Users Manual

User Manual
Tablecall Paging System User Manual
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LEETEKs Tablecall Paging System was designed specifically to help guests immediately
page their servers or managers when they need anything, so they can be served
whenever they want. With this solution, it is needless guest’s are waiting for their turns for
served and servers are more convenient because it is needless to visit guest’s table twice
and it will keep servers from duplicating with each other. It will help reduce the number of
servers and also reduce the noise as well. Your restaurant will be more quiet and high-
quality. It’ll help you provide “Always Customers First” Services.
TECHNOLOGY ° UHF Technology (450~470MHz)
° Perfect for large restaurant, Café and Bar
° Wireless Paging System
° Operate in FM mode on UHF
° 3 kinds of Version
° Output Power: 13 dBm
° Dimension: W(109) X D(107) X H(15)
° Weight: 120g
° PC Programmable
° Rechargeable
° SMART CHARGING (with own charger base)
° 12 Segments Display
° 2 kinds of pager (Belt Type / Watch Type)
° Belt Type – Rechargeable (with own charger base)
° Watch Type – Operated by AAA Battery
° Automatic Back Light
° Various Alert Type (Vibe / Beep / Flash) Selectable
° Auto Delete
° Waiter & Manager Pager Available
RESTAURANT SYSTEM ID ° Unique Base ID to eliminate overlapping message
APPLICATION ° Restaurant, Café and Hotel
(1) Transmitter
Unwrap all sending unit components. Plug the power supply with the large tip into a
standard outlet and plug it into charger base for transmitter. Stack the transmitters on
the charger base. The red indicator will be lighted on and it means the transmitters are
charged properly. We recommend some type of surge suppressor on the power supply
for protection. Power surges are not covered under system warranty.
(2) Pager
Locate the charger base in a sturdy, out of the way location. Connect the charger base
with TX charger base using included jump wires. Be sure to plug the jump wires & power
supply jack in all the way.
Insert the pagers on the charger base. The pager number will always face top and the
red charging indicator will be lighted.
You should check a charging indicator appear on each pagers. This light indicates proper
charging is taking place.
On the top of each pager is your pager number.
(1) Transmitter
Place the tablecall transmitter on the proper location of table. Be sure that transmitter
will not be dropped by mistaken and check the transmitter number is match with the
table number.
(2) Pager
Attach the pager on the waiter(manager)’s belt using its belt clip. Be sure that the
message “READY” is displayed on the screen. If the message is not displayed, then the
pager is now turned off. So please press and hole the side button until it is turned on.
1) To page Waiter
- When you press WAITER button shortly, it transmits and displays TABLE Numberto
the waiter pager.
- After transmitting is finished, red LED blinks once.
2) To page Manager
- When you press MANAGER button shortly, it transmits and displays TABLE Number
to the manager pager
- After transmitting is finished, red LED blinks once.
3) To cancel page
- When you press CANCEL button, it transmits and erases the previous page(Table No.).
1) Restaurant, Hotel, Café
(1) Direction for Use
- For calling staffs
(2) Process
- A guest can page to waiters by pressing the “WAITER” button on the transmitter, when
the guest needs some help to request such as receipts or menu order.
- If the guest is not satisfied by the services from waiters, he/she can page to Manager
by pressing the “MANAGER” button on the transmitter.
- After serving the services, the waiter can press the “CANCEL button to complete the
guest’s requests.
(3) Merits
- This new premium paging system is not compared to the exited call bell systems. In
addition, it helps you to provide the high-quality services to your customers.
- It eliminates the noise from the bells, and makes customers feel more comfortable.
- It will also help reduce the number of servers.
2) Hospital, Silver Town
(1) Direction for Use
- For calling Nurses
(2) Process
- A patient can page to Nurse by pressing the “NURSE or EMERGENCY” button, when a
patient needs some help.
- A nurse can come to the patient room and serving the patients. After serving the
services, the nurse can press the “CANCEL” button to complete the patient’s requests.
(3) Merits
- When emergency occurred, the patient can immediately call to nurses.
- Nurses can check the calls from patients on real time.
3) Casino, Night Club
(1) Direction for Use
- For calling staffs
(2) Process
- A guest can page to waiters by pressing the “WAITER” button on the transmitter, when
the guest needs some help.
- After serving the services, the waiter can press the “CANCELbutton to complete the
guest’s requests.
(3) Merits
- This paging system can be used in a crowd place where guests are not able to call
waiters by voices.
- It will also help reduce the number of servers.
4) Pool Side
(1) Direction for Use
- For calling staffs
(2) Process
- A guest can page to waiters by pressing the “WAITER” button on the transmitter, when
the guest needs some help.
- After serving the services, the waiter can press the “CANCELbutton to complete the
guest’s requests.
(3) Merits
- It will help reduce the number of servers and also reduce the noises well.
Any changes or modifications (including the antenna) made to this device that are
not expressly approved by the manufacturer may void the users authority to
operate the equipment.

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