Intermec Technologies T2455-24 Vehicle Mount Transmitter User Manual 8

Intermec Technologies Corporation Vehicle Mount Transmitter 8


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Mirror Download []Intermec Technologies T2455-24 Vehicle Mount Transmitter User Manual 8
Document ID53975
Application ID2z+ReQi51A8tNd26lbwZ4g==
Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize21.75kB (271837 bits)
Date Submitted1999-08-12 00:00:00
Date Available1998-09-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-30 16:42:34
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-05-30 16:42:36
Document Title8

FCCID'. HNlTl‘iSS-l‘j
T2455 User Documentation
Important T2455 Information!
Con ten ts
For Use/s in the United States and Canada ......................................................................... 2
For Users Outside of the United States or Canada ............................................................... 3
Flangais... ....................................................................................... 4
Deuboh ....................................................................................
Italiano ........................................................................................................................... 6
Espafial ........................................................................................................................... 7
T2455 Manual Supplement
For Users in the United States and Canada
Place this supplement in your manual,
This devrce complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with RSS-210 of
Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (i) This
deVice may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any
interference received, including interference that can cause undesired
Federal Communications Commission Compliance
This equipment is intended for operation in a commercial environment, in
compliance with the requirements for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules, and it must not be used in a residential environment;
however, it has also been tested and found to comply with the more stringent
requirements for a Class B device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. It
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. It not installed and
used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause interference to
radio communications. If this equipment causes interference, the user Will be
required to correct the interference at the user’s own expense.
Note: In order to maintain compliance with FCC Rules, the input/output (l/O) cables
that interconnect between the device and any peripheral must be as specified by
Per FCC’s RF exposure requirements the user shall not touch the antenna,
when the deVice is in use.
Chan es ormodi icatians not 2 ressl a raved b Intermec could void the
g XP y PP y
m user’s authority to operate this Equipment.
Industry Canada Compliance
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements ofthe Canadian Interference-
Causing Equipment Regulations.
This device requires a radio license, unless it is used totally inside a building.
(The user must obtain this license.)
Cet apparcil numc’nque dc Ia classc B respectc toutes les exigences du Reglemcnt sur le
materiel brouillour du Canada.
Cet appareil exige une license radio a moins d'étre entierement installé dans un
batiment. (L’utilisateur doit obtenir cette license.)
Additional EMl/RFI Compliance
This device meets the Class B limit requirements of ClSI’R 22.
Agency Approvals
This device is UL Listed and CSA Certified.
T2455 Manual Supplement
For Users Outside of the United States or Canada
Place this supplement in your manual.
This product complies with ETS 300 325, ETS 300 826 and EN 60950 as required
by the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC as amended by 92/31/EEC and by the Low
Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC as amended by 93/ 68/EECi
Agency Approvals
UL Listed, CSA certified. The power supply is TUV GS licensed and NYCE
certified for safety.
Additional EMl/RF/ Compliance
This deVice meets the Class B limit requirements of CISPR 22.
A ttention
Please note the following important precautions:
' Do not operate or store the unit outside the specified temperature range.
‘ Do not operate the unit without an antenna and do not operate the unit
with any uncertified external peripherals (e.g., high gain antenna, amplifier,
etc.). Using peripherals not certified by lntermec will violate the type
approval conditions.
° Operate the unit only With a valid type approval label for your country.
Use of an incorrect country configuration may violate your national
frequency allocation.
For additional information regarding the utilization of lntermec's wireless
products or type approvals in your country, please contact the lntermec dealer
or sales office from which you purchased this product
You may receive a copy of the current type approval certificate for this product
by calling your local lntermec representative.
Operating Temperature
—20"C to +60°C
Storage Temperature
40°C to +650C
Supple’ment au manuel du modéle T2455
Pour les utilisateurs en dehors du Canada et des
Veuillez placer ce supplément clans votre manuel.
De’c/ara tion de conformité europe’enne
Ce produit est conformé aux normes ETS 300 328, ETS 300 826 et EN 60950 tel
qu'exigé par la directive de I'EMC n“ 89/336/CEE amendée par l'art-icle
92/31/CEE ei par la directive sur la basse tension n” 73/23/CEE amendée par
l’article 93/68/CEE.
Homo/ogations reconnues
Sur Ia lisie d’homologation UL, a une ceiiification CSA et NYCE. Le bloc
d'alimenlation a obtenu un permis de TUV CS pour la sécurité.
Conformité additional/e a /a norme EMI/RF/
Cet apparell respects les Iimites imposées pour la Classe 8 par le CISPR 22.
Lisez avec attention at suivez les précaulions d’emploi suivantes:
' Ne pas ufiliser, cu Slacker Ies maténels a des températures hors des limites
' Ne pas utiliser le matériel sans l/anienne connectée, ou relje a un
périphérique non certifié (Anienne grand gain, amplificateur, etc)
L’utilisatiun de pén’phériques non certifiés se ferait en violation de la
certificatiun Interment.
‘ N’u'nliser le matén'el que s'il est étiqueté avec le logo d’homologation,
L'utilisahon d’un matériel non configuré pour un autre pays, violerait les
allocations de fréquences.
Pour plus d’information, sur l'utilisalion des matériels a transmission radio, on
du certification relatif a votre pays, contacter le Service Commerical lntermec,
ou le revendeur chez lequel vous avez acheté le produit.
Vous pouvez vous procurer une cupie du certificat d'hamnlogahon en
cuntactanl votre représentant local des vertes d’lmermec.
Température d’utilisation
-20“C a +60"C
Température de stockage
--10"C a mat
T2455 Ergé'nzung zum Handbuch Ft'l'r Benutzer auBerha/b
van Kanada oder den Vereinigten Staaten
Legen Sie dlese Ergfinzung in Ihr Handbuch.
Europé'ische Ubereinstimmungserk/é'rung
Disses Produkt entspticht ETS 300 328, ETS 300 826, und EN 60950 in
Ubereinstimmung mit der EMC-Rlchtlinie 89/336/EWG, abgeéndert dutch
92/3l/EWG, und der Richtlmie fijr Niederspannung 73/23/EWG, abgeh‘ndert
dutch 93/68/EWG.
Zulassungen der A gem‘ur
Dieses Produkt is! in die UL-Liste aufgenommen und zugelassen durch CSA
und NYCE. Das Netzanschlufi is! vom TUV GS geméfi der Slcherheltsnorm
Zusé‘tz/iche E/ektromagnetische Stb‘rung-
Dxeses Geral entspricht den Grenzbestlmmungen der Klasse B van CISFR 22.
A ch tung
Bifle beachten Sle folgende wichtige Hinweise:
' Lagem oder betreiben Sie die Ceréte nlemals auBerhalb der angegebenen
' Bekreiben Sie die Gerfile nlemals ohne Antenna oder mit irgendwelchen
nicht zugelassenen Zusatzeinrichtungen. (LBA Richtantenne/ Verstérker
etc), Der Einstaz von Zusatzeinrichhmgen, die nicht vun Intel-met:
zugelassen sind, versloBen gegen die Typenzulassung.
' Betreiben Sle em Carat niemals ohne gilltige Zulassungsaufldeber. Mit
einer falschen L‘finderkonfigurahnn ko‘nnten Sis gegen Ihre natwnale
Frequenzzuweisung versloBenA
Fiir weitere Fragen bezfiglich Emsatz van kabellosen Geraten oder
Typenzulassungen in Ihrem Land rufen Sie bitte den néchsten Intel-mes
Handler oder die Vertriebsorganisafion, be1 der Sie Che Gerfite erworben
haben, an,
Sie kénnen eine Kopie der aktuellen Zulassungsurkunde erhalten, indem Sie
sich mit Ihrem firllichen lntermec-Vertreter m Verbindung setzen.
-20°C zu +60°C
"10°C zu +65“C
T2455 Supplemento aI manuale Per gli utenti a! di
fuori del Canada a deg/i Stati Uniti
Si prega di collocare questo supplemenlo nel manuale‘.
Dichiarazione europea di conformita
Questo prodotto é conforms a ETS 300 328, ETS 300 826, e EN 60950 come
richiesto dalla Dlrettiva EMC 89/336 CEE, modificata dalla 92/31/CEE e dalla
Direltiva sulla bassa tensions 73/23/CEE, modmcata dalla 93/68/CEE.
Approvato dalla UL e munito di certificazione CSA 9 NYCE. L'alirnentatore é
aulorlzzato da TUV GS per la misure di sicurezza.
U/teriore conformité con EMl/RF/
Queslo disposihvo soddisfa i requlsin concemenli i Iimiti della Classe B di
A trenzione
Si prega cli osservare le seguenti precauziom:
' Azmnare e conservare il disposltlvo soltanto nei Iimiti delle temperature
mimme e massime indlcate,
' Non azionare il dispusilivo senza antenna, Non azionare 1] dispositivo con
penferiche esteme (ad esemplo, antenna 6 guadagno elevato, amplificatore
ecc) senza certificazione Intermec L’ufilizzo di periferiche senza
cedificazione Intermec rappresenla una violazione dei termini di
‘ Azmnare il dispositivo sultanto se dotam dell'eh’chetta di omologazione
valida per 11 passe in questions, L'ulillzzo di una configurazmne Che non
51a quella prevista peril passe pub risultare nella vnolazione delle norme
Che regolano l’ulihzzo delle frequenze a livello nazionale.
Per ulteriori informazmm sull’omologazione o sull'utlhzzo dei prodom
wireless della Intermec nel paese m questmne, rivolgersi a] rlvenditore o agli
uffiu commerciah Inkermec presso i quah é stale acquistato 11 prodotto.
Per Dtlenere una copla dell’anuale cemflcato dl omologazione relativu a questo
prodotto, rivolgersl a] rappresentante Intermec della zona.
Temperature di azionamento
-20"C + +60"C
Temperature Iimite di magazzinaggio
--10"C + +65"C
Sup/emento del manual del producta T2455
Para usuarios fuera de Canada 0 de [es Estados
Por favor, coloque este suplemento denlro de su manual.
Dec/aracio’n de conformia’ad europea
c e Esta producta cumple con las normas ETS 300 323, ETS 300 826, y EN 60950, de
acuerdo a lo estableado por la directiva de EMC 89/336/CEE corregida por
92/31/CEE y por la dlrectiva refers-me al bajo voltaje 73/23/CEE corregida pot
Certifica tiones
Registrada por UL, certificada por CSA y NYCE, E] ahmentador cuenta con la
licencla de seguridad TUV GS,
Conformidad adiciona/ con EMl/RF/
Este disposilivc cumple con los limxtes requeridos para la Clase B de CISPR 22.
A ten cio’n
For favor observe las sigulentes precauclones 1mportantes:
' No opera ni guarde la unidad fuera de la gama de temperaturas
- No opere 1a unidad sin anlena m con dlsposihvos periféricos extemos no
certificados, tales como antenas de alta amplificacién, amplificadores, etcl E]
uso de dispositivos perifériws rm certificados por Infermec violaré las
cundiriones de lipo de use.
0 Opera la umdad finicamente si ésta cuenta con un rétulo de hpo de uso
valido para su pafs. E1 uso de una configuracién de pais incorrecta puede
violar la aslgnacnén de frecuencia de su pals,
Para obtener informacién adxcmnal acerca del uso de los productos
malambricos de lntermec 0 sobre la aprobacién de los tipos para 511 pais,
comuniquese con su representante de Inlermec 0 con la cficina de ventas
dunde adqulrié este producta
Puede recibir una copia del certificado de hpo de uso actual
para esle producta llamando a su representante local de
" Aw“: mace.w
Temperatures de operacmn m1 xatTMQ-‘wy
Do, -20°C a +60“C muse-(mo
Sufi, whyms-mo
Gama de tempsraturas para almacenaje ems unwraps-um
De —4()”C a +65”C
P/N mmvaaz
RangeLANZ/OEM integrated hardware/software
package that allows developers to easily incorporate _ ».
sophisticated wireless LAN networking capabilities ‘
into their products. It is especially well suited for .
integation into portable computer platforms for ’
mobile data applications.
RangeLANZ/OEM includes a 2.4 GHz frequency
hopping spread spectrum radio and network controller
in a compact singlevpiece package optimized for
mobility, performance and range. It offers sophisti-
eated wireless networking features, such as roaming,
power management and synchronization. It supports
industry standard interfaces to assure quick and inex-
pensive integration.
Powerful Wireless Networking
RangeLANZ/OEM offers the best performance, range
and mobility in the wireless LAN marketplace avail»
able to OEM product developers.
With a data rate of 1.6 Mbps expandable to 24 Mbps
system-wide, RangeLANZ/OEM is the fastest fre»
quency hopping spread spectrum product commer-
cially available
% proxirn
RangeLANZ/OEM offers elon
GHz PCMCIA made the mar
up to 1000 feet in open spaces.
ge o’fany 2.4
1th a range of
RangeLANZ/OEM software offers freedom of move—
ment to users. Sophisticated power management
reduces battery consumption, keeping users on the
move longer. Seamless roaming increases users'
perceived range well beyond 1,000 feet without
disruption. And RangeLANflOEM‘s compact design
is optimized for small, lightweight products
Fast Integration
RangeLANZ/OEM'S software capabilities and industry
standard interfaces allow easy and fast integration into
your product.
Sophisticated Software
RangeLAN2/OEM software addresses the complexi-
ties of wireless networking such as roaming, power
management and synchronization. This reduces
integration time by an order of magnitude so the OEM
developer can reach market much more quickly.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:30 16:42:34
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:30 16:42:36-04:00
Page Count                      : 10
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: HN2T2455-24

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