Interactive Toy Concepts 44XXXRX49 R/C AIRPLANE User Manual UserManual1

Interactive Toy Concepts Limited R/C AIRPLANE UserManual1


Web site:www.interactivetoy.com8 2 4 PLEASE! DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO ANY RETAIL STORE! For any questions or problems with this product please contact us at:  Email: Phone: Outside North America:  +1 416 444 6873 Inside North America: 1 866 214 2220 Address: Interactive Toy Concepts 1192 Martin Grove Road Toronto, Ontario, Canada  8      FCC NOTE: The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Thank you for purchasing the Micro Fighter, the world’s smallest and most progressive digital proportional radio control aircraft. To insure safe and reliable operation, please read the entire contents of this manual before removing the aircraft from its package. M9W 5M9 IMPORTANT! PACKAGE CONTENTS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Do not modify your Micro Fighter! Do not point the antenna directly at the plane! Do not use in strong winds, use only in ‘very’ mild conditions! Do not use in rain, snow or around heavy debris! Do not use near electrical lines! Do not use around smoke or flames! Do not use around water! Do not use around electricity! Do not use in crowded areas! Do not use around air conditioning! Do not use around air vents! Do not use around ceiling fans! Do not use around large obstacles! Do not use in very small spaces! Do be conscious of changes in your area! Any changes or modifications to this product are strictly prohibited and will void product warranty. Keep moving propellers away from eyes, hands, hair and loose clothing. Always turn off your Micro Fighter and transmitter when not in use. Always remove batteries from transmitter during storage. Always place transmitter with NEW alkaline batteries for optimal performance. Keep your Pilots manual in a safe place for future use. Only use the Micro Fighter is an advanced aircraft that uses sophisticated onboard technology unlike any found in similar vehicles. Even experienced pilots should read the full contents of this manual carefully to receive the most from your flying experience. Parts Index     Do not touch the running propeller! Adult supervision is required! •Micro Fighter •Transmitter •Antenna •Instruction manual •Landing gear •Spare Propeller •Mylar tape  4 1PC 1PC 1PC 1PC 1PC 2PCS 2PCS provided charger included with the Micro Fighter to charge the lithium polymer battery installed in the Micro Fighter. MICRO FIGHTER TRANSMITTER  IMPORTANT BATTERY INFORMATION Use only batteries recommended in this instruction manual. Do not mix old and new batteries. Battery installation should be performed by an adult. Be careful to install the batteries with the correct polarity, as indicated. Do not use rechargeable batteries. Do not mix alkaline, standard, lithium, rechargeable, or different types of batteries. 1.Propellers 4 2.Tail stabilize 3.Charge port 4.ON/OFF Switch 3 1. Throttle control 6 7 2. steering control 3. Charging lead compartment 4. Antenna The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited. Exhausted batteries are to be removed as they will hinder performance. Never leave a battery unattended while it is being charged. Never leave a battery unattended in the presence of children. Micro Fighter charging time will increase with usage as the condition of the AA cells diminish. Battery performance may greatly influence flight characteristics. Micro Fighter’s Li-Po rechargeable battery is not replaceable. Micro Fighter takes 6  AA battery (not included).  FCC NOTE: U.S. ONLY This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference. 2) This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These Limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna - Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver - Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Industry Canada Notice: Canada only. This radiocommunication device complies with all the requirements of Industry Canada Standard RSS-310. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference. 2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Field Strength and measurement distance: 27.195MHz – ???? dBμV/m at 3 meter. 49.890MHz - ???? dBμV/m at 3 meter.  Avis d'Industrie Canada: Canada seulement Ce dispositif de radiocommunication rencontre toutes les exigences de la norme CNR-310 d'Industrie Canada. Son fonctionnement est sujet aux deux conditions suivantes: 1) ce dispositif ne doit pas causer d'interférences nocives et. 2) ce dispositif doit accepter toutes les interférences reçues, y compris les interférences susceptibles de provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable. Puissance du champ et distance: 27.195mHz ???? dBμV/m à 3 mètres. 49.890mHz ???? dBμV/m à 3 mètres.  Limited 90-day warranty This product is warranted by Interactive To y Ltd. against manufacturing defects in material and workmanship under normal use for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase.  AirRage Series and Micro Fighter are registered 5. Steering Trim knob 1 2 6. Power LED “Red” 7. Charging LED  “Green” 8. ON/OFF switch 5 1 3 2 IMPORTANT! To prevent damage during shipping, your Micro Fighter is securely fastened in the package. Please insure that all tie downs and fastening locations have been unfastened before attempting to remove the aircraft from its package. Before You Fly 1. Use a Phillips head screw driver (cross head) to loosen screw 3 and remove cover. 2. Insert 6AA batteries in the correct polarity as indicated inside the battery compartment. 3. Place cover back and re-tighten screw. 4. Screw antenna in place. Charging The Micro Fighter 1 1. Make sure the power switch of the Micro Fighter is in the OFF position. NOTE: Always switch OFF the plane after flying! 2. Make sure the controller antenna is collapsed to avoid breaking it while not flying and to prevent accidentally interfering with another RC aircraft on the same frequency. 3. Remove the charge Lead on the transmitter and insert it into the charge port on the Micro Fighter. NOTE: Always insure the lead is in the correct orientation. 4. Turn the transmitter switch to the ON position. 5. Green LED will blink indicating plane is now being charged. 2 6. Charge the Micro fighter fully which typically takes about 30min. 7. Green LED will steady, indicating that the plane is fully charged. 5 8. Remove Lead and place back inside storage compartment. 1 9. Turn transmitter OFF, and your Micro Fighter is ready to fly!  NOTE: If you forget to turn off the transmitter and not moving the 3 control sticks, after 3 minutes the Red LED will start blinking to remind you to turn it off! Lithium Polymer Rechargeable Batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly. trademarks of Interactive Toy Concepts © 2006 All Rights Reserved. Manufactured by and distributed by Interactive Toy Concepts Ltd. Conforms to Safety Standards ASTM F963-03 Regulatory Requirements. Products and colors may vary. MADE IN CHINA.  TIP!  Unlike other types of re-chargeable batteries, Lithium Polymer re-chargeable Batteries do not require a full charge for operates. However, it is necessary to FULLY charge on the first flights for best results. *Shorter Charges Times = Shorter Flight Times.
Trouble shootingSYMPTOM CAUSE CORRECTION Propeller not activating. ON/OFF switch is “OFF”. Low battery. Set switch to “ON” Position. Recharge battery. Circles and descends after take off Trim knob requires Adjustment. Adjust the trim knob. Can’t create lift MicroFighter not facing the wind Point MicroFighter Into the wind Adjust wing tips Not enough power Recharge MicroFighter Poor response To transmitter Frequency interference may occur near high voltage lines, transformers and some large buildings Change location Difficult to control Stong wind Only fly during extremely calm conditions or indoors Loss of control Another controller on the same Frequency is being operated in the same vicinity Controller out of range from vehicle Change location   Ensure the antenna is fully extended and reduce distance Landing gear bent Landing gear may bend on impact (This will not affect flight performance ) Remove Landing gear from plane and bend back into position Landing gear will not stay inside plane insert Damage occurred during impact Use small amount of clear household tape to hold landing gear in place. NOTE: In the event that your MicroFighter sustains damage during impact, the problem may be easily remedied by simply applying clear household tape to the damaged area. Select the Control Mode With Your Perference Micro Fighter is equipped an advanced system that can provide different control preference for both beginner and experienced users!   EASY MODE – for beginner users The CAC will automatically smooth the flight and turn by providing a SteadyFly feature to eliminate the normal nervous "stick jitters" when you flying the plane. The throttling power of the plane will be automatically reduce while holding a turn action for more than 2 seconds. The transmitter will be entering the “Easy Mode” by default when power on. Further, to properly fly this highly maneuverable aircraft you must learn to control turns with BOTH sticks at the same time. After you have gained experience on the control methods, you can skip this feature by using the unrestricted “Pro Mode”.  PRO MODE – for experienced users   You can take full control with your own control technique. To enter “Pro Mode”, Hold the RIGHT sticks hard over to the right then turn on the controller. The Red LED will blink three times to indicating the Pro Mode had activated. Pre-Flight • Always fly your aircraft in a large grassy area free of trees and other obstructions. This will help protect your Micro Fighter during impact. • The Micro Fighter was designed for very stable outdoor flying with wind conditions not to exceed 7 KPH / 4mph. If you can feel the wind, DO NOT FLY! •  Make first flights with the landing gear on to help stabilize the flight and simplify the control of this sensitive and maneuverable aircraft.  After you have gained experience you can try flying with the Landing gear removed! • Your Micro Fighter can be flown with or without Landing gear. In addition it is enabling realistic takeoffs and landings from smooth surfaces, the landing gear has the additional function of slightly degrading the performance of this sensitive aircraft and also making it more stable and easier to control smoothly, especially for beginners.  It is strongly recommended that you make all first flights WITH the Landing gear on AND to use a normal hand-launch over grass. Notes: ONLY after you have gained experience should you consider a ground takeoff. • After you have advanced to the Pro Mode you can remove the stabilizing Landing gear to do wild maneuvers just like a full-size jet fighter! • For Perfect Indoor fights, we recommend the use of 2 pieces Control Reversal  When the plane is coming towards you it appears to turn in the "wrong" direction. But if you imagine yourself in the pilots seat, the model is in fact turning correctly. Try turning your back to the aircraft and looking over you.    Advanced Flight Tehniques Micro Fighter is designed to make sharper and tighter turns as you reduce the throttle power! Maximum turning will be during gliding. Control is thus less sensitive during full throttle.  Sharp Turns can be performed by quickly reducing throttle power to pitch the nose up and to increase control sensitivity.  Then while holding the right stick for a turn, you can precisely control the amount or radius of the turn with the “LEFT” (throttle) stick: pushing forward on the left stick widens the turn; pulling back the “LEFT” stick for tightens the turn. The left stick functions as an ELEVATOR control in this case! Once the inside wing begins to bank a little move right stick back to center. The Micro Fighter will maintain the turn by itself; push right stick in the opposite direction to straighten out.  NOTE: Your Micro Fighter is designed to self-stabilize automatically when power is reduced. In an "emergency" situation in which the plane is out of control, quickly pulling the left throttle stick ALL the way back to stop the motors will let the plane save itself and not crash! To land your Micro Fighter direct it INTO any slight wind and decrease throttle for slow and steady descent. For perfect landings on smooth surfaces with the landing gear however, land WITH the wind in the same direction it is blowing for a gentle touchdown on a gentle touchdown. To let your MicroFighter take off from any smooth surface allowing about 17 m / 50 ft takeoff run and even more clear space for climb out, point it INTO any slight wind and give full power while making careful steering corrections. Practice with your Micro Fighter until you are confident and skilled enough to cancel the restricting feature of Easy Mode and use the Pro Mode. of thin mylar tape (provided) on the tail section of the rear wings.  Flying your Micro Fighter 1. Switch the Micro Fighter to the “ON” position. Tape   2 3 2. Turn transmitter switch to “ON” position. The steady red LED will light. 3. Fully extend the antenna. 4. Move throttle control (left control stick) fully forward and back to activate the transmitter. 5. Make sure trim knob is centered with arrow pointing up. 6. Push throttle control forward to half (middle) before launch for FIRST flights 7. Hold the nose of the Micro Fighter with two 1 5 6  4  fingers to launch. 8. Launch the Micro Fighter as straight and level as possible; always launch gently INTO the wind. 9. Add throttle gently while adjusting the steering trim knob on the transmitter. 10. Adjust trim Left when the Micro Fighter turns Right. 11. Adjust trim Right when the Micro Fighter turns Left. 12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 several times to make sure your Micro Fighter travels in a straight line.   7  8   WING CORRECTION IF PLANE TURNS TO THE LEFT   IMPORTANT! It is important that the Micro Fighter be calibrated to fly straight (with the steering stick centered) before continuing! If the Micro Fighter still continues to turn uncontrollably, a slight manual adjustment of the wings may be required. To do this, GENTLY twist the rear horizontal tails (and wings if necessary) as shown.  Twist Up Rear Edge   15  Twist Down Front Edge Twist Up Rear Edge      Twist Down Front Edge Twist Down Rear Edge      Twist Up Front Edge  Twist Down Rear Edge     Twist Up Front Edge

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