bytes.Default Setting DisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#a-mpdu enableAP(if-wireless 0)#a-msdu This command enables and sets the Aggregate MAC Service Data Unit (A-MSDU).Syntaxa-msdu {enable | disable | length <length>}enable - Enable A-MSDU.disable - Disable A-MSDU.length - 1024-65535 bytes.Default Setting DisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#a-msdu enableAP(if-wireless 0)#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  214  –channel This command configures the radio channel through which the access point communicates with wireless clients. Syntaxchannel {ht20 <ht20-channel> | ht40 <ht40-channel> | auto}ht20-channel - The 802.11n 20 MHz channel number:11ng mode: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 1111na mode: 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 100, 104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 149, 153, 157, 161, 165ht40-channel - The 802.11n 40 MHz channel number:11ng mode: 01Plus, 02Plus, 03Plus, 04Plus, 05Plus, 05Minus, 06Plus, 06Minus, 07Plus, 07Minus, 08Minus, 09Minus, 10Minus, 11Minus11na mode: 36Plus, 40Minus, 44Plus, 48Minus, 52Plus, 56Minus, 60Plus, 64Minus, 100Plus, 104Minus, 108Plus, 112Minus, 116Plus, 120Minus, 124Plus, 128Minus, 132Plus, 136Minus, 149Plus, 153Minus, 157Plus, 161Minusauto - Automatically selects an unoccupied channel (if available). Otherwise, the lowest channel is selected.Default Setting Automatic channel selection Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage ◆The available channel settings are limited by local regulations, which determine the number of channels that are available. ◆The available channels depend on the radio interface, either 11b/g/n (2.4 GHZ) or 11a/n (5 GHz). ◆The access point provides a channel bandwidth of 20 MHz by default giving an 802.11g connection speed of 54 Mbps and a 802.11n connection speed of up to 108 Mbps, and ensures backward compliance for slower 802.11b devices. Setting the HT Channel Bandwidth to 40 MHz increases connection speed for 802.11n up to 300 Mbps. ◆HT40plus indicates that the secondary channel is above the primary channel. HT40minus indicates that the secondary channel is below the primary channel. ◆For most wireless adapters, the channel for wireless clients is automatically set to the same as that used by the access point to which it is linked.
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  215  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# channel ht20 06This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#transmit-power This command adjusts the power of the radio signals transmitted from the access point.Syntaxtransmit-power {percentage <percent-power> | dbm <dbm-power>}percent-power - Signal strength as a percentage transmitted from the AP. (Options: full, half, quarter, eighth, min)dbm-power - Signal strength in dBm transmitted from the AP. (Range: 3-20 dBm)Default Setting Percentage Mode: Full (100%)dBm Mode: 18 dBmCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage ◆The “min” keyword indicates minimum power.◆The longer the transmission distance, the higher the transmission power required. But to support the maximum number of users in an area, you must keep the power as low as possible. Power selection is not just a trade off between coverage area and maximum supported clients. You also have to ensure that high strength signals do not interfere with the operation of other radio devices in your area.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# transmit-power percentage halfAP(if-wireless 0)#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  216  –min-allowed-rate This command selects minimum allowed transmit data rates for the AP.Syntaxmin-allowed-rate {all | <cck-rate> <ofdm-rate> <singlestream-rate> <doublestream-rate>}all - Selects all available rates.cck-rate - Specifies the minimum CCK rate (2.4 GHz radio only). (Options: 1, 2, 5. 5, 11 Mbps)ofdm-rate - Specifies the minimum OFDM rate. (Options:  6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps)singlestream-rate - Specifies the minimum 802.11n single stream rate. (Options:  MCS0, MCS1, MCS2, MCS3, MCS4, MCS5, MCS6, MCS7)doublestream-rate - Specifies the minimum 802.11n double stream rate. (Options:  MCS8, MCS9, MCS10, MCS11, MCS12, MCS13, MCS14, MCS15)Default Setting CCK Rate: 1 MbpsOFDM Rate: 6 MbpsSingle Stream Rate: MCS0Double Stream Rate: MCS8Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# min-allowed-rate 1 6 mcs0 mcs8AP(if-wireless 0)# disable-coexist This command prevents the operation of both 20 MHz and 40 MHz channel bandwidths in the wireless network.Syntaxdisable-coexist <n | y>n - No, do not disable channel coexistance.y - Yes, disable channel coexistance.Default Setting NoCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  217  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# disable-coexist yAP(if-wireless 0)# make-rf-setting-effectiveThis command implements all wireless command changes made in current CLI session.Syntaxmake-rf-setting-effectiveCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# make-RF-setting-effectiveIt will take several minutes !Please wait a while...AP(if-wireless 0)#preamble This command sets the length of the signal preamble that is used at the start of a 802.11b/g data transmission.Syntaxpreamble [long | short-or-long]long - Sets the preamble to long (192 microseconds).short-or-long - Sets the preamble to short if no 802.11b clients are detected (96 microseconds).Default SettingShort-or-LongCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage◆Using a short preamble instead of a long preamble can increase data throughput on the access point, but requires that all clients can support a short preamble.
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  218  –◆Set the preamble to long to ensure the access point can support all 802.11b and 802.11g clients.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# preamble short-or-longThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#short-guard-interval This command sets the 802.11n guard interval to 400ns (short) or 800ns (long).Syntaxshort-guard-interval <enable | disable>Default SettingDisabledCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)Command UsageThe 802.11n draft specifies two guard intervals: 400ns (short) and 800ns (long). Support of the 400ns guard interval is optional for transmit and receive. The purpose of a guard interval is to introduce immunity to propagation delays, echoes, and reflections to which digital data is normally very sensitive. Enabling the short guard interval sets it to 400ns.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# short-guard-interval enableThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#beacon-interval This command configures the rate at which beacon signals are transmitted from the access point. Syntaxbeacon-interval <interval>interval - The rate for transmitting beacon signals. (Range: 40-3500 TUs)
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  219  –Default Setting 100 TUsCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage The beacon signals allow wireless clients to maintain contact with the access point. They may also carry power-management information.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# beacon-interval 60This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#dtim-period This command configures the rate at which stations in sleep mode must wake up to receive broadcast/multicast transmissions. Syntaxdtim-period <interval>interval - Interval between the beacon frames that transmit broadcast or multicast traffic. (Range: 1-255 beacon frames)Default Setting 1Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage ◆The Delivery Traffic Indication Map (DTIM) packet interval value indicates how often the MAC layer forwards broadcast/multicast traffic. This parameter is necessary to wake up stations that are using Power Save mode.◆The DTIM is the interval between two synchronous frames with broadcast/multicast information. The default value of 1 indicates that the access point will save all broadcast/multicast frames for the Basic Service Set (BSS) and forward them after every beacon.◆Using smaller DTIM intervals delivers broadcast/multicast frames in a more timely manner, causing stations in Power Save mode to wake up more often and drain power faster. Using higher DTIM values reduces the power used by
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  220  –stations in Power Save mode, but delays the transmission of broadcast/multicast frames.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# dtim-period 10This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#rts-threshold This command sets the packet size threshold at which a Request to Send (RTS) signal must be sent to the receiving station prior to the sending station starting communications.Syntaxrts-threshold <threshold>threshold - Threshold packet size for which to send an RTS. (Range: 1-2346 bytes)Default Setting 2346Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage ◆If the threshold is set to 1, the access point always sends RTS signals. If set to 2346, the access point never sends RTS signals. If set to any other value, and the packet size equals or exceeds the RTS threshold, the RTS/CTS (Request to Send / Clear to Send) mechanism will be enabled.◆The access point sends RTS frames to a receiving station to negotiate the sending of a data frame. After receiving an RTS frame, the station sends a CTS frame to notify the sending station that it can start sending data. ◆Access points contending for the wireless medium may not be aware of each other. The RTS/CTS mechanism can solve this “Hidden Node” problem.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# rts-threshold 1This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  221  –ssid This command configures the service set identifier (SSID) of the VAP.Syntaxssid <string>string - The name of a basic service set supported by the access point. (Range: 1 - 32 characters)Default Setting 2.4 GHz: %VBM#BOE_11BGN_0 to 15 (for VAPs 0-15)5 GHz: %VBM#BOE_11NA_0 to 15 (for VAPs 0-15)Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage Clients that want to connect to the wireless network through an access point must set their SSIDs to the same as that of the access point.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# ssid net-nameThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#closed-system This command prohibits access to clients without a pre-configured SSID. Use the no form to disable this feature.Syntax[no] closed-system Default Setting DisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage When closed system is enabled, the access point will not include its SSID in beacon messages. Nor will it respond to probe requests from clients that do not include a fixed SSID.
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  222  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#closed-systemThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#max-client This command configures the maximum number of wireless clients that can associate with a radio.Syntaxmax-client <max-clients>max-clients - The maximum number associated clients for the radio. (Range: 1-127)Default Setting 100Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage This command sets the total maximum number of clients that may associate with the radio. This includes the total clients associated to all VAP interfaces. The maximum number of clients that can associate to a specific VAP interface can be set using the max-association command.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# max-client 64This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#max-association This command configures the maximum number of wireless clients that can associate with a VAP interface.Syntaxmax-association <max-clients>max-clients - The maximum number associated clients for the VAP interface. (Range: 1-127)
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  223  –Default Setting 16Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage This command sets the total maximum number of clients that may associate with a VAP interface. If the value is greater than the setting for the maximum clients per radio (max-client command), the command does not take effect.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# max-association 64AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#client-assoc-preempt This command enables a feature that implements a priority for associating clients when the maximum has been reached. Use the no form to disable the feature.Syntax[no] client-assoc-preemptDefault Setting DisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage◆When enabled, the AP applies a priority order for associating clients when the maximum clients for the VAP has been reached. The priority order is 11n clients, 11a/g clients, then 11b clients. ◆When the association pool for the VAP is full and the AP receives an association request from a high-priority (11n) client, the AP sends a disassociation to a lower priority client (11a/g or 11b) in order to be able to associate the high-priority client. If there are no lower-priority clients to disassociate, the AP will reject the association request. ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# client-assoc-preemptset_vap_assoc_pri 0 0 yThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  224  –assoc-timeout-intervalThis command configures the idle time interval (when no frames are sent) after which the client is disassociated from the VAP interface.Syntaxassoc-timeout-interval <minutes>minutes - The number of minutes of inactivity before disassociation. (Range: 5-60 minutes)Default Setting 5 minutesCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# assoc-timeout-interval 10This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#auth-timeout-interval This command configures the time interval within which clients must complete authentication to the VAP interface.Syntaxauth-timeout-interval <minutes>minutes - The number of minutes before re-authentication. (Range: 3-60 minutes)Default Setting 3 minutesCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# auth-timeout-interval 10This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  225  –multicast-enhance This command enables a feature that improves multicast video quality for wireless clients. Use the no form to disable the feature.Syntax[no] multicast-enhanceDefault Setting DisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command UsageWhen a wireless client joins a multicast group, this feature converts multicast packets to unicast packets to improve multicast video quality.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# multicast-enhanceset_vap_mcastenhance 0 0 2This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#shutdown  (VAP) This command disables the VAP interface. Use the no form to restart the interface.Syntax [no] shutdownDefault Setting Interface enabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command UsageYou must first enable VAP interface 0 before you can enable VAP interfaces 1 to 15.Example AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# shutdownThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  226  –interfere-chan-recoverThis command rescans channels when interference is detected on the current channel. Use the no form to disable the feature.Syntax [no] interfere-chan-recoverDefault Setting DisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage◆When interference is detected on the current channel, the AP re-scans all channels and then changes to a new clear channel. ◆There is too much interference on a channel when the AP is unable to send the beacon signal more than ten times. The AP will then use its auto-channel algorithm to find a new clear channel.Example AP(if-wireless 0)# interfere-chan-recoverAP(if-wireless 0)#band-steering This command redirects all dual-band clients to connect to the 5 GHz radio. Use the no form to disable the feature.Syntax [no] band-steeringDefault Setting DisabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage◆The Band Steering feature redirects all dual-band clients associated to the 2.4 GHz radio to connect to the 5 GHz radio. ◆This feature only functions when both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio SSIDs are identical.
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  227  –Example AP(config)# band-steeringAP(config)#wlandev-interfere-detectionThis command enables the detection of nearby APs that are using the same channel. Use the no form to disable the feature.Syntax wlandev-interfere-detection <rssi> <time>[no] wlandev-interfere-detectionrssi - The RSSI signal strength threshold of a nearby AP above which the unit switches to another channel. (Range: 1-100)time - The time duration that a nearby AP with an RSSI above the set threshold is continuously detected before the unit restarts the scan process. (Range: 10-300 seconds)Default Setting DisabledRSSI: 80Time: 30 secondsCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command UsageEnables the detection of nearby APs that are using the same channel. If the RSSI signal strength of a nearby AP is above the configured threshold value for more than the specified time, the unit switches to another channel. Example AP(if-wireless 0)# wlandev-interfere-detection 90 60AP(if-wireless 0)#antenna-chain This command selects the use of two antennas or a single antenna for radio transmissions.Syntaxantenna-chain <right-left | left | right>right-left - The radio transmits from both internal antennas. left - The radio only transmits from one internal antenna. right - The radio only transmits from one internal antenna.
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  228  –Default Settingright-leftCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)Example AP(if-wireless 0)# antenna-chain leftThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#long-distance This command computes settings that allow wireless clients a long distance from the AP to maintain communications.Syntaxlong-distance <enable | disable>enable - Enables the long distance settings. disable - Disables the feature. DefaultDisabledCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage When you have long-distance links in the wireless network, some timing parameters require an adjustment to maintain communications. You can enable this feature and then use the long-distance reference-data command to suggest settings based on an approximate distance.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# long-distance enableFor making changes effective, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  229  –long-distancereference-dataThis command computes settings that allow wireless clients a long distance from the AP to maintain communications.Syntaxlong-distance reference-data <distance>distance - An approximate distance in meters. (Range: 1-50000 meters) Default0 (disabled)Command ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage Enter the approximate distance (in meters) of the client from the AP. The AP computes a set of recommended values for SlotTime, ACKTimeOut and CTSTimeOut. You can use the recommended values or enter your own values that work for your specific environment.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# long-distance reference-data 1000Distance(m): 1000Slot time(us): 15ACKTimeOut(us): 56CTSTimeOut(us): 56AP(if-wireless 0)#long-distance slottime This command sets the slot time for long-distance communications.Syntaxlong-distance slottime <time>time - The adjusted slot time in microseconds. Default9 microsecondsCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# long-distance slottime 25For making changes effective, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command after entering all three long distance parameters!AP(if-wireless 0)#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  230  –long-distanceacktimeoutThis command sets the acknowledge timeout for long-distance communications.Syntaxlong-distance acktimeout <timeout>timeout - The adjusted acknowledge timeout in microseconds. Default64 microsecondsCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# long-distance acktimeout 56For making changes effective, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command after entering all three long distance parameters!AP(if-wireless 0)#long-distancectstimeoutThis command sets the CTS (clear to send) timeout for long-distance communications.Syntaxlong-distance ctstimeout <timeout>timeout - The adjusted CTS timeout in microseconds. Default48 microsecondsCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# long-distance ctstimeout 56For making changes effective, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command after entering all three long distance parameters!AP(if-wireless 0)#bandwidth-controldownlinkThis command enables the downlink bandwidth control for a VAP interface.Syntaxbandwidth-control downlink <enable | disable>enable - Enables the downlink bandwidth control setting.
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  231  –disable - Disables the feature. DefaultDisabledCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage This command enables the rate limiting of traffic from the wired network as it is passed to the VAP interface. You can set a maximum rate in Kbytes per second.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# bandwidth-control downlink enableThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#bandwidth-controldownlink rateThis command sets the downlink bandwidth rate for a VAP interface.Syntaxbandwidth-control downlink rate <rate>rate - The allowed downlink rate in Kbytes per second. (Range: 100-12000 Kbytes per second)Default100 Kbytes per secondCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# bandwidth-control downlink rate 512This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  232  –bandwidth-controluplinkThis command enables the uplink bandwidth control for a VAP interface.Syntaxbandwidth-control uplink <enable | disable>enable - Enables the uplink bandwidth control setting. disable - Disables the feature. DefaultDisabledCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage This command enables the rate limiting of traffic from the VAP interface as it is passed to the wired network. You can set a maximum rate in Kbytes per second.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# bandwidth-control uplink enableThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#bandwidth-controluplink rateThis command sets the uplink bandwidth rate for a VAP interface.Syntaxbandwidth-control uplink rate <rate>rate - The allowed uplink rate in Kbytes per second. (Range: 100-12000 Kbytes per second)Default100 Kbytes per secondCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# bandwidth-control uplink rate 512This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  233  –AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#show interfacewirelessThis command displays the status for a specified VAP interface.Syntaxshow interface wireless <index> vap <vap-index>index - The wireless interface slot number. (Range: 0 or 1)vap-index - The number that identifies a VAP interface. (Options: 0-15)Command Mode ExecExample AP# show interface wireless 0 vap 0----------------------------------Basic Setting----------------------------SSID                                    : %VBM#BOE_11BGN_0Wireless Network Mode                   : 11ngAuto Channel Select                     : ENABLEChannel                                 : 1Channel Width Mode                      : HT20Allowed Rates                           : 1,2,5.5,11,6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54,                                          MCS0,MCS1,MCS2,MCS3,MCS4,MCS5,MCS6,                                          MCS7,MCS8,MCS9,MCS10,MCS11,MCS12,                                          MCS13,MCS14,MCS15Status                                  : ENABLEMulticast enhancement                   : DISABLEMAC Address                             : 70:72:CF:00:11:70VLAN-ID                                 : 1Dhcp-Relay Server Ip                    : Association Client Per Vap      : 16 ClientsMaximum Association Client Per Radio    : 100 Clients------------------------------802.11 Parameters-----------------------------Transmit Power                          : 100%(20 dBm)Preamble Length                         : Short-or-LongFragmentation Threshold                 : 2346RTS Threshold                           : 2346Beacon Interval                         : 100Authentication Timeout Interval         : 3 MinsAssociation Timeout Interval            : 5 MinsDTIM Interval                           : 1Short Guard Interval Status             : DisabledA-MPDU Status                           : EnabledA-MPDU Length Limit                     : 65535 BytesA-MSDU Status                           : EnabledDisable HT20/H40 coexistence            : disabledInterference Channel Recover            : disabled-----------------------Press any key to continue-----------------------WLAN Device Interference Detection      : disabledWLAN client association preemption      : disabled
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  234  –----------------------------------Security----------------------------------Closed System                           : DISABLEWPA Function                            : OPEN-SYSTEM, WPA FUNCTION DISABLEWPA PSK Key Type                        : asciiWPA PSK Key                             : ********Default Transmit Key                    : 1Static WEP KeysKey 1                                   : *****Key 2                                   : *****Key 3                                   : *****Key 4                                   : *****Pre-Authentication                      : DISABLE-----------------------------------802.1x-----------------------------------802.1x                                  : DISABLE802.1x Reauthentication Time Value      : 3600 seconds---------------------Bandwidth Control for Uplink/Downlink------------------Bandwidth Control for Uplink            : DISABLEBandwidth Control for Uplink rate       : 100 Kbyte/sBandwidth Control for Downlink          : DISABLEBandwidth Control for Downlink rate     : 100 Kbyte/s-----------------------------MAC Authentication-----------------------------Authentication Information===================================================================MAC Authentication Server               : DisableSession Timeout                         : DisableFilter Table (Allow List):Filter Table (Deny List):-------------------------------Qos Mapping-------------------------------Qos Mapping for vap to 802.1p           : DISABLEUser Priority for vap to 802.1p         : 0Qos Mapping for 802.1d to 802.1p        : DISABLETemplate Name for 802.1d to 802.1p      : default_up_mapping_1-----------------------Press any key to continue-----------------------Template Priority for 802.1d to 802.1p  : 01234567Qos Mapping for 802.1d to DSCP          : DISABLETemplate Name for 802.1d to DSCP        : default_up_mapping_1Template Priority for 802.1d to DSCP    : 01234567------------------------------Quality of Service----------------------------WMM Mode                                : ENABLEDWMM Acknowledge PolicyAC0(BE)                                 : AcknowledgeAC1(BK)                                 : AcknowledgeAC2(VI)                                 : AcknowledgeAC3(VO)                                 : AcknowledgeWMM AP Parameters:AC0(BE)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:   6  AIFSN:   3  TXOP Limit:   0AC1(BK)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:  10  AIFSN:   7  TXOP Limit:   0AC2(VI)  CwMin:   3  CwMax:   4  AIFSN:   1  TXOP Limit:3008AC3(VO)  CwMin:   2  CwMax:   3  AIFSN:   1  TXOP Limit:1504WMM BSS Parameters:AC0(BE)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:  10  AIFSN:   3  TXOP Limit:   0  ACM:DisabledAC1(BK)  CwMin:   4  CwMax:  10  AIFSN:   7  TXOP Limit:   0  ACM:DisabledAC2(VI)  CwMin:   3  CwMax:   4  AIFSN:   2  TXOP Limit:3008  ACM:DisabledAC3(VO)  CwMin:   2  CwMax:   3  AIFSN:   2  TXOP Limit:1504  ACM:Disabled-----------------------Press any key to continue-----------------------
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  235  –--------------------------------Radius Server------------------------------Radius Accounting Information===================================================================Status                                  : DISABLEDIP                                      : Secret                           : ********Port                                    : 1813timeout-interim                         : 300===================================================================Radius Primary Server Information===================================================================Status                                  : ENABLEDIP                                      :                                    : 1812Shared Secret                           : ********===================================================================Radius Secondary Server Information===================================================================Status                                  : DISABLEDIP                                      :                                    : 1812Shared Secret                           : ***AP#show station This command shows the wireless clients associated with the access point.Command Mode ExecExample AP#show stationStation Table Information========================================Wireless Interface 0 VAPs List:if-wireless 0 VAP [0] :ADDR               RSSI  Tx(Mbps)  Rx(Mbps)  IP               Privacy  Authenticationfc:25:3f:70:1a:4f  22    0M        6M          off      Openfc:25:3f:5c:32:49  20    0M        13M          off      Openif-wireless 0 VAP [1] :if-wireless 0 VAP [2] :if-wireless 0 VAP [3] :if-wireless 0 VAP [4] :if-wireless 0 VAP [5] :if-wireless 0 VAP [6] :if-wireless 0 VAP [7] :if-wireless 0 VAP [8] :if-wireless 0 VAP [9] :if-wireless 0 VAP [10] :if-wireless 0 VAP [11] :if-wireless 0 VAP [12] :if-wireless 0 VAP [13] :if-wireless 0 VAP [14] :if-wireless 0 VAP [15] :
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  236  –Wireless Interface 1 VAPs List:if-wireless 1 VAP [0] :if-wireless 1 VAP [1] :if-wireless 1 VAP [2] :if-wireless 1 VAP [3] :if-wireless 1 VAP [4] :if-wireless 1 VAP [5] :if-wireless 1 VAP [6] :if-wireless 1 VAP [7] :if-wireless 1 VAP [8] :if-wireless 1 VAP [9] :if-wireless 1 VAP [10] :if-wireless 1 VAP [11] :if-wireless 1 VAP [12] :if-wireless 1 VAP [13] :if-wireless 1 VAP [14] :if-wireless 1 VAP [15] :========================================AP#show station statistics This command shows statistics information for wireless clients associated with the access point.Command Mode ExecExample AP#show station statisticsStation Table Information========================================Wireless Interface 0 VAPs List:if-wireless 0 VAP [0] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [1] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [2] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [3] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [4] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [5] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [6] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [7] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [8] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [9] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  237  –if-wireless 0 VAP [10] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [11] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [12] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [13] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [14] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 0 VAP [15] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0Wireless Interface 1 VAPs List:if-wireless 1 VAP [0] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [1] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [2] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [3] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [4] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [5] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [6] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [7] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [8] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [9] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [10] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [11] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [12] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [13] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [14] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0if-wireless 1 VAP [15] :Total Station Number of this vap: 0========================================Total Station Number of this device: 0Total Station Number of Radio 0: 0Total Station Number of Radio 1: 0========================================AP#show band-steering This command shows the status of the Band Steering feature.Command Mode Exec
Chapter 25  |  Wireless Interface Commands–  238  –Example AP#show band-steeringBand Steering Status:  DisableAP#
–  239  –26 Wireless Security CommandsThe commands described in this section configure parameters for wireless security on the VAP interfaces.auth This command configures authentication for the VAP interface.Syntaxauth <open-system | shared-key | wpa | wpa-psk | wpa2 | wpa2-psk |  wpa-wpa2-mixed | wpa-wpa2-psk-mixed>open-system - Accepts the client without verifying its identity using a shared key. “Open” authentication means either there is no encryption (if encryption is disabled) or WEP-only encryption is used (if encryption is enabled). shared-key - Authentication is based on a WEP shared key that has been distributed to all stations.wpa - Clients using WPA are accepted for authentication.wpa-psk - Clients using WPA with a Pre-shared Key are accepted for authentication.wpa2 - Clients using WPA2 are accepted for authentication.Table 21: Wireless Security CommandsCommand Function Mode Pageauth Defines the 802.11 authentication type allowed by the access point IC-W-VAP 242encryption  Defines whether or not WEP encryption is used to provide privacy for wireless communications IC-W-VAP 241key  Sets the keys used for WEP encryption IC-W 242transmit-key Sets the index of the key to be used for encrypting data frames sent between the access point and wireless clientsIC-W-VAP 243cipher-suite Selects an encryption method for the global key used for multicast and broadcast traffic IC-W-VAP 244wpa-pre-shared-key Defines a WPA preshared-key value IC-W-VAP 245pmksa-lifetime Sets the lifetime PMK security associations IC-W-VAP 246make-security-effective Implements wireless security changes made in current CLI session IC-W-VAP 246
Chapter 26  |  Wireless Security Commands–  240  –wpa2-psk - Clients using WPA2 with a Pre-shared Key are accepted for authentication.wpa-wpa2-mixed - Clients using WPA or WPA2 are accepted for authentication.wpa-wpa2-psk-mixed - Clients using WPA or WPA2 with a Pre-shared Key are accepted for authenticationDefault Setting open-systemCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆The auth command automatically configures settings for each authentication type, including encryption, 802.1X, and cipher suite. The command auth open-system disables encryption and 802.1X.◆To use WEP shared-key authentication, set the authentication type to “shared-key” and define at least one static WEP key with the key command. Encryption is automatically enabled by the command.◆To use WEP encryption only (no authentication), set the authentication type to “open-system.” Then enable WEP with the encryption command, and define at least one static WEP key with the key command.◆When any WPA or WPA2 option is selected, clients are authenticated using 802.1X via a RADIUS server. Each client must be WPA-enabled or support 802.1X client software. The 802.1X settings (see “802.1X Authentication Commands” on page 177) and RADIUS server details (see “RADIUS Client Commands” on page 171) must be configured on the access point. A RADIUS server must also be configured and be available in the wired network.◆If a WPA/WPA2 mode that operates over 802.1X is selected (WPA, WPA2, WPA-WPA2-mixed, or WPA-WPA2-PSK-mixed), the 802.1X settings (see “802.1X Authentication Commands” on page 177) and RADIUS server details (see “RADIUS Client Commands” on page 171) must be configured. Be sure you have also configured a RADIUS server on the network before enabling authentication. Also, note that each client has to be WPA-enabled or support 802.1X client software. A RADIUS server must also be configured and be available in the wired network.◆If a WPA/WPA2 Pre-shared Key mode is selected (WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK or WPA-WPA2-PSK-mixed), the key must first be generated and distributed to all wireless clients before they can successfully associate with the access point. Use the wpa-preshared-key command to configure the key (see “key” on page 242 and “transmit-key” on page 243).
Chapter 26  |  Wireless Security Commands–  241  –◆WPA2 defines a transitional mode of operation for networks moving from WPA security to WPA2. WPA2 Mixed Mode allows both WPA and WPA2 clients to associate to a common VAP interface. When the encryption cipher suite is set to TKIP, the unicast encryption cipher (TKIP or AES-CCMP) is negotiated for each client. The access point advertises it’s supported encryption ciphers in beacon frames and probe responses. WPA and WPA2 clients select the cipher they support and return the choice in the association request to the access point. For mixed-mode operation, the cipher used for broadcast frames is always TKIP. WEP encryption is not allowed.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# auth wpa-pskAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#Related Commandsencryptionkeyencryption This command enables data encryption for wireless communications. Use the no form to disable data encryption.Syntax[no] encryptionDefault Setting disabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆Selecting a security method using the auth command, automatically enables data encryption (WEP, TKIP, or AES-CCMP) for the VAP. Only use this command when using WEP encryption with an Open System.◆Encryption is implemented in this device to prevent unauthorized access to your wireless network. For more secure data transmissions, enable encryption by selecting a security method using the auth command, or by using the encryption command when using WEP encryption only.◆The encryption settings must be the same on each client in your wireless network.◆Note that encryption protects data transmitted between wireless nodes, but does not protect any transmissions over your wired network or over the Internet.
Chapter 26  |  Wireless Security Commands–  242  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# encryptionThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#Related Commandskeykey This command sets the keys used for WEP encryption. Use the no form to delete a configured key.Syntaxkey {<index> <size> <type> <value> | static | dynamic}no key <index>index - Key index. (Range: 1-4)size - Key size. (Options: 64 or 128 bits)type - Input format. (Options: ASCII, HEX)value - The key string.For 64-bit keys, use 5 alphanumeric characters or 10 hexadecimal digits.For 128-bit keys, use 13 alphanumeric characters or 26 hexadecimal digits.static - Uses static WEP keys with 802.1X authentication.dynamic - When using 802.1X authentication, allows WEP keys to be dynamically generated by the RADIUS server.Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆To enable WEP, use the auth shared-key command to select the “shared key” authentication type, use the key command to configure at least one key, and then use the transmit-key command to select a key to use.◆If WEP is enabled, all wireless clients must be configured with the same shared keys to communicate with the VAP.
Chapter 26  |  Wireless Security Commands–  243  –◆The WEP key index, length and type configured for the VAP must match those configured for clients.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# key 1 64 hex 1234512345This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#Related Commandskeyencryptiontransmit-keytransmit-key This command sets the index of the WEP key to be used for encrypting data frames transmitted from the VAP to wireless clients.Syntaxtransmit-key <index>index - Key index. (Range: 1-4)Default Setting 1Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆If you use WEP key encryption option, the access point uses the transmit key to encrypt multicast and broadcast data signals that it sends to client devices. Other keys can be used for decryption of data from clients.◆When using dynamic keys with 802.1X, the access point uses a dynamic key to encrypt unicast and broadcast messages to 802.1X-enabled clients. However, because the access point sends the keys during the 802.1X authentication process, these keys do not have to appear in the client’s key list.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# transmit-key 1This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 26  |  Wireless Security Commands–  244  –cipher-suite This command defines the cipher algorithm used to encrypt the global key for broadcast and multicast traffic when using WPA or WPA2 security. Syntaxmulticast-cipher <aes-ccmp | tkip >aes-ccmp - Use AES-CCMP encryption for the unicast and multicast cipher.tkip - Use TKIP encryption for the multicast cipher. TKIP or AES-CCMP can be used for the unicast cipher depending on the capability of the client. Default Setting NoneCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆WPA and WPA2 enable a VAP to support different unicast encryption keys for each client. However, the global encryption key for multicast and broadcast traffic must be the same for all clients.◆TKIP provides data encryption enhancements including per-packet key hashing (i.e., changing the encryption key on each packet), a message integrity check, an extended initialization vector with sequencing rules, and a re-keying mechanism. Select TKIP if  there are clients in the network that  are not WPA2 compliant.◆TKIP defends against attacks on WEP in which the unencrypted initialization vector in encrypted packets is used to calculate the WEP key. TKIP changes the encryption key on each packet, and rotates not just the unicast keys, but the broadcast keys as well. TKIP is a replacement for WEP that removes the predictability that intruders relied on to determine the WEP key. ◆AES-CCMP (Advanced Encryption Standard Counter-Mode/CBCMAC Protocol): WPA2 is backward compatible with WPA, including the same 802.1X and PSK modes of operation and support for TKIP encryption. The main enhancement is its use of AES Counter-Mode encryption with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC) for message integrity. The AES Counter-Mode/CBCMAC Protocol (AES-CCMP) provides extremely robust data confidentiality using a 128-bit key. The AES-CCMP encryption cipher is specified as a standard requirement for WPA2. However, the computational intensive operations of AES-CCMP requires hardware support on client devices. Therefore to implement WPA2 in the network, wireless clients must be upgraded to WPA2-compliant hardware.
Chapter 26  |  Wireless Security Commands–  245  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# cipher-suite tkipThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#wpa-pre-shared-key This command defines a Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2) Pre-shared-key.Syntaxwpa-pre-shared-key <hex | passphrase-key> <value>hex - Specifies hexadecimal digits as the key input format.passphrase-key - Specifies an ASCII pass-phrase string as the key input format.value - The key string. For ASCII input, specify a string between 8 and 63 characters. For HEX input, specify exactly 64 digits.Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆To support WPA or WPA2 for client authentication, use the auth command to specify the authentication type, and use the wpa-preshared-key command to specify one static key.◆If WPA or WPA2 is used with pre-shared-key mode, all wireless clients must be configured with the same pre-shared key to communicate with the access point’s VAP interface.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# wpa-pre-shared-key passphrase-key agoodsecretThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#Related Commandsauth
Chapter 26  |  Wireless Security Commands–  246  –pmksa-lifetime This command sets the time for aging out cached WPA2 Pairwise Master Key Security Association (PMKSA) information for fast roaming.Syntaxpmksa-lifetime <minutes>minutes - The time for aging out PMKSA information. (Range: 0 - 14400 minutes)Default Setting 720 minutesCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆WPA2 provides fast roaming for authenticated clients by retaining keys and other security information in a cache, so that if a client roams away from an access point and then returns reauthentication is not required. ◆When a WPA2 client is first authenticated, it receives a Pairwise Master Key (PMK) that is used to generate other keys for unicast data encryption. This key and other client information form a Security Association that the access point names and holds in a cache. The lifetime of this security association can be configured with this command. When the lifetime expires, the client security association and keys are deleted from the cache. If the client returns to the access point, it requires full reauthentication.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# pmksa-lifetime 600This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#make-security-effectiveThis command implements all wireless security changes made in the current CLI session.Syntaxmake-security-effectiveDefault Setting NoneCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)
Chapter 26  |  Wireless Security Commands–  247  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# make-security-effectiveIt will take several minutes !Please wait a while...device eth0 left promiscuous modebr0: port 1(eth0) entering disabled statebr0: port 3(ath16) entering disabled statebr0: port 2(ath0) entering disabled statedevice ath16 left promiscuous modebr0: port 3(ath16) entering disabled statedevice ath0 left promiscuous modebr0: port 2(ath0) entering disabled statewlan_vap_delete : enter. vaphandle=0x879a2000wlan_vap_delete : exit. vaphandle=0x879a2000wlan_vap_delete : enter. vaphandle=0x8729c000wlan_vap_delete : exit. vaphandle=0x8729c000device eth0 entered promiscuous modebr0: port 1(eth0) entering forwarding statewlan_vap_create : enter. devhandle=0x87ae8300, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1wlan_vap_create : exit. devhandle=0x87ae8300, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1.VAP device ath0 createdSetting Max Stations:17 DES SSID SET=%VBM#BOE_11BGN_0 ieee80211_ioctl_siwmode: imr.ifm_active=393856, new mode=3, valid=1wlan_vap_create : enter. devhandle=0x87048300, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1wlan_vap_create : exit. devhandle=0x87048300, opmode=IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP, flags=0x1.VAP device ath16 createdSetting Max Stations:17 DES SSID SET=%VBM#BOE_11NA_0 ieee80211_ioctl_siwmode: imr.ifm_active=328320, new mode=3, valid=1device ath0 entered promiscuous modebr0: port 2(ath0) entering forwarding statedevice ath16 entered promiscuous modebr0: port 3(ath16) entering forwarding stateAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 26  |  Wireless Security Commands–  248  –
–  249  –27 Rogue AP Detection CommandsA “rogue AP” is either an access point that is not authorized to participate in the wireless network, or an access point that does not have the correct security configuration. Rogue APs can potentially allow unauthorized users access to the network. Alternatively, client stations may mistakenly associate to a rogue AP and be prevented from accessing network resources. Rogue APs may also cause radio interference and degrade the wireless LAN performance.The access point can be configured to periodically scan all radio channels and find other access points within range. A database of access points is maintained so that any rogue APs can be identified.rogue-ap enable This command enables the periodic detection of nearby access points. Syntaxrogue-ap enableDefault SettingDisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Table 22: Rogue AP Detection CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagerogue-ap enable Enables the periodic detection of other nearby access points GC 249rogue-ap disable Disables the periodic detection of other nearby access points GC 250rogue-ap add friendly Configures a database of known AP MAC addresses GC 250rogue-ap delete friendly Removes AP MAC addresses from the database GC 251rogue-ap duration Sets the duration that all channels are scanned GC 251rogue-ap interval Sets the time between each scan GC 252rogue-ap instant-scan Forces an immediate scan of all radio channels GC 253show rogue-ap Shows the current database of detected access points Exec 253
Chapter 27  |  Rogue AP Detection Commands–  250  –Command Usage ◆While the access point scans a channel for rogue APs, wireless clients will not be able to connect to the access point. Therefore, avoid frequent scanning or scans of a long duration unless there is a reason to believe that more intensive scanning is required to find a rogue AP.◆A “rogue AP” is either an access point that is not authorized to participate in the wireless network, or an access point that does not have the correct security configuration. Rogue access points can be identified by unknown BSSID (MAC address). A database of nearby access points should therefore be maintained on the AP, allowing any rogue APs to be identified (see rogue-ap add friendly). The rogue AP database can be viewed using the show rogue-ap command.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#rogue-ap enableIf want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)# rogue-ap disable This command disables the periodic detection of nearby access points. Syntaxrogue-ap disableDefault SettingDisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#rogue-ap disableIf want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)# rogue-ap add friendly This command adds MAC addresses of known APs in the network to a local databaseon the AP on the network. Syntaxrogue-ap add friendly <mac-address>mac-address - A known AP MAC address.Default SettingNone
Chapter 27  |  Rogue AP Detection Commands–  251  –Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage Enter the MAC address/Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) of known APs in the network. These MAC addresses will be filtered out of the list of detected APs during a scan. Building a database of approved APs allows the AP to discover rogue APs. Without a configured database, the AP can detect neighboring APs only, it cannot identify whether the APs are rogues. ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#rogue-ap add friendly 00-12-34-56-78-9aAP(if-wireless 0)# rogue-ap deletefriendlyThis command removes MAC addresses from the database of known APs. Syntaxrogue-ap delete friendly <mac-address | all>mac-address - Removes the specified MAC address.all - Removes all AP MAC address from the database.Default SettingNoneCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#rogue-ap delete friendly 00-12-34-56-78-9aAP(if-wireless 0)# rogue-ap duration This command sets the scan duration for detecting access points.Syntaxrogue-ap duration <milliseconds>milliseconds - The duration of the scan. (Range: 10-150 milliseconds)Default Setting150 milliseconds
Chapter 27  |  Rogue AP Detection Commands–  252  –Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage ◆During a scan, client access may be disrupted and new clients may not be able to associate to the access point. If clients experience severe disruption, reduce the scan duration time.◆A long scan duration time will detect more access points in the area, but causes more disruption to client access.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#rogue-ap duration 200AP(if-wireless 0)# Related Commandsrogue-ap interval (252)rogue-ap interval This command sets the interval at which to scan for access points.Syntaxrogue-ap interval <seconds>seconds - The interval between consecutive scans. (Range: 15-65535 seconds)Default Setting7200 secondsCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage This command sets the interval at which scans occur. Frequent scanning will more readily detect other access points, but will cause more disruption to client access.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#rogue-ap interval 120AP(if-wireless 0)# Related Commandsrogue-ap duration (251)
Chapter 27  |  Rogue AP Detection Commands–  253  –rogue-ap instant-scan This command starts an immediate scan for access points on the radio interface.Default SettingDisabledCommand Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage While the access point scans a channel for rogue APs, wireless clients will not be able to connect to the access point. Therefore, avoid frequent scanning or scans of a long duration unless there is a reason to believe that more intensive scanning is required to find a rogue AP.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)#rogue-ap scanAP(if-wireless 0)# show rogue-ap This command displays the current rogue AP configuration and the databases of known and rogue APs.Syntaxshow rogue-ap <config | table>config - Displays the current rogue AP configuration.table - Displays the database of known and rogue APs after scanning.Command Mode ExecExampleAP#show rogue-ap configRogue AP Config Information====================================Radio 0Rogue AP scan Status: EnabledAP Scan Interval    : 7200 secondsAP Scan Duration    : 150 millisecondsAP First Scan Delay : 0 secondsRadio 1Rogue AP scan Status: DisabledAP Scan Interval    : 7200 secondsAP Scan Duration    : 150 millisecondsAP First Scan Delay : 0 seconds====================================AP#
Chapter 27  |  Rogue AP Detection Commands–  254  –
–  255  –28 Link Integrity CommandsThe access point provides a link integrity feature that can be used to ensure that wireless clients are connected to resources on the wired network. The access point does this by periodically sending Ping messages to a host device in the wired Ethernet network. If the access point detects that the connection to the host has failed, it disables the radio interfaces, forcing clients to find and associate with another access point. When the connection to the host is restored, the access point re-enables the radio interfaces.link-integrity This command enables link integrity detection and configures the IP address, detect interval, response timeout, and retry count for the link integrity host test. Use the no form to disable link integrity detection.Syntaxlink-integrity [<ip_address> interval <interval> timeout <timeout> retry <retry>]no link-integrityip_address - IP address of the host. interval - The interval time between each Ping sent to the host. (Range: 10-86400 seconds)timeout - The time to wait for a response to a Ping message. (Range: 1-10 seconds)retry - The number of consecutive failed Ping counts before the link is determined as lost. (Range: 1-99)Default SettingStatus: DisabledHost IP Address: Interval: 60 secondsTable 23: Link Integrity CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagelink-integrity Enables link integrity detection and specifies the IP address of a host device in the wired networkGC 255link-integrity link-fail-action Sets the link fail action GC 256show link-integrity Displays the current link integrity configuration Exec 257
Chapter 28  |  Link Integrity Commands–  256  –Response Timeout: 2 secondsRetry Counts: 5Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆When link integrity is enabled, the IP address of a host device in the wired network must be specified.◆The access point periodically sends an ICMP echo request (Ping) packet to the link host IP address. When the number of failed responses (either the host does not respond or is unreachable) exceeds the limit set by this command, the link is determined as lost. The link-integrity link-fail-action command can be used to disable radio interfaces when the host link is lost.◆The AP continues to send Ping messages to determine if the link to the host is restored. When the connection to the host is restored, the access point re-enables the radio interfaces if they have been shut down.ExampleAP(config)#link-integrity interval 500 timeout 5 retry 3AP(config)#link-integrityAP(config)# link-integrity link-fail-actionThis command configures the fail action for a link integrity test. Syntaxlink-integrity link-fail-action <radio> <enable | disable> radio - The radio interface, 2.4 GHz (0) or 5 GHz (1). (Options: 0 or 1)enable - Enables the link fail action to shut down radio interfaces.disable - Disables the link fail action.Default SettingDisabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage When the host link is determined to be lost, one or both radio interfaces can be disabled. The AP continues to send Ping messages to determine if the link to the host is restored. When the connection to the host is restored, the AP re-enables the radio interfaces if they have been shut down.
Chapter 28  |  Link Integrity Commands–  257  –ExampleAP(config)# link-integrity link-fail-action 0 enableAP(config)# show link-integrity This command displays the current link integrity configuration.Command Mode ExecExampleAP#show link-integrityLink Integrity Information===================================================================  Link integrity:                      disabled  Destination IP:              Detect Interval:                     60  Response Timeout:                    2  Retry Count if no response:          5  Link fail action - Shutdown Radio 0: disabled  Link fail action - Shutdown Radio 1: disabledAP#
–  258  –29 Link Layer Discovery CommandsLLDP allows devices in the local broadcast domain to share information about themselves. LLDP-capable devices periodically transmit information in messages called Type Length Value (TLV) fields to neighbor devices. Advertised information is represented in Type Length Value (TLV) format according to the IEEE 802.1ab standard, and can include details such as device identification, capabilities and configuration settings.This information can be used by SNMP applications to simplify troubleshooting, enhance network management, and maintain an accurate network topology.lldp service This command enables LLDP on the access point. Use the no form to disable LLDP.Syntax[no] lldp serviceDefault SettingEnabledCommand Mode Global ConfigurationExampleAP(config)# lldp serviceAP(config)# Table 24: Link Layer Discovery CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagelldp service Enables the transmission of LLDP information GC 258lldp transmit hold-muliplier Sets the message transmission hold time GC 259lldp transmit interval Sets the message transmission interval time GC 259lldp transmit re-init-delay Sets the reinitial delay time GC 260lldp transmit delay-to-local-change Sets the transmission delay value GC 260show lldp Shows the current LLDP information Exec 261
Chapter 29  |  Link Layer Discovery Commands–  259  –lldp-transmit hold-muliplierThis command configures the time-to-live (TTL) value sent in LLDP advertisements.Syntaxlldp transmit hold-multiplier <multiplier>multiplier - The hold multiplier number. (Range: 2-10)Default Setting4Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage◆This command configures the time-to-live (TTL) value sent in LLDP advertisements as shown in the following formula:(Transmission Interval * Hold time) ≤ 65536Therefore, the default TTL is 4*30 = 120 seconds.◆The time-to-live tells the receiving LLDP agent how long to retain all information pertaining to the sending LLDP agent if it does not transmit updates in a timely manner.ExampleAP(config)# lldp transmit hold-multiplier 6AP(config)#lldp transmit interval This command configures the periodic transmit interval for LLDP advertisements.Syntaxlldp transmit interval <interval>interval - The time between LLDP advertisements. (Range: 5-32768 seconds)Default Setting30 secondsCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand UsageThis command configures the periodic transmit interval for LLDP advertisements. This parameter must comply with the following rule:(Transmission Interval * Hold Time) ≤ 65536, andTransmission Interval >= (4 * Delay Interval)
Chapter 29  |  Link Layer Discovery Commands–  260  –ExampleAP(config)# lldp transmit interval 30AP(config)# lldp transmit re-init-delayThis command configures the delay before attempting to re-initialize after LLDP ports are disabled or the link goes down.Syntaxlldp transmit re-init-delay <seconds>seconds - Time in seconds. (Range: 2 - 10)Default Setting2 secondsCommand Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage◆This command configures the delay before attempting to re-initialize after LLDP ports are disabled or the link goes down.◆When LLDP is re-initialized on a port, all information in the remote systems LLDP MIB associated with this port is deleted.ExampleAP(config)#lldp transmit re-init-delay 10AP(config)# lldp transmit delay-to-local-changeThis command configures a delay between the successive transmission of LLDP advertisements initiated by a change in local LLDP MIB variables. Syntaxlldp transmit delay-to-local-change <seconds>seconds - Time in seconds. (Range: 1-8192 seconds)Default Setting2 secondsCommand Mode Global Configuration
Chapter 29  |  Link Layer Discovery Commands–  261  –Command Usage◆The transmit delay is used to prevent a series of successive LLDP transmissions during a short period of rapid changes in local LLDP MIB objects, and to increase the probability that multiple, rather than single changes, are reported in each transmission.◆This attribute must comply with the rule: (4 * Delay Interval) ≤ Transmission IntervalExampleAP(config)# lldp transmit delay-to-local-change 10txDelay range is 1 to quter of msgTxIntervalAP(config)# show lldp This command displays the current LLDP configuration.Command Mode ExecExampleAP# show lldpLLDP Information===================================================================Status                                  :EnabledMessage Transmission Hold Time          :5Message Transmission Interval (seconds) :30Reinitial Delay Time (seconds)          :2Transmission Delay Value (seconds)      :2===================================================================AP#
–  262  –30 VLAN CommandsThe access point can enable the support of VLAN-tagged traffic passing between wireless clients and the wired network. VLAN IDs can be mapped to specific VAP interfaces, allowing users to remain within the same VLAN as they move around a campus site.Caution: When VLANs are enabled, the access point’s Ethernet port drops all received traffic that does not include a VLAN tag. To maintain network connectivity to the access point and wireless clients, be sure that the access point is connected to a device port on a wired network that supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tags.The VLAN commands supported by the access point are listed below.vlan This command enables VLANs for all traffic. Use the no form to disable VLANs.Syntaxvlan enabledno vlan DefaultDisabledCommand ModeGlobal ConfigurationCommand Description◆When VLANs are enabled, the access point tags frames received from wireless clients with the VAP’s default VLAN ID.Table 25: VLAN CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagevlan Enables a single VLAN for all traffic GC 262management-vlanid Configures the management VLAN for the access point GC 263native-vlanid Configures the default VLAN for the LAN port GC 264vlan-id Configures the default VLAN for the VAP interface IC-W-VAP 264
Chapter 30  |  VLAN Commands–  263  –◆Traffic entering the Ethernet port must be tagged with a VLAN ID that matches the access point’s management VLAN ID, or with a VLAN tag that matches one of the VAP default VLAN IDs.ExampleAP(config)# vlan enabledWarning!  VLAN's status has been changed now !It will take several seconds !Please wait a while...AP(config)#Related Commandsmanagement-vlanidmanagement-vlanid This command configures the management VLAN ID for the access point. Syntaxmanagement-vlanid <vlan-id>vlan-id - Management VLAN ID. (Range: 1-4094)Default Setting 4093Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage The management VLAN is for managing the access point. For example, the access point allows traffic that is tagged with the specified VLAN to manage the access point through remote management, SNMP, Telnet, SSH, etc.ExampleAP(config)# management-vlanid 3Warning!  VLAN's structure is re-created now !It will take several seconds !Please wait a while...AP(config)#Related Commandsvlan
Chapter 30  |  VLAN Commands–  264  –native-vlanid This command configures the default VLAN ID for the LAN port interface. Syntaxnative-vlanid <vlan-id>vlan-id - Default VLAN ID. (Range: 1-4094)Default Setting 1Command Mode Global ConfigurationCommand Usage ◆To implement the default VLAN ID setting for the LAN port, the AP must first enable VLAN support using the vlan command.◆When VLANs are enabled, the AP assigns the default VLAN ID to untagged frames received on the LAN port interface.ExampleAP(config)# native-vlanid 123Warning!  VLAN's structure is re-created now !It will take several seconds !Please wait a while...AP(config)#vlan-id This command configures the default VLAN ID for the VAP interface. Syntaxvlan-id <vlan-id>vlan-id - Default VLAN ID. (Range: 1-4094)Default Setting 1Command Mode Interface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆To implement the default VLAN ID setting for VAP interface, the access point must enable VLAN support using the vlan command.
Chapter 30  |  VLAN Commands–  265  –◆When VLANs are enabled, the access point tags frames received from wireless clients with the default VLAN ID for the VAP interface.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# vlan-ID 6This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
–  266  –31 WMM CommandsThe access point implements QoS using the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) standard. Using WMM, the access point is able to prioritize traffic and optimize performance when multiple applications compete for wireless network bandwidth at the same time. WMM employs techniques that are a subset of the IEEE 802.11e QoS standard and it enables the access point to inter-operate with both WMM-enabled clients and other devices that may lack any WMM functionality.wmm This command enables WMM on the access point. Use the no form to disable WMM.Syntaxwmm requiredno wmm required - WMM must be supported on any device trying to associated with the access point. Devices that do not support this feature will not be allowed to associate with the access point. DefaultDisabledCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# wmm requiredThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#Table 26: WMM CommandsCommand Function Mode Pagewmm Enables WMM on the access point IC-W 266wmm-acknowledge- policy Allows the acknowledgement wait time to be enabled or disabled for each Access Category (AC) IC-W 267wmmparam  Configures detailed WMM parameters that apply to the access point (AP) or the wireless clients (BSS) IC-W 267
Chapter 31  |  WMM Commands–  267  –wmm-acknowledge-policyThis command allows the acknowledgement wait time to be enabled or disabled for each Access Category (AC).Syntaxwmm-acknowledge-policy <ac_number> <ack | noack>ac_number - Access categories. (Range: 0-3) ack - Require the sender to wait for an acknowledgement from the receiver. noack - Does not require the sender to wait for an acknowledgement from the receiver. DefaultackCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)Command Usage ◆WMM defines four access categories (ACs) – voice, video, best effort, and background. These categories correspond to traffic priority levels and are mapped to IEEE 802.1D priority tags. The direct mapping of the four ACs to 802.1D priorities is specifically intended to facilitate interpretability with other wired network QoS policies. While the four ACs are specified for specific types of traffic, WMM allows the priority levels to be configured to match any network-wide QoS policy. WMM also specifies a protocol that access points can use to communicate the configured traffic priority levels to QoS-enabled wireless clients.◆Although turning off the requirement for the sender to wait for an acknowledgement can increases data throughput, it can also result in a high number of errors when traffic levels are heavy.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# wmm-acknowledge-Policy 0 noAckThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#wmmparam This command configures detailed WMM parameters that apply to the access point (AP) or the wireless clients (BSS).Syntaxwmmparam <AP | BSS> <ac_number> <LogCwMin> <LogCwMax> <AIFS> <TxOpLimit> <admission_control>
Chapter 31  |  WMM Commands–  268  –AP - Access Point BSS - Wireless client ac_number -  Access categories (ACs) – voice, video, best effort, and background. These categories correspond to traffic priority levels and are mapped to IEEE 802.1D priority tags as shown in Table 2 on page 81. (Range: 0-3) LogCwMin - Minimum log value of the contention window. This is the initial upper limit of the random backoff wait time before wireless medium access can be attempted. The initial wait time is a random value between zero and the LogCwMin value. Specify the LogCwMin value. Note that the LogCwMin value must be equal or less than the LogCwMax value. (Range: 1-15 microseconds) LogCwMax - Maximum log value of the contention window. This is the maximum upper limit of the random backoff wait time before wireless medium access can be attempted. The contention window is doubled after each detected collision up to the LogCwMax value. Note that the CWMax value must be greater or equal to the LogCwMin value. (Range: 1-15 microseconds) AIFS - Arbitrary InterFrame Space specifies the minimum amount of wait time before the next data transmission attempt. (Range: 1-15 microseconds) TXOPLimit - Transmission Opportunity  Limit specifies the maximum time an AC transmit queue has access to the wireless medium. When an AC queue is granted a transmit opportunity, it can transmit data for a time up to the TxOpLimit. This data bursting greatly improves the efficiency for high data-rate traffic. (Range: 0-65535 microseconds) admission_control - The admission control mode for the access category. When enabled, clients are blocked from using the access category. (Options: 0 to disable, 1 to enable)DefaultTable 27: AP ParametersWMM Parameters AC0 (Best Effort)  AC1 (Background)  AC2 (Video)  AC3 (Voice) LogCwMin 4 4 3 2LogCwMax 10 10 4 3AIFS 3 7 2 2TXOP Limit  0 0 94 47Admission Control  Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
Chapter 31  |  WMM Commands–  269  –Table 28: BSS ParametersCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0)# wmmparam ap 0 5 10 3 64 1This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-RF-setting-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0)#WMM Parameters AC0 (Best Effort)  AC1 (Background)  AC2 (Video)  AC3 (Voice) LogCwMin 4 4 3 2LogCwMax 6 10 4 3AIFS 3 7 1 1TXOP Limit  0 0 94 47Admission Control  Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
Chapter 31  |  WMM Commands–  270  –
–  271  –32 QoS CommandsThe QoS commands configure QoS priority mapping for traffic on VAP interfaces. The AP enables Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) 802.1d priorities to be mapped to 802.1p priorities or IP DSCP priorities.qos vap-802.1p This command enables the setting of VAP traffic to a specific 802.1p priority value.Syntaxqos vap-802.1p <enable | disable>enable - Enables the VAP traffic mapping to an 802.1p priority value. disable - Disables the feature. DefaultDisabledCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Table 29: QoS CommandsCommand Function Mode Pageqos vap-802.1p Enables the setting of VAP traffic to a specific 802.1p priority value IC-W VAP 271qos vap-802.1p retagged-user-prioritySets the 802.1p priority value for VAP traffic IC-W VAP 272qos 802.1d-802.1p Enables the mapping of WMM 802.1d priority values to 802.1p values IC-W VAP 273qos 802.1d-802.1p mapping-template Sets the mapping template for WMM 802.1d  to 802.1p priority mapping IC-W VAP 273qos 802.1d-dscp Enables the mapping of WMM 802.1d priority values to IP DSCP values IC-W VAP 274qos 802.1d-dscp mapping-template Sets the mapping template for WMM 802.1d  to IP DSCP priority mapping IC-W VAP 275qos qos-template qos-template-name Sets the name for a QoS mapping template IC-W VAP 276qos qos-template qos-template-priority Maps priority values in a QoS mapping template IC-W VAP 276qos qos-template qos-template-show  Shows the priority mapping in all QoS templates IC-W VAP 277
Chapter 32  |  QoS Commands–  272  –Command Usage ◆To implement this command on a VAP interface the default VLAN ID for the VAP must be set to any other value than 1.◆The VAP-to-802.1p priority QoS feature cannot be enabled together with the 802.1d-to-802.1p or 802.1d-to-DSCP features.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# qos vap-802.1p enableThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#qos vap-802.1pretagged-user-priorityThis command sets the 802.1p priority value for all traffic on a VAP interface.Syntaxqos vap-802.1p retagged-user-priority <user-priority>user-priority - The 802.1p priority value for traffic on the VAP interface. Default0Command ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆Requires the QoS feature be enabled using the qos vap-802.1p command.◆To implement the QoS priority setting on a VAP interface, the default VLAN ID for the VAP must be set to any other value than 1.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# qos vap-802.1p retagged-user-priority 7This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 32  |  QoS Commands–  273  –qos 802.1d-802.1p This command enables the mapping of WMM 802.1d priority values to 802.1p values on a VAP interface.Syntaxqos 802.1d-802.1p <enable | disable>enable - Enables the mapping of WMM 802.1d to 802.1p priority values. disable - Disables the feature. DefaultDisabledCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆This QoS feature requires a QoS mapping template to be configured using the qos qos-template qos-template-priority command. The mapping template can then be linked to the 802.1d-to-802.1p priority mapping using the qos 802.1d-802.1p mapping-template command.◆To implement this command on a VAP interface the default VLAN ID for the VAP must be set to any other value than 1.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# qos 802.1d-802.1p enableThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#qos 802.1d-802.1pmapping-templateThis command sets the mapping template to use for the WMM 802.1d to 802.1p priority mapping on a VAP interface.Syntaxqos 802.1d-802.1p mapping-template <template-id> template-id - The identifying number of a QoS mapping template. (Range: 1-8)Default1Command ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)
Chapter 32  |  QoS Commands–  274  –Command Usage ◆The AP supports eight QoS priority mapping templates, each identified by an ID number (1 to 8). The templates also have user-defined name that can be configured using the qos qos-template qos-template-name command.◆The QoS priority mapping templates can be configured using the qos qos-template qos-template-priority command.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# qos 802.1d-802.1p mapping-template 3This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#qos 802.1d-dscp This command enables the mapping of WMM 802.1d priority values to IP DSCP values on a VAP interface.Syntaxqos 802.1d-dscp <enable | disable>enable - Enables the mapping of WMM 802.1d to DSCP priority values. disable - Disables the feature. DefaultDisabledCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆This QoS feature requires a QoS mapping template to be configured using the qos qos-template qos-template-priority command. The mapping template can then be linked to the 802.1d-to-DSCP priority mapping using the qos 802.1d-dscp mapping-template command.◆Both “802.1d to 802.1p” mapping and “802.1d to DSCP” mapping can be enabled simultaneously when the default VLAN ID for the VAP is any other value than 1. When only 802.1d-to-DSCP mapping is enabled, the default VLAN ID for the VAP must be set to 1.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# qos 802.1d-dscp enableThis setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !
Chapter 32  |  QoS Commands–  275  –AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#qos 802.1d-dscpmapping-templateThis command sets the mapping template to use for the WMM 802.1d to DSCP priority mapping on a VAP interface.Syntaxqos 802.1d-dscp mapping-template <template-id> template-id - The identifying number of a QoS mapping template. (Range: 1-8)Default1Command ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)Command Usage ◆The AP supports eight QoS priority mapping templates, each identified by an ID number (1 to 8). The templates also have user-defined name that can be configured using the qos qos-template qos-template-name command.◆The QoS priority mapping templates can be configured using the qos qos-template qos-template-priority command.ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# qos 802.1d-dscp mapping-template 3This setting has not been effective !If want to take effect, please execute make-security-effective command !AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 32  |  QoS Commands–  276  –qos qos-template qos-template-nameThis command sets the name of a QoS priority mapping template.Syntaxqos qos-template qos-template-name <template-id> <template-name>template-id - The identifying number of a QoS mapping template. (Range: 1-8)template-name - The user-defined name of a QoS mapping template. (Maximum 32 alphanumeric characters; can include “-” and “_”)DefaultID 1: default_up_mapping_1ID 2: default_up_mapping_2ID 3: default_up_mapping_3ID 4: default_up_mapping_4ID 5: default_up_mapping_5ID 6: default_up_mapping_6ID 7: default_up_mapping_7ID 8: default_up_mapping_8Command ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# qos qos-template qos-template-name 3 test-templateAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#qos qos-template qos-template-priorityThis command configures priority values in a QoS priority mapping template.Syntaxqos qos-template qos-template-priority <template-id> <prirority-list>template-id - The identifying number of a QoS mapping template. (Range: 1-8)prirority-list - The mapped priority values a QoS mapping template. (Range: 0-7; the list is enterd as a sequence of eight numbers, for example “01234567”)Default01234567Command ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)
Chapter 32  |  QoS Commands–  277  –ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# qos qos-template qos-template-priority 1 10234765AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#qos qos-template qos-template-showThis command displays the user-defined QoS priority mapping templates and their priority mapping configuration.Syntaxqos qos-template qos-template-show DefaultnoneCommand ModeInterface Configuration (Wireless-VAP)ExampleAP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])# qos qos-template qos-template-show----------Qos Mapping Template---------------id    priority    name1     10234765    test-template2     01234567    default_up_mapping_23     01234567    default_up_mapping_34     01234567    default_up_mapping_45     01234567    default_up_mapping_56     01234567    default_up_mapping_67     01234567    default_up_mapping_78     01234567    default_up_mapping_8----------Qos Mapping Template---------------AP(if-wireless 0: VAP[0])#
Chapter 32  |  QoS Commands–  278  –
–  279  –Section IVAppendicesThis section provides additional information and includes these items:◆“Troubleshooting” on page 280
–  280  –ATroubleshootingProblems Accessing the Management Interface Using System LogsIf a fault does occur, refer to the Installation Guide to ensure that the problem you encountered is actually caused by the AP. If the problem appears to be caused by the AP, follow these steps:1. Enable logging. 2. Set the error messages reported to include all categories. 3. Enable SNMP.4. Enable SNMP traps.Table 30: Troubleshooting ChartSymptom ActionCannot connect using Telnet, web browser, or SNMP software◆Be sure the AP is powered up.◆Check network cabling between the management station and the AP.◆Check that you have a valid network connection to the AP and that intermediate switch ports have not been disabled.◆Be sure you have configured the AP with a valid IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.◆Be sure the management station has an IP address in the same subnet as the AP’s IP.◆If you are trying to connect to the AP using a tagged VLAN group, your management station, and the ports connecting intermediate switches in the network, must be configured with the appropriate tag. ◆If you cannot connect using Telnet, you may have exceeded the maximum number of concurrent Telnet/SSH sessions permitted. Try connecting again at a later time. Cannot access the CLI through a serial port connection◆Be sure you have set the terminal emulator program to VT100 compatible, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and the baud rate set to 115200 bps. ◆Check that the null-modem serial cable conforms to the pin-out connections provided in the Installation Guide. Forgot or lost the password ◆Reset the AP to factory defaults using its Reset button.
Appendix A  |  TroubleshootingUsing System Logs–  281  –5. Designate the SNMP host that is to receive the error messages. 6. Repeat the sequence of commands or other actions that lead up to the error. 7. Make a list of the commands or circumstances that led to the fault. Also make a list of any error messages displayed. 8. Set up your terminal emulation software so that it can capture all console output to a file. Then enter the “show config” command to record all system settings in this file.9. Contact your distributor’s service engineer, and send a detailed description of the problem, along with the file used to record your system settings. For example:AP(config)#logging onAP(config)#logging host 1 level alertAP(config)#snmp-server host 1 batman...
–  282  –Index of CLI Commands802.1x enable   177802.1x reauthentication-time   178a-mpdu   213a-msdu   213antenna-chain   227apmgmgtui ssh enable   127apmgmtip   131apmgmtui http port   128apmgmtui http server   129apmgmtui http session-timeout   129apmgmtui https port   130apmgmtui https server   130apmgmtui snmp   131apmgmtui ssh port   127apmgmtui telnet-server enable   128assoc-timeout-interval   224auth   239auth-timeout-interval   224band-steering   226bandwidth-control downlink   230bandwidth-control downlink rate   231bandwidth-control uplink   232bandwidth-control uplink rate   232beacon-interval   218bridge mac-aging   195bridge stp br-conf forwarding-delay   190bridge stp br-conf hello-time   191bridge stp br-conf max-age   191bridge stp br-conf priority   192bridge stp port-conf interface   192bridge stp service   190bridge-link path-cost   193bridge-link port-priority   193channel   214cipher-suite   244client-assoc-preempt   223cli-session-timeout   118closed-system   221configure   117copy    169country   122dhcp-relay server   153disable-coexist   216dns   204dtim-period   219dual-image   168encryption   241end   118exit   118filter acl-destination-address   185filter acl-source-address   185filter dhcp   184filter ethernet-type enabled   186filter ethernet-type protocol   186filter local-bridge   183filter restrict-management   184interface ethernet   203interface wireless   212interfere-chan-recover   226ip address   204ip dhcp   205ip management address   206ipv6 address   206ipv6 dhcp   207key   242link-integrity   255link-integrity link-fail-action   256lldp service   258lldp transmit delay-to-local-change   260lldp transmit interval   259lldp transmit re-init-delay   260lldp-transmit hold-muliplier   259logging clear   145logging console   144logging host   144logging level   145logging on   143long-distance   228long-distance acktimeout   230long-distance ctstimeout   230long-distance reference-data   229long-distance slottime   229mac-authentication server   179mac-authentication server local address default   180mac-authentication server local address delete   181mac-authentication server local address entry   180mac-authentication session-timeout   182make-radius-effective   175make-rf-setting-effective   217make-security-effective   246management-vlanid   263max-association   222max-bandwidth-control downlink   133max-bandwidth-control make-effective   134max-bandwidth-control uplink   132max-client   222min-allowed-rate   216multicast-enhance   225native-vlanid   264password   125
Index of CLI Commands–  283  –path-cost (STP Interface)   194ping   119pmksa-lifetime   246port-priority (STP Interface)   195preamble   217prompt   123qos 802.1d-802.1p   273qos 802.1d-802.1p mapping-template   273qos 802.1d-dscp   274qos 802.1d-dscp mapping-template   275qos qos-template qos-template-name   276qos qos-template qos-template-priority   276qos qos-template qos-template-show   277qos vap-802.1p   271qos vap-802.1p retagged-user-priority   272radius-server accounting address   173radius-server accounting port   174radius-server accounting shared-secret   174radius-server accounting timeout-interim   175radius-server address   172radius-server enable   171radius-server port   172radius-server shared-secret   173reboot-schedule   126reset   120rogue-ap add friendly   250rogue-ap delete friendly   251rogue-ap disable   250rogue-ap duration   251rogue-ap enable   249rogue-ap instant-scan   253rogue-ap interval   252rts-threshold   220short-guard-interval   218show apmanagement   134show band-steering   237show bridge br-conf   196show bridge forward address   199show bridge mac-aging   200show bridge port-conf interface   197show bridge status   198show bridge stp   196show config   136show dual-image   170show event-log   146show filters   187show interface ethernet   209show interface wireless   233show line   120show link-integrity   257show lldp   261show logging   146show max-bandwidth-control   134show rogue-ap   253show snmp   165show snmp filter   165show snmp target   164show snmp users   164show snmp vacm group   167show snmp vacm view   166show sntp   151show station   235show station statistics   236show system   135show system resource   135show version   136show wds wireless   202shutdown  (VAP)   225shutdown (Ethernet)   208snmp-server community   156snmp-server contact   156snmp-server enable server   157snmp-server filter   163snmp-server host    158snmp-server location   157snmp-server target   162snmp-server trap   159snmp-server user   161snmp-server vacm group   160snmp-server vacm view   159sntp-server date-time   149sntp-server daylight-saving   150sntp-server enabled   149sntp-server ip   148sntp-server timezone   151ssid   221system name   124system-resource   124transmit-key   243transmit-power   215vap   212vap (STP Interface)   194vlan   262vlan-id   264wds ap   201wds sta   201wlandev-interfere-detection   227wmm   266wmm-acknowledge-policy   267wmmparam   267wpa-pre-shared-key   245
–  284  –IndexAauthenticationcipher suite   241closed system   221MAC address   180type   221Bbeaconinterval   218rate   219BOOTP   204, 205, 206, 207Cchannel   214channel coexistance, disable   216closed system   221community name, configuring   156community string   156configuration settings, saving or restoring   169console port, required connections   17country codeconfiguring   122CTS   220Ddata rates, allowed   216device status, displaying   135DHCP   204, 205, 206, 207, 208DNS   204Domain Name Server  See  DNSdownloading software   169DTIM   219Eevent logs   146Ffilteraddress   180between wireless clients   183local bridge   183local or remote   179management access   184protocol types   186VLANs   262firmwaredisplaying version   136upgrading   169Ggateway address   22, 204, 206Hhardware version, displaying   136HTTPS   130IIEEE 802.11a   212configuring interface   212radio channel   214IEEE 802.11gradio channel   214IEEE 802.1x   177configuring   177initial configuration   22introduction   16IP address   26, 33, 35BOOTP/DHCP   204, 205, 206, 207configuring   22, 204, 205, 206, 207Llogmessages   144server   144MMAC address, authentication   180
Index–  285  –Oopen system   221Ppasswordconfiguring   125management   125port prioritySTA   193Rradio channel802.11a interface   214802.11g interface   214RADIUS   171RTSthreshold   220SSecure Socket Layer See SSLshared key   242SNMP   155community name   156community string   156enabling traps   157trap destination   158trap manager   158SNTP   148enabling client   149server   148softwaredisplaying version   136downloading   169SSID   221SSL   130STAinterface settings   193–??path cost   193port priority   193startup files, setting   168station status   235, 236statusdisplaying device status   135displaying station status   235, 236subnet mask   26, 27, 33, 34, 35system clock, setting   149system logenabling   143server   144system software, downloading from server   169Ttime zone   151transmit power, configuring   215trap destination   158trap manager   158Uupgrading software   169user password   125VVLANconfiguration   262WWEPshared key   242WPApre-shared key   245

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