Inovonics Wireless 3B6ESL transmitter User Manual F202 V1

Inovonics Wireless Corporation transmitter F202 V1

FA202 users manual

© 1999 Inovonics phone: 800.782.2709 F202_V1.FM rev 1.10 1/27/00
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Scope of Manual: This Inovonics manual contains additional installation and servicing information that is not available in the accompanying primary instal-
lation manual: ESL 560 Series Wireless Smoke Detector Installation Instructions. This secondary manual is chiefly concerned with transmitter program-
ming and servicing the detector in response to trouble indications at the control panel.
Typical average standby current......................................................38.5µA
Typical peak alarm current..............................................................91.1mA The FA202 Wireless Smoke Detector, built upon photoelectric Sentrol/ESL
technology, continually monitors its own sensitivity and operational status.
If it detects a Low Battery condition or is in need of cleaning, it transmits a
Low Battery signal that should be interpreted as a “Maintenance Needed”
trouble condition at the control panel. If the unit is in need of cleaning, it can
be serviced on-site by replacing its Smoke Chamber. Two 3 volt lithium bat-
teries, supplied with the product, provide at least one year of operation.
(National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269)
1. Locate the transmitter programming pins by disassembling the detector
as follows (refer to Figures 4 through 7 in the ESL 560 instructions):
a. Remove the red dust cover containing the batteries from the smoke
b. With the smoke detector facing you, remove the detector from its
Mounting Base by twisting the detector about 15 degrees counter-
clockwise with respect to the Mounting Base.
c. Remove the Detector Cap by first sliding a flatblade screwdriver
part way into the slot on the side of the Detector Cap. Now, gently
push the handle down while twisting the Detector Cap counter-
clockwise with respect to the Detector Lid.
d. Remove the Detector Lid from the Body by pushing down on the
Smoke Chamber while pulling up on the bottom of the Lid (see Fig-
ure A).
e. Remove the Battery Cover that encloses the Battery Compartment
by pushing on the area marked OPEN.
f. Take the batteries out of the red dust cover holder and load them
into the Battery Compartment. Make sure to observe battery polar-
ity and that the battery removal ribbon rests under the batteries.
g. Refer to Figure B to locate the programming pins on the transmitter
2. Using an appropriate Inovonics programming device, set the program-
ming options as follows:
External Switch Type: Normally Closed
EOL Resistor: No
Use Internal Contact: No
Check-in Time: 60 seconds
Note: These also are the factory default programming options. Some pro-
gramming devices like the FA422 Receiver can place an Identification Num-
ber into a transmitter without changing the default settings.
3. When prompted by the programming device to plug in the transmitter,
connect the programming cable to the 3-pin header. (Orientation of the
cable with respect to the 3-pin header is not important; both outside pins
on the 3-pin header are at ground potential.)
4. Press the Reset button on the transmitter.
When programming is complete, disconnect the cable, test the detector per
the Wireless Sensitivity Test Procedure (on the back of this sheet), and reas-
semble the smoke detector.
FA202 Current Draw Specifications
(Supersedes Sentrol ESL 560 specifications) FA202 Wireless Smoke Detector
with CleanMe™ Signaling
FA202 Wireless Smoke Detector
with CleanMe™ Signaling
Programming Procedure
Figure A: Removing the Detector Lid
3-pin program ming header
Reset button
CleanM e
disabled position
CleanM e
enabled position
Figure B: Transmitter Board Features
900MHz Frequency Agile® Technology
© 1999 Inovonics phone: 800.782.2709 F202_V1.FM rev 1.10 1/27/00
Page 2
If an FA202 fails to operate properly, phone Inovonics Technical Support (800.782.2709) to request a
Return Material Authorization (“RMA”) number, then ship the unit to the address shown below.
(Please include the RMA number on the package to expedite handling.)
Inovonics Corporation
Inovonics CorporationInovonics Corporation
Inovonics Corporation
RMA # ________
RMA # ________RMA # ________
RMA # ________
2100 Central Ave
2100 Central Ave2100 Central Ave
2100 Central Ave
Boulder CO 80301
Boulder CO 80301Boulder CO 80301
Boulder CO 80301
The FA202 should be tested upon initial programming and each time the Smoke Chamber is changed or the batteries are replaced. To make wireless sig-
nals from the detector cause an alarm or trouble indication at the control panel, receiver and panel programming must be completed prior to this test. If
this has not been done, do so now.
To test the detector, follow the procedure described under the Testing the Detector Sensitivity section in the ESL 560 instructions. When the test button is
pressed, the LED will flash the number of times that corresponds to its sensitivity. During this test, the control panel should receive an alarm, followed a
few seconds later by a restoral.
If the panel fails to respond properly, it is possible that the transmitter failed to reset properly when the batteries were installed. To force a trans-
mitter reset, remove the batteries from the FA202 for a least 30 seconds, reinstall them, and then retest as described above.
As the factory default condition, the FA202 combines the CleanMe signal described in the ESL 560 instructions with its Low Battery signal. If the con-
trol panel indicates a Low Battery trouble condition, this should be interpreted as a Maintenance Needed trouble indication. (The battery may be fine, but
the detector needs cleaning.) If this multiple-condition panel indication is not desired, wireless reporting of the CleanMe status can be disabled by mov-
ing the jumper on the CleanMe 3-pin header to the inactive position (see Figure B). When this is done, only a Low Battery signal will be sent from the
detector, and only a Low Battery trouble condition reported at the panel.
In the event that a Low Battery trouble indication appears on the control panel, service the FA202 as described in the following procedure:
1. Remove the FA202 from its Mounting Base and disassemble the unit as described in the above Programming Procedure. (The Detector Lid needs to
be removed from the Detector Body.)
2. Perform a wireless sensitivity test on the unit as described in the previous Wireless Sensitivity Test Procedure. Depending on the results of this test
do the following:
a. If the results of this test show that the detector does not need cleaning, press the Reset button on the transmitter to update the panel with the
detector’s latest operational status.
If the panel trouble indication returns, the batteries need changing. Change the batteries as described in the Replacing the Batteries section of the
ESL 560 instructions and repeat this step.
As indicated in the WARNING label on the Battery Compartment, wait at least 30 seconds after removing batteries before inserting new
batteries. This is necessary to force an immediate test of the new batteries.
If the panel trouble indication now remains off, servicing has been completed.
b. If the results of this test shows that the unit does need cleaning, replace the Smoke Chamber and retest the unit per the Cleaning the Detector sec-
tion of the ESL 560 instructions. Now, press the Reset button on the transmitter to update the panel with the detector’s latest operational status.
If the panel trouble indication remains off, the unit is performing normally, the batteries do not need changing, and servicing has been completed.
If, however, the panel trouble indication returns, the detector probably has a secondary Low Battery condition that requires that the batteries be
replaced. Change the batteries as described in the Replacing the Batteries section of the ESL 560 instructions, wait about nine seconds until the
detector LED begins to flash, and press the transmitter Reset button.
As indicated in the WARNING label on the Battery Compartment, wait at least 30 seconds after removing batteries before inserting new
batteries. This is necessary to force an immediate test of the new batteries.
If the panel trouble indication now remains off, servicing has been completed.
Note: As discussed before, if the wireless CleanMe signal reporting were disabled, some of this complication could be avoided. A Low Battery indica-
tion at the panel would always mean that the batteries needed changing; there would be no CleanMe signal piggybacked onto the Low Battery indication.
However, it is recommended that the wireless CleanMe signal reporting remain enabled (factory default condition) in order to let the panel know that the
detector is operating within normal limits, and to avoid potential false alarms due to detector over-sensitivity.
Wireless Sensitivity Test Procedure
Disabling Wireless CleanMe Reporting
Servicing Panel Trouble Indications
Warranty & Disclaimer
Inovonics Corporation ("Inovonics") warrants its products ("Product" or "Products") to conform to its
own specifications and to be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a
period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of manufacture. Within the warranty period Inovon-
ics Corporation will repair or replace, at its option, all or any part of the warrantied product. Inovonics
will not be responsible for dismantling and/or reinstallation charges. To exercise the warranty, the
User ("User", "Installer" or "Consumer") must be given a Return Material Authorization ("RMA")
Number by Inovonics. Details of shipment will be arranged at that time.
This warranty does not apply in cases of improper installation, misuse, failure to follow installation
and operating instructions, alteration, abuse, accident or tampering, and repair by anyone other than
This warranty is exclusive and expressly in lieu of all other warranties, obligations or liabilities,
whether written, oral, express, or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. Inovonics will not be liable to anyone for any consequential or incidental damages
for breach of this warranty or any other warranties.
This warranty will not be modified, varied or extended. Inovonics does not authorize any person to
act on its behalf to modify, vary or extend this warranty. This warranty will apply to Inovonics Prod-
ucts only. All other products, accessories or attachments used in conjunction with Inovonics equip-
ment, including batteries, will be covered solely by their own warranty, if any. Inovonics will not be
liable for any direct, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, caused by the malfunc-
tion of Product due to products, accessories, or attachments of other manufacturers, including batter-
ies, used in conjunction with Inovonics Products.
This warranty does not warrant the replacement of batteries that are used to power Inovonics Prod-
The User recognizes that a properly installed and maintained security system may only reduce the
risk of events such as burglary, robbery, personal injury and fire. It does not insure or guarantee that
there will be no death, personal damage and/or damage to property as a result. Inovonics does not
claim that the Product may not be compromised and/or circumvented, or that the Product will
prevent any death, personal and/or bodily injury and/or damage to property resulting from
burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise, or that the Product will in all cases provide adequate warn-
ing or protection.
Inovonics Corporation shall have no liability for any death, injury or damage, however
incurred, based on a claim that Inovonics Products failed to function. However, if Inovonics is
held liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage arising under this limited warranty or other-
wise, regardless of cause or origin, Inovonics' maximum liability will not in any case exceed the pur-
chase price of the Product, which will be fixed as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, and will be
the complete and exclusive remedy against Inovonics.
Warning: The User should follow all installation, operation and maintenance instructions. The
User is strongly advised to conduct Product and systems tests at least once each week. Changes in
environmental conditions, electric or electronic disruptions and tampering, may cause the Product to
not perform as expected.
Warning: Inovonics warrants its Product to the User. The User is responsible for exercising all
due prudence and taking necessary precautions for the safety and protection of lives and property
wherever Inovonics Products are installed. Inovonics strongly advises the User to program Products
to be supervised whenever used in applications affecting life safety. Users are warned that unsuper-
vised devices are subject to undetected failure due to malfunction, battery failure, tampering, or
changes in environment.

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