JM Sunflower 0013 Pulse II DUO (Receiver) User Manual 4322065 User Manu V1 0

JM Sunflower Limited Pulse II DUO (Receiver) 4322065 User Manu V1 0

4322065_User Manu V1.0

Download: JM Sunflower 0013 Pulse II DUO (Receiver) User Manual 4322065 User Manu V1 0
Mirror Download []JM Sunflower 0013 Pulse II DUO (Receiver) User Manual 4322065 User Manu V1 0
Document ID2716402
Application IDqoVRcUPlNg+PcHxL9Jzwfw==
Document Description4322065_User Manu V1.0
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize329.05kB (4113119 bits)
Date Submitted2015-08-17 00:00:00
Date Available2015-08-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-07-30 09:30:35
Producing SoftwareAdobe PDF library 9.00
Document Lastmod2015-07-30 09:30:35
Document TitlePULSE Instructions Booklet 291214 outlined CS4_Added Temp_for_infos
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator CS4

mm PulseWzte techno‘ogy
Square‘yfounded on medxca‘ science and patented
around the world, PULSE is one 0F the most powerfu‘
and efiectwe male stlmulamrs ever created
Whether you are stralght, gay, so‘o or with a partner,
PULSE Is designed to give you the most mtense orgasm
you have ever expenenced.
Huge‘y versati‘e, PULSE can be used flaccid or erect
and wwth or without \ubricant For a variety
«Maren: exper{ences.
When shared with a Partner amng forep‘ay,
\ts mnovatwe hands-Free deswgn and wbram’ng underside
turn PULSE H DUO into the perfect coup‘es’toy.
I . P‘easurepu‘se
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FmwmwammmwufifimwmrmmuzN - memmmr wawm‘am;
“Mum warming msmzmlwsmm ~ mam-amammmm~
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medevkemmphexwwh pan 150nm rcc Mex Opevanon mub‘eummmuowmg
mm: dame may not Huge naymm m‘evlevenze, and (2) mm devme mun azzept any
mruimm vccewcd. mdudmg mmmencc m: my mum undcmu opcmnon
(hangs; or modmnamm no! expvexxly engraved by me many vesponmb‘e lav
Now m; Eqmpmem he: been xexxed and {mmd m (ommy mm (he hymn fov 3 cm; a
mgual devua pursuam m mm ‘5 ohm rcc Ru‘ex were Imus ave demgned m arm/Ida
veamnah‘e pm‘enmn mm mm: Intevfevenze m a vexxderma‘ mmnum m:
wwpmcm gcncmms use: and m udlaw mum Imqumy cnugy and, w m mmucu
and axed m axovdame mm m Inmuwon, mayeuxe hava Imevfeverme (a vadlo
mmmunmanam Howeven mere .3 n0 guaramee max mxelleveme Wm n0! mm m a
pamm‘av .nmnmn v m :qmpment due: (we naymm Intevfevanze m vadla av
:c‘cvmon vcmphon, mm m bcdncvmmcd bymmmgmc mmmcnmhnu mm
mm \x entomaged w nym (onenxhe mxevfeveme by one ov move ohm foHowmg
, Rcovmmm mm: m vch-Ivmg arm-rm:
, \nueaxe me xepavanon between (he equipmem and men/av
, (amen m eqmpmem mm an nullelon .3 mm Meremmm max 10 wmzh me
ve(e|vev u (armada/d
, Consukmc dcak‘vavan cxpcncnmd vamo/Tmmmmn rm mp
PULSE u Loveved by vavlouxg‘oha‘ w ughlx mdudmg :opyngh‘,
paxenl apphtahom, palenu [mdudmg us paw“ mmnm‘sszma,
uoom and 532N071, and vegmeved flex-gm
Undudmg Emopean (mummy Dex-9n Regulmmn No 0020737521
Mad: ham :kmrxa'e gums um nmwntam phlha‘ale)ur\a|:x
U):wmhwattvbaudmbmam:on‘y Sn‘daxanaduknovthy umwmwmv
"Manonmammrmmum Inavmdmymyuraggvavatmg WE?xxxlmg)kmwndfllbmy
dc m mean )waHen urmflamtd away, av \auva‘ed :km Nu medma‘ z‘axmxave
wavvan‘ed ov max-m bythe uxe aHm: pvoduzt Dulqngd by Hntozmpummndun
m Gveat Brnam, axxembltd m om Pubtmate and Hm Odapuxx
ave vegmtvad \lademavk)
HOT oaopuss LTD
35 Ba‘lavds Lane
London N3 uxw
Unlxed ngdam
275A Homenead Rd use
sum Uch 9505‘

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