Intellisense Sdn Bhd 2401APP Active RFID Wireless Receiver User Manual manual

Intellisense Sdn Bhd Active RFID Wireless Receiver manual



          nuRF Wireless System   User Guides  Rev 1.8.1           By
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   FCC Statement:  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. CE Statement: RF INTERFERENCE WARNING: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio frequency (RF) interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                     Revision History  Rev Number Rev Date  Revised By  Details 1.0  20 May 2010  Stan Chee  Draft Version for User Guide 1.1  20 May 2010  Vincent Ng  Pre-release revision 1.2  6 July 2010  Marcus Yap  Added tag alert guide 1.3  10 July 2010  Stan Chee  Reviewed 1.4  22 July 2010  Yogi and Marcus Yap Site Survey, RTLS and Manage User guide 1.5  23 July 2010  Vincent Ng  Release revision 1.6  26 July 2010  Marcus Yap  Release editing 1.7  30 July 2010  Vincent Ng  Revision 1.8  30 July 2010  Marcus Yap  Revision Editing
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   Table of Contents 1.0 Background ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 Starting Up ............................................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Start the nuRF Engine .................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Start the web server, Internet Information Services (IIS) ................................................ 7 2.3 Login ............................................................................................................................... 9 2.4 View Connected Access Points .................................................................................... 10 2.5 Assigning Zones ........................................................................................................... 11 2.6 Register new Tag(s) ..................................................................................................... 13 2.7 Tracking of Tag............................................................................................................. 15 3.0 Configure Tag Alert Trigger ............................................................................................... 16 3.1 Accessing Tag Alert Configuration Screen ................................................................... 16 3.2 Setting an effective period of an alert ........................................................................... 19 3.3 Raising alert when tag is absent for more than x (in seconds) ..................................... 20 3.4 Raising alert based on tag movement .......................................................................... 21 3.5 Raise alert when tag temperature greater than a user specified temperature value .... 22 3.6 Raise alert when tag battery level equal or below than user specified battery level ..... 23 3.7 Raise alert when tag enter specific zone(s) .................................................................. 24 3.8 Raise alert when tag is detected in specific zone without owner .................................. 25 3.9 Raise alert when user presses panic button ................................................................. 26 3.10 Raise alert when tag dwell in specific zone(s) .............................................................. 27 3.11 Raise alert when tag absent specific zone(s) ............................................................... 28 3.12 Alert Action: Send Email Notification ............................................................................ 29 3.13 Alert Action: Send SMS Notification ............................................................................. 30 3.14 Alert Action: CCTV Recording ...................................................................................... 31 3.15 Save Alert Setting ......................................................................................................... 31 3.16 Edit Alert Setting ........................................................................................................... 32 3.17 Delete Alert Setting ....................................................................................................... 33 3.18 Acknowledging Alert(s) ................................................................................................. 34 4.0 Manage Users ..................................................................................................................... 36 4.1 Manage Users Menu .................................................................................................... 36 4.2 Add User ...................................................................................................................... 36 4.3 Block User .................................................................................................................... 38 4.4 Reset Password ........................................................................................................... 38 4.5 Edit User Information .................................................................................................... 39 4.6 Remove User................................................................................................................ 39 4.7 Change Password ........................................................................................................ 40
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   1.0 Background  This document is intended as a guide to the end user to get started using the nuRF Wireless System.   For instructions on installing and setting up the nuRF Wireless System, refer to the Installation Manual or contact your solution provider.  This  document  is  serves  as  a  general  reference  to  all  variants  of  nuRF  Wireless  System, including but not limited to Demo System and Enterprise System. As such, some of the screen captures may vary depending on the system version.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.0 Starting Up The following provides steps for the initial start up of the nuRF Wireless System.  2.1 Start the nuRF Engine  If  the  nuRF  Engine  has  already  started  as  part  of  the  system  installation,  skip  the following steps and go to 2.3. 2.1.1  Click on the “Start” button   Click on the “nuRF.ApplicationTray.exe” 2.1.2  A small icon on the appear on the window taskbar as shown below
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.2 Start the web server, Internet Information Services (IIS)  If IIS is started, skip the following steps and go to 2.3. 2.2.1  In  the  existing  installation  of  nuRF  Wireless  System,  run  the  “Computer Management” by navigating from “Start” button to “Computer” and then right-click the “Computer”, as shown  below.  2.2.2  Click on the “Manage” button. 2.2.3  The “Computer Management” default page appears as follows.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.2.4  In  the  left  panel,  click  on  the  “Services  and  Applications”  and  then  click  on “Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager”. Screen will appear as shown below.   If the “Start” button on the right panel is clickable, the IIS Web Services is not yet started. Click on the “Start” button to start the IIS Web Services.  If  the “Start” button on  the  right  panel  is  non-clickable,  the  IIS  Web  Services is already started.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.3 Login 2.3.1  Start Internet Explorer 7.0 and enter the nuRF Wireless System web URL to go to the login page.   For this installation, the URL is 2.3.2  Enter “admin” as user name and “password” as password. Click on the “Log In” button. 2.3.3  The default screen will be shown as below.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.4 View Connected Access Points The  nuRF  Access  Point  automatically  registers  to  the  nuRF  Wireless  System  service found on the network.  2.4.1  Click  on  the  menu  item  “System  Management”  and  click  on  “Manage  Access Points”.  2.4.2  The “Manage Access Points” page will appear as follows.   If Access Points are connected to the nuRF Wireless System service, the entries will be shown here. The number of records reflects the number of AP and/or RF channels (If APs with multiple RF channels are detected).  If no record is shown, precede the following steps: •  Check the server IP address ( as highlighted in Installation Guide – Setup nuRF Server. •  Check  the  nuRF  Access  Point  driver  (if  using  USB)  as  highlighted  in Installation Guide – Setup nuRF Server. •  Check  “nuRF.ApplicationTray.exe.config”  as  highlighted  in  Installation Guide – Install and configure nuRF Engine.  •  Check  “web.config”  as  highlighted  in  Installation  Guides  -  Install  and configure nuRF Web Application. •  Check  the  network  connection  between  the  server  where  nuRF  Wireless System is installed and the nuRF Access Points.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.5 Assigning Zones Logical  zones  must  be  assigned  to  each  Access  Point  (and  their  respective  RF Channels) in order for the system to show Tags detected by them.   This applies to all APs regardless of the antennas that are being used, or the different types of APs. 2.5.1  Click on the menu item “System Management” and click on “Manage Zones”.  2.5.2  Click on the “Add Zone”.  2.5.3  “Add Zone” page will be shown as follows.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.5.4  Enter  the  zone  name  in  “Name”  section  and  description  in  the  “Description” section. Then select the antenna and click “Save”.    2.5.5  Repeat step 2.5.2 to add another zone (e.g. if the AP has 2 RF channels).   NB:  Note  that  only  unassigned  APs/RF  channels  will  be  shown  in  the  list  of available Access Points. NB:  All zones must be registered to complete the setup for the List View function. 2.5.6  User has successfully completed the zone setup.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.6 Register new Tag(s)   A previously unregistered Tag must be registered in this manner for it to be monitored and displayed by the web application. 2.6.1  Click on the menu item “System Management” and click on “Manage Tags”.  2.6.2  The screen will appear as shown below.   The “Manage Tag” page will show all detected tags.   Unregistered tags will be highlighted in red colour.  Click on the “ ” icon to add the tag.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.6.3  “Add Tag” page is shown as below.  2.6.4  Select the desired profile from the “Profile” section.   NB:  All  profile  will  enable  the  monitoring  and  tracking  of  the  Tag  except  the “Unknown” Profile. 2.6.5  Enter the name of the asset or personnel in the “Name” section of the Tag and other relevant information as shown in the screen below.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   2.6.6  Click “Save” to save the Tag information. 2.6.7  Tag successfully added will not be highlighted as shown in the screen below.   2.7 Tracking of Tag To perform real-time monitoring and tracking of the Tags registered within the system. 2.7.1  Click on the menu item “Tag Tracking” and click on “List View”.  2.7.2  “List View” page will appear as shown below.   E.g. The Tag ID 852 is being tracked and currently it is on the “Zone Inside”.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.0 Configure Tag Alert Trigger The  system  supports  Alert  Rules  assigned  to  individual  Tags.  To  configure  the  desired  alert triggers for a Tag, follow the steps below. 3.1 Accessing Tag Alert Configuration Screen 3.1.1  Click on the menu item “System Management” and click on “Manage Tags”.  3.1.2  “Manage Tags” page will appear as follow.  3.1.3  Click on the “ ” icon on the selected tag to configure the alert trigger as shown in the screen above.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.1.4  The “Configure alert trigger” for the selected tag will be shown as below.   This window consists of three screens as shown below.  Screen 1: Alert Rule Screen 1
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   Screen 2: Alert Rule Screen 2    Screen 3: Alert Action Screen    User can navigate between the screens via “Back” and “Next” button.  To save an alert, click on the “Save Alert” button.  To discard an alert without saving, click on the “Close” button.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.2 Setting an effective period of an alert  This is the first step to configure an alert. Each alert requires a start date and time as well as an end date and time. User can set multiple effective periods for a Tag.  3.2.1  Click  on  the  input  box  next  to  “Effective  Date”  line  and  a  calendar  selection window will appear as shown below.  3.2.2  Select the date for the start date and end date from the calendar as shown below.   NB:  Effective date and time has to be configured for every alert.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.3 Raising alert when tag is absent for more than x (in seconds) This step is to configure the alert when the tag is absent for specific time. 3.3.1  In the Alert Rule Screen 1, click on the box next to the line “Raise alert when tag absent for more than (in seconds)” to activate this feature. 3.3.2  Enter the required time (in seconds) in the input box next to this line. 3.3.3  The screen will appear as shown below.      E.g. the time is set to be 10 seconds.      NB: User can also set combination of alert rule for a specific time.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.4 Raising alert based on tag movement This step is to configure the alert based on the tag movement. 3.4.1  In the Alert Rule Screen 1, click on the box next to the line “Raise alert based on tag movement” to activate this feature. 3.4.2  Click  on  the  inverted  arrow  next  to  this  white  box  to  view  the  available  tag movement as shown in the screen below.  3.4.3  Select the required tag movement for the alert to be raised.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.5 Raise alert when tag temperature greater than a user specified temperature value This step is to configure the alert based on the temperature of the tag. 3.5.1  In the Alert Rule Screen 1, click on the box next to the line “Raise alert when tag temperature greater than” to activate this feature. 3.5.2  Enter  the  temperature  threshold  for  the  alert  is  to  be  raised  when  the  tag temperature is greater than the threshold temperature. 3.5.3  The screen will appear as shown below.   E.g. the temperature is set to be 29°C.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.6 Raise alert when tag battery level equal or below than user specified battery level This step is to configure the alert based on battery level of the tag. 3.6.1  In the Alert Rule Screen 1, click on the box next to the line “Raise alert when tag battery level equal or below than” to activate this feature. 3.6.2  Click on the inverted arrow next to this input box to view the available battery level as shown in the screen below.  3.6.3  Select the required tag battery level for the alert to be raised.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.7 Raise alert when tag enter specific zone(s) To configure the alert based on the tag location in specific zone(s): 3.7.1  In the Alert Rule Screen 1, click on the box next to the line “Raise alert when tag enter specific zone(s)” to activate this feature. 3.7.2  Click  on  the  location  in  “Available  Zones”  to  highlight  the  required  zone.  The screen will appear as shown below.  3.7.3  Click on “ ” to move the selected to zone to “Selected Zones”. The screen will appear as shown below  To remove the zone in “Selected Zones”, select the zone in ”Selected Zones” and click “ ” to move it to “Available Zones”.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.8 Raise alert when tag is detected in specific zone without owner This step is to configure the alert based on the tag location in specific zone(s) without owner 3.8.1  In the Alert Rule Screen 1, click on the box next to the line “Raise alert when tag enter specific zone(s) without owner” to activate this feature. 3.8.2  Click  on  the  location  in  “Available  Zones”  to  highlight  the  required  zone.  The screen will appear as shown below.  3.8.3  Click on “ ” to move the selected to zone to “Selected Zones”. The screen will appear as shown below.  To remove the zone in “Selected Zones”, select the zone in “Selected Zones” and click “ ” to move it to “Available Zones”.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.9 Raise alert when user presses panic button This step is to configure the alert when the user presses the panic button on the tag (if panic button is available on the tag). 3.9.1  In the Alert Rule Screen 2, click on the box next to the line “Raise alert when user press panic button” to activate this features. 3.9.2  The screen will appear as shown below.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.10 Raise alert when tag dwell in specific zone(s) This  step  is  to  configure  the  alert  when  the  tag  dwells  into  specific  zone(s)  within  a timeout period (in seconds). 3.10.1 In the Alert Rule Screen 2, click on the box next to the line “Raise alert when tag dwell in specific zone(s)” to activate this feature. 3.10.2 Enter the timeout in seconds into the “Timeout (seconds)” section. 3.10.3 Click  on  the  location  in  “Available  Zones”  to  highlight  the  required  zone.  The screen will appear as shown below.  3.10.4 Click on “ ” to move the selected to zone to “Selected Zones”. The screen will appear as shown below.  To remove the zone in “Selected Zones”, select the zone in “Selected Zones” and click “ ” to move it to “Available Zones”.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.11 Raise alert when tag absent specific zone(s) This  step  is  to  configure  the  alert  when  the  tag  absents  in  specific  zone(s)  within  a timeout period (in seconds). 3.11.1 In the Alert Rule Screen 2, click on the box next to the line “Raise alert when tag absent specific zone(s)” to activate this feature. 3.11.2 Enter the timeout in seconds into the “Timeout (seconds)” section. 3.11.3 Click  on  the  location  in  “Available  Zones”  to  highlight  the  required  zone.  The screen will appear as shown below.  3.11.4 Click on “ ” to move the selected to zone to “Selected Zones”. The screen will appear as shown below.    To remove the zone in “Selected Zones”, select the zone in “Selected Zones” and click “ ” to move it to “Available Zones”.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.12 Alert Action: Send Email Notification To configure the alert action for email notification:  3.12.1 In the Alert Action Screen, click on the box next to the line “Email” to activate this feature. 3.12.2 The screen will appear as shown below.  3.12.3 Enter the email account into the “Email” section. 3.12.4 Click on the down arrow in the “Trigger email and sms alert” section to select the alert trigger time. 3.12.5 The screen will appear as shown below.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.13 Alert Action: Send SMS Notification This step is to configure the alert action for Short Message Service (SMS) notification. 3.13.1 In the Alert Action Screen, click on the box next to the line “SMS” to activate this feature. 3.13.2 The screen will appear as shown below.  3.13.3 Enter the phone number into the “SMS” section using country code followed by mobile no. 3.13.4 Click on the down arrow in the “Trigger email and sms alert” section to select the alert trigger time.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.13.5 The screen will appear as shown below.   E.g. SMS mobile number format uses country code (60 for Malaysia) followed by mobile phone number (12378888). 3.14 Alert Action: CCTV Recording This feature is only available in customized solution. 3.15 Save Alert Setting This step is to guide user to save the alert rules and alert actions.  3.15.1 In the Alert Action Screen, click on the “Save Alert” button to save the alert.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.16 Edit Alert Setting This step is to edit the alert rules and alert action. 3.16.1 Click on  the alert  option to highlight  the  alert configuration  of the  tag as shown below.       NB: Alert Rules and Alert Action will be populated and user can edit the alert configuration.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.17 Delete Alert Setting This step is to delete the alert. 3.17.1 Click on the alert option to highlight the alert configuration of the Tag as shown below.      3.17.2 Click on the “ ” to remove the alert configuration of this Tag.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.18 Acknowledging Alert(s) “Alert  Viewer”  will  pop  up  automatically  to  show  the  alert  raised  for  specific  alert configuration of the tags. User can view the alert information raised by the Tag(s) on this screen. 3.18.1 Check the alert rose in the “Alert Viewer” pop up screen as shown below.  3.18.2 Click  “ ”  under  the  “Action”  column  in  the  “Alert  Viewer”  pop  up  window  to acknowledge the alert raised by this tag.  3.18.3 The screen will appear as shown below.  3.18.4 Click “OK” to acknowledge this alert in the “Message from webpage” window or “Cancel” to remain the alert message in the Alert Viewer.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   3.18.5 After the alert for the tag is acknowledged, the screen will appear as shown below.   NB:  If  no  acknowledgement  is  performed  for  this  alert,  the  “Alert  Viewer”  will continue to pop up to notify the user regarding this alert.  NB:  User can permanently remove or edit this alert configuration by clicking “ ” for specific tag. 3.18.6 Click “Close” to return to the main page.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   4.0 Manage Users This step is to allow user to add, edit and delete user information on the web application. This setup  might  require  internet  connection  (email  notification)  in  order  to  complete  the  setup process. 4.1 Manage Users Menu This step is to add more users into the web application. This setup might require internet connection. 4.1.1  Click “System Management” and the screen will appear as shown below.  4.1.2  Click on “Manage Users” and the screen will appear as shown below.  4.2 Add User This step will add new user for the web application. 4.2.1  Click “ ” to add new user into the web application.  4.2.2  The screen will appear as shown below.  NB: This step requires an internet connection.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   4.2.3  Enter  the  username  and  valid  username  email  address.  The  password  for  this account will be sent to the user through this email address. 4.2.4  Click “Administrator” to highlight the user privileges. 4.2.5  Click “Save” to save this user information or “Close” to cancel adding this user. 4.2.6  The screen will appear as shown below indicating the successful process.   NB: If no internet connection is available or invalid email address is inserted, the screen will appear as shown below.   4.2.7  New added user will appear as shown in the screen below.  4.2.8  Check the user email account for the username and password.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   4.3 Block User This step will block certain user from using the web application. 4.3.1  In the “Manage User” page, select the user to be blocked and click “ ”. 4.3.2  Click “OK” to block this user or “Cancel” to cancel blocking this user. 4.3.3  The screen will appear as shown below.   NB: The icon “ ” indicate that the particular user is block from using the web application. 4.3.4  Click “ ” to unblock this user. Click “OK” to unblock this user or “Cancel” to keep blocking this user. 4.4 Reset Password This step allow user to reset  the user  password to the new  password. Internet  connection is required in this process. 4.4.1  In  the  “Manage  User”  page,  click  “ ”  for  specific  user.  Click “OK”  to  reset  the password for this user or “Cancel” to keep the old password. 4.4.2  The screen will appear as shown below when password is reset.   NB: New password will be sent to the user email account. Check the user email account for the new password.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   4.5 Edit User Information This step allow user to edit specific user information. 4.5.1  In the “Manage User” page, click “ ” to edit specific user. The screen will appear as shown below.  4.5.2  Enter the new email account or change the user privileges. 4.5.3  Click “Save” to save the edited information or “Close” to keep the old information.  4.6 Remove User This step allow user to remove specific user from the web application users. 4.6.1  In the “Manage User” page, click “ ” on the specific user to remove this user. 4.6.2  Click “OK” to remove this user or “Cancel” to keep this user as a web application user. 4.6.3  The screen will appear as shown below if the user is removed.
    nuRF User Guide                                                                                                   4.7 Change Password This option is only available after the user successfully log in as a web application user. 4.7.1  In the top right of the screen, click “ ” to change the user log on password. 4.7.2  The screen will appear as shown below.  4.7.3  Enter  the  “Current  Password”,  “New  Password”,  and  “Confirm  New  Password” respectively. New password must contain minimum length of 7 characters. 4.7.4  Click “Change Password” to change the password or “Cancel” to cancel changing the password.  4.7.5  The screen will appear as shown below if the password is successfully changed.  4.7.6  Click “Continue” or proceed to other section of the web application.

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