Interactive Toy Concepts 611XXTX49 R/C AIR PLANE User Manual

Interactive Toy Concepts Limited R/C AIR PLANE

users manual

Download: Interactive Toy Concepts 611XXTX49 R/C AIR PLANE User Manual
Mirror Download []Interactive Toy Concepts 611XXTX49 R/C AIR PLANE User Manual
Document ID620578
Application IDZess6HDOAaGpdhNCaAvumQ==
Document Descriptionusers manual
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Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize73.38kB (917250 bits)
Date Submitted2006-01-18 00:00:00
Date Available2006-01-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2006-01-13 11:57:01
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 6.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2006-01-13 13:41:59
Document Titleuntitled

3.9.5 " WINGSMII!
IIIS Till/0710]! Mfllllllll
Con mtulatons on the purchase of your new AllRage arrcralt These planes are desr ned to fly pear
and o oe easy to learn to fly But remember these are arrcratt so you must spend a r: of trrhe leadmg lnrough thrs
manual ID learn what to do and what not to do please read thrs rnahual tnorougnly and lly salely
Your Barracuda plane comes completely assembled All you feed {a do ls msen [he antefina mm the L'ansmr't‘tef DWI
Next lmsc'ew (he back DH'TE {ransmlt‘fe'afrd meet? 6 "AA" alkallne baffe'les {not lncluded) mm the I'aflxmme' back
Be sure the polanry oltne pattenes rs correct accordlng to the diagram rnsrde the changer
IMPORTANT! Be sure your plane is switched oil.
The transmrtter has no "power swrtcn" Once the pattenes
ans rhstalled tn e uhrlany movement on the rottle control
or sveenng contnol~ ‘Plgger the power on and the LED
um ught‘dp GREEN No movement on the tnroslle contr ror
steenng eonhol and the tra smltter wl’" rurn oll
Vour Barracuda comes partlally charged To ensure long banery life be sure
to fly the plane oetore you recharge the battery A fully depleted battery wrll
recharge stronger and last longer
Be sue to turn your plane to the OFF msrt‘lurr be‘ble ohargrn Open the
chargrng pan door and tcllowrng the diagram shown to the le 394 the charge
pole and the charge loch mto the roaerports ll rhls ls done correctly. when
the charge button rs pnessed the ED wrrl tum RED
Vourplane wrll rake appmxlmately 5 rhrnutes to change ll me RED LED coes not turn on. check to make sure the
charge eonnectron ls ccnect and that fresh battenes are rn the Fansmln‘ef/charge' When chargrcp rs comprete the LED
wtll turn all Be sure to always nemoye the "AA " pattenes from the transmmer When not in use
Radio Range Check Jun! on the transmlrrer out leave the antenna down, then swrtch on the plane Have a lnend
hold tne plane, walk aoout 20 leet away and wr h the antenna dawns mske sure mar the plane responds to control rnputs
Motor Check -Whrle an asslsxant holds the arrcralt so that rt ls lacrng away lrorh you, test the lollcwlnp
~Press the throttle button - tne mctorsnculd huh -Release the throttle outtcn - the motor should stop
~Moye the control stlch to the nght - the rucoer should move nght More the control sllck to the t‘er‘3- the rudder should move left
FIVIIIE mun PM”! 1/ Remember Safety Fl/st‘ fl
Be sore to assemble anc lly your allclaf! only under adult superurslon Do hot fly near cars people, pets Dve'head wrres
scores or water pullcrnps trees etc Use common sense when operallng your arrcraltl Keep llngers out ol the motor ducts
lEly only to la'ge grassy open areas KeeID the plane away from people uehlcles and any other opstruetlcns
lKeep the p as wohrn 100 feeror‘youlsel
Wrnd speed must be pelow 5 m h 43 km/h} The wlndmdl’catol naoon should be at nu more than a 45 degree angle
Hllmldlty and temperature com made (not too hot) so that the arr ls lalrly dense Altltude pelow zooo leer above sea level
Make sure you are rn a large grassy area wlth lew trees or othersrruetures Always tell anyone rn the area you are apout to
fly an ArrRage radto controlled arrcrart
See reverse.
- Extend the transmitters antenna
- Hold tne transmitter in your lefl land and tire plane in your ngnt nand
- Turn so ltiat you're lacing into ttie wind
ress and hold the llirottle ttutton so tliat ltie motor is running
. Gently toss tne plane at an upwards angle olattout 20,30 degnees Do not tnrow too riard or you'll stall tne motor
Use about tire same amount of lorce as if you were tnrowing a dart at a dalfboald
- Keep tne throttle on until you reaon a sale attitude ol about 40 feet
flfllll'flfll IIIFIIl-‘IIT
Left or Right Tum wttile plane ls flying away from you
, Rulse trieioystick in me direction oltlie desired tum Do notliold tl-e ioystick will-out pulsing or the plane will turn too
shalbply and go out olcontrol
, Keep ttie tnrottle outton pressed down , trie plane will climo
Glide / Descend
- Release tne tnrottle button e to plane will glide at a gentle angle
, Fly aoove grass and keep away lrorn oosnuotions cars people. power lines etc
— Keep me plane in frontot you don't letit pass overnead , tliis is very disonennng
, Lea/v1 lo lly oval circuits wnile trying to maintain a level attitude
Control Reversal wnile plane is f! lug towards you
, Wlieri the model is coming towar s you it appears to turn in tne "wrong'direction But it you imagine yoursell in tne pllol‘s
seat tne model is in tact turning correctly Try turning your track to Me aircraft and looking over your shoulder when it is
coming towards you
- Tulrl trie plane into tne wind and aim itattne landing area
- Allow tne plane to gently descend try pulsing trie tnrottle button on and oil to acrii'eve a gentle descent rate
- lla turn is needed use only gentle pulsing oltne transmutelja slick
- Try to avoid navi‘ng to him tlie plane wtien it is witnin lo teel o tne ground
- Ttie plane wlll essentially land rtseifonce you aciiieve a smootn descent rate
- Just oelore toucndown give me plane a snort ourst ol power to level it out and allow it to touch down at a llat angle
time plane turns too quickly or is sluggish to turn.
~ ll you find triat tne plane responds too slowly to turn input. move tne control rod to tne
hale closest (a the rudder
~ ll you lind tnat tne plane responds too quickly to turn input, move tne control rod to tire
nole lartriesl lrom tne nldder
Picking up your plane after tliglrt.
~ wnenever you pick up trie aircraft oe sure to keep yaw fingers away lrom tne
transmitter controls until you can turn ollttie plane lt is easy to turn your lingers oy accidentally powering tne plane
wnile you or a lrlend is nolding it oelore relauncnl
Motor cneck.
' Never attempt leDr cnecK wllhoul the help ofz frlelld or flare/ll lftllese tesls are zflemfled alone the planes propeller
can cause iniury ilrt comes in contact witli your fingers Also tne plane can accidentally ta e mi and may be damaged
fillflkfll WIIIE III) Sill/[Ill]!
Apply wnite glue to the oroken areas press tnem pack into position tnen reinforce wrtli clearcellopliane tape
DO NOT USE SUPER GLUE Super glue may cause unwanted eitects to tne planes loam wlilcn may result in ineparaole
damage Repairs sliould oe conducted under adult supenvision to ensure salety and proper repairs
Unscrew tne antenna from tne transmitter
We can provide a replacement at a modest oost please see our website under tne customer senice lab
Mflflfl IIflTlIlTlIIIII TIIIS Zia? Zi’iaifii‘la‘z‘o'fl‘i'l‘rfil" m“
I'flflfllllr‘l T 0 My Ilflllll SWIM! fiffiifimmflfflnm
heplaeemenr Pam.
dyuu need cc you can order leplacemell.‘ ans dllecfly lrom us vla telephone aremal
Please ear erSG—NZZZO orsendarl emarl‘ cu rnlo@rmeraerluercr com
lnzeraclrve Toy Cameraguaranleesrnurearraeuua R/C lobe lreelrcm ma aclunncdelecls Thlswallanly
does noicovelally mall r'l‘orlsalpaflsllamagednvlhe-uwnel lllllo seurlulnre erne TayCollcepls‘llabl/l‘lyexceed
mecngmalmsmldreln lureracrruerarlxrnceprsr erresmenghrlnehangednswarranw nllalmlm‘h‘
ln acJNeTuyCmoepl‘s 3m:llabllllvnvelfilla/assemmyallalallydama suhrnghemrheuseulrhrsprdducl
ll lhe huyer ls nolprep; ed lo map: «he llacrlrlr dssocldled nun lhe use ul llre alrcrah hu‘she slum/d relurn u n unused
ccnduran ru rhe place cl purchase
We reserve Me 119": cu mare lmplavemerlfs m me desrcn allhe arrplane Thus youl alrcralmay vary enemy lmm ma:
deprcxed n he precedrng pharagraphe
Battery Recycling 5 Disposal.
NlMH harem mus! he mspasalprcperly
Barely can lnformalinn.
1,l hleuer allow me uaherypam lu heccnre ha: durum chargmg Jm wul muse permanen! rneversrhle damage Warm rs 011 ml lS NOT‘
2) Nevelleave a base unanerlded mile lllsbelng chalged
3l Never leave a 023er unmanned In the plesence al'smar’.‘ children
l Chalgrllg xrre required rcr a lull charge rncreases mlh lhe number alcharge cyaes due rd zlre gradual dlalnlllg a! me chargers cehs
sl Nevellecllalge a huzhacery Amys ncnn tomo/ heldre chargrng
fl Chal me ally/ans by usulg pm erv charger all/y
l he r lghmaaen must sample‘s mschargedhelarereeharumg
lll ha lay ol more passes wmwl‘ walglng lhe 173.7er at h u are unsure rule-her cr rm ls cull emcee lrscnarge lre harem -ren fully lschalge r
sl Reehargeacre Dal; e :c be remcued lrcm zhe mybemle bean charged rlremeuahlel
ml Rechargeable erres are arrh to be Merged unler aa'url superursrar
1ll Cu no: atenpl rd recharge mnmamzalie harem
lZl Ellwslaimevles "WM lam-let M the chalgeldm used
til [Lu m: rlll m use aldalld c ‘flenes Do nollrl'll dime 515mm lam-[ml m lafilagdle Wales
1“ TM 5m {finial ale ml [0 be streamed
dyuu are experlenclrg any problems wltll wurAr‘lRage alrerah ursr. uur necsre under lhe ousrurnerSenue Tab -Tloublesnaoallg Tlps
There you nrl lruansrrers 1d many 171qu duesrcns suppr‘ledby mrlAllRage Flight Techmmans
FCC No“: USA only
we derxecumswrm Pan lselme rce Rules Operaaon us suurecmme mm»; mcmmns
1l madam maylmhzuss hannhrl unenerence L m; devrre musraccepxanymederenre lemma Mn"; lured-creme mmavrawse undesued operaden
mmrng changes or Mfizinons m mus and not expressly approved ny me parry responsmle for cumpluance muld ward me users
aumorrly lo aware me equrpmem
Ndre 1hrs equpnrenr has Been lsfled and mm m mum m we lanns lara dass e dgnal Heme prrsuanr m Par: 15 elm» Fcc thes rhese runs are liengllelm pmrde
reascnadle women agarna hannhrlnlerlerenee n a remualmsseladan ms general“ uses andcan mare rm new; energy and mm miafledalld use m acmrdance
mm are msmxlmsv may :ause hammrl rnredereme m rime mlmulunons marerer mere is no uuararree ma: nnererene ml nm 0mm" a panrarleurmaudn
nmseawrernddesmehammlruederenmuredrcarelermremn mmrwbenelmmh/mmlgwewpmemaflmm measerrsenmrragedaaymwenme
mererene ur are armdre clme Maw; memes
1 Hecrlenr M remave vhe lecewng anrernra
2 lnmeasa lhe separmn men we unwell! and racer/er
a Comecnhe edurpnlenllnmar dullercn _ mnerenr mm mm when we lemme mexed
4 Consul me dearer aran expererredrmw 290mm" tor he;
lndusxry Canada Noxlee: Canada only
Thrs nevus sernplres mm nsssvu ulnndusu—y Canada rrperanc-n A: sualmw me lemmg rm some";
1l l'ms news may not cause hannlul mrerrerence 2l l'nrs device mus1 acsepl any merlerence reoerued rnmdrng meltelence that may cause undesrred cperaudn
Ths ala rarusdoesndr me ssslnnhslarradraerrusmnslmm ualapparamssmummenadrolmedererreew ulauensallrrdu Canada
aaaifrag’ma‘ifiam.maaas we “mam,ummmcnfl'rysmr W ”V
Intern-five Toy Concepts Ltd,
1192 Manlll Grove Road
Toronto Ontario, Canada
info@l‘l|teractl‘vemy corn
For more rnla, well our webslre al wwwjnleractivetoy. com
Toll Free wlmi/l Non/l Amenca 1 B66; 21472220
or outside North America (416) 4 6 73
m umuuruenu-er ix um reavmmhle fin any l'uhdw 01“ l\’ mmfemuce embed
by unaulhunzed mmhflcauom to llns eqmpmeul.
Such madlflcnnuus could \ cud me men 's amhunly to opeme lhe eqmpmem.
nus pmducl nary cause unerfereuee (u mdm equipmeul and should uol Ire
1Mmll=dneanuanmue safety communcahons eqmpmem 01 other cmical
nangahon on ccnmmmcahon eqmpmenr opefatmg hem fen 0,150—50 MHz

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