Innovative Technology Electronics VTA240B Music Center with Bluetooth User Manual


User Manual

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Document ID3964961
Application ID4SBuxLUWxddSrT0v9Wg7Qg==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize100.17kB (1252161 bits)
Date Submitted2018-08-15 00:00:00
Date Available2018-08-15 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-08-06 17:02:55
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2018-08-06 17:03:45
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 7.0

Instruction Manual
MWMWWWM . lmmmmmwwm.
WWWWWMW gggny-Egegggxgg; lawnmowealemu
”Woodward—momma 0W. MWWWWMW
“mowedmmesl. WWWWW
ammummwme MW We“
Mam ammo
CAUTION: To reduoe lhe rlsk ol me or elearlc shoold do nol expose Inrs applranoe Io raln or morslure
WARNING: To prevenl eloolno shook, do nol use lhls (polanzed) plug wilh an exlension comp reoeplaole
or orher duller unless Ihe blades can be fully rnsened Io prevenl blade ewosure
Importam Safety lnslruc ans
1. Read lhese rnslruolrons - All rhe safely and operahng lnslruclrons should be read belore lhrs produdr ls
Keep Ihesa rnslmurons—Tbe salely and dperalrng rnslmclrons should be relarned Ior lulurd relerenoe
Heed all wamingsAll warnrngs on me applranoe and in me operaling rnslrucllons should be
adhered lo
4. Follow all rnslruonons — All operalrng and use rnslrucuons should be followed
a. Do nol use llns apparalus near waler — The applranoe should not be used near waler or morslure —
Ior example, in a wel basemenl or near a swlrnnrrng pool, and ma llke.
Clean only wrlh dry cloth
Do nol block any venlrlalron openrngs lnsrall In aocordanoe wnh Ihe manufactulel's lnshucuons
Do nol rnslall near any heal souroes such as radlallons. heal regrslers. sloves, or olber apparatus
lrnoludlng ampllfiels) lhal produce heal
a. Do nol deleal lhe salely purpose ol lhe polanzed or groundrng plug. A polanled plug has me blades wrlh
one wider man lhe olher A groundrng plug has rwo blades and a mud grounding prong The wlde blade
or lhe Ihrrd pronp rs provrded Ior your salety lllhe provlded plug does nol m inlo your ouIIeI. wnsull an
eleclncran Ior replaoemenl onhe obsolele dullel
we Prolea lhe power cord lrorn Delng walked on or punched panrcularly at me plugs convenlence
reeeplades‘ and al rhe pdlnl where Ihey exrl lronr lne apparalus.
11, Only use anammenlslaooessones specrfied by the manulaclurer
12. Use only wllh me can. sland, Inpod‘ bracket or lame speahed by me
rnanulaolurer or sold wllh Ine apparalus When a can or rack rs used
use caullon when mavlng lhe can/apparalus oornblnallon lo avord
lnjury lrorn (ID-Over
13. Unplug Ihe apparalus dunng lrghrnrng storms or wnen unused Ior
long penods ol hrne
14. Reler all serviclng Io quallned personnel Semang ls requrred Mlen lhe apparalus has been damaged
In any way, such as power supply cold or plug is damaged lrdurd has been spllled
or obieas have lallen rnlo lhe apparalus has been exposed Io Iain or molslure. does nol
operale normally or has been dropped
Jim lightning lush with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle ls intended to alert the user to lhe
presence at nolH’mulaled ‘danqamus voitege' within the produia's enclosure that may he oi eumclent
magnitude to constitute a risk oi electrlc shout.
-Wamind To reduce the risk oielearlc shoot. do not remove cover tor back) as there are no usel-servlceaole
pans inside. Reler servicing to qualified personnel
-The exclamation point within and equilateral triangle is intended to alert the userto the presence oi important
operating and mintenlrloe instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
This equipment is u Clus II or double insulated electrical appliance II has been designed in such a way
that it does not require a saiety conneaion to electrical eanh.
a. TwhiRn'l‘llir‘z plug is used as disconnera device, the disconnea device shall remain readily operable.
To reduce the risk oi fire or eledrit: shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. The
appmlus shall nol be exposed to dripping or splashing and thut no obieots tilled wilh liquids, such as
vases. shall not he placed an apparatus.
19. The use ol the equipment in moderate climate.
20. The ventilation should nol he impeded by covering the ventilation openings with tents such Is.
nmpzpers. tapiedoths. remains ate.
No naked llame soumes. such as lighted candles. should be placed on the apparatus.
Tha symbol with r» indication AC voltage.
CAUTION‘ These servicing instructions are tor use by ouaimed service personnel only. To reduce the
risk oi eleario shock. do not penonn any servicing other than that contained in the operating rnstnictions
unless you are qualified to do so.
POWER Q’NDLUME: Relate clockWIse \0 turn the unll 0N
Rokale counter-clockwuse to turn the unn OFF
When unit Is ON, [male to adjust the volume
2 LED DISPLAY: When unll Is ON the dlsplay Is banklfl
3. “FM. 3T. AUX. PHDND" SELECTION KNOB: Rolale to selecl desued lunaxon
t 3,5mm AUX-IN JACK: Connect your exlemal source ID the AUXJN Jack
5 BLUETOOTH INDICATOR: Indlcamr Mll Illuminate In ET mode
6 RADIO TUNER KNOB: In FM mode (urn knob Io lune lo desired slallcn
Rear View
For ampmier devioe with RCA auxiliary input sockets. insen me white and red mugs on me RCA
cable into the unit, Insert the 0990918 end into the amplifier device, Ea Sula to connect the whim
plug (0 the wnirejack and Me mdplug to the mdjaek
6. AC Pmr Cord
Connect me AC plug into a wall cum
I! is strongly recommended lhal this plodud be operated only Irom (he type olpower source
indicated on me markmg label.
9. FM wln antenna
While tuned lo a station in FM mode. extend the wire and veposiu'on to adjus! for best reception.
Part: 0' the Tumlable
A. Turntable /'
Bl safety Screw (for transport) 0
Belore using the unfl‘ (um the screw nlockwiu using a coin or sclawdrival.
Important: when you transport me um!. [um the screw counterclockwise to secure the tumlsbls.
Speed Selector
Tone Arm holder
Tone Arm - Belore use, completely loosen the Mist he on the lone arm (0 Im lone arm
45 RPM Maple!
Cue-lever . Use this lever lo Ml the lone aim
Setup I Basu: Operatlon
l Remove whtte ptctecttve needle covet by gently pullmg towards tront ct umt
2 Remove any packaglng malerlals lrom the unt
3 Connect the AC power cord to a wall outlet
.ll ls strongly recommended that thts product shad/l1 be operated only from the Iype olpower source
mmcalsd on me markmg label
-To prevent rnterrerence. avord bundlrng audro stgnal cables together wrth the AC power cord
Basic Damion
l Rotate the POWER/VOLUME knob clockwtse to turn the unlt on The LED alsplay wlll lllumlnale
2 Select the source by [matlng the selectlon knob (FM/BT/AUX/PHOND)
3 Rotate the POWERNOLUME knob to adjust lo the destred sound level
Listening through RCA LINE OUT
Fol amplrlrer devroe llslenlng‘ first reduce the volume level to mmrmum Insert the whrte and red plugs
ol the RCA cable rnto the correspondmg colors on the unt Then rnserl the opposrte end mto the
amplrher devtce
Be sure to connect the wnrte plug to the wnrte jack and the red plug to the red tack.
colttoE/vsAnoN WARNING
When the ant! rs moved Irom a cold or warm place, or ls used voltarvrng a sudden temperature change there rs the
danger that water vapor or the arr may condense on the our: prevenhng proper operatron In such cases leave the
unrl Ior l-z hours allerp/uagmg tt rnta an Ac outlet to allow rr to slaorlrze at the tempemture at rrs surmundrnqs
L ten ng to the FM Rad
t Rotate tunctron knob to select ’FM‘ tunctton
2 Tune to the destred stetron by ustng the Ram Tuner Knob
L ten 9 to an External Audt Dev e (BT Mode)
In ET (Elueloolh) mode, lhls um! can play MUSIC Imm an exlemal devtoe Wilh (he Blueloolh lealura
t Rotate Io select “BT tunaton
2 The Bluetooth lndlcalot wrll hash
3 Se! the Bluetooth lunctron of your external devroe when the apparatus Is on
4 Set to search aluetooth devlce on your external device
NOTE: The eflecllve drstenee belween your external devtoe and thus apparatus ls to meters
4 When VIA-2405" appears on the patred eevroes llsl on your external device‘ press “WA-2403‘
to connect
If a password ls requlred, use “0000‘ men pless “OK“ on your external Get/Ice
5 When your Blueloolh connectlan IS Successful, Blueloolh LED lndlcalor wlll remaln Ilt
NOTE: The F83! Forward/Rewmd funcllon ls only avallable all your external dewce
Listening to an External Audio Device( X Mode)
Relate Funcllon Knob to select the ‘AUX" lunnlon
In AUX (auxiliary) mode, 1an mm can play audra from an external sud/o saurce (lPOd, MP3 Player.
Portable CD Playen elc J
There Is a AUX-lN/ack on [he rm": ms or [he um! When connectmg a device that has a headphone
jack, use me cab/s wrm 3 5mm plugs an ether and wun we rmnIAux-rmack
1 Plug one end oflhe AUX-IN cable (no! Included) mm the AUX-IN jack
2 Plug the other end ofthe cable unto me headphone jack Dllhe external audvo source
NOTE: All DPGVSIIOHS are only ave/labia on your external devrce
L ten ng to a VInyl Record
l Rotate (he Funcllon Knob lo select the “PHONO' luncllon
2 Gently open the top cover
Note Be careful no! lo pmch your Imger when openmg/closmg (he lop cover
3 Place a vinyl record on me lurnlalgle When playing a 45 RPM record‘ use me Included adaploi
4 Select the avoropnale speed (4)
5 Remove the (one arrnrvesl holderlo release Ihe lone am
6 Move the (one arm gently to the edge oflhe record (0! the slanmg poml Ola track)
The mmlable wlll begln (0 mm
7 When the record reaches the end, the lone am wlll stop at \he center olme record LI“ and relum
the lone arm (0 the lone arm rest manually Lock the lone arm-rest holder I0 prolect the lone aim
- Closmg the rep cover will new prevent dust Irom semmg on (he lumrab/e
» Always relock the (one arm cIrp before transponing the uml‘
- Do not place anything on top allhe turntable cove]. espectally whrle playmg a record
Ma lena ce I Proper Hand ng
Handling Vinyl Records
- o no! (out: I 2 records grooves Only handle records hy the edges or the label wllh clean hands
Toucnrng the record suflace will cause your records quamy lo delenorale
To clean a record. use a self! and-slam: clorn to gently wrpe the record sudaoe.
Keep recalds m melr prolecuve sleeves when not In use
Always slore records upngnl on merredges
Avoid placlng recolds In dlrecl sunllghl, close to a heal source (radiators. stovesv etc ),
or In a locandn subyecl lo vrbrallon. excessrve dust. heal. cold or morslure
General Care
—ers—. n removlng me powal plug lrom lne wall curler, always pull drraaly on me plug
Never pull the cord
To keep me laser prokup clean, do nol loucn IL and do not lorgel to close me dlsc tray
Do not anempl ro clean me am wllh cnemlcsl sonena as lhls mlghl damage rno finlsh.
For cleaning, only use a clean, dry clorn,
In order to snul on the power lo nus produa completely unplug lne power cord lrom lne
w'all outlet Ba sule to unplug the urm ll you do not Inland lo use n [or an enended penod
a (Ime.
How to Reglace the Tummble Sglus (Reglacemenl Needle x ITNP—Lcn
The stylus should lasl aboul 50 hours under normal use However. ll :5 recommenced Ma! the stylus be
replaced as soon as you nollcs a change or sound qua/lry Prolonged use or
a womou: stylus may damage [he record. The mgnesl speed or 75 RPM
records would wear our the stylus more amok/y
Removing mo old stylus:
l, Set a screwdnuer at me up at me srylus and push downward (A)
2 Remove or: srylus by pulling a simunaneously downward and lolward
lnsralllng a new stylus: 0
1, Hold me lronl lip ol me slylus and rnsen its leal edge (a) filsl
2 Push me slylus upwards (C) unlll the lip locks rnlo place
' Do not bend the stylus
~ Do nol Iollcll lno needle to avoid lruury your hand l
- Tum ofi‘lhe unrrs power More you replace the srylus O
- Keep out olreacn o1 cln/dren,
cold. pmunuacl
9mm qumnm'nls AC ‘20 v- an H:
Pwev Cansumpfibm
Dlmonuom (w x H x
370 x 135 x 392mm (approx)
WOIQNI‘ 12 1 lbs (”7me )
5 5 kg (lppmxb
Ompul PowaL 5w osw
mummy Resgons- an m 20‘ can H1
mpm Poww_
Rug. saw me MHz
DC salve mam
nan mm
33m RPM, 45 RPM Ind 79 RPM
Mm than 50 .13
mm: scam Ganndga
mummh Vernon Blu'laalh v2 ItEDR
mum». Pmfile
mummy. anucucy ung
Openming Disinnce
A2DP. Ach F
33 [eel/10 molars
Trotlbleshootlng Guide
symmom Fosslhle Cause Solution
. Unlt wlll not power on .Unrt rs unplugged . Connect the unll to the
AC power supply
. No sound output rrom . The volume level IS set too low . Adjust the volume
4 Speakers -The Input selector does nd - Select the correct input
5 match the playback source source
E . NOISE/DISIOftion ln Smnd uThe unll ls too close to a TVset . Turn Oflthe TVor dher
g output or another Interlerlng devlce appliance and relocate
the unlt,
- Unlt falls to respond ult might result "an external - Dlscnnnect the power
factors Such as ESD cud and external audlu
(Electrostatic dischargel aevtce Re—plugthe
power and latter one
. Cannot listen to any - The station Is not tuned-in . Properly tunein the
a station. or Sign-l appears properly. desired station
6 weak. -ATVset is being used nearby - Tum-01! the lntenenng
.1 and Is interrerlng with the radio TV set.
E e sound is dlstofted .Tne antenna is not oriented . Reonenl the antenna
properly. untrl reception
. Decllne rn turntable audio -Thetumtable stylus IS worn ml - Replace the Slylus
g parrormance
. No sound output with vThe unit is not onAUX mode, . Ensure the unit is
g external audio device switched toAUX mode
( plugged intOAUX in iack
- No sound uThe unlt I5 rid matched to - Ensure the unit Is
Bluelootn mode switched toAUX/ET
.Your devrce's and/or the unit's mode,
volume is not turned up - More your Eluetodh
- Your device Is too far from the devlne closer to unll
unlt orlhere ls some obstacle - Turn up the volume on
between your oevrce and me your portable aevrce
E unlt and/or the unll
o . Turn orryour Bluelodh
2 device and unit then
in Werthem both back
3 on
tn . Sound is garbled. .Your device‘s andlar the unit's . Turn dawn the volume
volume ls not adjusted properly. on your devtce/phone
and the unit
. Unable to pal! w|th a flour device doesn‘t have .Cmflrm that your
Etuetooth devlce Bluetooth connecttvrly device IS Eluetooth
.Tne Bluetootn pairing ls not compatible
successful 0 Palr the unlt and
devrce again.
FCC Statemen
Thls device complles wlth Pad 15 Mthe FCC Rules. Operation :5 subiect toltte lollmvlng two
conditions (1) This device may ma cause hemml interlerence. and (2) this devlce must accept any
rnlerterence received, including Interference that may cause undesrred operation
NOTE’ This equipment has been tested and round to comply With the limits tor a Class B dlgltal device,
pursuant to Plan 15 ol the FCC Rules. These lIMils are designed to provrde reasonable protectlon
against harmiul interterence in a residential installation This equipment generates uses and can
mdrale radro lrequeney energy and. ti not installed and used In accordance with the instructions may
cause harmful interlerence to radio communications. However. there is no guamntee that inlerlerence
Will not occur In a particular rnslailalron llthrs equipment does cause harrnlul rnlerlcrenca to radio or
televlslon reception. whlch can be determlned byturnlng the equipment attend on, the user rs
encouraged totry to correct the rnterterence by one olthe lollomng measures
Reorlent a relocate the recelving antenna
- Increase the separation between the equlpment and lecelver
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a cilcuit tiflerent Item that
towhlch the receiver IS connected
- Consult the dealer at an experienced rado/TVIechnician tor help
WARNING: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responslble tot
compliance could Void lhc users authority to operate this equipmenl
The dewce musl not be co—localed or operalrng rn culluncllon with any other anicnna or lrarrsmrltcr,
To maintain compliance with the FCC‘s RF exposure guidelines place the product at least 20cm from
neamy persons
IC Slateme
Thls devlce complies WIln RSSZA7 0! Industry Canada Get appalell se oonlorme El R55247 de
Canada d‘lnduslne Thls device complles wflh Industry Canada Incense—exempt RSS slandardm
Operatton Is subject to the lollowtng two condlllons (1) thrs devroe may not cause Inlenerence.
and (2t thts deyloe must accept any Inlerlerencer lncludlng lnterlerenee that may cause
undestrea operatton at the devtoe apparetls radlo exempts de lloenoe Son toncuannement est sujel a
ux deux condtttons sun/antes, tlt le dlspOSIM he doll pas plodulle de broutllage preludlclabler
et at oe dtsposmf dott accepler tout broutllage recu, y complls un broutllage suscepttble de
provoquer un Voncttonnement Indesuable
The devtee must not be co~localed or operattng In conlunctlon wtth any other antenna or transmttter
L'apparerl ne doll pas etre locallze ou toncttonner avec d'aulres antennas ou transmetteurs
Thts devlce complres wtth IC raatatton exposure Itmns set lonh tor an uncontrolled enyrronment
Cel apparell est contorrne aux ltmrtes d‘exposttlon aux rayonnements de la lc établles pour
un lncontrdle enyuonnement
Tne davroe shouid be installed and operated wtth a mlmmum atstanoe at 200m between the radlalcr
and your body L‘apparell dott etre Inslalle et utrltse avec une dlslance mlnlmale de 20 cm entre te
radtate et votre corps
California PROP 65 Warm
A WARNING This ptoducl can expose you to chemtcals Includlng lead Much Is known lo the
Slate ol Calrvomra lo cause cancer For mole tnlormatron go to www P65Wamtngs ca gov
Please note As a result at conttnual Improvements the deslgn and spec-ltcattons ol lhls product are
sublect to change wtthput nollce
Bluemoth us a registered trademark 0' Bluemolh SIG‘ Inc
Othe! trademarks and tlade names are those 0' that! respective owners
Made In Chlna

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Modify Date                     : 2018:08:06 17:03:45+08:00
Create Date                     : 2018:08:06 17:02:55+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2018:08:06 17:03:45+08:00
Creator Tool                    : Adobe Acrobat 7.0
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FCC ID Filing: 2AFHW-VTA240B

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