JVC KENWOOD 21683 CD Receiver User Manual Manual 2

JVC KENWOOD Corporation CD Receiver Manual 2


Manual 2

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Mirror Download [FCC.gov]JVC KENWOOD 21683 CD Receiver User Manual Manual 2
Document ID938848
Application IDF1VTF2GFePsl5CXKczXb4w==
Document DescriptionManual 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize146.06kB (1825744 bits)
Date Submitted2008-05-08 00:00:00
Date Available2008-05-08 00:00:00
Creation Date2008-04-28 17:43:43
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.05 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod2008-04-30 13:09:09
Document TitleManual 2
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.05 Scan Plug-in for Windows

SEnker Snttlng
Fine-tuning so mauhe System Qvalue is optimal
when selling me speaker type as follows;
Folifldw Speak?! “5mm"
Forésxfiw speakn' fixwémm
‘07 Me DEM make! “0 E M ”
1 Emer Standby
Fuv how [0 seicd source wtem‘ refev m  of  (Edge- 10)
. 1page ml
2 Selena Audio Preset item during Menu
mode (Other than standby mode)
Select the‘Audru Preset“drsplay
Fo' how to select Funcllun Cor-trol rtcms, refer lo
 (page 6]
3 Enter Audio Preset mode
Press the Control knob for at least 1 second.
4 Seleet the Audio Preset Memory
Turn the Control knob.
Select ll‘e 'Memory"display
5 Determine whether to put the Audio Preset in
the memory
Press the Control knob.
"Memory7"ls displayed
6 Put the Audit: Preset ill the memory
Turn the Control knob to select’WES", and then
pressthe Control knob.
"Memory ComplEKEd'lS dlsplayed
7 Exit Audio Preset mode
Press the [FNC] button.
- Reg sizv‘ Dal' oiAudo reset Memoly vuu tumor
regrsrer by tire source
4 Whe" you Bless the Rare! a illn- SDulCES Wllr heme
seiilrlg value Nhlch rs leglsle't‘d
- Wreiorrowrngrrensranrror bererstered
Volume. 521 ante, rode loudness V0 u've oiled. Jud
Zane System Rea'Vnume
22 l Knosraaau
Audio Pros-t Recall
Recallingthe sound setup reglsrered by  ipage 22),
1 Selett the scum
lor how to select sourte item, relet to  of  (page
2 Seleet Audio Preset item during Menu
mode (other than Standby made)
Select lhe’Audlo Pleser‘ display
ror how in select Funcilorl Control rtems. reierto
 (page 6l
3 Enter Audlo Preset mode
Press the Control knob for at least 1 second.
4 Select the Audio Preset Recall
rurnthe Control knob.
Select (he“Re(all“dlsplay
5 Determine whether to retell the Audio Preset
Press the Control knob.
"Recall?“ rs displayed
5 Recall the Audio Preset
Turn the Control knob to select“VES", and then
Press the Control knob.
”Recall Completed" lS dlsplayed
7 Errit Audio Preset mode
Press the [FNC] button.
- The JSEY me‘nuly oi‘SYSl {MO l'r  (page 24).
Chctk that registration is complete on the
Bluotoott device
4 By operating the Bluetooth device, start hands»
free or audio connection.
when legimring from this unit
1 Select aluetooth derricere ' ration Item
during Menu mode (In Standby mode)
‘Devlce kegist" is displayed
Fol how to select Function Control items, referm
(Funcllon control> (page 5)
2 Enter Bluelonlh devize registratinn mode
Press the Control knob for at least | second.
Search fol the Biueiccrh dcvlLe
when Search ls (OWD|ClCd,'HnIShed'\S dlspiayed
3 Select the aluetooth device
Turn the Control knob or push it towards up or
down to select the sluetooth device.
Press the Control knob to determine the
4 lnputthe PIN code
, e rs rip,
ion the [atrial km 0! push iitmraiia
mm ‘M when
n at dawn
MINE It) in Iltxl digit PM he (trir'ni (rob nnairs ion
Deielelhe iasl d gll PM Mr (crnbi «rob mwdldl M
5 Yransmll the pm code
pressthe Control knob for at least 1 second.
lttpaiirng Success“ is displayed, Ieglstlatlorl is
6 Return to the derri ist
press the Control knob.
7 Exit Bluettroth device registration
Press the [FNC] button.
. T'Iisurlll a oyys up to egnt dgitsto be not: low r \.
code V a Din (ode cannot be mnu! «turn in s LI'HL .can
no flpul iioiti iiie aloe-tooth device
. l there are 5 ol note a JEIocvh devices IEglaIelt‘d you
ca'l'loI teq no a new a uetoatn dryite
. tine eitoi messaoeappeaiswentnd I'Vt'V‘Amde
is (m'efl. tiy 
toage zsi
Regi . gsEu IBIuatoothdoviu
AHow registration ofa special device that cannot be
registered nnrmally ipairing).
1 select special device registration item durlng
Menu mode (In Standby mode)
"spa DVC Select'is displayed
For how to selett roitction Carmel items. teiei to
 (page or
2 Enter special device registra ion rrrode
Presslhe Control knob for at least l second.
A list is displayed
3 Selen a devke name
Tum the Control knub or push it towards up or
down to select a device name.
Press the Control knob to determlne the
I1“Comp\e\ed"ls displayed. registration is
4 Go through the procedure of  (page 231 and complete the
registration (pairing).
fulfilling tactful dull“ mistrlh'ml mod.
Press the [FNC] button.
. ltne deyte name s not in the list selest'omet =hano
English | 23
Bluetooth Setup
Roglstd ' 2 PIN Code
By operating the Bluetooth device, specify the PIN
code necessary for registering this unit.
1 Select PIN (ride edit itern durlng Menu
rntrde (in Standby mode)
“PlN Code Edit“ls displayed
ror how in select functror (antral ltems, rcler to
 (page ol
2 Enter PIN code edit mode
Press the Control knnb for at least 1 second.
lhe (went setting of PIN code ls displayed
3 Input the PIN code
Eden lhe numbe's
um meGirlllal khan rr push ntwarn
H at dawn
Nave la the nexl digit Push lht [onllvl knob Iuwalds llghl
Dtleltlhe last dlgll le live (1mm knob mwalds lefl
4 Reglstera PFN (ode
Pressthe Control knob for at least | second.
WComDIEted‘ ls diiplayed, reglslldllol' is
5 Exit the PIN code edit mode
Press the [FNC] button.
. EydE-Vaull“‘0003 rssoecrrreo
. n F’ v (ode can oe soecrheo wih up 10 elghl drgns
Downloading the Phone Book
Download the phune book data (tom the celle
phone to (his unit so that you can use the Phone
Book olthis will
To download lutamafiully
ll the cell—shone moons a phone book
synchronrzattor Unclloll,ihe phone back Is
downloaded automatltally afiel altretooth
4 Se. 'lq ul‘ the tell—orrone rnar be leuul’cd
. it no shone book data rs lound rn meu’lll even Afiel
the (o’r‘neie drsplay your ce more ‘rlay rml snopnrr
autonrat : duwl‘load nl phunc book data l'l rhrs casc le
dnwn ceding manually
To dammed fwm the con-phone manually
1 By operating the (ell—phone, end the handselree
con nectiont
2 By operating the cell-phone, send the phone
hnolt data to this unit
By cperallng the telleohone, downlcad the phone
book data to this um“.
» During downloading
“Downloading" ls dlsplayed
a Alter completion of downloaorng
"Completed“ ls displayed
3 By operating the celiepimne, start the hands-
iree connection.
To clear the downloading completion mm. o
Press any button
- mo roan ohone nnrnnen can as rennet-u rur tee»
reg t retl tell—phone
- usm 37 a gris (all be regntereo run each phone number
along wnh upto 50‘ tnaracters reoresent no a name
(t 50 Ntmoe' olslphahetrc alonaner t al manuals
tewer Lm’dtic's can he rnout depend 779 on rne type
- To (swell down Oadlnq of {he phnnc sum dais (meme
the ce firms
Selecting the Blur-tooth «invite You
Wish to Connect
when two or more Bluetooth devices have already
been registered, you need to select the Bluetootil
device you Wish to use
1 Select aluetooth devlce selection item d
Menu mode
(in Standby mode)
Prone Selectlur‘“ls displayed
Audio prayer
‘Audla selection" is displayed
Ior how to sale-(l Furlciluli Control items. refer to
 (page or
2 Enter Bluetooth devke deletion mode
Press the Control kn oh for at least 1 semnd.
‘(nemei’ is dlsplayed
3 Select the Bluetooth devite
Turn the Control knob or push it towards up or
4 Delete the selected Bluetooill device
Press the Control knob.
Tum the Control knob to seIeCI ”YES", and then
press the (onlml knob.
5 Exit the nluetooth devite deletion mode
Press the [FNC] bunnn.
- Whona' iisteiedtell nliene sdeleteu. is P'lul‘e Boot,
cg, sins. and yeite lag ale also deleted
Displaxlng the Firmware Version
Display the version aflhe firmware ahhis unit
1 Select aluetooth Firmware undlte iterri during
Menu mode (in Standby model
“RT r/w Update‘ls displayed
lor now (0 select Funciluri Control itervs, reier ~n
 (page 61
2 Enter Blnelonlh Firmware update mode
Press the Control knob for at Ieasl 1 second.
The inrnwore velslorl appears
3 Exit lsluetooth Firmware nodute mode
Press the [FNC] button.
. Fa' now to middle ‘Ji‘: E'lnwd'E. attess our wess‘ie
nnpzuwww kenwooo com/bill niornisti'on/
English l 25
Bluetooth Setup
Ad 9 a vo a dialing comment!
Add a voice tag to (he phoneoook for voice diarrng.
rou can register up to 35 voice tags,
1 Enter voice tog mode
select “HT“ >“v0|ce” > ”NAME’i
Fol how to select iunctron (omrcl rrerrr, refer to
cruntrron  (page 6)
2 Sarah lor the name to register
Selecl the name to 'eglslei wrrh reference to A rn
 image 15)
ifa vorce too has already been rcgrsrercd for a
name,“”ls drsplayed before the name
3 Select a mode
Pushthe Control knobtownrds right or left.
Plaza limit 39
More a VDKt tel
Return to SIEEZ
< 9 sprayed only wnen a name Va' wmcn e vorce tag has
oeer vegrsie'ea rs seietred
select ”REG” lit-gist)
4 Register a voice tag (first)
Press the Control knob.
”ErierVolce rsdrsplaved
What“ a beep rs heard, utrer a vorcetag wrthrn 2
5 Confirm the voice no (second)
Press the Control knob.
"tnrerVorce 2“'ls drsplayad
Wher a beep rs heard urterrhe samevbrce tag as
that you uttered in step Awitnln 2 seconds
‘Lumpleiecf rs displayed
6 End registration
Press the Control knob,
Retum to step 2 You can reorsrer another vorcc tag
- ‘youv vorce cannot be'eiogn 760 e messagers
nnpiaveo Piessmq zhe torrror Knob at (Msyou iu iLiiy
vote.» rnour (page 40)
Select ”CHI!” (Play)
4 Press the Control knob.
Play rhe reorstered vorce and return to step 2
26 l KDC-BT838U
Solo“ ”DEL” (Baku)
4 Delete a voice tag
Press the Control knob.
Turn the Control knob to selettWES”, and then
press the Control knob.
Reluiir to step 2
Exll the voice my nrodc
Press the [FNC] button.
. Audio sound 3 not ourour dui ng vorce lag rogrsrrar o'i
Setting a Voice Command for
Add a voice tag torhe phone number category
(type) for voice calling.
1 Enter voioe tag mode
Select ”ET" > ”VOICE" >“TVPE”.
ior how to select iunctron Cumml rterr, lefsr'o
 (page 6)
2 Select the category (type) you wish to set
Tum the control knob or push it towards up or
‘General‘v "Home-v “ointev 'Mublle'/'Ulliei“
3 Press the Contml knob.
4 Select a mode
Push the Control knob towards right or left,
qlslti a vom- tau
nelnea vote lag
R n n ttepz
. fl .
' Drsolayed on y wnen a category l'ypnl lo' wn to a vnrre
req nae been entered s settled
5 Register the category (type) by performing
steps 4 to 6 in  (page 26).
Exit the voice my mode
Press the rmc) button.
, Ss’i'ievolmic‘q rorallmeStatenovrcs i’l'mvulu‘ldg
rs not reosrered lo' a i tnecategores tne 2nonebook
may not no recalled ov vorce command
Downloadlng the SMS
Download (he shall message (SMS) amved at (he
(ellsphone so thal it can be read on [his unit,
1 Emef sms download mode
Selecr ”ET" > “sms” > ”SMSDL”.
Fol now m selen l mmon Ccmlol lteml lele' to
 lpage sl
2 sun downloading
Presnhe Control knobs
ws DUWllloadlllg’ls dlsplayed
When mo downloaalng rlnlsnesrclnrpleredfls
3 Exit the SMS download mod!
Press the [FNC] bunon.
- The ce Dhone must be ads to llarls'flll K'K‘ SMS own;
a uelooln sellan on we re charm may l» leqlllll‘d
lll'ls (9 phone urns nol suppnll ws [uncl c’l lne
SMSduwlllouc llsln n runnmtonlvc made snol
- when lhe SMS ls downloaded (lam me (E 'Dhu'\el lhe
unooenen nnssages ln ma rell nnme ale ovum-d
- We a‘lsady loan and llnleaa Shu'l Mundgcscdfl cue
lcsuullvc y downloaded up lo 75
SMS (Short M sag hr m)
The sms armed at me cellphone IS displayed on
A newly arrived message is dlsplayed.
. To plm'ulll (all accldem: we dllvel aloud llnl leadl’le
sms whlls dllvlwg
whorl 1 new mess-g. rlrrlm
“sMs Recelvcdus dlsplayeo
The display dlsappears erh any opolallons
Dlsphyl'ng rlr. Sims
1 Enter sms Inbox mode
Select ”BT” > “sms” > ”INBOX".
For now 70 selecl Funcllon Curllcl llem, refer lo
 (page on,
A message llsl appeals
2 Select a message
Tum lhe Control knob or push it lowards up or
- [ath presslng olthe [AUIO] bunch swllches [he
Hummer cf llems displayed between 3 or l
3 Displaylhe ten
Press the Control knob,
Presslrlg lhls buncrl agaln allowsyuu lo selecr a
message agaln
- llyou push the Lulllrol Knob lowalds llgm or
IEfl when lhE"<“Ol"> sylllbcl ls displayed lne
lollowlng message ls dlsplayed
4 Exluhe sms lnbox mode
Press me [FNC] button.
. The uncne’led nessagc ls dli‘.) ayen al lne nelllnn ng
a! ma llsl Ornel messaoes ale u so eyed ln me aloel or
menlon Hue ul Cale dlsulay Veal Monll Day How
Ml low)
. lhe slvls lna: nasa“lved Wren We Lc‘ O'lo’lels l'ol
‘nxed w m Bluclccl'l tsrlrlol he lllsuloybd Duv- l one
lno ws
. ll‘s ml- l message (Erl'lcl be also eyed dullng
aownloaulnglne SMS
English l 27
Basic Operation
Solming SlMlih Nadia mm
Press the [SRC] bum)
Selecr rhe 'sAT"/“5lmu
Fol how ro selerr suurce ltem, 'efel m  of (Baslt Opelallon> (page
- Vou mu m leglslel (a me sevie wonder lo reserve
rne sews by Sarel lle Wadlc Consulr me SEWKS
pvovrdevrmm ’CSJBSCR\E'“EDDD3K
. he rm; may laksa Ln nrrmero sla'l mum lg dflcl
yuu 30: m lhc Sale-Ms Padrosourte
. Wlhcslgnalletemlnnflall; AcqulrmgSlgnal‘,"N0§lg'\al
Swilzhing Seek m4-
Press the [AUTO] button.
Nalmal nrnnl tenrrrg mural
5mm n m nlmerwarleh m Me View! memnly
Salad rh- charm-I
Push the Control knob towards right or left.
Selecting the Presets-mi
Push the Control knob toward up.
Each rlme you prrsn the knob the Oleset band
ahemares belween (he 5m, saz‘ SR3 and 5m
Press the [AUTO] bullon for at least 2 seconds.
Plenlng ms button rm 2 seconds 0' longer allows
yub ta (heck lndryrdual channel for lg seconds
each Plesslng rnrs bmmn agam far 2 semnds o'
lcngcr allow: you lo exlt rm; mode
e Radio tuner control (Optional)
Cat-gory and Channnl Starch
Selecting rne channel and (amgmy you wanl to
1 Emu Category and Channel Seauh mode
Press the Control knob.
2 Select the Category
Turn the control knob or push lr towards up or
3 Select the Channel
Push the Control knob towards right or left.
(Inulflng cnugory m4 charm-l s-mlr mu.
Press the Control knob.
. You cannot (nannel startn ml r l'lecalegmy
mh'maucw ls emu led
Funnion of remote cumml
Dlr Amss Tun' g
Entering the (hannel and runing.
1 Enter Direct Auessrrrnlng mode
Press the [maid] bullon on the remote
2 Enlzr the (hannel
Press the number hunons
3 Dn Channel Surth
Press the ll<<1or [m1 button.
mmmrrg Dim: Alt-n nrnlng
Prassthe [DIRECT] button on the remma
A «yon wake l'c ourronaperamn lol reset-eras we
1 rm Access lun nq mode rs auromsnca ly (a'lcelsd
. Wyou (a’lllol leteweanyslqwa mlhempult'vamsldue
re bad condll ens an lad a wave av ems" sum Inch 9le
Atqllllrrlq sum, /”V\u Sgrral'apuears
Pr snM mo 2
Puttlngthe channel m the memory.
1 Select the channel to put in the memory
Push the control knob towards right or left,
2 Enter Preset Memory mode
Select "RMEM".
For how to soled Nllctloll Carmel lter’l, ielerin
Recall preset stations 391111451
In CDIUSB sour“
Music selecl $1 [ml/[ml
Folder/Disc selecl % [PHI/[AM]
Pause/Play “391m”
In Sat-Ill" Ra
tuner sourc-
Gene contra
Preset band seled %[FM1
Volume canlml (4,191 (van [a
Channel seled [ml/[ml
Source select % lsncl %
Refill preset channels m — [51
Volume redum % IA?"
In Blnolooth all sourze
Aud' control
Musiz select Q9 [ml/(ml
Audio item selecl $3 [AUDl %
Pause/Play l>lll
Adjust lhe Audio ilem % [VOL]
. new m mm r, mm) mega 70 la n-E upelallol‘
"lcmc/d, sud“ as” sluledums Vol Audlo (C’II'C afld
mm mm m
Dual Zone control
Dual lone system on and 0" QB [LIONE]
Rearchannelvolumezontrol gallu/[Vl
30 J KDc-maau
Hands~free Rhona control
Enter the dialing method selenion mode
Select a dialing melhod QB lull
Number dialinpul
HEM; mgr
1. A; r
4 . v n.
l0l [9lhumans
mgm'rf [»l] button
ir‘pur [FM1bum-m
ir l [AM] button
meal lr‘r mm pry“: mini (ml button
Make a call % lDIllECl'l
levlng - all
Answer the call % my]
Switch between the private talk mode and the
hands—rue talk mode % lbll]
Cl" waiting
Answer Another Incoming Call with the Current
Call Suspended QBmil
Answer another Intoming Call after Terminating
the Current Call % lSRCl
Cuntinu the Current Call % [1]
yum-g . all
End the (all % [SEC]
Adjust the voice volume % [VOL]
- Du rim (ET the remote zomrol lrl hot places sud“ as
on [he dashbuard
Loading and Replacing battery
USE two "AA“/“R5"rslze balleries
Slide (he cover While pressing dcwr‘wards (0 remove
ir as illustrated
insert rifle batteries Wilr’ the + and poles aligned
properly following the lilusrraliofl lmide the case
English l 31
About Audio file
. Playable Audio me
AAC—LC (m4a)‘ MP3 (mp3), WMA lwmal
- Playable dist media
- Playable dis: file format
lSO 9660 Level l/Zi Jcllet, Names, Lcnq llle name
. Playable use deviee
uss mass Stulaqe class
. Playable use deyite iile system
Mllfi, FATSZ
Although the audlo files aie complled With the
siandalds listed above. the play maybe impossible
dependlng on the tyaes bi tenditidns of media or
. playing otdeialtlie Audia file
in the example offoldel/llletree shawn below, the
tiles are played in the OidEi f'nm Crib @
©cng> Elijah
_ em»
An anliiie manual about audio liies is put an the
Site, www.kenwood.(on\/audiofile/ On this biilii-e
manual delallcd lnl‘ormdtluvl aiid ndieswhith are not
wntien in this manual a'e provlded Maad thnnetiiut tabluulcillc Pad
flann filth beheld! oil Wadi laofl rlassw and P00 touch
Cenel Pods Lan’loi DE connected
li may ae d lieieni iiamiiie pay isi mod
About USB device
- l‘ynu star- Dlayback after (unnecllng the mad the
musit that has buerl played by the IPOd I5 played
lh ihls tase,“RESUMlNG“ii dliplayed Without
dlleal/lrlq afbltlet name etc (hanging (he bruwse
ltem Wlll dlsplay a correti iiile, eit
~ When the iPod ls while-(ted [O Thli urlll,
'KtNWOOD‘or'/' is displayed an the ‘chd m
mdltate that you (ar‘r‘oi opeialethe ll’od
~ When the USE devlce is tormented to lllls unit,
it can be (higcd up Drovlded that thls Lr‘li lS
. lrlstall the USE devlce ln the place where lr Will not
plevem you iidm diiying youryehitie ardpeily
- You tannot (onnect a usa device vla a use hub and
Multl Card Peadc'
4 lake backups clthe dudlo llles used wlth lhls unit
lhe files can be evased depending on the operating
(cndlllorls ofthe USE devlce
We shall have no compensation lOi any damage
aiislrlg cut of erasule Olthe stoled dam
- ND use dei/ite comes With this unit You need in
purchaie a tommeitialiy available use devlce
e when tonnectlng the USB device usage of the LA
UlEX (Oplloll) ls recommended
Nuimdl playback is not guaranteed when a table
othei than the USB (ompatlble cable is used
cdiinettind a table whoseibial length is lengti
than 5 m tan result in abrolmdl playback
About KENWOOD ”Musk Editor” 0! PC
app icntion
. "Muslc Edlicr‘ls recuvded lll the CDVROM attadled
Iu lhls ulllt
- Reiev to the user‘s manual rewvded lit the
lrlSiallaflOn CneROM and Help ol“Music Ediioi”ui
the CDE'EUOH method of“Muslt tdlmr‘
a ihe unit car play usa deyite created by”Muslc
- lriuimailori abdui “Miisit Ediioi‘wipqiade is but an
the slte, www «erwaod com
About Satellite Radio tuner (Optional)
Thls unii supports 5a~eilite Radlo tuneis which are
ieieased by SlRlUS and KM
Reier in the lnstructlon manual ai Satellite radio tuner
About HD Radio (Optional)
When ydu ccnneci an HD Radid, Tuner features of
the unit are disabled and thanged id HD Radlc tuner
with the H) Radio iunei you can use the similar
iuiicticlis cf Tuner ‘ealuies Reiel m Tllnerfsalu'es for
how [0 use the functior's
About the Cell-Phone
lhis unit confolms to the fciiOwing Bluetooli‘
gr; _ ,ciii9nietimhiliaiile)
“ In“? PBAPIPhnnEhmkAueiiP'oflir]
, f, sluts (MunilalmanNr
lot the (eli'phories vented for (Ompflibililifl access
the foilowing URL
han/www.kenw00d com/bt/infmmation/
. the un ts Suppn'lir’q the R uulcol'l iuii(l on have been
teitihetl lpi u)iiloiiiiily wti the Biuetopth Stanaava
Yoibwiiig Vie piotcauie piesei bed ny iiumcow
SiG Howevet (Tidy be itnpotsipie lot sum units la
ZQ’WTiuri Cale With you' ceii—phene dono'ld Pq c’i its lpr‘
. iFP ad pvoiiie u in make a hands "m: (a
. OPP is a nlufi e usnd mtvenslei data sum as a pnene poet
netweeii un is
About the Bluelocth Audio player
ihis unit spnfptms to the foilaWing laiuetoctli
- ADP 52 u'cfl‘e desqnedtotianslei the must» hm an
audo piayei
. AVRO’ sz p-etie tiesiqntti loLaiitloi Diayuack and
se E'Ui’afl pi music byeriaudic siayel
Menu Glossary
- 5m: Select
SelliFg up the Source Seiecl mode
Dlspiays SDuicE‘ Kons io' yuur (hCiCE
z AiIOwsyou (o seiett soutces one aile' another
- at W: status (Displaying the aluetooth device
Vuu tan displaylhe conneclicn status signal
Silengthi and patteiy ievei
Hi Bluetpoth teli—pnone connection slams
E Biuetootn Audio corintdlon status
Battery levei of (elirphorle
iuli --G- G - CI Neally dead
Yul Signai Sl'cnglh oiteil phune
Maximum Y. -Y J -Y Minimurn
» Lu’h we iul disu Eyed if Wiol'raIOH cziiilul be
obtained he"! Vie reii—p'iolie
- 5 rice the numnel 07 sleps 0! m0 (onl'n um I i\ dil‘l-lcil
lion l’la( ultne ee phone ine Slahizu dismayed on
ihe wntioi un i my a sepia ‘totn those a Spiayed cri
liicm pharie
Auto Answer (Setting thenme interval lot
Automatic Answer)
This lunttton automaticaliy tm>Weis (resparids
to) a taii aftei lapse oi the preset time inteival tot
du|0l¥‘ati( answsl
”OFF“ Does not aliswe' the phone cali
io‘ Automaticaily ariswefs the phone caii at OMS
”is“ 7'995“ Aqlomallcaiiy aYiSWEYS lhe phone rail
after ianse ofi — 99 semnds
- iilhs lime sel ii 1M (CH uiiclifl is mollsl the” Vial set ”i
we uliil, [he iormei Wi ‘ (18 used
4 Th s lurid 077 docs Viol V\ 'k fol (aii wa ling
SP Select (Setting up the Voice Output
You (an speeily the VOICE output speakels
"fronl‘ Outputs mite from the fluill'iefi arid from—
nght Speakeis
'l R‘ Outputs vciteiiom the lmnnnght sneaker
f Outputs volrefiom the ironHefi spcakei
. Se‘efl the speelei W'\i(h is iJYI’lEY View the nnetephune
n meet to D'Evenl hawi ng o' eenpes
Call seep (Setting the Beep ofthe incoming
You can oulsul a peep from the speakei when a
tail tome-5 ili
"ON Beep is heald
"oil“ Beep is canteled
If this unit is rpl OpEialEd at ieast 5 secpnds With
'Oil"seiected,:he dispiaylums off During e setup
trade. the display Wiii not turn off Even if 5 seconds
English i 33
- ILM Dimmer (illumlnatimt dimmer)
Reduces the key ttturntnatron bttghtness
AUTO Dtrnsthe tttumtnattun trt cortturrctton wtth
the ttght swttch ot the yehtcte
MNAU Dtrns the ttlumtnatton constantty
MNALZ Tutt‘s oFtho uppet and lower Ittumtrtattortst
and dtnts the tett and rtght ttturntnattdns
OFF Does not dtth the tttuminat'tnn
Setectlng'TJFF’mmS utrthe thtHrt atnptther
turntng at the butttetn ampttfter ttnproyesthe
quattty of the sound from Preout
- Zone: (Dual Zone]
set the destination (front speakm'Fvom”ot rear
speaker “Rear", ofthe sud wutze tAux tNt when the
Dual Zone functon ts turned on
- Supreme
Technology to extrapotate and supplement wrth
proprietary atgcrtthm‘ the htghettequency range
that ts cut off when cncodtng at low btt rate (tess
thrm lZBKbps, Sampttng frequency ts 44 ‘ kHz]
Supptememtng ts apttmized by compresstcn
tarrnat (AAr, tVtP3 atWMA) and processed
accordtng to btt rate
the effect ls negttgtbte wtth rnustc that ts encoded
at htgh tart rate, yartabte btt rate at has rntnttnat htgh
ttequency range
. Receive Mode (Receive mode Setting)
Sets the recetve trade of the HD Radtc
Auto Autotttattcatly tunes to analog broadcast
when there ts ne dtgttat braadcast
Dtgttat Dtgttat broadcasts cnty
Anatog Analog broadcasts onty
. CD Read
Sets the meimd tcv veadtttq (D
When unable to ptay spectat format CD, set thts
iunctton to?“ to force ptaytrg hate that some
mustc CD may be unptayabte even when set to ‘2‘
tn addtttotr, audtc tttes cannot be ptayect when set
to?" Normattyt keep thts set “Vt"
t Automattcatty dtsttngutshes between audto ttte
cttsc and rnustc CD when ptaytng dtsc
z Forces ptaytrtg as musrc CD
Use or controls or adtustments or performance of
orocedutes other than those saecttted heretn may
tesutt tn hazatdcus radtatton prmurs
tn comptrtnce wtth Fedelat Regutatrons tottcwtrg
are reproducttons or tabels on or rnstde the product
retatrna to laser predud satety
Kenwood Cotpotdttutt
296773, tSHtKAWAcMACHt
tofu) tot CHAPTER t,5uBCHAPtERJ
Lehman Butluttt Panet
thrs edutomont may generate or use radto
trequencyenergy changes or tnttdthcattonsto thts
equipmert may cause harmrut rnterterence unless
the rncdtttcattans a'e expressly approved tn the
rnstructtorr manuat the user coutd tose the authottty
to operate thrs equtpmer‘l tt an unauthtrnzett change
or modrficatton ts made
Thls equtpment has been tested and fizund to
(umpty wtth the ttrntts for a class B dtgttat deytce
pursuant [0 Pt"! 5 cHhe t (C Rutes these |tmt(5 are
destgned to provtde reasonabte orotectton agarnst
harmtut tmerfererce tn 5 testdenttat tnstattanon thts
equtprnent may cause hdtmfut rrrterference to tadto
commumtattons, It It ts not tnstatted and used trt
accordance wtth the tttstructtons However, there
ts no gua'artee that rnterterence wttt not occur rn a
pamcutar tnstattatron ttthts equtpment does cause
havmfut trttEtterertze to radto ot letevlstun receptton,
whrch can be deterrnrrred bymmtng the equrprnenr
strand on the user ts encouraged torryto correct
the rnterfetence by one or more otthe fottowmg
mea and me hane'ywrw
ryerrewrrerrreeerenassszrrroanur yuu mayeauseosnorr
e rerrnnar rn rorr maysra-r a rrre Mwayswrmen nose
w resro me power some ronnrng errougr rneruse box
. Mounrrrrg av'd wrrrng rnrs arodun reqrr res skr s and
ekoerrerree Fm serery's szse reeye rne mounrrng and w r we
- Make surero ground We urn me negarrye- Iv 7: power
« Do nor rrsrorr nre uh! rrr a spa! exooseuro drreer w rrqre
u' excess ye near 0' nurnrorry krso evord praees w re roo
much dusr onhe moss br rry orwarer serasnrr-g
« Dom! use your own screws Use onryrneserews oroyrrleu
rryorr uwmu w awry stvcwsr you (cum damagsma one
A Wthc Dcwm 3 HC\ iumsd ON (”P'nmc‘rs drmraytdlr the
speaker wrre- my rare a srrorr trvcu r or zoraenea zkre
chess sofmeve'w e ard zkre proreer err fundon rnay
eaye oeer en vzied ThL-mlovc, rrre soeeker wrre sr-oura be
. (yam ears rgnrrrorr does rrm r-raye an Act posrro rmnnncl
me anron wr resroa pewer soureernar Aarr oe rarnea on
and arrw rnrrre gnrr on key ‘you r nrrrreer mu grrrr on
w re ro 4 power scmcewm a eoosranr vokgeauooya as
w w barrerywr-es, ree barzery "ray a e
. rrr-re consore res a hd rrrake surero rnsra rre u'm sonar
erre ‘aeepare wr nor nrr rre r : wnen flmrwq am e oerrrrg
. rrrnerose orows r sr Hmknsu'e New resarerrr rooenrng
ro eause a srrorr e rcorr, men renraee me o a rose wrw one
wrrn me some mr'rg
- rrsurare Jnco’rnefledw reswrrn vmy me or n‘hm srmrrar
marer e Tu prerrerr a srrorr e mm, or: rre- vsmcwt’ rne (ass
on pro errds oh'vc urreonneereo w res orrnere rrrrrras
a zonrreer rne speaker wrres eorree-ry m We rerm nars \o
wrr ch rney correspond roe orrr may be flaw-aged or iar in
work «you snare rrre @ wrres uv g uuvvd rrrern m any merar
narr Mmu'
. Woerr amy rwo speakers ere be 1g conneued in me
sysrern eorneer me eonneercrs errner ro born rne from
ourpur rerrnrrrars orro born rne rear ouluul rernrrnars (flu
nor w" k r-orr and rear) ror eknrrrore (you mWM‘fl rne 3;
cmneflovofi've refs speaker tea from cupu! rerrrrnar, do
nor eonnee: rrree eorneerorro a veavoulpul re mum
, Aievlne um: rs r-rsrarreo. enerswnerner rne brake or-ros,
Dr nkers, w aers, ere on ere eer are wuvk Hg oreoerry
. Maw! rrre um! so rnar rne mounrrro angre rs so~ c' ress
. zeeeurron may drop rrrrrereare rrrera Omens nearrre
§_\u_eruom a'uerrrra
Bluetomb amenna kmrx
About CD players/din changers (enacted
to this unit
rt rne CD prayer/ dvsr rhanqe' has rhe'o—Wswrrcr, ser
re re lheW'pnsmon
The luncnorrs you can use and [he mfum'anon the!
ean be drsprayed may dlf’ér dependmg on the models
berng conneded
For Good Reception
To assure good reeeerron. rote rhe lorrowrng
. communreare wrrh (he Cerlsphonc wrmm rhe |rrre
oV—srghl drstav'rce of re m (30 m We commumzaflcn
range becames srrorrer dependrng or «re
suvvoundrnq enyrronrnerr The ccmmumcatron
range arso becomes shorts! when were rs an
obsraele belweerr rrrrs Jmt and me eeneprrone We
above rrrakrrrrurrr (ummmrcahon range no m) rs
not always assared
a A broadeasr sraeron or warkresiame roeared nearby
(an rnrer-ere wrrrr commumcaflun due re (00 strong
Engrish | 35
Connect'ng W res to Terminals
1; USE dL-vLL
4- Mmpwone mm
S‘EE' mg ‘9 wovrmmrm Mueflofy (an 13 my 95 m
USchrvedovl ml [LghKB‘Le/Ve M ‘=EJ
Donolve'vovemscaDV/wefi Tausen‘esxee'wgwree‘
RE-ar mnnm
you do no! use We uss can a wflvam Lon-v0; (gems, you k °° z
Hm toy-"mow Wm (anSGK'YS need m an mm «D vuv'vm: 6° r-om cuwul
mm m maWunmnn w! quh m adame‘ ("m Sum) yed} maxme‘
mum wm my man ( am of yam (av g reamed
mm» dz
0° Suzy Wuuicv nmpu
rM/AM antenna "79m
WE Aux roux Steven”,
uscme Wm nu; ma > xlc’eolypzznd does 70!
“WW haves , vesmame
Tc meood ms: ma‘lgev/ Exlema‘ upuonaw “(awry
To (omen 1hese\ead3 ‘chf m me vs Evan! wrumcn wanums
meq units:
8mm.“ m swam
8Tr11'm! '\gM)pCflkC'
Fur m/mm 8 Va vcav th' speawv
hm cannecuofls ave made do nm M 0-9 w re come on Ivcm the up
Power conUoVMomr ammna (chum we v
(B‘uE/Wmle', (c'mEn eve-v lo [HE OWE! (GMT: [E'V'an‘ when usmg {he ODUOM
FCC-NY owerampwflvv, CY m lhEa'Wenna IC’WO (E'mmd m We Vzmde
Mmu'a’nmwa w-mm wwe (awe; maendmg on mm zmermz ycu are usmg (onnefl cwMev wmemmvo
em m a! the mom anm'vm, m u: the 0:3va mm m: fc' we coastev
wo‘fis'ohhefi‘m xypeanrerna
Tocurmefl me Kehwucd nawgaum sys'em co'vsu ‘ yam mmqanm
N m wwc‘ (svuwn
D "We comm wue (O'anqs / Wm;
\ m! on w vs (Pea)
(av ruse (70x
(Me m (use)
G'Dwd Wueeacwé floxavmasys:
Installa lon/Removing the Unit
non-J- uno nears
rvrerar moummg slvau
(eorrrrnoroorrv avarrae er
' vewaH or meld suppc-r
Eerrd rrre robs c‘ we
moonrrrg sfeeve win a
screwdrrver or svw‘d' urerrsr
and arm rr rr-r pram
set raw "9 WM
fuorw-vererd v avar gorer
Screw [MA x a wry
rmmrerrrurrv Mr Am
r Make surefire! We um x WflaHEd SEKU'E‘Y m mew the
um s unsraofe, rr rev rrrorruoer oorforexampre me somd
h nest: s
1 Refertorhesemun  and (her remove the hard rubber ‘rame
2 Arrgrr the rrores m we unrr (Mo locanorrs on cad"
ode) wrm me verrere mourmng broeker and secure
the umf wrrh (he acressory mews
r rovoraurs
w Nrssar‘ (ah
Areessorvm for Nrssarr zav
meadows; forrovora (a'
Removin thn hard rubber lraml
1 Engage me rareh arr; orr the rcmuva‘ roof and
remove the two rocks on (he upper revel
Upper rhe frame and {NH rr forward as shown m
Hemnvfi roof
2 when rhe upper lever rs removed remcve ffre
lower (wo locanons
- The "ametafl oe re rwcd from mo norrdmrdr: rrr l'rc
same mom-r
Rama 9 th- Unlt
1 Refer rorrre semen  and men remove me hard 'ubbev frame
2 Remove the screw (M4 x a) on rhe ueu porref
3 rnserr me (we remdvaf [00‘s deeprv mm me sfors
on each slde, as shown
4 Lower rhe remover rool toward me bottom, and
Du” out rf‘e u'rir horfwov whrre pressmg rewards
rhe rr‘srde
Suew [M4 x H mm]
(tc'n'flevc errv avar abrer
- xe rarefur rd cvord rruurv from me oak" orrrsow l’vc
‘nmovfl‘ we
5 PuH me unrr a” rhe wov cu: wrm you' hand; bemg
careM nor Io drop rr
English | 37
Installation/Remov ng the Un
Inst ation tha Mizrnphnnn Unit
1 Che:k me lnstaHauun pmsluon ofihe mmphone
(accessory (a!)
2 Remove ON and cthev dm Vrum the wnstal‘a’won
3 mmH (he mwcrophofle
4 ere the mwcrophone cab‘e us m (he hands'free
box wwh n secuved m seveval positions using tape
or me We
rx 3 (an e w m a mwmeroaw
mu 0! upe
) \
Fee‘ me vs Ease (Deter: paw olduume lace adheyve xape m
«x on me n a: u shown above
mm mm yen m ohhe mmnmnu m N: 0“va
. H-t'aHHP mr'op‘m'veash‘asnumb‘efiomfium‘
38 \ momzsu
Troubleshooting fin de
Somefundions onliis unit may be disabled by
some senings made onrliis unit.
fl Cannot ssr up ens suowooler.
e ("mot sat up tho N gh Pass Filter.
rcnlnm selllpllle Faden
.rlo Audio eonlrol effect on AUX.
> .esuewoolei QJKDJD oi dew ODEYN shs ipage 4)
s ioi sol \L‘ O"
-T'¥E Dual [C'YE‘ Turn on is e'ldm ed n- um! o
SEluD>1udge 2m
fl -Cinnatnlupthesubwoohlvhase.
b The eaw PassF lei 539! la T'ilcmgh a  image 20)
fl Clunots-lllptlnau control,
manna: set no the audio setups
b mu (aYWDl sei up during her-ids l-ee (a in;
fl rCinnut “lid an. output desrinarion omie
subsouvfl in me nual zone.
cannor ad)“: me volume ofthe rear speakers
b The Dual miie fuvieiioii is d sab Cd r-  eioenmsiieiion noue seii Hg> iosge '9> is iioi
What might seem to bee malfunclion in your uml
mayjust be (he resull ofsllghl mlscpelalicn oi
mlswinng. Before calling Sen/ice, fim (heck (he
(allowing (able for possible problems
E the Tough sensor lone dun nol sound.
of The uieoui ow s nei-ig nseo
a The Toueh Semi Tone Eam‘ol be oulDlll i'u'v
lhe is l
n We illurnina ion flashes urn-n thl knob or hunnn
is opal-(ode
1 Th 5 SMS Key Hum on on efieu
it You sei inis elieu inmw > MA eiieei'of
< iieiioh tunnel» «page 6)
fl Th k-y urn seion ellen brought about in
(onjlnu on will. the sound volume is smxll.
v The (ey imiinsi on elven may no insu'iziehi
dFDE‘hdi'lg {1’7 Ms Sound voiuflu di‘d >L‘U'IU we lv
Tuner sourze
fl Rudio reception is poor.
of The (a! meme is noi exler‘ded
w p i ii h
Dix snulze
E The specified dlse does no! play, but anoiner one
plays Inst
l, Tie spee fled z) is an ie c iiy
w closii ihu (D iercnii-g io ihe (D zieaii rig oiihe
seer m on (Hand irchs> (pogo 3)
0! Hum lhal
Xpe< fled
ir FJE'EK “he di$( magaflne ai-u meei no imbe-
f h r d d
V The uise isseveieiyseioiehed
w Tiy arm hei d S( ivisieau
Audio file source
B the sound 1k|px whorl an Audio file is belng
I T’le med 3 is Stalihed DY d Yly
rs (‘edll lhe mediz rereii rig in ihech trifling oi
ire set! on on < isnd ii (15> (Luge Al
v Tie 'C(old no cor-duo" is bad
rz Record me media again oi use A'Tul’lf‘i med a
B No e is heard err-an (any 9 out folder searai,
w Noise may be pioooeed iffoiaeis Wil’loul iii/din ries
exisi eohiinoousiy n me playing media
audioi es
I] the hands-ll- Illk rolurne is low,
if T’le mos iiee laikvo we is sei al a aw eiei
a PVC iniids liee is k vm nme ean ae adiusied
iideoevidem y Adiusi ii uui rig haiiiis l'PPlr-l‘k
Burr sound li rd fvumflleleirspeikers.
if You ave iaikihg iv me hand—lien iaik "lode
rs anourld sfleavd‘mr‘ifl'eleavsacake'siflwe
E No been is heard it recaptlnll ol an "coming sail.
v No heea is neaid demending o’l WC Iypn olyciu'
eeii ohoiie
ire iiiewiehw (a Besu‘ol (i u’lmofl (O'H'0\>
( 5)‘ \' ON
5 make is notwaoqnlxeds
v The ve'lic‘e Window is 0967
iiie siivioum iig noise is age voceca'mci oo
lstog" red D'ODS‘Y y (lose irie veiiieie w ndows
io ieduie noise-
I Smaiivcice
r- i-' wine is ico siiinii ii ca-iiict cz- VL’(0<2’\ 7ed
piopeiiy Sneak inic me mieioohohe a lzie «we
g g is nor ihe arm wha
ieg sieied rie i
w Only me mire mine DEYSi’TH wno ii-u sieied lht
Engiish \ 39
Troubleshooting Guide
Blueloolh audio source
[I we Blumom ludlo pliyer mum he ugisllred
/ The w (ode is fixed
11 ercu a m coamsspedm m we mum
Manua‘ fov Biuemolh Am a Paw-Y, mg sm' [
Wm mievehce to (Regina! ng P w tea» (page
147 in: VE'giSIOY ‘he iiucluulh Audio New“ W F0
PM (Ode S Specied m We insl’ul an Ma'ua
My new
E the sound from the mummy. audio player Is
w We distance between an , um! and mm nay/N 5
me «A-
W Moveihe aqupjz P' Weave! lo mi) u"!
v A'volhk' smuumr cemro s aired rg we a moon
ca'flmumcar m
w lum avraromev B‘uzlncmdevce
u Move mower Biuelacm dowre away H: v m
hm ev uemom devm ov mm > mud in-
n» he dow'floadwg nine Pnu'vc book u'iho sms
40 | mamasu
The messages shown below display your
systems zondmon.
TOC E'Vm rNuc smasaeen caded nmum
.|thDwaquve um ivvv(Dwsumwds
dam Wm (D 5 sc'aiched a ‘o\
Error 35 MC disc ‘ u'veaudbic
F110! 77 Tne um u mawimmomng lav some vczscn
a Press me 1956! Dunc” on me um fine
" c' 77‘code does not a Sanueav «mu
VOA mums! sen/(s ccmev
Meme ivrvv Somew- fig isw'a’vg Wm me am mugAan‘
O'me uni >ma Vu'icnomng «uv same ‘ezscf‘
==> (“sawed 5: "vagazme And then vcss
lvc vase! bulicn on m m Vrhe‘Mema
E"o'”:ode does m3“ dwsanuflav, “mun
you' neavesx sew (e (eme'
w {mm The (a niayev yen m 5 Ho’ mevemq
e: Remse'i me CD has m (annex nu
qcusu n' we a sway zcni was io rash
even when lhc (D has been D’Om‘viy
m mt'lzd 1) ease sw uh ow me new
and mnsuh yam neavm survite (ENE'
Pmied Trvsspeakevwwc hasa Show < mm ov
(owes Hechasmsohvs mm- m1 then
Ihu uvolecncn mm mm is acnvaied
¢ w is av mum ma sucdxc' came- pvoneviy
ard was the vase! bdllan (we “Pmmci
(ode does mm mam-av, mum you'
newest sen/ice (e’viev
J'isunpovled r in
An And 0 (w e w; piayed wm a «ow-m mm m
ml m1 suDDmi
tony Jvmewow
A may momma ! m: uiayed
Read Pro! The MS sysze'v of We mrmecied US"; aeviw
is bvnkefl
‘9 (may (he f ies am is dens lav m9 438
duvwdga'v ilihec'b'wessagewssi”
diSD ayed‘ W Wd‘ 2? ms USE dsv at U! use
oi've' USE de Les
Nul)ov(e HE usaaewce Sse‘euedaszscuw
quugh “a usB uewce smmvec’ a
<> Changeihe souvcem any 50mm ulhnv
my use (men an usz dev(e,and
change He suurm lo UH dga‘vl
N/A rm (3 Av unsuupermd use (lax/mews cemeqed
Nu Nuiwc Daia/ iv'o’ if»
-i'm tc'mecied use uewmmria as no
piayauie audwoMe
. Media was aiayed ma! does We! have Eula
Vctovded lhz' me w ed v may
USB ERROR lshnk)
mod ETmT
No Numbev
No DaTa
No Envy
HF DTscoflnefl
Some naunTe may have oczuvved lo the
connected usa device
¢ Remove me USB devTce, men (ch9 me
pcwev swucn (0 ON u we same asmay Ts
leDeaTed, use another usa dewce
Cunnecnnn |o me TPod has Tamed
a Checklhauhemnneded TPud Ts an ma
max 5 supported See (Aboux AudTo me>
(page 31) Toy mlmmalxon on Suppovled
¢ Remove (he usa dewcs and men
Tecurmeu n.
ea (onlwm max The software lov me TPod Ts
me Tales! vslSTQn
The Remove mode has been selected [or the
usa devTcefiPad Vou can Temove me uss
devTce/TPod sale‘y
«The (aIITng pany does not nonfy a (aHeT TD
-Tne-e Ts Tu: phone numbe< data
 Yum 0" me power and on agam Tum;
message sTTH appears mess me veseq
buuon on (he (mum unn
Tne BTuemom dewce (armol be deleded
5 sTuemmn deuce nave alveady been
vegTsleTed No move amewmn device (annfil
be legTs‘erea
The PIN (ode Ts Wvong
The unn came! be connefled no [he dew-cs
PaTng enm
En Na Maxenmg
The vaTcelag is wrong Vote cannm be
Temgmzed because ofan unvagmsved vows
nag eh:
Too inn
Too Laud
Too Lung
No Phunebock
No Message
No Vome Dala
Memory Fun
VoKE TS Too sum” and (armor be Temgmzsfl
vuTte s we large (a be Tetogmzed
Tne wovd oT uuevance Ts You Tong To be
Dale Ts nm conlamed in me pnune book
Ncshon message Tn Tn Box
The volts Tag Ts no! Tegmeved n [he
Tne numhev uWDTcE Tags reaches me
mameum numbev m be TegTsleTEd m me
Engllsh | 41
FM tuner section CD player sedion
Fiequeiity idlige (zoo «Hz Space) Laser diode
37 9 Mi z — i079 MHZ GaAiAs
mania aeriaillvily (>/N : 30am
9 ME! um “we 0)
Quieriri Sensluvity iS/N - SOdB]
I‘S) Rm 6 inV/7'ro)
Fisquency iesponse (:3 as)
in Hz — is kHz
Signa| m Noise iatiO (MONO)
7D dB
Seieniva (Moo kHz',
2 N) dB
Siereo Seoaiaiion (i (HZ)
40 dB
AM tuner sed'on
Fisquency range (in ki—z spaze]
530 kHz WOO kHz
Usabie ssrisirlviry (S/N : 2mm)
28 (EU (25 w)
Bluelooth section
Biueiooih i 2 CE’Tified
z 402 z 433 GHZ
Output Powei
Mam (MAX) OdBm (AVE) Powei Ciass 2
Maximum Communiiation range
Lire of sight appiox iom (32 s it)
HFP (Hands iree Proiiiei
HSP (Headset Profile)
OPP {Obfict Push Profiie)
PRAP iPhuncbook flue» Pmfiie)
SYNC (Synchronizaiior ProiliE)
SPP (Seriai Parr Profile)
AZDP (Advanced Audio Dismbuiiori Profile)
AVRLP (Audio/Vldeo Remote Colitiui Pvufile)
Digiiai filief (WM
8 Times Ovci Samplir‘g
D/A Cniweirei
24 air
Spindie speed
500 — 200 rpm KW)
an an Fhlfler
Beiow Measurable Limil
frequency reipcnse (ii am
in Hz , 20 kHz
*oiai harmonic dismriiori (i kHz)
0m %
signai to Noise rano i‘ kHz)
ms dB
Dynamic range
93 dB
MP3 decode
Compliam wrm MPEGri/Z Audlo Layev!
WMA dcwde
Compliam with Windows Media Audio
AAC decode
AAceLc ”m4a”ilies
USB Inluface
USB Siandaid
usm i/ 2 0 (mi speed)
Maxiiiiul‘i gaspiy (uirem
500 mA
Fiic System
NW 32
MP3 dezode
Compliant wnrr MPEGri/2 Amie Layers
WMA decade
(ampiiam With Windows Media Audio
AAC decode
AAcic “ma" flies
Audio senlon
Mamw ompul power
an w x 4
mu BafldWIdTh Power (3! Iesslhan Wu mm
22 W x 4
Speaks! Impedance
4 f B (1
fone amen
Bass 100 F2 18 dB
muffle \ khz iB dB
Treble m kH7 +5 as
Preom wavew / Load [CD1
2500 mm m
Freon wmpedance
s 600 0
Au ry Input
Frequeniy response (11 dB)
20 Hz 20 kHz
wnpu: Maxvmum Vahaqe
‘200 W
Input |mpedan
Source Exif Data:
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Metadata Date                   : 2008:04:30 13:09:09+09:00
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