JSW Pacific SAV-433 Remote Control Extender User Manual
JSW Pacific Corporation Remote Control Extender
User Manual
Contents "upon-m BM vacuum” ,. 1 Gemlumdpuon“ .. ..... ... 1 imlylnumcflon-.............1 nnnv-zooo Tummmfl...................2 Th. lAV-QOOO lee-Iver“.“..“ ...3 charm-i swdch «rear; 3 The Auw-chuence Feature 4 Countellug "I. DAV-200° Tran:mlttor...................4 nee“ cl opnrlllon "no-tuning nu row" Tum-mm" uv-zoou .. . .s Uslng Powcv Transmitter SAV‘IOGO as l munkorlnu system . . . . . . . . 0 Running hulls . . Technlell an. . . . PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND SAVE — INFOKTAN‘I'I ROI! "III C h y before Inlulllnn or u Inn (hen unlu. DANGER-HIGH VOLTAGE- Unn should only be opened by an iulhorlzed lzcnrvcmn A umce m IaqubIGG Smitty "Dcl|l“°lll for correct and 5319 operation nums system I! m enema! nun-um, end» users and sen/me technicians Follow all safety plouduves ouumed in [me man- na» Specmc Wunmg and Cannon smemems (anm‘ov symbols) are marked on the unds where needed Warning and Caution Slammer“- WARNING" Indicates a slluuhon where vanure to rollow propev placer cures can cause personal mjury ‘CAUTION' lndxcates B summon where ranure m lollow proper mouaures can cause damage to me equipment This mamm contams xmpenam xn'ormatmn about mus product‘s operanon u you are msx-umgm-s proaucuar use by cums you must leave "us manual- or copy - -wn.h me and user Impo ta t Safety Precaut ons Before Start n Congratulation lor your purchase clthis 2.4GHz Vlfireless Audio/Video Sender system. please read the iollowing safety and operation instructions carelully belo re operating you Vlfireless Audio/Video Sender system, and then retain this user‘s manual for tuture relere rice. To prevent entanglement, never place the camera in a crib or playpen. Do not place the camera on any surrace Dr mount it on any wall where the camera or Its DC adapter card iswlthln reach oichlldren. . Never use the camera or receiver nearwater For example, do not use near a bathtub, Laundry tub, kitchen sink, in a wet basement. etc Discon riecl the DC adapters irom wall outlets when not using Position the camera, receiver and DC adapters to allow adequate Ventilation Keep the camera out oldirect sunlight To prevent overheating, Keep the camera, receiver and no adapters away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or otherappliancesancluding amplitiers)wrth high operating temperature. . Please make sure use only the DC adapters provided. Use 01 any others may damage the Camera and/or receiver. . Plug into only the standard household electrical power output . Mis-handlng, change or modifications not approved by manufacturer could void the warrantee applied to the equipment. . Please always remember that you are using the public airwaves with the vthreless Audio/Video Sender system, the sound and video may be broadcasted to other 2.4G HZ receiving devices even conversations from rooms nearthe camera may be broadcasted . To protect the privacy at your home, always turn the system oflwhen not in use, General description The SAV-ZOOD A/V SENDER tsdeslgried loereralion in dry and indccrenvlronment. Please only use the luv main ada pters rovided, use olother non recommended adaptor may result damage the system, and voi the warranty it is not recommended to change nor modrly any part olthis product This appliance is registered tor use as a radio transmitter. CE—tested, and complies with the Low Voltage Directives Please always read and rerertc safety and assembly instructions with any questions No warranty liabilities shall be acce ted tor any damages caused by iaiture to observe these operating instructions norany lega liability lorconsequent damages Note: The changes or modifications notexpressiy approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment Safety instructions tniury in the iorm otarty electricsncck could result irthisappliance is handled improperly These 0 erating instructions, and In parlicuiarthe lollowing salety instructions must be tollowe at all times — Opening the adapters is prohibited and warranty Will be void - lithe system needstc be examined. this must be done by a qualified licensed electrician » The system lsonly to be used in dry, indoor rooms ~ Do not operate this system in any area with high atmospheric humidity and extreme ambient temperatures - it any lault in the power supply is discovered, the system must be taken out of operation at once Defective parts must be replaced by original spare parts. - The system should be disconnected from the mains voltage Ila thunderstorm is Imminent, as a precaution against damage by lighting This also applies it the system is to be left unused for any length oitlme » The electrical rating must be adhered to at all times-this applies particularly to the operating Voltage and the mains adapters - in the event of a breakdown, the system should be sent to the dealer from which it was bought for examination by the manulacturer. he SAV 0 Transm ter Items supplied . items sup;l;d SAV 00 1 Pl — h mains 1 SAV-2000 Transmitter Tm“ “” Adlagpisr i 10Vplug-in adapter , l inlra-red module l y \ cinch/Scan , it . ' A7 i cinch/scan connecting cable l ’ Connecting gr cable Controls ‘ ‘ , infra-red / Module 1.4213an aerial This receives the 433 MHZ signal from the origin remote control unit transmitted by l — radio by the SAV-ZOOO Receiver The enclose mire-red module passes on the infra-red remote control signals to the unit (e.g, the VCR )to which it is connected the aerial must point upwards when It is l" Use . Z.Socket for extension module This is used to connect the extension module for the remote control otthe transmitter the intra-red diode on the extension module must be glued to the infra-red "eye“of the unit to be controlled 3.AtV cinch input sockets ‘l Video, 2 Audio input sockets tor feeding in the transmission signal The appropriate adapter cables are available as accessories (2 are supplied with the unit) to allow any unit to be connected. Note: Cinch/Cinch cables, which are usually used lortra nsmltting audio signals, can be obtained irom general stores(see picture) 4‘th input sachet For connection to the 10V adapters ton/0" “(Itch For swttchlng the video tr nemltter power on and oil. new channel levltcmraar). Achanriel switch-over switches for channel selection. The same channel must be selected for both transmitter and receiver This setting makes it possible to oper a up to 4 systems independently. Uae CH Switch 1-4 t leci a channel, set the switch to ON poeitten ( e.g. Channel 2) to seieclthe required channel use pilot light The lights up when the transmitter power Is an. The SAV 2000 Receive Items supplied I SAV-ZOOD Receiver i luv ptuan mains adapter I cinch/scan connectihgcahle SAV-ZDDD Race-var Controls LAN cinch output eock a ivtd 2 audionuiput lack a Thlaie where the incoming signal Ia edeived, no that it can be led via the relevant adapter cabin to the receiving unit rho adapter canlaalz cinch acert cables are auppiied) enable aimoai any unit in be connected Note: Cinch.'Cinch canieel which are uaulliy uud iortrenamttilng audio signals. can be obtained lromregularaioreuee picture) ztconnectinq aocltet ror 10V mains adapter For connecting the 10V adapter 1.0n10'llwflch For swtlchmg the video transmitter on and all A.Channel and switch—over time selection The SAV~2000 Receiver me two operating mean, 1 Permanently set to receive a epeciiic channel 2 Strriicnable between the selected channels within epecrfied time intervals Thta feature is required. lorexampie‘ when the Power Receiver is uud with several radio monitoring cameras using the Power Transmitter SAVJODO. 4.1 channel switch (rear) Fourchenneiswttchestl toA) tor selecting the receiver Chlnnal, In the axlmpla shown nerefihannel 2 in activated, Items auppiied Cincl'u‘Sclrl Cohheetlrtg came 4.2 The Auto-Sequence Feature The Auto-Sequence Feature is eutemattcaiiy activated when more than one channle switch is selected Ind ”I to ON position, The channels selected will be dlspleyed on the monitor ITV with a live eeeonda interval time To stop Auto-Sequence Feature, simply slide the dip-switches you don‘t want displayed to OFF pus-iron on both the Transrmtter and Receiverunlts Channel dip-switch“ lntne OFF position are inactive and will not be shown on the monitor TI!- lIfln-saqlnnca “allele is adlvilld when more than one channel is switched ON The channels switched ON will diaplay on the monitor at three second interval: For example. ilyou want to select two channels, eel chennell and channel edip-swnchestu on Dasillon Then (CNl ) and (CH3)wlli atartto display on the monitor in sequence atthree seconds lntervela Thieinterveilime ie ureaei by the factory and canndt be adjusted by the user To atopthe auto-sequence lunctlon: Slide In! dip-twitch Olin! channel“) you do rid! want dil- pllyld to OFFon both "ill film!“ and the monitor channels in the OFF position will no longer be dtepiayed 5.Aerial tor control channel ma tranamilaihe new: control signal. lroin the original remote control unit Hume-red "eye" Thta ts the porni iowarda which the standard remote control unit oilha unil connected to the power Tilnlmilter hand point i Connection for tha SAV~2000 Transmitter The vtdeo and audio elqnal ior radio transmiealon can be led in via the cinch eoelrete to the Near aide oi the SAV-2DOD YrIIiBmmlr, and the relevant adapter cabiea can be uaed ior connection to eriy required unit (cinch/scan adapter cables are supplied) Connections(Figs. 1-2): 1 Plug the Cinch plug olthe connecting cable into the AV Socket ot the Power Tranemtller, Please note "ill the colours olthe Plug and the socket are the same 2 New connect the pit-19 atthe otherend althe cable to the AV output socket 0' the untt the signela oiwhich are to be transmnted. Please make sure theiihe pole: otthe scan plug are the right way round. Use the cable identified as 'Transrnitter'(dutl Do not rarce ittnto the aocket' OFF on 12 3 4 Channel Dlp~swltch Diagram Chennai i on Aoss on 12 3 4 Channel Dip-Smith Diagrem channel 1 ON Receivers, (or inflame. a television eetoen be controlled by a numberoitrammittore. in order to avoid lny lnterierenoes. only one SAv-ZDOO Tronsmmer can be ewttched on at any one time Expansion oi‘ tile Power Trenemitier SAY-2000 A sAv-zooo Trenunitter set can be opereted with multiple SAV-ZOOO Receivers for tho reception PLEASE NOTE: iiyou line e cinch ceoletone oilhe ecceeeorieeflorihis connection. note when connecting It to the unit thettha colour oitne plug muet meich the colour ofthe socket on The unit ifthey IN allditierent. note the lollowlna: the yellow plug carries the video signal end muet be mulled into tile "video‘souket. the red one goes into the ”audio right" sockets. and the white one into the ”ludio Ieit" locket, twitch to one oithe echenneleich, (to 4), not-E: rm 4. Plug the adapter provided into e 230V moine socket. and tho iDV plug into lite socket orovided use only the edepter urovided. use oi other may damage the product end void the minority 5 Yum the on/oiiewitcit to ‘0n" position, no piece the SAV-ZOUO Video Transmitter In e out pontloni lg. On top oitile tolovieion out me channel must he set at both the SAV-zililo Transmitter end stiv-zooo Receiver so that they can operated compliibllr with one mother, bio 8,Piuq the inlrrred module into the "lR-eittender“ socket provided, no glue the intro-red diode onto the "eye" oithe unit to be controlled, Connecting a number of Av unitsiFng) Ii you intend to trenemtt tit tone 1 multiple receive! it VCR. DVD. eta).oi| theee unite ileve to be ewilotied one behind onotnertsee Find) Now oonneotii‘le Power Yuri-miller with the'tlne out" uockete oltne Ieet unit NOTE: lithe oy pluqoodintotheee {who Marin-momma SAY 2&0 simultaneously. Exerrv’e ~. Pom rr-nwruron JFUnrR-eewnr szésszé sAv-moo Trensminor to 3mm rum“. m m 1 , eociieie. you oouree oi ‘ i ~~~——- —-—~» - ‘ connecting we the eriol c btoi Fina). time 7.“ an Jill" roleuelng the output eocitet tor the SAW-2000 i'reneinllter s" m ‘ u. g“ "mum", ' w m m-m saw-non connection Modes of operation Fine-tuning the Power "en-miner eAv-zoee The Power Transmitter Ie cepeble oi tun-mining Alv upneienvere dieteitoe oimeii 300i!" (limpet-eight), Any wnll oreoncrete coiling ropieeenle e berrter. end tiiuo shorten: inn eyoieln'l irenomteelon venue. in el operation of a number oi eAv~zooo Trenornlttere Up» 4 Yrenemittere cen be operated in tile immediete vicinity oione enoinei by meene oiiite vnrinus chennel settings (1 to 4) uv-zam ran “tar-unmet @_@_@_ @ ant/nun row he met. Ptmll fleet“. SAY-2m Using Power Transmitter SAV-Zotlii on e monitoring System The Power transmitter is note to trenemttuvsig eteovere otstence oinieit 300 it (cieer lineal-eight) Thu long "We undliil edventepee oi Wireless trermmeslon oi eound no video moitestite Power Tiarumttter very ideal lor use with comer-e ”(no Power Receiver can be switched between 1 to 4 chlnnetiln I fix“ cycle time, which means upto arr-mores can be linked to one TV in orderto creole e complete AN monitoring eynerii. Suiiebie colour cameras equipped with sound transmission cepebtlity are available as accessories. These cemeus can be entry connected to the Power Transmmeristhe power mil be supplied by the SAV-ZOOU Transmitter Common rouble Shoo Symptons l Check Points l 1. Poor transmission quaiity l 2» Reflections ofthe signal can sometimes ellect the transmission quality, reposition the Power Transmitter or Receiver an inch or two. and this should improve the situation. Change the channel settings on both the Power Transmitter and Power Receiver (Ch. | to 4). l 1 No signal ‘ 2» Received l 3 Make sure the channel settings (Ch 1 to 4) are set on the same channels for both Power Transmitter and the Power Receiver. Beyond the transmitting/receiving range? Relocate the position album the Power Transmitter and Power Receiver closer, and always make sure the maximum range Is 300 it" clear line olslght (When two aenals can see one anotherwtthuut any obstacles Have you used the right scart plug? Remote control Channel t if you use a radio-beam headset orsome similarraoio ‘ transmitter in addition to the SAV-2000 with the same lrequency. which may reduce the etfective range. Isthe RX cable included in the SAV-QOOD pointed at the inlra red "eye" olthe unit (orproperremote control Ieature’i l 2 Tec n cal data Power Transmitter Set SAv-zoob SAV-ZOOO Power Transmitter Operating Voltage Transmltter‘ Channel 1 Channel 2. Channel 3: Channel 4“ Transmitter output' Distance Receiver: AVconnections: Modulation. Video input signal: Audio inputsignal' Video input impedance Audio inputimpedance DimenlenS(Wx H x D) Weight: Mainsadapter1OV DC Operating Voltage SAV-ZOOO Power Receiver Mainsadapter1OV DC 4channels Receiver 4channels 2.412GHZ channel‘l: 2.412GHZ 2 4326Hz Channel 2: 2.432GHZ 2.452GHZ Channels: ZASZGHZ 2 472GHZ Channel 4’ 2.472GHZ 1mW AV connections 3 x DlnCh sockets 300 ft.(lihe Olsight) 2audi0. I video 433 92 MHZ Video output signal. 1 Vpp (type) 3 x cinch sockets 2 audio,1videu Audio outputsignal' Remote control 1 Vpp (type) 433.92 MHZ FM channel 0,1 thransmitterautpt l Vpp (type) DimenSions 170x40x130 mm 1Vpp(type) (WxHxL): 75 Ohm Weight' 2709 600 ohm 170x40x130mm 2709
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : No Create Date : 2002:11:12 17:58:43Z Modify Date : 2002:12:30 14:39:32+08:00 Page Count : 5 Producer : Hewlett-Packard Intelligent Scanning Technology.3 Author : JILL [ JILL ] Creation Date : 2002:11:12 17:58:43Z Mod Date : 2002:12:30 14:39:32+08:00 Metadata Date : 2002:12:30 14:39:32+08:00 Creator : JILL [ JILL ] Has XFA : NoEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools